Re: [PHP-DEV] Mailing list moderation

2018-01-03 Thread Tony Marston
"Stanislav Malyshev"  wrote in message


You may not like what I have to say, but that is no reason to ban me
from saying it. I believe in democracy and free speech, and by banning
or suspending me you are effectively banning the right to free speech.

This has nothing to do with free speech. You are welcome to exercise
your rights to free speech any way you like. But you don't have the
rights to be in the list if the community does not want it and if your
behavior is unhelpful and un-conductive to the discussion.

I can understand you banning or suspending someone because of personal abuse 
or offensive/foul language, but banning someone simply because you don't 
like what they say is a step too far. If this is allowed to happen then soon 
you will get to stage where someone says "Anyone who disagrees with my point 
of view is an idiot and should be banned from this list".

In that case,
you'd have to exercise your rights to free speech somewhere else. I am
sure the world of democracy will survive this. This, of course, is not
specific to anybody personally - anybody who does not think they can
abide by the rules of civilized discussion

Define "civilised". Anything which does not use foul or abusive language 
should be regarded as civilised. Expressing an unpopular opinion is still 
civilised. Anyone who tries to ban unpopular opinions should not be welcome 
on any list as this prevents proper discussion.

on the list could exercise
their free speech rights in other venues, of which there's always an
abundance. Polite, substantial, productive discussion is welcome - we do
not have any barriers or prerequisites for participation. Noise is not

There are too many delicate people on this list who regard any opinion which 
differs from theirs as "noise".

Nobody wants to see the noise on the list, and nobody wants to see yet
more noise by discussing who started it and who kicked or spat first and
who broke whose sand castle.

I suggest you start by aiming your wrath at those who move off-topic and 
start making personal attacks instead of those who defend themselves from 
such attacks.

Everybody must behave, or take a time out
and relax and think about more pleasant matters until they are able to
be polite again. Again, not about anybody personally, applies to all.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Mailing list moderation

2018-01-03 Thread Tony Marston
"Thomas Punt"  wrote in message



This mail is going to both the systems group and internals mailing list.

I would like to request a mailing list suspension for the users and, who have recently been
aggressively derailing the "Scalar Pseudo-type" thread, despite requests 

moderate their participation both in that thread, and on a number of
previous instances -- this is certainly not the first time these two 

have converted an RFC discussion into a dick measuring contest.


They've generated so much unnecessary noise on this mailing list that
I've had to set up rules in Outlook to automatically mark their emails as
read in order to skip past them.

Let's keep discussions on the mailing list on topic and fruitful.


You may not like what I have to say, but that is no reason to ban me from 
saying it. I believe in democracy and free speech, and by banning or 
suspending me you are effectively banning the right to free speech. As a 
long time user of PHP I earn a living by selling my software all over the 
world, so I have a vested interested in seeing that the language is not 
changed in a detrimental way. I have seen too many RFCs which do not provide 
genuine benefits for the greater PHP community, instead they pander to the 
personal whims of a vociferous minority who want to change the language to 
suit their personal coding style, or to fit their idea of purity.

As for all this so-called "dick measuring" if you bothered to read the posts 
you should see that I try to keep my comments as civil as possible, but when 
some prat attacks me personally on this list then I have the right to defend 
myself. You should focus your attention of those who make personal attacks 
and not those who are defending themselves.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2018-01-02 Thread Tony Marston
"Lester Caine"  wrote in message

On 31/12/17 22:45, Michael Morris wrote:

Please do not quote large swaths of Tony Marston's crap.  He's an
unrepentant liar, braggart and trouble maker that most of the list has
on ignore since the admins can't be bothered to do their job and kick 

Just because you don't like what I write does not give you reason to call it 

You call me an unrepentant liar - can you point to anything that I have said 
that has proven to be a lie?

You call me a braggart - but at least I have a code base that is still going 
strong after 15 years without using any of those optional extras that have 
been added to the language starting with PHP 5.

You call me a trouble maker - what trouble have I made and for whom?

You should learn to keep your insults to yourself.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2018-01-02 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 01.01.2018 um 10:21 schrieb Tony Marston:
Any attempt to make typehinting (or type enforcement as it has now 
become) is simply adding complications to the language which do not 
provide benefits to the greater PHP community, just a minority of poor 
coders who want the language to trap the bugs that they create in their 
code. There are some of us out there who are capable of writing bug-free 
code without type enforcement, so this RFC (and anything else connected 
with type hinting/enforcement) is something we don't need to use, 
therefore it has no benefits for us.

breaking news:
nobody is enforces anything to you

just don't use features you don't want to use but fix your dirty attitude 
that everything you don't need should be voted down!

I never said that just because I personally won't use a proposed feature 
that it should be voted down. It should only be voted up if it can provide 
benefits to the greater PHP community and not just a few individuals. I 
specifically said that if you don't understand an RFC or the benefits that 
it is supposed to provide then you should vote it down, otherwise you could 
be held responsible for allowing the language to be corrupted.

"There are some of us out there who are capable of writing bug-free code" 
is a laughable argumentation anyways

Why is that laughable? You appear to want to make the language more 
complicated just to catch the bugs that you keep creating. Some of us have 
learned how not to write such buggy code in the first place.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2018-01-01 Thread Tony Marston
"Dustin Wheeler"  wrote in message

On Dec 31, 2017, at 10:33 AM, "" <> 

Am 31.12.2017 um 11:27 schrieb Tony Marston:
"Michael Morris"  wrote in message

On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 5:37 AM, Lester Caine <> 

Not being able to vote, many of us have no option to complain about 
way things are going. Currently there seems to be several styles of 

form the nice and simple untyped version I moved to from very strictly
typed hard compiled code I'd been using up until then, through to
current code which is reliant on third party things like PSR and
Composer and expects only strictly typed PHP.

This is born of the fact that while ignoring datatype makes learning 

easier, it makes using it harder - especially when testing.
I strongly disagree. I have been using PHP since 2001 and I have never 
used type hinting in any form whasoever. Does it make testing more 
difficult? No, it does not

"I have never used type hinting in any form whasoever" - so how can you 
be qualified at all to tell anything about the difference how it would be 
if you would have used it?

Could the discussion be re-centered around the RFC at-hand rather than 
measuring "ego"? It seems that any thread that has both rhsoft and Tony 
involved devolves into a competition of opinion without much attempt to 
meet in the middle or understand one another.

Thanks. =

Any attempt to make typehinting (or type enforcement as it has now become) 
is simply adding complications to the language which do not provide benefits 
to the greater PHP community, just a minority of poor coders who want the 
language to trap the bugs that they create in their code. There are some of 
us out there who are capable of writing bug-free code without type 
enforcement, so this RFC (and anything else connected with type 
hinting/enforcement) is something we don't need to use, therefore it has no 
benefits for us.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2018-01-01 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 31.12.2017 um 11:27 schrieb Tony Marston:
"Michael Morris"  wrote in message

On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 5:37 AM, Lester Caine <> 

Not being able to vote, many of us have no option to complain about the
way things are going. Currently there seems to be several styles of PHP
form the nice and simple untyped version I moved to from very strictly
typed hard compiled code I'd been using up until then, through to
current code which is reliant on third party things like PSR and
Composer and expects only strictly typed PHP.

This is born of the fact that while ignoring datatype makes learning PHP
easier, it makes using it harder - especially when testing.

I strongly disagree. I have been using PHP since 2001 and I have never 
used type hinting in any form whasoever. Does it make testing more 
difficult? No, it does not

"I have never used type hinting in any form whasoever" - so how can you be 
qualified at all to tell anything about the difference how it would be if 
you would have used it?

I know that it would take a HUGE amount of effort to go through my massive 
code base to put typehints on every function and method, but for what 
benefit? Unless I can measure a definite performance gain then the lack of 
benefits would not justify the cost.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2018-01-01 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 31.12.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
Some of us are clever enough to write code that doesn't have those types 
of bug in the first place. I developed my framework in PHP4 before type 
hints even existed, and I developed a large enterprise application with 
that framework which is now being sold to large corporations all over the 
world. That codebase has moved from PHP 4 through all versions of PHP 5 
and is now running on PHP 7.1. During these upgrades I have only changed 
my code to deal with what has been deprecated, and I have never bothered 
with any of those new optional extras (such as typehints) unless I have 
been convinced that the effort of changing my code has measureable 

well my codebase dates back to 2002 but is stricted-typed in the meantime - 
and now?

PHP was never strictly typed from the start, and I have always loved the 
flexibility that this provided. I have never felt the urge to use typehints 
(or type enforcement that it has now become)and any potential bugs that this 
may create are quickly identified and resolved during my testing.

The idea that typehints provide benefits to the whole PHP community is 
completely bogus. It only provides apparent benefits to those programmers 
who have moved from a strictly type language to PHP and who feel lost 
without the crutch that a strongly typed language seems to provide. I 
work faster with a dynamically and weakly typed language, so speed of 
development is far more important to me.  Any so-called bugs are detected 
and fixed during the testing phase, so I don't want the language being 
slowed down performing checks that I don't want.

nosense - after 15 years PHP andmoved everything to strict_types in 2017 
(the current year) you can't accuse me that i have recebtly moved from a 
strongly typed language to PHP and felt lost all the years before

Just because a whole load of new features have been added to the language 
does not mean that I should use them. They are entirely optional, and I 
choose NOT to use them unless I am convinced that the benefits are worth the 

you think you work faster because you even don't realize small bugs until 
they become large enough that you sit there and debug for hours while a 
type-error with a stacktrace would have shown the mistake at the begin 
including the root cause

As I said previously, any such errors that may be caused by not using a 
strictly typed language are detected and fixed when I test my code. My main 
application has been in live use since 2008, and you can count on one hand 
the number of bugs which are reported each year.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2017-12-31 Thread Tony Marston
"Michael Morris"  wrote in message

On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 5:37 AM, Lester Caine <> wrote:

Not being able to vote, many of us have no option to complain about the
way things are going. Currently there seems to be several styles of PHP
form the nice and simple untyped version I moved to from very strictly
typed hard compiled code I'd been using up until then, through to
current code which is reliant on third party things like PSR and
Composer and expects only strictly typed PHP.

This is born of the fact that while ignoring datatype makes learning PHP
easier, it makes using it harder - especially when testing.

I strongly disagree. I have been using PHP since 2001 and I have never used 
type hinting in any form whasoever. Does it make testing more difficult? No, 
it does not.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2017-12-31 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 30.12.2017 um 11:37 schrieb Lester Caine:

On 30/12/17 09:16, Tony Marston wrote:

You are missing the point. If an RFC is so badly written that someone
does not understand it, or understand what benefits it is supposed to
provide, then there is no point in up-voting it

if i don't undrstand it i don't vote at all - that's the point

not up
not down

If you can't understand it then you cannot tell what benefit it gives to
the greater PHP community, and if you cannot see that it provides any
benefit then you should vote it DOWN.

The 'greater PHP community' I continue to support is still only looking
for a simply life, but each iteration of PHP7 is just making things more
and more complex, which is why I STILL have not switched off PHP5 and
5.4 and earlier is still running a large percentage of sites. Just what
percentage of the wider community thinks that strict typing is giving an
essential benefit? If there was a groundswell for typing then perhaps we
would not have this continual debate on just how to jam a little more of
a move that way and get on with a version of PHP that is only typed.
Then for one can simply avoid it ...

who thinks it don't give you a benefit?

for new code it's the best you can do do get it as bugfree as possible and 
fro old code you still are not forec to any typehints and for migration you 
have weak types too

sorry, but discuss end of 2017 if types was a goof d idea and talk about 
the 'greater community' but still run PHP5? in the meantime I have changed 
*everything* written in the last 15 yeas to strict_types=1 and type hints 
everywhere - you find so much potential bugs that it's worth

Some of us are clever enough to write code that doesn't have those types of 
bug in the first place. I developed my framework in PHP4 before type hints 
even existed, and I developed a large enterprise application with that 
framework which is now being sold to large corporations all over the world. 
That codebase has moved from PHP 4 through all versions of PHP 5 and is now 
running on PHP 7.1. During these upgrades I have only changed my code to 
deal with what has been deprecated, and I have never bothered with any of 
those new optional extras (such as typehints) unless I have been convinced 
that the effort of changing my code has measureable benefits.

The idea that typehints provide benefits to the whole PHP community is 
completely bogus. It only provides apparent benefits to those programmers 
who have moved from a strictly type language to PHP and who feel lost 
without the crutch that a strongly typed language seems to provide. I work 
faster with a dynamically and weakly typed language, so speed of development 
is far more important to me.  Any so-called bugs are detected and fixed 
during the testing phase, so I don't want the language being slowed down 
performing checks that I don't want.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2017-12-31 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 30.12.2017 um 10:16 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message
You are missing the point. If an RFC is so badly written that someone 
does not understand it, or understand what benefits it is supposed to 
provide, then there is no point in up-voting it

if i don't undrstand it i don't vote at all - that's the point

not up
not down

If you can't understand it then you cannot tell what benefit it gives to 
the greater PHP community, and if you cannot see that it provides any 
benefit then you should vote it DOWN. Common sense should dictate that 
you only vote it UP when you are convinced that it will provide something 
of benefit. If you don't vote at all you are admitting that you are 
clueless, or don't care, in which case you are not preventing a bad idea 
from being accepted. If it later turns out that it was a crock of sh*t 
then you will be partly to blame because you didn't have the intelligence 
to see it as such and didn't speak up. If you don't understand an RFC 
then not only do you not understand the benefits that it can provide, you 
also don't understand the damage that it can cause.

frankly, in the real world when you don't understand what some people are 
talking about you don't join and say "no, you are wrong" - you either shut 
up or ask again but you don't step in yelling "no!"

It is not about an idea being right or wrong, it is about adding something 
new to the language. If you are not convinced that it will add value to the 
language then you should vote it down. Not voting either way because you 
don't understand the RFC or its proposed benefits just shows that you aren't 
qualified to vote on anything.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2017-12-30 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 29.12.2017 um 09:04 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 29.12.2017 um 00:21 schrieb Larry Garfield:
Correct.  Union types I've always seen presented as offering both union 
intersection.  There are cases where union is great, and where it's 
silly.  There are cases where intersect is great, and where it's kinda 

Most of the anti- arguments I've seen for "union types" have fixated on 
"int &&
string is meaningless, and Foo || Bar is bad design, so union types are 
Entirely ignoring the flip side, which is int || string (valid use 
cases) and

Foo && Bar (many many valid use cases)

well, that explains why the same person which hase a usecase for a 
"scalar" pseudo-type donw-votes but 
it makes his vote not logical at all

frankly the only valid reasons to down-vote something should be 
technical ones which matters for the PHP core itself and not "i don't 
understand a feature hence nobody should have it"

You are missing the point. If an RFC is so badly written that someone 
does not understand it, or understand what benefits it is supposed to 
provide, then there is no point in up-voting it

if i don't undrstand it i don't vote at all - that's the point

not up
not down

If you can't understand it then you cannot tell what benefit it gives to the 
greater PHP community, and if you cannot see that it provides any benefit 
then you should vote it DOWN. Common sense should dictate that you only vote 
it UP when you are convinced that it will provide something of benefit. If 
you don't vote at all you are admitting that you are clueless, or don't 
care, in which case you are not preventing a bad idea from being accepted. 
If it later turns out that it was a crock of sh*t then you will be partly to 
blame because you didn't have the intelligence to see it as such and didn't 
speak up. If you don't understand an RFC then not only do you not understand 
the benefits that it can provide, you also don't understand the damage that 
it can cause.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [DISCUSSION] Scalar Pseudo-type

2017-12-29 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 29.12.2017 um 00:21 schrieb Larry Garfield:
Correct.  Union types I've always seen presented as offering both union 

intersection.  There are cases where union is great, and where it's kinda
silly.  There are cases where intersect is great, and where it's kinda 

Most of the anti- arguments I've seen for "union types" have fixated on 
"int &&
string is meaningless, and Foo || Bar is bad design, so union types are 
Entirely ignoring the flip side, which is int || string (valid use cases) 

Foo && Bar (many many valid use cases)

well, that explains why the same person which hase a usecase for a "scalar" 
pseudo-type donw-votes but it makes 
his vote not logical at all

frankly the only valid reasons to down-vote something should be technical 
ones which matters for the PHP core itself and not "i don't understand a 
feature hence nobody should have it"

You are missing the point. If an RFC is so badly written that someone does 
not understand it, or understand what benefits it is supposed to provide, 
then there is no point in up-voting it. You may contrive a use case where it 
provides a small benefit, but if that use case is so limited or so obscure 
that it does not apply to a significant number of developers then that RFC 
should be voted down simply because it does not provide any significant 

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Namespace-scoped declares, again

2017-12-13 Thread Tony Marston
""Michal Brzuchalski""  wrote in message

13.12.2017 11:44 "Tony Marston" <> napisal(a):

""Michal Brzuchalski""  wrote in message news:CABdc3WpomNLz+vX_m0B0wQ3u

2017-12-13 1:16 GMT+01:00 Andreas Hennings <>:

Why? Because users use PSR-4 so then they're src folder looks more like:


You are assuming that everybody is using PSR-4. That is a wrong assumption
to make.

I didn't say everybody at all! Please read carefully.

I DID read carefully. You wrote "users use PSR-4" and not "those users who 
use PSR-4". You did not specify a subset of users, so this implies all 

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Namespace-scoped declares, again

2017-12-13 Thread Tony Marston
""Michal Brzuchalski""  wrote in message

2017-12-13 1:16 GMT+01:00 Andreas Hennings <>:

Why? Because users use PSR-4 so then they're src folder looks more like:


You are assuming that everybody is using PSR-4. That is a wrong assumption 
to make.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Namespace-scoped declares, again

2017-12-13 Thread Tony Marston
"Andreas Hennings"  wrote in message

I agree with all of Stanislav's emails in this thread so far.

On 12 December 2017 at 14:43, Nikita Popov <> wrote:

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <>

PHP as a language should not assume that someone is using Composer 

Or even using Composer at all.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-08 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

well,  you always ignore anything but your opinion and the next step is 
calling people "except if you are a nit-picking, anal retentive OCD 
sufferer" because they don't follow your argumentation as it happened in 
several threads

The whole point of my argument is that I believe it is wrong to fill the 
language with clever functions which do nothing but save a few keystrokes 
for those developers who are too lazy to type out a few simple lines of 
userland code. Filling the language with such bloat has a detrimental effect 
on everybody who uses the language, and especially on the core developers 
who have to maintain that bloat.

You stop telling me that you don't like my opinion and I will stop telling 
you that I don't like your opinion.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Alice Wonder"  wrote in message

On 11/07/2017 02:21 AM, Tony Marston wrote:

Some things are so obvious that they do not need scientific proof.

Some things that appear obvious are incorrect, especially when bias enters. 
Scientific proof brings human bias out of the equation, or at least reduces 

example, in a motor vehicle the power-to-weight ratio is important as it
affects engine performance and fuel economy. In other words, for a given
engine size the lower the weight of the car and the better the fuel
consumption. The more weight you add the lower the performance. Your car
has a heater which you only use when it's cold. It also has an air
conditioner for when it's hot. It has windscreen wipers, and a motor,
for when it's raining. When the temperature is mild and it's not raining
it means that you are not using any of this equipment, yet you are still
carrying their weight, and this weight is affecting your car's
performance. I do not have to supply any figures as proof as the car
manufacturers keep telling us that cars that weigh less perform better,
which is why they try to reduce the weight of as any components as

You then give an example for which every first year physics students has 
done experiments which use science to demonstrate it (namely demonstrating 
how weight impacts friction)

Sorry but if something is obvious then it should be able to test in a 
scientific experiment.

Individuals do not need to provide proof of this claim as it has already 
been made by the motor manufacturers who have provided their own proof. That 
is why they spend fortunes trying to reduce the weight of every single 
component in their cars.

It should also be obvious to every first year student that if a program 
contains code that is rarely or never used then carrying around the "weight" 
of that code has a detrimental effect. The code has a bigger footprint, 
therefore takes up more memory and is slower to load. It also increases the 
burden on those who maintain that code as they have to consider every piece 
of code without knowing how often it is used.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Stephen Reay"  wrote in message

On 7 Nov 2017, at 17:21, Tony Marston <> wrote:

I was around when that happened, so I know what I'm talking about.

I'm not going to get into the whole "it can be done in userland why do we 
need it in core" debate, because honestly that's a silly discussion to have 
when you don't have any planned implementation to discuss the merits of.

So you are quite happy to see the language filled with complicated features 
which do nothing but save a few keystrokes or lazy developers?

The only reason I wanted to respond was your last line, quoted above.

Being "around" when something happens means zero as far as credibility or 

The captain of the titanic was "around" when it sank.

Irrelevant analogy. If you read you will see 
the advantage of getting rid of complex and specialised instructions and 
concentrating on simple and general instructions.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-07 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 06.11.2017 um 12:09 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 05.11.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
wrote in message
it depends on the implementation and just beause you say so does not 
prove anything and even if you need to measure, optimize and make 
decisions based on technical facts - what you do is "mimimi i say"

I have worked on software which provided lots of different options, 
which means that you have to keep testing if an option is being used or 
not. This is an overhead whether you like it or not.

maybe your implementation was bad

Everybody knows that carrying around code which is either rarely used or 
not used at all is an overhead

everybody knows that claims without measure the impact are worthless

Some things are so obvious that they do not need scientific proof. For 
example, in a motor vehicle the power-to-weight ratio is important as it 
affects engine performance and fuel economy. In other words, for a given 
engine size the lower the weight of the car and the better the fuel 
consumption. The more weight you add the lower the performance. Your car has 
a heater which you only use when it's cold. It also has an air conditioner 
for when it's hot. It has windscreen wipers, and a motor, for when it's 
raining. When the temperature is mild and it's not raining it means that you 
are not using any of this equipment, yet you are still carrying their 
weight, and this weight is affecting your car's performance. I do not have 
to supply any figures as proof as the car manufacturers keep telling us that 
cars that weigh less perform better, which is why they try to reduce the 
weight of as any components as possible.

It is the same with software. The more code you carry around that is not 
being used then the worse it will perform. Esoteric code which uses clever 
features to perform tasks which can already be performed with simple code 
is, IMHO, an unnecessary complication which benefits only those lazy 
programmers who are obsessed with reducing the number of keystrokes. Taking 
out the rarely used complicated stuff and concentrating on making the 
commonly used stuff as fast and efficient as possible is what drove the 
efforts in the RISC architecture. I was around when that happened, so I know 
what I'm talking about.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-06 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 05.11.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message
it depends on the implementation and just beause you say so does not 
prove anything and even if you need to measure, optimize and make 
decisions based on technical facts - what you do is "mimimi i say"

I have worked on software which provided lots of different options, which 
means that you have to keep testing if an option is being used or not. 
This is an overhead whether you like it or not.

maybe your implementation was bad

Everybody knows that carrying around code which is either rarely used or not 
used at all is an overhead. That's what the 80-20 rule demonstrates.

Adding something to the language core for something which can already be 
done easily is userland code, but with slightly fewer keystrokes, does not 
provide any benefits for the majority of developers who have already written 
those few lines of code. This is a classic example of pandering to the whims 
of a tiny minority to the detriment of the majority.

There is a big difference between adding something to the language core 
which everyone has to load into memory, and having something in an 
extension which is entirely optional.

or why did 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 not speaking about 7.0/7.1 *all* have 
new features and where *faster* then the previous version - frankly 
you are raising alarm for no reason

Can you prove that each new version was faster? Where is your evidence?

everbody knows that and can benchmark it at any time, but if it makes you 
happy that others are doing your homework

PHP 7 is faster than PHP 5 for various reasons, such as it being 64bit 
instead of 32bit

WTF, only in your windows world which don't matter that much, everywhere 
else x86_64 is normal for many years and each software

Excuse me! Some of the major clients who use my ERP application only use 
Windows servers, so your claim that Windows does matter is completely 

how does that change the fact that your claim "such as it being 64bit 
instead of 32bit" is nonsense when most of the benchamrks and production 
servers out there are running PHP on x86_64 with 86_64 builds for a decade 

64bit builds of PHP 5 for Windows were all marked as experimental, therefore 
not  guaranteed to be as reliable as the 32bit versions. The "experimental" 
tag was only removed for PHP 7.

and improvements made to the engine itself, such as the AST. I submit 
that it would be smaller and faster if it did not have to carry around 
so much dross. Adding something to the core language just to save a few 
keystrokes for a small number of lazy developers falls into the 
category of dross

you ignored that practicaly *every* PHP version before PHP/ was faster 
*and* had new features compared to the previous one

Just think how much faster and easier to maintain it would be if all this 
save-a-few-keystrokes dross had not been added in the first place.

again: unproven claim, but in your own world a hashtable probably is also 
not O(1) or you are just not capable to optimize software at all but then 
stop claim others aren't too

Everybody knows that carrying around code which is either rarely used or not 
used at all is an overhead. That's what the 80-20 rule demonstrates.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-05 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 04.11.2017 um 10:18 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 03.11.2017 um 11:33 schrieb Tony Marston:
wrote in message

Am 02.11.2017 um 10:55 schrieb Tony Marston:

"Kalle Sommer Nielsen"  wrote in message

I fail to see how it offers "negative benefits to the vast number of
programmers who are happy with the language as it currently exists", 

If it's put into the language then it affects 100% of the users, but 
what percentage of the user base would actually take advantage of 
this feature? If it's only 1% then for the other 99% it's a complete 
waste of time

how does any feature you don't use affect you?

Because the language itself becomes bloated with the capabilities it 
has to offer, look for and deal with. This makes it bigger and slower

unproven claim!

It's pure common sense! You have to carry around the capability of doing 
something, then have tests everywhere to see if that capability is 
actually required or not at run-time.

it depends on the implementation and just beause you say so does not prove 
anything and even if you need to measure, optimize and make decisions based 
on technical facts - what you do is "mimimi i say"

I have worked on software which provided lots of different options, which 
means that you have to keep testing if an option is being used or not. This 
is an overhead whether you like it or not.

There is a big difference between adding something to the language core 
which everyone has to load into memory, and having something in an 
extension which is entirely optional.

or why did 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 not speaking about 7.0/7.1 *all* have 
new features and where *faster* then the previous version - frankly you 
are raising alarm for no reason

Can you prove that each new version was faster? Where is your evidence?

PHP 7 is faster than PHP 5 for various reasons, such as it being 64bit 
instead of 32bit

WTF, only in your windows world which don't matter that much, everywhere 
else x86_64 is normal for many years and each software

Excuse me! Some of the major clients who use my ERP application only use 
Windows servers, so your claim that Windows does matter is completely bogus.

and improvements made to the engine itself, such as the AST. I submit 
that it would be smaller and faster if it did not have to carry around so 
much dross. Adding something to the core language just to save a few 
keystrokes for a small number of lazy developers falls into the category 
of dross

you ignored that practicaly *every* PHP version before PHP/ was faster 
*and* had new features compared to the previous one

Just think how much faster and easier to maintain it would be if all this 
save-a-few-keystrokes dross had not been added in the first place.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-04 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 03.11.2017 um 11:33 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 02.11.2017 um 10:55 schrieb Tony Marston:

"Kalle Sommer Nielsen"  wrote in message

I fail to see how it offers "negative benefits to the vast number of
programmers who are happy with the language as it currently exists", I

If it's put into the language then it affects 100% of the users, but 
what percentage of the user base would actually take advantage of this 
feature? If it's only 1% then for the other 99% it's a complete waste 
of time

how does any feature you don't use affect you?

Because the language itself becomes bloated with the capabilities it has 
to offer, look for and deal with. This makes it bigger and slower

unproven claim!

It's pure common sense! You have to carry around the capability of doing 
something, then have tests everywhere to see if that capability is actually 
required or not at run-time.

There is a big difference between adding something to the language core 
which everyone has to load into memory, and having something in an extension 
which is entirely optional.

or why did 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 not speaking about 7.0/7.1 *all* have new 
features and where *faster* then the previous version - frankly you are 
raising alarm for no reason

PHP 7 is faster than PHP 5 for various reasons, such as it being 64bit 
instead of 32bit, and improvements made to the engine itself, such as the 
AST. I submit that it would be smaller and faster if it did not have to 
carry around so much dross. Adding something to the core language just to 
save a few keystrokes for a small number of lazy developers falls into the 
category of dross.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-03 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 02.11.2017 um 10:55 schrieb Tony Marston:

"Kalle Sommer Nielsen"  wrote in message

I fail to see how it offers "negative benefits to the vast number of
programmers who are happy with the language as it currently exists", I

If it's put into the language then it affects 100% of the users, but what 
percentage of the user base would actually take advantage of this 
feature? If it's only 1% then for the other 99% it's a complete waste of 

how does any feature you don't use affect you?

Because the language itself becomes bloated with the capabilities it has to 
offer, look for and deal with. This makes it bigger and slower. For example, 
if you have a vehicle which is capable of going anywhere, over every types 
of terrain, in every climate from sub zero to blisteringly hot then at any 
one time you are not using all the capabilities, yet you are still carrying 
the around.

The core language should be kept lean and mean, and should only have new 
instructions added when (a) something cannot be done easily in userland 
code, and (b) when that something is of genuine use to a significant number 
of people. Complicating the language with something that can already be done 
with a few lines of userland code and which is desired by only a miniscule 
number of people does not fall into this category.

i don't care about pdo and many other core extensions nor about namespaces, 
traits and so on - but they don't affect me at all

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-11-02 Thread Tony Marston
"Kalle Sommer Nielsen"  wrote in message

Hi Tony

2017-10-31 11:35 GMT+01:00 Tony Marston <>:

This strikes me as being nothing more than a micro-optimisation that does
nothing but pander to the laziness of certain programmers. Instead of 
to write a few lines of code to validate something they want the language 

do it for them. It may come as a surprise to some people, but being a
programmer actually involves the writing of program code. It is not
sufficient to express an idea and have the language fill in all the 

as that forces the language to have to detect and deal with a myriad of

I do understand where you are coming from, but I don't necessarily
agree on this topic. We can (hopefully) agree that programming
language design is hard,

I totally agree that compiler writing is hard, which is why I believe that 
only those things which are hard to do in userland code should be added to 
the language.

because we need to determine how fine a line
we should have between things thats an integral part of the language,
its standard library or its extensions and how much power the
programmer has in their arsenal to do crazy things.

For me the rule is simple - if something can already be done quite easily in 
userland code then it should not be forced into the language just because a 
small number of developers wnat to save themselves a few keystrokes. Making 
the language more complicated than it need be leads to a maintenance burden 
both for the core developers and the application developers who now have to 
deal with a growing array of indeciferable shortcuts.

If we boil things down, then we didn't really need the scalar type
hints, PHP had been working perfectly fine for 20 years without it and
while it does not add anything but a couple of checks at
compile/runtime, its essentially "laziness of certain programmers" it
becomes useful to. Another example is constant visibility modifiers in
PHP 7.1.

I think one of the advocates for features that are within that
category you mention can sometimes be productivity and rid of
boilerplate code. For this case with 'Array Of', I think it makes
perfect sense to add with PHP7's improved type system on that regard,
but thats my personal opinion.

This type of checking can quite easily be done in userland code, so I see no 
reason why it should be built into the language. What percentage of userland 
developers would actually use such a feature? I wouldn't as I never pass 
around arrays of single types. I regularly use the $_POST array and a 
database record array which are both of mixed types.

I would evaluate each proposed change to the language with a simple 
- does it provide the greatest good to the greatest number? Considering 
fact that this RFC will only benefit a miniscule minority of developers 

make the language more complicated, slower to run, and more difficult to
maintain as more and more edge cases are identified as "bugs", it offers
negative benefits to the vast number of programmers who are happy with 

language as it currently exists. As such it fails that test and should be

Tho you said its a micro optimization, would argue that (see [1]), it
far from makes the code complicated,

internally it doesn't add any complexity

I disagree. The language has to be changed to recognise that type of 
argument, then it has to iterate through the array checking that every 
member is of the designated type. In other words the langage now has to do 
what you are doing with a few lines of userland code.

and only adds a member to the arg_info, which is an
unsigned char, it wouldn't do anything unless a type is specified
anyway and the slower to run argument above is pretty void, sure it
adds a few CPU instructions but its not something you will feel unless
you are Facebook, in which case you already re-implemented the
language on your own.

I fail to see how it offers "negative benefits to the vast number of
programmers who are happy with the language as it currently exists", I

If it's put into the language then it affects 100% of the users, but what 
percentage of the user base would actually take advantage of this feature? 
If it's only 1% then for the other 99% it's a complete waste of time.

myself don't like PDO, so I just use mysqli instead, great. If its not
something that affects the programmer and the programmers code
continue to run, I fail to see how it negatively impacts the vast

It has complications in the language that are not used. Have you ever heard 
o the 80-20 rule? This is where 80% of the usage is simple and 20% is 
complicated, but that complicated 20% takes up 80% of the programming 
effort.  I was around in the 1980s during the switch to RISC (Reduced 
Instruction Set Computers) where 

[PHP-DEV] Re: RFC - Array Of for PHP 7

2017-10-31 Thread Tony Marston
""Michal Harezlak""  wrote in message


I would like to create a RFC for PHP 7, but the same RFC was created and
declined 3 years ago for PHP 5.4. PHP 7 support much better type hinging so
I think this RFC should be voted again.

What should I do? Should I create the RPF in common way?

Link to mentioned RFC:

This strikes me as being nothing more than a micro-optimisation that does 
nothing but pander to the laziness of certain programmers. Instead of having 
to write a few lines of code to validate something they want the language to 
do it for them. It may come as a surprise to some people, but being a 
programmer actually involves the writing of program code. It is not 
sufficient to express an idea and have the language fill in all the details 
as that forces the language to have to detect and deal with a myriad of 

I would evaluate each proposed change to the language with a simple 
question - does it provide the greatest good to the greatest number? 
Considering the fact that this RFC will only benefit a miniscule minority of 
developers yet make the language more complicated, slower to run, and more 
difficult to maintain as more and more edge cases are identified as "bugs", 
it offers negative benefits to the vast number of programmers who are happy 
with the language as it currently exists. As such it fails that test and 
should be rejected.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Pre-draft for PipeOp v2

2017-09-29 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 28/09/2017 20:07, Levi Morrison wrote:

The brace style is concise, nicely delimits the
expression, and seems the clearest for me to read because the symbols 


This is something that I tried to push for in previous discussions - I've 
never liked the syntaxes where the expression floats away from the 
operator, and you have to work out where it ends. The counter-argument I 
got was that some people actually like writing things like this, although 
I'm not entirely clear why:

fn($x) => fn($y) => in_array($x, $y)

Just because some people would like to write code like this does not make it 
acceptable for the majority of the programming community. You should never 
forget that the primary aim of a programmer is to write code which can be 
read by a human, and only incidentally to be executed by a machine (H. 
Abelson and G. Sussman in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer 
Programs", 1984).

Some people complain that PHP is too verbose, so they strive to replace long 
words, or groups of words, with abbreviations or even symbols. This, IMHO, 
converts a readable program into a bunch of hieroglyphics and should 
therefore be avoided.

I think there should be a rule which states that if something can already be 
done with 5 lines or less of userland code then it should not be built into 
the core language as it would be adding unnecessary complications that would 
only benefit a small minority of programmers but would be to the detriment 
of the majority.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-26 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 25.09.2017 um 11:41 schrieb Tony Marston:
The fact that some people write "do_something" or "do_Something" or 
"Do_Something" or even "DO_SOMETHING" and it points to a single function 
because of case insensitivity does NOT cause a genuine problem - except 
in the minds of a few nit-picking, anal retentive OCD sufferers

wow - sue your dealer!

I'm sorry, but reading code where the case of a word changes the meaning 
of that word will make that code LESS readable, not MORE

how comes when the same word is written over the whole codebase 
*identically* that for it is harder to read?

That is not what I said. Taking the same function name and allowing 
different versions to exist with different implementations would be a recipe 
for disaster whereas the situation which you are complaining about is 
nothing more than mildly annoying - except if you are a nit-picking, anal 
retentive OCD sufferer in which case it signals the arrival of the four 
horsemen of the apocalypse.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-25 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 24.09.2017 um 11:36 schrieb Tony Marston:

If you wish to enforce case sensitivity in projects which you control 
then go ahead. Just don't try to enforce it on everybody else.

that thread was about the PHP core and NOT case-sensitive where you called 
people "OCD sufferers" - so don't play stupid games here when everybody can 
access the list archive or is knowing your attitude anyways - you have lost 
that game

The fact that some people write "do_something" or "do_Something" or 
"Do_Something" or even "DO_SOMETHING" and it points to a single function 
because of case insensitivity does NOT cause a genuine problem - except in 
the minds of a few nit-picking, anal retentive OCD sufferers. The REAL 
problem occurs when you make those four mixtures of case mean point to 
different functions which do different things.

If you cannot tell the difference between a perceived problem and a real 
problem your attempts to shut me up will continue to fail.

and frankly people like you arguing about code consistency are fired here 
from one the to the next because theri inability to write well cocumentend 
and readable quality code at all and they are instead coding timebombs

I'm sorry, but reading code where the case of a word changes the meaning of 
that word will make that code LESS readable, not MORE.

it's one thing when you write your private crap but from the point you want 
your code used by somebody else you have to play with that rules

I repeat, if you want to enforce case sensitivity in those projects which 
you control then go ahead, but don't try to enforce it on the whole 
programming community.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-25 Thread Tony Marston
hould be depricated, but enabled for one major release 
with an
init flag -- just as was done for register_globals.  That would give 
everyone a

couple of years to tidy their code up.

Do you realise how much of a BC break this would be? For what benefit? Just 
to satisfy your idea of "purity"?

Then kill case insensitve anything in PHP [[ other than the likes of
strcasecmp() ]].

**OK: MySQL has a switch to make table names, etc, case insensitive - but
enabling that means a lot of testing to ensure that nothing else breaks.

$$ I don't want to be rude about her, so maybe I ought to use a different 

of clueless people, politicians perhaps ? :-)

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-24 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 22.09.2017 um 10:21 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 19.09.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
If the single character  "ß" represents two "s" characters joined 
together, then the uppercase equivalent should also be a single 
character which looks like two "S" characters joined together. If it 
is not possible to write code which deals with these exceptions, then 
one alternative would be to remove these exceptions

remove from where?
from the reality?

If the lowercase character "ß" causes so many problems because it has 
no proper equivalent in uppercase then it should be removed from the 
list of valid characters. Either that or provide a single uppercase 
character - which is what that wikipedia article you quoted says 
actually happened this year

jesus christ the german language DID NOT have a uppercase ß in the real 
world until recently but had the lowercase ß virtually forever

how do you imagine "removeed from the list of valid characters" in that 
case - frankly that paragraph above shows clearly that you should stop 
to argue about this topic at all

Just because my opinion differs from yours does not give you the right to 
demand that I stop expressing it

surely, in my opinion you don't understand the topic you are talking about 
and repeating the same questionable stuff again and again and as you are 
allowed to express your opinion i am allowed to express mine

the way you argued about how code consistency don't matter says it all

It is your definition of "consistency" that I object to. Consistency with 
what? Code that abandons case insensitivity "just to be consistent" is 
consistently bad because it removes the feature called "case insensitivity" 
that we humans have become used to since we began to read and write. I have 
been working in the computer industry since the early 1970s on a variety of 
mainframe, mini- and micro-computers, and a variety of languages. and this 
was all case insensitive. It was only the invention of unix which threw a 
spanner in the works.

as you call everybody which demands that code all over a poject or company 
has to follow a common coding style "OCD sufferers" - but hey, the others 
are all ghost drivers and should turn around

If you wish to enforce case sensitivity in projects which you control then 
go ahead. Just don't try to enforce it on everybody else.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-22 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 20.09.2017 um 11:30 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 19.09.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
If the single character  "ß" represents two "s" characters joined 
together, then the uppercase equivalent should also be a single 
character which looks like two "S" characters joined together. If it is 
not possible to write code which deals with these exceptions, then one 
alternative would be to remove these exceptions

remove from where?
from the reality?

If the lowercase character "ß" causes so many problems because it has no 
proper equivalent in uppercase then it should be removed from the list of 
valid characters. Either that or provide a single uppercase character - 
which is what that wikipedia article you quoted says actually happened 
this year

jesus christ the german language DID NOT have a uppercase ß in the real 
world until recently but had the lowercase ß virtually forever

how do you imagine "removeed from the list of valid characters" in that 
case - frankly that paragraph above shows clearly that you should stop to 
argue about this topic at all

Just because my opinion differs from yours does not give you the right to 
demand that I stop expressing it.

To me the situation is quite simple.
- Human beings have grown accustomed to case-insensitive world, and to 
remove this standard feature would cause great disruption.
- Some people may think that function names written as "do_something" or 
"do_Something" or "Do_Something" which mean the same thing are wrong, but 
that is no more than simply irritating for the nit-picking minority. If you 
made those names mean different thing then that would be worse than wrong, 
it would be criminally insane.
- Rather than making constants case sensitive it would be better to leave 
then as case insensitive, but prevent the creation of a constant with the 
same name but different case. This would make it consistent with function 
and method names.
- If the use of some non-ASCII characters in function names causes case 
folding problems then I see two choices - either disallow non-ASCII 
characters in function names, or allow Unicode characters but disallow any 
which have case folding problems.

Simply telling me that it would be easier to make the entire language case 
sensitive as there are "difficulties" with case folding of a minute number 
of unicode characters is not good enough. Programmers are supposed to solve 
problems for their users, not create them.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-20 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 19.09.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Tony Marston:
If the single character  "ß" represents two "s" characters joined 
together, then the uppercase equivalent should also be a single character 
which looks like two "S" characters joined together. If it is not 
possible to write code which deals with these exceptions, then one 
alternative would be to remove these exceptions

remove from where?
from the reality?

If the lowercase character "ß" causes so many problems because it has no 
proper equivalent in uppercase then it should be removed from the list of 
valid characters. Either that or provide a single uppercase character - 
which is what that wikipedia article you quoted says actually happened this 

have fun, it becomes even more complexer and currently it's in discussion 
where to place the uppercase on a keyboard

> If the single character "ß" represents two "s"

no, until short ago there where just no uppercase one and that's only about 
german - you still missed *to prove* "Removing case insensitivity 
completely is not a proper solution as it removes a feature that we humans 
have been used to for decades"

When we search for a word in a dictionary we do not need to specify case as 
that is irrelevant, so "sausage" is the same as "SAUSAGE". There are words 
which can have different meanings depending on the context, such as "this 
cup is made of china" and "I am going to China", but provided that the 
context remains the same then case is irrelevant.

When it comes to software case insensitivity has been the standard since day 
1. When searching for a file in MS Windows you do not have to specify case 
as it is not possible to have different files with the same name but 
different mixtures of case.

When searching for a word or phrase in a text editor it is not necessary to 
specify case, although some editors include an option to make the search 
case sensitive.

since i know nobody right in his mind which writes inconsistent code where 
this is a real world problem and if someone writtes "my_function", 
"MY_function" and "my_Function" in his code and don#t stop that nosnese he 
simply get fired

That may be uncool, but the only problem it causes is in the tiny minds of 
OCD sufferers. By making the language case sensitive and allowing 
"my_function", "MY_function" and "my_Function" to be defined as separate 
functions with separate implementations would be inviting total disaster.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-19 Thread Tony Marston
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message

On 18.09.2017 at 11:40, Tony Marston wrote:

I have already acknowledged that the same word can have a different
meaning in a different context, so the word "china" has a different
meaning in "I am going to China" and "this is made from china". However,
in the same context changes in case are irrelevant:

"I AM GOING TO CHINA" is the same as "i am going to china".
"THIS IS MADE FROM CHINA" is the same as "this is made from china".

The same written (and this is what we're talking about; pronunciation is
irrelevant here) English word can have different meaning in the same
context, too.  One may say "This is nice!" (to show appreciation) and
"This is Nice!" (to refer to the city).  Also many professions which are
also common names have the same issue ("This is the miller" vs. "This is
the Miller").  You may recognize the common pattern, namely that proper
names are capitalized in English.  In German, and likely some other
languages as well, all nouns are capitalized, so there are obviously
many more such cases.

You are talking about slight differences in human-to-human communication 
which is totally irrelevant. This topic is about switching case in software, 
and in such cases those differences are irrelevant. If my software switches 
case so that "this is nice" becomes "THIS IS NICE" or vice versa, then it 
does not matter one jot that "nice" could mean a place, or something 
pleasant, or even the initials of The National Institute for Health and Care 
Excellence. Inside the computer it does not matter.

The fact that "title case" means different things in different languages is 
irrelevant. If it is implemented in the standard (i.e English) way then it 
does not make the sentence unreadable in those foreign languages, so those 
foreign johnnys should learn to live with it.

However, that does not necessarily mean that I prefer case-sensivity
over case-insensivity, but it would indeed greatly simplify the
implementation, since case-folding is a rather complex issue.

I have always been taught that there are only two ways of doing a job - 
either "properly" or "not at all". The exceptions in switching between upper 
and lowercase should be built into the Unicode engine then the problem is 
solved properly. Removing case insensitivity completely is not a proper 
solution as it removes a feature that we humans have been used to for 
decades. This would be a case where the cure is even worse than the disease.

instance, the German lower-case letter "ß" is traditionally written as
"SS" in upper-case.  So if I would define('STRASSE', $value, true), I
might expect to be a ble to write "Straße".  That wouldn't apply to
"KRESSE", though, which has to be written as "Kresse".  See also

If the single character  "ß" represents two "s" characters joined together, 
then the uppercase equivalent should also be a single character which looks 
like two "S" characters joined together. If it is not possible to write code 
which deals with these exceptions, then one alternative would be to remove 
these exceptions.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-18 Thread Tony Marston
"niel"  wrote in message

On 16/09/17 11:56, Tony Marston wrote:
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message

On 16.09.2017 at 11:16, Tony Marston wrote:

There is no such thing as "Pissed with a capital 'P' means drunk" and
"pissed with a lowercase 'p' means unhappy".

"It's Nice" vs. "It's nice".

"Nice" pronounced "nyce" means the same thing regardless of case. "Nice" 
pronounced "neece" is a place name, so "I went to Nice" means the same 
thing as "I WENT TO NICE". You could even write it as "i went to nice" 
and people would understand what you meant.

The idea that the entire universe should have to change its rules
regarding switching between upper and lowercase just to satisfy a few
anomalies concocted by the master race is laughable.

Godwin's law fulfilled, again.  Sad.

Excuse me, but I have not mentioned anywhere that Austrian corporal or 
his political persuasions, so this law has not been fulfilled. Unless you 
are telling me that all German people are cast from the same mould.

Try China vs. china
One is a country, the other is a type of ceramic.

I have already acknowledged that the same word can have a different meaning 
in a different context, so the word "china" has a different meaning in "I am 
going to China" and "this is made from china". However, in the same context 
changes in case are irrelevant:

"I AM GOING TO CHINA" is the same as "i am going to china".
"THIS IS MADE FROM CHINA" is the same as "this is made from china".

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message

On 16.09.2017 at 11:16, Tony Marston wrote:

There is no such thing as "Pissed with a capital 'P' means drunk" and
"pissed with a lowercase 'p' means unhappy".

"It's Nice" vs. "It's nice".

"Nice" pronounced "nyce" means the same thing regardless of case. "Nice" 
pronounced "neece" is a place name, so "I went to Nice" means the same thing 
as "I WENT TO NICE". You could even write it as "i went to nice" and people 
would understand what you meant.

The idea that the entire universe should have to change its rules
regarding switching between upper and lowercase just to satisfy a few
anomalies concocted by the master race is laughable.

Godwin's law fulfilled, again.  Sad.

Excuse me, but I have not mentioned anywhere that Austrian corporal or his 
political persuasions, so this law has not been fulfilled. Unless you are 
telling me that all German people are cast from the same mould.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 10:29:26AM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

People keep telling me that switching between upper and lower case
for all character sets in the universe is not 100% simple because of
a small number of exceptions. So what? Identify the exceptions and
write code which deals with them.

Thereby increasing the complexity of the PHP engine - which means more bugs 
slower execution.  It also makes it harder for the user to understand: they 

to get their heads round the corner cases.

There should be no need to complicate the entire PHP engine. Just fix the 
UNICODE exceptions so that strtoupper() and strtolower() work properly for 
that small number of peculiar character sets.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 16.09.2017 um 11:36 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message
after i switched every piece of code i write the last 15 years tpo 
strict-types, typhe-hints and return-types everywhere while also write a 
complete autotest suite you can't tell me it costs more time to fix such 
case warnings by read the log and it would take longer as all your 
discussions - so why don't you stop it?

Just because you disagree with what I have to say does not mean that you 
can tell me to stop saying it. If you want me to accept that you can have 
a different opinion then you should extend the same courtesy to me.

you stated your opinion often enough as you did in the thread where you 
explained us that code consistency don't matter for you - in both cases 
nobody agreed

Consistency with what? Why should I change the way that I code just to be 
consistent with somebody else's bad decisions? Why should I have to take 
someone else's personal preferences and treat them as if they were cast in 
stone and handed down from the mountain top?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 16:58 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 11:25 schrieb Tony Marston:
You are missing a third option - Microsoft languages are 
case-preserving. This is where the IDE ensures that every use of a word 
is automatically switched to the case used in its original definition. 
This makes it impossible to use the same word with a different case.

a sane IDE for PHP does exactly the same for many many years if you 
don't insist to change it manually - when you manage that you functions 
are written all over your codebase with different uppercase/lowercase 
the problem is looking at you from a mirror every morning

How many IDEs out there for PHP? What percentage of them support case 
preserving? Zend Studio didn't when I used it. PHPEd doesn't

i need to see one which don't make autocompletion with preserved case and 
if you don't use it because you like typos in general your fault

You are avoiding the question. You state that dealing with this situation 
should be done within the IDE, so my question is how any PHP IDEs actually 
support this feature?

If your answer to this question is another question - how any don't support 
this feature? - then my answer is "none of them". Unless you can prove 
otherwise, of course.

again: it's no rocket science to throw at compile time deprecation warnings 
years before a final change is planned and so for sloppy legacy code you 
hav enot more to do than read your error logs

after i switched every piece of code i write the last 15 years tpo 
strict-types, typhe-hints and return-types everywhere while also write a 
complete autotest suite you can't tell me it costs more time to fix such 
case warnings by read the log and it would take longer as all your 
discussions - so why don't you stop it?

Just because you disagree with what I have to say does not mean that you can 
tell me to stop saying it. If you want me to accept that you can have a 
different opinion then you should extend the same courtesy to me.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 16:38 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 11:12 schrieb Tony Marston:
I am not asking the world to slow down because I am too lazy to change. 
I am arguing that case insensitive software has been around for many 
decades, and for some people to advocate for its removal just because 
they don't have the brain power to come up with a proper solution for a 
minor glitch that affects only a small number of languages I find 
unacceptable. A competent programmer would fix the problem that affects 
the few without removing a feature that the many are used to

and a competent programmer using PHP as programming language would not 
define a funtion do_something() and write "Do_Something", 
"do_Something", "DO_something" all over his codebase

While that may be "uncool" or even "inconsistent" it does not cause a 
genuine problem. But you seem to be supporting a change which would be 
worse than uncool, it would be downright horrific. No human language that 
I know of allows a word to change its meaning just by changing the case 
of one or more characters

i brought you samples of german where the meanining of the same word 
changes *dramatically* - "nett zu Vögeln" versus "nett zu vögeln" which 
goes from "nice to birds" to "nice to fuck"

and this standard behaviour was echoed in all the computer systems that I 
have used since the 1970s. The fact that I can create a function called 
do_something() and later refer to it as either Do_something(), 
do_Something() or even Do_SomeThing() may be annoying but it is 
irrelevant. Do you realise how many problems it would cause if each 
change in case pointed to a totally different function?

only when one is so short-sighted as you act

it's not rocket science at compile time throw a error that you are not 
allowed to define foo() and Foo() in the same software which has no runtime 
costs and after that you may even have less runtime costs because all the 
case-insensitive handling can be skipped

None of the IDEs that I have used have enforced such a rule,  neither have 
any languages, so it is an artificial rule invented by someone who doesn't 
now how to provide a proper solution.

As I have said in several other posts, the vast majority of the human race 
has come to accept case-insensitive software, and if you can't implement it 
then you should step aside and make room for someone who can.

and well, for the time of deprecation the compiler code with finally throws 
errors can issue the warnings with file and line - i assure you that going 
to fix that warnings takes less time than the whole discussion with you 
over the last days from several people

Would you support anyone who proposed adding a series of functions to PHP 
core or an extension where every function used exactly the same words but 
in a different case?

see above - just because you assume it's rocket scienece doesn't mean it is

You seem to misunderstand the term "rocket science" which means that 
something is so difficult that it can only be done by a highly trained 
individual. Something which is NOT rocket science is supposed to be so easy 
that anyone can do, not just a scientist.

People keep telling me that switching between upper and lower case for all 
character sets in the universe is not 100% simple because of a small number 
of exceptions. So what? Identify the exceptions and write code which deals 
with them. If we only wrote deal to deal with the easy stuff there would be 
no need for highly skilled programmers as anyone could do it.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-16 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 14 September 2017 10:23:48 BST, Tony Marston

Would this problem disappear by using UTF8 instead of the Turkish
set? If so then ten no other solution would be required.

No, the problem has nothing to do with character sets, but with the actual 
alphabet that humans in Turkey use, which doesn't follow the same rules as 
the alphabet that American humans use.

Unicode (the standard, not the character set or any of its encodings) has 
an algorithm / lookup table for "case folding", because "convert everything 
to lower case" is not a reliable way to produce case insensitive 
comparisons. Using that correctly world presumably solve this particular 

The bottom line is that case sensitive comparisons are easier than case 
insensitive ones.

A programmer's job is to write software which makes life easier for his 
users, not to remove features which his users are used to just because it is 
"more convenient" for him.

While the vast majority of characters in any character set have a one-to-one 
mapping between upper and lower case, there are exceptions. I have been 
writing software for several decades, and I have come to know the 80-20 rule 
which states that 80% of the code is for "normal" circumstances while 20% is 
for the exceptions, yet coding for the "normal" circumstances takes 20% of 
the effort while the exceptions require 80%. It is the programmer's job to 
deal with these exceptions, so to say that it's not going to be done because 
it is not easy is a very poor excuse.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 11:25 schrieb Tony Marston:
You are missing a third option - Microsoft languages are case-preserving. 
This is where the IDE ensures that every use of a word is automatically 
switched to the case used in its original definition. This makes it 
impossible to use the same word with a different case.

a sane IDE for PHP does exactly the same for many many years if you don't 
insist to change it manually - when you manage that you functions are 
written all over your codebase with different uppercase/lowercase the 
problem is looking at you from a mirror every morning

How many IDEs out there for PHP? What percentage of them support case 
preserving? Zend Studio didn't when I used it. PHPEd doesn't.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Lester Caine"  wrote in message

On 15/09/17 10:02, Tony Marston wrote:

Why is it not possible to identify a single upper and lower case variant
for every character in every character set?

Can't find the right unicode standard page, but
sums it up.

Try this page:

Notice that case folding for case insensitive comparisons is relatively easy 
when compared with case switching.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Lester Caine"  wrote in message

On 15/09/17 12:13, Tony Marston wrote:

My argument is that far too many people have become used to case
insensitive software, and to remove this "feature" for no other reason
than the programmers involved would find it "more convenient" to remove
the feature altogether rather than make the effort in implementing a
proper solution would go down like a ton of bricks with all those users.

case-insensitive only works reliably for an ascii character set. This is
what the vast majority of PROGRAMMERS expect to see. Even Microsoft
16bit subset of unicode characters can not RELIABLY be upper or lower
cased, but add the full unicode set and the conflicts of the number of
characters required for one or other conversion explains why a
conversion to unicode in the core proved impractical.

It may be impractical for lazy programmers, but it is not impossible. While 
unicode can comfortably deal with one-to-one case mappings, it does provide 
the means to specify one-to-many case mappings and other special cases. All 
it needs is for all these special cases to be identified and the "problem" 
is alleviated.

The main point
here is that it may be ESSENTIAL to introduce a switch to case sensitive
if we are also to convert to full unicode support. The alternative is to
restrict the character set back to ascii for all programming operations
if case-insensitivity is to be retained.

Good idea. If certain characters cause problems when switching case then 
those characters should be banned.

And how many of you have hit the problem of Windows supplying a
CamelCase version of a file name when it was entered lower case.

I haven't, but I always take the precaution of downshifting all file names 
in order to avoid problems with that PITA called unix/linux.

all our web servers are 'non-windows', hitting the idiosyncrasies of
these inappropriate case conversions just adds to the fun. That may not
the happening these days, but cause major problems at one time!

There are still inconsistencies when different browsers render the same 
HTML, CSS or Javascript differently.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 15.09.2017 um 11:12 schrieb Tony Marston:
I am not asking the world to slow down because I am too lazy to change. I 
am arguing that case insensitive software has been around for many 
decades, and for some people to advocate for its removal just because 
they don't have the brain power to come up with a proper solution for a 
minor glitch that affects only a small number of languages I find 
unacceptable. A competent programmer would fix the problem that affects 
the few without removing a feature that the many are used to

and a competent programmer using PHP as programming language would not 
define a funtion do_something() and write "Do_Something", "do_Something", 
"DO_something" all over his codebase

While that may be "uncool" or even "inconsistent" it does not cause a 
genuine problem. But you seem to be supporting a change which would be worse 
than uncool, it would be downright horrific. No human language that I know 
of allows a word to change its meaning just by changing the case of one or 
more characters, and this standard behaviour was echoed in all the computer 
systems that I have used since the 1970s. The fact that I can create a 
function called do_something() and later refer to it as either 
Do_something(), do_Something() or even Do_SomeThing() may be annoying but it 
is irrelevant. Do you realise how many problems it would cause if each 
change in case pointed to a totally different function? Would you support 
anyone who proposed adding a series of functions to PHP core or an extension 
where every function used exactly the same words but in a different case?

What will happen in the future if we move away from keyboard input towards 
speech input? It will not be good enough to simply say a word, you would 
have to spell it out character by character and specify the case of each 
character. Do you think that would be a good idea?

the problem which makes such a change dramatic is the poor code quality of 
most projects and as i remeber you even fighted some months ago that a 
consistent coding style within a project is nothing you care about and that 
explains how you argue here very well

I'm afraid that changing the way I do things just to be "consistent" with 
others is not a good argument when it ends up being "consistently bad".

 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff: Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core
Datum: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 09:14:47 +0100
Von: Tony Marston <>

Seriously, can you explain in words of one syllable the precise benefits of 
such a consistency? Can you measure the benefits? Just because some OCD 
sufferers like consistency is not a good enough reason. I have been 
programming for over 30 years, and in that time I have had to deal with 
both snake_case and CamelCase, and while I personally find that snake_case 
is more readable, especially with names that contain more than 3 or 4 
words, I have no trouble reading either. Having a mixture of styles does 
not cause a problem (except in the minds of OCD sufferers) so IMHO it does 
not require a solution. Anybody who says that they cannot work with a 
mixture of naming styles is either a liar or Illiterate.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 09:51:53AM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

>Iike how you map lower -> upper depends on how you encode characters.

Then use a single UNICODE character set where every character has
both an upper and lower case representation. Problem solved.

Not possible - see below.

I don't give two hoots what javascript does.

Many PHP programmers also write Javascript. Avoiding gratuitous 

will help them.

UNICODE was supposedly invented to deal with all these problems so
why doesn't it? Why is it not possible to define an uppercase and
lowercase variant of the same character?

I don't think that you understand Unicode. Case mapping is not as simple as 
seem to think - even in English. For a start there are 3 cases: lower, 
upper &

title. It then gets more complicated. I suggest that you read:

I have read that article, and while it says that case switching may not be 
easy it does not say that it is impossible. While most case mappings work on 
a one-to-one basis it is possible to specify any one-to-any mappings as well 
as any additional mappings used in case folding for any exceptions.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:04:51AM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

>The light bulb was invented by an English man (Joseph Swan), the
>television by a
>Scott (John Logie Baird); so should the Brits and Scots be the
>ones that define
>light bulb and TV standards to suit their convenience ?

Don't be silly. Neither light bulbs nor television sets are affected
by which case is used in which character set.

>>Because the English-speaking world invented both computers and the
>>languages used to program them.
>It was a German that invented binary, so my suggestion is to devolve all
>future decisions to the Germans.

Binary coding is not affected by changes in case so this argument is 

I think that both Rowan Collins & I agree on that point. We were commenting 

your assertion:

>>Because the English-speaking world invented both computers and the
>>languages used to program them.

Thus because we are English speaking we do not have a special position to
dictate the development of computers and languages -- especially as it 

non-English speakers.

You are missing the point. The convention in the whole of the 
English-speaking world is exactly the same - it has both upper and lower 
case characters, and the meaning of a word does not change simply because 
some characters are written in a different case. When a person searches for 
a word in a dictionary he is not bothered about case. When a person searches 
for a file in the Windows OS he is not bothered about case. When a person 
searches for a word inside a file he is not bothered about case. I has seen 
some search mechanisms which provide the option to make the search case 
sensitive, but that is an option which has to be turned on - the default is 
still case insensitive.

Can you show me any dictionary in ANY language where the same word has 
different meanings just by changing the case of one or more characters?

Can you show me any language where a single character has multiple 
alternatives when switching case?

By my reckoning case insensitivity has been the default way before computers 
were invented, and all the software on the early computers was also case 
insensitive. I have worked on numerous hardware platforms since the 1970s, 
and they were ALL case insensitive.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Andrey Andreev"  wrote in message

Hi again,

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Tony Marston <> 

"Andrey Andreev"  wrote in message


On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Tony Marston <>

Far better that that
problem is taken away from the file system (which should be clean,
fast) and if you want case independence put it up at the application

You try telling that to the billions of Windows users who have been 

a case insensitive file system for decades. Not to mention all 
software which is case insensitive. Try to take that away and billions 

users will be baying for your blood.

Billions? Do we have that statistic available?

How many people in the world work with PCs running Microsoft Windows? 

than those running alternatives.

So you admit that you just made up the number?

Can you show me any statistics which prove otherwise?

And how many of them have ever encountered case-sensitivity as a 

None, because they have always used case-insensitive software.

And that will not change, regardless of how PHP constants work. Thus,
re-inforcing my point - that you're completely off-topic.

Do they all manually type-in filenames that they want to open? If so,
do they for some reason name their files in all upper-case, but then
type in lower-case while opening?

When searching for a file in Windows it is not necessary to now what case 
was created in. When searching for a word in a file it is not necessary 
now what case it was created in. TRy taking that ability away from 

users and see what reaction you get.

1. Search is a feature that goes way beyond case-sensitivity, and that
was not what I was (rhetorically) asking.
2. Unless Windows users search for filenames matching constants
declared in PHP code, this is irrelevant.

Also, are we Microsoft developers? Are we trying to change Windows?

No, but you are suggesting a change from being consistent with Windows to
being inconsistent.

It *happens* to be consistent; nobody has ever cared about whether it is or 

And I am not suggesting anything. I am simply pointing out the
ridiculous false-equivalences you're making.

And most importantly: How do everyday Windows users have anything to
do with PHP developers?

Some people are also Windows users as well as PHP developers, and if 

people are told that some of the software which they use is now being
switched from being case-insensitive to case-sensitive just because the
programmers cannot solve a small problem which only affects a small 

of character sets, then those people will not be happy. Case-insensitive
software has been around for decades and is regarded by many users as a
feature. It that "feature" is broken in a small number of cases then a
proper programmer would fix that broken feature and not advocate for its
removal just because it is more convenient than developing a fix.

You do realize you just went from comparing "billions" and how
supposedly an overwhelming majority would be upset, to "some people".
And even within that intersection of audiences, you would never be
able to convince anybody here, that for some reason John Doe would
declare a constant as FOO, but then use it as Foo.

I believe I've made my point. Please stop with the non-sense
comparisons, and talk about *constants in PHP*.

You may think that this issue is limited to constants but others do not. 
Someone (not me) said that if constants were to be made case sensitive then 
the rest of the language should follow suit "just to be consistent". Someone 
else (not me) pointed to a bug regarding case switching when using the 
Turkish character set. It was suggested that one way to resolve this issue 
would be to avoid case switching altogether by making everything case 

I suggest you look at Levi Morrison's post dated 14/09/2017 @ 17:02 which 

"For what it is worth the Turkish locale issue is on-topic. If we have case 
sensitivity and case insensitivity simultaneously in constants and we decide 
to drop one then the locale issue points towards dropping case 

My argument is that far too many people have become used to case insensitive 
software, and to remove this "feature" for no other reason than the 
programmers involved would find it "more convenient" to remove the feature 
altogether rather than make the effort in implementing a proper solution 
would go down like a ton of bricks with all those users.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Andrey Andreev"  wrote in message


On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Tony Marston <> 

Far better that that
problem is taken away from the file system (which should be clean, 

fast) and if you want case independence put it up at the application

You try telling that to the billions of Windows users who have been used 

a case insensitive file system for decades. Not to mention all Microsoft
software which is case insensitive. Try to take that away and billions of
users will be baying for your blood.

Billions? Do we have that statistic available?

How many people in the world work with PCs running Microsoft Windows? More 
than those running alternatives.

And how many of them have ever encountered case-sensitivity as a concept?

None, because they have always used case-insensitive software.

Do they all manually type-in filenames that they want to open? If so,
do they for some reason name their files in all upper-case, but then
type in lower-case while opening?

When searching for a file in Windows it is not necessary to now what case it 
was created in. When searching for a word in a file it is not necessary to 
now what case it was created in. TRy taking that ability away from Windows 
users and see what reaction you get.

Also, are we Microsoft developers? Are we trying to change Windows?

No, but you are suggesting a change from being consistent with Windows to 
being inconsistent.

And most importantly: How do everyday Windows users have anything to
do with PHP developers?

Some people are also Windows users as well as PHP developers, and if those 
people are told that some of the software which they use is now being 
switched from being case-insensitive to case-sensitive just because the 
programmers cannot solve a small problem which only affects a small number 
of character sets, then those people will not be happy. Case-insensitive 
software has been around for decades and is regarded by many users as a 
feature. It that "feature" is broken in a small number of cases then a 
proper programmer would fix that broken feature and not advocate for its 
removal just because it is more convenient than developing a fix.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message

On 14.09.2017 at 23:22, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

[Nikita wrote]

+1 on doing this. I can understand having case-insensitive constants, 
having both case-sensitive and case-insensitive at the same time is 
and rather useless. I imagine the only reason why this "feature" exists 
the first place is to support arbitrary casing for true/false/null, 
is better handled by special-casing these particular constants 
we already do for various other reasons). This will simplify the 

If we support all case-insensitive constants that are predefined (not
sure if any exts do that but we have to support those too if they do)
then I don't see a big problem in phasing-out user-defined ones.

It seems to me that this would miss the point, namely to introduce some
consistency, and to be able to

[Nikita continued]

reduce implementation complexity on our side and resolve some bugs
that are infeasible to fix otherwise.

All programming languages that I know of are either case-sensitive or

You are missing a third option - Microsoft languages are case-preserving. 
This is where the IDE ensures that every use of a word is automatically 
switched to the case used in its original definition. This makes it 
impossible to use the same word with a different case.

 PHP is the sole execption (CMIIW) – and the potential
cognitive overhead during programming is hard to justify.  Constants are
the icing on the cake: they can be either case-insensitive or
case-sensitive at the discression of the dev defining the constant.
Using an extension which defines case-insensitive constants might raise
the following issue:


Although the PHP manual says that constants are case-insensitive, it also 
says that by convention all constants are uppercase. I have been following 
that convention, so a change to make constants case sensitive instead of 
insensitive would not bother me. In fact it would not bother me if 
user-defined constants could only ever be in upper case as that would remove 
any possible confusion between 'foo' and 'Foo'.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Daniel Morris"  wrote in message

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, at 02:48 PM, Tony Marston wrote:

Because the English-speaking world invented both computers and the
languages used to program them.

It was a German that invented binary, so my suggestion is to devolve all
future decisions to the Germans.

Binary coding is not affected by changes in case so this argument is bogus.

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, at 02:36 PM, Tony Marston wrote:

The number of people in the world who use character sets which do
not have this problem far outnumber those who use character sets
which do have this problem. People without this problem far
outnumber the others, so it would not be a good idea to
inconvenience the many just to satisfy the few.

You are nearly always a minority opinion, the irony of you writing this
whilst at the same time asking the world to slow down so that your
stubborn fourteen year old framework can catch up beggars belief.

I am not asking the world to slow down because I am too lazy to change. I am 
arguing that case insensitive software has been around for many decades, and 
for some people to advocate for its removal just because they don't have the 
brain power to come up with a proper solution for a minor glitch that 
affects only a small number of languages I find unacceptable. A competent 
programmer would fix the problem that affects the few without removing a 
feature that the many are used to.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:48:06PM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message
>On 14 September 2017 13:59:20 BST, Tony Marston
><> wrote:
>>Why should the
>>English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
>>cannot handle case folding?
>Have you any idea how arrogant this sounds? Why should "the
>English-speaking world" get to make up the rules? What criteria
>make something "a minor language"? Who gave you the right to make
>such lofty pronouncements?

Because the English-speaking world invented both computers and the
languages used to program them.

The light bulb was invented by an English man (Joseph Swan), the television 
by a
Scott (John Logie Baird); so should the Brits and Scots be the ones that 

light bulb and TV standards to suit their convenience ?

Don't be silly. Neither light bulbs nor television sets are affected by 
which case is used in which character set.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:36:27PM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message
>On 14.09.2017 at 14:59, Tony Marston wrote:
>>Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive
>>world just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider 
>>be acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than 
>>insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why 

>>the English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
>>languages cannot handle case folding?
>This is not about an "insignificant few who insist on using obscure
>character sets", but rather about a language spoken by millions of
>people which has to "I" characters, namely dotted and dotless "I".
>Rather consistently, the dotless "I"'s lower-case variant is "i", and
>the dotted "I"'s lower-case variant is "i".  There you go.

The number of people in the world who use character sets which do
not have this problem far outnumber those who use character sets
which do have this problem. People without this problem far
outnumber the others, so it would not be a good idea to
inconvenience the many just to satisfy the few.

Translation: I do not use these character sets, those who do are not 

Incorrect. The proper question is: How any character sets have this problem? 
What percentage of the world's computer users are affected by this problem? 
If this number is quite small then it would be wrong to make the majority 
suffer just because you don't know how to fix the problem that affects the 

PHP (& File systems) are best staying away from things like that.

Microsoft produces case insensitive software, including file systems, 
because that is what users are used to. Unix was invented in a laboratory by 
academics who couldn't develop case insensitive software so they called it a 
"feature" and not a "bug".

Not attempting
case folding, and similar, makes it simpler, faster & more robust (not 
about what sort of 'i' to convert to). It only helps those who do not know 

the SHIFT key is for.

Why is it not possible to identify a single upper and lower case variant for 
every character in every character set?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-15 Thread Tony Marston
"Alain Williams"  wrote in message

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:16:47PM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:

A minor detail. Windows followed all the previous OSes which I had
used in being case insensitive, which makes unix the odd one out.
Besides there are far more computers running Windows than unix, so
unixx should not be used as the standard.

So you want a return to the horrors of code pages in file systems ?

I never said that.

Iike how you map lower -> upper depends on how you encode characters.

Then use a single UNICODE character set where every character has both an 
upper and lower case representation. Problem solved.

Far better that that
problem is taken away from the file system (which should be clean, robust 

fast) and if you want case independence put it up at the application layer.

You try telling that to the billions of Windows users who have been used to 
a case insensitive file system for decades. Not to mention all Microsoft 
software which is case insensitive. Try to take that away and billions of 
users will be baying for your blood.

I vote for making it case sensitive: simpler for the parser; the programmer
rapidly learns that it should be 'TRUE' and not 'true' -- job done.

This is what Javascript does.

I don't give two hoots what javascript does.

Many operating systems were case insensitive since your input terminal (eg 
Teletype) could only generate one case. But in those days it was simple 

you only had one character set: ASCII or EBCDIC (translation of alphabetics
between the 2 was easy, some others not so, eg: @"\£#).

>But the additional problems that case-insensitive then
>introduces may mean that all case-insensitivity has to be removed at
>that point?

What additional problems? When billions of people are used to living
in a case-insensitive world and the only "problems" affect an
insignificantly small number in an insignificantly small number of
circumstances then the only proper solution is one that solves the
problem for the small number without messing it up for the far
larger number.

That is the sort of mind-set that results in browsers accepting all sort of
broken markup and making guesses on what is intended; different browsers 
different guesses and render the page differently.  The user then blames 
X for getting it wrong rather than the incompetent web developer who can't 

bothered to check that their markup is correct.

UNICODE was supposedly invented to deal with all these problems so why 
doesn't it? Why is it not possible to define an uppercase and lowercase 
variant of the same character? If the problem lies with an incomplete 
implementation of UNICODE then that is the problem which should be 
addressed. Any programmer who says that he doesn't have the brain power to 
provide a proper solution and proposes instead to remove case insensitivity 
from the entire universe "because it is more convenient" should hang his 
head in shame. It is the programmer's job to make things easier and more 
convenient for the user, not for users to accept what is convenient for the 
programmers to provide.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 14 September 2017 13:59:20 BST, Tony Marston <> 

Why should the
English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
cannot handle case folding?

Have you any idea how arrogant this sounds? Why should "the 
English-speaking world" get to make up the rules? What criteria make 
something "a minor language"? Who gave you the right to make such lofty 

Because the English-speaking world invented both computers and the languages 
used to program them. The early ASCII character set supported only the 
English/American languages, and while other languages were supported on an 
ad hoc basis with specific character sets, the creation of a single UNICODE 
standard to cover all possible character sets was later created and should 
be available in all languages. If UNICODE solves all particular issues 
regarding case-insensitive software, but has yet to be properly implemented 
in PHP, then the correct response to this problem would be to rectify PHP's 

And, please, stop muddling UTF8, a particular way of representing text in 
binary, with Unicode, the huge and complex standard that attempts to handle 
fairly these "minor languages" which you dismiss so casually. Or preferably 
just stop commenting on topics you so obviously don't understand.

The terms "UTF8" and "UNICODE" do not mean entirely different things. The 
page at speaks of "UTF-8-encoded 
Unicode", so for may people they are just different sides of the same coin.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message

On 14.09.2017 at 14:59, Tony Marston wrote:

Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive
world just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider to
be acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than the
insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why should
the English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
languages cannot handle case folding?

This is not about an "insignificant few who insist on using obscure
character sets", but rather about a language spoken by millions of
people which has to "I" characters, namely dotted and dotless "I".
Rather consistently, the dotless "I"'s lower-case variant is "i", and
the dotted "I"'s lower-case variant is "i".  There you go.

The number of people in the world who use character sets which do not have 
this problem far outnumber those who use character sets which do have this 
problem. People without this problem far outnumber the others, so it would 
not be a good idea to inconvenience the many just to satisfy the few.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston
"Lester Caine"  wrote in message

On 14/09/17 10:20, Tony Marston wrote:

Then unix came along and FUBAR'd everything. Any advantages of case
sensitive systems are ALWAYS outweighed by their disadvantages.

Unix predates Windows ...

A minor detail. Windows followed all the previous OSes which I had used in 
being case insensitive, which makes unix the odd one out. Besides there are 
far more computers running Windows than unix, so unixx should not be used as 
the standard.

the use of such breaks as having spaces in
file names came from that development in addition to the line ending.
The RTTY machines needed a carriage return step followed by a line feed
which is why that was two steps initially. Not needed these days, but
still embeded from the early days.

I also saw LF and CR being used independently in a driver for a daisywheel 
printer in the 1970s.

The fact that both CR and LF are not needed these days should have been 
addressed by a common solution used by all OSes, and not each OS using a 
different solution.

UTF8 introduces a level of complexity and can be used used in many
places in PHP, but it does seem that there is no drive these days to
make the core a clean UTF8 environment. This should perhaps be addressed
again for PHP8?

If UTF8 solves the problem, but has yet to be properly implemented in PHP, 
then the PHP implementation should be addressed.

But the additional problems that case-insensitive then
introduces may mean that all case-insensitivity has to be removed at
that point?

What additional problems? When billions of people are used to living in a 
case-insensitive world and the only "problems" affect an insignificantly 
small number in an insignificantly small number of circumstances then the 
only proper solution is one that solves the problem for the small number 
without messing it up for the far larger number.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston
"Daniel Morris"  wrote in message

On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, at 10:20 AM, Tony Marston wrote:

If the first programming languages in the first computers were case
insensitive, then that should be the standard. Those who introduced case
sensitive languages at a later date should be forced to justify that

If the first vehicles had two wheels, then that should be the standard.
Those who introduced cars with four wheels should be forced to justify
that decision.

If the first television was black and white, then that should be the
standard. Those who introduced televisions with colour should be forced
to justify that decision.

If the first living organisms had single cells, then that should be the
standard. Evolution should be forced to justify the decision to move to
multiple cells.

If light exists as a wave, then that should be the standard. When an
observer collapses the wave function, then they should be forced to
justify that decision.

Daniel Morris

You are being deliberately awkward. While things can progress, change, 
improve and be added to over time, I can see no justification for removing a 
facility or capability just for the convenience of a miniscule number of 
developers. Just because the first Ford motor cars were black is no 
justification for saying that all cars should be black. The idea that all 
cars should have their ability to steer around bends be removed just because 
the car makers find it easier to build cars that can only run in straight 
lines would be just plain nonsense.

Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive world 
just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider to be 
acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than the 
insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why should the 
English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor languages 
cannot handle case folding?

If the problem has already been solved with UTF8 then no other solution 
should be required. If the support for UTF8 needs to be enhanced in PHP then 
enhance it. Do not remove case-insensitive software just because it is 

As was said in a Star Trek movie - the needs of the many outweigh the needs 
of the few.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston

""Tony Marston""  wrote in message

"Levi Morrison"  wrote in message

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:59 AM, Tony Marston <> 

People who think that case sensitive software is cool are deluding
themselves. When I started working on mainframe computers (UNIVAC and 
in the early 1970s everything was case-insensitive. This was only 
changed by

people who did not understand the ramifications of their choice.

Actually there are concrete bugs caused by case insensitivity. For one
example, here is our own report about a Turkish locale

The short summary of the issue is that when capital `I`, the ninth
letter of the English alphabet, is lowercased in the Turkish locales
it does not become the same `i` as it does in English but a different
i that is not considered equal. Thus classes such as `Iterator` are
not found in the Turkish locales. Note that this bug was fixed, and
then there was a regression that lasted until PHP 5.5.

There are other case insensitivity bugs but this Turkish one is the
poster child and if you search around you can find many examples of

Case sensitivity is thus *a correctness issue* and not a "cool"ness,
personal preference, performance, or some other type of issue. I argue
correctness and maintenance issues are the most important and thus if
we change sensitivity of *any* type of symbol it should go in the
direction of being case sensitive. Someone can disagree on what they
value but people who think case insensitivity is not a correctness
issue "are deluding themselves".

Levi Morrison

I'm sorry, but errors in translation from one character set to another are 
insignificant when compared with the much larger problem of the same word 
having diferent meanings depending on case. In the English language "info" 
is the same as "Info" is the same as "INFO" is the same as "iNFO" is the 
same as "iNfO" and so on. If the problem is that an English word cannot be 
recognised as the same word regardless of case when switching to a 
non-English character set then the issue is with switching to a non-English 
character set.

Introducing case sensitivity just for this minor bug would create more 
issues than it would solve, so this bug should be solved using a different 
technique .

Would this problem disappear by using UTF8 instead of the Turkish character 
set? If so then ten no other solution would be required.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-14 Thread Tony Marston
"Sara Golemon"  wrote in message

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Tony Marston <> 

People who think that case sensitive software is cool are deluding
themselves. When I started working on mainframe computers (UNIVAC and 
in the early 1970s everything was case-insensitive. This was only changed 

people who did not understand the ramifications of their choice.

Yeah, decades of C/C++/Java developers are so dumb, like... fer reals.
Friggin' script kiddies, the lot of 'em.


If the first programming languages in the first computers were case 
insensitive, then that should be the standard. Those who introduced case 
sensitive languages at a later date should be forced to justify that 
decision. It is the same for file systems - all the pre-unix systems I 
worked on were case insensitive, as have been all versions of Microsoft 
Windows. Then unix came along and FUBAR'd everything. Any advantages of case 
sensitive systems are ALWAYS outweighed by their disadvantages.

A similar cockup occurred with line endings. The original convention on 
teletypes was to use line-feed (LF) and carriage-return (CR) together which 
have separate meanings and could either be used independently or together. 
Then some clueless newbies came along and changed everything so that some 
OSes use just LF while others use just just CR. This now causes problems 
when transferring files from one OS to another. This shows what happens when 
"friggin' script kiddies" (your words, not mine) come up with an idea 
without understanding what the current convention is.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-13 Thread Tony Marston
"Ryan Pallas"  wrote in message

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:59 AM, Tony Marston <>

You seem to forget that autoloading is an option, not a requirement. I
don't use autoloading in my 14 year old framework for several reasons:
- An autoloader did not exist when I created my framework.
- I built an alternative mechanism into my framework, so I don't need an
- I don't like the way autoloaders work - all my class names are in snake
case (lowercase with underscore separators) and the autoloader converts 

into '/' thus producing a file path which does not exist.

I must be missing something, there is no autoloader shipped with PHP. You
have to define your own and register it. You can choose to change _ into /
within your autoloader, but that is entirely preference and not
specifically part of autoloading. For example, here's my autoloader which
does no such symbol replacement

Then it must have been the project I was working on which used a combination 
of Codeigniter, Composer and PHPUnit. There was definitely something which 
translated a class name from "foo_bar_snafu" into "foo/bar/snafu". It's no 
wonder that I stopped using it.

Tony Marston 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-13 Thread Tony Marston
"Levi Morrison"  wrote in message

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:59 AM, Tony Marston <> 

People who think that case sensitive software is cool are deluding
themselves. When I started working on mainframe computers (UNIVAC and 
in the early 1970s everything was case-insensitive. This was only changed 

people who did not understand the ramifications of their choice.

Actually there are concrete bugs caused by case insensitivity. For one
example, here is our own report about a Turkish locale

The short summary of the issue is that when capital `I`, the ninth
letter of the English alphabet, is lowercased in the Turkish locales
it does not become the same `i` as it does in English but a different
i that is not considered equal. Thus classes such as `Iterator` are
not found in the Turkish locales. Note that this bug was fixed, and
then there was a regression that lasted until PHP 5.5.

There are other case insensitivity bugs but this Turkish one is the
poster child and if you search around you can find many examples of

Case sensitivity is thus *a correctness issue* and not a "cool"ness,
personal preference, performance, or some other type of issue. I argue
correctness and maintenance issues are the most important and thus if
we change sensitivity of *any* type of symbol it should go in the
direction of being case sensitive. Someone can disagree on what they
value but people who think case insensitivity is not a correctness
issue "are deluding themselves".

Levi Morrison

I'm sorry, but errors in translation from one character set to another are 
insignificant when compared with the much larger problem of the same word 
having diferent meanings depending on case. In the English language "info" 
is the same as "Info" is the same as "INFO" is the same as "iNFO" is the 
same as "iNfO" and so on. If the problem is that an English word cannot be 
recognised as the same word regardless of case when switching to a 
non-English character set then the issue is with switching to a non-English 
character set.

Introducing case sensitivity just for this minor bug would create more 
issues than it would solve, so this bug should be solved using a different 
technique .

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate and remove case-insensitive constants?

2017-09-13 Thread Tony Marston
"Sara Golemon"  wrote in message

On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 5:02 AM, Christoph M. Becker <> 

Even if these issues could be resolved, I still think allowing both
case-sensitive and case-insensitive constant identifiers does more harm
than good.

+0.1 to removing case-insensitive constants, though we'd need to
define both "null" and "NULL" (similar for true and false) since
there's little consensus on which version of these constants get used
from project to project.  Also: While deprecating for 7.3 is fine, I'd
favor waiting for 8.0 for full removal.

As to François' suggestion to make the whole language case-sensitive?
Yeesh, that feels like a much more aggressive movement.  In the case
of constants they very nearly are case-sensitive only since, as you
point out, common practice is to not pass true for that third
parameter, and to prefer `const` over `define` anyway.  Identifiers
are another matter since they're insensitive by default.

In the case of classnames I could almost get on board since
autoloading standards have pushed users naturally in the direction of
respecting case sensitive as a coding standard.  I don't feel as
though that's true of functions or of projects where autoloaders
aren't used (not a small number).

You seem to forget that autoloading is an option, not a requirement. I don't 
use autoloading in my 14 year old framework for several reasons:

- An autoloader did not exist when I created my framework.
- I built an alternative mechanism into my framework, so I don't need an 
- I don't like the way autoloaders work - all my class names are in snake 
case (lowercase with underscore separators) and the autoloader converts '_' 
into '/' thus producing a file path which does not exist.

By convention I always use uppercase for constants which makes them 
instantly recognisable in my code as all other names are either completely 
lowercase or mixed case. Making constants case sensitive instead of 
insensitive would not affect me.

However, I would be totally against switching the rest of the language to be 
case sensitive for the following reasons:

- It would be a huge BC break no little or no benefit.
- It would allow developers to shoot themselves in the foot by having 
different functions with the same name but different mixtures of case, so 
that foo(), Foo() FOO() and fOO() would be treated as different functions.
- if people move from keyboard input to speech recognition, then simply 
speaking a name would not work - you would have to spell it out character by 
character, and specify either upper or lowercase for each character.

People who think that case sensitive software is cool are deluding 
themselves. When I started working on mainframe computers (UNIVAC and IBM) 
in the early 1970s everything was case-insensitive. This was only changed by 
people who did not understand the ramifications of their choice.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Match expression

2017-09-10 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message news:7cd2884a-6606-4c3f-8f95-776fd277878b@Spark...

Hi Tony

… you sometimes forget to insert a break statement then that is your 

Any bug in your source code is ultimately your fault. But as mentioned 
before human error is inevitable. You can make it easier for your users to 
make less mistakes though. Other languages (e.g. Rust or Swift) have 
implicit breaks in their switch statements. This has been done for a 
reason, I wouldn’t call this a non-issue.

The problem with implicit breaks is that it makes it impossible to group 
several conditions with a single break. My previous language use implicit 
breaks, and this problem really annoyed me. With PHP I have more control, 
and the fact that I have to insert explicit breaks I do not see as an 

Millions of other programmers have no problem with the switch statement

It’s all they know. They don’t complain about null pointers even though it’s 
inventor calls it his billion-dollar mistake. The customer rarely knows 
what he truly needs.

They know what they want to achieve, and they have to know which language 
features are available to help them meet their objectives. The fact that 
some language features have turned out to be a big mistake is purely the 
fault of the people who introduced those features. Some programmers complain 
about some languages features even though they are useful features which 
work as advertised as are not deemed to be a mistake - take yourself for 
example who is now complaining about issues with the switch statement.

If what you want to achieve can be done better with a series of if/elseif 
statements than the switch statement, then why can't you use if/elseif 
instead of making the language more complicated?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Match expression

2017-09-10 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message news:eb28362c-4f8f-45df-bbf0-582e8ad2b8af@Spark...

Hi everybody!

Has this idea been discussed before?

I find myself writing switch statements in PHP quite rarely. This has a few 

1. It doesn’t have a "strict_types” version
2. It is quite verbose (lots of breaks)
3. It is a statement rather than an expression

Often, if / elseif statements turn out to be shorter, safer and easier to 
read than the switch statement.

What I’d really love is something like a match expression:

If there are circumstances where a series of if / elseif statements turn out 
to be shorter, safer and easier to read than a switch statement, then the 
intelligent thing to do would be to use if / elseif statements instead of 
trying to make the switch statement more complicated. If your problem with 
the switch statement is that you sometimes forget to insert a break 
statement then that is your fault. Try to use the language features as they 
were intended to be used and not how you would personally like to use them. 
Millions of other programmers have no problem with the switch statement, and 
they would not be pleased to have it changed just to deal with your 
perceived problem with it.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] A validator module for PHP7

2017-09-09 Thread Tony Marston
pe you understand my intentions and accept the feature in core.
Feature for core should be in core. IMO.

The filter functions are already in core. How these functions are used is 
down to userland code.

1) Primary validation, where each field is validated against the column

specifications in the database to ensure that the value can be written to
that column without causing an error. For example this checks that a number
is a number, a data is a date, a required field is not null, etc.

2) Secondary validation, where additional validation/business rules are

applied such as comparing the values from several fields. For example, to
check that START_DATE is not later than END_DATE.

Validation rules for input, logic and database may differ.
Suppose you validate "user comment" data.
Input:0 -10240 bytes - Input might have to allow larger size
than logic. i.e. lacks client side validation.
Logic:  10 - 1024 bytes - Logic may require smaller range as
correct data.
Database: 0 - 102400 bytes - Database may allow much larger size for future

Under ideal situation, all of these may be the same but they are not in
real world.

I wouldn't aim to consolidate all validations, but I would like to avoid
incompatibilities so that different validations can cooperate if it is

What exactly are these "unnecessary incompatibilities"?

I'm very interested in PDO level validation because SQLite3 could be very

Anything which is misused can be dangerous. It is almost impossible to 
provide a function and prevent stupid people from misusing it.

(i.e. Type affinity allows store strings in int/float/date/etc) It may be
useful if PDO
can simply use "validate" module's rule or API.

BTW, Input validation should only validate format(used char, length, range,
if we follow single responsibility principle. Logical correctness is upto
logic. i.e. Model in

Anyway, goal is providing usable basic validator for core features and

If you wish to improve the filter functions ten go ahead. Anything more than 
this would be a step too far.

Required trade offs may be allowed.

Do not waste time by trying to add into core what should be done in userland 


Yasuo Ohgaki

Tony Marston

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Re: [PHP-DEV] A validator module for PHP7

2017-09-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Dan Ackroyd"  wrote in message

On 6 September 2017 at 13:31, Rowan Collins <> 

I'm going to assume that the code you posted was something of a straw
man, and you're not actually advocating people copy 20 lines of code for
every variable they want to validate.

You assume wrong. No it's not, and yes I am.

I can point a junior developer at the function and they can understand it.

If I ask that junior developer to add an extra rule that doesn't
currently exist, they can without having to dive into a full library
of validation code.

If I need to modify the validation based on extra input (e.g whether
the user has already made several purchases, or whether they're a
brand new signup), it's trivial to add that to the function.

This is one of the times where code re-use through copying and pasting
is far superior to trying to make stuff "simple" by going through an
array based 'specification'. It turns out that that doesn't save much
time to begin with, and then becomes hard to manage when your
requirements get more complication.

As a person who has been developing database applications for several 
decades and with PHP since 2003 I'd like to chip in with my 2 cent's worth. 
Firstly I agree with Dan's statement:

This type of library should be done in PHP, not in C.

Secondly, there is absolutely no way that you can construct a standard 
library which can execute all the possible validation rules that may exist. 
In my not inconsiderable experience there are two types of validation:
1) Primary validation, where each field is validated against the column 
specifications in the database to ensure that the value can be written to 
that column without causing an error. For example this checks that a number 
is a number, a data is a date, a required field is not null, etc.
2) Secondary validation, where additional validation/business rules are 
applied such as comparing the values from several fields. For example, to 
check that START_DATE is not later tyhan END_DATE.

Primary validation is easy to automate. I have a separate class for each 
database table, and each class contains an array of field specifications. 
This is never written by hand as it is produced by my Data Dictionary which 
imports data from the database schema then exports that data in the form of 
table class files and table structure files. When data is sent to a table 
class for inserting or updating in the database I have written a standard 
validation procedure which takes two arrays - an array of field=value pairs 
and a array of field=specifications - and then checks that each field 
conforms to its specifications. This validation procedure is built into the 
framework and executed automatically before any data is written to the 
database, so requires absolutely no intervention by the developer.

Secondary validation cannot be automated, so it requires additional code to 
be inserted into the relevant validation method. There are several of these 
which are defined in my abstract table class and which are executed 
automatically at a predetermined point in the processing cycle. These 
methods are defined in the abstract class but are empty. If specific code is 
required then the empty class can be copied from the abstract class to the 
concrete class where it can be filled with the necessary code.

If there are any developers out there who are still writing code to perform 
primary validation then you may learn something from my implementation.

If there are any developers out there who think that secondary validation 
can be automated I can only say "dream on".

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][DISCUSSION] Allow default value in list() syntax

2017-08-11 Thread Tony Marston
"Andreas Hennings"  wrote in message

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Devnuhl Unnamed <> 

Would isset($suffix) not suffice here?

You mean like so?

list($prefix, $suffix) = explode(':', 'string_without_suffix');
if (!isset($suffix)) {

The isset() is too late here, because the list() will already cause an 

Other concerns fall around list() already being a difficult thing for 
people to understand

I agree.

I fail to understand what is difficult about it.

The point is that other people have difficulty understanding what is 
supposed to be a simple feature which is now being expanded to include more 
options which change its behaviour.

And "destructuring" is a common concept in programming languages. 

The following already works in Javascript:
[a, b, c, d = 'else'] = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'];
I just tried it in my Chromium console.

That fact that something like this exists in another language is no reason 
to add it to PHP.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] website

2017-07-21 Thread Tony Marston
"Niklas Keller"  wrote in message

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 1:07 PM, Mathias Grimm <>
> I was briefly asking Sara about it and as she pointed out it is likely 
> a

> big project but I think we can do something about it.
One thing I should have mentioned on twitter was:

That'll get you a locally running web-php instance though it's not
ideal for iterative development against the git repo without some

As to the actual hosts: There are (I believe) two hosts actually
administered by folk: and, others
(AIUI) are run by third parties and not under our control.  The PHP
version on these hosts is, comically, not the lastest-and-greatest.
I'm fairly confident it's not even consistently 7.0+ so whatever you
write needs to take that into account (particularly given the status
of third-party mirrors).

We should really change that and fully move to HTTPS.

Regards, Niklas

Why on earth should you need to use HTTPS for a website that does not deal 
with personal information? Nothing on that website can possibly be classed 
as "sensitive" so what would be the point?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] array coalesce operator concept

2017-07-13 Thread Tony Marston
"David Rodrigues"  wrote in message

The idea is good, but I don't know if it is more clear than an 'if()'

I think that this proposal is totally ridiculous and should be shot down in 
flames. My reasoning is as follows:

1) There should be a rule that anything which can be achieved with 5 lines 
or less in userland code should be automatically excluded from becoming a 
change to the language. The cost of changing the language in order to get 
around the laziness of a small number of users versus the "benefit" of 
making the language more complicated for the rest of us, as well as adding 
to the maintenance burden is simply not worth it.

2) Proposals such as this violate the first rule of good programming which 
is to provide code which is readable and therefore understandable by others, 
and therefore maintainable. I don't know about you, but I find it much 
easier to read words than symbols. The idea that the code "if 
(is_array($foo))" is too verbose and should be replaced with a shorthand 
symbol is just too ridiculous for word. If any more of these shortcuts is 
implemented then I'm afraid that code will look too much like a bunch of 
hieroglyphics and become far less readable.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Tony Marston

Em 11 de jul de 2017 12:15 PM, "Mark Shust" <> escreveu:


I wanted to garnish feedback on a RFC proposal. This is just a concept at
this point, and is inspired by the null coalesce operator.

Code will error if a non-array value is passed through a looping feature.
For example, this code:

PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in test.php on line 

To prevent this, the logical solution is to wrap this in an is_array 

sugar/improvement, this can be shorthand for executing the loop instead 

wrapping the block within an is_array check:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-06 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 5 June 2017 09:14:47 BST, Tony Marston <> wrote:

Seriously, can you explain in words of one syllable the precise
benefits of
such a consistency?

I will try:

- When we write code, we need to know how to spell the names of things. If 
the things all have names that look the same, it is less hard for us to 
guess what the name is. This means we take less time to learn the names, 
and get less things wrong.

Words and abbreviations are spelled the same whether you use snake_case or 
CamelCase, the only difference is how you show the boundary between one word 
and the next. Studies have shown that snake_case is more readable than 

- Our brains are made to spot when things are the same, and when things are 
not the same. When one thing is not like the things near it, we think "why 
is that?" This slows us down.

Seeing a name written in snake_case does not slow you down. In normal 
writing there is a space between each word, but as names in software cannot 
have embedded spaces. This is why underscores are used, and this is 
infinitely more readable than replacing spaces with a capital letter.

- When we get things wrong, we need to find out what we did wrong. If one 
way to write a name is wrong, we can spot when we wrote it that way, and 
know that it is wrong.

Writing a name wrong has nothing to do with the difference between 
snake_case and CamelCase. My IDE will show me existing names that match what 
I am typing as soon as I start typing, so I can easily pick the name that I 

- If we make two things that mean the same thing, but do not look the same, 
we might not spot that we wrote a third thing that does not mean the same 

If you try to instantiate a class that does not exist, or call a 
method/function which does not exist, then you will soon know about it. 
Using snake_case instead of CamelCase does not invite more errors.

I think there are more things that make it good to have names that look the 
same, but I hope this helps for now.

The only universally accepted "rule" for names is that they be unique and 
convey proper meaning. In proper languages all names are case-insensitive as 
the ability to write the same name with the exact same spelling but 
different case is simply inviting disaster.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-06 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 05.06.2017 um 10:14 schrieb Tony Marston:

wrote in message

Am 04.06.2017 um 11:10 schrieb Tony Marston:
If there was never a standard to begin with then there should be proper 
justification for introducing one now, and I'm afraid that "to be 
consistent" is not a valid argument. What problems are caused by this 
inconsistency? What is the cost, both in core developer time and 
application developer time, to change it? If the benefits are smaller 
than the costs then can the change actually be justified?

seriously, if you don't understand the obvious benefits of consistency 
when a lot of different people have to deal with source code over a long 
period of time likely the discussion with you is pointless and just 
wasted time for everybody involved

Seriously, can you explain in words of one syllable the precise benefits 
of such a consistency? Can you measure the benefits? Just because some 
OCD sufferers like consistency is not a good enough reason. I have been 
programming for over 30 years, and in that time I have had to deal with 
both snake_case and CamelCase, and while I personally find that 
snake_case is more readable, especially with names that contain more than 
3 or 4 words, I have no trouble reading either. Having a mixture of 
styles does not cause a problem (except in the minds of OCD sufferers) so 
IMHO it does not require a solution. Anybody who says that they cannot 
work with a mixture of naming styles is either a liar or Illiterate

it feels like talking with a blind guy about colors
who said "cannot"?

i can mess up my living room and life still goes on
but i won't

i can live without taking a shower over weeks
but i won't

i could work with someone which has a terrible coding style
but i won't

Anybody whose says that using snake_case instead of CamelCase for names 
causes any sort of "problem" is exaggerating. I have been using a mixture of 
naming conventions for several decades, the only "rule" being that each name 
must convey a proper meaning, and I have never had a problem. This matter 
does not cause a genuine problem, so it does not need any sort of solution.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-05 Thread Tony Marston

wrote in message

Am 04.06.2017 um 11:10 schrieb Tony Marston:
If there was never a standard to begin with then there should be proper 
justification for introducing one now, and I'm afraid that "to be 
consistent" is not a valid argument. What problems are caused by this 
inconsistency? What is the cost, both in core developer time and 
application developer time, to change it? If the benefits are smaller 
than the costs then can the change actually be justified?

seriously, if you don't understand the obvious benefits of consistency when 
a lot of different people have to deal with source code over a long period 
of time likely the discussion with you is pointless and just wasted time 
for everybody involved

Seriously, can you explain in words of one syllable the precise benefits of 
such a consistency? Can you measure the benefits? Just because some OCD 
sufferers like consistency is not a good enough reason. I have been 
programming for over 30 years, and in that time I have had to deal with both 
snake_case and CamelCase, and while I personally find that snake_case is 
more readable, especially with names that contain more than 3 or 4 words, I 
have no trouble reading either. Having a mixture of styles does not cause a 
problem (except in the minds of OCD sufferers) so IMHO it does not require a 
solution. Anybody who says that they cannot work with a mixture of naming 
styles is either a liar or Illiterate.

in the time you wasted with your mails i typically cleanup inconsistency 
here and there in a project with 25 lines of code which dates back to 
2003 to make my own life as core-developer and everybody elses easier

There are some changes which cause a lot more effort to be wasted. I 
remember that the move from PHP4 to PHP5 was made more difficult than it 
should have been simply because someone decided that the method/function 
names for the XSL extension should be converted from snake_case to CamelCase 
just to be "consistent".

The proposed change is purely cosmetic and has absolutely no effect on 
functionality, so what is the point? There are costs but no benefits, so can 
the change really be justified?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-04 Thread Tony Marston

""Steven Hilder""  wrote in message news:op.y09fz0b4twp9n2@charlie...


On 30 May 2017 11:21:38 +0300, Tony Marston <> 

they should not be forced to change just because some nerd has made a
unilateral decision which is way above his pay grade

On 30 May 2017 16:18:21 +0300, Tony Marston <> 

just because someone that there should now be a standard. Who gives this
"someone" the right to demand a change in the name of consistency

On 31 May 2017 12:19:59 +0300, Tony Marston <> 

IMHO it is wrong for someone new to the project to demand that there be a
standard, one of his choosing, and that all existing code be modified to
conform to that standard.

On 02 Jun 2017 10:56:57 +0300, Tony Marston <> 
I object to some young nerd arriving on the scene and proclaiming to the 
that he has decided to change the "standards" and demand that everyone 

Who gave him the right to change the standards?the

On 03 Jun 2017 11:10:39 +0300, Tony Marston <> 

That strikes me as being dictatorial and authoritarian

You're correct that nothing gives any one person the right to demand a 
change to
naming conventions or any other element of PHP - hence why nobody here is 

any such demands or proclamations.

However, what you seem not to recognise is that any person has the right to
suggest or campaign for such a change, regardless of their age, experience
level, pay grade, nerdiness or severity of OCD. To imply otherwise is 

The purpose both of debating suggestions on this list and carrying out the 
process is to determine if the internals community can reach a consensus 
on a

proposal's viability for inclusion in PHP.

Only if and when consensus is achieved will the change be implemented. 
There are
no unilateral decisions. To imply otherwise is to fundamentally 

how open-source collaboration works.

Furthermore, there is absolutely no prerequisite that a standard must have 

in place since the project's inception for a proposal to be valid.

If there was never a standard to begin with then there should be proper 
justification for introducing one now, and I'm afraid that "to be 
consistent" is not a valid argument. What problems are caused by this 
inconsistency? What is the cost, both in core developer time and application 
developer time, to change it? If the benefits are smaller than the costs 
then can the change actually be justified?

None of what I have written above should be news to you, and Rowan has 
clarified that you are not being forced or even asked to change any of 
your own

code. So why do you persist?

Because I have been using PHP since 2002, and have been following this group 
shortly after, and there is one pattern I have seen over and over again. 
After a change has been made in PHP core to enforce a "standard" for nothing 
more than "to be consistent", some bright spark will try to enforce it on 
the greater PHP community. After all, it is the "standard" right? Why should 
there be one standard for the core developers and another standard for the 
application developers? Sure that's inconsistent, and as such it must be a 
"bad thing".

I disapprove of any change to the language which is purely cosmetic and not 
an improvement in functionality. The words that I use to express my 
disapproval are an indicator of my level of disapproval. When I describe the 
supporters of this RFC as nit-picking, anal-retentive OCD sufferers you may 
regard that as derogatory but it is far from being abusive. I am simply 
pointing out that supporters of this RFC are spending too much time on 
irrelevant and trivial details which will not improve the language in any 
way whatsoever.

My words may annoy you, but I am just as annoyed at RFCs like this one.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-03 Thread Tony Marston
"Dan Ackroyd"  wrote in message

On 29 May 2017 at 23:13, Fleshgrinder <> wrote:

Hey guys!

People are complaining over at Reddit [1]

While the "STD" is slightly humorous, it is unneeded verbosity, and
will lead to pointless arguments in the future of whether other
features in the future should catch the STD name, or whether they
should be directly under PHP. I would recommend not using it.

I don't care about case, though there may be a slight argument that
upper-casing initialisations is the 'standard' in PHP core.

It can only be the "standard" if it has been documented as such and everyone 
follows it. If it was not documented as such from the start of the project 
then it does not qualify. It may have become the most commonly used in a 
selection of alternatives, but that does not give anyone the right to now 
say that it has become the standard and should be enforced. That strikes me 
as being dictatorial and authoritarian, as well as requiring large amounts 
of effort without offering any tangible benefits. I'm "consistency" is not a 
valid benefit in my book.

Tony Marston

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-03 Thread Tony Marston
"Dan Ackroyd"  wrote in message

On 2 June 2017 at 08:56, Tony Marston <> wrote:

I object to some young nerd arriving on the scene

Please don't make derogatory comments.

A mildly derogatory comment which indicates the low esteem in which I hold 
people with such thoughts is not the same as personal abuse, so stop trying 
to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Also, this tangent on naming conventions in general is off-topic to
this thread. Please stay on topic.

How can it be off-topic to talk about naming conventions in a thread with 
the title "class naming"?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-02 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 1 June 2017 10:16:16 BST, Tony Marston <> wrote:

"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 31 May 2017 10:26:06 BST, Tony Marston <>


wrote in message
I should point out that snake_case was the universal standard decades
before some people switched to CamelCase.

[citation needed]

My first job in computing was with a UNIVAC 1108 mainframe in the
1970s. This used a 6-bit character instead of an 8-bit byte, which meant 

it could support upper case characters, but not lower case. Where a name
was comprised of several words an underscore separator was used, as in

Fascinating, but doesn't make it "universal", or frankly have anything to 
do with how we write code 40 years later.

Some people have been writing code for decades, and those practices which 
they learnt at the start of their careers tend to stick. As one of these 
"old timers" I object to some young nerd arriving on the scene and 
proclaiming to the world that he has decided to change the "standards" and 
demand that everyone follow. Who gave him the right to change the standards? 
Are there standards that he can actually change? Bearing in mind that there 
is no such thing as a universal naming standard (apart from names being 
readable and meaningful) what gives this nerd the right to say "you cannot 
use snake_case any more, everything has to be CamelCase"?

That was only because some software could
not handle long names, but could handle both upper and lower case, so
an upper case character was used instead of an underscore.

[citation needed]

Try reading

Mentions absolutely nothing about the origins of CamelCase, which a quick 
search suggests is somewhat unknown. One theory is apparently environments 
whose character sets had replaced underscore with a left-arrow assignment 
operator. Which, again, is fascinating but is as irrelevant to designing 
modern languages as the origins of the word "beef" is to ordering a 

Some studies have shown that that most people find it easier to read
compound names which use the underscore separator. Look at the
following:  (first paragraph)

This, however, is at least tangentially relevant to the original topic, 
since it shows some reasons to pick one convention over the other.

Different groups of people follow different naming conventions simply 
because there is no universally accepted standard. The convention that they 
follow is usually down to personal choice, and if their convention produces 
readable and meaningful names it is not unreasonable for them to object to 
being told that they must now follow somebody else's personal choice for no 
good reason other than to be "consistent". If the effort of changing to be 
"consistent" has costs but no tangible benefits, then in my book it cannot 
be justified and is not worth the effort.

Even more relevant would be studies testing the advantages of having a 
convention at all, which I would expect to include increased efficiency and 
reduced mistakes because it's easier to remember a list of items that 
follow a fixed pattern.

If there is no such thing as a single convention when it comes to naming 
functions, classes and methods, then what is the benefit of trying to 
enforce one? All you will do is annoy those people who are forced to change, 
especially when it means taking a name in a readable format and changing it 
to a less-readable format.

Provided that the names used are readable and meaningful, what exactly is 
the benefit of enforcing one naming convention over another? Any follower of 
CamelCase who says that he cannot read names written in snake_case is either 
a liar or illiterate.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-06-01 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 31 May 2017 10:26:06 BST, Tony Marston <> wrote:

wrote in message
I should point out that snake_case was the universal standard decades
before some people switched to CamelCase.

[citation needed]

My first job in computing was with a UNIVAC 1108 mainframe in the 1970s. 
This used a 6-bit character instead of an 8-bit byte, which meant that it 
could support upper case characters, but not lower case. Where a name was 
comprised of several words an underscore separator was used, as in 

Lisp, for instance, uses hyphens to separate words, and has don't since the 

That was only because some software could
not handle long names, but could handle both upper and lower case, so
an upper case character was used instead of an underscore.

[citation needed]

Try reading

I'm sorry, but this smells of folklore and guesswork to me. Both 
underscores and mixed case are workarounds for the inability to include 
spaces in identifiers, and have their pros and cons, most of which these 
days come down to opinions on aesthetics.

Some studies have shown that that most people find it easier to read 
compound names which use the underscore separator. Look at the following:  (first paragraph)

This is not guesswork on my part, it is a documented fact.

Tony Marston

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Class Naming in Core

2017-05-31 Thread Tony Marston
wrote in message

Hey Stas!

On 5/30/2017 1:00 AM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:


People are complaining over at Reddit [1]

Isn't it what Reddit is for? ;)

I guess it is. ;)

I know that this is probably a topic nobody cares much about, at least
we did not end up in this kind of bikeshedding in the UUID discussion
thread, but it is after all an important question when designing a 

I personally don't think it is a very important decision, since nothing
much would change either way, but my preference would be:

1. If there's an established acronym, keep it (GMP, DOM, XML, HTTP).
2. If it's just words, use CamelCase.

Second preference is all CamelCase, treating acronyms as a single word
(e.g. RpcOverHttpsViaXml).

Exactly how I see it. I am only asking to decide on one of both and put
it into our coding standard so people who keep on complaining can be
pointed there, and we're done.

I should point out that snake_case was the universal standard decades before 
some people switched to CamelCase. That was only because some software could 
not handle long names, but could handle both upper and lower case, so an 
upper case character was used instead of an underscore. That limitation of 
the size of names no longer exists in any modern software, so the continued 
use of CamelCase is out of habit and not necessity.

Tony Marston

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Class Naming in Core

2017-05-31 Thread Tony Marston
wrote in message

@Tony: exactly what Rowan said. We will not change a single line of
code, and nobody will be forced to do anything. **UNLESS** the code is
meant to become part of the core of PHP. In that case it must follow the
rules, the rules that are part of the coding standard.

But if there was no documented standard to begin with then IMHO it is wrong 
for someone new to the project to demand that there be a standard, one of 
his choosing, and that all existing code be modified to conform to that 

It is fine if you
change your coding style in every file in your project where you are the
only person working on.

I do not consider a particular naming convention (snake_case, CamelCase, 
whatever) to be part of my coding standard. The only universal rule that I 
have followed for decades is that names be readable, concise and convey 
meaning. Anyone who says that they cannot read my code because it uses 
snake_case instead of CamelCase I will ignore. I have been using SQL for 
decades, and it is case INsensitive and has always used snake_case, which 
means that CamelCase is a waste of time.

However, we are a team if changing members, and
having a consistent code style

The term "consistent" can be taken to ridiculous extremes, and I do not 
accept extremism in any form.

helps newcomers to get into the code
base. It, hopefully, helps future maintainers to cope better with the
legacy code we are producing every day.

Feel free to disagree with this, but this is reality here, and these
kind of policies are established as part of any professional code base
in the world.

If it is so important then why did the PHP project not start off with a 
defined standard in this area? If it did not then it could not have been 
THAT important.

On 5/30/2017 3:58 PM, Derick Rethans wrote:

It is also really irrelevant, as function and class names are


It matters to a lot of people, and that is why it should matter for us.

Just because it matters to a bunch of nit-picking OCD sufferers does not 
mean that it matters to the rest of the world. I deliberately switch between 
snake_case and CamelCase in my code just to prove that IT REALLY DOES NOT 
MATTER! I can read a name in whatever style it is written, although I have 
always preferred snake_case, and being able to read the name and derive 
meaning from that name is the only thing that really matters.

We are leaders of an unbelievably huge community and we must address
their concerns.

Addressing the concerns of nit-picking OCD sufferers it not something I 
would bother putting on my to-do list. It does not matter what you do, there 
will always be someone who will complain that it's wrong. You cannot 
possibly please everybody, so you can only aim to please the majority. Those 
in the minority you should ignore.

Sometimes those concerns are complete bullshit, in that
case we can and should ignore them, but in this case we actually already
have a policy, it is just incomplete and I am asking to complete it. ;)

Who determined that the existing policy is incomplete?

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Class Naming in Core

2017-05-30 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 30 May 2017 09:21:38 BST, Tony Marston <> wrote:

projects/teams/organisations are free to use whatever naming convention
like, be it snake_case, CamelCase, studlyCaps or whatever

I think the discussion here is which convention we, as the PHP Internals 
project/team/organisation, want to use. It's nothing to do with forcing 
anyone else to do anything at all.


It does not matter. If there was no agreed "standard" to begin with, why 
should the core developers be forced to make unnecessary changes just 
because someone that there should now be a standard. Who gives this 
"someone" the right to demand a change in the name of consistency when the 
definition of "consistency" has not even been agreed? If it does not cause a 
problem then no time should be wasted in working on a solution.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: Class Naming in Core

2017-05-30 Thread Tony Marston
wrote in message

Hey guys!

People are complaining over at Reddit [1] about using PHP, Std, UUID,
... in other words about case.

I know that this is probably a topic nobody cares much about, at least
we did not end up in this kind of bikeshedding in the UUID discussion
thread, but it is after all an important question when designing a 

Our coding standards are extremely unspecific about this kind of
problem, the only thing that is written there is to avoid abbreviations,
and acronyms are not mentioned at all:

The question is, what would you guys want? The PHP community that
follows the PSR rules is using PascalCase everywhere. The PHP core is

The notion that this little inconsistency causes a problem only exists in 
the minds of nit-pickers and OCD sufferers. The definition of 
"inconsistency" can be taken to ridiculous extremes, as in the following 
- class/method names don't all begin with the same letter - that's 
- class/method names don't all contain the same number of characters - 
that's inconsistent.
- class/method names don't all contain the same number of vowels and 
consonants - that's inconsistent.
- class/method names don't all contain the same number of uppercase and 
lowercase characters - that's inconsistent.

The very idea that there is a "standard" naming convention that everyone 
should follow I find most objectionable. The only universal standard is that 
every name be readable and convey meaning. Different 
projects/teams/organisations are free to use whatever naming convention they 
like, be it snake_case, CamelCase, studlyCaps or whatever, and they should 
not be forced to change just because some nerd has made a unilateral 
decision which is way above his pay grade.

In my project I use a mixture of styles just because I can, but as each name 
is readable and conveys meaning it does not cause a problem, therefore does 
not require any sort of solution.

There are more important changes which can be made to the language other 
than changing it to comply with someone's personal preferences, so this 
ridiculous idea should be kicked into the long grass.

Just my personal opinion.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespaces in Core

2017-02-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Stanislav Malyshev"  wrote in message


New classes within 7.2 (e.g. \HashContext) to be moved without concern
for BC (e.g. \php\Hash\HashContext)

Older classes (e.g. \RecursiveIteratorIterator) to be moved AND
ALIASED FOR BC (e.g. \php\SPL\Iterator\RecursiveIteratorIterator)

Do we really need this? I mean, it's not very likely that there's
another RecursiveIteratorIterator in PHP code, and in user code it'd be
namespaced anyway... It just looks like a lot of moving things around
without any visible (at least visible to me) benefit. And given that no
code would be able to use the long name for like 10 years, and even then
why would anybody use long name if short one works In general, I
don't see a point. New exts/features - sure.

I agree with Stanislav. Everyone should remember that namespaces were only 
invented to deal with a particular problem - that of name collisions with 
user-land code or third-party libraries. It was NEVER intended to be applied 
to all core functions. Do you realise that this will break ALL existing 
code? For what benefit? Just to satisfy someone's personal preference is NOT 
enough justification.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespaces in Core

2017-02-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Fleshgrinder"  wrote in message

On 2/6/2017 9:47 PM, Nikita Popov wrote:

I'm strongly against use of the PHP namespace as a blanket namespace
 for bundled PHP extensions. The PHP namespace should be used only
for functionality that is actually in some way related to PHP. For
example, the php-ast extension could reasonably be namespaced as
php\ast, as it provides an AST for PHP specifically. Similarly the
tokenizer extension could reasonably be namespaced as php\tokenizer.

Extensions which are not of this type should not live in the PHP
namespace, because they don't have anything specifically to do with
php, apart from the circumstance that they happen to be bundled at
the current point in time. Remember that extension may move from
being bundled to being in PECL and vice versa. If we decide to bundle
the MongoDB extension with php, would we rename the currently used
MongoDB namespace to PHP\MongoDB? If we decided to move it back to
PECL, would the namespace go back to just MongoDB? Or would it stay
PHP\MongoDB, despite not being part of PHP anymore? Should all new
extensions be written with a PHP namespace to account for the
possibility of the extension being bundled with PHP at a later point
 in time (even if there are no concrete plans to do so)?

I would answer No to these questions. The namespace MongoDB is not,
as you say, "random", it is *meaningful*. The namespace PHP is (with
 the exceptions in the first paragraph notwithstanding) meaningless
and an artifact of the distribution mechanism, a mechanism which may
 change over time.

Regards, Nikita

I thought about this too. I hope you understood that the main reasoning
for me to choose a well known namespace prefix is related to
auto-loading and when to trigger it. The lack of function and constant
auto-loading is a pain

Not to me, it isn't! I have been using PHP since 2002 and I have never had 
an issue with this. Perhaps this is because I don't have weird development 

and having well known prefixes could solve the
issue since we would never require to even look at the auto-loader if
the namespace starts with php.

Obviously this could be solved for C extensions by allowing them to
register another prefix that should not be auto-loaded: Sodium, MongoDB, 

Another solution could be to use pecl as their prefix. Although this
couples it to the packaging system which might not be so nice.

Any name that is tied to a company name or something else that makes
things impossible for users to claim (Oracle, MongoDB, ...) is not a
problem. In case of sodium that would probably be Paragon but Sodium
might be fine too.

I am not the judge here, the only thing I want is to ensure that this
does not go unseen and that the potential of breaking something is real
if we choose a random route like some others do. Not saying that we
cannot do it, big ecosystems live without problems doing the same.
However, it should be a very conscious choice and none that is taken
lightly: meaning rules!

Introducing a new rule which breaks code that has been running happily for 
the past 15 years sounds like a bad idea to me. VERY bad.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC][Discuss] Arrow Functions

2017-02-05 Thread Tony Marston

"Andrea Faulds"  wrote in message

Hi David,

David Rodrigues wrote:

Hello folks!
I just not understand why "function" should be abbreviated. It's about 

less character better"? I don't see it too much on PHP. I guess that is
more simple keep what exists current "function", that all knows about 

should be better than the next example):

$mapped = array_map(function($x) => $x + $y); // vs current:
$mapped = array_map(function($x) use($y) { return $x + $y });

I feel the same way. It would be nice to have shorter syntax, but it 
sacrifices readability and familiarity here, and adds yet another new 

It also feels inconsistent… isn't "fn" just short for "function"? Why is it 
exclusive to the => syntax?


If something can already be done in PHP then why the rush to complicate the 
language so that the same thing can be accomplished with slightly fewer 
keystrokes? The idea that you should reduce 'function' to 'fn' just to save 
6 keystrokes strikes me as ludicrous. It also breaks one of the fundamental 
rules of programming which is "Programs must be written for people to read, 
and only incidentally for machines to execute."

Replacing proper words with TLAs or even symbols will make the language less 
readable. It will also make it difficult for someone to spot a piece of 
unusual code and look it up in the manual to find out what it means. Those 
who want a language with hieroglyphic syntax should go back to Perl, but 
please leave PHP alone!

Anybody who is in favour of such a bad move deserves to have their keyboard 
confiscated and to be sent to bed without any supper.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Not autoloading functions

2017-01-30 Thread Tony Marston
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

On 29/01/2017 15:37, Wes wrote:
Curious that those who are posting here put all functions in the same 

So, why don't you just require_once('Namespace/functions.php') ?

By that argument, why not just require_once('Namespace/ClassName.php)? It 
turns out that many people find autoloading a much more convenient and 
manageable solution.

In particular, the standardisation of autoloading provided by PSR-0 and 
PSR-4 has been central to the success of Composer, and the ecosystem of 
reusable components that it promotes.

Autoloading functions, either one by one, or namespace by namespace, is a 
logical extension of that, with all the same benefits. Unfortunately, it 
has some unique complications due to the way PHP resolves namespaced vs 
global function names. Please have a look through the archives of the list 
if you want to know more; there's been too much discussion already to 
re-hash it all here.


While it has already been good practice to put each class in its own file, 
it has never been good practice (at least with all the online tutorials and 
examples that I have read since 2002) to put each function into its own 

Autoloading classes might be practical and easily implemented, but 
autoloading functions is a can of worms, especially when you throw in 
namespaces. I neither need nor want it in my code.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Not autoloading functions

2017-01-30 Thread Tony Marston
"Wes"  wrote in message

Curious that those who are posting here put all functions in the same file.
So, why don't you just require_once('Namespace/functions.php') ?

I do, but without using namespaces.

I actually group my functions together in three files, not one.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Not autoloading functions

2017-01-29 Thread Tony Marston
"Niklas Keller"  wrote in message

I'm sorry, it's unacceptable for who? Only for not defined function it
would be called. If I call the same function a thousand times, the 

will be attempted just the first time, and if it doesn't work then the
script would die, exactly like classes. Any project I know that uses
functions define them one per file, and each file is required one by one.

Our observations are pretty different. I don't know any projects that use
one function per file. I usually see a functions.php per namespace.

Regards, Niklas

I agree. My framework contains over 100 functions, and the idea of putting 
each one into a separate file is something that I would never do. The 
overhead of loading 100 small files is much large that loading 1 large file.

Besides, when I am stepping through code with the debugger in my IDE it 
shows each file of a separate tab, and being forced to jump around from one 
tab to another would drive me crazy.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Deprecations for PHP 7.2

2016-12-11 Thread Tony Marston
"Nikita Popov"  wrote in message

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Tony Marston <>

"Nikita Popov"  wrote in message news:CAF+90c8Wox0wadAVPsP83er=

Hi internals!

I've submitted this RFC for PHP 7.1 previously, but didn't follow 

due to time constraints. Now I'd like to propose an extended version for
PHP 7.2 and vote on it sooner rather than later to avoid a repeat

The RFC combines a number of deprecation and removal proposals. Each one
will get a separate 2/3 majority vote. The RFC overlaps with some 
discussed topics (each, binary strings) -- I'm fine with dropping these 

someone has a more specific RFC.

I expect some of these are no-brainers, while others are more
-- please share your specific concerns.


I am against the removal of the $errorcontext argument of error handler 

this has been a valuable part of my error handler for over ten years.
Whenever trigger_error() is called with a fatal error I write all 

details to a log file as well as sending an email. In order to obtain
additional data I use errorcontext to determine the following:

a) Was it called from a function or an object? For this I use code such 

the following:

if (isset($errcontext['this']) AND is_object($errcontext['this'])) {

b) If it was called from an object, was it one of my database objects? If
yes, then obtain some extra information using code such as the following:

   // retrieve error details from DML object
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getQuery')) {
   $query  = $errcontext['this']->getQuery();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorNo')) {
   $errno  = $errcontext['this']->getErrorNo();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorString')) {
   $errstr = $errcontext['this']->getErrorString();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorString2')) {
   $errstr2 = $errcontext['this']->getErrorString2();
   } // if

I'm afraid you're out of luck here :/ This usage will no longer be possible
as of PHP 7.1 -- independently of the deprecation proposed in this RFC.

Prior to PHP 7.1 $this was *sometimes* included in the symbol table (to be
more precise, whenever $this was used as a CV, rather than implicit UNUSED
operand). As of PHP 7.1 $this is never included in the symbol table. This
change is due to

But! This functionality is still available through debug_backtrace().
That's the correct way of fetching the $this of a parent frame, which
should always work (rather than *sometimes* on PHP < 7.1), and is
independent of the error handling mechanism.

The RFC does not specify this, it simply says "use a proper debugger". Will 
I still be able to use debug_backtrace() to obtain the same information that 
is available in $errorcontext?If so, this should be explicitly stated in the 

So, to clarify: Is $this the only thing from the error context you're
interested in? Or do you also use all the other variables?

I use all the other variables as well, but sometimes I need to use 
$errorcontext to supply additional information

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][VOTE] User defined session serializer

2016-12-07 Thread Tony Marston
"Yasuo Ohgaki"  wrote in message

Hi Marco,

Thank you for explaining the reason why!

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Marco Pivetta <> wrote:
I voted "no" because I don't see any advantage over using a custom 
save handler, besides adding more API that partially covers custom 

save handlers.

You mean current OO custom save handler, I suppose.

Firstly, current OO custom save handler design (use of previously used
internal save handler as its base class) is not good. Overriding
open()/close()/etc are useless, moreover harmful. Number of bugs
proved it is not good.

I have been using session_set_save_handler() since 2002 to store all session 
data in a database, and I have never encountered any problems. Why is it 
"not good"? What bugs are there?

I do not see the point in this RFC.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Deprecations for PHP 7.2

2016-11-19 Thread Tony Marston
"Nikita Popov"  wrote in message

Hi internals!

I've submitted this RFC for PHP 7.1 previously, but didn't follow through
due to time constraints. Now I'd like to propose an extended version for
PHP 7.2 and vote on it sooner rather than later to avoid a repeat

The RFC combines a number of deprecation and removal proposals. Each one
will get a separate 2/3 majority vote. The RFC overlaps with some recently
discussed topics (each, binary strings) -- I'm fine with dropping these if
someone has a more specific RFC.

I expect some of these are no-brainers, while others are more controversial
-- please share your specific concerns.


I am against the removal of the $errorcontext argument of error handler as 
this has been a valuable part of my error handler for over ten years. 
Whenever trigger_error() is called with a fatal error I write all available 
details to a log file as well as sending an email. In order to obtain 
additional data I use errorcontext to determine the following:

a) Was it called from a function or an object? For this I use code such as 
the following:

if (isset($errcontext['this']) AND is_object($errcontext['this'])) {

b) If it was called from an object, was it one of my database objects? If 
yes, then obtain some extra information using code such as the following:

   // retrieve error details from DML object
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getQuery')) {
   $query  = $errcontext['this']->getQuery();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorNo')) {
   $errno  = $errcontext['this']->getErrorNo();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorString')) {
   $errstr = $errcontext['this']->getErrorString();
   } // if
   if (method_exists($errcontext['this'], 'getErrorString2')) {
   $errstr2 = $errcontext['this']->getErrorString2();
   } // if

Saying that I should stop using $errorcontext and instead use a debugger is 
very short sighted. I *NEED* to have this data available in the error log as 
soon as the error happens. In several cases I cannot use a debugger as my 
application is running behind a client's firewall and their security 
restrictions forbid the use of a debugger from outside of that firewall.

I notice that the reason for this recommendation is "because the $errcontext 
can be used to modify all references and objects in the current scope." If 
this is the case then why not make $errorcontext read-only so that nothing 
can be changed. I can imagine lots of people reading from $errorcontext, but 
how many actually write? I certainly don't.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-13 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 12:34 PM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: Sherif Ramadan ; Stanislav Malyshev ;
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Tony Marston <> wrote:
>Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 11:44 AM
>>To: Tony Marston
>>Cc: Stanislav Malyshev ;
>>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with 
>>On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 4:47 AM, Tony Marston <> wrote:
>>Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:47 PM
>>>To: Tony Marston ;
>>>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with 
>>Then I suggest that those who are so anxious to see of death of PEAR/PECL 
>>should be forced to provide a viable alternative first. Otherwise they would 
>>be just like those stupid politicians who try to force commuters out of their 
>>private cars and into public transport without realising that the existing 
>>public transport system is NOT a viable replacement and is incapable of 
>>taking on the extra load.
>>I just want to say that PEAR as a source repository, has been dead for quite 
>>some time. It's filled with outdated code that has hardly seen any 
>>maintenance in years, and nobody really contributes to it anyway.
>>PEAR/PECL as a package manager has historically had little utility to the 
>>average user apart from installing those PECL extensions which aren't 
>>packaged by a particular user's distribution repository. Certainly hasn't had 
>>any real viability in years. Trying to replace something that's inherently 
>>non-viable with a viable-alternative seems like a pretty moot point.
>Just because you have found no use for it does not mean that others feel the 
>same. How about those large numbers of websites that have to use PEAR Mailer 
>instead of the built-in mail() function? I personally use SVNManager to manage 
>my SVN repositories, and this is dependent on one of the PEAR modules, so 
>there is a very recent use. How many other PEAR modules have been installed 
>and are still is use? Do you have the download statistics for all the PEAR 
>modules? That would be much more accurate that all this guesswork and 
>Tony Marston
>we have download statistics for pear/pecl:
>but it would be better to filter the stats to a more recent time interval like 
>last year or something, not sure if that is possible with the current web 
>interface, but you can see the recent download stats on the package page, eg:

Those download stats STILL show multiple downloads for multiple packages in 
2016, so that puts paid to the idea that nobody uses it. Those who keep saying 
“none of the people I know use it” inhabit tiny groups who are *NOT* indicative 
of the entire PHP ecosystem.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-12 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 8:32 PM
>To: Tony Marston ; Stanislav Malyshev ;
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>On 09/11/2016 10:47 AM, Tony Marston wrote:
>> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:47 PM
>>> To: Tony Marston ;
>>> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with 
>>> composer/pickle
>>> Hi!

>> Then I suggest that those who are so anxious to see of death of PEAR/PECL 
>> should be forced to provide a viable alternative first. Otherwise they would 
>> be just like those stupid politicians who try to force commuters out of 
>> their private cars and into public transport without realising that the 
>> existing public transport system is NOT a viable replacement and is 
>> incapable of taking on the extra load.

>again, nobody is trying killing PEAR/PECL. do we need to use strong
>terms to make that clear ?

To the average user if something is marked as deprecated it is the same as 
saying “do not use this feature any more”with the very next step being to kill 
it off completely.

If you are not going to kill it then why deprecate it?

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-12 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 11:44 AM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: Stanislav Malyshev ;
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 4:47 AM, Tony Marston <> wrote:
>Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:47 PM
>>To: Tony Marston ;
>>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with 
>Then I suggest that those who are so anxious to see of death of PEAR/PECL 
>should be forced to provide a viable alternative first. Otherwise they would 
>be just like those stupid politicians who try to force commuters out of their 
>private cars and into public transport without realising that the existing 
>public transport system is NOT a viable replacement and is incapable of taking 
>on the extra load.
>I just want to say that PEAR as a source repository, has been dead for quite 
>some time. It's filled with outdated code that has hardly seen any maintenance 
>in years, and nobody really contributes to it anyway.
>PEAR/PECL as a package manager has historically had little utility to the 
>average user apart from installing those PECL extensions which aren't packaged 
>by a particular user's distribution repository. Certainly hasn't had any real 
>viability in years. Trying to replace something that's inherently non-viable 
>with a viable-alternative seems like a pretty moot point.

Just because you have found no use for it does not mean that others feel the 
same. How about those large numbers of websites that have to use PEAR Mailer 
instead of the built-in mail() function? I personally use SVNManager to manage 
my SVN repositories, and this is dependent on one of the PEAR modules, so there 
is a very recent use. How many other PEAR modules have been installed and are 
still is use? Do you have the download statistics for all the PEAR modules? 
That would be much more accurate that all this guesswork and supposition.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-11 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:47 PM
>To: Tony Marston ;
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>> You seem to think that any opinion which differs from yours is wrong,
>> and you try to dismiss that opinion by classing it as "abusive". I'm
>> afraid this lack of tolerance for different opinions is becoming more
>> and more prevalent in this forum, and I fear it will have a detrimental
>> effect on the whole PHP ecosystem.
>Tony, the issue is not your opinion - which, by now, we are amply
>familiar with, and to which you are fully entitled. The issue is the way
>you are expressing this opinion - in a combative style bordering on
>personal attack.

The fact that I express my displeasure in strong terms comes from the fact that 
without it you would not realise how strongly I disagree. In my early days I 
would try to be diplomatic and gentle in my criticisms only to have them 
ignored. I therefore use strong words to make it absolutely clear that I 
strongly disagree.

> I would suggest that if you are interested in your
>opinion being considered and supported by others, to amend the tone as
>to be more concentrated on technical merits and less on flame.
>> That is a valid opinion. Consider the fact that the Windows operating
>> system was only accepted by large numbers of users as it had a "modern"
>> GUI and not a command line interface. You try and release a new piece of
>In fact, Windows does have command-line interface

That may be the case, but it would not have been accepted by trillions of users 
if it ONLY had a command line interface.

>, moreover - Microsoft
>recently invested significant resources into making this interface more
>powerful and flexible. Moreover, many of the professional programmers
>routinely use command-line tools on Windows.

I’m a profession programmer, yet I don’t use ANY command line tools. The fact 
that SOME do is no reason to say that everybody should.

> It is true that average
>Windows user does not spend much time in command-line, but we need also
>to remember that PHP developer is not exactly an average Windows user.
>> give them the right to force it upon the rest of the world. Most users
>> are much happier with a GUI than CLI, so not providing a "modern"
>> interface is showing disrespect to those users.
>That depends a lot on how you count "most users". If you talk about
>Windows users, sure, you claim may have merits. If you talk, however,
>about Windows users *that are PHP developers* - I'm not sure this is
>true, at least without some factual backing, and it's in no way obvious.
>In any case, we are a volonteer project, which means we release what
>project participants build. If you or someone else will produce suitable
>GUI for composer, etc. - we can discuss it. But stating that somebody
>unknown should produce some software is useless - it only gets produced
>when specific people volonteer their time to do it.

Then I suggest that those who are so anxious to see of death of PEAR/PECL 
should be forced to provide a viable alternative first. Otherwise they would be 
just like those stupid politicians who try to force commuters out of their 
private cars and into public transport without realising that the existing 
public transport system is NOT a viable replacement and is incapable of taking 
on the extra load.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-11 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 10:08 AM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: PHP Internals
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>2016. szept. 9. 10:44 ezt írta ("Tony Marston" <>):
>> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:35 AM
>> >To: Tony Marston
>> >Cc: PHP Internals
>> >Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with 
>> >composer/pickle
>> >
>> >
>> >On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Tony Marston <> 
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >"Michael Morris"  wrote in message 
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 3:52 AM, Tony Marston <>
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >Typical. You create a useful tool, get your users hooked, then walk away
>> >and leave them dangling.
>> >
>> >No one owes you anything. You aren't entitled to get free updates to a free
>> >tool. If the author wants to move onto other projects, that's their
>> >prerogative. Stop with the bombastic and abusive tone towards everyone,
>> >particularly the developers, on this list.
>> >
>> >Please point out to me any words I have used which a reasonable person 
>> >would class as "abusive".
>> >
>> >"Incorrect. There is a web interface which I use EXCLUSIVELY to maintain 
>> >the contents of my PEAR library. Any proposed replacement which does not 
>> >have a web interface I'm afraid is totally unacceptable. Command line 
>> >interfaces went out of fashion when the Windows OS was first released, and 
>> >anyone who still insists on using one has not joined the rest of the world 
>> >in the 21st century."
>> I repeat, show me any personal insults in what I wrote. All I see are “fair 
>> comments”.
>> >you inject your subjective opinion/anecdotal evidence as an objective fact 
>> >and trying to kill the discussion instead of contributing to it.
>> >as you mentioned there is a pear package which provides a web interface for 
>> >managing pear packages, but that isn't part of the pear core and hence not 
>> >bundled by the php project atm, so I don't think that it is a valid 
>> >argument for requiring to bundle a gui interface for composer. if people 
>> >need a web interface there will be a web interface (maybe there is one 
>> >already: ) which they can 
>> >install via composer.
>> >
>> >"Just because SOME people still like using a command line interface does 
>> >not mean that they can force everyone else to use it. If any piece of 21st 
>> >century does not come with a web/GUI interface it just shows that the 
>> >author is still living in the past and is incapable of serving the needs of 
>> >today's users."
>> >first you are arguing in bad faith (eg. that anybody/everybody here is 
>> >trying to sabotage those who would prefer a gui over a command line), then 
>> >you start namecalling those who would prefer command line over gui (which 
>> >is btw. plain wrong in the age of configuration management and immutable 
>> >deployment where being able to have automated and reproducible deployments 
>> >is a key)
>> I repeat, show me any personal insults in what I wrote. All I see are “fair 
>> comments”.
>> --
>> Tony Marston
>Your original request was "Please point out to me any words I have used which 
>a reasonable person would class as "abusive".",
>now you are moving the goalpost to personal insults (which for the record 
>still happened when calling people living in the past and such for using cli 
>tools), which again shows that you are arguing in bad faith.
>Please take a moment and check out our mailing list rules at 
>and please try to follow those otherwise you will be removed from this list.

As far as I am concerned the mailing list rules do not allow such things as 
personal insults and abuse. Show me any words that I have used which can be 
classed as either of those. You may perceive my comments to be insulting and 
abusive, but that just shows that your perception is warped. The rules do not 
prohibit dissenting opinions, so stop complaining that my opinion is different 
from yours.

It is NOT insulting to say that people who still insist on using command line 
tools are living in the past for the simple reason that the command line 
interface was replaced with the GUI when the Windows OS was released in the 
1990s. That is 25 years ago. Is that in the past or what? Without a GUI Windows 
would not be the success it is today.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-10 Thread Tony Marston
"Ferenc Kovacs"  wrote in message

2016. szept. 9. 10:44 ezt írta ("Tony Marston" <>):

Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:35 AM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: PHP Internals
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with


>Please point out to me any words I have used which a reasonable person

would class as "abusive".

>"Incorrect. There is a web interface which I use EXCLUSIVELY to maintain

the contents of my PEAR library. Any proposed replacement which does not
have a web interface I'm afraid is totally unacceptable. Command line
interfaces went out of fashion when the Windows OS was first released, and
anyone who still insists on using one has not joined the rest of the world
in the 21st century."

Where are the words in that statement that a reasonable person would 
describe as "abusive"?

You seem to think that any opinion which differs from yours is wrong, and 
you try to dismiss that opinion by classing it as "abusive". I'm afraid this 
lack of tolerance for different opinions is becoming more and more prevalent 
in this forum, and I fear it will have a detrimental effect on the whole PHP 

I repeat, show me any personal insults in what I wrote. All I see are

“fair comments”.

>you inject your subjective opinion/anecdotal evidence as an objective


Just like everyone else who says "nobody I know uses such-and-such feature, 
so we should remove it"

and trying to kill the discussion instead of contributing to it.

Oh, I see. I am only allowed to comment on an RFC if I am for it? Who 
elected you as emperor?

>"Just because SOME people still like using a command line interface does

not mean that they can force everyone else to use it. If any piece of 21st
century does not come with a web/GUI interface it just shows that the
author is still living in the past and is incapable of serving the needs of
today's users."

>first you are arguing in bad faith (eg. that anybody/everybody here is

trying to sabotage those who would prefer a gui over a command line), then
you start namecalling

Where is this "namecalling"? Where are the instances of "idiot" or "moron"?

those who would prefer command line over gui (which
is btw. plain wrong in the age of configuration management and immutable
deployment where being able to have automated and reproducible deployments
is a key)

I repeat, show me any personal insults in what I wrote. All I see are 
“fair comments”.

Tony Marston

Your original request was "Please point out to me any words I have used
which a reasonable person would class as "abusive".",

now you are moving the goalpost to personal insults (which for the record

Where is the personal insult in what I wrote? Where did I write "you are an 
idiot" or "you are a moron"?

still happened when calling people living in the past and such for using
cli tools), which again shows that you are arguing in bad faith.

That is a valid opinion. Consider the fact that the Windows operating system 
was only accepted by large numbers of users as it had a "modern" GUI and not 
a command line interface. You try and release a new piece of software to 
users that does not have a GUI or web interface  and they will ignore it in 
droves. Just because SOME people like CLI does not give them the right to 
force it upon the rest of the world. Most users are much happier with a GUI 
than CLI, so not providing a "modern" interface is showing disrespect to 
those users.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-09 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 12:55 AM
>To: Tony Marston ;
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>> There should be a rule that nothing can be deprecated unless there is a
>> viable, stable, fully functioning and fully supported alternative. I do
>> not like the way that some people simply say "I do not like this. I do
>> not use this. Nobody should be using this. Let's deprecate it"
>You can have any rules you like, but if the original author is not
>interested in the tool anymore, the only options you have are:
>1. Support it yourself
>2. Pay/beg/bribe/persuade somebody to do it for you
>3. Failing that, use it unsupported or switch to another tool
>That's not only how the open source works, that's how everything works -
>try to get support for out-of-support commercial software (or
>out-of-support hardware for that matter) and see if it's any easier.
>So yes, it is "typical" as you note - as typical as the life can be :)
>That said, if the tool is useful and being used, I completely agree that
>we should make effort in keeping it supported. But we should also
>account for the possibility of that effort not being successful.

Then I suggest that you take steps to ensure that any drop-in replacement 
offers all the facilities of the current PEAR/PECL library. Anything less would 
probably annoy a largenumber of existing users.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-09 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 1:44 PM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: PHP internals
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>On Sep 8, 2016 3:05 PM, "Tony Marston" <> wrote:
>> "Pierre Joye"  wrote in message 
>>> hi Tony,
>>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Tony Marston <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> "Pierre Joye"  wrote in message
>>>>> Happy to see there are still users for this tool, Christian and I had
>>>>> good fun writing it. Also you should know that this package is dead,
>>>>> it has no acttve maintainer (I was the last one) and has some
>>>>> limitations from to begin with, also was very handy at time especially
>>>>> for shared hosting without shell access.
>>>> Typical. You create a useful tool, get your users hooked, then walk away 
>>>> and
>>>> leave them dangling.
>>> Ok. You seem to misunderstand the last part of my message. So let me
>>> be crystal clear here. Your attitude right now is poisonous, at best.
>>> Please change it.
>> You may not like my attitude, but I am expressing myself without using 
>> abusive terms. I am simply expressing my displeasure with this RFC using 
>> civil, polite and non-abusive terminology. If you don't like my expressions 
>> of disapproval then don't try to bully me into submission as that simply 
>> will not work.
>>> Now about this specific comment.
>>> So please, before you go down your big horse to insult my work and the
>>> community,
>> I did not insult your work as I have been using it for many years. What I 
>> find frustrating is that problems sometimes arise with a new PHP version, 
>> and nobody seems to be maintaining it. I have recently upgraded of my PCs to 
>> PHP7 and I had no end of problems. I had to debug and fix every error 
>> myself, but now I have the PEAR web interface up and running.
>This wording would have been better in the 1st place.

The fact that you do not like my wording is irrelevant. I did not use any 
insulting or abusive terminology, so I regard it as nothing more than “fair 

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-09 Thread Tony Marston
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:15 AM
>To: Tony Marston
>Cc: PHP Internals
>Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle
>On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 9:43 AM, Tony Marston <> wrote:
>"Ferenc Kovacs"  wrote in message 
>On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Tony Marston <>
>"Ferenc Kovacs"  wrote in message news:CAH-PCH5qHdYen33Q_s7kTKM_
>Composer doesn't do that.
>Then how come I've seen several complaints in various forums about
>composer updating libraries in the background and screwing things up.
>That proves nothing except that your knowledge is very limited.
>indeed it does.
>I can only report what I have read in various newsgroups and forums, and
>they have said that composer has screwed up their installations. If it is
>capable of doing that then it is a serious issue that needs addressing.
>you can, but you shouldn't spread FUD but do your own research.
>composer will only do something when you execute it, without providing any
>actual problem, there is no way those could be refuted (FUD), and brings
>nothing to the discussion.
>what you have probably seen is people not using the tool properly
>from my experience people usually screw 2 things up:
>  1. executing "composer update" without any arguments which will update
>  every package listed in your composer.json file to the latest version
>  allowed by the version constraints
>  2. not putting the composer.lock under version control and then being
>  surprised that the other developer who makes a "composer install" from
>  composer.json can have different(eg. more recent) versions installed
>Perhaps users could be prevented from making such basic mistakes if they had a 
>21st century web interface instead of the archaic command line.
>perhaps, or perhaps they would misclick, but now you are again trying to 
>divert the discussion from actual problems to the land of FUD.

Have you considered the fact that some users think that the idea of being 
forced to use a command line interface *IS*a problem? Just because YOU like it 
is no reason to force your personal choice on everyone else.

Tony Marston

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Deprecate PEAR/PECL & Replace with composer/pickle

2016-09-08 Thread Tony Marston
"Pierre Joye"  wrote in message

hi Tony,

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Tony Marston <> 

"Pierre Joye"  wrote in message

Happy to see there are still users for this tool, Christian and I had
good fun writing it. Also you should know that this package is dead,
it has no acttve maintainer (I was the last one) and has some
limitations from to begin with, also was very handy at time especially
for shared hosting without shell access.

Typical. You create a useful tool, get your users hooked, then walk away 

leave them dangling.

Ok. You seem to misunderstand the last part of my message. So let me
be crystal clear here. Your attitude right now is poisonous, at best.
Please change it.

You may not like my attitude, but I am expressing myself without using 
abusive terms. I am simply expressing my displeasure with this RFC using 
civil, polite and non-abusive terminology. If you don't like my expressions 
of disapproval then don't try to bully me into submission as that simply 
will not work.

Now about this specific comment.

So please, before you go down your big horse to insult my work and the

I did not insult your work as I have been using it for many years. What I 
find frustrating is that problems sometimes arise with a new PHP version, 
and nobody seems to be maintaining it. I have recently upgraded of my PCs to 
PHP7 and I had no end of problems. I had to debug and fix every error 
myself, but now I have the PEAR web interface up and running.

do your homework and respect everyone here providing you
the tools and language you use for your own projects. Also I strongly
suggest you to consider your own view or vision as one along many, not
the only viable absolute truth or usage. Thanks.

Then I suggest that you learn to respect your users. There are huge numbers 
of developers out there who use PEAR, and they find a web interface more 
usable than the archaic command line. If you (and by "you" I mean everyone 
who works on PHP internals) wish to deprecate PEAR then you must first 
provide a viable alternative - with a web interface - and wait until it has 
become stable and been accepted by the community BEFORE you do so. Anything 
else would be less than professional.

Tony Marston

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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