Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Eliot Lear

Why would a service provider give up skimming the cream with that
(nearly free) extra cash that weirdos like us hand them for real IPv4


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread marcelo bagnulo braun

Hi Andrew,

And people wonder why NATs proliferate... much of the world has no 
option but to live with them.  This is a direct result of policy 
discouraging IPv4 address allocation.

sorry for asking, but what policy are you referring to?

RIR policy?

Can you point out any RIRs policy that prevents from getting one public 
IPv4 address per machine connected to the Internet?

What do you think that needs to be changed in the v4 allocation policy?

Or are you talking about business model of the ISPs? (which doesn't 
seem to me to be related with policies, but just business...)

Thanks, marcelo


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 30-mrt-2006, at 10:29, marcelo bagnulo braun wrote:

And people wonder why NATs proliferate... much of the world has no  
option but to live with them.  This is a direct result of policy  
discouraging IPv4 address allocation.

sorry for asking, but what policy are you referring to?

RIR policy?

Can you point out any RIRs policy that prevents from getting one  
public IPv4 address per machine connected to the Internet?

On a somewhat (un)related note: it's not easy for ISPs to give out  
two or three IP addresses to customers because there is no good  
mechanism to do so. One address works very well with PPP or DHCP, but  
a specific number other than one doesn't, so the next step is  
something like a /29.

On an even more (un)related note: it's not possible to give IPv6  
addresses to customers over PPP, and it's very inconvenient to make  
a /64 - /48 be routed towards a customer router that dynamically  
connects to an ISP network. (I.e., my cell phone is a router and it  
dials up, it gets an address through stateless autoconfig but then my  
laptop, PDA etc that use the cell phone as their router aren't  
automatically reachable.)

Some more work on provisioning mechanisms wouldn't be a bad thing.

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

Dear Illjitsch,
full agreement with everything you say.

In addition please consider that engineers want to square several 
informations within a single space. So to the lose of numbering space 
they add rigidity wich operationnally kills still more space. 
Actually there is a 32 Hexa long address space. Question 1 is how 
many Hexa to protocol, how many to routing, how many to addressing 
and how many to subaddressing. Question 2 are the solutions to save 
space depending on the use within that ABNF without removing 
operational simplicity. It seems absurd to give my mobile as many 
local addresses than to a large corporation network. Question 3 is 
interoperability of the various addressing spaces.

Anyone having to build a numbering plan for any kind of nomenclature 
has the same problem and faces the same erroneous propositions. I 
wander if someone wrote a book about that kind of experience the 
world could take advantage from. The problem is that this 
incertainity blocks network application needind a stable relative 
numbering plans.


At 06:26 30/03/2006, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

> So how big would you like addresses to be, then?

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 30-mrt-2006, at 6:26, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

We currently have 1/8th of the IPv6 address space set aside for
global unicast purposes ...

Do you know how many addresses that is? One eighth of 128 bits is a
125-bit address space, or


addresses. That's enough to assign 735 IP addresses to every cubic
centimetre in the currently observable universe (yes, I calculated
it). Am I the only person who sees the absurdity of wasting addresses
this way?

When I first learned about IPv6 I felt strongly that 128 bits was too  
much, especially since all those bits have to be carried in every IP  
packet twice, once as a source address and once as a destination  
address. However, since that time I've learned to appreciate  
stateless autoconfiguration and the potential usefulness of having  
the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address as a place to carry some  
limited security information (see SEND and shim6 HBA).

... with the idea that ISPs give their customers /48 blocks.

Thank you for illustrating the classic engineer's mistake.  Stop
thinking in terms of _bits_, and think in terms of the _actual number
of addresses_ available.  Of better still, start thinking in terms of
the _number of addresses you throw away_ each time you set aside
entire bit spans in the address for any predetermined purpose.

The trouble is that you need to build in space for growth.  
Unfortunately, at the time IPv6 was created variable length addresses  
weren't considered viable. (In theory CLNP has variable length  
addresses, in practice that doesn't really work out.) And for some  
strange reason, apparently only powers of two were considered as  
address lengths. So the choice was either 64 bits, which is a lot,  
but it doesn't allow for any innovation over the 32 bits we have in  
IPv4, or 128 which does cost 16 extra bytes in every packet, but  
gives us stateless autoconfig and SEND. Now you can argue that 64 or  
48 bits and continuing current IPv4 practices would have been better,  
but given the choice for 128 bits, the current way of using the  
address space makes sense for the most part.

The only thing I'm not too happy about is the current one address /  
one subnet / /48 trichotomy. Ignoring the single address for a  
moment, the choice between one subnet and 65536 isn't a great one, as  
many things require a number of subnets that's greater than one, but  
not by much. For instance, the cell phone as a router example I  
talked about earlier. A /64 and a single address, or two /64s which  
would be a /63 would be more useful there. The idea that we'd use up  
too much address space by giving out /48s doesn't seem like a real  
problem to me, but on the other hand most people don't need a /48 so  
some choice thats < /48 and > 64 makes sense. But a /56 as suggested  
by some people is suboptimal: people with growing networks will at  
some point need more than 256 subnets but at that point they already  
have very many subnets so renumbering then is painful. Making the  
choice between /60 and /48 makes much more sense: just give everyone  
a /60 rather than a /64 just in case they need a handful of subnets,  
which is adequate for 99% of all internet users. People who need more  
than a handful of subnets can get a /48 and won't have to renumber at  
an inconvenient point in the growth curve.

Yes, I know this will use up sixteen times the number of addresses  
for people who really only need a single subnet, but it saves a  
factor 4096 for the people who need 2 - 16 subnets and would have  
gotten a /48 or a factor 16 for the people who would have gotten a / 
56. The extra wasted address space from giving people who really only  
need one subnet a /60 is made up for by the people who would have  
gotten a /48 but can now get by with a /60 if the ratio of one-subnet  
to <17-subnet users is 1 : 4000 or less. (Making the choice /64 vs / 
56 saves even more as long as the ratio is lower than 94 : 6 but  
doesn't have the desireable near-onesizefitsall quality.)

If you want exponential capacity from an address space, you have to
assign the addresses consecutively and serially out of that address
space.  You cannot encode information in the address.  You cannot
divided the address in a linear way based on the bits it contains and
still claim to have the benefits of the exponential number of
addresses for which it supposedly provides.

The thing that is good about IPv6 is that once you get yourself a / 
64, you can subdivide it yourself and still have four billion times  
the IPv4 address space. (But you'd be giving up the autoconfiguration  

Also, when the time comes to create the next version of IP, we won't  
have to worry about all of this to a noticeable degree because IPvA  
or IPvF or whatever can have a different addressing structure that  
can still be expressed as an IPv6-like 128 bit number for backward  
compatibility with

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

On 28 mar 2006, at 18.00, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

From: Kurt Erik Lindqvist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

NAT is a dead end.  If the Internet does not develop a way

to obsolete

NAT, the Internet will die.  It will gradually be replaced

by networks

that are more-or-less IP based but which only run a small number of
applications, poorly, and expensively.

...or you will see an overlay network build on top of
NAT+IPv4 that abstracts the shortcomings away - aka what the
peer to peer networks are doing. End-to-end addressing...

Precisely. Just what is this fetish about keeping the IP address  
the same as

the packet travels?

I will have to get better at making irony clearerI most certainly  
hope we are not heading down the route I suggest above. I am _afraid_  
we are though.

- kurtis -

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Tim Chown
On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 01:36:18PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> The thing that is good about IPv6 is that once you get yourself a / 
> 64, you can subdivide it yourself and still have four billion times  
> the IPv4 address space. (But you'd be giving up the autoconfiguration  
> advantages.)

I noticed that by deafult MS Vista doesn't use autoconf as per 2462, 
rather it uses a 3041-like random address.  See:

"Random Interface IDs for IPv6 Addresses

 To prevent address scans of IPv6 addresses based on the known company IDs of 
network adapter manufacturers, Windows Server "Longhorn" and Windows Vista by 
default generate random interface IDs for non-temporary autoconfigured IPv6 
addresses, including public and link-local addresses."

That reads to me like no 2462 by default.  Maybe I'm misinterpreting.

One could envisage an option where that randomness is applied to 48 host
bits not 64.  If you really really wanted to do that.


Ietf mailing list

RE: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Steve Silverman

The problem with allocating numbers sequentially is the impact on
routers and routing protocols.
I have heard that the Japanese issue house numbers chronologically.
When you find the right block, you have to hunt
for the right number.  What you are suggesting is similar. You would
have as many routing table entries as hosts in the world.  The router
would not be affordable.  The traffic for routing entries would swamp
the net. The processing of these
routing advertisements would be impossible.  It doesn't scale!
The function of an address is to enable a router to find it. That is
we try to use hierarchical addressing even at the cost of numbering

IMO one problem of the Internet is that it isn't hierarchical enough.
Consider the phone system:  country codes, area codes ...  This makes
the job of building a switch much easier. I think we should have
divided the world into 250 countries. Each country into 250
"provinces".  Yes, it would waste address space but it would make
routing much easier and more deterministic.  It would simplify BGP
drastically.  Current routing algorithms aren't that efffective.
Paths in the net are fairly inefficient. This increases latency,
apparent traffic on the net, and is a real waste of money.

Yes this would mean a mobile node needs to get new addresses as it
moves. So what. We already have DHCP.  Cell phones do a handoff

Steve Silverman

> -Original Message-
> From: Anthony G. Atkielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone,was:
> IPv6 vs. Stupid
> NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and
> how to stop
> them.)
> Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:
> > So how big would you like addresses to be, then?
> It's not how big they are, it's how they are allocated.
> And they are
> allocated very poorly, even recklessly, which is why they run out so
> quickly.  It's true that engineers always underestimate required
> capacity, but 128-bit addresses would be enough for anything ... IF
> they were fully allocated.  But I know they won't be, and so the
> address space will be exhausted soon enough.
> > We currently have 1/8th of the IPv6 address space set aside for
> > global unicast purposes ...
> Do you know how many addresses that is? One eighth of 128 bits is a
> 125-bit address space, or
> 42,535,295,865,117,307,932,921,825,928,971,026,432
> addresses. That's enough to assign 735 IP addresses to every cubic
> centimetre in the currently observable universe (yes, I calculated
> it). Am I the only person who sees the absurdity of wasting
> addresses
> this way?
> It doesn't matter how many bits you put in an address, if you assign
> them this carelessly.
> > ... with the idea that ISPs give their customers /48 blocks.
> Thank you for illustrating the classic engineer's mistake.  Stop
> thinking in terms of _bits_, and think in terms of the
> _actual number
> of addresses_ available.  Of better still, start thinking
> in terms of
> the _number of addresses you throw away_ each time you set aside
> entire bit spans in the address for any predetermined purpose.
> Remember, trying to encode information in the address (which is what
> you are doing when you reserve bit spans) results in
> exponential (read
> incomprehensibly huge) reductions in the number of available
> addresses.  It's trivially easy to exhaust the entire address space
> this way.
> If you want exponential capacity from an address space, you have to
> assign the addresses consecutively and serially out of that address
> space.  You cannot encode information in the address.  You cannot
> divided the address in a linear way based on the bits it
> contains and
> still claim to have the benefits of the exponential number of
> addresses for which it supposedly provides.
> Why is this so difficult for people to understand?
> > That gives us 45 bits worth of address space to use up.
> You're doing it again.  It's not 45 bits; it's a factor of
> 35,184,372,088,832.
> But rest assured, they'll be gone in the blink of an eye if the
> address space continues to be mismanaged in this way.
> > It's generally accepted that an HD ratio of 80% should be
> reachable
> > without trouble, which means we get to waste 20% of those
> bits in
> > aggregation hierarchies.
> No. It's not 20% of the bits, it's 99.9756% of your address
> space that
> you are wasting.
> Do engineers really study math?
> > This gives us 36 bits = 68 billion /48s. That's several per person
> > inhabiting the earth, and each of those / 48s provides
> 65536 subnets
> > that have room to address every MAC address ever assigned without
> > breaking a sweat.
> What happens when MAC addresses go away?  How are you providing for
> the future when you allocate address space based on the
> past?  Why not
> just leave the address space alone, and allocate only the minimum
> slice

OT: Japanese addresses (was: 128 bits should be enough for everyone)

2006-03-30 Thread Dave Aronson (re IETF)
Steve Silverman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 > I have heard that the Japanese issue house numbers chronologically.
 > When you find the right block, you have to hunt for the right number.

It's even worse.  An address written "Latin" characters is typically in the 
form Bldg#-Block#-Area# DistrictName, WardName, CityName PostCode#, or 
sometimes Bldg#-Block#, DistrictName Area#-chome, WardName, CityName PostCode#. 
 Bldg# is chronological.  Area# does not follow any geographical pattern.  I 
don't know about Block# or PostCode#.  Note the lack of a street name in the 
address; that's because most non-major streets don't HAVE names!

I've been running into this problem, trying to find on a map the building in 
Tokyo where I'll be working in mid-April (10-19).  Anybody near either Shiba or 
Akasaka want to get together for a biiru (or kohi or whatever) then?


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread John C Klensin

--On Thursday, March 30, 2006 19:30 +1200 Andrew McGregor 

Your ISP charges you 9 times as much for IPv4 addresses as
they do for bandwidth?  I'd recommend switching ISPs.  All
the ones I've seen   charge a
small premium for additional IP space, but it's never more
than   about a 50% premium.

Not if you don't live in the US.  There are no options here
that are  at all cheap.  Usually you get a flat "we don't do
that".  And they  don't do v6 either.

If it makes you feel better (it probably won't), in much of the 
US, the story from the ISPs goes like this:

* We don't do that on our residential service, if you
want _any_ IPv4 addresses assigned to you, you need to
buy the commercial service.

* The commercial service costs around ten times as much
as the residential one for similar bandwidth _less_
service (often no free email, free web hosting, "user
protection" software tools, etc.)

* If you want more than one address on the commercial
service, you will pay some small incremental charge for
it.  But the real incremental charge starts at address
number 1 and is tied up with the "type of service" shift.

However, we need to keep something else in mind, which 
Iljitsch's note hints at.  If I'm an ISP trying to sell a 
low-end service to low-end customers at a low  (but still 
profitable) price, I need to cut customer support costs to the 
absolute minimum.  If someone calls up for help with a 
configuration problem, that may be six month's of profits from 
that customer eaten up in the cost of answering the call.   To 
that sort of ISP, NATs, and ISP-supplied routers that support 
NATs, have a _huge_ advantage, which is that all supported 
customer LANs are identical -- same design, same exact internal 
addresses, etc.That is very important from a support 
standpoint -- length of calls, skill levels required, ability to 
construct clear FAQs and avoid calls entirely, and so on.

For the community, there are elements of "you get what you pay 
for" in this.  And, for the ISPs, unless we figure out ways to 
provide the same level of support convenience with public 
addresses, we will certainly see NATs with IPv6 as well as IPv4.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'TLS User Mapping Extension' to Proposed Standard

2006-03-30 Thread Simon Josefsson says:

   This document does not specify how the server stores the
   user_principal_name, or how exactly it might be used to locate a
   certificate.  For instance, it might be appropriate to do a case-
   insensitive lookup.  It is RECOMMENDED that the server processes the
   user_principal_name with a stringprep profile [N7] appropriate for
   the identity in question, such as Nameprep [N8] for the portion
   domain portion of UPN, SASLprep [N9] for the user portion of the UPN
   and stringprep appendix B.3 [N7] as mapping table for case folding.

Given that the first and second sentence make it clear that the use of
StringPrep is not required, I suggest using MAY instead of RECOMMENDED
in the third sentence.  RECOMMENDED is the same as SHOULD according to
RFC 2119, and is a fairly strong recommendation.  Its use seem
misplaced here.

It may be better to avoid RFC 2119 language completely here, because
the entire paragraph is merely an example of what you can do.



> The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider the 
> following documents:
> - 'TLS User Mapping Extension'
> as a Proposed Standard
> - 'TLS Handshake Message for Supplemental Data'
> as a Proposed Standard
> The previous Last Call on draft-santesson-tls-ume-03.txt has finished.
> However, to resolve some comments that were received during the
> previous Last Call, the document has been updated and
> draft-santesson-tls-supp-00.txt was written.  Due to the significant
> changes in one area of the document, the IESG is making a second
> call for comments.  This comment period is shorter since the majority
> of the document is unchanged.
> The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
> final comments on this action.  Please send any comments to the
> or mailing lists by 2006-04-11.
> The file can be obtained via

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Keith Moore
However, we need to keep something else in mind, which Iljitsch's note 
hints at.  If I'm an ISP trying to sell a low-end service to low-end 
customers at a low  (but still profitable) price, I need to cut customer 
support costs to the absolute minimum.  If someone calls up for help 
with a configuration problem, that may be six month's of profits from 
that customer eaten up in the cost of answering the call. 

I find myself wondering, don't they get support calls from customers 
having to deal with the problems caused by the NATs?

For the community, there are elements of "you get what you pay for" in 
this.  And, for the ISPs, unless we figure out ways to provide the same 
level of support convenience with public addresses, we will certainly 
see NATs with IPv6 as well as IPv4.

either that, or IPv6 will be seen as something that is "business use only".


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Peter Sherbin
> If someone calls up for help with a 
> configuration problem, that may be six month's of
> profits from that customer eaten up in the cost of
answering the call.

That is because the current Internet pricing has been
screwed-up from the start. LD settlements between
telcos are fully applicable to ISPs but have never
been instituted. Internet has been subsidised for
years by the local access but now as wireline declines
everybody starts feeling the pain. Usage based billing
and inter-ISP settlements start showing up lately and
they fit well for the Internet. Otherwise transit
providers as well as heavy users rip all the benefits.

Peter Sherbin

--- John C Klensin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --On Thursday, March 30, 2006 19:30 +1200 Andrew
> McGregor 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Your ISP charges you 9 times as much for IPv4
> addresses as
> >> they do for bandwidth?  I'd recommend switching
> ISPs.  All
> >> the ones I've seen   charge a
> >> small premium for additional IP space, but it's
> never more
> >> than   about a 50% premium.
> >
> > Not if you don't live in the US.  There are no
> options here
> > that are  at all cheap.  Usually you get a flat
> "we don't do
> > that".  And they  don't do v6 either.
> If it makes you feel better (it probably won't), in
> much of the 
> US, the story from the ISPs goes like this:
>   * We don't do that on our residential service, if
> you
>   want _any_ IPv4 addresses assigned to you, you need
> to
>   buy the commercial service.
>   * The commercial service costs around ten times as
> much
>   as the residential one for similar bandwidth _less_
>   service (often no free email, free web hosting,
> "user
>   protection" software tools, etc.)
>   * If you want more than one address on the
> commercial
>   service, you will pay some small incremental charge
> for
>   it.  But the real incremental charge starts at
> address
>   number 1 and is tied up with the "type of service"
> shift.
> However, we need to keep something else in mind,
> which 
> Iljitsch's note hints at.  If I'm an ISP trying to
> sell a 
> low-end service to low-end customers at a low  (but
> still 
> profitable) price, I need to cut customer support
> costs to the 
> absolute minimum.  If someone calls up for help with
> a 
> configuration problem, that may be six month's of
> profits from 
> that customer eaten up in the cost of answering the
> call.   To 
> that sort of ISP, NATs, and ISP-supplied routers
> that support 
> NATs, have a _huge_ advantage, which is that all
> supported 
> customer LANs are identical -- same design, same
> exact internal 
> addresses, etc.That is very important from a
> support 
> standpoint -- length of calls, skill levels
> required, ability to 
> construct clear FAQs and avoid calls entirely, and
> so on.
> For the community, there are elements of "you get
> what you pay 
> for" in this.  And, for the ISPs, unless we figure
> out ways to 
> provide the same level of support convenience with
> public 
> addresses, we will certainly see NATs with IPv6 as
> well as IPv4.
>  john
> ___
> Ietf mailing list

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Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Andrew McGregor writes:

> Not if you don't live in the US.  There are no options here that are
> at all cheap.  Usually you get a flat "we don't do that".  And they
> don't do v6 either.


> And people wonder why NATs proliferate... much of the world has no
> option but to live with them.  This is a direct result of policy  
> discouraging IPv4 address allocation.

And a rather skewed allocation of address space, more evidence of
engineers not knowing what they are doing.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 11:44:37AM -0500, Keith Moore wrote:
> >However, we need to keep something else in mind, which Iljitsch's note 
> >hints at.  If I'm an ISP trying to sell a low-end service to low-end 
> >customers at a low  (but still profitable) price, I need to cut customer 
> >support costs to the absolute minimum.  If someone calls up for help 
> >with a configuration problem, that may be six month's of profits from 
> >that customer eaten up in the cost of answering the call. 
> I find myself wondering, don't they get support calls from customers 
> having to deal with the problems caused by the NATs?

No, because most customers browse the web, read e-mail, use skype/VOIP
services, and all of those work under NAT.  A number of VPN packages
break, (a) that's not that common compared the huge number of
residential customers that aren't doing VPN's for work-at-home setups,
andin any case, those complaints usually gets sent to the company help
desk, and a number of VPN's have solutions that work with NAT's

The problems caused by NAT's are the sort of things that don't
normally show up at ISP help desks; the new applications that are not
written, the architectures that are torqued to deal with NAT's, etc.

- Ted

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

> When I first learned about IPv6 I felt strongly that 128 bits was too
> much, especially since all those bits have to be carried in every IP
> packet twice, once as a source address and once as a destination  
> address.

When I first learned about IPv6 I started worrying that it wouldn't
last for very long before being exhausted in turn.  And I worried a
lot more when I saw the mistakes of the past being repeated--the very
mistakes that wasted so many IPv4 addresses.

> However, since that time I've learned to appreciate
> stateless autoconfiguration and the potential usefulness of having  
> the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address as a place to carry some  
> limited security information (see SEND and shim6 HBA).

Once it's carrying information, it's no longer just an address, so
counting it as pure address space is dangerous.

> The trouble is that you need to build in space for growth.

You build in space for growth by not trying to allocate address spaces
in advance.  For example, you allocate 0...0+33 bits for new
addresses, and now you've doubled the IPv4 address space (and bought
yourself years of additional time), while using up only an
infinitesimal portion of the IPv6 space.

But when you start chopping the address into sections, you throw
almost all the address space away ... and when that happens, you are
going to exhaust that space in no time, no matter how many bits it

Building in space means not allocating it--not even _planning_ to
allocate it.  Nobody has any idea what the Internet might be like a
hundred years from now, so why are so many people hellbent on
"planning" for something they can't even imagine?

> Unfortunately, at the time IPv6 was created variable length addresses
> weren't considered viable.

Variable-length addresses are the only permanent solution, unless IP
addresses are assigned serially (meaning that all routing information
has to be removed).

Variable-length addresses work very well for the telephone system, and
they'd work just as well for the Internet, if only someone had taken
the time to work it out.

> The only thing I'm not too happy about is the current one address /
> one subnet / /48 trichotomy. Ignoring the single address for a  
> moment, the choice between one subnet and 65536 isn't a great one, as
> many things require a number of subnets that's greater than one, but
> not by much.

It's a good example of waste that results from short-sightedness.  It
happened in IPv4, too.

> The thing that is good about IPv6 is that once you get yourself a /
> 64, you can subdivide it yourself and still have four billion times
> the IPv4 address space.

It sounds like NAT.

> I'm not a huge fan of the HD ratio either, because it substitues a
> rule of thumb for actual knowledge. But the point is that EVEN if you
> waste 99.9756% in this way we STILL have enough addresses to give  
> every person living on the planet when the population hits its peak
> several /48s which are wasteful in their own right.

Famous last words.  I've seen virtual memory systems run out of
virtual address space, even when that space contained (in theory) more
bytes than anyone could ever possibly build into any real-world
system.  The reason?  Careless allocation of the addresses.  No matter
how many bits you have, you can blow through them in linear time if
you allocate them based on bit fields, and it seems that virtually no
engineers can resist the urge to do exactly that.

> So while I wouldn't want to take away your right to begrudge the way
> all of this is done in IPv6, I must object to your conclusion that  
> we'll run out of IPv6 soon, for any reasonable value of "soon".

Well, time will tell, won't it?

> I hope good engineers don't think that ...

Any engineer setting aside bit spans in an address for future use is
thinking exactly that, and he'll be wrong.

> Engineers should build stuff that still works reasonably well even if
> they get their predictions wrong.

Engineers don't like to think that they've left anything out or that
they are less than omniscient in assessing what must be done, so many
of them are allergic to anything that is simply "reserved for future
use."  I had the same trouble when I first started in computers, but I
grew out of it.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

At 17:44 30/03/2006, John C Klensin wrote:
If I'm an ISP trying to sell a low-end service to low-end customers 
at a low  (but still profitable) price, I need to cut customer 
support costs to the absolute minimum.

Interesting to see the impact of a longer datacom societal culture. 
This may give an indication on the future US trend?

In France you pay the phone support by the minute. A telephone charge 
system inherited from Minitel, and "Audiotel". There are different 
rates which must be advertised. The on-line wait of the support was 
charged. Since Jan 1st, you pay the time you get actual support on line.

Rate for free telephone nationwide + ADSL is 24.5 euro or less. There 
start being free telephone international. Rates use to be 29.95 euro 
when including either TV or free support. Dedicated IPv4 are 
possible. Specialised pro ISP offer IPv6/IPv4 ADSL for around twice 
that price plus free email support and real hosting and emails. You 
can chose not to pay a Telco anymore, just the ISP. After six months 
with a Telco which installs the line. This is transition while ISP 
have not organised the line installation or WI-Max access.

The interest is certainly to provide bundled IPv6 numbers for free. 
This was the underlying intent in a questionnaire of the Regulation 
Authority last year. Increasingly we use coreboxes (smart home 
routers, NAT+ by ISPs). The trend is probably towards an interbox 
network as they become more and more intelligent and powerful.

Most of the mobile subscription offer one to three free numbers. So 
you can plug your home number on the net, make you home number free 
from you mobile and phone to fixed phones for free. I suppose we will 
soon see a box permitting to establish conference calls whcih will 
permit to call mobiles for far less than an SMS.


Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Steve Silverman writes:

> The problem with allocating numbers sequentially is the impact on
> routers and routing protocols.

The problem with not doing so is that a 128-bit address doesn't
provide anything even remotely close to 2^128 addresses.

You have to choose what you want.

> I have heard that the Japanese issue house numbers chronologically.
> When you find the right block, you have to hunt
> for the right number.  What you are suggesting is similar. You would
> have as many routing table entries as hosts in the world.  The router
> would not be affordable.  The traffic for routing entries would swamp
> the net. The processing of these
> routing advertisements would be impossible.  It doesn't scale!

Variable address length scales, and it never runs out of addresses,
but nobody wants to do that, even though telephones have been doing it
for ages.

> The function of an address is to enable a router to find it. That is
> why we try to use hierarchical addressing even at the cost of numbering
> space.

In that case, assign addresses to points in space, instead of devices.
An office occupying a given plot of land will have an IP address space
that is solely a function of the space it occupies.  Routing would be
the essence of simplicity and blazingly fast.

> IMO one problem of the Internet is that it isn't hierarchical enough.
> Consider the phone system:  country codes, area codes ...  This makes
> the job of building a switch much easier. I think we should have
> divided the world into 250 countries. Each country into 250
> "provinces".  Yes, it would waste address space but it would make
> routing much easier and more deterministic.

With a variable address length that can extend infinitely at either
end, the address space would never be exhausted.  That's how
telephones work.

> Yes this would mean a mobile node needs to get new addresses as it
> moves. So what. We already have DHCP.  Cell phones do a handoff
> already.

I agree.  We also have DNS.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Keith Moore writes:

> I find myself wondering, don't they get support calls from customers
> having to deal with the problems caused by the NATs?

Sure, and the reply is "I'm sorry, but we don't support multiple
computers on residential accounts."

Ietf mailing list

RE: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Hallam-Baker, Phillip
> From: Tim Chown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I noticed that by deafult MS Vista doesn't use autoconf as 
> per 2462, rather it uses a 3041-like random address.  See:
> new_network.mspx

This should hardly be a surprise. The inability of the IETF to accept as
legitimate real world security concerns at the time 2462 was written was as
notorious as its insistence on certain irrelevant concerns being absolute.

It the real world I am actually very concerned if someone is able to
determine my MAC address. It opens up a significant amount of information
about my internal network that in the real world I have no intention of

During the 1990s many people, myself included mistook applying cryptography
for security. 

In the real world what network managers want to do and will insist on having
tools to acomplish is to guard the boundary between the internal and
external network as closely as possible and to prevent any piece of
unnecessary information crossing that barrier in either direction.

It is certainly a mistake to consider this practice a sufficient condition
for security but anyonje who does not understand that it is a necessary
party of a security strategy has little to contribute to today's security

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Austin Schutz
On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 07:08:51PM +0200, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
> Steve Silverman writes:
> > The problem with allocating numbers sequentially is the impact on
> > routers and routing protocols.
> The problem with not doing so is that a 128-bit address doesn't
> provide anything even remotely close to 2^128 addresses.

But this has been known all along. It's a feature, not a bug.
If we "throw away" the last 64 bits we are left with 2**64 addresses,
which is obviously what was intended from the beginning.
Allocating to ISPs on /48 or so boundaries then maps roughly to
ipv4 /16s which are often handed out now. If a /8 in v4 space gets parceled
out by the registries in a matter of months, a /40 in v6 should last the same.
Following that logic, a /32 in v6 space should last as long as /0 in v4
The current v4 /0 has lasted for some time now, it's difficult to
envision a time where we would be burning through space so fast that /32s
in v6 space wouldn't last months, if not years.
But for argument's sake, let's say a /32 lasts one day at some point in
the dim future. This gives us 2 ** 32 days before we run out. not too bad for
those of us not realistically having much of a chance to live beyond 2 ** 15 or
If we "throw away" additional bits for other engineering purposes
the number of days would be 2 ** (32 - wasted bits). If we waste a full
half of those bits bits we're down to 2 ** 16 days (about 180 years).
Again, that assumes we'd burn what is equivalent to a v4 /0
every single day for 180 years. Maybe it will become a problem when everyone
has addressable nanocytes in their bloodstream. But I have a hard time seeing
how it could be described as shortsighted.

> In that case, assign addresses to points in space, instead of devices.
> An office occupying a given plot of land will have an IP address space
> that is solely a function of the space it occupies.  Routing would be
> the essence of simplicity and blazingly fast.
Routing doesn't (and will never) work that way. Much like with
airlines, the cost of a path is more complex than mere distance.

> > IMO one problem of the Internet is that it isn't hierarchical enough.
> > Consider the phone system:  country codes, area codes ...  This makes
> > the job of building a switch much easier. I think we should have
> > divided the world into 250 countries. Each country into 250
> > "provinces".  Yes, it would waste address space but it would make
> > routing much easier and more deterministic.
> With a variable address length that can extend infinitely at either
> end, the address space would never be exhausted.  That's how
> telephones work.

That would be an alternative, certainly. I'm not sure how excited
to get about a 1 byte payload needing 1000 bytes of header, but I'm sure
it's possible.
Is it worth throwing away the current post-v4 solution? Certainly
something to consider over the next 180 years.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Austin Schutz
On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 01:00:44AM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> 1996  199719981999200020012002200320042005
> 2.7   1.2 1.6 1.2 2.1 2.4 1.9 2.4 3.4 4.5
> (The numbers represent the number of addresses used up in that year  
> as a percentage of the 3.7 billion total usable IPv4 addresses.)
> Those years where the growth was smaller than the year before never  
> happened twice or more in a row.
> This basically means that unless things take a radical turn, the long- 
> term trend is accelerating growth so that remaining 40% will be gone  
> in less than 9 years. Probably something like 7, as Geoff Huston  
> predicts.

This is much less time than I have seen in previous reports. If
this is accurate and consistent there is a greater problem than I had
previously thought.
If that is indeed the case then the "enhanced nat" road for ipv6
begins to make much more sense, even in the nearer term.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 30-mrt-2006, at 22:13, Austin Schutz wrote:

This basically means that unless things take a radical turn, the  

term trend is accelerating growth so that remaining 40% will be gone
in less than 9 years. Probably something like 7, as Geoff Huston

This is much less time than I have seen in previous reports. If
this is accurate and consistent there is a greater problem than I had
previously thought.

You may want to look at Geoff's reports from 2003 and 2005 (and  
observe the difference between the two). Between 2003 and 2006 the  
growth was much larger than before 2003.

As for accuracy: the numbers keep jumping up and down so you can  
pretty much massage them in either direction. These are the number of  
addresses the RIRs allocated to (mostly) ISPs per month for 2005 and  
2006, compiled from the stats published on their FTP sites:

 9.26 M  2005-01
25.16 M  2005-02
17.24 M  2005-03
24.96 M  2005-04
16.67 M  2005-05
16.12 M  2005-06
11.11 M  2005-07
16.92 M  2005-08
 8.80 M  2005-09
 9.89 M  2005-10
 5.78 M  2005-11
 6.62 M  2005-12
 8.95 M  2006-01
11.88 M  2006-02
14.59 M  2006-03

There are now 1428 million addresses still free, give or take one or  
two /8s because of IANA/ARIN inconsistencies. So we can interpret  
this as:

- maximum was 26.16 million/month, which gives us another 57 months
- average was 13.6 million/month, which gives us another 105 months
- average when ignoring bottom and top 3 values was 12.8, 111 months

But that's without accelerating growth, which certainly has been the  
trend most of the time: since 1995, 7 out of 11 years saw more new  
IPv4 addresses deployed than the year before, 3 less. Unfortunately,  
the only way to discern a quantifiable trend here involves so much  
smoothing of the data that the results become meaningless, IMO. That  
said, with no growth in address usage, we'll be out in 2015 and since  
1997, there has always been growth over any three year period. With  
_any_ growth we'll be out of IPv4 addresses in less than 9 years. It  
will take something as big as the deployment of CIDR to get us off  
that track. And no, NAT doesn't even come close. (We went from 211 M  
in 1991 to 63 M in 1994, since 1997 the biggest drop was about 25% in  
one year that was made up for the year after that both in 1999 and  

There are plenty more interesting data points, such as the  
observation that even though China and India are similar in  
population, China has 77 million IPv4 addresses (just under the UK  
and just above Canada) and India 6 million (just under Denmark and  
just above Hong Kong). There is only one country with more addresses  
per capita than the US (~4): the Vatican (8192 addresses for 1000  
inhabitants). And even though the US tops the absolute and per capita  
lists of address space holders, it still received the most addresses  
of any country in 2005: more than the numbers two (Japan) and three  
(China) together.

If that is indeed the case then the "enhanced nat" road for ipv6
begins to make much more sense, even in the nearer term.

I remember someone saying something about enhanced NAT here a few  
days ago but I can't find it... What is it and what does it have to  
do with IPv6?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Peter Dambier

Austin Schutz wrote:

On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 01:00:44AM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

2.7 1.2 1.6 1.2 2.1 2.4 1.9 2.4 3.4 4.5

(The numbers represent the number of addresses used up in that year  
as a percentage of the 3.7 billion total usable IPv4 addresses.)

Those years where the growth was smaller than the year before never  
happened twice or more in a row.

This basically means that unless things take a radical turn, the long- 
term trend is accelerating growth so that remaining 40% will be gone  
in less than 9 years. Probably something like 7, as Geoff Huston  

This is much less time than I have seen in previous reports. If
this is accurate and consistent there is a greater problem than I had
previously thought.
If that is indeed the case then the "enhanced nat" road for ipv6
begins to make much more sense, even in the nearer term.


I am afraid the problem is even bigger.

I have seen again and again that cable providers are giving out
ip-addresses in the area to save ip address space.

Not to mention wireless hotspots. The hotspots I have been playing
with own only a single one ip-address.

You notice something is awfully wrong, when your VoIP phone is not
working but your neighbar keeps telling you, his skype does.

Peter and Karin Dambier
The Public-Root Consortium
Graeffstrasse 14
D-64646 Heppenheim
+49(6252)671-788 (Telekom)
+49(179)108-3978 (O2 Genion)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP:

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread John C Klensin

--On Thursday, March 30, 2006 08:47 -0800 Peter Sherbin 

If someone calls up for help with a
configuration problem, that may be six month's of
profits from that customer eaten up in the cost of

answering the call.

That is because the current Internet pricing has been
screwed-up from the start. LD settlements between
telcos are fully applicable to ISPs but have never
been instituted. Internet has been subsidised for
years by the local access but now as wireline declines
everybody starts feeling the pain. Usage based billing
and inter-ISP settlements start showing up lately and
they fit well for the Internet. Otherwise transit
providers as well as heavy users rip all the benefits.


I was describing the facts of what is going on, rather than the 

That said, based on some experience on both the telco and ISP 
sides of things, I believe your analysis is incorrect in a 
number of important ways, starting with the difficulties of 
applying a settlement model that assumes that value accrues to 
the caller to today's Internet.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread John C Klensin

--On Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:44 -0500 Keith Moore 

However, we need to keep something else in mind, which
Iljitsch's note  hints at.  If I'm an ISP trying to sell a
low-end service to low-end  customers at a low  (but still
profitable) price, I need to cut customer  support costs to
the absolute minimum.  If someone calls up for help  with a
configuration problem, that may be six month's of profits
from  that customer eaten up in the cost of answering the

I find myself wondering, don't they get support calls from
customers having to deal with the problems caused by the NATs?

Because they don't answer them.  In the process of doing the 
work that led to RFC 4084, I reviewed the terms and conditions 
of service of a large number of ISPs in the US (and a few 
others) who provide low-cost Internet connectivity.  Some 
prohibit connection of more than one machine to the incoming 
line/router/modem.  Others provide a NAT-capable router but 
prohibit the customer from making any changes to its 
configuration and from running any applications that don't work 
in that environment.  And still others indicate that customers 
can supply their own NATs, but must obtain any support 
elsewhere.  All of these prohibitions are "enforced" the same 
way -- if the user calls with a problem, he or she either

(i) is told that there is no support for violations of the rules 
and offered the opportunity to be disconnected (often with a 
large "early termination fee") or

(ii) is instructed to disconnect all equipment between the 
machine in question and the router, and see if the problem still 
occurs.  If it doesn't, then the ISP has no problem and the 
customer's problem is of no interest.

For the community, there are elements of "you get what you
pay for" in  this.  And, for the ISPs, unless we figure out
ways to provide the same  level of support convenience with
public addresses, we will certainly  see NATs with IPv6 as
well as IPv4.

either that, or IPv6 will be seen as something that is
"business use only".

That possibility had not occurred to me, but I fear you are 


Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Keith Moore
> > I find myself wondering, don't they get support calls from
> > customers having to deal with the problems caused by the NATs?
> Because they don't answer them.  In the process of doing the 
> work that led to RFC 4084, I reviewed the terms and conditions 
> of service of a large number of ISPs in the US (and a few 
> others) who provide low-cost Internet connectivity.  Some 
> prohibit connection of more than one machine to the incoming 
> line/router/modem.  Others provide a NAT-capable router but 
> prohibit the customer from making any changes to its 
> configuration and from running any applications that don't work 
> in that environment.  And still others indicate that customers 
> can supply their own NATs, but must obtain any support 
> elsewhere.  All of these prohibitions are "enforced" the same 
> way -- if the user calls with a problem, he or she either
> (i) is told that there is no support for violations of the rules 
> and offered the opportunity to be disconnected (often with a 
> large "early termination fee") or
> (ii) is instructed to disconnect all equipment between the 
> machine in question and the router, and see if the problem still 
> occurs.  If it doesn't, then the ISP has no problem and the 
> customer's problem is of no interest.

Well, the reason I asked is that when I got my DSL line, my ISP
supplied me with a modem that does NAT - but only for a single host. 
As best as I can tell this is because the box needs to run PPPoE
on the carrier side and DHCP on the host side, and the only way that
the DHCP server can give the host an address under those conditions is
to do NAT.  So in this case (which I have no reason to believe is
atypical) the ISP is supplying the NAT - and they do so even for
customers who pay them extra to get a static IP address!

And yes it does break things even when there are no other local hosts
involved and no additional boxes between the modem and the customer's
host.  So I have a hard time believing that ISPs don't get support
calls about failures due to NATs, at least when they install the NATs.

Now of course this ISP does have a T&C that prohibits running a server,
but "server" is a pretty vague term, and you don't have to be running
any kind of server to suffer from NAT brain-damage.


p.s. fwiw the workaround in my case was to tell the modem to work in
"passthrough" mode and configure my local router to run PPPoE.
Under those conditions, I'm happy to report, 6to4 works just fine.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Austin Schutz
On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 11:26:40PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

> >If that is indeed the case then the "enhanced nat" road for ipv6
> >begins to make much more sense, even in the nearer term.
> I remember someone saying something about enhanced NAT here a few  
> days ago but I can't find it... What is it and what does it have to  
> do with IPv6?

It was a term Keith Moore used to describe the addition of
ipv6 capability to NAT devices. Not intended as a real term, merely
a marketing name to explain to the end user the benefit of having
ipv6 capability.

If address space does indeed burn that quickly, ISPs will start to
realize they can't sell additional IP addresses as a way of making a quick
profit. Those with dwindling address pools will begin to demand proper
ipv6 support from router vendors to offer it at a discounted price (compared
to ipv4) to their customers who are savvy enough to want to run servers but
too cheap to buy ipv4 space at a premium.
From there it should only be a matter of time. If key applications work
with ipv6 that will probably be adequate to get the ball rolling.

IIRC there was a similar transition back when virtual web hosting
meant blowing an ip address for every extra domain. After an adequate number
of browsers were upgraded hosting providers made available ip-less virtual
hosts at a heavy discount from ip-burning ones. After a surprisingly short
amount of time the vast majority of browsers were compliant. The final nail was
registries refusing virtual hosting as an excuse to justify allocations.
That's not news to most here, but I definitely see the similarity in the


Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Austin Schutz writes:

> But this has been known all along. It's a feature, not a bug.

Yeah, right.

> If we "throw away" the last 64 bits we are left with 2**64 addresses,
> which is obviously what was intended from the beginning.

And when you allocate bit fields in the remaining 64 bits, you exhaust
that as well.

> The current v4 /0 has lasted for some time now, it's difficult to
> envision a time where we would be burning through space so fast that
> /32s in v6 space wouldn't last months, if not years.

The inability to envision things is the root of the problem.

> But for argument's sake, let's say a /32 lasts one day at some point
> in the dim future. This gives us 2 ** 32 days before we run out. not
> too bad for those of us not realistically having much of a chance to
> live beyond 2 ** 15 or so.

More bogus math.  Every time someone tries to compute capacity, he
looks at the address space in terms of powers of two.  Every time
someone tries to allocate address space, he looks as the address space
in terms of a string of bits.  Since the space is allocated as bit
fields, it is exhausted in linear time, even though capacity
projections are based on an exponential space.  For this reason, the
address space always comes up too short, too soon.  The real mystery
is that this seems to surprise people who should know better.

> If we "throw away" additional bits for other engineering purposes
> the number of days would be 2 ** (32 - wasted bits). If we waste a full
> half of those bits bits we're down to 2 ** 16 days (about 180 years).

Yes, I know how these calculations work.  See above.

> Again, that assumes we'd burn what is equivalent to a v4 /0
> every single day for 180 years.

It doesn't matter how fast we "burn" a v4 /0, because the space is
exhausted by encoding information into the address and allocating bit
spans in the address, not by actually handing out addresses.

> Routing doesn't (and will never) work that way. Much like with
> airlines, the cost of a path is more complex than mere distance.

The cost of a processor will always be high and it will always fill
three seven-foot-high cabinets, therefore all computers will always be
timesharing systems. There's no need to imagine desktop computers;
computing doesn't (and will never) work that way.  We should prepare
for the future of dumb terminals, which will eventually be everywhere
(in every home and office).

Do you see the problem with making predictions about the future?

> That would be an alternative, certainly. I'm not sure how excited
> to get about a 1 byte payload needing 1000 bytes of header, but I'm sure
> it's possible.

It would only need a thousand bytes if it were being routed to the
other side of the universe.

> Is it worth throwing away the current post-v4 solution?

Throwing away a few years' work for something that makes virtually no
assumptions about the future?  Yes, it might well be worth it.  It
would have been worth it if it had been done that way in the first
place, too.

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

However, since that time I've learned to appreciate
stateless autoconfiguration and the potential usefulness of having
the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address as a place to carry some
limited security information (see SEND and shim6 HBA).

Once it's carrying information, it's no longer just an address, so
counting it as pure address space is dangerous.

An IPv4/6 address is both a routing locator and an interface identifier. 
Unfortunately, the v6 architects decided not to separate these into separate 
address spaces, so an address _must_ contain routing information until that 
problem is fixed.  It doesn't seem to be likely we'll do so without having 
to replace IPv6 and/or BGP4+, and there's no motion on either front, so 
we're stuck with the locator/identifier problem for quite a while.

Building in space means not allocating it--not even _planning_ to
allocate it.  Nobody has any idea what the Internet might be like a
hundred years from now, so why are so many people hellbent on
"planning" for something they can't even imagine?

That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and 
even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even 
with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong 
about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use. 
Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to 
consume new ones.

If IPv6 is supposed to last 100 years, that means we have ~12.5 years to 
burn through each /3, most likely using progressively stricter policies. 
It's been a decade since we started and we're nowhere near using up the 
first /3 yet, so it appears we're in no danger at this point.  Will we be in 
50 years?  None of us know, which is why we've reserved space for the folks 
running the Internet then to make use of -- provided IPv6 hasn't been 
replaced by then and making this whole debate moot.

Unfortunately, at the time IPv6 was created variable length addresses
weren't considered viable.

Variable-length addresses are the only permanent solution, unless IP
addresses are assigned serially (meaning that all routing information
has to be removed).

Variable-length addresses work very well for the telephone system, and
they'd work just as well for the Internet, if only someone had taken
the time to work it out.

Variable-length addresses only work if there is no maximum length.  E.164 
has a maximum of 15 digits, meaning there are at most 10^15 numbers.  Here 
in +1 we only use eleven digit numbers, meaning we're burning them 10^4 
times as fast as we could.  That's not a great endorsement.

Also, telephone numbers have the same locator/identifier problem that IPv4/6 
addresses do.  In fact, IPv6's original addressing model looked strikingly 
similar to the country codes and area/city codes (aka TLAs and NLAs) that 
you're apparently fond of.

Even OSI's "variable length" addresses had a maximum length, and most 
deployments used the maximum length; they degenerated into fixed-length 
addresses almost immediately.

The only thing I'm not too happy about is the current one address /
one subnet / /48 trichotomy. Ignoring the single address for a
moment, the choice between one subnet and 65536 isn't a great one, as
many things require a number of subnets that's greater than one, but
not by much.

It's a good example of waste that results from short-sightedness.  It
happened in IPv4, too.

The difference is that in IPv6, it's merely a convention and implementors 
are explicitly told that they must not assume the above boundaries.  In 
IPv4, it was hardcoded into the protocol and every implementation had to be 
replaced to move to VLSM and CIDR.

Conventions are for human benefit, but they can be dropped when it becomes 
necessary.  Folks who use RFC 1918 space almost always assign /24s for each 
subnet regardless of the number of hosts; folks using public addresses used 
to do the same, but instead now determine the minimum subnet that meets 
their needs.  Hopefully the conventions in IPv6 won't be under attack for a 
long time, but if they need to go one day we can drop them easily enough.

The thing that is good about IPv6 is that once you get yourself a /
64, you can subdivide it yourself and still have four billion times
the IPv4 address space.

It sounds like NAT.

Not at all.  You'd still have one address per host, you'd just move the 
subnet boundary over a few bits as needed.  With the apparent move to random 
IIDs, there's no reason to stick to /64s for subnets -- we could go to /96s 
for subnets without any noticeable problems (including NAT).

The RIRs could also change policies so that /32 and /48 are not the default 
allocation and assignment sizes, respectively.  That is also another 
convention that we could easily dispense with, but it saves us a lot of 
paperwork to abide by i

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

So how big would you like addresses to be, then?

It's not how big they are, it's how they are allocated.  And they are
allocated very poorly, even recklessly, which is why they run out so
quickly.  It's true that engineers always underestimate required
capacity, but 128-bit addresses would be enough for anything ... IF
they were fully allocated.  But I know they won't be, and so the
address space will be exhausted soon enough.

I once read that engineers are generally incapable of designing anything 
that will last (without significant redesign) beyond their lifespan. 
Consider the original NANP and how it ran out of area codes and exchanges 
around 40 years after its design -- roughly the same timeframe as the 
expected death of its designers.  Will IPv6 last even that long?  IMHO we'll 
find a reason to replace it long before we run out of addresses, even at the 
current wasteful allocation rates.

We currently have 1/8th of the IPv6 address space set aside for
global unicast purposes ...

Do you know how many addresses that is? One eighth of 128 bits is a
125-bit address space, or


addresses. That's enough to assign 735 IP addresses to every cubic
centimetre in the currently observable universe (yes, I calculated
it). Am I the only person who sees the absurdity of wasting addresses
this way?

It doesn't matter how many bits you put in an address, if you assign
them this carelessly.

That's one way of looking at it.  The other is that even with just the 
currently allocated space, we can have 35,184,372,088,832 sites of 65,536 
subnets of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts.  Is this wasteful?  Sure.  Is 
it even conceivable to someone alive today how we could possibly run out of 
addresses?  No.

Will someone 25 years from now reach the same conclusion?  Perhaps, perhaps 
not.  That's why we're leaving the majority of the address space reserve for 
them to use in light of future requirements.

... with the idea that ISPs give their customers /48 blocks.

Thank you for illustrating the classic engineer's mistake.  Stop
thinking in terms of _bits_, and think in terms of the _actual number
of addresses_ available.  Of better still, start thinking in terms of
the _number of addresses you throw away_ each time you set aside
entire bit spans in the address for any predetermined purpose.

Remember, trying to encode information in the address (which is what
you are doing when you reserve bit spans) results in exponential (read
incomprehensibly huge) reductions in the number of available
addresses.  It's trivially easy to exhaust the entire address space
this way.

If you want exponential capacity from an address space, you have to
assign the addresses consecutively and serially out of that address
space.  You cannot encode information in the address.  You cannot
divided the address in a linear way based on the bits it contains and
still claim to have the benefits of the exponential number of
addresses for which it supposedly provides.

Why is this so difficult for people to understand?

And sequential assignments become pointless even with 32-bit addresses 
because our routing infrastructure can't possibly handle the demands of such 
an allocation policy.  The IETF has made the decision to leave the current 
routing infrastructure in place, and that necessitates a bitwise allocation 

Railing against this decision is pointless unless you have a new routing 
paradigm ready to deploy that can handle the demands of a non-bitwise 
allocation model.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

That gives us 45 bits worth of address space to use up.

You're doing it again.  It's not 45 bits; it's a factor of

But rest assured, they'll be gone in the blink of an eye if the
address space continues to be mismanaged in this way.

I take it you mean "the blick of an eye" to mean a span of decades?  That is 
not the common understanding of the term, yet that's how long we've been 
using the current system and it shows absolutely no signs of strain.

It's generally accepted that an HD ratio of 80% should be reachable
without trouble, which means we get to waste 20% of those bits in
aggregation hierarchies.

No. It's not 20% of the bits, it's 99.9756% of your address space that
you are wasting.

Do engineers really study math?

To achieve bitwise aggregation, you necessarily cannot achieve better than 
50% use on each delegation boundary.  There are currently three boundaries 
(RIR, LIR, site), so better than 12.5% address usage is a lofty goal. 
Again, if you want something better than this, you need to come up with a 
better routing model than what we have today.

(And then throw in the /64 per subnet and you're effectively wasting 100% of 
the address space anyways, so none of this matters until that's gone)

This gives us 36 bits = 6

Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake "Keith Moore" 

Now of course this ISP does have a T&C that prohibits running a server,
but "server" is a pretty vague term, and you don't have to be running
any kind of server to suffer from NAT brain-damage.

My ISP has ingeniously defined a "server" as any application that does not 
work through NAT without port forwarding.  Bingo, problem solved (from their 

Of course, they don't actually enforce this unless a user's upstream 
bandwidth usage consistently exceeds total POP upstream bandwidth divided by 
the number of users at the POP (in my case, about 300kB/s).  Go above that 
and you get an email asking you to turn down the speed on your P2P client 

p.s. fwiw the workaround in my case was to tell the modem to work in
"passthrough" mode and configure my local router to run PPPoE.
Under those conditions, I'm happy to report, 6to4 works just fine.

Alas, I've been unable to find a consumer-grade router that will run native 
IPv6, 6to4, or even pass through IPinIP (excluding open-source hacks which 
are not supported by the vendor -- that's not a solution for real 
consumers).  If anyone knows of one, please let me know off-list.


Stephen Sprunk"Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin 

Ietf mailing list

RE: PI space (was: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them)

2006-03-30 Thread Michel Py
> Noel Chiappa wrote:
> Needless to say, the real-time taken for this process to complete
> - i.e. for routes to a particular destination to stabilize, after
> a topology change which affects some subset of them - is dominated
> by the speed-of-light transmission delays across the Internet
> fabric. You can make the speed of your processors infinite and it
> won't make much of a difference.

This is total bull. The past stability issues in BGP have little to do
with latency and everything to do with processing power and bandwidth
available to propagate updates. In other words, it does not make any
difference in the real world if you're using a 150ms oceanic cable or a
800ms geosynchronous satlink as long as the pipe is big enough and there
are enough horses under the hood.

Only if we were shooting for a sub-second global BGP convergence the
speed of light would matter.

> Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> The IPv4 core is running around 180k routes today, and even
> the chicken littles aren't complaining the sky is falling.

I was about to make the same point. Ever heard whining about a 7500 with
RSP2s not being able to handle it? Yes. Ever heard about a decently
configured GSR not being able to handle it? No. Heard whining about
receiving a full table over a T1? Yes. Heard whining about receiving a
full table over an OC-48? No.

Anybody still filtering at /20 like everybody did a few years back?

> and the vendors can easily raise those limits if customers demand
> it (though they'd much prefer charging $1000 for $1 worth of RAM
> that's too old to work in a modern PC).

You're slightly exaggerating here. I remember paying $1,900 for 32MB of
ram worth $50 in the street :-D


Ietf mailing list

RE: PI space (was: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them)

2006-03-30 Thread Noel Chiappa
> From: "Michel Py" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Needless to say, the real-time taken for this process to complete
>> - i.e. for routes to a particular destination to stabilize, after a
>> topology change which affects some subset of them - is dominated by
>> the speed-of-light transmission delays across the Internet fabric. You
>> can make the speed of your processors infinite and it wqwon't make
>> much of a difference.

> The past stability issues in BGP have little to do with latency and
> everything to do with processing power and bandwidth available to
> propagate updates.

The past stability issues had a number of causes, including protocol
implementation issues, IIRC.

In any event, I was speaking of the present/future, not the past. Yes, *in
the past*, processing power and bandwidth limits were an *additional* issue.
However, that was in the past - *now*, the principal term in stabilization
time is propogation delay.

> In other words, it does not make any difference in the real world if
> you're using a 150ms oceanic cable or a 800ms geosynchronous satlink as
> long as the pipe is big enough and there are enough horses under the
> hood.

If you think there aren't still stability issues, why don't you try getting
rid of all the BGP dampening stuff, then? Have any major ISP's out there done


Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:43:14 -0600, "Stephen Sprunk"

> That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and 
> even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even 
> with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong 
> about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use. 
> Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to 
> consume new ones.

I really shouldn't waste my time on this thread; I really do know

You're absolutely right about the /3 business -- this was a very
deliberate design decision.  So, by the way, was the decision to use
128-bit, fixed-length addresses -- we really did think about this
stuff, way back when.

When the IPng directorate was designing/selecting what's now IPv6,
there was a variable-length address candidate on the table: CLNP.  It
was strongly favored by some because of the flexibility; others pointed
out how slow that would be, especially in hardware.

There was another proposal, one that was almost adopted, for something
very much like today's IPv6 but with 64/128/192/256-bit addresses,
controlled by the high-order two bits.  That looked fast enough in
hardware, albeit with the the destination address coming first in the
packet.  OTOH, that would have slowed down source address checking
(think BCP 38), so maybe it wasn't a great idea.

There was enough opposition to that scheme that a compromise was
reached -- those who favored the 64/128/192/256 scheme would accept
fixed-length addresses if the length was changed to 128 bits from 64,
partially for future-proofing and partially for flexibility in usage.
That decision was derided because it seemed to be too much address
space to some, space we'd never use.

I'm carefully not saying which option I supported.  I now think, though,
that 128 bits has worked well.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Michel Py
> Noel Chiappa wrote:
> If you think there aren't still stability issues, why don't
> you try getting rid of all the BGP dampening stuff, then?
> Have any major ISP's out there done that?

Dampening is part of the protocol and has nothing to do with the speed
of light. Removing it is akin to removing packet re-ordering in TCP;
nobody with half a brain would consider it. Same as packets arriving out
of sequence, stability issues are part of life for someone who actually
operates a network. Code has bugs, hardware fails, power goes bezerk,
UPS batteries leak, rodents chew on cables, backhoes cut fiber, fat
fingers screw up configs, and rookies flap routes because they know
everything about astrophysics and nothing about running a production
network. That's what dampening is for.

> Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> Of course, they don't actually enforce this unless a user's
> upstream bandwidth usage consistently exceeds total POP
> upstream bandwidth divided by the number of users at the POP
> (in my case, about 300kB/s). Go above that and you get an email
> asking you to turn down the speed on your P2P client ;-)

Some bigger ISPs (with large POPs) prefer to limit the upstream so they
don't have to manage quotas/bandwidth. I have 512kb upstream; it's not
big but I can bittorrent all of it all day long, they don't care and
probably don't know.

> Alas, I've been unable to find a consumer-grade router that
> will run native IPv6, 6to4, or even pass through IPinIP

There's no market for it. Consumers don't know what it is and geeks
already have a hack or an el-cheapo-ebay Cisco. Heck, my home router is
a 7204 why would I go for a Linksys :-D


Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Theodore Ts'o
On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 05:36:30AM +0200, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
> More bogus math.  Every time someone tries to compute capacity, he
> looks at the address space in terms of powers of two.  Every time
> someone tries to allocate address space, he looks as the address space
> in terms of a string of bits.  


You've been making the same point over and over (and over)
again.  It's probably the case that people who will be convinced by
your arguments, will have accepted the force of your arguments by now.
For people who don't accept your arguments, they are not likely to be
swayed by a "last post wins" style of argumentation.

May I gently suggest that you stop and think before deciding
whether you need to respond to each message on this thread, and
whether you have something new and cogent to add, as opposed to
something which you've said already, in some cases multiple times?

Thanks, regards,

- Ted

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Stephen Sprunk writes:

> And sequential assignments become pointless even with 32-bit
> addresses because our routing infrastructure can't possibly handle
> the demands of such an allocation policy.

They are pointless for the reasons you state, but they are also the
only way to get 2^128 addresses out of 128 bits.  Anything else
encodes information in the address and reduces the usable address
space exponentially.

> Railing against this decision is pointless unless you have a new
> routing paradigm ready to deploy that can handle the demands of a
> non-bitwise allocation model.

The bitwise allocations I'm hearing about are not based on routing.

> I take it you mean "the blick of an eye" to mean a span of decades?

At best.

> That is not the common understanding of the term, yet that's how
> long we've been using the current system and it shows absolutely no
> signs of strain.

So IPv6 is not needed?

> To achieve bitwise aggregation, you necessarily cannot achieve
> better than 50% use on each delegation boundary. There are currently
> three boundaries (RIR, LIR, site), so better than 12.5% address
> usage is a lofty goal. Again, if you want something better than
> this, you need to come up with a better routing model than what we
> have today.

I did, but nobody was interested.

> Again, the current identifier/location conflation combined with the
> routing paradigm leaves us no choice but to encode information into
> the IP address.

In that case, any predictions of longevity for the system based on the
address space providing 2^n addresses for n bits are invalid.
Strangely, such predictions seem to be almost exclusively based on
this, and thus are necessarily wrong.

Ietf mailing list

RE: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.

2006-03-30 Thread Christian Huitema
> Dampening is part of the protocol and has nothing to do with the speed
> of light. 

Well, not really. Assume a simplistic model of the Internet with M
"core" routers (in the default free zone) and N "leaf" AS, i.e. networks
that have their own non-aggregated prefix. Now, assume that each of the
leaf AS has a "routing event" with a basic frequency, F. Without
dampening, each core router would see each of these events with that
same frequency, F. Each router would thus see O(N*F) events per second.
Since events imply some overhead in processing, message passing, etc,
one can assume that at any given point in time there is a limit to what
a router can swallow. In either N or F is too large, the router is
cooked. Hence dampening at a rate D, so that N*F/D remains lower than
the acceptable limit.

Bottom line, you can only increase the number of routes if you are ready
to dampen more aggressively. There is an obvious "tragedy of the
commons" here: if more network want to "multi-home" and be declared in
the core, then more aggressive dampening will be required, and each of
the "multi-homed" networks will suffer from less precise routing, longer
time to correct outages, etc.

There are different elements at play that also limit the number of core
routers. Basically, an event in a core router affects all the path that
go through it, which depending on the structure of the graph is
somewhere between O(M*log(M)) or O(M.log(M)). In short, the routing load
grows much faster than linearly with the number of core routers.

-- Christian Huitema

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Stephen Sprunk writes:

> An IPv4/6 address is both a routing locator and an interface identifier.

And so engineers should stop saying that n bits of addressing provides
2^n addresses, because that is never true if any information is
encoded into the address.  In fact, as soon as any information is
placed into the address itself, the total address space shrinks

> Unfortunately, the v6 architects decided not to separate these into
> separate address spaces, so an address _must_ contain routing
> information until that problem is fixed. It doesn't seem to be
> likely we'll do so without having to replace IPv6 and/or BGP4+, and
> there's no motion on either front, so we're stuck with the
> locator/identifier problem for quite a while.

Then we need to make predictions for the longevity of the scheme based
on the exponentially reduced address space imposed by encoding
information into the address.  In other words, 128 bits does _not_
provide 2^128 addresses; it does not even come close.  Ultimately, it
will barely provide anything more than what IPv4 provides, if current
trends continue.

> That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and
> even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even
> with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong
> about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use.
> Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to
> consume new ones.

Or simply stop trying to define policies for an unknown future, and
thereby avoid all these problems to begin with.

> It's been a decade since we started and we're nowhere near using up the
> first /3 yet, so it appears we're in no danger at this point.

As soon as you chop off 64 bits for another field, you've lost just
under 100% of it.

> Variable-length addresses only work if there is no maximum length.

Ultimately, yes.  But there is no reason why a maximum length must be

> E.164 has a maximum of 15 digits, meaning there are at most 10^15
> numbers. Here in +1 we only use eleven digit numbers, meaning we're
> burning them 10^4 times as fast as we could. That's not a great
> endorsement.

Telephone engineers make the same mistakes as anyone else; no natural
physical law imposes E.164, however.

> Also, telephone numbers have the same locator/identifier problem
> that IPv4/6 addresses do. In fact, IPv6's original addressing model
> looked strikingly similar to the country codes and area/city codes
> (aka TLAs and NLAs) that you're apparently fond of.

Maybe the problem is in trying to make addresses do both.  Nobody
tries to identify General Electric by its street address, and nobody
tries to obtain a street address based on the identifier General
Electric alone.

> The difference is that in IPv6, it's merely a convention ...

Conventions cripple society in many cases, so "merely a convention"
may be almost an oxymoron.

> The folks who designed IPv4 definitely suffered from that problem.  The
> folks who designed IPv6 might also have suffered from it, but at least they
> were aware of that chance and did their best to mitigate it.  Could they
> have done better?  It's always possible to second-guess someone ten years
> later.  There's also plenty of time to fix it if we develop consensus
> there's a problem.

Sometimes the most important design criterion is ignorance.  In other
words, the best thing an engineer can say to himself in certain
aspects of design is "I don't know."

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was:

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Theodore Ts'o writes:

> You've been making the same point over and over (and over)
> again.

To some, perhaps.  I'm not so sure that it has yet been made even once
to others.

> It's probably the case that people who will be convinced by your
> arguments, will have accepted the force of your arguments by now.
> For people who don't accept your arguments, they are not likely to
> be swayed by a "last post wins" style of argumentation.

It depends.  People with an emotional attachment to a specific notion
will never been convinced otherwise, but people who simply don't
understand something may change their mind once they understand.

> May I gently suggest that you stop and think before deciding
> whether you need to respond to each message on this thread, and
> whether you have something new and cogent to add, as opposed to
> something which you've said already, in some cases multiple times?

May I gently suggest that you use the delete key on your keyboard for
messages that you don't want to see?  I doubt that bandwidth is a
problem at MIT.  It has always worked for me, and I'm constrained by
much more limited bandwidth.

Ietf mailing list

Don't feed the trolls

2006-03-30 Thread Pekka Savola

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Stephen Sprunk wrote:

Thus spake "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Why is this so difficult for people to understand?


Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Feeding trolls is not very useful.. please at least keep him in Cc: so 
I don't have to see the messages.. :-)

I've yet to see Anthony make any useful contribution to the IETF 
(various rants on the IETF list don't count).

Perhaps we should just ban him from the list.

Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Ietf mailing list