Re: Why we shouldn' use ASCII text

2001-02-23 Thread James Aldridge

Alex Kamantauskas wrote:
>  Away with your Mesopotamiacentric alphabets and writing implements!!
>  Intelligent grunting was good enough for mankind for a million years!

>From certain email lists to which I'm subscribed, it seems that it's still
good enough.

Oh, you said *intelligent* grunting... sorry ;-)


Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread Wang Xianzhu

> to render XML documents to pure text presentation.  There will be
> ^^^
> > converters from XML to HTML, ms word, ps, pdf and any other types of
> > presentation, suitable for any type of readers.
> Meanwhile I stick with ASCII, which I can grep, cut & paste.
1. You can easily get a very well-formed ASCII file from a XML file.
2. With XML, you can not only grep, cut & paste, but also manage and process it.

For example, I can grep XML files for whose level 2 headings containing 
the string 'file transfer protocol'.  But for ASCII files, this is impossible, because 
1) the computer program does not know where are level 2 headings
2) the string may be split into two lines, grep fails in this situation.

> Also I don't think it will be at all practical to drive email
> discussions
> for ietf drafts if we have to start using XML/HTML/SGML/*ML crap.
> > BTW, there are RFCs (1125, 1129, etc.) only available in ps format, and some
> > provided both text and ps versions.  ASCII text is not enough to describe
> > information.
> Well it worked fine for 2800+ documents and how many today ?
3060+ today, with many ugly figures in '-', '_', 'o', '/', '\' chars, which
is very difficult to read.  In XML, you can even search for figures if 
we develop unified Internet/flowchart/etc DTDs.

> implementations
> of tcp/ip protocols running on how many devices ?
> > I wonder if anyone can write a readable pure text version of ITU-T P.861.
> What P.861 {Objective quality measurement of telephone-band (300-3400 Hz) 
> speech codecs} has to do with tcp/ip and rfc's ???
Yes, their content of P.861 seems have nothing to do with RFCs.  
P.861 is an informational document, like any RFCs.  If a RFC face a 
similar problem like P.861, I wonder how it can describe it clearly in 
pure text.

XML provides a way to describe information in documents, and can be 
easily converted to different types of target formats, such as pure text,
pdf, HTML, etc.   Again: XML is not for display.

> BTW, I hate to pay for ITU documents what are supposed to be public (I
> still
> remember the years old discussion when they ceased to exist available
> for anon ftp)

I hate ITU too. :)

> Regards
> Jorge.
Wang Xianzhu

RE: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread graham . travers


Let's consider a few basic principles.

1.  Neither ASCII nor XML are ever displayed.  They are CODES for
representing characters in a computer. It is the CHARACTERS ( glyphs ) that
are displayed ( presented / rendered ). There is a mapping between the codes
and the glyphs.

2.  ASCII has a strictly limited set of characters and glyphs ( even the
"international" version ), which can not represent many languages in the
world, and does a poor job of rendering diagrams, pictures, etc.

3.  As some people have emphasised, the importance of ASCII lies in the (
American Standard Code for Information ) INTERCHANGE.  Interchange implies
the ability to transfer in a manner which can be understood by both parties
to the transfer. The MOST COMMON global method of transferring will be the
most effective.

4.  Interchange does not guarantee understanding - either of presentation
format or content.  I wouldn't like to have to deal with Einstein's Theory
of Relativity ( content ), especially in Chinese ( format ).  ASCII does not
interchange Chinese characters, so it's presentation format is NOT readily
understandable by "most people".  

5.  A more comprehensive coding scheme, such as the Universal Character Set
( ISO 10646 ) would allow many more characters and glyphs to be used.

6.  The key to usage of encoding schemes is how widely they can be
interpreted by character presentation ( or rendering ) applications ( word
processors, etc. ), in mapping the internal codes to the glyphs rendered on
the screen or on paper.  Applications which can render more characters would
allow the use of larger code ranges and more characters.  

Until something replaces ASCII as the most commonly available global
interchange format ( and could it be HTML / XML ? ), it will remain the
default.  That doesn't mean that we should just accept it for evermore.  If
that principle were followed, we would still be drawing on cave walls and
large red rock formations ( Ayres in Australia ! ), which are not very
transportable !  

One of the things that the IETF could, and in my opinion SHOULD, do it to
make its documents available in several presentation formats, not to say
languages.  Yes, we would still need a master copy and format, which could
be ASCII, but other, more presentable formats, would make life easier for
many people.  The ITU-T ( I'm sorry to mention it, but they have been doing
this for decades ) publishes its documents in three languages. If the IETF
is really working for the world, it should take a more global view and
consider a similar sort of policy. Don't we have a work stream on
internationalisation ?

Of course, this sort of effort costs money - lots of it.  That's why the
ITU-T charges for documents.  If you want it free, you take the IETF
approach and get the inexpensive, ASCII, American language version.


Graham Travers

> -Original Message-
> From: Jorge Amodio [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 6:34 AM
> Subject:  Re: Why XML is perferable
> Wang Xianzhu wrote:
> >
> > to render XML documents to pure text presentation.  There will be
> ^^^
> > converters from XML to HTML, ms word, ps, pdf and any other types of
> > presentation, suitable for any type of readers.
> Meanwhile I stick with ASCII, which I can grep, cut & paste.
> Also I don't think it will be at all practical to drive email
> discussions
> for ietf drafts if we have to start using XML/HTML/SGML/*ML crap.
> > BTW, there are RFCs (1125, 1129, etc.) only available in ps format, and
> some
> > provided both text and ps versions.  ASCII text is not enough to
> describe
> > information.
> Well it worked fine for 2800+ documents and how many today ?
> implementations
> of tcp/ip protocols running on how many devices ?
> > I wonder if anyone can write a readable pure text version of ITU-T
> P.861.
> What P.861 {Objective quality measurement of telephone-band (300-3400
> Hz) 
> speech codecs} has to do with tcp/ip and rfc's ???
> BTW, I hate to pay for ITU documents what are supposed to be public (I
> still
> remember the years old discussion when they ceased to exist available
> for anon ftp)
> Regards
> Jorge.

RE: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread graham . travers

> -Original Message-
> From: Wang Xianzhu [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 9:13 AM
> To:   ietf
> Subject:  Why XML is perferable
> > 
> > Well it worked fine for 2800+ documents and how many today ?
> 3060+ today, with many ugly figures in '-', '_', 'o', '/', '\' chars,
> which
> is very difficult to read.  In XML, you can even search for figures if 
> we develop unified Internet/flowchart/etc DTDs.
Yes, fine  - if you happen to like messy diagrams; are not Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, Arabic, ...

> > BTW, I hate to pay for ITU documents what are supposed to be public (I
> > still
> > remember the years old discussion when they ceased to exist available
> > for anon ftp)
> I hate ITU too. :)
Nice to see some reasoned argument for a change !

> > 
> > Regards
> > Jorge.
> > 
> > 
> Regards,
> Wang Xianzhu

Re: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread Jon Crowcroft

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gra

 >>Let's consider a few basic principles.
ok - lots of good points below - a few responses...

 >>1.  Neither ASCII nor XML are ever displayed.  They are CODES for
 >>representing characters in a computer. It is the CHARACTERS ( glyphs ) that
 >>are displayed ( presented / rendered ). There is a mapping between the codes
 >>and the glyphs.

but the glyphs are in HARDWARE in many devices(e.g. printed on
keycaps, in printer wheels, in crt display chips etc)...

 >>2.  ASCII has a strictly limited set of characters and glyphs ( even the
 >>"international" version ), which can not represent many languages in the
 >>world, and does a poor job of rendering diagrams, pictures, etc.

yes, this point has been made a lot - however, the discipline of
getting a diagram into ascii art has OFTEN caused people in the ietf
to udnerstand the problem better (e.g. by choosing the most
parsimonious topology to explain a partiocular routing problem)

 >>3.  As some people have emphasised, the importance of ASCII lies in the (
 >>American Standard Code for Information ) INTERCHANGE.  Interchange implies
 >>the ability to transfer in a manner which can be understood by both parties
 >>to the transfer. The MOST COMMON global method of transferring will be the
 >>most effective.

yes, yes, and yes..but also, collating, indexing, and searching -
manmy of the search engines are optimised to the roman alhpabet, the
english dictionary, and the english freqeuncy distribution of

 >>4.  Interchange does not guarantee understanding - either of presentation
 >>format or content.  I wouldn't like to have to deal with Einstein's Theory
 >>of Relativity ( content ), especially in Chinese ( format ).  ASCII does not
 >>interchange Chinese characters, so it's presentation format is NOT readily
 >>understandable by "most people".  
 >>5.  A more comprehensive coding scheme, such as the Universal Character Set
 >>( ISO 10646 ) would allow many more characters and glyphs to be used.
 >>6.  The key to usage of encoding schemes is how widely they can be
 >>interpreted by character presentation ( or rendering ) applications ( word
 >>processors, etc. ), in mapping the internal codes to the glyphs rendered on
 >>the screen or on paper.  Applications which can render more characters would
 >>allow the use of larger code ranges and more characters.  
 >>Until something replaces ASCII as the most commonly available global
 >>interchange format ( and could it be HTML / XML ? ), it will remain the
 >>default.  That doesn't mean that we should just accept it for evermore.  If
 >>that principle were followed, we would still be drawing on cave walls and
 >>large red rock formations ( Ayres in Australia ! ), which are not very
 >>transportable !  
 >>One of the things that the IETF could, and in my opinion SHOULD, do it to
 >>make its documents available in several presentation formats, not to say
 >>languages.  Yes, we would still need a master copy and format, which could
 >>be ASCII, but other, more presentable formats, would make life easier for
 >>many people.  The ITU-T ( I'm sorry to mention it, but they have been doing
 >>this for decades ) publishes its documents in three languages. If the IETF
 >>is really working for the world, it should take a more global view and
 >>consider a similar sort of policy. Don't we have a work stream on
 >>internationalisation ?
 >>Of course, this sort of effort costs money - lots of it.  That's why the
 >>ITU-T charges for documents.  If you want it free, you take the IETF
 >>approach and get the inexpensive, ASCII, American language version.
thats why the ITU claims it charges. i think you overstate the
contrast. btw, as someone who has written documents in english english
for 20 years using ascii codes, i dont see your point about American
_language_ - coding for alhpabet doesnt necessarily code for language
(ever used greeklish?:-)

anyhow, the point about cost is good - basically, do people want to
think about a funding model for multi-lingual internet standards...?
worth a brief discussion (there are alternates to the ITU charging
model, clearly)


RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread graham . travers

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 3:37 AM
> To:   Doug Sauder
> Subject:  Re: HTML better for small PDAs 
> 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it *converted to*
> within the past 5 years?
This is not a valid argument.  Egyptian Hieroglyphs were not written
in ASCII either !

RE: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread Shaw, Robert

> > > BTW, I hate to pay for ITU documents what are supposed to 
> be public (I still remember the years old discussion when they 
> ceased to exist available for anon ftp)
> > 
> > I hate ITU too. :)
> > 

Well, it's always useful for religious groups to have a
"great satan"... :-)

>   Nice to see some reasoned argument for a change !'s not even reasoned


The implications of this are left as an exercise for the clever

ITU Internet Strategy and Policy Advisor
International Telecommunication Union 
Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

HTML vs. TXT: let's compare!

2001-02-23 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

Hello, let's compare:

Some fellow perhaps prefers the first one and some others 
may prefers the second one. Some may take aspirin, and some 
may eat chicken soup. Why not have both?


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Don't cry for me, Nusantara;the truth is that I never...

Re: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh

2001-02-23 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

>> Also, why isn't HTML an accepted format for Internet Drafts
> just a sec.  traditionally, we have this discussion every six months. 
> it has not been six months yet.

And the poisson is due to start its five year cycle to 
discuss about the future format of an RFC. The last
consensus (1996) was "let's wait five years :-).


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Don't cry for me, Nusantara;the truth is that I never...

Re: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh

2001-02-23 Thread Johnny Eriksson

Stephen McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am I the only one that finds a certain bit of irony in the fact that the 
> last IETF conference provided "peek at the future" style networking - i.e., 
> 11MB 802.11 wireless throughout the entire hotel, so that people could 
> literally walk from one end of the hotel to the other with laptop perched 
> in the crook of one arm while using the other to do e-mail, web browsing 
> etc... ...AND that these are the same people with archaic browsers and 
> e-mail clients that can't handle recent advances in technology - even to 
> the point of using "dumb" devices that can only handle ASCII?

Not everyone considers a move from ASCII to HTML "an advance in technology".


Re: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh

2001-02-23 Thread John Border

Somewhere in the flood of email on this topic which is filling my inbox, we
have lost track of the fact that the IETF does not produce documents only for
its own use.  The idea is that everyone everywhere should have access to them
and the least common denominator is still ASCII.  (At least, the practical
LCD.  I can think of few extra uses for the stone tablets at working group
meetings though...)


Stephen McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am I the only one that finds a certain bit of irony in the fact that the
> last IETF conference provided "peek at the future" style networking - i.e.,
> 11MB 802.11 wireless throughout the entire hotel, so that people could
> literally walk from one end of the hotel to the other with laptop perched
> in the crook of one arm while using the other to do e-mail, web browsing
> etc... ...AND that these are the same people with archaic browsers and
> e-mail clients that can't handle recent advances in technology - even to
> the point of using "dumb" devices that can only handle ASCII?

Re: was Why we shouldn' use ASCII text (now censorship)

2001-02-23 Thread Jon Crowcroft

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Crowcroft typed:

 >>on another topic, we noticed that we cannot see certain sites that
 >>provide some interesgint IP anonymizing services -we ran a 
 >>traceroute -p xyzd to them and discovered that some hi-level ISPs are
 >>running some port filtering - interesting - should one peer with
 >>such folks given its hard to route around them as an end user?

 >>putting out the fire with gasoline...

my mistake - it was the egress from a site to an ISP that was admin
blocking the port - not an ISP - big error reading output from
traceroute -p on my part  -sorry: isps, not guilty; crowcroft, guilty.



Re: HTML (was: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh)

2001-02-23 Thread Sandy Wills

Johnny Eriksson wrote:
> Stephen McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...AND that these are the same people with archaic browsers and
> > e-mail clients that can't handle recent advances in technology
> > - even to the point of using "dumb" devices that can only handle
> > ASCII?
> Not everyone considers a move from ASCII to HTML "an advance in
> technology".

  Think of Radio and TV.
  TV was an extension of Radio, using technology developed from Radio,
not available until engineers had spent a couple of decades pondering
Radio improvements, and mostly using parts only available because Radio
had created a strong electronics industry.  So, TV was "an advance in
technology" over Radio.
  And, of course, TV allowed for improved communication in some ways. 
It just tends to have a very low signal/noise ratio, making it harder
for the user to find any useful data on the boob tube than it is on your
radio.  It also _requires_ a much more complicated infrastructure to
pass a message, more effort from the creater, and more attention from
the recipient (two senses - a primary and a secondary - engaged vs. just
one secondary sense), so that people who could multitask while listening
to the radio can't do anything else while watching TV.
  Now, TV has it's uses.  It's just not very efficient for transferring
audio.  If you don't _need_ pictures, then you're wasting bandwidth with
TV.  And there's never enough bandwidth.

  Which is exactly my objection to HTML vs. ASCII.  People post in ASCII
because they think they have something useful to say - and it's easy for
anyone who wants to get it, read it, store it.  People post in HTML
because they think they have created something pretty, and want to share
it - and the post is not universally viewable, takes time to get and
space to store, and is generally pretty but useless.  So, you arrive at
a simple two-state system: pretty people use HTML, and useful people use
ASCII.  There are, of course, exceptions, but if you see a post in HTML
you already have a strong clue about the writer's value system.

: Unable to locate coffee.  Operator halted.

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Doug Sauder

> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 21:01:23 EST, you said:
> > I am not sure I agree with the statement that in 10 years XML will
> > be history.  One of XML's greatest values is in the fact that it is a
> > good format for long-term archiving of written material.  Some very
> > old material (several millenia old) is available in XML format --
> > that's more than the 32 years for RFC1.  ;-)  The reason old text has
> > been converted to XML is not so that people can read it on a GameBoy,
> > but so that it can be archived, indexed, converted to other 
> formats, etc.
> 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it 
> *converted to* XML
> within the past 5 years?

Duh!?  ;-)  Obviously, this is a rhetorical question.

> 2) Will you be able to find the DTD you need in 2035?

Well-formed XML documents still have value even without a DTD.  It's usually pretty 
easy to guess at what the elements mean.  If the documents are of value to a lot of 
people at the time, then yes, you probably will be able to find the DTD and one or 
more style sheets.  If it's just a historical document, then maybe or maybe not.  I'll 
bet that you'd be able to find a plain text rendering of the document, though.

> > An alternative point of view is that in 10 years XML will have 
> achieved a
> > critical mass, so that it becomes as entrenched as many other standards:
> > ASCII, TCP/IP, C, etc.
> OK.. Wake me up in 2011 and I'll be MORE than happy to reconsider. ;)

I don't have a crystal ball, and I have been around long enough to have seen fads come 
and go.  XML seems to me to strike the right balance between simplicity and value-add, 
so that I would consider it a pretty safe bet for the long-term as a document format.  
Anyway, I don't expect that the IETF will be moving from plain text to any other 
format for years, if ever.  For the most part, this discussion is academic.

Here's a proposal though:  how about multipart/alternative!  ;-)  Seriously, storage 
is incredibly cheap.  Why not store documents in several formats?  If the plain text 
rendering is the normative document, I don't think anyone would have a problem with 
that.  Perhaps the RFC editor could accept documents using the DTD from M Rose as well 
as the normative plain text format.  I'm not suggesting that the editor take on a lot 
of new work, just that XML documents, when submitted by authors, be made available 
from the Web.

BTW, I have always liked the layout of the RFCs -- namely, that they are nicely 
paginated with page numbers and headers.  On the other hand, HTML often doesn't print 
very well.

Doug Sauder

Re: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:08:34 CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jun'an Gao)  said:

> One can display doesn't necessarily mean one can comprehend.

But the *inability* to display it DOES necessarily mean you can't comprehend.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Doug Sauder

Just a few final observations, then I'll bug out of the discussion.

1. Some folks scoff at the idea of reading I-Ds and RFCs on a PDA, yet they think it's 
necessary to accommodate those who would read them on 1950s-style teletypes or other 
old, outdated equipment.  We say that lines should be, what, 76 characters long?  Why? 
  What about 40 characters per line?  Then I could read the RFCs on my old Commodore 
64  in addition to my PDA.  ;-)  What *is* the lowest common denominator, anyway?

2. RFCs have a limited lifetime.  RFC 1 might be 32 years old, but it's probably only 
relevant to historians.  Historians will probably find the tools they need to view old 
documents.  So, if RFCs are maintained in a format that outlives the technology 
documented in the RFCs, then there's no problem, right?  (Speaking from the aspect of 
archives.)  Anyone know how long ASCII will be around?

Doug Sauder

Re: Why XML is perferable

2001-02-23 Thread Bob Braden

  *> well-known, but some RFCs such as those on OSPF may be much
  *> more vivid if written in XML. There have been quite a few

Vivid?  We are talking about deeply complex technical documents
here, not MTV.  What do you mean, "vivid"?

Bob Braden

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:52:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > 1) Was your millenia-old data *written in XML*, or was it *converted to*
> > XML
> > within the past 5 years?

>   This is not a valid argument.  Egyptian Hieroglyphs were not written
> in ASCII either !

Actually, it *is* a valid argument - consider that hieroglyphs were
unreadable until they found the Rosetta Stone.  The media lasted, but the
ability to parse didn't.

ASCII has proven to be understandable 40 years after being written.
XML has proven to be understandable 5 years after being written.
Hieroglyphs have proven to be recognizable but not understandable 2000 years
after being written (2000 years placing it just BEFORE the Rosetta Stone
was found)

Now, who was saying that you didn't need a DTD to understand the XML? ;)

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature

RE: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Christian Huitema

The way I think about it, the current "ascii" rule makes it hard for the
writer, moderately easy for the reader, and very easy for the archivist.
It is hard for the writer now, because we are mostly using wysiwig tools
that don't produce ascii very naturally. OTOH, it is not too hard -- for
example, the extra cost of postprocessing a Microsoft Words formatted
document to an internet-draft format is at most a couple of minutes,
which seems a reasonable investment when you write for the posterity. As
a matter of fact, it does not take longer than the nroff postprocessing
that we used when nroff was the norm.

Ascii text is moderately easy for the reader. Let's face it, the 72
character per line format has its roots in a time of 24x80 character
screens, which itself had its root in the generic 80 columns punch card.
That is fine when a screen is large enough to display a full line of
text, but that is definitely suboptimal on small screens. A marked-up
presentation would allow for better rendition on  small PDA screens, and
would also allow for a better support of those of us who have a poor
eyesight. OTOH, the RFC format is very regular, with fixed size pages,
regular indentation, etc. Many people have already written filters that
convert this format into their preferred mark-up language, which is a
reasonable compromise for viewers.

We should note that the "ease of view" argument is an argument for
mark-up languages, not for fancy page formatting languages such as
Adobe's PDF: if you cannot reformat the page on display, there is no
particular benefit for the owners of small screens or weak eyes. But the
very benefits that make make marked-up presentation tempting also carry
a big risk in a standard world: if the documents you view depend on how
you view them, there is a risk that conficting view generate conficting
interpretation. That risk is well known in international circles, when
for example the translation of various UN resolutions can carry slightly
different meanings in different languages. If we want standards, we want
a simple reference. Printing an ascii text with a fixed font and a fixed
page set-up gives us that.

In my opinion, the hardship imposed on the authors and on the present
readers is more than compensated by the ease of archival of the text
format, the ease of read by future readers, and the adaptation to the
job at hand, publishing standards. Mark-up languages have evolved in
time, from nroff to tex and latex, from wordperfect to office XP, from
sgml to html and xml. Markup languages tend to be highly parametrized,
with various nroff or tex macros, various word templates, various html
extensions and xml dtds. The macros tend to have an even shorter
lifespan that the languages themselves, which make them even poorer
candidates for an archival function. Frankly, the energy spent every
fice years in questioning the ascii format would be better spent in
writing transition tools...

-- Christian Huitema

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Robert G. Ferrell

>Actually, it *is* a valid argument - consider that hieroglyphs were
>unreadable until they found the Rosetta Stone.  The media lasted, but the
>ability to parse didn't.

If we're going to stray onto the treacherous ice of logic here, 
then I feel constrained to point out that ASCII, XML, and so 
on are merely ways of formatting characters, not languages 
in and of themselves.  The clay tablet vs paper comparison really 
isn't applicable either, because the basic storage and display media 
do not change in our example, regardless of which format we adopt. 
A more precise analogy would be something along the lines of 
'shall we use ink, paint, chisels, or chalk?'  I'm afraid that even 
this construct isn't particularly useful in our context.  

There are times when analogies can shine a bright light on a dark 
debate, but they may also be the last refuge of the obfuscator.  

I say ASCII source documents are fine; if someone wants to convert their 
personal copies of the docs into XML, PDF, HTML, or Morse Code, they're 
perfectly welcome to do so.



Robert G. Ferrell, CISSP

 Who goeth without humor goeth unarmed.

Re: Writing Internet Drafts on a Macintosh

2001-02-23 Thread Theodore Y. Ts'o

   From: Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:41:30 -0500

   > AND that these are the same people with archaic browsers and
   > e-mail clients that can't handle recent advances in technology - even to
   > the point of using "dumb" devices that can only handle ASCII?

   I doubt that any of those laptops could handle only ASCII. 
   But the fact is, many experts prefer the power and flexibility of a 
   text-based interface for many tasks, over what you call "recent advances
   in technology" that involve "smart" devices, mice, and bitmapped displays.

One of the great, heralded "advances" which Microsoft touts in Windows
2000 is that all administrative interfaces are scriptable --- which
means in practice that it's possible make all administrative changes
from the command line (so it can be scripted using a batch file),
instead of forcing people to use the GUI control panel.  

So it's official.  Microsoft invented the command-line interface; isn't
great how they use their freedom to innovate?  :-)

- Ted

Re: HTML better for small PDAs

2001-02-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:22:15 EST, Jeremy Foshee said:
> Valdis wrote:
> >Now, who was saying that you didn't need a DTD to understand the XML? ;)
> You don't. XML has the ability to stand on it's own if you desire.

Umm.. without a DTD, how do you interpret all the markup that was the POINT
of using XML?  Yes, a XML document without the DTD can be syntax-checked, but
let's think for a moment - if you don't have the (hypothetical) rfc2119 DTD,
what is the *semantics* of:

Implementors of Turbo-Foobar support the XYZ extension

Before you say "but we all know what 'should' means", consider that we felt
it necessary to publish RFC2119.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

 PGP signature

Re: Why XML is perferable: manipulating and presentation

2001-02-23 Thread Wang Xianzhu

> I was wondering if you could tell me something. What would the output of the
> p.861 document look like if it were converted from XML to ASCII?

I think the process of documents should have two phases:

1. write, store, transfer, update, manage... , manipulating based on the 
logical contents.
2. read, some presentation on devices to make people comprehend.

We read a document on different devices, with different limitations, and
we see different presentation of the documents, but all kinds of the 
presentations are based on the contents of the documents.  Too make 
presentation more effective, we should define a format to write and store 
the documents. If the format is defined to be enough good (such as a 
well-defined XML DTD for RFCs), the documents encoded in this 
format can be easily converted into different kinds of presentation, 
to meet the requirements of different people and devices.  The process 
of convertation can be transparent to the readers.  For example, if the 
XML DTD and style sheets are defined by IETF, we can get .txt, 
.ps, .pdf, .html,... RFCs directly from ietf web and FTP site, while the
authors only compose them according to the defined XML DTD, not
caring about the presentation.

However, certain devices (e.g. pure text readers) still have some 
limitations on presentation.  For P.861, it seems no way to present it in 
pure text format to make people clearly comprehend.  This just 
proves my opinion: pure text is not suitable for manipulating documents.

Additionally, a goot format of documents greatly ease the work to manipulate
the documents.  

I believe that RFCs have a internal format.  Documents in this format
are without the page numbers, headers and footers.  This format is for 
manipulating.  The format we see in the published RFCs is only for
reading.  Why don't we switch this internal format to XML?

My advice is to: manipulate RFCs in XML/SGML (by carefully 
defining a DTD), and automaticlly publish them in every kind 
of presentation (by defining different style sheets).  This does not 
conflict with current situation: txt lovers can still get txt RFCs 
from the same location, while others can get html, ps, pdf,... RFCs.

I hated ITU, but because now I can get ITU documents freely, 
I don't hate it any more.

Wang Xianzhu
RUNWAY Technology
Beijing, China
(This is my last augument about XML.)

> -Original Message-
> From: Wang Xianzhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:13 AM
> Subject: Why XML is perferable
> > to render XML documents to pure text presentation.  There will be
> > ^^^
> > > converters from XML to HTML, ms word, ps, pdf and any other types of
> > > presentation, suitable for any type of readers.
> > 
> > Meanwhile I stick with ASCII, which I can grep, cut & paste.
> > 
> 1. You can easily get a very well-formed ASCII file from a XML file.
> 2. With XML, you can not only grep, cut & paste, but also manage and process
> it.
> For example, I can grep XML files for whose level 2 headings containing 
> the string 'file transfer protocol'.  But for ASCII files, this is
> impossible, because 
> 1) the computer program does not know where are level 2 headings
> 2) the string may be split into two lines, grep fails in this situation.
> > Also I don't think it will be at all practical to drive email
> > discussions
> > for ietf drafts if we have to start using XML/HTML/SGML/*ML crap.
> >  
> > > BTW, there are RFCs (1125, 1129, etc.) only available in ps format, and
> some
> > > provided both text and ps versions.  ASCII text is not enough to
> describe
> > > information.
> > 
> > Well it worked fine for 2800+ documents and how many today ?
> 3060+ today, with many ugly figures in '-', '_', 'o', '/', '\' chars, which
> is very difficult to read.  In XML, you can even search for figures if 
> we develop unified Internet/flowchart/etc DTDs.
> > implementations
> > of tcp/ip protocols running on how many devices ?
> > 
> > > I wonder if anyone can write a readable pure text version of ITU-T
> P.861.
> > 
> > What P.861 {Objective quality measurement of telephone-band (300-3400 Hz) 
> > speech codecs} has to do with tcp/ip and rfc's ???
> > 
> Yes, their content of P.861 seems have nothing to do with RFCs.  
> P.861 is an informational document, like any RFCs.  If a RFC face a 
> similar problem like P.861, I wonder how it can describe it clearly in 
> pure text.
> XML provides a way to describe information in documents, and can be 
> easily converted to different types of target formats, such as pure text,
> pdf, HTML, etc.   Again: XML is not for display.
> > BTW, I hate to pay for ITU documents what are supposed to be public (I
> > still
> > remember the years old discussion when they ceased to exist available
> > for anon ftp)
> I hate ITU too. :)
> > 
> > Regards
> > Jorge.
> > 
> > 
> Regards,

HTML same problem with TXT. XML/SGML the solution

2001-02-23 Thread Wang Xianzhu

> I say ASCII source documents are fine; if someone wants to convert their 
> personal copies of the docs into XML, PDF, HTML, or Morse Code, they're 
> perfectly welcome to do so.
ASCII source documents are not suitable for convertion.  This is also true for
HTML and pdf files.  If I convert a document, I need to know the logical structure
of the document. ASCII documents lack these meta information.  Although
HTML and pdf files have information about structure, but this information is
only for presentation, not the logical information of the document.

All these formats of documents are for presentation, not for manipulating.
Mixing up the manipulating and presentation processes has many problems.
XML/SGML is the solution.

Wang Xianzhu

> Cheers,
> Robert G. Ferrell, CISSP
>  Who goeth without humor goeth unarmed.