Re: multiple gmail accounts: smtp and expiry

2012-04-18 Thread Richard Riley
Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:

> On Tue, Apr 17 2012,Richard Riley wrote:
> [snipped 19 lines]
>>> And if people have better ideas, they'd correct it on the wiki.
>> Except in reality they don't. Mutiple smtp accounts has numerous
>> solutions - some which do and some which dont work with multiple gmail
>> accounts and the latest Gnus and for someone not familiar with elisp to
> True.  You at least know what didn't work.  :-)

In addition the msmtp solution is not nice since (a) its external to
emacs/gnus and (b) passwords are kept in clear text as opposed to the
much more preferablie .authinfo.gpg. Possibly there is some cleaver way
around that but I dont know.

> [snipped 6 lines]
>  sivaram
>  -- 

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: multiple gmail accounts: smtp and expiry

2012-04-17 Thread Richard Riley
Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:

> On Sat, Apr 14 2012,George McNinch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To the extent that this is useful, I thought I'd share some
>> idea(s)/solution(s) to issues related to smtp and expiry for multiple
>> gmail accounts in gnus.
> Nice.
> If I may be bold enough to request, why don't you put this up in
> emacswiki?  All I did for GnusMSMTP link in wiki was simply write down
> stuff similar to way you'd done here.  It took me 10m to figure things
> out on the wiki.
> [snipped 113 lines]
> And if people have better ideas, they'd correct it on the wiki.

Except in reality they don't. Mutiple smtp accounts has numerous
solutions - some which do and some which dont work with multiple gmail
accounts and the latest Gnus and for someone not familiar with elisp to
a high level its pretty complicated. Thsi issue has been here for a
while, the fact its raised regularly is proof of the pudding, and I
believe the developers intend to get Gnus working with multiple smtp
accounts from the base gnus using the authinfo files at some
stage. Perhaps already done - I dont know.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How hide the seconds in article header's date?

2011-04-08 Thread Richard Riley

Damien Wyart  writes:

> * Guilherme Gondim  in gnu.emacs.gnus:
>> How can I hide the seconds from the article headers?
>> > Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 18:34:33 +0300 (2 days, 6 hours, 28 seconds ago)
>>   ^^
> These two settings did the trick for me:
> (setq gnus-article-date-headers 'original)
> (setq gnus-article-update-date-headers nil)

That removes the lapsed altogether. I think the direction was more to
keep lapsed (not animated) but not include seconds or?

e.g combined-lapsed without the seconds would be nice.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: citation line above or below body?

2011-01-24 Thread Richard Riley
Philipp Haselwarter  writes:

> ---8<---[snipped 27 lines: everything :p]---8<---
> Well I tend to leave in just the parts I'm directly answering/referring
> to, which is usually the outermost level of citation. If someone wants
> to follow a thread, he can do just that - read the thread.
> When the whole conversation is quoted each time, it just gets messy,

Agreed and no one said the lot should be left : hence the cursor
position at the top to encourage reread and snipping. Something I do
tend to do but forget as well , not often but it happens - as do most
people at some stage.

> And as you're saying yourself Richard, people just get fed up with
> having to «cherrypick» through every message and simply "M->", quoting the
> whole thing.

> Feel free to disagree if you prefer a different approach, I'm always
> curious!

No one would disagree that courteous snipping is a boon! Overly snipping
is a hindrance in many groups were people dont keep a local copy and
things can expire though. If any part of a reply refers to something
snipped it is, of course, somewhat annoying to have to traverse the
thread tree to see what it might be referring to.

All in all I think we agree. The main crux of my comment though, which
you snipped ;), was the part about *why* the cursor is where it is. I
think it makes sense.

In this case you oversnipped and for my comments to make sense I need to
put some context back in :-

I originally said this:-

| Its this way on purpose I would guess to encourage people to snip and to
| review context.

The one thing I must admit I dont like is the non standard "supercite"
or whatever its called - I find the insertion of the authors initials on
the left hand side totally non standard and very "busy on the eyes" - it
almost drags your attention away from the thread itself. But all to
their own.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: citation line above or below body?

2011-01-24 Thread Richard Riley
Philipp Haselwarter  writes:

> "G" == Gary   writes:
> G> Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>>> When I reply to messages and cite the original, point ends up below
>>> the citation line. This leads to weird threads, where my text ends up
>>> right below the "so-and-so wrote:" line
> G> What do you mean? That you then type where the cursor is? You can
> G> always move it down, you know :) In fact I would encourage you to do
> G> so.
> That's the point. Moving down manually every time is a bit of a pain if
> you just want to quote and start typing.
> ---8<---[snipped 19 lines]---8<---

Its this way on purpose I would guess to encourage people to snip and to
review context. Some, (including you ;)), tend to snip too much. Others,
me ;), tend to not snip enough. When reading this post I didnt even
understand it at first as I thought the cursor was indeed at the end -
it isnt of course : I have been hitting M-> for so long it was second

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: EasyPG versus Mailcrypt in Emacs 23

2011-01-21 Thread Richard Riley
Philipp Haselwarter  writes:

> I fear I still don't get your question, but that might be due to the
> fact that I've never used mailcrypt.
> All I do when I want to read an encrypted mail is select it in the
> summary. Then I usually get prompted if I want to decrypt the PGP part
> and enter my passphrase.
> For sending encrypted mail I use "C-c RET C-e" to run
> `mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt'.

Always an interesting  subject, but please dont snip all relevant
content in your reply - it can then be hard to keep context.

My understanding is that mailcrypt (the first system I used courtesy of
the Emacs wiki a while back) is pretty much defunct and unsupported and
epg is the way to go.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-19 Thread Richard Riley
Richard Riley  writes:

> gnus-update-message-archive-method was set to t but this does
> not alter the archive methods in the newsrc if you alter something like
> nnml-directory. I removed the offending parts of the .newsrc.eld by hand
> (always hairy) and now have it all "clean as a whistle".
> Oh yes, one other typo cause an issue : nndraft-directory works better
> than nndrafts-directory ... ;)

I spoke too soon. drafts are now defaulting to

I removed any nndraft parts of my .newsrc.eld and have 

  (setq nndraft-directory "~/Mail")

in my init. Scuppered once again. Any ideas welcome.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-19 Thread Richard Riley
Richard Riley  writes:

> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 19:29:36 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>>>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:46:44 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>>>>>> So what format? Maildir?
>>>>>> No, that would be nnmaildir.
>>>>> nnmaildir is a format? I thought it was a back end that fed on Maildir?
>>>>> Possibly silly wording issues only. I dont know at times.
>>>> Yes, the backend that uses the Maildir format is nnmaildir; that was
>>>> what I was trying to say.
>>> So the format *was* Maildir.
>> The format of what? The format used by nnml is surely is not Maildir. If
>> you want to access something in the Maildir format, you should use
>> nnmaildir. Which is what I was trying to say, and what I - frankly -
>> thought we agreed on. I guess not.
> Aha : that was a misread. I thought you were offering nnmaildir as
> another option.
>>>> You must have configured something else to point to ~/.emacs.d/Mail.
>>>> Perhaps your archive method?
>>>> I think you are staring at one thing in your configuration and ignoring
>>>> all the other stuff, which might actually the cause of what you are
>>>> seeing :-)
>>> What you see is there is my nnml config. I have nothing else.
>> You could be missing something ;-)
>> [...]
>>> Nothing else nnml in my init.el or my custom.el.
>> So nothing in your entire Emacs configuration mentions ~/.emacs.d/ or
>> ~/.emacs.d/Mail?
> Nothing with regard to nnml ...
> Maybe I am being overly optimistic to think that setting nnml-directory
> to ~/Mail is enough to ensure that nnml is in , err, ~/Mail ;)
> When its working perfectly I'll come back ..

problem solved.

gnus-message-archive-method was, as documented, expanded into real
methods in the .newsrc.eld.

gnus-update-message-archive-method was set to t but this does
not alter the archive methods in the newsrc if you alter something like
nnml-directory. I removed the offending parts of the .newsrc.eld by hand
(always hairy) and now have it all "clean as a whistle".

Oh yes, one other typo cause an issue : nndraft-directory works better
than nndrafts-directory ... ;)

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-19 Thread Richard Riley
Glyn Millington  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Glyn Millington  writes:
>>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>>> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>>>>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 15:51:54 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>>>>> Why is this a "spool" directory?
>>>>>> The word "spool" is throwing me. I thought "spool" meant it was
>>>>>> spooled to you and then stored in a backend .. like nnml.
>>>>> A "(news)spool" in news-related terms is usually where the
>>>>> articles are stored in a newsserver (the meaning used here).  A
>>>>> mail-spool is usually where mail is stored locally until the user
>>>>> fetches it (/var/mail or /var/spool/mail).  In the documentation
>>>>> nnml is described as the backend that most closely resembles a
>>>>> newsspool, so that is probably where the choice of word comes
>>>>> from. And perhaps also some of the confusion.
>>>> I think in the context it's incorrect but wouldnt put my mortgage
>>>> on it ...
>>>> nnml-directory is not a spool really : the var/spool source is.
>>>> And checking values now, I see, and amazingly confusing, that
>>>> , | Its value is "~/.emacs.d/Mail/archive" `
>>>> How I dont know as I set
>>>> (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")
>>>> bah ;) I need to start all over again ...
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> Here's a snip from my .gnus file.  It may be totally irrelevant,
>>> becasue I have een smewhat confused by this discussion!! - but it
>>> may help ;-)
>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>> - ;`
>>> ; nnml is, as you know a mail backend - the nnml (I wonder if nnml
>>> stand ; for Not NorMaL) format is what results when gnus grabs mail
>>> from the ; two mail sources below. I use getmail to dump all my mail
>>> into ; /home/glyn/Mail/inbox; system mail goes to
>>> /var/spool/mail/glyn.  gnus ; grabs mail from both sources, I assume
>>> transmogrifies it by elisp-magic ; into nnml format, and then shoves
>>> it through my fancy-splitting ; set-up. (Just a fraction of that
>>> here!) I read the mail from the groups ; created by the fancy
>>> splitting - SLACKLIST, FREEBSD, FVWM etc etc
>>> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")) mail-sources
>>> ((file :path "/home/glyn/Mail/inbox") (file :path
>>> "/var/spool/mail/glyn")))
>> Thanks for the examples. its amazing how many different ways people
>> get this going.
>> My "dummy" question of the minute here is:-
>> mail-sources : how does nnml know its got control of them? What about
>> other mail backends?
> I don't use any other mail backends.  Are you wanting to use more than
> one?  

I do : nnml and nnimap.

Maybe not a good idea. But somehow, in a galaxy far far away, I was
under the impression that  nnml was the easiest way to get local system
email (root/cron jobs etc). The rest I sync with gmail via offlineimap.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnimap problems

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley
Jim Burton  writes:

> Hi, I am using gnus Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) with the Arch Linux
> package. I'm using this because I read that it has many improvements in
> nnimap. My emacs is GNU Emacs 23.2.1.
> I have two nnimap groups, and quite often (several times per day)
> refreshing all groups hangs on one of those groups, or if I refrsh one
> of those groups alone, it also hangs quite a lot. I can cancel, try
> again, and I get through. Another issue I have is that sometimes when I
> start gnus these groups are checked as normal but apparently have no
> messages. I know this is unlikely, so refresh them again, and there are
> messages there. When I use wanderlust, both of these mail servers are
> pretty responsive.
> Is IMAP still best done with a local Dovecot installation or I am I
> doing something wrong? It occured to me that connections might be timing
> out somewhere and `dead' handles being used?

In case it helps you locate the issue, using nognus from git, and local
dovecot I have no such issues. (emacs 23 and 24).

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 19:29:36 +0100, Richard wrote:
>> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:46:44 +0100, Richard wrote:
>> So what format? Maildir?
> No, that would be nnmaildir.
 nnmaildir is a format? I thought it was a back end that fed on Maildir?
 Possibly silly wording issues only. I dont know at times.
>>> Yes, the backend that uses the Maildir format is nnmaildir; that was
>>> what I was trying to say.
>> So the format *was* Maildir.
> The format of what? The format used by nnml is surely is not Maildir. If
> you want to access something in the Maildir format, you should use
> nnmaildir. Which is what I was trying to say, and what I - frankly -
> thought we agreed on. I guess not.

Aha : that was a misread. I thought you were offering nnmaildir as
another option.

>>> You must have configured something else to point to ~/.emacs.d/Mail.
>>> Perhaps your archive method?
>>> I think you are staring at one thing in your configuration and ignoring
>>> all the other stuff, which might actually the cause of what you are
>>> seeing :-)
>> What you see is there is my nnml config. I have nothing else.
> You could be missing something ;-)
> [...]
>> Nothing else nnml in my init.el or my custom.el.
> So nothing in your entire Emacs configuration mentions ~/.emacs.d/ or
> ~/.emacs.d/Mail?

Nothing with regard to nnml ...

Maybe I am being overly optimistic to think that setting nnml-directory
to ~/Mail is enough to ensure that nnml is in , err, ~/Mail ;)

When its working perfectly I'll come back ..

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley
Glyn Millington  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 15:51:54 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>>> Why is this a "spool" directory?
>>>> The word "spool" is throwing me. I thought "spool" meant it was
>>>> spooled to you and then stored in a backend .. like nnml.
>>> A "(news)spool" in news-related terms is usually where the articles
>>> are stored in a newsserver (the meaning used here).
>>> A mail-spool is usually where mail is stored locally until the user
>>> fetches it (/var/mail or /var/spool/mail).
>>> In the documentation nnml is described as the backend that most
>>> closely resembles a newsspool, so that is probably where the choice
>>> of word comes from. And perhaps also some of the confusion.
>> I think in the context it's incorrect but wouldnt put my mortgage on
>> it ...
>> nnml-directory is not a spool really : the var/spool source is.
>> And checking values now, I see, and amazingly confusing, that
>> ,
>> | Its value is "~/.emacs.d/Mail/archive"
>> `
>> How I dont know as I set
>>   (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")
>> bah ;) I need to start all over again ...
> Hi Richard,
> Here's a snip from my .gnus file.  It may be totally irrelevant, becasue
> I have een smewhat confused by this discussion!! - but it may help ;-)
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> ;,
> -
> ;`
> ; nnml is, as you know a mail backend - the nnml (I wonder if nnml stand
> ; for Not NorMaL) format is what results when gnus grabs mail from the
> ; two mail sources below. I use getmail to dump all my mail into
> ; /home/glyn/Mail/inbox; system mail goes to /var/spool/mail/glyn.  gnus
> ; grabs mail from both sources, I assume transmogrifies it by elisp-magic
> ; into nnml format, and then shoves it through my fancy-splitting
> ; set-up. (Just a fraction of that here!) I read the mail from the groups
> ; created by the fancy splitting - SLACKLIST, FREEBSD, FVWM etc etc
> (setq 
>gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""))
>mail-sources '((file :path "/home/glyn/Mail/inbox")
>   (file :path "/var/spool/mail/glyn")))

Thanks for the examples. its amazing how many different ways people get
this going.

My "dummy" question of the minute here is:-

mail-sources : how does nnml know its got control of them? What about
other mail backends?

The docs say the mail *backends* look there.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:46:44 +0100, Richard wrote:
 So what format? Maildir?
>>> No, that would be nnmaildir.
>> nnmaildir is a format? I thought it was a back end that fed on Maildir?
>> Possibly silly wording issues only. I dont know at times.
> Yes, the backend that uses the Maildir format is nnmaildir; that was
> what I was trying to say.

So the format *was* Maildir. See how easy terminology cam confuse ;)
Maildir often confuses others news to Gnus because of the worry about
direct Maildir access to the Maildir folders compromising Dovecot which
stores in Maildir but offers an imap interface. But thats a side issue.

> [...]
>> What I didnt understand is it proclaiming that its the "Mail Spool".
> It is because you seem to only accept one use of the word "spool". Think
> of it as a news spool just with mail in it, instead of a mail spool as
> in /var/spool/mail/.

Yes, that might help --

> Sometimes it is more apparant than other times that Gnus originated as a
> newsreader :-)

Very true.

> [...]
>> But whats not helping me is something like this
>>   (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
>>   (setq nndrafts-directory "~/Mail")
>>   (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")
>> and then starting Gnus and finding TWO Mail dirs. one in ~ and the other
>> in .emacs.d.
> You must have configured something else to point to ~/.emacs.d/Mail.
> Perhaps your archive method?
> I think you are staring at one thing in your configuration and ignoring
> all the other stuff, which might actually the cause of what you are
> seeing :-)

What you see is there is my nnml config. I have nothing else. All the
rest is imap related. I have no default archive settings either.

Nothing else nnml in my init.el or my custom.el.

As I said, the mist has cleared a little. Yes the words to clarify it
are there but buried deep amongst complex gnus only terminology - and
I'm no Gnus nOOb ... I just sometimes feel like it..

Now to figure out where .emacs.d/Mail is coming from.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 14:59:40 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>> nnml does not store in mbox format:
>>> ,[ Mail Spool  ]
>>> |
>>> | If you use this back end, Gnus will split all incoming mail into files,
>>> | one file for each mail, and put the articles into the corresponding
>>> | directories under the directory specified by the nnml-directory
>>> | variable. The default value is `~/Mail/'.
>> So what format? Maildir?
> No, that would be nnmaildir.

nnmaildir is a format? I thought it was a back end that fed on Maildir?
Possibly silly wording issues only. I dont know at times.

> nnml stores mail in its own format, call it nnml-format if you wish -
> i.e. each article in a file by itself and with a .overview and a .marks
> file for each group.
>> What is a "nnaml-directory"?
> nnml-directory is where the email (files and directories) are stored.
>> Maybe I'm overthinking it.
> Or under-, I dunno... ;-)

Heh ...

>> But "nnml"?
> What about "nnml"? It's just the name of a backend to store email in.
>> My comments are also reflective of the times we see the same questions
>> here and in #emacs : clearly it isnt at all clear.
> You'll need to say _what_ isn't clear.

I think I have but not in a single coherent post. My mistake for
"butterflying" back and forth. mea culpa.

>> As it is nnfolder, nnml and some others seem to be some sort of
>> abstract gnus only concepts.
> Abstract is perhaps a little much, but they are Gnus concepts
> (backends). What did you imagine they were?
>> I'm just voicing the difficulties and many others find trying to
>> configure gnus.
> That is fine, but I find it very hard to understand what exactly it is
> you don't comprehend, so my attempts at helping are quite feeble, I'm
> afraid.

And I fully understand : I am not communicating my poor understanding
well as I'm -- confused ;)

>> One cant improve it if one doesnt know what something is;) What is nnml?
> I just quoted you half of the page in the manual that answers that
> question, and even included the link:
> - what else do you need?
> (I'm not being sarcastic, I actually want your answer.)

What I didnt understand is it proclaiming that its the "Mail Spool".

Its not. Its ONE such. And whether its even a spool is questionable
keeping in mind it defaults to fetching mail from the system spool.

Possibly that was the catalyst that started my confusion.
Possibly that explains where I was getting lost a little.

I must admit the mist is clearing : I will be the first to admit I was
lost in a cloud of my own confusion there for a while.

But whats not helping me is something like this

  (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
  (setq nndrafts-directory "~/Mail")
  (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")

and then starting Gnus and finding TWO Mail dirs. one in ~ and the other
in .emacs.d. The ~/Mail is fine : it shows an "active" file and a "mail"
dir. The one in .emacs has similar and ALSO an "incomingX"
file. Examining the value of nnml-directory it tells me the value is
... "~/.emacs.d/Mail/archive". Its at this point my eyes start to mist
over ...

Thanks for taking the time to hand hold!
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 15:51:54 +0100, Richard wrote:
>> Why is this a "spool" directory?
>> The word "spool" is throwing me. I thought "spool" meant it was spooled
>> to you and then stored in a backend .. like nnml.
> A "(news)spool" in news-related terms is usually where the articles are
> stored in a newsserver (the meaning used here).
> A mail-spool is usually where mail is stored locally until the user
> fetches it (/var/mail or /var/spool/mail).
> In the documentation nnml is described as the backend that most closely
> resembles a newsspool, so that is probably where the choice of word
> comes from. And perhaps also some of the confusion.

I think in the context it's incorrect but wouldnt put my mortgage on it

nnml-directory is not a spool really : the var/spool source is.

And checking values now, I see, and amazingly confusing, that

| Its value is "~/.emacs.d/Mail/archive"

How I dont know as I set

  (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")

bah ;) I need to start all over again ...

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley
Gary  writes:

> Funny. I didn't see the OP. Anyway...
> Richard Riley wrote:
>> ernest  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is my setup: I use fetchmail to get mail from
>>> different POP/IMAP servers, then split the incoming
>>> mail with procmail into different mbox files in ~/Mail.
>>> What I'd like is gnus to work directly on these mbox
>>> files. Is this possible? What backend do I need?
>>> I'd say I don't even want a backend, because I don't
>>> want to copy mail anywhere!
>> You're not alone! This is *probably* the nnml backend.
>>(setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
>> That said I dont know for sure ;)
> I asked something similar before, but never really got anything that
> worked so asked on the other gnus list (basically, the dev
> list). Leonidas Tsampros said the following:
> ,[ Leonidas Tsampros ]
> | My primary select methos is a local university nntp server we have and
> | as the secondary methods I have the following:
> | 
> | (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")
> |   (nnimap "")))
> | 
> | Then I have these in my .conf:
> | 
> | (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail.Gnus")

Q: My setting is:

| nnml-directory is a variable defined in `nnml.el'.
| Its value is "~/.emacs.d/Mail/"
| Documentation:
| Spool directory for the nnml mail backend.
| This is a Gnus server variable.  See Info node `(gnus)Select Methods'.

Why is this a "spool" directory?

The word "spool" is throwing me. I thought "spool" meant it was spooled
to you and then stored in a backend .. like nnml.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 13:41:04 +0100, Richard wrote:
>> ~/Mail is a default. I am "pretty sure" (thats a euphemism meaning "I am
>> happy to remain in ignorance as it works for me") that nnml reads
>> "incoming" from the spool /var/spool and then stores them in mbox (or
>> whatever?!?) in ~/Mail.
> nnml does not store in mbox format:
> ,[ Mail Spool  ]
> |
> | If you use this back end, Gnus will split all incoming mail into files,
> | one file for each mail, and put the articles into the corresponding
> | directories under the directory specified by the nnml-directory
> | variable. The default value is `~/Mail/'.

So what format? Maildir? What is a "nnaml-directory"? Maybe I'm
overthinking it. But "nnml"? My comments are also reflective of the
times we see the same questions here and in #emacs : clearly it isnt at
all clear. If I could understand what it is I would love to have a stab
at explaining it better. As it is nnfolder, nnml and some others seem to
be some sort of abstract gnus only concepts. Please don't misunderstand
my stance is negative - I'm just voicing the difficulties and
many others find trying to configure gnus. When you know it and
understand it then .. you understand it. But without a good gnus
knowledge its hard to even get started.

> |
> |[...]
> |
> | If you have a strict limit as to how many files you are allowed to store
> | in your account, you should not use this back end. As each mail gets its
> | own file, you might very well occupy thousands of inodes within a few
> | weeks. If this is no problem for you, and it isn't a problem for you
> | having your friendly systems administrator walking around, madly,
> | shouting "Who is eating all my inodes?! Who? Who!?!", then you should
> | know that this is probably the fastest format to use. You do not have to
> | trudge through a big mbox file just to read your new mail.
> |
> `
> If the original poster wants to keep procmail splitting mail into
> ~/Mail/ then nnml definitely is not the answer (as nnml assumes that
> Gnus is the only one writing to nnml-groups).

That makes some sense.

>> But here we see an issue with the docs. nnml? 
> Suggest improvements to and
> ?

One cant improve it if one doesnt know what something is;) What is nnml?

If i was to start I think some sort of overview of Linux/*IX mail would
go a long way. e.g What IS incoming mail? It might seem obvious to some
but it really isn't to many. Is incoming mail in /var/spool? What about
if the system is configured to deliver mail locally e.g to ~/Mail? How
does that work with nnml backend?

At some point in the future I intend to wipe my mail setup and start
again from scratch starting with my Linux "system email" as I call it :
ie locally delivered from root etc. Its still not working properly for
me. When I do I hope to log the steps and provide an explanation better
suited for new adopters.

>> I used to use fancy splitting but cant get it working with spam-split
>> with nognus anymore. Calls for a working config haven't been successful
>> ;(
> I don't use IMAP, so I can't give any other examples than the ones
> already posted.

Most of the major nognus changes have been imap related.

>   Best regards,
> Adam

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley
Gary  writes:

> Funny. I didn't see the OP. Anyway...
> Richard Riley wrote:
>> ernest  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is my setup: I use fetchmail to get mail from
>>> different POP/IMAP servers, then split the incoming
>>> mail with procmail into different mbox files in ~/Mail.
>>> What I'd like is gnus to work directly on these mbox
>>> files. Is this possible? What backend do I need?
>>> I'd say I don't even want a backend, because I don't
>>> want to copy mail anywhere!
>> You're not alone! This is *probably* the nnml backend.
>>(setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
>> That said I dont know for sure ;)
> I asked something similar before, but never really got anything that
> worked so asked on the other gnus list (basically, the dev
> list). Leonidas Tsampros said the following:
> ,[ Leonidas Tsampros ]
> | My primary select methos is a local university nntp server we have and
> | as the secondary methods I have the following:
> | 
> | (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")
> |   (nnimap "")))
> | 
> | Then I have these in my .conf:
> | 
> | (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail.Gnus")
> | (setq mail-source-delete-incoming t)
> | 
> | (setq mail-sources '((directory :path "~/Mail"
> | :suffix "")))
> | 
> | So, Emacs now reads all Mail on all mboxes under ~/Mail, and 'ingests'
> | them into the nnml backend which is under "~/Mail.Gnus".  Now at this
> | point and in order to emulate procmail's behaviour, I use fancy
> | splitting:
> | 
> | ;; fancy mail splitting
> | (setq nnmail-resplit-incoming t)
> | (setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy)
> | (setq nnmail-split-fancy
> |   '(|
> |("list-id" "ding\\.gnus\\.org" "mail.gnus.ding")))
> `
> But, rather embarassingly, I haven't had time to try it out yet.
>> But a point : despite using Gnus for a few years now I am not clear
>> on what "incoming mail" means in the context.  Possibly it looks in
>> /var/spool/mail. But since your mail is already there, I dunno. 
> Does the above help, Richard?

Yes & No ;(

It doesnt use spam-split. 

But it DOES explain the "incoming" and "nnml" backend better!

Had it mentioned how and why ~/Mail got its mail (system mail) all the
better. But a good set up.

> Potentially I suppose one could do away with procmail, and set
> mail-sources to /var/spool/mail, and it will end up split into

Thats my current set up.

> ~/Mail.Gnus. @ernest I'd be very happy if you posted the results of
> whatever you do, as I have a similar current setup to you, and the same
> desire to read my email in mbox files using gnus.

I'm interested why mbox? You mean existing mbox?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-18 Thread Richard Riley
Leonidas Tsampros  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> ernest  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is my setup: I use fetchmail to get mail from
>>> different POP/IMAP servers, then split the incoming
>>> mail with procmail into different mbox files in ~/Mail.
>>> What I'd like is gnus to work directly on these mbox
>>> files. Is this possible? What backend do I need?
>>> I'd say I don't even want a backend, because I don't
>>> want to copy mail anywhere!
>>> Frankly, I'm a bit confused :/
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ernest
>> You're not alone! This is *probably* the nnml backend.
>>(setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
>> That said I dont know for sure ;)
>> I mention it because the default is  ~/Mail.
>> But a point : despite using Gnus for a few years now I am not clear
>> on what "incoming mail" means in the context.  Possibly it looks in
>> /var/spool/mail. But since your mail is already there, I dunno.
>> Best of luck!
> If I understand correctly 'incoming mail' in this context means that
> Gnus will use ~/Mail as a directory from which he will get and 'digest'
> email to the selected mail (nnml) backend.

I have no idea : it seems to get it from the spool. There are no
concrete examples that I can find.

> I remember experimenting with these two here:
> (setq mail-source-delete-incoming t)
> (setq mail-sources '((directory :path "~/Mail"
>   :suffix "")))

~/Mail is a default. I am "pretty sure" (thats a euphemism meaning "I am
happy to remain in ignorance as it works for me") that nnml reads
"incoming" from the spool /var/spool and then stores them in mbox (or
whatever?!?) in ~/Mail. Asking for examples has generally been
unsuccessful - I just know I dont have any nnfolder thingies. Just that
nnml select.

But here we see an issue with the docs. nnml? 

Also FWIW, I see the same Qs every day in #emacs pretty much : most
people tend to revert to mutt ;( Sometimes its nice to know one is not

> Setting the suffix Gnus will digest only the mbox-es with that suffix in
> the filename. As long as mail-source-delete-incoming is nil, I think you
> are safe (as the original mbox-es will be intact).
> That said (to the OP), in order to get Gnus read your ~/Mail directly,
> you will have to use the nnfolder backend I think. I'm sure I have tried
> successfully the nnfolder sometime in the past as I had the exact same
> setup as yours. Don't forget to BACKUP your email. I bear no
> responsibility etc etc.
> Ultimately I ended up with nnml+fancy splitting+mail sources removing
> procmail from the equation completely. I think that I ended up with a
> much more versatile setup.

I used to use fancy splitting but cant get it working with spam-split
with nognus anymore. Calls for a working config haven't been successful

Gnus is great. Just getting it working can be a .. hurdle ...
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail in mbox files

2011-01-17 Thread Richard Riley
ernest  writes:

> Hi,
> This is my setup: I use fetchmail to get mail from
> different POP/IMAP servers, then split the incoming
> mail with procmail into different mbox files in ~/Mail.
> What I'd like is gnus to work directly on these mbox
> files. Is this possible? What backend do I need?
> I'd say I don't even want a backend, because I don't
> want to copy mail anywhere!
> Frankly, I'm a bit confused :/
> Cheers,
> Ernest

You're not alone! This is *probably* the nnml backend.

   (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))

That said I dont know for sure ;)

I mention it because the default is  ~/Mail.

But a point : despite using Gnus for a few years now I am not clear
on what "incoming mail" means in the context.  Possibly it looks in
/var/spool/mail. But since your mail is already there, I dunno. 

Best of luck!

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnimap and other clients

2011-01-17 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> Hi everyone. I noticed that if I move a message among folders (via
> another imap client) Gnus doesn't pick up the change (and doesn't seem
> to notice the different article count anyway).
> Is there a way to regenerate such caches? Is there a way to make this
> automatic (in case other clients modify imap folders)?
> Thanks

How is your gnus accessing your mail? If its imap it'll see the correct
folders and articles : in my case I sync using offliniemap between about
5 machines with no issues. If I move on one, offlineimap syncs my local
dovecot with remote gmail and the other clients, in turn, sync gmail to
their local dovecot.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: pgg passphrase cache expiry not honored?

2011-01-06 Thread Richard Riley
Brett Viren  writes:

> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Brett Viren  wrote:
>> I want to move to GPG signed email with GNUS v5.13 / emacs 23.2.  It
>> seems the best way to do that is with PGG but am having trouble telling
>> it to cache my GPG passphrase longer than the default which is only a
>> few seconds.
> Just for closure, I found a work-around and that is to rely on
> gpg-agent to cache the passphrase instead of PGG/Gnus.
> Here is what led me to this solution:
> -Brett.

I'm not sure why this is a workaround : its what gpg-agent is for. Its
handy because it can provide the keys for other activities outside of
emacs too. 

You might also consider using keychain. 

In my .bash_env I have

keychain --quiet
source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh-gpg > /dev/null 2>&1

ans my gpg-conf is simple 




info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-03 Thread Richard Riley
Brett Viren  writes:

> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 3:28 PM, prad  wrote:
>> so nognus must be the git version i guess.
> The gnus development versioning totally confused me for a long time
> (still does).I think this may be an intentional effect.

I think you might be right. Why not just call it "development Gnus" or
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-03 Thread Richard Riley
David Brown  writes:

> On Mon, Jan 03 2011, Richard Riley wrote:
>> Brett Viren  writes:
>>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Philipp Haselwarter
>>> preauthtunnel = ssh -q REMOTEHOST 'MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir
>>> /usr/lib/dovecot/imap'
>> Out of idle curiosity, Why do you need to specifiy Maildir paths or even
>> MAIL settings? If its IMAP just talk through IMAP the underlying storage
>> should be of no interest to the client.
> When you invoke the imap server directly, it doesn't read any
> configuration files, and must be told what mail directories to serve.
> David

Thats interesting. I would have thought there would be at least a switch
(defaulting to true) which tells it to use the proper
/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf. In fact that, or something similar, must
exist or you would need to specify things like virtual users, legal
authentication modes etc too.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-03 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Here's an extract from my
>> dovecot.conf : this iis the thing that provides the indexing.
>> ,
>> | protocol imap {
>> |   mail_plugins = fts fts_squat
>> |   listen = *:143
>> |   ssl_listen = *:993
>> | }
>> | 
>> | plugin {
>> |  fts = squat
>> |  fts_squat = partial=4 full=10
>> | }
>> `
> ok thx for this richard.
> i have mairix working now (as per my other thread mairix problems), but
> since i was unsuccessful with nnir i think i'll give this a try later. i
> would like to see what it offers.
> the only thing is it looks like i'll have to set the dovecot server
> going again, which is not a problem and look into this fts_squat thing.
> i downloaded nnir.el late last night and tried to byte compile it as
> they suggested, but that didn't work.

downloaded it? it comes with gnus I think.

You did download nognus or not?

Please note that you must call (gnus-load) e.g

|   (load "gnus-load")  ;; Needed if using  nognus.
|   (setq Info-directory-list Info-default-directory-list)
|   (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list "~/builds/src/gnus/texi/")


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-03 Thread Richard Riley
Brett Viren  writes:

> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Philipp Haselwarter
>  wrote:
>> That being said - I also still run dovecot as server: for
>> offlineimap. Dno if offlineimap could do without a server, guess I'll
>> have to take a look.
> It can.  Here is an example of IMAP-to-IMAP sync using direct calls
> instead of server connections.  The remote goes through SSH.
> [Repository LocalIMAP]
> type = IMAP
> preauthtunnel = MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
> holdconnectionopen = yes
> [Repository RemoteIMAP]
> type = IMAP
> remotehost = localhost  #use SSH tunnel
> remoteuser = USERNAME
> preauthtunnel = ssh -q REMOTEHOST 'MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir
> /usr/lib/dovecot/imap'
> maxconnections = 3
> Adjust as appropriate.
> -Brett.

Out of idle curiosity, Why do you need to specifiy Maildir paths or even
MAIL settings? If its IMAP just talk through IMAP the underlying storage
should be of no interest to the client.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-03 Thread Richard Riley
Philipp Haselwarter  writes:

> On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:10:30 +0100, Richard Riley
>  said: 
> ---8<---[snipped 28 lines]---8<---
> RR> other machines can talk to it (if you want) e.g your dev machine on
> RR> the desk could have the router routing imap to it so you can read
> RR> your email from anywhere in the word.
> Just another open port, another socket you're blasting your passwords
> through. If you set up dovecot properly to use imaps, I guess you
> should

Its encrypted. Not an issue. And using different ports is nothing more
than a placebo against any serious hacker. You either trust these
services or you dont. I do. Risk v Gain etc.

> be good. But I think the shell method is preferable to plain auth. For
> you LAN: wrap ssh around the dovecot command.
> That being said - I also still run dovecot as server: for
> offlineimap. Dno if offlineimap could do without a server, guess I'll
> have to take a look.
> Anyone?

I cant think of a single valid reason to not run it as a server tbh.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-02 Thread Richard Riley
Brett Viren  writes:

> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Richard Riley  wrote:
>> Why would you do that? The overhead of Dovecot running is pretty
>> low. Doing it that way you incur the overhead of startup. With it being
>> a server other programs like offlineimap can then talk to it when
>> fetching your email and then storing it locally in dovecot for your
>> email client to retrieve using imap.
> I've tried it both ways.  The only noticeable difference to me is the
> lack of needing to provide authentication when imap is called
> directly.  After start up I don't notice any speed or functionality
> difference compared to talking to it over a socket.
> Running a server when it is not actually needed is frowned upon where
> I work so there is that, somewhat intangible, benefit for me.

If its company policy then yes I see. But really, the overhead is about
zero. When its not needed it sits there consuming pretty much nothing as
all such servers/daemons/services should. And of course the benefits are

offlineimap can talk to it with no special start and connect bootstrap

other machines can talk to it (if you want) e.g your dev machine on the
desk could have the router routing imap to it so you can read your email
from anywhere in the word.

That said I wasnt even aware of the reconnect and go shell method so its
informative all round;)

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-02 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Possibly you could post your set up? I am a little confused now. You are
>> running a local Dovecot? (on your machine or on a local server?).
> .emacs:
> (setq imap-shell-program
>   '("MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Mail /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"))
> .gnus:
> (setq gnus-parameters
>   '(("Mail:.*" ;"^nnimap\\+Mail:INBOX"
>  (gcc-self . t
> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods 
>   '((nnimap "Mail" (nnimap-stream shell
> those are the relevant parts to getting in with dovecot. there is no
> dovecot running now which it was doing before and i had access to it
> through .authinfo and my personal login data.
>> You then also don't need nnmairix. You can use dovecot's own indexing
>> via nnir.
> i tried that last night, but haven't gotten it to work yet though it
> looks pretty straight-forward to me. i may post questions later if i'm
> not successful. however, i rather like mairix as indicated in my mairix
> problems post and it may be more suitable as my emails grow - just
> haven't gotten that to work fully either.

I doubt it will be since dovecot does the indexing for you as mails are
added. Mairix is then yet another piece in the jigsaw - I used to use it
but if Dovecot can index why not use that? Here's an extract from my
dovecot.conf : this iis the thing that provides the indexing.

| protocol imap {
|   mail_plugins = fts fts_squat
|   listen = *:143
|   ssl_listen = *:993
| }
| plugin {
|  fts = squat
|  fts_squat = partial=4 full=10
| }

>> You saying  "imap without running a server" is the bit that throws me.
> ya that's the neat idea brett provided. it seems i can use imap from
> dovecot without having a daemon running.

Why would you do that? The overhead of Dovecot running is pretty
low. Doing it that way you incur the overhead of startup. With it being
a server other programs like offlineimap can then talk to it when
fetching your email and then storing it locally in dovecot for your
email client to retrieve using imap. 

Just some other ideas you might consider.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-02 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> Brett Viren  writes:
>> Two more things to consider:
> these ideas worked fantastically well, brett!!
> i'm not using procmail yet - have to figure out that one today because i
> want to do spam filtering with it ... right now with my new setup, i
> don't mind receiving spam though. :D
> certainly setting the "myserv" ties things together nicely.
> i was glad i'd figured out dovecot to be able to get in with minimal
> fuss, but thought it was a bit ironical that i'd need to do all this to
> get into my own files, so your imap without running a server was really
> great!
> i'm puzzled though as to why it actually works. i thought the idea was
> to have dovecot listen because a request to imap would come in, but the
> emacs entry:
> (setq imap-shell-program '("MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir 
> /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"))
> would seem to appear to run imap every time you access gnu - which i
> guess is the idea because you need to run it only once to get in.

Possibly you could post your set up? I am a little confused now. You are
running a local Dovecot? (on your machine or on a local server?).

If that is so then set your select method to talk to that using nnimap.

You then also don't need nnmairix. You can use dovecot's own indexing
via nnir.

You saying  "imap without running a server" is the bit that throws me.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2011-01-01 Thread Richard Riley
Philipp Haselwarter  writes:

> I'll never understand why people prefer spamming their inboxes over
> setting up a virtual group fed by 'inbox' and 'sent'...

Could you outline the steps you use to do that please?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: my vs maildir

2010-12-30 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> our imap server stores mail in maildir.
> i get them through claws-mail and save them locally as mh (because
> that's what claws does).
> however, i understand that with gnus i have a choice.
> is maildir preferable to mh as far as indexers are concerned?
> does gnus prefer working with maildir as well? (i recall reading that
> nnml is faster than nnmh though i don't know if that has anything to do
> with maildir).
> this exercise is to establish the local storage format for emails over
> several years so they can be indexed for the purpose of search and retrieval.

Move them all into the imap server (dovecot for example). You could do
that with Gnus! It does the indexing for you with fts_squat I think it
is and nnir. I dont know the details, I just know it works
well. Certainly less hassle than Mairix. How the imap server stores it
should be immaterial to you I think. (Dovecot can and does store it as
maildir but I cant comment on the advisability of accessing the dovecot
maildir directly): then simply configure an IMAP connection to local
host and/or remote imap host.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: newbie splitting mail question

2010-12-30 Thread Richard Riley
Tyler Smith  writes:

> Hi,
> I've just got gnus configured to read my mail via IMAP. Looks good, but
> I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax for splitting mail. Nothing
> gets split now, and when I run B q on any email, the message returned
> indicates it would be refiled to mail.misc, which doesn't exist as far
> as I can tell. I've pasted all of my gnus config details below. Can
> anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Tyler
> ;; loaded from my .emacs.d/init.el via (load "~/.emacs.d/gnus")
> (add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'gnus-topic-mode)
> (setq gnus-select-method 
>   '(nnimap "mail"
>   (nnimap-address "MY-IMAP-SERVER")
>   (nnimap-stream network)
>   (nnimap-authenticator login)
>   (nnimap-port 143)
>   (nnimap-split-methods 
>'(("INBOX.forwarded" "^Received:.*OLD.SERVER")
>  ("INBOX.default" "")
> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nntp "")))
> (defun my-gnus-summary-hook ()
>   (local-set-key "t" 'gnus-summary-mark-as-processable))
> (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'my-gnus-summary-hook)
> (setq gnus-posting-styles
>'(("*"; Matches all groups of messages
>   (address "")
>   (name "My Name"
> (setq nnimap-split-inbox "INBOX")
> (setq nnimap-split-predicate "UNDELETED")

I would be interested in this too. My imap splitting doesnt work with
spam-split anymore. Unfortunately I haven't seen a working version
posted ;(

Did you try using, and excuse my poor elisp/gnus terminology, all
"globals" instead of passing them to gnus-select-method? The manual
isn't very clear about whats best or the differences.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnimap and large attachments

2010-12-29 Thread Richard Riley
Massimo Gengarelli  writes:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to tell Gnus something like: "Hey dude, whenever a mail
> has an attachment larger than 1MB do not download it unless I tell you
> to do that"?  Today I was doing some hard coding while I received a mail
> with an 8MB attachment and while trying to download it the whole Emacs
> got blocked (that's quite normal since Gnus is synchronous) for a few
> minutes.. that could be annoying :-P
> Regards,

This is another good reason to use offlineimap or something similar to
download to a local dovecot server : in other words get something else
better equipped to actually do the mail fetch. That said others were
saying they use the gnus-demon to fetch their mail - I'm still not 100%
sure if the demon just launches offlineimap/fetchmail for them or
does the actual fetch asynchronously itself.

There is also this:-

But whether this applies to email servers I'm not sure. It seems very
nntp orientated.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: author of post and signature problems

2010-12-28 Thread Richard Riley
David Brown  writes:

> prad  writes:
>> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>> well i've used the same sig for years and i have no trouble posting with
>> it on the other news groups (in fact, the group) with
>> claws-mail.
>> so i'm inclined to think this is resolvable within gnus.
>>   ... with you on your journey
>> Towards Freedom
>> (website)
>> Information, Inspiration, Imagination - truly a site for soaring I's
> If this is your signature, the probably is probably that gnus is
> considering your entire post to be the signature.

I think Prad removed the "-- " or else he couldnt post with the sig.

> Convention has the signature start with a line containing two hyphens, a
> space, and a newline.  Gnus searches for this when scanning for the
> signature.
> Your signature has no separator, so it has no way of finding it.  It
> also means that the signature won't be visually distinguished by clients
> that have that capability.
> David
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: author of post and signature problems

2010-12-28 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Possibly try doing a delayed post or "unplugged". That might show you if
>> its Gnus or the server.
> hi richard!
> nice to hear from you especially since it was primarily your post on
> that prompted me to go with gnus!

Good to hear. Gnus is hard work at times but its worth it. Stick with
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: author of post and signature problems

2010-12-28 Thread Richard Riley
prad  writes:

> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>> On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 00:33:26 -0800, prad wrote:
>>> also, how do i get by the signature limit?
>>> i have tried to set gnus-signature-limit to high values and still get 
>>> Denied posting  excessive signature
>>> (unless i remove the two hypens so the system thinks i have no
>>> signature)
>> Are you sure it isn't the newsserver that implements a limit? ("Denied
>> posting" sounds like something from a server.)
>> Why on earth do you want to bypass a signature size limit?
> well i've used the same sig for years and i have no trouble posting with
> it on the other news groups (in fact, the group) with
> claws-mail.
> so i'm inclined to think this is resolvable within gnus.
> In friendship,
> prad
>   ... with you on your journey
> Towards Freedom
> (website)
> Information, Inspiration, Imagination - truly a site for soaring I's

Possibly try doing a delayed post or "unplugged". That might show you if
its Gnus or the server.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Error in (info "(gnus)Splitting Mail")

2010-12-28 Thread Richard Riley
Tommy Kelly  writes:

> Richard, small and possibly irelevant point. You said:
>>(setq nnimap-inbox '("INBOX"))
>> ...
>> I get some form of sequencep errors I think it is.
> My equivalent is:
> (setq nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
> I believe that nnimap-innbox can nowadays be a list, but I don't think it
> was always so (the docs certainly implied, at one point, that there could
> be only one group). Since you only have a single entry there it might be
> worth trying it as a simple string. 
> Tommy

Yes, I had tried the simpler form too. I'm wondering if anyone is using
spam-split with imap at this stage.  I have the same setup for nnmail -
just a different default split destination and that seems ok.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and new mail notification

2010-12-27 Thread Richard Riley
Thierry Volpiatto  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Thierry Volpiatto  writes:
>>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>>> Thierry Volpiatto  writes:
>>>>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>>>>> Yuri D'Elia  writes:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 00:19:42 +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
>>>>>>>>> As soon as you use splitting or virtual groups, an external process
>>>>>>>>> becomes useless (for instance, I have several rules that split 
>>>>>>>>> messages
>>>>>>>>> into groups that I ignore).
>>>>>>>> Not if you dont use the demon and then split when you hit g. In other
>>>>>>>> words you only fetch your mail when gnubiff or something similar tells
>>>>>>>> you that you have new mail.
>>>>>>> Concrete example: if splitting includes spam rules, gnubiff will notify
>>>>>>> you of spam too.
>>>>>> Yes that is most certainly true. Since I use googlemail I'm kind of
>>>>>> spoiled as their spam filtering server side is pretty good these days
>>>>>> (that and my spam-split set up doesnt work anymore on NoGnus) and so I
>>>>>> turned off client side "spam-split"ting.
>>>>> If you use gmail, you can have easy mail notification with:
>>>>> It give you an xml buffer you have to parse.
>>>>> A library exists on emacswiki for this, don't remember the name, it
>>>>> didn't work for me so i wrote small code for this for my personal use, i
>>>>> can send it if interested.
>>>>> Of course if one use gnus-demon, it's non--sense to use this.
>>>> Just as an FYI to the OP if new to Gnus, I have found the best set up
>>>> for me with Gnus is dovecot locally fed by offlineimap which is run as a
>>>> cron job every half hour or so.
>>> I use here offlineimap.el that is started each time i start gnus.
>>> I think that coupled with a gmail notification is better than a
>>> cronjob.
>> I dont think it is since the benefit of my way is I dont need gnus
>> running to see email notifications.
> Me too ;-) See above
> Gnus is stopped.
> 1) I call async every five
> minutes.
> 2) When i am notified of a new email, i run Gnus who run offlineimap.

Typo : sacrilege I know, but I mean emacs ;)

I might try your way just as an academic exercise at one stage.

You still need to manually run offlineimap in emacs though whereas mine
just happens and I get informed as and when offlineimap has done its job
so I can see the mail instantly! I use Mail Notification 5.4 to then
preview whether to bother firing up gnus and fetching (instantly) from
my local dovecot. My offlineimap config handles multiple accounts too.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and new mail notification

2010-12-27 Thread Richard Riley
Thierry Volpiatto  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Thierry Volpiatto  writes:
>>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>>> Yuri D'Elia  writes:
>>>>> On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 00:19:42 +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
>>>>>>> As soon as you use splitting or virtual groups, an external process
>>>>>>> becomes useless (for instance, I have several rules that split messages
>>>>>>> into groups that I ignore).
>>>>>> Not if you dont use the demon and then split when you hit g. In other
>>>>>> words you only fetch your mail when gnubiff or something similar tells
>>>>>> you that you have new mail.
>>>>> Concrete example: if splitting includes spam rules, gnubiff will notify
>>>>> you of spam too.
>>>> Yes that is most certainly true. Since I use googlemail I'm kind of
>>>> spoiled as their spam filtering server side is pretty good these days
>>>> (that and my spam-split set up doesnt work anymore on NoGnus) and so I
>>>> turned off client side "spam-split"ting.
>>> If you use gmail, you can have easy mail notification with:
>>> It give you an xml buffer you have to parse.
>>> A library exists on emacswiki for this, don't remember the name, it
>>> didn't work for me so i wrote small code for this for my personal use, i
>>> can send it if interested.
>>> Of course if one use gnus-demon, it's non--sense to use this.
>> Just as an FYI to the OP if new to Gnus, I have found the best set up
>> for me with Gnus is dovecot locally fed by offlineimap which is run as a
>> cron job every half hour or so.
> I use here offlineimap.el that is started each time i start gnus.
> I think that coupled with a gmail notification is better than a
> cronjob.

I dont think it is since the benefit of my way is I dont need gnus
running to see email notifications. Emacs/Gnus just dont do "async" well
and for me its not its job to run offlineimap which isnt necessarily the
quickest anyway. Still horses for courses and an interesting mix of
approaches ;)

>> nnir search works really well and of
>> course there are then no performance or bandwidth issues with Gnus
>> talking imap with remote gmail servers. Plus you have a local copy of
>> your mail. Here is one "how to" for the set up:
> I have also started to use dovecot/offlineimap, however it's was not so
> easy to configure dovecot, especially the mail_location, what is
> described in sacha blog is deprecated.
> So here i use for gmail:
> ,[ dovecot config ]
> | mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=~/Maildir/INBOX
> `
> Hope that's help

I use multiple virtual users to handle my different gmail accounts. I
can share the set up if anyone is interested.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Error in (info "(gnus)Splitting Mail")

2010-12-27 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 09:53:14 -0600 Tommy Kelly  
> wrote: 
> TK> All that said. I'm new here and have invested a mere fraction of the
> TK> hours in this project that y'all have. So don't hesitate to pat me on
> TK> the head and say "S! The grown-ups are speaking." :-)
> Nah, that would be condescending.  We do passive-aggressive :)
> Seriously, your feedback is appreciated.  You have invested a lot of
> time fighting features and jargon that are implied or learned for many
> of the Gnus regulars, so your experience helps us.  If we don't respond
> or fix things quickly (speaking for myself) it's for lack of time, not
> desire to help.
> Ted

While you're here Ted, I have had to stop using spam-split. Possibly you
can see what is wrong with this?

   (setq spam-use-bogofilter t)
   (setq spam-use-spamassassin t)
   (require 'spam)
   (setq nnimap-inbox '("INBOX"))
   (setq nnimap-split-fancy '(| (: spam-split) "INBOX"))
   (setq nnimap-split-methods 'nnimap-split-fancy)
   (setq nnimap-split-download-body t)

I then set the spam settings using G c on the groups I want spam-split
to process.

I get some form of sequencep errors I think it is. Sorry to be vague - I
cant post a backtrace right now but can again tomorrow if you're
interested in taking a look.

I dont *think* there is anything wrong with the above but few people
have offered up other split examples using spam-split to compare it
against. I am guessing my quoting is wrong but its hard to pinpoint from
the manual examples.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and new mail notification

2010-12-27 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 00:19:42 +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
>>> As soon as you use splitting or virtual groups, an external process
>>> becomes useless (for instance, I have several rules that split messages
>>> into groups that I ignore).
>> Not if you dont use the demon and then split when you hit g. In other
>> words you only fetch your mail when gnubiff or something similar tells
>> you that you have new mail.
> Concrete example: if splitting includes spam rules, gnubiff will notify
> you of spam too.

Yes that is most certainly true. Since I use googlemail I'm kind of
spoiled as their spam filtering server side is pretty good these days
(that and my spam-split set up doesnt work anymore on NoGnus) and so I
turned off client side "spam-split"ting.



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and new mail notification

2010-12-25 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 21:31:43 +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
>> I'm interested how this helps - I think I'm missing something. Since
>> this can only work in Gnus when Gnus sees new mail what purpose does it
>> server since Gnus has already fetched the mail : isnt a third party
>> imap/maildir asynchronous monitor a better solution for this external
>> notification process?
> As soon as you use splitting or virtual groups, an external process
> becomes useless (for instance, I have several rules that split messages
> into groups that I ignore).

Not if you dont use the demon and then split when you hit g. In other
words you only fetch your mail when gnubiff or something similar tells
you that you have new mail.

That said I must try the daemon again as I havent used it for a while.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and new mail notification

2010-12-25 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> I wasn't happy with the existing new mail notification scripts that I've
> found on emacswiki.
> I've put together a new script, called "gnus-notify"[1], that can call
> any arbitrary program when new messages are received. The default uses
> the 'notify-send' program (part of libnotify's library) which creates
> little popup messages. This is especially useful if you have virtual
> desktops and leave Gnus running with gnus-demon.
> The result (showing Gnus + awesomewm + libnotify-bin on Debian) is shown
> here:
> You can also do arbitrary stuff by either setting a different
> executable, or supplying an entirely new notification function.
> Simply read the commentary in the source.
> gnus-notify.el is available at:
> Merry christmas :)
> [1] I know there's already a gnus-notify.el script, but I wasn't able to
> come up with a better name.

I'm interested how this helps - I think I'm missing something. Since
this can only work in Gnus when Gnus sees new mail what purpose does it
server since Gnus has already fetched the mail : isnt a third party
imap/maildir asynchronous monitor a better solution for this external
notification process?

Also using the same name is somewhat silly since it will clash if
packaged in ELPA or something especially as it does something totally
different to gnus-notify : what about gnus-external-notify?



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: IMAP- Gmail mark sent as read

2010-12-24 Thread Richard Riley
Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:

> On Fri, Dec 24 2010,Richard Riley wrote:
>> Can someone suggest a way to make sent email as "read" in imap? I want
>> to subscribe to my gmail "Sent Items" but dont want to see a total of
>> "unread" in the Gnus group line.
> Does setting this help?  Found this in the manual but not sure whether
> it applies to IMAP.
> gnus-gcc-mark-as-read'
>  If non-`nil', automatically mark `Gcc' articles as read.
>  sivaram
>  -- 

No. This is the googlemail sent folder I am talking about.

I sync from gmail to a local dovecot using offlineimap and Sent Mail are all 
shown as

I think possibly offlineimap might be able to do it but I need to find a
python guru to help!

info-gnus-english mailing list

IMAP- Gmail mark sent as read

2010-12-24 Thread Richard Riley

Can someone suggest a way to make sent email as "read" in imap? I want
to subscribe to my gmail "Sent Items" but dont want to see a total of
"unread" in the Gnus group line.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Reply to self behavior

2010-12-23 Thread Richard Riley
Reiner Steib  writes:

> On Wed, Dec 22 2010, Yuri D'Elia wrote:
>> Aaand, while I'm at it: is there a hook that is called whenever a backend
>> receives new mail? I'm trying to integrate emacs with the "awesome"
>> window manager. gnus-biff and gnus-notify seem to check every group
>> manually - I was looking for something more straightforward.
> ,[  v nnmail-prepare-save-mail-hook RET ]
> | nnmail-prepare-save-mail-hook is a variable defined in `nnmail.el'.
> | Its value is 
> | (rs-gnus-notify-have-new-mail)
> | 
> | Documentation:
> | Hook called before saving mail.
> `
> Bye, Reiner.

This is pretty clunky compared to using something like Mail
Notification (Gnome) since it requires Gnus to fetch the mail in
order for you to know there is mail there I think.

Better, for me, is to run a local dovecot server and have Mail
Notifications (Biff etc) monitor THAT inbox using dbus or whatever it is
they use for instant notification.



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Multiple sources and accounts with GNUS

2010-12-22 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:42:25 +0100
> Richard Riley  wrote:
>> My code above  selects the msmtp profile to use based on the From
>> address which, im turn, is set by gnus-posting-styles but hopefully you
>> can adjust as appropriate.
>> Googling up the key vars above and msmtp should provide the info you
>> need.
> msmtp is a nice solution, but I don't really want to store the password on 
> disk (typing at every message is not a nice solution either).
> I tried to go with the smtpmail route, but failed quickly.
> I have an SMTP server that requires encryption via STARTTLS on port 25.
> The following minimal configuration:
>   smtpmail-debug-info t
>   smtpmail-debug-verb t
>   smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("smtp.server" 25 "me" nil))
>   smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("smtp.server", 25, nil, nil))
>   smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp.server")
> asks for my credentials, but it doesn't actually call STARTTLS (I can verify 
> it from the SMTP trace).
> Ideas?

I would love to see a solution of msmtp working with gpg-agent. There is
one out there somewhere but 'twas a tad convoluted.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Today's articles/mails..

2010-12-21 Thread Richard Riley
Tassilo Horn  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
> Hi Rich,
>>> ,[ (info "(gnus)Limiting") ]
>>> | `/ w'
>>> |  Pop the previous limit off the stack and restore it
>>> |  (`gnus-summary-pop-limit').  If given a prefix, pop all limits off
>>> |  the stack.
>>> `
>> It would be nice (or is there) to have a variable to disable this :
> Hm, that would mean losing the ability of limiting with different
> concerns, like limiting to articles from Richard received the last 30
> days.

This true but normally (99%) of the time I only filter on last day or
name. Rarely both so the default for me would be better not to stack.

>> personally I never want the limits stacked and would like my next one
>> to override the previous rather than having to manually pop the limit
>> first.
> I think you could advice all gnus-summary-limit-* commands to do a
> (gnus-summary-pop-limit t) before, but that's a bit ugly IMHO.
> Bye,
> Tassilo
> Sent from my Emacs

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Today's articles/mails..

2010-12-21 Thread Richard Riley
Tassilo Horn  writes:

> writes:
> Hi Madhu,
>> How do I restrict the article buffer to "today's"/"This week's"
>> articles only; and include/exclude dormant/read articles?
> I think you mean the summary buffer, right?
> ,[ (info "(gnus)Limiting") ]
> | `/ t'
> |  Ask for a number and then limit the summary buffer to articles
> |  older than (or equal to) that number of days
> |  (`gnus-summary-limit-to-age').  If given a prefix, limit to
> |  articles younger than that number of days.
> `
> So in your case, `C-u 7 / t' would limit the current summary to messages
> from the last week.

"-7" does the same.

> ,[ (info "(gnus)Limiting") ]
> | `/ w'
> |  Pop the previous limit off the stack and restore it
> |  (`gnus-summary-pop-limit').  If given a prefix, pop all limits off
> |  the stack.
> `

It would be nice (or is there) to have a variable to disable this :
personally I never want the limits stacked and would like my next one to
override the previous rather than having to manually pop the limit

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Multiple sources and accounts with GNUS

2010-12-20 Thread Richard Riley
Yuri D'Elia  writes:

> Hi everyone. After a long period with mutt (which indeed sucks less but
> doesn't do news) and sylpheed/claws (which just sucks), I'm back to
> GNUS. I'm a sadist underneath - I know.
> So far I was able to setup all the receiving accounts successfully (a
> couple of nnimap accounts, gmane via nntp, nnmaildir for local spools,
> etc), but I'm having trouble to send outgoing e-mails to different
> accounts depending on the current group.
> I'm fine with the default of using sendmail, but for a couple of IMAP
> groups I need to use a specific SMTP server with credentials.
> Could I use 'gnus-parameters' for that, and change
> 'message-send-mail-function' depending on the group? Any pointer or
> small example in how to do this?
> Thanks.

msmtp is your man.

|   ;; Select the correct smtp server based on the from address.
|   (defun msmtp-account (&optional def)
| (let* ((from
| (save-restriction
|   (message-narrow-to-headers)
|   (message-fetch-field "From")))
|(account (if from (catch 'match
|(dolist (element msmtp-name-list)
|  ;; (message (format "smpt chosen is %s" 
|  (when (string-match (format ".*%s.*" 
element) from)
|(throw 'match element nil)))
|   (if account account (if def def "default"
|   (defun msmtp-change-smtp ()
| (setq sendmail-program "/usr/bin/msmtp")
| (setq smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("" 587 nil 
| (setq smtpmail-smtp-server "")
| (setq message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header)
| (if (message-mail-p)
| (setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments (list "-a" (msmtp-account 
|   (add-hook 'message-send-hook 'msmtp-change-smtp)

My code above  selects the msmtp profile to use based on the From
address which, im turn, is set by gnus-posting-styles but hopefully you
can adjust as appropriate.

Googling up the key vars above and msmtp should provide the info you

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Error in (info "(gnus)Splitting Mail")

2010-12-19 Thread Richard Riley
Štěpán Němec  writes:

> Ted Zlatanov  writes:
>> On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:33:47 -0600 Tommy Kelly  
>> wrote: 
>> TK> The person who wrote the stuff, understands it in intense
>> TK> detail without the documentation, and therefore has little or no need
>> TK> of the documentation thinks the documentation is more readable as it is.
>> TK> The person who is trying to learn the stuff, and must rely heavily on
>> TK> said documentation thinks the documentation would be more readable with a
>> TK> a minor fix.
>> Štěpán was noting a minor issue: if mail comes from majordomoXcom (any
>> single character) instead of, it will match that splitting
>> rule.  I don't think Štěpán suggested it would make the documentation
>> more readable to fix that.
> I think Tommy's and Lars's notion of "readable" is slightly incompatible
> here. In my opinion the error (yes, IMO it _is_ an error) should be
> fixed at least for the reason this whole thread started -- it induced
> major confusion for Tommy, who, upon seeing the unescaped dot, began to
> wonder if there was some magic going on with the fancy splitting rules.
> (Yes, it's funny to have discussions about things like this, but not
> having sloppy examples in the docs is precisely the way to prevent such
> discussions.)
>   Štěpán

The splitting docs are confusing - issues constantly crop up in #emacs
as well as here and in the nognus mailing list. Possibly more simple
examples would help before they start rolling into what is pretty
advanced elisp where quotes and escaping play an important part.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnimap-split-fancy

2010-12-17 Thread Richard Riley (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:10:49 -0600, Tommy wrote:
>> ("from" ".*domain1\\.com" "emails-from-domain1)
>  ^
>  Missing ".
>> ("from" ".*domain2\\.com" "emails-from-domain2)
>  ^
>   Ditto.
> I often find that the easiest way to debug regexp-matching in Emacs is
> to start with something extremely simple that works, and then gradually
> adding things I think should work until they don't - it helps
> pinpointing where I have forgotten some \'s or something (I am used to
> Perls regexp syntax, so remembering all the leaning toothpicks in Emacs
> regexps is sometimes a problem :-))
>   Best regards,
> Adam

There is also the wonderful regexp-builder.



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and rsync

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley
nunojsi...@invalid.invalid (Nuno J. Silva) writes:

> Eric S Fraga  writes:
>> nunojsi...@invalid.invalid (Nuno J. Silva) writes:
>>> So I've now hit the issue where I have two computers on which I want to
>>> keep gnus stuff on-sync.
>>> I've tried the simple solution: rsyncing the whole bunch of files (news,
>>> mail, .gnus.el, and some other gnus files.
>> maybe have a look at unison?  works very well for keeping systems in
>> sync.
> I will, but AFAICT, from the debugging I made today, the issue is not
> rsync, so I'll delay looking unison for a while.
>>> Unfortunately, this doesn't work as expected: in some mail folders the
>>> unread messages are months old,[...] 
> As promised, I tested diffing the rsync files with a plain tarball sync,
> and it's the same.
> What happens is that, after starting gnus, a lot of NOV files get
> changed.
> Removing every nov folder (*/.nnmaildir/nov, relative to nnmaildir root)
> before starting gnus forces gnus to regenerate these, what causes a
> slightly long delay but works (that is, now the unread messages are the
> same as in the original gnus setup).
> Next step seems to be understanding which changes are made to NOV files
> so I can know why is this happening...
> (Same Gnus and Emacs version on both computers.)

I tried a plain old sync for a while with gnus and  more often that not
things went wrong.

The best way I found is to use offlineimap to sync a local dovecot
server. Since gnus uses the server flags all is dandy.
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Noob seeks help with splitting and spam

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley
Jim Burton  writes:

> Jim Burton  writes:
>> Hi, I've just started with Gnus, and I'm confused about the whole
>> splitting business and how I can use that to deal with spam. I decided,
>> somewhat arbitrarily, that I should use bogofilter. So I read the wiki
>> page about setting it up with gnus and the other resources I could find
>> on the subject, installed  bogofilter and so far I have this in ~/.gnus:
>> (require 'spam)
>> (require 'gnus-bogofilter)
>> (setq spam-use-bogofilter t
>>   spam-split-group "spam")
>> (spam-initialize)
>> (setq nnmail-split-fancy '(| (: spam-split)))
>> Finally, I presumed this required me to make a group called "spam", so I
>> did (with U "spam"), but I can't select that group as I get "couldn't
>> activate group".  As I understand it, I should now be able to use C-c g
>> s on a message to mark it as spam and move it into my "spam" folder?
>> Doing that doesn't seem to have any effect. 
> In fact it *does* have an effect. When I leave the summary page after
> marking something as spam or ham I get a message "applying spam rules",
> and the messages marked as spam are moved, or at least are not displayed
> to me when I enter that group again. Where is the spam being "moved" to,
> if anywhere, and if I train bogofilter in this way will my current setup
> start to detect spam and move it to the same place before I even see it?
> Obviously, this is how I'd like it work, and I also want to check for
> false positives once it does.

Spam filtering is confusing to start with. This is apparent
from the same issues cropping up in #emacs and other resources.  That
said its incredibly powerful. 

I'm not sure how group settings for "auto spam check" work when set in
conjunction with nnimap-inbox and spam-split.

But this is how my working setup looks:-

(setq spam-use-bogofilter t)

(require 'spam)

(setq nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
(setq nnimap-split-methods 'default)
(setq nnimap-split-download-body t)

(setq nnmail-split-fancy '(|(: spam-split)))
(setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy)

(setq spam-autodetect-recheck-messages nil)
(setq spam-mark-ham-unread-before-move-from-spam-group t)
(setq spam-mark-new-messages-in-spam-group-as-spam t)
(setq spam-split-group "Gnus-Spam")

In the group customisation for my INBOXs (G c) I set :-

|[X] Spam Summary Exit Processor: [Value Menu] Spam Summary Exit Processor 
| Set:
| [X] Spam: Bogofilter
| [ ] Spam: Blacklist

Q: does this have to be set? Is spam-use-bogofilter in addition or a
precursor to this working?

| [X] Destination for spam-processed articles at summary exit: [Value Menu] 
Move to multiple groups:
| [INS] [DEL] Destination group: nnimap+riley:Gnus-Spam
| [INS]
| Where spam-processed articles will go at summary exit.

note : fully qualified.

Its in Gnus-Spam that I can recheck. The group customisation settings
for there are:

| [X] Group contents spam/ham classification:
| Group contents classification for spam sorting: [Value Menu] 
| Spam group classification (requires spam.el). [More]

the concept of "spam" and ham groups can be confusing too. mark as ham?
Its ham. Mark as spam? Its spam. The corresponding exit processors take
care. I need to reread the manual I think. e.g is INBOX a spam folder?
or a ham folder? or nothing? It certainly contains ham. And often
contains spam which I manually mark with M-d and is then moved to
gnus-spam when I exit the group. But what kind of group is it?

| [X] Spam Summary Exit Processor: [Value Menu] Spam Summary Exit Processor 
| Set:
| [X] Spam: Bogofilter

| [X] Destination for spam-processed articles at summary exit: [Value Menu] 
Move to multiple groups:
| [INS] [DEL] Destination group: nnimap+riley:Trash
| [INS]

| [X] Destination for ham articles at summary exit from a spam group: [Value 
Menu] Move to a group: nnimap+riley:mail
| Where ham articles will go at summary exit from a spam group.

| [X] Ham mark choices:
| Set:
| [ ] gnus-del-mark
| Mark used for del'd articles.
| [ ] gnus-read-mark
| Mark used for read articles.
| [X] gnus-ticked-mark
| Mark used for ticked articles.
| [ ] gnus-killed-mark
| Mark used for killed articles.
| [ ] gnus-kill-file-mark
| Mark used for articles killed by kill files.
| [ ] gnus-low-score-mark
| Mark used for articles with a low score.
| Marks considered ham (positively not spam).  Such articles will be [More]
| [X] Spam mark choices:
| Set:
| [X] gnus-spam-mark
| Mark used for spam articles.
Anyway, I hope this helps! "works for me" ... ;)


selecting a group with no unread

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley

Is there a config option to not prompt me if there are no unread
articles? Ideally if I select a group with no unread it will default to
the first (or latest) N unread. I realise I can do this with the prefix
argument ALL set to an integer but I would prefer this to be automatic.

Possibly a simpler description is : I want it to always show X articles
read or not when I select a group. I can manually (/O) fetch more if

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Can I choose names for nnmaildir groups?

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley

Sean McAfee  writes:

> I use nnmaildir as my primary backend:
> (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
>   '((nnmaildir "mail" (directory "/home/smcafee/.nnmaildir"
> Within that directory, procmail divides my incoming mail into various
> subdirectories.  In Gnus's group view, the groups representing those
> subdirectories all have a common, longish prefix "nnmaildir+mail:".
> That's a little cluttered, and I'd prefer to be able to name them
> eg. "mail.list-1", "mail.list-2", etc.
> Is this possible?  Extensive Googling and experimenting haven't turned
> up any working solutions.

Hi Sean,

You need to modify  gnus-group-line-format. My format line is


I'm pretty sure that the "g" is what you want. That said %c looks
promising too ... 



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Change the color of article counts when equal to 0

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley
Sébastien Vauban  writes:

> Hi Richard,
> Richard Riley wrote:
>> Sébastien Vauban  writes:
>>> I'm using 4 count numbers on every group line.
>>> I would like to see the numbers in very light gray when they're equal to 0,
>>> but can't figure out how -- or, even, if possible at all... Can you help me?
>> You need to use a user format function.
>> The important bits for you are the propertize cells setting a special
>> face for something : in your case the count value.
>> Here is my user function y which does this for count :-
>> ,
>> |   (defun gnus-user-format-function-y (headers)
>> | "return string representation for unread articles"
>> | (concat
>> | (propertize (if (= (string-to-number gnus-tmp-number-of-unread) 0) ""
> "\x2709") 'face (rgr/unread-face "my-inbox-icon-face") 'gnus-face t)
>> | (propertize (if (= (string-to-number gnus-tmp-number-of-unread) 0) ""
>> | (concat " (" gnus-tmp-number-of-unread ")")) 'face (rgr/unread-face
> "my-unread-count-face") 'gnus-face t)))
>> `
> This helped me a lot. I could remove the count of unread messages when it's
> equal to 0, with the following:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>   (defun gnus-user-format-function-y (headers)
> "return string representation for unread articles"
>  (propertize (if (= (string-to-number gnus-tmp-number-of-unread) 0)
>  ""
>(concat gnus-tmp-number-of-unread " Unread"))
>  'face 'my/unread-face))
>   ;; format of the group buffer
>   (setq gnus-group-line-format (concat "%7{%M%}"
>"%P "
>"%(%-39,39g%) "
>"%6{%3U Unseen%} + "
>"%5{%10uy%} "
>"%7{%3T Ticked%} < "
>"%6t Total Items"
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> Though, I would like to do the same with the counts of unseen or ticked
> messages, but the variable `gnus-tmp-number-of-unread' does not
> exist. Any

Did you mean -ticked or something else rather than -unread?

As a note I wouldnt put that fixed length empty string in - rather try
and use padding formatting in the format string if its possible.

> idea on how to do such?

It's a cross fingers and hope for the best when hacking gnus ;) I only
found that var by googling and staring at other similar examples. There
often seems no rhyme nor reason to what is available but there
invairably is ;) I asked a couple of times about how to determine what
is available but didn't get much success. Digging in the code is the
best advice I can give.

best of luck!
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Change the color of article counts when equal to 0

2010-12-09 Thread Richard Riley
Sébastien Vauban  writes:

> Hello,
> I'm using 4 count numbers on every group line:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>   ;; format of the group buffer
>   (setq gnus-group-line-format (concat "%M%m%P "
>"%(%-39,39g%) "
>"%5{%3y Unread%} "
>"%6{(%3U Unseen)%} + "
>"%7{%3T Ticked%} < "
>"%6t Total Items"
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> with these fonts:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>   ;; create faces for article counts
>   (defface my/unread-face
> '((t (:weight bold :foreground "black"))) "Ticked group face")
>   (defface my/unseen-face
> '((t (:weight bold :foreground "blue"))) "Ticked group face")
>   (defface my/ticked-face
> '((t (:weight bold :foreground "orange"))) "Ticked group face")
>   (setq gnus-face-5 'my/unread-face)
>   (setq gnus-face-6 'my/unseen-face)
>   (setq gnus-face-7 'my/ticked-face)
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> I would like to see the numbers in very light gray when they're equal to 0,
> but can't figure out how -- or, even, if possible at all... Can you help me?
> Best regards,
>   Seb

You need to use a user format function.

e.g here is one that I use to create a mailbox icon to replace the word "INBOX".

|   (defun gnus-user-format-function-g (headers) ;; gnus-group-line-format use 
%ug to call this func! e.g  "%M%S%p%P%(%-40,40ug%)%-5uy %ud\n"
| ;; split full group protocol-server:group into three parts.
| (string-match "\\(^.*\\)\\+\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)" gnus-tmp-group)
| ;; map the first two letters of the server name to a more friendly and 
cuddly display name
| (let*  ((match-ok (match-string 2 gnus-tmp-group))
| (server-key (if (null match-ok) nil (upcase(substring match-ok 0 
|   (if (zerop (length server-key))
|   gnus-tmp-group
| ;; construct new group format line with a small envelope taking the 
place of any INBOX
| (concat
|  (propertize
|   (format "%-8s" (cdr (assoc server-key rgr/server-name-maps)))
|   'face (rgr/unread-face "my-group-server-face") 'face 
(rgr/unread-face (concat "my-group-server-face-" server-key)) 'gnus-face t)
|  " - "
|  (if (string-match "INBOX" (match-string 3 gnus-tmp-group) )
|  (propertize "\x2709" 'face (rgr/unread-face 
"my-inbox-icon-face") 'gnus-face t)
|(propertize (match-string 3 gnus-tmp-group) 'face (rgr/unread-face 
"my-group-face") 'gnus-face t) )

The important bits for you are the propertize cells setting a special
face for something : in your case the count value.

Here is my user function y which does this for count :-

|   (defun gnus-user-format-function-y (headers)
| "return string representation for unread articles"
| (concat
|  (propertize  (if (= (string-to-number  gnus-tmp-number-of-unread) 0) "" 
"\x2709") 'face (rgr/unread-face "my-inbox-icon-face") 'gnus-face t)
|  (propertize  (if (= (string-to-number  gnus-tmp-number-of-unread) 0) ""
| (concat "   (" gnus-tmp-number-of-unread ")")) 'face 
(rgr/unread-face "my-unread-count-face") 'gnus-face t)))

And here the group line format

| gnus-group-line-format is a variable defined in `gnus-group.el'.
| Its value is 
| "%M%S%p%P%-12uy%(%-60ug%)\n"

Hope it sets you on the right way.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Adding recipients to BBDB

2010-09-03 Thread Richard Riley (Paulo J. Matos) writes:

> Hi,
> Is there a good way to have Gnus ask you if you want to add recipients
> of your emails/articles to the BBDB database?
> Cheers,

You might try this



info-gnus-english mailing list

nnimap-split-inbox, spam-split and multiple inboxes

2010-08-27 Thread Richard Riley

If someone has imap splitting working for multiple imap accounts couuld
you please share your settings. I wish to use the spam-split
functionality to auto move bogofilter detected spam to a temporary spam
holding area.
I have 3 inboxes displayed as 


Is it possible to split on the three? nearly all examples I have seen
split a single INBOX

(setq nnimap-split-inbox "INBOX") 

Can splitting work for three? Any pointers/suggestions appreciated.

I turned up the verbosity for Gnus and dont currently see any splitting

I do have:-

 '(nnimap-split-rule (quote nnimap-split-fancy))
 '(nnimap-split-fancy (quote (: spam-split)))


 '(spam-mark-ham-unread-before-move-from-spam-group t)
 '(spam-mark-new-messages-in-spam-group-as-spam nil)
 '(spam-regex-headers-spam (quote ("^X-Spam-Flag: YES" "X-Bogosity")))
 '(spam-split-group "Gnus-Spam")
 '(spam-use-bogofilter t)

So spam-split should be using bogofilter to identify spam mail and
moving them directly to Gnus-Spam.

In the group settings for my INBOXs I set them as HAM groups since
anything passing the splitting ought to be considered ham. Is that ok?
The exit processors do correctly move any emails I manually tag as spam
to the spam pen.

info-gnus-english mailing list

clearing ham marks

2010-08-25 Thread Richard Riley

In groups that autodetect span and mark them accordingly when I exit
that group is it possible for the ham marks to then be removed
automatically after the spam exit processors have done their job? (in
this case I am NOT moving the ham as they are in the correct mailbox


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and spam - bogofilter

2010-08-24 Thread Richard Riley
Richard Riley  writes:

> I have set up spam processing in gnus. I have set bogofilter in the
> group parameters and specified bogofilter methods to be called for spam
> articles when exiting a spam group. But no bogofilter headers  are being
> added. 
> I have added extra headers ^X-Spam-Status: Yes, and X-Bogosity
> (instructions vary from help in google) and I have also set
> spam-autodetect-recheck-messages to t.
> I know the marking as spam is working as messages marked as spam/ham are
> moved to the correct destination folders courtesy of group parameters.
> I would be interested to hear from anyone with this working : what are
> the necessary settings to get gnus exit processors to apply bogofilter
> headers?

To answer my own question  :

The key was _not_ to set  spam-use-bogofilter-headers 

| [X] Spam autodetection-specific methods: [Value Menu] Use specific
| methods:
| ...
| [X] spam-use-bogofilter-headers
| [X] spam-use-bogofilter

Wow. Gnus spam handling is pretty nice.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Gnus and spam - bogofilter

2010-08-24 Thread Richard Riley

I have set up spam processing in gnus. I have set bogofilter in the
group parameters and specified bogofilter methods to be called for spam
articles when exiting a spam group. But no bogofilter headers  are being

I have added extra headers ^X-Spam-Status: Yes, and X-Bogosity
(instructions vary from help in google) and I have also set
spam-autodetect-recheck-messages to t.

I know the marking as spam is working as messages marked as spam/ham are
moved to the correct destination folders courtesy of group parameters.

I would be interested to hear from anyone with this working : what are
the necessary settings to get gnus exit processors to apply bogofilter

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus hang, when sending mail from gmail account with gnutls.

2010-08-15 Thread Richard Riley

filebat Mark  writes:

> One more confusing:
> - Since I have explicitly configured to use gnutls by (setq 
> starttls-use-gnutls t), why we have STARTTLS output in the buffer of "*trace 
> of SMTP seesion".
> Regards,
> Denny
> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 5:59 PM, filebat Mark  wrote:
> Hi gnusers
> I can receive mails of gmail by imap. However, after struggling for 
> several days, I still fail to send mail in gnus.
> Would you please help to root cause the problem? My environment: cygwin + 
> ntemacs 23.
> Below is my gnus related configuration, and ~/.authinfo is correct.
> And it hangs with the output of "220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS", when I 
> try to invoke message-send in *Message* mode.
> No problem is found, when manually invoke "gnutls-cli-debug.exe 
> It seems hang at smtpmail.el::smtpmail-via-smtp
> line 672        (if (or (null (car (setq greeting
> (smtpmail-read-response process

As a workaround ...

There was a thread earlier in the year about this. The same issue crops
up a lot (under Linux AND Windows btw) and TLS confuses a lot of people
and/or seems very creaky. - I know it did me ;) The thread earlier in
the year posted a solution using msmtp I *think* :--

Hopefully this might work for you.



info-gnus-english mailing list

mail-sources - how to use?

2010-08-03 Thread Richard Riley

My understanding from the manual is that gnus should read from the
sources specified in mail-sources and then move the mail found there to
mail-source-directory. (Of course you dont have to use this
functionality and can merely treat using maildirs and select methods for

So if I have :-

|   (setq mail-sources
| '((file :path "/var/spool/mail/rgr")))

I understand from the info file that that is sufficient for gnus to suck
out the system mail from my account's spool and then by setting

|  (setq mail-source-directory "~/.Maildir/.riley/INBOX/new")

gnus should store this new mail in my maildir which I then access using

|   (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
|'(nnmaildir "riley" (directory "~/.Maildir/.riley")))

Gnus, however, is not pulling the mail from var/spool/rgr.

What am I missing or what am I misunderstanding?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Splitting maildir

2010-07-31 Thread Richard Riley
> (I dont know why I need to set mail.sources as well as nnmail-spool-file)

I know now : nnmail-spool-file is obsolete.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Splitting maildir

2010-07-31 Thread Richard Riley

I recently reconfigured my email to use local maildir (making mairix
search possible). I also use nnmbox for system emails. My config looks
something like this:-

| (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnmbox "private")))
| (setq nnmail-spool-file "/var/spool/mail/shamrock")
| (setq mail-sources
|   '((file :path "/var/spool/mail/shamrock")))
|   (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
|'(nnmaildir "riley" (directory "~/.Maildir/.riley")))

(I dont know why I need to set mail.sources as well as nnmail-spool-file)

I created a nnmbox group

| nnmbox+private:motorola

I then set my nnmail-split-methods

|  (setq nnmail-split-methods (quote (("nnmbox+private:motorola" 

Yet no splitting of new maildir mail occurs.

Opinions/corrections? I guess I am missing some sort of "allow
splitting" toggle?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus with multiple gmail imap accounts

2010-07-28 Thread Richard Riley
Richard Riley  writes:

> I would be interested in hearing how anyone has got gnus talking to
> multiple gmail accounts. One sticking point is the non prefixed INBOX on
> each account. How best to handle this or to uniquely name each INBOX for
> each gmail account? (Come to that how to uniquely name All Mail, spam etc 
> too).
> There is some advice here
> But I'm not sure how he defined those servers with their aliases in elisp 
> (the author has
> since dropped gnus for wanderlust).
> One approach I have tried (but dont really like) is to apply a filter to ALL
> incoming mail and to label each new post with something like
> "inbox-rileyrg" and then subscribe to that "label/group" from gnus. That
> doesnt solve the issue with the gmail system labels however.
> Any pointers appreciated.

I have settled on this solution.

Firstly create your nnimap servers :-

--8<---cut here---start->8---
  (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnimap "rileymail"
(nnimap-server-port 993)
(nnimap-stream ssl) 

(nnir-search-engine imap)
(nnimap-list-pattern ("inbox-" 
"webs" "tax"))
(nnimap "shamrockmail"
(nnimap-server-port 993)
(nnimap-stream ssl) 

(nnir-search-engine imap)
(nnimap-list-pattern ("inbox-"))
(nnimap "friendsmail"
(nnimap-server-port 993)
(nnimap-stream ssl) 

(nnir-search-engine imap)
(nnimap-list-pattern ("inbox-"))

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Notice the nnimap-list-pattern - this limits the imap folders you can
see. Gmail is messy. Tweak as appropriate.

Then for each  account alias above add a line to your .authinfo (I use a gpg
file) like this :-

--8<---cut here---start->8---
machine friendsmail login gmailuserid force yes password mypassword port 993
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Now the important thing is to set up each gmail account so that you can
uniquely recognise things and not have clashing INBOXs. This is done by
creating a filter on my INBOX for each account where in "words to search
for" you use "in:inbox" and specify that filter to then apply a label to
all incoming email. So I have a filter on my rileyrg account which
applies a label "inbox-personal" to all incoming mail. When I browse the
"rileymail" nnimap server shown above I then see and subscribe to an
IMAP group called .. inbox-personal. For the shamrockmail I apply the
label "inbox-shamrock". etc etc - easy to differentiate the different
INBOXs this way.

Seems to work well but I would be interested to hear any alternative and
potentially simpler methods.

One thing now I miss not using offlineimap to store mail locally is the
use mairix. Is there some way to search all mail via imap? I think alt-s
only searches the mails in the summary buffer and not all the mails.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Gnus with multiple gmail imap accounts

2010-07-28 Thread Richard Riley

I would be interested in hearing how anyone has got gnus talking to
multiple gmail accounts. One sticking point is the non prefixed INBOX on
each account. How best to handle this or to uniquely name each INBOX for
each gmail account? (Come to that how to uniquely name All Mail, spam etc too).

There is some advice here

But I'm not sure how he defined those servers with their aliases in elisp (the 
author has
since dropped gnus for wanderlust).

One approach I have tried (but dont really like) is to apply a filter to ALL
incoming mail and to label each new post with something like
"inbox-rileyrg" and then subscribe to that "label/group" from gnus. That
doesnt solve the issue with the gmail system labels however.

Any pointers appreciated.

info-gnus-english mailing list

gnus and imap with google

2010-06-20 Thread Richard Riley

I have a direct imap link from Gnus to googlemail.

Is there anyway to stop sent messages contributing to the article count
in my IMAP inbox? I cant find a way to disable the "conversation" thread
format used by google (which means your sent messages are part of your
inbox) so am hoping someone has a gnus tweak for it to ignore sent

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: IMAP as archive destination?

2010-05-11 Thread Richard Riley
Vagn Johansen  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> I'm having issues using imap as my "sent" archive.  My gnus-server-alist
>> on gnus startup is like this:-
> [...]
>> Any suggestions?  Why is it trying to open nnfolder for "archive"?
> I do not know if it is any help, but I use the following
> (setq
>   gnus-message-archive-method `(nnimap ,smtpmail-smtp-server)
>   gnus-message-archive-group '((if (message-news-p)
>  "nnfolder:sent-news"
>  "INBOX.Sent")))

As soon as I set the archive-group and then refresh Gnus, I get:-

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
|   file-name-as-directory(nil)
|   nnheader-concat(nil "active")
|   (defvar nnfolder-active-file (nnheader-concat nnfolder-directory "active") 
("/usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/gnus/nnfolder.elc" . 1885))
|   require(nnfolder)
|   gnus-get-function((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)) server-opened)
|   gnus-server-opened((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
|   gnus-check-server((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
|   gnus-read-active-file-1((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)) nil)
|   gnus-read-active-file()
|   gnus-group-get-new-news(nil)
|   gnus-1(nil nil nil)
|   gnus(nil)
|   call-interactively(gnus nil nil)

I tried looking at the code but, well, it's somewhat tricky for an elisp

There is no mention on nnfolder in my .newsrc.eld.

I can't quite determine how or from where its picking this up.

info-gnus-english mailing list

IMAP as archive destination?

2010-05-10 Thread Richard Riley

I'm having issues using imap as my "sent" archive.  My gnus-server-alist
on gnus startup is like this:-

| gnus-server-alist is a variable defined in `gnus.el'.
| Its value is 
| (("archive" nnfolder "archive"
|   (nnfolder-directory "~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive")
|   (nnfolder-active-file "~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active")
|   (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil)
|   (nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))

despite my .newsrc.eld containing:-

| (setq gnus-server-alist '(("archive" nnimap "mymail" (nnimap-address 
"offlineimap") (nnimap-stream nil

If I then set gnus-archive-message-group to "INBOX.sent" for example I
get a debug stack when I start gnus of the form:-

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
|   file-name-as-directory(nil)
|   nnheader-concat(nil "active")
|   (defvar nnfolder-active-file (nnheader-concat nnfolder-directory "active") 
("/usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/gnus/nnfolder.elc" . 1885))
|   require(nnfolder)
|   gnus-get-function((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)) server-opened)
|   gnus-server-opened((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
|   gnus-check-server((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
|   gnus-read-active-file-1((nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive") (nnfolder-active-file 
"~/.emacs.d/Maildir/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) 
(nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)) nil)
|   gnus-read-active-file(nil nil)
|   gnus-setup-news(nil nil nil)
|   byte-code("„
|   gnus-1(nil nil nil)
|   gnus(nil)
|   call-interactively(gnus nil nil)

Any suggestions?  Why is it trying to open nnfolder for "archive"?

info-gnus-english mailing list

limiting storage of sent emails

2010-05-06 Thread Richard Riley

I am trying NOT to archive or store sent messages if the From field is a
certain value. This is not working reliably for me. Which function or method
should I use to access the correct From field? I had used the "original
article" field but that doesnt work if its the first email of a gnus
session so I guess that was not correct.

from my custom.el

|  '(gnus-message-archive-group (quote ((if (message-news-p) nil (unless 
(string-match "rileyrg@" (gnus-fetch-field "From")) 

What his should be doing is ONLY archiving emails and then only if the
>From is not rile...@.

Any help or pointers appreciated.

info-gnus-english mailing list

nnmal archive group wont go away

2010-05-03 Thread Richard Riley

I think I have missed something in the docs.

| gnus-message-archive-group is a variable defined in `gnus.el'.
| Its value is 
| ((if
|  (message-news-p)
|  nil
|(string-match "rileyrg@"
|(gnus-fetch-original-field "From"))
|  "nnimap+mymail:INBOX.sent")))

This setting should ONLY store the Gcc in the imap INBOX.sent if the my
email is NOT started with "rileyrg@". That seems to work. But I still
have an nnml group open. I dont use that afaik : everything on the email
side is imap.

| * {nnml:archive} (opened)
|  {nnmairix:localhost} (opened)
|  {nnimap:mymail} (opened)
|  {nntp:motzarella} (opened)
|  {nntp:Gmane} (opened)
| * {nnml:nnml-mail-storage} (opened)

How can I suppress the opening of these servers?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus, maildir, and nnmaildir

2010-04-03 Thread Richard Riley
Damian  writes:

> Hello,
> After two days of futile struggling with gnus, gnus manual, blogs, and
> tutorials, I decided to write to you.
> The situation is the following. I get my email with getmail, which
> delivers it in the ~/Maildir folder, using the maildir format.
> Now I would like to use maildir as a mail source, and nnmaildir as
> select method. Thus I've configured gnus in the following way:
> (setq
>  gnus-select-method '(nnmaildir "mymailbox" (directory "~/Mail/"))
>  mail-sources '((maildir :path "~/Maildir/" :subdirs ("cur" "new")))
>  mail-source-delete-incoming t
>  )
> But all I see is the groups
>   9: nndoc+gnus-help:gnus-help
>*: nndraft:queue
>*: nndraft:drafts
> What I'm I missing?
> Thanks in advance,
> Damian.

I use a local imap server now, and cant find my old Maildir settings but:

Did you subscribe to your new groups? In your *Group* buffer hit "^"
then select your backend with "enter" and then subscribe to groups using
"u". If thats the solution then look into using topics too in order to
logically group your mail groups.

Why is your directory "~/Mail" above? You said your Maildir was

And I'm not sure mail-sources is appropriate. Someone else can clarify
that hopefully.

info-gnus-english mailing list

problem with signed posts

2010-03-31 Thread Richard Riley

Having just moved to a new laptop I now have a problem with signed
messages. When reading one I get (I include it in full) the following. I
guess I have missed a library or setting, but what? Emacs 23 in debian

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[(target old new) 
| #‡" [old new target replace-regexp-in-string] 4] 4)
|   mm-replace-in-string("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\n\nEric 
Schulte wrote:\n>Hi David,\n> [...]\n>>\n>> 2nd/\n>>\n>> The usage of 
multipart/alternative is not in compliance with the\n>> specs, too.  There it 
reads:\n>>\n>> [...]\n>>\n>> So if you attach *only a part* of the plain text 
message body, you\n>> should not use multipart/alternative: Because\n>>\n>>   
1. a part of a message is not \"an 'alternative' version of the same\n>>  
information.\"\n>>\n>>   2. if recipients user agent prefers html messages it 
will display\n>>  only the html'ized part.\n>>\n\n>I should have been 
clearer here.  I *am* using the multipart/alternative\n>appropriately.  When a 
chunk of org-mode text is converted to html I am\n>adding a single 
multipart/alternative block with two alternatives, both\n>the plain org-mode 
text, and the html, so that users like me who prefer\n>to see plain text can do 
so, and users of web clients like gmail can see\n>nice markup.\n\nOkay, should 
have looked closer to the code.\n\n1/\n\nBut I still feel uncomfortable with 
the current solution: Even if the\nmessage created by current org-mail-htmlize 
is a valid MIME message (I\nthink so) it is a rather complex MIME structure and 
I have no idea how\nother MUAs will display such a message.\n\nMoreover, this 
complexity is unecessary if we make the assumption:\n\n  If substantial parts 
of your message require html markup do be\n  displayed by a some of your 
recipients, than send a html\n  representation of the entire message along with 
the plain text.[1]\n\nFor a recipient who preferes html the result is the same: 
For him the\nsubstantial parts are displayed in a meaningful way.  People 
who\nprefer or depend on plain text get the plain text.  And we 
avoid\nuneccesary complexity.\n\nThinking functional this might be the first 
function of\norg-mail-htmlize[1]: Create a html representation of message body 
if\nnecessary or appropriate.\n\n2/\n\nThe second function: Attach external 
files that are referenced in the\nmessage.  This might be useful even if you 
don't send out html\nmessages: All external files are stashed into a 
multipart/mixed\ncontainer along with a Content-Id: header field.\n\nThan all 
references are changed accordingly to point to the attached\nfiles:\n\n  - for 
html use src/href with the cid: prefix\n\n  - for text: good question.  Maybe 
replace occurences of the file\nwith a customizable string saying: \"see 
attached file\".\n\n3/\n\nFor Wanderlust multipart/alternative is 
(replace \"_\" by \"-\")\n\n__<>_{\n\nand 
closing\n\n__}_<>\n\n4/\n\nDetecting the plain text body should 
not just stop on end of buffer\nbut also on the first occurence of a MIME 
delimiter: Maybe the user\nalready added a attachment.\n\nAnd, last not least: 
This has the potential for going into contrib.\nMaybe it should be renamed to 
org-mime -- it's neither just about\nmail, nor just about htmlizing.\n\nHTH\n  
-- David\n\n[1] This assumption may also address the concerns about sending 
html\nmessages: From my perspective html message are not a problem in\nitself.  
Sometimes people have to send html messages (organizational\nrules) and 
sometimes it is appropriate for content to render properly.\nAs far as I read 
on the topic of html message they got their bad name\nbecause people where 
sending html messages implicitely assuming that\nall recipients /can/ read them 
in the same \"fancy\" format as they did.\nSuch an assumtion is wrong because 
it does not take into account that\ninformation and it's representation are two 
different things and\ncomputers are create in processing and (re)formatting 
information.\n\nAnyway, what org-mail-htmlize really misses is a function that 
adds\nfance pictures (cats!), sounds and maybe even flash animations to 
the\nmessages :D\n\n\n\n--\nOpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6\nJabber\nemail.\n" "\n" "
\n" t)
|   byte-code("ÆÇÈÉÊ�...@#†ÌÆ#‰ƒ.ÍaÌÇÆ$‰„rÎÏ 
!‰ƒkÐ�...@g! ...@%ˆ+ÑÒ\"ˆÓ ÔÕÆ$Ö!× ÒØُˆÎÚÛ\fÜ\"! 
!‰ƒ‡Ð�...@g! ...@%ˆ+.‡" [signature part signature-file plain context 
inhibit-redisplay t nil mm-find-raw-part-by-type get-text-property 0 protocol 
"application/pgp-signature" mm-find-part-by-type gnus-info "Corrupted" 
put-text-property throw error mm-replace-in-string "\n" "
\n" mm-get-part epg-make-context (byte-code "Ä \n#ć" [context signature part 
plain epg-verify-string] 4) ((error ...)) epg-verify-result-to-string 
epg-context-result-for verify ctl handle mm-security-handle value parameter] 7)

spam handling : spam-move-spam-nonspam-groups-only

2010-03-13 Thread Richard Riley

In the gnus manual, spam-move-spam-nonspam-groups-only is used in Ted's
setup. Its not documented as a variable. Anyone shed some light on it please?

I guess its saying only fire the rules to move spam to other folders in
folders marked as non spam folders.

info-gnus-english mailing list

gnus-posting-styles based on server name

2010-02-23 Thread Richard Riley

Is there a way to get the current server name in a (header MATCH RE) match in
gnus posting styles?



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Play sound on new mail

2010-02-10 Thread Richard Riley

Joe Galaxy  writes:

> Hi all, there is possible to make gnus play a sound when new mail
> arrives?

That should be the job of something like gnubiff - you want an app which
polls your mailbox and tells you there is mail pending collection.

Since you probably manually tell gnus to fetch mail it doesnt seem
appropriate that it beeps when it gets mail since you will see it anyway
in the Group buffer.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Personal mail lists with gnus plus bbdb

2010-01-22 Thread Richard Riley
Adrian Lanz  writes:

>>>>>> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 19:42:17 +0100
>>>>>> Richard Riley  writes:
> > Then when you send a mail shot out just type "church" into the
> > to/Bcc field and enter to expand it to all the bbdb entries with
> > the alias of "church".
> Any idea, how to get alias completion? Typing "chur" into the To/Bcc
> field and pressing the tab key would expand "chur" to church or give me
> list of possible completions. At the moment, I get only a list of single
> entry completions.

I'm not sure its practical since completion is more generally used for
normal bbdb email addresses.

Google Talk :
ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
 - against HTML email  X
 & vCards / \

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Personal mail lists with gnus plus bbdb

2010-01-21 Thread Richard Riley
Harry Putnam  writes:

> I'm getting a little confused about how to create a mailling list
> using gnus and bbdb.
> The directions talk as if `mail-abbrevs.el' is required to make it
> work.  But I see that code is apparently not part of gnus, emacs  or
> bbdb distributions.  So wondering if this info in the manual is out of
> date or something.
> At least mail-abbrevs.el it is not on my system with gnus from cvs,
> emacs-23 and most recent bbdb installed.
> It appears it might be part of xemacs distro... but not sure about
> that since I don't use xemacs
> At any rate, just adding an aliase to a few bbdb entries, saving bbdb,
> then putting the alias in the To: field seems to not have the desired
> effect, and doesn't expand with M-tab (bbdb-complete-name as is described 
> in the bbdb manual
> Googling `mail-abbrevs.el... isn't even turning up somewhere to
> download it.
> Can any one describe how they use bbdb with gnus to create mailling
> lists?

Do this:

| (add-hook 'message-mode-hook (lambda () (abbrev-mode 1)))
| ; for alias field - useful for mailing lists
| ;; (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
| (bbdb-define-all-aliases)

I do the aliases once but change the comment accordingly.

Then just add an alias to people you want in their bbdb entries by
pressing "a" and then adding the alias - lets say "church".

Then when you send a mail shot out just type "church" into the to/Bcc
field and enter to expand it to all the bbdb entries with the alias of



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info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Sharing Gnus on several machines

2010-01-19 Thread Richard Riley

Florent Georges  writes:

>   Hi,
>   I use several machine every days, and I wonder whether it is possible to 
> share
> Gnus configuration between them.  In particular, which messages have been 
> read.
>   Sharing the ~/.gnus config is easy, but when I leave the machine A, then log
> on machine B, I would like to not see the messages I've read on machine A.  If
> needed, I can save some files from A to a server when I leave Gnus, then 
> update
> them on B before launching Gnus again.
>   Is there a solution?  Did I miss something in the manual?
>   Regards,

I used to use unison, now I use git on my own repo, to sync. The file
.newsrc.eld is a good start combined with  (setq gnus-save-newsrc-file
nil). I cant be 100% sure since I use git to dup my entire .emacs.d.

YMMV - good luck.

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info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Automatically executing a function at sending

2010-01-19 Thread Richard Riley
Merciadri Luca  writes:

> Hi,
> I have defined some function, say funcx, that is useful for me if it
> is executed once I have finished writing my message (for Usenet or in
> an e-mail). If this function is executed before writing the message,
> that does the same effect. The only thing it needs is to be executed in an 
> e-mail/group
> posting buffer.
> I currently do M-x funcx (manually), but I do not like manually doing things
> that may be repeated.
> Is there an alternative to this?
> Thanks.
> --
> Merciadri Luca
> See

(your .sig separator should be "-- " btw)

Does this help?

| (defun wicked/gnus-add-subject-to-bbdb-record ()
|   "Add datestamped subject note for each person this message has been sent 
|   (let* ((subject (concat (format-time-string "%Y.%m.%d")
|   ": E-mail: " (message-fetch-field "Subject") "\n"))
|  (bbdb-get-addresses-headers
|   (list (assoc 'recipients bbdb-get-addresses-headers)))
|  records)
| (setq records
|   (bbdb-update-records
|(bbdb-get-addresses nil gnus-ignored-from-addresses 
|nil nil))
| (mapc (lambda (rec)
| (bbdb-record-putprop rec
|  'contact
|  (concat subject
|  (or
|   (bbdb-record-getprop rec 'contact)
|   ""
|   records)))
| (add-hook 'message-send-hook 'wicked/gnus-add-subject-to-bbdb-record)

I borrowed it from Sacha Chua's website.

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info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2010-01-14 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 01:19:38 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Ted Zlatanov  writes:
>>> On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 01:42:48 +0100 Richard Riley  
>>> wrote: 
> RR> Ted Zlatanov  writes:
>>>>> Let's debug it.  Run the following in a clean (emacs -q) instance:
>>>>> (require 'epa-file)
>>>>> (require 'auth-source)
>>>>> (require 'cl)
>>>>> (epa-file-enable)
>>>>> (setq auth-source-debug t ; use `message' to log messages
>>>>> epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t
>>>>> auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
>>>>> (auth-source-user-or-password "login" "" "imap")
>>>>> What does the last call return (should be your login name)?  What's in
>>>>> *Messages*?
> RR> It returns my login name ok. 
> RR> *Messages* just has
> RR> auth-source-user-or-password: found (login)=(shamrock) for 
> (imap)
> RR> "shamrock"
> RR> I also got prompted for a symmetric password to unlock the authinfo.gpg
> RR> Note that my login name for the remote host is, in this case, the same
> RR> as my local login id.
>>> If this works, it should work for all other IMAP cases as well.  Look at
>>> nnimap.el, it has the same call in nnimap-open-connection.  Can you try
>>> the auth-source-user-or-password call inside your regular sessions
>>> (instead of `emacs -q'), where auth-source.el doesn't work for you?  Is
>>> there something you see that might hint what the problem is?
>>> Ted
> RR> The issue was with nntp selects not other IMAPS as  recall.
> Can you try the call with "nntp" as the protocol and the right host name?
> Ted

It returns nil.

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info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Solved

2010-01-13 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:57:56 + (UTC) Memnon Anon 
>  wrote: 
> MA> Memnon Anon  writes:
>>> As I use two different smtp servers, I used this config:
>>> by Volkan Yazici, which basically works fine.
> MA> Volkan updated the wiki page with an improved version 
> MA> (Thanks for that!).
> MA> Are there plans to include this (or something providing a similar
> MA> approach to this feature) into the official distribution?
> MA> It is not exactly an uncommon thing to use more than one smtp-server, is
> MA> it? 
> I'd say it's a pretty unusual situation.  The vast majority have just
> one in my experience.  Still, we should support it better.  Have you
> been happy with the config?  Any issues?
> Ted

I think multiple smtp is more common than some think. I use the mstmp
config included here:

Search for msmtp-change-smtp



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info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2010-01-13 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 01:42:48 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Ted Zlatanov  writes:
>>> Let's debug it.  Run the following in a clean (emacs -q) instance:
>>> (require 'epa-file)
>>> (require 'auth-source)
>>> (require 'cl)
>>> (epa-file-enable)
>>> (setq auth-source-debug t ; use `message' to log messages
>>> epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t
>>> auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
>>> (auth-source-user-or-password "login" "" "imap")
>>> What does the last call return (should be your login name)?  What's in
>>> *Messages*?
> RR> It returns my login name ok. 
> RR> *Messages* just has
> RR> auth-source-user-or-password: found (login)=(shamrock) for 
> (imap)
> RR> "shamrock"
> RR> I also got prompted for a symmetric password to unlock the authinfo.gpg
> RR> Note that my login name for the remote host is, in this case, the same
> RR> as my local login id.
> If this works, it should work for all other IMAP cases as well.  Look at
> nnimap.el, it has the same call in nnimap-open-connection.  Can you try
> the auth-source-user-or-password call inside your regular sessions
> (instead of `emacs -q'), where auth-source.el doesn't work for you?  Is
> there something you see that might hint what the problem is?
> Ted

The issue was with nntp selects not other IMAPS as  recall.

Google Talk :

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2010-01-05 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> Let's debug it.  Run the following in a clean (emacs -q) instance:
> (require 'epa-file)
> (require 'auth-source)
> (require 'cl)
> (epa-file-enable)
> (setq auth-source-debug t ; use `message' to log messages
>   epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t
>   auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
> (auth-source-user-or-password "login" "" "imap")
> What does the last call return (should be your login name)?  What's in
> *Messages*?
> Thanks
> Ted

It returns my login name ok. 

*Messages* just has

auth-source-user-or-password: found (login)=(shamrock) for 

I also got prompted for a symmetric password to unlock the authinfo.gpg

Note that my login name for the remote host is, in this case, the same
as my local login id.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-22 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:08:11 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> I wasn't aware you could do that! Works reliably now indicating an issue
> RR> with emacs talking to the agent.
> Since EPA is part of Emacs proper, you should file a bug.  I know it's
> not easy to repeat the bug but it certainly seems annoying.
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:20:44 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Works fine now with your suggestion. But now I am confused as to how to
> RR> correctly set this up. Do I still need to to set (nntp-authinfo-file
> RR> "~/.authinfo.gpg") for each secondary select method call? And if so,
> RR> where doe the epa set up come in? If you could explain how it fits
> RR> together that would be great.
> I set the authinfo file globally, with just auth-sources.  I don't set
> it per select method.  You can, but the effect will be different and I
> don't know for sure it will work correctly.
> When you load EPG/EPA (I forget the exact package demarkation) a handler
> is set up for .gpg files *by default* (you can change that).  When you
> open or save such a file, it's automatically decoded or encoded by the
> EPG/EPA handlers.  All of this is outside Gnus.  So specifying a .gpg
> file for auth-sources is no different than a regular file.
> Ted

With the latest emacs build in debian testing, I came back to this. It
100% does not work for me unless I specifically set the authinfo file
for each select method. My set up includes this:

| (require 'epa-file)
| (epa-file-enable)
| (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY Important
| (if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo.gpg")
| (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
| (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t
| (setq 
|   mml2015-encrypt-to-self t
|   mml2015-cache-passphrase t
|   mml2015-passphrase-cache-expiry 6
|   mml2015-verbose t)
| (setq   gnus-select-method '(nnimap "mymail"
|  (nnimap-stream tls)
|  (nnimap-address "")
|  (nnimap-expunge-on-close always)
| ;;   (nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
|  (nnimap-nov-is-evil nil)
|  (nnir-search-engine imap)))
| (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
|   '(nntp "motzarella"
|(nntp-address "")
|  (nntp-port-number 119)
| ;;   (nntp-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
|  )
| )

With the authinfo lines commented out as above I get prompted for user
id and password for the imap server.

What am I missing?



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-07 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:08:11 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> I wasn't aware you could do that! Works reliably now indicating an issue
> RR> with emacs talking to the agent.
> Since EPA is part of Emacs proper, you should file a bug.  I know it's
> not easy to repeat the bug but it certainly seems annoying.
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:20:44 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Works fine now with your suggestion. But now I am confused as to how to
> RR> correctly set this up. Do I still need to to set (nntp-authinfo-file
> RR> "~/.authinfo.gpg") for each secondary select method call? And if so,
> RR> where doe the epa set up come in? If you could explain how it fits
> RR> together that would be great.
> I set the authinfo file globally, with just auth-sources.  I don't set
> it per select method.  You can, but the effect will be different and I
> don't know for sure it will work correctly.
> When you load EPG/EPA (I forget the exact package demarkation) a handler
> is set up for .gpg files *by default* (you can change that).  When you
> open or save such a file, it's automatically decoded or encoded by the
> EPG/EPA handlers.  All of this is outside Gnus.  So specifying a .gpg
> file for auth-sources is no different than a regular file.
> Ted

btw, just looked again

(setqgnus-select-method '(nnimap "mymail"
   (nnimap-stream tls)
   (nnimap-address "")
   (nnimap-expunge-on-close always)
   (nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
   (nnimap-nov-is-evil nil)
   (nnir-search-engine imap)))

if I remove the nnimap-authinfo line it most definitely does not default
to auth-sources. it prompts me for a user and a password. my authsources
set up is

(require 'auth-source)
(require 'epa-file)
(setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY Important
(if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo.gpg")
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t

emacs 23 (with accompanying gnus).

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-03 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 01:54:04 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Ted Zlatanov  writes:
>>> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:08:11 +0100 Richard Riley  
>>> wrote: 
> RR> I wasn't aware you could do that! Works reliably now indicating an issue
> RR> with emacs talking to the agent.
>>> Since EPA is part of Emacs proper, you should file a bug.  I know it's
>>> not easy to repeat the bug but it certainly seems annoying.
>>> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:20:44 +0100 Richard Riley  
>>> wrote: 
> RR> Works fine now with your suggestion. But now I am confused as to how to
> RR> correctly set this up. Do I still need to to set (nntp-authinfo-file
> RR> "~/.authinfo.gpg") for each secondary select method call? And if so,
> RR> where doe the epa set up come in? If you could explain how it fits
> RR> together that would be great.
>>> I set the authinfo file globally, with just auth-sources.  I don't set
>>> it per select method.  You can, but the effect will be different and I
>>> don't know for sure it will work correctly.
> RR> Without specifying  (nntp-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
> RR> in my secondary methods it does not connect :-(
> RR> But just to confirm : with no such line gnus should use the
> RR> auth-sources?
> Yes.  It works for me with just setting auth-sources so you're either
> using different libraries from me or your configuration is different.
> Do you know ELisp well enough to debug the problem?
> Ted

I'm using the debian testing emacs 23.

I'll have a crack at debugging it some time next week.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How can I delete all emails at a time?

2009-12-02 Thread Richard Riley
Katsumi Yamaoka  writes:

>> Water Lin wrote:
>> Is there any way I can delete all emails in my mailbox without using
>> mark command # ?
> How about `C-u G DEL' in the group buffer?

That kills the group too.

info-gnus-english mailing list

bbdb-complete-name : need alist

2009-12-02 Thread Richard Riley

I was wondering if anyone with more eLisp foo than me has perhaps
already clipped out the necessary code in  bbdb-complete-name to provide
an alist of possible completions? I ask because then one might easily
produce a company-mode backed for bbdb name completions in gnus to/from

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-02 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:08:11 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> I wasn't aware you could do that! Works reliably now indicating an issue
> RR> with emacs talking to the agent.
> Since EPA is part of Emacs proper, you should file a bug.  I know it's
> not easy to repeat the bug but it certainly seems annoying.
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:20:44 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> Works fine now with your suggestion. But now I am confused as to how to
> RR> correctly set this up. Do I still need to to set (nntp-authinfo-file
> RR> "~/.authinfo.gpg") for each secondary select method call? And if so,
> RR> where doe the epa set up come in? If you could explain how it fits
> RR> together that would be great.
> I set the authinfo file globally, with just auth-sources.  I don't set
> it per select method.  You can, but the effect will be different and I
> don't know for sure it will work correctly.

Without specifying  (nntp-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
in my secondary methods it does not connect :-(

But just to confirm : with no such line gnus should use the

> When you load EPG/EPA (I forget the exact package demarkation) a handler
> is set up for .gpg files *by default* (you can change that).  When you
> open or save such a file, it's automatically decoded or encoded by the
> EPG/EPA handlers.  All of this is outside Gnus.  So specifying a .gpg
> file for auth-sources is no different than a regular file.
> Ted


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-02 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 19:35:17 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> I just wonder how many of you were using pgp and something like
> RR> gupg-agent?
> RR> I was having terrible connection problems for ages with a set up like
> RR> this:
> RR> ,
> RR> | (require 'auth-source)
> RR> | (require 'epa-file)
> RR> | (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY 
> Important
> RR> | (if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo")
> RR> | (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t)))
> RR> | (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol 
> t
> RR> | (setq 
> RR> |   mml2015-encrypt-to-self t
> RR> |   mml2015-cache-passphrase t
> RR> |   mml2015-passphrase-cache-expiry 6
> RR> |   mml2015-verbose t)
> RR> `
> RR> When using the .gpg, hard to pinpoint but constant refusals to connect
> RR> to a server (nntp) when doing a refresh or even starting Gnus for the 
> first
> RR> time. Often quitting gnus and then restarting fixed it. I know the
> RR> default above is .authinfo as that is my set up now (I just recreated
> RR> the .authinfo from the .gpg file) and all connection issues vanished.
> RR> Is anyone else here using the epa stuff with more success? Can you share
> RR> your setup? I would love to use the (chmodded) .authinfo and replace
> RR> with a .gpg but it doesn't seem very stable with my set up above.
> RR> I know the agent was running fine.
> I don't use the GnuPG agent, I just cache the passphrase locally.  It
> works perfectly for me with heavy daily usage.  Can you try that (set
> GPG_AGENT_INFO=none) and see if it works for you?
> Ted

Works fine now with your suggestion. But now I am confused as to how to
correctly set this up. Do I still need to to set (nntp-authinfo-file
"~/.authinfo.gpg") for each secondary select method call? And if so,
where doe the epa set up come in? If you could explain how it fits
together that would be great.

e.g I have now

(require 'auth-source)
(require 'epa-file)
(setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY Important
(if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo.gpg")
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t
  mml2015-encrypt-to-self t
  mml2015-cache-passphrase t
  mml2015-passphrase-cache-expiry 6
  mml2015-verbose t)

(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
  '(nntp "motzarella"
   (nntp-address "")
   (nntp-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")
   (nntp-port-number 119)

so I am wondering where the auth-sources fits in now?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus and pgp

2009-12-02 Thread Richard Riley
Ted Zlatanov  writes:

> On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 19:35:17 +0100 Richard Riley  
> wrote: 
> RR> I just wonder how many of you were using pgp and something like
> RR> gupg-agent?
> RR> I was having terrible connection problems for ages with a set up like
> RR> this:
> RR> ,
> RR> | (require 'auth-source)
> RR> | (require 'epa-file)
> RR> | (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY 
> Important
> RR> | (if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo")
> RR> | (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t)))
> RR> | (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol 
> t
> RR> | (setq 
> RR> |   mml2015-encrypt-to-self t
> RR> |   mml2015-cache-passphrase t
> RR> |   mml2015-passphrase-cache-expiry 6
> RR> |   mml2015-verbose t)
> RR> `
> RR> When using the .gpg, hard to pinpoint but constant refusals to connect
> RR> to a server (nntp) when doing a refresh or even starting Gnus for the 
> first
> RR> time. Often quitting gnus and then restarting fixed it. I know the
> RR> default above is .authinfo as that is my set up now (I just recreated
> RR> the .authinfo from the .gpg file) and all connection issues vanished.
> RR> Is anyone else here using the epa stuff with more success? Can you share
> RR> your setup? I would love to use the (chmodded) .authinfo and replace
> RR> with a .gpg but it doesn't seem very stable with my set up above.
> RR> I know the agent was running fine.
> I don't use the GnuPG agent, I just cache the passphrase locally.  It
> works perfectly for me with heavy daily usage.  Can you try that (set
> GPG_AGENT_INFO=none) and see if it works for you?
> Ted

I wasn't aware you could do that! Works reliably now indicating an issue
with emacs talking to the agent.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Gnus and pgp

2009-11-29 Thread Richard Riley

I just wonder how many of you were using pgp and something like

I was having terrible connection problems for ages with a set up like

| (require 'auth-source)
| (require 'epa-file)
| (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ;;VERY Important
| (if (file-exists-p "~/.authinfo")
| (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo" :host t :protocol t)))
| (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t
| (setq 
|   mml2015-encrypt-to-self t
|   mml2015-cache-passphrase t
|   mml2015-passphrase-cache-expiry 6
|   mml2015-verbose t)

When using the .gpg, hard to pinpoint but constant refusals to connect
to a server (nntp) when doing a refresh or even starting Gnus for the first
time. Often quitting gnus and then restarting fixed it. I know the
default above is .authinfo as that is my set up now (I just recreated
the .authinfo from the .gpg file) and all connection issues vanished.

Is anyone else here using the epa stuff with more success? Can you share
your setup? I would love to use the (chmodded) .authinfo and replace
with a .gpg but it doesn't seem very stable with my set up above.

I know the agent was running fine.

Emacs 23 in Debian backports.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Multiple Message Forwarding/Attaching

2009-11-20 Thread Richard Riley
Nicolas KOWALSKI  writes:

> Thanks for your help Tassilo,
> Tassilo Horn  writes:
>> | A S runs the command gnus-sticky-article, which is an interactive compiled 
>> Lisp
>> | function in `gnus-art.el'.
> Ok, so I can not use it, because this function does not exist on my
> system, Gnus v5.11, GNU Emacs 22.2.1 on Debian Lenny. Too bad :-|

You might consider adding backports to your Lenny sources. Emacs 23
works well from that on Lenny.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Forwarding mail with NO headers

2009-11-02 Thread Richard Riley
Reiner Steib  writes:

> On Mon, Nov 02 2009, Richard Riley wrote:
>> Bill Day  writes:
>>> C-c C-f C-c copies the email I am responding to and ALL headers into
>>> my new email.
> Not sure what command you have bound to `C-c C-f C-c'. In message
> mode, C-c C-f C-c runs the command message-goto-cc, in the summary
> buffer C-c C-f runs the command gnus-summary-mail-forward.
>>> What command (or gnus.el configuration) can I use to get gnus to
>>> default to forwarding only the message body (and any attachments) but
>>> NOT the message headers into my forwarded email?
>> Related: it would be nice to forward a mail without the original to/cc
>> fields.
> What's wrong with `message-forward-ignored-headers'?
> ,[ (info "(message)Forwarding") ]
> | `message-forward-ignored-headers'
> |  All headers that match this regexp will be deleted when forwarding
> |  a message.
> `
> Bye, Reiner.

That works well Reiner. Thanks for the pointer. I had a quick look at
the gnus-summary-message-forward function but am not able (capable?!) to
see how to modify the subject line which Gnus creates for the forward
mail : it currently includes the original "from" as part of the new Subject
line. e.g

Subject: [Fred Smith] FW: Faceless

How can I stop that? I guess a setting of some kind exists.



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Forwarding mail with NO headers

2009-11-02 Thread Richard Riley
Reiner Steib  writes:

> On Mon, Nov 02 2009, Richard Riley wrote:
>> Bill Day  writes:
>>> C-c C-f C-c copies the email I am responding to and ALL headers into
>>> my new email.
> Not sure what command you have bound to `C-c C-f C-c'. In message
> mode, C-c C-f C-c runs the command message-goto-cc, in the summary
> buffer C-c C-f runs the command gnus-summary-mail-forward.
>>> What command (or gnus.el configuration) can I use to get gnus to
>>> default to forwarding only the message body (and any attachments) but
>>> NOT the message headers into my forwarded email?
>> Related: it would be nice to forward a mail without the original to/cc
>> fields.
> What's wrong with `message-forward-ignored-headers'?

I give up. What is?


> ,[ (info "(message)Forwarding") ]
> | `message-forward-ignored-headers'
> |  All headers that match this regexp will be deleted when forwarding
> |  a message.
> `
> Bye, Reiner.


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