Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-27 Thread CM Poncelet
Well ... subject to interpretation. For example, DOS was a lot closer to 
the *original* (pre-ESA) ISPF than Microsoft Windows ever was - and DOS 
was also far more efficient. The performance problems with ISPF began 
post-XA with the introduction of ESA. The purpose of ESA was to allow 
IBM to take control of MVS systems and prevent sysprogs from 'zapping 
out' their inefficencies in order to improve performance. IBM would 
never admit that, but what cares I for what they say? BTW IBM 
'blacklisted' me in the 1980s for continually questioning their 
objectives. But I then went to a GSE conference and confronted IBM about 
ditto ... and this time in front of their customers. When the latter 
started raising their hands in a 'me too' sign, IBM had no choice but to 
promise to address my concerns - or to 'blacklist' their other customers 
too. IBM chose the former and this resulted in their being unable to 
deploy CICS/ESA for about 2 years.

But, sure, ISPF was/is a great improvement on native TSO editing etc. 
('edlin' was it, or am I losing track? I have no access to a mainframe 
from this machine; so I can't check). But I continue to rip (and zap) 
out all the artsy-fartsy 'improvements' introduced in ESA. E.g. I do not 
want drop-down menus on my screens, or panel colors etc. stored in my 
profile; and I want PFK13-24 as my primary PFKeys: period.

However, I would most strongly advise you to *avoid* choosing the easy 
options (mouse-pushing, Ctrl+Alt+Delete etc.) as offered in Windows - 
and be, instead, familiar with reading (and, if possible, with writing) 
machine code. Intel processors (upon which Windows depends) have an 
unavoidably short 'shelf life', because their OP codes - i.e. 
instruction sets - are inefficient. For example, each of Intel's CPU 
registers (A to F, the last time I wrote Intel assembler - probably 
15-17 years ago) has its own set of OP codes ... and these are further 
sub-divided, e.g. in the case of the A (accumulator) register, into: AL, 
AH, A and AX (if I remember). So, a simple LR (which uses the one OP 
code x'18' for *all* registers on an IBM processor) requires 4 OP codes 
for the A register alone on an Intel processor. But there are then still 
the B to F registers, which all have their own 4 separate OP codes. If 
you then add to that the AR, ALR, SR, SLR, XR, OR, NR etc. operations 
... you realize that Intel processors soon run out of available OP 
codes. So the next Intel 'solution' is to produce dual-core and now, I 
believe, quad-core processors. But the practical limit is eight-core 
processors. Beyond that, the O/S spends more time keeping track of which 
part of which task it has dispatched to which processor, than it has 
time to get work done. So expect some six-core and eight-core processors 
from Intel - and then bye bye (although they might still be useful in 
dishwashers). That is why Intel processors cost $100-200 instead of 
$50K+ (for CMOS processors that is; no idea what bi-polar ones cost 
these days *if* they are still available [the Hitachi Skylines were the 
last to use them, in 1995, AFAIK]). But all processors are constrained 
*not* to shorten their 'inter-wafer gaps' below about 14nm: otherwise 
they produce unpredictable results, because of quantum effects. 
Meanwhile, nobody wants to buy an unpredictable PC/lap-top/iPad/etc. - 
no matter how much faster it produces unpredictable results. So Wintel's 
days of using their current technology are numbered -  perhaps another 
15 years or so (at a rough guess) - unless they find a way to super-cool 
their CPUs to around 3 degrees Kelvin without cracking them. But Wintel 
won't care about that: they'll have already made their pretty penny and 
will want to spend it.

As a general 'rule of thumb', I would recommend that you choose always 
to do whatever is the most difficult yet doable - and leave all the easy 
stuff for others. That way they turn into donkeys and you don't (as 
Pinocchio might have put it).

Cheers, Chris Poncelet

Paul Gilmartin wrote:

ISPF _is_ Windows for z/OS.

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:22:17 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:


... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao
Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to
look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.


But isn't ISPF itself a large step moving TSO in the direction of what
Windows later became?  And is it not suppressing intelligence to
relieve users of the burden of learning the syntax of TSO line commands?
You may continue to use the OUTPUT command if that's your preference.
I'll use SDSF.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-27 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/27/2012
   at 05:36 PM, CM Poncelet said:

Well ... subject to interpretation. For example, DOS was a lot closer
to  the *original* (pre-ESA) ISPF than Microsoft Windows ever was

Neither looked anything like ISPF, or even like the original SPF.

The purpose of ESA was to allow IBM to take control of MVS systems 
and prevent sysprogs from 'zapping  out' their inefficencies in 
order to improve performance.

OCO started well before ESA. I've never seen any evidence that the
purpose for ESA was anything other than VSCR.

But, sure, ISPF was/is a great improvement on native TSO editing
etc.  ('edlin' was it, or am I losing track?

You're losing track; EDLIN was a PC editor.

However, I would most strongly advise you to *avoid* choosing the
easy  options (mouse-pushing, Ctrl+Alt+Delete etc.) as offered in
Windows -  and be, instead, familiar with reading (and, if possible,
with writing) machine code.

What do you have against assemblers?

you realize that Intel processors soon run out of available OP 
codes. So the next Intel 'solution' is to produce dual-core and now,
I  believe, quad-core processors.

Multi-core chips have nothing to do with running out of opcodes.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-26 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/25/2012
   at 02:50 AM, CM Poncelet said:

As your interpretation seems to be the only one that matters

How is that not a lie?

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-26 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/26/2012
   at 04:23 AM, CM Poncelet said:

What's your problem, Metz?

Dealing with hypocritical fools.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-26 Thread Mike Schwab
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:
 In, on 08/26/2012
at 04:23 AM, CM Poncelet said:

What's your problem, Metz?

 Dealing with hypocritical fools.
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-25 Thread CM Poncelet
What's your problem, Metz? Run out of words? I'll see you later, pussy. 
Eternity might be a long time, but I'm infinitely patient. Ta ta for now

CM Poncelet wrote:

Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 08/23/2012
  at 12:58 PM, CM Poncelet said:


Solomon's Book of Proverbs, chapter 26 verse 5

Ah, the Devil quoting scripture.

 Original Message 
Date:   Thu, 4 Aug 2011 20:21:52 -0400
From:   Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
Reply-To:   IBM Mainframe Discussion List
Organization:   Atid/2


As your interpretation seems to be the only one that matters

Liar.   -- Ah, the Devil ...


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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-24 Thread CM Poncelet
Tut tut. Not a mention of 'using a search engine' in my quoted reply. In 
fact, I use them regularly. You seem confused.

Meanwhile, Germany's economy is thriving while Greece's one is on its 
knees. The former relies on science/engineering, the latter on 
art/entertainment (and on hanging dogs from trees, dousing them in 
parrafin oil and setting them on fire alive for 'entertainment' purposes).

Du kannst mich mal am Arsch lecken.

Ta ta

Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 08/23/2012
  at 04:10 AM, CM Poncelet said:


Well ... art/entertainment v. science/engineering as in Aesop's 
fable about the Cicala and the Ant. Industry makes its own bread:

it does not sing all summer and expect bread when winter arrives.

Nonsense. Using a search engine is not remotely analogous to singing
all summer. If anything, refusing to use a search engine is a
manifestation of the NIH syndrome.


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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread David Stokes
 But 'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - an  industry runs on 
science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

Wow, is this some kind of alternate universe thing?

Date:Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:22:17 +0100
From:CM Poncelet
Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao 
Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to 
look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.

Yes, I understand the usefulness of Google's query completion etc. But 
'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - and industry runs on 
science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

You need to type the dataset name on every ISPF panel only because you 
are still invoking IBM's 'demo' (now default/'de facto') panels.

You can bypass ISR@PRIM at logon and display your own panels instead - 
then store, retrieve and display in them the datasets you want to 
access, e.g. by a VGET (all DSNs) on initial display of your panels 
and by a VPUT to save them (and any changes to them) on exit, from/to 
your profile pool. If you then take copies of the default ISPF panels, 
add to them the name of a variable which contains the DSN you want to 
process (and that is stored in your panels, e.g. DSNA) - and you then 
save these modified ISPF panels in a dataset concatenated ahead of the 
default one on ISPPLIB - they will now be the ones that are displayed. 
If you next create TSO commands (in a table in ISPTLIB) which are 
associated with the ISPF functions you want to invoke (passing e.g. 
DSNA to them), then issue your TSO commands (e.g. 'BR' for Browse or 
'ED' for Edit etc.), your modified ISPF panels will now contain your 
selected DSN. If you set PANELID ON, you will see the names of which 
panels you need to copy and modify. Admittedly, there is a bit more to 
it than that; but I'm sure you can figure it out.

BTW Bear in mind that Google now tracks everywhere you go on the web ... 
and then sells your info to advertisers wry grin:

Cheers, Chris Poncelet

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread CM Poncelet
Not quite. The 'real universe' produces the bread; the 'alternate 
universe' eats it. Cheers, CP

David Stokes wrote:

But 'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - an  industry runs on 
science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

Wow, is this some kind of alternate universe thing?

Date:Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:22:17 +0100
From:CM Poncelet
Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao 
Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to 
look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.

Yes, I understand the usefulness of Google's query completion etc. But 
'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - and industry runs on 
science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

You need to type the dataset name on every ISPF panel only because you 
are still invoking IBM's 'demo' (now default/'de facto') panels.

You can bypass ISR@PRIM at logon and display your own panels instead - 
then store, retrieve and display in them the datasets you want to 
access, e.g. by a VGET (all DSNs) on initial display of your panels 
and by a VPUT to save them (and any changes to them) on exit, from/to 
your profile pool. If you then take copies of the default ISPF panels, 
add to them the name of a variable which contains the DSN you want to 
process (and that is stored in your panels, e.g. DSNA) - and you then 
save these modified ISPF panels in a dataset concatenated ahead of the 
default one on ISPPLIB - they will now be the ones that are displayed. 
If you next create TSO commands (in a table in ISPTLIB) which are 
associated with the ISPF functions you want to invoke (passing e.g. 
DSNA to them), then issue your TSO commands (e.g. 'BR' for Browse or 
'ED' for Edit etc.), your modified ISPF panels will now contain your 
selected DSN. If you set PANELID ON, you will see the names of which 
panels you need to copy and modify. Admittedly, there is a bit more to 
it than that; but I'm sure you can figure it out.

BTW Bear in mind that Google now tracks everywhere you go on the web ... 
and then sells your info to advertisers wry grin: 

Cheers, Chris Poncelet

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread CM Poncelet

Solomon's Book of Proverbs, chapter 26 verse 5

Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 08/22/2012
  at 02:01 AM, CM Poncelet said:


Is that so?

Yes, they know what they are doing and why.


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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on
   at 09:36 AM, Paul Gilmartin said:

But isn't ISPF itself a large step moving TSO in the direction of
what Windows later became? 


 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 08/22/2012
   at 10:54 AM, Kirk Talman said:

More accurately a session manager is Windows for z/OS.

Not even close. While I have had issues with TPX, the comparison is
still insulting.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/23/2012
   at 04:10 AM, CM Poncelet said:

Well ... art/entertainment v. science/engineering as in Aesop's 
fable about the Cicala and the Ant. Industry makes its own bread:
it does not sing all summer and expect bread when winter arrives.

Nonsense. Using a search engine is not remotely analogous to singing
all summer. If anything, refusing to use a search engine is a
manifestation of the NIH syndrome.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-23 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/23/2012
   at 12:58 PM, CM Poncelet said:

Solomon's Book of Proverbs, chapter 26 verse 5

Ah, the Devil quoting scripture.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: batch (was: ISPF Panel and LPAR name)

2012-08-23 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/23/2012
   at 03:10 AM, CM Poncelet said:

What happened to your sycophants, Metz?

I don't have, or want, any. There may be people who often agree with
me, but I'm not aware of one that won't point out any errors that I
make. For that matter, there have been cases where I was the first one
to point out an error in one of my postings.

But if you feel a need for sycophants, that's your business.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread CM Poncelet
... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao 
Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to 
look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.

Yes, I understand the usefulness of Google's query completion etc. But 
'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - and industry runs on 
science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

You need to type the dataset name on every ISPF panel only because you 
are still invoking IBM's 'demo' (now default/'de facto') panels.

You can bypass ISR@PRIM at logon and display your own panels instead - 
then store, retrieve and display in them the datasets you want to 
access, e.g. by a VGET (all DSNs) on initial display of your panels 
and by a VPUT to save them (and any changes to them) on exit, from/to 
your profile pool. If you then take copies of the default ISPF panels, 
add to them the name of a variable which contains the DSN you want to 
process (and that is stored in your panels, e.g. DSNA) - and you then 
save these modified ISPF panels in a dataset concatenated ahead of the 
default one on ISPPLIB - they will now be the ones that are displayed. 
If you next create TSO commands (in a table in ISPTLIB) which are 
associated with the ISPF functions you want to invoke (passing e.g. 
DSNA to them), then issue your TSO commands (e.g. 'BR' for Browse or 
'ED' for Edit etc.), your modified ISPF panels will now contain your 
selected DSN. If you set PANELID ON, you will see the names of which 
panels you need to copy and modify. Admittedly, there is a bit more to 
it than that; but I'm sure you can figure it out.

BTW Bear in mind that Google now tracks everywhere you go on the web ... 
and then sells your info to advertisers wry grin: 

Cheers, Chris Poncelet

Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:57:25 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:


IBM have recognized that 99% of users are computer illiterate, but have
99% of the money. So they are following Microsoft's 'lead' and,
step-by-step, implementing Windoze for mainframes.


And this, were it to happen, would be entirely a Bad Thing because ...?

I love Google's query completion.  As soon as I've typed 3 characters in
the text box, it presents me with a dropdown menu of a handful of
plausible completions (all wrong).  A few more keystrokes and it shows
me the one I want, among others, not only on Windows, but likewise on
OS X and Linux.  This is not a bad thing.  And it would be a good thing
(disputed only by laudator temporis acti ©) if ISPF were to do similarly
on every panel which allows a data set name to be typed.  I suspect
Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.

And spelling correction.  I like the way Google presents me an option;
I detest the way Firefox makes the correction, willy-nilly.  It could be
done well.

-- gil

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Re: batch (was: ISPF Panel and LPAR name)

2012-08-22 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on
   at 09:58 AM, Paul Gilmartin said:

But IBM, with little clue, requires ISPPLIB to be allocated when
running ISPF in batch.  It might, rather be a courtesy for ISPSTART
in batch to fail if ISPPLIB _is_ allocated, with a warning 

That would be an incredibly dumb thing for IBM to do, and breaking
ISPF would hardly be a faver to the user.

to the apparently clueless user.

That comment explains why you are waiting for PKB, since you are
joining Poncelet in calling people clueless just because you don't
understand the issues.

It has since deteriorated into name-calling.


you started it,

Wrong again.

(Awaiting PKB.)

See above.

Using JCL to start a terminal session doesn't count.


And I'll confess that as a POC I have used a batch job to launch
ISPGUI, using panels, largely cluelessly. 

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

But I consider that interactive as opposed to batch.  In OS,
everything starts with JCL; there must be another meaningful
distinction between batch and interactive.

There are several. RTFM,

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/22/2012
   at 02:01 AM, CM Poncelet said:

Is that so?

Yes, they know what they are doing and why.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Paul Gilmartin
ISPF _is_ Windows for z/OS.

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:22:17 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:

... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao
Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to
look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.
But isn't ISPF itself a large step moving TSO in the direction of what
Windows later became?  And is it not suppressing intelligence to
relieve users of the burden of learning the syntax of TSO line commands?
You may continue to use the OUTPUT command if that's your preference.
I'll use SDSF.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Salt
Paul Gilmartin wrote:
I love Google's query completion. And it would be a good thing
if ISPF were to do similarly on every panel which allows a data set name to be 
typed.  I suspect
Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.

ISPF already supports auto-completion of data set names (kinda sorta), but it's 
extremely clunky.
Better and easier to use SimpList and not have to type anything at all.
Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  

 Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:22:17 +0100
 Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
 ... because it is moving back towards suppressing intelligence (as Mao 
 Tse Tung did in China, in the 1960s). We should not all be obliged to 
 look at pictures just because the majority of people cannot read.
 Yes, I understand the usefulness of Google's query completion etc. But 
 'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - and industry runs on 
 science and engineering, not art and entertainment.
 You need to type the dataset name on every ISPF panel only because you 
 are still invoking IBM's 'demo' (now default/'de facto') panels.
 You can bypass ISR@PRIM at logon and display your own panels instead - 
 then store, retrieve and display in them the datasets you want to 
 access, e.g. by a VGET (all DSNs) on initial display of your panels 
 and by a VPUT to save them (and any changes to them) on exit, from/to 
 your profile pool. If you then take copies of the default ISPF panels, 
 add to them the name of a variable which contains the DSN you want to 
 process (and that is stored in your panels, e.g. DSNA) - and you then 
 save these modified ISPF panels in a dataset concatenated ahead of the 
 default one on ISPPLIB - they will now be the ones that are displayed. 
 If you next create TSO commands (in a table in ISPTLIB) which are 
 associated with the ISPF functions you want to invoke (passing e.g. 
 DSNA to them), then issue your TSO commands (e.g. 'BR' for Browse or 
 'ED' for Edit etc.), your modified ISPF panels will now contain your 
 selected DSN. If you set PANELID ON, you will see the names of which 
 panels you need to copy and modify. Admittedly, there is a bit more to 
 it than that; but I'm sure you can figure it out.
 BTW Bear in mind that Google now tracks everywhere you go on the web ... 
 and then sells your info to advertisers wry grin:
 Cheers, Chris Poncelet
 Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:57:25 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:
 IBM have recognized that 99% of users are computer illiterate, but have
 99% of the money. So they are following Microsoft's 'lead' and,
 step-by-step, implementing Windoze for mainframes.
 And this, were it to happen, would be entirely a Bad Thing because ...?
 I love Google's query completion.  As soon as I've typed 3 characters in
 the text box, it presents me with a dropdown menu of a handful of
 plausible completions (all wrong).  A few more keystrokes and it shows
 me the one I want, among others, not only on Windows, but likewise on
 OS X and Linux.  This is not a bad thing.  And it would be a good thing
 (disputed only by laudator temporis acti ©) if ISPF were to do similarly
 on every panel which allows a data set name to be typed.  I suspect
 Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.
 And spelling correction.  I like the way Google presents me an option;
 I detest the way Firefox makes the correction, willy-nilly.  It could be
 done well.
 -- gil
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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Mark Post
 On 8/22/2012 at 03:22 AM, CM Poncelet wrote: 
 Yes, I understand the usefulness of Google's query completion etc. But 
 'search engines' are for entertainment purposes - and industry runs on 
 science and engineering, not art and entertainment.

What a severely limited understanding of reality this comment shows.

Mark Post

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Paul Gilmartin
Can I throw away my keyboard and use only my mouse?

On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:02:36 -0400, Dave Salt wrote:

Paul Gilmartin wrote:
I love Google's query completion. And it would be a good thing
if ISPF were to do similarly on every panel which allows a data set name to 
be typed.  I suspect
Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.

ISPF already supports auto-completion of data set names (kinda sorta), but 
it's extremely clunky.
Better and easier to use SimpList and not have to type anything at all.
Dave Salt
Sometimes it might be less tedious to type than to use point-and-shoot
(is that what you mean?) to drill down through a hierarchy of data set

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Mike Schwab
As long as you always have a GUI on screen keyboard.  Heck, get an
iPad or touch screen device and throw away the mouse too.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 Can I throw away my keyboard and use only my mouse?

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:02:36 -0400, Dave Salt wrote:

Paul Gilmartin wrote:
I love Google's query completion. And it would be a good thing
if ISPF were to do similarly on every panel which allows a data set name to 
be typed.  I suspect
Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.

ISPF already supports auto-completion of data set names (kinda sorta), but 
it's extremely clunky.
Better and easier to use SimpList and not have to type anything at all.
Dave Salt

 Sometimes it might be less tedious to type than to use point-and-shoot
 (is that what you mean?) to drill down through a hierarchy of data set

 -- gil

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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Ed Gould

Well now IBM's position on reports (dasd usage) was to do just that.
To back that up at GUIDE we had repeatedly put in request  
(requirements) for reports on DASD usage and they were continually  
rejected. After at least 3 attempts the verbiage came back to run  
ISMF in batch (which did not meet the entire request BTW).

We gave up.


On Aug 22, 2012, at 12:02 AM, CM Poncelet wrote:

Sure. But I am not advocating running ISPF in batch other than as  
an 'adhoc' and occasional measure, just to save time. It is a lot  
quicker than typing. (My next 'fastest' solution would be to use  
SELCOPY.) If it's the CPU clock that matters - and it usually is -  
the code should be written in assembler.

Gibney, Dave wrote:

Take a look at ISMF's Naviquest. ISPF can work in batch. It uses a  
lot of cpu, but it does work.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-]

On Behalf Of CM Poncelet
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

Batch Clist/REXX does not use panels. They are intended for
*interactive* TSO/ISPF dialogs. Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that
invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue about what he/she/it is

BTW Beware of embedded LIBDEFs in Clist/REXX. Code PASSLIB on  
to avoid deallocating all datasets (not just the LIBDEF'd ones)  
from a

DDNAME on the final LIBDEF.

Also, DDNAME=ISPPROF can be allocated as a temporary empty PDS in  

(e.g. for VPUT/VGETs to PROFILE, although ditto to SHARED will work
too). But I would recommend that you then code NEWAPPL(whatever,  
ASMX) on ISPSTART ... just in case ISPF allocates its own  
profiles in

your ISPPROF and your Clist/REXX then has to share its profile data
with ISPF by default. I never bothered to check what actually  
but ISPF does not recognize ISPPROF members ASMXPROF/EDIT/EDRT  
and will

therefore not try to update them.


Invoking programs (as opposed to commands) from batch Clist/REXX  
can be
- but

it would be more efficient to invoke the programs directly.


Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:


The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.

No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.

There are contrary valid points of view here:

o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
intend to use.

o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
the process.

ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the  
former e.g.
with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require  
that a

display be available when the programmer intends not to use one.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Salt
  ISPF already supports auto-completion of data set names (kinda sorta), but 
  it's extremely clunky.
  Better and easier to use SimpList and not have to type anything at all.

 Can I throw away my keyboard and use only my mouse?

It's very rare that a SimpList user needs to use a keyboard, except of course 
for editing data. Other than that, almost everything can be done with a mouse. 
For example, a user can switch from one list of objects (such as UNIX files, 
DB2 tables, IMS databases, ISPF commands, etc) to another list of objects (such 
as data sets, PC files, VSAM files, TSO commands, etc), scroll up or down the 
list of objects, select any object from the list (such as a PDS), locate a 
member in the list, and open the member for any function (e.g. browse, edit, 
copy, transfer, etc), all without ever touching a keyboard. 

 Sometimes it might be less tedious to type than to use point-and-shoot
 (is that what you mean?) to drill down through a hierarchy of data set names.

The option to use a keyboard or mouse is always available. Some people prefer 
using a keyboard while others prefer using a mouse. One SimpList user said that 
when he started using SimpList and began using a mouse it cured the repetitive 
stress injury he had in his wrist. 

As for drilling down through a hierarchy of data set names, that's not the 
way most people use SimpList. Instead, commonly used object names are stored in 
one of 26 lists, each of which is represented by a letter of the alphabet 
(A-Z). For example, COBOL data sets might be stored on list 'C' and JCL data 
sets stored on list 'J' and UNIX files stored on list 'U' (etc). Let's say a 
user is on list 'L' (which might contain a list of Load Libraries) and they 
want to select one of the REXX libraries they've stored on list 'R'. If the 
REXX library has a label (see below) it can be opened directly by simply 
entering the label name on the command line. Otherwise, the user can click the 
REXX index name to switch to the list of REXX libraries and then click 
whichever REXX library they want to open. In other words, any object can 
usually be opened with a single command or a couple of mouse clicks.

Any type of object (such as a data set, UNIX file, DB2 table, etc) can be given 
a user defined alias known as a label. A label begins with a period followed by 
1 to 8 characters. For example, 'SOME.LONG.PROD.COBOL.DATASET.NAME' could be 
given a label called .PCOB or .PRODCOB (etc). Any object that has a label can 
be opened from ANY command line, anywhere in ISPF. For example, if I'm in the 
middle of an SDSF session and I want to browse the production COBOL library I 
can enter BR .PCOB on the command line.

In summary, virtually any type of object can be opened almost instantly, from 
anywhere in ISPF, with no need to navigate through different panels or drill 
down through any type of hierarchy. It might not be quite as slick as the 
Google search auto-complete, but it does save people a heck of a lot of time!

Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Salt
 Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue 
 about what he/she/it is doing.

The company I worked for had a vendor product (Endevor) that performed various 
functions using ISPF panels. Management wanted some of the functions to be 
executed in batch, so I customized the panels to recognize a parameter that 
would only be passed in batch. When the panel was invoked with the parameter it 
filled in various fields automatically and simulated ENTER being pressed, which 
invoked the next panel (and so on). Some of these processes went quite a few 
panels deep and the whole thing worked flawlessly.
Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  

 Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:
 The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.
 No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.
 There are contrary valid points of view here:
 o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
   intend to use.
 o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
   he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
   the process.
 ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the former
 e.g. with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require
 that a display be available when the programmer intends not to
 use one.
 -- gil
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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Gibney, Dave
Take a look at ISMF's Naviquest. ISPF can work in batch. It uses a lot of cpu, 
but it does work.

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
 On Behalf Of CM Poncelet
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 10:57 PM
 Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
 Batch Clist/REXX does not use panels. They are intended for
 *interactive* TSO/ISPF dialogs. Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that
 invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue about what he/she/it is
 BTW Beware of embedded LIBDEFs in Clist/REXX. Code PASSLIB on ISPSTART
 to avoid deallocating all datasets (not just the LIBDEF'd ones) from a
 DDNAME on the final LIBDEF.
 Also, DDNAME=ISPPROF can be allocated as a temporary empty PDS in batch
 (e.g. for VPUT/VGETs to PROFILE, although ditto to SHARED will work
 too). But I would recommend that you then code NEWAPPL(whatever, e.g.
 ASMX) on ISPSTART ... just in case ISPF allocates its own profiles in
 your ISPPROF and your Clist/REXX then has to share its profile data
 with ISPF by default. I never bothered to check what actually happens:
 but ISPF does not recognize ISPPROF members ASMXPROF/EDIT/EDRT and will
 therefore not try to update them.
 Invoking programs (as opposed to commands) from batch Clist/REXX can be
 done via e.g. ISPSTART PGM(IEBCOPY) NEWAPPL(whatever) PASSLIB - but
 it would be more efficient to invoke the programs directly.
 Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:
 The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.
 No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.
 There are contrary valid points of view here:
 o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
   intend to use.
 o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
   he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
   the process.
 ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the former e.g.
 with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require that a
 display be available when the programmer intends not to use one.
 -- gil
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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on
   at 07:57 AM, Paul Gilmartin said:

There are contrary valid points of view here:

Perhaps on what is desirable, but the behavior of the ISPF code is a
matter of fact.

o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
  intend to use.
o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
  he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
  the process.
ISPF apparently elects the latter;


 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

Batch Clist/REXX does not use panels.
Foreground Clist/REXX does not use panels.

True, but see below.

Both batch and foreground scripts called from ISPF can use ISPF services, 
including panels.

Fact is - both are, like you say, using services (including, panels, message 
libraries, skeletons, etc) which are open and available if allocated correctly 
previously. If you can write something properly, you can use panels in batch or 
interactively. You need to convey input to output in one way or other. BTGTS.

Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue 
about what he/she/it is doing.
ROTF,LMAO! That a funny way to write that they know more than you do.


Fact is - a third [which shall remain nameless] party product is using what 
they called 'keystroke language' and that is using batch emulation of 
Clist/REXX panels. It is working properly, based on a good understanding of 
VTAM logmodes.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Salt
 For that to be an optimum solution, the panels must have been
 heavy on procedure and light on display.

On the contrary, some of the vendor panels were VERY heavy on display. So heavy 
in fact that it was extremely easy for someone to slip up and fill in one or 
more fields on one or more panels incorrectly. Even worse, many of the fields 
on the panels always reverted back to their default values instead of the 
values the person had last typed in. This not only caused errors, but was 
extremely frustrating for the people who had to work with the vendor product.

The 'optimum solution' might have been to work with the vendor to redesign 
their product to meet the unique requirements of the company I worked for. But 
that could have taken months or years, and meanwhile the product users were 
ready to revolt. So, I created a front-end panel that prompted the users for a 
minimum amount of information, which was then used to drive the vendor panels 
in batch. The net result was an extremely simplified process that was very easy 
to use, with far less time being spent fixing mistakes. 

I'm not saying this solution was optimal, but it worked well and it certainly 
provides an example of how and why ISPF panels might be used in batch.
Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  

 Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 10:08:32 -0500
 Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
 On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 02:43:58 -0400, Dave Salt wrote:
  Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that invokes panels in batch doesn't have a 
  clue about what he/she/it is doing.
  ... I customized the panels to recognize a parameter that would only be 
  passed in batch. When the panel was invoked with the parameter it filled in 
  various fields automatically and simulated ENTER being pressed, which 
  invoked the next panel (and so on). Some of these processes went quite a 
  few panels deep and the whole thing worked flawlessly.
 I'll stand corrected from my previous ply.
 That's bizarre!
 For that to be an optimum solution, the panels must have been
 heavy on procedure and light on display.
 -- gil
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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread CM Poncelet

Is that so?

Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 08/21/2012
  at 06:56 AM, CM Poncelet said:


Batch Clist/REXX does not use panels.

Foreground Clist/REXX does not use panels.

Both batch and foreground scripts called from ISPF can use ISPF
services, including panels.


Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that invokes panels in batch doesn't 
have a clue about what he/she/it is doing.

ROTF,LMAO! That a funny way to write that they know more than you do.


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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread CM Poncelet
IBM have recognized that 99% of users are computer illiterate, but have 
99% of the money. So they are following Microsoft's 'lead' and, 
step-by-step, implementing Windoze for mainframes. Other vendors are 
just following suit. But the remaining 1% of users (with 1% of the 
money) can still figure out how to avoid becoming panel-filling typists. 
Thanks for the info. Great stuff. Cheers, Chris Poncelet

Dave Salt wrote:

Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue 
about what he/she/it is doing.

The company I worked for had a vendor product (Endevor) that performed various 
functions using ISPF panels. Management wanted some of the functions to be 
executed in batch, so I customized the panels to recognize a parameter that 
would only be passed in batch. When the panel was invoked with the parameter it 
filled in various fields automatically and simulated ENTER being pressed, which 
invoked the next panel (and so on). Some of these processes went quite a few 
panels deep and the whole thing worked flawlessly.

Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  


Paul Gilmartin wrote:


On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:




The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.


No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.


There are contrary valid points of view here:

o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
intend to use.

o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
the process.

ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the former
e.g. with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require
that a display be available when the programmer intends not to
use one.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:57:25 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:

IBM have recognized that 99% of users are computer illiterate, but have
99% of the money. So they are following Microsoft's 'lead' and,
step-by-step, implementing Windoze for mainframes.

And this, were it to happen, would be entirely a Bad Thing because ...?

I love Google's query completion.  As soon as I've typed 3 characters in
the text box, it presents me with a dropdown menu of a handful of
plausible completions (all wrong).  A few more keystrokes and it shows
me the one I want, among others, not only on Windows, but likewise on
OS X and Linux.  This is not a bad thing.  And it would be a good thing
(disputed only by laudator temporis acti ©) if ISPF were to do similarly
on every panel which allows a data set name to be typed.  I suspect
Dave S. can explain to us why this is unlikely to happen soon if ever.

And spelling correction.  I like the way Google presents me an option;
I detest the way Firefox makes the correction, willy-nilly.  It could be
done well.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-21 Thread CM Poncelet
Sure. But I am not advocating running ISPF in batch other than as an 
'adhoc' and occasional measure, just to save time. It is a lot quicker 
than typing. (My next 'fastest' solution would be to use SELCOPY.) If 
it's the CPU clock that matters - and it usually is - the code should be 
written in assembler.

Gibney, Dave wrote:

Take a look at ISMF's Naviquest. ISPF can work in batch. It uses a lot of cpu, 
but it does work.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of CM Poncelet
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

Batch Clist/REXX does not use panels. They are intended for
*interactive* TSO/ISPF dialogs. Anyone who writes Clist/REXX that
invokes panels in batch doesn't have a clue about what he/she/it is

BTW Beware of embedded LIBDEFs in Clist/REXX. Code PASSLIB on ISPSTART
to avoid deallocating all datasets (not just the LIBDEF'd ones) from a
DDNAME on the final LIBDEF.

Also, DDNAME=ISPPROF can be allocated as a temporary empty PDS in batch
(e.g. for VPUT/VGETs to PROFILE, although ditto to SHARED will work
too). But I would recommend that you then code NEWAPPL(whatever, e.g.
ASMX) on ISPSTART ... just in case ISPF allocates its own profiles in
your ISPPROF and your Clist/REXX then has to share its profile data
with ISPF by default. I never bothered to check what actually happens:
but ISPF does not recognize ISPPROF members ASMXPROF/EDIT/EDRT and will
therefore not try to update them.


Invoking programs (as opposed to commands) from batch Clist/REXX can be
done via e.g. ISPSTART PGM(IEBCOPY) NEWAPPL(whatever) PASSLIB - but
it would be more efficient to invoke the programs directly.


Paul Gilmartin wrote:


On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:




The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.


No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.


There are contrary valid points of view here:

o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
intend to use.

o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
the process.

ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the former e.g.
with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require that a
display be available when the programmer intends not to use one.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-20 Thread Lindy Mayfield
Doug Nadel has an edit macro called BATCHPDF which will create the DD names for 
running ISPF in batch.  I like it and use it, at least to get me started.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of CM Poncelet
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 4:02 AM
Subject: Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name


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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-20 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 02:01:57 +0100, CM Poncelet wrote:


The ISPPLIB DD must be allocated in the JCL.

No; a dynamic allocation before ISPSTART will work just as well.
There are contrary valid points of view here:

o Not to require the programmer to provide resources he doesn't
  intend to use.

o To require the programmer to supply in advance all resources
  he might potentially use, in order to preclude a failure later in
  the process.

ISPF apparently elects the latter; many programs elect the former
e.g. with respect to SYSLIB DD.  Fortunately, ISPF doesn't require
that a display be available when the programmer intends not to
use one.

-- gil

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-17 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 08/16/2012
   at 08:54 PM, Skip Robinson said:

IIRC ISPF in batch requires all the standard DD 
allocations or it just won't work at all. Period. 

Yes, except that they can be dynamic rather than DD. If you have an
allocation script that you run in foreground to allocate ISPF
datasets, you may be able to run the same script in background.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-16 Thread Hunkeler Peter (KIUP 4)
Use VPUT to save in your REXX exec; use VGET to retrieve in your
panel )INIT section. 

If the same rexx script then does an ISPEXEC DISPLAY, the VPUT is not
needed. ISPF will find the variable in the rexx's function pool.
If you want to display the value in other panels not displayed from this
rexx, you'll need to VPUT... SHARED.

In neither of the above cases is the VGET in the panel needed. ISPF will
use the variable from the function pool, if it finds one there.
Otherwise it will search the SHARED pool (then the PROFILE pool, which
is not of interest here).

If the panel is displayed using ISPEXEC SELECT (a selection panel), then
the VPUT...SHARED is needed in the rexx code. No VGET is needed in the

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-16 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on
   at 06:37 PM, Paul Gilmartin said:

Do batch ISPF jobs use panels?



By specifying the panel on the ISPSTART. 

and is it necessary?


It seems almost a contradiction in terms.


Likewise, in noninteractive contexts I always allocate ISPPROF to

Why not a temporary?
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-16 Thread Skip Robinson
I think the answer may be simpler (if less satisfying) than the 
suggestions so far. IIRC ISPF in batch requires all the standard DD 
allocations or it just won't work at all. Period. 

JO.Skip Robinson
SCE Infrastructure Technology Services
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From:   Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
Date:   08/16/2012 05:45 PM
Subject:Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU

In, on
   at 12:34 PM, Paul Gilmartin said:

That was in the sense of, What chore, otherwise impossible in 
batch, is made possible by using panels? 

The naswer won't satisfy you: any application written around panels.
That might be using interactive panels through WSA, it might be panels
with processing logic or it might be something I haven't even thought

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-15 Thread Skip Robinson
That's how we do it. Every tweak to an IBM supplied panel is implemented 
via SMP/E usermod. That way we get a MODID error at APPLY time and know 
when we have to reconcile updates. For a new release, we plow through our 
usermod library from top to bottom and (re)install every one after 
suitable review. The process works very well. I wholeheartedly agree that 
user complaint over superfluous changes is more noisome than occasional 
usermod reworks. 

JO.Skip Robinson
SCE Infrastructure Technology Services
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From:   Art Gutowski
Date:   08/15/2012 11:18 AM
Subject:Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU

On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:51:47 -0400, Dave Salt wrote:

Customizing the ISPF menu (ISR@PRIM) can lead to problems if people 
forget to 
update it when IBM makes changes to it. [...]

If you package your changes in a USERMOD, it's not a big risk. 
Notwithstanding full system replacement deliveries, you'll know when it 
needs to be reviewed.  At that, if you have even mildly astute system 
programmers, this is reviewed and carried forward at upgrade intervals.

I never found this a hardship.  In my travels, FWIW, I got a lot more guff 
from end-users being forced extra keystrokes and a front-end menu than I 
did from fellow sysprogs who had to review one of a dozen or more USERMODs 
once every year or two.  I've had more pitfalls with programmers 
replicating and customizing panels in their own libraries - and there's no 
stopping it. 

If you're going to insert ISP@MSTR in front of ISR@PRIM, you'd do well to 
notify and give your applications teams sufficient time to review and 
update any batch ISPF jobs.

Art Gutowski
Compuware Corporation

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-15 Thread Skip Robinson
I didn't know you allocate ISPPROF to DUMMY in batch. I've always used a 
temporary data set to achieve the same goals. 


JO.Skip Robinson
SCE Infrastructure Technology Services
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From:   Paul Gilmartin
Date:   08/15/2012 04:37 PM
Subject:Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU


Likewise, in noninteractive contexts I always allocate ISPPROF to DUMMY
so that:

o I avoid ENQ conflicts

o I'm protected from idiosyncrasies of the users' profiles.

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-15 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 17:15:21 -0700, Skip Robinson wrote:

I didn't know you allocate ISPPROF to DUMMY in batch. I've always used a
temporary data set to achieve the same goals.

I stand corrected; I just reviewed my own code.  It's:


I suppose there are different flavors of nothing, and some nothings
are too nothing for ISPF.

-- gil

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ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-14 Thread Pesce, Andy
I have a primary option menu (ISR@PRIM) that I am trying to put the LPAR NAME 
on it instead of the ZSYSID.
My logon PROC executes a CLIST that does all my allocations for me. I found a 
REXX to run that will extract the
information.  However, how do I save that into a variable that I can use by my 
panel.  Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-14 Thread Lizette Koehler
Why not use the ISPF var for LPAR?  It is SYSZNODE, SYSZPLEX, I think.

If you have not done so, there is an ISPF Newsgroup that is probably a good 
place to ask these types of questions.


-Original Message-
From: Pesce, Andy
Sent: Aug 14, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

I have a primary option menu (ISR@PRIM) that I am trying to put the LPAR 
NAME on it instead of the ZSYSID.
My logon PROC executes a CLIST that does all my allocations for me. I found a 
REXX to run that will extract the
information.  However, how do I save that into a variable that I can use by my 
panel.  Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

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Re: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

2012-08-14 Thread Lizette Koehler
Oh, forgot one - ZSYSID


-Original Message-
From: Pesce, Andy
Sent: Aug 14, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: ISPF Panel and LPAR name

I have a primary option menu (ISR@PRIM) that I am trying to put the LPAR 
NAME on it instead of the ZSYSID.
My logon PROC executes a CLIST that does all my allocations for me. I found a 
REXX to run that will extract the
information.  However, how do I save that into a variable that I can use by my 
panel.  Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

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