Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-12 Thread Paul Edwards
On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 10:48:18 -0400, Gerhard Postpischil wrote:

On 6/9/2010 5:17 AM, Paul Edwards wrote:
 Don't look at me. IBM are the ones who created ftp
 with the RDW option, and I'm not the only user of that.

You missed one crucial step - you zip the AWS file, and then ftp

No, you missed the fact that IBM created a you-beaut
ftp with RDW option, specifically for transporting binary
VB files, which happens to be the natural form of the
data itself (ie before any packaging like zip or XMIT
etc is done).

 No worry about record format or boundaries, 

The worry has been transferred into a fairly custom
tape-packaging facility.  Which, surprise surprise,
IBM also doesn't provide a standard utility for on the
MVS side.

But, at least IBM, via their ftp with RDW option, provides
something for one leg of the journey.  Hopefully now that
they've gone that far, they'll realise there's another leg
that isn't currently covered, hence the minimalist custom
routine requirement (available from two different people,
at least, and very simple to write regardless).  You don't
need to learn about the AWS tape format in order to
write it.

 and a
universal unzip is available on just about every PC, Mac, and
other workstation these days.

That much isn't a problem.

 The only source code that is actually mine, is this one:

Sorry - if you distribute it, you own it G  My problem is that
I have online displays to examine files, with scrolling,
updating, etc. that are geared to 80 bytes lines; to support VB
I'd need a complete rewrite, plus horizontal scrolling (perhaps
I'll steal Browse from ETPS?). 

Just use COPYFILE to copy from VB into FB80 before
displaying.  It will silently truncate any long lines.

While you may consider 3350s dinosaurs or only fit for them,
that perfectly describes the Hercules/MVS crowd. 

Very few of them are running without 3390 support.

There are more people who will struggle to find a 3350
to restore to.

only one out of eight (or whatever), so the next one will be
one-eighth in 3390 size g


BTW, I downloaded Jay's SYSCPK distribution, again with a few
pains. His also lacks decent documentation, but at least some is
on his site. Have you considered, at a minimum, adding a single
PDS with the appropriate man members for each program?

With products like SED etc, I only patched them to work
on MVS, so am mainly focussed on producing executables.

The original archive is available, and contains man pages
in whatever format the (e.g.) Unix people decided to put
them in, along with examples, known bugs, change logs
or whatever. Often these people have made the
documentation available on the web too.

And there are mailing lists to ask questions about the
product, and bug submission sites, and a bug report

So it wasn't really my intention to get involved in any
of that. I do provide documentation just pointing back
to the archive that was used, and from there, you can
decide what to do.  I've never even read it myself.
I either learnt from examples from Unix shell scripts,
or type in sed without parameters to see the usage
(ie EXEC PGM=SED,PARM='') or occasionally I do a
search of the internet, usually looking for questions
from humans, ie how do I make sed look for a real
period instead of treating it as a character

Having said that, if you want to wade through the
existing documentation and point to something
specific you want to appear in a specific dataset
of specific RECFM on MVS, I can add that in.  E.g.
do you want the sed\doc\sed.1 added to
SED.JCL(SED)?  Looks like it will fit without truncation.
It probably won't look very nice without being filtered
through a man program though.  Is there one of
those on MVS or you just want to read the raw file?

I also need to look at BWBASIC - it's not using PDPCLIB, and I

Where on earth did you get the idea that it wasn't using

There is one unusual thing about BWBASIC though.  The
author was happy to incorporate all the MVS changes
into the official distribution, and made me a developer
on the sourceforge project.

need to see how usable their MVS interface is (same problems
with PDS and DCB support).

Why am I not surprised you have the same problems?  :-)

Unless ...

You mean you're using an old version of BWBASIC that
doesn't have the latest PDPCLIB changes?

The restore of SEASIK didn't give you a new version?
I didn't package the new version properly?

Have you looked at AFOX00? I noticed you posted the IFOX source
- does that version match our system?  

I thought it did when I posted it, but now that I'm doing
disassemblies, I have found that it doesn't.

However, it's very close, and as of today I have just got
IFOX41  IFOX42 verified, and built with ASMANY and
tested and working.  A bit of drama getting it tested
though. I noticed that sys2.linklib was further up in
the linklist than sys1.linklib so decided to target
sys2.linklib instead of 

Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-12 Thread Eric Bielefeld
What is SEASIK?  I don't think anyone ever said what it is, and if it is 
1.0, it must be a new product.  Please enlighten me.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. Systems Programmer
IBM Global Services Division
Dubuque, Iowa

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-12 Thread zMan

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Paul Edwards wrote:

 I have just released SEASIK 1.0, which is (effectively)
 a DFDSS dump of a whole lot of C products, namely:

 GCC 3.2.3 MVS 8.0
 BISON 1.35 MVS 4.0
 BREXX 2.1.8 MVS 1.0
 BWBASIC 2.50 MVS 1.0
 DIFFUTIL 2.8.1 MVS 4.0
 FLEX 2.5.4a MVS 4.0
 M4 1.4 MVS 4.0
 PATCH 2.5.4 MVS 4.0
 SED 3.02 MVS 4.0
 MINIZIP 0.15 MVS 4.0

 These products are:

 GCCMVS - a C compiler
 PDPCLIB - a C runtime library
 BISON - a parser
 BREXX - a REXX interpreter
 BWBASIC - a Basic interpreter
 DIFFUTIL - programs such as diff3 to do a three-way diff
 FLEX - a parser
 M4 - a text-processing utility
 PATCH - used to apply patches to source code (from diff)
 SED - substitutes text
 MINIZIP - a zip-like utility

 GCCMVS is also available as a standalone XMIT.
 Also there is a CMS version. All available
 from here:

 PDPCLIB is also available standalone from here:

 Note that while z/OS is the primary target, most
 of the executables will work fine on any other
 flavor of MVS (from MVS 3.8j up).

 Special thanks to Gerhard Postpischil for the
 revamp of mvssupa.asm which is at the heart of
 every C program compiled in this manner and which
 means you are no longer forced to provide DCB
 information on your output files (while still
 having complete flexibility to do so). Also
 GETLINE/PUTLINE are used in a TSO environment,
 so all programs automatically become command

 Please report any problems to:

 BFN.  Paul.

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zMan -- I've got a mainframe and I'm not afraid to use it

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-11 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 06/05/2010
   at 10:41 AM, Paul Edwards said:

Are you talking about the parameter processing?

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-11 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 06/09/2010
   at 04:17 AM, Paul Edwards said:

I was programming in MVS while you
were still knee-high to a grasshopper.

ITYM knee high to a 704. Gerhard was programming well before there was
an MVS, or even a S/360. Don't try to play the seniority card in
IBM-MAIN; there's always someone older lurking in the wings.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-09 Thread Paul Edwards
On Mon, 7 Jun 2010 03:11:20 -0400, Gerhard Postpischil wrote:

There's good news and bad news g

I've been trying to restore SEASIK since Friday, with no luck.

1) There is a design error in DSSREST. When I added the RDW
code, I wrote the code so it only works when the block size is
equal to the sum of the lengths of all RDWs (+4 if there is a
BDW). When I use IND$FILE to restore, I get block boundaries
unrelated to the RDW sizes. I started to fix this, but the code
got more and more complicated, and failed after processing three
thousand blocks. I decided to redo Scott's code to eliminate one
intermediate buffer, and just use the input buffer directly.
That fails on the second block, and I ran out of time. But once
it works it will be faster than the old version. I also fixed
some spelling errors (leng for length).

Ok. I use the tape processing facility and block at
RDW boundaries naturally.

2) If you weren't such a sadist, I could have had this restored
on Friday. a) Use DSSDUMP to create an AWS or HET tape.  b) zip
it.  c) ftp or upload to wherever.  d) user runs DSSREST against
the tape file and gets all the files. None of this IDCAMS and
special utility crap.  For a real mainframe, there is an AWS
conversion utility to create a real tape between steps c) and d).

Don't look at me. IBM are the ones who created ftp
with the RDW option, and I'm not the only user of that.

And the special utility is only required because IBM (again)
neglected to provide a facility to reverse that. They will
presumably fix that oversight one day. I've seen others
complaining about that, and the need for a utility.

This process has nothing to do with tapes, so there's no
need to force a tape format file into the mix, any more
than forcing in a CKD VTOC.

 I uploaded a new version of DSSREST as part of the DSSDMP tape. 
 It's still in 3350 format (I'll change it to 3390 when you 
 change .SOURCE files to FB/80 g). It restored the SEASIK files 
 without a hitch, using slightly less memory and time.

You've got to stop walking into these things. :-)

The only source code that is actually mine, is this one:

PDPCLIB.SOURCE SEASIK 10.160 PO   FB  80  6160   1414

And you'll notice that not only is it FB80 as requested, it's
even blocked at the universal block size. The reason it is
this way is because I was programming in MVS while you
were still knee-high to a grasshopper. Well, maybe that's
an exaggeration.

You must be looking at (my bundling of) source code from 
Unix type people, where they don't seem to have gotten 
the message about restricting the length of lines to 80 so 
that it fits onto a card.

So anyway, where's my 3390 dump?  I had to especially
go and mount a 3350 disk just to load your new version
(which works). Do you know how much those things
weigh? My site has been all-3390 for WEEKS now (at
least, pubicly-mounted).  Just like all z/OS shops. Only
dinosaurs still use 3350s. And I'm no dinosaur, even if I
do still block at 6233 or less so that I can fit data onto
even a 2314 if necessary.

BFN.  Paul.

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-09 Thread J R
 dinosaurs still use 3350s. And I'm no dinosaur, even if I
 do still block at 6233 or less so that I can fit data onto
 even a 2314 if necessary.  

I'm a dinosaur and I'm pretty sure I remember 7294 bytes 
fitting on a 2314.  Where did 6233 come from?  



 Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 04:17:02 -0500
 Subject: Re: SEASIK 1.0 released
 On Mon, 7 Jun 2010 03:11:20 -0400, Gerhard Postpischil wrote:
 There's good news and bad news g
 I've been trying to restore SEASIK since Friday, with no luck.
 1) There is a design error in DSSREST. When I added the RDW
 code, I wrote the code so it only works when the block size is
 equal to the sum of the lengths of all RDWs (+4 if there is a
 BDW). When I use IND$FILE to restore, I get block boundaries
 unrelated to the RDW sizes. I started to fix this, but the code
 got more and more complicated, and failed after processing three
 thousand blocks. I decided to redo Scott's code to eliminate one
 intermediate buffer, and just use the input buffer directly.
 That fails on the second block, and I ran out of time. But once
 it works it will be faster than the old version. I also fixed
 some spelling errors (leng for length).
 Ok. I use the tape processing facility and block at
 RDW boundaries naturally.
 2) If you weren't such a sadist, I could have had this restored
 on Friday. a) Use DSSDUMP to create an AWS or HET tape. b) zip
 it. c) ftp or upload to wherever. d) user runs DSSREST against
 the tape file and gets all the files. None of this IDCAMS and
 special utility crap. For a real mainframe, there is an AWS
 conversion utility to create a real tape between steps c) and d).
 Don't look at me. IBM are the ones who created ftp
 with the RDW option, and I'm not the only user of that.
 And the special utility is only required because IBM (again)
 neglected to provide a facility to reverse that. They will
 presumably fix that oversight one day. I've seen others
 complaining about that, and the need for a utility.
 This process has nothing to do with tapes, so there's no
 need to force a tape format file into the mix, any more
 than forcing in a CKD VTOC.
  I uploaded a new version of DSSREST as part of the DSSDMP tape. 
  It's still in 3350 format (I'll change it to 3390 when you 
  change .SOURCE files to FB/80 g). It restored the SEASIK files 
  without a hitch, using slightly less memory and time.
 You've got to stop walking into these things. :-)
 The only source code that is actually mine, is this one:
 PDPCLIB.SOURCE SEASIK 10.160 PO FB 80 6160 1 41 4
 And you'll notice that not only is it FB80 as requested, it's
 even blocked at the universal block size. The reason it is
 this way is because I was programming in MVS while you
 were still knee-high to a grasshopper. Well, maybe that's
 an exaggeration.
 You must be looking at (my bundling of) source code from 
 Unix type people, where they don't seem to have gotten 
 the message about restricting the length of lines to 80 so 
 that it fits onto a card.
 So anyway, where's my 3390 dump? I had to especially
 go and mount a 3350 disk just to load your new version
 (which works). Do you know how much those things
 weigh? My site has been all-3390 for WEEKS now (at
 least, pubicly-mounted). Just like all z/OS shops. Only
 dinosaurs still use 3350s. And I'm no dinosaur, even if I
 do still block at 6233 or less so that I can fit data onto
 even a 2314 if necessary.
 BFN. Paul.

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-09 Thread J R
OK.  I've had my coffee now and I understand the relevance of 6233!  

 Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 09:47:10 -0400
 Subject: Re: SEASIK 1.0 released
  dinosaurs still use 3350s. And I'm no dinosaur, even if I
  do still block at 6233 or less so that I can fit data onto
  even a 2314 if necessary. 
 I'm a dinosaur and I'm pretty sure I remember 7294 bytes 
 fitting on a 2314. Where did 6233 come from? 
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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 6/9/2010 5:17 AM, Paul Edwards wrote:

Don't look at me. IBM are the ones who created ftp
with the RDW option, and I'm not the only user of that.

You missed one crucial step - you zip the AWS file, and then ftp 
that. No worry about record format or boundaries, and a 
universal unzip is available on just about every PC, Mac, and 
other workstation these days.

The only source code that is actually mine, is this one:

Sorry - if you distribute it, you own it G  My problem is that 
I have online displays to examine files, with scrolling, 
updating, etc. that are geared to 80 bytes lines; to support VB 
I'd need a complete rewrite, plus horizontal scrolling (perhaps 
I'll steal Browse from ETPS?). For VB and U I only have a plain 
display, no scrolling back, or a mixed hex/text display that's 

So anyway, where's my 3390 dump?  I had to especially
go and mount a 3350 disk just to load your new version
(which works). Do you know how much those things
weigh? My site has been all-3390 for WEEKS now (at
least, pubicly-mounted).  Just like all z/OS shops. Only
dinosaurs still use 3350s. And I'm no dinosaur, even if I
do still block at 6233 or less so that I can fit data onto
even a 2314 if necessary.

I've never had to pick up a 3350 medium - ours were permanently 
mounted (Memorex), with the advantage of three fixed head 
cylinders. I do have a 3336 I use as a (big) paper weight.

While you may consider 3350s dinosaurs or only fit for them, 
that perfectly describes the Hercules/MVS crowd. And PDPCLIB is 
only one out of eight (or whatever), so the next one will be 
one-eighth in 3390 size g

BTW, I downloaded Jay's SYSCPK distribution, again with a few 
pains. His also lacks decent documentation, but at least some is 
on his site. Have you considered, at a minimum, adding a single 
PDS with the appropriate man members for each program?

I also need to look at BWBASIC - it's not using PDPCLIB, and I 
need to see how usable their MVS interface is (same problems 
with PDS and DCB support).

Have you looked at AFOX00? I noticed you posted the IFOX source 
- does that version match our system?  If it does, I'll 
integrate the AFOX changes (when an optional DD is present, it 
includes on SYSPRINT a list of libraries and macro names, making 
it easier to check that all needed macros are present before 
shipping something).  Then I'll start on DISASM again as soon as 
I'm sick of not working on it g

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 6/9/2010 9:47 AM, J R wrote:

I'm a dinosaur and I'm pretty sure I remember 7294 bytes
fitting on a 2314.  Where did 6233 come from?

It's (sub)optimal for every disk from 2314 to 3390/9345 on g
Also it's the (approximate) size IBM used for its own 
distributions, way back when.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-08 Thread Gerhard Postpischil
I uploaded a new version of DSSREST as part of the DSSDMP tape. 
It's still in 3350 format (I'll change it to 3390 when you 
change .SOURCE files to FB/80 g). It restored the SEASIK files 
without a hitch, using slightly less memory and time.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

There's good news and bad news g

I've been trying to restore SEASIK since Friday, with no luck.

1) There is a design error in DSSREST. When I added the RDW 
code, I wrote the code so it only works when the block size is 
equal to the sum of the lengths of all RDWs (+4 if there is a 
BDW). When I use IND$FILE to restore, I get block boundaries 
unrelated to the RDW sizes. I started to fix this, but the code 
got more and more complicated, and failed after processing three 
thousand blocks. I decided to redo Scott's code to eliminate one 
intermediate buffer, and just use the input buffer directly. 
That fails on the second block, and I ran out of time. But once 
it works it will be faster than the old version. I also fixed 
some spelling errors (leng for length).

2) If you weren't such a sadist, I could have had this restored 
on Friday. a) Use DSSDUMP to create an AWS or HET tape.  b) zip 
it.  c) ftp or upload to wherever.  d) user runs DSSREST against 
the tape file and gets all the files. None of this IDCAMS and 
special utility crap.  For a real mainframe, there is an AWS 
conversion utility to create a real tape between steps c) and d).

3) I have a debug routine that I recently changed to make it 
immune to some requests in error (e.g., dump a variable in 
invalid memory). Unfortunately, it's only creating output 
erratically, so I have something else to work on. But I hope to 
have it and DSSREST fixed by the end of the week (meetings the 
next four days, and shopping for vacation).

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-06-05 Thread Paul Edwards
On Mon, 31 May 2010 18:07:08 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 05/24/2010
   at 05:06 PM, Paul Edwards said:

Also GETLINE/PUTLINE are used in a TSO environment,
so all programs automatically become command processors.

I takes more than that to make them command processors.

Are you talking about the parameter processing?  They
do that too.

If that's still not enough to be a command procesor, then
I'm probably using the wrong word.

What's the word to describe a program that can be invoked
from the TSO ready prompt, with parameters, and can have
its output trapped in a CLIST with SYSOUTTRAP, so that
from a user's perspective, it does exactly what they want?

BFN.  Paul.

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-31 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 05/24/2010
   at 05:06 PM, Paul Edwards said:

Also GETLINE/PUTLINE are used in a TSO environment,
so all programs automatically become command processors.

I takes more than that to make them command processors.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-31 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 05/25/2010
   at 11:13 AM, Paul Edwards said:

No Charles, Gerhard is MVS through and through.

Nonsense; he's a veteran of the one true mainstream[1] IBM[2]
computer, the 7094.

[1] If you count limited run then it's the 7030.

]2] I once had lust in my heart for a CDC 3600.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-25 Thread Paul Edwards
Wow, what a lot of misses.

 *nix humor. This is after all an environment with a utility 
 called grep and where processes fork in order to make children.

No Charles, Gerhard is MVS through and through. Nothing
to do with Unix. You're right about the SEA = C though.

 Well, it's certainly memorable. Not sure I understand 
 where it comes from -- it looks like an acronym, but for what?

No Zman, not an acronym. It had to fit into a 6-character
volser though, being MVS.

On Mon, 24 May 2010 21:25:46 -0400, Gerhard Postpischil wrote:

On 5/24/2010 8:38 PM, zMan wrote:
 Well, it's certainly memorable. Not sure I understand where it comes from --
 it looks like an acronym, but for what?

Paul asked me to suggest something,

No, it was unsolicited:

If I were seriously planning on writing lots of c programs, I
would create a new pack (e.g, SEASIK g), allocate a user
catalog on it, put the GCC and PDPCLIB stuff on there, add some
user source libraries, and keep it separate and easy to back up.

In fact, I would have to say that I explicitly turned down
your suggestion:

  The actual packaging of the SEASIK disk can be
  decided later. It'll probably just be a normal
  Hercules image to start with, but may in the
  future be DFDSS. Either way, I think 3390s
  should be the way ahead. The universal blocksize
  remains so that they can be copied off if required.

 I hope you'll think long and hard about the disk name - I meant
 SEASIK to be an obvious joke, reflecting my opinion on
 unreadable languages g

I know it was a joke, but I honestly don't think I
could come up with something better than that. And
it's cool having both sides of the story out there.
So, you let me put C on MVS, and I'll agree to
advertise the fact that this is a sick thing to do,
even if I don't personally agree. :-)

So long as the things I want to achieve are done, I
don't mind if I have to wear a Daffy Duck costume
while doing them. :-)

BFN.  Paul.

P.S. And yes, I really am so sad that I spent more than
an hour trying to find the message when both gmane
and Yahoo search failed to pick up the oldest
reference, despite the fact that that means I'm going
to sleep at 2am, when I know I have a meeting at 7am.

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread zMan
SEASIK? Seriously?!

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Paul Edwards wrote:

 I have just released SEASIK 1.0, which is (effectively)
 a DFDSS dump of a whole lot of C products, namely:

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread Rick Fochtman

I have just released SEASIK 1.0, which is (effectively) a DFDSS dump of 
a whole lot of C products, namely:

Is it offered as Mal de mer in France or French-speaking regions?  (LOL)


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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread Charles Mills
*nix humor. This is after all an environment with a utility called grep and
where processes fork in order to make children.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of zMan
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

SEASIK? Seriously?!

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread zMan
Well, it's certainly memorable. Not sure I understand where it comes from --
it looks like an acronym, but for what?

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread Charles Mills
The SEA part presumably is a pun on the C language.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of zMan
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

Well, it's certainly memorable. Not sure I understand where it comes from --
it looks like an acronym, but for what?

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Re: SEASIK 1.0 released

2010-05-24 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 5/24/2010 8:38 PM, zMan wrote:

Well, it's certainly memorable. Not sure I understand where it comes from --
it looks like an acronym, but for what?

Paul asked me to suggest something, and I expressed my feelings 
about C and related languages (except for a short stint as a 
ForTran programmer in the early sixties, I've been using 
predominantly assembler). Paul showed that he could take a joke 
and so it stayed as SEASIK.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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