RE: pserver question

2001-02-27 Thread Furmaniuk, Michael

  I know the passwd file is updated, I have had the new passwd file checkout
with CVSROOT, I've deleted the directory and checked it out again to get the
file.  When I have done the update the changes show up there.


-Original Message-
From: Hanser, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 9:57 AM
To: 'Furmaniuk, Michael'; Info-Cvs (E-mail)
Subject: RE: pserver question

check in your actualy cvs tree and make sure the passwd file that is there
is the one you want.
the passwd file is not included in the checkout/commit of CVSROOT.
According to the CVS docs, it's so you don't have a bunch of (old) passwd
files littering peoples' directories, which they forgot to remove... which
could be a security problem.  So edit the passwd file directly from the


-Original Message-
From: Furmaniuk, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Info-Cvs (E-mail)
Subject: pserver question

  I tried looking within the archives for a similar problem, but couldn't
find anything similar.

  My problem:
  I have built the CVS 1.11 version on Solaris 2.6, have changed the line in
config to SystemAuth=no, and added the passwd file, with an anonymous user
to run as me on the server (anonymous::mfurmani).  Then checked in the
config and passwd file to make sure the administration files have been
updated.  I know I have the server set up correctly as I can log in as
myself using my system password, the client is CVS 1.9 and has worked fine
as myself.

  However, if I try to use the passwd file I either get an incorrect
password error if I change my password to be read from the passwd file in
CVS, or if I try to login as the anonymous user I get a stranger error - 
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
E Fatal error, aborting.

  Is there another configuration I need to make?  I didn't see anything else
within the documentation about setting up pserver any different than I have.



Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: pserver question

2001-02-27 Thread Hanser, Kevin

check in your actualy cvs tree and make sure the passwd file that is there
is the one you want.
the passwd file is not included in the checkout/commit of CVSROOT.
According to the CVS docs, it's so you don't have a bunch of (old) passwd
files littering peoples' directories, which they forgot to remove... which
could be a security problem.  So edit the passwd file directly from the


-Original Message-
From: Furmaniuk, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Info-Cvs (E-mail)
Subject: pserver question

  I tried looking within the archives for a similar problem, but couldn't
find anything similar.

  My problem:
  I have built the CVS 1.11 version on Solaris 2.6, have changed the line in
config to SystemAuth=no, and added the passwd file, with an anonymous user
to run as me on the server (anonymous::mfurmani).  Then checked in the
config and passwd file to make sure the administration files have been
updated.  I know I have the server set up correctly as I can log in as
myself using my system password, the client is CVS 1.9 and has worked fine
as myself.

  However, if I try to use the passwd file I either get an incorrect
password error if I change my password to be read from the passwd file in
CVS, or if I try to login as the anonymous user I get a stranger error - 
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
E Fatal error, aborting.

  Is there another configuration I need to make?  I didn't see anything else
within the documentation about setting up pserver any different than I have.



Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

pserver question

2001-02-27 Thread Furmaniuk, Michael

  I tried looking within the archives for a similar problem, but couldn't
find anything similar.

  My problem:
  I have built the CVS 1.11 version on Solaris 2.6, have changed the line in
config to SystemAuth=no, and added the passwd file, with an anonymous user
to run as me on the server (anonymous::mfurmani).  Then checked in the
config and passwd file to make sure the administration files have been
updated.  I know I have the server set up correctly as I can log in as
myself using my system password, the client is CVS 1.9 and has worked fine
as myself.

  However, if I try to use the passwd file I either get an incorrect
password error if I change my password to be read from the passwd file in
CVS, or if I try to login as the anonymous user I get a stranger error - 
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
E Fatal error, aborting.

  Is there another configuration I need to make?  I didn't see anything else
within the documentation about setting up pserver any different than I have.



Info-cvs mailing list

kerberos question

2001-02-21 Thread Tracy Brown

I'm running the MIT distribution of Kerberos v5-1.2.1 and I've compiled the
cvs server/client with gssapi support. I believe that my inetd.conf and
services files are in order - they're attempting to run cvs with the gserver
option. I'm timing out when attempting to connect to the cvs server. I'm
kinit'ing and getting my TGT with a user that is on both the server and
client machines.

[the server]
cvs stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/cvs cvs -f --allow-root=/cvsroot

cvs 2401/tcp

[the client]
:gserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot 

And the error I'm receiving is:

cvs [import aborted]: connect to ABILIZER.COM:2401 failed: Connection timed

What might cause this to happen?


Info-cvs mailing list

directory structure question

2001-02-16 Thread yuchan_kim

This is more of a organization question, rather CVS itself.  On Unix 
environment, when you check out CVS project directory structure, all 
the files in the directories can be linked to a larger working 
directory where you can do your build and code.  But when you are 
ready to check in the code, all the files in the checked out 
directories are updated, so you can check this in.  I've noticed, its 
much more difficult for windows environment.  Linking files creates 
an unforeseen extension.  Is there a method, where you can keep your 
directory structure, but have the convinience of not having to 
manually copy all files into the checked out directories before 
checking them in.  

I'd really appreciate any feedback :)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS "Help me please" Question

2001-02-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Laura Gordon wrote:

> Hello !
> Thank you ! I am using CVS as a storage/diff tool rather than a development
> tool at the direction of my customer. I perform CM on a 2 million lines of
> code project which is maintained by a separate company. The entire project
> falls under one directory, I will call the directory PROJECT for this
> discussion. I currently have PROJECT version 1.0 in a working directory of
> CVS. I have received PROJECT version 2.0 from the developers. I want to
> treat the entire PROJECT as one entity. This is what I wish I could do:
> Replace PROJECT 1.0 with PROJECT 2.0 in the CVS working directory
> Obtain a diff report comparing PROJECT 1.0 to PROJECT 2.0 (including added
> and deleted files and subdirectories)
> Commit the entire PROJECT to CVS as one unit (including added and deleted
> files and subdirectories)

Look up the import command in the Cederqvist (CVS manual).  There's a copy on
line here: .

The alternative is: to copy everything, add and remove the appropriate files
individually, then commit, and this will wipe out any local changes.

Hamlet:  To be or not to be - that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.  To die, to sleep -
No more - and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to.  'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.  To die, to sleep -
To sleep - perchance to dream.  Ay, there's the rub.
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil
Must give us pause.  There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin?  Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.  Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! - Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.

 - Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 56-89

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS "Help me please" Question

2001-02-14 Thread Laura Gordon

Hello !

Thank you ! I am using CVS as a storage/diff tool rather than a development
tool at the direction of my customer. I perform CM on a 2 million lines of
code project which is maintained by a separate company. The entire project
falls under one directory, I will call the directory PROJECT for this
discussion. I currently have PROJECT version 1.0 in a working directory of
CVS. I have received PROJECT version 2.0 from the developers. I want to
treat the entire PROJECT as one entity. This is what I wish I could do:

Replace PROJECT 1.0 with PROJECT 2.0 in the CVS working directory
Obtain a diff report comparing PROJECT 1.0 to PROJECT 2.0 (including added
and deleted files and subdirectories)
Commit the entire PROJECT to CVS as one unit (including added and deleted
files and subdirectories)

Can I do this? How?


Laura Gordon, CM
(256)876-9225 ext. 355

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: ת·¢: a question

2001-02-12 Thread Baraa Al-Dabagh

There are 2 commands in wincvs:

- Add files
- Add binary files

Wincvs will warn you if you are trying to submit a binary file
as text or visa versa. In your case you should make sure that
the file is text and use the "Add files..." command under
"CVS files" menu.

Hope this helps.


> Liying Shen wrote:
> hi,
>  I am cvs user. i am using WinCvs vertion 1.0.6.
>  I  met some problems now , i hope you would help me.
>1.I added a file by cvs and the file's status is
> file,but after commiting it the file's status  became binary.
>   How to solve this.
>2.I want to add a file as text mode but when i chose
> "add files" , sometimes the file's status in CVS become binary.
>   How  to force a file as text mode to add to the CVS.
>  Thank you very much.
> a cvs
> user.

tel;fax:408 577 0700
tel;work:408 232 7577
adr:;;3099 N. First Street;San Jose;CA;95134;U.S.A
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System Engineer
fn:Baraa Al-Dabagh

转发: a question

2001-02-11 Thread Liying Shen
Title: ת·¢: a question

 I am cvs user. i am using WinCvs vertion 1.0.6.
 I  met some problems now , i hope you would help me. 
   1.    I added a file by cvs and the file's status is file,but after commiting it the file's status  became binary.

  How to solve this.
   2.    I want to add a file as text mode but when i chose "add files" , sometimes the file's status in CVS become binary.

  How  to force a file as text mode to add to the CVS.
 Thank you very much.

    a cvs user.



another question about ^M filtering

2001-02-08 Thread François Delahaye

We are using a CVS server on Linux with clients on 
Windows NT and Linux.
For some reasons that would be pretty long to 
explain here, we would like CVS not to remove 
^M when importing files to the repository from a Windows Client 
( and also not to add ^M when exporting files 
from the repository to the Windows Client)
Do you think it is possible ?
We have thought to use -t and -f wrappers with 
dos2unix action but it does not seem possible because these wrappers are 
not supported any longer in CVS 1.11;
and we can't find any other solution 
Thanks in advance,
François Delahaye

Re: Too Frequently Asked Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-02-02 Thread Alexey Mahotkin

I'm answering to both of you :)

> "LS" == Laine Stump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LS> I've taken Jerry Nairn's script, which you have on your
LS> website, and enhanced it quite a bit. It is now available at


> "CH" == Curt Hagenlocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CH> I have made some important fixes to vss2rcs.js.  You can get a
CH> newer version for your web site at


I have updated the faq entry and it now looks like this:

Q: I have a large MS Visual SourceSafe repository.  How could I
convert it to use it from CVS?

A: There are two different scripts for that purpose:

Laine Stump  has taken scripts originally
written in Perl by Jerry Nairn , and enhanced
it quite a bit.  The result is available at:

Curt Hagenlocher  has written in JavaScript
another script, which is available at:


I will also delete the directory with my collection from server, to
get rid of any confusion (Heiko Nardmann's tool appeared to just list
files in VSS repository).

I will also unregister my "project" vss-to-cvs at  Laine, Curt, please, take a time to register
your scripts at, to ease searching.

Thank you! 


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Too Frequently Asked Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-29 Thread Anders Knudsen

This may be worth putting into the FAQ (I leave it up to you.):
If you are using xinetd you can use the "passenv" attribute.
"man xinetd.conf" explains this attribute.
FYI, following is my cvspserver file for xinetd. It works great, and I 
avoid the $HOME problem.
By putting nothing for "passenv" cvs is started without any env.
I don't think that "inetd" has an equivalent attribute, but I'm not sure.

$ cat xinetd.d/cvspserver
service cvspserver
   socket_type = stream
   protocol= tcp
   wait= no
   user= root
   passenv =
   group   = cvsroot
   only_from   =
   log_type= FILE /var/log/xinetdlog
   server  = /usr/bin/cvs
   server_args = -f --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver
   log_on_success += USERID DURATION
   log_on_failure += HOST USERID
   disable = no


At 01:19 PM 1/28/2001 -0500, Larry wrote:
>Alexey Mahotkin writes:
> >
> > A: Workaround: You could create small .sh-file:
>That may not work -- the problem might well be that there's no -f global
>option on the pserver line in inetd.conf rather than that $HOME is set
>in the environment.
> > This is caused by misfeature in CVS.  :pserver: does not have home
> > directory and should not try to use it.  There exist patches that fix
> > that behaviour, if you wish to get rid of that problem once and for
> > all.
>This is misleading -- the user pserver is running on behalf of has a
>home directory and pserver may well want to use it.  And note that the
>current development version ignores $HOME when running as a server.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Too Frequently Asked Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-29 Thread Laine Stump

Alexey Mahotkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Q: I have a large MS Visual SourceSafe repository.  How could I
> convert it to use it from CVS?
> A: All scripts for that purpose that have ever appeared on info-cvs
> are collected here:

I've taken Jerry Nairn's script, which you have on your
website, and enhanced it quite a bit. It is now available at

Since I occasionally make updates to it (based on my own needs, or on
comments from others), it would probably be better if you provided a
link to that location, rather than making a copy - that way there will
be less confusion about which is newer, whether or not they've
diverged, etc.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Too Frequently Asked Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-28 Thread Larry Jones

Alexey Mahotkin writes:
> A: Workaround: You could create small .sh-file:

That may not work -- the problem might well be that there's no -f global
option on the pserver line in inetd.conf rather than that $HOME is set
in the environment.

> This is caused by misfeature in CVS.  :pserver: does not have home
> directory and should not try to use it.  There exist patches that fix
> that behaviour, if you wish to get rid of that problem once and for
> all.

This is misleading -- the user pserver is running on behalf of has a
home directory and pserver may well want to use it.  And note that the
current development version ignores $HOME when running as a server.

-Larry Jones

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [announce] Too Frequently Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-28 Thread Larry Jones

Alexey Mahotkin writes:
> Comments?  Contributions?  Larry, Derek, you should at least emit a
> sigh of relief -- you will no more have to answer The Question again
> and again.

Yes we will -- The Question is already answered in the manual, but
people don't bother to read the manual (or FAQs) before posting

-Larry Jones

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [announce] Too Frequently Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-27 Thread Gerhard Sittig

On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 19:54 +0300, Alexey Mahotkin wrote:
> Comments?  Contributions?

Make it have an index.  Make it refer to the previous posting
("obsoletes ...").  This will give a slight chance of identifying
what has changes since the last posting.  Otherwise it will just
get deleted for "I've read it before, why should I do it again?".

> Larry, Derek, you should at least emit a sigh of relief -- you
> will no more have to answer The Question again and again.

Isn't Derek continuously posting links to an *existing* FAQ?  It
obviously would be better to feed back into _this_ document
instead of duplicating work and splitting off or compiling
another version.

Then a three line message with "There's a FAQ, see it in your
local installation or online at ..." would suffice when being
posted weekly.  Maybe together with a link to a search form at an
archiver of your choice.

virtually yours   82D1 9B9C 01DC 4FB4 D7B4  61BE 3F49 4F77 72DE DA76
Gerhard Sittig   true | mail -s "get gpg key" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
 ask your parents or an adult to help you.

Info-cvs mailing list

[announce] Too Frequently Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-27 Thread Alexey Mahotkin


I've got finally sick and tired of /root/.cvsignore.  The next message
will contain the preliminary version of info-cvs-faq.

Currently there are only two questions, just to mark the presence of
this faq and encourage contribution.  Next questions to include are
"CVS over SSH", "CVS over SSL", and "CVS vs Anything Else".

The updated version should always be at 

I will try to register this document at, at Pascal
Molli's CVS site, and at Open Directory. If you know some other place
where the link to above URL be appropriate -- feel free to add it

I think I'll soon setup cron job to post this FAQ weekly.

Note to CVS developers: if you are willing to receive updated versions 
of this FAQ to include it in CVS distribution -- drop me a note
please.  I hope you are. 

Comments?  Contributions?  Larry, Derek, you should at least emit a
sigh of relief -- you will no more have to answer The Question again
and again.


Info-cvs mailing list

Too Frequently Asked Question of info-cvs mailing list

2001-01-27 Thread Alexey Mahotkin


Copyright (C) 2001 Alexey Mahotkin and respectful contributors

Maintainer: Alexey Mahotkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Revision: $Id: info-cvs-faq,v 1.1 2001/01/27 16:42:24 alexm Exp $




Q: I have setup CVS-pserver, and now when I'm trying to do

$ cvs checkout 

it says: 
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied

A: Workaround: You could create small .sh-file:

unset HOME
exec /usr/bin/cvs --allow-root=/repository pserver

And use it in /etc/inetd.conf, instead of calling cvs binary itself:

= /etc/inetd.conf ==
2401  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/local/bin/ cvs

This is caused by misfeature in CVS.  :pserver: does not have home
directory and should not try to use it.  There exist patches that fix
that behaviour, if you wish to get rid of that problem once and for



Q: I have a large MS Visual SourceSafe repository.  How could I
convert it to use it from CVS?

A: All scripts for that purpose that have ever appeared on info-cvs
are collected here:

Unfortunately, I have not tested any of these, and could not give you
any advice on usage of these scripts.


Local variables:
mode: text


Info-cvs mailing list

cvs watch question

2001-01-25 Thread Howard Zhou

I did cvs watch on -R directoreis. It made existing files read only when I
do an update however it still gives write permission to a newly added file.
What am I missing?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question on disabling automatic merges

2001-01-25 Thread Larry Jones

Teala Spitzbarth writes:
> Is there anyway to disable the automatic merge on checkin under CVS?

There is no automatic merge on checkin -- if a developer tries to commit
an out-of-date file, they get an error message telling them to do an
update first.  It's the update that does the automatic merge and the
developer is supposed to validate the merge before checking in the

-Larry Jones

I stand FIRM in my belief of what's right!  I REFUSE to
compromise my principles! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question on disabling automatic merges

2001-01-25 Thread Rex_Jolliff

If you mean that you want to stop a developer from taking an old copy of a file
and checking
it in over the top of the current version of the file, there is a set of scripts
in contrib directory that
will facilitate this.  They will require you to have $Id$ markers at the top of
every file though, and
it would still be possible for developers to fool the scripts, just not easy.


Teala Spitzbarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/24/2001 04:09:40 PM

 cc:  (bcc: Rex Jolliff/YM/RWDOE) 
 Subject: Question on disabling automatic merges  

Federal Record Status Not Determined

Hi Folks,

Is there anyway to disable the automatic merge on checkin under CVS?
I.e. to force that if a developer tries to checkin a file from a working
copy that is outdated - they get an error message?

I can see that if you admin files with the -m option, it will be disabled,
but this requires some overhead.  I was just wondering if I was missing an
easier configuration option.

Thanks much,

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question on disabling automatic merges

2001-01-24 Thread Stephen Rasku

Tealla Spitzbarth writes:

>Hi Folks,
>Is there anyway to disable the automatic merge on checkin under CVS?
>I.e. to force that if a developer tries to checkin a file from a 
>copy that is outdated - they get an error message?

CVS will currently generate an "Up-to-date check" error message if you 
attempt to check in and your source is not up to date.  If you do "cvs 
update", it will merge your changes with the latest version in the 
repository and the developer can check in.  Is that what you want?

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: mkmodules question

2001-01-24 Thread terryh

Hi Jerry,

   We are using CVS 1.10. There is no exec of mkmodules in loginfo file.
However there is one entry in modules: 'modules -i mkmodules CVSROOT modules'.
I changed this line to 'modules CVSROOT modules' and now it does not
execute mkmodules any more. Based on the NEWS file, this seems to be
the right thing to do since mkdoules no longer exists in newer version of CVS.

   Thanks for the reply!

> What version of cvs? If you have a recent version, is there an exec of
> mkmodules in your loginfo file?
> Jerry
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 3:27 PM
> > Subject: mkmodules question
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> >   If we check out modules with 'cvs co modules' and commit it
> > back in,  we get the following error message:
> > 
> >cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database
> >cvs commit: Executing ''mkmodules' 
> > '/afs/''
> >cvs commit: cannot exec mkmodules: No such file or directory
> > 
> >   I thought mkmodules is no longer required in installation and it
> > is part of cvs. Why is it still run by cvs as separate module?
> > 
> >   Thanks in advance! 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Terry Hung - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
> > phone: 650-926-3618
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > ___
> > Info-cvs mailing list
> >
> > 

Terry Hung - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
phone: 650-926-3618

Info-cvs mailing list

Question on disabling automatic merges

2001-01-24 Thread Teala Spitzbarth

Hi Folks,

Is there anyway to disable the automatic merge on checkin under CVS?
I.e. to force that if a developer tries to checkin a file from a working
copy that is outdated - they get an error message?

I can see that if you admin files with the -m option, it will be disabled,
but this requires some overhead.  I was just wondering if I was missing an
easier configuration option.

Thanks much,

Info-cvs mailing list

mkmodules question

2001-01-24 Thread terryh


  If we check out modules with 'cvs co modules' and commit it
back in,  we get the following error message:

   cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database
   cvs commit: Executing ''mkmodules' '/afs/''
   cvs commit: cannot exec mkmodules: No such file or directory

  I thought mkmodules is no longer required in installation and it
is part of cvs. Why is it still run by cvs as separate module?

  Thanks in advance! 

Terry Hung - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
phone: 650-926-3618

Info-cvs mailing list

Beginner question

2001-01-23 Thread Leonardo Pasta

Hi group,
  We wan´t start to use CVS as a repository to our source-codes, but I don´t
know what is the best client for accessing from windows stations (the appear to be down) nor the procedures at the server to configure
access from a windows client.
  Can someone give me a light on it?


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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Paul Sander

Have you looked into using Expect to automate such a test?  With it, you
can script interactions with your editor.  Perl also has a module that
provides similar behavior.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The "commit" command of CVS has an option, "-m", for specifying a log
message on the command-line instead of interactively using an editor. But
what happens when the commit is recursive and there are files in other
directories that will be committed? Is there a way to specify (on the
command-line) different log messages for different directories?
While this question seems to be irrelevant (why would a user want to specify
different log messages to different directories through the command-line?),
I am interested in this for testing purposes -- I have set up some scripts
to handle commit commands using the "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files in the
repository, and I would like to have an automatic script to test them. One
of my test cases is providing a different log message for each directory,
and if I can't do that from the command-line then this test case has to be
manual (at least partially - I will need to wait for the editor and enter
the log message).

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


Thank you very much, this seems to be a good idea, I will try that.


-Original Message-
From: Derek R. Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:48 PM
To: Reinstein, Shlomo
Subject: Re: Question about the command-line for committing

"Reinstein, Shlomo" wrote:

> collected information, then deletes the temporary files. For this reason,
> would like the same commit command to be able to commit several
> with different log messages.

CVS won't do that right now.  Why don't you want your script to do a 'cvs ci
-m"a unique message"' in each individual directory?

Oh.  Went back to your first message.  If it's because you want the
messages all going in but only triggering a single commitinfo/loginfo
maybe you could have something automated by temporarily setting the
environment variable to a script which keeps generating different log
without human intervention?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
There's no hurry.  Tonight he'll be at Rick's.  Everybody comes to Rick's.

- Claude Rains as Captain Louis Renault, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Derek R. Price

"Reinstein, Shlomo" wrote:

> collected information, then deletes the temporary files. For this reason, I
> would like the same commit command to be able to commit several directories
> with different log messages.

CVS won't do that right now.  Why don't you want your script to do a 'cvs ci -l
-m"a unique message"' in each individual directory?

Oh.  Went back to your first message.  If it's because you want the different
messages all going in but only triggering a single commitinfo/loginfo sequence,
maybe you could have something automated by temporarily setting the CVSEDITOR
environment variable to a script which keeps generating different log messages
without human intervention?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
There's no hurry.  Tonight he'll be at Rick's.  Everybody comes to Rick's.

- Claude Rains as Captain Louis Renault, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Rob

I know of no way to specify multiple log messages
on one run of "cvs commit".

Maybe if you talk about your goal? I think I would
go about this differently, but I am not really sure
what kind of info you are trying to collect.

Hmm.. I would just use a for loop if I was using shell
to do something like that.. however maybe morning will 
bring someone with a more useful solution for you. 

Good luck,
Rob Helmer

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 01:40:13AM -0800, Reinstein, Shlomo wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks, but (I think) this is not what I need. You see, I need *the same*
> "commit" command to commit files from several directories, and give a
> different log message for each directory. The scripts that I run using the
> "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files collect information about the commit as it
> goes from directory to directory (and store the information in temporary
> files), and when the last directory has been committed, it processes the
> collected information, then deletes the temporary files. For this reason, I
> would like the same commit command to be able to commit several directories
> with different log messages.
> Thanks,
> Shlomo
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 11:25 AM
> To: Reinstein, Shlomo
> Subject: Re: Question about the command-line for committing
> Hello,
> You can specify a path/filename as well.
> i.e.
> cvs commit -m "this dir is cool" cooldir/
> cvs commit -m "this file is not cool" notcool/notcool.c
> On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 01:06:04AM -0800, Reinstein, Shlomo wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The "commit" command of CVS has an option, "-m", for specifying a log
> > message on the command-line instead of interactively using an editor. But
> > what happens when the commit is recursive and there are files in other
> > directories that will be committed? Is there a way to specify (on the
> > command-line) different log messages for different directories?
> > While this question seems to be irrelevant (why would a user want to
> specify
> > different log messages to different directories through the
> command-line?),
> > I am interested in this for testing purposes -- I have set up some scripts
> > to handle commit commands using the "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files in
> the
> > repository, and I would like to have an automatic script to test them. One
> > of my test cases is providing a different log message for each directory,
> > and if I can't do that from the command-line then this test case has to be
> > manual (at least partially - I will need to wait for the editor and enter
> > the log message).
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Shlomo
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Info-cvs mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


Thanks, but (I think) this is not what I need. You see, I need *the same*
"commit" command to commit files from several directories, and give a
different log message for each directory. The scripts that I run using the
"loginfo" and "commitinfo" files collect information about the commit as it
goes from directory to directory (and store the information in temporary
files), and when the last directory has been committed, it processes the
collected information, then deletes the temporary files. For this reason, I
would like the same commit command to be able to commit several directories
with different log messages.


-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 11:25 AM
To: Reinstein, Shlomo
Subject: Re: Question about the command-line for committing


You can specify a path/filename as well.

cvs commit -m "this dir is cool" cooldir/
cvs commit -m "this file is not cool" notcool/notcool.c

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 01:06:04AM -0800, Reinstein, Shlomo wrote:
> Hi,
> The "commit" command of CVS has an option, "-m", for specifying a log
> message on the command-line instead of interactively using an editor. But
> what happens when the commit is recursive and there are files in other
> directories that will be committed? Is there a way to specify (on the
> command-line) different log messages for different directories?
> While this question seems to be irrelevant (why would a user want to
> different log messages to different directories through the
> I am interested in this for testing purposes -- I have set up some scripts
> to handle commit commands using the "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files in
> repository, and I would like to have an automatic script to test them. One
> of my test cases is providing a different log message for each directory,
> and if I can't do that from the command-line then this test case has to be
> manual (at least partially - I will need to wait for the editor and enter
> the log message).
> Thanks,
> Shlomo
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Rob


You can specify a path/filename as well.

cvs commit -m "this dir is cool" cooldir/
cvs commit -m "this file is not cool" notcool/notcool.c

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 01:06:04AM -0800, Reinstein, Shlomo wrote:
> Hi,
> The "commit" command of CVS has an option, "-m", for specifying a log
> message on the command-line instead of interactively using an editor. But
> what happens when the commit is recursive and there are files in other
> directories that will be committed? Is there a way to specify (on the
> command-line) different log messages for different directories?
> While this question seems to be irrelevant (why would a user want to specify
> different log messages to different directories through the command-line?),
> I am interested in this for testing purposes -- I have set up some scripts
> to handle commit commands using the "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files in the
> repository, and I would like to have an automatic script to test them. One
> of my test cases is providing a different log message for each directory,
> and if I can't do that from the command-line then this test case has to be
> manual (at least partially - I will need to wait for the editor and enter
> the log message).
> Thanks,
> Shlomo
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Question about the command-line for committing

2001-01-11 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


The "commit" command of CVS has an option, "-m", for specifying a log
message on the command-line instead of interactively using an editor. But
what happens when the commit is recursive and there are files in other
directories that will be committed? Is there a way to specify (on the
command-line) different log messages for different directories?
While this question seems to be irrelevant (why would a user want to specify
different log messages to different directories through the command-line?),
I am interested in this for testing purposes -- I have set up some scripts
to handle commit commands using the "loginfo" and "commitinfo" files in the
repository, and I would like to have an automatic script to test them. One
of my test cases is providing a different log message for each directory,
and if I can't do that from the command-line then this test case has to be
manual (at least partially - I will need to wait for the editor and enter
the log message).


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: A Question

2001-01-10 Thread Dipl.-Inf. Guus Leeuw jr.

>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>  Frode Nilsen
>  Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 4:08 PM
>  Agreed that this sound like a "lame" strategy, but aren't this what 
>  import is supposed solve ?

Nope. Import is there to track of *third* party software, not of updates
from geographically distant people working on the same sources.

Guus"wèrû&j)bž  b²Ò'~‡/²î¢¸!¶Úþf¢– ?™¨¥™©ÿ–+-Šwèþ)ß¡Ëì

Re: A Question

2001-01-10 Thread Frode Nilsen

Agreed that this sound like a "lame" strategy, but aren't this what 
import is supposed solve ?

Think I read about this in the CVS manual a while ago.

>Why do you have the source repository in Indian when (it sounds like) all work
>is being done in the US?
>If some work is being done in India, are you able to give the US 
>developers rsh
>or ssh access to the CVS server?  If not, have you looked at using pserver to
>give them access?
>Your process sounds broken in that, assuming work is geographically dispersed,
>you chance overwriting changes -- it wouldn't matter whether you're ftp'ing or
>rsync'ing or whatever.  The CVS way to get around this is to have one and only
>one repository.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2001.01.10 00:41:49
>cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
>Subject:  A Question
>Hi all!
>   I am new to CVS and the UNIX environment. We are currently operating from
>2 locations - India and US. The latest checked out build in the US office is
>ftpied to us in India. We at our end are required to put it in CVS and keep
>on updating it with the new builds received.
>   We have put the first build into CVS. How can we update this build with
>the next one received? Do we have to first checkout the first build
>somewhere at our end and then update it? Please let me know the whole
>procedure for this.
>   Thanks in advance.
>   Manish
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>Info-cvs mailing list
>This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
>an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
>or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
>and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
>are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
>do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Incorporated, its
>subsidiaries and affiliates.
>Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: A Question

2001-01-10 Thread Noel L Yap

Why do you have the source repository in Indian when (it sounds like) all work
is being done in the US?

If some work is being done in India, are you able to give the US developers rsh
or ssh access to the CVS server?  If not, have you looked at using pserver to
give them access?

Your process sounds broken in that, assuming work is geographically dispersed,
you chance overwriting changes -- it wouldn't matter whether you're ftp'ing or
rsync'ing or whatever.  The CVS way to get around this is to have one and only
one repository.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2001.01.10 00:41:49

cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  A Question

Hi all!

  I am new to CVS and the UNIX environment. We are currently operating from
2 locations - India and US. The latest checked out build in the US office is
ftpied to us in India. We at our end are required to put it in CVS and keep
on updating it with the new builds received.

  We have put the first build into CVS. How can we update this build with
the next one received? Do we have to first checkout the first build
somewhere at our end and then update it? Please let me know the whole
procedure for this.

  Thanks in advance.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Info-cvs mailing list

This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Incorporated, its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: A Question

2001-01-10 Thread Derek R. Price

Manish Koolwal wrote:

> Hi all!
>   I am new to CVS and the UNIX environment. We are currently operating from
> 2 locations - India and US. The latest checked out build in the US office is
> ftpied to us in India. We at our end are required to put it in CVS and keep
> on updating it with the new builds received.
>   We have put the first build into CVS. How can we update this build with
> the next one received? Do we have to first checkout the first build
> somewhere at our end and then update it? Please let me know the whole
> procedure for this.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment.
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment.
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

A Question

2001-01-09 Thread Manish Koolwal

Hi all!

  I am new to CVS and the UNIX environment. We are currently operating from 
2 locations - India and US. The latest checked out build in the US office is 
ftpied to us in India. We at our end are required to put it in CVS and keep 
on updating it with the new builds received.

  We have put the first build into CVS. How can we update this build with 
the next one received? Do we have to first checkout the first build 
somewhere at our end and then update it? Please let me know the whole 
procedure for this.

  Thanks in advance.

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Re: question about :local: access to repository on Windows box (USERNAME -- ?)

2001-01-09 Thread Derek R. Price

Bill Whiting wrote:

> True, but if there are file permissions (there won't be for
> Win3.11, but will be for WinNT, if it's Win9x, then I think
> it's possible to circumvent any local file permissions),
> then the access to the CVS repository is based on the file
> permissions.

That's what groups are for?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
A burp is not an answer.
A burp is not an answer.
A burp is not an answer...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about :local: access to repository on Windows box (USERNAME -- ?)

2001-01-09 Thread Bill Whiting

True, but if there are file permissions (there won't be for
Win3.11, but will be for WinNT, if it's Win9x, then I think
it's possible to circumvent any local file permissions),
then the access to the CVS repository is based on the file

Michael Peck wrote:
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean here.  If the repos is :local:, then
> it's not possible to log in.  Period.
> If you want to track who is using it, as you had in the subject,
> %USERNAME% works as long as the user actually logged in (problem for
> Win9x, because they don't require login).
> After that, you put correct permissions on the repository so that only
> allowed people have access.  I guess that's the closest thing to a login
> when using :local:.
> If this isn't what you meant, then please explain again.
> Mike
> "X.X." wrote:
> > Hello everybody.
> >
> > I'm sorry, but i have not found yet an answer to one important
> > question: how one can log in with personal user_name to the `:local:'
> > repository. It's so important, because we will keep the repository
> > under Windows (not on UNIX box).
> >
> > If you have any idea or a "how to" link, write me, please.
> > Thank you
> >
> > Best regards, Alexei Lyubimov
> >
> > PS: It seems, that in Cederqvist it is nothing about too :(
> >
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about :local: access to repository on Windows box (USERNAME -- ?)

2001-01-09 Thread Michael Peck

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here.  If the repos is :local:, then
it's not possible to log in.  Period.

If you want to track who is using it, as you had in the subject,
%USERNAME% works as long as the user actually logged in (problem for
Win9x, because they don't require login).

After that, you put correct permissions on the repository so that only
allowed people have access.  I guess that's the closest thing to a login
when using :local:.

If this isn't what you meant, then please explain again.


"X.X." wrote:

> Hello everybody.
> I'm sorry, but i have not found yet an answer to one important
> question: how one can log in with personal user_name to the `:local:'
> repository. It's so important, because we will keep the repository
> under Windows (not on UNIX box).
> If you have any idea or a "how to" link, write me, please.
> Thank you
> Best regards, Alexei Lyubimov
> PS: It seems, that in Cederqvist it is nothing about too :(

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about :local: access to repository on Windows box (USERNAME -- ?)

2001-01-09 Thread Derek R. Price

á.ì. wrote:

> Hello everybody.
> I'm sorry, but i have not found yet an answer to one important
> question: how one can log in with personal user_name to the `:local:'
> repository. It's so important, because we will keep the repository
> under Windows (not on UNIX box).

Your users don't log in to your Windos machine with separate userids?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
He who dies with the most toys, is, nonetheless, still dead.

Info-cvs mailing list

question about :local: access to repository on Windows box (USERNAME -- ?)

2001-01-09 Thread А.Л.

Hello everybody.I'm sorry, but i have 
not found yet an answer to one important question: how one can log in with 
personal user_name to the `:local:' repository. It's so important, because we 
will keep the repository under Windows (not on UNIX box).If you have any 
idea or a "how to" link, write me, please.Thank youBest regards, 
Alexei LyubimovPS: It seems, that in Cederqvist it is nothing about too 

Re: question

2001-01-09 Thread Derek R. Price


> i just did a post. but i also just noticed that the last date in this
> group is from 12-11-2000.  rather old. is this group active?
> will my post get posted?
> thanks for any info, i am new to CVS too...

You're probably using egroups to subscribe.  I believe their system's
been broken for some time.  You can subscribe from the root server at: .


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
Justice: A decision in your favour.

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-01-09 Thread twoller

i just did a post. but i also just noticed that the last date in this 
group is from 12-11-2000.  rather old. is this group active?
will my post get posted?
thanks for any info, i am new to CVS too...

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Modules question

2001-01-08 Thread Larry Jones

Mike Chartier writes:
> When I do a
> cvs update
> from the MyModule directory it gets all the files in dir_1 and dir_2, not 
> just the ones specified in the module definition.

That only happens if you specify the -d option to update.  If you're not
specifying it explicitly, check your ~/.cvsrc file.

-Larry Jones

Pitiful.  Just pitiful. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Modules question

2001-01-08 Thread Mike Chartier

In my repository I have


I want to define a module that uses some files from dir_1 and other from 

I have my modules file that looks like:

MyModule_dir_1 -d dir_1 dir_1 file1 file2 file3
MyModule_dir_2 -d dir_2 dir_2 file1 file2 file3
MyModule &MyModule_dir_1 &MyModule_dir_2

and I can do a

cvs co MyModule

and everything works fine.

When I do a

cvs update

from the MyModule directory it gets all the files in dir_1 and dir_2, not 
just the ones specified in the module definition.

Is there a way to make this work like I expected it to work or am I stuck 
with this behavoir?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merge question

2001-01-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Mike Chartier wrote:

> Graphically, this is how things look (in my mind):
>   Module
>  |
>  |
>  |
>  + - Tagged "Software_1.0"
>  |\
>  |  \
>  |   \
>  |\
>  | |
>  | | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_1"
>  | |
>  + - Tagged "Software_1.1"
>  |\|
>  | \   | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_2"
>  |  |  |
>  |  | - Tagged "Software_1.1_Update_1"
>  |  |  |
> Typically bugs are found and their fix needs to be propegated to one or more
> of the "stable releases" (i.e. branches). Can CVS do this easily and if so,
> how. I have tried several things, none of which worked.

I replaced the '.'s (periods) in your tags with '_'s (underscores) since periods
are an invalid character for CVS tags.  Since you also neglected to name your
branches, I have filled in branch names.

Bug fixes between 1.0 & 1.0_Update_1 to 1.1 branch, assuming a branch tag of
'branch_1_1' on the 1.1 stable branch:

# to 1.1 branch
cvs co -dbranch_1_1_merge -rbranch_1_1 -jSoftware_1_0
cd branch_1_1_merge
# resolve conflicts
cvs ci
cd ..
# to the trunk
cvs co -dtrunk_merge -jSoftware_1_0 -jSoftware_1_0_Update_1
cd trunk_merge
# resolve conflicts
cvs ci
cd ..

I'll leave the rest of the commands as an exercise for the reader.  Some people
will tell you to make sure you tag the destination branch before and after each
merge for safety's sake.  So will I, but I thought it would make the example
above needlessly complicated.

If you need more info, try:


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
I will not skateboard in the halls.
I will not skateboard in the halls.
I will not skateboard in the halls...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Merge question

2001-01-08 Thread Mike Chartier


I have a codebase I would like to manage using CVS. At certain points in time 
I want to create a "stable release" version.

I would like to keep each "stable release" in it's own branch. Bug fixes to 
releases go out as updates.

Graphically, this is how things look (in my mind):

 + - Tagged "Software_1.0"
 |  \
 |   \
 | |
 | | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_1"
 | |
 + - Tagged "Software_1.1"
 | \   | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_2"
 |  |  |
 |  | - Tagged "Software_1.1_Update_1"
 |  |  |

Typically bugs are found and their fix needs to be propegated to one or more 
of the "stable releases" (i.e. branches). Can CVS do this easily and if so, 
how. I have tried several things, none of which worked.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:13:08AM -0600, Alexander Kamilewicz wrote:
> However, the
> crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> index.htm).

No single change can result in a conflict.  In your example, the
distribution has changed, but you've made no local changes.
Similarly, if you had made a local change, but that particular
file was the same in the release-1 and release-2 distributions,
there wouldn't be a conflict.  A conflict only occurs when the
distribution and your local copy have *both* changed.

> Thus, I embarked on the following simple exercise to prove myself right
> or wrong:
> [Previous steps omitted, for now...]
> 7.  It imports fine with no conflicts.

And so it should, because there are no conflicts.  Thus, this
behaviour is also correct:

> 10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be
> seen.

To create a conflict, modify this test procedure as follows:

> 1.  I create a directory called "acktest" with one file called "page1"
> that has one line that says "first time".  No quotes in any of this, of
> course.
> 2.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor release1

  (NB: You have the right idea for the third argument, but
  the second should be the same for all import's; hence no
  need for a number.  I've changed it to from "vendor1" to

> 3.  It imports fine.

  3.1 Check out a sandbox:
cvs co -d acktest-sandbox acktest

  (NB: I call the sandbox "acktest-sandbox" here only to
  avoid collisions with the "acktest" directory, which you
  use for the third-party distributions.  In practice, I'd
  call the sandbox "acktest" and put the distribution
  directories elsewhere -- they're transient anyway.  Either
  way, I'd *certainly* avoid using the same directory for
  both purposes, with all the resulting deleting/recreating
  that you described.)

  3.2 Make a local change, and commit it:
cd acktest-sandbox
vi page1# Make it say "first time, revised"
cvs commit -m 'A local change to version "first time"'

  3.3 Tag the state of the world before doing the next import:
cvs tag release1-preupdate

  (I talked recently about how to do a "paranoid"
  import/merge; now I get to talk about why :-)  I'll do that
  in a minute; for now, just humour me and make this tag.)

> 4.  I rm -rf acktest.
> 5.  I repeat step #1 with the one change that the one and only line now
> says "second time".
> 6.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor release2

  (NB: "vendor2" changed to "vendor", as in step 2)

> 7-b It imports, but says there's a conflict.

  7.1 Merge the changes:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs update -jrelease1 -jrelease2

  7.2 Resolve the conflict:
cd acktest-sandbox
vi page1# We'll change it to "second time, plus first-time revisions"
cvs commit -m 'Merge "first-time" revisions into "second-time" distribution'

  7.3 Tag the results:
cvs tag release2-merged

  (NB: This is also part of the "paranoid merge".  It doesn't
  come into play in this message, and is shown only for

> 8.  I rm -rf acktest
> 9.  I $cvs checkout acktest
  (NB: There's no real need to do this in practice, since you still
  have acktest-sandbox.  But for the sake of argument, suppose you
  do it anyway.)

 10-b Now you get "second time, plus first-time revisions"

> [...] there appears to be a) no
> version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
> their new changes aren't up to snuff.

a) To convince yourself that there *is* version history, type:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs log | more

b) To roll back to the first import, as received from the other
   group, do:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs update -r release1

   But that loses your local patches to release1.  What you
   probably wanted was:
cvs update -r release1-preupdate# Roll back to release1, plus local 

   This is why we did step 3.3.

> This message is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named
> herein. [7 more lines deleted]

Do the lawyers who dream this crap up ever subscribe to mailing
lists?  (Alexander, I know this isn't your doing; my gripe isn't
directed at you personally.)


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft -- but they could get
fired for relying on Microsoft.
- Chris Garrigues

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Larry Jones

Alexander Kamilewicz writes:
> I've read all about Vendor branches in Karl Fogel's book and in the
> Cederqvist and thought I knew what I was getting in to.  However, the
> crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> index.htm).

You only get a conflict if two different people have modified the same
line of a file; otherwise, CVS just quietly merges the changes.  If
you're just importing code and never making any local changes, you'll
never see any conflicts.

> 8.  I rm -rf acktest
> 9.  I $cvs checkout acktest
> 10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be
> seen.

That's to be expected -- you haven't specified any explicit version, so
you get the most recent one on the default branch (which is the vendor
branch in this case since you've never made any local changes; if you
had made local changes, it would be the trunk instead).

> 11.  And then, just to prove my fears, I go $cvs update -j vendor1
> 12.  And it is still acktest/page1 with "second time" as the only line
> in the file.

Of course.  You've asked CVS to merge in the changes between vendor1 and
vendor2, but you checked out vendor2 so they're already included and
there's nothing to do.  If you want to get the previous version, you
need to use -r instead of -j.

> This worries me, of course, because while it's good that the new "sites"
> I'm receiving from Dev will now be in CVS, there appears to be a) no
> version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
> their new changes aren't up to snuff.

Of course there's a version history -- do ``cvs log'' on a changed file
and you'll see.

-Larry Jones

My brain is trying to kill me. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Kamilewicz

Aha!  That makes considerably more sense than what I was trying to
figure out on my own.

Since changes generally haven't been made to the local repository
copies, there have been no conflicts, but the Vendor history _is_ being

Thanks so much for your answer - I feel a lot better about how I'm going
about this now.

And nice music, by the way.


Tony Byrne wrote:
> >However, the
> >crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> >changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> >important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> >index.htm).
> Maybe I'm picking you up wrong in your description of the problem, but
> if you only ever import new versions of a file into a vendor branch,
> then I can't see how you would ever see a conflict.  If a file changes
> external to your CVS repository between any two imports, then the
> latter import will result in a new revision of the file being created
> along the vendor branch, with another revision number.To use your
> example:

This message is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named
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If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately
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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Tony Byrne

>However, the
>crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
>changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
>important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually

Maybe I'm picking you up wrong in your description of the problem, but
if you only ever import new versions of a file into a vendor branch,
then I can't see how you would ever see a conflict.  If a file changes
external to your CVS repository between any two imports, then the
latter import will result in a new revision of the file being created
along the vendor branch, with another revision number.To use your

The first time you import page1 into the vendor branch you will see:

acktest/page1   --->

in the repository.  The second import of page1 will give you


and so on.  You can track what has changed in page1, between imports

cvs diff -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.1.2 page1

If on the other hand you modify page1 local to the repository, between
imports, then when you commit your own changes, they will be committed
on the trunk:

actest/page1>   1.1

If you then do another import of page1 after it has been modified
externally, then you will need to merge your local changes -->
1.1 and their external changes --> into the version on
the trunk.  You may or may not see a conflict depending on whether you
and the other team both modified the same set of lines.



Tony Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland.
MP3 Musician
Get your copy of the Winamp MP3 player:

Info-cvs mailing list

Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Kamilewicz

Hello all,

I'm new to the list, and hoped to lurk a bit more before sending out a
question, but I find myself in need of some help.

Some background:  The CVS repository I am using was set up by someone
else.  I've been told to start using it and to get a number of our
products under CVS control ASAP.  I've had to learn CVS more or less on
my own, and have only been "learning" it for about 4 weeks.

The process I'm using will be heavy on importing Vendor releases into
the modules.  The way our business works (and I can't change this) is
that I'll get updates to an entire module from another group, and then
have to import this (since they don't use CVS) into that module under

The modules mostly consist of html pages, images, and some misc. stuff. 
Yes, they're websites.  

I've read all about Vendor branches in Karl Fogel's book and in the
Cederqvist and thought I knew what I was getting in to.  However, the
crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually

Thus, I embarked on the following simple exercise to prove myself right
or wrong:

1.  I create a directory called "acktest" with one file called "page1"
that has one line that says "first time".  No quotes in any of this, of

2.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor1

3.  It imports fine.

4.  I rm -rf acktest.

5.  I repeat step #1 with the one change that the one and only line now
says "second time".

6.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor2

7.  It imports fine with no conflicts.

8.  I rm -rf acktest

9.  I $cvs checkout acktest

10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be

11.  And then, just to prove my fears, I go $cvs update -j vendor1

12.  And it is still acktest/page1 with "second time" as the only line
in the file.

This worries me, of course, because while it's good that the new "sites"
I'm receiving from Dev will now be in CVS, there appears to be a) no
version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
their new changes aren't up to snuff.

Anyway, sorry for the long-and-drawn-out email.  If anyone has any
suggestions as to where I'm going wrong, I'd very much appreciate it. 
Like I said, I've been looking for solutions to this problem in Karl
Fogel's book (Open Source Development with CVS) and in the Cederqvist
for a copule of weeks now, but I think I've reached an impasse.

This message is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named
herein.  The information contained in this message is confidential and
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dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this message,
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If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately
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including all attachments.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: winCVS question

2000-12-22 Thread Rob

Argh.. sorry, sorry, I was thinking of CVSWeb.. ar.. more
coffee.. ;)

On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 09:19:14AM +0100, Harald Kucharek wrote:
> WinCVS isn't written in PERL. It's C, but uses Tcl for the shell window
> and the macro stuff. 
> Harald
> Rob wrote:
> > 
> > WinCVS is written in PERL. If it has an option to run arbitrary
> > UNIX commands you should be able to run /bin/sh with the shell
> > script as a parameter.
> > 
> > If not, you can add a system(); call  to the right place in the
> > PERL code.
> > 
> > On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 03:15:26PM -0500, Saima Iqbal wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >  I work for a Telcordia, and we have recently started using CVS for
> > >  version control purposes.  I had a question regarding the use of a unix
> > > script via winCVS.  I've developed a script that enables the user to control the
> > > tagging of a whole tree, by running a shell executable script.   The aim
> > > is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
> > > tree at random.  So, how do I run a shell script via winCVS?  I know there is
> > > the option to run unix commands from winCVS, but I don't think I can execute a
> > > shell script from there.  Can I do a system call using winCVS?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Saima Iqbal
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Info-cvs mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > ___
> > Info-cvs mailing list
> >
> -- 
>  iXpoint Informationssysteme GmbH #
>Daimlerstr. 3  # Harald Kucharek
>   76275 Ettlingen # [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tel/Fax +49 7243 3775-0/77#

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: winCVS question

2000-12-21 Thread Robert Bresner

I've never used WinCVS, so cannot answer your question directly

Saima Iqbal wrote:
>  The aim
> is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
> tree at random.  

If that is indeed your goal then perhaps all you want to do is 
add a line to the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/taginfo file that runs a script
of some kind that performs a check before going through with the tag.

We've recently added a line to taginfo that runs a perl script (attached)
that checks the user and what dir that user is trying to tag. The script
itself has -rwx-- permissions so the users cannot muck around with it.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $cusr = getpwuid( $< );
my %VNames;

$| = 1; select STDERR; $| = 1; select STDOUT;

# Read the info from below __DATA__
while(  )  {
   next if /^\s*$/;
   my( $Name, $Mods ) = split /\|/, $_, 2;
   $VNames{$Name} = $Mods ? $Mods : '';

if( not exists $VNames{$cusr} )  {  # If not on list anywhere, punt
   print "NO SOUP FOR YOU!\n";
   print "Check with cvs administrators for details and/or permissions\n";
else  { # If in list, check the list of mods allowed
   exit(0) if not $VNames{$cusr};   # empty list means ALL modules
   foreach my $Mod( (split /\,/, $VNames{$cusr}) )  {
  if( $ARGV[2] =~ /\b$Mod\b/ )  {
   print "NO SOUP FOR YOU!\n";
   print "Check with cvs administrators for details and/or permissions\n";


# Name|mods permitted to tag (Perl regex's permitted...)
# Empty mod list means FULL PERMISSIONS for the tree

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: winCVS question

2000-12-21 Thread Harald Kucharek

WinCVS isn't written in PERL. It's C, but uses Tcl for the shell window
and the macro stuff. 


Rob wrote:
> WinCVS is written in PERL. If it has an option to run arbitrary
> UNIX commands you should be able to run /bin/sh with the shell
> script as a parameter.
> If not, you can add a system(); call  to the right place in the
> PERL code.
> On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 03:15:26PM -0500, Saima Iqbal wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >  I work for a Telcordia, and we have recently started using CVS for
> >  version control purposes.  I had a question regarding the use of a unix
> > script via winCVS.  I've developed a script that enables the user to control the
> > tagging of a whole tree, by running a shell executable script.   The aim
> > is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
> > tree at random.  So, how do I run a shell script via winCVS?  I know there is
> > the option to run unix commands from winCVS, but I don't think I can execute a
> > shell script from there.  Can I do a system call using winCVS?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Saima Iqbal
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Info-cvs mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

 iXpoint Informationssysteme GmbH #
   Daimlerstr. 3  # Harald Kucharek
  76275 Ettlingen # [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel/Fax +49 7243 3775-0/77#

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: winCVS question

2000-12-20 Thread Rob

WinCVS is written in PERL. If it has an option to run arbitrary
UNIX commands you should be able to run /bin/sh with the shell
script as a parameter.

If not, you can add a system(); call  to the right place in the
PERL code.

On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 03:15:26PM -0500, Saima Iqbal wrote:
> Hi,
>  I work for a Telcordia, and we have recently started using CVS for
>  version control purposes.  I had a question regarding the use of a unix
> script via winCVS.  I've developed a script that enables the user to control the
> tagging of a whole tree, by running a shell executable script.   The aim
> is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
> tree at random.  So, how do I run a shell script via winCVS?  I know there is
> the option to run unix commands from winCVS, but I don't think I can execute a
> shell script from there.  Can I do a system call using winCVS?
> Thanks,
> Saima Iqbal
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: winCVS question

2000-12-20 Thread Saima Iqbal

 I don't know if anyone replied to this email or not, but I didn't see a
reply.  Could anyone let me know how to address this issue?  Thanks in advance.


"Saima Iqbal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/08/2000 03:15:26 PM

cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Saima Iqbal/Telcordia)
Subject:  winCVS question

 I work for a Telcordia, and we have recently started using CVS for
 version control purposes.  I had a question regarding the use of a unix
script via winCVS.  I've developed a script that enables the user to control the
tagging of a whole tree, by running a shell executable script.   The aim
is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
tree at random.  So, how do I run a shell script via winCVS?  I know there is
the option to run unix commands from winCVS, but I don't think I can execute a
shell script from there.  Can I do a system call using winCVS?

Saima Iqbal

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

question about cvs log

2000-12-11 Thread Sean Noonan

relative newbie, please be gentle.

I want to use cvs log (and then to generate ChangeLogs between
two tags so I can see exactly what was worked on between these two tags
(ultimate goal is to automatically create build notes).

I did:
cvs co -P -A MY_MODULE 
cvs log -N -rTAG1:TAG2
two problems:
1) I get logs for files that aren't even on the trunk, but were added in
branches (cvs log -N -b -rTAG1:TAG2 didn't fix the problem)
2) I get logs that are at the same revision as TAG1. what I really want is
all logs AFTER Tag1 and through and including Tag2.

thanks in advance for any help.


Info-cvs mailing list

winCVS question

2000-12-08 Thread Saima Iqbal

 I work for a Telcordia, and we have recently started using CVS for
 version control purposes.  I had a question regarding the use of a unix
script via winCVS.  I've developed a script that enables the user to control the
tagging of a whole tree, by running a shell executable script.   The aim
is to refrain from allowing the users to tag source in the whole
tree at random.  So, how do I run a shell script via winCVS?  I know there is
the option to run unix commands from winCVS, but I don't think I can execute a
shell script from there.  Can I do a system call using winCVS?

Saima Iqbal

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS question

2000-12-07 Thread David H. Thornley

Vinh Pham wrote:
> That's a good idea.  Unfortunately, that means we have to get into the
> whole cvs watch on/off, cvs edit things.  For me, it maybe OK but most of
> my co-workers are not software-oriented.  Adding that level of complexity
> may not work well for them.  I've been advising people to use the command
> cvs status | grep Need.
> However, this doesn't work with newly added file.  Do you have any other
> ideas?  I wonder whether adding an additional flag to the status command
> would be a good feature to add (if nothing equivalent existed yet.)
This is not exactly intuitive, but the best way I've found

cvs -nq update

which lists what would happen if cvs did do an update.  The -n
means "Don't do anything!" and is useful if you are just looking
for the output of a command, and -q suppresses some lines I
don't find useful.

It will list files, one line per file.  If the file begins with
a ?, cvs knows nothing about it (and it isn't in .cvsignore).
If it begins with U, somebody's added it.  If it begins with a
P, somebody's changed it.  If it begins with an M, you changed
it; if somebody has checked in a change, you'll get a message
about the changes being merged.  If it begins with a C, then
your version is incompatible for some reason with the version
in the repository, usually because both you and somebody else
have made conflicting changes.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: CVS question

2000-12-07 Thread Vinh Pham

That's a good idea.  Unfortunately, that means we have to get into the
whole cvs watch on/off, cvs edit things.  For me, it maybe OK but most of
my co-workers are not software-oriented.  Adding that level of complexity
may not work well for them.  I've been advising people to use the command
cvs status | grep Need.
However, this doesn't work with newly added file.  Do you have any other
ideas?  I wonder whether adding an additional flag to the status command
would be a good feature to add (if nothing equivalent existed yet.)

Thank you,
Vinh N. Pham

Raghu Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/07/2000 03:46:34 PM

To:   Vinh Pham/Fishkill/IBM@IBMUS
Subject:  RE: CVS question

You can add  cvs watch on files which you are intrestead in.

Raghu K
Software Engineer
Pretzel Logic Sofware Inc.
Cupertino, California
phone: 408-366-9010 extn 338

-Original Message-
From: Vinh Pham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: CVS question

 For example, if there are 2 persons working on a project.  If one
person add a file or directory, how can the other person know that a new
file or directory is added?  Of course if the second person does an update
(-d) , he or she will get that file/directory but are there any way to know
this before doing the update.

Thank you,

Vinh N. Pham

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS question

2000-12-07 Thread Laird Nelson

Vinh Pham wrote:
> Hi,
>  For example, if there are 2 persons working on a project.  If one
> person add a file or directory, how can the other person know that a new
> file or directory is added?  Of course if the second person does an update
> (-d) , he or she will get that file/directory but are there any way to know
> this before doing the update.


Good, cheap, fast: pick two.

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS question

2000-12-07 Thread Vinh Pham

 For example, if there are 2 persons working on a project.  If one
person add a file or directory, how can the other person know that a new
file or directory is added?  Of course if the second person does an update
(-d) , he or she will get that file/directory but are there any way to know
this before doing the update.

Thank you,

Vinh N. Pham

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about branching

2000-12-01 Thread Stephen Rasku

Jim Largent wrote:

>I am very familiar with RCS and have just started using CVS and I 
have a
>question about branching.  In RCS I could check out a previous 
version of a
>file, change it and check it back in.  RCS would create a branch off 
>version that I checked out.  When I tried to do this with CVS, it 
>let me saying that a branch needed to be created.  From looking at 
>documentation, I have the following question.  Does everything have 
to have
>a label and then a branch created using that label?  Does this branch 
>file in the repository?  

I am not sure what you want to do, but typically you make a branch tag 
for all necessary files.  This may be all the files in your repository 
or all modules required to build a library, for example.  You could 
tag a single file if you want but you would have to update to that 
single file manually.  If you tag everything then you could just do:

cvs co -r branch-tag-name module

and get all the files in that module.  If you only tagged the single 
file you would only get the single file.  The rest of the files 
wouldn't contain the tag and they wouldn't be checked out.

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

question about branching

2000-12-01 Thread Largent, Jim

I am very familiar with RCS and have just started using CVS and I have a
question about branching.  In RCS I could check out a previous version of a
file, change it and check it back in.  RCS would create a branch off the
version that I checked out.  When I tried to do this with CVS, it wouldn't
let me saying that a branch needed to be created.  From looking at the
documentation, I have the following question.  Does everything have to have
a label and then a branch created using that label?  Does this branch every
file in the repository?  

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: pserver timeout question

2000-11-30 Thread Derek R. Price

It's a security feature of your inetd.  If too many connections are
initiated in too short a time it stops accepting connections for 10
minutes.  I think both the number of connections that takes and the
length of the timeout is configurable, but if you can rewrite your
script to open less individual connections, I'd probably go that route


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
For sale:  One parachute.  Never opened.  Small stain.


> Background:
>  -WinCVS connected to Linux CVS repository using pserver.
>  -TCL script created to checkin and tag files versus 2 operations.
> Process works great with up to 40 files.  After that the operation is
> aborted and pserver goes into it's timeout mode (10 minutes).
> Is there a setting that tells CVS/pserver to close the connection
> after a certain amount of time?  If so, can it be modified?  If so,
> where can I modify it?
> I'm not sure that this is a pserver problem or maybe it's a
> Linux/Networking issue.
> Any help would be much appreciated!

Info-cvs mailing list

pserver timeout question

2000-11-30 Thread cqgscm


 -WinCVS connected to Linux CVS repository using pserver.  
 -TCL script created to checkin and tag files versus 2 operations.  

Process works great with up to 40 files.  After that the operation is 
aborted and pserver goes into it's timeout mode (10 minutes).  

Is there a setting that tells CVS/pserver to close the connection 
after a certain amount of time?  If so, can it be modified?  If so, 
where can I modify it?

I'm not sure that this is a pserver problem or maybe it's a 
Linux/Networking issue.  

Any help would be much appreciated!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Question about pserver on SunOS

2000-11-29 Thread Larry Jones

Steve Dondershine writes:
> And these commands no longer work.  cvs interaction yields
> a message that the option --allow-root. is an 
> unrecognized option.
> Both systems are using cvs 1.10

If --allow-root is an unrecognized option, then it's not CVS 1.10.  You
probably have an ancient version of CVS on the Sun that you're using
instead of the correct version.  In any event, I strongly suggest
upgrading to CVS 1.11 which you can get from

-Larry Jones

It's no fun to play games with a poor sport. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Question about pserver on SunOS

2000-11-29 Thread Steve Dondershine

We have been using a pserver implementation
for a while at my company.  On an HPUX-10 server
the following seem to work fine.

cvspserver  2401/tcp# in the /etc/service file

cvspserver  stream  tcp  nowait  root  
/usr/local/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/usr/cvsroot pserver   
# in the inetd.conf file.

We have migrated to SunOS 5.7

And these commands no longer work.  cvs interaction yields
a message that the option --allow-root. is an 
unrecognized option.

Removing the option and things seem to somewhat work
but some files fail checkout while others are properly
treated.  Also the cvs init command does not work.

Both systems are using cvs 1.10

I hope that this is the proper place to send such 
Thanks for any help,


Steve Dondershine
Design Engineer
TI/SPG Tustin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   :   (714)  573-6933 

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Ampersand module question

2000-11-28 Thread Chris Cameron

On Wednesday, November 29, 2000 10:22 AM, Laine Stump 
> Laird Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm curious about ampersand modules.
> >
> > Once a regular module (containing another module via the "&" construct)
> > is checked out, does that module actually *know* that it contains the
> > contained module?
> >
> > If my modules file says something like this:
> >
> >   frobnicator  frobnicator &caturgiator
> >
> > ...and I do this:
> >
> >   cvs checkout -P frobnicator
> >
> > ...then I get this (as expected):
> >
> >   frobnicator/somedir
> >   frobnicator/caturgiator/someotherdir
> >
> > ...but now if I do this:
> >
> >   cd frobnicator; rm -rf caturgiator; cd ..
> >
> > ...and then do this:
> >
> >   cvs -q update -d -P -A
> >
> > ...then caturgiator does not reappear, suggesting that frobnicator's 
> > directory does not record what the modules file engineered to happen.
> Correct. there isn't enough info about submodules in the upperlevel
> CVS directory to bring it back, and cvs update ignores the modules file.
> > The only way to set this back up would be to re-checkout the project or
> > checkout the caturgiator module directly at this level.
> I believe if you do cvs checkout from above the toplevel of an
> existing work directory, and it will update what's already there, and
> add anything new that it finds in the modules file. It won't *remove*
> anything that was taken out of the modules file, though.
> > Is that by design?
> It seems more likely it was just an accident of implementation. The
> entire modules file concept doesn't seem very well thought out to me;
> more like an afterthought tacked on one rainy afternoon...
This seems to be (on my quick look) an artifact of the files in the CVS 
directory.  Entries contains the directories (and files) which have been 
checked out. Entries will have a D line for caturgiator. However CVS does 
an update by recursing into each directory in the current directory and 
doing an update there.  In this case caturgiator doesn't have a directory 
so it can't be recursed into.  CVS then goes into the repository in the 
location specified in Repository and tries to recreate files and 
directories that are in Entries, but not visible in the current directory. 
 In this case caturgiator is not in the Repository location, so can't be 
updated.  I guess the short answer is not to delete caturgiator once you've 
checked it out.

It seems to me that the intention of the modules file was to allow you to 
perform several checkouts at one time, using an 'alias' instead of having 
to remember all the repository locations.

Chris CameronOpen Telecommunications NZ Ltd
Product Manager   IN Product Management
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   P.O.Box 10-388
  +64 4 495 8403 (DDI)  The Terrace
fax:  +64 4 495 8419 Wellington
cell: +64 21 650 680New Zealand
Life, don't talk to me about life (Marvin - HHGTTG)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Ampersand module question

2000-11-28 Thread Laine Stump

Laird Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm curious about ampersand modules.
> Once a regular module (containing another module via the "&" construct)
> is checked out, does that module actually *know* that it contains the
> contained module?
> If my modules file says something like this:
>   frobnicator  frobnicator &caturgiator
> ...and I do this:
>   cvs checkout -P frobnicator
> ...then I get this (as expected):
>   frobnicator/somedir
>   frobnicator/caturgiator/someotherdir
> ...but now if I do this:
>   cd frobnicator; rm -rf caturgiator; cd ..
> ...and then do this:
>   cvs -q update -d -P -A
> ...then caturgiator does not reappear, suggesting that frobnicator's CVS
> directory does not record what the modules file engineered to happen. 

Correct. there isn't enough info about submodules in the upperlevel
CVS directory to bring it back, and cvs update ignores the modules file.

> The only way to set this back up would be to re-checkout the project or
> checkout the caturgiator module directly at this level.

I believe if you do cvs checkout from above the toplevel of an
existing work directory, and it will update what's already there, and
add anything new that it finds in the modules file. It won't *remove*
anything that was taken out of the modules file, though.

> Is that by design?

It seems more likely it was just an accident of implementation. The
entire modules file concept doesn't seem very well thought out to me;
more like an afterthought tacked on one rainy afternoon...

Info-cvs mailing list

Ampersand module question

2000-11-28 Thread Laird Nelson

I'm curious about ampersand modules.

Once a regular module (containing another module via the "&" construct)
is checked out, does that module actually *know* that it contains the
contained module?

If my modules file says something like this:

  frobnicator  frobnicator &caturgiator

...and I do this:

  cvs checkout -P frobnicator

...then I get this (as expected):


...but now if I do this:

  cd frobnicator; rm -rf caturgiator; cd ..

...and then do this:

  cvs -q update -d -P -A

...then caturgiator does not reappear, suggesting that frobnicator's CVS
directory does not record what the modules file engineered to happen. 
The only way to set this back up would be to re-checkout the project or
checkout the caturgiator module directly at this level.

Is that by design?


Good, cheap, fast: pick two.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: client/server file sending question

2000-11-27 Thread Larry Jones

Richard Whitfield writes:
> I have had a good look through the website and I have found
> out that CVS sends patches for large files during updates "when
> appropriate". Can anybody tell me the algorithm followed in deciding whether
> to send the whole file or just a patch when updating working directories
> over the Internet?

If the client supports patches and the server is able to run diff
successfully, you'll get a patch.

-Larry Jones

Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

client/server file sending question

2000-11-26 Thread Richard Whitfield

Hi All,

I am considering using CVS for distributed engineering design projects
(2,000+ CAD files, each 1-3MB). Drawings would be created/modified in
several countries.

I have had a good look through the website and I have found
out that CVS sends patches for large files during updates "when
appropriate". Can anybody tell me the algorithm followed in deciding whether
to send the whole file or just a patch when updating working directories
over the Internet?

I will be breaking each project into a series of modules so that the working
directories are smaller, but they will still probably be 1-200MB for most
designers. Also there may be 10-20 drawing files modified between updates. I
do not want the designers to have to wait for 50-60MB of data to come down
the pipe when they do an update (when the actual file changes will probably
be less than 1-2MB).


Richard Whitfield
Megatrend Information Services Ltd.


Info-cvs mailing list

general concept question

2000-11-24 Thread Boris

Hello info-cvs,

CVS is a really great program. I am using it since 09-2000 and I am so
happy about this great product.

Currently, i have not setup any branches yet, because i never felt to
do this. But my project i am developing gets bigger and bigger, i am
sure i could give out a CURRENT version.

I want to create a STABLE, CURRENT, DEVEL and RELEASE branch as well,
but the branches should be shared into FREE branch and COMMERCIAL
branch (for a light version of one of my commercial projects).

Hm, let´s think a little bit. I think i would need this:

FREE version


or should i go this way:



and so on?

The FREE version should have some less functions, for example 30
functions less than the commercial version. But all these functions
are located in one file, for example "".

Now i would have in the free branch with less functions and in the commercial branch. Now the file appears 4 times in the
free branch (dev,curr,stab,rel) and 4-5 times in the commercial branch

A lot of duplicates I think, very complex or am i completely wrong?

Now on the commercial edition i would find a bug in But if i
would merge the file with the free edition, every commercial functions
will be merged in this file, too - or am I completely wrong or is
there some misunderstanding?

Hm, any comments / suggestions? A complex situation -(

Best regards,
 Boris  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about branches

2000-11-22 Thread Derek R. Price

"Tige D. Chastain" wrote:

> I have a current version of code that is stable.  I have a developer
> that wants to go off in a different direction on a few ideas and see how
> it comes out.  Management has okayed this.  Can I just create a branch
> in CVS to handle this?  I only ask, as the documentation I have read
> indicates that branches are usually for backporting bug fixes and
> eventually merge into the trunch.  This will be the case, should the
> ideas prove to be true, but possibly not if they don't work out.  Just
> wanted to see if I could get some advice from the CVS gods.

Yeah, that's fine.  Same idea, really.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
The Christmas Pageant does not stink.
The Christmas Pageant does not stink.
The Christmas Pageant does not stink...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

question about branches

2000-11-22 Thread Tige D. Chastain

I have a current version of code that is stable.  I have a developer
that wants to go off in a different direction on a few ideas and see how
it comes out.  Management has okayed this.  Can I just create a branch
in CVS to handle this?  I only ask, as the documentation I have read
indicates that branches are usually for backporting bug fixes and
eventually merge into the trunch.  This will be the case, should the
ideas prove to be true, but possibly not if they don't work out.  Just
wanted to see if I could get some advice from the CVS gods.


Tige D. Chastain

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: simple question about binary files

2000-11-15 Thread Derek R. Price

William Mulvihill wrote:

> to the server, does CVS make a backup of that old file and then add the new
> updated file in as the newest version?  Or does it remove the old one and
> replace it with the new one?  I believe the case is that it backups the old

I've heard rumors that without -mCOPY the RCS diff algorithm will operate
properly on binaries to keep the file size small but I haven't tried it myself
lately and seem to remember running into problems there in the past.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
I will not charge admission to the bathroom.
I will not charge admission to the bathroom.
I will not charge admission to the bathroom...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

simple question about binary files

2000-11-15 Thread William Mulvihill

I am currently evaluating CVS for use at my work place (I already use it for
some open source programs I do on the side) and I have a question about
binary files that I need to clarify before I can recommend we use it.

As I understand it, CVS stores the differences of text files so that you can
see what exact lines have been modified.  This is all well and good for the
programs I have worked on before since they were mostly C++ files and some
images that never changed.  I could pinpoint what lines were changed and
find problems quicker.  For this I am grateful.  But how does CVS deal with
files that you tag as binary (with -kb)?

For instance, we have some programs that have parts that are written in
Director by Macromedia and are subsequently complex binary files only
understood by Director (and other things of course, like Shockwave).  Now it
is a simple matter for me to use the cvswrappers file to flag these as
binary.  But what I want to know is how CVS deals with those binary files.
If you have a binary file in the CVS tree and you commit a new updated one
to the server, does CVS make a backup of that old file and then add the new
updated file in as the newest version?  Or does it remove the old one and
replace it with the new one?  I believe the case is that it backups the old
one before moving the new one in.  From hearing how CVS works and seeing how
I can get old text files from the CVS tree, I am assuming that you can do
the same with binary files.  This is probably a question that has been asked
here before so I apologize if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find anything
specific about it in the manual.  Thanks in advance.

William Mulvihill, Web Master
DxR Development Group, Inc.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: WinCVS question - add selection

2000-11-01 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Lisa,

> This morning I am attempting to replace a file in CVS that someone
> deleted.  When I hit the "add selection" I recieved the following
> error message:
> cvs add glossary.html (in directory C:\Project\documentation\doc\Glossary)
> cvs server: glossary.html added independently by second party
> *CVS exited normally with code 1*
> Anyone have any clue what this means??  I've checked some of the
> documentation I have, and the sites but can find no reference to this
> type of error.

You should do an "cvs update" and get the file to your local files,
someone else has added it to CVS before you.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
"A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard."  -- John Krueger

Info-cvs mailing list

WinCVS question - add selection

2000-11-01 Thread Lisa

This morning I am attempting to replace a file in 
CVS that someone deleted.  When I hit the "add selection" I recieved the 
following error message:

cvs add glossary.html (in directory 
cvs server: glossary.html added independently by second party
*CVS exited normally with code 1*
Anyone have any clue what this means??  I've 
checked some of the documentation I have, and the sites but can find no 
reference to this type of error.

simple usage question: `merge from current' operation

2000-10-30 Thread Kai Großjohann

Suppose a project has to branches: the head is the current,
development, release, and there is a stable branch, as well.

Suppose I'm about to make a change which is supposed to go in both the
head and the stable branch.

What would be the easiest way to achieve this?  Is there an idiomatic
way to do it?

If it's a single file, I could memorize the revision numbers and then
do "cvs update -j1.42 -j1.43 foo.c".  Or I could do "cvs update -p
-r1.43 >; mv foo.c".  I'm sure there are more ways.

I like BOTH kinds of music.

Info-cvs mailing list

Your Message to Re: RE: Commitinfo question

2000-10-24 Thread postmaster

A Visionary Name for a Visionary Company

On October 24, 2000 at 1:00 p.m., STC announced that we have changed our
name to SeeBeyond. The new name reflects the company's strategic role in
helping customers see beyond corporate and geographic boundaries - an
essential element of leadership in the New Economy.

To ensure no disruption in your communications with us, we encourage you to
change your contact information to reflect the following.

Your email has been forwarded to the recipeint.

In the future to contact individuals at SeeBeyond via email, please use:


We can be found on the web at:

And, effective November 1, 2000, our new stock symbol is:


We're excited about our new name and encourage you to look for our major
national advertising campaign, which begins November 6, 2000.

Thanks for you continued support,

Info-cvs mailing list

Your Message to Re: RE: Commitinfo question

2000-10-24 Thread postmaster

A Visionary Name for a Visionary Company

On October 24, 2000 at 1:00 p.m., STC announced that we have changed our
name to SeeBeyond. The new name reflects the company's strategic role in
helping customers see beyond corporate and geographic boundaries - an
essential element of leadership in the New Economy.

To ensure no disruption in your communications with us, we encourage you to
change your contact information to reflect the following.

Your email has been forwarded to the recipeint.

In the future to contact individuals at SeeBeyond via email, please use:


We can be found on the web at:

And, effective November 1, 2000, our new stock symbol is:


We're excited about our new name and encourage you to look for our major
national advertising campaign, which begins November 6, 2000.

Thanks for you continued support,

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Commitinfo question

2000-10-24 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 15:18:20 (-0700), Ryan Hennig wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: Commitinfo question
> Perhaps I should clarify my intentions in setting up the system that I
> described.  My team is building a system that enforces the policy that a
> developer should only commit code that has been code reviewed, and is ready
> to be included in the build.  This way the repository contains only
> "blessed" code, and whoever does a cvs update picks up clean code that is
> guaranteed to have been built and tested.

What you're talking about here is what's sometimes called a "two-phase"
commit scheme.  The developer "commits" his code to the revision control
system and then the reviewer "publishes" it into the baseline.

The best freely available tool for implementing this kind of system (and
perhaps one of the better tools all-round for this), is Aegis.  I would
suggest you look at it, even if only for ideas:>

You can also do this with BitKeeper, though with slightly different

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Commitinfo question

2000-10-24 Thread Ryan Hennig

Thanks to both of you for the very informative (and long) replies.

Perhaps I should clarify my intentions in setting up the system that I
described.  My team is building a system that enforces the policy that a
developer should only commit code that has been code reviewed, and is ready
to be included in the build.  This way the repository contains only
"blessed" code, and whoever does a cvs update picks up clean code that is
guaranteed to have been built and tested.

Paul, I like your ideas about differentiating "checked-in code" from "code
that is eligible for the build," and I will discuss these ideas with my
team.  Unfortunately, I am currently not in a position to decide on policy
issues such as this (being a humble intern), and I am still trying to solve
my original problem.  

Have either of you (or anyone else on this list) built any kind of custom
system onto CVS, using the commitinfo file to validate commits?  If so, I
would appreciate any tips on making such a system succeed, or information on
the problems that occur with this type of setup.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Commitinfo question

I agree with Dennis' comments, but I would add a few things.  First, I
believe and recommend that there should be a differentiation between
"checked-in code" and "code that is eligible for the build."  There are
several reasons for this:  Developers should be encouraged to commit their
code early and often; a hand-off process process quantifies the changes
made between builds, making them easier to report; a hand-off process also
enables sharing of early code without having it prematurely affect builds
used by other parties, such as Q/A; adopting a task-oriented approach allows
for the addition and removal of specific features (within limits) in special

Developers should be encouraged to commit code early and often.  This is
somewhat obvious, because by making copies of the code under development
spreads risk in case of a system failure.  It's becoming more common for
IT departments to forego backing up individual workstations, favoring large
fileserver arrays instead.  Some people copy their work areas to a backed-up
stoarage area, but I believe that committing at the end of the day is better
practice if for no other reason than someone else can perform a checkout and
resume development if a colleague is hit by a bus.

It's also important to note that if work is distributed in such a way that
the directory trees that individual developers modify are somewhat isolated,
then branching is unnecessary if workgroups choose specific timestamps or
tags of known working code to update their sandboxes with.  Alternatively,
known good baseline builds can be replicated in a user's sandbox and

A hand-off process quantifies changes made between builds, making them
easier to report.  During the hand-off process, an inventory of the affected
files is taken, which in the end is a partial (or complete) difference
two builds.  This difference typically takes the form of a set of files,
file associated with a range of version numbers.  Tools such as rinfo can be
brought to bear with this information to produce meaningful change reports
upon completion of a build.  In addition, a tight integration between the
hand-off process and the defect tracking system can modify the status of the
defect to indicate that the developer is done.  A really good integration
can also record the exact files and version numbers implementing the repairs
and change the status of the defect, perhaps to indicate that the developer
is done but the fix is not yet available for testing.  (Subsequent updates
at the completion of the build specify a state where features are available
for testing.)

A hand-off process also enables sharing of early code without having it
prematurely affect builds used by other parties, such as Q/A.  Though CVS
provides branching capabilities to isolate work, developers frequently view
them as overhead and some have difficulty understanding them.  If developers
adopt a standard for code-sharing (which may be less rigorous than the
acceptance criteria for Q/A) then they may commit code meeting that standard
and permit colleagues to update their working areas with the new code.  This
formalizes the tried-and-true method of copying files out of other users'
environments, which is often used to circumvent formal, heavyweight
processes.  There is also has the bonus effect of avoiding merge conflicts
of identical changes between the sharing parties later.  The code becomes
real during the hand-off, which enforces the higher quality standard.

Adopting a task-oriented approach allows for the addition and removal of
specific features (within limits) in special circumstances.  By co

Re: Commitinfo question

2000-10-24 Thread Paul Sander
, it is very likely that the
build will fail, and that build would have been a waste of time because you
knew it was probably going to fail.  On the other hand, if the developer
takes several hours to commit all of his/her changes -- no problem -- as
long as all the changes are committed by the time the nightly build kicks
off at whatever time you choose, the build should succeed.

Second, by building everything from scratch, you stand a much better chance
of catching errors in the code, not only at build time, but also the next
day when you have a full build of all of your applications ready for tesing
by your QA person(s).  Of course, if you have an automated test system, it
can also be kicked off by the script to test the programs, right after the
build finishes.  Then, when you come in the next morning, everything has
been built, tested, and ready for QA.  If there were any errors in the
build, have the script send an email to all the developers with a log of the
compiler's error messages.  The person who broke the build will probably
recognize the errors he/she made and realize that he/she forgot to check
something in, or knows exactly what to do to fix the build.  Then, that
night, the build should succeed (unless he, or someone else, has made
another mistake!).

And third, at night, it is less likely that anyone will be checking in any
code changes, so the machine will be free to compile and test your code
without having to do double duty both compiling and serving up developers'
CVS requests.  This will undoubtedly save your developers lots of
frustration during the day.

This process can help to make your development organization much more
streamlined.  I hope this helps answer your question, or at least gives you
some ideas.

- Original Message -
From: "Ryan Hennig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 6:56 PM
Subject: Commitinfo question
> Hello,
> I am currently setting up an automated build and testing system that rides
> on top of CVS, using the commitinfo file to run compilations and tests on
> each commit.  I was just wondering if anyone on this list who has done this
> type of thing could share some wisdom with me.
> I am particularly interested in the following:
> - What kind of problems did you run into early on?
> - How was your system designed (generally)?
> - Did you run compilations and/or tests on the same box as the CVS server,
> or did you send the files off to another box (this is what I am trying to
> do)?
> - Is there a better way to do this besides using commitinfo?
> Any other input would be GREATLY appreciated.
--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Commitinfo question

2000-10-23 Thread Dennis Jones

Why not build on a nightly basis, instead of on a file-commit basis?
Compiling on every commit seems like tremendous overkill to me, not to
mention the possible performance degredation of the CVS server while it is
compiling your source code.  And multiple developers could commit files
simultaneously, which might cause multiple compiles to be executing at the
same time.  That could cause a real, serious drag on system performance.

I highly recommend that you create a script that runs nightly, at a time
when most (if not all) of the developers have gone home for the day.  The
script would check out all the source code and build everything from
scratch, and the script could run on any machine that has the appropriate

Doing your builds on a nightly basis has several advantages.  First, it is
possible that someone will check in only one or two files that are part of a
larger change, where several (or many) files would be required for the
entire change to be in effect.  If you try to build as soon as the first
file or first few files have been checked in, it is very likely that the
build will fail, and that build would have been a waste of time because you
knew it was probably going to fail.  On the other hand, if the developer
takes several hours to commit all of his/her changes -- no problem -- as
long as all the changes are committed by the time the nightly build kicks
off at whatever time you choose, the build should succeed.

Second, by building everything from scratch, you stand a much better chance
of catching errors in the code, not only at build time, but also the next
day when you have a full build of all of your applications ready for tesing
by your QA person(s).  Of course, if you have an automated test system, it
can also be kicked off by the script to test the programs, right after the
build finishes.  Then, when you come in the next morning, everything has
been built, tested, and ready for QA.  If there were any errors in the
build, have the script send an email to all the developers with a log of the
compiler's error messages.  The person who broke the build will probably
recognize the errors he/she made and realize that he/she forgot to check
something in, or knows exactly what to do to fix the build.  Then, that
night, the build should succeed (unless he, or someone else, has made
another mistake!).

And third, at night, it is less likely that anyone will be checking in any
code changes, so the machine will be free to compile and test your code
without having to do double duty both compiling and serving up developers'
CVS requests.  This will undoubtedly save your developers lots of
frustration during the day.

This process can help to make your development organization much more
streamlined.  I hope this helps answer your question, or at least gives you
some ideas.

- Dennis

- Original Message -
From: "Ryan Hennig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 6:56 PM
Subject: Commitinfo question

> Hello,
> I am currently setting up an automated build and testing system that rides
> on top of CVS, using the commitinfo file to run compilations and tests on
> each commit.  I was just wondering if anyone on this list who has done
> type of thing could share some wisdom with me.
> I am particularly interested in the following:
> - What kind of problems did you run into early on?
> - How was your system designed (generally)?
> - Did you run compilations and/or tests on the same box as the CVS server,
> or did you send the files off to another box (this is what I am trying to
> do)?
> - Is there a better way to do this besides using commitinfo?
> Any other input would be GREATLY appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ryan Hennig
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Commitinfo question

2000-10-23 Thread Ryan Hennig


I am currently setting up an automated build and testing system that rides
on top of CVS, using the commitinfo file to run compilations and tests on
each commit.  I was just wondering if anyone on this list who has done this
type of thing could share some wisdom with me.

I am particularly interested in the following:
- What kind of problems did you run into early on?
- How was your system designed (generally)?
- Did you run compilations and/or tests on the same box as the CVS server,
or did you send the files off to another box (this is what I am trying to
- Is there a better way to do this besides using commitinfo?

Any other input would be GREATLY appreciated.


Ryan Hennig

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: newbie question - specifing a group name for CVS to use on add/import

2000-10-19 Thread Noel L Yap

Set the GID bit on the repository directories using "find $CVSROOT -type d |
xargs chmod g+s" (assuming your CVSROOT is set locally, of course).  Doing so
will cause all new elements within the directory to have the group of that
directory rather than the group of the user (assuming the user belongs to the
group of the directory).  man chmod for more info.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.10.19 08:58:53

cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  newbie question - specifing a group name for CVS to use on add/import

Hi all,

I'm new to CVS and also to this list so if this is a really obvious
question that's answered in a FAQ somewhere can someone let me know
where the FAQ is :)

We've got CVS installed and working fine on a Linux server and we have
clients (WinCVS) on NT machines. The problem we have is that we have to
manually do a chgrp on all new directories/files added to a repository.
If we don't do this, only the person who added the files in that
directory can edit files located in that directory. the error we get is
permission denied.

After doing a chgrp on the repository to a group the users belong to
everything works fine. Am I missing some obvious configuration setting
to tell CVS which group name to use when creating files/directories in
the repository.

current setup:
- CVS server using pserver authentication on the Linux machine
  (standard /etc/passwd entries) version 1.11 downloaded, not built
- clients are WinCVS version 1.0.6 and the only cvs version option it
  is 1.10. I assume there were no big protocol changes between 1.10 and
1.11 :)
- clients have a CVSROOT like this username@LinuxHost:/home/cvsroot
  (The :pserver: bit gets added by WinCVS as it makes the connection)
- inetd.conf entry is:
  2401 stream tcp nowait /usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/home/cvsroot

After importing/adding a file its permissions are as expected -r--r--r--
directory permissions are drwxrwxr--. The username *and* group name are
those of the person who imported/added the files/directories. I would
have expected the group name to be an actual group name rather than the

Any help would be appreciated as its a little tedious to do these

Sam Joyce.

Info-cvs mailing list

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newbie question - specifing a group name for CVS to use on add/import

2000-10-19 Thread Sean Joyce

Hi all,

I'm new to CVS and also to this list so if this is a really obvious
question that's answered in a FAQ somewhere can someone let me know
where the FAQ is :)

We've got CVS installed and working fine on a Linux server and we have
clients (WinCVS) on NT machines. The problem we have is that we have to
manually do a chgrp on all new directories/files added to a repository.
If we don't do this, only the person who added the files in that
directory can edit files located in that directory. the error we get is
permission denied. 

After doing a chgrp on the repository to a group the users belong to
everything works fine. Am I missing some obvious configuration setting
to tell CVS which group name to use when creating files/directories in
the repository.

current setup:
- CVS server using pserver authentication on the Linux machine
  (standard /etc/passwd entries) version 1.11 downloaded, not built
- clients are WinCVS version 1.0.6 and the only cvs version option it
  is 1.10. I assume there were no big protocol changes between 1.10 and
1.11 :)
- clients have a CVSROOT like this username@LinuxHost:/home/cvsroot 
  (The :pserver: bit gets added by WinCVS as it makes the connection)
- inetd.conf entry is:
  2401 stream tcp nowait /usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/home/cvsroot

After importing/adding a file its permissions are as expected -r--r--r--
directory permissions are drwxrwxr--. The username *and* group name are
those of the person who imported/added the files/directories. I would
have expected the group name to be an actual group name rather than the

Any help would be appreciated as its a little tedious to do these

Sam Joyce.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: A Question on CVS Version

2000-10-18 Thread Derek R. Price

Hilary Cheng wrote:

> it has improved a lots. I am considering upgrade my CVS to version 1.11.
> I
> am using pserver. If I upgrade the server CVS binary, But my client will
> not
> upgrade. Will it got any problem ?

It shouldn't be.  CVS's client/server protocol was designed with backwards
compatibility in mind.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
Confucius say, "Man who live in glass house dress in basement."

Info-cvs mailing list

A Question on CVS Version

2000-10-17 Thread Hilary Cheng

Hi All,

CVS has released version 1.11. I have read the ChangeLog. It seems
it has improved a lots. I am considering upgrade my CVS to version 1.11.
am using pserver. If I upgrade the server CVS binary, But my client will
upgrade. Will it got any problem ?

Server Configuration:
FreeBSD 3.2
CVS 1.10

Client Configuration:
WinCVS 1.1b15



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Not a CVS questions but a SW configuration question!

2000-10-15 Thread James Youngman

Annette Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sorry if this is not the place  to ask this but here goes: :<)
> I am looking for a matrix or tree structure for release numbering schemes.
> i.e,
> three different products that have
> 1) developers version number
> 2) Configuration management build/release number
> 3) Marketing release number
> Any and all help greatly appreciated!

I tend to handle this situation in a "cascade" manner.   

We have a "standard" for developers' tags on the trunk -- they take
the form "build_" and each tag is recorded elsewhere.  This
external record contains the module name, the tag name, the person
creating the tag and the reason they did it, for example

wholething build_0037 YoungmanJ "Fixed bug report 485302"

We have a separate release log which indicates what software was
released to who.   It contains the build_ tag name.  Previous
projects have required various forms of output document to be
associated with a release.  I generally write a shell script to
generate this stuff.  

For example, one project required me to generate full or patch
releases (patch releases containing only the files changed since the
last release, which you can find out from "cvs rdiff -s").  There was
also a requirement to record the low-level revision number of each
file in the release (because the CM team was used to SCCS and couldn't
believe that a CVS release tag was "enough").

If the downstream users (CM, marketing) have a different name for a
build which we provide, we can just use 
"cvs rtag -rbuild_ marketing_release_name wholething".

One nice-to-have would be to automate the capturing of log information
(e.g. the "why" of things) for our build tags.

James Youngman
Manchester, UK.  +44 161 226 7339
PGP (GPG) key ID for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is 64A95EE5 (F1B83152).

Info-cvs mailing list

Philosophy question regarding modules file options

2000-10-13 Thread Laird Nelson

What was the intent behind the -o, -u, -e, -i, -t, etc. modules file
options?  I understand that they are the ancestors of the commit support
files, but some of them run their programs on the server side, some on
the client, and (it seems) all of them run only after the operation has

I guess what I'm wondering are things like this:

* What was the rationale for saying that the checkout (-o) option causes
the program to run on the server side, while the update option (-u)
causes the program to run on the local/sandbox side?

* What was the anticipated use or intended use for the -o option in
particular?  Did these options also predate the history mechanism or
something like that?

* Can any of these options be used to *prevent* their operations (the
manual sez no)?  The missing piece in terms of access control seems to
be preventing someone from checking out a module; I can't off the top of
my head think of any way to block this.


Good, cheap, fast: pick two.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Another CVS Question or two.

2000-10-11 Thread Derek R. Price

David Keith wrote:

> I understand how to import, checkout, and commit.  At least I think I
> do.  What is not clear to me is how do you set the version number for a
> given project for the first time?

Don't.  Those version numbers are for CVS internal use and generally vary
greatly between files.  Use tags when you want a way to specify old
releases and branches and the like for an entire project.  There's a whole
section in the manual on version numbers and tags:


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: another question

2000-10-09 Thread Derek R. Price

"Hanser, Kevin" wrote:

> another newbie question..  regarding the web-site CVSing again.  I was
> reading the dox about the binary files stuff, so I imported my htdocs
> directory using the -kb option.  Now, when I get stuff out of CVS (using the
> winCVS client), it says all the files are binary files.  However, they still
> pull up fine... are there side effects to doing this?

No line feed translation for text files.  Not sure if you're getting proper
merge behavior or not, but I think you are.  I think you'd have to specify a
merge type of copy to break that.

> Also, how do I tell CVS to _not-recurse_ when I'm importing?

Don't forget the initial copy, but how about this?

cp -Rpdx dirtoimport newname
cd newname
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
cvs import ...


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
I will not say "Springfield" just to get applause.
I will not say "Springfield" just to get applause.
I will not say "Springfield" just to get applause...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: newbie question

2000-10-09 Thread Derek R. Price

Noel L Yap wrote:

> I wouldn't use CVS as an install tool.  IMHO, it would be much cleaner if you
> checked out your stuff into a temporary directory, then installed from there
> (possibly as easy as a recursive copy of everything minus the CVS
> subdirectories).

I might use CVS as my installer, as it works well enough, but I'd probably use
'cvs export' to do it.  Of course if I was doing anything remotely complex, even
chmods, I'd probably do as Noel says and wrap the install in a script or


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
OPHELIA  Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce
  than with honesty?
HAMLET  Ay, truly.  For the power of beauty will sooner
  transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the
  force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness.
  This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it
  proof.  I did love you once.
OPHELIA  Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so.

 - Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 109-116

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