Re: [HOT] Tasking ManagerS

2016-10-24 Thread Rod Bera
Sorry Blake,

Given history there is now way I would do anything under the HOT US inc.

Don't pretend openness in HOT US inc. when alternative views have
constantly been repressed since at least 4 or 5 years.
By the way there were indeed examples of tasks within the remit of
humanitarian action which were rejected or removed, as far as I
remember. In addition a debatable definition of what is humanitarian and
what is not de facto excluded all training and capacity building actions
(even though they had a hum/dev finality).

Until last year I had to fight to make HOT US inc. admit was just for HOT US inc. convenience and have it
re-branded "HOT TM", instead of "OSM TM".


On 24/10/16 16:15, Blake Girardot wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Rod Bera  wrote:
>> Hi Mikel,
>>> that's a seperate topic from running an additional unnecessary
>>> tasking manager.
>> to me it's not.
>> As I understand things, the fact that a task needs to be
>> endorsed/supported by HOT if it is to appear on is a
>> problem. The fact that only co-opted ("trained", "friends") individual
>> can post a task is a problem too.
> Hi Rod,
> I am not sure where you get this idea, but HOT is always open and very
> relaxed in who can post projects. At the moment there are literally
> hundreds of people who can post projects on the HOT OSM Tasking
> Manager. The only requirement is that it is a humanitarian based
> project and that we work as a team within the limitations of the
> existing software to focus mapping and come to agreement about project
> priorities on a consensus basis, especially during a HOT Activation.
> Planned changes to HOT's OSM Tasking Manager software will make that
> easier for sure.
> It would be great if people who create projects have some minimum
> level of understanding of what makes a good project and how to use the
> Tasking Manager software, and we are working on ways to make sure
> people do have that knowledge, but it has not prevented anyone from
> creating projects on the HOT OSM Tasking Manager install and I add
> folks as Project Managers on a regular basis.
> In this case specifically, all of the folks creating mapping projects
> on the taches francophone install of HOT's OSM Tasking Manager
> software can create projects on HOT's installation (actually they are
> full admins on HOT's install so can add project creators as well). The
> only thing we ask is that like every activation in the past, they join
> the HOT Activation Coordination channel, currently on our public slack
> channel[1], and collaborate on projects created so everyone is mapping
> on the best possible projects and in conjunction with the folks we are
> working with on the ground doing response work and we have consensus
> on the projects and their priority. There was never any rejection or
> selectivity of any project now or in the past for projects they
> created.
> As long as people make an effort to work as a team and in the best
> interests of the folks on the ground we are trying to help, everyone
> is welcome, both in the activation coordination and to create projects
> on HOT's install of the OSM Tasking Manager.
> Cheers,
> Blake
> [1]
> ps: I know Severin, Nico and Pierre are all admins on the HOT Tasking
> Manager, if you send me your osm username, I can make sure you are as
> well Rod if you would like to create projects on the HOT install.

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tasking ManagerS (Was: {Re: Map4Haiti} + {[Hot-francophone] Project over Grand'Anse})

2016-10-24 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Cristiano,

I totally agree and didn't suggest we should stop mapping in good
intelligence until we implement a catalogue tool.

We all know where priorities are.

My point as a reply to Mikel was just to say that given history there
are good reasons for having several TM (which was not initially
anticipated), and as the situation is likely to endure there is a need
in the long run to converge to common practices/tools.

Though as far as I can tell this is the first time there is a
geographical+temporal+thematic overlap (which is NOT going to be a clash
because people cooperate), there will be others in the future as these 2
TM are not the only ones. I could find 6-8 more months ago, and
everybody can have their own...

Best regards,


On 24/10/16 15:50, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> Hi Rod,
> As you can read from my email to the francophone list, the only reason
> for publishing that project is to be able to coordinate with
> ProjetEOF. As I mentioned it is set to low priority so it won't show
> up at the top of tasks for people to use until we agree on it.
> I also appreciate your proposal for a global indexing of OSM tasking
> managers, but until that tool is developed, it would be great to
> inform each other and discuss areas that may have potential overlap.
> That is the reason why I sent my message to the hot-francophone
> mailing list, asking for feedback and to discuss the issue around
> imagery recency.
> Only one task (for a test) was done in HOT's #2252, and two (at the
> time of this writing) in ProjetEOF's #64. Please let's focus the
> discussion on what needs to be mapped and with what imagery - that to
> me is the most important thing to worry about right now.
> Thanks for your understanding and please let me know if you have other
> ideas for ensuring coordination in the short term.
> Thank you,
> Cristiano
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Rod Bera  wrote:
>> now we've got overlapping tasks.
>> where do we go from here?
>> This could/should have been anticipated/prevented.
>> Now we should consider trans-TM indexing, as these and other TM
>> instances are probably here to last.
>> On 24/10/16 10:07, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
>>> Bonjour,
>>> (s'il vous plaît excuser mon anglais)
>>> There are three WorldView 3 images available, captured on October 10
>>> over the Grand'Anse and Sud departments. These have limited cloud
>>> coverage and show very dramatically the impact of Hurricane Matthew in
>>> western Haiti:
>>> We, at HOT would like to create three tasks to update all baseline
>>> information as shown by those images. I noticed that you guys
>>> currently have a task over the same area which is using Bing as
>>> default imagery source:
>>> In order to coordinate our efforts, I would like you to consider this
>>> project that I just set up and ask you to let me know if you think it
>>> would make sense to publish it first, since it has that more recent
>>> imagery:
>>> Right now it's published with low priority, just for you to be able to
>>> see it. For reference, this is the exact extent:
>>> Please let me know what you think, also in terms of instructions.
>>> Happy to discuss or change anything based on everyone's feedback
>>> before publishing it (bumping it up to high priority).
>>> Also, we will not be doing any damage assessment (as indicated in the
>>> task), so if you guys have any need to do it, feel free to use the TMS
>>> services off of OAM. Here's one to browse the same October 10 image:
>>> Looking forward to your feedback.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Cristiano
>> On 24/10/16 11:46, Rod Bera wrote:
>>> Hi Mikel,
>>>> that's a seperate topic fro

Re: [HOT] Tasking ManagerS (Was: {Re: Map4Haiti} + {[Hot-francophone] Project over Grand'Anse})

2016-10-24 Thread Rod Bera
now we've got overlapping tasks.

where do we go from here?

This could/should have been anticipated/prevented.

Now we should consider trans-TM indexing, as these and other TM
instances are probably here to last.

On 24/10/16 10:07, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> Bonjour,
> (s'il vous plaît excuser mon anglais)
> There are three WorldView 3 images available, captured on October 10
> over the Grand'Anse and Sud departments. These have limited cloud
> coverage and show very dramatically the impact of Hurricane Matthew in
> western Haiti:
> We, at HOT would like to create three tasks to update all baseline
> information as shown by those images. I noticed that you guys
> currently have a task over the same area which is using Bing as
> default imagery source:
> In order to coordinate our efforts, I would like you to consider this
> project that I just set up and ask you to let me know if you think it
> would make sense to publish it first, since it has that more recent
> imagery:
> Right now it's published with low priority, just for you to be able to
> see it. For reference, this is the exact extent:
> Please let me know what you think, also in terms of instructions.
> Happy to discuss or change anything based on everyone's feedback
> before publishing it (bumping it up to high priority).
> Also, we will not be doing any damage assessment (as indicated in the
> task), so if you guys have any need to do it, feel free to use the TMS
> services off of OAM. Here's one to browse the same October 10 image:
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> Thank you,
> Cristiano

On 24/10/16 11:46, Rod Bera wrote:
> Hi Mikel,
>> that's a seperate topic from running an additional unnecessary
>> tasking manager.
> to me it's not.
> As I understand things, the fact that a task needs to be
> endorsed/supported by HOT if it is to appear on is a
> problem. The fact that only co-opted ("trained", "friends") individual
> can post a task is a problem too.
> There were discussions on this in the past with people advocating a more
> open policy for
> This did not happen for some reasons internal to HOT US Inc.
> Then it appeared as a logical consequence that others would set-up
> tasking managers fit for their needs.
> Related to this is last year's discussion on default logos (TM by
> default had a HOT logo), name (HOT tasking manager formerly incorrectly
> known as OSM tasking manager). This was settled, more or less.
> The next logical step (I also mentioned it at that time) was what is
> happening now: possibly conflicting tasks. Well it is not the case yet:
> as as far as I can see there is no overlap between tasks from
> and tasks from, but it will
> fatally happen at some point.
> To address this I proposed a number of solutions which had not much
> success:
> -indexing tasking managers and tasks into a reference catalogue, or
> -indexing TMs and tasks into catalogueS, possibly one for each TM with
> service metadata, and subsequently allow for either cross-harvesting, or
> -bottom-up harvesting if there is a truly community-operated reference
> catalogue endorsed by everyone.
> I agree this makes things a bit complicated as it would ideally require
> GeoNetwork instances (ideally one for each TM) or something similar. But
> the INSPIRE SDI experience in Europe shows it works quite smoothly.
> However I agree it adds-up some complexity where we could avoid it. If
> only there was only ONE TM that would be EVERYONE'S TM.
> The de facto control of the original TM by HOT with a disputable policy
> as to who had a right/privilege to define and post tasks broke up this hope.
> Given this I have no problem with being administered
> with HOT US Inc. rules. Or other TM being administered according to
> different policies. We are diverse after all.
> Now, we probably agree that beyond this diversity we have to work
> together as a global community.
> To this aim I'll be happy to collaborate with you to find ways o

[HOT] Tasking ManagerS (Was: Re: Map4Haiti)

2016-10-24 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Mikel,

> that's a seperate topic from running an additional unnecessary
> tasking manager.

to me it's not.
As I understand things, the fact that a task needs to be
endorsed/supported by HOT if it is to appear on is a
problem. The fact that only co-opted ("trained", "friends") individual
can post a task is a problem too.

There were discussions on this in the past with people advocating a more
open policy for

This did not happen for some reasons internal to HOT US Inc.

Then it appeared as a logical consequence that others would set-up
tasking managers fit for their needs.
Related to this is last year's discussion on default logos (TM by
default had a HOT logo), name (HOT tasking manager formerly incorrectly
known as OSM tasking manager). This was settled, more or less.

The next logical step (I also mentioned it at that time) was what is
happening now: possibly conflicting tasks. Well it is not the case yet:
as as far as I can see there is no overlap between tasks from and tasks from, but it will
fatally happen at some point.

To address this I proposed a number of solutions which had not much
-indexing tasking managers and tasks into a reference catalogue, or
-indexing TMs and tasks into catalogueS, possibly one for each TM with
service metadata, and subsequently allow for either cross-harvesting, or
-bottom-up harvesting if there is a truly community-operated reference
catalogue endorsed by everyone.

I agree this makes things a bit complicated as it would ideally require
GeoNetwork instances (ideally one for each TM) or something similar. But
the INSPIRE SDI experience in Europe shows it works quite smoothly.

However I agree it adds-up some complexity where we could avoid it. If
only there was only ONE TM that would be EVERYONE'S TM.
The de facto control of the original TM by HOT with a disputable policy
as to who had a right/privilege to define and post tasks broke up this hope.

Given this I have no problem with being administered
with HOT US Inc. rules. Or other TM being administered according to
different policies. We are diverse after all.

Now, we probably agree that beyond this diversity we have to work
together as a global community.

To this aim I'll be happy to collaborate with you to find ways of coming
up with the kind of "universal catalogue of tasks" we (OSM) need. #2219 #2229 #2236 #2237 #2248 etc., as well as #35 #40 # 41 #45 #63 #64 #65 #66 #67 etc.
are all pertinent and they all should be primarily viewed as the
contributions from the OSM community instead of the organisations
running the tasking managers.



On 15/10/16 15:28, Mikel Maron wrote:
> Agree with you John. Working with local mapper groups of course is the
> best. There are many French speaking HOT members and volunteers,
> including in Haiti.
> But that's a seperate topic from running an additional unnecessary
> tasking manager.
> Mikel
> On Saturday, October 15, 2016, 9:08 AM, john whelan
>  wrote:
> Which begs the question why should HOT decide the priorities?
> I note that we don't see many projects from local groups especially
> in the high priority list and in this case Haiti the local language
> is French which means it is more difficult for the local needs to be
> understood by none francophone outsiders.
> There are problems with the functioning of the government of Haiti
> but there are functioning OSM locals but the best way to strengthen
> them is to work with them.
> Cheerio John
> On 15 October 2016 at 08:03, Mikel Maron  > wrote:
> Having two tasking managers for the same response area is of
> course going to create conflicts. There's no need at all to
> create jobs for Haiti on another tasking manager. Simply,
> communicate the needs for mapping, including AOI, need, etc, to
> the HOT activation team and it will be prioritized and set up.
> Mikel
> On Saturday, October 15, 2016, 4:51 AM, Severin Menard
> > wrote:
> Hi,
> New update about our contribution to the OSM Map4Haiti
> mapping. Job #45
>  is
> almost done now and we will start mapping the rural areas
> within the hills of département of Grande-Anse, over the
> communes of Abricots, Dame-Marie, Chambellan, Moron, Anse
> d'Hainault and Grande Anse, located in the most affected
> areas by Hurricane Matthew (UNOSAT impact zone 1, with winds
> over 120 km/h) with job #64
> , continuing
> our systematic, consolidated effort over the hills (called
> mornes in Haiti).
> We

Re: [HOT] Wanna drink your next coffee in a fancy HOT mug?

2016-04-09 Thread Rod Bera
Excellent and awaited tool in the making!

this tool (or an instance of it) is meant to be linked to  the TM (or an
instance of it) as a 1-1 relation, right?
then this should be reflected in the name.

Why not simply TM-analytics ? (I mean for the tool. And HOT TM-analytics
for the HOT instance).

or taskview/taskmap or TM-dashboard/TM-dashmap.



On 08/04/16 10:01, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> It's been about a month since we started development of the OSM Data
> Analysis Tool [0] and we are getting very close to have a full
> pre-processing workflow [1] and a sleek front-end user interface [2].
> ...Now we just need a fancy new name for it!
> So, we are asking for your help - witty hotties - and are giving away
> one of the hottest HOT gadgets, the HOT mug [3], which will keep
> coffee hot (or mojito cool?), to who's going to come up with the
> hottest name for the new prototype tool.
> We'll have the polls open until Monday, you can reply with your ideas
> directly in this thread. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak preview
> of the tool in action [4]. Keep in mind that it's all heavy work in
> progress, so expect things not to work as expected, yet.
> Have fun, and mappy Friday!
> Cristiano
> [0] 
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4] 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] A Fiji project for experienced mappers interested in a new damage assessment methodology

2016-03-02 Thread Rod Bera
Note: the instance is titled OSM Tasking
Manager, which is a lie.

And the donate button which was on this page some time ago was at best
dishonest as the people clicking this button from a page titled "OSM
something" were probably expecting to donate to OSM and therefore are
driven to donate to HOT.

I'd have no problem having titled "HOT tasking
manager" (as was the case previously). And given this, it would be
legitimate to select/sort tasks according to feasibility/appropriateness
from a HOT perspective.


On 02/03/16 13:10, Mikel Maron wrote:
> The OSMTM code is open source, and many instances are running around the
> world, and that's great. The instance running
> at is managed by HOT's activation working
> group. The policies are fairly flexible about what's posted there, and
> project managers are welcome to discuss and create projects there. What
> does need careful consideration are tasks created for an active HOT
> activation, and the priority given these tasks. The feasibility and
> appropriateness of the damage assessment task for Fiji hasn't yet been
> discussed at all in the AWG.
> -Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 6:47 AM, Rod Bera  wrote:
> Hi Mikel,
> (not discussing  here the pertinence of task #1575).
> I already gave my views on the OSMF list prior to your election to the
> board but this episode is an illustration of what we should not see
> in OSM.
> I wish to emphasise that OSM has nothing to do with HOT's Activation
> Working Group and not OSM tool should be controlled by it.
> therefore what you call OSMTM (OPENSTREETMAP Tasking manager) is not
> Please stop claiming so.
> ... unless the Tasking Manager (re)becomes truly open. the TM was
> thought as a common for OSM, and having it the thing of a smaller group
> (which decides who can propose a task and postpone/archive/veto tasks)
> is a real problem.
> Otherwise, facing censorship on the TM there are chances that some
> dedicated mappers favour the emergence of an alternative TM (or worse,
> alternative TMs), which would raise other issues (possible concurrent
> tasks on the same regions, etc) unless we develop indexing mechanisms
> (like cross-harvesting INSPIRE catalogues).
> This issue should be discussed within OSMF to find the best way to
> transfer the governance of a self claimed OSM tool (which right now it
> is not) back to the OSM community.
> Thanks
> Rod
> On 02/03/16 02:07, Mikel Maron wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > This project hasn't been raised or discussed within the AWG, and
> raises
> > a number of issues that require careful consideration. For the time
> > being in Fiji, we're focusing on updating the base map only, and this
> > particular OSMTM project has been archived.
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Mikel
> >
> > * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 6:28 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton
> >>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >Dear All,
> >
> >Stronger cyclones are likely to become more frequent with climate
> >change. Categorie 5 cyclone Winston severely hit Fiji on Feb
> 20th. A
> >state of natural disaster was declared for 30 days. Ten days
> later, the
> >death toll is 43, at least, and more than 50,000 persons who
> have lost
> >their homes are still living in evacuation centers.
> >
> >Improving recovery capabilities is part of Disaster Risk Reduction
> >(DRR). Assessing the damage and obtaining accurate and actionable
> >information as quickly as possible is critical. Ziad Al Achkar,
> Isaac L.
> >Baker and Nathaniel A. Raymond, of the Signal Program on Human
> Security
> >and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI)
> published
> >these last days a study that describes a new methodology to
> standardize
> >remote assessments of wind disaster damage, from satellite,
> aerial or
> >drone imagery, named the “BAR methodology”, with a foreword by Ray
> >Shirkodai, Executive Director of the Pacific Disa

Re: [HOT] A Fiji project for experienced mappers interested in a new damage assessment methodology

2016-03-02 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Mikel,

(not discussing  here the pertinence of task #1575).

I already gave my views on the OSMF list prior to your election to the
board but this episode is an illustration of what we should not see in OSM.

I wish to emphasise that OSM has nothing to do with HOT's Activation
Working Group and not OSM tool should be controlled by it.

therefore what you call OSMTM (OPENSTREETMAP Tasking manager) is not OPEN.

Please stop claiming so.

... unless the Tasking Manager (re)becomes truly open. the TM was
thought as a common for OSM, and having it the thing of a smaller group
 (which decides who can propose a task and postpone/archive/veto tasks)
is a real problem.

Otherwise, facing censorship on the TM there are chances that some
dedicated mappers favour the emergence of an alternative TM (or worse,
alternative TMs), which would raise other issues (possible concurrent
tasks on the same regions, etc) unless we develop indexing mechanisms
(like cross-harvesting INSPIRE catalogues).

This issue should be discussed within OSMF to find the best way to
transfer the governance of a self claimed OSM tool (which right now it
is not) back to the OSM community.



On 02/03/16 02:07, Mikel Maron wrote:
> Hello
> This project hasn't been raised or discussed within the AWG, and raises
> a number of issues that require careful consideration. For the time
> being in Fiji, we're focusing on updating the base map only, and this
> particular OSMTM project has been archived.
> Thanks
> -Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 6:28 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton
>  wrote:
> Dear All,
> Stronger cyclones are likely to become more frequent with climate
> change. Categorie 5 cyclone Winston severely hit Fiji on Feb 20th. A
> state of natural disaster was declared for 30 days. Ten days later, the
> death toll is 43, at least, and more than 50,000 persons who have lost
> their homes are still living in evacuation centers.
> Improving recovery capabilities is part of Disaster Risk Reduction
> (DRR). Assessing the damage and obtaining accurate and actionable
> information as quickly as possible is critical. Ziad Al Achkar, Isaac L.
> Baker and Nathaniel A. Raymond, of the Signal Program on Human Security
> and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) published
> these last days a study that describes a new methodology to standardize
> remote assessments of wind disaster damage, from satellite, aerial or
> drone imagery, named the “BAR methodology”, with a foreword by Ray
> Shirkodai, Executive Director of the Pacific Disaster Center, “Assessing
> Wind Disaster Damage To Structures”
> This methodology takes into account structure categories visible in the
> imagery, sorted in “A) Light strength structures (the most vulnerable);
> B) Medium strength structures (moderately vulnerable); and C) Heavy
> strength structures (usually the least vulnerable).”
> Each structure is also assigned a damage scale, which is as follows: “0
> = no visible damage to the structure; 1 = visible partial roof damage; 2
> = the roof has suffered significant damage or is completely off, but the
> walls remain standing; and 3 = the walls and the roofs are down and the
> structure integrity is completely compromised.”
> The goal of this project is to adapt the BAR methodology to the
> OpenStreetMap framework, using also information available online from
> social media, such as geo-localizable photos, and apply it to the town
> of Ba, in Western Fiji, to produce detailed open geodata that will
> hopefully be useful to the Fijian Government to manage the aftermath of
> this disaster, and also to experiment and refine this methodology as
> needed for future disasters.
> If you are already an experienced OSM mapper, and interested in learning
> how to contribute to this, please have a look at this project:
> Read the instructions carefully, and especially the BAR study linked
> above.
> The adaptation of this method builds on previous attempts in the HOT
> community, in particular regarding the tags used. As it is new, please
> know that you are really welcome to ask any question you may have, on
> all the channels available, especially in case of uncertainties you may
> face, if you feel that you are qualified for this project and want to
> give it a try.
> The same method could also be used for other areas, including where
> aerial photos are available, and more generally where geo-localizable
> photos from social media are available.
> Thank you very much.

Re: [HOT] HOT Board Minutes - December 2015 and January 2016

2016-01-31 Thread Rod Bera

Hi Jorieke and Martin,

On 31/01/16 19:10, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
> Hello Rod,
> Thanks for your question. In fact I do not have a lot to add to what
> Martin said. Some things are indeed just not suitable for wider
> distribution. Martin gives already the example of disputes among
> community members, but I also think about sensitive staffing issues.
> E.g. should everybody (even the membership) really know that a staff
> member wants a few days off because of health issues or a family
> crises?
Of course not, for basic human AND legal reasons. See my answer to
Martin below.
> In what I do agree with you Rod, is that we probably better could
> state what kind of issues are not for public release.  Let’s see if I
> can work something out to make this clearer.
> Best greetings,
> Jorieke
> On 1/26/16, Martin Dittus  wrote:
>> As someone who has sat on the board of a large community organisation
>> (>1,000 members) I accept that some concerns are not suitable for wide
>> distribution. For example, if the board is asked to deal with a dispute
>> among community members, then the matter should be discussed in confidence
>> unless explicitly requested by all parties. 
But you can formulate things the way you/Martin did:
"resolve a dispute among community members".
At least we know what it's about without disclosing what is by the way
protected by law (confidentiality on persons).
And at the same time we also abide by laws instituting good governance,
accountability, basic information of members of an organisation they are
part of.

And, Martin, I too had similar experience as the one you're putting
forward (on the legislative and sovereign authority of a 50k-member+
organisation). As such it doesn't give your/my arguments more weight
than anyone else's.


(I have no idea what this
>> section in the minutes was actually referring to.)
>> m.
>>> On 26 Jan 2016, at 20:06, Rod Bera  wrote:
>>> Hi Jorieke,
>>> this is not personal, as this practice dates back from days you weren't
>>> in office yet, not even a member.
>>> But I have to say once again I have a serious problem with this kind of
>>> item:
>>> "
>>> 3. [Not for Public Release]
>>> ACTION: Vote
>>> NOTES:
>>> We discussed and voted on the matter. The item was approved.This item
>>> was to be shared with the Membership Chair.
>>> "
>>> An example of the secrecy I believe is detrimental to HOT in terms of
>>> trust, transparency, accountability, democracy. This isn't new in HOT
>>> matters but is to new members.
>>> Note: I agree there could be some stuff not for public release, but this
>>> should not hold for members. If this was subsequently brought to
>>> members' knowledge could we add a reference to the actual documents (and
>>> access this document)? Or are the members denied information on this
>>> "item 3"?
>>> Regards,
>>> Rod
>>> On 22/01/16 20:29, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
>>>> Hello hotties,
>>>> Sharing the board minutes of our December 2015 and January 2016
>>>> meetings with you.
>>>> Informal discussion December 9:
>>>> Board meeting December 23:
>>>> Board meeting January 6:
>>>> Board meeting January 20:
>>>> Questions are like always welcome!
>>>> Best greetings,
>>>> Jorieke
>>>> ___
>>>> HOT mailing list
>>> --
>>> Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
>>>   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
>>> Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
>>> +33 (0) 223 48 5553 -
>>> ___
>>> HOT mailing list
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Board Minutes - December 2015 and January 2016

2016-01-26 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Jorieke,

this is not personal, as this practice dates back from days you weren't
in office yet, not even a member.

But I have to say once again I have a serious problem with this kind of


3. [Not for Public Release]




We discussed and voted on the matter. The item was approved.This item
was to be shared with the Membership Chair.


An example of the secrecy I believe is detrimental to HOT in terms of
trust, transparency, accountability, democracy. This isn't new in HOT
matters but is to new members.

Note: I agree there could be some stuff not for public release, but this
should not hold for members. If this was subsequently brought to
members' knowledge could we add a reference to the actual documents (and
access this document)? Or are the members denied information on this
"item 3"?



On 22/01/16 20:29, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
> Hello hotties,
> Sharing the board minutes of our December 2015 and January 2016
> meetings with you.
> Informal discussion December 9:
> Board meeting December 23:
> Board meeting January 6:
> Board meeting January 20:
> Questions are like always welcome!
> Best greetings,
> Jorieke
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] JOSM and TM problems

2015-11-22 Thread Rod Bera
And my apologies. If there is a problem with https, it certainly is in
the first place because there is https... Which I requested recently.

However, secured http is a must have because the number of websites
running https only is rising... And you can't access http content
directly within a https page (using iframes, etc.)

So rather than suggesting a reverse to http only, I thank in advance
those who are working hard on a fix.



On 22/11/15 20:24, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> Pierre!!! I'd wish I had ask you before!!! :'(
> Well, glad that this will probably solve the issue. It makes sense with
> the different info I got three days ago and this morning (see my
> previous email 2 minutes ago).
> I will try to contact Kazeem now, and will write back.
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 22/11/15 19:51, Pierre Béland wrote:
>> Kazeem,
>> I had this same problem this week while the remote control was activated
>> in  JOSM. When I type in Firefox it completes the request. I first did
>> not realiased that the prefix htts was used for the url. There was a
>> thread recently saying that until the developpers fix the bug connecting
>> from https, we should use
>> and not .
>> Pierre
>> *De :* Russell Deffner 
>> *À :* 'Kazeem Owolabi' ;
>> *Envoyé le :* Dimanche 22 novembre 2015 11h12
>> *Objet :* [HOT] JOSM and TM problems (was RE: HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21)
>> Greetings Kazeem, sorry if this is too late, but I think because you
>> replied to the digest this message went to my junk box (and probably
>> many others). Please just email directly
>>  when starting a new topic.
>> I am not having any issue, so without knowing more about your set-up I
>> would just suggest making sure your JOSM is up-to-date as well as your
>> browser. If you’re still having troubles, reply-all and let us know more
>> about your set-up.
>> Kind regards,
>> =Russ
>> *From:*Kazeem Owolabi []
>> *Sent:* Friday, November 20, 2015 12:44 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [HOT] HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21
>> Evening All,
>> I am currently having issues with my JOSM, it seems not to connect to
>> the HOT Tasking manager and the remote control is enabled.
>> Please, I need a bail out here, need to map over the weekend with JOSM.
>> Thanks.
>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 6:57 PM, > > wrote:
>> Send HOT mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of HOT digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. Putting communities on the map in Bangladesh - research
>>   report (Lizz Harrison)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:20:42 +
>> From: Lizz Harrison > >
>> To: " "
>> Cc: "Carmen Sumadiwiria \(
>> \)" > >
>> Subject: [HOT] Putting communities on the map in Bangladesh - research
>> report
>> Message-ID:
>> <27b76e823cc6e34db90373be8c55f5668c54d...@yci-hq-ex05.yci.local
>> >
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi all,
>> We thought you might be interested in our new research report on what
>> influences digital map-making with young volunteers in Bangladesh. 
>> Carmen Sumadiwiria and Y Care International produced the report together
>> from Carmen's research in Bangladesh this summer.  We're really thankful
>> for the OSM Bangladesh community for being involved.  The research looks
>> at influences in mapping and a Y Care International pilot getting young
>> volunteers from the UK and Bangladesh mapping with coordination with the
>> Missing Maps project.  Any comments or feedback very welcome!
>> The report can also be accessed from Y Care International's website
>> here

[HOT] notification tool for locally massive changes to the OSM DB (was: Re: Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects)

2015-11-22 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Rafael,

On 22/11/15 13:21, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> Hi, Rod:
> Don't worry. I didn't take it personally. Only wanted to clarify.
> About automatic notifications, the only services I am aware of are the
> itoworld OSM mapper and the whodidit. The first one allows me to have
> RSS for areas I want to monitor. The only issue is that it shows changes
> in ways and relations, but not nodes (don't know why).

The kind of tool I envision is a notification message/button somewhere
next to your user name when connected to ID or potlatch, and maybe some
pop-up window when editing with josm.
Whenever there is a discussion on massively changing the data, or some
massive change occurred recently, in the area you work, or are planning
to work on, a message pops up with the links to the ongoing discussion
or to where the discussion should take place.

ito is a good start, but you have to know of itoworld's OSM mapper to
set up an alert on an area, and you have to set one for each area you
are interested in.
Moreover, it is not directly linked to your osm account.

> I'd like to know of better tools to monitor changes in areas.

Yes, and better monitoring for everyone without having to set-up
something complicated. This should be part of your account's options.
Now, there can be caveats...



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-22 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Rafael,

On 21/11/15 17:23, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> Hi, Rod:
> I already explained what I meant with my revert comments in my answer to
> Dale, and asked for apologies if I was misunderstood. My comments about
> revert were that "a ***potential*** revert would be troublesome, but I
> wasn't meaning that there should happen a revert without asking anybody.
> In fact, I wasn't aiming at any revert anyway, because, like you, I
> haven't ever been involved in any mapping in Haiti.

I understood it this way. My observations weren't aimed at you in
particular. They pertain to us all (including myself, to make it clear).

We are working together this seems obvious but all too easy to forget as
we are most of the time mapping "face-to-face" with our devices.

As is too easy to forget that everything on the OSM DB is the product of
millions hours of (wo)man time, and must be respected as such.

We must never delete or reverse lightly, and when we feel the need, this
should always be discussed extensively before.

There are places for this (mailing lists, wiki, even TM...), but maybe
we (HOT and OSM) should improve information on where to find these
discussions. Many newcomers (and even some advanced mappers) never reach
these forums.

What about automatic notifications when someone is about to map, or has
previously mapped, an area where substantial changes are planned or have
just occurred?

> These past days there was a (still ongoing) thread in the Spanish talk
> list about how to follow up on some survey point nodes that some users
> delete from an old import from the IGN (Spanish Ordinance Survey), and I
> helped them with similar overpass queries that I thought could be of
> interest for Pierre to check how was the state of the map (buildings) of
> the area a month ago. That's it. When I answered, I wasn't aware that
> Dale also answered Pierre; otherwise my answer would probably be
> different, according to the new info.

Apologies if you took if personally, it definitely wasn't my intention.

Best regards,


> I agree with you about all what you say about convivial interaction.
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 21/11/15 16:49, Rod Bera wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I haven't taken part in mapping in this area, so I don't know about the
>> details, but what I read looks concerning: large scale deletion, massive
>> imports, and substantial reverts are to be discussed with the community.
>> This is the base of OSM's collaborative work.
>> Therefore I agree with Dale that unilateral reverts should not happen
>> unless agreed on. But I also point out that no massive deletion should
>> have happened without prior discussion with the community.
>> As to spatial consistency, this is also something that can (must) be
>> discussed collectively in order to define a coherent line of conduct
>> (imagery to be used/not
>> used/corrected/re-georectified/re-georeferenced/...).
>> Let's bear in mind that OSM is COLLABORATIVE mapping, and collaboration
>> is not just about adding up individuals' contributions.
>> It is also about inclusive and constructive interaction.
>> Convivial* interaction.
>> Cheers,
>> Rod
>> * con vivere [latin] --> living TOGETHER. We Hotties/OSMers/Humans
>> especially need to improve on this.
>> On 20/11/15 21:00, Dale Kunce wrote:
>>> Rafael,
>>> We decided to do large scale deletion for a number of reasons.
>>>   * Errors within iD that cause many buildings to be traced several
>>> times thus resulting in many many overlapping buildings.
>>>   o I personally fixed thousands of overlaps and fixed several
>>> thousand of other validation errors in the area.
>>>   * Poor spatial consistency between multiple imagery resources
>>>   o Bing
>>>   o 2013 drone imagery
>>>   o 2014 drone imagery
>>>   o 2015 drone imagery
>>>   o Recent GeoEye imagery
>>>   * Lack of existing drone imagery led us to acquire high resolution
>>> satellite imagery.
>>>   o Imagery isn't nearly as clean and sharp as the drone imagery
>>> being shot but is consistent throughout the entire area.
>>> *Do not *revert these changes as it represents hundreds of man hours by
>>> ARC staff to clean up and fix this area. The area in its current state
>>> is the most up to date the area *has ever been *due to previous efforts
>>> by Haiti Communitaire and the ARC GIS 

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-21 Thread Rod Bera
Hi all,

I haven't taken part in mapping in this area, so I don't know about the
details, but what I read looks concerning: large scale deletion, massive
imports, and substantial reverts are to be discussed with the community.
This is the base of OSM's collaborative work.

Therefore I agree with Dale that unilateral reverts should not happen
unless agreed on. But I also point out that no massive deletion should
have happened without prior discussion with the community.

As to spatial consistency, this is also something that can (must) be
discussed collectively in order to define a coherent line of conduct
(imagery to be used/not

Let's bear in mind that OSM is COLLABORATIVE mapping, and collaboration
is not just about adding up individuals' contributions.

It is also about inclusive and constructive interaction.

Convivial* interaction.



* con vivere [latin] --> living TOGETHER. We Hotties/OSMers/Humans
especially need to improve on this.

On 20/11/15 21:00, Dale Kunce wrote:
> Rafael,
> We decided to do large scale deletion for a number of reasons.
>   * Errors within iD that cause many buildings to be traced several
> times thus resulting in many many overlapping buildings.
>   o I personally fixed thousands of overlaps and fixed several
> thousand of other validation errors in the area.
>   * Poor spatial consistency between multiple imagery resources
>   o Bing
>   o 2013 drone imagery
>   o 2014 drone imagery
>   o 2015 drone imagery
>   o Recent GeoEye imagery
>   * Lack of existing drone imagery led us to acquire high resolution
> satellite imagery.
>   o Imagery isn't nearly as clean and sharp as the drone imagery
> being shot but is consistent throughout the entire area.
> *Do not *revert these changes as it represents hundreds of man hours by
> ARC staff to clean up and fix this area. The area in its current state
> is the most up to date the area *has ever been *due to previous efforts
> by Haiti Communitaire and the ARC GIS team. We have spent considerable
> time in the field and remotely mapping this area.
> Again, for continued questions about these changesets please contact me
> off-list.
> Dale
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Rafael Avila Coya  > wrote:
> Hi, Pierre:
> I guess this is what the majority of people do, and only the most
> experienced users re-trace objects, also using the replace geometry tool
> (CTRL+SHIFT+G). It took me long to me to realise about that too.
> As usual in these cases, I would contact him to check what happened, and
> tell him how he should proceed from now on, so he learns the advantages
> of not deleting objects unless really needed, but improving those
> objects instead.
> I've checked the edits by that user, and he made lots of changesets
> (maybe around hundred), so I see a potencial reversion very troublesome
> and time consuming.
> The first of the changesets seem to have been edited about a month ago
> [1]. So around 6 am 21 Oct 2015.
> To check what buildings were at the area before deletion, you may use
> the next overpass query: [2]. As there isn't any Canaan area in OSM,
> just used the ({{bbox}}) thing. I set the date at 00:00:01 of that day
> (so 6 hours before the first changeset).
> With this other query [3] you can get a file with the building ways that
> were present at that same date and time, that were deleted, and also
> those that were modified and new buildings created. The output file
> don't open in JOSM, but could be use to get statistical info (for
> example) on number of buildings deleted.
> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On 20/11/15 19:29, Pierre Béland wrote:
> > Being in Port-au-Prince for a Training session of the Haiti
> > OpenStreetMap community (Espace OSM francophone project), I
> collaborate
> > this week with the Haiti OSM community who have monitored urbanisation
> > progression in the Canaan sector, providing UAV imagery in 2013, 2014
> > and 2015 (60% of the zone covered so far).  They have also added
> to osm
> > the building footprints in the area from precise and accurate
> imagery (4
> > cm precision).
> >
> > We organize a mapathon tomorrow to revise the Canaan zone using the
> > November 2015 imagery available and monitor the progress of rapid
> House
> > contruction in this sector.
> >
> > Planning the work, I see today that one contributor did most of
> Tak 1238
> > for Canaan Haiti and it seems deleted systematically buildings before
> > redrawing them.  In JOSM if I download buildings and search 

Re: [HOT] FW: [Tagging] Friendliness with attacked mapped places in Paris

2015-11-14 Thread Rod Bera
OSM is a database, not a blog.

Moreover I quite doubt the source for changeset 35307155 can reasonably
be, unless the recent events have this
property to blur geography as well as judgement.

Please keep mapping accurately and in a relevant way, even under such


On 14/11/15 17:33, Russell Deffner wrote:
> André,
> Thank you for this; forwarding to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).
> With friendship and condolence,
> =Russ
> *From:*André Pirard []
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:15 AM
> *To:* Tag discussion, strategy and related tools; OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Subject:* [Tagging] Friendliness with attacked mapped places in Paris
> Hi,
> OpenstreetMap often extends friendliness by humanitarian tagging.
> In this case of desolation, there is little to tag.  Little...
> Wikipedia have been extremely fast
>  in all
> languages !!!
> After some mourning period, the note below may be replaced by this (but
> how?):
> Attentats du 13 novembre 2015 en Île-de-France
> I have just uploaded this change set (scroll down the left pane):
> Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
> happened here on 2015-11-13.
> It adds the following note 
> to the OSM elements at the 6 attacked locations.
> (they were perfectly mapped, bravo)
> Nos plus sincères condoléances à propos des monstrueuses attaques
> terroristes qui ont eu lieu ici le 2015-11-13. Vous avez l'amitié de
> tous les contributeurs à OpenStreetMap de par le monde.
> In their language.  Sorry no room for added English in <256 characters. 
> Translates to:
> Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
> happened here on 2015-11-13.
> Receive the friendship of all the Openstreetmap contributors around the
> world.
> Please forward this to other concerned OSM mailing lists.
> Please let me know any change you come to an agreement with.
> I will make any change easily using my *.osm file.
> By Monday, you may like to send the URL to the Press.
> It won't be bad advertising for OpenStreetMap to show the places and to
> join the world's cry .
> But let us hope that vandalism will not be added to terrorism.
> Cheers
> André.
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Community Chat - follow up

2015-10-14 Thread Rod Bera
Thank you Tyler!

Is there something missing between slide 4 and 5? We are jumping for a
promise of where we are to where we want to be. Is it that there isn't
much to say about where we are? (I doubt this).

Also, relative to training:
access-restricted contents or even what only looks like
access-restrected contents might be counter-productive.

I know in Moodle when you want to assess learners or just follow their
work you have to identify them (login/pwrd) but my experience is that
full access without login or enrolment key leave people a chance to view
the contents and decide whether or not they wish to carry on learning
this way or move to some kind of tutorship (in the broad sense. You can
put automatic quiz correction into this category).

If our goal is to have as many people conversant with HOT stuff this
should not be overlooked.



On 13/10/15 22:42, Tyler Radford wrote:
> All, 
> Thanks to those of you who were able to join the HOT Community Chat last
> week!
> If you couldn't attend, HOT has some exciting initiatives planned for
> the coming months. We're looking for many types of help to make these a
> success.
> *Here's the presentation from last week:*
> *Sign up here to get involved:*
> *Tyler Radford*
> Executive Director
> email: 
> U.S. mobile: +1 617.285.2009
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team *
> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
> web  | twitter  |
> facebook  | donate
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Using TMS Within QGIS

2015-10-13 Thread Rod Bera
Hi Pierre and Noah,

I like to add my 2 cents. Sorry in advance for not bringing a solution
but instead here's a general suggestion:

Maybe the OSM community should move to OGC's WMTS.
TMS proves useful, is supposed to be fast, but so does WMTS.

Moreover, WMTS is an OGC standard, and works fine with other OGC standards.
You can therefore use them together: WMTS for quick display, WMS for
rendering, WFS or WCS for querying, CSW for metadata, etc. And since OGC
has its weight clients to handle these standard (esp. QGIS) are
developed in priority.
In my view building bridges and making transparent the interoperability
between OSM and OGC is a priority as OSM is being largely used in the
world of spatial data infrastructures (SDI) as a base map but also as a
source for layer extraction. Reversely, SDIs can serve data and layers
for OSM mapping.

Well, at this point maybe I should give an example.


This is OSM data uploaded onto an SDI during the mapping action in Cote
d'Ivoire last week. Nice and versatile, as this is opens numberless ways
to reuse OSM data and probably make them reach e.g. people who are
strictly not into OSM and tech ("common" people, local councils, etc.
those who infrequently use google maps...).

To add a note on bridges:

*here the SDI is using OSM as a base map (wms! and really quick, thanks
the wms url you can cut-paste in qgis:

*in menu "espace de travail" ("workspace". Prefer it in english ? then
reload as
; same holds for es, de, ru) you can move to OSM's editing tools (ID,
Potlatch, Josm)

*in menu outils/tools you can load extra tools. One of them is "OSM to
geOrchestra". You can add a layer to the viewer based on overpass queries.

As you see the convergence between OSM and SDIs is on its way, but there
is a lot that can be done. And OGC standards are a key.

Some more details on this SDI. It was set up for teaching and training
and the underlying techno is geOrchestra (
It's FOSS, makes a full use of OGC standards (as mentioned earlier), and
stands on the shoulders of "geogiants" (GeoServer, GeoNetwork,
Openlayers, etc.)
And as geOrchestra is modular, you can easily replace or remove some of
these (e.g. not running a GeoNetwork, or use Mapserver instead of GS, etc.)

Unfortunately, all this can't be achieved just with TMS. We definitely
need to use OGC web services as much as possible, and several at a time.


On 13/10/15 03:37, Pierre Béland wrote:
> Hi Noah,
> No I dont know. But you can try either to search the archives of the
> QGIS users group or contact the list
> regard
> Pierre
> *De :* noah ahles 
> *À :* Pierre Béland 
> *Cc :* hot 
> *Envoyé le :* Lundi 12 octobre 2015 21h13
> *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Using TMS Within QGIS
> Hi Pierre,
> Do you know of anyone who does use these TMS layers within QGIS? I am
> very interested in making this work. Not sure why my .tsv files are
> causing an error.
> Best,
> Noah
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:57 PM, noah ahles  > wrote:
> Pierre,
> I have been using the TileLayer Plugin with the same syntax but I
> keep getting this error downloading message: 
> Inline image 1
> It seems to recognize the files I am trying to download but can't
> access them for some reason.
> Syntax:
> Martadi   DigitalGlobe, 2015-05-10  
> Noah
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:56 PM,  > wrote:
> Noah,
> You need to install the Tilelayer Plugin. From Internet /
> OpenLayers plugin Menu, this provides a list of available tms
> layers such as osm.
> I have not tried adding a custom layer in QGIS, but the
> TileLayerPlugin github page describes how to specify custom layers.
> Example of the syntax recognized by this plugin
> |RoadMap FreeTileMap
> |
> You would then have to convert the link provided in the Nepal
> Imagery wiki page for Martadi replacing {zom} by {z}

Re: [HOT] Collapsible tree visualisation of the OSM stack

2015-07-23 Thread Rod Bera

On 23/07/15 16:43, Christophe Rodier wrote:

Hi Rod,

Was planning on continuing to use github.

Does the job, surely.
Haven't use transifex before, not sure the volume of usage would 
justify using it, and it seems to be fee-based.
I'm not certain transifex charges fees, but you are right: since the 
tree is not that big, and contained in a single file (do I get it 
right?) there's no need to go transifex, really.

It is updated manually. When there is something new I learn about and 
I think should be in there or when someone suggest something, I add an 
entry to the json file, upload that and the tree integrates it 
automatically. So the only thing that needs to be maintained is the 
json file.

I had thought about building something that would go through the osm 
wiki, parse that, build a json file on the fly so the tree is always 
automatically up to date and is a "pure" mirror of the wiki but:

1) it's beyond my current coding capabilities...
2) (and most importantly) I'm not sure that's feasible in a way that 
wouldn't be confusing. It would render into a tree with hundreds (or 
more) of nodes which I think would be harder to use and understand.
Right, and the way you do it includes a manual check. This way you would 
more likely find inconsistencies (than a parser or other automated 
process would).

License is cc-by-sa indeed. Feel free to use it and modify it if you want.
Feedback, comments, suggestions, critiques and of course contribution 
are more than welcome.



and thank you for your initiative


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Collapsible tree visualisation of the OSM stack

2015-07-23 Thread Rod Bera

Hi Christophe,

comments in-line...

On 22/07/15 22:21, Christophe Rodier wrote:


I've built something that I think/hope could be useful when HOT and/or 
Missing Maps do a little intro about what OSM is during their workshops.
It's a collapsible tree visualisation of the OpenStreetMap stack to 
present the components "OSM world".

You can find it here :
and the code is on GiHub:

Images intégrées 1

It's made with D3 and json. For now it's only in English, but I'm 
hoping some people will volunteer to translate it in more languages.
simple and intuitive, nice to use. An asset for education and training 
in OSM thanks to the easy and contextualised access to data.

Internationalisation: are you planning to use transifex, or carry on 
with github?

How is the graph maintained/updated ? e.g. if the community change/add 
new features, will it be updated automatically? do you need to trigger a 
somehow automated update process? Or do you have to do it manually, like 
adding a record in a file?

Hope you'll find it useful.
I do and I might well use it in my teaching. I suppose the license is 

Thank you for this tool!



HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Open Data Awards 2015 result link

2015-07-12 Thread Rod Bera


The real surprise is we ended 3rd.
All the ODness we may claim is in fact to be credited to OSM.
And since we don't work as an OD-friendly organisation, there's no added 
value from this respect.


On 12/07/15 09:39, Heather Leson wrote:

Thanks for sharing Ralf.

Harry, thanks for attending on our behalf. To the ODI committee, 
thanks for including us.

And, to all of you - This recognition of your efforts is fantastic.


Heather Leson 
Twitter: HeatherLeson

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Ralf Stephan > wrote:

Google News found it:

Greater London Authority wins Berners-Lee’s Open Data Award

In the Social Impact Award category, hotosm was one of the last
three but the Budget project won there.


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Nepal Pleiades Imagery

2015-04-27 Thread Rod Bera

looks okay{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

On 27/04/15 21:48, Pierre le Roux wrote:

HOT Members ...

Can some please confirm whether the TMS at 
is working and available for JOSM ?

Thank you

Pierre le Roux

p: 256 724 1587 

HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] One year ago the HOT community started West Africa Ebola response

2015-03-23 Thread Rod Bera
According to the logs on the HOT list it started on 24th, with 45-50 
e-mails related to the ebola response in the first 24 hours, and 3 tasks 
initiated that same day, which tends to show a pretty good reactiveness.

It could be instructive to do the same investigations directly in the 
OSM base. My feeling is that on this crisis the emerging African OSM 
communities made a difference.


On 22/03/15 17:01, Pierre Béland wrote:
March 22 2014, we started to monitor this humanitarian response. 
Thanks to all of those who contributed, who are still supporting the 
humanitarians in the field.

As discussed this week with the humanitarian organizations and UN 
Agencies on our skype coordination group, we should be both optimistic 
with the progress in reduction of cases and realistic in the efforts 
to maintain to control this epidemic and help the West Africa 
countries the most affected to build better sanitation conditions and 
restart the economies severly affected by the last year epidemic.

See the twitter to thanks all the OSM contributors.



HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Canaan Haiti Mapping

2015-02-18 Thread Rod Bera

On 19/02/15 03:22, Dale Kunce wrote:
using Mapillary 

apprently this is a blue sky project...;-)

The next step is to capture what's on the ground.

More seriously, this is an excellent initiative we should consistently 
replicate so as to better know what we are mapping (e.g. the hut 


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: huts.

2015-02-17 Thread Rod Bera

Hi John and everyone,

These huts definitely are for living.

Again (see my e-email below), the bigger ones are permanent shelters 
i.e. homes.
The smaller ones are strorage (granaries), containing food for a whole 
family (or more) for a whole year (in the best of cases, just after 
harvesting) or less (depending on time in year and amounts of previous 
harvest. One or two successive bad harvests most likely means famine).

These huts (or squared equivalents) are the only possible housing when 
people live

 * with less than $2.15 a day (as is the case for 516 millions in
   Sub-Saharan Africa alone, 1.934 billions globally) and
 * in rural areas (which in Sub-Saharan Africa make 77% of those below
   the $2.15 poverty line).

Figures are from UN-Habitat2003. Obviously they have increased since 
then. When I am talking of $2.15, this is obviously not pocket money. 
It's generally speaking the economic equivalent of the food they produce 
and eat, etc.

77% (this figure is higher than elsewhere in the world, where the 
majority of poverty has moved to urban slums) makes about 397millions of 
"rural poors" in this part of the world alone.

Now, very rough rule-of-thumb: 6 per house (families aren't that big: 
infant mortality rate alone in Guinea narrows 10% without ebola) + 1 
granary for 3 houses (things can be very different from place to place) 
:. 100 million houses. Amongst them, expect a fair amount of huts.

So as Pierre advises for all these:
building=yes and shift+O to draw circles. And happy shift-O-ing! But 
before, we need highways=tracks (and other roads), and landuse=residential.

More generally, we have already debated the issue of remote mapping, and 
difficulty, sometimes, of getting the proper local context.

Our community is growing and most certainly including people in these 
areas who have more accurate knowledge of terrain, who know life "as it 
is" there.
We should rely more on them, and I welcome them to take some time 
explaining things that seem obvious to them, but are not to many 
westerners who take for granted all the wealth, goods, 
infrastructures... they benefit from.

Sometimes however, language is an issue and it would be nice to see 
native/fluent english speakers make the others more self-confident, or 
risk themselves into other languages.

It's a good thing we can share all this in this list. It is not a matter 
of "knowing" or "not knowing", nor is it of "just mapping", rather an 
opportunity to better know each other's cultures and realities. So I 
welcome more of these exchanges as they can serve improved mutual 
understanding. In-so-doing HOT and OSM can offer us all far more than 
just maps (or data) : a better understanding of the world and people 
living on this planet, for a start...



On 17/02/15 03:35, john whelan wrote:

I strongly suspect they are huts that people live in.

Cheerio John

Hi Daniel,

depends on what kind of "hut" you're talking about. Most of these are 
permanent housing. Some (they tend to be smaller) are granaries.
Try googling images with "west african hut" and "millet granary" to make 
yourself an idea.


On 16/02/15 20:09, Daniel Specht wrote:
Oops -- didn't mean to send that last one.  Question about huts -- in 
West Africa there are a lot of huts, sometimes just out in the forest 
with no rectangular buildings or clearings nearby.  Are these for 
storage?  Temporary housing?


Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 18:55:45 -0500
From: john whelan>>
To: " ">>

Subject: [HOT] Validation


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Mapping in Africa from satellite images I find I'm adding perhaps half a
dozen settlements when I validate, they're quite quick and easy to do.
Some are huts and are not quite so easy to spot.

Question at what point should I invalidate?  The question arises when
perhaps I've added a dozen settlements and half a dozen highways, I'm
fairly experienced so fairly comfortable the work is OK after I've 
added in

the validation but there is the question that I've added a dozen
settlements and no one else will be validating.

I'm looking more for pragmatic answers more than anything else, there is a
concern that if I invalidate a tile it may demotivate a mapper and at the
moment we have a lot of tiles to map.


Cheerio John


HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553

HOT ma

Re: [HOT] huts.

2015-02-16 Thread Rod Bera

Hi Daniel,

depends on what kind of "hut" you're talking about. Most of these are 
permanent housing. Some (they tend to be smaller) are granaries.
Try googling images with "west african hut" and "millet granary" to make 
yourself an idea.


On 16/02/15 20:09, Daniel Specht wrote:
Oops -- didn't mean to send that last one.  Question about huts -- in 
West Africa there are a lot of huts, sometimes just out in the forest 
with no rectangular buildings or clearings nearby.  Are these for 
storage?  Temporary housing?


Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 18:55:45 -0500
From: john whelan>>
To: " ">>

Subject: [HOT] Validation


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Mapping in Africa from satellite images I find I'm adding perhaps half a
dozen settlements when I validate, they're quite quick and easy to do.
Some are huts and are not quite so easy to spot.

Question at what point should I invalidate?  The question arises when
perhaps I've added a dozen settlements and half a dozen highways, I'm
fairly experienced so fairly comfortable the work is OK after I've 
added in

the validation but there is the question that I've added a dozen
settlements and no one else will be validating.

I'm looking more for pragmatic answers more than anything else, there is a
concern that if I invalidate a tile it may demotivate a mapper and at the
moment we have a lot of tiles to map.


Cheerio John


HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping Northern Nigeria ?

2015-01-19 Thread Rod Bera

Hi all,

The situation there will likely evolve. More destructions, more informal 
settlements from refugees, and (hopefully) ultimately rebuilding when 
things settle.

There might be an interest in keeping track of all these changes, and 
this can be done by looking at feature history or diffs on the OSM 
database between 2 dates.
Are there easy means of doing so? (overpass "newer" queries may be 
limited from that respect).

Aside from this, we can't be sure a change on-site is immediately 
followed by a change in the database (it can take time before we notice 
a house has been destroyed). Therefore a history tag could be added any 
time we have this information.

Third, with tags for damaged or destroyed buildings, I feel there should 
be a deeper thinking. there is a habit putting things this way, e.g. 

I am not convinced this is the best possible practice.

Whether the building used to be building=hospital or 
building=warehouse... is an information that remains important even when 
it is destroyed or damaged. But the aforementioned practice wipes this 
information out.

many people quickly search for buildings (building=*) with the idea they 
host people. But if no further attention is paid to those 
damaged/destroyed building (some may afford people in, some not), they 
might draw false conclusions (seek to bring relief to deserted 
areas...). We should at least communicate on the use of building=destroyed.

However, to address points 3.1 and 3.2 I would rather suggest we avoid 
construction/destruction state as values of tag building. This should 
rather come with a separate tag like e.g. "condition" (or 
state_of_repair, etc.). We could then make a difference between a 
[building=hospital; condition=destroyed] and a [building=warehouse; 

your opinion?

Best regards,


On 17/01/15 18:46, S Volk wrote:
Thank you Michael, Blake, and Russell. I understand, wait for the 
availability of images of DG in OSM for identification of devastated 
buildings. Good to know that there was already this tag 
"building=damaged/collapsed" (and sad), it renders very informatively 
and solve it in just one tagging.

Cheers, Sérgio.

HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Tag] #767 - Mali, Bamako

2014-11-23 Thread Rod Bera

Hi all,

I haven't had a look at the area so I can be wrong, but having lived for 
years in Sahelian cities *I would *NOT* use leisure=garden*, as this is 
all but for leisure.
In western African cities these garden serve the essential use of 
feeding people.
All the fresh fruits and vegetables you find on markets in these cities 
are locally produced.
Fridges, transportation and all the logistics we are used to in Europe 
or the USA to bring fresh stuff into our cities from all corners of the 
world (with an obvious environmental impact...) are simply not reliable 
when transposed to Africa.

Hence the need for local production.
And again they are not into "leisure gardening" this is a serious and 
for many a full-time activity, their jobs.

This said, many thanks to you all for your contribution. The map has 
greatly improved in this region of the world recently, and weren't be 
me, my comment would have been brought forward or things amended by some 
members of the young but dynamic OSM local chapters. They too are doing 
tremendous work mapping in difficult conditions (logistics, again, and 
for some political unrest, other threats like uncontrolled armed groups 
or Ebola...).
Their contribution is of great value as you will agree there is nothing 
like on-site expertise.


On 23/11/14 17:16, althio forum wrote:

Hi Blake and HOT

Thank you for your insight.
I will try to follow your advice on "make that a proper multi polygon".
I realize 'small gardens' is a bit of a stretch.
These few parcels are less than 100 m x 100 m with crop patches 
typically of 10 to 20 m so I thought they might be some kind of 
collective urban gardens.

But I don't know how to tag this.
[... search in google ...
found ...
... searching in the wiki ...
OK I have been lazy! ;) That fits quite well:

Community gardens

These are patches of land usually covering one or two city blocks 
where community members can grow their own produce on an individual 
=* is 
relatively well-used (see taginfo 
) and we include 
it here to make the garden explicitly a community garden, not simply a 
garden that is in a city and might be publicly accessed.

  * leisure =garden

  * garden:type


  * access =*

So I can leave it as landuse=farmland knowing the small surface speaks 
for itself.

Second option is leisure=garden + garden:type=community.

What do you reckon?

Blake Girardot>> wrote:
> Oh I don't know. I don't think what I see classifies as "small
> gardens" especially when grouped into contiguous parcels.
> Considering how basically well mapped it is, I would just fix up the
> tags and in at least one example:
> make that a
> proper multi polygon.

You are right that 'farm' is deprecated. And also from the wiki:
landuse =farmland 
: for farm 
land (i.e. areas used for tillage and pasture; animals, vegetables, 
flowers, fruit growing).
landuse =farmyard 
: for area 
with farm buildings (like farmhouses, dwellings, farmsteads, sheds, 
stables, barns, equipment sheds, feed bunkers, etc.)

Knowing that,
I would then use landuse=farmyard for the yard of the bigger farms; 
this would be surrounded by big landuse=farmland.
A smaller farm on the contrary would be a building, maybe no real yard 
and a landuse=farmland.

Blake Girardot>> wrote:
> Personally, I think the distinction between farmyard, farm and
> farmland is difficult, actually, correct me if I am wrong, but I think
> 'farm' is deprecated so only either farmland of farmyard are the
> choices. I go with farmland unless it is a really small homestead type
> ag. which I almost never map so I basically don't use farmyard, only
> farmland. These are right on the edge for me, bigger than small
> backyard garden, smaller than commercial ag. I'd group them as much as
> possible and tag them landuse=farmland.>> wrote:
>> Hi HOT
>> Please have a look at this patchwork of small residential clusters and
>> mix of cultivated gardens, lawns, orchards...
>> This is currently mapped as surr

[HOT] geOng 2014

2014-08-21 Thread Rod Bera

Hi all,

We're part of the menu at the geOng 2014 (see, roundtable 2)

Who's attending on HOT's behalf?


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Guinea Ebola Outbreak, Mapping to support MSF

2014-03-26 Thread Rod Bera
Just a detail: the name of priority 1 town is most likely Kissidougou, 
not Kissigoudou

good mapping to all,


On 26/03/14 12:23, Pierre Béland wrote:
Following the Ebola outbreak, MSF Switzearland needs rapidly maps of 
three towns. Thy are requesting since this area is actually unmapped. 
New imagery have been obtained.

We have prepared Task Manager jobs for the three towns to be mapped. 
We consider this of high priority for the next few days. Please come 
and help.

The first priority is for Kissigoudou

The two other towns to be mapped are



HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Ebola in Conakry, Guinea

2014-03-24 Thread Rod Bera

Hi Johan,

good news!

But what action should we have taken in case the test turned to be positive?


On 24/03/14 13:57, Johan Emilsson wrote:


Latest update:
"Tests on suspected cases of deadly Ebola virus in Guinea's capital 
Conakry are negative."


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Severin Menard>> wrote:

Ah, I forgot to say that I heard Bing imagery is scarce over
Guinea (eg over Conakry), but I did not check.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Severin Menard>> wrote:


MSF is working on this crisis:

Considering our growing partnerships with them, I would advice
to contact them to know how we could help them the best we
can. The report does not mention which MSF branch is in the
field (FYI, it is the normal way MSF communicates, there are
separate entities but working on the same goals). I know
people from MSF Spain and MSF France through CAR Activation, I
will ask them.



On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Russell Deffner>> wrote:


If there is a way we can provide aid, then yes!  I am not
familiar with
either the area or the disease, so not much help there;
but - typically we
might assist the local mapping community (if there is one)
with remotely
tracing the area from available imagery.  If there isn't a
local community,
HOT can discuss and potentially provide a remote
coordinator - to get HOT
coordinators on the ground typically requires a partner
organization to
contact us (
<>) for assistance.

If you are from the area/concerned for personal interest,
I would first ask
if you know the quality of the map data in the area and if
there is any OSM
community there/how best to reach out; then we can work
out specifics -
really we just need to know our efforts are actually
needed (i.e. people in
need of aid will receive benefit from whatever we do).

Thank you,

Russell Deffner <>
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

        -----Original Message-
From: Rod Bera [ <>]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 5:43 AM
To: <>
Subject: [HOT] Ebola in Conakry, Guinea

Hi all,

Is there a way we can assist on this one?
The virus has now reached Conakry. As far as I recall it's
the first
time the disease finds its way to such a populated area...


HOT mailing list <>

HOT mailing list <>

HOT mailing list <>

HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Ebola in Conakry, Guinea

2014-03-24 Thread Rod Bera

Hi Russ,

Thank you for your answer. I agree there is always a way to improve the 
quality of geometry and basic tagging (building=yes).

But I feel this crisis has something specific: no destruction of 
infrastructure (which is quite limited on the heath side btw), virulent 
epidemic (80%ish mortality within a week) threatening a 1.5M city.

Here the main needs are more (imo) on accurate and comprehensive tagging 
(dispensaries, hospitals, other relevant infrastructures, facilities, 
and amenities), which requires on-field knowledge, and response time 
(the slightest delay in action can yield thousands of extra 

Another potentially important element to account for is restriction of 
movement and quarantines, which can complicate the gathering of needed 
information (except for medical NGOs on-site, e.g.  MSF. Needless to say 
they'll have more urgent tasks to complete than mapping/tagging).

Ultimately the question is about how HOT can contribute on this kind of 
crisis (and should HOT do so after all, if we find out we can't make a 
noticeable difference)?



On 24/03/14 12:51, Russell Deffner wrote:


If there is a way we can provide aid, then yes!  I am not familiar with
either the area or the disease, so not much help there; but - typically we
might assist the local mapping community (if there is one) with remotely
tracing the area from available imagery.  If there isn't a local community,
HOT can discuss and potentially provide a remote coordinator - to get HOT
coordinators on the ground typically requires a partner organization to
contact us ( for assistance.

If you are from the area/concerned for personal interest, I would first ask
if you know the quality of the map data in the area and if there is any OSM
community there/how best to reach out; then we can work out specifics -
really we just need to know our efforts are actually needed (i.e. people in
need of aid will receive benefit from whatever we do).

Thank you,

Russell Deffner
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

-Original Message-
From: Rod Bera []
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 5:43 AM
Subject: [HOT] Ebola in Conakry, Guinea

Hi all,

Is there a way we can assist on this one?
The virus has now reached Conakry. As far as I recall it's the first
time the disease finds its way to such a populated area...


HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Ebola in Conakry, Guinea

2014-03-24 Thread Rod Bera

Hi all,

Is there a way we can assist on this one?
The virus has now reached Conakry. As far as I recall it's the first 
time the disease finds its way to such a populated area...


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] UAVs

2013-07-16 Thread Rod Bera

Hi all,

To keep the prices low there is a DIY option based on open source tech: It is based on the arduino chip, can be done as 
part as a community project or in a fab lab. The result is DIY plane or 
helicopter which can support manual as well as automatic flight.

Hope this helps,


On 15/07/13 22:08, Eric SIBERT wrote:

Hi Lukasz,

> Basically, I don't even know where to start research. I've come up
> with a list of considerations, but I'm sure there's much more that I'm
> missing

Have a look at that:

> * Because of sensitive context, the UAV shouldn't look intimidating -

a more toy-like appearance is a requirement


* How is the UAV controlled - remote or programmed flight path (i'm
assuming the latter is rather advanced - and consequently pricey?)

Programmed flight path defined using google map.

* Can it carry a camera, and how is the camera mounted to ensure
top-down viewing angles for successful image georeferencing later on

Modified (for remote control) compact camera. Provided with the setup.

* What camera would be appropriate for the intended use

The one provided.

* Based on a quick calculation, it looks to me that with a typical
wide angle lens (28mm-equivalent) the side image is about half of
camera distance (so in this case - elevation). This means that if I
want to capture a 1x1km area, the camera should fly 2km above ground.
This doesn't seem to be feasible both because of flight height and
off-nadir angles, so it probably means a lot of smaller images and
then stitching?

Have a look at their website for what can be done in term of 
resolution and covered area. They use stitching.

* Finally, just as a general guideline, the budget I'd have is rather
fluid. If a workable solution can be achieved for a few thousand -
great, but if something vastly superior can be done for 10k, I would
definitely consider that as well

10k of what? ;-)

They told me about 15 k€ for the ebee with stitching software.

However, in order not to get in over my head, I was thinking that a
DJI Phantom which seems to be all the rage on the internet these days,
fitted with a Pentax WG-3 (which has interval shooting mode) looks
like a set that could provide genuinely useful results for under a
thousand EUR - or am I completely off the mark here?

We may imagine cheaper planes that the above mentioned one. I just 
discovered 3D printed plane: 


HOT mailing list

Rod Béra,  MCF Géomatique/   Lecturer, Geomatics
   et SIG pour l'Environnement  /and Environmental GIS
Agrocampus-Ouest|65 r.Saint-Brieuc|CS84215|35042 Rennes cedex|France
+33 (0) 223 48 5553 -

HOT mailing list