Re: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread yogesh anand
Dear ALL,
it was really cool stuff and a very good case
study.sharing these experiences will prove panecea for
all linux savvy guys.
Thanks once again.

--- Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 So Supreet and I have been slogging our collective
 a** off working at
 a client's location (no names just yet), trying to
 migrate his 5000
 users to Samba from a Winduhs file server.
 Some experiences...
 Client has 8 locations, including numerous
 factories, spread over the
 country.  Were using NT for domain control as well
 as file and print
 services (FPS).  MS got into the act, convinced them
 about the joys of
 Winduhs 2003 and got their domain controllers (DCs)
 upgraded to W2K3.
 In the meantime we'd already done most of the work
 to switch the FPS
 from NT to Linux.
 At the last minute (nearly) client comes to us and
 asks, ``Can you
 work with a W2K3 domain controller?''.  Being the
 blithe spirits that
 we are, we searched the web, found some pointers
 that seemed to
 vaguely indicate the possibility of a chance of
 there being some items
 that could portend the peaceful co-existence of
 Samba and W2K3, and
 gave him the reply in one word, `Yes!'.
 Problem with W2K3 is that it only supports active
 directory (AD) and
 none of the older methods of authentication
 (whatever they are -- /me
 is no Winduhs expert).  So we need a Samba that is
 AD aware.  Lo and
 behold, Samba 3.0.0 (currently in final Beta) is AD
 aware, and
 Google-ification yields a few HOWTOs on how to get
 the two working
 OK, problem (1) solved.  As long as /someone/ has
 got it working, we
 should be able to too, right?  I mean, what're
 mailing lists, IRC
 channels, friends and AK-47s for if not to get you
 assistance with
 making Samba work with AD?  Download, compile, test,
 scream, tear out
 hair, kill w2k3 admin because he can't properly set
 the one goddam
 registry entry that we need, find another w2k3
 admin, recompile,
 retest, etc... you know the routine.  Finally, it
 sort of works.
 Except... see, Samba has this means of automatically
 adding new users
 when they're defined on the DC but not in Linux.  So
 we use that
 facility (with some 'l33t shell scripting by yours
 truly), but there's
 some conflict in the group names and permissions and
 whatnot, and life
 sucks until Supreet comes up with this weird idea:
 don't have Unix
 users at all!  I look at him in dismay, thinking,
 ``He's really lost
 it this time'' and am about to suggest a long
 vacation, away from
 computers when he explains: let the password
 routines use Winbind to
 get the users.  Sounds like utter cr*p to me, but
 we're desperate so I
 mangle the appropriate files, and do a
   getent passwd
 ... and Voila! here's the list of all the users on
 the AD server!  The
 rest of the office is eyeing us with concern (this
 is at the client's
 office) as we go into high-fives, middle-fives,
 low-fives, jaffi-pa's,
 bhangra, balle-balles and general rejoicing.  The
 rest of the
 configuration looks like a breeze...
 Wait, the client also has complex access rules for
 his data!  See, the
 ``folder'' Marketing belongs to the marketing group
 and everyone in
 that group has read and write access to it, only,
 see, the Director
 Projects needs to view the files in /this/
 sub-folder, and the
 Director Finance must be able to modify the files in
 /this/ sub-folder
 and /this/ sub-folder, and... you get the idea.
 Linux doesn't have fine-grained filesystem access
 control yet (well,
 the new betas do, but none of the ``stable''
 releases).  Scratch heads
 (scratch patka in Supreet's case), fgrep -ir acl
 /usr/src/linux/Documentation with no result, try to
 shrug off gloom
 and despondency.  Finally decide to bite the bullet,
 put our noses to
 the grindstone, our back to the wheel and our ear to
 the ground and go
 in for SGI's XFS.  XFS is a hotsex filesystem which
 is going to be
 part of Linux 2.6, but is not available for the 2.4
 series except as a
 patch.  Rather than patch, we decide to get SGI's
 complete Linux
 kernel CVS tree for kernel 2.4.21.
 A few hours (170MB downloaded) and a couple of
 kernel compiles later
 we're ready to test ACLs on Linux.  Bah, what
 testing?  It's Linux,
 and it works as advertised.  Plug ACLs into Samba,
 and we're ready to
 start testing the setup.
 I won't go into the details of the testing phase. 
 Suffice it to say
 that it was bloody, gory and rigorous.  And that it
 passed off without
 Saturday (19th) night we brought the new system
 online.  Restored from
 tape wherever possible -- if you restore a backup
 from an NT machine
 onto a Samba share you get the complete user, group
 and access control
 lists on each file and directory.  Unfortunately
 some of the tapes
 (only worth about 10 gig of data) refuse to restore,
 so we have to
 copy those files manually from the old NT server. 
 Next 2 hours is

Re: [ilugd] prob in gtk+

2003-07-22 Thread Sijin Stephen
to  use gnome functionalities with gtk, you should include gnome headers and 
link with gnome libraries.
if you don't use gnome funcitions at all, you don't need gnome.h

to include your own headers, you should use the
 -Imydir  ( mydir directory will contain your headers)
with your gcc command


From: saurabh  singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: saurabh  singh [EMAIL PROTECTED],The Linux-Delhi 
mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ilugd] prob in gtk+
Date: 16 Jul 2003 10:59:02 -

hi ,
 I make a simple prog in gtk+
when i include gnome.h library file .
but when i compile prog by gcc command then it says the gnome.h: no such 
file or directory found.

i read in book that we have to set path for this library file.
how do i set the path?
and if i want to use my own header file.
should i have to set path for it?
where should i save that header file?
i m using RH 7.3

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ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread yogesh anand
Dear ALL,
it was really cool stuff and a very good case
study.sharing these experiences will prove panecea for
all linux savvy guys.
Thanks once again.

--- Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 So Supreet and I have been slogging our collective
 a** off working at
 a client's location (no names just yet), trying to
 migrate his 5000
 users to Samba from a Winduhs file server.
 Some experiences...
 Client has 8 locations, including numerous
 factories, spread over the
 country.  Were using NT for domain control as well
 as file and print
 services (FPS).  MS got into the act, convinced them
 about the joys of
 Winduhs 2003 and got their domain controllers (DCs)
 upgraded to W2K3.
 In the meantime we'd already done most of the work
 to switch the FPS
 from NT to Linux.
 At the last minute (nearly) client comes to us and
 asks, ``Can you
 work with a W2K3 domain controller?''.  Being the
 blithe spirits that
 we are, we searched the web, found some pointers
 that seemed to
 vaguely indicate the possibility of a chance of
 there being some items
 that could portend the peaceful co-existence of
 Samba and W2K3, and
 gave him the reply in one word, `Yes!'.
 Problem with W2K3 is that it only supports active
 directory (AD) and
 none of the older methods of authentication
 (whatever they are -- /me
 is no Winduhs expert).  So we need a Samba that is
 AD aware.  Lo and
 behold, Samba 3.0.0 (currently in final Beta) is AD
 aware, and
 Google-ification yields a few HOWTOs on how to get
 the two working
 OK, problem (1) solved.  As long as /someone/ has
 got it working, we
 should be able to too, right?  I mean, what're
 mailing lists, IRC
 channels, friends and AK-47s for if not to get you
 assistance with
 making Samba work with AD?  Download, compile, test,
 scream, tear out
 hair, kill w2k3 admin because he can't properly set
 the one goddam
 registry entry that we need, find another w2k3
 admin, recompile,
 retest, etc... you know the routine.  Finally, it
 sort of works.
 Except... see, Samba has this means of automatically
 adding new users
 when they're defined on the DC but not in Linux.  So
 we use that
 facility (with some 'l33t shell scripting by yours
 truly), but there's
 some conflict in the group names and permissions and
 whatnot, and life
 sucks until Supreet comes up with this weird idea:
 don't have Unix
 users at all!  I look at him in dismay, thinking,
 ``He's really lost
 it this time'' and am about to suggest a long
 vacation, away from
 computers when he explains: let the password
 routines use Winbind to
 get the users.  Sounds like utter cr*p to me, but
 we're desperate so I
 mangle the appropriate files, and do a
   getent passwd
 ... and Voila! here's the list of all the users on
 the AD server!  The
 rest of the office is eyeing us with concern (this
 is at the client's
 office) as we go into high-fives, middle-fives,
 low-fives, jaffi-pa's,
 bhangra, balle-balles and general rejoicing.  The
 rest of the
 configuration looks like a breeze...
 Wait, the client also has complex access rules for
 his data!  See, the
 ``folder'' Marketing belongs to the marketing group
 and everyone in
 that group has read and write access to it, only,
 see, the Director
 Projects needs to view the files in /this/
 sub-folder, and the
 Director Finance must be able to modify the files in
 /this/ sub-folder
 and /this/ sub-folder, and... you get the idea.
 Linux doesn't have fine-grained filesystem access
 control yet (well,
 the new betas do, but none of the ``stable''
 releases).  Scratch heads
 (scratch patka in Supreet's case), fgrep -ir acl
 /usr/src/linux/Documentation with no result, try to
 shrug off gloom
 and despondency.  Finally decide to bite the bullet,
 put our noses to
 the grindstone, our back to the wheel and our ear to
 the ground and go
 in for SGI's XFS.  XFS is a hotsex filesystem which
 is going to be
 part of Linux 2.6, but is not available for the 2.4
 series except as a
 patch.  Rather than patch, we decide to get SGI's
 complete Linux
 kernel CVS tree for kernel 2.4.21.
 A few hours (170MB downloaded) and a couple of
 kernel compiles later
 we're ready to test ACLs on Linux.  Bah, what
 testing?  It's Linux,
 and it works as advertised.  Plug ACLs into Samba,
 and we're ready to
 start testing the setup.
 I won't go into the details of the testing phase. 
 Suffice it to say
 that it was bloody, gory and rigorous.  And that it
 passed off without
 Saturday (19th) night we brought the new system
 online.  Restored from
 tape wherever possible -- if you restore a backup
 from an NT machine
 onto a Samba share you get the complete user, group
 and access control
 lists on each file and directory.  Unfortunately
 some of the tapes
 (only worth about 10 gig of data) refuse to restore,
 so we have to
 copy those files manually from the old NT server. 
 Next 2 hours is

[ilugd] Re: why linux-delhi is pathetic

2003-07-22 Thread ashwin_baindur
Dear all,
Many regrets for my non-attendance. Out of town first abroad, then for 
sister's wedding. See you all in the August meet. Let's have a show of force 
this time,
Regards, Ashwin Baindur

LinuxLingam writes: 

dear all, 

linux-delhi is pathetic. 

unlike the rest of linux user groups in india,
we are in the captial of the country.
more importantly, we have been invited to hold our meetings in the conference 
room of the ministry of communications, information, and technology.
we are usually full of fire and brimstone with our convictions. 

despite all this,
only six to seven showed up for this month's ilug-d meet, from our nearly 
2,000 people in the mailing list. 

wretched support.
don't blame the rains. 

what happened to dhruv, pankaj, supreet, sandip bhattacharya, vivek, hemant 
saraf, ashwin baindur, alolita, amit goel, ghane, ravi, ajay, prakash, pawan, 
ravi, tarun dua, amitabh, everybody else who has been regularly attending the 
meets, and the lurkers on the list? 

i suppose this goes to show two things: 

linux-delhi is falling apart.
linux is dead. 



ilugd mailing list

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread Tarun Dua
 Information contained in this E-MAIL being proprietary to Wipro Limited is 
 'privileged' and 'confidential' and intended for use only by the individual
  or entity to which it is addressed. You are notified that any use, copying 
 or dissemination of the information contained in the E-MAIL in any manner 
 whatsoever is strictly prohibited.
Kettle calls the pot black.

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] some help

2003-07-22 Thread visheshonly
hi all,

Please inform me abt the next meet.. and are there any pre-condtions to appear for 
this meet..  like , maybe i shud be an expert in linuxor something of this kind.. then 
i m going to miss this meet for sure :)

saurabh singh...  i can help u with the redhat 7.3, 8.0 and 9.0 CD's but u will have 
to pick them up.. and of course pay for the media.. no writing charges...

also please clear what is freeduck??? waht is it supposed to do??

-vishesh kaul
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from Indiatimes at

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Bid for for Air Tickets @ Re.1 on Air Sahara Flights. Just log on to and Bid Now!

ilugd mailing list

RE: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread Jasmeet S. Virdi
Congrats guys !! Was thinking of using winbind for some time now .. Will
definitely try it out.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Raj Mathur
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: [ilugd] [Long] It works

Hash: SHA1

So Supreet and I have been slogging our collective a** off working at a
client's location (no names just yet), trying to migrate his 5000 users
to Samba from a Winduhs file server.

Some experiences...

Client has 8 locations, including numerous factories, spread over the
country.  Were using NT for domain control as well as file and print
services (FPS).  MS got into the act, convinced them about the joys of
Winduhs 2003 and got their domain controllers (DCs) upgraded to W2K3. In
the meantime we'd already done most of the work to switch the FPS from
NT to Linux.

At the last minute (nearly) client comes to us and asks, ``Can you work
with a W2K3 domain controller?''.  Being the blithe spirits that we are,
we searched the web, found some pointers that seemed to vaguely indicate
the possibility of a chance of there being some items that could portend
the peaceful co-existence of Samba and W2K3, and gave him the reply in
one word, `Yes!'.

Problem with W2K3 is that it only supports active directory (AD) and
none of the older methods of authentication (whatever they are -- /me is
no Winduhs expert).  So we need a Samba that is AD aware.  Lo and
behold, Samba 3.0.0 (currently in final Beta) is AD aware, and
Google-ification yields a few HOWTOs on how to get the two working

OK, problem (1) solved.  As long as /someone/ has got it working, we
should be able to too, right?  I mean, what're mailing lists, IRC
channels, friends and AK-47s for if not to get you assistance with
making Samba work with AD?  Download, compile, test, scream, tear out
hair, kill w2k3 admin because he can't properly set the one goddam
registry entry that we need, find another w2k3 admin, recompile, retest,
etc... you know the routine.  Finally, it sort of works.

Except... see, Samba has this means of automatically adding new users
when they're defined on the DC but not in Linux.  So we use that
facility (with some 'l33t shell scripting by yours truly), but there's
some conflict in the group names and permissions and whatnot, and life
sucks until Supreet comes up with this weird idea: don't have Unix users
at all!  I look at him in dismay, thinking, ``He's really lost it this
time'' and am about to suggest a long vacation, away from computers when
he explains: let the password routines use Winbind to get the users.
Sounds like utter cr*p to me, but we're desperate so I mangle the
appropriate files, and do a

  getent passwd

... and Voila! here's the list of all the users on the AD server!  The
rest of the office is eyeing us with concern (this is at the client's
office) as we go into high-fives, middle-fives, low-fives, jaffi-pa's,
bhangra, balle-balles and general rejoicing.  The rest of the
configuration looks like a breeze...


Wait, the client also has complex access rules for his data!  See, the
``folder'' Marketing belongs to the marketing group and everyone in that
group has read and write access to it, only, see, the Director Projects
needs to view the files in /this/ sub-folder, and the Director Finance
must be able to modify the files in /this/ sub-folder and /this/
sub-folder, and... you get the idea.

Linux doesn't have fine-grained filesystem access control yet (well, the
new betas do, but none of the ``stable'' releases).  Scratch heads
(scratch patka in Supreet's case), fgrep -ir acl
/usr/src/linux/Documentation with no result, try to shrug off gloom and
despondency.  Finally decide to bite the bullet, put our noses to the
grindstone, our back to the wheel and our ear to the ground and go in
for SGI's XFS.  XFS is a hotsex filesystem which is going to be part of
Linux 2.6, but is not available for the 2.4 series except as a patch.
Rather than patch, we decide to get SGI's complete Linux kernel CVS tree
for kernel 2.4.21.

A few hours (170MB downloaded) and a couple of kernel compiles later
we're ready to test ACLs on Linux.  Bah, what testing?  It's Linux, and
it works as advertised.  Plug ACLs into Samba, and we're ready to start
testing the setup.

I won't go into the details of the testing phase.  Suffice it to say
that it was bloody, gory and rigorous.  And that it passed off without

Saturday (19th) night we brought the new system online.  Restored from
tape wherever possible -- if you restore a backup from an NT machine
onto a Samba share you get the complete user, group and access control
lists on each file and directory.  Unfortunately some of the tapes (only
worth about 10 gig of data) refuse to restore, so we have to copy those
files manually from the old NT server.  Next 2 hours is spent with the
client's IT bossman, 

Re: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread Lalit Kumar Bhasin

 Kettle calls the pot black.
wish it was under my control.
one of the reason  i resist mailing to the list .

 ilugd mailing list


Information contained in this E-MAIL being proprietary to Wipro Limited is 
'privileged' and 'confidential' and intended for use only by the individual
 or entity to which it is addressed. You are notified that any use, copying 
or dissemination of the information contained in the E-MAIL in any manner 
whatsoever is strictly prohibited.


ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Re: [LIG] [Long [not any more]] It works

2003-07-22 Thread Raj Mathur
Hash: SHA1

 Philip == Philip S Tellis Philip writes:

Philip On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Raj Mathur wrote:

 I won't go into the details of the testing phase.  Suffice it
 to say

Philip but could you put the details of your testing up on a
Philip website near here... it would be good from a puts on
Philip running shoes QA pov runs.

We'd already done most of the actual file-sharing testing with the
earlier (NT-based) domain controllers, so this time it was primarily
access testing.  Some of the things we did:

- - Set 2770 on directories, and then check whether (a) files were
created with the correct modes and ownership and (b) whether a file
created by one user of a group was writable by other users in the
group or not.  The 2 in 2770 forces the directory to pass permissions
(file/directory modes) and group ownership downward.  In other words,
if you have a directory with mode 2770, all files created in it will
belong to the group the directory belongs to, and directories created
under it will also have identical ownership and permissions.

- - Set the ACLs through Linux and check the access control.  Linux has
getfacl and setfacl for respectively getting the current ACLs on a
file or directory and setting them to a desired value.

We set ACLs for users and groups on directories and files to which
those users/groups otherwise didn't have access, and checked that they
could access the files afterwards.

I must say that XFS ACLs are very comprehensive.  For instance, you
have the concept of a default ACL for a directory, which propagates
downward just like the 2xxx bit on a regular filesystem directory
mode.  getfacl and setfacl also are quite comprehensive and
fortunately easily scriptable.  E.g. one of the aforementioned shell
scripts descended a directory tree and automatically set the default
ACLs for all directories to their current ACL, after mangling the
current ACLs a bit.

- - Set ACLs through Winduhs and check the result.  This was quite
similar -- we'd first check if the Linux (XFS) ACLs that actually got
applied appeared to match what had been set through Winduhs, and then
test the share with different users and groups.  You can set
fine0grained access control in Winduhs by right-clicking on a file
name, selecting Properties and selecting the Security tab.  Only works
with NT, 2000  co, not with 95 or 98.

- - AD testing was pretty straightforward.  Once Winbind managed to
display us the AD users and groups we didn't really have to test very
much.  Samba sets supplementary groups under certain conditions, so
verifying that took a simple cat /proc/pid/status, which shows you
the primary user and group and supplementary groups of the smbd
process associated with a particular share in use.


- -- Raju
- -- 
   GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
  It is the mind that moves
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.6 and Gnu Privacy Guard


ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Wipro Disclaimers

2003-07-22 Thread Tarun Dua
On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 13:03, Lalit Kumar Bhasin wrote:
  Kettle calls the pot black.
 wish it was under my control.
 one of the reason  i resist mailing to the list .
I thought they had gone away. Raj had mentioned that Wipro has a procedure 
in place to let its employees post to mailing lists without the
customary disclaimers.
-Tarun Dua
-Forwarded Message-

To: Linux Users Group Delhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd]: Increasing Linux Partition space
Date: 02 Apr 2003 18:02:14 +0530

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 17:36, Lalit Kumar Bhasin wrote:
 Hi all,
I have a dual boot system with Windows-2000 and Linux 8.0. The total
 hard disk space is 40 GB, and about 5 GB is dedicated to Linux , and
 rest for windows. Now, I wanted to increase the Linux Ext space from 5
 GB to say 10 GB. I tried Partition magic ,but it failed. Is there some
 other way to do it. Please suggest.
good to see wiproites on list without the customary disclaimer!!
did Partition Magic fail create free space from a windows partition or
it failed to increase the space available in Linux
once you have free space available on the disk you can add it to a new
linux partition.

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Robins!

2003-07-22 Thread Jim De
hee hee!!! alright sincerest apologies...! i wont forget now!

Robins Tharakan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

no issues ( yet! ;-D ) but just for reference sake, my name is 
Robins and not robin


On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 09:47, @*[EMAIL PROTECTED]#^ wrote:
 Robin, you're right! 

ilugd mailing list

SMS using the Yahoo! Messenger;Download latest version.
ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] : smtp restrictions (once again)

2003-07-22 Thread Dileep M. Kumar
On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 11:29:56AM +0530, mary wrote:

 Was trying to send mails to the ilugd list in the morning
 and discovered that some of the vsnl servers are listed
 in the spamblock databases that is using
 to ward off unwanted mail.

 [ For ex: ]

AFAIK,  outblaze is  configured to  block all  mails from  dialup SMTP
servers.  ie dialup  users  running  their own  SMTP.  Such users  are
requested to use their smarthost to relay mails. IPs where in the block  list for some time back. But now they
are not in block list. 

 .''`. Dileep M. Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :
`. `'`
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux - Choice of the Freedom Lovers

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] (no subject)

2003-07-22 Thread eprac
I AM facing a prob my shadow file has caught only read only permission
it is no changing even as root user
the rights are -r--- only
even after placing hard disk on another system and changing rights does not succeed
even we can not change yhe contents
plz help me in this regard 

Now with POP3/SMTP access for only US$14.95/yr

Powered by Outblaze

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] I would like to know about 'Free Duck' andfreedombased GnuLinux

2003-07-22 Thread Robins Tharakan
ok! right away !!

hello sir,
welcome to the real world!

we generally kindly provide information, but sending details is
slightly beyond most of the people's league out here...
a request, well ok, but frankly i doubt anyone's going to do that...

anyhow, if you wish to know more, why don't you search the net? or
maybe ask for pointers? no one's anyways, going to Mail! you the
details ...


On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 11:55, subodh chandra wrote:
 I would like to know about 'Free Duck' and freedombased GnuLinux...
 Kindly send the details to  Ashim Bose, 2, Khalisha Kota Pally, P.O. Italgacha, 
 Kolkata-700 079 by Post or Courier. Thanks. 

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] [Long] It works

2003-07-22 Thread supreet
Too add to raju's description of episode, Howto for installing Samba
which could talk to Windows '03 is available at

You can leave the kerberos part out. It works without it.

The HOWTO covers most rudimentary setup 


ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Re: Please Reply

2003-07-22 Thread Ambar Roy
A lot of people are really surprised when they get to know that this scan
originally started with snail mail and has been around for a long time.

Ambar Roy

- Original Message -
From: Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Nigerian scam has been around for much longer than PCQ, BTW.

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Booting into a compiled kernel

2003-07-22 Thread Balu P
I think its always better to do the compiling in the /usr/src/linux xxx
directory. The steps are like this..
1. make oldconfig - this will produce the default configuration file .Config
and you can save this in another directory if u need it later,

2. make mrproper

3. make menuconfig or make xconfig(use this one, this is very graphical and
easy - and run this in xwindow terminal) - (make the changes that u want)
4. edit the MakeFile and give your linux kernel version name
5. make dep
6. make clean
7. make bzImage
8. make modules
9. make modules_install
10. make install

You can run commands 5 tp 10 in a single command line using ; to
differentiate between commands.
There is no need to copy the bz image or edit the grub, as all this is done
automatically. But in case if the system shows some error in booting up,
edit the grub file, and change the label, and give the correct root
partition path.


- Original Message -
From: Robins Tharakan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Booting into a compiled kernel

 there could be two problems.
 1. you have specified incorrect partition number... which is almost
 certainly out of question since you copied the lines from the original

 2. you probably specified to build the root filesystem [generally its
 ext2) (or even ext3 if you are like me...) into modules. That doesnt
 work, since atleast the root filesystem needs to be inbuilt into the
 kernel(i.e. say y rather than m for the root filesystem that you
 use). basically the idea is that the modules are read from the root
 filesystem, so if you read even the root filesystem modules from the
 root, it becomes more of a chicken vs egg problem, thereby causing the

 if i messed up in analysis, probably an exact description of the error
 that you get could help.

 On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 14:59, D.Venkatasubramanian, Noida wrote:
  I have installed RHL 9 on my machine. As I required a kernel without
  support, I decided to compile a new one. I created a directory /home/all
  copied the kernel sources into it from /usr/src/linux### and compiled
  kernel in /home/all/linux###. Followed the steps given, make menuconfig,
  make dep, make modules_install exactly as gien in the README ...
  Well, everything went off smoothly, no make errors of any kind. Then I
  copied the kernel, to /boot/ with a new name mylinux.
  The problem is I can't boot into this kernel using grub. I added a new
  similar to the already present entry. Then I even used rdev to specify
  root device, but still am unable. I tried all combinations, including :
  title Linux_something
  root (hd0,8)
  kernel /boot/mylinux
  It says Kernel Panic : cannot mount root fs or something like that.
  What could be the problem? Should I build the kernel in
  Any help would be appreciated.
  PS : ### is the version number.
  ilugd mailing list

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[ilugd] lalit bhaseen's problem

2003-07-22 Thread visheshonly

To: Linux Users Group Delhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd]: Increasing Linux Partition space
Date: 02 Apr 2003 18:02:14 +0530

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 17:36, Lalit Kumar Bhasin wrote:
 Hi all,
I have a dual boot system with Windows-2000 and Linux 8.0. The total
 hard disk space is 40 GB, and about 5 GB is dedicated to Linux , and
 rest for windows. Now, I wanted to increase the Linux Ext space from 5
 GB to say 10 GB. I tried Partition magic ,but it failed. Is there some
 other way to do it. Please suggest.

lalit , a lot will depend on how you have parttioned ur disk, if ur disk is something 
like this..

  |  ||  |
  | WIN  |   Linux| WIN 2|

then u can do it with partition magic by taking space from  win2..  but if u have kept 
linux at end of ur hard-drive the it is very difficult to find any solution. maybe u 
can extract some space from windows partition and format it using partition magic pro 
(v7) as ext2 and see whether the space adds up but it seems highly unlikely to me..  
just give it a try.. also specify which version of partition magic you are  using...
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