Bismillah [IslamCity] IF YOU WANT TO SEE ALLAH

2008-04-22 Thread AbdulHameed Khan
then you must avoid missing fajr and Asr prayer. According to one
hadith, Perfection means To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you
cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is
looking at you. According to other sayings of our beloved prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) in which he said that we will be able to see our real
Lord `Allah subhanahu wa tala' if we avoid missing Fajr and Asr

Please note this combination of sayings together is the keystone to see
Allah. It means that if we want to see Allah on the Day of Judgment then
we must pray Fajr and Asr prayer with full attention and devotion. The
attention and devotion in which we try to see Allah in the prayer will
actually lead us to see Allah subhanahu wa tala on the Day of Judgment.
Nobody including Prophet Muhammad and Moses (peace be upon them) has
seen Allah. So, it is impossible to see Allah in this world. However,
definitely we would see Allah on the Day of Judgment. Our prayer in the
paradise is nothing but glorification and praising to Allah and it will
be perfect in the paradise since we will be able to see Allah. Please
note people of paradise will glorify Allah morning and evening and
probably may be in the same way or timing of fajr and asr prayer (Allah
knows better). On that day Allah will not be hidden from us and we will
be able to see Allah at the time of every prayer/glorification and that
is the state of perfection of our prayer as demanded in the above
hadith(Allah knows better).

Allah subhanahu wa tala says in the glorious Quran that whosoever turns
away from His remembrance then Allah will make his life difficult for
him. Not only that, Allah will raise him up blind on the Day of
Judgment. It means all the disbelievers and those who do not pray or
forget Him will become blind on the Day of Judgment. And hence they will
not be able to see Allah on the Day of Judgment.

Moreover, if anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of Allah then
Allah will appoint for him a devil to be a close friend of him. And this
devil averts him from right path and he thinks that he is rightly

Islam is the only religion which would lead to paradise and keep us away
from hell, and the pillar on which it rests is Prayer. So, prayer is the
basic fundamental of Islam. Besides, prayer is the best form to keep
remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa tala and surrendering in the form of
prostrations and bowing down to HIM. It also includes praising and
glorifying to Allah, supplications (du'a), declaration of faith,
lessons of morals and rules and regulations for daily life through
listening Quran.

Certainly, the best thing in our life is the remembrance of Allah and a
single prostration (i.e. sajda) to Allah (in prayer) will be better than
the whole world and whatever is in it. Whenever an evil thought comes in
our mind or heart then we have to stop it by the remembrance of Allah
and the meeting with Him and the return journey to Him.

Furthermore, those who prostrate and bow down in this life they will
also be able to bow down before Allah on the Day of Judgment.

Also note that whoever is praying without attention and devotion for
them is sadness. (Refer to surah ma'un). Full attention and devotion
(khushu) is compulsory during prayer for the acknowledgement of the
prayer. Pray with calmness, solemnity and slowness. And pray in the same
way and manner of our beloved prophet Muhammad (sallal'lahu alaihi
wasallam) had prayed, otherwise your prayer will not be fully
acknowledged and in the worst scenario you may need to repeat the
prayer. Seek God's help through patience and prayer, and indeed it
is not hard for the humbly submissive (khashieen) people, those who bear
in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they
are to return to Him. Remember your prayer must stop you from shameful
and evil deeds and if you are not avoiding bad deeds then this prayer
will only bring more loss and keep you away from Allah.

There are four major advantages of prayers:

* Hearts will get satisfaction
* Risq(provisions) will increase

* Able to see Allah subhanahu wa tala on the day of judgment
* Allah banned the fire to consume the traces of prostration on the
body (i.e. the mark of the traces of prostration on foreheads)


Please refer to the following translated verses of holy Quran and sahih


* Avoid Fajr and Asr prayer!
* According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No.1.529 Narrated by Qais:
Jarir said, We were with the Prophet and he looked at the
moon--full-moon--and said, 'Certainly you will see your Lord as you see
this moon and you will have no trouble in seeing Him. So if you can
avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before the
sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset ('Asr), you 

Bismillah [IslamCity] madinah

2008-04-22 Thread muslimah muslimah
Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 91   Narrated 
  The Prophet said, Medina is a sanctuary from that place to that. Its trees 
should not be cut and no heresy should be innovated nor any sin should be 
committed in it, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits sins (bad 
deeds), then he will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people. 
(See Hadith No. 409, Vol 9). Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 
30 :: Hadith 92   Narrated Anas: 
  The Prophet came to Medina and ordered a mosque to be built and said, O Bani 
Najjar! Suggest to me the price (of your land). They said, We do not want its 
price except from Allah (i.e. they wished for a reward from Allah for giving 
up their land freely). So, the Prophet ordered the graves of the pagans to be 
dug out and the land to be leveled, and the date-palm trees to be cut down. The 
cut date-palms were fixed in the direction of the Qibla of the mosque. 
  Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 94   Narrated 
  We have nothing except the Book of Allah and this written paper from the 
Prophet (where-in is written:) Medina is a sanctuary from the 'Air Mountain to 
such and such a place, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits a sin, 
or gives shelter to such an innovator in it will incur the curse of Allah, the 
angels, and all the people, none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of 
worship will be accepted. And the asylum (of protection) granted by any Muslim 
is to be secured (respected) by all the other Muslims; and whoever betrays a 
Muslim in this respect incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the 
people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be 
accepted, and whoever (freed slave) befriends (take as masters) other than his 
manumitters without their permission incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and 
all the people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship 
will be accepted
  Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 96   Virtues of 
Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 97   Narrated Abu Huraira: 
  If I saw deers grazing in Medina, I would not chase them, for Allah's Apostle 
said, (Medina) is a sanctuary between its two mountains. 
  Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 99   Narrated 
Abu Zuhair: 
  I heard Allah's Apostle saying, Yemen will be conquered and some people will 
migrate (from Medina) and will urge their families, and those who will obey 
them to migrate (to Yemen) although Medina will be better for them; if they but 
knew. Sham will also be conquered and some people will migrate (from Medina) 
and will urge their families and those who will obey them, to migrate (to Sham) 
although Medina will be better for them; if they but knew. 'Iraq will be 
conquered and some people will migrate (from Medina) and will urge their 
families and those who will obey them to migrate (to 'Iraq) although Medina 
will be better for them; if they but knew.
  Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 101   Narrated 
  I heard the Prophet saying, None plots against the people of Medina but that 
he will be dissolved (destroyed) like the salt is dissolved in water. 
  Virtues of Madinah   Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 30 :: Hadith 102   Narrated 
  Once the Prophet stood at the top of a (looked out from upon one) castle 
amongst the castles (or the high buildings) of Medina and said, Do you see 
what I see? (No doubt) I see the spots where afflictions will take place among 
your houses (and these afflictions will be) as numerous as the spots where 
rain-drops fall.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] ASalam alikum

2008-04-22 Thread muslimah muslimah
Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)   Dawud :: Book 38 : Hadith 4478   
Narrated AbuHurayrah: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When one of you inflicts a beating, he 
should avoid striking the face.
  Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)   Dawud :: Book 38 : Hadith 4475   
Narrated Hakim ibn Hizam: 
  The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) forbade to take retaliation in the 
mosque, to recite verses in it and to inflict the prescribed punishments in it. 
  Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)   Dawud :: Book 38 : Hadith 4474   
Narrated AbdurRahman ibn Azhar: 
  I saw the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) on the morning of the conquest 
of Mecca when I was a young boy. He was walking among the people, seeking the 
camp of Khalid ibn al-Walid. A man who had drunk wine was brought (before him) 
and he ordered them (to beat him). So they beat him with what they had in their 
hands. Some struck him with whips, some with sticks and some with sandals. The 
Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) threw some dust on his face. 
  When a man who had drunk wine was brought before AbuBakr, he asked them (i.e. 
the people) about the number of beatings which they gave him. They numbered it 
forty. So AbuBakr gave him forty lashes. 
  When Umar came to power, Khalid ibn al-Walid wrote to him: The people have 
become addicted to drinking wine and they look down upon the prescribed 
punishment and its penalty. 
  He said: They are with you, ask them. The immigrants who embraced Islam in 
the beginning were with him. He asked them and they agreed on the fact that (a 
drunkard) should be given eighty lashes. 
  Ali said: When a man drinks wine, he tells lies. I, therefore, think that he 
should be prescribed punishment that is prescribed for telling lies.. 
  Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)   Dawud :: Book 38 : Hadith 4473   
Narrated AbdurRahman ibn al-Azhar: 
  A man who had drunk wine was brought before the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) 
when he was in Hunayn. He threw some dust on his face. He then ordered his 
Companions and they beat him with their sandals and whatever they had in their 
hands. He then said to them: Leave him, and they left him. The Apostle of Allah 
(peace_be_upon_him) then died, and AbuBakr gave forty lashes for drinking wine, 
and then Umar in the beginning of his Caliphate inflicted forty stripes and at 
the end of his Caliphate he inflicted eighty stripes. Uthman (after him) 
inflicted both punishments, eighty and forty stripes, and finally Mu'awiyah 
established eighty stripes.
  Prescribed Punishments (Kitab Al-Hudud)   Dawud :: Book 38 : Hadith 4472   
Narrated AbdurRahman ibn Azhar: 
  I can still picture myself looking at the Apostle of Allah 
(peace_be_upon_him) who was among the camps of the Companions seeking the camp 
of Khalid ibn al-Walid, when a man who had drunk wine was brought before him. 
He asked the people: Beat him. Some struck him with sandals, some with sticks 
and some with fresh branches of the palm-tree (mitakhah). Ibn Wahb said: This 
(mitakhah) means green palm fronds. Then the apostle of Allah 
(peace_be_upon_him) took some dust from the ground and threw it on his face. 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Bismillah [IslamCity] read it

2008-04-22 Thread muslimah muslimah
Asalam alikum
  Today brother and sister what we do .lots of thing which  are non Islamic  
are going on .it is peak time of fitna .do we try to stop the Muslims brother 
and sister from doing this What RAsool(SAW) said about this 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4324   Narrated 
  You people recite this verse You who believe, care for yourselves; he who 
goes astray cannot harm you when you are rightly-guided, and put it in its 
improper place. 
  Khalid's version has: We heard the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) say: When the 
people see a wrongdoer and do not prevent him, Allah will soon punish them all. 
Amr ibn Hushaym's version has: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) 
say: If acts of disobedience are done among any people and do not change them 
though the are able to do so, Allah will soon punish them all. 
  Think about it .are u able to stop them? if u r then u should stop them.
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4325   Narrated Jabir 
ibn Abdullah: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If any man is among a people in whose 
midst he does acts of disobedience, and, though they are able to make him 
change (his acts), they do not change, Allah will smite them with punishment 
before they die. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4327   Narrated 
AbuTha'labah al-Khushani: 
  AbuUmayyah ash-Sha'bani said: I asked AbuTha'labah al-Khushani: What is your 
opinion about the verse Care for yourselves. 
  He said: I swear by Allah, I asked the one who was well informed about it; I 
asked the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) about it. 
  He said: No, enjoin one another to do what is good and forbid one another to 
do what is evil. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4329   Narrated 
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: 
  When we were around the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), he mentioned 
the period of commotion (fitnah) saying: When you see the people that their 
covenants have been impaired, (the fulfilling of) the guarantees becomes rare, 
and they become thus (interwining his fingers). I then got up and said: What 
should I do at that time, may Allah make me ransom for you? He replied: Keep to 
your house, control your tongue, accept what you approve, abandon what you 
disapprove, attend to your own affairs, and leave alone the affairs of the 
  But when you see niggardliness being obeyed, passion being followed, worldly 
interests being preferred, everyone being charmed with his opinion, then care 
for yourself, and leave alone what people in general are doing; for ahead of 
you are days which will require endurance, in which showing endurance will be 
like grasping live coals. The one who acts rightly during that period will have 
the reward of fifty men who act as he does. 
  Another version has: He said (The hearers asked:) Apostle of Allah, the 
reward of fifty of them? 
  He replied: The reward of fifty of you. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4330   Narrated 
AbuSa'id al-Khudri: 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The best fighting (jihad) in the path 
of Allah is (to speak) a word of justice to an oppressive ruler. 
  Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)   Dawud :: Book 37 : Hadith 4331   Narrated Amirah 
  The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When sin is done in the earth, he who 
sees it and disapproves of it will be taken like one who was not present, but 
he who is not present and approves of it will be like him who sees. 
  Allah save us from these fitna Ameen 
  Pray for me and all muslim 
  Allah give us right path . Ameen 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Top Neocon Calls For DESTRUCTION of Constitution

2008-04-22 Thread salafi_sista
--- In, Useful Idiot wrote:
Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution

As'salaam alaykum. I don't understand one thing this document says
about shredding the US Constitution. No where does it mention how this
affects me, a Muslim sista. I'm in favor of Shariah not destroying
someone else's law but being allowed to follow our own. Can someone
else this to us? Shukraan. {{Maryam}}

Bismillah [IslamCity] This world is for all to share

2008-04-22 Thread Mustafa Mawjee

Islam and the West

click here to read the whole artilce

A former Catholic nun and author of books on many of the world's religions 
including Islam,

English writer Karen Armstrong speaks about Western views of Islam,

the mood after 11 September and her hopes for better relations between Islam 
and the West.

Karen Armstrong

The West has got to learn that it shares the planet with equals  not with 
inferiors. This means giving equal space in a conflict such as that between 
Israel  Palestine. It doesn't mean just using governments to get oil: you 
promote Saddam Hussein one day,  the next day he becomes public enemy number 
one. The West promoted people like the Shah of Iran simply because of its greed 
for oil, even though he had committed atrocities against his own people. There 
should be no more double standards, because double standards are colonialism in 
a new form. Western people have also got to disassociate themselves from 
inherited prejudices about Islam. - Karen Armstrong Karen_Armstrong_small.jpg

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Asalam alikum

2008-04-22 Thread salafi_sista
--- muslimah muslimah wrote:
 Asalam alikum Today brother and sister what we do .lots of thing
which  are non Islamic  are going on .it is peak time of fitna .do we
try to stop the Muslims brother and sister from doing this

Wa'alaykum salaam, sista. Jazaaka Allah khair for your post! You're
right! Everything we do should separate us from a kaffir: all our
actions, dress, talk, walk - all the taqwa for our lives should make
someone listen to us and look at us and know: THAT'S A MUSLIM! Ameen!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Letter from Tihar - Parveez Ahmad

2008-04-22 Thread Abhiyya 2006
As I have done my M. Sc (Zoology) from the University of Pune and now am 
seeking admission to Ph.D for which I was going to Pune. On September 12, 2006, 
I left home for Pune by flight (Spice Jet). Srinagar - Delhi  Delhi-Pune. On 
reaching Delhi, when I was approaching for Spice-Jet counter to collect my 
boarding pass, some seven to eight persons held me firmly and took away my 
luggage and whatever I had in my pockets. They took me to Lodhi Colony special 
cell office. where they torture and interrogated me severely. They beat me up 
ruthlessly and gave me electric shocks. Later, I came to know that they were 
from the special cell of police. Led by inspector Sharma ji
  Letter from Tihar
A Kashmiri youth, Parveez Ahmad, narrates how police turned him from a 
gentleman to 'bomb-man' in a letter from his confinement in Tihar Central Jail, 
Delhi. Combat Law is in possession of his letter. It is being reproduced here 

Subj: Save my career, as I am innocent.
   ith due reverence and respect, I am writing this letter with the hope that I 
will get justice without delay. I want your kind attention towards the real 
fact of my arrest, interrogation and torture, which is totally different and 
contradictory to that of police's statement. All the allegations and sections 
they have charged upon me are baseless. All the confessions I have made before 
them were all under compulsions and force. As I could not tolerate the torture 
and electric shocks. I am still frightened of that treatment. Those electric 
shocks are still breaking my sleep. 
Being citizen of India I keep faith in Indian law and judiciary. And hope no 
discrimination will be done against me. Though my faith in law and being a 
citizen of India has scattered badly by the role of police. But still I have 
not left the rope of hope. To restore the faith, it is essential to give me 
justice, through fare trial, and save my career. To prove my innocence your 
goodself is requested to see my past record. Which will reveal you how clear my 
past and present is. Though I am concerned about the condition of JK. 
Now I want your kind attention towards the following lines which will reveal 
your goodself the whole story. 
As I have done my M. Sc (Zoology) from the University of Pune and now am 
seeking admission to Ph.D for which I was going to Pune. 

   On September 12, 2006, I left home for Pune by flight (Spice Jet). Srinagar 
- Delhi  Delhi-Pune. On reaching Delhi, when I was approaching for Spice-Jet 
counter to collect my boarding pass, some seven to eight persons held me firmly 
and took away my luggage and whatever I had in my pockets. They took me to 
Lodhi Colony special cell office. where they torture and interrogated me 
severely. They beat me up ruthlessly and gave me electric shocks. Later, I came 
to know that they were from the special cell of police. Led by inspector Sharma 
   On the same day they forced me to call one of my friends to give his SIM 
card to their contact person already in Pune.   
   ON September 13, 2006, they made my I Card with the name of Iqbal and took 
me to Pune by Spice-Jet flight. On reaching Pune, one police team was already 
there but in civil dress. I can reveal all the details, their names, where they 
kept me in Pune, and how they mentally tortured me.   
   On September 14, 2006 evening after receiving few calls they took me to one 
shop in Pune and collected some 10 lakh rupees from that shopkeeper.   
   On September 15, 2006 they took me back to Delhi, and kept me again in Lodhi 
Colony Special Cell lock up where they tortured me very badly and severely. I 
was unconscious and half dead.   
   On September 16, 2006 they took me to some unknown place and kept me there 
for almost one month. I was not able to walk and move as they kept me 
handcuffed in one room. The details of that very place and persons will be 
revealed in the court. What they did with me there, will also be revealed.   
   During that duration they neither informed my parents nor took me into 
police remand or judicial custody. Instead, they forced me to lie to my parents 
that I got a job in Maharashtra.   
   After one month on October 15, 2006 they took me to hospital for medical, 
which was just a formality, as I was already instructed not to say anything 
about my ailment, torture and muscular spasm. Even doctors wrote the medical 
report without examining me. I was shocked to see the collusion between police 
and doctors. I could not understand what was going on. As I was seeing that for 
the first time in my life.   
   On the same day October 15, 2006 in the evening they took me to a lady 
magistrate for taking me into police remand. That too was a joke, as I was in 
their custody for more than one month. Before presenting me before that 
magistrate they threatened me of dire consequences If I narrated the true 
story. I was made to narrate 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Through Audios Explore Holy Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2008-04-22 Thread Asifa AM
Explore the Holy Life of
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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Austria's Haider says to ban mosque-building

2008-04-22 Thread Shahid
Austria's Haider says to ban mosque-building 
(Reuters, August 27, 2007) 

Vienna, Austria - Austrian right-wing firebrand Joerg Haider said on Monday he 
plans to change building laws to prevent mosques and minarets being erected in 
his home province of Carinthia. 

Haider, Carinthia's governor, said he would ask its parliament to amend the 
building code to would require towns and villages to consider religious and 
cultural tradition when dealing with construction requests. 

We don't want a clash of cultures and we don't want institutions which are 
alien to our culture being erected in Western Europe, Haider said in a 

Muslims have of course the right to practice their religion, but I oppose 
erecting mosques and minarets as centers to advertise the power of Islam, he 

His spokesman, Stefan Petzner, said that there were no plans to restrict Muslim 
prayer rooms, as this would violate Muslims' human rights, and the planned 
change applied only to dedicated mosques and minarets. 

Muslims in Europe are meeting increasing resistance to plans for mosques that 
befit Islam's status as the continent's second religion after Christianity, 
with petitions in London, protests in Cologne, a court case in Marseille and 
violence in Berlin. 

However, while all those places have significant Muslim minorities, Haider's 
Carinthia has the second lowest share of Muslim citizens of all Austrian 
provinces -- 11,000 out of a population of around 400,000, a Muslim spokesman 

It's a ridiculous statement to say he fears a clash of civilizations (in 
Carinthia), said Omar al-Rawi, a centre-left lawmaker who is spokesman for the 
Austrian Muslims' Initiative. 

We don't know of any mosque plans there. His move is meaningless, populist, 
racist and anti-Islamic, he added. 

Haider became known beyond Austria's borders in the 1990s with remarks seen as 
xenophobic and as playing down Nazi war crimes as the rightist Freedom Party he 
then led rose to become the second biggest in Austria. 

His new group, which broke away from Freedom after he lost an internal power 
struggle, has few followers outside his home province and almost failed to 
enter parliament last year. 

Despite his rhetoric against Islam at home, Haider also praises himself for his 
close ties to Muslim leaders including Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, whom he calls a 
personal friend.