Re: [IceHorses] lightning bugs

2007-05-09 Thread Katesera

All of a sudden, the fireflies started
 sparking and soon, we had a fairy meadow with little lights winkling
 everywhere...the best 4th of July we've ever had!!

Definitely a magical moment

Geesh, love those fire flies..and resulting glow 
wormsbut.4th of July?
I'm too old to rush my life.
Yes, magical nights but no 4th of July here, please.

Re: [IceHorses] Gypsy Vanner / Icelandic Cross For Sale

2007-03-26 Thread Katesera

 This looks like nice grade horse.  This looks like a American bred 
mutt.  He
does not look like a Icelandic or a Gypsy Vanner horse.

Please forward pic off the list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Am missing many 

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Re: [IceHorses] Gypsy Vanner / Icelandic Cross For Sale

2007-03-25 Thread Katesera

 Let an Americans screw up 2 perfect breeds.  Here in the US we
have enough screwed up horses!

You say this as if Iceland had never bred any screwed up horses~!
!!!  Why are they eating so many of them??

I'm so tired of the let's bash the americans crap.  Our money is
good enough for icelanders, but we are not.

BTW...I'm proud to be an American and so is Huginn, my Ice Pony!!

I'm jumping in to this thread, as, with computer glitches,  I've not 
received original message about this breeding, nor, I guess other 
responses...but appreciate Raven's perspective.

I'm very enamoured with Gypsy Vanners and Icelandics. would 
surely consider a cross as a choice for us, assuming sire and dam are 
sound, have good temperament and have been well cared for...were we 

  Don't see how such a breeding would impact either registered breed, as 
offspring couldn't be registered/shown.

If Icelandic could contribute soft gait and Vanner sturdy 
conformation...what a great combination for a family/pleasure/trail 

Would really appreciate if someone might send original message, 
offering horse for sale.

Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Paddy/Slettir and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat

PS, Have no idea who wrote about an American screwing up 2 perfect 
breeds---so no personal  insult insult intended at all,  
but is there a perfect breed?.  If so, I want one of those :-)  We have 
two lovely, well-bred, registered and well-trained  Icelandic horses, 
but they sure ain't perfect.

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Re: [IceHorses] Smacking 'em for spooking

2007-03-24 Thread Katesera

I have a MFT that makes me nervous and make him act
like a butt head.  I don't have time to ride him
everyday so he acts up and I make it worse by being
nervous.  I get mad but it isn't his falt.  I think I
am going to sell him.  He is a beautiful palomino.
16HH. Lorraine

 Happy Southwestern Trails

Our Icelandic horse,Paddy/Slettir,  is very spooky with nervous me, and 
I'm too old to hit the dust many more times--geesh, talk about sudden 
change of direction!  Maybe I should consider the Padman and I have a 
special sympatico (neurotic as it is)..anyhow, my  super calm 
husband, with almost no riding experience,  now rides Paddy very 
successfullyI do ground work and cuddle him--that's Paddy--every 
chance I get--the big mugger--well, truth is, same could be said of my 
husband :-).
We solved the problem by buying our pretty Pila, who is soo brave 
and calm.  She's calm, I'm calm and Paddy adores her and loves to 
follow her on the trail.  Yeah, females lead.  Now, what to do about 
our pony mule (originally Paddy's pasture mate), who does not want to 
be left behind?  One thing, equine, leads to another.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA

Re: [IceHorses] Healthy Dog Food ISDs was: MORE DOG FOOD RECALL

2007-03-23 Thread Katesera

For those who may be interested Dog World did an article on Icelandic
Sheepdogs in their April Issue! This is the first time the Icelandic
Sheepdog has been featured in a major publication in the U.S.!!


Cilia is awesome.  I'm on a mission to find the April Dog World here in 
the boonies.
Have no idea about scooter dogs!What's that about? Our girls do 
pull a sled.  Were we younger, would attempt to add an Icelandic 
Sheepdog to our menagerie.
Our Icelandic horses ignore the dogs' antics, but our mule is 
constantly vigilant and ready to strike and maim/kill..good news is 
that he keeps the coyotes and bears away, bad new is I don't think I 
can learn to pony him with the dogs!
At some point I'll figure out our new broadband connection and replace 
digital camera that our daughter has appropriated, so I can send pics 
of the equines, canines and feline...and hopefully our grandson riding 
one or more of the above.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Slettir/Paddy and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat


2007-03-22 Thread Katesera

   while back I read that studies showed it was healthier for dogs to
eat the cheapest dry dog out there because of the low protein/high
fiber content

well...the cheapest dog food is usally made with rendered by products!
 there is no way that i would feed my pets rendered by products. raven

Geesh, I've been reluctant to add another thread to this OT 
BUT, we feed our dogs and cats raw food.  Have been criticised, but 
there is  good evidence that feeding rawand adding table scraps 
whenever provides a great diet for canines and felines.
Anyone interested in raw, natural diet, check out BARF web site (bones 
and raw food).  This diet has kept our dogs and cats very healthy.

The greatest enemy of the truth very often is not the lie- deliberate,
contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Re: [IceHorses] Clicker Training

2007-03-13 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 3/12/07 9:30:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Oooh yeah!  I'm not arguing that it works.  What worries me more is when
 horse not only learns to (in your example) pick up the feet, but suddenly
 wants to pick up his/her feet anytime you look at them, or when you need to
 bandage a leg or check a pulse.

I'm not all that experienced with clicker training, but have found that our
Paddy, who came to us as the mugger of all muggers, has quickly learned,
brilliant boy that he is, that he gets a treat only when he works for it--so 
go searching in my pockets handsome boy g.
My very simplistic paradigm is after he offers the behavior, as in backing
off, and is   clicked (well, tongue clucked, lazy me) and teated when he does
it, it's established after many trials, then it's named and more practice.
Next, when he stands still, he's treated, the behavior is established and
named..and so on.
I often wonder who's being trained here g.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Paddy/Slettir and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat
Kenn, husband g

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Re: [IceHorses] Re: [icehorsecolor] mars coat king

2007-03-13 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 3/11/07 8:00:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm VERY picky about my color preferences.  I only buy horses of the above
 colors...well, except for the liver chestnut leopard App.  He's very pretty
 too.  :)

 Karen Thomas, NC

Hey Karen,
You are very funny!
Although color isn't so important, as a dog breeder friend says, I want to
see a pretty face over the food bowl.
Our chestnut pinto, Pila, has brightened up our herd of three, and we call
her pretty Pila--the boys agree!
Then there are mink brown Koko and blazing bay Paddy.
Aren't we lucky?
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA

Re: [IceHorses] Reminder - slightly o/t

2007-03-12 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 3/12/07 4:32:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  while we're on this subject of women's health...please don't forget to
 get a mammogram.
 I'm going to take care of that chore on Wednesday - bone density tests are
 much easier!

Geesh, Karen,
I've experienced the reverse.
The squeeze on breasts is momentary; the lasting effect of the bone density 
test gave me sciatica, again...guess it depends on our underlying health 
Kate Basler,
Monterey, MA

Re: [IceHorses] Black Equissential full seat tights for sale

2007-02-20 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 2/16/07 10:00:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Kate, if you're interested I can put you in touch with a rep in your
  area to try on some breeches. And, one of the huge benefits of
  Equissential Breeches is the recycle program, you can have the breech
  remade for reduced rate if the seat is still in good shape.
  They're a great company and the products are top quality... It's
  somewhat of an adiction to the deerskin, I hate riding on anything
  else now!

I am interested Steph, but really don't want to share my current waist size 
Kate Basler
Slettir/Paddington and Pila Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat, mouser extraordinare

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Re: [IceHorses] Black Equissential full seat tights for sale

2007-02-15 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 2/15/07 11:09:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I love these breeches, but I guess I like Girl Scout cookies better... :(
 Karen Thomas, NC

You and me both, Karen.   But, I'm trying real hard to resist the sugars and 
fats I could eat when younger.   Us old folks must cope with SLOWED metabolism 
I'm a bit confused about size..never having purchased riding 
pants/breeches. I wear a petite size 12 in regular jeansand am happily 
moving towards 
a loose 12--towards 10   :-)   Sure is difficult to lose weight and inches in 
the so-called golden years g.
These tights sound great, and I can sure use all the help I can get to stay 
in the saddle when I ride Paddy (Slettir for those who insist on Icelandic 
names).   Pretty Pila is such a sweetheart, and so brave.   She hasn't 
me and puts up with all my mixed cues and not so great seat--guess us older 
females can really stick together g. The braver she is, the braver I am, and 
it goes on and on, and transfers to the Padman.
I about the tights really appreciated, as Pila has 
given me courage to ride Paddington/Slettir.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Paddington/Slettir and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorji, Snowshoe cat

Re: [IceHorses] Coat King

2007-02-15 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 2/15/07 5:46:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been using the coat king on the horses for the past few days, and boy
 is the hair flying!
 They look so nice after pulling some of the shedding hair.

Here in freezing New England, I'm so happy that our guys have heavy coats, 
and I don't need to think about clipping.
This year we have given them waterproof blankets, when we have sleeting 
They do   choose to stand out in the freezing cold, with ice on their faces, 
rather than to come in to their run-ins, and I can't imagine how come they are 
OK with this weather, when I am soo cold.
Kate Basler

[IceHorses] You're invited to view my photos!--Pila

2007-01-08 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 1/5/07 3:08:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 you're invited to view my photos!
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[IceHorses] Pila fra Uxahrygg, Rangarvallasyslu

2007-01-08 Thread Katesera
Thanks for your response, Karen and Raven.
Forwarded pic without comment--Pila is a flashy little mare, which is a plus, 
as we love looking at her, but main thing is her temperament and 
Thank goodness we can pronounce Pila, and like it's sound.   Apparently, it 
means arrow, dart.
Maybe when Pila was young, her pinto patch looked like an arrow--will send 
another pic, showing her pinto spot.
As for her Icelandic origins--farm and region (?) -- don't think I'll even 
attempt to pronounce them!
Am grateful that she has no signs of ezema nor rain rot when out in hot or 
wet weather.
Our Slettir/Paddy was born in Canada, and is super hardy, with a great coat 
and no problem with insect bites or tolerating very wet conditions.   He and 
Koko choose to be out in the pouring rain...or heavy snow, rather than hanging 
out in their cozy run-in.

Kate Basler
Slettir/Paddington and Pila, Icelandic ponies
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat

[IceHorses] You're invited to view my photos--Pila with her pinto spot

2007-01-08 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 1/6/07 10:20:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 you're invited to view my photos!
 Photos from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 you're invited to view my photos!
 Photos from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Snapfish, 303 Second Street, South Tower, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94107.
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---End Message---

Re: [IceHorses] CT Video with Icelandics

2007-01-03 Thread Katesera
In a message dated 1/3/07 10:50:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I can not find either of my clickers!  I had one in the house and one in my
 fanny pack I ride with, and they are both missing.  I suspect the dog for
 the one in the house missing, but I'm afraid my fanny pack one just fell out
 somewhere.  Anyone know where I can order a couple quick?

   Susan in NV

Lots of choices on the internet, but don't know how quickly they would
arrive--priority male?
You might want to check with pet shops the carry dog training supplies as
well as farm supply stores.
I use my tongue now if I'm not sporting my wrist clicker, and the guys don't
seem to be confused.
Happy clicking and shaping.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Slettir/Paddington, Icelandic pony
Kokopelli,   Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat