Re: [Hornlist] Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread Scheimy
I have asthma and yes, it can be tough on the lungs for me.  I find that I 
will have trouble playing loud for an extended amount of time.  Also, on my 
old school horn, there was a mold, or mildew, I can't really remember, that 
was growing on the inside (gross, I know) that was actually making the asthma 
worse for me.  I assume that you take a prevental asthma medicine as well.  
All I can say is that, yes, the horn can make asthma worse, but I wouldn't 
worry too much.  Even if you take the Albuterol right before you start, that 
should get you through the entire time.  I know that I always bring it to 
rehearsals, just in case.  I hope this helps.

Mike Scheimer, Pittsburgh
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Re: [Hornlist] Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread Wilbert Kimple


I have had mild asthema for more than ten years.  I
find that I have the most trouble when I'm not
playing the horn!!  If I lay off for a couple of
days, I really start to feel the tightness and
fluid in my chest.

In fact, as a former high school band director, I
often had beginning band students whose doctor told
them to start playing a wind instrument in order to
develop better breathing habits and to clear the
lungs.  Still, ask your doctor, just to make sure.

Wilbert Kimple
Retired Faculty
Converse College School of Music
Spartanburg  SC
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Re: [Hornlist] Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread BrassArtsUnlim
I am certainly no doctor, but I have some experience in this area.  Both my 
boys have mild asthmatic conditions, one plays both tuba and hockey, and my 
wife's a physician so I get some inside scoop on these issues.  Consult your 
doctor about other inhalation therapies that can be used on a regular basis 
either in conjunction with or instead of Albuterol.  For example, my son is 
also on Flovent as a daily therapy.  Used regularly, it greatly reduces his 
need for Albuterol. 

On another cautionary note, tell your doctor HOW MUCH Albuterol you are 
using.  Too much Albuterol can not be good for you.  Like any other drug, at 
some point it's no longer a medicine but a poison.  

I endorse the other suggestion about a regular cleaning of your horn.  You 
can do most of the work yourself with a good mouthpipe snake and mouthpiece 
brush.  And regularly vacuum your case.  Make sure all the water is out of 
your horn before you put it away (good advice for anyone), and even though I 
normally do not recommend this, use a mouthpipe cap to keep water from 
spilling into your case.  This will help keep down molds and mildews in your 
case.  You may have reactions to the lubricants you use, as well.  Consider 
changing  your lubricant to Spacefiller, but have the horn chemically cleaned 
before you do.  I normally do not recommend Spacefiller, but this is not a 
normal situation.  If you react badly to Spacefiller, then try another 
lubricant regimen.  

You might also try a regular use of a respiratory function device, such as a 
Breath Builder, but only do this after consulting your physician.  This is 
not appropriate therapy for everyone, especially if you have asthma.

All suggestions.  Change your lubricant last, see your doctor first.

Dave Weiner
Brass Arts Unlimited, Inc.
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Re: [Hornlist] mozart 2

2003-02-19 Thread J. Kosta

I did a google search using -
  mozart horn concerto analysis
and got several hits, including the one below

Also searched using - 
  mozart horn concerto performance analysis
and got several hits, including

A critical part of choosing the topic for a research paper is that there is
adequate existing material for you to use as background - compare /
contrast / etc. Also it is necessary for the scope of the topic to be
suitable for the amount of time and written pages that it will receive.

You might consider discussing Mozart HC2 in comparison with his other HC,
and in comparison with his concerti for other solo wind instruments. Do
additional searches for suitable reference / background material, and
adjust the specific topic to one that is do-able.

Maybe talk some more with your teacher about this, the teacher probably is
not expecting you to discover some astonishing new information about the
topic. The goal of the paper is probably to show that you can do proper
research, choose reliable sources (and make sure you discover and reference
the major well-known sources, discover similar and contrary opinions, and
organize and construct your paper so that it makes sense to read. 

Jay Kosta
Endwell NY USA

joseph fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
   I am doing a ten page form analysis of the mozart 2.
 My teacher (music history) asked if I could get at
 least five sources ,other than the piece, for the
 paper. Does any body have any suggestionson where to
 find some sources on the mozart 2 analysis.
 thank you.
 joseph fuller 
 henderson state university

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Re: [Hornlist] Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread Prof.Hans Pizka
Kerri, as Wilbert said allready, playing a wind instrument , even recorder, means 
forced or controlled breathing, which is an excellent means of help for the 

But, but, but:

if you practice three hours a day, it might be a bit too much, depending how you 
practise. You should first concentrate your efforts to cure your asthma. Long notes, 
long notes, but with sense: leaving off the extremes (high  very low, extrem strong 
dynamic), regular short intervalls, sometimes a longer interval when you could do 
other music work instead (a bit on the piano or keyboard or writing or reading). Do 
some easy pieces, easy  quite shorter pieces, again without extremes, some etudes, 
but without the (often too interesting) challenges. Your asthma will be thankful for 
that  be reduced or mildered.

Pack away your ambitions  keep them for the time your asthma is cured or mildered.

If you get the asthma into your grip or if you get cured of it completely, you might 
start again dreaming of becoming a horn player, then work  work  work  see the 
results. If they are godd  excellent (not after your or your friends opinion, but 
after the strange listeners or critical listeners opinion), you might consider 
climbing upwards  looking for chances.

If your target is to become an engaged amateur player, well, your asthma should not 
be a problem that should stop you. You might become an excellent amateur player 
despite your asthma, if you observe the rules - avoiding too much challenge is often 
wise, if there is a little handicap. Nobody should call you a coward because you have 
to care about asthma.

Try to get your asthma under control without drug - or take these drugs as a last help 
if you are attacked heavily by your asthma. Try better to control it through breathing 
exercises including the horn playing.

Remember: playing every fortissimo as loud as possible is NOT A VIRTUE, it is SILLY  
ANTI MUSICAL. Not breaking up a very long phrase or a long held note into two parts 
(breath upbeat-wise) is not smart. The smart people avoid the lung stress.

Good luck !

kerri davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 Hi, everyone!
 I have asthma and have been going through Albuterol faster than normal
 lately. I'm not sure what it is, but my parents are convinced it's the
 fact that I practice three hours a day. Please tell me that horn playing
 doesn't hurt asthma conditions! Please tell me that there are
 professional horn players with asthma! All you MD's,r anyone else with
 this condition, can you offer any advice?
   Thank you,
   Brittany Davies, Fort Myers, FL
 set your options at

Prof.Hans Pizka
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel.: +49 89 903 9548 -  (horn site) with 
connections to  (publications) - 
(instruments, mouthpieces) (Viennese Horns) - (mouthpieces) (pictures, stories, experiences from my travel) - open 

mail is virus checked
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Re: [Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school horns

2003-02-19 Thread Sonjahornteacher
My two cents worth:

(I'm assuming these horns are for high school students?)

I am a big Conn 8D (Holton 188) advocate - if this is a private party 
purchasing the instrument intending to continue to college (or further).
The throat and bell are so large on these models, however, that the average 
school student will have a very difficult time filling up the horn, 
controlling pitch, etc. 

If I were buying instruments for instiutional use, I'd look at the Holtion 
179. Much smaller throat and bell make it easy for any player to focus and 
sound good on.  
I agree that SOME of the holtons do sound 'trombonish', but those are mostly 
the student models (378).

As any hornist, I certainly would not purchase Jupiter or any chinese or 
off-brand instrument.  The Yamaha students models are notorious for terrible 
intonation and rotors; be careful if you choose to go that route.

Sonja Reynolds
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[Hornlist] NHR

2003-02-19 Thread Amy Jo McBeth
Ok, I work in a music library and we're trying to track down something.  A 
patron is trying to find out what song is sung at the end of the television 
series Zweite Heimat.  In the scene, the characters start singing a song 
in imitation of conservatory students, so he believes it is from the 
classical Lied repertory.  We've had various people listen to the tape he 
provided (which he made from the TV), and we've gone through numerous song 
indexes.  Our folks think it is a folk song.  One of our voice faculty (who 
is fluent in German and spent many years singing in Europe) believes it is 
a folk song.  The first line of text is roughly translated as, The sun 
shines so cold, so cold.  And flowers fade and life grows old...
Does anyone remember having seen this series and what that song might be?

Amy (looking for a needle in a haystack)

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Re: [Hornlist] Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread PMANSUR

In a message dated 2/19/03 6:22:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Please tell me that horn playing
doesn't hurt asthma conditions! Please tell me that there are
professional horn players with asthma! All you MD's,r anyone else with
this condition, can you offer any advice?
Thank you,
Brittany Davies, Fort Myers, FL 

It may well be of comfort to know that Phil Farkas was asthmatic.

Cordially,  Paul Mansur
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RE: [Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school horns

2003-02-19 Thread Alan Cole
That's not one of those unplayable Blessing-Getzen compensating double 
horns, is it?  You know, the ones that force the left thumb too far back 
because of how the tubing radiates off the 4th valve, placing way too much 
load on the left pinky.

-- Alan Cole, rank amateur
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
One horn to bear in mind is the Getzen Capri 561 
(  It's made by Hoyer 
with a slightly heavier bell for student use.

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[Hornlist] I Should Have Clicked The Link

2003-02-19 Thread Alan Cole
If I'd clicked the link before posing the question I would have seen right 
away that the horn Bob recommended is a different model entirely from those 
unplayable Blessing-Getzen compensating doubles.  -AC.
That's not one of those unplayable Blessing-Getzen compensating double 
horns, is it?
One horn to bear in mind is the Getzen Capri 561 

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[Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school horns

2003-02-19 Thread Kenneth Pope
As a technician/player I'd go with the Yamaha 667/668 or an earlier used
model.  The Holton 178/179's of course will always do fine.  All of
these models are tried and tested (unlike the Getzen).
Good luck!
Ken Pope

Just Put Your Lips Together And Blow
Pope Instrument Repair
80 Wenham Street
Jamaica Plain, MA  02130

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[Hornlist] Re: Asthma and the horn

2003-02-19 Thread danatwiss
Hi Brittany and List,
At the risk of being redundant I'd would generally concur with the
respondents to this topic. I have been a relatively severe asthmatic for
over 30 years and if anything, playing the horn has definitely helped my
breathing. That being said there seems to be something else going on
here. First and foremost, let me disclaim I am not a doctor nor do I
play one on tv! What I'm telling you is from my own experience.
Albuterol, the generic name for Proventil and others, is used as a
rescue inhaler, that is, you generally use it to force open the
airways once an attack begins. Also, albuterol is usually prescribed in
conjunction with an anti-inflammatory and an antivasalconstictor, either
in the form of pills or inhalers, examples of the inhaled form include
Flovent and Serevent. There are some new inhalers on the market as well.
It would probably be a good idea to discuss a treatment program soon.
Also, it might not hurt to get a second opinion from a pulomonologist as
well. Another piece of the treatment puzzle is to discover what the
triggers are for your asthma. Some of mine include(d) exercise and
animal dander. As for exercise, during the first few minutes (as much as
thirty) of vigorous exercise would trigger the beginnings of an attack.
If I really felt like I was in trouble, I would use the inhaler, but
generally after a few minutes, the paroxysms would subside and I would
continue with my exercise. As for allergens, you will need to find a way
to deal with them. Molds can be one of the worst allergens around. Since
retiring from teaching and now working in the museum field, molds are a
very hot topic. Some very benign looking sources can carry spores of
some of the most deadly molds, especially if they are ones to which you
or others might be highly allergic. Keeping your mouthpiece, mouthpipe,
and case clean are paramount in this regard.
Again, this is a topic you will want to pursue with your physician
and/or a pulmonologist and you'll want to do it soon.
Best wishes for happy horn playing.
Dana Twiss
Litchfield, Maine
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Re: [Hornlist] NHR

2003-02-19 Thread Amy Jo McBeth
Thanks to those sending me that link.  I had already found it and sent it 
on to the patron... I don't think it answered his question, though.


At 03:29 PM 2/19/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 A HREF=;Die Zweite Heimat 
- Music/A
I hope that this helps...

Mike Scheimer, Pittsburgh
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Re: [Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school horns

2003-02-19 Thread Scott Pappal

I wasn't aware one could get 667s/668s for around
$2000. Who is offering this price right now? (I'm
Interested on behalf of my students.)

Scott Pappal

--- Kenneth Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As a technician/player I'd go with the Yamaha
 667/668 or an earlier used
 model.  The Holton 178/179's of course will always
 do fine.  All of
 these models are tried and tested (unlike the
 Good luck!
 Ken Pope
 Just Put Your Lips Together And Blow
 Pope Instrument Repair
 80 Wenham Street
 Jamaica Plain, MA  02130
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Re: [Hornlist] NHR

2003-02-19 Thread Prof.Hans Pizka
Send me a MP3 file  I will try to find out. I remember the production but not the 

Amy Jo McBeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 Ok, I work in a music library and we're trying to track down something.  A 
 patron is trying to find out what song is sung at the end of the television 
 series Zweite Heimat.  In the scene, the characters start singing a song 
 in imitation of conservatory students, so he believes it is from the 
 classical Lied repertory.  We've had various people listen to the tape he 
 provided (which he made from the TV), and we've gone through numerous song 
 indexes.  Our folks think it is a folk song.  One of our voice faculty (who 
 is fluent in German and spent many years singing in Europe) believes it is 
 a folk song.  The first line of text is roughly translated as, The sun 
 shines so cold, so cold.  And flowers fade and life grows old...
 Does anyone remember having seen this series and what that song might be?
 Amy (looking for a needle in a haystack)
 set your options at

Prof.Hans Pizka
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel.: +49 89 903 9548 -  (horn site) with 
connections to  (publications) - 
(instruments, mouthpieces) (Viennese Horns) - (mouthpieces) (pictures, stories, experiences from my travel) - open 

mail is virus checked
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RE: [Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school horns

2003-02-19 Thread Scott Pappal

I hadn't heard of this horn before. How does it
compare to the Yamaha 567 or 667, or the Conn 10Ds in
terms of playability and response. I ask because I
have a large number of students, and I always have at
least one or two students looking for
entry-level/intermediate-level double horns. Also,
what's the approximate pricing of the horn?

Thanks, Scott Pappal

P.S. I thought this would be of general interest.

--- Robert Osmun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One horn to bear in mind is the Getzen Capri 561
 It's made by Hoyer with
 a slightly heavier bell for student use.  It's got a
 good scale and plays
 very responsively.  All the notes are there.  The
 case is a Pro-Tec.
 Bob Osmun
 -Original Message-

 On Behalf Of Kipp
 Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 6:46 PM
 To: The Horn List
 Subject: [Hornlist] Need a reccomendation for school
 Hi List, 
   I was approached today by my band director.  He
 wanted advice about what kind of horn to buy for the
 school.  He has about $2000 (maybe a little more)
 aside to get a horn, and doesn't know much about the
 market right now.  This is for a high school band. 
 Currently they have two Holton 179s and three yamaha
 marching horns.  All five of those horns are around
 years old.  Any advice is welcome.  Thanks in
 -Kipp Johnson
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day
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[Hornlist] Oil port

2003-02-19 Thread Luke Zyla
In the Getzen description it says The mechanical linkages and oil ports in
the bearing plates make this horn extremely easy to maintain.  Could one
drill a oil port in an 8-D bearing plate to facilitate oiling?  Why isn't
this more common?
Luke Zyla
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 5:20 PM
Subject: [Hornlist] I Should Have Clicked The Link

 If I'd clicked the link before posing the question I would have seen right
 away that the horn Bob recommended is a different model entirely from
 unplayable Blessing-Getzen compensating doubles.  -AC.
 That's not one of those unplayable Blessing-Getzen compensating double
 horns, is it?
 One horn to bear in mind is the Getzen Capri 561

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[Hornlist] Grand Canard

2003-02-19 Thread Ralph Mazza
 Bob Dickow wants everybody to describe the biggest 'conard' that you
 yourselves have either personally executed or witnessed in a
 performance, recorded, live, or otherwise ...

Boston Symphony Orchestra, live performance, probably a Friday afternoon
concert (I was a student then) c. 1958 - 1961.
I think those were Munch years, just before Leinsdorf.
It was a Mozart Symphony, I don't recall which, but I think it was lightly
orchestrated, no trumpets or tympani.  The two horn players were 3rd and
4th, not principal and second.  Everyone but they skipped the recap, and so
a quiet development passage began with a powerful blast by two horns, in
octaves.  I have forgotten much, but never the look of utter confusion and
dismay on those two faces.

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[Hornlist] Upcoming Mozart performance

2003-02-19 Thread PMJILKA
A note to any hornlister in the Kansas City area that I will be performing 
Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 3 this Saturday evening, Feb. 22nd, with the St. 
Joseph Symphony.   The concert is at 8:00 pm and is at the Missouri Theatre 
in St. Joseph, Missouri.  

This all Mozart concert will also include a performance of the Sinfonia 
Concertante for winds and Orchestra.

Peter Jilka
Kansas City, MO
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[Hornlist] Upload: A Heinrich Sch ütz Sinfonia for 5 horn plus optional soloists and continuo

2003-02-19 Thread Klaus Bjerre
Thanks to all of you for your great interest in my uploads!

Sadly there yet again is a line-up of applicants not identifying themselves.
Of course I should be proud, when people reckon, that I can remember each
and every mail address of contributors to this list. But honestly: that is
beyond my capabilities.

Since last I have been presented with a sheer unbelievable generosity
towards my project of uploading music files and brass instruments'
illustrations. A new and better server platform of a very considerable size
has been given to me for free. You will all be informed, when I have
re-caught my breath and have learned how utilise that wonderful opportunity.

But as I am a slow learner in computer matters the current manifestations of
my project for some foreseeable future will be found at these sites:

The most recent music file will be presented by its preface below here.

It can be found at these pages (the file size is 287 KB):




from ³Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz²
(Dresden 1645)
by Heinrich Schütz (1585 - 1672)
arranged by Klaus Bjerre for 5 horns in F
with optional solo duets of violins, flutes, oboes, or horns and an optional
guitar continuo

This is the Sinfonia of a cantata. The original setting was for SATTB viols.
Here these viol parts have been set for 5 horns in F. The original key of E
minor concert has been kept. Settings for brass and woodwind quintets are in
the planning. All versions will be compatible for performances in larger
mixed ensembles.

This Sinfonia has a great beauty in its own right. However this arranger
cannot avoid hearing improvisations and embellishments when working with
music of this era. The solution has been to add an optional solo duet. This
duet can be pairs of violins, flutes, or oboes. Mixed duets certainly would
work beautifully, if the balance situation is considered. An oboe on the
first solo part and a flute on the second would not be a fruitful idea. As
wouldn¹t a performance with one soloist only.

Another potential solo pair might be two horns. A two part score for such
solo horns is provided. The 1st soloist will have to play a trill between
high B natural and high C#. Were this arranger to play that part, he would
take his G descant horn. The option of horn soloists can only be applied
with two horn players. A horn entering a mixed soloists¹ pair would be a bad

For the 5 quintet horns no parts are provided, only a 2 page score. The
first horn will have to manage a few A¹s just above the staff, but the part
is not suicidal for the player. In accordance with the notation practise of
this early renaissance era no dynamics or articulations are given. The
performers should not misjudge this as an opportunity to play dull
run-of-the-mill notes. The contrapuntal texture calls for a great mutual
respect. Especially up-beat notes, wherever they may be placed in the bar,
should be played detached, and an emphasis should be given to the following
longer main note. If this piece is performed as a quintet, the playing style
should be less legato/tenuto, than when soloists are added.

The guitar continuo part can be played from the notes in the staff or from
the chord symbols. Attention should be paid to the avoidance of the lowest
guitar note descending below the line of the 5th horn part.

Would this arranger protest a symphonic horn section performing this
arrangement asking their harp colleague to perform the continuo part.
Certainly not!

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