Re: Upgrade went mostly well :(

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 6/24/2007 3:11:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

It seems  that Crypto Express2 needs to be configured as a
co-processor use the  PPINIT utility. Because SSL is the majority (all)
of our current use, I  configured all three as SSL accelerators.
I had to  re-configure back to co-processor to run the PPINIT  utility.

The Net-Pass key came in this  morning.

The z9 and 1000G OSA appear much faster. Temp BMC  key for Control-D
runs out tomorrow. 

So jealous, just wondering why this didn't get covered in the  SAPR?

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Re: Unable to compile Java - iconv_init problem

2007-06-25 Thread Nagesh

Hi Mark,Bill,
Thanks for the responses.

I added the STEPLIB variable to point to SCEERUN2 and the compilation 
went ok. (See below). I must ask this. How did you know that the 
SCEERUN2 PDS was required in STEPLIB ?


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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Sun, 24 Jun 07 11:16:37 GMT, in you wrote:

We may moan about Microsoft today, but compared to the vendors of
the early eighties they are pusscats.

They have the power to make such a mess that everybody who doesn't
use the gear will also be affected.

I suspect some of Microsoft's monopoly power will end up being like
the cable companies' monopoly power - bypassed by a changing
technology and marketplace.

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Chris Mason


Unfortunately for the current context - but fortunately for me - since I 
worked only with test/education systems and had a support team to hand, I 
was generally not involved in initiating problem reporting - although I 
used to follow any in the system.

I made this comment about misrouting based on what I understood from a 
post from Steve Thompson, Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:57 PM, in the thread 
USS pedantry (was Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications).

I was going to apologise for misunderstanding but I don't believe I did. 
Here - with I hope Steve's implicit permission - is what he said:


And in an ETR I had open with IBM, they [the TCP group] had to agree that 
using USS for Unix System Services was causing confusion when we also needed 
to discuss USS [VTAM] while discussing OMVS...

Also, I recall seeing a non-published memo (internal, but not IBM 
Confidential) where someone in support was pointing out the ambiguity being 
caused by Unix System Services being referred to by USS (when it is 
specifically part of VTAM) for routing of support issues


Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Zelden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and 

On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:28:29 +0200, Chris Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And please be aware that your problem reports may be misrouted if you use
USS rather than UNIX System Services. I would have expected you to 

about that at least!


Most of us open PMRs via IBMLINK - when it is actually up. :-)  You select 

component when you open the PMR.  I wouldn't expect a z/OS Unix ticket
to get routed to VTAM just be cause I used the USS abbreviation any more
than I would expect a ticket opened with catalog about the CSI get somehow
get routed to SMP/E support.   Even if you open a PMR over the phone,
they still ask you which component.  It only goes to a general queue
when you don't know.

Mark Zelden

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Chris Mason


Prepare to be yet further enlightened.

Referring back to your initial post I, in my turn, don't *believe* there 
need be any discussion over how USS is normally pronounced. That is I know 
for sure you ess ess is what is used for Unformatted System Services (as 
opposed to Formatted System Services FSS, ef ess ess) and I'm almost 
certain that the heretics use the same pronunciation for their impostor.

Within one organisation, I, again in my turn, *believe* that any 
abbreviation should have an unique interpretation - I needed 
Google/Wikipedia for TLA incidentally. This is particularly so where a TLA 
may be relied upon by those dumb computers things to perform their job. And 
where discussion of the topic *could* lead to confusion such as can happen 
when the subject is TELNET.

To be sure you are aware of this possibility, I offer the following 

Telnet USS table setup is a subchapter title from within Chapter 14, 
TN3270 Telnet Server, of the Communications Server IP Configuration 
Reference manual, a current and very widely used manual, very probably 
widely used by those who have a major interest in UNIX System Services[1]. 
Anyone assuming that USS here meant UNIX System Services would have a 
very hard time trying to understand what followed in this part of the 

As I keep pointing out - although with very little effect - you are invited 
to see how often the TLA USS appears in the manuals in the UNIX System 
Services bookshelf. *If* USS was the proper usage, it the text search 
within the bookshelf should produce a hit count in the hundreds.

To show what I mean, just compare counts for UNIX and USS:

Command Reference336-
Planning 3445
User's Guide 228-
Programming Assembler Callable Services Reference305-
Using REXX and z/OS UNIX System Services  68-
Programming Tools 62-
File System Interface Reference  1742
Messages and Codes   3043
Connection Scaling Reference for iBaanERP 24-
Parallel Environment Operation and Use391
PE MPI Programming and Subroutine Reference   15-

If you want to know what the hits for USS in the UNIX System Services 
manuals are, you can find it in a previous post in the thread Friday 
musings on the future of 3270 applications dated 5th of this month where I 
so kindly for all interested parties copied my analysis from 6 months 
earlier. This time I used the V1R8 manuals and I probably did also in 

I insisted only that you bear in mind that USS is ambiguous and that you 
take care to deal with that ambiguity in context. You may also care to bear 
in mind that it will inevitably confuse and upset some who see USS and 
will, initially at least, think you are talking nonsense. They will also 
probably have the courtesy neither to snigger nor to snicker.[2]

I have no interest in the z/Linux discussion. There is one product which 
uses Linux on System z in which I have an observer's interest. This is 
Communications Controller for Linux on System z (CCL). From this I can 
judge that Linux on System z is the official name but that's the extent of 
my interest.

Actually, the official name is a little complicated. If I follow up the 
System Requirements on the web page for CCL, I find the following for 
simply Linux:


- Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM zSeries and IBM S/390 (SLES10)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM zSeries and IBM S/390 (SLES9)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for IBM zSeries and IBM S/390 (SLES8)


This seems to suggest that any - non-ambiguous - abbreviation, which also, 
as you suggest, does not fall foul of some sort of previous claim to 
ownership, may be used for one of the family of products which supplies the 
Linux operating system to run on a z machine.

In fact there is another product in which I also take an observer's interest 
which is one of the Communications Server range of products which, 
incidentally, apart from z/OS Communications Server, - I believe - purely 
support SNA protocols. Here the web page link for the library is written as 
Communications Server for Linux on zSeries but when you get to the 
referenced page, the only manual which is specific to the z implementation, 
as opposed to the Intel implementation, is the Quick Start Guide where 
again System z is used in the title. Thus is appears that any of Linux 
for/on zSeries or Linux for/on System z is acceptable to describe a 
product which runs on one of the Linux's which run on z hardware.

I'm afraid I wasn't really following the previous discussion about how to 
describe Linux running on z hardware 

Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-25 Thread Jon Brock
. . . and for those of you who -- like me -- were made curious by Shane's 
remark, here is the minix3 URL:

From the site: 

What hardware do I need to run MINIX 3?
You need an Intel 386 or higher with 4 MB of RAM, an IDE hard disk with100 MB 
of free disk space, and an IDE CD-ROM for booting. It is not possible to boot 
off a USB CD-ROM drive (yet).


Why wait ???.
Last week I meandered into the minix3 site - what goes around comes
around. Kernel is around 4000 lines - IP and X included. 
Will have to give it a go, just for the experience.

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:04:14 -0500, Peter Flass

Not can't, *won't*.  By breaking stuff every release they force people 
to upgrade all their software without having to make any improvements 
that would make people want to upgrade.  It's a money fountain, they 
don't want to turn it off, and most lusers are too uninformed to realize 
there's any other choice.  Third-party vendors benefit from this too, as 
do hardware menufacturers.  It's like the bad old days of Detroit 
planned obsolescence.  Detroit was finally forced to change by the 

I'm not sure Detroit (or Silicon Valley) had this widely touted
planned obsolescence.Nothing is forever, designing a part to
last 5 years isn't designing it to fail after 5 years whether it is a
car, a printer, or a pair of shoes.

Sure, I can buy shoes that last longer than normal - does it mean that
those sturdier shoes just have a different planned obsolescence
date?   (A race car is designed to barely survive a race before
needing lots of repair - is that planned obsolescence?)

Back to programming - we are moving from easy-to-maintain programs to
easy-to-replace programs.There are good reasons for this with how
our cost/benefit analysis of our needs have changed.We think of
how quickly we produce a product, and how efficiencies change - but
another advantage is we can adapt to technologies easier when it is
easy to start over.

If IBM changes their architecture of their database machine - should
programmers care? When Apple changed their chips twice, and moved
their core OS to Unix, the average user didn't have much adapting to

And when the tools figure out how to do their own parallel processing,
they will go ahead without most users and even most programmers really
having to have a good understanding of what's happening.

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-25 Thread Kirk Wolf


No, I haven't seen any acceptable workarounds.
The main requirement is to allow data to flow from JCL variables into 
programs, without a 100 character limit.

Yes, I would be willing to follow unsupported control blocks to get the 
information, if that is what it took.

Kirk Wolf
Dovetailed Technologies

Kenneth E Tomiak wrote:
I think I have time to start looking into this. By now the thread veered off into 
complaints from eons ago. Most current compilers allow passing parameters in 
with the source code so JCL limitations are not what they once where for 
compile procs. The PARM='' limit has not changed. Asking IBM how to reach an 
undocumented or unsupported control block is not likely to get the results you 
want. If the have a callable interface then it would be documented.

Are you willing to follow control blocks, unsupported, if that is what it takes?

Have you given up or found a path to follow?

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Re: HR policy

2007-06-25 Thread Rick Fochtman

It is quite common HR policy. It is usually kept 'in secret' (in silence 
at least), becasue it nothing to be proud of, but it is in quite common 
use. From the other hand I know companies in Poland where people work 
for two reasons:

a) to get some experience, take some classes and go away with better CV.
b) because they don't want to learn, they don't want to work to hard, 
usually they rather stupid than dumb.

Since I part of my job is teaching on mainframe courses, I often meet 
them (only mainframe staff in fact) and observe their careers. Sometimes 
one can distinguish a and b -types during first lab.

There are also companys that will give you all the education you ask 
for, because the rest of the compensation package is so shamefully poor. 
A catalog-shopping firm I know of comes to mind. It was common knowledge 
that you went here, picked their pockets for all the education you could 
get in 2-3 years, then went to a real shop. The compensation package 
for employees included only very minimal health insurance, with no 
provision for dependants, below-average salaries, very rigid work hours, 
minimal vacation time, all that kind of stuff. CAn I say Two sides to 
every coin??

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:37:25 -0400, Roland Hutchinson

 You are absolutely right!  That's why I make sure that when I have
 visitors they can see, usually, four computers, *none* of them running
 Windows. That way at least a _few_ people get exposed to alternatives :-)

And the first question they ask when they notice something unfamiliar
is, What kind of Windows is that?, right? 

Although, there are enough people who have seen (and not laughed at),
the computers in movies such as _Jurassic Park_.

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Chris Mason


3. VTAM Unformated System Services (afaik).

Regrettably your knowledge - afaik - doesn't appear to extend 
sufficiently far. There is no problem with *VTAM* - aka the *SNA* 
component of Communications Server (CS) - USS but there is a possible 
ambiguity when the possible use of USS with the *IP* component of CS. See 
2.9.4, Telnet USS table setup, in z/OS Communications Server IP 
Configuration Reference Version 1 Release 8, SC31-8776-10, a manual with 
which I would have expected you to be familiar.

Incidentally - only because I spell-check my posts - I may as well improve 
your knowledge by pointing out that it's Unformatted with two ts.

Please do me the courtesy of reading my posts before pontificating. If you 
memory needs refreshing, please read through my very recent posts on this 
topic. I'll say it again for your benefit fort the umpteenth time, I 
challenged the *belief*, not the *usage*.

Since you are so keen on purported statistics, I can recall only one 
occasion in the last two years when I read an post in which the use of USS, 
given the context, was ambiguous - and I can't recall having initiated an 
engagement on that occasion - although I may have sent out some scouts with 
the purpose of reconnoitring the terrain.

Phil Smith - who initiated, albeit unwittingly, this fresh eruption - claims 
rather oddly for a denizen of IBM-MAIN - that he is not a z/OS person. This 
caused me to reflect over whether or not USS should be denied to VSE and VM 
VTAM because its z/OS cousin has been somehow superseded by an impostor. I'm 
more inclined to label this brand of politics anarchy rather than the 
democracy with which you gild it.

Now let us see how your democratic approach might work out. Let us assume 
that IBM adopts some new technology which is called, say, Uniform Storage 
System. Let us assume - as is the way when business so-called leaders 
follow the herd trend - that just everybody and his dog takes up this new 
technology ... You can see where I'm going.

But what interests me now is who arbitrates and what precise criteria 
determine when the changeover happens and how do people get to know that 
their fond abbreviation has been usurped? After all the favourite British 
and American way with elections is to operate this first past the post 
system require a formal count and a declaration and an election on a 
particular legally prescribed day. You don't describe how this works with 
your system. Then I started to think about how this might operate under a 
system of proportional representation but gave up ...

Perhaps the matter should be controlled by a pronouncement by some supreme 
authority - and I guess you'd be sitting down when you made it.

the USS findings when searching official IBM documentation

very clearly supports my position rather than yours so you must have a 
distorted view of what constitutes official IBM documentation. Again, do 
me the courtesy of reading my other posts on the subject.

 In fact it doesn't matter if this is correct or incorrect.

You offer no evidence for this statement with which I profoundly disagree. 
You may care again to review my recent post within the thread where I quote 
Steve Thompson in support of why it *does* matter.

Perhaps you do wish to promote anarchy after all.

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and 

Greg Shirey wrote:

And then, when they point you to a PTF that will fix your problem, it
will probably have a comment in it like this one:
OA12191 - 
AFFECTED: Users of Unix System Services (USS)  * * 
and Hierarchical File System (HFS).  * 

In fact 'USS messages on the IBM-MAIN list are about:
1. official acronym war.
2. Unix System Services, aka z/OS UNIX Services
3. VTAM Unformated System Services (afaik).

In fact I can't remember any question type 3.
Usually questions type 2. raise new 'USS war' and flood of messages type 1.
I didn't do any statistics, but I believe in the last 4-5 years number
of type 3. questions was significantly less than type 2. And type 1. of
course is much greater than type 2. + type 3. g

The PTF above, the USS findings when searching official IBM
documentation, the posts on IBM-MAIN clearly show that people use USS
when think of Unix System Services. In fact it doesn't matter if this is
correct or incorrect. Although the 'correctness' is main thread in the
'USS war' - some people claim the acronym should be 'official' and
'approved' by IBM or maybe other 'acronym authority'.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Chris Mason


I see this is not the first time you have directed my attention to this 
misuse of USS by the folk responsible for writing up APARs and PTFs.

There are official and unofficial documents. What you find on the online 
bookshelves and - I'm going to issue a challenge here - announcement 
letters is, to my mind, official. What you find anywhere else is 
unofficial where nobody has bothered with what is official and with what 
might be ambiguous. This includes APAR/PTF text and red-whatevers - since 
others have appealed to redbooks for authority.[1]

Note what I quoted from Steve Thompson in my recent reply to Mark Zelden.

[1] Actually the ITSO (redbook) locations have/had editors who really should 
be checking for official abbreviations and ambiguities.

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Shirey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and 

And then, when they point you to a PTF that will fix your problem, it
will probably have a comment in it like this one:

 OA12191 -
   * USERS AFFECTED: Users of Unix System Services (USS)  *
   * and Hierarchical File System (HFS).  *

Greg Shirey
Ben E. Keith Company

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 8:25 AM

Most of us open PMRs via IBMLINK - when it is actually up. :-)  You
select the
component when you open the PMR.  I wouldn't expect a z/OS Unix ticket
to get routed to VTAM just be cause I used the USS abbreviation any more

than I would expect a ticket opened with catalog about the CSI get
get routed to SMP/E support.   Even if you open a PMR over the phone,
they still ask you which component.  It only goes to a general queue
when you don't know.

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 14:50:10 +0100, in you

   I don't think unix in any flavour is the answer for those that want
turnkey appliances.

Businesses do buy turnkey appliances in Unix.   And one particular
flavor of Unix (OS-X) has quite a few applications that are very
popular with hobbyists.

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Phil Smith III
More from my correspondent; I'm just the messenger, don't flame me...

Re VAX vs. IBM:
I was a central, low level member of the 4300 series.  I also led the 
engineering side of the fight against the VAX.  We never approached the 
installed base of the VAX machines.  Never.

Re RISC vs. 68K:
Anyone who thinks the RISC chips killed the 68K is off base.  They just need to 
check the dates.  Intel killed the 68K.  Motorola allied with IBM on RISC only 
after Intel had destroyed Motorola's market for the 68K.

...phsiii (trying to enrich the discussion, not be a -disturber)

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Using the SPINLOG option for the JESMSGLG

2007-06-25 Thread Allen Thennes
Has anyone used the JESLOG option to SPIN off the JESMSGLG ?


Just wondering if there are any thing to look out for.


Allen Thennes
IT- Production Support
Walgreen Co.
(847) 788-4648

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Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Eric Sun
HI, all
Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the extent of
hanging/re-IPLing the whole system. 
Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test before
and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be provided with
powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system module and 
probably just to change some control blocks in memory. Somehow, it seems
easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but it's easier said than
done in MVS. 

The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
the problem.

Thanks and regards
Eric Sun

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread R.S.

Phil Smith III wrote:

More from my correspondent; I'm just the messenger, don't flame me...

Re VAX vs. IBM:
I was a central, low level member of the 4300 series.  I also led the 
engineering side of the fight against the VAX.  We never approached the 
installed base of the VAX machines.  Never.

Re RISC vs. 68K:
Anyone who thinks the RISC chips killed the 68K is off base.  They just need to 
check the dates.  Intel killed the 68K.  Motorola allied with IBM on RISC only 
after Intel had destroyed Motorola's market for the 68K.

Not to disagree, just to complement: 
Market consolidation is a process which can be observed in many businesses, IT (or HW/SW platform) is one of them. Similar processes take place when we analyze database market, graphic card chips, hard disk - as well as - car industry, retail marketing and many more others.

So, it is not only 'XX technology killed YY technology'.
My $0.02
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2007 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym bd w caoci opacone.

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Need Beta Testers for DAF 1.4.8

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Cleary

I am looking for a few beta testers for DAF 1.4.8.

Contact me directly (outside of this list) and I will
e-mail you the code sometime this week.

Here is what is new in the 1.4.8 level of DAF:

Add Counts to DAF512I  
Add Customization Variable G21PR   
Add Customization Variable G21PW   
Add Customization Variable G21TR   
Add Customization Variable G21TRB  
Add Customization Variable G21TRF  
Add Customization Variable G21TW   
Add Customization Variable G21TWF  
Add Customization Variable RT_ESV  
Add Customization Variable RT_VSAMCAT  
Add Customization Variable RT_VSR  
Add keyword DEVADDR
Add keyword DEVTYPE
Add DAFSMF Large Block Interface (LBI) support 
DAFOUT is in Date/Time order   
DAFRPT is not populated
Add SMF Record Type 21 support 
Add SMF Record Type 90 Subtype 01 support  
Add SMF Record Type 90 Subtype 02 support  
Add SMF Record Type 90 Subtype 08 support  
Add SMF Record Type 92 Subtype 11 support  
Add Virtual SMF Records
001 001 - Virtual APFLST   
001 002 - Virtual LNKLST   
001 003 - Virtual LOADPARM 
001 004 - Virtual LPALST   
001 005 - Virtual Master Catalog   
001 006 - Virtual PAGE 
001 007 - Virtual PARMLIB  
001 008 - Virtual RACF 
001 009 - Virtual UADS 
Correct DAF014/15 Correct DASD/TAPE
Correct DAF014/15 Process PDSE Statistics Type 
Correct DAF045 JESx Completion Codes   
Correct DAF064 No Extent Information   
Correct DAF080 Jobname UNKNOWN when hex zeroes 
Correct DAF081 Process All Datasets
Correct DAF082 S021 Multiple Errors
Correct DAF088 S001 Missing Lengths
Correct DAF118 Check FTP Command Validity  
Correct DAF8XR Display PERMIT ACCESS and ID
Correct DAFCSP Test For Comments   
Correct DAFTERM Abend S0C3 
Correct NFTP S034 Skip If Nothing To Process   
Enhance numerous SMF Record Types  
Reformat numerous messages 




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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 13:25:28 +0200, in you

They violated some of the most important design rules to make themselves
a monopolist. 

Possibly.   But as the line goes:  Never ascribe to malice, that
which can be explained by incompetence.

Now those violations come back and bite.

Yep.They are already biting for different reasons, one being the
difficulty in making Windows a secure system.

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Fwd: Unable to compile Java - iconv_init problem

2007-06-25 Thread zosbloke
Forwarding to the list


-- Forwarded message --
From: zosbloke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 25, 5:33 pm
Subject: Unable to compile Java - iconv_init problem

Hi Mark,
I added SCEERUN2 to STEPLIB variable and I was able to compile and
execute successfully.

But, I must ask. How did you know to add SCEERUN2 to add to STEPLIB ?


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IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Gould

IBM launches MySpace for mainframes
IBM aims to leverage social networking by building an online meeting  
place for users of its System z mainframes. It says the Web-based  
portal, called Destination z, gives customers a place to discuss and  
debate mainframe usage, exchange ideas and seek technical advice.

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2007-06-25 Thread Chris Mason


If you want a log of VTAM messages for archive purposes, why not write a 
simple program which extracts all IST messages from the log into your 
exclusively VTAM logging file?

I took the trouble actually - again surely - to read up on the VTAM PPOLOG 
start option. I hadn't really noticed sufficiently to remember it before 
that the author of the PPOLOG description simply assumes that any program 
worth its salt as a Primary Program Operator (PPO) would, of course, 
maintain a log of its activity. This is actually rather presumptuous but 
nevertheless seems to have advised the construction of the name of the start 

I sort-of detect a concern about possibly losing VTAM messages here - 
without being able to put my finger on it - as well as redirecting them. You 
might like to be clearer about what exactly you want.

If you want something a little more like the function NetView supplies for 
VTAM commands, solicited messages and unsolicited messages but without the 
accretions - and cost - of today's NetView, I would *like* to propose NOSP, 
Network Operations Support Program.

The following is taken from the IBM Systems Journal, Volume 18, Number 4, 
1979.[1] The article is entitled An integrated approach to centralized 
communications network management and the section is Network operation - 
an historical look. The author is R.A. Weingarten then located in the IBM 
labs at Kingston, the then home of VTAM and some related products.


During 1974, a new access method called the Virtual Telecommunications 
Access Method (VTAM) was introduced by IBM. This access method provided SNA 
support that included communications network management capabilities defined 
in the System Services Control Point. VTAM had its own operator control 
functions that allowed commands to be issued and received via the system 
operator console. The sharing of the system operator console
for VTAM and operating system commands and messages could create operational 
problems in systems with a large number of attached terminals. To alleviate 
this problem and separate network operations from systems operation, an 
interface called the programmed operator interface was made available in 
VTAM in 1975.

The programmed operator interface allows an application program to issue 
VTAM operator control commands and receive VTAM operator control responses 
and all unsolicited operator
control notification messages. The first IBM program product that utilized 
this new interface was the Network Operations Support Program (NOSP) 
introduced with the announcement of the Advanced Communications Function for 
multisystem networking of VTAM in 1976. NOSP allowed a designated operator 
to issue and receive operator messages, both solicited and unsolicited, from 
a VTAM system. In a multisystem network environment, an NOSP could 
communicate with other NOSPs to control the network from either a single 
central terminal or multiple distributed terminals. This function was 
similar to the function provided by the Telecommunications Control System of 
TCAM, with the exception that NOSP was developed for use in the SNA 
networking environment. NOSP was also limited in that it could execute in a 
VTAM-only network.

To satisfy the requirement for centralized operator Control of multisystem 
networks with the coexistence of TCAM and VTAM in an SNA environment, NCCF 
was announced in November 1978. It was an outgrowth of NOSP with extensions 
for operator control for the TCAM environment and communications network 
management functions for both TCAM and VTAM.


Incidentally, I had no idea that NCCF was created to replace NOSP solely in 
order to include support for TCAM! I first started work with NCCF using 
release 2 which I guess must have been the release that introduced Clists.

Anyhow, I expect you can't get NOSP any more.

And, in case, you didn't know already, today's NetView is a direct 
descendant from NOSP - and I've witnessed most of the barnacles attaching 
themselves to the product as it has been weighed down - sorry - grown! 
Apparently customers liked everything to be thrown together in the menu 
rather than offered a la carte ...

... and all the skill and ingenuity I invested in being able to explain how 
to integrate add-on products like NPDA, NLDM etc. into the NCCF environment 
was dissipated by this humongous NetView!

As I said, it's not quite clear what you want but, if you have any assembler 
skills, you may want to check over the VTAM API which supports these VTAM 
commands and messages. It is quite simple. I was told - I think - that, 
despite the veneer of supposed planning that the article espouses, NOSP grew 
from a program written by a VTAM developer in order simply to exercise this 

As I said, the API is quite simple and, in the days of pre-program product 
VTAM, had a little manual all to itself. Now that manual is carried in 
Appendix L of the Communications Server SNA 

RMM Housekeeping( EDGHSKP) get EDG2303E and S913

2007-06-25 Thread mvsmain
  Dear all

  We just setup RMM. We want to run Houseekeeping( EDGHSKP)  ,We get the 
following messages: 

15.21.33 JOB07163  IEF403I SJSMHSKP - STARTED - TIME=15.21.33  

The JCL is the followings:

My questions:

Q1:  Is S913 a Security Abend?  

Q2: If it is a security abend,where could we find any RACF message?

Q3:Why isn't there reason code of S913 for this JOB?

 Any suggestion and comment are great appreciated! 

Jason Cai

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Re: SV: how to list LE options

2007-06-25 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ed Gould
 On Jun 22, 2007, at 7:05 AM, Thomas Berg wrote:
  ==  Ed Gould  ==  wrote2007-06-21 21:58:
  On Jun 21, 2007, at 4:44 AM, Thomas Berg wrote:
  The consultants
  howled as
  they could no longer assemble programs (no access to sys1.maclib)
  Our official language was COBOL nothing else was permitted into 
  production. The consultants had a habit of doing the other work on 
  our system, those contained assembler.
  Still don't understand why they wasn't allowed to assemble their 
  Were they doing private programming or what ?
  Thomas Berg
 The standard company wide language was COBOL. None of the 
 programmers knew assembler. As I explained in a previous post 
 none of the programmers could debug assembler code.
 The consultants were using our resources to compile programs 
 for the consultants essentially stealing resources from our 
 company. The two steps we made to stop the process was taking 
 away access to sys1.maclib and also not allowing assembler to 
 be invoked.

Oh  Sort of like, None of the folks knew how to use a lawn mower,
so they banned lawns.  Must have been a gummint shop.


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Re: RMM Housekeeping( EDGHSKP) get EDG2303E and S913

2007-06-25 Thread R.S.
mvsmain wrote:
   Dear all
   We just setup RMM. We want to run Houseekeeping( EDGHSKP)  ,We get the 
 following messages: 
 15.21.33 JOB07163  IEF403I SJSMHSKP - STARTED - TIME=15.21.33  

 My questions:
 Q1:  Is S913 a Security Abend?  
Usually yes.
 Q2: If it is a security abend,where could we find any RACF message?
Syslog, SMF record 80

 Q3:Why isn't there reason code of S913 for this JOB?
See below.

  Any suggestion and comment are great appreciated! 

My suggestion:
Check syslog for ICH408I. Or check RMM stc, not the housekeeping job.
The trick is RMM STC writes to the datasets, not the housekeeping job.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

S d Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia  Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru S dowego, 
nr rejestru przedsi biorców KRS 025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wed ug stanu na dzie  01.01.2007 r. kapita  zak adowy BRE Banku SA (w ca o ci 
op acony) wynosi 118.064.140 z . W zwi zku z realizacj  warunkowego podwy 
szenia kapita u zak adowego, na podstawie uchwa  XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 r., 
kapita  zak adowy BRE Banku SA mo e ulec podwy szeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 z . 
Akcje w podwy szonym kapitale zak adowym b d  w ca o ci op acone.

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Re: SVC vs APF and other 'privileged' code

2007-06-25 Thread Rick Fochtman

R.S. wrote:

Rick Fochtman wrote:


From time to time I read on the list about companies which demand 
ISVs to provide source code for SVC routines to analyze it from 
security point of view.
While I don't know to much about z/OS 'guts', I'm wondering what is 
the reason for that? Or rather, why the SVC code is so important, 
while APF-authorized libraries are not subject to analyze. The same 
apply to propgrams in SCHEDxx members.
AFAIK (I could be wrong) APF-authorized program can bypass security 
rules, so it can be dangeours. Is SVC more dangerous ?

Last, but not least - neither SVC, nor 'regular' APF-authorized 
program can do anything illegal when not instructed, so unless ISV 
folks unlimited access to prod system it is like dangerous knife in 
my safe.
Other possibility is that backdoor entry is disclosed by ISV to 
our sysprogs. In fact it owuld be a confession to security hole.

My last shop processed enough money in a week to pay the U. S. 
National Debt, and NONE of that money was ours. We had to be like 
Caesar's wife, Calpurnia. That is, not only be pure, but perceived to 
be pure by all who beheld us. Security was held to be far more 
important than performance by The Powers That Be.

IMHO it is completely irrelevant. Almost every z/OS installation 
process 'non-ours' money, usually much more than sysprog's salary. 
what a pity! So, all shops care about security, more or less.

Caution: I don't criticise SVC examination itself. I don't want to say 
it os good or it is bad. I just want to learn. My doubt is why SVC are 
so suspected while APF-authorized programs are not. It's common 
knowledge that sysprog+APF means bypass all security rules - isn't it ?

Roland, you're quite correct in one respect; APF pgms and SVC's can ALL 
be very dangerous. But most shops aren't quite as intimately involved 
in the banking industry and are thus not subject to quite the same 
levels of Federal oversite. Automated links to the Federal banking 
system are scrutinized to a degree that some folks would find 
incredible, and surprise audits by Federal agencies are an unfortunate 
fact of life. I was even subject to personal audits, just because of the 
nature of my position as a highly trusted employee. And personal 
bonding isn't just optional; it's REQUIRED; hence the comment about 
Caesar's wife. How many manufacturing organizations have the same levels 
of scrutiny? General Motors doesn't.

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Re: Unable to compile Java - iconv_init problem

2007-06-25 Thread Mark Zelden
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:08:24 +1000, Nagesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I added the STEPLIB variable to point to SCEERUN2 and the compilation
went ok. (See below). I must ask this. How did you know that the
SCEERUN2 PDS was required in STEPLIB ?

SCEERUN2 was needed for XPLINK support.  I already new that and
added it our systems when we migrated to z/OS 1.6.  

The other answer to how I knew is:  the same way I know a lot of
what I know -  battle scars.   :-)

A couple of months ago one of our business units requested Java for the first
time on their LPAR.  After discussion it was decided to go with 1.5.  Turned out
that was the only LPAR in the environment that SCEERUN2 was not added to
when we migrated to z/OS 1.6. 

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Charokee Sun

HI, all

Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the extent of
hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.

Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test before
and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be provided with
powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system module and
probably just to change some control blocks in memory. Somehow, it seems
easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but it's easier said than
done in MVS.
The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
the problem.



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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IB

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 23:22:51 -0400, Walter Bushell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But turkeys survive quite nicely in the wild.  Not chickens.

Among other things both have been breed for stupidity. I think there are 
still wild turkeys, and ancestors of our modern chickens in the wild.

Tom turkeys have also been bred to be so large that domestic turkeys
probably couldn't procreate in the wild.

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Re: Upgrade went mostly well :(

2007-06-25 Thread Neil Douglas
Our Z9 BC arrived with the wrong serial number as well. We pulled it out 
and returned it for the correct one. Cutover went smooth as silk once the 
correct machine was installed.

Neil M. Douglas
El Dorado County
Information Technologies
Information Tech Analyst II
360 Fair Lane - Bldg B
Placerville, CA 95667
Phone - (530) 621-5418

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
06/23/2007 02:44 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


Upgrade went mostly well :(

The hardware swap was real clean. CPU shipped was different serial
number than we were expecting, so most ISV keys didn't work. EJES and
Syncsort and SAS and VPS and Control-D just complain. Gat a 10 day
universal key from CA. Still waiting on Netpass from Israel.


   My biggest problem is that SSL for TB3279o and FTP using ICSF
certificates isn't working. The procedure in the FM for migrating gives


  After I get some more food, I'll go back in and look further. I have a
PMR open, but I need to escalate to sev1 to get an answer before 8am


  The serial number glitch appears to be because of delays getting the
capacity on demand features included.

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Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?

2007-06-25 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kirk Wolf
 Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 8:29 AM
 Subject: Re: Read JCL Symbols from a program?
 No, I haven't seen any acceptable workarounds.
 The main requirement is to allow data to flow from JCL variables into 
 programs, without a 100 character limit.
 Yes, I would be willing to follow unsupported control blocks 
 to get the 
 information, if that is what it took.
 Kirk Wolf
 Dovetailed Technologies

Are you will to use a SUBSYS= and possible create a subsystem? If so,
then you could possible do something with that. As as example, suppose
you create a PARM subsystem. Then, in JCL, you could do something like:


There is example code at file 290

The subsystem would be designed to give the data when the DD is opened
and read.

Another possibility that just occurred to me is to do something like:


You can then retrieve the PATH specification via SVC 99. The PATH name
has a maximum length of 254 characters. But you can pass multiple DD
names to the program via the PARM= on the EXEC and then retrieve the
information that way. This method does create the file in the UNIX
filesystem, but doesn't really take any space (unless you write to the
files for some reason). The only possible error could occur if one RACF
id (SYSUID) has the step running in multiple jobs at the same time. The
second job will fail with a JCL error due to the OEXCL. I don't really
know what would happen if you didn't include the OEXCL parameter.
John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread R.S.

Chris Mason wrote:


Incidentally - only because I spell-check my posts - I may as well 
improve your knowledge by pointing out that it's Unformatted with 
two ts.

I'm Radoslaw (Radosław in fact) and I don't use spell checker for my e-mails. 'unformated' was a typo, I'm aware of double 't', alhtough my English is poor. 

3. VTAM Unformated System Services (afaik).

Regrettably your knowledge - afaik - doesn't appear to extend 
sufficiently far. There is no problem with *VTAM* - aka the *SNA* 
component of Communications Server (CS) - USS but there is a possible 
ambiguity when the possible use of USS with the *IP* component of CS. 
See 2.9.4, Telnet USS table setup, in z/OS Communications Server IP 
Configuration Reference Version 1 Release 8, SC31-8776-10, a manual with 
which I would have expected you to be familiar.

Fine. You know *ONE* example, when USS means 'VTAM USS' and it can be confused 
with 'Unix USS'.
I know much more examples, when use USS as 'Unix USS' with no ambiguity, that 
means, everybody who understand technical documentation, also understand what 
USS stands for. (and yes, I saw your stats about Unix and USS, but my 
conclusion is contrary to yours: USS *is used as Unix System Services* in IBM 

Please do me the courtesy of reading my posts before pontificating. If 
you memory needs refreshing, please read through my very recent posts on 
this topic. I'll say it again for your benefit fort the umpteenth time, 
I challenged the *belief*, not the *usage*.

I read all the posts, including yours. A lot of text. Actually I have other duties as well, so I did not pay to much attention to each of them. Now I'm trying to guess your point, but I cannot. I don't understand. In fact, even in the post I respond to you mentioned a lot of things, including anarchy, democracy and elections. I must be dumb, because I still don't see any reason to avoid some acronyms. 
Just as example: ETR means Electronic Technical Response and External Time Reference. Both are allowed by acronyms puritans. Sometimes it makes confusion. Why USS cannot be used as Unix System Services, since English language rules don't say acronym cannot be ambigous, and have to be approved by IBM. 

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, 
nr rejestru przedsiębiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Według stanu na dzień 01.01.2007 r. kapitał zakładowy BRE Banku SA (w całości 
opłacony) wynosi 118.064.140 zł. W związku z realizacją warunkowego 
podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego, na podstawie uchwał XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapitał zakładowy BRE Banku SA może ulec podwyższeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
zł. Akcje w podwyższonym kapitale zakładowym będą w całości opłacone.

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
One of the more interesting PCs was the very expensive Heathkit that
came as a kit.   I wonder what the marked was for it.

My sister had an Amiga for years.  I had an Atari 800 which had such
advancements as lower case letters!

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes:
 Re VAX vs. IBM:
 I was a central, low level member of the 4300 series.  I also led the
 engineering side of the fight against the VAX.  We never approached
 the installed base of the VAX machines.  Never.

approach the size of the install base in number of customers or number
of machines or competitive marketing approaching the customers that
bought vaxes?

past post giving decade of vax install numbers sliced and diced by
model, yr, domestic, non-domestic, etc: Computers in Science Fiction

both 43xx and vaxes saw huge uptake in the early 80s with the growth of
the department market ... which was starting to move into workstations
and PCs by the mid-80s. as above, the big volumes for VAXes in the
mid-80s were from micro-vax ... not traditional 780 machines.

lots of vaxes were customer orders for one or a very few. vaxes had an
advantage here since their installation and support required a lot less
effort (something that 43xx was constantly fighting ... there were even
some SHARE reports highlighting the resource requirement differences in
competitive environment).

however, there were some number of large customers that ordered 43xx
boxes large lots (hundreds, even large hundreds). the resource support
requirement competitive advantage (in small shops) was mitigated when
amortized across a large number of boxes.

old email about specific customer ordering in hundreds (customer
initially thot 20, but order was finally for 210):
in this post also discussing other departmental computing issues from
the period departmental server

lots of old email discussing various aspects of 43xx ... use for
clustering and/or distributed, departmental computing

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Re: HR policy

2007-06-25 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:28:20 -0500 Rick Fochtman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

:It is quite common HR policy. It is usually kept 'in secret' (in silence 
:at least), becasue it nothing to be proud of, but it is in quite common 
:use. From the other hand I know companies in Poland where people work 
:for two reasons:
:a) to get some experience, take some classes and go away with better CV.
:b) because they don't want to learn, they don't want to work to hard, 
:usually they rather stupid than dumb.
:Since I part of my job is teaching on mainframe courses, I often meet 
:them (only mainframe staff in fact) and observe their careers. Sometimes 
:one can distinguish a and b -types during first lab.
:There are also companys that will give you all the education you ask 
:for, because the rest of the compensation package is so shamefully poor. 
:A catalog-shopping firm I know of comes to mind. It was common knowledge 
:that you went here, picked their pockets for all the education you could 
:get in 2-3 years, then went to a real shop. The compensation package 
:for employees included only very minimal health insurance, with no 
:provision for dependants, below-average salaries, very rigid work hours, 
:minimal vacation time, all that kind of stuff. CAn I say Two sides to 
:every coin??

Did it have a five letter name, beginning and ending with s?

Binyamin Dissen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Stack

At 02:34 AM 6/25/2007 -0500, you wrote:

IBM launches MySpace for mainframes
IBM aims to leverage social networking by building an online meeting
place for users of its System z mainframes. It says the Web-based
portal, called Destination z, gives customers a place to discuss and
debate mainframe usage, exchange ideas and seek technical advice.

I especially liked the quote:  A cynic might wonder if z is mostly an 
attempt to off-load the business of support onto other customers. 
However, it is often true that - if the social side is done right - 
the best help comes from fellow users who've been through the same problems. 

Or, there's nothing that can beat SHAREing.

Michael Stack
Product Developer
NEON Enterprise Software, Inc.

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Re: SVC vs APF and other 'privileged' code

2007-06-25 Thread Tony Harminc
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 14:13:13 +0200, R.S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BTW: My understanding of 'SVC risk' vs 'APF risk'
- both can do dangerous things.
- SVC can be invoked by non-authorized program and then could provide
'wide-open' security hole. Open to everyone who know how to invoke it.
No additional privilege is checked.
- APF code invoked directly (PGM=apfmodule) could do anything, but the
'anything' have to be coded inside the program.
- APF programs, when do something considered as security bypass (i.e.
DSS DUMP ADMIN) usually check for authority of the caller i.e.

I think the SVC risk is perceived as high because there are many evil ISV
SVCs whose main or only purpose in life is to return control in an
authorized state to an unauthorized caller. Exploiting these is just a
matter of figuring out the protocol; the function is *intended* to give back
control authorized. It is not a matter of a bug in the routine (except in
the sense that the whole design can be called a bug).

Maliciously exploiting an APF authorized program requires that there be a
bug (one hopes that almost all AC(1) modules are coded correctly), that the
bug be drivable by the malicious user (many holes are timing related or
otherwise depend on circumstances that are very difficult to set up), and
that the malicious user have access to the program in the first place, both
for analysis and execution.

By the way, I don't entirely agree with your comment:
- APF code invoked directly (PGM=apfmodule) could do anything, but the
'anything' have to be coded inside the program.

It is possible to exploit a buffer overflow in an authorized program to run
arbitrary code.

Trivial contrived example of a BAD authorized program:

 L R1,0(,R1) - Parm string
 LH   R2,0(,R1)  Get parm length
 EX   R2,MOVEPARMS  Copy without checking length :-(
PARMS DS CL8  Our parms are all = 8, so why waste space?
OPT99 DS 0H  do mainline processing - can be overlayed by malicious code

So if you pass in a carefully constructed parm string you may be able to
execute it and have the program do what you like.

Tony H.

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes:
 Re RISC vs. 68K:
 Anyone who thinks the RISC chips killed the 68K is off base.  They
 just need to check the dates.  Intel killed the 68K.  Motorola allied
 with IBM on RISC only after Intel had destroyed Motorola's market for
 the 68K.

801 was originally targeted (very) low-end ... ROMP chip was targeted to
be used in a displaywriter follow-in ... when that project was killed,
the group looked around for something to save the effort ... and hit on
the unix workstation market (with the displaywriter follow-on morphing
into unix workstation). lots of unix workstation market place is very
numerical and power hungry ... somewhat as a result ... the followon to
ROMP for that market was large, power-hungry RIOS chipset (i.e. POWER,
announced in RS/6000).  Paperweight on my desk (from original) has six
chips, and says 150 million OPS, 60 million FLOPS, and 7 million

somerset was combined ibm, motorola, apple project to do a single chip,
801 PC-level implementation ... the executive we reported to when we
were doing ha/cmp

went over to head up somerset. part of somerset including infusing
power/pc with some of motorola's 88k (risc) technology. ROMP and RIOS
were single processer implementations with no provision for
multi-processor cache consistency. power/pc was going to be able to
support cache consistency and multiprocessor operation.

lots of past 801 posts

68k was still hanging in there in 89/90 time-frame ... a couple posts
with some old references from the period (raw chip volumes, business
analysis, etc) Intel strickes back with a parallel 
x86 design Intel strickes back with a parallel 
x86 design

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Re: SV: how to list LE options

2007-06-25 Thread Ted MacNEIL
 The consultants were using our resources to compile programs 
 for the consultants essentially stealing resources from our 
 company. The two steps we made to stop the process was taking 
 away access to sys1.maclib and also not allowing assembler to 
 be invoked.

You let them off easy!
I would have dismissed them, right away.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Greg Shirey

Thanks for acknowledging and supporting my point.  Discussions on this
list are certainly not official IBM communications.  I believe,
therefore, we should be as free to use USS as an abbreviation for Unix
Systems Services as the folks who write IBM's APARs.  Freer, in fact.
I also believe that trying to encourage people to adhere to an IBM
standard when IBM doesn't just seems pointless.  But it's not my
dog, so to speak.

My last post on this subject. 

Greg Shirey
Ben E. Keith Company

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Chris Mason
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 6:11 AM


I see this is not the first time you have directed my attention to this 
misuse of USS by the folk responsible for writing up APARs and PTFs.

There are official and unofficial documents. What you find on the
bookshelves and - I'm going to issue a challenge here - announcement 
letters is, to my mind, official. What you find anywhere else is 
unofficial where nobody has bothered with what is official and with
might be ambiguous. This includes APAR/PTF text and red-whatevers -
others have appealed to redbooks for authority.[1]

Note what I quoted from Steve Thompson in my recent reply to Mark

[1] Actually the ITSO (redbook) locations have/had editors who really
be checking for official abbreviations and ambiguities.

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of R.S.
 Chris Mason wrote:
  [ lots of stuff ]
 [ snip ]
 I read all the posts, including yours. A lot of text. 
 Actually I have other duties as well, so I did not pay to 
 much attention to each of them. Now I'm trying to guess your 
 point, but I cannot. I don't understand. In fact, even in the 
 post I respond to you mentioned a lot of things, including 
 anarchy, democracy and elections. I must be dumb, because I 
 still don't see any reason to avoid some acronyms. 
 Just as example: ETR means Electronic Technical Response and 
 External Time Reference. Both are allowed by acronyms 
 puritans. Sometimes it makes confusion. Why USS cannot be 
 used as Unix System Services, since English language rules 
 don't say acronym cannot be ambigous, and have to be approved by IBM. 

You are attempting to inject logic and reason into what is essentially a
religious argument.  You are inevitably doomed to fail...


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Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/25/2007 10:27:02 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
it is often true that - if the social side is done right - 
the best  help comes from fellow users who've been through the same problems.
And often the fastest.  There's no bureaucracy involved.  Of  course, there 
is also usually no warranty on the help given.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

** See what's free at

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Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-25 Thread Staller, Allan
Leopard and Vista: Last Gasp of the Big OS?

from above:

Twenty years from now a new generation of computer users will look back
on the operating systems of today with the same bemused smile we look
back at the cars of the late 1950s and early 60s. They had huge fins,
were the size of a small yacht and burned up just about as much gas.


Those who can do, Those who can't become reporter's

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Re: The USS Heresy (was Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules)

2007-06-25 Thread Dean Kent
I'm going to do this to inject a little levity (I hope)...

Chris Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Incidentally - only because I spell-check my posts - I may as well
 your knowledge by pointing out that it's Unformatted with two ts.

 Please do me the courtesy of reading my posts before pontificating. If you

 memory needs refreshing, please read through my very recent posts on this
 topic. I'll say it again for your benefit fort the umpteenth time, I
 challenged the *belief*, not the *usage*.

Can we all agree that this is spelled 'IRONY'?  ;-)

 Perhaps you do wish to promote anarchy after all.

Spoken like a true dinosaur!!


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Re: SV: how to list LE options

2007-06-25 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
  The consultants were using our resources to compile programs for the

  consultants essentially stealing resources from our company. ... 
 You let them off easy!
 I would have dismissed them, right away.

Along with giving them some free room and board at the local Crossbar


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Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 6/25/2007 10:27:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Or,  there's nothing that can beat SHAREing.

Kind of ironic they 'discovered' what IBM-Main's been doing for 21 years!  
Maybe there's hope for occurectilitus... 

** See what's free at

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CICS TS 3.1 Customers: Last Chance to Order the Service Flow Feature

2007-06-25 Thread Timothy Sipples
The planned General Availability for CICS Transaction Server V3.2 is June
29, 2007.  CICS Transaction Server V3.2 was announced on March 27, 2007:

In this announcement, IBM warned that orders will not be accepted for the
CICS TS 3.1 Service Flow Feature upon GA of CICS TS V3.2.  However, the
CICS TS V3.2 Service Flow Feature will not be generally available until
sometime in the second half of 2007.

The Service Flow Feature is a no charge component, and I would recommend
that, if you have not done so already, and if you have CICS TS V3.1, you
place an order immediately for SFF.  The CICS Service Flow Feature is
described in greater detail here:

and in the above announcement.  Your CICS TS V3.1 Service Flow Feature
order will also include WebSphere Developer for System z V7.0.  The terms
of your CICS TS 3.1 license permit use of one user copy of WDz for any
purpose plus 10 user copies of WDz for the proscribed list of tasks,
including the Service Flow Modeler (to produce SFF binaries) and CICS Web

If you have already ordered the no charge Service Flow Feature for CICS TS
3.1, but you do not have WDz V7.0 or the latest SFF runtime, please request
PTF UQ20322 for APAR PK32131.

Please be aware that, when available, CICS TS V3.2's Service Flow Feature
will not be able to run V3.1 SFF binaries as-is.  However, compatibility
will be preserved at the tooling (modeler) level, so you will simply
regenerate your SFF binaries for the new version.  IBM's goal is to
preserve binary compatibility, but this was not technically possible in
this particular case.  Make sure you document this requirement and plan
accordingly for your upgrade to CICS TS V3.2.  (Shouldn't be a big deal,
but just be aware.)

Please get your no charge Service Flow Feature order in now, before it is
too late.  The program number is 5655-M15, and the feature number is 9001.
The orderable supply ID is S0129LW.  Please order via Customized Offerings
(CBPDO, ServerPac, SystemPac) in your choice of media type or as electronic
delivery (ShopzSeries) if available in your country.

Here's a brief excerpt from the Service Flow Feature announcement letter:

CICS Service Flow Feature [...] enables CICS application interfaces to be
composed to form CICS business services that expose high-level business
function interfaces. The CICS business service captures the transition
between many different application logic components in terms of a flow. The
resulting business service performs a high level purpose (for example,
order fulfilment or bill payment), that is meaningful to an external system
as a reusable service.

I should add that this is without coding.  It uses a graphical modeler (in
WDz) to wire CICS transactions, then produces a binary which runs in CICS
(in the Service Flow Runtime).  There is also the option to drive 3270
interfaces as part of the flow.  You don't have to have clean COMMAREA or
container access to every CICS program to get the job done.

You can download and view some recorded videos of the Service Flow Modeler

It's a very powerful tool, priced at zero, and, again, I urge everyone with
CICS TS V3.1 to order it, at least to obtain the marketing promotion copy
of WDz V7.0.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Howard Brazee
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:14:15 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My sister had an Amiga for years.  I had an Atari 800 which had such
advancements as lower case letters!

Oh, my second floppy driver for the Atari was a Z-80 powered drive
with 64K of RAM.  Besides working quite well, I was able to boot up
CP/M with it using my Atari 800 as a terminal.

I'm thinking of some future where it won't be unusual to buy a
Cray-equivalent chip to monitor water temperature in your shower...

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Re: HR policy

2007-06-25 Thread Rick Fochtman


:It is quite common HR policy. It is usually kept 'in secret' (in silence 
:at least), becasue it nothing to be proud of, but it is in quite common 
:use. From the other hand I know companies in Poland where people work 
:for two reasons:

:a) to get some experience, take some classes and go away with better CV.
:b) because they don't want to learn, they don't want to work to hard, 
:usually they rather stupid than dumb.

:Since I part of my job is teaching on mainframe courses, I often meet 
:them (only mainframe staff in fact) and observe their careers. Sometimes 
:one can distinguish a and b -types during first lab.

:There are also companys that will give you all the education you ask 
:for, because the rest of the compensation package is so shamefully poor. 
:A catalog-shopping firm I know of comes to mind. It was common knowledge 
:that you went here, picked their pockets for all the education you could 
:get in 2-3 years, then went to a real shop. The compensation package 
:for employees included only very minimal health insurance, with no 
:provision for dependants, below-average salaries, very rigid work hours, 
:minimal vacation time, all that kind of stuff. CAn I say Two sides to 
:every coin??

Did it have a five letter name, beginning and ending with s?

Nope. Started with S and ended with L

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Re: CICS TS 3.1 Customers: Last Chance to Order the Service Flow Feature

2007-06-25 Thread Barkow, Eileen
-Original Message-
Can someone tell me how to just order the service flow feature without
reordering all of cics.
I selected customized products and tried to just select the service flow
feature, but it would not accept it without the 'mandatory requisite' of
cics ts 3.1.

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Re: Upgrade went mostly well :(

2007-06-25 Thread Gibney, Dave
It seems  that Crypto Express2 needs to be configured as a
co-processor use the  PPINIT utility. Because SSL is the majority (all)
of our current use, I  configured all three as SSL accelerators.
I had to  re-configure back to co-processor to run the PPINIT  utility.

So jealous, just wondering why this didn't get covered in the  SAPR?

   I knew I was going to have trouble with the ICSF keys. I was sure I'd
asked all the right questions. It was a really nice guy at ICSF Level 2
that told me what was wrong. A few hours and another ipl and all was
well :)

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

the place that 43xx had the most difficult competition against vax/vms
was in the single (at a time) departmental servers (as some of the SHARE
studies highlighted). cost of mid-range computers had dropped below a
threshold that made them very cost-effective in departmental settings
... however scarce people skills and costs then started to dominate as
market inhibitor.

43xx did do very well in large number of departmental server orders
(especially with distributed, networked operation) ... where people
support skill/costs could be amortized across large number of machines.

clusters of 43xx also started to impact 3033. at one point (traditional
internal politics), the head of pok, manipulated east fishkill to cut
the allocation in half of a critical component needed for 43xx
manufacturing. later the same person gave a talk to a large public
audience and made some statement that something like 11,000 vax/vms
orders should have been 43xx ... also referenced in this old post departmental servers

and old email mentioning various 43xx issues ... including moving
workload off 3033 boxes onto 4341 clusters ... and large distributed
departmental server operations.

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Re: CICS TS 3.1 Customers: Last Chance to Order the Service Flow Feature

2007-06-25 Thread Barkow, Eileen
-Original Message-
i was able to order only the service flow feature by selecting
'productpack' instead of 'servicepack' and then it came up with a
'bypassable requisite' of cics ts 3.1.

This shopzseries is really confusing since it is only the 2nd time i
ever used it. And why is this product not available for download or on
cd-rom instead of having to order a hideous tape?

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Re: CICS TS 3.1 Customers: Last Chance to Order the Service Flow Feature

2007-06-25 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Barkow, Eileen
 -Original Message-
 Can someone tell me how to just order the service flow 
 feature without reordering all of cics.
 I selected customized products and tried to just select the 
 service flow feature, but it would not accept it without the 
 'mandatory requisite' of cics ts 3.1.

Just reorder CICSTS31, including the SFF, and throw out what you don't
need when it arrives.  ISTR having to do the same thing when SOAP for
TS23 became a FMID instead of a CICS Support Pac.


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Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread Pinnacle
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

In a message dated 6/25/2007 10:27:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

Or,  there's nothing that can beat SHAREing.

Kind of ironic they 'discovered' what IBM-Main's been doing for 21 years!
Maybe there's hope for occurectilitus...


I believe the diagnosis is rectocephaly.  Leave it to IBM to try to create 
IBMMain.  I expect Destinationz to go the way of search390.

Tom Conley

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2007-06-25 Thread Frank Felitti
We are considering use of 3390-27 devices particularly for some large DB2
tablespaces. Does anyone have any experience with performance issues with
such devices our know where I can find documentation regarding such issues
? I understand that use of PAVs is a must. Thanks.

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eugene Miya) writes:
 No, the most difficult competition was and is against the IBM PC.

 If it did so well, we'd see more evidence of it being around.
 They are not even museum pieces.

re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

you didn't read the zillion previous posts mentioning that mid-range
market for both vax/vms and 43xx volumes in departmental server market
started to move to workstations and larger PCs in the mid-80s. above
reference post ... mentions the previous post in the thread ... which made
the same point one more time (and then later the workstations started
to also loose out to PCs). The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

for instance, the 4361/4381 which were expecting similar large volume
sales as seen for 4331/4341 ... never happened. similar numbers can be
seen for vax/vms numbers ... where vax did do some volumes in the
mid-80s with micro-vax ... also readily seen in the repeated references
to decade of vax/vms numbers, sliced  diced by model, yr, domestic,
world-wide, etc Computers in Science Fiction

 ... the 4331s/4341s and other mid-market players in the departmental
servers had very little PCs to compete with (late 70s and early 80s)
... it wasn't until you get to the followon machines; 4361s/4381s (and
later vax) that you start to see the workstation/PC effect in the
departmental server market.

one of the contributions to the PCs in the departmental server market
was a project called DataHub which was being done by the san jose disk
division.  Part of the software implementation was being done under
work-for-hire subcontract by a group in Provo (one of the people from
San Jose commuted to Provo nearly every week). At some point, the
company decided to kill the DataHub project and allowed the Provo group
to retain rights to everything that they had done under the
work-for-hire contract.  Not too long later, there was a company out of
Provo with a PC server offering.

misc. past posts mentioning DataHub project: John Hartmann's Birthday Party No more innovation?  Get serious When will IBM buy Sun? Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments? Over-the-shoulder effect MP cost effectiveness Alpha performance, why? Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? Intel strikes back with a parallel 
x86 design Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years 
later The Elements of Programming Style Is computer history taught now? How difficult would it be for a 

in the mean time, the communication division had seen a huge install
base of communication controllers grow based on terminal emulation

which was started to break away into various kinds of client/server ...
they came up with SAA ... somewhat positioned at helping preserve their
communication controller market (and countermeasure to client/server).
A problem we had in this period was that we were making some number of
customer executive presentations on 3-tier (network) architecture ...
and taking flames  barbs from the SAA factions

other recent posts in this same thread: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the 

Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Mark H. Young
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

HI, all

Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the extent of
hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.
Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test 
before and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be provided 
with powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system 
module and probably just to change some control blocks in memory. 
Somehow, it seems easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but it's 
easier said than done in MVS.

The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
the problem.

Thanks and regards

Eric Sun


Why would it be easier to do in CICS and DB2 and not MVS?

In addition to the powerful TSO user ID, will you have access to Omegamon,
TMON, or some other monitor?  That would be the way to go for changing
some MVS control blocks, even in CICS and DB2 too.  Right up to the point
of causing an IPL that is.


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2007-06-25 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frank Felitti
 Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:14 PM
 Subject: 3390-27 PERFORMANCE
 We are considering use of 3390-27 devices particularly for 
 some large DB2
 tablespaces. Does anyone have any experience with performance 
 issues with
 such devices our know where I can find documentation 
 regarding such issues
 ? I understand that use of PAVs is a must. Thanks.

OK, I'll bite. Why? A DB2 tablespace is composed of multipe unique VSAM
clusters. There should not be any problem that I know of with anything
like the 59 volume limit for a multivolume dataset. Or am I wrong on
this point? I could well be.

Anyway, without PAV your I/O performance will likely be worse due to I/O
queuing on the UCB. Without PAV, you can only have one I/O active on a
volume at a time. With PAV, a single volume can have multiple I/O
addresses and activity on all of them concurrently. Just stating this to
be complete. Efficient use of a -27 fairly much demands PAV.

The other consideration could be disaster recovery. If you need -27
sized volumes at the disaster site, the provider may charge you extra
for that over having the equivalent space on -3 sized volumes. Also, how
are you backing up your DB2 data? If you're using DB2 utilities, then I
think you wll be OK. But if you are using DFDSS or FDR to do volume
level backups, then a -27 will likely take up to 9x as long to back up
because of the way that DFDSS (and I think FDR) does its backup. I doubt
that many use DFDSS or FDR to do volume backups of DB2, but I don't

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Pelletier
Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.  

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier
Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Tim Hare
Question: how do we know that your organization  is not just asking us to 
provide a way to disrupt mainframe systems? No offense intended, at all; 
it's just a basic security question.

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread David Cole

Hi All,

Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find 
out the local time of the last IPL?


Cole Software  WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658

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IGD17272I sms extended dataset allocate

2007-06-25 Thread Dave Guthrie
I am getting the IDG17272I message when attempting to a primary allocation 
using IDCAMS of more than one 3390 DASD volume on a flex-es system 
running z/OS 1.6. I’ve set up data class with the extended attribute.  I am 
able to allocate less than a full volume with no problem. I don’t see where the 
problem is, but I think it must be something simple.


My IDCAMS commands are:
  KEYS(8 0) -
  RECORDSIZE(600 2043) - 
  SPEED) -   
  CYLINDERS(3999 005) - 
  FREESPACE(0 10) - 
  CISZ(4096)) - 
  CYLINDERS(3999 005) -   
  FREESPACE(0 10) -   
  CISZ(4096)) -   

The data class definition:
CDS Name  . . . : SYS1.SCDS.DATA  
Data Class Name : DBCLASS
Recfm  . . . . . . . . . : 
Lrecl  . . . . . . . . . : 
Space Avgrec . . . . . . : 
  Avg Value  . . . . : 
  Primary  . . . . . : 
  Secondary  . . . . : 
  Directory  . . . . : 
Retpd Or Expdt . . . . . : 
Volume Count . . . . . . : 3   
Add'l Volume Amount  . . : 
Data Set Name Type  . . . : EXTENDED  
  If Extended . . . . . . : REQUIRED  
  Extended Addressability : YES   
  Record Access Bias  . . : USER  
Space Constraint Relief . : NO 

I have stet up in SMS:
MGMTCLAS  ---    --  -  


Here is the SMS status:


 IGD002I 09:51:34 DISPLAY SMS 956

Abend Message in jobstream:


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Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Rob Scott
SMCAITME and SMCAIDTE in the SMCA (IEESMCA is the mapping macro -

SMCA pointed to by CVTSMCA 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Cole
Sent: 25 June 2007 19:45
Subject: Finding the last IPL time

Hi All,

Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find out
the local time of the last IPL?


Cole Software  WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658

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Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Wickman
Mark Zelden has a rexx routine called IPLINFO that provides this as

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Cole
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:45 PM
Subject: [IBM-MAIN] Finding the last IPL time

Hi All,

Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find 
out the local time of the last IPL?


Cole Software  WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658

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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Farley, Peter x23353
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of David Cole
 Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:45 PM
 Subject: Finding the last IPL time
 Hi All,
 Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find
 out the local time of the last IPL?

Don't know the field names, but Mark Zelden's Rexx exec IPLINFO knows how to
find it (date and time).  See his subroutine IPL: for details.



This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the addressee 
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Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Dave Kopischke
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:41:12 -0400, Robert Pelletier wrote:

Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.

There was a post or two or twenty discussing this in just the last month or so. 
Here's a couple IBM links I noted from those posts:


(Mind the wrap)

You might search the archives to see what else came up. As I recall, it took 
off on a tangent, but I picked up some useful information along the way.

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Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Wright
Dave Cole wrote on 2007-06-25 14:45:28:

 Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find
 out the local time of the last IPL?

Check out IHAIPA in MACLIB.  Field IPAICTOD may give you what you want.
It's the value that you'll see as IPL time when you use IPCS subcommand

Bob Wright - MVS Service Aids

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Doug Fuerst

What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

At 02:30 PM 6/25/2007, you wrote:

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI, all

Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the extent of
hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.
Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test
before and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be provided
with powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system
module and probably just to change some control blocks in memory.
Somehow, it seems easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but it's
easier said than done in MVS.

The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
the problem.

Thanks and regards

Eric Sun

Doug Fuerst
BK Associates
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 921-2620 (Office)
(718) 921-0952 (Fax)
(917) 572-7364 (Cell)

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Re: IGD17272I sms extended dataset allocate

2007-06-25 Thread Larre Shiller
Dave -

What a coincidence--just last week I opened an ETR for what I suspect may 
be the exact same issue, except I'm using 3390-9's instead of -3's.  After 
some initial investigation, the SMS L2 technician thinks that OA20446 may 
resolve the issue, but he needs to confirm that with Development.  OA20446 
talks about the FAST_VOLSEL SMS parameter and we do have FAST_VOLSEL 
turned ON, but I get the same results even if I turn it OFF.


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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Mark H. Young
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:06:57 -0400, Doug Fuerst 

What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

At 02:30 PM 6/25/2007, you wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun 

 HI, all
 Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
 responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
 environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to 
 cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the
 extent of hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.
 Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test
 before and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be
 with powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system
 module and probably just to change some control blocks in memory.
 Somehow, it seems easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but
 easier said than done in MVS.
 The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
 the problem.
 Thanks and regards
 Eric Sun

Doug Fuerst
BK Associates
Brooklyn, NY

Just E-X-C-E-R-C-I-S-E maybe?!

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Mohammad Khan
Management is history buffs, this is nearest thing they can get to a 
gladiatorial combat. They are looking forward to some good action and a few 
rolling heads !
Hail to the Caesar !

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:06:57 -0400, Doug Fuerst 

What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

At 02:30 PM 6/25/2007, you wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun 

 HI, all
 Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
 responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
 environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
 cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the 
extent of
 hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.
 Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test
 before and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be 
 with powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system
 module and probably just to change some control blocks in memory.
 Somehow, it seems easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but 
 easier said than done in MVS.
 The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
 the problem.
 Thanks and regards
 Eric Sun

Doug Fuerst
BK Associates
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 921-2620 (Office)
(718) 921-0952 (Fax)
(917) 572-7364 (Cell)

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Search the archives at

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Search the archives at

Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
Here is some info from Marist College for a program that is being
developed in conjunction with IBM and several other companies, us
included. We have had one of our people in the first group taking this
set of courses and he stated that it was very intense. The online
courses for z are being taught by very experienced IBM techies.

According to a recent article on, 95% of the Fortune
500 companies continue to use mainframes, and about 2/3 of all business
transactions for U.S. retail banks run on them. Yet many professionals
who manage these mainframe computers are retiring. IBM has set a goal to
get 20,000 new mainframe literate IT professionals by 2010.
To address the continuing need for mainframe skills, IBM and the Marist
Center for Collaborative and On-Demand Computing (CCODC) have jointly
developed the On-Demand with
Enterprise Systems certificate program. This program consists of a
series of online training modules that will help you increase your
knowledge of the System z platform through
experienced-based learning. The program is aimed at working
professionals and is available through the Marist IDCP
(Institute of Data Center Professionals -
The certificate program is a three-tiered offering of training
modules that will enable industry professionals to earn three System z
certificates from Marist as outlined below. The first two years of the
program are the same for all participants. In the third year,
participants will choose a specific track of study:
application development or systems administration.
Scholarships for the program are available on a
competitive basis.
In addition to Marist certificates, the first course (Introduction to
the z/OS Operating System and Components) will prepare students to take
the worldwide IBM System z Entry Level for
z/OS System Programmer Mastery Test.
System z Associate Certificate (9/10/07-5/16/08):
This first certificate is a series of 3 modules that introduce
the z/OS Operating system and major. The modules in the
program are:
* Introduction to the z/OS Operating System and Components
* System z Networking
* System z Security
System z Professional Certificate (9/10/07-5/16/08):
This certificate program is offered to participants who have
successfully completed the System z Associate certificate. The
Professional Certificate introduces advanced System z topics:
* Advanced Topics in zArchitecture: (including z/OS
Assembler Language)
* RAS and Diagnostics (Availability, Serviceability,
and Diagnostics)
* Emerging Technologies (Linux, Grid Computing, Service
Oriented Architecture)
On-demaEMAnd witITh eEnterpriseTERPRISE sSystemsSTEMS
CertificateERTIFICATE programPROGRAM
System z Expert Certificate (Will be offered September 2008):
This certificate requires completion of the first two certificates
above. The System z Expert certificate then gives participants a choice
of two tracks to pursue. The first track covers the System z application
development environment and the second track covers System z system
Application Development Track:
* Application Development Environment and Deployment on
System z, Unix System Services, Eclipse, WDz (WebSphere
Development for z/OS)
* J2EE on System z
Systems Administration Track:
* Operating System, Installation, Configuration (JES, RACF,
TSO, SMP/E and Fixes)
* System Measurement and Tuning (WLM configuration, SMF
and RMF)
Online, non-credit training modules
Applicants to the On-Demand with Enterprise Systems Certificate program
must submit:
* completed application (application form available
* employer recommendation
Accepted March 15, 2007 through June 30, 2007
The Institute for Data Center Professionals (IDCP)
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 - 1387
Mary Ann Hoffmann

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Robert Pelletier
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:41 PM
Subject: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving

Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.  

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier
Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search
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This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. If
you think you have received this e-mail in error, please 

Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Steve Comstock

Robert Pelletier wrote:

Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.  

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier

Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.

As I recall, your installation runs OS/390 V2R10, right?
Does this mean the powers that be are considering updating /
upgrading? That would be good news.

Here's some resources, mostly culled from ibm-main posts ...

Some articles John McKown posted back in 2004:

Mainframe Catalogs: the untold story

IBM CICS legacy at the heart of SOA

The mainframe is back

Happy birthday, Mainframe

Alan Field of SuperValue posted the link to ibm's
Academic Initiative z Series part in Feb. 2005:

Check out Promoting Mainframe Education

Paul Beesley of EDS in Bournemouth, in Feb. 2005 posted:
an interesting article about the true cost of the mainframe versus other 

Ed Jaffe of Phoenix Software posted this in Mar. 2005:

Aaron Walker of the State of Texas, in Sept. 2005
posted this link:

In January, 2006, John Wynton of Themis Training posted:

We have the following resources on our website:

What we call Very Short Presentations on modern mainframes at:

Good luck.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at

Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Pelletier
Thanks Jon. 

Subject: Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges
(saving frame)

Here is some info from Marist College for a program that is being
developed in conjunction with IBM and several other companies, us
included. We have had one of our people in the first group taking this
set of courses and he stated that it was very intense. The online
courses for z are being taught by very experienced IBM techies.

According to a recent article on, 95% of the Fortune
500 companies continue to use mainframes, and about 2/3 of all business
transactions for U.S. retail banks run on them. Yet many professionals
who manage these mainframe computers are retiring. IBM has set a goal to
get 20,000 new mainframe literate IT professionals by 2010.
To address the continuing need for mainframe skills, IBM and the Marist
Center for Collaborative and On-Demand Computing (CCODC) have jointly
developed the On-Demand with Enterprise Systems certificate program.
This program consists of a series of online training modules that will
help you increase your knowledge of the System z platform through
experienced-based learning. The program is aimed at working
professionals and is available through the Marist IDCP (Institute of
Data Center Professionals -
The certificate program is a three-tiered offering of training modules
that will enable industry professionals to earn three System z
certificates from Marist as outlined below. The first two years of the
program are the same for all participants. In the third year,
participants will choose a specific track of study:
application development or systems administration.
Scholarships for the program are available on a competitive basis.
In addition to Marist certificates, the first course (Introduction to
the z/OS Operating System and Components) will prepare students to take
the worldwide IBM System z Entry Level for z/OS System Programmer
Mastery Test.
System z Associate Certificate (9/10/07-5/16/08):
This first certificate is a series of 3 modules that introduce the z/OS
Operating system and major. The modules in the program are:
* Introduction to the z/OS Operating System and Components
* System z Networking
* System z Security
System z Professional Certificate (9/10/07-5/16/08):
This certificate program is offered to participants who have
successfully completed the System z Associate certificate. The
Professional Certificate introduces advanced System z topics:
* Advanced Topics in zArchitecture: (including z/OS Assembler Language)
* RAS and Diagnostics (Availability, Serviceability, and Diagnostics)
* Emerging Technologies (Linux, Grid Computing, Service Oriented
Architecture) On-demaEMAnd witITh eEnterpriseTERPRISE sSystemsSTEMS
CertificateERTIFICATE programPROGRAM System z Expert Certificate (Will
be offered September 2008):
This certificate requires completion of the first two certificates
above. The System z Expert certificate then gives participants a choice
of two tracks to pursue. The first track covers the System z application
development environment and the second track covers System z system
Application Development Track:
* Application Development Environment and Deployment on System z, Unix
System Services, Eclipse, WDz (WebSphere Development for z/OS)
* J2EE on System z
Systems Administration Track:
* Operating System, Installation, Configuration (JES, RACF, TSO, SMP/E
and Fixes)
* System Measurement and Tuning (WLM configuration, SMF and RMF) FORMAT
Online, non-credit training modules ADdMISSIONnS REQUIREMENnTS
Applicants to the On-Demand with Enterprise Systems Certificate program
must submit:
* completed application (application form available at
* employer recommendation
Accepted March 15, 2007 through June 30, 2007 FOR MORE INnFORMATIONn OR
ANn APPLICATIONn The Institute for Data Center Professionals (IDCP)
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 - 1387
Mary Ann Hoffmann

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Robert Pelletier
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:41 PM
Subject: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving

Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.  

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier
Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search
the archives at

This e-mail may contain 

Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Pelletier
Hi. Yes they are please keep your fingers crossed out there. 

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier
Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.
-Original Message-
From: Steve Comstock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges
(saving frame)

Robert Pelletier wrote:
 Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the 
 mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our 
 schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
 Thanks all.  
 Have a Nice Day !
 Bob Pelletier
 Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
 Rocky Hill, Ct.

As I recall, your installation runs OS/390 V2R10, right?
Does this mean the powers that be are considering updating / upgrading?
That would be good news.

Here's some resources, mostly culled from ibm-main posts ...

Some articles John McKown posted back in 2004:

Mainframe Catalogs: the untold story

IBM CICS legacy at the heart of SOA

The mainframe is back

Happy birthday, Mainframe

Alan Field of SuperValue posted the link to ibm's Academic Initiative z
Series part in Feb. 2005:

Check out Promoting Mainframe Education

Paul Beesley of EDS in Bournemouth, in Feb. 2005 posted:
an interesting article about the true cost of the mainframe versus other

Ed Jaffe of Phoenix Software posted this in Mar. 2005:

Aaron Walker of the State of Texas, in Sept. 2005 posted this link:

In January, 2006, John Wynton of Themis Training posted:

We have the following resources on our website:

What we call Very Short Presentations on modern mainframes at:

Good luck.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


   z/OS Application development made easier
 * Our classes include
+ How things work
+ Programming examples with realistic applications
+ Starter / skeleton code
+ Complete working programs
+ Useful utilities and subroutines
+ Tips and techniques

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email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search
the archives at

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at

Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread David Cole

Thanks Rob, That's EXACTLY what I was looking for.

Dave Cole

At 6/25/2007 02:51 PM, you wrote:

SMCAITME and SMCAIDTE in the SMCA (IEESMCA is the mapping macro - SYS1.MACLIB)

SMCA pointed to by CVTSMCA

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at

Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/25/2007 2:15:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
I believe the diagnosis is rectocephaly.
I always thought it was CAIS (Cranial-Anal Insertion Syndrome).
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

** See what's free at

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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at

Re: IGD17272I sms extended dataset allocate

2007-06-25 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]

What model 3390 are you using? A mod-3 only has 3339 cyls, while you are =
CYLINDERS(3999 005) -

Suggest you try a smaller Primary. For multi-volume files I often used 
cyls(300 200) which gave me an entire volume in 16 extents if it was 
empty and the freedom to allocate to other partially used volumes.

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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Doug Fuerst
LOL, I like that. One would think that maybe screwing up an SMP zone 
and having them resolve it, or botch and install and have them fix it 
would be a better test these days.

At 03:15 PM 6/25/2007, you wrote:

Management is history buffs, this is nearest thing they can get to a
gladiatorial combat. They are looking forward to some good action and a few
rolling heads !
Hail to the Caesar !

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:06:57 -0400, Doug Fuerst

What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

At 02:30 PM 6/25/2007, you wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun

 HI, all
 Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
 responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
 environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
 cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the
extent of
 hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.

Doug Fuerst
BK Associates
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 921-2620 (Office)
(718) 921-0952 (Fax)
(917) 572-7364 (Cell)

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at

Re: Finding the last IPL time

2007-06-25 Thread Mark Zelden
As mentioned, my IPLINFO exec displays it - using those fields from the
SMCA.  They have been there *a long time*.  

But there is also a field in the IPA -  IPAICTOD - defined as when
system initialization ended.  It is slightly before the time in the SMCA and
is GMT, not local.   IPAICTOD also matches what you see when you use the
D IPLINFO operator command.  

Another place it is, that I have seen defined as when initialization 
began, is the SHID_TODCL field in the SHID.  It is also in GMT.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:51:38 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SMCAITME and SMCAIDTE in the SMCA (IEESMCA is the mapping macro -

SMCA pointed to by CVTSMCA

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Cole
Sent: 25 June 2007 19:45
Subject: Finding the last IPL time

Hi All,

Is there a way (an API or a cblock field) by which a program an find out
the local time of the last IPL?


Cole Software  WEB PAGE:
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Re: HR policy

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 25, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

There are also companys that will give you all the education you  
ask for, because the rest of the compensation package is so  
shamefully poor. A catalog-shopping firm I know of comes to mind.  
It was common knowledge that you went here, picked their pockets  
for all the education you could get in 2-3 years, then went to a  
real shop. The compensation package for employees included only  
very minimal health insurance, with no provision for dependants,  
below-average salaries, very rigid work hours, minimal vacation  
time, all that kind of stuff. CAn I say Two sides to every coin??

At one time there was a 3rd kind (I know because I worked there).  
They gave you so much education (and travel) that your head nearly  
exploded. The compensation package was excellent (4 weeks vacation)  
the salary was pretty average though. We typically had people  
employed there because they enjoyed the work and there was really  
very little politics so much so that they stayed and almost no staff  
turnover. You had has much freedom as you wanted. The hours were  
typical and the people around you were generally nice people. They  
also kept on the cutting edge of IBM hardware and software. It kept  
you busy and learning all the time.
There was very little finger pointing. One of the sysprogs was sent  
to Amsterdam for about a year to help them through a conversion.  
Another was  sent down to Texas to help a subsidary with a capacity  
planning issue another was sent to a newspaper chain to suggest a new  
We had our downside as well. A sysprog manager that called in sick 4  
or 5 days a week to name one.

It was not a perfect job but it was the best job I ever had .

The company eventually relocated to Florida (due to politics in  
corporate). I have heard that most of the people that followed  
regretted it.


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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread David Andrews
On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 15:06 -0400, Doug Fuerst wrote:
 What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

Maybe the IS director is trying to justify another, more senior
position.  The existing sysprog is the president's PFCSK son, a whiz at
windows - but not all that great a S390 gunslinger.

Or maybe management wants to bring in a tester merely to *teach* that

Once upon a time I used to do something like this to/for members of my
staff.  I'd arrange to come in way early in the morning, send the
operator out for coffee, and then do *something*.  When the operator
came back, he'd find the IMS master complaining about e.g. a
recalcitrant PTERM.  Better take a look at that, I'd say unhelpfully.

I'd watch him puzzle it out slowly, and offer leading questions if he
appeared to be stuck.  Is it active to VTAM?  Is the phone line to
that campus operational?  Do you know where the cables are for that
line?  Are they connected?  By the time he got to that interface switch
that I'd flipped off on the oh-five, he'd gotten ten times as much value
out of the exercise as he'd have gotten from varying the terminal
off-and-on and calling a tech.

Sure, test your sysprogs.  Do it with good humor, and don't publish the
results - it's the testing itself that's important.  Then when you can't
fool 'em anymore, they're promotable and you've done your job.

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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How to get a list of datasets recalled by HSM?

2007-06-25 Thread Brian Nielsen
How can I generate a list of the datasets that HSM (1.7) recalls?  I'm trying 
to identify the culprits that are causing tape take-aways during nightly 
primary space management processing.  Once the culprits are identified I can 
update their management class as appropriate.


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Re: How to get a list of datasets recalled by HSM?

2007-06-25 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]
Check your HSMACT.*.MIG logs for the following:
or scan your system logs for ARC0303I msgs
Mainstar offers the HSM Report Manager which will also provide that 
information. It is what I use to minimize ML2 recall activity.

From: Brian Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 6/25/2007 3:59 PM
Subject: How to get a list of datasets recalled by HSM?

How can I generate a list of the datasets that HSM (1.7) recalls?  I'm trying
to identify the culprits that are causing tape take-aways during nightly
primary space management processing.  Once the culprits are identified I can
update their management class as appropriate.


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Re: How to get a list of datasets recalled by HSM?

2007-06-25 Thread Hoesly, Bret
We generate reports with that information from a daily MXG PDB file. We
also have Mainstar's Reporter/Manager which will do the same as well.

Bret Hoesly 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Nielsen
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:59 PM
Subject: How to get a list of datasets recalled by HSM?

How can I generate a list of the datasets that HSM (1.7) recalls?  I'm
to identify the culprits that are causing tape take-aways during nightly

primary space management processing.  Once the culprits are identified I
update their management class as appropriate.


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Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Steve Comstock

Robert Pelletier wrote:
Hi. Yes they are please keep your fingers crossed out there. 

Have a Nice Day !
Bob Pelletier

Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
Rocky Hill, Ct.

We will. And if it happens, we can bring your applications
staff up to date quickly:

one day - for everyone, Introduction to z/OS:

two days - for your COBOL programmers, Enterprise COBOL
Update I: Essentials:

then go from there.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Steve Comstock

David Andrews wrote:

On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 15:06 -0400, Doug Fuerst wrote:

What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?

Maybe the IS director is trying to justify another, more senior
position.  The existing sysprog is the president's PFCSK son, a whiz at
windows - but not all that great a S390 gunslinger.

Or maybe management wants to bring in a tester merely to *teach* that

Once upon a time I used to do something like this to/for members of my
staff.  I'd arrange to come in way early in the morning, send the
operator out for coffee, and then do *something*.  When the operator
came back, he'd find the IMS master complaining about e.g. a
recalcitrant PTERM.  Better take a look at that, I'd say unhelpfully.

I'd watch him puzzle it out slowly, and offer leading questions if he
appeared to be stuck.  Is it active to VTAM?  Is the phone line to
that campus operational?  Do you know where the cables are for that
line?  Are they connected?  By the time he got to that interface switch
that I'd flipped off on the oh-five, he'd gotten ten times as much value
out of the exercise as he'd have gotten from varying the terminal
off-and-on and calling a tech.

Sure, test your sysprogs.  Do it with good humor, and don't publish the
results - it's the testing itself that's important.  Then when you can't
fool 'em anymore, they're promotable and you've done your job.

Note that the OP was with a Chinese consulting company
located in Beijing. That might put a different light on
the speculation.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

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Re: IBM launches MySpace for mainframes

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 6/25/2007 2:15:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I  believe the diagnosis is rectocephaly.  Leave it to IBM to try to create  
IBMMain.  I expect Destinationz to go the way of  search390.

Lets see, shun your back on us for 20 years, drop HESC, drop OS/2, drop MCA  
only to reappear on PowerPC and now they want us to teach COBOL and 
participate  in a blue tint of myspace. Well, it'd be humorous if it weren't so 

** See what's free at

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Ken Porowski
Digging a little further ...

Sunflower Consulting and Services Co., Ltd. is a 100% Canadian owned
Company operates in China. We specialize in IBM mainframe system and
application services and have been providing high quality services to
customers in China.  

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steve Comstock
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Testing System Programmer Capabilities

David Andrews wrote:
 On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 15:06 -0400, Doug Fuerst wrote:
What, pray tell, is the point of this exercise?
 Maybe the IS director is trying to justify another, more senior 
 position.  The existing sysprog is the president's PFCSK son, a whiz 
 at windows - but not all that great a S390 gunslinger.
 Or maybe management wants to bring in a tester merely to *teach* that 
 Once upon a time I used to do something like this to/for members of my

 staff.  I'd arrange to come in way early in the morning, send the 
 operator out for coffee, and then do *something*.  When the operator 
 came back, he'd find the IMS master complaining about e.g. a 
 recalcitrant PTERM.  Better take a look at that, I'd say
 I'd watch him puzzle it out slowly, and offer leading questions if he 
 appeared to be stuck.  Is it active to VTAM?  Is the phone line to 
 that campus operational?  Do you know where the cables are for that 
 line?  Are they connected?  By the time he got to that interface 
 switch that I'd flipped off on the oh-five, he'd gotten ten times as 
 much value out of the exercise as he'd have gotten from varying the 
 terminal off-and-on and calling a tech.
 Sure, test your sysprogs.  Do it with good humor, and don't publish 
 the results - it's the testing itself that's important.  Then when you

 can't fool 'em anymore, they're promotable and you've done your job.

Note that the OP was with a Chinese consulting company located in
Beijing. That might put a different light on the speculation.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


   z/OS Application development made easier
 * Our classes include
+ How things work
+ Programming examples with realistic applications
+ Starter / skeleton code
+ Complete working programs
+ Useful utilities and subroutines
+ Tips and techniques

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2007-06-25 Thread Nick Gale

Has anyone implemented CSSPQ on their machines? The implementation looks 
fairly straightfoward and seems to be a no-brainer. Anyone have any 
experiences to share on this?



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VTS Questions

2007-06-25 Thread Mark Steely
We are z/OS V1R7. We have two systems..we are not sysplex.  We have CA-1
We have 2 VTS the VTS are connected to both systems. When I added
logical volumes to one of the boxes - half of the request got processed
on one system and the other half got processed on the other system. When
I display the volumes the half that got processed on the wrong system
has that system category. How can I reprocess those volumes and get the
correct category? 
I thought about deleting the volume, but the manual states that the
volumes can only be deleted by a host system command or eject the
volume. The volume can not be ejected because it is a logical volume.
What command should I use?  
How should I prevent future additions of logical volumes so they are
only processed on the correct machine? 
Any help would be appreciated,
Thank You

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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Arthur T.
On 25 Jun 2007 07:23:21 -0700, in 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charokee Sun) wrote:

Our company recently had been given a task by our client 
to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems 
programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their 
system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course 
not to the extent of

hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.

 I've been enjoying the responses to this.  I'm in 
general agreement that we shouldn't give that kind of 
information on a public forum, and that the OP shouldn't 
have asked.

 However, in terms of testing a sysprog:  A much 
better test than being able to hack a system is being able 
to undo the results of such a hack.  I've seen users 
accidentally bring a system to its knees, and a sysprog's 
job is to get the system going again without an IPL, and 
with minimal impact on schedules and people.

I cannot receive mail at the address this was sent from.
To reply directly, send to ar23hur at intergate dot com

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Re: Synchronize Time Between Mainframe and Servers?

2007-06-25 Thread Dave Kopischke
On Mon, 21 May 2007 13:08:55 -0500, Dave Kopischke wrote:

Also, if you lose the timer, you can recover and run without it. It takes a few
seconds for error recovery and to present the option on the console. By this
time, most of our communication sessions time out, so we've got some work 
do to get everything reconnected. But batch JOBs continue to run and
everything else runs just fine too once you restart all your VTAM applications
and such.

We just had our first opportunity to disconnect the timer and run without it 
since upgrading to z/OS 1.7. It was a non-event. No stoppage at all. Just a 
nasty message on the console about losing ETR ports and losing the ETR, but 
everything kept running. No prompt to answer or anything. And it recovered 
automatically when we reattached the timer as well.

When we were on OS/390 2.10 (and z/OS 1.4 if I recall correctly), it would 
lock up every LPAR and make you answer a console prompt before proceeding. 
Lots of interactive things used to time out. This is much nicer.

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Re: SV: how to list LE options

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 25, 2007, at 7:50 AM, Chase, John wrote:

The consultants were using our resources to compile programs
for the consultants essentially stealing resources from our
company. The two steps we made to stop the process was taking
away access to sys1.maclib and also not allowing assembler to
be invoked.

Oh  Sort of like, None of the folks knew how to use a lawn mower,
so they banned lawns.  Must have been a gummint shop.

The programmers were the one to initiate this process. They were the  
ones who only knew COBOL and could not figure out assembler. They  
were far from dumb just not trained in assembler. I guess I couldn't  
blame them. It would be like getting called in on APL2 and not having  
a clue what it was. I certainly wasn't conversant  in it. I was able  
to call IBM and report the problem and get a resolution to it. But  
did not know anything but how to spell it.  In the case of assembler  
they had no one to call. One could argue they could learn it  but not  
at 2AM. There was no sense in trying to hire programmers who already  
knew it as 100 percent (or 99.9) of the programs was written in  
COBOL. Would you hire (at more $$) a person that might never use his  
(or her) expertise? Do you think a programmer would even consider  
such a position? My feeling and talking with hiring managers then the  
answer is no. This was back in the early 80's and finding experience  
programmers was just difficult.



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Re: CA-Allocate / SMS

2007-06-25 Thread Scott
May I ask why you are converting off of CA-Allocate?  How did you like it 
when you were using it?  We are going to be trialing the product and may 
eventually purchase it.  They have a quota feature that may be useful with 
CA-Vantage to give us some information.  This product may also be a 
replacement for StopX37.


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Re: Testing System Programmer Capabilities

2007-06-25 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
If you do not know how to accomplish this task then your company is not 
suited to the task and should decline the offer. There are better ways to test 
the abilities of staff than cuasing damage of any kind.

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:29:44 -0500, Eric Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

HI, all

Our company recently had been given a task by our client to test the
responsiveness and capabilities of their systems programmer in their test
environment. Our tasks assigned include to hack their system to
cause/simulate system and application outage, of course not to the extent of
hanging/re-IPLing the whole system.
Just want to know whether anyone out there have done any similar test 
and willing to share what they have tested. Btw, we will be provided with
powerful TSO user IDs but won't be allowed to touch any system module and
probably just to change some control blocks in memory. Somehow, it seems
easy to think what you can do in CICS and DB/2 but it's easier said than
done in MVS.

The systems programmers will be given at least 1-1/2 hour limit to resolve
the problem.

Thanks and regards

Eric Sun


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Re: IBM PROMOTING the Teaching of COBOL/ZOS in the Colleges (saving frame)

2007-06-25 Thread Ed Gould

On Jun 25, 2007, at 1:41 PM, Robert Pelletier wrote:

Hi All. I need to put together a document that IBM is taking the
mainframe seriously and is actively trying to get it taught in our
schools. Would anyone have any good articles available for my use?
Thanks all.


This is a put on right?


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Re: Unable to compile Java - iconv_init problem

2007-06-25 Thread Nagesh

hmmm...I see. Thanks, Mark.

I think, I am working on the most fragile/brittle system ! I had the 
.profile set up with the STEPLIB variable that you mentioned earlier. No 
changes since then. And, guess what ? The same problem again !! This 
system seems to have its own mind - and a highly idiosyncratic one at that !


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2007-06-25 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
You do realize a 3390-27 is not just a bigger physical 3390 from the days of 
old where big round platters were stuck on a spindle, right? That 3390-27 is a 
software emulated disk spread over a bunch of smaller physical drives. So the 
PAV is important IF you will be trying to do many concurrent I/Os from 
different tasks. If you have one really humonguous DB2 table with one DB2 
subsystem doing the I/O then where is your bottleneck causing delays? The 
PAV allows more requestors to access the volume at the same time. Those 
little disks in your dasd array get accessed by the software in the dasd array 
which do the real I/O to satisfy your virtual I/O request.

So how many data sets and concurrent requestors you are trying to support 
are key in understanding whether you will see a performance problem.

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 13:36:26 -0500, McKown, John 

 We are considering use of 3390-27 devices particularly for
 some large DB2
 tablespaces. Does anyone have any experience with performance
 issues with
 such devices our know where I can find documentation
 regarding such issues
 ? I understand that use of PAVs is a must. Thanks.

OK, I'll bite. Why? A DB2 tablespace is composed of multipe unique VSAM
clusters. There should not be any problem that I know of with anything
like the 59 volume limit for a multivolume dataset. Or am I wrong on
this point? I could well be.

Anyway, without PAV your I/O performance will likely be worse due to I/O
queuing on the UCB. Without PAV, you can only have one I/O active on a
volume at a time. With PAV, a single volume can have multiple I/O
addresses and activity on all of them concurrently. Just stating this to
be complete. Efficient use of a -27 fairly much demands PAV.

The other consideration could be disaster recovery. If you need -27
sized volumes at the disaster site, the provider may charge you extra
for that over having the equivalent space on -3 sized volumes. Also, how
are you backing up your DB2 data? If you're using DB2 utilities, then I
think you wll be OK. But if you are using DFDSS or FDR to do volume
level backups, then a -27 will likely take up to 9x as long to back up
because of the way that DFDSS (and I think FDR) does its backup. I doubt
that many use DFDSS or FDR to do volume backups of DB2, but I don't

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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