help with DMSCGR DMSCSR esoterica

2011-02-18 Thread Steve Marak
I have one of those is there ever any situation when ... would not be a 
good default questions, and I need the help of VM-savvy minds capable of 
perverse and twisted logic. I can't imagine a better place to find them 
than this list. (Yes, that was intended as a compliment.)

As you all know, DMSCGR and DMSCSR are CSL routines which retrieve and 
set, respectively, the values of REXX variables. The default behavior is 
that the variable name passed is searched for directly in REXX's list of 
variables, exactly as passed. Optionally, the caller can ask that the name 
be both translated to upper case and that REXX perform variable name 
substitution on it before looking for it.

(Since REXX doesn't care about case in variable names and some quick 
experiments confirm that passing mixed- or lower-case names without this 
option isn't productive [except of non-zero return codes], one could 
reasonably ask why the name is not always translated to upper-case. I 
think it's a very valid question, but more or less irrelevant to my 

In situations where everyone involved knows which behavior is desired, the 
choice between substitution or not isn't an issue. But if there's a 
situation where an end user will create REXX execs which pass a variable 
name to a program which will then retrieve or set it via these routines, 
it's more problematic ... or maybe not, if one or the other behavior is 
obviously preferable.

Can anyone think of a situation in which you would *not* want substitution 
performed on the variable name passed? Typically, the whole reason you use 
compound REXX variables is to get that. But the writers of these routines 
didn't make that the default, so I want to know if there's some obvious 
situation we're missing where you wouldn't want it. (We've come up with 
one exotic case involving REXXVARS, but it's not one that seems likely to 
occur. In fact, it seems like the writer of the exec would almost have to 
be out to get you to code it that way.)



-- Steve Marak

Re: Trapping output right after LOGON

2010-03-02 Thread Steve Marak
We've seen these additional differences between SECUSER and OBSERVER 
processing -

Secondary user sees message HCP150A when the primary is disconnected and 
VM or CP read is issued, observer does not.

It doesn't appear that an OBSERVER, even with class C SEND, can satisfy a 
VM read issued by a disconnected user. On our system, the SEND is honored, 
but everything is processed by CP on the target user, whereas with 
SECUSER, the input is passed to the guest unless sent with SEND CP.

I know that's poorly worded. Example:

USERA has USERB as SECUSER, is disconnected, RUN ON, and issues a VM READ. 
USERB (with or without class C) does SEND USERA Q DISK and sees the 
normal CMS Q DISK output.

USERA has USERB as OBSERVER, is disconnected, RUN ON, and issues a VM 
READ. USERB (who has class C) does SEND USERA Q DISK and sees 
HCPCQV003E Invalid Option - DISK.


On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Alan Altmark wrote:

 Off the top of my head:
 Secondary user
 - Can use CP SEND to the primary
 - Only sees console output of primary when primary is disconnected
 - Class G secondary can SEND only when primary is disconnected
 - Class C secondary can SEND at any time
 - Traffic to primary's *MSG connection is stopped while secondary is 
 logged on
 - Cannot SEND to the observed virtual machine (observee)
 - Sees all console traffic without regard to connect/disconnect status of 
 the observee
 - Does not interfere with observee's *MSG traffic
 And as you note, the programming characteristics via *MSG are different 
 for the observer and the secondary user.

-- Steve Marak

Re: VM lockup due to storage typo

2009-09-15 Thread Steve Marak
I agree with that (the guest cannot be allowed to harm CP) but has that 
actually been formally - or even informally - accepted by the Powers That 

I ask because I still remember, as though it were yesterday, opening a 
security/integrity APAR against VM back in the mid-1980's because any 
class G user could knock CP down by defining a shared and a nonshared 
device on the same virtual control unit, and being told that that was NOT 
a security or integrity issue, and that no fix would be forthcoming. 

But at least I'm not bitter about it. 


On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Schuh, Richard wrote:

 One of Alan's first precepts of information security and integrity is 
 that the guest cannot be allowed to harm the CP. This clearly violates 
 Richard Schuh 

-- Steve Marak

OT: trivia question (was PIPE SPEC TOD)

2009-08-03 Thread Steve Marak
On Mon, 3 Aug 2009, Rob van der Heij wrote:

 PS An answer to my trivia question is  2009-03-28 11:28:37.334892

I shouldn't fry any brain cells on this while at work, but I'll call it a 
short break from reviewing spreadsheets ...

Is there more than one answer, at least in EBCDIC? My intuition may, as 
usual, be wrong, but with only one hex character (even including lower 
case) whose hex representation starts with itself it seemed forcing.

(There's at least one more if you don't restrict to EBCDIC - 1928-08-17 
23:58:45.474099 - but on a z machine I do.)


-- Steve Marak

Re: Replicating z/VM documentation

2009-07-13 Thread Steve Marak
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Scott Rohling wrote:

 -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
 readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
 often inconsistent).
 -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
 -  The process is entirely manual
 So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   

I do the same thing you do, and it's a huge pain. 

Some of my co-workers use the Library Reader on their Windows laptops, but 
I find that even worse than having to rename all the PDFs. I'm sure that 
says something about the Library Reader, or me, or both, but that's just 
what I want: the PDF format, with a usable name, available offline on my 
laptop. Doesn't seem like it should be as much effort as it is.


-- Steve Marak

Re: Impromptu XEDIT Survey

2008-02-20 Thread Steve Marak
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Huegel, Thomas wrote:

 Where does the prefix field belong?
 On the left?
 On the right? 

Isn't there enough hatred and intolerance in the world already without 
bringing this up? Isn't XEDIT big and powerful enough to include all of us 
with all of our various needs? Can't we all just get along?

(The left. The LEFT. THE LEFT ... cough ... sorry, all better now.)


-- Steve Marak

Re: Ops privs

2007-08-24 Thread Steve Marak
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007, Alan Altmark wrote:

 There are some who believe that the authority to LOGON BY to a user should 
 implicitly allow:
 - SEND (a la class C)

And maybe FOR, in 5.3.

At my current job, we create LOGONBY profiles out of laziness - small 
group, development shop, most of us log onto multiple ids every day, so no 
one has to remember (or change) any password but their own. In this 
environment, there would be no issue with bundling all of that with 

At my last job (security weasel for a RBC), surrogate facilities like 
LOGONBY were mostly used to solve the problem of how to provide 
accountable access by multiple people to a shared security principle 
(userid) for administration or maintenance, with convenience way down the 
priority list. Frequently, there was an implied serialization of the 
resource, too. There, we wouldn't have wanted to see something like this 
because it would have made collisions less likely to be detected before 
something bad happened, and auditing more complex if it did.

The logic of but they could do it anyway if they can log onto the user 
is hard to argue against. The question is whether there is really any 
difference that matters, other than maybe the serialization thing, between 
doing something while logged on as a user and doing more or less the same 
thing as or to that user while loggged on as a different user.


-- Steve Marak