[IAEP] Disengaging with Sugar Labs

2017-12-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

I would like to thank everyone with whom I interacted over the years
with the purpose of bringing a constructionist learning environment to
the children of the world.

Regrettably I have grown dissatisfied with the status quo of Sugar Labs
and that is why I am going to disengage, including "responsibly stepping
down" from Infrastructure Team and mailing list
administration/moderation (IAEP and Sugar-Devel). Starting 2018 I will
no longer perform these duties.

The Red Azúcar and Educa.Juegos (Jappy Activity) projects continue to be
hosted in SL infrastructure (/jita /and /beacon)/, and I will continue
to offer my support for these projects as time allows. Thank Sugar Labs
and the Infrastructure team for the hosting, support and many lessons
over the years.

I hope to find you all in a better setting and with better perspectives
in the future.



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Improving our Code of Conduct (was: Re: Code of Conduct Motion to add Anti-harassment policy - Sugar Labs)

2017-10-03 Thread Sebastian Silva

I had asked that we discuss changes to our Code of Conduct in a wiki
page  I have worked
on, where I put the result of a lot of research.

The time I spent, back in January, on this document, is because I myself
felt not only harassed but threatened. It came as a realization then,
that perhaps more people have had similar experiences and have abandoned
Sugar Labs because they were less tenacious than others. Hopefully
you'll find the references I put there (beyond geek feminism)
interesting. They represent a broad spectrum of approaches to making a
community more welcoming.

I found our current Code of Conduct
 was not
sufficient because (1) it is vague and difficult to evaluate when it's
been infringed. Cultures vary widely with regard to what is
/considerate/, /respectful/, /collaborative/, and /flexible/. It would
be much better if specific acceptable or not acceptable behaviors were
listed. (2) There is no defined procedure on how to report a problem and
what the expected outcome, timeline, or response could be. (3) There's
no defined solution or action such as warning or temporarily moderating
a person to signal bad behavior.

James, you insist on victimizing yourself and have a confrontational
form of writing. Perhaps I'm misreading you. Please improve your tone. I
have only seen vague complaints on the alleged dispute (/"rate of
posting and Wiki editing"/, and /"use of many paths to achieve your

If all of this is because I had the audacity to merge an icon, I feel
your attitude is disproportionate, unfair and itself sufficient for a
complaint. Trying to flag my github profile seems particularly
aggressive and harmful, considering the market use of such profiles.

The trademarked icon has already been reinstated in master branch, but
my valid concern (that neither Sugar Labs nor downstream distributors
have permission to use it), has not been resolved. I raised the same
question openly in 2016, and you responded with sarcasm
I don't think this is acceptable.

At the moment I don't support Laura's motion because I think it's
necessary to write something more specific for Sugar Labs, taking into
consideration the other references listed in the page at the least.



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Candidates???

2017-09-29 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Caryl,

Looks like you missed it:


On 29/09/17 19:43, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> Hi All...
> Way back on 10/23/17 there was an announcement of the election and the
> list of candidates. To date, I have not seen a similar email to the
> IAEP list. Why?
> There is one small difficulty (at least). This email, in Castellaño
> only, includes a reminder that the deadline for new members to
> indicate they want to be included in the vote is September 27, 2017
> (two days ago). This went only to Spanish speakers, thus possibly
> disenfranchising some others who don't read Spanish.
> Caryl
> P.S. For others who didn't get the message, here is the text of the
> message from the 23rd along with a translation:
> Estimada comunidad de Sugar Labs,
> El Comité de Membresía y Elecciones está feliz reportar que tenemos 8
> candidatos para las 4 posiciones disponibles para la elección de
> 2017–2019 de la Junta de Supervisión de Sugar Labs. Los candidatos que
> completaron exitosamente sus entregas al wiki a tiempo son:
> 1. Devin Ulibarri
> 2. Walter Bender
> 3. Sebastian Silva
> 4. Lionel Laské
> 5. Sameer Verma
> 6. Sean Daly
> 7. Adam Holt
> 8. Claudia Urrea
> Puedes leer las declaraciones de los candidatos en:
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates>>.
> Gracias a todos los candidatos para publicar sus candidaturas.
> ETAPA IV: Las elecciones ocurrirán en el 1 al 15 de octubre de 2017.
> Gracias por adelantado a Ignacio Rodríguez, que será en cargo de todos
> los procedimientos técnicos con la asistencia del equipo de
> infraestructura de Sugar Labs: <syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> <mailto:syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org>>.
> ¡Recuerda que el 27 de septiembre de 2017
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members#Applying_for_membership>
> es la fecha límite para solicitudes de miembros nuevos para participar
> en las elecciones de 2017–2019!
> And a translation:
> Dear Sugar Labs Community,
> The Membership and Elections Committee is happy to report we have 8
> candidates for 4 available positions in the Sugar Labs Oversight Board
> election for 2017-2018. The candidates who have successfully filed
> their candidate declarations and statements on time are:
> 1. Devin Ulibarri
> 2. Walter Bender
> 3. Sebastian Silva
> 4. Lionel Laské
> 5. Sameer Verma
> 6. Sean Daly
> 7. Adam Holt
> 8. Claudia Urrea
> You can read the candidate's statements at
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2017-2019-candidates>>.
> Thank you to all the candidates for publishing your statements of
> candidacy.
> STEP 4: The election will take place from October1 to October 15, 2017.
> Thanks in advance to Ignacio Rodriguez who will be in charge of all
> the technical aspects with the help of the Sugar Labs infrastructure
> team. <syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org>>.
> Remember that September 27, 2017 is the deadline for applications for
> new membership to be eligible to participate in the 2017-2019
> elections /(2018???)/! 27 de septiembre de 2017
> <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members#Applying_for_membership>
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] yet another motion regarding Samson's travel

2017-09-25 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 25/09/17 07:12, Walter Bender wrote:
> remedy the situation by creating a new email list, shadow-slobs, which
> could be subscribed to by any community member who is interested in
> these sorts of topics

Except the name of the list should be */sugar-discuss/* and so nothing
Sugar-related and Sugar-Labs-related would be off topic.

We are bound by our organizational principles to keep these
conversations in the open.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] On being bullied and harassed

2017-09-22 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 22/09/17 17:42, James Cameron wrote:
> (...)
> So I'll try that.
Thanks for your sincere, candid message. I hope to express myself with
the same, although English is not my mother tongue.
> Laura and Sebastian, by your rate of posting and Wiki editing, by your
> use of many paths to achieve your goals; I'm feeling bullied,
> harassed, uncomfortable and threatened.
I respect your feelings. I must be missing something. The size of the
feelings you want us to be responsible for doesn't seem proportional to
our actions.

I've observed online discussions often become distorted or polarized. I
believe it is because our brains are not wired
 for it. Please take a
minute to consider things in their real proportion. I can see you are
under stress, as you've planned to release very soon. I can only imagine
this, we don't have all the information to understand your situation.

Maybe you don't understand our perspective either. That's should be
alright. It should be safe to have different ideas and nobody should
feel hurt. It is important that the Sugar Labs community is welcoming
and I have worked on improving
 our Code of Conduct
for there to be specific actions that a person can take if they feel
they've been mistreated, as well as guidelines with respect to
acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and consequences for transgressors.

Please review the linked wiki page as we should work together to improve
both the process and the tone of our debates. This is important. We can
keep the dialogue flowing on the discussion page

to work it into a motion.

> (...)
> Thanks for listening.
> (In reply to an abuse report, GitHub support suggested it was a
> dispute between contractors, which is one way to look at it;
> competitive behaviour, acquisition of mind share.  My work for OLPC
> could be seen in that framing, but to me it is human rights and global
> mission focused.  I'll let the community discern my motivations based
> on my actions.  Cooperation should have a higher reward than
> competition.)
Do not consider us competition, and please know that we appreciate the
work that you do. Please know we too have good intentions.

Complaining to Github doesn't seem appropriate or fair, I've given my
reasons and you've not commented.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] (1) travel advances and (2) external programs

2017-09-19 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Walter,

To your questions, the following ones are already resolved:

> * To what extent should the community be engaged?
> * What are the requirements for communication with the oversight
board? With the community?
> * Are there restrictions on how funds will be used (above and beyond
the ones imposed by the SFC)?
> * Will the project administrator have to get SLOB approval for
spending those funds? For each expenditure or just the overall budget?
> * Is there any expectation of financial reporting?

Please review (again) the following principles (pasted after my message)
which are *the main reason *I joined Sugar Labs, copied from the main
wiki page  that describes
Sugar Labs.

They are very clear with regard to what the expectations are for
*everyone *here. It is not just expected that we /report /when working
in the name of Sugar Labs/. /It is expected that we /work *in plain
view*./ It is expected that we don't have private communications unless
we absolutely must. It also sets the expectation that goods belonging to
Sugar Labs are properly accounted for and up to date.

Unless you disagree with our organizational principles, it would seem
like a distraction of everyone's time to raise the questions above.





In order for Sugar to be successful, it needs the participation of a
large number of people who share common goals while maintaining
independence, so that each participant has the ability to act
independently. For these reasons, Sugar Labs subscribes to the
principles described here
which are the author's own translation of an original text in Spanish.


  * Clear mission – Fully disclosed objectives.
  * Declared commitments – Affinities and aversions explained.
  * Declared outside connections – Relationships with other
organizations explicitly listed.


  * Horizontal organization – Teams and facilitators work on
responsibilities and agreements.
  * Identified contributors – Who is who, people are reachable.
  * Clear responsibilities – Who is in charge of what.
  * Activities described – All of the ongoing work is acknowledged.

See Wiki Structure
 for a
guide to how the wiki models Sugar Labs' structure.


  * Open participation – Anybody can access the information and get a
first responsibility.
  * Meritocracy – Responsibilities are acquired (or lost) based on one's
skills, results, and contributors’ support.
  * Voluntary (non-)engagement – Nobody is forced to be involved or to
keep responsibilities.


  * Regular reports – Reported activities and future plans allow
monitoring and participation.
  * Information accessible – Even internal operational information is
available by default.

We try to operate /*en plein air


  * Explicit confidentiality – It is explained what matters are
confidential, why, and who can access them.


  * Economic model – Feasibility and sustainability plans are exposed.
(Please see/contribute to the discussion here
  * Resources – Inventory of items detailing who contributed what and why.
  * Public accounts – It’s clear where the money comes from and where it
  * A special thanks
 to our

On 18/09/17 14:57, Walter Bender wrote:
> My apologies in advance for the length of this email. The lists have
> been overwhelmed of late with discussions of procedure and as a
> consequence, it feels as if technical and pedagogical discussions have
> seemingly been marginalized.
> ---
> We had two topics of discussion we were going to consider between the
> monthly meetings of the Sugar Labs oversight board, both of which
> seemed to have stalled out.
> The first topic was in regards to the process and conditions under
> which we would consider travel advances. I raise this issue now
> because it impacts Samson, who needs to prepare his trip to Google
> well in advance of our next meeting.
> Laura stated the obvious in her wiki post, essentially: (1) ask the
> oversight board and (2) if approved, the oversight board would ask the
> SFC [1]. But this formulation doesn't offer much guidance. What are
> the criteria for the decision? I had written up some details in the
> wiki -- which were subsequently deleted -- to try to address what I
> think are the questions someone would reasonably be asking of us.
> (0) Before 

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-17 Thread Sebastian Silva
"What is legally required, as regards other people’s trademarks, is to
*avoid using them* in ways which a reader might reasonably understand
*as* naming or *labeling* *our own* programs or *activities*." [1]

    - citing from the GNU Coding standards, section 2.3 "Trademarks"


Emphasis added by me.


On 16/09/17 21:18, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
> But I intentionally gave the very simple examples...
> While RHEL/CentOS (and many other open source/commercial hybrid
> projects) rebrand their free versions because a complete replacement
> causes obvious confusion, these projects themselves include many
> products with trademarked names.
> Should Sugar refuse to include a Python(tm) editor?  Or change
> programming languages because we proudly say Sugar is written in
> Python(tm)?  https://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/
> Do we then go to JavaScript(tm) which is a trademark of Oracle(R)?
> Or be confused with any number of products (shoes, hand lotion, etc.)
> which also have trademarks for the "Python" name?
> Trademarks come into play primarily when there is confusion.  And OLPC
> allegedly muddied the waters early on by allowing their name and logos
> to be used by OLPC France, OLPC SF, etc. 
> It's not clear at this point if there is confusion between Sugar Labs
> and OLPC over the logo, except as part of a historical reference which
> both companies have. 
> If there was clear proof that OLPC was using the XO logo to promote
> Endless then there might be something.  If OLPC explicitly asked Sugar
> to change the icon, then that would be something to be considered.
> OLPC's website, while updated, still promotes Sugar on XO-1.75's and
> the "XO Laptop Touch" (by specs, likely a XO-4).
> Given we still know people at OLPC, and OLPC people who went to
> Endless, I would have expected to hear something by now if they
> formally wanted to break ties with Sugar.
> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 9:13 PM, Sebastian Silva
> <sebast...@fuentelibre.org <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> On 16/09/17 18:19, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
>> By this measure, are we implying that Fedora & CentOS cannot be
>> distributed because they contain trademarks owned by Red Hat, and
>> Ubuntu cannot be distributed because it contains the name and
>> logos owned by Canonical?
> Your questions are spot on. Perhaps your examples will serve to
> clarify the issue:
> The point of CentOS is exactly to remove trademarks from Red Hat
> Linux in order to be able to distribute it legally.
> Quoting from Wikipedia CentOS article.
> /`CentOS developers use Red Hat's source code to create a
> final product very similar to RHEL. Red Hat's //*branding and
> logos are changed*//because Red Hat does not allow them to be
> redistributed.`/
> And I also know that, while you can distribute Ubuntu, you cannot
> make a derivative distribution of it and call it
> anything-like-buntu, or you will have problems with Canonical Inc.
> Quoting directly from
> https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/intellectual-property-policy
> <https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/intellectual-property-policy>:
> /`Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be
> approved, certified or provided by Canonical if you are going
> to associate it with the Trademarks. Otherwise you
> must//*remove and replace the Trademarks*//and will need to
> recompile the source code to create your own binaries.`/
> As you can see, being this topic such a mess in general, Sugar
> Labs would serve its community well by staying clear of any
> Trademarks, as a general policy.
> Regards,
> Sebastian

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Interesting quote from Alan Kay '72 paper

2017-09-17 Thread Sebastian Silva

/"A combination of this "carry anywhere" device and a global information
utility such as the ARPA network or two-way cable TV, will bring the
libraries and schools (not to mention stores and billboards) or the
world to the home. One can imagine one of the first programs an owner
will write is a filter to eliminate advertising!"/

/        - Alan Kay, 1972/

/https://mprove.de/diplom/gui/kay72.html/ (full text)

/http://history-computer.com/Library/Kay72.pdf/ (original)

I couldn't help but feeling identified with this "owner".



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-16 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 16/09/17 18:19, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:

> By this measure, are we implying that Fedora & CentOS cannot be
> distributed because they contain trademarks owned by Red Hat, and
> Ubuntu cannot be distributed because it contains the name and logos
> owned by Canonical?

Your questions are spot on. Perhaps your examples will serve to clarify
the issue:

The point of CentOS is exactly to remove trademarks from Red Hat Linux
in order to be able to distribute it legally.

Quoting from Wikipedia CentOS article.

/`CentOS developers use Red Hat's source code to create a final
product very similar to RHEL. Red Hat's //*branding and logos are
changed*//because Red Hat does not allow them to be redistributed.`/

And I also know that, while you can distribute Ubuntu, you cannot make a
derivative distribution of it and call it anything-like-buntu, or you
will have problems with Canonical Inc.

Quoting directly from

/`Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be
approved, certified or provided by Canonical if you are going to
associate it with the Trademarks. Otherwise you must//*remove and
replace the Trademarks*//and will need to recompile the source code
to create your own binaries.`/

As you can see, being this topic such a mess in general, Sugar Labs
would serve its community well by staying clear of any Trademarks, as a
general policy.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-16 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 15/09/17 09:12, Walter Bender wrote:
> (A2) Sugar Artwork, including the xo-computer icon, is currently
> licensed under the GPL and we would like our downstream users to be
> able to use all of our artwork under the terms of that license. As far
> as the use of any trademark image outside of the context of Sugar, we
> have no opinion.

There is a (hopefully not intentional?) flaw in this answer. The board
was in a rush to pass the motion, but it should be more careful when
communicating with our legal counsel.

SLOBs, please clarify:

"(...) we would like our downstream users to be able to use all of
our artwork under the terms of that license (GPL)"

Sugar Labs does not distribute Sugar to end users. Instead it
distributes Sugar to distributors (Debian, Fedora) who have their own
downstream projects (OLPC, Trisquel, Ubuntu). In turn these
distributions are often bundled with hardware vendors products or local
service provider's services: *These last groups are the most threatened
by a potential Trademark dispute.**
Does restricting the answer to "users" mean Sugar Labs Oversight Board
does not care about these actor's freedoms?

Please also clarify:

"As far as the use of any trademark image outside of the context of
Sugar, we have no opinion. "

This is contradictory with the previous statement. The terms of the GPL
provide for licensees to be able to use the source for /any purpose./ A
Trademarked logo cannot be used for any purpose. This is basically the
legal reason to keep any Trademark out of the Sugar User Interface. /
Regards and happy Software Freedom Day to all,

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] Motion regarding xo-computer icon

2017-09-15 Thread Sebastian Silva
On 15/09/17 10:59, Sean DALY wrote:
> The copyrights are licensed under the GPL, and OLPC's trademark has a
> long history of use in Sugar with OLPC's cooperation - a formal
> license may be superfluous (a determination which can only be made by
> a lawyer). The artwork file itself is GPL'd. So this is just an
> underhanded way to bypass the community (and the SLOBs) and impose a
> change.
You are not reading carefully. Perhaps Sugar Labs has permission. Do
downstream distributors? Do downstream service providers? Do OLPC

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Flat design causes uncertainty

2017-09-12 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Laura,


On 12/09/17 13:34, Laura Vargas wrote:
> My personal preference would be to modify the child centered concept
> it currently has for an icon that represents the concept of *"using
> technology for loving Planet Earth"*.
> Peace, love, Planet Earth and/or the "sustainable development" concept
> on the main icon will resonate easy with a young generation that today
> witness the need for this radical change :D

While I see where you're coming from, I think you're proposing a radical
change. The strong idea is to put the learner at the centre of his own
learning, signified in Sugar by the XO's logo prominence.

The fact remains that the XO logo icon is a registered trademark
 and therefore we need to
change it, in order to protect our users and downstream distributors
from any limitations imposed by the trademark owner.

Here's what I have currently merged to solved it for now, and it is
already in the Github repository, where a discussion is being held. I'm
sure it can be improved, from the original by Abdo from Noun Project, I
stretched it sideways. I think it conveys "self" "child" and also has a
bit of "feet touching earth" which is very powerful. Also, it has a
slight resemblance to our bigger brother, Gnome, for good reason.

I hope you like it!

Finally, I think it serves well for the purpose of distancing Sugar from
any particular vendor, as people still seem to be confused.

Warm regards,

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Platform for teaching "web-video-game" programming

2017-08-27 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 27/08/17 08:54, Laura Vargas wrote:
> Back in May, Sebastian released the *Jappy**Activity* with many
> features. Since then, Jappy has been added to the devel instance of
> Sugarizer while development continues testing adding collaborations
> features.
> Sebastian has re-released the implementation to check on educa.juegos
Thanks Laura!

Although I'm not ready for a full release, it is true that the
experimental collaboration features are in place and can be used.

To try it out collaboration, please go to http://educa.juegos/#sandbox
Everyone visiting this address /should/ be able to write a Web-Python
project together. Please report your experience!

For collaboration, notice the hash (#) link, it is an ID and you could
start new persistent project simply by choosing a different hash value.
Projects are stored as files at the Back End `workspace/` directory.
Every file is saved upon running your program (Ctrl-Return or big green
button). Running code also triggers execution for collaboration peers. I
find it quite fun to code mobile apps with this technique, for instance,
as I can see how it will look in several screens (collaborating with
myself, I guess).

You can hide and show the output canvas with F9.

The Back End (BE) is in Jappy Activity repository. BE Jappy! It supports
local collaboration without Internet.

Finally, I've setup a Riot.Im chatroom with an embedded shared Jappy
widget: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#educa.juegos:matrix.org
I will try to keep an eye on this channel and give support to anyone
trying out the IDE. As I'm not always at the keyboard, you can leave
messages and I will reply later.

By these means we now have a collaborative Python IDE including chat and
audio (even Video can be embedded as Jitsi component on Riot), utilizing
/only Free Software.

/Jappy Activity and Back End are released under the AGPLv3 license.

Be Jappy, Code Together!

With warm regards,
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Fwd: [Edu-sig] Fwd: RFC: Terms of use for a new Git hosting platform for educational projects

2017-06-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
Here's an initiative that fits Sugar Labs rather well:


It would be great if Sugar Labs got involved and even started using it
officially. The 13yo age requirement on Github is counterproductive.

(I'm not involved with Edugit, but will have a look).



 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[Edu-sig] Fwd: RFC: Terms of use for a new Git hosting
platform for educational projects
Date:   Tue, 20 Jun 2017 09:07:13 +0200
From:   Dominik George 
To: edu-...@python.org

Hi everybody,

we, Teckids e.V. [0], a German youth organisation around free software, are
in the process of making some of our internal systems and services
public for use by everyone contributing to or running educational
projects, or using free software in education.

The two major services will be Edugit, a code hosting platform running
GitLab, and a remote desktop system that can be used to use and develop
free software for education (RDP and browser-based access to a full
Debian desktop).

Edugit is, in our view, very necessary because all code hosting
platforms, like GitHub and GitLab.com, have terms of use that not only
may be bad for privacy or freedom [1], but above all lock out an
important group of contributors. Mainly because they are hosted in the
US where COPPA applies, all individuals underthe age of 13 are denied

However, we believe that people of all ages should be able to contribute
in education. Therefore, we have started Edugit for our projects, and
are now one footstep away from making it public.

Please try to *not* discuss the usefulness or what you belive in this
thread - please contact us directly if you have concerns.

Today, we want to ask for your comments on our drafts for Terms of Use.
We tried to keep them as short and easy to understand as possible, while
imposing limitations only on the range of use of the platforms.

Please also do not provide legal advice - the terms will be reviewed by
a lawyer in addition to this RFC ☺.

Here are the drafts in German and English:


The drafts were created by people who are concerned by it most - a group
of contributors from 10 to 27 years of age (children are involved in
everything we do, fwiw).

We ask for all feedback, ranging from "cool, ack, go on" to all your
concerns (content-wise) and ideas. But please think before you post -
please do not flood your community's mailing list with "+1", only post
there if you want your post discussed. But please always keep me
 in the recipients, as I am not subscribed
to all lists this is posted to.

Looking forward to your feedback,

P.S.: If you can - and want to - support the projects financially,
please see https://www.teckids.org/spenden.htm (German) or just ask. We
always need it ☺!

[0]: https://www.teckids.org/
[1]: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria-evaluation.html

Dominik George (1. Vorstandsvorsitzender, pädagogischer Leiter)
Teckids e.V. - Erkunden, Entdecken, Erfinden.
Edu-sig mailing list

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] MOTION: French visa for Samson Goddy to attend 10-year Anniversary Scratch Conf / 50-year Anniversary of Logo

2017-06-14 Thread Sebastian Silva
Dear James and Samson,

I have disabled distribution of both of the Activities in question from
ASLO, as they don't offer proper licenses or source code.

Please review our acceptable license

In summary, an Activity needs to respect learner's freedom to:

0 - Use the program for any purpose
1 - To study how the program works and modify how it works
2 - Freedom to redistribute copies
3 - Freedom to redistribute modified copies

I encourage you to fix them and upload them again.

Thanks and regards,


On 14/06/17 17:54, James Cameron wrote:
> I've marked Kunfu as available in activities.sugarlabs.org, after Ben
> Olding confirmed he is author of Legend of the Dragon Fist and gave a
> license;
> "you may use the file, unmodified for free as you see fit as long as
> you are not directly selling it. i.e. bundling it on a laptop is fine,
> wrapping the game and selling as an app for $5 on the app store is
> not."
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4759/
> Samson, when you get time, please update the bundle to correctly
> attribute author and license, thanks.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [Sugar-devel] MOTION: French visa for Samson Goddy to attend 10-year Anniversary Scratch Conf / 50-year Anniversary of Logo

2017-06-13 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 13/06/17 13:53, Samson Goddy wrote:
> This was a project i did in 2014.. Because kids using the xo laptops
> were actually playing those mentioned games online. I had to port them
> as a activity for sugar. I didn't write or own the swf. It is free,
> there are versions for those in Android which are free also.

Clearly you don't understand what Free Software means and so I don't
think you are fit to represent Sugar Labs, in an event or otherwise.
Just my opinion.

> So if you think it is against Sugar Labs culture, i recommend you take
> it down yourself. 

It's not against our culture, but our rules
As the breacher of these rules, it would be good if you realized your
mistake and fixed it. Otherwise, others will have to fix it for you.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [Sugar-devel] MOTION: French visa for Samson Goddy to attend 10-year Anniversary Scratch Conf / 50-year Anniversary of Logo

2017-06-13 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 13/06/17 12:50, Samson Goddy wrote:
> Your mentioning Facebook, iPhone, Windows, Flash, LinkedIn etc, do
> not fit with this agreement, so we would sincerely appreciate if
> you do not promote these entities while representing Sugar Labs.
> Could you explain more, because i dont understand. And also how did
> you think i might breach the agreement?

While your promoting these entities does not breach the wording of the
agreement, I believe it goes against the spirit of it. Please review
information on GNU.org such as the following articles, to understand why
such technologies are distributed in bad faith.


On the other hand, these Sugar Activities (by you) don't have proper
sources available. This actually is a breach of the agreement, and they
should have been removed:


In accordance to the license file on those .xo bundles, I request that
you share the source for the .swf Flash components embedded if you wrote
them, otherwise please make sure they are removed from ASLO.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [Sugar-devel] MOTION: French visa for Samson Goddy to attend 10-year Anniversary Scratch Conf / 50-year Anniversary of Logo

2017-06-13 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Samson,

I hope you will have a successful travel.

As a member of Sugar Labs and one of the signataries of our Fiscal
Sponsorship Agreement with the Software Freedom Conservancy
 I would
appreciate if during your trip you would remember that we have a duty as
a Conservancy Project to respect its /"organizational mission and
charitable goal to promote, improve, develop and defend//
//Free, Libre, and Open Source Software projects."/

Keep in mind we agreed (section 2b) : /"The Project Will Be Free
Software. Conservancy and the Oversight Board agree that any//
//and all software and/or documentation distributed by the Project will
be distributed //*solely *//as Free Software." (emphasis added)./

It would be a sad thing (if not a breach of contract) if the community
(as represented by you) would present itself as indifferent to these values.

Your mentioning Facebook, iPhone, Windows, Flash, LinkedIn etc, do not
fit with this agreement, so we would sincerely appreciate if you do not
promote these entities while representing Sugar Labs.



On 12/06/17 07:07, Samson Goddy wrote:
> To those members who haven't voted.. could you please come and vote.
> It is very disappointing that this motion is still pending. I am to
> travel to lagos tomorrow and i really need to know what will happen to
> the motion.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] (Goals and Mission) with Microsoft in it?

2017-05-18 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi James,

I've found a moment to make Moon (JS) work in Sugar again. The version
in the original repo was only missing a small patch.


Hope you find it useful,



On 12/05/17 19:58, James Cameron wrote:
> I'm probably going to have to port the Moon activity from GTK+ 2 to
> GTK+ 3 unless someone can make the JavaScript version work on desktop.
> ;-)  I did get half way through.
> Zeeshan Khan also has the task for GsoC, so we might do it together.
> I'd like to hear from Ignacio, Sam Parkinson and Abhijit what they
> think of the port of Moon vs the JavaScript port; it may be simpler to
> port the JavaScript version back to Sugar.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] (Goals and Mission) with Microsoft in it?

2017-05-17 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 17/05/17 00:47, James Cameron wrote:
>> Can someone explain the relationship between ASLO and Sugar network?
> Nobody has answered your question, so I'll have a go.
> A derivative relationship; data flows from ASLO to Sugar Network.
> Any changes you make in ASLO that affect how the data is presented may
> have impact on Sugar Network.
Sorry, I thought I had answered when I said:

/" At one time there was a ASLO->Sugar Network synchronization script. "

/That is precisely the extent of the current relationship between ASLO
and Sugar Network, nothing more.
There is no communication or dependency between them.

> Developing a new ASLO has been tried before, by Sam Parkinson, and it
> did not get enough traction, and was shut down; we've only just
> finished removed the changes from Sugar.  It was also a git based
> backend.  After that experience, I really don't think we need another

There is no reason we should not try again.

> Activity release is not a complicated process; we lack maintainers,
> not tools.

I disagree. Tooling is very important. We should not abandon the vision
of learners producing activities and sharing them. That is what Sugar
Labs is about, after all.

I'd choose the datastore/framework with care, to try to accommodate nano
servers as well as large servers, and also that it is well supported.

But, keep it simple and maintainable.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] (Goals and Mission) with Microsoft in it?

2017-05-12 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Samson,

Sugar barely runs on modern GNU/Linux, as it is stuck depending on old,
unsupported libraries (e.g. Collaboration is broken, TamTam doesn't
run). Important bugs go unnoticed (Browse 200 didn't launch for months
with a trivial unreported bug).

Sugar Labs is committed to releasing Sugar every six months
The wiki home page says Sam Parkinson is our release manager, but the
page was last updated in July 2016, and I don't think this is the case
anymore (but it's not known). We have no release schedule
. and a question about it
recently went without answer.

I don't see Sugar Labs organization as capable of strategically funding
Sugar development in any direction. Of course, volunteers can work in
whatever they like, if it fits their principles.



On 12/05/17 08:35, Samson Goddy wrote:
> Hello all,
> I  was surfing the internet, and i saw some interesting articles
> concerning Microsoft partnership with some linux distros like Fedora,
> Ubuntu and Suse. The whole deal is to make Fedora, Ubuntu and Suse
> available in the windows store. Meaning you can now run Ubuntu, Fedora
> and Suse like an application without worrying to get a virtual box. 
>  I also think that Sugar Labs can also use this as an advantage to
> port Sugar as an application in the new windows 10S. These will really
> go along for this organization and more especially reaching more users
> in the MS world, because MS is making sure schools uses windows as an
> E-learning tool. So i think we should put this project as a goal for
> Sugar Labs, like we did with Raspberry Pi. I think we should really
> join the trend so that we can get more people using Sugar for Learning. 
> So what are your thought on this development?
> [1]
> https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/5/11/15625320/ubuntu-suse-linux-fedora-windows-store-microsoft-build-2017
> [2] https://fossbytes.com/ubuntu-linux-in-windows-store/
> BR
> Samson G
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOB] meeting reminder

2017-04-07 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Walter,

Please note, you probably meant *18 UTC* (14 EDT).

ET is currently UTC-4 (EDT).



El 07/04/17 a las 07:28, Walter Bender escribió:
> We have a Sugar Labs advisory board meeting at 19 UTC (14 EST) on
> Friday, 7 April. We will be meeting on irc.freenode.net
>  #sugar-meeting.
> Among other topics, we will be discussing:
> (1) status of Outreachy and Google Summer of Code programs (Walter)
> (2) Internet Society Global Engagement proposal (Laura)
> (3) Sugar Network funding request (Laura)
> (4) plans, goals, aspirations
> (5) [your topic here]
> Hope to see you there.
> regards.
> -walter
> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Separate Emails

2017-03-24 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Samson,

I was hoping you'd get a constructive answer, so rather I'll try it.

If I read you right you want email aliases for the following:

info AT sugarlabs.org => iaep AT lists.sugarlabs.org
systems AT sugarlabs => sugar-devel AT lists.sugarlabs.org

For one thing I think they are very confusing, possibly even used (we
have a systems list, for instance).

More importantly, as Luke points out, our lists require that people
subscribe first. It's impossible to subscribe without obtaining the list
email. I could see the value of perhaps making aliases to abbreviate the
(lists.) bit?

On 19/03/17 20:04, Samson Goddy wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am requesting possible two email addresses for the social media
> accounts. I am proposing if we could have email accounts like
> "i...@sugarlabs.org " that could be
> connected with iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org
>  and "syst...@sugarlabs.org
> " for "sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> ".
>  Why? because most people don't really buy the idea about subscribing
> to mailing-lists first, before asking some important questions. I had
>  issues when handling questions thrown the SL twitter account, Tymon
> also had some similar issue on Facebook.
> BR
> Samson Goddy
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Fwd: Lennox Island students learn digital animation

2017-03-21 Thread Sebastian Silva

I noticed this post on Sugar Planet this morning... does anyone know
what software they are using? Sugar+Scratch?



 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Lennox Island students learn digital animation
Date:   Mon, 20 Mar 2017 20:24:29 GMT
From:   Diriana Teran <>

Lennox Island students learn digital animation

Pilot project provides laptops, training

Eric McCarthy newsr...@journalpioneer.com

Published on March 7, 2017

John J. Sark Memorial School students give a demonstration of the
digital animation skills they acquired using laptops donated to them by
Princes Charities Canada and One Laptop Per Child Canada.


**LENNOX ISLAND – Carson Thomas thinks he will be better equipped going
forward in doing Internet searches for school projects.**


Thomas and his fellow Grade 5 and 6 students at John J Sark Memorial
School on Lennox Island spent two hours after school each day last week
receiving computer animation and programming training.

Prince’s Charities Canada, the charitable office for His Royal Highness,
The Prince of Wales, partnered with One Laptop Per Child Canada to
provide computers and training to indigenous youth. Lennox Island was
one of seven First Nations across Canada to benefit from the pilot
project this winter.

Thomas said he learned how to change colors on computer projects and how
to make his name animated and dance.

Matthew Rowe, Director of Operations, Prince’s Charities Canada, said
the participating schools and their students get to keep the computers.

Rowe said the students in the Lennox Island project created digital
animation projects, talking mostly in Mi’Kmaq, about the traditions of
their community. “The idea was to build digital skills while getting
them to create projects that were giving them a chance to use the
language and to learn it,” he said.

While digital animation is a new approach for the students, Rowe said
the Grade 5 and 6 students was a good age range to work with. “They
actually soak it up like sponges,” he said of the simplified coding

Grade 5/6 teacher, Nicole Gorrill, said the students already possessed
basic computer skills but the shared project taught them new skills.
“What happened, for most of the students, it really piqued more of their
interest for technology,” she observed. “They’ve been learning these new
computer skills, but they are also now able to kind of take what they’re
learning in their cultural class here at the school and they have a new
way of displaying that so that they can teach their friends or other
family members,” she suggested.

“It’s been really, really good to boost their self confidence.”

Grade 6 student, Kavon Bernard is excited about the potential. He’d like
to “make animations, set them up to the internet and get famous on

The students, working in teams of two, prepared one to two minute
animation projects which they shared with other students, family members
and elders. Lieutenant Governor Frank Lewis and former premier Robert
Ghiz, a member of the Prince’s Charities Advisory Council were in
attendance for the presentations.

“Lots of big, big smiles today,” Gorrill said in describing her
students’ sense of accomplishment.

Rowe said schools involved in the pilot project also receive a year of
ongoing support.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] 1 IAEP moderator request(s) waiting

2017-02-26 Thread Sebastian Silva
Samson, you can't send large messages to the list, because they are
repeated 4000x when distributing to each mailbox.

Instead, please upload your images to an online gallery (try
https://goblinrefuge.com/mediagoblin/  or any other), and link to them.

Thanks and regards,


On 26/02/17 08:00, iaep-boun...@lists.sugarlabs.org wrote:
> The IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org mailing list has 1 request(s) waiting for
> your consideration at:
>   http://lists.sugarlabs.org/admindb/iaep
> Please attend to this at your earliest convenience.  This notice of
> pending requests, if any, will be sent out daily.
> Pending posts:
> From: samsongo...@gmail.com on Sat Feb 18 02:53:05 2017
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Motion for Social Media Manager
> Cause: Message body is too big: 3860600 bytes with a limit of 256 KB

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget

2017-02-26 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 26/02/17 05:50, Dave Crossland wrote:
>> I now regret having opened the door to paid efforts
> I think with this message the door is now closed!

Also from the same book, chapter /"The hidden costs of ignoring

/One reason why open source contributors are strikingly more
homogenous than the technology sector at large is that they need
time and money to make significant contributions in the first place.
These constraints prevent otherwise qualified contributors from
entering the space./

/David MacIver, creator of Hypothesis, a Python library for testing
software applications, explains why he was able to spend so much
time on the project: /
/I could only do this because I had the time and money to do so.
I had the time to do so because I was being obsessive, had no
dependents, and didn’t have a job. I could only not have a job
because of the money. I only had the money because I spent the
latter half of last year with double the salary I was used to, half
the living expenses I was used to, and too borderline depressed to
spend it on anything interesting. These are not reasonable
requirements. [...] Can you produce quality software in less time
than that, working only in your free time? I doubt it.[113] /

/Cory Benfield, a core Python developer, writes: /
/Generally speaking, people who aren’t cisgender, heterosexual,
white, middle-class, English-speaking men are less able to tolerate
the increased financial risk of not having a steady job. This means
that those individuals really need a steady pay cheque to contribute
most effectively. And we *need* those contributors: diverse teams
make better things than homogeneous teams.[114] /

/Charlotte Spencer, a contributor to software framework Hoodie and
database PouchDB, echoes these sentiments: /
/All my contributions are purely volunteered. I don't make any
money, though I would absolutely like to. I have asked veteran open
sourcerers if they are paid and they say they are not, which
discouraged me from pursuing anything (if they aren't paid, why
would I be?). I use most of my free time to do it, which I'm trying
to do less of as it was taking up my life.[115]/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget

2017-02-25 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hello all,

On 25/02/17 20:33, Tymon Radzik wrote:
> Sugar Labs is by its statement *volunteer*-driven project. We are
> volunteers. We work for the idea of the free and open software and not
> for own financial profit.
It is worth to reflect upon this point. Certainly the design and
engineering teams of Redhat and OLPC that built Sugar in the first place
weren't unpaid volunteers. I like to think that we're all volunteers, in
that, we are not motivated by money, and if we could do more, we would.

(Lack of) Investment in software infrastructure for education is a large
void that ultimately implies a hidden cost of integration, field
support, even the impossibility of deployment. Who is doing this work
required to take Sugar* (a component) and make it into end user solutions?

While it is probably human nature to distrust, I think Laura is
proposing to shift from just hiring strangers that walk away after 3
months with $5000, to sustaining long term active members with a small
stipend for a year, in the hope (and trust) that they will increase
their effort and involvement, as well as attract more active
contributors. Whether this will result in a better Sugar a year from
now, and whether it is sustainable, remains to be seen, as well as the
specific dynamics of such a program.

The following is an excerpt from "Roads and Bridges: The Unseen Labor
Behind Our Digital Infrastructure" (license: CC-BY, author: Nadia

I recommend reading the whole book and we can think how it applies to a
project like Sugar Labs, that has no money making product, but rather is
a knowledge multiplying community, and how society can nurture it.

/*Open source’s complicated relationship with money*
The Linux Foundation was created in 2007 to help protect and
maintain Linux and its associated projects. Torvalds does not run
the Linux Foundation himself, preferring instead to receive a steady
salary as a “Linux Fellow” and work on his projects as an engineer. /

/While open source software is admirably rooted in a culture of
volunteerism and collaboration relatively untouched by extrinsic
motives, the reality is that our economy and society, from
multimillion dollar companies to government websites, depends on
open source. //

/Overall, this is probably a positive development for society. It
means that software is no longer strictly relegated to private,
proprietary development, as it ha d been for decades. The fact that
the United States government, or a social network website with
billions of users, incorporates community-built software, paints an
optimistic future for democracy. //

/In addition, many projects function well on a community basis if
they are on the extremes of size : that is, either small projects
that do not require significant maintenance (as in the example of
Arash Payan and Appirater), or very large projects that have found
significant corporate support (as in the example of Linux). //

/However, many projects are trapped somewhere in the middle: large
enough to require significant maintenance, but not quite so large
that corporations are clamoring to offer support. These are the
stories that go unnoticed and untold. From both sides, these
maintainers are told they are the problem: S mall project
maintainers think mid-sized maintainers should just learn to cope,
and large project maintainers think if the project were “good
enough,” institutional support would have already come to them. //

/There are also political concerns around financial support that
make it harder to find a reliable source of funding. A single
company may not want to sponsor development work that also benefits
their competitor, who paid nothing. A private benefactor may want
special privileges that threaten the neutrality of a project. (For
example, for security-related projects, privileged disclosure of
vulnerabilities — paying for special knowledge about security
vulnerabilities instead of exposing those vulnerabilities to the
public — is a controversial request.) And governments may have
political reasons to sponsor the development of a particular
project, or ask for special favors such as “backdoors” (a secret way
of bypassing security authentication), even if that project is used

> I can't agree with the idea of monthly stipends (salaries) being paid
> to some members.
> Not only breaking something I considered to be a fundamental
> principle, it is also dividing the community. Our funds deserve to be
> spent in more orgnization-beneficial way. 
> Additionally, I don't want to accuse anyone personally, but current
> situation in our discussion could meet the 

Re: [IAEP] [Systems] Stopwatch activity maintainer needed.

2017-02-20 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 18/02/17 14:03, Samuel Cantero wrote:
> it was me.
> Ignacio, problem solved. It was a firewall issue. Go ahead.

Hi Samuel,

I had set the firewall in response to an attack on network.sugarlabs.org
(check Jan 18th "Please Help" email thread on systems@). Having turned
off the firewall, this attack has just resumed.

The attack consists of ~20 IP addresses issuing a POST request every few
seconds and updating a Sugar Network project with SPAM contents.

I have a script /root/block.sh with firewall rules that blocked the IP
addresses we isolated from the logs.

Previously this script missed to allow https, but I've added this now,
so I've re-enabled the firewall. It looks to me like gitorious works.

I hope it doesn't cause other issues.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Services provided by Sugarlabs - Inventory - Maintainers

2017-02-19 Thread Sebastian Silva
On 19/02/17 10:35, Samuel Cantero wrote:
> Thanks for the inventory. Did you update the wiki
>  as well? That's where I
> expect to find this information, according to the Infrastructure
> team docs.
> Would you like to add a maintainer page with this information?
I've added you and me to be admins of jita
. Thanks for volunteering to

From a quick read I find infrastructure docs
 to be
adequate. We should definitively try to prune unused services if they
become a burden. At any rate, good team for keeping all of that running
all this time! A good sysadmin is invisible, but shows in details and
tricks that one can only learn in a team, if so inclined. I have a lot
of learning to thank from being a member of infrastructure team ;-)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Services provided by Sugarlabs - Inventory - Maintainers

2017-02-19 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the inventory. Did you update the wiki
<http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Machine> as well? That's where I expect to
find this information, according to the Infrastructure team docs.

I'm adding some missing info below:

On 18/02/17 18:25, Samuel Cantero wrote:
> *Jita*:
>   o OS: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
>   o Maintainer: X.
>   o Services provided:
>   + network.sugarlabs.org <http://network.sugarlabs.org>,
>   + node.sugarlabs.org <http://node.sugarlabs.org> (are we
> using this?) YES this is the API for
> network.sugarlabs.org. Clients and web frontend use this.
Aleksey used to admin this host. I go in and fix issues when the
services above present problems, which are under active use by the XO
deployment in Peru.

I can step up to maintain if we can coordinate.

> *_Freedom_*
> 1. *OS*: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, 
> 2. *Maintainers*: Bernie Innocenti, Sebastian Silva, Sam Parkinson and
> Samuel Cantero.
> 3. *Services:*

beacon <http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Machine/beacon> is a development
server that I admin. I also have /replicator/ which is a build vm that
is off and only activated when needed to build XO images.

> *_Sunjammer_*
> *_
> _*
> 1. *OS*: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, 
> 2. *Maintainers*: Bernie Innocenti, Sebastian Silva, and Samuel Cantero.
> 3. *Services:*
>   * bitlbee
I restarted it but I know we're supposed to switch to something else...
which is?
>   * ejabberd
I guess this is used by Sugar clients when they look for their
neighboorhood at schoolserver.sugarlabs.org?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Systems] Stopwatch activity maintainer needed.

2017-02-18 Thread Sebastian Silva
I'm logging thru the vm console.

Not finding signs of trouble. As I was diagnosing, I was kicked out with
the following message:

icarito@jita:~$ error: Disconnected from qemu:///system due to I/O error

On 18/02/17 13:43, Ignacio Rodríguez wrote:
> I'm not being able to
> -> git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/stopwatch/stopwatch.git
> or access to src.sugarlabs.org
> Any sys admin here? (adding systems to this thread)
> On 2/18/17, Chris Leonard  wrote:
>> Can one of our activity maintainers please rescue StopWatch from our
>> old git repository and migrate it to github?
>> https://git.sugarlabs.org/stopwatch
>> We got lots of localization for this, but it need to be migrated so I
>> can land the new strings.
>> cjl
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] FYI Freedom and Justice servers were down yesterday too

2017-01-14 Thread Sebastian Silva

This is to report that we had some downtime with the same
characteristics as on Jan 8th.

Logs lack errors, they simply stop and it happens to both at the same time.

So we are suspecting a power issue. We would need somebody with physical
access to the machine to confirm that the servers don't reboot after
power failure, in which case either try to configure this and get a UPS.

Sorry for the disruption of service. I rebooted the machines from the
management console.

Services affected:


likely others in several virtual machines.



--- Begin Message ---
Freedom and Justice down again?

On 13/01/17 14:38, Munin wrote:
> sugarlabs.org :: freedom.sugarlabs.org :: Virtual Domain Cpu Time
>   UNKNOWNs: total is unknown.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Yeap! I can confirm.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org>

> Freedom and Justice down again?
> On 13/01/17 14:38, Munin wrote:
> > sugarlabs.org :: freedom.sugarlabs.org :: Virtual Domain Cpu Time
> >   UNKNOWNs: total is unknown.
> >
> ___
> Systems mailing list
> syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
The Media Lab is having some power or network issues. I don't know if we
have an UPS for our servers in our little room. Or maybe people working
close to our servers are not taking the proper care.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Samuel Cantero <scante...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeap! I can confirm.
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Sebastian Silva <
> sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:
>> Freedom and Justice down again?
>> On 13/01/17 14:38, Munin wrote:
>> > sugarlabs.org :: freedom.sugarlabs.org :: Virtual Domain Cpu Time
>> >   UNKNOWNs: total is unknown.
>> >
>> ___
>> Systems mailing list
>> syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I just got ahold of my management console password and rebooted both

They are starting up and I can already see ASLO online.

A UPS would be worth a shot, with confirmation that the servers don't
power back on and boot correctly automatically after a power failure.

Perhaps this is something that can be tweaked?

It would be helpful if the experiment could be done: With a monitor
plugged in, power them off and back on and see what happens.

This has been haunting us since years now, it used to happen every two
months or so.

Samuel, thanks for the watchful eye!


On 13/01/17 15:05, Samuel Cantero wrote:
> The Media Lab is having some power or network issues. I don't know if
> we have an UPS for our servers in our little room. Or maybe people
> working close to our servers are not taking the proper care.
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Samuel Cantero <scante...@gmail.com
> <mailto:scante...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Yeap! I can confirm. 
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Sebastian Silva
> <sebast...@fuentelibre.org <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> Freedom and Justice down again?
> On 13/01/17 14:38, Munin wrote:
> > sugarlabs.org <http://sugarlabs.org> ::
> freedom.sugarlabs.org <http://freedom.sugarlabs.org> ::
> Virtual Domain Cpu Time
> >   UNKNOWNs: total is unknown.
> >
> ___
>     Systems mailing list
> syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org <mailto:syst...@lists.sugarlabs.org>
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems
> <http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/systems>

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks Sebastian!

On Jan 13, 2017 23:57, "Sebastian Silva" <sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just got ahold of my management console password and rebooted both
> servers.
> They are starting up and I can already see ASLO online.
> A UPS would be worth a shot, with confirmation that the servers don't
> power back on and boot correctly automatically after a power failure.
> Perhaps this is something that can be tweaked?
> It would be helpful if the experiment could be done: With a monitor
> plugged in, power them off and back on and see what happens.
> This has been haunting us since years now, it used to happen every two
> months or so.
> Samuel, thanks for the watchful 

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] meeting reminder

2016-12-02 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 02/12/16 12:36, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> I don't know who is in charge, 
Last time, you were in charge of the election.
> but they should have made sure they sent several reminders of
> deadlines to file for candidacy. In fact, was there ever an
> announcement sent out to all of the membership asking if they wish to
> run and giving deadlines and a timeline?
Are you being ironic? There obviously wasn't any.
> I didn't see even one. This has always been done in the past. It looks
> like someone is trying to rig the election!
That is a statement that shouldn't be done lightly. It casts doubt on
the process you yourself led last year.

I don't plan to volunteer this year. This has been made clear in prior
conversation but I thought it would be worth to state it publicly again.

Dave already gave an update on the current status.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Peru Learns English and other minigames (was Re: GCI possible task)

2016-11-28 Thread Sebastian Silva
As the the developer of those I thank you both for having posted them!

Here's a quick explanation of PLE.

It is a suite of three minigames that play with categories of English
flashcards, featuring a spaced repetition algorithm (for presenting
cards with a frequency in relation to how challenging flashcards are for
each learner).

Each game can run independently. They are implemented on top of Pygame
with the awesome Spyral game engine
(http://platipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). Spyral (and Espeak) are
cleverly embedded into one GTK2 program that offers instructions, a card
browser and the spaced repetition challenge.

Porting to Sugarizer might be some work, I can imagine breaking this
down to 4 tasks, each about 4 days.

The question would be, what game framework to use in Javascript?

How important is to support the XO with the Sugarizer app? Does the
HTML5 Canvas work ok on the XO?

Finally I question the need to teach Javascript.

I am releasing a tool for developing with Python in the browser (and
/for/ it). It turns out it is possible to compile Python into Javascript
these days and get decent performance. There are many reasons

to teach Python instead.

Anyway, so since I think it might be useful in its current state, please
review the following repository that I crafted:


While it is written in Python , it
currently deploys directly to the browser (in the *demo* to Github pages):


The demo features Hexi, one such game engine and Vibrant.Js, because I
can never pick colors.

I am available to help with any work in direction building tools for
learning and coding.

I hope it will be useful.


On 26/11/16 12:02, Ignacio Rodríguez wrote:
> Task name: Port PLE activity to Sugarizer
> Description: Using sugar-web and sugarizer structure, port PLE (Peru
> Learns English) to sugarizer (~convert it to a web activity)
>   Useful links:
>- https://github.com/icarito/peru-learns-english/
>- https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer
>- https://developer.sugarlabs.org/web-activity.md.html
> Instance count: 1
> Time to complete (in days): 4
> Categories: Code, Outreach / Research
> Mentors:
>  - Ignacio Rodríguez
>  - anyone else can mentor (add yourself if you want)
> Is this "template" ok? (If it is I will add the task)
> --
> Can you remind me which activities where the "transformando" ones?
> (My idea is kinda to use that template for each activity)
> 2016-11-24 12:54 GMT-03:00, Laura Victoria Vargas :
>> Thank you Igancio!
>> I guess porting all the "transformando" activities migh be a worthy and
>> interesting challenge...
>> Also, I been thinking it might be easier for participants to engage if
>> we get to divide the task into many sub-tasks... not sure but it is an
>> idea!
>> Regards, blessings and happy thanksgiving!!!
>> Laura Victoria
>> El mié, 23 de nov 2016 a las 4:10 PM, Ignacio Rodríguez
>>  escribió:
>>> I'll add it -if no other mentor has yet- and will let you know!
>>> Thanks for the idea :D
>>> 2016-11-23 12:08 GMT-03:00, Laura Vargas :
  Hi All!

  I'm exploring the interest of upcoming GCI participants in the

  - Porting PLE to Sugarizer

  Please ping if interested.

  Thank you in advance!
  Laura V.
  I SomosAZUCAR.Org
  IRC kaametza

  Happy Learning!

>>> --
>>> Ignacio Rodríguez

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Preparing for the 2017 SLOB Election

2016-08-07 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 07/08/16 a las 09:23, Caryl Bigenho escribió:

> This discussion really belongs to the SLOBS members and the leaders of
> the various projects. It is not for you and I, or any other individual
> members to decide.

Hi Caryl, Sugar Labs,

I welcomed Dave's proposal because he is merely proposing a new way to
keep track of members (a moderated mailman list instead of a "Google

It is the Membership and Election Committee's (main) duty to keep this
list up to date, and currently we do it manually on third party
infrastructure using non-free software.

Mailing lists are stable, easy to manage and maintain, and would make it
easier to manage in the future (it's automatic). The members mailman
list won't exist for general discussion but for official communication
from Sugar Labs to members and as the official registry of members.

Of course the committee has to agree on this. In order to be appointed
to Membership and Election committee a SLOBS vote was necessary, I would
be happy if Dave went through the process, especially if he has more
initiatives to improve our process.

Regarding who is, or not, entitled to become a member, I have never seen
anyone rejected from Sugar Labs; I find it hard to imagine, and I like
it that way.

Instead of raising the barrier to entry, I would prefer to enforce our
currency policy ("are you still interested in being a member?" - every
year) so that hopefully only active members get to vote.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Revision 50 of the Sugar Labs Fundraising Committe notes

2016-07-18 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 18/07/16 a las 22:56, Dave Crossland escribió:
> I think the way the FSF and Debian handle sponsorship is good.
> The FSF shows Google, IBM and HP logos on https://www.fsf.org/patrons
"The FSF does not endorse the activities of its patrons."
> Debian shows HP logo on https://www.debian.org/partners/
Debian partners are not donors.

" Donations to the Debian project do not qualify an organization for
Partner status. Donations will be recognized separately."

"How and when do partnerships end? <...>
the goals of the partners no longer coincide with the goals of Debian"

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Revision 50 of the Sugar Labs Fundraising Committe notes

2016-07-18 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 18/07/16 a las 19:55, Laura Vargas escribió:
> How does Google resonate with SL values more than Microsoft? 
They should mean the same really. I see nothing wrong with accepting
their funds.

That doesn't mean that we endorse technology that doesn't respect a
user's rights.

In fact - producers of such technology should help offset the evil they
do by actively supporting Free (Libre) Software. Kind of how polluters
offset their carbon footprint by buying carbon bonds (for funding

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


2016-07-17 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 15/07/16 a las 07:37, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Alright! Back to this whole Sugar Network thing that I feel like I
> don't totally understand :) I have some immediate practical questions
> I hope you can answer :)
> Where is the source code? https://notabug.org/school-network is gone.

> If an instance of School Network is to become ASLO, does it provide
> the same APIs Sam has mentioned?

> I also have some organizational questions :) 
> Why is the source code not in a Sugar Labs repo? Why is School Network
> not a Sugar Labs project? Who owns the school-network.org
>  domain?

> Who owns the project? Will they be willing to shift the upstream to
> the Sugar Labs github org, and make School Network an official Sugar
> Labs project, and transfer ownership of the school-network.org
>  domain to Conservancy? 
> Who has been involved in its initiation and development? 
> Who are the current users of School Network?

/sugar-network/ is a previous version of the same codebase that was
extensively tested and came to production in Peru reaching over 38k
unique users online since 2015.

We will be looking for a successor, perhaps compromising on features.

Thanks Aleksey for your support for all this time,



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


2016-07-14 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 14/07/16 a las 11:43, Dave Crossland escribió:

> We need a plan to move off this php5 codebase.
> I am proposing a simple static site that hosts xo bundles, that is
> functionally equivalent to the php5 codebase.
Aleksey had proposed this:

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Systems] Maintenance downtime today for OS upgrades

2016-07-11 Thread Sebastian Silva

I restarted the wiki service for the pe.sugarlabs.org domain.

I run it in `screen` but I will make it a proper service or maybe apache
can launch it.

El 11/07/16 a las 09:17, Laura Vargas escribió:
> Hi Bernie, 
> Thanks for the maintenance. This is tI report you our wiki is also down! 
> http://pe.sugarlabs.org/ir/
> Thanks in advance.
> 2016-07-10 12:44 GMT-05:00 Bernie Innocenti  >:
> On 10/07/16 12:57, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> > On 09/07/16 19:15, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> >
> >> Most notably, activities.sugarlabs.org
>  is still down. It probably
> >> doesn't like PHP 7... The wiki is also very slow because I had to
> >> disable APC until I understand how to make Mediawiki use the
> new APCu.
> >
> > I'm still working to restore ASLO. It's an old codebase that was
> still
> > using PHP features that were deprecated in PHP 5.5 and removed
> in PHP 7...
> I finally got ASLO to display its front page, but activities are not
> being listed. I had to switch the DB backend to mysqli because the
> mysql
> extension has been removed in PHP7.
> Aleksey, since you're familiar with ASLO's codebase, would you be able
> to look into the outstanding issues?
> --
>  _ // Bernie Innocenti
>  \X/  http://codewiz.org
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org 
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> -- 
> Laura V.
> I SomosAZUCAR.Org
> Identi.ca/Skype acaire
> IRC kaametza
> Happy Learning!
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Private emails (was Re: Save as)

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

I don't understand why you act offended.

This is in our statement of organizational principles:



  * Regular reports – Reported activities and future plans allow
monitoring and participation.
  * Information accessible – Even internal operational information is
available by default.

We try to operate /*en plein air


  * Explicit confidentiality – It is explained what matters are
confidential, why, and who can access them.

As an elected SLOB I expect you to abide by Sugar Lab's principles.



El 10/07/16 a las 13:26, Tony Anderson escribió:
> Enough. Deciding to make actions of the Oversight Board public by
> posting them on another list is not a decision on the purpose of the
> SLOBs list.
> Tony
> On 07/10/2016 08:21 PM, Sebastian Silva wrote:
>> El 10/07/16 a las 13:17, Tony Anderson escribió:
>>> Who made that decision? Where is it recorded? Is it a part of our
>>> bylaws? How are we supposed to know that?
>> It has been affirmed many times over the years. But I guess it bears
>> repetition.
>> Recently Walter confirmed this intent and committed to forwarding emails
>> from SLOBS (with some criteria) when appropriate.
>> .

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Save As

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 10/07/16 a las 13:20, Tony Anderson escribió:
> Hi, Sebastian
> I write a lot of spaghetti code. I don't know anywhere it is written
> that code can only be written or appear on github. Has this become the
> monopoly of software?
No, but it's what we use in Sugar.
> I am really sorry that you raise what you apparently believe are
> serious issues and are unable to discuss them.
I am perfectly able to discuss them, publicly.
Here's where the public discussion is going on:
> You seem to have a lot of time to quibble over procedural issues.
Time is all I have, Tony.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Private emails (was Re: Save as)

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 10/07/16 a las 13:17, Tony Anderson escribió:
> Who made that decision? Where is it recorded? Is it a part of our
> bylaws? How are we supposed to know that?

It has been affirmed many times over the years. But I guess it bears

Recently Walter confirmed this intent and committed to forwarding emails
from SLOBS (with some criteria) when appropriate.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Save As

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 10/07/16 a las 12:42, Tony Anderson escribió:
> I don't know how to respond. You are still addressing procedural
> issues. Is there some reason you want to ask questions on a PR and not
> address them with the developer or me?
That is inaccurate. The developer gets all of our comments in the PR.
You should be in the PR even if you don't plan to develop.
> Why do you expect mentors to be active in github? I am not a developer
> and have no intention to become one. I am a user of Sugar and support
> its use at a number of sites. I would like Sugar to provide certain
> features which I think will make it more useful. 
Because it's Summer of *Code*. And because that is how improvements in
Sugar are done. It used to be in sugar-devel, but not anymore, and it's
not my decision to make.

The reason is that I just can't follow many dozen-message lenght threads
that switch topics all the time. Instead, PR are bite-sized and end with
a merge.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Private emails (was Re: Save as)

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 10/07/16 a las 12:44, Tony Anderson escribió:

> Recently it has become the 'public' alternative to the SLOBs list. 
Actually, SLOBs list was never meant to be used except when privacy
concerns made it unavoidable.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Private emails (was Re: Save as)

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 10/07/16 a las 12:26, Tony Anderson escribió:
> Where is our list regarding the educational goals of Sugar?
Yup, this is it.

As a rule of thumb, if it mentions git or Python, use sugar-devel.


> Tony
> On 07/10/2016 06:10 PM, Dave Crossland wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2016 11:54 AM, "Tony Anderson"  wrote:
>> >
>> > However, since the various flaps concerning the Oversight Board, it
>> is very
>> > hard to find a discussion in IAEP that has any connection to
>> education.
>> My understanding is that this list is for threads not to do with
>> software development technicalities but anything else to do with the
>> project:
>> "Its An Education _Project_"
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Save as

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 10/07/16 a las 10:34, Tony Anderson escribió:
> It is hard to describe 'Untitled' as an innovation since it is used by
> major applications everywhere. 
I speak in the context of Sugar
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Tony's comments on localization (was: Re: IAEP Digest, Vol 100, Issue 21)

2016-07-10 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 10/07/16 a las 03:09, Tony Anderson escribió:

> To be repetitive: our goal should be to support localization at our
> Sugar deployments. If possible, we should enlist the help of people at
> the deployment sites since they have the indispensable knowledge for
> translation - a native knowledge of the local language and andequate
> knowledge of the source language.
Some of us believe Free Software and Sugar are in a unique position to
support languages which don't have support from mainstream systems.
Meanwhile there exists Windows in Cherokee already.
> The purpose of the Lion.activity is to help this along. So far I have
> not received only one comment on Lion - not one from someone who tried
> it.
This is what usually happens when one releases an activity. I did try
and comment an earlier version. I think an offline translation tool is
vital for translation efforts so I congratulate you for pushing it.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Priority languages to translate Sugar

2016-07-09 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 09/07/16 a las 01:48, Laura Vargas escribió:

> Recalling Claudia's proposal to make a priority languages list for
> Sugar translations, here in Perú I did an informal survery with the
> team of the Dirección de Lenguas Indígenas del Ministerio de Cultura,
> and noticing we already have Quechua, Aymara and Awajún, they
> suggested (in no specific order):
> - Ashaninka http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/ashaninka
> - Wampis http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/wampis
> - Shipibo http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/shipibo-konibo

Let's add Cherokee, possibly Navajo and Lakota?

To better word a phrase I wrote in another thread:
I do believe the mere possibility of attaining fluency in technology and
properly appropriable informatics holds the promise to empower native
cultures to better cope with modernity and even assume leadership in it.
> Is someone managing such list already?
> -- 
> Laura V.
> I SomosAZUCAR.Org
> IRC kaametza
> Happy Learning!
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] North American native languages (was Re: #Documentation SL Funding Committe)

2016-07-09 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 09/07/16 a las 10:10, Caryl Bigenho escribió:

> We may be able to get an easy entry point by executing the translation
> of Sugar to Cherokee and/or Navajo. [3]
> [3]
> http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140606-why-we-must-save-dying-languages

While Laura proposed to prioritize these in the context of promoting
Sugar on the broader US community, I offer that the experience of
localizing Sugar for these groups is a goal in itself, as a learning
experience for further work. As the article explains, there is /wisdom/
/embedded /in the words of the languages //of peoples who have lived in
these territories for thousands of years. This is part of humanity's
legacy and should not be lost.

I do believe the mere possibility fluency in technology and properly
appropriable informatics has the power to empower native cultures to
better cope with modernity and even assume leadership in it.

Perhaps we can learn from them how to exist under a dominant culture
(proprietary software).
The dominant culture has everyone engulfed in a /dreamspell/ that makes
it hard to see what is important.

That said, for sure, Sugarizer should be part of what gets translated
when we discuss translating Sugar.

Does anyone in these lists have contact with native north-american
people? Have we heard from the Mexican language efforts? I would ping
some contacts for US based natives if there could be support for
achieving this.


PS: do read, if you can, the linked article it is quite enlightening
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] "Physics with XO" by Guzmán Trinidad now available in English

2016-07-04 Thread Sebastian Silva
Our team would like to share with the community the immediate availability
 [1] of
Guzmán Trinidad's "Physics with XO". It is a book that includes 30
experimental activities for the Physics Laboratory that utilize the XO
laptop's capabilities to attach sensors and create interactive experiences.

We believe that knowledge production should be as widely distributed as
creativity is, and so we are proud to have been able to help to disseminate
Guzmán's work for use in Rwanda, Philippines and other places where English
is spoken. The original book was written and published in Uruguay in 2011.
This translation was made possible thanks to the kind sponsorship of Tony

[1] https://www.gitbook.com/book/icarito/physics-with-xo/details

*If you find anything that can be improved, do let us know
; it will be
SomosAzucar.Org Team
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugarlabs and Sugar are different

2016-06-28 Thread Sebastian Silva
Actually, please do. It's exactly what IAEP is for.

Shivang, if you don't care about Sugar Labs strategy discussions,
please either unsubscribe or ignore these threads.

Sebastian Silva

2016-06-27 23:11 GMT-05:00 Shivang Belwariar <belwari...@gmail.com>:
> pls dont sent emails
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com> wrote:
>> Attempt
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Which cheap 2016 Laptop should be our reference?

2016-06-22 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 22/06/16 a las 07:40, Dave Crossland escribió:
> On Jun 21, 2016 10:41 AM, "Walter Bender"  > wrote:
> >
> > soliciting a small donation of hardware from Google as a reference
> platform.
> Who do we know at google who could help with that?
> Despite google fonts being a client, I don't know anyone there who
> could help with this :(
> In any case, which laptop they might give us may not be the best to
> recommend.
> There are 2 obvious candidates to me, the new "olpc laptop" available
> from olpc inc to USA resident individuals for us$200 plus us$100
> shipping from china, with other countries shipping fees varying; and
> the One Education "Infinity" which is us$350 plus shipping from
> Taiwan/ Australia.
> The olpc unit ships with sugar and its cheaper so seems a better bet
> given both launched around now.
Despite Tony's remarks, I wouldn't dismiss the Raspberry Pi 3 or similar
single board computer (est. 80USD for basic kit w/ 8GB SD without screen).

I have an idea to try to deploy them in cultural / community / youth
centers and directly to kids.

They are cheap enough that parents might afford them, plus possibly they
will kill TV time which is god.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Motion: New monthly SLOB meeting procedure

2016-06-21 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 21/06/16 a las 09:47, Walter Bender escribió:
> While I appreciate that such a mechanism might be useful in cleaning
> the pipes, I think that we really want to take advantage of the
> meetings for discussions. It was my hope that discussion about motions
> could be largely held before hand and discussion of ideas held at the
> meeting.
> -walter
People could get together on chat half an hour or so before the official
meeting starts...//
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] another motion (Quispe trip to Translation Summit)

2016-06-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 20/06/16 a las 23:42, Claudia Urrea escribió:

> I thought we have solved the issue, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
No, you need to unsubscribe claudia@laptop and subscribe your new
address for it to get fixed.

When subscribers change their email addresses, usually they do this
themselves. Nobody requested list administrators to intercede.

> I added my gmail account to iaep and that should solve the problem. I
am not registered to any other list.

At Dave's request, I went into the admin interface and found you have
now unsubscribed your claudia@laptop address. But I don't see your gmail
address so I guess you still need to confirm your subscription. Please do.

Thanks in advance!

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] another motion (Quispe trip to Translation Summit)

2016-06-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
Then it got rejected because she is subscribed with a different address.

El 20/06/16 a las 23:41, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 21 June 2016 at 00:32, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org> wrote:
>> We did not get to see the email Dave is replying to. In the future please
>> remember to copy the list in your replies as we are very much interested in
>> your opinions.
> The mail from Claudia was sent to the lists:
> http://imgur.com/rm2pBCf

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] [SLOB] another motion (Quispe trip to Translation Summit)

2016-06-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Claudia!

Welcome to writing in Sugar Labs's lists. Please note replies are not
"to all" by default (much like regular email).

We did not get to see the email Dave is replying to. In the future
please remember to copy the list in your replies as we are very much
interested in your opinions.



El 20/06/16 a las 23:28, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Hi Claudia!
> On 20 June 2016 at 14:04, Claudia Urrea  wrote:

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Translation Community Manager report

2016-06-18 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 05/06/16 a las 18:23, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 5 June 2016 at 17:20, Chris Leonard  > wrote:
> Most of the work I've done is not captured by this particular issue
> tracker and I see no reason to do double-entry book-keeping in
> multiple task trackers, so I would not look this this particular
> github issue link as a meaningful source of activity tracking.
> Which issue tracker are you using? :) 
Hi Chris,
I don't understand what you mean here. Are you tracking your work publicly?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Vision Discussion in 6 hours

2016-06-16 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 16/06/16 a las 23:32, Dave Crossland escribió:
>> When I spoke to Rangan a couple months ago, he said that there is
>> no demand from the schools that One Education serves for such an
>> image.
> It all depends on your intervention principles. In education, *we
> see Free Software as the only ethical and coherent option because
> it enables learners to examine and improve the tools we use to
> learn*, or do our jobs.
> As a percentage, how many school IT decision makers agree with you?
I expect few. Generally, not out of malice.:-)
> What is your strategy for engaging the ones who do not agree with you?
To respectfully educate them on the subject.

The point is we cannot be guided by demand alone. We stand for something.

Where there is ignorance there is no demand for knowledge but rather for
Too often people resign their freedom in order to obtain short term

We aim to liberate them rather than submit them to technological oppression.
>> we really need a good OS proposal for those.
>> Can you point to any proposals that are similar to what you have
>> in mind (but perhaps not 'good,' as you define it...)?
> There are many. I can point to:
>   * DouDouLinux http://www.doudoulinux.org/web/english/index.html
>   * Qimu http://www.qimo4kids.com/what-is-qimo/
>   * Trisquel TOAST
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trisquel_On_A_Sugar_Toast
>   * DebianEdu https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/
>   * Minino http://minino.galpon.org/
>   * Huayra GNU Linux http://huayra.conectarigualdad.gob.ar/
>   * Canaima GNU Linux http://www.canaima.softwarelibre.gob.ve/
> They either:
>   * Don't include / consider Sugar
>   * Are 'all or nothing'
>   * Are hard to base from
>   * Don't run well on classmates [because of drivers]
>   * Are dead projects or dormant
> We propose development of a common /Sugar Blend /as a base for a
> classmate-class laptop operating system:
> https://wiki.debian.org/SugarBlend/Huayruro
> Such a project would overcome the previous limitations by building
> on a common base.
> I am reminded a bit of https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8DCMDoCYAEVHOZ.jpg
> - especially because of DebianEdu.
> Why did you not join one of these projects and reinvigorate it to
> address the issues you listed?
I did! Most of them were done without thinking of replicability or
continuity. I am collaborating from inside Debian (although I haven't
reached Debian Developer status). You'll notice all of the above have
Debian as a base. Plus it's the only active project of the lot. Jonas
and I worked actively on it last year. Sadly the Ministry of Education
of Peru deployed tablets and did not fund the proposed project. I still
think it is needed.
> In concrete terms, what can be done to work together with him on this? 
> Would you want him to send you a laptop? What else could he do for you?
Samples would be nice of course. I would love it if he would commit to
offering Sugar as an option for deployment. It would be even better if
they would commit some resources to making it a practical option. Sugar
Labs should too. I don't think our current software offering set is
adequate and I think this translates into the slow demand he perceives.
No product, no demand.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Vision Discussion in 6 hours

2016-06-16 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 15/06/16 a las 22:02, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Hi
> On 15 June 2016 at 12:51, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> On 15/06/16 08:40, Dave Crossland wrote:
> > However, http://www.one-education.org has just announced their new
> > unit, which is US$260 including tax (but plus shipping from
> Australia)
> >
> > Perhaps that should be the reference unit?
> Just saw this closer and it looks like a really nice laptop. It's a
> shame that there is no Sugar image tailored for it. 
> When I spoke to Rangan a couple months ago, he said that there is no
> demand from the schools that One Education serves for such an image.

It all depends on your intervention principles. In education, *we see
Free Software as the only ethical and coherent option because it enables
learners to examine and improve the tools we use to learn*, or do our jobs.
> Perhaps Sugar Labs should try to get a donation for distributing
> to developers.
> Sadly https://github.com/oneeducation is not updated much, as they are
> working in private repos; he wasn't sure if they will become public
> repos after their launch ramps up.
> It looks like a classmate-class laptop 
> What do you see the differences as between a classmate and a chromebook?
I expect to be able to install a standard or customized GNU/linux
operating system on classmate-class laptops. At a certain scale I expect
I can have it pre-installed by the supplier and produced with only
free-software supported parts. I don't expect Chromebooks will offer
these possibilities.
> we really need a good OS proposal for those.
> Can you point to any proposals that are similar to what you have in
> mind (but perhaps not 'good,' as you define it...)?
There are many. I can point to:

  * DouDouLinux http://www.doudoulinux.org/web/english/index.html
  * Qimu http://www.qimo4kids.com/what-is-qimo/
  * Trisquel TOAST http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Trisquel_On_A_Sugar_Toast
  * DebianEdu https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/
  * Minino http://minino.galpon.org/
  * Huayra GNU Linux http://huayra.conectarigualdad.gob.ar/
  * Canaima GNU Linux http://www.canaima.softwarelibre.gob.ve/

They either:

  * Don't include / consider Sugar
  * Are 'all or nothing'
  * Are hard to base from
  * Don't run well on classmates [because of drivers]
  * Are dead projects or dormant

We propose development of a common /Sugar Blend /as a base for a
classmate-class laptop operating system:

Such a project would overcome the previous limitations by building on a
common base.

> (Operating System or Open Source? :)
I never say Open Source. :-)
> I'd be happy deploying 10 of them in a community center near
> Puerto Maldonado and sharing results.
> I guess you are touch with Rangan already, but perhaps we could
> schedule a call with the 3 of us if you are not :)
I'm not in contact with him but I'd love to work together towards the
goal of producing a credible and fully supported operating system for
laptops such as these (there are many brands). It would be great if we
could gather support from manufacturers and integrators for producing
and releasing a supported distribution/platform tested on specific
models of laptops.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs Vision Discussion in 6 hours

2016-06-15 Thread Sebastian Silva

On 15/06/16 08:40, Dave Crossland wrote:
> However, http://www.one-education.org has just announced their new
> unit, which is US$260 including tax (but plus shipping from Australia)
> Perhaps that should be the reference unit?
Just saw this closer and it looks like a really nice laptop. It's a
shame that there is no Sugar image tailored for it. Perhaps Sugar Labs
should try to get a donation for distributing to developers. It looks
like a classmate-class laptop - we really need a good OS proposal for those.

I'd be happy deploying 10 of them in a community center near Puerto
Maldonado and sharing results.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] IAEP Digest, Vol 99, Issue 16

2016-06-05 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 05/06/16 a las 01:14, Tony Anderson escribió:
> Note: at the last meeting, the emphasis on voting on a series of motions
> resulted in no report from the Translation Community Manager.
This is absurd. It is the duty of the Translation Community Manager to:

/"Report monthly to the Sugar Labs Oversight Board and to the community
and to the public on the status of the translations program, preferably
by blogging informally (blog posts can be any length) to
http://planet.sugarlabs.org using plain language that is understandable
to almost all."/

There is no reason this should happen at the meeting.

I have seen no activity in the translation team issue tracker:


I expected to hear from Cjl already.



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] IAEP Digest, Vol 99, Issue 16

2016-06-05 Thread Sebastian Silva
Sorry about this one I never send private messages, I'll write on list now.


El 05/06/16 a las 10:31, Dave Crossland escribió:
> On 5 June 2016 at 00:14, Tony Anderson  > wrote:
> Please compare the current version with the original proposed by
> Lionel Laske or yours before the goals were separated from the
> Vision or the
> one proposed by Laura. Do you think that there is wide-spread
> agreement on the statement or that there has been no change in the
> past two
> months? 
> When a motion fails to achieve a second, there is a reason. After
> discussion and rewriting, the motion to distribute funds to the
> mentors got my
> second immediately.
> Over the two months there have been many comments and direct edits by
> members of the community; I have worked diligently to reflect those
> comments where people could not be bothered to make their own edits. 
> There was a motion to adopt it 2 months ago, and a motion to adopt it
> last meeting, and a motion to adopt it this meeting. 
> There will be a motion to adopt it at the next meeting, and if the
> community hasn't reached wide-spread agreement on the statement by
> then, I will give up. 
> The purpose of the Board meeting is to conduct the business of
> Sugar Labs. Note: at the last meeting, the emphasis on voting on a
> series of motions
> resulted in no report from the Translation Community Manager.
> "Conducting the business" is a vague statement, but for me no business
> was conducted - it was a total failure - because I assert that in
> concrete terms that phrase means voting on motions, which is why I
> have posted a motion to establish a formal procedure for the meetings. 
> The procedure I posted allows for the report from the Translation
> Community Manager to be announced by the chair :) I expect that report
> to be on the wiki. Where is it? :)
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motion: to vote on each motion proposed by a member

2016-06-04 Thread Sebastian Silva
I too would support this motion. If people want to be SLOBs they should
consider community proposals not just their own ideas.

El 03/06/16 a las 17:59, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Motion: to vote on each motion proposed by a member, dropping the
> current practice of requiring a seconding before moving to a vote.
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motion: New monthly SLOB meeting procedure

2016-06-04 Thread Sebastian Silva
If I was a SLOB I would support this motion. The passivity of the SLOBs
is disappointing. It is better to vote and fail, than to linger.

El 03/06/16 a las 16:10, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Motion: to agree the following procedure for all future monthly SLOB
> meetings: the chair will confirm the meeting meets quorum; the chair
> will make any announcements submitted to them before the meeting; the
> chair will announce the first motion pending a vote on that day; each
> present SLOB member will announce their vote; the chair will announce
> the outcome of the motion; the chair will announce the next motion,
> until all motions are voted on; the chair will invite everyone
> attending to an open discussion of any topic until the meeting ends at
> the time scheduled.
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Have a laptop you can spare?

2016-05-25 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hello Sugar community,

Recently, in a rainforesty thunderstorm, we had a power surge that
damaged a few items, including my Laptop. In addition, our classmate and
XO laptops are suffering some kind of humidity-related keyboard problem
that we haven't been able to resolve, so we're working out of our kid's
laptops with external keyboards.

It would be really helpful if you had a spare laptop (old is fine) that
you could destine to us.

Peruvian customs is problematic for shipping gadgets but currently a
close relative is visiting family in Florida, USA.

Please write to us, we can take care of shipping if it's convenient for
you. :-)

Thanks in advance,


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Windows is Coming

2016-05-22 Thread Sebastian Silva
You write a long email with many pointy points. Back to the topic:

El 21/05/16 a las 15:31, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Finally I don't have (or want) access  to a Windows machine.
> Indeed, in the final analysis, that rather settles the debate, doesn't
> it :D
> I will see if the guy who ported FontForge to Windows might be
> interested :)
Sure, I will defend your freedom to do this.
> BTW, in looking up what that total number of desktop users is, I noted
> how
> different 
> http://stats.sugarlabs.org/activities.sugarlabs.org/awstats.pl?framename=mainright#countries
>  looks
> coared
> to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Internet_usage#IPv4_addresses :)
I am more concerned with the rest of the 4/5 of the world population who
have barely used computers. My ultimate goal is long term.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] (no subject)

2016-05-22 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 22/05/16 a las 09:28, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 22 May 2016 at 10:20, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> Focusing on Debian instead is my proposal.
> Please could you explain in more detail what this means?
> Are you suggesting that Peter Robinson stop packaging for Fedora? (I
> don't think so.)
I respect everyone's right to work on whatever they like. We were
discussing strategy and I think packaging for Debian is an important
strategic goal.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] (no subject)

2016-05-22 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 22/05/16 a las 09:19, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 22 May 2016 at 03:36, > wrote:
> Seems you missed the emphasis on one distribtion over the other.
> I am still missing understanding of this :)
> You and Seb were not doing the packaging for Fedora, right?
> Members of the Fedora community do that, right?
Peter Robinson does that.
> So how would you working to do the Debian packaging have any effect on
> the work to do the Fedora packaging, other than helping each other by
> finding issues in Sugar itself? :)
You are confused. Fedora was mentioned in passing to state why it was
supported historically. Focusing on Debian instead is my proposal.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SL member list/joining criterion

2016-05-22 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 15/05/16 a las 10:04, Sebastian Silva escribió:

> > On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 11:55 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:
> >
> > In any case, with about 4 months having have passed since
> January's election, can the Sugar Labs' legal board of directors
> please now get access to the verified-current-membership list of
> eligible voters that was used in this election, that Samson Goddy
> indicates is at
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1bgJ6Z8gHpxIwpNSD8qf8B5n1ZQRA1r0AAdCDcMVeZEs/edit
> ?
> Samson is wrong, the list at [4] was used, with some people added
> manually by Caryl, but not listed there. Caryl could you please either
> update that list or share a list of people who got a ballot in last
> election?
I regret to inform you that it has just come to my attention [1] that
Caryl did not use the list of people who responded affirmatively to the
membership survey in last election. Instead, and contrary to what was
discussed, she sent ballots to every historic member of Sugar Labs.

I take the blame for this error, for not doublechecking Caryl's CIVS


[1] from:
Supervisor: Caryl Bigenho <ca...@laptop.org>
Announced end of poll: 02/02/16 00:01 UT
Actual time poll closed: 1/2/2016 19:07:30
Private poll (242 authorized voters)
Actual votes cast: 54
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Windows is Coming

2016-05-21 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 21/05/16 a las 10:24, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 21 May 2016 at 02:18, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> There are huge interests invested in trying to sell Windows (and
> Android) to our Latin American public education systems and us
> supporting it would be counterproductive in my humble opinion
> How do you propose to grow sugar usage 10x?
Glad you asked ;-)

We make Sugar good enough to be the default desktop in education-focused
GNU/Linux distributions.

The best strategy for this is making the Debian based Sugar experience
very polished.

Why Debian? Because it is the base GNU Linux distribution for massive
downstream educational distributions:
- Canaima GNU/Linux is Debian based and has (according to Wikipedia)
3.3M deployed machines until 2014
- Huayra GNU/Linux is Debian based and has (according to Wikipedia)
5M deployed machines until 2015
- Many more.
Also, Debian is a democratic and solid organization.

Sugar has historically focused in Fedora only because Red Hat made an
investment in OLPC.

We already started a volunteer led project
<https://wiki.debian.org/SugarBlend/Huayruro> on this and had the
valuable contribution of Jonas Smeedegard and Siri Reiter who visited us
in Peru last year. Regrettably we have failed to get support from either
computer manufacturers or the Ministry of Education of Peru to pursue
this project, but it is very dear to my heart and I wish to be able to
continue it.

Having Sugar Activities not depend on Sugar is a first step to
disseminate the Sugar philosophy (of simplicity, collaboration,
reflection + hackability, forkability). So I worked on that on my own time.

10x our user base is rather small. I see Free Software as a societal
inevitability. To help speed this up, I would like to have a
GNU+Linux+Sugar distribution that is build to be sustainable and simple
to use, deploy and customize, that includes and respects the rest of the
Free Software stack. Pure Sugar is not ready, in my mind, to fill this
calling; it needs to integrate better with the rest of Free Software.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Windows is Coming

2016-05-21 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 20/05/16 a las 09:43, Dave Crossland escribió:

> On 20 May 2016 at 09:56, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> While I have close-to-zero motivation to have activities run on
> Windows
> Please explain why you feel this way. I am excited about the
> possibility of running Sugar activities on Windows and Mac OS X.  

I have very seriously taken as part of my mission in life is to promote
libre technologies because I think they can empower people as they have
empowered me.

I have a saying "if it's not /Free,/ it doesn't exist" (in Spanish it
makes more sense: /libre/)/.

/While I have made compromises in the past (finally I have a rooted
android device, and have used skype to have the kids talk with grandma),
I actively avoid all of that like the plague.

The fact that Windows is considered a viable alternative for schools is,
in my mind, immoral and we do a lot of work (lobby) to discourage this
argument in public discourse on the basis of, for instance, native
language supportability, technologic sovereignity and long term
sustainability. There are huge interests invested in trying to sell
Windows (and Android) to our Latin American public education systems and
us supporting it would be counterproductive in my humble opinion. While
it is technically feasible, and in some instances, as you say, even
desirable (for newbies etc), I would rather not.

Finally I don't have (or want) access  to a Windows machine.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] "Windows Is Coming"

2016-05-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 20/05/16 a las 07:56, Dave Crossland escribió:

> I think Sugar would be installed as a dualboot on Chromebooks.  
My main machine was a chromebok for a couple of years until a
thunderstorm took its life. It was wonderful hardware, almost fatally
crippled with DRM. I had to dissassemble it, remove a 'security screw'
(properly named) in order to flash the firmware to avoid dangerous
"press space to have google format your drive" first boot warning. One
time I accidentally pushed space and it wiped the hard drive!
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Windows is Coming

2016-05-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
While I have close-to-zero motivation to have activities run on Windows,
they probably do already as GTK has run and is supported in windows
since years ago.

El 20/05/16 a las 08:30, Sean DALY escribió:
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Tony Anderson  > wrote:
> Do you mean commands written in text?
> Yes, AFAIK no graphics programs.
> Sean
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Sugar network/ School Network (Laura Vargas)

2016-05-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 20/05/16 a las 01:40, Tony Anderson escribió:

> Hi, Laura
> I am sorry but that leaves me still unclear on the dependence on the
> internet. If each machine becomes a node, why is it necessary for it
> to be a server? Where is the main node? Where are the content resources?
> Tony

Hi Tony,

I can respond the more technical aspects. The node service provides the
same API when running locally as it does when acting as a server. This
is so that clients can interact with the Sugar Network even when
completely disconnected. When a node is acting as server, it will
synchronize content resources with nodes acting as clients. Each client
node has a resource cache of limited size. For example, clients may
choose to 'keep' a Sugar activity for using offline. Aleksey tweaked the
node for performance under low memory and disk space conditions (even on

The full set of content resources resides in the node acting as server.
This is the only difference. Server nodes have been designed to sync
with each other. Currently there is a node server running on
node.sugarlabs.org, with a front-end running at
http://network.sugarlabs.org/ . This node is what Laura calls the `main
node`. It is running exactly the same software as we have on each XO,
and currently provides service for thousands of XOs. We haven't worked
directly in schools to deploy local server nodes, but conceivably, we could.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] "Windows Is Coming"

2016-05-19 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 19/05/16 a las 23:16, Samuel Greenfeld escribió:

> Alternatively (or perhaps alongside) a lot of schools are moving to
> Chromebooks these days.
> http://www.cnbc.com/2015/12/03/googles-chromebooks-make-up-half-of-us-classroom-devices.html
> If Sugar wants to be used in such environments, then it needs to work
> in a Chromebook's web browser or as an installed app.

C Scott did some work on this in 2011:

It looks pretty far away currently as there still isn't a GTK+/Google
Perhaps the broadwayd backend could be made to work eventually.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SL member list/joining criterion

2016-05-15 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 15/05/16 a las 16:30, Caryl Bigenho escribió:
> Some said they never received the Lime Survey.
Who? When? Where?

You keep saying this but I made my best, by using a gmail relay, that
these emails shouldn't have reached the SPAM folder. I have not heard
this from anyone except you.

I still think affirmative action to remain / become a member should be
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] SL member list/joining criterion

2016-05-15 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 15/05/16 a las 12:56, Adam Holt escribió:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1bgJ6Z8gHpxIwpNSD8qf8B5n1ZQRA1r0AAdCDcMVeZEs/edit
> is a private list, leaving others guessing what is being tabulated
> about them, and by whom (I've been on SL's Oversight Board for almost
> 7 years, and am still trying to find out).
Only email.

> Luke Faraone indicates he will try to provide me access.  If this
> spreadsheet is the source of the 2 columns extract that appears at
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Members/List (minus the emails
> etc, as you seem to indicate) it would be great to confirm that indeed.

Yes the wiki page has the same spreadsheet embedded in it, which is what
I thought I had clarified for you.

I just sent you write access to it.

> (Profound thanks Sebastian for very comprehensively shedding light on
> this complex situation as you've just done, and your hard work with
> Caryl & Sebastian in 2015/2016 to make the election happen -- as we
> know from national elections in Haiti/Nigeria/USA, getting a list of
> valid voters is in fact a VERY hard technosocial problem, even After
> policies around eligible voters have been established!)
You're welcome. You surely meant to include Samson. :-)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOB] another motion (Quispe trip to Translation Summit)

2016-05-12 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 12/05/16 a las 10:33, Chris Leonard escribió:
> I would note that, as requested, Edgar provided a brief write-up of
> the event afterwards (in Spanish),


Please note that one of the speakers (Roger Gonzalo) is the person that
was hired by the Ministry of Education to polish Edgar's Sugar Aymara
translations (at the same time that Edgar was hired by Sugar Labs last

Since their work conflicted, it would be interesting to hear from Edgar
if he had a conversation about it with Roger and what conclusions /
plans they have to resolve their conflicts with regard to Aymara language.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] GSoC mentor stipend motion

2016-05-11 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 11/05/16 a las 13:40, Adam Holt escribió:
> This was clarified when I joined SL Oversight Board at the end of
> 2009, and again exhaustively re-clarified at the beginning of this year.
Can you point me to where this was "exhaustively re-clarified" ?
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] GSoC mentor stipend motion

2016-05-11 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 11/05/16 a las 13:01, Dave Crossland escribió:
> So, the motion failed, with 3 votes for, 1 vote against, and 4
> abstains, and the funds will accrue into the general fund. 

Here I found a precedent:

 okay, that's 3 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. we could still get 3 no,
I suppose.
 cjb:the motion passes.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [SLOB] GSoC mentor stipend motion

2016-05-11 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 11/05/16 a las 13:01, Dave Crossland escribió:
> So, the motion failed, with 3 votes for, 1 vote against, and 4
> abstains, and the funds will accrue into the general fund. 
That is a curious conclusion. The Governance does not mention how SLOBs
votes are counted, but I would have assumed a simple majority was
needed, not absolute majority.

So which is it? Do we have a precedent?

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] laboratoriosazucar.org domain renewal ($)

2016-05-01 Thread Sebastian Silva

We've had *laboratoriosazucar.org* for a couple of years but haven't
used it.
At the time of registration the idea was to unify latinamerican local
labs efforts under it.

It is controlled by sugarlabs DNS domain servers and at the disposition
of the Sugar Labs community.

It expired yesterday and we are at a grace period where we can still
renew it for the next 30 or so days.

Our current registrar charges 16.99$ per year to renew it and currently
we are tight on economic resources to do it.

If anyone in the community thinks it's worth renewing and hopefully put
to good use, it would be great.

For 2 years, including ICANN fees, the cost is 34.34$ USD.

Since it is registered under my name, please contact me to coordinate

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] use of XOs

2016-04-25 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 25/04/16 a las 08:55, Dave Crossland escribió:
> On 25 April 2016 at 08:12, Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org
> <mailto:sebast...@fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
> Laura an I are using 'intervention' as we think Sugar users are
> not common IT and /deployment/ does sound like an impositive, top
> down approach.
> Sounds like psychiatry ;) 

Although I code since childhood, my academic deformation is in
Psychology :-)

Generally in social sciences intervention refers to taking action with
the intention to change something in a person or group. It implies an
expected outcome and responsibility beyond, in this case, merely
providing access to technology.

The big difference I guess is that a proper intervention's results are
measured and evaluated.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] use of XOs

2016-04-25 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 25/04/16 a las 06:11, Sean DALY escribió:
> the same thing that OLPC called a "deployment" (which I think is a
> poor marketing term, since it has US-imperial/military overtones.)
> Deployment is the common IT term for rolling out a solution, with
> everything connected to it (logistics, support).
Laura an I are using 'intervention' as we think Sugar users are not
common IT and /deployment/ does sound like an impositive, top down approach.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Is "Most Sugar Users Use XO Laptops" True?

2016-04-24 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 24/04/16 a las 08:12, Dave Crossland escribió:
> Is anyone in touch with people in Peru
Sugar Network data should more or less represent Peru.

It strongly suggests usage is primarily in School, during schooltime/.

/This is for XO laptops /with Internet/ and /updated with Hexoquinasa
(distributed by the Peruvian Ministry of Education since 2012)./

Any other insights are welcome.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Features wishlist from 2007

2016-04-22 Thread Sebastian Silva

The UI described has some interesting features:

" Aqua sugar - the children's machine translated for adults"
Alex Van de Sande  - 2007


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Samson's proposal to SLOBs

2016-04-20 Thread Sebastian Silva
El 20/04/16 a las 01:15, Chris Leonard escribió:
> Such PO pre-conversion services are provided upon request and offered
> where appropriate as are the complementary re-conversion and upload
> services.
Ideally we would have a proper Translate Activity that would work
directly with git (even offline by producing patches).

Would the Trip Advisor grantees consider developing such an Activity?
If done right it could both facilitate i18n and motivate some Sugar
Activity development.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Allow running Sugar Activities outside Sugar

2016-04-18 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi friends,

I've been wishing to be able to nicely run Activities from a regular
desktop for a while.

So I patched sugar-toolkit-gtk3 to allow for this (patch at
https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/pull/315 )

The patch allows to run Activities by using the sugar-activity script.
I've tested this in Gnome, XFCE and Sugar itself.

In order to use it I created a small notification tray applet that
allows to start activities and even invoke journal items:
(the menu is coming from clicking on the Sugar Labs "S" Logo)
View Source menu item will open the system file manager pointed to the
Activity path.

source at:

This patch to sugar-toolkit-gtk3 does not affect operation under Sugar.
Might we even consider bundling the applet with sugar?

The reflection logic is to provide a path-to-adolescence without such a
steep disconnect between Sugar and Gnome.
Also as a help for developers to keep Activities in mind without need
for an emulator.

This is the result of scratching an old itch. I'll love to hear your
Also I created a Feature page at

Sugar on,

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [sugar-sur] School Network prototype, beyond the Sugar Network

2016-04-13 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Alsroot,

I hope you are doing well. While doing some gardening of Sugar Network,
I was longing to make another effort towards going beyond it.
So I came looking for this "School Network" project that you shared but
I can't find it. How did it go, did you get more feedback? The website
is down.

I would like to publicly thank you for architecting the basis for both
Hexoquinasa (derivate of OLPC OS, credit of course to all respective
authors)  _especially_ for the Sugar Network which continues to serve
thousands of children today. I'll be looking forward to any news from you.

All the best form the other side of the world. We are living in Puerto
Maldonado now.


El 13/09/15 a las 04:31, Aleksey Lim escribió:
> Hi all,
> It is about 1.5 years since the original Sugar Network project started
> to be used by people in Peru (approximately 300 unique daily users,
> find more statistics on http://jita.sugarlabs.org/node.sugarlabs.org).
> But Sugar Network was just a first try on that way.
> Here it is an announcement of School Network which goes further
> implementing the full deployment cycle originally planned
> for Sugar Network.
> http://school-network.org/docs/Concepts
> http://school-network.org/docs/TryOut
> http://school-network.org/docs/Deployment
> The School Network is just a [working] prototype, so, it cannot replace
> current Sugar Network deployment as-is. The only reason to make such
> announcement is giving a common view how it might look like, and,
> which is a major point, attract attention of particular deployments
> that found School Network useful for their needs. Since projects like
> School Network are pretty specific, any further work makes sense only
> if there are deployments involved to implementation process.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Wiki Gardening Weekend (May 14-15, Boston, USA)

2016-04-12 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 12/04/16 a las 11:36, Dave Crossland escribió:
> One issue with this is that MediaWikiText is not Markdown. Then there
> are images, tables, etc.
> Did you consider http://pandoc.org ? :)
Yes. At the time I had a really slow link and it wanted to pull like
300mb of dependencies.
It was overkill for my need which was migrating the pe.sugarlabs.org
wiki from mediawiki, did it manually.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Wiki Gardening Weekend (May 14-15, Boston, USA)

2016-04-12 Thread Sebastian Silva
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that, although we could do
better, the wiki and the mailing list are among the *things that work*.

Frederick Grose has been on top of the Mediawiki from the web-admin
point of view and is quite knowledgeable of it.
I'm afraid a longer different-to-wikipedia process might be a chore to
set up with little return of investment.

El 12/04/16 a las 07:58, Dave Crossland escribió:
> +1
> Who will set this up on the SL servers, and when? :) 

As with all volunteer projects, those who do the work decide how (and
when) it's done. I don't think this is low hanging, or even fruit.

For what it's worth I wrote some tools some time ago to extract
wikipages from MediaWiki into plain text structure:

One issue with this is that MediaWikiText is not Markdown. Then there
are images, tables, etc.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Seeking insights into Oversight_Board/Decisions

2016-04-11 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 11/04/16 a las 13:56, Walter Bender escribió:
> Generally I think all mediawiki instances should be retired and
> replaced with a static site generator backed by a distributed
> version control "pull request" model of collaboration. 
> http://designwithfontforge.com has semi-prominent "edit this page"
> (that could be even more prominent) and Github itself and 3rd
> party web editors like http://prose.io provide the "wiki"
> experience of editing pages directly, but with the PR permissions
> model that - IMHO - cultivates more quality.
Mediawiki has been an administration burden from infrastructure team and
Local Labs as well.

+1 on static site generators. Last year we replaced Wordpress for Nikola
at somosazucar.org. Lektor is also interesting. Both are small enough to
fit into a Sugar Activity for offline scenarios :-)

> Something to discuss before the Wiki Gardening weekend. We do have
> some community members who do a decent job of tending to the
> day-to-day needs of the wiki, but it has lacked an Olmstead for some
> time. Maybe we just pull the best of the wiki into a static site? 

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

2016-04-07 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 06/04/16 a las 10:30, Dave Crossland escribió:
> On 6 April 2016 at 03:25, James Cameron  > wrote:
> Wiki technology is a bad match for decision making bodies unless
> clear processes are used.
> https://www.loomio.org could be better than wiki + irc + email. 

This one is very intriguing! I missed this one and have emails from
other communities mailing lists mentioning it since 2014.

Have you used it?
Tools make collaboration easier by enforcing certain rules or standards,
and keeping certain records.

Do you think it can be used for design discussions? I think we are stuck
in that topic as well.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

2016-04-06 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 06/04/16 a las 07:45, Dave Crossland escribió:
> On 6 April 2016 at 03:25, James Cameron  > wrote:
> The hiding of SLOBs deliberations once they move to their private
> mailing list
> Why is the SLOB list private?
There is actually explicit Sugar Labs principles regarding this. We are
supposed to be an "Open Organization" as defined here:
https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs#Principles - Especially the
section called "information".

I thought I remembered some language in this direction in
https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board but I can't find it.
Anyhow I expect SLOBS members to be aware of this policy and only use
private channels where it is otherwise impossible to be open.

That said, I have not read anything from several slobs on public lists,


In order for Sugar to be successful, it needs the participation of a
large number of people who share common goals while maintaining
independence, so that each participant has the ability to act
independently. For these reasons, Sugar Labs subscribes to the
principles described here
which are the author's own translation of anoriginal text in Spanish.


  * Clear mission – Fully disclosed objectives.
  * Declared commitments – Affinities and aversions explained.
  * Declared outside connections – Relationships with other
organizations explicitly listed.


  * Horizontal organization – Teams and facilitators work on
responsibilities and agreements.
  * Identified contributors – Who is who, people are reachable.
  * Clear responsibilities – Who is in charge of what.
  * Activities described – All of the ongoing work is acknowledged.

See Wiki Structure
 for a
guide to how the wiki models Sugar Labs' structure.


  * Open participation – Anybody can access the information and get a
first responsibility.
  * Meritocracy – Responsibilities are acquired (or lost) based on one's
skills, results, and contributors’ support.
  * Voluntary (non-)engagement – Nobody is forced to be involved or to
keep responsibilities.


  * Regular reports – Reported activities and future plans allow
monitoring and participation.
  * Information accessible – Even internal operational information is
available by default.

We try to operate /*en plein air


  * Explicit confidentiality – It is explained what matters are
confidential, why, and who can access them.


  * Economic model – Feasibility and sustainability plans are exposed.
(Please see/contribute to the discussionhere
  * Resources – Inventory of items detailing who contributed what and why.
  * Public accounts – It’s clear where the money comes from and where it
  * A special thanks
 to our

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

2016-04-06 Thread Sebastian Silva
I would've expected the Ombudsman to also be subscribed.

El 06/04/16 a las 09:02, Adam Holt escribió:
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Walter Bender  > wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Sean DALY  > wrote:
> as a former SLOB, I could say that in the past this was
> because some matters involving OLPC, or embargoed press
> information, or a partnership with a third party, required
> confidentiality.
> Perhaps today's SLOBs have a different point of view
> That mostly sums things up. That said, the traffic on the list is
> close to nil. I generally use it as a CC to ensure that SLOB
> members see things, such as meeting notifications.
> Just for clarity, are there 9 people who currently have access to
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org  ?  This
> is my understanding (7 elected + 2 paid SFConservancy leaders) but if
> I'm completely wrong it would be good to know :)
> 7 elected to SL board:
> - Tony Anderson
> - Walter Bender
> - José Miguel García
> - Adam Holt
> - Lionel Laské
> - Claudia Urrea
> - Sameer Verma
> 2 paid SFConservancy.org leaders:
> - Karen Sandler (Executive Director)
> - Bradley Kuhn (President and Distinguished Technologist, and de facto
> bookkeeper)
> Speaking of which, I managed to mess up (yet again) with the time
> for the most recent meeting of SLOB. It should have been scheduled
> at 16UTC, not 19UTC, as this is the time we had agreed to. Let's
> go back to 16UTC beginning next month.
> regards.
> -walter
> Sean
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Dave Crossland  > wrote:
> On 6 April 2016 at 03:25, James Cameron  > wrote:
> The hiding of SLOBs deliberations once they move to
> their private
> mailing list
> Why is the SLOB list private?
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org 
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org 
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> ___
> SLOBs mailing list
> sl...@lists.sugarlabs.org 
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/slobs
> -- 
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @
> http://unleashkids.org !
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

2016-04-06 Thread Sebastian Silva

El 06/04/16 a las 00:38, Tony Anderson escribió:
> The formal motion was sent at 5pm April 5, 2016. It was seconded at
> 7:25pm April 5, 2016 (both times EST). Any changes to the TCM job
> description made after the formal motion was submitted and seconded
> should not be considered in votes on the motion. Naturally, if the
> Board thinks changes are needed before the motions can be approved,
> new motions can be made.
> Tony___

Hi Tony,

Certainly not the entire wikipage is the job definition being voted
upon. Much of it are notes gathered from the rest of the Wiki.
In fact if I understood correctly the relevant bits under discussion are
the Translation Community Manager's Duties.

The rest of the page is a summary and general information on our
translation process. So I merely added some references to previous work,
in my humble view. It was not intended to change the spirit of the
proposal, but to add relevant information for future readers.


>>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

2016-04-05 Thread Sebastian Silva

I made a small contribution to the Translation Community Manager page,
as follows:

In the first paragraph, I added the following, just to clarify what the
page was about:
/This is a paid delegation currently being debated by SLOBs. //
More importantly, I added a second paragraph to link to previous structures:
/This delegation is not meant to eclipse //Translation Team
//, its //coordinators
//, or any
other party interested in helping out with localization./
I hope it is taken well. It does not modify the motions in place at all.


El 05/04/16 a las 04:32, Tony Anderson escribió:
> I submitted motions to the Board as follows:
> I move that the SugarLabs Oversight Board approve the position of
> Translation-Community Manager as described at
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation-Community_Manager.
> I further move that Chris Leonard be named to this position effective
> immediately.
> At Adam's request, I am adding a third motion:
> I move that the Translation-Community Manager be paid a stipend of
> $1000 per month.
> I would like to call for seconds to these motions.
> Tony
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Long term, medium term, short term objectives (Local Labs 2011)

2016-04-05 Thread Sebastian Silva
Hi Dave, Lionel,

To follow up with the discussion at last SLOBs meeting regarding our
vision/mission and strategy, I wanted to share with you what was once
asked from Local Labs and the answers we got back in 2011.

>/Sugar Teams Update Report />//>/Name of team: />//>/Mission statement: 
>/>//>/Short Term Goals(three–six months): />/1. />/2. />/3. />//>/Medium Term 
>Goals(6 months–one year): />/1. />/2. />/3. />//>/Long Term Goals(one 
>year–three years): />/1. />/2. />/3. />//>/What does the team see as its 
>constraints from being more successful />/in its Mission? What are you doing 
>to try to resolve the constraint? />/What can Sugar Labs 'central' or the 
>community do to help?/

Answers from
Chile: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-September/014059.html
Peru: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-September/014034.html
Germany: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-September/014035.html

I think we missed getting replies from Argentina Colombia and Uruguay at
the time active local labs.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] 2 Motions for Consideration 04/01/16

2016-04-05 Thread Sebastian Silva
At the Sugar Labs board meeting where this was discussed but not voted
upon, I promised to dig back into the mail archives.

Specifically I went looking for the motion where 200$ spending
authorization was trusted to Bernie for quick approval:


$9955.18 funds was available "unencumbered" as of Jan 2011.

walterbender: Revenue seems to have come from only 2 sources: indiv
donation money, money from Google.

cjb: can/should we find a fundraising person?

bernie: agrees

walterbender: we've only had a few thousands per year in unencumbered
funds every year, and we're spending a large chunk of it this year.

cjb: agrees, should expenses above $200 require approval?

many seem to agree..

bernie: more t-shirts businesses please!

walterbender: yes, we've delegated this to local labs..

bernie: authorization for t-shirts has..

walterbender suggestion: bernie approve funds instantly if under $200..

bernie  MOTION: A slob (to start with, Bernie) is authorized to

approve spending tickets filed on the bugtracker up to

$200.  For amounts larger than this, we still need a full

SLOBs motion.

seconded by walter

+1 from me

6 people authorized, mchua_afk vote pending

Here I found some interesting developments to this motion:

At this meeting the board discussed a "Finance Team Coordinator"

At that time Walter nominated Robert Fadel for the role, and there was
an offering by Laura Vargas of help on the topic.

A few highlights:

walterbenderlet's try to be focused in respect to everyone's time
#topic board positions
As requested I checked with Bert and he is willing to continue as
Also I had discussions with both Robert Fadel and Laura Vargas about
the finance team coordinator position
note that we are not calling the position "Treasurer" :)

walterbenderA bit of background on Robert: he was the Finance Director
of both the MIT Media Lab and OLPC
His last day at OLPC was the last day of 2011
He is willing to manage our finances and interface with SFC as he wants
to keep a hand in the project
Re Laura, her interests are more geared towards development and models,
not the day-to-day management.


walterbenderWe may want to establish some 

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