Re: Real storage usage - a quick question

2007-11-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Knutson, Sam) writes:
> You should have the PTFs for z/OS APAR OA17114 installed if you are
> using paged fixed buffers in DB2 V8.   Not having it was one of the
> causes of a z/OS outage here when a DB2 DBA accidently overcommitted
> storage to DB2.

aka application page fixed buffers ... allows applications to specify
the "real addresses" in the channel program ... avoiding the dynamic
channel program translation (creating a duplicate of the channel program
passed by excp/svc0) and dynamic page fixing that otherwise has to occur
on every i/o operations (however, it can eliminate pageable storage
needed by the rest of system)

recent post mentioning difference between EXCP and EXCPVR (vis-a-vis
channel program translation) GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up

other recent posts discussing dynamic channel program translation (in
the initial translation from MVT to OS/VS2 supporting virtual memory,
there was extensive borrowing of technology from cp67 CCWTRANS, channel
program translation) Cycles per ASM instruction IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history FBA rant FBA rant IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history Historical curiosity question Historical curiosity question user level TCP implementation IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware Each CPU usage Virtual Storage implementation GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up A question for the Wheelers - 
Diagnose instruction CSA 'above the bar'

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Re: Real storage usage - a quick question

2007-11-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Veilleux, Jon L) writes:
> In z/OS 1.8 the memory management is much more conducive to large
> memory. They no longer use the least recently used algorithm and no
> longer check every page. This has made a big difference for us. Under
> 1.7 we had issues with large real memory sizes due to the constant
> checking by RSM. This is no longer the case and we have increased our
> memory dramatically with no performance hit.

one of the things found in "clock" LRU-approximation that i had
originally done as undergraduate in the 60s

was that if the interval between page resets started to exceed some
limit, then there was little differention benefit of the reset activity
... least recently used tends to have some implicit dependencies on
amount of "history" ... if the duration is too long ... then it lost
much of its correlation being able to differentate between pages as to
future page reference pattern.

however across a wide range of configurations and workloads in the 70s,
"clock" LRU-approximation had the advantage of effectively being able to
(usefully) dynamically adapt the interval. however with a lot of cp67
experimenting and also heavy use of storage reference traces and page
replacement modeling ... it was possible to show that outside some
useful operating range ... the use of LRU algorithms for
differentiating/predicting future page reference behavior became less
and less accurate. It was also possible to show that for very large
memories ... that the overhead of repeatedly resetting page reference
bits provided less benefit than any possible improvement in page
replacement strategy.

we did do some experimenting at the science center attempting to
recognize the operating region/environment across where clock
LRU-approximated was beneficial ... and attempt to take some secondary
measures/strategies when it was outside that operating

one of the scenarios was that most LRU-approximation algorithms are
measured against how well they performed vis-a-vis simulation that
exactly implemented least-recently-used page ordering (measured in terms
of total page faults for given workload and real storage size).  "Good"
approximations tended to come within 5-15 percent (total page faults) of
"real" least-recently-used page ordering. We were able to find some page
replacement variations that instead of being 5-15 percent worse/more
(total page faults compared to simulated "real" least-recently-used page
ordering), we were able to show 5-15 percent fewer total page faults.

the scenario was that in some configuration/workload scenarios,
LRU-approximate could effectively cycle thru every page in real storage
w/o finding a candidate ... and then take the first page it started
with. Besides having a lot of processing overhead, this characteristic
effectively degraded to FIFO page replacement (there are operating
regions for LRU where it can degenerate to FIFO page replacement at the
same time taking an extrodinary amount of processor overhead). our
variation tended to recognize when operating in this
configuration/workload region and effectively switched to RANDOM page
replacement at very low processor overhead (and modeling showed that
when not able to make any other differentiation between pages to be
replaced ... RANDOM replacement makes better choice than FIFO,
independent of the overhead issue).

In fact, the original cp67 delivered at the univ. last week jan68,
... also referenced here System 360 EBCDIC vs. ASCII

... effectively implemented something that tended to operate as FIFO
replacement with purely software and didn't make use of the hardware
reference bits. As undergraduate, I did the kernel algorithm and
software changes to implement "clock" LRU-approximation page replacement
... taking advantage of page replacement bits. In this scenario ...
with only on the order of 120 real "pageable pages" ... this reduced the
time spent in page replacement selection (under relatively heavy load)
from approx. 10 percent of total processor to effectively unmeasureable
(and at the same time drastically improvement the quality of the
replacement choice).

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Re: System 360 EBCDIC vs. ASCII

2007-11-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Sipples) writes:
> An awful lot of modems and serial connections had to handle 7-bit,
> too, complicating the user experience for dial-up access to host
> systems, BBSes, etc.  Basically if you set your modem to 7 bits, you
> struggled to transfer binary files (see: Kermit), and PC extensions
> for things like line drawing characters looked like a jumbled mess.
> If you set your modem to 8 bits you usually lost the parity bit, so
> you lost what little error checking you had.  And a lot of systems
> still tried to use that high order bit for parity, so you saw a
> jumbled mess on your PC again.  Owners of modem dial-up pools
> installed workarounds to try to detect what the end user had set, but
> this was a mess, too.  On some systems you wouldn't see anything, so
> you didn't know what to do.  (The correct answer: hit Enter a few
> times, or maybe Escape, or)  I'm sure AT&T enjoyed some extra
> earnings as dial-up modem users had to call over and over again,
> hoping to get the configuration settings right through trial and
> error, all because of the complications of 7 versus 8 bits.  This
> affected all sorts of serial connections, including hardwired ones:
> plotters, ASCII terminals, etc.

when cp67 was installed at the univ the last week of jan68, it had
terminal support for 1052s and 2741s ... but the univ. had some number
of tty/ascii devices. so one of the modifications to cp67 was to add
tty/ascii terminal support.

the base cp67 code had some stuff for dynamically determining the
terminal type and "switching" the 2702 line scanner using the SAD
command. so to remain consistent, i worked out a process to add
TTY/ascii terminal support ... preserving the base cp67 dynamic terminal
type determination. the univ. also was getting dial-up interface ...
with base number that would roll-over to the first unused line.  the
idea that all terminals could dial in on the same phone number,
regardless of type.

this "almost" worked ... but it turned out that they had taken some
short cuts with 2702 implementation. the issue was that while SAD
command would switch the line scanner ... but the short-cut was that the
line-speed oscillator was hard-wired to each port. for hard-wired lines
... the appropriate terminal types was connected to the appropriate 2702
with the corresponding line-speed wired (and then cp67 could dynamically
determine the correct terminal type and switch the line scanner as
needed with the SAD command). However, this wouldn't work for dial-up
lines with common dial-in pool ... where any terminal type might get
connected to any 2702 port.

so somewhat because of this, the univ. decided to build our own clone
controller that would also be able to perform dynamic line-speed
determination. this involved reverse engineering the 360/67 multiplexor
channel interface and building a channel interface board for an
Interdata/3 minicomputer (platform for implemented controller clone).
misc. past posts about the clone controller project

i remember two "bugs" from the project.

one bug involved "red-lighting" the 360/67. the 360/67 had
high-resolution timer that tic'ed at approx 13mseconds. the timer had to
update loc. 80 storage when it "tic'ed". If the timer tic'ed a 2nd time
before the previous tic had been updated in storage (say because some
channel/controller had obtained the storage bus for the period and
failed to release it for that perioid), the timer would force a
red-light/machine check.

the other bug was initially getting ascii data into storage ..  after
running it thru standard ascii->ebcdic translation table, it was all
garbage. we eventually figured out every byte was "bit-reversed" ...
i.e. 2702 line-scanner would take leading bit off the line and store it
in low-order bit position (in a byte ... reversing the order of bits off
the line. the interdata/3 started out doing standard ascii taking
leading bit off the line and storing it in the high-order bit in a byte.
so initially, the ascii bytes was getting to 360/67 main memory in
non-bit-reversed bytes and then being run through the standard 2702
ascii->ebcdic (bit-reversed) translation table.

this project got written up as the four of us being instrumental in
starting the clone controller business.

of course, all the clone controller business was the major motivation
for the future system project ... lots of past posts

including a few with this reference

from above:

IBM tried to react by launching a major project called the 'Future
System' (FS) in the early 1970's. The idea was to get so far ahead
that the competition would never be able to keep up, and to have such
a high level of integration that it would be impos

Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-06 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> one of the other issues for TLB (hardware that translates virtual page
> addresses to real page addresses) ... all the entries were
> tagged/associated with specific virtual address spaces
> ... i.e. "STO-associative".  This generalized mechanism resulted in a
> huge number of "duplicated" entries CSA/common-segment. So as a
> special case optimization for the whole MVS CSA/common-segment hack
> gorp ... a special option was provided that identified virtual
> addresses as something belonging to common-segment. These areas then
> became associated in the TLB with effectively a system-wide, unique,
> artificial "common-segment" virtual address space (effectively
> violating the whole generalized virtual address space architecture
> ... rather than associated with generalized virtual address space
> ... it became associated with a custom operating system specific
> construct that was known to have very specific characteristics).

re: CSA 'above the bar'

from z/architecture principles of operation

segment-table entries

defining the (MVS-specific) common-segment bit (in 64bit address segment
table) ... aka 

Common-Segment Bit (C): Bit 59 controls the use of the
translation-lookaside-buffer (TLB) copies of the segment-table entry and
of the page table which it designates. A zero identifies a private
segment; in this case, the segment-table entry and the page table it
designates may be used only in association with the segment-table origin
that designates the segment table in which the segment-table entry
resides. A one identifies a common segment; in this case, the
segment-table entry and the page table it designates may continue to be
used for translating addresses corresponding to the segment index, even
though a different segment table is specified.

... snip ...

... aka segment table (and the corresponding segment table origin
address or "STO") is effective equivalent to unique virtual address

since MVS has the common segment(s) appearing in every virtual address
space, rathing than filling up TLB entries with large number of
duplicated entries for the same information, effecitvely create a
special class of virtual addresses that apply across everything in the
system. this ugly common segment gorp then creates all sort of
complications (that weren't part of the original virtual memory
architecture) ... see the programming notes regarding common segment
operation/problems at the above URL describing segment-table entries.

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Re: High order bit in 31/24 bit address

2007-11-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Samson) writes:
> As for 32-bit mode (TSS) I don't have a POPS for that architecture but
> I suspect the HO bit is treated as any other. TSS did not use the
> "sign bit" as a signal, just as an address bit.

lots of 360 documents at bitsavers:

including various functional characteristics

specifically 360/67 functional characteristics a27-2719-0
and ga27-2719-2

which has a lot of the gory details.

as somewhat referenced here ... 360/67 was originally intended for use
by tss/360 ... but for a whole variety of reasons, most of them ran
cp67 (or in straight 360/65 mode with mvt w/o using virtual
memory hardware) CSA 'above the bar'
curtesy of science center

in any case, psw format, pg. 15

bit meaning
0-3 spare (must be 0)
4   24-32 bit address mode
5   translation control
6   i/o mask (summary)
7   external mask (summary)
8-11protection key
12  ascii-8 mode
13  machine check mask
14  wait state
15  problem state
16-17   instruction length code
18-19   condition code
20-23   program mask
24-31   spare
32-63   instruction address


there were a quite a few of the machines used internally. 

one of the projects were adding 370 "virtual machine" option to cp67
simulation ... this was having cp67 simulate the new instructions added
to 370 (prior to announcement of 370 virtual memory).

one of the places that deployed numerous of these machines was
in the field/data processing/sales division for a project
called HONE

for hands-on network environment ... the idea was that in the wake
of 23jun69 unbundling announcement

that SEs in the branch office could get operating system "hands-on"
experience with (370) systems running in cp67 (370) virtual machines.

however, the science center had also ported apl\360 to cms for cms\apl
and done a lot of work enhancing it to operate in "large" virtual memory
environment (most apl\360 was limited to 16k workspaces, hardly adequate
for many real world problems). With cms\apl, there were lots of new
(internal) apl-based applications developed (some number of them of the
genre that today would be done with spreadsheets) ... including
"configurators" ... which basically filled out mainframe system orders
for the branch office personal. As the use of these applications grew on
HONE ... eventually they eclipsed the virtual guest "hands-on" training
and would consume all available resources. at some point in the 70s, it
was not even possible to submit a mainframe order that hadn't been run
thru HONE configurator.

science center had also done quite a bit of work in the area of
sophisticated system performance modeling ... including laying the
groundwork for what would become capacity planning. some of this
i've commented about with regard to calibrating and validating
the release of my resource manager

in addition, a flavor of the performance modeling work was also deployed
on HONE as the (apl based) "performance predictor". Branch office people
could submit customer configuration and workload details/characteristics
and then ask "what-if" questions of the "performance predictor" ... as
to what would happen if there was configuration and/or workload changes.

another project was doing the cp67 changes to support a full 370 virtual
memory implementation. this had a version cp67 running either in a
360/67 virtual machine (under cp67) or stand-alone real 360/67
simulating virtual machine with full 370 virtual memory operation.  Then
there was a custom version of cp67 that believed it ran on 370 virtual
memory "hardware" (rather than on 360/67 hardware). This was in regular
production use a year before the first engineering 370 machine with
virtual memory support was operational (and long before announcement).

past posts in the related thread: CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar'

misc. past posts mentioning "performance predictor" Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No 
More 'small machines'

Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Van Dalsen, Herbie) writes:
> Someone wants to create a shared block of memory CSA/not and share it
> between programs. My understanding is that a 24-bit program can
> address 24-bit addresses, 31-bit, 64-bit... So in my inexperienced
> mind the 24bit program could never share in the happiness of this
> above the bar heaven of shared storage.

as i mentioned in this post CSA 'above the bar'

... the way that i originally did sharing implementation and mmap

was that the same shared object wasn't required to occupy the same
virtual address in every virtual address space. however, it could
represent a challenge when program images with "relocatable address
constants" were involved

there would still be an issue of the amount of happiness (available in
24bit mode) as opposed to any happiness.

it would create a problem for processors that had virtual caches ...
i.e. cache lines indexed by virtual address ... resulting in
synonyms/duplicates in the cache when the same object was addressed by
different virtual addresses.

here is old email discussing dual index 3090 D-cache

in this post Flash 10208

other posts about virtual cache To RISC or not to RISC Reasons for the big paradigm switch Cache, TLB, and OS

one of the other issues for TLB (hardware that translates virtual page
addresses to real page addresses) ... all the entries were
tagged/associated with specific virtual address spaces
... i.e. "STO-associative".  This generalized mechanism resulted in a
huge number of "duplicated" entries CSA/common-segment. So as a special
case optimization for the whole MVS CSA/common-segment hack gorp ... a
special option was provided that identified virtual addresses as
something belonging to common-segment. These areas then became
associated in the TLB with effectively a system-wide, unique, artificial
"common-segment" virtual address space (effectively violating the whole
generalized virtual address space architecture ... rather than
associated with generalized virtual address space ... it became
associated with a custom operating system specific construct that was
known to have very specific characteristics).

past post in this thread discussing rise of the whole ugly common
segment gorp CSA 'above the bar'

other posts in this thread CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar'

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Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
> That's why there can be a 'double paging' penalty for a LINUX (or
> z/OS, or z/VM, or...).
> z/VM, and its predecessors, has always had the capability to defines
> more storage than is on the box.
> It even has swap files.

i had other problems with the os/vs2 group (initially svs before it
morphed into mvs).

one was all the stuff about LRU replacement algorithms and what it
met. lots of posts on the subject

early on, the pok performance modeling group had discovered on a page
fault that if it selected "non-changed" pages (for replacement) before
"changed" pages ... there wouldn't need the overhead of doing a write
before the read. i tried to convince them it would be violated
fundamental tenents of LRU replacement paradigm. It wasn't until well
into MVS releases that somebody pointed out that they were selecting for
replacement, high-use, non-changed, system/shared executable pages,
before (lower use) private application data pages (which were

another issue isn't just the double paging overhead ... there is the
possibility that a virtual guest is running a LRU-like replacement
algorithm and selecting a real page with a low use virtual page for
replacement (to be refreshed with the missing page). VM may also be
doing LRU-like replacement algorithm and noticed (also) that the guest's
real page (virtual machine virtual page) hadn't been recently used and
selected it for replacement. The pathelogical problem is that the guest
may always be deciding it needs one of its real pages (because the
corresponding virtual pages weren't being used) moments after VM has
decided to remove the corresponding guest virtual machine page from real
storage  aka running a virtual guest's LRU-like replacement
algorithm can violate the premise behind LRU replacement ... since the
guest's real page that corresponds to the guest's least recently used
virtual page has some probability of being the next page that the guest
might actually decide to use

misc. past posts in thread: CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar'

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Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Binyamin Dissen) writes:
> Does z/VM use virtual storage?

comment in this thread asking how many times has virtual memory
been reinvented Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to 

some footnotes about the science center

from Melinda's paper "VM and the VM Community: Past, Present, and Future"


What was most significant was that the commitment to virtual memory was
backed with no successful experience. A system of that period that had
implemented virtual memory was the Ferranti Atlas computer, and that was
known not to be working well.  What was frightening is that nobody who
was setting this virtual memory direction at IBM knew why Atlas didn't

... snip ...

quoted from L.W. Comeau, "CP-40, the Origin of VM/370", Proceedings of
SEAS AM82, September, 1982

and ... 

Creasy had decided to build CP-40 while riding on the MTA. "I launched
the effort between Xmas 1964 and year's end, after making the decision
while on an MTA bus from Arlington to Cambridge. It was a Tuesday, I
believe." (R.J. Creasy, private communication, 1989.)

... snip ...

cp40 was built on specially modified 360/40 with virtual memory hardware
... implementing virtual machines. This morphed into cp67 when 360/67
with standard virtual memory became available.

and as per previous post in thread CSA 'above the bar' CSA 'above the bar'

the initial hack to mvt for os/vs2, in support of 370 virtual memory,
involved borrowing a lot of code from cp67.

lots of the vm370 microcode assists developed during the 70s and early
80s eventually morphed into pr/sm and current day LPARs ...  which is
basically stripped down version of full VM virtual machine function.

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Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (McKown, John) writes:
> Just as a thought. Could somebody write a subsystem which starts at IPL
> time, does the shared GETMAIN, then (here's the rub) somehow have that
> memory automatically added to every address space which starts
> thereafter? I don't know enough about subsystems. I would guess that it
> would be easier for said subsystem to implement a PC so that a "client"
> could request access to the shared GCSA (to coin a phrase for it - G for
> Grande, like the HLASM instructions). The PC would set up all the
> "difficult" parts and return a 64-bit address to the shared memory
> space.

re: CSA 'above the bar'

i had done something similar, but different in the waning days of cp67
and then ported it to vm370. it was generalized memmap function that
allowed different virtual address spaces to have the same shared memory
object at different addresses.

vm370 started out with a drastic subset of this function that was
cribbed off the virtual "IPL" command. however, it was dependent on
providing r/o sharing of the same object by "segment protection" feature
that was part of the original, base 370 virtual memory architecture.

this was one of the features that got dropped when the retrofit of
virtual memory hardware to 370/165 ran into scheduling problems
... could regain six month in schedule if several features were dropped
(and the favorite son operating system in pok claimed that they didn't
find the features really useful).

as a result, this caused all the other processors that already had
implemented full 370 virtual memory architecture to go back and pull the
dropped features. it also forced the vm370 group to significantly redo
their implementation on how to protect shared segments across multiple
different virtual address spaces (effectively a real cludge that had
been used in cp67)

in any case, a drastic subset of my (genealized) memory mapping and
sharing implementation was eventually released as something called
discontiguous shared segments.

lots of past posts mentioning the cms filesystem changes supporting
memory mapping (and page mapped operation)

and numerous posts discussing the difficulty that the os/360
relocatable adcon convention represented for allowing sharing
same object in different virtual address spaces at potentially
different virtual addresses

while tss/360 had numerous other problems, they at least adopted a
different convention to address relocatable address constant issue for a
shared, virtual memory environment

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Re: CSA 'above the bar'

2007-11-04 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
Steve Samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The discussion suggests that the "dead zone" represented an arbitrary
> decision. However it is absolutely necessary to preserve compatibility
> with programs dating back to OS/360. If a 24-bit or 31-bit address is
> interpreted as or expanded to a 64-bit address and the high-order bit
> happens to be on, that would cast the virtual address into the 2-4
> gigabyte range and unpredictable effects could ensue.
> Use of the high-order bit in an address to signal the end of a
> parameter list  is common, and no practical means of filtering or
> converting the programs is available.
> I think the dead zone is necessary in z/VSE for the same reason.
> Other operating systems did not use the high order bit in the same
> way, so there is no need for the dead zone in virtual addresses.
> Has this helped to achieve clarity?

360/67 had both 24-bit and 32-bit virtual addressing modes ... as well
as some other things that didn't reappear until xa. there was some
discussion in the xa mode about returning to the 360/67 32-bit mode
vis-a-vis using 31-bit ... which would have been in the architecture
"redbook" (the discussion i remember was the difference in operation of
things like BXH and BXLE instructions between 31-bit and 32-bit modes)

principles of operation was one of the first major publications done
with cms script ... in large part because it supported conditional so on
the command line ... either the whole architecture "redbook" could be
printed ... or just the principles of operation subset (w/o all the
additional detail ... it was called "redbook" because it was distributed
in a 3-ring red binder).

common segment area started out being the MVS solution to moving
subsystems into the own address space ... and the pervasive use of
pointer passing APIs. this was what initially led to MVS kernel image
occupying 8mbytes of every 16mbyte virtual address space (so for
applications making kernel calls ... the kernel could directly access
the parameter list). however, this pointer-passing api paradigm created
significant problems when subsystems were moved into their own address
space (as part of morphing os/vs2 svs to os/vs2 mvs). common segment
could start out as 1mbyte in every address space ... where applications
could squirrel away parameter list ... and then make call to the
subsystem (passing thru the kernel for the address space switch).

the problem was for the larger installations, common segment could grow
to 5-6 mbytes that appeared in every application virtual address space
(with the 8mbyte taken out for the kernel image) that might leave only
2-3mbytes for applications (out of the 16mbytes).

the stop-gap solution in the 3033 time-frame was dual-address space mode
(pending access registers, program call, etc) ... there was still a pass
thru the kernel to switch to a called subsystem ... but the called
subsystem could reach back into the calling application's virtual
address space (w/o being forced to resorting to the common segment

3033 also introduced a different "above the line" concept.  the mismatch
between processor thruput and disk thruput was becoming more and more
exacerbated. i once advocated a statement that over a period of a decade
or so, that the disk relative system thruput had declined by an order of
magnitude (or more) ... aka disk thruput increased by 3-4 times while
processor thruput increased by 40-50 times. As a result, real storage
was more and more being used for caching and/or other mechanisms to
compensate for the lagging disk relative system thruput.

we were starting to see clusters of 4341 decked out w/max. storage and
max channel and i/o capacity ... matching or beating 3033 thruput at a
lower price. one of the 4341 cluster benefits was that there was more
aggregate real storage than the 16mbyte limit for 3033. the hack was to
redefine two (undefined/unused) bits in the page table entry.  standard
page table entry had 16 bits, including a 12bit (4k) page number field
(allowed addressing up to 16mbytes real storage). With the two
additional bits, it was possible to address up to 16384 4kbyte pages (up
to 64mbyte of real storage) ... but only 16mbytes at a time.

in real addressing mode ... it was only possible to address the first
16mbytes and in virtual addressing mode ... it was only possible to
address a specific 16mbytes (but it was possible to have more than 4096
total 4kbyte pages, some of which could reside about 16mbyte real).

it was possible to use channel program IDAL to specify address greater
than 16mbyte real address (allowing data to be read/written above the
16mbyte line). however, the actual channel programs were still limited
to residing below the 16mbyte line. some of this was masked by the whole
channel program translation mechanism that was necessary as part of
moving to virtual memory environment. the original transition for mvt
was hacking a little bit of support for a single virtual address spac

Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 3277 had quite a bit of local intelligence ... it was possible to do
> some custom stuff in the terminal that changed the repeat start-delay
> and repeat ... as well as adding fifo to handle keyboard locking up if
> you happen to be typing when the system went to (re)write something on
> the screen. the move to 3274 controller for 3278/3279/etc terminals ...
> moved all that intelligence back into the controller ... reducing amount
> of electronics and manufacturing costs. with electronics moved back into
> controller ... it also degraded performance and response. 

re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1 IBM System/3 & 3277-1

somebody picking around in some of the referenced old postings, sent
private email asking about reference to ANR download being 2-3 times
baster than DCA download ... and what was ANR ... other than APPN
"Automatic Networking Routing".

ANR was3272/3277 ... vis-a-vis DCA 3274/3278-9. In addition
to DCA having slower human (real terminal) response ... because
so much of the electronics had been moved back into controller,
it also affected later terminal emulation download thruput.

quicky search engine for 3277 & anr turns up

misc. past posts mentioning terminal emulation

as client/server started to proliferate ... the communication
group made various attempts (like SAA) to protect their
terminal emulation install base. when we came up with
3tier/multi-tier architecture ... we took lots of heat from
the sna and saa forces. misc. posts mentioning coming up with
multitier networking architecture

for other drift ... APPN started out as AWP164. For a time,
the person responsible and I used to report to the same
executive. I would periodically chide him that the communication
group didn't appreciate what he was doing and that he should
instead work on real networking (like tcp/ip). In fact, the
communication group non-concurred with announcing APPN. After
some delay and escalation, the announcement letter was carefully
rewritten to not state any connection between APPN and SNA.

of course we were also running hsdt project ... misc. posts

and recent post illustrating gap between what we
were doing and what the communication group was doing

part of the issue was that in early days of SNA ... my wife had
co-authored AWP39 ... peer-to-peer networking ... which the
communication group possibly viewed as competitive with their
communication activity. she was then con'ed into going to pok to be in
charge of loosely-coupled architecture and was frequently battling with
SNA forces that it wasn't appropriate for loosely-coupled operation. She
came up with peer-coupled shared data architecture ... which didn't see
a lot of uptake until sysplex ... except for IMS hot-standby
... misc. past references

recent posts mentioning ASWP39 Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just 
another example of mainframe 6400 impact printer Is computer history taugh now? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? Friday musings on the future of 3270 
applications FICON tape drive? JES2 or JES3, Which one is older? Newsweek article--baby boomers and 
computers Are there tasks that don't play by 
WLM's rules

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Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

"Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If memory hasn't failed me, we read mark sense cards on something that
> was called a 1230. We didn't have one in the computing center. It was
> in a separate laboratory somewhere in the School of Education.
> We sent the decks over there. I don't remember what we got back.
> I think the 1230 may have punched the marked card.

re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1 IBM System/3 & 3277-1

wiki mark sense page

mentions that 513, 514, 557, and 519 could handle mark sense. also
has pointer to 805 test scoring machine.

513 & 514 reproducing punches could handle mark sense ... so it is
possible that a 513/514 had preprossed the mark sense student
registration cards ... and the 2540 was only processing the reproduced
punch cards (and i just not paying that much attention).

the wiki reference also has url for 513/514 (pdf) reference manual

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Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-27 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

bbreynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This thread started about the 3277-001 used on a System/3 Model 15
> (would that be a 5415?): as 3277's relied on the 3271/3272/3275 for
> the major portion of their intelligence, I would assume that there
> would have had to been some pretty substantial hardware in the
> System/3 to make the 3277-001 believe it was attached to a
> controller. I can't think how the functions would be split out on a
> 3277 not on a controller; unless the 3277-001 was "gutted".  Any hint
> if a cable other than a simple coax connected the 3277 to the CPU?

3277 had quite a bit of local intelligence ... it was possible to do
some custom stuff in the terminal that changed the repeat start-delay
and repeat ... as well as adding fifo to handle keyboard locking up if
you happen to be typing when the system went to (re)write something on
the screen. the move to 3274 controller for 3278/3279/etc terminals ...
moved all that intelligence back into the controller ... reducing amount
of electronics and manufacturing costs. with electronics moved back into
controller ... it also degraded performance and response. 

several of us complained about it ... but were told that 327x terminals
were targeted at data entry market and didn't have the requirements for
interactive response and human factors that would be needed for
something like interactive computing. as seen in some of the referenced
performance comparisons ... say 3270 protocol

... it was much more difficult to achieve subsecond response with
3274/3278 vis-a-vis 3272/3277. However, for mvs/tso with system response
already on the order of a second (or much worse) ... it was pretty
negligible consideration. however, heavily loaded vm/cms systems tended
to be more on the order of a quarter second (or less, one system i had
care&feeding of ... was on the order of .11 seconds 90th percentile for
trivial interactive under heavy load).

past posts mentioning some (hardware) fixes to 3277 ... and not being
able to doing anything with later 3278/3279 because even that bit of
electronics had been moved back into the controller (and/or some other
3272/3277 issues vis-a-vis 3274/3278). CP spooling & programming technology Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of 
his professional life IBM S/360 System/1 ? Back to the original mainframe model? IBM UC info Does the word "mainframe" still have 
a meaning? Does the word "mainframe" still have 
a meaning? Does the word "mainframe" still have 
a meaning? Does the word "mainframe" still have 
a meaning? 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?" IBM's mess Now early Arpanet security any 70's era supercomputers that ran 
as slow as today's supercompu DARPA was: Short Watson Biography 3270 protocol 3270 protocol 3270 protocol 3270 protocol mainframe question 3270 protocol 3270 protocol Mail system scalability (Was: Re: 
Itanium troubles) CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine 
was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine 
was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine 
was it? Total Computing Power Itanium2 power limited? IBM 327x terminals and controllers 
(was Re: Itanium2 power IBM 327x terminals and controllers 
(was Re: Itanium2 power IBM 327x terminals and controllers 
(was Re: Itanium2 power Original K & R C Compilers Vector display systems windows office xp 360/370 disk drives

Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

> What I don't understand is pre sorting a deck that will be used as
> input to the computer--couldn't the computer sort it faster than a
> person could?  The machine sorted strictly sequentially, while the
> computer had bubble or shell sorts that were more efficient.  maybe
> tape sorting was slow, but disk sorting should've been fast.  If the
> machine had some core ie 128 k, then plenty of work could be done
> within the CPU at very high speed.

simple example would be fortran student jobs. the "master" of the
program is the individual student's card deck. the student has access to
only fortran compile & execution capability ... and compile would be one
pass of the input card deck.

when i started, the univ. had 1401 that was used as unit-record
front-end to 709. the card decks (potentially multiple student jobs)
would be collected in card tray. when the tray approached full (our
every couple hrs), the tray of cards would be read by the 1401 and
transferred to tape. the tape would be carried to 709 tape drive and
processed (sequentially, each job compiled and executed) with output
going to another tape. When processing finished, the output tape would
be moved to 1401 and results printed.

The operator would take the printed, fan-fold output, "burst it"
... i.e. tear it into individual jobs, match the bursted print output
with corresponding original card deck, wrap the bursted print output
around the input card deck (with rubber band) and place it in output bin
for student pickup.

there were some administrative jobs that used sort ... but that
frequently had trays and trays of cards ... written to tape ..  and then
multiple tape sort (with intermediate tape files) that ran for extended
period of time.

i did write part of an application that was used for class registration.
2540 could not only read "holes" ... but also had the capability of
reading "sense-marked" cards (i.e. no. 2 pencil marks in little boxes on
cards). the 2540 had two feeds from the sides with five card stackers in
the middle. one side read cards and could select two of the read-side
stackers or the middle stacker, the other side punched cards and could
select two of the punch-side stackers or the middle stacker.

class registration had all these sense-marked cards ... which would read
and place in the middle stacker. if the processing found some problem
with a card ... a blank card from the punch side would be punched behind
the recently read sense-marked card (with some problem ... before the
next card would be read/processed)

standard processing had an operator removing cards from the stacker and
placing in card trays. all of the class registration sense-marked cards
were plain manilla. the "punch" cards were loaded with cards that had
yellow (or sometimes red) across the top band of the card.

once all class registration cards were processed ... there would be
multiple trays ... sporadically sprinkled with yellow top-edge cards
... clearly identifying the registration cards with some kind of

q&d conversion of gcard ios3270 to html
reader/punch channel program command codes

system/360 model 30 machine room, 2540 is seen in middle, in front
of the tape drives and partly obscured by 2311 disk drive. the "card
reader" (feed) is on the right and the punch is on the left, the five
output stackers are in the center
system 370 model 40 machine room, 2540 is in upper middle

better picture of 2540 on the right with somebody loading deck of
cards to be read

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Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> field/col definition for 12-2-9 TXT card:
> col
> 1   12-2-9 / x'02'
> 2-4 TXT
> 5   blank
> 6-8 relative address of first instruction on record
> 9-10blank
> 11-12   byte count ... number of bytes in information field
> 15-16   ESDID
> 17-72   56-byte information field
> 73-80   deck id, sequence number, or both
> cols. 2-4 and 73-80 were character ... the other fields were hex.

re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

"txt" card decks were nearly executable output from assemblers and
compilers. more information about format of other cards in txt card
deck IBM Model Numbers (was: First video 

before i learned about "rep" cards, i would duplicate a "TXT",
multipunching the patch/fix into the duplicated card.

keypunches just had keys for punching the character information, if you
were dealing with hex ... for which there was no equivalent character
... it would be necessary to "multi-punch" to get the correct holes
punched. for hex, it was necessary to read the holes ... since even if
the card had been "interpreted" ... there were no corresponding
character symbols for the majority of the hex codes.

my process was to fan the txt card deck ... reading the holes in cols
6-8 (displacement address in the program of data punched in the specific
card) ... looking for the card corresponding to the data i needed to
patch. I would then take that card and duplicate it out to the cols that
needed to be "fixed" ...  multi-punch the corrections (in the
duplicate/new card) and then resume duplicating the remaining of the

misc past posts mentioning multi-punch unit record & other controllers Florida is in a 30 year flashback! HELP HELP Is anybody out there still writting 
BAL 370. Is anybody out there still writting 
BAL 370. OT (sort-of) - Does it take math 
skills to do data processing ? Systems software versus applications 
software definitions 12-2-9 REP & 47F0 IBM 610 workstation computer Binder REP Cards (Was: What's the 
linkage editor really wants?) REP cards Large Computer Rescue IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history What happened to the Teletype 

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Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-24 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

> I could read ASCII from a paper tape.  Took me a while. :-)

previous post in this thread: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

i eventually learned to read 12-2-9 (i.e. card punch holes for hex "02")
"txt" text deck cards ...  as part of multi-punch/duplicate cards and
punching patches ...  i had a 2000 card assembler program and it was
frequently faster to multi-punch fixes (into duplicate/new card) than to
reassemble program (which could take 30-60 minutes elapsed time ... this
was on 360/30 under os/360 release 6 ... i had dedicated university
machine room on weekends for 48hrs stretch). basically had to not only
be able to read storage dumps and equivalence between hexcode and things
like instructions and/or addresses ... but the similar information on
cards in "punch hole" representation.

field/col definition for 12-2-9 TXT card:

1   12-2-9 / x'02'
2-4 TXT
5   blank
6-8 relative address of first instruction on record
11-12   byte count ... number of bytes in information field
15-16   ESDID
17-72   56-byte information field
73-80   deck id, sequence number, or both

cols. 2-4 and 73-80 were character ... the other fields were hex.

q&d converstion of gcard ios3270 to html

but it lacks card punch hole equivalence for hex (on real green card)

here is actual scan of a 360 green card ... front & back (11mb)

the following table is from

giving equivalence between card punch codes, hexidemal value, and

  00  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  A0  B0  C0  D0  E0  F0
  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
0|NUL|   |DS |   |SP | & | - |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 |0
1|   |   |SOS|   |   |   | / |   | a | j |   |   | A | J |   | 1 |1
2|   |   |FS |   |   |   |   |   | b | k | s |   | B | K | S | 2 |2
3|   |TM |   |   |   |   |   |   | c | l | t |   | C | L | T | 3 |3
4|PF |RES|BYP|PN |   |   |   |   | d | m | u |   | D | M | U | 4 |4
5|HT |NL |LF |RS |   |   |   |   | e | n | v |   | E | N | V | 5 |5
6|LC |BS |EOB|UC |   |   |   |   | f | o | w |   | F | O | W | 6 |6
7|DEL|IL |PRE|EOT|   |   |   |   | g | p | x |   | G | P | X | 7 |7
8|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | h | q | y |   | H | Q | Y | 8 |8
9|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | i | r | z |   | I | R | Z | 9 |9
A|   |   |   |   | ¢ | ! |   | : |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |2-8
B|   |   |   |   | . | $ | , | # |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |3-8
C|   |   |   |   | < | * | % | @ |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |4-8
D|   |   |   |   | ( | ) | _ | ' |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |5-8
E|   |   |   |   | + | ; | > | = |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |6-8
F|   |   |   |   | | | ¬ | ? | " |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |7-8
  12  11  10  12  11  10  12  11  10  12  11  10
  9   9   9   10  12  11

i.e. hex values down the left and across the top, punch holes
dorwn the right adn across the bottom.

and card punch format ... card rows are number 12, 11, 0-9 from the top.

12 / O   OOO
11|   O   O OO
 0|O   O  OO
 1| OOOO
 2|  OOOO   O O O O
 3|   OOOO   O O O O

Re: IBM System/3 & 3277-1

2007-10-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers, as well.

> (For the AS/400 I never could figure the internal code architecture,
> IBM used something called "LIC" that was rather vague.  I once tried
> to get an optional machine language listing of my application program
> compilation but it was very confusing.  I believe IBM used a multi-
> layered approach for AS/400 internals, remnants of its "Future System"
> effort.  I was not a big AS/400 fan, except for a file-aid tool that
> was better than mainframe tools.)

one of the things that as/400 layered approach bought was that it could
move from a CICS chip to a (power/pc) RISC chip w/o a lot of trouble.

the future system project was going to replace 360/370 in the
early-to-mid 70s ... when the project was eventually canceled there was
big effort to make up for lost time resulting from the future system

attempting to get stuff back into the 370 (hardware & software) product
pipelines ... crash program for 303x was part of that. part of the
analysis "killing" the project was that if a "future system" machine was
built from the fastest hardware then available (370/195) it would have
the thruput of a 370/145.

the folklore is that some of the future system participants regrouped in
rochester, coming out with the s/38 (which didn't have nearly the
thruput requirements).

i've periodically commented that there is some characteristics of the
801 risc activities in the 70s  to go to the exact opposite extreme
of what went on in future system.

a early, big push for 801/risc was effort to replace the multitude of
corporate internal microprocessors with common risc architecture chips
(every low-to-mid range 370 implemented with microcode on their own
unique microprocessor, controllers, and other kinds of microprocessors).
one of these was going to be the s/38 followon, as/400. the common
801/risc microprocessor effort ran into all sorts of problems and
eventually died off ... at which time, as/400 had crash project to
design a new CISC processor. misc. past 801, romp, rios, fort knox,
power, power/pc, somerset, etc postings

as well as some old email from the period

effectively the effort was revisited when rochester began move of as/400
from their CISC chip to its current use of 801/RISC chip.

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Re: Are there tasks that don't play by WLM's rules

2007-10-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> I seem to remember this as TCP/IP version 3.2 with 3.3 having the fixes 
> for optimization. Weren't there twin stacks being managed or some such 
> thing. I'm not too TCP/IP literate. We had this original version 
> implemented because I remember doing a pre/post resource impact analysis 
> finding additional CPU, significant in relation to prior usage, in use by 

re: Are there tasks that don't play by 
WLM's rules

as per previous post ... there was the vs/pascal implementation ported
from vm ... with a "diagnose" instruction simulation done in os ... and
then the vtam-based implementation (that started out only being
"correct" if it had lower thruput than lu6.2).

some part of the base code poor thruput (and high processor consumption)
was that (only) a channel-attached "bridge" box was being supported
... rather than a native channel-attached tcp/ip "router" box.

In the LAN "bridge" scenario ... the mainframe host code not only had to
do the ip-header gorp ... but also had to do the lan/mac header overhead
before passing the packet to the channel for processing by the "bridge"

part of the rfc 1044 three orders of magnitude improvement

was having a real channel-attach tcp/ip router box ... eliminating the
mainframe host code having to also provide the lan/mac header overhead
processing (needed by a lan/mac "bridge" box ... rather than having a
real channel-attach tcp/ip router box).

part of this possibly was the whole focus on the sna communication
paradigm (the old joke that it wasn't a system, wasn't a network, and
wasn't an architecture) ... where vtam provided the communication
addressing (and didn't have the concept of networking).

in the early days of sna ... my wife had co-authored "AWP39" for
peer-to-peer networking architecture ... which was possibly viewed as
somewhat in competition with sna. part of the issue is that in most of
the industry, networking it peer-to-peer ... it is only when sna had
co-opted the term "networking" to apply to communication ... that it was
necessary to qualify "networking" with "peer-to-peer". this was possibly
also why she got con'ed into going to pok to be in charge of
loosely-coupled architecture. while there she also created "peer-to-peer
shared data" architecture ... which, except for ims hot-standby,
didn't see a lot of uptake until sysplex. misc past posts

for another archeological trivia ... APPN was originally "AWP164".
misc. past posts mentioning AWP39 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment IBM 3705 and UC.5 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back DUMP Datasets and SMS DUMP Datasets and SMS What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? Channel Distances Need Help defining an AS400 with an 
IP address to the mainframe virtual memory Arpa address Sending CONSOLE/SYSLOG To 
Off-Mainframe Server Google Architecture Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: 
Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Greatest Software, System R Was FORTRAN buggy? Was FORTRAN buggy? The Future of CPUs: What's After 
Multi-Core? Assembler question What's a mainframe? Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just 
another example of mainframe 6400 impact printer Is computer history taugh now? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? Friday musings on the future of 3270 
applications FICON tape drive? JES2 or JES3, Which one is older? Newsweek article--baby boomers and 

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Re: Are there tasks that don't play by WLM's rules

2007-10-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> It's not just z/OS UNIX.
> The first implementation of TCP/IP on OS/390 was a port from VM.
> And, it was a pig until they decided to re-implement by starting from
> scratch using z/OS UNIX (circa 2.7).

there was two issues ... the base was implemented in vs/pascal on on
3090 (under vm) it got about 44kbytes/sec thruput and consumed nearly
whole 3090 processor. i did the support for rfc 1044

and in some tuning tests at cray research ... got 1mbyte/sec (channel
media) thruput between 4341 clone and cray machine ... using only very
modest amount of the 4341 ... about 25 times the bytes moved for maybe
1/30th the pathlength ... say nearly three orders of magnitude
improvement in bytes/mip thruput

the initial port to os ... kept the base vm tcp/ip code unchanged and
implemented a cut-down vm emulation underneath (just enuf to run the
tcp/ip code) ... which further aggrevated the poor tcp/ip thruput

there was then a tcp/ip implementation done "in vtam" that had been
outsourced to subcontractor. the folklore is that initial version
delivered had tcp with higher thruput than lu6.2 and the subcontractor
was told that everybody knows that lu6.2 has much higher thruput (than
tcp/ip) and therefor the tcp/ip implementation must be incorrect ... and
only a "correct" implementation was going to be accepted.

misc. past references to folklore about the vtam-based implementation
for tcp/ip "Database" term ok for plain files? Disincentives for MVS & future of MVS 
systems programmers Vnet : Unbelievable Beyond 8+3 Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned The attack of the killer mainframes Systems Programming for 8 Year-olds DUMP Datasets and SMS Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 
design Barbaras (mini-)rant Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: 
Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Descriptive term for reentrant 
program that nonetheless is whiny question: Why won't z/OS support 
the HMC 3270 emulator

i had a project i called hsdt (high-speed data transport)

that would periodically run into contention with the communication
group. among other things, had deployed backbone connected to the
internal network

that had T1 (and higher speed) terrestrial and satellite links.

recent post

mentioning business trip to the far east to visit a company that
we were buying some hardware from. the friday before we left,
somebody in raleigh had announced a new internal discussion
group that was to use the following terminology references:

low-speed  <9.6kbits
high-speed  56kbits
very high-speed 1.5mbits

on the wall of a conference room, the following monday on the 
other side of the pacific

low-speed   <20mbits
high-speed  200-300mbits
very high-speed >600mbits

we had also been doing some work with NSF and various universities
leading up to what was to be NSFNET backbone ... aka tcp/ip is the
technology basis for the modern internet, nsfnet backbone is the
operational basis for the modern internet and CIX is the business basis
for the modern internet.

some old email references from that period

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Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

2007-10-12 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The first operational 370 hardware supporting virtual memory was a
> 370/145 engineering processor. However, cp67h with cp67i running in a
> 370 virtual machine was in regular operation a year before the 370/145
> engineering box was operational. In fact, cp67i system was used as
> initial software brought up on the 370/145 engineering box.

re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up

for additional topic drift, another internal project that drew on some
of the cp67h activity was the inciption of the internal HONE
project. lots of past posts mentioning HONE (and/or APL)

this is at least partially motivated by the 23jun69 unbundling
announcement ... a little topic drift here Does software life begin at 40? IBM 
updates IMS database Does software life begin at 40? IBM 
updates IMS database

misc. other posts mentioning unbundling and starting to charge
for application software

the other aspect of unbundling was that it also started to charge for SE
time/services. prior to that, (young/new) SEs picked up a lot of their
experience via "on the job training" ... working with more experienced
SEs on the customer machine. with unbundling and charging customers for
SE services/time, this "hands-on" learning experience evaporated.

somewhat as a substitute, HONE (Hands-On Network Experience) was created
... with a number of 360/67 running a clone of the science centers

cp67 system were installed around the country. the idea was that SEs (at
branch offices) could pickup ("hands-on") experience running/testing
operating systems remotely in the HONE cp67 virtual machines.

for slightly other, topic drift ... this recent post Enterprise: Accelerating the Progress 
of Linux

When initial 370 was announced, virtual memory still wasn't available
... but there were a few new instructions ... and the operating systems
were updated to make use of the new instructions. that is somewhat where
a subset of the "cp67h" enhancements came into play (at HONE) ... it was
possible to run the latest (370) operating systems in cp67 virtual
machines ... with cp67 kernel simulating the latest, new 370

Another activity by the science center, effectively resulted in the
direction of HONE completely changing. The science center had also did a
port of apl\360 to cms as cms\apl. Among other things ... APL "work
spaces" could now be 16mbytes ... instead of the 16kbyte-32kbytes
typical of apl\360 ... and an API for operating system functions was
added (things like being able to do file i/o). This allowed APL to start
being used for real-world applications (instead of toy demos that were
frequently the result of the 16k limitation). In this period, APL was
frequently used for lots of things that spreadsheets are used for today.

Quite a few APL applications (like configurators) in support of sales
and marketing were deployed on HONE ... and overtime these started to
consume all available HONE processing ... and the original use for SE
"hands-on" withered and disappeared. After vm370 became available, HONE
upgraded from cp67 to vm370 (and HONE clones started to sprout up around
the world).  Also by the mid-70s, it was no longer possible for
computing system orders to be submitted w/o first having been processed
through some number of HONE APL applications (like configurators).

other posts in this thread: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up

In the 70s, the various HONE datacenters were consolidated in cal.  with
possibly largest "single system image" operation. This involved quite a
few operational and functional enhancements to vm370 supporting
load-balancing and fall-over ... that allowed a large number of
loosely-coupled (tightly-coupled) multiprocessors to effectively operate
as single large timesharing service (in part driven by the significant
processing requirements because of using APL) ... somewhat reminiscent
of some modern day advanced operations. Then because of business
continuity considerations, the california datacenter was replicated
first in Dallas, and then a 3rd in Boulder (supporting geog

Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

2007-10-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hunkeler Peter  , KIUK 3) writes:
> Fixed storage is not only to support diabled users but much more often
> used in the ubiquituos I/O processing. The channel subsystem (the I/O
> part of System z hardware) does not use DAT. Channel commands transfer
> data blocks data from and to real storage to and from I/O devices,
> resp.  Before the I/O can be initiated, MVS's I/O supervisor code has
> to make sure the virtual storage allocated for the I/O buffers is not
> being paged out while the channel subsystem is working on the I/O
> request.  Therefore, the pages will be fixed before the I/O supervisor
> passes the I/O request to the channel subs

this was part of the technology that was borrowed from cp67 in the
original os/vs2 work ... discussed earlier in this thread GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up

one of the uses for "fixed" storage was allowing applications to build
channel programs with the (previously) "fixed", real storage addresses
... then the application channel program could be directly executed
... w/o requiring the supervisor having to scan ... building a
shadow/duplicate channel program with the "real" addresses

for instance, lookup various discussions about EXCPVR compared to EXCP

... this redbook has some discussion of the differences between EXCPVR
and EXCP (although most of the discussion is about support for using
storage about 2GB line)

from 2.10.3 Using EXCP and EXCPVR

Programs using EXCPVR have the esponsibility to page fix all I/O area
and build real channel programs.

... snip ...

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Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

2007-10-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

"Bill Ogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The statements about the 360/67 are correct.  It was a little ahead of
> its time in several ways. The 67's DAT design was a bit different than
> the later S/370 DAT that was used by MVS, and is typically not
> considered in the history lines for MVS.

2007p.html:Subject: Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html:Subject: Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html:Subject: Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

other than original os/vs2 prototype implementation was done with mvt
kernel modified with a lot of code borrowed from cp67 running on 360/67

i had done a lot of work with virtual memory as an undergraduate
and then later after joining the science center

and in the early 70s several of us would make frequent sojourns to pok
(out the mass pike and down the taconic) for architecture meetings
(virtual memory, multiprocessing, etc) ... including architecture
meetings where several features were pulled from 370 virtual memory
architecture in order to buy 370/165 engineers six month schedule in
their hardware implementation.

there were other issues in the os/vs2 virtual memory implementation
(spanning both svs and mvs) ... one had to do with the page replacement
algorithm implementation ... the standard is LRU (least recently used)
or various approximations related of LRU. The pok performance modeling
group had discovered that (at a micro-level) that if a non-changed page
was selected for replacement ... that the latency to service a page
fault was much less than if a changed page was selected for replacement
(non-changed pages could be immediately discarded, without needing to
write, relying on copy already out on disk). However, i repeatedly
pointed out to them that weighting the replacement algorithm based on
changed bit as opposed to the reference bit ... severely negated any
recently used strategy.  They went ahead with it anyway (possibly they
didn't have very good macro-level simulation capability and stuck with
just the micro-level simulation could make informed judgement). in any
case, it was well into a number of MVS release before somebody got an
award for improving MVS performance by changing to give more weight to
the reference use in replacement decisions (example was that under the
earlier strategy, the replacement algorithm was selecting high-use,
shared, executable linklib virtual pages for replacement before private,
lower-use application data virtual pages).

another influence of cp67 and the science center was a joint project
between endicott and the science center to do custom modifications to
cp67 to provide "370" (virtual memory architecture) virtual
machines. For instance, this required cp67 simulating 370 architecture
hardware format virtual memory tables ... rather than 360/67
architecture hardware format virtual memory tables ... internally, this
was comingly referred to as "cp67h" system. After that was done, there
were modifications to cp67 to make it run on 370 hardware ... building
370 format tables ... rather than 360/67 format tables. Internally, this
was comingly referred to as cp67i. 

The first operational 370 hardware supporting virtual memory was a
370/145 engineering processor. However, cp67h with cp67i running in a
370 virtual machine was in regular operation a year before the 370/145
engineering box was operational. In fact, cp67i system was used as
initial software brought up on the 370/145 engineering box.

One of the complexities in the cp67h & cp67i development was it was all
done on the science center cp67 timesharing service.  Information about
virtual memory for 370 was an extremely tightly held corporate secret
... and there were a variety of non-employees (from numerous education
institutions in the cambridg area) with regular access to the science
center timesharing service. As a result ... nearly all of the cp67h work
went on in a 360/67 virtual machine (not on the bare hardware) to
isolate it from any non-employee prying eyes.

lots of past posts about use of cp67 for timesharing service ... both
internally and externally (including mentioning it being used to
address various security issues)

misc past posts mentioning cp67h and/or cp67i systems: HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - 
do we need it? determining memory size Vintage computers are better than 
modern crap ! IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's intel's Vanderpool and virtualization 
in general

Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

2007-10-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> This has always intrigued me.  What was done to eliminate the
> possibility that the channel had to access a virtual page that had
> been paged out?  An enabled application or system code that is copying
> and translating virtual-to-real addresses can always suffer a page
> fault, wait for the page-in, and resume as if nothing had happened,
> but channels cannot wait for page-fault resolution.  Or could they?

re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage 
backing up

part of CCWTRANS creation of "shadow" channel programs (with real
addresses) included pinning/locking the associated virtual pages (to
those real-addresses). after the real i/o had completed (running with
the "shadow" channel program), there was an UNTRANS process ... that
included unpinning the associated virtual pages.

the original 370 virutal memory architecture included some number of
features that didn't actually make it out. i've posted before about some
features that the 165 hardware engineers ran into problems ... creating
full 370 virtual memory hardware retrofit to the 165 ... and in
escalation where they claimed they could pickup six months on the
delivery schedule if they could drop the features ... and the pok
favorite son operating system expressed they could see no use for the
features. dropping the features then met that all the other processors
had to undo their implementation and any software that was already
completed that would use the additional features ... and to be reworked.

there had been channel operation with virtual addresses defined
(including being able to suspend because of a page-fault and then be
resumed) and there was folklore there was even patents on such channel
operation with virtual addresses. this never got very far into the 370

for lots of topic drift ... past posts mentioning issue with
370/165 virtual memory hardware retrofit schedule and
dropping a number of features to make up six monhts What is an IBM 137/148 ??? IBM S/360 Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc "all-out" vs less aggressive designs 
(was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition) Why IBM use 31 bit addressing not 32 
bit? X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: 
"all-out" vs less aggressive designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate 
CISC? designs) 360/370 instruction cycle time 360/370 instruction cycle time 360/370 instruction cycle time 360/370 instruction cycle time Are the L1 and L2 caches flushed on a 
page fault ? John Mashey's greatest hits Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - 
why even or odd) Microcode? Microcode? Microcode? Why are Mainframe Computers really 
still in use at all? Handling variable page sizes? Handling variable page sizes? Tweaking old computers? Coherent TLBs Tweaking old computers? Tweaking old computers? why does wait state exist? IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033 Linux paging Resolved: There Are No Programs With 
>32 Bits of Text ECPS:VM DISPx instructions Multiple layers of virtual address 
translation price ov IBM virtual address box?? Does PowerPC 970 has Tagged TLBs 
(Address Space Identifiers) SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems S/360 undocumented instructions? If the x86 ISA could be redone vm/370 smp support and shared segment 
protection hack

Re: GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up

2007-10-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hunkeler Peter  , KIUK 3) writes:
> OS/360 was a real storage only operating system. DAT was introduced with
> S/370. OS/390 could run on that hardware but not use DAT (and other
> new hardware facilites). 

DAT was introduced on 360/67 ... basically 360/65 with dynamic address
translation ... at least in its single processor version (although
360/67 offerred both 24-bit as well as 32-bit virtual addressing
modes). The 360/67 multiprocessor did offer some additional features
vis-a-vis 360/65 multiprocessor ... like all 360/67 processors could
directly address all physical channels (while 360/65 multiprocessor was
limited to addressing common real storage ... but didn't provide channel
multiprocessor connectivity).

tss/360 was to be the official operating system supporting 360/67 but
ran into lots of problems and was decommited.

however, the science center

did do a virtual machine monitor called cp40 for a 360/40 with custom
hardware dynamic address translation modifications ... and then morphed
it into cp67 when production 360/67 machines became available. cp67 was
the precursor to vm370 when virtual memory support was announced for

the initial prototype for os/vs2 svs ... precusor to os/vs2 mvs ...  was
a custom modified mvt system ... initially running on 360/67
machines. it had hack on the side to create a single 16mbyte virtual
address space and some simple interrupt handler for page faults.  it
also had CCWTRANS (and associated routines) from cp67 wired into the
side to handle the application channel programs (from excp/svc0) to
"real" channel program translation.

This is an issue common for both virtual machine monitors and the os/vs
genre of operation systems ... where the applications built channel
programs that were then passed to be directly executed.  The 360/370
genre of channels required "real" addresses for execution ... but the
application (and/or virtual machine) built channel programs all had
"virtual address" specifications. To handle the situation, a copy of the
original channel program had to be created with the specified virtual
addresses replaced with the corresponding real addresses.

for other topic drift ... charlie's work on fine-grain locking
supporting cp67 multiprocessor operation resulted in his invention of
the compare-and-swap instruction (mnemonic chosen because CAS are
charlie's initials). initial forey with pok and 370 architecture owners
were met with brick wall resistance because the pok favorite son
operating system people claimed that the test-and-set instruction (from
360 days) were more than sufficient for all multiprocessor support.  The
challenge was in order to justify comapre-and-swap instruction was a
non-multiprocessor use had to be defined/invented. The result was
the multi-threaded use description (whether or not the environment
was multiprocessor) that current shows up in appendix section in
principles of operation. misc. posts mentioning multiprocessor
and/or compare-and-swap instruction

somewhat related to the original thread subject ... when i first got a
copy of cp67 at the university as an undergraduate ... when virtual
machine logged on ... the virtual address space "backing store" (for the
virtual machine) were all initialized to a single, special "zeros" page
on the cp67 ipl/boot volume. Each corresponding page table entry that
pointed to the "zeros" page also had a flag that if the virtual page was
ever modified/changed (after being fetched into real storage), it was to
have a new (disk paging) backing location dynamically allocated.

an early enhancement that i made to cp67 ... was to initialize freshly,
created virtual storage with indication that on initial page fault, that
instead of fetching the virtual page from some disk location ... that a
real page was to be allocated and then simply cleared to zeros (i used a
bxle loop with stm of ten registers that had been all cleared to zeros).

The "recompute" flag still remained the same ... i.e. if virtual
execution subsequently "modified" a zeros page ... it would have a new
back disk page location dynamically allocated.

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-10-03 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Choice Overload In Parallel Programming

from above:

"And then we show them the parallel programming environments they can
work with: MPI, OpenMP, Ct, HPF, TBB, Erlang, Shmemm, Portals, ZPL, BSP,
CHARM++, Cilk, Co-array Fortran, PVM, Pthreads, windows threads,
Tstreams, GA, Java, UPC, Titanium, Parlog, NESL,Split-C... and the list
goes on and on. If we aren't careful, the result could very well be a
'choice overload' experience with software vendors running away in

... snip ..

and ... 

Embedded software stuck at C

from above:

"The inability of C/C++ code to parallelize coupled with its ubiquity
throughout the embedded market is a major issue for multi-core going
forward," Heikkila wrote in a follow up email to EE Times. "Any
alternative parallel programming languages certainly won't materialize
in the embedded market, but instead will more likely gain momentum in a
more mainstream computing market before making its way into embedded
applications," he added.

... snip ... 

past posts in thread: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

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Re: Industry Standard Time To Analyze A Line Of Code

2007-10-02 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John P Baker) writes:
> Back in the 80s, we operated under the premise that a seasoned
> programmer should be able to produce 20 lines of bug-free assembler
> code per day.

there have been periodic statements that code generation can
be the simplest part of the problem. 

we've periodically commented that the effort to produce a service can be
4-10 times that of a straight-forward application (or taking a
well-tested and well-debugged application and turning it into a service
can take 4-10 times the effort of the original application development).
frequently this may have only a little to do with lines-of-code.

we were called in to consult with a small client/server startup that
wanted to do payment transactions on servers ... they had this
technology called SSL ... and subsequently the activity has frequently
been referred to as "electronic commerce". Part of the infrastructure
that the server payment application talked to was something called a
"payment gateway" ... misc. past posts mentioning payment gateway

the initial take was to take transaction message formats from existing
circuit-based infrastructure and map them to packets in internet
infrastructure. this somewhat ignored a whole lot of telco provisioning
that went into circuit-based operation ... and provided a basis for
business critical dataprocessing ... which was all missing in the
initial transition to internet-based operation. as part of supporting an
operational environment (as opposed to somewhat trivial technology
demonstration) ... we had to invent a lot of compensating processes for
the internet environment.

some other recent posts raising the issue about business
critical dataprocessing Is computer history taught now? IBM to the PCM market(the sky is 
falling!!!the sky is falling!!) John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies The top 10 dead (or dying) computer 
skills PSI MIPS PSI MIPS Outsourcing loosing steam?

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Re: India is outsourcing jobs as well

2007-09-30 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

re: Inda is outsourcing jobs as well

Why Is US Grad School Mainly Non-US Students?

from above:

I am a new graduate student in Computer Engineering. I would like to get my 
MS and possibly my Ph.D. I have learned that 90% of my department is from 
India and many others are from China.

... snip ...

somewhat related recent post Graduate Enrollment in 2005

giving stats showing it slightly closing between 2001 & 2005, i.e.
foreign/US; 2001: 6500/2500 and 2005: 4500/3500

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Re: India is outsourcing jobs as well

2007-09-27 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Edward Jaffe wrote:
I have family all over Virginia. "Less developed" is probably a good 
thing. It's a beautiful state. Lots of history.

There's something very wrong with and/or not being stated in the premise 
here. They probably need people in the United States because things 
aren't working out so well with an all-Indian work force.

the other possibility is that they have some specific outsourcing that may
include requirement for some legacy skills ... it may turn out to be cheaper to 
hire people, that already have such experience, than try to train a new

generation ... especially if it is considered obsolete skills with
limited future applicability.

i've frequently claimed that a big boost for outsourcing was
as part of y2k remediation efforts ... when it wasn't so much a question
of pay scale ... but getting anybody at all. this was significantly
aggravated because it was happening during the big resource demand
growth in the internet bubble. once business relations were established
(during the y2k era), these business relations continued to exist
after y2k remediation completed.

some of the recent statistics ... that well over half of cs advanced 
degrees from us institutions were to people not born in the US. 
still the majority of the advanced degrees (from us institutions) 
are to people not born in the us ... while at the same time the 
number graduating from non-US institutions is dramatically increasing. 
This is coupled with things like test scores for US highschool graduates 
ranks near the bottom of all industrial nations.

misc. recent posts on the subject: U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 

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Re: Writing 23FDs

2007-09-27 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Matthew Stitt wrote:

Because  the FBA's and 8809's were boat anchors.  And the 3350's and 3420
gave interchangeability with MVS.

With things connected to normal channels the sky was the limit with what
could be done with the 4331.  Using the ICA severely limited your devices.

The 3350 and 3420 tapes could run circles around the standard stuff IBM
wanted to sell with the 4331.

4331 had integrated channels (aka like 370/158 and many other processors)  
i think you are referring to the integrated controller adapter (as opposed

to integrated channels). part of the ICA case were that run-of-the-mill
controllers were going to be physically on the size of 4331 (or larger)
and cost (unless you could pickup old hardware at surplus prices). An
example of the size ... in addition to the original effort to use it
for 3090 service processor ... Writing 23FDs

research had a project that had a 4331 as a desk-side personal computer. 

FBAs were mostly boat anchors because mvs wouldn't ship support for them.
Eventually all physical disks migrated to FBA ... and for mvs compatibility,
there had to be CKD emulation (the first was 3375). misc. past posts mentioning
ckd issues

i was told that even if i provided fully tested and integrated mvs fba support,
there would still be a bill of $26m for education, classes, documentation, etc.
In order to justify mvs fba support, i had to show incremental disk sale ROI
(increment gross sales at least 10-20 times the expense) attributed solely to
the availability of the mvs fba support.

misc. past posts mention being quoted $26m as bill for mvs fba education,
classes and documentation: Why Mainframes? IA64 Self Virtualizable? Read if over 40 and have Mainframe  
background Ux's good points. OT? > 512 byte disk blocks (was: 4M pages 
are a bad idea) FBA History Question (was: RE: What's 
the meaning of track overfl ow?) VTOC/VTOC INDEX/VVDS and performance 
(expansion of VTOC position) Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital 
Equipment in the 70s? index searching index searching Secure Device Drivers Do any architectures use instruction 
count instead of timer rebirth "average" DASD Blocksize model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW System/360 40 years old today Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: 
Looking for Disk Calc Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: 
Looking for Disk Calc CKD Disks? Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: 
Looking for Disk Calc capacity of largest drive 3390-81 using 3390 mod-9s using 3390 mod-9s

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Re: Writing 23FDs

2007-09-27 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Raymond Noal wrote:

Dear List:

An IBM 4361 Model Group 5 had the ECPS feature - 

Extended Control Program Support (ECPS) -- offers VSE mode, VM/370 mode, and 
MVS/370 mode. These modes provide microcode assists that make the system control 
programs operate more efficiently.

ECPS was originally done for virgil/tully (370 138/148). basically portions
of kernel/nucleus pathlengths were implemented in microcode. a "new"
instruction was defined each of these (moved) pathlength snippets ... and
placed "in front" of the corresponding kernel instructions. The parameter
list for the "new instruction" included address(es) of where the microcode
was to resume in the standard code.

here is old post that details what portions of the vm370 kernel were identified
for movement into microcode 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

the issue was that low-end and mid-range 370 machines were vertical microcode
to implement 370 instruction set ... and there was typically an avg ratio of
10:1 (microcode instructions to 370 instructions) ... this avg. ratio has
also been found by some of the more recent 370 emulators on i86 platforms.

For virgil/tully we were given that there was approx. 6k of microcode 
space available ... and typical kernel instruction would translate approx.
1:1 into microcode (6k bytes of kernel 370 instructions translates into approx.
6k bytes of microcode). So the identification activity was to identity
the 6k bytes of vm370 kernel code that were the highest used pathlengths.

There was also an ipl/boot sequence that identified whether it was running
on an ECPS machine ... and if not, it had a table of all ECPS instruction
in the kernel which it would overlay with no-ops (allowing the same kernel
to execute on both ECPS machines and non-ECPS machines).

Note, for vm370, vm microcode assist (VMA) had previously been implemented
on 370/158. This were specific, high-use, supervisor state instructions
that normally interrupted into the vm370 kernel for simulation. A new "mode"
was defined for the machine which was "virtual machine" supervisor state ...
and the machine microcode was changed to directly execute the supervisor
state instruction using "virtual machine" rules ... w/o having to interrupt
into the vm370 kernel. As part of the virgil/tully ECPS effort, there
was also implementation of the VMA supervisor instructions, as well as
additional supervisor state instructions not in the original VMA implementation.

Later there was an ECPS-like effort done for the 3033 for MVS. There were
some difference between the 3033 MVS changes and the virgil/tully vm370

* the new MVS would only run on machines with the MVS microcode enhancement 
and wouldn't run on machines w/o the feature

* 3033 was a horizontal microcode machine where the ratio of microcode
instructions to 370 instructions was nearly 1:1 ... aka there was little
or no performance difference between the 370 instruction implementation
and the microcode implementation (this characteristic continued on
later high-end machines)

later, in the 4331/4341 time-frame ... there was some effort to
retrofit the mvs ecps change to 4341s ... allowing latest release
of mvs to operate on 4341 machines. there was lots of contention over
the value of doing this since 4341 was barely powerful enough to
support any kind of mvs thruput  and 4331 was quite a bit
below that threshold (so i can't be positive, but i'm pretty sure
that the mvs ecps feature was ever retrofitted to 4331 ... although
it was eventually made available on 4341).

somewhat 4361 topic drift  the 3081 had a service processor
which ran off a 3310 fba disk. part of the issue was that field
service had a requirement that it could perform bootstrap field
diagnostics starting with a scope. this was no longer possible
for the 3081 ... so a service processor was added that had the
capability of diagnosing 3081 hardware ... and it was possible
for field service to do diagnostic field bootstrap starting with
scope on the service processor.

the service processor function was getting more and more complex,
and so it was decided that for 3090, it would use a 4331 running
a highly customized version of vm370 release 6 ... and all service
processor menu screens implemented in cms ios3270. before
3090 first customer ship, the service processor was upgraded
to a pair of 4361s (running vm370 and cms with menu screens
implemented in cms ios3270). having a pair of redundant 4361s
eliminated the requirement for field service to bootstrap
diagnose 4361s ... since they could just switch to the other
4361 machine for diagnosing the 3090 (if there was 4361 failure).

misc. past posts mentioning service processor operation IBM 4361 CPU technology Living legends Living legends IBM 9020 computers 

Re: zH/OS (z/OS on Hercules for personal use only)

2007-09-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Andreas F. Geissbuehler wrote:
It's been done many times before, FREEWARE for STRICTLY PERSONAL USE. It 
is proven to sell more licences for commercial use. There is precedence, DB2, 

personal computing ... freeware or not ... has always shown to contribute 
to useage increase. CMS was the personal computing of 60s and 70s (first as
cambridge monitor system on cp67 and then renamed to conversational monitor
system as part of the morph to vm370) ... and SHARE case studies in the 70s 
that vm370/cms environments had largest usage growth (this was part of the
many countermeasures to the perodic corporate statements that vm370 product
was being eliminated).

misc. past posts mentioning cambridge science center ... originated
cp40 and cp67 virtual machine systems (along with cms) 

where gml was invented (precursor to sgml, html, xml, etc)

where compare&swap multiprocessor instruction was invented

and where the technology for the internal network originated

which was also the basis for bitnet (and european earn):

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Re: IBM Releases Office Desktop Software at No Charge to Foster Collaboration and Innovation

2007-09-20 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Knutson, Sam wrote:

We are a large IMS DC/DB shop and CICS DB2/IMS DBCTL.   IMS is still an
order of magnitude more efficient than DB2.  That is not saying anything
bad about DB2 it is designed for more flexible data manipulation and
easier development by offloading more business and data handling logic
into the DBMS.  DB2 is a relational database and IMS a hierarchical one
though IMS appears to be geared up to take on some new abilities soon
with V10.

IMS is wickedly efficient ask some of the large banking and delivery
concerns that still use it to process large transactions volumes. 

some of this was part of the discourse between the ims group and
the system/r group in 70s ... i.e. originally relational/sql implementation

there was then technology transfer from sjr to endicott for sql/ds ...
and one of the people listed at this meeting claimed to have handled
a lot of the technology transfer from endicott to stl for DB2

an old email with ims & relational reference:

in this post "The Elements of Programming Style"

in the discussion between the two groups ... the ims claim was that
ims was significantly more efficient between it had direct pointers
... while relational abstracted away the pointers with an implicit
index. The implicit index (under the covers) tended to double the
amount of disk space required and significantly increased the number
of disk access to reach the desired record. the relational counter
argument was that it significantly reduced the people/manual effort
required to manage the effort.

the transition in the 80s was that the economics for disk space
significantly changed ... mitigating the disk space issue and
the significant increase in system real storage sizes allowed
much of the relational infrastructure information to be cached
... cutting down on the physical disk operations required. at the
same time there was changes in people cost vis-a-vis hardware costs
... allowing some lower value uses to become practical (hardware
costs dropped below some threshold and with elimination of some
amount of manual/people cost support).

other posts discussing the theme of changes in system
configurations and relative costs between the 60s and the 80s
and its effect on dbms implementation trade-offs: Flat Query history of computing Old Hashing Routine Cache-Size vs Performance Cycles per ASM instruction Quote from comp.object IBM System z9 FORTRAN IV program illustrating 
assigned GO TO on web site

for other topic drift ... the university had gotten a ONR library automation
grant and was selected as beta-test for the original CICS (adapting code
that had been developed at a specific customer site and turning it into
a product) ... and i got tasked to provide debugging and deployment support.
misc. past posts mentioning CICS and/or BDAM

recent post in another thread discussing relative system disk
thruput ServerPac Installs and dataset 

for other drift ... part of what prompted the observation mentioned in
the above post was that the dynamic adaptive resource management work

i had done as an undergraduate in the 60s and at the science center

in the 70s ... included the general objective of being able to (dynamically)
"schedule to the bottleneck" ... aka dynamically recognize what is the 
major system resource bottleneck(s) and adapt the resource scheduling

policy to the bottleneck resource(s).

misc. past posts mentioning "schedule to the bottleneck" 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S ? Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the 
Door Multitasking question Rethinking Virtual Memory OS with no distinction between RAM and HD 
? S/360 operating systems geneaology OS/360 (and descendents) VM system? Ux's good points. Optimal replacement Algorithm any 70's era supercomputers that ran 
as slow as today's supercomputers?

Re: JES2 or JES3, Which one is older?

2007-09-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vijay Kumar) writes:
I am a new comer in the mainframe field. I am learning this technology from an 
institute in Singapore.

I have searched the net and not able to find which of the Jes version was 
introduced first JES2 or JES3. I know Jes2 was evolved after HASP and Jes3 
was after ASP.

Could anyone please let me know the specific dates or year in which these 
two job entry subsystems were introduced.

Waiting for your response.

my wife did a stint in the g'burg jes group ... after hasp
responsibility was moved to g'burg and renamed jes2 ...  this was before
getting con'ed into going to pok to be responsible for loosely-coupled
architecture ... misc.  past posts about creating peer-coupled shared
data architecture ... which didn't see a lot of uptake (except for ims
hot standby) until sysplex. misc. past posts

one of her tasks in the jes group was "catcher" for asp ... as part of
turning it into jes3 (aka the group for jes2 was already in existence
before work on asp->jes3). her work included (co-)writing a plm for
jes3. she also did a design for combined product with the best features
of both products ... which didn't get very far because of strong
opinions from the two (jes2 & jes3) camps.

for some topic drift ... recent post in another thread FICON tape drive?

mentioning she had earlier co-authored AWP39, peer-to-peer networking
... in the early days of SNA (only in ibm was it necessary to qualify
networking as peer-to-peer ... since that is the standard definition,
however, SNA had co-opted the word to apply to their, non-networking,
communication infrastructure)

for other topic drift misc past posts mentioning hasp, jes2, and/or jes2 

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Re: CA to IBM product swap

2007-09-17 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Zelden) writes:
> Then you switch back.  ;-)   There are actually a lot of companies that
> seem to work that way.   That's what happens when bean counters make
> the decisions and don't consider the human aspects (time, training etc.)

this is related to the original justification for 360 product line with
common architecture across the product line ... recent post mentioning
supposed testimony in the gov. anti-trust case by one of the bunch what does xp do when system is copying

i.e. compatible product line minimized having to redo applications every
time customer upgraded/changed processor ... people resources and
elapsed time for conversion was starting to dominate considerations

this was also touched on by a talk amdahl gave at mit in the early 70s
when asked about what justification was used getting funding for his
clone processor company ... even if ibm were to completely walk away
from 360, customers already had something like $200B invested in
software applications, which would support clone processor business
through at least the end of the century.

and the "walk away from 360" could possibly considered a veiled reference
to future system project

which would have been as different from 360 as 360 had been different
from earlier machines ... recent posts what does xp do when system is copying PL/S programming language PL/S programming language

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Re: FICON tape drive?

2007-09-13 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

George McAliley wrote:
All IBM 3490's on mainframes were either Block MPX channel (bus/tag) or  
ESCON.  The STK 9490's on mainframe were also ESCON though they did have 
a SCSI  interface for distributed system attachment.  The IBM Magstar (3590) 
series were natively FICON and ESCON capable depending on how you 
configure the drive/controller.  The newer 3592's are also either ESCON or 
FICON though they are really too fast for ESCON.  All the Magstar drives have 
standalone (non_ATL) configurations but are now usually installed in ATL's or 
VTL's in today's world.

a recent escon, sla, fcs, ficon and eckd x-over discussion from comp.arch 
newsgroup mainframe performance, was Is a RISC 
chip more expensive?

and additional drift, other posts in the thread: mainframe performance, was Is a RISC 
chip more expensive? mainframe performance, was Is a RISC 
chip more expensive?

... escon had been fiber technology that had knocking around pok from 
the 70s. my wife had been con'ed into going to pok to be in charge of 
loosely-coupled architecture where she created peer-coupled shared data 

which didn't see a whole lot of take-up until sysplex ... except for ims
hot-standby work.

she also had significant battles with the communication group over not using
sna for peer-coupled operation. eventually there supposedly was a (temporary)
truce where sna had to be used for anything transiting the walls of the 
but non-sna could be used within the walls of the glasshouse. this
sort of came to a test with ctca enhancement; trotter/3088 where she pushed
hard for being able to have full-duplex operation ... as improvement over
standard ctca/channel half-duplex operation (which didn't make it out
of the door).

san jose research did do a vm/4341 cluster prototype using enhanced 3088 
peer-coupled operation ... but when it came to make it available to customers, 
they were required to use sna for the implementation. a trivial 
example of the difference was the cluster  synchronization protocol ... 
which started out being done in subsecond  elapsed time. it was severely 
crippled by being forced to regress to a sna implementation which increased 
the cluster synchronization protocol elapsed time to nearly a minute.

all of this contributed to her not lasting very long as pok's loosely-coupled
architect.  of course, part of her problem was that she had earlier co-authored
AWP39, peer-coupled networking architecture in the early days of SNA ... which
they possibly viewed as a threat. SNA architecture was VTAM ... not a networking
architecture at all, but a (dumb) terminal communication control infrastructure 
that could  handle massive numbers of terminals (or at least initially up to

64k). for other random trivia, appn was AWP164

misc. past posts mentioning AWP39 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment IBM 3705 and UC.5 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back DUMP Datasets and SMS DUMP Datasets and SMS What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? Channel Distances Need Help defining an AS400 with an 
IP address to the mainframe virtual memory Arpa address Sending CONSOLE/SYSLOG To 
Off-Mainframe Server Google Architecture Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: 
Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Greatest Software, System R Was FORTRAN buggy? Was FORTRAN buggy? The Future of CPUs: What's After 
Multi-Core? Assembler question What's a mainframe? Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just 
another example of mainframe 6400 impact printer Is computer history taugh now? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? Friday musings on the future of 3270 

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Re: ServerPac Installs and dataset allocations

2007-09-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Ted MacNEIL wrote:

I put the heavily hit loadlibs such as SYS1.LINKLIB on one side of the VTOC, 
and the ISPF libraries on the other side of the VTOC.  With todays heavily 
cached dasd, that probably will buy you very little anymore.

Very little.
Especially, since it's been over 15 years since IBM stopped recommending placing 
the VTOC (VTOCIX, VVDS, & Catalogue [if there is one]) elsewhere than at the 
beginning of the pack.

for os/360 releases 11 & 14 system builds  i had carefully reodered 
stage-2 sysgen to achieve optimal placement ... not only of datasets but

also members within pds. i had given presentations at share (on
the results of both the customized release 11 and 14 system builds) ... that for
the university workload, i could achieve nearly three times increased
thruput. i had also asked for being able to specify vtoc location ... which
showed up in release 15/16 (release 15 slipped and there was a combined
release 15/16).

one of the problems was applying normal system maintenance ... replacing
members in pds libraries like sys1.linklib could detrimentally affect
the carefully ordering  and over a period of six months, thruput
could degrade by a third or more (and might require a new "build" of
critical pds libraries).

reference to old presentation that i had made a aug68 share
meeting in boston (this particular presentation also included
some measurements after i had rewritten several critical
sections of the cp67 kernel): CP/67 & OS MFT14 CP/67 & OS MFT14

however, going into the mid-70s, it was becoming apparent that overall
system thruput (processor and memory) was increasing much faster than
disk technology thruput was increasing. as a result there was starting
to be more and more reliance on mechanisms (like more use of various
kinds of caching technology) to compensate for the relative system
degradation of disk thruput.

at one point, i had made the observation that relative system disk
thruput had degrading by a factor of ten times over a period of
years. this upset some of the people in the disk division ... and
the disk division performance group was assigned to refute the observation.
after several weeks, they came back and effectively said that i
had slightly understated the amount of relative system thruput
degradation (i.e. disks were getting faster, but overall systems
were getting also getting faster, much faster than disks were getting
faster). in any case, the work by the disk division performance
group eventually turned into a share presentation ... not on
how slow disks are ... but on how to organize data on disk
to improve overall system thruput.

as caching technologies became more and more wide used ... nearly all
of the work on careful ordering of "highly used" disk records (that i
had done as undergraduate in the 60s) was obsoleted since such high-used 
records would now be found in the electronic caches. 

some number of old posts mentioning gpd finding that i had
slightly understated the degree of disk technology relative 
system thruput degradation over a period of years Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the 
Door Bloat, elegance, simplicity and other 
irrelevant concepts How Do the Old Mainframes Compare to 
Today's Micros? Virtual Memory (A return to the past?) The god old days(???) IBM S/360 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? any 70's era supercomputers that ran 
as slow as today's supercomputers? Q: Merced a flop or not? MVS History (all parts) MVS History (all parts) Smallest Storage Capacity Hard Disk? index searching Microcode? (& index searching) index searching What are some impressive page rates? What are some impressive page rates? AS/400 and MVS - clarification please Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned Shipwrecks 100% CPU is not always bad Today's mainframe--anything to new? Performance and Capacity Planning Old Hashing Routine The Future of CPUs: What's 

Re: CA to IBM TCP Conversion

2007-09-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Chris Mason wrote:


I thought I'd dig further into this IUCV point and I found a reference 
in the IP Configuration Guide. It appears that IUCV, VMCF and TNF 
"stuff" is still available, you just don't necessarily need it. It would 
appear to have become an *optional* bit of preparation for the use of 
the Communications Server (CS) IP component from being *required* as it 
was when I used to teach TCP/IP for MVS.

It is described in the CS IP Configuration Guide under "Chapter 2. 
Configuration overview", "Required steps before starting TCP/IP" as 
"Step 3: Configure VMCF and TNF" on page 111 of the z/OS 1.8 manual. It 
appears that the section headers are logically incorrect since, as far 
as I can tell, it really is an *optional* step and depends on whether or 
not the Pascal API is used or not. The clearest indication that this 
step really is optional is "... therefore, some installations will 
require setting up VMCF and TNF." at the end of the first paragraph.

I then found Dana Mitchell's post where he/she said something of the 
same as above.

Chris Mason

the original tcp/ip implementation was done in vs/pascal on vm370 
(20 yrs ago) ... but there were some number of implementation bottlenecks 
... such that it got about 44kbyte/sec aggregate thruput consuming a 
3090 processor. i then did rfc1044 support for the product and in some 
tuning tests at cray research (between 4341 clone and a cray machine) 
was getting 4341 channel media speed thruput using only a modest amount of 
the 4341 clone.

for some topic drift, recent post mentioning vs/pascal (Newbie question)How does the modern 
high-end processor been designed?

which is slightly related to topic in this newsgroup since the los gatos
vlsi tools group was responsible for the 370 pascal implementation
as well as the "LSM" 1401 simulator for OS/360

somewhat drifting back to the topic, a port of the implementation was 
then done for mvs ... by doing a (vm370) vmcf/iucv emulator for 
mvs systems.

for other background ... internally there was something called 
spm that was originally implemented on cp67 (precursor to vm370

that ran on 360/67s) which was a superset of the later vmcf and
iucv implementations. there was somewhat internal dissension
leading up to the initial vmcf release ... since spm had been
around for much longer period and had so much more function. 
Later, iucv was released to cover some additional function (also

covered by spm) that was handled by vmcf.

some old email with spm reference

misc. old posts mentioning spm: 2 questions: diag 68 and calling 
convention Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC 
software? Digital ID other cp/cms history To RISC or not to RISC Why these original FORTRAN quirks? more secure communication over the 
network intersection between autolog command 
and cmsback (more history) IBM sues maker of Intel-based 
Mainframe clones

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Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-09-01 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Mark Post wrote:
If you give a Linux guest a 4GB virtual machine, it will have very close 
to a 4GB working set.  If you give that same Linux guest 64GB, it will 
have very close to a 64GB working set.  The fact that you say "Linux will 
use what it needs" tells me that you have little or no experience running 
Linux, either on midrange systems or on the mainframe.  Linux will _always_ use 
everything you give it, if for nothing else than buffers and cache.  
Hence the constant battle we have with midrange Linux sysadmins, DBAs, etc., 
regarding this topic.  It's also a recurring topic with the midrange 
performance/capacity folks, since we keep getting concerned phone calls 
and emails about how we have to add more RAM to a Linux system because 
it's running out.  It hasn't run out, it is just using all the otherwise unused 
storage for buffers and cache, but that's not the behavior they're used to 
seeing from AIX, Solaris, HPUX, etc.

past posts in this thread: Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation

unix/linux will use its (virtual) machine storage for running applications
and file caching. if there is enough machine storage ... the application
storage is whatever the page requirements for the collection of the
running appliications (linux kernel code, demons, etc). if the machine
storage is at least as large as the total program execution storage ... then
the system may not have to do any paging operations.

the remaining (potentially virtual) machine storage will be used for 
file record caching is analogous to the operation of dbms systems with 
database record caching. lots of dbms systems have configuration 
parameters for total size of record caching ... attempting to tune them 
when running in a virtual memory environment. this is similar to the

description of the (storage management) changes migrating apl\360
(assuming the available storage was "real") to cms\apl (where
there was enormously larger amount of virtual, paged storage).
The implicit assumption was that the available configured storage
was "real" and could be used arbitrarily w/o regard to potential
working set size implications and effect on demand paging. Virtual Storage implementation

one of the other projects at the science center

involved application instruction and storage access tracing. this
was used in modeling possible page replacement algorithms and
working set sizes. Eventually some of this was released as
VS/REPACK product which would do semi-automated program
reorgnization to optimize virtual storage operation. 

Early version of what became VS/REPACK was used in assisting
with migrating apl\360 to virtual memory environment as cms\apl.
Various versions of VS\REPACK were also used be other corporate
product groups aiding in the migration from "real storage"
paradigm to "virtual storage" paradigm. One such early user
of the package was the organization developing and supporting
IMS. A side-effect of the package tracing/monitoring ... in
addition to helping analyzing execution characteristics in
virtual storage environment, it was also used for straight-forward 
execution "hot-spot" analysis.

random past posts mentioning vs/repack: IBM 7090 (360s, 370s, apl, etc) Why Mainframes? IBM S/360 Living legends The Melissa Virus or War on Microsoft? Mainframe operating systems 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?" 360/370 instruction cycle time Could CDR-coding be on the way back? Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off 
topic) database (or b-tree) page sizes database (or b-tree) page sizes Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the 
machine word size ...) YKYGOW... OS Workloads : Interactive etc cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) Swapper was Re: History of Login Names

Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-31 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post) writes:

That's still probably too much, if only by a little.  The idea is to
force Linux to use as little storage as possible for buffers and
cache, and page out any programs, etc., that haven't been used very
recently.  Letting z/VM handle this via expanded storage, and paging
some things out to real disk turns out to work very well in a shared
environment.  Other techniques, such as having the kernel in a Named
Saved Segment, and executable userspace code in a DCSS using the
eXecute In Place file system helps even more.

previous posts in this thread: Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation

for more archeological topic drift with regard to DCSS. i had
originally started what i called "virtual memory management"
on cp67 platform at the science center

this included mapping the cms filesystem to a paged mapped

which included a lot of fancy options about moving pages
to/from virtual address space and disk storage. i then
ported this to a vm370/cms environment with a lot of
options for sharing of segments. a variety of some of this
was used in some of the original relation/sql dbms work
... all done on vm370 platform

in the early 70s, there was a project called future system

which was going to replace 360/370 with a radically different machine
architecture. this effort absorbed significant corporate resources and
when it was finally canceled (w/o even being announced) there was
significant scrambling to get all sort of items back into the
370 hardware and software product pipeline. 

The resulting mad scramble open opportunity to get a lot of
work  ... that had continued at the science center

on 370s into vm370 product ... including my resource manager

that included a large amount of other work not strictly
related to resource management, things like lots of kernel
reorganization for multiprocessor support

part of that opportunity resulted in releasing an extremely
small subset of the "virtual memory management" work
as DCSS (and the generalized paged mapped infrastructure was
not included). for additional topic drift ... some discussions
of various problems trying to reconcile generalized virtual
memory management features with os/360 address constant convention

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Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-31 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thompson, Steve) writes:

VSE, as I recall, was told that it had 32MB (or something similar) and
VM then took care of the paging (because VSE didn't page in that case)
-- must understand the memory system used by VSE (similar to VS1).

recent posts in this thread: Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation Virtual Storage implementation

the handshaking had earlier been implemented in cp67 with mvt by
one of the university cp67 installations.

a similar implementation was done for vm370 somewhat in conjunction
with the ecps microcode assist ... for a little topic drift a
recent post in comp.arch mentioning ecps (as well as sie) mainframe performance, was Is a RISC 
chip more expensive?

vs1 typically ran with something like a 4mbyte virtual address space ... 
akin to the initial move of mvt to os/vs2 svs which ran with a 16mbyte virtual
address space.

for vs1 handshaking, vm370 gave the vs1 guest virtual machine a 4mbyte machine.
then vs1 mapped its 4mbyte virtual address space one-for-one to the 4mbyte
virtual machine address space (at first glance vs1 had 4mbyte virtual
address space to a 4mbyte machine so it would never get any "guest"
page faults). all the page faults would be happening at the vm370 level,
which would then schedule a psuedo page-fault interrupt for the vs1 guest
while it performed the page replacement operation. This would allow
vs1 to switch to a different task/application ... so that the whole virtual
machine execution wouldn't be blocked just waiting on page fault processing
for a specific task/application. When page fetch had been completed,
vm370 would post a psuedo page fetch completion interrupt to VS1
guest ... so that it might choose to re-enable that faulted
task for execution.

the assumption was that the virtual machine guest is multitasking lots
of different workload and is capable of doing a task switch and continue
execution when a specific task has a missing page.

I had highly optimized both the native vm370 page processing
pathlength as well as selection of code paths to be moved to
microcode as part of the ECPS effort. As a result, it was actually
possible for VS1 to have higher thruput under vm370 than running
stand-alone on the same hardware (w/o vm370; my pathlength for doing page
processing was significantly better than VS1's ... as well as
my page replacement implementation).

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Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-31 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post) writes:

Oh, and if you create a 64GB z/VM guest, shame on you.  As someone who
is very heavy into z/VM performance once told me, "z/VM is very good
at managing large numbers of small things.  It's not so good at
managing a smaller number of very large things."  I tend to agree.
The z/VM scheduler isn't too happy about guests with large working

the issue may not so much be a scheduling problem and/or specifically
a "large" working set problem ... as somewhat mentioned in this post: Virtual Storage implementation

there is an implicit assumption in paged virtual memory and working
sets with regard to least-recently-used page replacement algorithms
... which assumes that the page/buffer that has been least-recently-used
in the past is likely to be least-recently-used in the future. however,
virtual guests and various subsystems (which manage storage with
their own least-recently-used algorithm) or likely to exhibit just
the opposite behavior ... the page/buffer that has been least-recently-used
in the past ... is the page/buffer that the virtual guest/subsystem
is going to select for replacement and start using. 

Having a multi-level least-recently-used replacement strategy can
exhibit pathelogical behavior where the next lower level management
has removed the page/buffer  which is going to be the higher level
management operation is most likely to select to start using (the
"hypervisor" closest to the hardware is the lowest level).

lots of past posts mentioning page replacement algorithms and
virtual storage management

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Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-31 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler


Also, sub-systems like DB2 are getting to the point where you
should/could/would not like it to page.  Sort of throws the concept
out the window, doesn't it?

previous post in thread Virtual Storage implementation

one of the things that can happen is if you run a subsystem doing
LRU-like activity management in a virtual address space that is
also being managed with a LRU-like activity management.

I first noticed this in the 70s ... when some of the os/360 migrated to
virtual storage support and were in turn run in a virtual machine.
vm370 was managing the virtual address space (of the virtual machine)
with an LRU-like algorithm  while the guest operating system
was also managing (what it thot to be real storage) with a 
LRU-like algorithm.

if the virtual quest took a page fault ... it would examine its
available storage for the least-recently used page to "replace".  if the
vm370 hypervisor was also paging ... it will also have used the same
criteria to remove the least-recently used page from real storage
... however, this would possibly also going to be the most likely next
page that the virtual guest was going to start using (when it did its
own paging).

dbms subsystems tends to have large buffer storage ... that are managed
in a manner analogous to virtual storage ... i.e. the least recently
used buffer is likely to be replaced with the latest requested record.
A heavily used dbms subsystem is likely going to use the maximum storage
available to it (because it is going to replace its least recently used
buffers with the most recently requested records).

one of my statements from the 70s was that running an LRU-like algorithm
under a LRU-like algorithm can result in very pathelogical behavior and
the virtualized quest/subystem can exhibit exact opposite of behavior of
assumptions that are the foundation of LRU implementations (the least
recently used page is the least likely to be needed in the near future,
a "virtual" LRU-like algorithm is most likely to use the least recently
used page).

lots of past posts mentioning virtual storage page replacement and/or
page/buffer replacement algorithms

misc. past posts mentioning original rdbms & sql implementation
(originally all done on vm370 platform)

including tech. transfer from bldg. 28 to endicott for sql/ds.

for other topic drift one of the people in the meeting mentioned in the
following post claimed to have handled large part of the technology
transfer from endicott to bldg. 90 for DB2

above meeting was related to turning out ha/cmp product

and other old email related to working on ha/cmp scaleup

another scenaro of running subsystem in a paged virtual address
space ... which believed that the virtual address space was really
memory was when the science center

originally did the port of apl\360 to cms for cms\apl. The problem
was that apl\360 believed its "workspace" was resident real storage
and had a storage allocation strategy that would assign a new storage
location for every assignment statement ... until it had exhausted
the available (workspace) available storage ... at which point
it would do garbage collection and collapse all allocated locations
into contiguous memory ... and then starting all over again. It
wasn't too bad to repeatedly use all of a (real storage) 16kbyte
swapped workspace. However, in cms virtual address space environment,
the available workspace could easily be several mbytes (or even
nearly all of 16mbytes). this would be under cp67 on a 360/67
with typically 512kbytes to 1mbyte of real storage. very quickly it was realized
that the apl\360 storage management and garbage collection implementation
had to be significantly reworked to move it to a virtual memory

Turns out one of the early major uses of cms\apl on the cambridge
cp67 machine was the business planning people in armonk. prior to
cms\apl, apl\360 with only 16kbyte-32kbyte workspace sizes didn't
provide much room for working on any real world problems. significantly
opening up the apl workspace size with cms\apl allowed for work
on some real world problems. the business planning people loaded
the most sensitive corporate information ... detailed customer
information ... on the cambridge machine and ran sophisticated
business modeling applications implemented in apl.

for other drift, this represented some interested security
issues ... since the cambridge system was also being used
by numerous students and others from colleges and universities
in the cambridge area. recent post on that particular topic

Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-30 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rugen, Len) writes:

Virtual storage isn't exclusive to MVS - z/OS.  One on of the best
presentations I recall was in a VM Performance and Tuning class. 

Together with storage protection keys, page tables can be built to allow
different "users" to have various parts of private, shared for read and
shared for update storage.  (At least update if you're friendly with the
think king and he lets you in key 0).

360/67 was machine that came with virtual memory as standard ... it
could be viewed somewhat as 360/65 with DAT box bolted on to the side
... although the 360/67 multiprocessor was significantly more sophisticated
that 360/65 multiprocessor (for instance, all 360/67 processors in a
multiprocessor complex could address all channels ... which wasn't true
of 360/65 multiprocessors) ... some multiprocessor digression from
a recent thread Each CPU usage

some of the people at the science center

were worried about some of the virtual memory issues ... some historical
comment that atlas virtual memory never worked well ... misc. past posts
mentioning atlas TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate 
CISC? designs) VM: checking some myths. TECO Critique Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: 
Yamhill SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems Robert Creasy, RIP virtual memory Designing database tables for 
performance? Wylbur and Paging

also reference to cp67 and vm370 historical paper

anyway, as result of the concerns about virtual memory, cambridge
modified a 360/40 with custom virtual memory hardware ... prior to
360/67 availability. cp/40 virtual machine system was built for the
custom 360/40 ... which was remapped to cp/67 when 360/67 machines
became available.

virtual memory hardware support was eventually going to be made available
on 370s ... although only 24-bit virtual memory addressing ... 360/67
had support for both 24-bit virtual memory addressing as well as 32-bit
virtual memory addressing.

originally 370 virtual memory was going to have a lot more features.
the translation of the cp67 virtual machine system to vm370 virtual
machine system was going to include use of some of these additional
features. one specific feature that was going to be used was virtual
memory shared segment  allowing the same shared segment to appear
in multiple different virtual address spaces ... and be read/only

retrofitting 370 virtual memory hardware support to 370/165 ran into
some schedule delays ... in order to make up those delays, lots of
370 virtual memory features were dropped ... and the other machines
that had implemented the full 370 virtual memory support had to
remove the additional features. in escalation meetings about
the trade-off delaying 370 virtual memory availability by
six more months (because of hardware implementation issues for
370/165) or shipping a subset six months earlier ... the favorite
son operating system took the position that they didn't need
any of the additional features.

this had a fairly big impact on vm370 implementation which including
coming up with a emulation of shared segment protection using a
kludge involving storage keys. 

the initial translation of os/360 MVT to virtual memory environment
(for os/vs2 svs) involved creating a single 16mbyte virtual
address space and hacking a simple paging support into the side
of MVT. Then CCWTRANS (from cp67) was integrated into the MVT kernel
to provide for channel program translation (i.e. handle all
the stuff of taking the application space channel program that
had been created with virtual address ... creating a copy substituting
real addresses, pinning the associated pages, and all the
rest of the gorp).

misc. past posts mentioning the 370/165 virtual memory implementation
schedule problems and impact on vm370 implementation Multithreading underlies new 
development paradigm Reviving Multics Alpha performance, why? vm/370 smp support and shared segment 
protection hack vm/370 smp support and shared segment 
protection hack vm/370 smp support and shared segment 
protection hack vm/370 smp support and shared segment 
protection hack [Lit.] Buffer overruns

Re: Each CPU usage

2007-08-29 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thompson, Steve) writes:

Imagine, you have a 3081 at 100% and you upgraded to a 3084 (basically
you added the other 3081) and you are still at 100%. Or you have a 3033
and you went to a 470/V8. [I'm not saying these were the systems, just
using them as examples.]

3081 was two processor ... and 3084 was pair of 3081s (four-processors).

the basic 370/3033/308x multiprocessor cache coherency started out
slowing the processor speed by 10% to allow for cross-cache chatter
(i.e. raw two-processor thruput was 1.8 times raw single processor
thruput). this is independent of any actual cache invalidates that
were occuring (i.e. just providing for basic cross-cache
communication). 3084 was even worse since each processor cache had to
listen for x-cache chatter from three other processors (rather than
just one other processor).

308x wasn't even going to have a single processor version ... however,
eventually a single processor, 3083 did ship. This was primarily
motivated by ACP/TPF which didn't have multiprocessor at the time
(base 3083 processor was almost 15percent faster than one of the
3081 processors since the multiprocessor x-cache chatter slowdown
was eliminated)

in the 3081 time-frame ... both vm and mvs had kernel storage re-org
to carefully align storage on cache-line boundaries (and multiples of
cache lines). this was to eliminate a lot of cache-line "trashing"
where two different storage locations overlapped in the same
cache-line (and different processors could be simultaneously operating
on the two storage locations). This kernel storage re-org was claimed
to improve system thruput by something over five percent.

the other example was a major restructuring of the vm multiprocessor
support between r6 and sp1. the issue was that since acp/tpf didn't
have multiprocessor support, there was a lot of acp/tpf running under
vm370 on 3081s. for the dedicated acp/tpf, 3081 operations that met
that they ran two copies of acp/tpf (in two different virtual
machines) and/or that one of the processors sat idle most of the time.
for the later case, the multiprocessor restructuring attempting to get
(some amount of) virtual machine kernel processing running on the
"idle" processor (overlapped with acp/tpf execution on the other
processor). This involved introducing a lot of signal processor
instructions to wake the possibly idle processor to get busy on some
execution and return to executing the (acp/tpf) virtual machine
(specific scenario was overlapping siof instruction emulation and
channel program translation with the acp/tpf virtual machine

the standard virtual machine multiprocessor support was designed for
efficiently handling lots of totally operations. the sp1
reorganization (for acp/tpf overlapped execution) was generic for all
possible execution environments ... and introduced quite a bit of
overhead (in the acp/tpf scenario it was justified on the basis that
it improved overall thruput ... since there was an otherwise idle

a lot of existing customers moving from r6 multiprocessor support to
sp1 multprocessor support found significant increase in multiprocessor
overhead ... a combination of the significant increase in signal
processor instructions, the corresponding interrupts and a lot of new
"spin-lock" activities (just the "new" "spin-locks" measured as much
as ten percent of each processor).

"spin-locks" were typically used to provide exclusive execution for
lots of kernel code. global kernel "spin-locks" were typical of lot of
60s, 70s and even 80s operating systems (i.e. a single kernel lock
that kernel would attempt to obtain at entry into kernel mode
... interrupt routines, etc ... and spin/loop until it obtain the

at the science center,

charlie was working on fine-grain multiprocessing kernel locks (lots
of short execution paths rather than the whole kernal) for cp67 when
he invented the compare-and-swap instruction (CAS mnemonic chosen
because they are charlie's initials ... compare-and-swap designation had
to be invented to have something that matched CAS). the attempt to get 
CAS added to 370 architecture was initially rebuffed ... the favorite 
son operating system considered the test&set locking instruction (used 
for os/360 multiprocessor kernel spin-locks) more than sufficient for 370

multiprocessing support. the challenge was to come up with a
non-multiprocessor use for the compare-and-swap instruction ... in
order to get it included in 370 architecture. lots of past posts
mentioning multiprocessor and/or compare-and-swap instruction

this is where the use for a lot of multithreaded application software
(regardless of whether running on multiprocessor hardware) was
invented ..  as well as the programming notes that now appear
in appendix of principles of operation ... i.e.

A.6 Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing Examples

Outsourcing loosing steam?

2007-08-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

On Aug 15, 11:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (daver++) wrote:

"Around 1:30 p.m., the CPB experienced problems accessing its database
containing information on international travelers. Assuming this to be a
wide-area network problem, CBP called Sprint, its carrier, to test the
lines. After three fruitless hours of remote testing, Sprint finally
sent technicians on-site. Another three hours passed before Sprint
finally concluded that transmission lines were not the problem, meaning
the problem was inside the CBP local network. After more hours of
troubleshooting, the issue was finally resolved at 11:45 p.m. The real
culprit: a failed router."

20,000 stranded because it took over ten hours to diagnose and replace a
failed router. I used to be a mainframe guy that inherited the network
side, so they cut me some slack. BUT- I can guarantee that there wasn't
anywhere near enough slack for me to get off with taking that long to
replace a router. I would have been tarred, feathered and run out of
town. It seems like basic due diligence wasn't even followed. Yes,
Sprint added to the problem, but Sprint never should have been called.
Why call Sprint before determining that the problem isn't on _your_ end?
It is all a bit silly, and it frightens me a bit that our airlines have
this level of quality.

note that inadequate processes in packet networks contribute significantly to
diagnosing the problems. some of the older protocols were much more
circuit oriented ... and could much more rely on telco circuit diagnostics
to identify problems. 

we experience this when we were building reliable network based
infrastructures in the 80s ... and attempting to do some work on
NSFNET infrastructure  misc. collected old emails

and to some extent met with quite a bit of corporate resistance ... somewhat
highlighted in this old email:
in this post

note that while tcp/ip is the technology basis for the modern internet, nsfnet
was the operational basis (interconnections of networks, i.e. internetworking),
and cix was the business basis. in the above reference there is somebody in
corporation proposing that sna could be proposed for basis for nsfnet ...
the main issue was the ability to providing internetworking ... interconnection
of large number of different networks.

we later investigated several of the issues in more detail when we were
doing the ha/cmp product

which required a detailed threat and vulnerability study for high availability

we later got to use some of that experience when we were called in to consult
with a small client/server company that wanted to do payments on their server

they had this technology called SSL and the effort is now frequently referred
to as electronic commerce. the initial simple obvious solution was to 
move the payment transaction message formats from their existing circuit-based

environment to a packet-based enviornment. however, that totally ignored much
of the availability, diagnostic, and recovery processews that were available in
the circuit based environment. We eventually developed a set of compensating
processes and procedures attempting to make the availability of the packet-based
environment somewhat compareable to the existing circuit-based environment.

for a little topic drift ... recent comment on availability, diagnosing
and recovery in one of the ATC modernization efforts

misc past posts on estimated of 4-10 times the effort to take a well written
application and turn it into an industrial strength service (in the case
of the payment gateway, it was closer to ten times, including inventing
various diagnostic and recovery process to compensate for moving payment
gateway to a packet-based environment) Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap 
(CS) Buffer overflow Buffer overflow IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- 
Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM A Dark Day The BASIC Variations Mars Rover Not Responding Automating secure transactions Vintage computers are better than 
modern crap ! "Perfect" or "Provable" security both 
crypto and non-crypto? stop worrying about it offshoring - 
it's doing fine Systems software versus applications 
software definit

Re: some questions about System z PR/SM.

2007-08-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R.S.) writes:

PR/SM is microcode - a code under OS. Sometimes called "firmware.
z/OS runs in LPAR. Although it can obtaine i.e. LPAR name, it is still
"unaware" from PR/SM and LPARs features. z/OS works in "virtual
machine" (Logical PARtition) and does know that machine.
However some z/OS application, called HCD allows you to define
"hardware configuration" - a set of I/O definitions ("manual Plug and
Play") as well as division of CPC into LPARs. However the resulting
file is simply transmitted to Support Element (notebook inside CPC)
and it is interpreted by PR/SM. Just to complement: Another part of
the file is also read by z/OS during IPL process (however this file is
read from regular DASD, not SE).
The prepared LPAR can be further customized on SE and can be used for Linux.

originally pr/sm was done on 3090 ... somewhat in response to amdahl's hypervisor. it basically is a subset 
of virtual machine capability moved into "microcode". in the amdahl scenario ... amdahl had added a 
variation called "macrocode" ... which was a 370 instruction variation that sat part way between 
the "real" microcode and standard 370 machine instructions. it significantly simplified migrating 
virtual machine 370 code into the native machine.

by comparison, 3090 pr/sm was a much more difficult task since it involved implementation 
directly in the 3090 microcode. however, much of pr/sm actually leveraged the SIE 
instruction which was used by virtual machine operating system to implement virtual 
machine mode. pr/sm evolved into supporting multiple concurrent hypervisors as 

for some topic drift ... some old email discussing amdahl hypervisor and 

in this post blast from the past ... macrocode

some old email somewhat comparing 3081 sie and 3090 sie

in this post virtual memory

above posts also includes numerous other references to sie, pr/sm, lpars, etc

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Re: PCI Compliance - Encryption of all non-console administrative access.

2007-08-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

for some topic drift ... part of the issue is that the majority of
such compromises have involved data-at-rest ... not data-in-transit
... and lots of implementations don't provide the access control that
may be found in mainframe installations ... so encrypting the data at
risk might be viewed as compensating process for inadequate access
control. the other part of it is that studies have something like 70
percent of such compromises have involved insiders (who already may
have some level of access).

re: PCI Compliance - Encryption of all 
non-console administrative access.

... above post may have only made it to the newsgroup, not the mailing list

for some additional drift, a recent post in ongoing financial crypto blog 
thread on (effectively) decline in security and assurance over the past several 
decades Doom and Gloom spreads, security revisionism 
suggests "H6.5: Be an adept!"

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Re: How old are you?

2007-08-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fake) writes:

I'm 46 years old now.  I started Assembler programming on a 360 when I was
18.  Best move I ever made.  I've always thought that the mainframes were
here to stay and the move to "non-mainframe" platforms was driven
significantly by the trade rags in the 90's.  Our product and services
business is dedicated to support of the mainframe, so I hope it will be
around for many, many more years.

i was undergraduate and had been invited to the spring '68 share meeting for 
cp67 announcement ... 40 yrs next spring ... recent references: Combining VM list threads vm 35th b'day at share in san diego 
next week

i got to present some of the work i had been doing on total rework of os/360
stage2 sysgen and some early rework that i had done on cp67. i also got to
give a more detailed presentation at the aug68 share meeting in boston,
misc. past references: 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S ? CP/67 & OS MFT14 CP/67 & OS MFT14 Pre S/360 IBM Operating Systems? Reviving the OS/360 thread (Questions 
about OS/360) MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)

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Re: IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware

2007-07-01 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Mason) writes:
> One of the presentations was someone from a big UK bank who defended
> IBM having made the 155 and 165 available and relatively shortly
> afterwards having announced the 158 and 168 - together with the
> relatively expensive DAT box extension to the 155 and 165. I hope I'm
> remembering the details about right.
> I heard about this only second-hand but I believe the argument was
> that IBM was right to offer the enhanced performance of the 155 and
> 165 as soon as it could in spite of the fact that it knew that the
> virtual storage models were well advanced in development. I guess
> there was a shadow of the "it's illegal to preannounce" principle
> hanging over this.

re: IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware

370/165 ... announce jun70

370/168 ... announce aug72

for virtual memory ... hacking virtual memory support into MVT (for
VS2/SVS) was needed in addition to the virtual memory hardware
retrofitted to 165s (there were significant software as well as hardware

this is similar to previous comments about *crash* program to try and
get out 370-xa (after FS project was killed) and POK in 1976, convincing
the corporation to shutdown vm370 product and transfer all the
developers to POK as part of being able to make mvs/xa (software)
schedule (although Endicott was eventually able to save part of the
vm370 product mission).

i've mentioned before about (370 virtual memory) prototype work that
went on in pok, using 360/67s and hacking "single address space" virtual
memory into the side of MVT ... as well as cobbling in cp67's (ccw
translation) CCWTRAN into MVT ... i.e. cp67 had started out having to
build "shadow" channel programs with real addresses ... for the virtual
machine's channel programs; all the (MVT) channel programs passed via
EXCP ... would be equivalent "virtual address" channel programs
... requiring similar translation (and misc. other things like page

recent posts about using CP67's CCWTRANS as part of turning MVT into
os2/svs IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history Historical curiosity question

The other part ... was that there was a lot of work to retrofit virtual
memory to 165 ... so much so that they ran into schedule problems.  In
order to buy back six months in the 165 virtual memory schedule, there
was an escalation dropping several features from the original 370
virtual memory architecture. Once the 165 engineers had won that battle,
then all the other processors (that had already completed their virtual
memory implementations) ... had to go back and remove the dropped

recent posts mentioning 165-ii schedule issues and impact on dropping
features from original 370 virtual memory architecture IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history more shared segment archeology z/VM usability IBM 360 Model 20 Questions

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Re: IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware

2007-06-29 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Fochtman) writes:
> If the business needs are being satisfied, with reasonable economy,
> who cares whether the box is "the lastest and greatest"? Future
> business needs may or may not dictate upgrades. YMMV

a little search engine mainframe surfing for vm/4341 turned up this story
about a vm/4341 keeping the nyse running will thru the 80s
... apparently with an old mvt system that had been moved from 360/50s
that i mentioned in this recent post: VM system kept NYSE running

a quick check just this moment, turns up some problem with the URL
... but (as always) the wayback machine knows

for other topic drift ... we spent some amount of time in the early
90s talking to SIAC about using ha/cmp for much of the work that
the tandems were doing (see mainframe MDS-II being
replaced with tandem MDS-IIIs in the above reference) ... lots of
ha/cmp references:

this was in the period that we were also working on ha/cmp
and trying to cram as much computing into dense footprint,
old email references:

I had actually attempted to do something similar nearly a decade
earlier with trying to cram as many 370 chipsets (had about
168-3 thruput) as possible into racks.

the old 8-10 yr cycle for mainframe generations (and obsolescence)
really showed up when the early 70s FS project was killed

since it was going to be something completely different, much of the
work on 370 related stuff pretty much went away. after FS was killed,
there was a scramble to get stuff back into the 370 product pipeline.
370-xa/3081 was going to take eight yrs (early 80s) ... so they had to
find something else that could be done in possibly half that time.

the resulting 303x was quite a bit of warmed over 370. they took the
intergrated channel microcode from 158 and made it stand-alone box
called channel director. Then 158 paired with a channel director became
3031 (with integrated channel microcode running on different
processor). 168 became 3032 repackaged to work with channel
director. 3033 started out as 168 wiring diagram implemented with faster
chip technology. straight-forward mapping would have just been 20percent
faster than 168 ... other tweaks done during development got 3033 up to
1.5times 168.

part of the issue was that up to the 80s, lots of technology was on
7-10yr cycle ... where in the 80s, the rate of change started to
accelerate, for a time, leaving some mainframe technology in the dust.

note that it wasn't just mainframes. circa 1990, there US automobile
(C4) task force looked at being able to accelerate (cut in half) us
automobile product cycle from 7-8yrs (in attempt to get on level playing
field with some of the imports). it was interesting to watch what the
mainframe people were saying in the meetings (since they were
effectively in the same boat). 

one of the things that the automobile industry had been doing would run
parallel new product projects offset by four yrs (so it appeared that
something new was coming out every four yrs). the analogy for mainframes
... was as soon as 3033 was out the door, they started on 3090 (8yr
overlap with 3081 with 4yr offset). in fairly stable industry this
worked since consumer tastes weren't signicantly changing. However the
8yr lag could become significant if there was any significant change in
what the market place was looking for (giving vendors that had much
shorter product cycle a competitive edge).

some recent references to C4 effort circa 1990 ... attempting to
improve competitive footing vis-a-vis several imports: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT 
Competitiveness IBM Unionization

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eugene Miya) writes:
> No, the most difficult competition was and is against the IBM PC.
> If it did so well, we'd see more evidence of it being around.
> They are not even museum pieces.

re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

you didn't read the zillion previous posts mentioning that mid-range
market for both vax/vms and 43xx volumes in departmental server market
started to move to workstations and larger PCs in the mid-80s. above
reference post ... mentions the previous post in the thread ... which made
the same point one more time (and then later the workstations started
to also loose out to PCs). The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

for instance, the 4361/4381 which were expecting similar large volume
sales as seen for 4331/4341 ... never happened. similar numbers can be
seen for vax/vms numbers ... where vax did do some volumes in the
mid-80s with micro-vax ... also readily seen in the repeated references
to decade of vax/vms numbers, sliced & diced by model, yr, domestic,
world-wide, etc Computers in Science Fiction

 ... the 4331s/4341s and other mid-market players in the departmental
servers had very little PCs to compete with (late 70s and early 80s)
... it wasn't until you get to the followon machines; 4361s/4381s (and
later vax) that you start to see the workstation/PC effect in the
departmental server market.

one of the contributions to the PCs in the departmental server market
was a project called DataHub which was being done by the san jose disk
division.  Part of the software implementation was being done under
work-for-hire subcontract by a group in Provo (one of the people from
San Jose commuted to Provo nearly every week). At some point, the
company decided to kill the DataHub project and allowed the Provo group
to retain rights to everything that they had done under the
work-for-hire contract.  Not too long later, there was a company out of
Provo with a PC server offering.

misc. past posts mentioning DataHub project: John Hartmann's Birthday Party No more innovation?  Get serious When will IBM buy Sun? Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments? Over-the-shoulder effect MP cost effectiveness Alpha performance, why? Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? Intel strikes back with a parallel 
x86 design Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years 
later "The Elements of Programming Style" Is computer history taught now? How difficult would it be for a 

in the mean time, the communication division had seen a huge install
base of communication controllers grow based on terminal emulation

which was started to break away into various kinds of client/server ...
they came up with SAA ... somewhat positioned at helping preserve their
communication controller market (and countermeasure to client/server).
A problem we had in this period was that we were making some number of
customer executive presentations on 3-tier (network) architecture ...
and taking flames & barbs from the SAA factions

other recent posts in this same thread: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of 

Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

the place that 43xx had the most difficult competition against vax/vms
was in the single (at a time) departmental servers (as some of the SHARE
studies highlighted). cost of mid-range computers had dropped below a
threshold that made them very cost-effective in departmental settings
... however scarce people skills and costs then started to dominate as
market inhibitor.

43xx did do very well in large number of departmental server orders
(especially with distributed, networked operation) ... where people
support skill/costs could be amortized across large number of machines.

clusters of 43xx also started to impact 3033. at one point (traditional
internal politics), the head of pok, manipulated east fishkill to cut
the allocation in half of a critical component needed for 43xx
manufacturing. later the same person gave a talk to a large public
audience and made some statement that something like 11,000 vax/vms
orders should have been 43xx ... also referenced in this old post departmental servers

and old email mentioning various 43xx issues ... including moving
workload off 3033 boxes onto 4341 clusters ... and large distributed
departmental server operations.

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes:
> Re RISC vs. 68K:
> Anyone who thinks the RISC chips killed the 68K is off base.  They
> just need to check the dates.  Intel killed the 68K.  Motorola allied
> with IBM on RISC only after Intel had destroyed Motorola's market for
> the 68K.

801 was originally targeted (very) low-end ... ROMP chip was targeted to
be used in a displaywriter follow-in ... when that project was killed,
the group looked around for something to save the effort ... and hit on
the unix workstation market (with the displaywriter follow-on morphing
into unix workstation). lots of unix workstation market place is very
numerical and power hungry ... somewhat as a result ... the followon to
ROMP for that market was large, power-hungry RIOS chipset (i.e. POWER,
announced in RS/6000).  Paperweight on my desk (from original) has six
chips, and says 150 million OPS, 60 million FLOPS, and 7 million

somerset was combined ibm, motorola, apple project to do a single chip,
801 PC-level implementation ... the executive we reported to when we
were doing ha/cmp

went over to head up somerset. part of somerset including infusing
power/pc with some of motorola's 88k (risc) technology. ROMP and RIOS
were single processer implementations with no provision for
multi-processor cache consistency. power/pc was going to be able to
support cache consistency and multiprocessor operation.

lots of past 801 posts

68k was still hanging in there in 89/90 time-frame ... a couple posts
with some old references from the period (raw chip volumes, business
analysis, etc) Intel strickes back with a parallel 
x86 design Intel strickes back with a parallel 
x86 design

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes:
> Re VAX vs. IBM:
> I was a central, low level member of the 4300 series.  I also led the
> engineering side of the fight against the VAX.  We never approached
> the installed base of the VAX machines.  Never.

approach the size of the install base in number of customers or number
of machines or competitive marketing approaching the customers that
bought vaxes?

past post giving decade of vax install numbers sliced and diced by
model, yr, domestic, non-domestic, etc: Computers in Science Fiction

both 43xx and vaxes saw huge uptake in the early 80s with the growth of
the department market ... which was starting to move into workstations
and PCs by the mid-80s. as above, the big volumes for VAXes in the
mid-80s were from micro-vax ... not traditional 780 machines.

lots of vaxes were customer orders for one or a very few. vaxes had an
advantage here since their installation and support required a lot less
effort (something that 43xx was constantly fighting ... there were even
some SHARE reports highlighting the resource requirement differences in
competitive environment).

however, there were some number of large customers that ordered 43xx
boxes large lots (hundreds, even large hundreds). the resource support
requirement competitive advantage (in small shops) was mitigated when
amortized across a large number of boxes.

old email about specific customer ordering in hundreds (customer
initially thot 20, but order was finally for 210):
in this post also discussing other "departmental computing" issues from
the period departmental server

lots of old email discussing various aspects of 43xx ... use for
clustering and/or distributed, departmental computing

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Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

another article on the same theme:

Leopard and Vista: Last Gasp of the Big OS?

from above:

Twenty years from now a new generation of computer users will look back
on the operating systems of today with the same bemused smile we look
back at the cars of the late 1950s and early 60s. They had huge fins,
were the size of a small yacht and burned up just about as much gas.

... snip ...

a few similar articles over the past yr:

Windows Vista: The last Of Microsoft's Supersized Operating Systems?
Windows Vista the last of its kind
Vista: The Last Microsoft Operating System that will Matter
Vista is the last of the dinosaurs

other recent posts in this thread: Operating systems are old and busted Off Topic But Concept should be Known 
To All Operating systems are old and busted Operating systems are old and busted Operating systems are old and busted Operating systems are old and busted

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Morten Reistad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Also, log structured file systems, the jfs and contributions to efs3, 
> and huge improvements to the irq and dma routing; including some work
> in processor affinities.

metadata logging is slightly different from log structured file systems.

one of the problems with log structured file systems is the periodic
"garbage collection" done to consolidate files, making their records
sequential and contiguous. for other drift ... during work

we hired one of the people responsible for doing the BSD log structured
filesystem implement to consult on doing a "geographically distributed

JFS was originally done by people working on 801/AIXV3. 801 early on had
definition/implementation for "database memory" ... i.e. hardware could
keep track of fine-grain changes (size on the order of cache-lines).
Just load up data into memory mapped infrastructure ... provide the
COMMIT boundaries ... and eliminate needing to sprinkle "log" calls
thruout the code. At commit, just run thru the changed memory
indications ... collecting data-lines needing logging.

There had been various kinds of conflict between the unix development
group in palo alto and the group in austin. The palo alto group took JFS
and ported it to non-801 platforms ... having to retrofit the logging
calls to the software (since they lacked database memory hardware).  It
turns out that the version with explicit logging calls ran faster than
the original implementation (even on the same 801 hardware platform) ...
the commit time scanning of memory for changes tended to be higher
overhead than the explicit log calls.

Then the remaining justification for database memory is the
implementation simplification ... somewhat akin to some of the pushes
for parallel programming (except parallel programming is frequently
explicitly about performance; not trying to trade-off performance
against simplicity).

some of the database memory stuff can be found under the heading of
transactional memory ...  some posts mentioning transactional memory: transactional memory question Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM 
Journal of R&D Why so little parallelism?

misc. past posts mentioning log structured filesystems Log Structured filesystems -- think twice Log Structured filesystems -- think twice Hard disks, one year ago today JFSes: are they really needed? index searching Do any architectures use instruction 
count instead of timer Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: 
Yamhill Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters 25% Pageds utilization on 3390-09? Code density and performance? virtual memory The Chant of the Trolloc Hordes V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy) John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

some past posts mentioning database memory Does it support "Journaling"? Does it support "Journaling"? Filesystems Filesystems Why? (Was: US Military Dead during 
Iraq War Why? (Was: US Military Dead during 
Iraq War Cache-Size vs Performance Multiple mappings John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes:
> Which is the end of the story, boys and girls.  For, while so many
> people focus on how the PC has damaged the mainframe, the mainframe
> still stands tall.  What the PC was meant to destroy, it did destroy -
> the minis and superminis.  DEC went from top of the heap (Queen
> Elizabeth in Boston harbor for DECWorld) to non-existence in less than
> 10 years.  DG is no more.  Wang is no more.  The PC destroyed them
> all.

we were spending some time in SCI (as well as FCS and HIPPI) meetings.

both Sequent and DG would build an SCI machine with four (intel)
processor boards ... for 256process numa machine (convex built an sci
machine with two hp/risc processor board ... for 128processor numa
machine). both DG and sequent are gone ... sequent being absorbed by ibm
... and some recent references that the only surviving sequent
technology may be found in some contributions to linux. HP's superdome
may or may not be considered to be the exemplar follow-on. a couple
recent posts on sci/numa machines: University rank of Computer 
Architecture Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

wang signed a deal with austin (and some of the austin people actually
left and went to work for wang) to use rs/6000 as their hardware
platform (getting out of the hardware business).

in some of the a.f.c. posts, i've frequently pointed out that the late
70s and early 80s saw a significant uptake of mid-range machines in the
departmental server market segment ... both vm/43xx and vax/vms ... with
vm/43xx actually having larger install base than vax/vms (in part
because there were numerous large customer orders for multiple hundred
43xx machines at a time). by the mid-80s that market segment was
starting to be taken over by workstations and large PCs (with
corresponding drop-off in sales of 43xx and vax machines). Later the
more powerful PCs would also take over much of the workstation market.

misc. old email mentioning various happenings around 43xx

there had been anticipation that the introduction of the 4361/4381 would
see compareable uptake to 4331/4341 ... but by then, the market was
already starting to move to workstations and larger PCs.

a couple past posts given domestic and world-wide vax numbers, sliced &
diced by model and yr (post 85, the numbers are primarily micro-vax): Computers in Science Fiction Where should the type information be: 
in tags and descriptors PDP-1

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Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Mason) writes:
> ... and thereby put the wait light out[1]. Having been brought up with
> DOS (the original DOS), and, generally, S/360 Model 30s, I was used to
> knowing how busy the machine was by observing the flickering of the
> wait light.

my first undergraduate programming job was to port MPIO from 1401 to
360/30. MPIO provided tape<->unitrecord/printer/punch front-end for
university 709 running ibsys.

it was possible to operate the 360/30 in 1401 emulation mode ...  so i
conjecture that the exercise was purely to get familiarity with new 360
... which would eventually replace both the 709 and the front-end
machine with 360/67.

i got to design and implement my own monitor, device drivers, interrupt
handlers, storage management, consol interface, etc ... and eventually
had assembler program with approx. 2000 cards.

running os/360 pcp (r6) ... the "stand-alone" version assembled in
about 20-25 minutes elapsed time. I had conditional assembly that would
also generate program that would run under PCP and used open/close and
DCB macros. There were five DCB macros and you could tell from the wait
light pattern when the assembler was processing a DCB macro ... and each
one took 5-6 minutes elapsed time ... the os/360 conditional assembly
version took an extra 30minutes (making the assembly nearly an hr

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Lurndal) writes:
> Sure there are.  Start with WindRiver.  Then progress to MCP/AS, z/OS,
> Exec/1100 and so forth.   The whole world isn't microsoft, you know.

the person at the science center

that did the technology that was used in the internetal network

and part of the technology that was used by customers and
in bitnet

... aka the base technology was extremely layered with effectively
something akin to gateway like function ... it not only deployed
peer-to-peer networking ... but easily provided emulators that could
also talk to HASP/JES2 ... lots of posts mentioning hasp/jes2

... a recent x-over reference: Operating systems are old and busted

so by the time of bitnet time-frame ... internal corporate politics was
such that it was restricting shipping support for just the HASP/JES2
interfaces ... even tho the native peer-to-peer implementations were
much more efficient (and still continued to be used internally for some

in any case, the implementation was one of those service virtual
machines (virtual appliances) ... more x-over Operating systems are old and busted Off Topic But Concept should be Known 
To All Operating systems are old and busted Operating systems are old and busted

and included in the implementation was a very small & tightly coded
multitasking monitor (for dispatch/scheduling).

now many yrs later the person had opportunity to be involved in project
that involved one of the major RTOS ... and he happened to be looking
thru the C-source which seemed to be familiar. Eventually checking an
old listing of the multitasking monitor ... it was apparent that they
had done a nearly line-by-line translation of his 360 assembler code
into C ... including preserving all the original comments.

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Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> This is fascinating history, Lynn.  I remember using the Prepare  command in 
> channel programs for the 2701 that we used in the TUCC network ca.  1967 on.
> Speaking of old, busted systems and ones that were killed (like FS),  does 
> anybody know anything about the new operating system that Amdahl was trying  
> to 
> build?  I had a phone interview with an Amdahl person in SEP 1987 who  
> mentioned this OS and I started salivating at the prospect of working on that 
> project.  The next thing I knew the project had been killed.

re: Operating systems are old and busted Off Topic But Concept should be Known 
To All Operating systems are old and busted Operating systems are old and busted

Simpson (of HASP fame) ... misc. old posts mentioning hasp

including observation that the much of the source for HASP/JES2 internal
networking support (before being released as project) carried the
letters "TUCC" in cols. 68-71. misc. past posts mentioning internal
network (which was mostly vm370 based ... with a few mvs/jes2 around the

had left the HASP group and started an internal operating system project
called RASP.  It had some of the characteristics of TSS/360, being an
extremely paged mapped oriented operating system (shared some
characteristics of FS, s/38, as/400) ... but purely 370 based.

Later, he left and became an Amdahl fellow in Dallas ... starting a
similar project. There was some litigation as a result that included
some code reviews (to see if any RASP code had leaked out). Some of this
overlapped with the developed of Au/GOLD (aka UTS) ... and there was
appeared to be some amount of anbivalence between the two
groups. Knowing some of the people in both organizations ... I even
tried to do some mediation (ignore for the moment that i didn't work for
them and knew about unannounced, internal projects).

One of the examples I tried to use was the UNIX TSS370 (SSUP) effort
that was being done for internal AT&T use. A lot of the 370 UNIX being
done in the 80s was all being done under VM ... not so much because of
the point in the original subject of this thread ... but because VM370
would provide for hardware EREP (if necessary) on behalf of operating
system in virtual machine ... and an effort to fit UNIX with 370 EREP
was several times larger than any of the efforts just porting UNIX to
370. The TSS370/SSUP strategy being done for AT&T ... had all the
low-level TSS/370 kernel hardware support ... but with UNIX layered
ontop (an alternative approach to giving unix environment a large amount
of 370 EREP).

In any case, I suggested that the two groups might be able to form a
marriage of convenience doing something similar. Didn't happen.

misc. past posts mentioning tss370/ssup, rasp, aspen, au/gold/uts, etc pathlengths John Hartmann's Birthday Party S/360 operating systems geneaology IBM S/360 Old naked woman ASCII art Merced Processor Support at it again Merced Processor Support at it again VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the 
IBM sort) IBM Linux TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate 
CISC? designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate 
CISC? designs) TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate 
CISC? designs) 7090 vs. 7094 etc. SIMTICS VM-CMS emulator Early AIX including AIX/370 MERT Operating System & Microkernels any 70's era supercomputers that ran 
as slow as today's supercomputers? mainframe question mainframe question mainframe question mainframe question mainframe question mainframe question mainframe question

Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well.

re: Operating systems are old and busted Off Topic But Concept should be Known 
To All Operating systems are old and busted

part of the timesharing issue was whether the off-shift useage charges
(or just plain useage) could justify the off-shift operational costs
... since useage tended to decline significantly offshift and weekends
(although I finally got my home machine for dial-up access mar70 ... it
was 2741 selectric, and have effectively had online access at home ever
since). lots of past posts about timesharing services ... including
commercial (cp67 & vm370) timesharing service bureaus in the 60s & 70s.

in the 60s & thru some of the 70s, machines tended to be leased ... and
there was system meter ... which would rackup charges as the machine was
used ... even when the machine was in "wait" state ... but I/O was
active. The 2702 "prepare" command was mechanism to leave the terminal
lines "prepared" for any terminal operation ... w/o actually having an
active I/O apparent to the system meter.

the incremental machine lease charges and costs having people/operators
present ... was one of the inhibitors for justifying/providing
around-the-clock, 7x24 timesharing operation (since offshift useage
could be extremely spotty).

eliminating system meter running ... when the system wasn't actually
doing anything (just available for doing something) ... and being able
to run with dark-room, unattended operation ... would significantly
lower the off-shift useage threashold that was necessary to justify
leaving the system up, available and operational (significantly helped
in transition for providing production around-the-clock, 7x24

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Re: Operating systems are old and busted

2007-06-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well.

re: Operating systems are old and busted Off Topic But Concept should be Known 
To All

part of the new, old things are called "virtual appliances" ... but in
the good old 60s & 70s ... they were called "service virtual machines"

some recent posts mentioning the virtual appliance genre To RISC or not to RISC To RISC or not to RISC Multics on Vmware ? vmshare John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies user level TCP implementation John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

cp67 had fairly early implemented fast, automated dump&reboot. That
along with the change-over to using 2702 "prepare" command helped
contribute to round-the-clock, 24x7 cp67/cms online, timesharing
services. The issue was that 360/67 were leased ... and charge for was
based on system meter running ... and having the system up 3rd/4th shift
might have the meter running ... but light load charges might not be
able to cover the off-shift lease rate. The system "meter" would run,
even when the operating system was in wait state, but there was I/O
"active". The use of the 2702 "prepare" command for terminal I/O would
effectively suspend "I/O" and the system "meter" would stop. The other
part as the fast, automated dump&reboot helped make practical to run
cp67 3rd&4th shifts w/o any human (operator) present (aka "dark room")
... eliminating another expense that light-load offshift useage might
not cover. The combination helped encourage both internal 7x24,
around-the-clock online, timesharing cp67 operation ... as well
as help make various commercial cp67 timesharing offerings more

however, one of the short-comings with unattended, offshift operation
was that the "service virtual machines" still required human

as part of lots of work on performance tuning, dynamic adaptive
dispatch/scheduling, virtual memory optimization, workload profiling

and other stuff I was doing at the science center

I was having to do a lot of benchmarking

and as part of the benchmarking, I worked on being able to automate the
whole process. One of the issues was being able to generate a
new/different kernel and automatically reboot ... and start the next
sequence of benchmarks. cp67 had morphed into vm370 and inherited the
automatic reboot operation. The issue then was how to get all the
benchmarks kicked off. I created a "autolog" command that emulated the
manual login process ... and added one such command late in the system
bringup/boot process. The resulting process that was automatically
logged on then could execute scripts with autolog commands for large
number of other processes. I initially used it for implementing the
benchmarking process. For instance, in the final sequence before release
of the "resource manager" ... there was a sequence of something like
2000 (automated) benchmarks that took 3months elapsed time to run.

However, it was quickly realized that the autolog process (for
benchmarking) ... would also extremely useful for automating the startup
of "service virtual machines" ... as part of automated system reboot.

The burlington development group was one of the organizations that had
been distracted by the future system project

after FS was killed (and before burlington was put on notice that they
were being shutdown and everybody being transferred to POK to support
mvs/xa development) ... they had crash program to turn out items in
vm370 release 3 ... and picked up a lot of stuff from the science center
(including the autolog command) where we had continued to work on
(360/370) virtual machine activity.

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Re: Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All

2007-06-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Brick) writes:

the new, 40yr old theme, curtesy of the science center

related post here Operating systems are old and busted

a lot of technology evolved in that environment ... 

GML, precursor to SGML, HTML, XML, aka the markup stuff

the internal network ... which was larger than the arpanet/internet
from just about the beginning until possibly sometime mid-85

and as mentioned in this recent thread: Capacity and Relational Database Capacity and Relational Database Capacity and Relational Database

relational/sql was first created in that environment

a lot of virtual memory and dispatch/scheduling

among other things, it provides a fantastic incubator for R&D and new
technology ... which has been somewhat alluded to in parts of a recent
thread: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex 
and Hercules Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex 
and Hercules Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex 
and Hercules

in fact, after the corporation had canceled the failed Future System

and realized that it had to throw resources back into the 370 product
line ... POK was able to convince the corporation that the vm370 product
had to be killed ... because they needed to transfer the all the
(relatively few) people in the burlington mall development group to POK
to provide support getting the mvs/xa development effort on schedule.
Eventually, Endicott was able to salvage some of the product mission.

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Re: Capacity and Relational Database

2007-06-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

IBMsysProg wrote:
> From a software architecture standpoint, Multi Regions, Independent
> locking (IRLM), Automated Recovery (DBRC), and DASD Logging became the
> foundations of IBMs second relational data base system and its first
> SQL based system called at its introduction DB2.  IBMs first
> relational database system pre dated wide use of DASD and long
> historys could be written about it alone ...  "Bill of Material
> Program called at various times BOMP T-BOMP for TAPE BOMP and D-BOMP
> for DISK BOMP.  BOMP was probably used more for applications like
> payroll than manufacturing.

re: Capacity and Relational Database Capacity and Relational Database

lots of postings about sql/relational database system/r
done at sjr/bldg.28

including mentioning doing work on system/r and handling technology
transfer of system/r from sjr to endicott for sql/ds.

another source of a lot of old archeological references:

now system/r was all done in vm370 virtual machines ... technology out
of the science center ... 4th flr, 545 tech sq

on the 5th flr, 545 tech sq was multics ... which had done an even
earlier relational implementation. recent posting (in
comp.databases.theory) Designing database tables for 
with multics MRDS reference:

now the seminal work on relational was done by Codd at SJR,

A relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, 
ACM, v13n6, june 1970

wiki reference:

minor pt in the above reference ... sjr was in bldg. 28 on the san jose
plant site, the almaden facility wasn't built until the mid-80s.

now one of the people in the meeting referenced here

mentioned that he had handled a lot of technology transfer from sql/ds &
endicott back to STL for DB2 (even tho bldg. 28 and bldg. 90 are only
about ten miles apart ... i would even periodically do the commute on my

for lots of topic drift ... two of the other people in that same meeting
... were later at a small client/server startup responsible for
something called the commerce server and we were called in to consult on
being able to do payment transactions on their server
... misc. collected postings mentioning putting together payment
transaction infrastructure for what is now frequently referred to as
electronic commerce

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Peter Flass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, unix is unix (or Linux).  The problems come from the basic
> design; if you changed the design, it wouldn't be unix.  The best you
> can do is mitigate the problems.  This is the case with every OS -
> some fundamental decisions made during the initial design can't be
> changed without modifying the OS out of existence.
> This is just like programming languages.  You can add "improvements",
> but some initial design decisions are set in stone.

virtual machines has periodically been used over the past 40yrs to
address various limitations in operating systems ... rather than trying
to stress a particular operating system past its design point
... attempting to consolidate more and more applications on a single
operating system platform ... go to a two (multi) level paradigm ...
where you have a virtual machine environment, timesharing multiple
virtual machines concurrently on common platform ... and then within
each virtual machine ... allow is doing its own thing (i.e. a little
peter principle ... not pushing an operating system to rise past its
level of competence).

this is somewhat optimization at a more macro level ... while making
some micro-level optimization sacrifices (i.e. the overhead of the
virtual machine capability).

re: Is Parallel Progrmaming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Progrmaming Just Too Hard?

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Re: Capacity and Relational Database

2007-06-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

re: Capacity and Relational Database

for some additional past history 

the university i was at was selected to be beta-test for original CICS
... it was an ONR, online library funded project. It also got a 2321,
datacell as part of the project. One of my responsibilities got to be
shooting bugs in this early CICS (before first official product
ship). One specific bug I remember was that the customer installation
that CICS had grown out of had been using a specific set of BDAM
options. For whatever reason, the university library chose to use some
other combination of BDAM options ... resulting in CICS
failures. ... misc. past posts mentioning cics &/or bdam (and having to
shoot CICS and BDAM bugs)

one of the IMS things in the mid-70s was transition to virtual memory
environment. The science center

had done much of the early stuff on virtual memory as part of both
CP67 and VM370. Some of the work involved extensive performance
monitoring, performance modeling, workload profiling and the early
stuff leading to capacity planning.

One of these efforts was instruction tracing and modeling virtual
memory useage.  This was used extensively in many applications moving
from real storage environment to virtual memory operation. One of the
earliest was in was significant benefit as part of rewritting the
whole APL storage management when the science center did the port of
apl\360 to cms\apl (and expanding APL workspaces from typical 16k-32k
real memory to allow maximum virtual memory sizes) ... various past
posts mentioning APL and/or one of its heaviest users ... the HONE

In the mid-70s, one of the major internal users of this tracing and
modeling application (from the science center) was the IMS group
... tracing and monitoring both general IMS performance operation
... as well as optimization for virtual memory operation. The science
center also added semi-automated program re-organization to the
application and the science center announced it as "VS/REPACK" product
in 1976.

And here is old email reference about getting pushed as general
consultant to the IMS development group in STL (mentions luncheon with
the IMS deevelopment people)

this independent of the previous mention about working on some of
system/r ... the original relational/sql implementation

for other drift ... lots of past posts about doing lots of stuff
for virtual memory optimization and replacement algorithms

Now, when my wife was con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of
loosely-coupled architecture ... she originated "peer-coupled shared
data" architecture (and a lot of the mainframe distributed/global
locking stuff)

which saw very little uptake until sysplex ... except for IMS
and especially IMS hot-standby effort

for somewhat other topic drift ... lots of past posts about being
allowed to play disk engineer in bldg. 14&15

at one time there was joke about working 4hr shift week, 1st shift in
bldg28/sjr, 2nd shift in bldgs. 14&15, 3rd shift in bldg90/stl, and 4th
shift (aka weekends) at HONE.

later when we were doing our HA/CMP product

and scaleup for distributed databased operation ... along with scaleup
for distributed lock manager (as well as massive distributed
recovery) ... some email references here

and minor reference in these posts

the people in STL complained that if we were allowed to ship the
support for the commercial DBMS stuff ... we would be at least five
yrs ahead of where they were.

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> with the advent of PCs ... a lot of the cms personal computing migrated
> to PCs ...  although the (mainframe) virtual machine operating system
> continues to survive ... and even had seen some resurgent in the early
> part of this decade supporting large numbers of virtual machines running
> linux ... somewhat in the "server consolidation" market segment
> recently, "server consolidation" has become something of a more widely
> recognized buzzword ... pushing a combination of virtual machine
> capability migrated to PC hardware platforms possibly in combination
> with large BLADE form-factors farms ... where a business with hundreds,
> thousands, or even tens of thousands of servers are consolidating into
> much smaller space.

re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

note that in the 80s, there started to be the possibility of two-level
"timesharing" dispatch/scheduling when some amount of the virtual
machine capability migrated into the mainframe "hardware", ... commingly
referred to now as LPARS (logical partitions). The hardware had to
schedule/dispatch timeshare the virtual machine LPARS ...  and within an
LPAR could be a virtual machine operating system, also having to
schedule/dispatch timeshare its virtual machines.

something similar has to be going on the emerging PC-based genre of
virtual machine implementations.

one of the interesting dispatch/schedule evolution starts with single
processor virtual machines running on single processor hardware ... then
moving to single processor virtual machines running on multiple
processor hardware ...  things can get more complex when having to run
multiple processor virtual machines running on multiple processsor
hardware ... and it may not be possible to independently
dispatch/schedule the different virtual processors of a virtual machine
... having possibly needing to dispatch/schedule multiple virtual
processors (of a virtual machine) concurrently on multiple real

lots of past posts about multiprocessors, tightly-coupled, and/or
compare&swap instruction

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-19 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> When?  I never considered IBM world and its batch environment 
> timesharing.  Timesharing does not do large data processing tasks
> well; and it's not supposed to.

there were somewhat distinct, different environments ... one was
commercial dataprocessing and the other was interactive computing and

the commercial, batch, production environment was oriented towards
business dataprocessing ... it wasn't computing done on behalf of some
specific person ... it was computing done on behalf of some business
operation ... like the organizations payroll and printing checks. the
requirement was that the business dataprocessing be done ... frequently
on very determined scheduled ... independent of any specific
person. over time, there was lots of batch technology evolved to
guarentee that specific operations could be done reliably, predictably,
and deterministicly independent of any human involvement.

much of the interactive and virtual machine paradigm evolved totally
independently at the science center ... first with cp40/cms, morphing
into cp67/cms, followed by vm370/cms (even tho during the 70s, the batch
infrastructure and the timesharing infastructure shared a common 370
hardware platform):

both multics (on the 5th flr) and science center (on the 4th flr) could
trace common heritage back to ctss (and unix traces some heritage back
to multics).

even tho there was a relatively large timesharing install base (in most
cases larger than any other vendor's timesharing install base that might
be more commonly associated with timesharing) ... in the period, it was
dwarfed by the commerical batch install base. I've joked before that at
one period, the installed commercial customer install base was much
larger than the timesharing customer install base, and the timesharing
customer install base was much larger than the timesharing internal
install base, and the timesharing internal install base was much larger
than the internal installations that I directly supported (built,
distributed, fixed bugs, on highly customized/modified kernel and
services). However, at one point the number of internal installations
that I directly supported was as large as the total number of Multics
installations that ever existed. lots of past posts mentioning the
timesharing environment

much of that timesharing install base was cms personal computing ...
while other was mixed-mode operation with cms personal computing and
other kinds of operating systems in virtual machines ... aka the same
timesharing infrastructure supporting both interactive cms personal
computing as well as production (frequently batch) guest operating
systems. this required a timesharing dispatching/scheduling policy
infrastructure that could support a broad range of requirements.
for a little topic drift, slightly related recent post: Rate Monotonic scheduling (RMS) vs. 
OS Scheduling

also coming out of the science center in the period (besides virtual
machines, a lot of timesharing and interactive/personal computer)
... somewhat reflecting the timesharing and personal computing
orientation was much of the internal networking technology

as well as things like the invention of GML, precusor to SGML, HTML,
XML, etc

with the advent of PCs ... a lot of the cms personal computing migrated
to PCs ...  although the (mainframe) virtual machine operating system
continues to survive ... and even had seen some resurgent in the early
part of this decade supporting large numbers of virtual machines running
linux ... somewhat in the "server consolidation" market segment

recently, "server consolidation" has become something of a more widely
recognized buzzword ... pushing a combination of virtual machine
capability migrated to PC hardware platforms possibly in combination
with large BLADE form-factors farms ... where a business with hundreds,
thousands, or even tens of thousands of servers are consolidating into
much smaller space.

Microsoft Looks to Stop Internal Server Sprawl

from above:

The profile of Microsoft Corp.’s in-house server farm is similar to
those of many other companies: one application per server, with less
than 20% peak server utilization on average. But Devin Murray,
Microsoft’s group manager of utility services, is working to change
that. Murray’s team manages about 17,000 servers that support 40,000 of
Microsoft’s end users worldwide.

... snip ...

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Re: Capacity and Relational Database

2007-06-18 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (IBMsysProg) writes:
> Memory.
> Over the years the first exploiters of architecture changes to allow more
> address spaces, more real memory, and more virtual memory have always been
> DBMS systems.  At this time I would suggest allocating at least 2 gig of
> additional real memory to your future DBMS.  DBMS system address spaces in
> general are intolerant of paging.  This is because a page in results in a
> wait for the entire address space and to make things worse DBMS address
> spaces serve many concurrent users.

i've related before the discussion between IMS group and (original
SQL/System/r group about pros & cons.

IMS has/had direct pointers ... which significantly cut down processing
overhead ... but significantly increased development, maintenance, and
administrative costs. System/r abstracted away the direct pointers
... at the cost of implicit overhead of automatically maintained index.
The "argument" back then was that the (RDBMS) automatically maintained
index, doubled the physical disk space and significantly increased the
number of disk i/os (as part of processing the index) ... offset by
significantly reduced human resources & skills.

going into the 80s ... disk price/bit came down significantly (muting
the disk price/bit argument) and (relative) significant increases in
system "real" memory allowed much of the indexes to be cashed
(eliminated lots of the increased index disk i/os). The index overhead
then somewhat shifted from the amount of disk i/os ... to just CPU
overhead. In any case, the price and availability of system resources
changes that went on in the 80s ... changed the trade-off between the
human skill/resources and system price-resources ... significantly
enabling the wider use of RDBMS.

Virtual memory and high-end DBMS don't mesh very well. High-end DBMS
tends to have lots of their own managed cache ... typically with some
sort of LRU type algorithm.

I first noticed that running an LRU storage managed algorithm under an
LRU storage managed algorithm could be a bad idea ... in the mid-70s
with SVS/MVS running in virtual machine (virtual memory). It was
possible to get in extremely pathelogical situation where MVS would
select one of the pages (at a location it believed to be "its"
real-memory) to be replaced ... at about the same time that the virtual
machine hypervisor also decided that the corresponding virtual page
should be replaced (since they were both looking at effectively the same
useage patterns as basis for replacement decision). As a result, a
LRU-based strategy ... running in a virtual memory, can start to look
like an MRU strategy (the next most likely page to be used ... is the
one that has been least recently used).

lots of past posts about page replacement algorithms ... including
some difference of opinion of some of the "internally" implemented
MVS strategies

as well as some "old" email on various aspects of the subject

In any case, when running high-end DBMS that have their own cache
implementation ... in a virtual memory operating system environment
... there tends to be a lot of "tuning" options ... to minimize the
conflict between the DBMS cache replacement strategy (typically some
sort of LRU-based) and the operating sysetm virtual memory replacement
strategy (typically also some sort of LRU-based). 

There is also the possibility of things analogous to the old
"VS1-handshaking", where VM370 would present a psuedo page fault
interrupt to VS1 (running in a virtual machine) ... enabling VS1 to do a
task switch (instead of blocking the whole VS1 whenever any page fault
occured for a virtual machine page).

note that one of the progression of large real storage has resulted in
DBMS "memory" implementations ... rather than assuming that the DBMS
natively resides on disk and there is a lot of processor overhead
related to the assumed DBMS operation. The assumption is that nearly
everything is memory resident and managed with memory pointers ... with
periodic snap-shots to disk for commits/integrity. Given the same amount
of large real storage ... there are claims that the switch to a RDBMS
memory-based paradigm can run ten times faster than a RDBMS disk-based
paradigm that was fully cached and otherwise doing little disk i/o (and
both running nearly identical SQL-based applications).

misc. recent posts mentioning old "interactions" between IMS
and System/r organizations regarding various pros and cons Designing database tables for 
performance? Cycles per ASM instruction Quote from comp.object

Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-18 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Frank McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yup ... As *would* have happened with the PC itself if they'd been
> that tight-assed with it.  They just didn't *get* the fact that the
> open bus and configuration was what made the PC popular.  IOW, it was
> the *competition* that made it such a huge success.

re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM The Development of the Vital IBM PC 
in Spite of  the Corporate Culture of IBM

as i've mentioned before ... the other market force was that the
previous personal computers had been do-it-yourself and hobbiest market.
individuals had to justify the cost of the box for their own personal
interest ... that included a lot of the software ... not a lot of
off-the-shelf stuff ... so individuals had to do that themselves also.

big break-out for ibm/pc was selling it into terminal emulation market
at businesses. business that had justified buying a couple thousand or
tens of thousand (3270) terminals ... for about the same amount of money
that provided both local computing and terminal emulation in a single
desktop footprint. instead of selling one at a time to a very limited
market ... orders were being taken for thousands at a time. these
(business) install base motivated a lot of the business users and
software entrepreneurs to write software applications for the install
base. having growing library of useful software tools for the market
segment ... made it easier to justify spending the money to buy the
machine. the combination of growing install base and growing available
application creates snowball effect (positive feedback). misc. past
posts mentioning various aspects of the terminal emulation theme

the business market potential significantly motivated the clone makers
... something that had been happening in the mainframe dataprocessing
business market since at least the late 60s (and so wasn't that unique
of a concept).  misc. past posts mentioning (mainframe) plug compatible

this was enormous synergistic effect ... that wouldn't happen in the
purely home/hobbiest market ... since the purchase price for strictly
individuals was still fairly significant with not a large number of
"solutions" to attact a big following. possibly one of the biggest
drivers of personal computers into the home/personal market was the
internet ... the volumes from the business world were driving down the
price point and the combination of the price-point and internet as a
"personal" use (for the computers) ... then helped explode the sales
into the home market (aka killer app/silver bullet for personal,
personal computer use).

recent references: Newbie question on table design John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Friday musings on the future of 3270 

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Re: The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM

2007-06-17 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> The public history of the PC began in August 1981, when IBM first
> announced 'The IBM Personal Computer.' . This was The original
> PC. The time period for the development of this landmark, legacy
> product was approximately a year. It must be remembered that IBM was a
> centralized committee paper top down organization at the
> time. Everything went by snail mail and paper, communication was slow
> and lines of communication as well as the necessary and ...
> Read full article at 


how 'bout the internal network ... world-wide

larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning 
until possibly mid-85

the great switch-over from arpanet (host-to-host with homogeneous IMP
front-ends) to internetworking protocol was on 1jan83. internet was
somewhere between 100-250 nodes at the time (depending on how things
were counted). the internal network was far past that ... passing 1000
nodes that summer 

various old email on a variety of subjects from the 70s & 80s

after the 23jun69 unbundling announced, there was an effort to deploy
(360/67) cp67 machines in various datacenters to give branch office
technical people an opportunity to practice with operating systems
running in (the remote) cp67 virtual machines (logon from terminals in
the branch office to cp67 machines at remote datacenters). this was
called "HONE" (aka hands-on network experience). however, it was soon
taken over by applications (mostly written in APL) supporting the branch
office sales/marketing people (and the use by SEs for operating system
experience eventually was dropped). when EMEA hdqtrs moved from the US
to Paris in the early 70s ... I was called in to help with their HONE
installation. At that time, it still took a little ingenuity to read
email back in the states.

note that the "5150 computer" announced aug81 was predated by the "5100
computer" from the palo alto science center ... 5100 demo'ed 1973

also, note that the boca group doing the development was designated IBU
... independent business unit ... where some amount of corporate culture
command&control was much more relaxed ... for instance the standard A&R
(announce and review) product process requiring sign-off from possibly
nearly 500 executives from around the corporation.

The birth of the IBM PC

misc. old posts: APL on PalmOS ??? APL on PalmOS ??? APL version in IBM 5100 (Was: 
Resurrecting the IBM 1130) IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix 
Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix 
Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix 
Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix 
Box?] IBM 5100 IBM 5100 IBM 5100 IBM 5100 The IBM 5100 and John Titor The IBM 5100 and John Titor IBM 5100 luggable computer with APL IBM 5100 luggable computer with APL

parts of thread from last yr that might have some interest: "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 
Computer" "25th Anniversary of the Personal 

Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-14 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Black) writes:
> ASM2 was eventually acquired by CA and become CA-DISK, then
> Brightstore CA-DISK, and now CA Disk Backup and Restore.  I think
> there was an intermediate acquisition that I have forgotten about.

for other folklore ... a couple people that worked on AIX system
management left and formed a company called tivoli. eventually tivoli
was bought up ... and when adstar was sold off ... some of the adstar
software packages (as well as other software products) were moved over
to tivoli ... for instance ADSM (adstar storage management) became TSM
(tivoli storage management).

i had done the original backup/archive implementation in the late 70s
which was deployed at some number of internal datacenters ... and went
thru a number of versions with various other people helping with the

one of the people involved left ... and worked on a number of
backup/archive implementations for other companies ... some of these
other implementations may currently be sold by sterling(?).

my original backup/archive internal implementation first saw product
release as workstation datasave facility which then morphed into ADSM
(before being renamed TSM). some old email on the subject
and numerous posts mentioning backup/archive

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-12 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R.S.) writes:
> Key-based solutions exist on mianframe as well as on other systems.
> I think it is rather technical, not ethical or organisational issue:
> It is *easy* to have illegal software on PC, sometimes you are even
> unaware of it. I mean a lot of small but usefull tools like Windows
> Commander, archivizers, DVD-burning software etc. etc.
> Even if you have some "tools" for z/OS it is simply not so easy to
> install it on the host - usually several persons are involed, usually
> someone could ask - "Did we buy it ? How did you get it ?".
> From the other hand, people are interested in having some bells &
> whistles on *their* PC (even company owned), while mainframe is not
> *their*. It is not *personal*. It's "common".

re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex 
and Hercules

slightly related recent posts about looking at software piracy (DRM) in
the mainframe and PC market space Peter Gutmann Rips Windows Vista 
Content Protection Enterprise Right Management vs. 
Traditional Encryption Tools

old email about "new" apple lisa announcement and conjecture about the
processor serial number being used for software licensing (and
piracy countermeasure).
in this recent post old lisa info

part of the mainframe was being able to show in court that something out
of the ordinary had to have been done to subvert the licensing
provisions (value was worth taking to court). in the PC case, the value
of individual copy makes it difficult to justify investigation and
bringing to court every individual case.

TPM is the one of the latest in pirarcy countermeasure (as well as
suppose to be countermeasure to software compromises). misc. past
posts mentioning giving an assurance talk in trusted computing
track at intel developers conference Assurance, e-commerce, and some 
x9.59 Is there any future for smartcards? UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw Use of TPM chip for RNG? Crypto to defend chip IP: snake oil 
or good idea? Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards The Chinese MD5 attack Device Authentication - The answer to 
attacks lauched using stolen passwords? What does a patent do that copyright 
does not? The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? My Dream PC -- Chip-Based

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Re: Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules

2007-06-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clem Clarke) writes:
> It's a shame, but unless IBM does do a big rethink on this, and allows
> small developers some sort of inexpensive or free access to the
> mainframes, they will die.   Allowing a "hobbyist" license for Z/OS,
> VM and VSE on Hercules would be one way, and what does IBM really have
> to lose?  And the gain would be that they could have many people
> working at no cost on these systems developing tools and applications
> to make them better and better.

some related thread drift from another n.g. nouns and adjectives

that in the 60s and much of the 70s ... lots of the innovation came out
of customer installations & datacenters ... since it was the customers
that understood the need and requirement ... things like cics, ims, etc.
later they were transferred to "development" organizations for product
support. in many cases, this is misnomer ... since those "development"
organizations are responsible for product maintenance ... not the
products "development" (maybe doing plus/minus five percent changes per
annum). I've periodically made facetious comments referencing the "term"
inflation in using the word "development" applied to organizations that
are primarily product "maintenance".

something similar happened with the introduction of the ibm/pc ... large
proportion of the "products" originated from end-users (that were faced
with the actual problems and understood what kind of solution was
needed). vendor product operations tend to have people like software
engineers that understand issues about software maintenance ... but
rarely have people with the necessary experience that they could see
what solution was originally needed.

even before ibm/pc came out ... there were some that had jump shipped
from vm/cms (that had been providing mainframe-based personal computing
environment) and were implementing some number of CMS applications on
other early personal computers. These weren't ports of CMS applications
(because the implementation details tended to be totally different), but
frequently the look&feel and the solution they provided were the same.

the "OCO-wars" were especially hard on the vm/cms community ... because
not only was full source available ... but even maintenance, fixes, etc
for customers were shipped as source updates ... based on CMS
multi-level source maintenance facilities. Some studies from their
period even claimed the number of system (source) updates done at
customer datacenters (aka aggregate lines-of-code) was actually larger
than the source lines-of-code in the base system.

the high-end of the market is where the (quarterly) revenue/profit
... but all the innovation tends to originate at the low-end & mid-range
... in part innovation requires quite a bit of experimentation,
trial&error, etc ... and the high-end is rarely made available for such

As a result, some of the other vendors found a need that could filled in
the entry/low-end market segment (and long term ... it is frequently the
entry/low-end that tends to feed the high-end with the applications that
keep the high-end quarterly revenue sustained).

the pre-occupation with quarterly results has been a sporadic topic for
at least the last 40 yrs. during periods when there was significant
general economic growth ... the generational issues appeared to almost
take care of themselves ... allowing the perception that executives
could solely concentrate on the quarterly issues. however, this approach
somewhat came to roost. i've mentioned before about being at a talk at
MIT in the early 70s where Amdahl was asked how he was able to convince
the money people to support his new clone computer company. His reply
was that there was already something like $200b that customers had
invested in 360 applications ... that even if IBM were to totally walk
away from 360/370 ... which might be considered a vieled reference to
the future system project

... (just) that (existing) software application base could keep him in
business thru the end of the century.

starting in the early 70s, i had been heavily involved with HONE
deployment ... first its original objective to provied "hands-on"
experience to branch office SEs with operating systems running in
virtual machines ... and then the transition to being primarily an
online, interactive environment deploying applications (mostly
implemented in cms\apl) supporting sales & marketing worldwide.

in the mid-70s, I got con'ed into helping with the virgil/tully
microcode assists ... including spending time off & on over a period of
a year running around the world with the product managers, meeting with
business planning & forcasting groups positioning the processors

Re: mainframe = superserver

2007-06-07 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

> I realize that this has probably been asked before, but google didn't
> give me an answer.  Before I asked my question let me state that I
> know that windows server 2003 and longhorn won't run on an IBM
> mainframe.  There is the endian issue and the ascii vs ebcidic
> issues.  Is there a medium to large IBM box that can run a couple
> hundred of virtual windows 2003 servers?  And said box can scale up to
> approximately 1000+ virtual windows servers?  Given that all current
> servers are dell and hp servers with 2 intel core 2 duo processors and
> a total of 150TB of storage?
> I am doing research for the possible replacement of 200+ windows
> server in our datacenter.  We need to add servers, but there is
> literally no more power.  My thinking is if IBM can get windows
> servers to run on their something like their mainframes it would save
> electricity and space.  Everyone would win.

recent cross-over from another thread: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

mentioning that blades are also being sold into commercial market,
frequently in combination with virtualization, for server consolidation

and another mention here ... in slightly older thread/post: The Mainframe in 10 Years

and mention in this thread Another "migration" from the mainframe Another "migration" from the mainframe

some references from above thread

CIO Challenge: Energy Efficiency
IBM Unveils New Energy-Efficient Blades
IBM to focus on energy efficiency
Blade innovations highlight energy efficiency opportunities
IBM defends blades' energy efficiency
IBM Data Center and Facilities Strategy Services - high density
computing data center readiness assessment
Lots of Blade Server articles,1874,1658862,00.asp
IBM Grid Computing Solutions - financial industry
Grid Computing for Financial Services 2007;
Grid computing: Accelerating the search for revenue and profit for financial 

the previously mentioned scaleup activity was in large part about
physical packaging and issues like power and cooling

but the server consolidation is now frequently blades/grid technology
in combination with virtualization  curtesy of science center
from mid-60s, first with cp40 and then when 360/67 became available,
morphed into cp67 (precursor to vm370) ... misc past posts mentioning
science center

besides virtualization and virtual machines being invented at the
science center ... compare&swap instruction for
multi-thread/multi-processor was also invented at the science center

and also GML (later morphed into sgml, html, xml, etc)

and most of the internal network

which was also seen outside in deployments like bitnet and

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-07 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shane) writes:
> M - seems to be just a "warming over" of the multi-programming
> versus parallel discussion.
> With the exception of that last link, I'd need serious convincing any of
> them are "parallel programming".
> I suspect in the not too distant future, "multi-threaded" will supplant
> (in the common vernacular) all notions of "parallel".
> If not already ...

re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

multi-threaded tends to be used in conjunction with tightly-coupled,
shared-memory multiprocessing (and the current buzzword
"multi-core"). lots of past posts mentioning shared-memory
multiprocessing and/or compare&swap instruction

compare&swap instruction had been invented by Charlie (CAS are Charlie's
initials) at the science center ... working on fine-grain multiprocessor
locking for cp67

in order to get the instruction justified for 370, had to come up with
the description of its use in multi-threaded/multi-programming
operation, which was included (originally) in the (370) principles of
operation ... a more recent version

parallel has been used in reference to both (tightly-coupled)
multi-threaded operation, as well as loosely-coupled &/or cluster
multiprocessing operation

misc. past posts mentioning doing high availability, cluster
multiprocessing product

some old email references about working on cluster scaleup

a couple old posts specifically about working on applying distributed
lock manager and cluster scaleup to parallel oracle

recent post mentioning my wife had been con'ed into going to
POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled architecture Friday musings on the future of 3270 

a lot of the "blades" stuff has been physical packaging originally done
for (numerical intensive cluster) "GRIDs" (getting more & more computing
into smaller and smaller footprint). some amount of GRID/blades are now
being pitched into commercial sector. some of it isn't strictly
loosely-coupled/cluster operation ... but it is also being used
(frequently in combination with virtualization) for server

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Re: Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications

2007-06-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to, as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick O'Keefe) writes:
> At times like this I sorely miss my long lost APPN "Formats and Protocols"
> bible.  I believe official sources claim that an APPN CP and an LU were 
> different kinds of NAUs because they were different chunks of code.
> (Or at least the same chunk of code implementing 2 different FSMs.)

re: Friday musings on the future of 3270 

As undergraduate at the univ, I had done TTY/ascii terminal support for
cp67 ... and attempted to make the 2702 do something that it couldn't
quite do. that somewhat prompted a univ. project to build our own clone
controller (originally using an Interdata/3). This was subsequently a
writeup ... blaiming us (at least in part) for clone controller business
(interdata was subsequently bought by perkin-elmer and the box was sold
under PE logo well thru the 80s ... apparently with the same channel
interface card that was designed at the univ. in the 60s)

the clone controller business was supposedly a major motivation behind
the future system project

... recent FS reference/post (with some quotation by one of
the executives involved in FS) John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

one might claim that when FS was killed, that SNA attempted to still
meet some of the FS objectives with the PU4/PU5 interface for advanced
terminal control infrastructure.

in the same time that SNA was starting, my wife co-authored peer-to-peer
networking (AWP39) ... that defined real networking ... rather than
complex terminal control. Possibly there was some amount of semantic
confusion lingered on because the term "SNA" contained the word
"network". Later, when my wife was con'ed into going to POK to be in
charge of loosely-coupled architecture, she created peer-coupled shared
data architecture (... and except for IMS hot-standby, didn't see a lot
of uptake until sysplex)

she had lots of battles with the SNA organization over peer-coupled
shared data ... eventually there was temporary truce with my wife
being able to specify peer-couple operation as long as it was within
the walls of the same/single machine room (datacenter) ... but SNA
was mandated if it "crossed" the walls of the machine room.

much later, APPN was specified in AWP164 and when there was an attempt
to announce/release APPN, the SNA organization non-concurred (at the
time, the person responsible for APPN and I reported to the same
executive).  The APPN announcement was escalated and eventually the
announcement letter was carefully rewritten to not imply that APPN had
any relationship at all to SNA.

misc. past posts mentioning AWP39 and/or AWP164: RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment IBM 3705 and UC.5 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back DUMP Datasets and SMS DUMP Datasets and SMS What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? Channel Distances Need Help defining an AS400 with an 
IP address to the mainframe virtual memory Arpa address Sending CONSOLE/SYSLOG To 
Off-Mainframe Server Google Architecture Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: 
Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Greatest Software, System R Was FORTRAN buggy? Was FORTRAN buggy? The Future of CPUs: What's After 
Multi-Core? Assembler question What's a mainframe? Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just 
another example of mainframe 6400 impact printer 6400 impact printer Is computer history taugh now? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits? sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 
36 bits?

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

a couple recent items:

The death of single threaded development
Google Acquires Multicore Programming Startup PeakStream --
Multithreaded Programming
Intel updates compilers for multicore era
Sun Updates Studio For Multi-core Development
Sun stresses multicore chips, Linux with dev tool
Scots firm demonstrates parallelizing compiler at MPF

recent posts on the subject: The Future of CPUs: What's After 
Multi-Core? University rank of Computer 
Architecture Does anyone know of a documented case 
of VM being penetrated by hackers? John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? My Dream PC -- Chip-Based

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-06-01 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

recent news items

Intel Pledges 80 Core Processor in 5 Years
Intel shows off 80-core processor
Next Windows To Get Multicore Redesign

part of the issue is that a lot of the parallel processing has been
limited to high-end market ... where highly skilled programming could be
used to manage large amount of shared resources ... effectively
concurrently working on different activity from independent sources.

as parallel hardware has started to move downstream into standard
consumer market ... issues in the past couple yrs is how to change the
(mostly) sequential programming paradigm to better utilize the
independent/parallel hardware resources that are available.

the hardware technology motivation is that as components are shrinking
... things like signal latency and syncronized, serial operation are
starting to represent a significant limiting factor ... going to
asyncronous operation ... even across the distances involved in a
typical chip ... can contributed to significant thruput increases.

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Re: Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications

2007-06-01 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Smrcina) writes:
> If I understand what your asking there are products on the market that
> can do this today.
> As long as there is a 3270 on the back end (specifically TN3270), a web
> interface or a web service is presented on the front end.

part of this is some of the whole history about terminal emulation.
3270 terminal emulation contributed significantly to early uptake of
ibm/pc ... i.e. businesses that had already allocated money for 3270
terminal ... it became nearly no-brainer ... to switch to an ibm/pc
... price was about the same ... and in single desktop footprint the
business got both 3270 terminal and some possibly added-value local

this contributed to significant install base of 3270 terminal
and terminal emulation products.

in the later part of the 80s ... were had come up with 3-tier
architecture (as an enhancement to client/server)

and were out doing some amount of customer executive presentations
... and taking a lot of heat from the T/R and SAA forces(to some extent
SAA could be viewed as attempting to help preserve the terminal
emulation paradigm and inhibit the spread of client/server ... and
especially this new fangled 3-tier stuff).

we also were taking some amount of heat working with organizations
around the nsfnet backbone effort (i.e. tcp/ip is considered the
technology basis for the modern internet but nsfnet backbone would be
considered the operational basis for the modern internet). some old
email from the period on the topic

and after starting to cancel our meetings with outside entities
... then there was suggestion that they should start proposing
SNA/VTAM as the basis for nsfnet backbone ... specific old
email reference
in this post SNA/VTAM for NSFNET

one of the side happenings in all this was we did get an
NSF audit of high-speed backbone we had running internally

which concluded that what we had running was at least five yrs ahead of
all NSFNET backbone bids (to build something new)

and for some topic drift ... tagential reference here Sueprconductors and computing

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Re: Questions to the list

2007-06-01 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Schmidt) writes:
> It seems to me that only a few years ago (and probably in many of the
> hundreds of recycled "I remember when..." threads lately) we were, as
> a group, lamenting that we were all getting older and there was little
> new blood being introduced to the mainframe.  We were also having
> 'sour grapes' discussions about workload moving off the mainframe and
> companies abandoning the mainframe altogether.

one of the issues ... especially on the usenet side ... was that the
start of each new semester ... there would be a some new flurry of
homework questions ... as individuals taking a computer class and
getting possibly their first exposure to terminals and online
infrastructures.  as online infrastructures starting to permeate the
whole culture ... it is now possible to find homework questions
happening all thru the yr.

there is some balance between answering questions where the askee has
actually made some attempt to learn something ... or is using the list
in lieu of having to learn anything.

misc. past posts mentioning homework issue: Homework: Negative side of MVS? Homework: Negative side of MVS? what is interrupt mask register? Why SMP at all anymore? Memory management - Page replacement Use of ICM Disappointed Disappointed 7.2 Install "upgrade to ext3"  LOSES 
DATA Number of combinations in five digit 
lock? (or: Help, my brain hurts) Need article on Cache schemes Biometric Encryption: the solution 
for network intruders? e-commerce future Questions about computer security Spin Loop? Spin Loop? Help! Good protocol for national ID 
card? META: Newsgroup cliques? [urgent] which OSI layer is SSL 
located? Interrupt in an IBM mainframe Issues in Using Virtual Address for 
addressing the Cache OSI protocol header Dual Signature can a program be run withour main 
memory ? before execution does it require 
whole program 2 b loaded in Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters very basic quextions: public key 
encryption August 23, 1957 Single System Image questions Cluster computing drawbacks Would multi-core replace SMPs? Mount a tape Mainframe vs. xSeries Memory Mapped I/O Vs I/O Mapped I/O more shared segment archeology

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-05-30 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> long ago and far away, this was one of the battles getting the
> compare&swap instruction into 370 architecture. test&set had been around
> in the 60s and was used fro 360/65 multiprocessor support with global
> kernel spin-locks (set the lock and everybody else spins, untill the
> lock is cleared).
> ...
> somewhat implicit in a lot of compare&swap uses is that there can be
> concurrent threads executing in the same instruction sequences
> simultaneously. the inital forey into POK attempting to get compare&swap
> justified was unsuccesful, in large part because the favorite son
> operating system felt that test&set was just fine for multiprocessor
> support (the 360/65 smp global spin lock paradigm). the challenge was to
> create justification for compare&swap instruction that was applicable to
> single processor deployment. Thus was born the programming notes that
> can be found in principles of operation describing how the "atomic"
> characteristics of comapre&swap can be leveraged in single processor
> environment for multithreaded applications (like DBMS) ... these aren't
> necessarily concurrent multithreads ... but multiple threads that might
> be interrupted and so atomic operations can be applied to both
> simultaneous concurrent multithread operation as well as possibly
> non-simultaneous (but interrruptable) multithreaded operation.

re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

misc. past posts mentioning smp and/or compare&swap instruction

in the mid-70s i was working on a 5-way SMP implementation it involved
one of the lower-end 370 processor designs ... and was moving lots of
features into microcode. for one reason or another that project got
killed, misc. past posts discussing the effort

shortly after that got killed, there was another project started for
16-way smp involving higher-end processors. we even co-opted the spare
time from some of the processor engineers furiously attempting to
complete the 3033. in general, most people that looked at it thought it
was a really great idea ... until it came to the attention of the head
of POK that it would possible be decades before the POK favorite son
operating system would be able to support the machine. At which time,
the 3033 engineers were instructed to get their noses back to the
grindstone and some people were invited to never show up in POK again.

misc. past references: Who started RISC? (was: 64 bit Linux?) 801 801 & power/pc Comparison Cluster vs SMP? Ux's good points. SIMTICS D HONE rebirth rebirth Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters command line switches [Re: [REALLY 
OT!] Overuse of symbolic A quote from Crypto-Gram 4GHz is the glass ceiling? Performance and Capacity Planning Code density and performance? What ever happened to Tandem and 
NonStop OS ? IBM 610 workstation computer One or two CPUs - the pros & cons History: How did Forth get its stacks? Was FORTRAN buggy? 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64? 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64? The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for 
ICs? IBM to the PCM market(the sky is 
falling!!!the sky is falling!!)

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Re: Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?

2007-05-30 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Howard Brazee) writes:
> Depending on one's definition of parallel programming, we have been
> doing to various degrees since before they started off-loading the
> paper-tape reading to the paper-tape reader.Video cards on PCs are
> powerful computers that work in parallel with the program's main
> logic. Our operating systems have allowed us to run payroll and
> accounts payable at the same time, and central databases have expanded
> on this ability.

lots of comments about this in the past couple yrs is that technology in
support of parallel programming has not really changed in at least the
past 20yrs ... as a result, the actual use has been limited to very
specialized implementations.

there has been lots of stuff in multiprogramming and multithreading in
the same processor complex (single processor and/or shared-memory

multiprogramming was managing lots of independent & different tasks
on the same processor complex.

multithreading was program managing different tasks. 

application implementation of multithreading isn't necessarily very
pervasive. some number of DBMS implementation have used things like
transaction model ... to provide "independent" operations ... that they
multithread. In this sense, DBMS kernels are somewhat more like
operating system kernels ... highly specialized ... and not a lot of
end-users implementing their own DBMS kernels.

in a lot of multiprocessor kernel support ... a "global" kernel lock was
used ... which only allowed a single thread to be executing in the
kernel at a time. it was somewhat painful experience for a lot of kernel
implementations to make the transition from single thread (at a time)
executing in a multiprocessor kernel to multiple concurrent threads
executing in same parts of the kernel.

long ago and far away, this was one of the battles getting the
compare&swap instruction into 370 architecture. test&set had been around
in the 60s and was used fro 360/65 multiprocessor support with global
kernel spin-locks (set the lock and everybody else spins, untill the
lock is cleared).

at the science center

Charlie had been doing a lot of work in fine-grain lock for the cp67
kernel and invented the compare&swap instruction (mnemonic chosen
because "CAS" are charlie's initials). misc. past posts mentioning
SMPs and/or compare&swap

somewhat implicit in a lot of compare&swap uses is that there can be
concurrent threads executing in the same instruction sequences
simultaneously. the inital forey into POK attempting to get compare&swap
justified was unsuccesful, in large part because the favorite son
operating system felt that test&set was just fine for multiprocessor
support (the 360/65 smp global spin lock paradigm). the challenge was to
create justification for compare&swap instruction that was applicable to
single processor deployment. Thus was born the programming notes that
can be found in principles of operation describing how the "atomic"
characteristics of comapre&swap can be leveraged in single processor
environment for multithreaded applications (like DBMS) ... these aren't
necessarily concurrent multithreads ... but multiple threads that might
be interrupted and so atomic operations can be applied to both
simultaneous concurrent multithread operation as well as possibly
non-simultaneous (but interrruptable) multithreaded operation.

the advances in concurrent, parallel technology into
loosely-coupled/cluster deployments is even more limited than the
proliferation in tightly-coupled environments.

we had done a scallable distributed lock manager in support of
our ha/cmp product

and the "medusa" cluster-in-a-rack activity ... old email

and somewhat referenced in these postings about old meeting

... but again ... it tended to be directly used by a very limited amount
of specailized code ... there wasn't a huge number of different
applications directly implementing semantics of highly parallel
operation (for either tightly-coupled or loosely-coupled

a couple recent posts in another thread/fora on the subject John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

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Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-29 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

Dan Espen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No, in the sense that C was pretty close to the assembler for
> the machine UNIX was first developed on.
> It would have been interesting if K&R went on to implement UNIX
> on a 360 type machine.  I assume they would have extended the
> C language and library functions to better exploit the hardware.

re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

when i was undergraudate, i had added tty/ascii terminal support to cp67
... in the process of doing that ... came up with some difficiencies in
the 2702 terminal controller ... that somewhat prompted project to build
our own clone controller out of interdata/3 ... which had somewhat
360-like instruction set. recent post making reference: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

there was some article blaiming us (at least in part) for the clone
controller business.  lots of past posts mentioning clone controllers

all the references I've seen regarding redoing C & UNIX for portability
make mention of (later) interdata machines (again 360-like)

The First Unix Port
Version 6 Unix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Daemon, the GNU and the Penguin - Chapter 2 and 3

of course these machines were quite a bit after interdata/3

Interdata 7/32 and 8/32

in the above ... references to perkin-elmer having bought interdata and
quite a bit of success in "defense and aerospace" industries. people
i've talked to since, have said that a lot of the sales involved
attaching to ibm mainframe ... and the channel attach board didn't
appear to have been redesigned since our original (still wire-wrap).

Interdata Simulator Configuration

from above:

Interdata was founded in the mid 1960's. It produced a family of 16b
minicomputers loosely modeled on the IBM 360
architecture. Microprogramming allowed a steady increase in the
functionality of successive models.

* Interdata 3
* Interdata 4 (autoload, floating point)
* Interdata 5 (list processing, microcoded automatic I/O channel)
* Interdata 70, 74, 80
* Interdata 6/16, 7/16
* Interdata 8/16, 8/16e (double precision floating point, extended memory) 

In the early 1970's, Interdata was purchased by Perkin-Elmer. In 1974,
it introduced one of the first 32b minicomputers, the 7/32. Several
generations of 32b systems followed:

* Interdata 7/32
* Interdata 8/32
* Perkin-Elmer 3205, 3210, 3220
* Perkin-Elmer 3250 

Interdata was spun out of Perkin-Elmer as Concurrent Computer

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Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
> Much of this is due to the reliance on null-terminated strings, which
> are not peculiar to C, but are rooted in the UNIX continuum between
> applications programming and systems programming.

i've actually had this discussion with some of the people involved, null
allowed for one byte overhead for arbitrary lengths ... somewhat the y2k
phenomena ... as opposed to the two byte explicit length overhead (for
up to 64k).

x-over post on the subject from today in another fora John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

lots of posts on the subject of exploits/failures related to the

i had been monitoring some of the statistics thru the 90s ... but more
recently there were much fewer ... so i had to do some analysis myself
... looking at some of the exploit databases. part of the problem (that
I complained about) was that many of the descriptions were somewhat
freeform and could be ambiguous ... which i complained about a number of
times. there were some more recent announcements that they would be
attempting to better classify/categorize exploits.

old posts with some attempts at classification/categorization based
on analysis of some of the exploit databases security taxonomy and CVE Vintage computers are better than 
modern crap ! [Lit.] Buffer overruns

and this one mentions an article in early 2005 quoting a NIST
study that came up with similar statistics that I had come up
with nearly a year earlier: [Lit.] Buffer overruns

note part of the mentioned efforts was in support of my merged
security taxonomy and glossary ... some notes here:

past posts in this thread: Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

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Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-24 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shmuel  Metz , Seymour J.) writes:
> The were also assists for OS/VS1 and MVS/SE, to say nothing of the
> infamous ECPS:VSE.

re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

the 145/148 ... for lots of typical kernel instruction paths ... there
was approximately a one-for-one byte translation from 370 into
microcode. 145 allowed for scavanging part of processor memory for
microcode. that was changed in 148 ... and after the OS/VS1 microcode
assist was done for 148 ... there was only 6kbytes left in dedicated 148
microcode storage for VM370 ECPS.

This somewhat contributed to us doing a significantly better job of
choosing the highest used vm370 instruction paths (vis-a-vis the
vs1 effort) for dropping into microcode. basically all the instruction
paths thru the vm370 kernel were carefully profiled and then ranked
as per use ... and then the top 6k bytes were chosen for migration
to 148 m'code ... refs: 370 ECPS VM microcode assist 370 ECPS VM microcode assist 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

MVS/SE microcode assist would have been much more problamatical since it
was applied to the high-end horizontal m'code machines ... where there
was already nearly one-for-one between 370 execution and microcode
execution; it wouldn't have been possibly to pick up the 10:1
improvement that you found in the low & mid-ranged microcoded machines
(and in some cases, trying to do straight-forward one-for-one movement
of blocks of 370 instructions to horizontal microcode, would actually
increase processing time).

The place where the vm370 virtual machine microcode assists worked
across the whole machine line ... was being able to eliminate the
priv. op interrupts into the vm370 kernel ... that 370 supervisor state
instruction emulation, when running in special "virtual machine" problem
state ... executed the instructions directly. This wasn't a one-for-one
movement of kernel instructions to microcode instruction ... this was
the total elimination of the interrupt processing, context switch, and a
bunch of other kernel overhead stuff.

This was further demonstrated when Amdahl implemented hypervisor in
their "macrocode" ... a sort of 370 instruction set running in special
hardware mode. The response was PR/SM on the 3090 (which was a much more
difficult undertaking since it was native horizontal microcode

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Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-24 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shmuel  Metz , Seymour J.) writes:
> Dont forget APL Shared Variables.

re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language? Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

yes, i skipped over some of the intermediate folklore.

there was a big uproar created with the phili science center apl\360
group when the cambridge science center did cms\apl and added "system
services calls" ...  the claim was that it totally violated spirit of
apl language ...  although as i've referenced before, removing the
trivial workspace size limits of apl\360 and providing for access to
system services (like being able to do file read/writes) ... really
opened up being able to use cms\apl for real world applications.

Eventually, APL shared variables was the effective come-back from the
APL language purists on how to be able to access system services ... w/o
corrupting the purity of the APL language.

misc. past posts mentioning apl shared variable Mythical beasts (was IBM... mainframe) OS Workloads : Interactive etc Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's 
History The IBM 5100 and John Titor IBM operating systems passing of iverson Moving assembler programs above the 
line APL, J or K? The SEL 840 computer

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Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-24 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craddock, Chris) writes:
> I never actually met a processor with the (mythical?) APL assist
> feature. However, I did write mountains of APL throughout the 1980s. APL
> was always thought of as a resource hog. IMHO it could be very efficient
> or grotesque, depending on your data structures and algorithms. If you
> wrote programs in the style of 3 GLs, it was typically a dog. 

re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

APL microcode assist was done for the 370/145 by the Palo Alto Science
Center ... sort of as part of their doing APL\CMS. This was also made
available on 370/148.

As mentioned, the Cambridge Science Center had originally done the port
of APL\360 to CMS for CMS\APL (i.e. back when it was Cambridge Monitor
System for CP67; as part of the morph of CP67 to VM370 they "renamed"
CMS the Conversational Monitor System).

APL microcode assist gave APL\CMS applications on 370/145 about the same
processor thruput as same APL\CMS application running on 370/168 (nearly
ten times thruput increase).

When the HONE datacenters were consolidated in silicon valley (actually
across the back parking lot from the Palo Alto Science Center) ... they
looked at whether they take any of their APL application intensive
workload and move them off 168s to 145s. The problem was not only were
their applications quite processor intensive (which 145 microcode assist
would have given about equivalence) but also real storage and I/O
intensive (which would have severely degraded if they had moved from 168
to 145/148).

For nearly 15 yrs, i provided highly modified/customized versions of
cp67 kernel and later vm370 kernels for HONE (and large number of other
internal datacenters). I also periodically got involved in reviewing
various APL applications from performance tuning standpoint ... aka
majority of the applications that provided world-wide support for sales
and marketing were implemented in APL running on CMS. Lots of past posts
mentioning HONE and/or APL

Eventually there was a APL language development group formed in STL
which picked up APL\CMS responsibility as well as making it available on
MVS ... renaming it VS\APL (and later APL2).

Trivia ... in the early to mid 80s, the manager of the APL group in STL
transferred to Palo Alto to head up a new group doing a port of BSD Unix
to 370. I got to attend some of the design sessions and also help obtain
a 370 C compiler for the effort. Before that specific implementation
shipped, the group had their BSD porting efforts retargeted to the PC/RT
... eventually shipping "AOS" (the C compiler vendor being used had to
retarget the backend from 370 to ROMP).

misc. past posts mentioning 801/ROMP as well as risc, Iliad, RIOS,
rs/6000, power/pc, etc

The APL microcode assist was not made available on other processors.
The 145/148 microcode engine was a vertical microcode engine and
executing approx. 10 microcode instructions per every 370 instruction
(some of the modern i86-based 370 simulators have similar ratio

The 370/165 had a horizontal microcode engine ... and achieved an
avg. of 2.1 machine cycles per 370 instruction ... which was improved to
1.6 machine cycles per 370 instruction (and hit nearly 1:1 with 3033).
Since 370 instructions were executing very close to hardware speed on
the high-end processors ... there was frequently very little performance
benefit of doing a 1-for-1 translation of 370 instruction into native
hardware. The exception was virtual machine microcode assists on the
high-end processors ... however these weren't the 1:1 translation of 370
instructions to native instructions. In the virtual machine assists, the
instruction emulation for privilege instruction was modified to directly
perform the privilege operation while in problem state (but according to
"virtual machine" execution rules ... sort of a "3rd" machine state).
This avoided the interrupt into the kernel, having to save registers and
other state change overhead ... redecode the operation in software and
perform the necessary operation, and then switch back to virtual machine
problem state execution.

In addition to stuff like APL microcode assist done for 145/148
... there was the VM kernel assist "ECPS" done for both 138 & 148.  This
took about 6k bytes of vm370 370 kernel code and moved it into native
microcode of the machines (again getting about 10:1 thruput

some old posts about how we went about selecting what parts of the
kernel code were moved into microcode (some of the initial work involved
help from some of the same people involved in doing the 145 APL microcode 
assist) 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

Re: Non-Standard Mainframe Language?

2007-05-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerhard Postpischil) writes:
> Back in the seventies I was in charge of the systems group at a
> service bureau. One of our customers was from a local university,
> running an APL application that tracked students vs. classes, and a
> few other things. It was gold mine - whenever it ran, the CPU went
> 100% busy and stayed that way for a long time. The same thing written
> in another language might have cost one or two percent as much.

recent post mentioning world-wide hone system V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy) V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy) How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old 
days? Special characters in passwords was 
Re: RACF - Password rules old tapes FBA rant IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history FBA rant Historical curiosity question Wylbur and Paging Internal DASD Pathing Sizing CPU Help settle a job title/role debate 3350 failures

HONE ("hands-on") started out in the US with cp67 ... sort of to allow
branch office SEs to have "hands-on" with various operating sysetms
(running in virtual machines). prior to 23jun69 unbundling announcement

a lot of SEs got much of their "hands-on" experience in their customer
accounts. after the unbundling announcement, SE time was being charged
for ... and not a lot of customers were interested in paying to have SEs

however, the science center

in addition to doing virtual machines, cms, inventing GML (precursor
to SGML, HTML, XML, etc)

and the internal networking technology

which was also used in bitnet and earn

also did a port of apl\360 to cms (cms\apl). apl\360 had its own
monitor, scheduler, workspace swapping, terminal handler, etc ... all of
which could be discarded in the port for cms\apl. also in moving from
the 16kbyte (sometimes 32kbyte) "real" workspace sizes  to CMS
... where the workspace size could be all of virtual memory ... the
whole way that APL managed storage had to be reworked (the real storage
stategy resulted in enormous page thrashing).

part of cms\apl was also the ability to access system services (things
like read/write files) ... something that apl didn't previously
have. the combination of really large workspace sizes and the access to
system services ... opened up APL for a lot of real-world problems. A
lot of modeling off all kinds was done ... as well as a lot of stuff
that these days are implementing with spreadsheets.

One of the early "big" APL uses (at cambride) were a number of business
planners from corporate hdqtrs in armonk. they forwarded a tape to
cambridge with all of the most sensitive corporate customer business
data ... and would do significant amount of business modeling and
planning. this created an interested "security" scenario for the service
at cambridge since there were a lot of non-employees using the system
from various educational institutions in the cambridge area.

one instance is this slightly related DNS trivia topic drift ... more
than a decade before DNS Even worse than Unix

Before long there were a significant number of CMS\APL applications
written that supported sales & marketing and deployed on the HONE system
... effectively taking over its whole use for sales & marketing (and
eliminating the original "hands-on" use for SEs). Before long, sales
couldn't even submit customer orders that hadn't been processed by some
CMS\APL application. HONE transitioned from cp67 to vm370-based platform
and from cms\apl to apl\cms (enhancements done by the palo alto science
center ... including the 370/145 apl microcode assist) ... and clones of
(US) HONE system were sprouting up all over the world (some of the early
ones i even got to handle ... like when EMEA hdqtrs moved from the US to

lots of other posts mentioning HONE and/or APL

in the mid-70s, the US HONE datacenters were consolidated in silicon
valley. The large customer base (all US sales and marketing) drove the
requirement for large disk farm

Re: [META] Is WaveMind spamming entire IBM-MAIN readership?

2007-05-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

me too

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Re: 3350 failures

2007-05-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> I don't remember any 3350 problems as this device type was my first 
> performance charge with doing internal pathing/volume placement based on 
> performance metrics at timeshare NVIP back in the early 80's. I do however 
> remember the 3350 to 3380 migration project which turned ugly when we were 
> informed, post migration, that we needed plenum replacements on our 3380 
> E's/K's. IIRC the plenum connected to 2 different HDA's but I could be 
> wrong on this point.  Lots of long weekends with the media folks deciding 
> how to play musical chairs with strings of DASD.

re: 3350 failures 3350 failures

old email

talks about problem executing HIO/HDV to 3350 when (3880) control unit
was busy (which may have also existing in 3830) ... and software
fix was to i/o supervisor to "not do that".

one of the 3350 to 3380 migration issues was that the 3380 had more data
under each arm (proportional in excess in any increase in 3380 thruput

internally we had some performance monitoring and modeling tools that
would identify what 3350 data to move to what 3380  and some
recommendations (in heavily loaded environment) to leave 3380 10-20
percent empty/idle (in order to have same thruput as 3350

there was a facetious proposal (even discussed at SHARE) for a special
3380 "feature" in the 3880 controller ... that would define extra priced
3380 drives that were "faster" (by reducing the number of cylinders that
could be accessed). This was for shops where the administrators couldn't
resist completely filling a 3380 as cost effective measure (however,
they would feel comfortable with paying extra for feature that prevented
them from completely filling a 3380).

misc. past posts about getting to play dasd engineer in the disk
engineering lab (bldg. 14) and the disk product test lab (bldg. 15).

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Re: 3350 failures

2007-05-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> I started with 3330's.
> And, I remember when STK (STC) showed us their first ICEBERG, and the
> size of the device was that of a standard conference table, weighed
> less and had the capacity of an order (or 2) of magnitude larger than
> the 3330 farm I first tended.
> That 3330 farm was less than 50 GB, and we were considered a medium to large 
> site.
> (Running on a 3081-D)

re: 3350 failures

silicon valley area had at least three fairly large vm370 customer
datacenters with good sized disk farms ... there was SLAC (lots of
collection from the accelerator) and both Tymshare and internal HONE
operation ... both extensive online, timesharing services

HONE had somewhat started out with a number of cp67 installations to
provide "hands-on" virtual machine use for branch office SEs. recent
reference: Help settle a job title/role debate

It then transitioned to vm370 and lots of online, interactive APL
applications supporting sales & marketing ... i.e. at some point early
in 370 timeframe, there was transition where machine orders couldn't
even be submitted w/o having first being processed by a HONE

In the mid-70s, the various (US) HONE datacenters were consolidated in
silicon valley area ... with what was possibly the largest single-system
configuration in the world at the time (large datafarm with load
balancing across large number of processors in loosely-coupled

another large datacenter in silicon valley was Lockheed's DIALOG (online
library titles and abstracts which has gone thru a number of owners
since that time) ... which had something like 300(?) 3330-clones in their
data farm (the basic service was MVS ... but lots of it was run under VM
... on clone processors).

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Re: 3350 failures

2007-05-21 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

> IBM 3880 - 1 or 2 (IBM DASD and Control Units Facts Folder G520-3075-2)

old email with reference to finding bug in the 3350 support in
3880 controller (and possibility of same bug having been in 3830
in this recent post What is "command reject" trying to 
tell me?

above post also references early 3880 MVS RAS testing in this post "The Elements of Programming Style" 

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Re: Another "migration" from the mainframe

2007-05-15 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

re: Another "migration" from the mainframe Another "migration" from the mainframe Another "migration" from the mainframe

lots of old posts mentioning working on our ha/cmp product ... and/or
some loosely-coupled (dating back to at least when my wife had been con'ed
into going to POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled architecture)

when she was in POK, in charge of loosely-coupled architecture, she
developed peer-coupled shared data architecture, which didn't see a lot
of uptake (except for ims-hotstandby) until parallel sysplex

and a little followup of financial industry using blades/grids at the
high-end ... including enabling them to do "real-time" trading
algorithms ...  something that they haven't been able to do before

Lots of Blade Server articles,1874,1658862,00.asp

IBM Grid Computing Solutions - financial industry

from above:

Optimized Analytic Infrastructure
Drive higher margins and revenue growth by:

* Turning creative quantitative insight into tested, supported, tradable
  investment products

* Achieving near real-time and intraday decision making for on demand
  valuations and complex risk reporting in minutes

* Reducing costs and enhancing standardization of existing analytic

... snip ... 

Grid Computing for Financial Services 2007;

from above:

"70% of firms now deploy enterprise grids in key business areas" to
maximise CPU power and business capability – but are you really driving
its development forward in your IT strategy?

... snip ... 

Grid computing: Accelerating the search for revenue and profit for financial 

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Re: Another "migration" from the mainframe

2007-05-15 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

re: Another "migration" from the mainframe Another "migration" from the mainframe

as an aside ... all the vendors that support server farms at least in
the form of blade/GRID technology have done significant amounts of work
on energy and cooling efficiency.

in fact, cooling was one of major concerns working on ha/cmp scaleup
related to these old emails

small sample re blade/grid energy efficiency

CIO Challenge: Energy Efficiency

from above:

Like Fidelity, Wachovia has been targeting energy efficiency initiatives
for the last 12 to 18 months or so. The initial spur was a move by the
firm's traders in January to a new building in New York. "The three
trading floors have relatively low ceiling heights, where it was not
possible to put in a lot of air distribution, which meant we had to
think creatively to ensure we don't have an unhealthy environment for
the traders,"

... snip ...


IBM Unveils New Energy-Efficient Blades
IBM to focus on energy efficiency
Blade innovations highlight energy efficiency opportunities
IBM defends blades' energy efficiency
IBM Data Center and Facilities Strategy Services - high density
computing data center readiness assessment

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Re: Another "migration" from the mainframe

2007-05-15 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Howard Brazee) writes:
> I'd also like to see that with politics, but politician's pay is
> power, and that cannot be deferred.But it is more important for a
> President's policy to work for the long term than for a CEO's policy.
> Neither should be measured by "not on my term", but both should be
> measured by leaving a legacy that lasts.Build for the future -
> when the other guys are running the company/country.

i think that the comptroller general has suggested something similar for
legislation ... that metrics are defined associated for any claimed
benefits justifying some legislation ... and if the results fail to meet
the metrics ... poof, its gone.

however, in speeches that the comptroller general has given over the
past yr or so on some aspects of medicare/medicaid legislation ... he
has commented that he doesn't believe any congressman in the last fifty
yrs has been capable of middle-school arithmatic.

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Re: Another "migration" from the mainframe

2007-05-15 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richards.Bob) writes:
> I wonder if they will reveal the costs of extra hw/sw for
> high-availability and business continuance associated with this
> migration. Probably not.

when we were doing the ha/cmp product, they were one of the customers we
called on

also, I had been asked to write a section in the corporate continuous
availability strategy document. most of my writing got pulled because
both Rochester and POK complained (that at the time, they couldn't meet
what we were doing in ha/cmp).

it was also in this period that we coined the terms "disaster
survivability" and "geographic survivability" (to differentiate from

for other drift, old email about what we had been doing
about ha/cmp scaleup

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Re: Data Areas Manuals to be dropped

2007-05-14 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

> What is 'OCO' ?
> Thanks

there were several "OCO-wars" threads/discussion on vmshare. it was
somewhat more of an issue in vm culture ... since source maintenance was
standard and there were extensive amount of customer source changes
available from waterloo/share library.

tymshare had provided online computer conferencing for share called
vmshare starting in mid-70s; in part, because tymshare offered vm-based
commercial timesharing service (later tymshare would also offer pcshare
online computer conferencing) ... lots/misc posts about vm-based online
commercial timesharing services

vmshare archives here:

following is sample by doing a search on "oco war" in browse mode
against all memo, note, and prob files.

OCO's 10th b'day

OCO & source business

issue sort of dates back to 23jun69 unbundling announcement with start
to charge for application software. misc. past posts mentioning

initially only application software was charged for ... using
an excuse that kernel/system software was required for operation
of the hardware.

later various circumstances precipitated decision to start charging for
system software. this was about the time that my resource manager was
going to be released ... so it got selected to be initial guinea pig for
policty/practices related to kernel software charging.

change to charging for software eventually also evolved into
Object-Code-Only (i.e. OCO, no source).

recent post also mentioning 23jun69 unbundling announcement
 resulted in start charging for SE services. Help settle a job title/role debate

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Re: Lean and Mean: 150,000 U.S. layoffs for IBM?

2007-05-09 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Fochtman) writes:
> I went "the other way" in the Army, finding myself in a tropical
> climate where the main diet was rice, with a few vegetables and maybe
> a water buffalo, when the gunner "forgot" to clear the M2-HB before
> attempting to "clean" it. In my (somewhat limited) experience, the
> officers were there to get some combat time, and pay, into their
> service records, as a stepping stone to further promotion.  Net
> result: the sergeants ran the Army while the officers "fought the
> battles" and collected the medals. Needless to say, I have a very low
> opinion of high-flying "leaders" that don't share the hardships of
> those who are "led".

re: Lean and Mean: 150,000 U.S. layoffs 
for IBM?

for other boyd drift, he did yr running datacenter at "spook base"
... possibly largest in the world ... at least in the fareast, at the
time, claim was that it represented a $2.5B windfall for IBM. Dangerous Hardware Dangerous Hardware Dangerous Hardware Where can you get a Minor in 
Mainframe? The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, 

and for other drift ... boyd's briefing on "organic design for command
and control" ... past posts mentioning the briefing scheduling & dynamic adaptive ... long 
posting warning War, Chaos, & Business (web site), or 
Col John Boyd Star Trek: TNG reference Star Trek: TNG reference employee motivation & executive 
compensation Timeless Classics of Software 
Engineering I am an ageing techy, expert on 
everything. Let me explain the Organizations with two or more 
Managers [Lit.] Buffer overruns [Lit.] Buffer overruns Computerworld Article: Dress for 
Success? Why? (Was: US Military Dead during 
Iraq War was change headers: The Fate of VM - 
was: Re: Baby MVS??? Special characters in passwords was 
Re: RACF - Password rules ANN: Microsoft goes Open Source

and as before ... lots of other past posts mentioning Boyd as well as
other URLs from around the web

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Re: Help settle a job title/role debate

2007-05-09 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Zelden) writes:
> Today, I see these two used interchangeably.  I've even seen title changes
> from one to the other in the same shop when HR decided to review 
> everyone's job titles and such.
> I still prefer plain ol' Systems Programmer over all the titles I've had. 

re: Help settle a job title/role debate

later, i would have battles to have no title at all ... and have my
business cards w/o any title (I would sometimes joke that if it was
necessary to get things done based on a title ... then it was time to
retire ... i should be able to convince people to do something based on
it was the right thing to do).

the other battle was being one of the first to have email address on
business card.

... there is old joke about person that use to fly a kite from the roof
of 705 bldg. in pok on april 1st ... who had pencils made up with his
name ...  "Elect  lab director, raises or promotions, but not both".
old references: South San Jose (was Tysons Corner, 
Virginia) S/360 development burnout? Patent #6886160

this is slightly different than the Boyd line effectively about neither
raises nor promotions ... recent ref: Lean and Mean: 150,000 U.S. layoffs 
for IBM?

which is more along the lines of references at some number of locations
(across a variety of large bureaucratic organizations) being primarily
mushroom factories (i.e. most of the people are kept in the dark
and feed  )

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