[JBoss-user] (no subject)

2001-06-26 Thread Gabi Perets


I am trying to get a reference of a component via JNDI. I see in the JNDIView that 
under java: Namespace there are some components (the basic ones which come with the 
basic JBoss installation):

java: Namespace
  +- MinervaXACMFactory (class: 
  +- DefaultDS (class: org.opentools.minerva.jdbc.xa.XAPoolDataSource)
  +- SecurityProxyFactory (class: org.jboss.security.SubjectSecurityProxyFactory)
  +- InstantDB (class: org.opentools.minerva.jdbc.xa.XAPoolDataSource)
  +- DefaultJMSProvider (class: org.jboss.jms.jndi.JBossMQProvider)
  +- comp (class: javax.naming.Context)

Now, I run this simple line:
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) getJBossContext().lookup("java:/InstantDB");
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) getJBossContext().lookup("InstantDB");

and I get:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: InstantDB not bound

 at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:473)

 at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:481)

 at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getObject(NamingServer.java:487)

 at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.lookup(NamingServer.java:282)

 at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:349)

 at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:333)

 at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)

 at Portable.getJBossConnection(Portable.java:40)

 at Portable.main(Portable.java:84)

Yet, I can get and use components from the Global JNDI Namespace (e.g. topic):

Global JNDI Namespace
  +- TopicConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyTopicConnectionFactory)
  +- XAQueueConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXAQueueConnectionFactory)
  +- jmx (class: org.jboss.jmx.server.JMXAdaptorImpl)
  +- UILXAQueueConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXAQueueConnectionFactory)
  +- RMIXAQueueConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXAQueueConnectionFactory)
  +- RMIQueueConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyQueueConnectionFactory)
  +- NonOptimized (class: $Proxy0)
  +- XATopicConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXATopicConnectionFactory)
  +- UILXATopicConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXATopicConnectionFactory)
  +- RMIXATopicConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyXATopicConnectionFactory)
  +- RMITopicConnectionFactory (class: org.jbossmq.SpyTopicConnectionFactory)
  +- interest (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
  |   +- Interest (class: $Proxy2)

I use JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2 under Win2000 and jdk1.3

How can I get a reference to the problematic components ?

best regards,

[ This Message Was Sent And Processed Using Recycled Electrons ]

> news, business, education, free e-mail and more... http://www.negev.net

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread marc fleury

|When I first started to read this list many months ago, I was very 
|intimidated by it. I didn't post unless I was desperate or unless I was 
|certian I knew exactly the answer to someones probem, so as not to expose 
|myself to the risk of being cut off at the knees. Some may say 
|that this is 

Sarah Benhardt...

stop the show will you? you are just fine...


|a good thing, 

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] jndi lookup

2001-06-26 Thread Adhiman

I have successfully deployed a test bean on Jboss 
appliation server .The server has successfully started with jndi ruunning on 
local host port 1099.
When i run the test client the client is unable to 
lookup for the jndi name of the bean.The client hangs on lookup and theres no 
Plez help me out
Thanx & Regards
Anil dhiman

[JBoss-user] Isn't JMS Durable Subscriber should be easy to create ?

2001-06-26 Thread Gabi Perets


I am trying to call mySession.createDurableSubscriber(myTopic, myId) and get 

java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: 
 javax.jms.JMSException: That destination queue does not exist

javax.jms.JMSException: That destination queue does not exist

java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: 
 javax.jms.JMSException: That destination queue does not exist

javax.jms.JMSException: That destination queue does not exist

javax.jms.JMSException: Cannot subscribe to this Destination

 at org.jbossmq.SpyConnection.failureHandler(SpyConnection.java:318)

 at org.jbossmq.SpyConnection.addConsumer(SpyConnection.java:440)

 at org.jbossmq.SpySession.addConsumer(SpySession.java:416)

 at org.jbossmq.SpyTopicSession.createDurableSubscriber(SpyTopicSession.java:89)

 at TopicReceive.init(TopicReceive.java:91)

 at TopicReceive.main(TopicReceive.java:124)

Yet, when I use mySession.createSubscriber(myTopic) everything works fine.

Can anyone tell me how can I use the requested functionality ?

I use Win2000 and JBoss-2.2.2_Tomcat-3.2.2 under jdk1.3

best wishes,

[ This Message Was Sent And Processed Using Recycled Electrons ]

> news, business, education, free e-mail and more... http://www.negev.net

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] jboss.dtd

2001-06-26 Thread ralph

By the way, clicking "here" in chapter 6 in order to get jboss.dtd just
returns an error page.


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

2001-06-26 Thread Ferguson, Doug

It seems pretty clear to me...

1) There is a bean bound to java:/segmentation/list
2) If I do a lookup on java:/segmentation where there
   is nothing bound. which should result in a naming exception
3) Naming Exception is not thrown instead it continues on
   and evetually throws ClassCastException when I attempt
   to cast the instance that is returned...
4) I use the same remote and home interface for all my beans
   so if I am gettting a ClassCastException then I don't know
   what the heck it coming back from jboss in this situation.

** Note: I have a bean bound to java:merchandising/item and the same thing
   happens when I lookup merchandising. This does not happend when 
   I type in something random, only when it matches the prefix of a real
jndi name


-Original Message-
From: Scott M Stark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

Details are required.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ferguson, Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 7:02 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

> Hi,
> I have a jndiName segmentation/list and when I do a lookup on segmentation
> naming exception isn't thrown
> but I get unexpected results, like ClassCastException
> I don't believe this should work this way... 
> Thanks,
> d.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Authentication Problem...

2001-06-26 Thread David Green

I'm having no luck with this :(

Here's what I have now:




  Changed all instances of propertyAdmin to "guest", since that's what
  'simple' returns if a user is authenticated.

Simple is indeed set up in conf/tomcat/auth.conf and in
conf/default/auth.conf... it's marked as 'required' and it's not commented

i try logging into the page with green/green or green/(nopassword) and get

Redeployed the file, restarted the server, banged on the computer with a
large hammer... nothing seems to work... :(

David Green

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Scott M Stark wrote:

> You still have to specify a security-domain in jboss-web.xml.
> See the JAAS tutorial: http://www.jboss.org/documentation/HTML/ch11s83.html
> - Original Message -
> From: "David Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 7:42 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Authentication Problem...
> >
> > I've deployed a .war file with an index.jsp, and a web.xml that says
> > that the index.jsp should be protected. I've created a users.properties
> > and a roles.properties file in my jboss/conf area per the docs, the role
> > name matches what's in my web.xml, yet it isn't authenticating me when i
> > visit the page and type in a correct username/password. If anyone has
> > some insight into the problem, I'd be gracious. Here are the
> > offending files:
> >
> > WEB-INF/web.xml:
> > -
> > 
> >
> >   
> >
> > 
> >   propertyeditor
> >   Property Editor
> >   /*
> >   HEAD
> >   GET
> >   POST
> >   PUT
> >   DELETE
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   Property Administrator
> >   propertyAdmin
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   NONE
> > 
> >
> >   
> >
> >   
> > properties
> >   
> >
> >   
> > Property Administrator
> > propertyAdmin
> >   
> >
> > 
> > -
> >
> > So, in order to access any page, the "propertyAdmin" role is needed.
> >
> > jboss/conf/users.properties:
> > (also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)
> > 
> > green=green
> > 
> >
> > jboss/conf/roles.properties:
> > (also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)
> > 
> > green=propertyAdmin
> > 
> >
> > From auth.conf:
> > 
> > // The default server login module
> > other {
> > 
> >
> > From online docs:
> > 
> > The JaasServerLoginModule is a simple properties file based login module
> > that consults two Java Properties formatted text files for username to
> > password("users.properties") and username to
> > roles("roles.properties") mapping. The properties files are loaded during
> > initialization using the thread context class loader. This means that
> > these files can be placed into the J2EE deployment jar or the JBoss config
> > directory. The users.properties file uses a format:
> > 
> > (I chose to put them in the JBoss config directory)
> >
> >
> > Ok, so "other" is the default. So if I don't specify which to use,
> > "other" gets used. So we know we're using the "other" ServerLoginModule.
> >
> > "other" uses two property files that you put in your conf directory called
> > users.properties and roles.properties. This defines users and roles. I
> > have done this per the docs.
> >
> > I require one of those roles in my web.xml. I go to the page in my
> > browser and type in a correct username/password for a user that
> > maps to the proper role, and it doesn't authenticate me.
> >
> > Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David Green
> >
> >
> > ___
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread ralph

- Original Message -
From: David Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

> 1) Yes, Hypersonic (inc. the driver) comes with JBoss.

I found a [ JBOSS_HOME ] \ db \ hypersonic directory with some
configuration and data files.
I also found [ JBOSS_HOME ] \ lib \ ext \ hsql.jar.

But how can I run an sql-script to create the tables I need?


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Free Deployment Tool

2001-06-26 Thread marc fleury

there are several out there,

we are discussing with some core developers of JBoss to sell such a GUI
through JBoss Group.

In fact one of the things I want to do is let the authors of the tool sell
it as an add-on so that they can recoup the investment it represents to
build it.  If you guys really like it and it becomes a "platinum" feature
then it open sources under LGPL...

Also check out EJBDoclet from rickard oberg (what's up rickard?) it is a
pretty cool tool and if you can put up with the learning curve it will
probably fit your bill,


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of De
|Closmadeuc, Etienne
|Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 9:12 AM
|To: jboss-request
|Subject: [JBoss-user] Free Deployment Tool
|Is there any free war/ear generator with JBoss ?
|Writing XML is not that fun ...
|Etienne de Closmadeuc ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
|Logica SA
|183, route de Canéjan 33173 GRADIGNAN CEDEX
|Tél :
|JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Problem with building the manual

2001-06-26 Thread Antony Stace

Hi Folks

I am having problems building the JBoss Manual,  this is what I always

[antony@hawera build]$ sh ./build.sh defaulthtml
Searching for build.xml ...
Buildfile: /tmp/jbossmanual/manual/src/build/build.xml



Building html documentation. Please wait ...
[style] Transforming into
[style] Loading stylesheet
./build.sh: line 24:  5657 Segmentation fault  java -Xmx1
-classpath $TARGET_CLASSPATH -Djboss.home=$JBOSS_HOME
org.apache.tools.ant.Main $*
[antony@hawera build]$

Can someone please tell me how I might fix this.  Alternatively, where I
can download the manual in html format.



JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Velocity installation with JBoss

2001-06-26 Thread Devraj Mukherjee

Can anyone give me any pointers with installing Velocity with JBoss.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

2001-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark

Details are required.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ferguson, Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 7:02 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

> Hi,
> I have a jndiName segmentation/list and when I do a lookup on segmentation a
> naming exception isn't thrown
> but I get unexpected results, like ClassCastException
> I don't believe this should work this way... 
> Thanks,
> d.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Authentication Problem...

2001-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark

You still have to specify a security-domain in jboss-web.xml.
See the JAAS tutorial: http://www.jboss.org/documentation/HTML/ch11s83.html

- Original Message - 
From: "David Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 7:42 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Authentication Problem...

> I've deployed a .war file with an index.jsp, and a web.xml that says
> that the index.jsp should be protected. I've created a users.properties
> and a roles.properties file in my jboss/conf area per the docs, the role
> name matches what's in my web.xml, yet it isn't authenticating me when i
> visit the page and type in a correct username/password. If anyone has
> some insight into the problem, I'd be gracious. Here are the
> offending files:
> WEB-INF/web.xml:
> -
>   propertyeditor
>   Property Editor
>   /*
>   HEAD
>   GET
>   POST
>   PUT
>   Property Administrator
>   propertyAdmin
>   NONE
> properties
> Property Administrator
> propertyAdmin
> -
> So, in order to access any page, the "propertyAdmin" role is needed.
> jboss/conf/users.properties:
> (also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)
> green=green
> jboss/conf/roles.properties:
> (also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)
> green=propertyAdmin
> From auth.conf:
> // The default server login module
> other {
> From online docs:
> The JaasServerLoginModule is a simple properties file based login module
> that consults two Java Properties formatted text files for username to
> password("users.properties") and username to
> roles("roles.properties") mapping. The properties files are loaded during
> initialization using the thread context class loader. This means that
> these files can be placed into the J2EE deployment jar or the JBoss config
> directory. The users.properties file uses a format:
> (I chose to put them in the JBoss config directory)
> Ok, so "other" is the default. So if I don't specify which to use,
> "other" gets used. So we know we're using the "other" ServerLoginModule.
> "other" uses two property files that you put in your conf directory called
> users.properties and roles.properties. This defines users and roles. I
> have done this per the docs.
> I require one of those roles in my web.xml. I go to the page in my
> browser and type in a correct username/password for a user that
> maps to the proper role, and it doesn't authenticate me.
> Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
> Thanks,
> David Green
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] double logging in server.log ?

2001-06-26 Thread Liang Sun


I'm using JBoss-2.2.2_Jetty-3.1.RC5-3 and I'm getting double logging in
server.log. Strange thing is some things are doubled logged while others
are not  I tried disabling the JBoss logging and enabled the log4j
service with the same result. I even deleted the jboss-auto.jcml with no

In addition, I see this error at the beginning of server.log:

log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [Console].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?
log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [Console].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?

These are the double logs after the [Configuration] section:

[Jetty] setConfiguration() is deprecated - use addConfiguration()
[Jetty] adding Configuration file:../conf/jetty/jetty.xml
[Configuration] Detected JMX Bug: Server reports attribute
[Service Control] Initializing 28 MBeans
[Webserver] Initializing
[Webserver] Initialized
[Naming] Initializing
[Naming] Initialized
[JNDIView] Initializing
[JNDIView] Initialized
[Transaction manager] Initializing
[Transaction manager] Initialized
[JAAS Security Manager] Initializing
[JAAS Security Manager] Initialized
[JDBC provider] Initializing
[JDBC provider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
[JDBC provider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.hsql.jdbcDriver
[JDBC provider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver
[JDBC provider] Initialized
[Hypersonic] Initializing
[Hypersonic] Initialized
[mySQLPool] Initializing
[mySQLPool] Initialized
[InstantDB] Initializing
[InstantDB] Initialized
[DefaultDS] Initializing
[DefaultDS] Initialized
[Container factory] Initializing
[Container factory] Initialized
[JBossMQ] Initializing
[JBossMQ] Initialized
[DefaultJMSProvider] Initializing
[DefaultJMSProvider] Initialized
[StdJMSPool] Initializing
[StdJMSPool] Initialized

Liang Sun


[JBoss-user] how to get the manual?

2001-06-26 Thread Michael P. McCutcheon

I'm running a Windows 2000 box.  I have tried using JCVS and WinCVS.
Neither will let me in to get the manual.  I keep getting "access denied for
user anonymous" or something like that with WinCVS and I can't even get into
the sourceforge server at all with JCVS.

Is there a tutorial that shows how to get the manual and or how to configure
the CVS tools to plug into the server?

Why doesn't the manual come with the downloaded .zip file as part of JBoss?
This would seem to make sense because even if I were to get into the
sourceforge server, how do I know what version of the manual goes with with
what version of JBoss?

Thanks for any help...


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Authentication Problem...

2001-06-26 Thread David Green

I've deployed a .war file with an index.jsp, and a web.xml that says
that the index.jsp should be protected. I've created a users.properties
and a roles.properties file in my jboss/conf area per the docs, the role
name matches what's in my web.xml, yet it isn't authenticating me when i
visit the page and type in a correct username/password. If anyone has
some insight into the problem, I'd be gracious. Here are the
offending files:



  Property Editor

  Property Administrator




Property Administrator


So, in order to access any page, the "propertyAdmin" role is needed.

(also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)


(also in jboss/conf/tomcat/ and jboss/conf/default/ for good measure)


>From auth.conf:

// The default server login module
other {

>From online docs:

The JaasServerLoginModule is a simple properties file based login module
that consults two Java Properties formatted text files for username to
password("users.properties") and username to
roles("roles.properties") mapping. The properties files are loaded during
initialization using the thread context class loader. This means that
these files can be placed into the J2EE deployment jar or the JBoss config
directory. The users.properties file uses a format:

(I chose to put them in the JBoss config directory)

Ok, so "other" is the default. So if I don't specify which to use,
"other" gets used. So we know we're using the "other" ServerLoginModule.

"other" uses two property files that you put in your conf directory called
users.properties and roles.properties. This defines users and roles. I
have done this per the docs.

I require one of those roles in my web.xml. I go to the page in my
browser and type in a correct username/password for a user that
maps to the proper role, and it doesn't authenticate me.

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?


David Green

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] logo

2001-06-26 Thread David Green

It's official - It can be found on the jboss.org website as well under
"JBoss Projects"

David Green

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Richard Bottoms wrote:

> >see if this helps
> Thanks, though I was actually looking for an official one. Don't want to
> rip off someone else's art.
> r.b.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] logo

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Bottoms

>see if this helps

Thanks, though I was actually looking for an official one. Don't want to
rip off someone else's art.


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] need help with architecture for new project

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Hammond

Hi all,

I am looking forward to sharing my experiences as I develop my new web site,
but in
order to get a successful architecture without running into too many dead
ends, I could really use some design recommendations or at least some
recommended reading.

I am very concerned about performance and scalability given a limited budget
and a max of 20 hours per week of my time for a while. I am familiar with
servlets, Oracle, Sun, and BEA Weblogic on a single server, but that
approach is too expensive and not good enough performance or scalability.

Although my site would provide a service rather than selling products, it
would function similarly to Amazon.com. For example, for each new DB record,
there would be many queries of lists of existing records. Also, pages would
only have to be updated once per day.

I am hoping for an initial single server architecture that could handle the
equivalent of 300 simultaneous Amazon.com users without noticeable delay.

I would love to use EJBs because they are so cool, but they seem like a
performance liability - at least CMP (perhaps the coolest part) seems like a
performance liability as well as placing severe restrictions on the DB

I am currently most familiar with Windows 2000, so given limited time, I
would rather not switch platforms just yet if I can avoid it.



JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] startup

2001-06-26 Thread David Green

I run it from init...

>From /etc/inittab:


And /usr/local/sbin/startjboss:

sleep 10
/bin/su -c "cd /home/jboss/jboss/bin ; sh run_with_tomcat.sh" - jboss

(The sleep keeps it from respawning too quickly if something is wrong)

David Green

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Richard Bottoms wrote:

> Anybody running JBoss at startup on their Linux server?
> I've tried getting it to go from an /etc/rc.d/rc3.d link to an init.d file.
> I can start the server if I do it manually, but it doesn't work during the
> startup process.
> r.b.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] startup

2001-06-26 Thread Devraj Mukherjee

Try going to rc.local


At 18:57 26/06/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Anybody running JBoss at startup on their Linux server?
>I've tried getting it to go from an /etc/rc.d/rc3.d link to an init.d file.
>I can start the server if I do it manually, but it doesn't work during the
>startup process.
>JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Devraj Mukherjee


Does one need to install the Turbine modules to run Velocity ??


At 19:32 26/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] jndi performs unexpdectedly

2001-06-26 Thread Ferguson, Doug


I have a jndiName segmentation/list and when I do a lookup on segmentation a
naming exception isn't thrown
but I get unexpected results, like ClassCastException

I don't believe this should work this way... 


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Re: What do finders find?

2001-06-26 Thread Doug . Palmer

> "danch (Dan Christopherson)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm new to EJB, so my understanding of what's happening in 
> finders is
> > limited. The finders look like they only find stuff that 
> has been saved to
> > the database. Is it possible to have created beans that are 
> "unfindable"?
> Finders only find stuff that has been saved to the database. 
> Usually this 
> kind of problem is seen with updates, not creates, though. 
> Creates are pushed 
> into the database immediately, whereas updates are deferred 
> until the end
> of the transaction. Bill Burke recently implemented a feature that 
> causes updates for a bean to be flushed before a finder is called for
> that bean.

Actually, I seem to be having a much more interesting problem. The objects
that I have references to seem to be moving about. In my entity beans, I'm
caching the references to the other entities I'm associated with, along the
lines of:

  public int locationUID;
  private Location location;

  public Location getLocation() throws RemoteException {
if (this.location == null && this.locationUID > 0)
  this.location = this.findLocation(this.locationUID);
// Check for a container playing silly buggers
if (this.location != null && this.location.getUID() != this.locationUID)
  System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + " " + this.getUID() + "
Clashing UIDs in location wanted " + this.locationUID + " got " +
  throw new RemoteException(this.getClass().getName() + " " +
this.getUID() + " Clashing UIDs in location wanted " + this.locationUID + "
got " + this.location.getUID());
return this.location;

After a while, I get in the log:

[TestNode] Activated bean TestNode with id =
[TestNode] au.csiro.cmis.jms.config.TestNodeBean 20739 Clashing UIDs in
location wanted 50 got 51

Is a dirty instance of TestNodeBean re-used from a pool when the bean is
activated. Should I be nulling the location cache on


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] startup

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Bottoms

Anybody running JBoss at startup on their Linux server?

I've tried getting it to go from an /etc/rc.d/rc3.d link to an init.d file.
I can start the server if I do it manually, but it doesn't work during the
startup process.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] logo

2001-06-26 Thread Devraj Mukherjee

I found that this web site uses a logo


see if this helps

At 17:45 26/06/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Is there a 'Powered By JBOSS' logo. We're running the site on it starting
>JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] NullPointerException

2001-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark

This has been fixed in the 2.4 branch of cvs. You need to use the Branch_2_4
cvs tag to access the correct source.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 5:08 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] NullPointerException

> More or less fresh install of JBoss v2.4 BETA(Rel_2_4_0_6)...
> Internal Servlet Error:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.doAuthenticate(ContextManager.java:837)
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.RequestImpl.getRemoteUser(RequestImpl.java:341)
> at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.doAuthorize(ContextManager.java:855)
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextManager.java:789)
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(ContextManager.java:743)
> at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:416)
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:501)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] meaning of verifier messages

2001-06-26 Thread G.L. Grobe

What do these messages mean? AFAIK, I am giving the fully qualified name of
the java classes. My descriptor files worked in Orion, but JBoss complains
of something here. Acutally, I get tons of these errors, several for each
bean class I think. Here's just a few of them.

TIA ...

--- snipped from output of ./run_with_tomcat.sh --

[Verifier] Verifying
Bean   :


Section: 16.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java
class that implements the enterprise bean's business methods.

Bean   :


Section: 16.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the
enterprise bean's home interface in the home element.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] SwiftMQ and JBOSS

2001-06-26 Thread G.L. Grobe

I'd like to hear more about using SwiftMQ as well with JBoss.

- Original Message -
From: "Rajkumar Seth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:26 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] SwiftMQ and JBOSS

> We tried this but the jBOSS seems to look for Queues in it own place.
> I know that Swift has a JMS 1.0.2 bridge so you could bridge it to
> Seth.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tejaswi Redkar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 2001 June 21 00:35
> Subject: [JBoss-user] SwiftMQ and JBOSS
> Does anybody have any details on making these two work together for
> Driven Beans ?
> Thanks
> Tejaswi
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> The contents of this message and any attachments are confidential and
> are intended solely for the attention and use of the addressee only.
> Information contained in this message may be subject to legal,
> professional or other privilege or may otherwise be protected by other
> legal rules. This message should not be copied or forwarded to any other
> person without the express permission of the sender. If you are not the
> intended recipient you are not authorised to disclose, copy, distribute
> or retain this message or any part of it.
> If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by
> telephone (+44-20-7002-4000) and destroy the original message.
> We reserve the right to monitor all e-mail messages passing through our
> network.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] logo

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Bottoms

Is there a 'Powered By JBOSS' logo. We're running the site on it starting


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

2001-06-26 Thread Eduardo Leite

It's not about automatic creation of finders. IAS has a feature that allows
the cmp finder query to access specific fields of a javabean. Instead of
passing a bunch of parameters, you can send the finder a javabean and in the
cmp query string you can specify which fields of the javabean you want to
use in the query.
in IAS it is something like

beanAtt1 >= :javabean.field

the cmp engine does the correct substitution of the parameters.

does jboss support it in it's cmp engine??? I don't remember anything
relating to using javabeans as parameters in cmp finder methods in the ejb
1.1 spec.

Eduardo Leite

- Original Message -
From: "Allen fogleson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

sure... why not. lol. Do you mean does it automatically create the finders
for you? No, but finders can be overridden (even in CMP beans) in the
implementation class.


- Original Message -
From: Eduardo Bastos Leite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

> Does jboss suport the use of javabeans as parameters for cmp finder
> like what happens with Inprise's App Server??
> If it does, how it works??
> Thanks in Advance,
> Eduardo B. Leite
> _
> Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito?
> Então clique aqui: http://registro.ig.com.br/
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread ralph

- Original Message - 
From: danch (Dan Christopherson) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

> Gotta get that in the docs with an example!
> -danch

Thanks A LOT in advance.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread ralph

- Original Message -
From: Burkhard Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

> - Original Message -
> From: "Ralph Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 7:41 AM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

> ...
> > Using jbossMQ, is it possible to create JMS Topics and Queues without
> > restarting the server?
> yes, use the web-interface on localhost:8082 to manage queues and topics,
> create an mbeanserver and invoke the management-methods to create
> queues/topics on the fly.
> >
> >
Sounds good for the beginning.
Is there any documentation on this. I found almost nothing on jBossMQ or am
I missing something.

Could I also accomplish this from within a bean?


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Not Bound

2001-06-26 Thread Jason McKerr

I have seen many posts about this but no satisfactory answers.

I am attempting to deploy some EJB's (BMP Entity Beans) to Standalone JBoss
and call them from Standalone Tomcat Instance.
These beens all ran fine on IntraVM system (as did the entire application in
However, whenever I attempt to deploy a in the standalone systems, no joy, I
get :
I can deploy test beans OK.  My feeling is that there is something wrong
with one of three things.

First, it is possible that JBoss is simply not binding the jndiName.  I have
without jboss.xml, and with jboss.xml (to override the ejb-name with a new
jndi name).
Neither of these things changed the problem.

Second,  The datasource is not binding.  What format should I use in ejb-ref
for datasources (i.e. jdbc/datasource?), or should I not use it at all?

Third, JBoss is unable to bind/resolve the reference to another EJB that my
bean references.
I have tried having the ejb-ref in both the ejb-jar and jboss.xml, one or
the other, and neither.
All to no success.

I must admit I'm baffled as to why this would work intra-vm, and not
I would have thought that all I would have had to do is change the
contexting information
to connect to a remote system.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: LanguageBean not bound
at org.jnp.server.NamingServer_Stub.lookup(Unknown Source)
at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:349)
at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:333)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:429)
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:500)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(ServletWrapper.java:405)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Handler.java:287)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(ServletWrapper.java:372)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(ContextManager.java:743)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] NullPointerException

2001-06-26 Thread David Green

More or less fresh install of JBoss v2.4 BETA(Rel_2_4_0_6)...

I created a .war containing only an index.jsp and a web.xml containing
security restraints and deployed it. Upon visiting my index.jsp (which
is nothing but a static page with an i++ counter on the bottom) in my web
browser, I get the following stack trace. When I tried to download the
source on the JBoss Group website, I only get CVS and nightly snapshots.
i.e., I couldn't find a way to actually download the source for the exact
version that I'm running. Therefore, the line numbers in the stack trace
don't seem to apply. One in particular points to a comment in the source
that I have from CVS. If I could get my hands on the correct source for
the version I am using, I could probably debug this myself. As far as
rebuilding the current version from CVS and trying this, I can't seem to
figure out how to build the distribution from CVS.

 skip this paragraph if you're sick of the freeloading issue 
BTW, my opinion to Marc and
Bottoms on the freeloading thing... Marc is probably like me - he didn't
like the attitude of Bottoms' original sentence... He didn't like the way
he put it... He may have nothing whatsoever against _what_ Bottoms wants
to do... I think he just has an objection to _why_ he wants to do it
(according to Bottoms' original sentence). I have no advice for Marc, it's
his list, his product, he's not doing anything wrong! If he objects to
someone coming on his mailing list saying "I'd like to document your
product so that I can further my career as a journalist", then it is
fully in his right to object on his own mailing list! My advice for
Bottoms is to do what you need to do, just make sure it doesn't violate
any licenses/copyrights, and drop it. My advice to everyone else
is: Just drop it or this is going to cause some very sore feelings, if it
hasn't already.
 end paragraph to skip 

Stack trace follows:

Error: 500

Location: /propertyeditor/index.jsp

Internal Servlet Error:

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

Thanks in advance for any help.

David Green

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS and computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread Paul McLachlan
Title: RE: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS and computerplanet.com


Most people who want to disseminate technology quickly write a book. What better "VIABLE COMMERCIAL PERIPHERAL" could there be. Why don't you be the first to write a book on JBoss and J2EE, make lots of money, help the newbies who complain about lack of good documentation, attract lots of commercial interest, give wannabe portal architects something to advertise etc etc. Then you can go on tour and promote it!

I think everyone out there would like it if you and all the other key developers to get rich out of this, (you deserve it more than most), and at the same time maintain your higher moral ethics for the good of all us software developers. I for one would by a couple of copies and distribute it around the office. One to my boss for example.


> -Original Message-

> From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2001 6:07 AM


> Subject: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS





> Whatever you guys are looking for, what saddens me is that 

> you want to hop

> on the boat with the first "desconocido" who comes along 

> rather than invest

> that energy in the JBoss website and book.


> You don't understand that we will compete with efforts like 

> this one.  WE


> EXPLOITATION by the developers for the developers, and we 

> hope to grow it

> organically.



> "red-hats" that crop up and they will compete with us through 

> JBoss Group.



> other similar

> types don't want to help us I understand, but what I don't 

> understand is

> that you guys (core developers) would rather hand it to 

> someone who just

> appeared out of the woodwork RATHER THAN EXPLOIT IT 














> I am tired of the idealism in both ways, tired of 3rd party 

> insulting me on

> my own fucking lists and telling me " you put your work on 

> LGPL now suck it

> up! you fool!" and tired of the "abstract lectures" from the 

> open source

> zealots.




> marcf


> |-Original Message-


> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 

> danch (Dan

> |Christopherson)

> |Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:15 PM


> |Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

> |

> |

> |Thank you, Ole, for saying what has been on my mind in a fashion far

> |more succinct and calm than I could manage.

> |

> |I, for one, was happy with the idea that Richard had: the web site he

> |proposed may have allowed me to never again have to explain why you

> |can't use autoincremented key fields with CMP EJBs (among 

> other things).

> |

> |-danch

> |

> |Ole Husgaard wrote:

> |

> |> Hi,

> |>

> |> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> |>

> |>>Marc,

> |>>

> |>>If you don't like the fact that the open source licence 

> (LGPL) for jBoss

> |>>allows this, then don't release it as open source.

> |>>

> |>>If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would 

> not look like

> |>>jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)

> |>>

> |>

> |> I Agree.

> |>

> |> We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,

> |> and then get angry about those who use that permission

> |> and call them "free loaders".

> |>

> |> Marc wrote:

> |>

> |>>>yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders

> |>>>like you can

> |>>>come along and "for the sake of their business" not

> |>>>contribute a bit to the

> |>>>project and draw the traffic to themselves.

> |>>>

> |>

> |> Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.

> |> All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the

> |> word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him

> |> permission for that with the LGPL).

> |>

> |> However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate

> |> free loading: He used this list for advertizing

> |> for his web site, without any concrete references

> |> to anything JBoss-related.

> |> IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying

> |> interested readers that something JBoss-related

> |> can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that

> |> this list be used for advertizing web sites where

> |> something JBoss-related may be found at some point

> |> in the future.

> |>

> |>

> |> Best Regards,

> |>

> |> Ole Husgaard.

Re: [JBoss-user] EJB 2.0 Features

2001-06-26 Thread Alex . Devine

One of the nicest 2.0 features you get from JBoss is support for message
beans. Right now I'm using this feature by setting up a bunch of message
beans that basically act as asynchronous event handlers. The major changes
to the persistence model in 2.0 (container managed relationships and local
interfaces) have not yet been implemented in jboss. (Note, though, that
jboss does handle calls to other beans in the same server very efficiently,
which was a major purpose of local interfaces).


||  "John Patterson"|
||  Sent by:|
||  eforge.net  |
||  |
||  |
||  06/26/01 04:35 PM   |
||  Please respond to jboss-user|
||  |
  |   To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject: [JBoss-user] EJB 2.0 Features   

What features of EJB2.0 have been implemented on JBoss 2.4?  How can they
be utilised?


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow


-- Mike

On 2001-06-27 at 09:18 +1000, Devraj Mukherjee wrote:

> Tell me more ... can I find some documentation about Velocity somewhere ??
> Devraj
> At 23:01 26/06/01 +0200, you wrote:
> >Why not using Velocity... ? I have been trying it with Jboss. You just have
> >to write simple servlet that select beans and give references to your pages.
> >With a good session bean design it's very simple.
> >I allows to create nice pages without embedding too much code in it and
> >editable with a simple html editor
> >
> >François

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Devraj Mukherjee

Tell me more ... can I find some documentation about Velocity somewhere ??


At 23:01 26/06/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Why not using Velocity... ? I have been trying it with Jboss. You just have
>to write simple servlet that select beans and give references to your pages.
>With a good session bean design it's very simple.
>I allows to create nice pages without embedding too much code in it and
>editable with a simple html editor

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-06-27 at 00:24 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 05:32:43PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
> > On 2001-06-26 at 21:45 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
> > > keys "near" one another will often be used together?
> > 
> > Yes, this is why they are called "primary keys."  Traditionally, database
> > engines would try to entry-sequence records by primary key, and there
> > remains an expectation that access by primary key will always be the
> > fastest and most efficient mechanism for accessing a table.
> It seems strange to me that locality would be important in this
> case. The assumption that record number 5 and record number 6 are
> inherently linked more than record 5 and record 8793 are would
> certainly hold for some databases, but that it should be true in the
> general case (or even just often enough that it matters)?
> I can only see the usefulness for binary search, but there you would
> presumably build index tables anyway so actual location of data
> doesn't matter.

The main reason why primary key access is expected to be more efficient is
because experience has shown that databases tend to made up of two flavors
of table: tables which are read frequently and written infrequently, which
are usually searched on the same key, and tables which are inserted to
frequently and read not too much more often than they are written.

An example is something like an order entry system where orders are
created in an orders table for customers in a customers table to sell
items that are in an items table.  The items table will be written very
rarely, only when new items are introduced, but will be read frequently.  
Although there might be occasional need to search the items table on some
key other than the primary key, such as a description field, the vast
majority of accesses from the point of view of the database engine will be
to resolve references from other tables and these will all be done by
primary key.  For example, whenever an order is viewed, the orders table
references to items by primary key will have to be resolved through the
items table.  Because of this, optimizing for primary key will usually
result in an order of magnitude performance improvement.  The customers
table may be modified more frequently than the items table, but if there
are regular customers then the customers table will still be modified much
less frequently than the orders table.

The orders table, in turn, is mostly being modified by insertion
operations.  There might be occasions to modify an order record, say to
notate than an order has been shipped or that part of an order is
backordered, but the basic common operation regarding an order table will
be to either insert a new order or to locate all orders associated with
some other entity, such as a customer.  Looking up all orders for a
customer will require resolving through a secondary index on the orders
table, but those references will themselves resolve back to primary keys
in the orders table.  So the end result is that all database accesses are
eventually going to become a search by primary key, and optimizing for
that is invariably a huge win.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] How to set the classpath to run the InterestClient sample

2001-06-26 Thread Christine


I don't what is going on. The InterestClient worked the other day. But I am
getting error again.

C:\Interest>java -classpath
Got context
Got reference
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/rmi/PortableRem

at InterestClient.main(InterestClient.java:46)

I don't know whether I need to add some more classpath. Can anybody help?

Allen fogleson wrote:

> just call it without the .class  if you call it with .class java is looking
> for a class called "class" in the package InterestClient
> Al
> - Original Message -
> From: Christine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 12:13 AM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] How to set the classpath to run the InterestClient
> sample
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using JBOSS 1.2.2 on WIN2000. I followed the documentation to run
> > the test client from the directory the InterestClient was compiled.:
> >
> > java -classpath
> >
> c:\jboss_dist\client\jboss-client.jar;c:\jboss_dist\client\jbosssx-client.ja
> r;c:\jboss_dist\client\jnp-client.jar
> > InterestClient.class
> >
> > however, i am getting: Exception in thread "main"
> > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: InterestClient/class
> >
> > Could any tell me how i should set the classpath? thanks
> > --
> > Jia (Christine) Li
> > Department of Computer Science
> > University of Calgary
> > Tel: 403-2207140 (O)
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Jia (Christine) Li
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Tel: 403-2207140 (O)

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] load II

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

It depends upon what your concerns are.  If the system thread supply is
exhausted, our experience is that jBoss will wedge completely to the point
where it will have to be killed at the operating system level.  As long as
the demand for threads does not exceed supply, we have been able to stress
jBoss quite hard without making it fall over.

On Linux, you can increase the thread supply either by recompiling the
kernel when using native thread support in the JVM or by switching to
green thread support.  Native threads are more efficient and can take
advantage of SMP, while more green threads can be created than native
threads because they are not kernel resources.  This is a trade-off.

We run load tests using dedicate client software to see what loads can be
tolerated and what the behavior is under load.  I would encourage this
testing approach with your own application server if you have concerns.

We plan to experiment with Jetty soon to see if the thread demands are
relaxed as a result.  In theory, Jetty should be several times faster and
more efficient than Tomcat, since it is optimized for the kind of use it
will be subjected to with EJB rather than as a generic servlet engine.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 08:34 -0700, Richard Bottoms wrote:

> Any one putting JBoss+Tomcat through serious load on one or more servers.
> Just had a nibble of interest for what could be a very high traffic site.
> I'm already looking at increasing threads through the kernel recompile, but
> I'm interested in knowing just how hard can this product get hit.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

dang i missed that... thanks Dan. Sometimes what you do out of habbit you
just forget heh


- Original Message -
From: danch (Dan Christopherson) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

> Allen fogleson wrote:
> > You can reuse the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor if that is what you
> > asking. However, if you are asking about the specific j2eeRI.xml files,
> > no. Using BMP you shouldn't have too many problems or need to create
> > files, other than potentially a jboss.xml to handle security.
> >
> > Al
> You may also need jboss.xml to map your bean's expected datasource name
> (java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource) to a resource-manager that names the
> global JNDI name for the datasource (java:/SomeDataSource).
> Gotta get that in the docs with an example!
> -danch
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread danch


> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 05:32:43PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
>> On 2001-06-26 at 21:45 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
>>> keys "near" one another will often be used together?
>> Yes, this is why they are called "primary keys."  Traditionally, database
>> engines would try to entry-sequence records by primary key, and there
>> remains an expectation that access by primary key will always be the
>> fastest and most efficient mechanism for accessing a table.
> It seems strange to me that locality would be important in this
> case. The assumption that record number 5 and record number 6 are
> inherently linked more than record 5 and record 8793 are would
> certainly hold for some databases, but that it should be true in the
> general case (or even just often enough that it matters)?

(From my understanding of relational databases) Actually it's not so 
much that the database assumes that they're linked as that the table is 
generally organized in some sort of B-Tree structure where the record's 
location in the tree (what page it's on) is determined by the primary 
key. This way when the database does a search by primary key, once it's 
found the key it doesn't need another IO to get the actual data. This 
just optimizes the case of finding by the primary key.

> I can only see the usefulness for binary search, but there you would
> presumably build index tables anyway so actual location of data
> doesn't matter.

actual location matters only in terms of io. 


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread bcd

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 05:32:43PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
> On 2001-06-26 at 21:45 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
> > keys "near" one another will often be used together?
> Yes, this is why they are called "primary keys."  Traditionally, database
> engines would try to entry-sequence records by primary key, and there
> remains an expectation that access by primary key will always be the
> fastest and most efficient mechanism for accessing a table.

It seems strange to me that locality would be important in this
case. The assumption that record number 5 and record number 6 are
inherently linked more than record 5 and record 8793 are would
certainly hold for some databases, but that it should be true in the
general case (or even just often enough that it matters)?

I can only see the usefulness for binary search, but there you would
presumably build index tables anyway so actual location of data
doesn't matter.

Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
powered by emacs

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread bcd

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 05:19:18PM -0400, Richard Kasperowski wrote:
> > Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
> > it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
> > insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.
> But what if it's not sufficiently rare?  In the worst case, it will take 
> O(n) time to find the next usable random number.  You might as well just 
> use a serial number; it will always take O(1) time to find the next 
> usable serial number.

That is true, but the cost of one element in the random algo is
(presumably) much much less than the cost of one element in the serial
algo (which at minimum requires communication with another bean). So
long as the assumption holds that the number of collisions is minimal,
O(n) worst case won't occur.

The random algo is faster than the other when it hits right away. If
it collides even once, it is already slower than the sequence algo. So
you need really big keys (compared to the size of the data set) to
make it work.

Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
powered by emacs

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] EJB 2.0 Features

2001-06-26 Thread John Patterson

What features of EJB2.0 have been implemented on 
JBoss 2.4?  How can they be utilised?

[JBoss-user] remote JNDI tree?

2001-06-26 Thread Mikhail Akopov

Would value bound to JNDI context in one EJB container be accessible from
another EJB container and what should be done to do so?

Thank you,
Vale! - Mikhail Akopov

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Bottoms

>I have read every post to jboss-users and jboss-dev for about 6 months, and
>haven't seen anything that looks much like an invitation to contribute
>something like what Richard proposed to the jboss site.  I think what he
>wants to do would be very useful, and I agree it would be best as part of
>the jboss site.  Why didn't you invite him to add it there?  You don't
>know, maybe he is the worlds best documentation writer..
>david jencks

Actually I'd be more than happy to contribute to the project.

I'm more interested in making JBoss accessible, useful and popular then
where the work gets done. Your sensible suggestion is much more effective
than calling me names or screaming in all caps.

So Marc, what would you like to do.?


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-06-26 at 21:45 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 10:04:15AM -0700, kenneth wrote:
> > 2. A sophisticated database will optimize it's use of a disk, especially a
> >SCSI disk, and lay records down in such a way that the heads insert/read
> >sequential data very efficiently. 'Random' keys will checkerboard your data.
> Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
> keys "near" one another will often be used together?

Yes, this is why they are called "primary keys."  Traditionally, database
engines would try to entry-sequence records by primary key, and there
remains an expectation that access by primary key will always be the
fastest and most efficient mechanism for accessing a table.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread David Jencks

You can get the same effect with the generators and sequences I am familiar
with by requesting a large step or increment. Then you don't need to do bit
twiddling.  If your db supports generators/sequences use them.  

david jencks

On 2001.06.26 16:38:03 -0400 "Wood, Alan" wrote:
> >> 
> >> If you're going to run in multiple jvm's, the solution is a counter
> >> table. Lock the counter table when you update the count. This doesn't
> >perform
> >> as bad as it sounds.
> >
> >Which would leave this alternative of course. It somehow seems like
> >overkill to me, but it may very well be the option I land on.
> >
> >Thanks for the input.
> >
> >Cheers
> > Bent D
> An alternative to this is discussed in many forums (including
> "theserverside.com").  It sacrifices loss of key space for a bit of
> performance.  I'm just reading up on it, but the basics are:
> Make a key an integer with a 24 bit high index value and an 8 bit low
> index
> value.  (You can use any bit split you would like.  Use 32 & 32 if you
> needs
> lots of room in the key space) The result would be a true 32 bit integer.
> Hold the last used 24 bit high index value in the database exactly as
> mentioned in the previous post.  
> Create an SessionBean that will generate a unique key for you.  Make it
> stateless, although it will hold state.  (The state in this case is
> discardable...if the state is missing, a new one can be generated.)
> Either encapsulate the high value into an entitybean, or just use direct
> sql
> in the SessionBean to load the high value when the bean is created. 
> Since
> the SessionBean is stateless, it will probably be created in a pool (set
> it
> to a small # of instances) and only get initialized once per run of the
> server.  (Not a requirement though)
> Now, generate the lower order keys as you are called.  Just increment the
> low value, and append it to the high value to create the full integer. 
> (Or
> in other words, add 1 to your saved key).
> Detect if you are going to go into the next high value range, and if you
> are
> then reload the high value from the database (incrementing it when you
> do).
> This method requires the following:
>You can atomically "read the high value", "increment the high value", 
>"write the high value" at the database level.  (SELECT FOR UPDATE,
>Lock the record, or whatever needs to be done.  I believe if you put
>it into an entity bean, then this will already be done for you if you
>make an operation (method) that does the increment and mark the bean
>for transaction level REQUIRES_NEW, or REQUIRES ??).
> This allows many different SessionBeans across multiple VMs to generate
> unique keys (since they will all have different high values).  It will
> result in some of the integer space not being used (due to shutdowns of
> the
> server, etc.)  It should also allow pooling of the unique key generator
> so
> that you have less of a bottleneck there during entity creation.
> I'd still keep the pool size limited though so that your key space isn't
> used up at each server shutdown.
> Keep in mind, I'm still learning and if someone could correct me if I got
> something wrong, I'd be much appreciative.  But, I've read this mechanism
> a
> few times and it seems solid enough.
> Hope this helps,
> Alan
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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Kasperowski


> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:06:42AM -0400, Richard Kasperowski wrote:
>>>As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
>>>Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
>>>keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
>>>and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
>>>of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
>>>if I do something along the following when making a new record;
>>>boolean created = false;
>>>   Long key = generateRandomLong();
>>>   created = ejb.create(key, contents);
>>>while (!created);
>>One problem with using random numbers is that they're not guaranteed to 
>>be unique--two calls to generateRandomLong() can return the same value. 
> Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
> it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
> insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.

But what if it's not sufficiently rare?  In the worst case, it will take 
O(n) time to find the next usable random number.  You might as well just 
use a serial number; it will always take O(1) time to find the next 
usable serial number.

Richard Kasperowski (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Tel: 617-576-1552, Fax: 617-576-2441

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

I really hope not, since we took everything but PostgreSQL support out of
the "jboss.jcml" file and made that the "DefaultDS."  It may be that there
is a requirement that "DefaultDS" exist, but I don't know.  We are not
using JMS for anything special, but so far things seem to work.  Probably
one of the people on this list who knows what he is talking about could
answer your question better than I can.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 13:25 -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:

> Yikes! (Note: feel free to laugh if this is a stupid question).  Doesn't the
> JBoss JMS service use one of these DBs to persist messages?
> --m
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michael Bilow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "List: jBoss users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver
> > While you are perfectly correct about this, I think it is advantageous to
> > remove any of the databases which you are not using.  That is, if you are
> > talking only to MySQL, then you probably would be better off excising all
> > of the Enhydra stuff from the "jboss.jcml" file.  Hypersonic especially
> > eats memory at a prodigious rate.
> >
> > -- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS

2001-06-26 Thread David Jencks

hey marc,

I appreciate your desire to keep jboss stuff on jboss, however I don't
think you really need to start by attacking people who say they want to
provide information about jboss.  Perhaps in the future you could say
something like..

We recognize that the information on jboss is incomplete and not always up
to date.  You can best contribute by working on the  area of the jboss
project.  We want to keep the jboss information on the jboss site for now,
as explained at .

I have read every post to jboss-users and jboss-dev for about 6 months, and
haven't seen anything that looks much like an invitation to contribute
something like what Richard proposed to the jboss site.  I think what he
wants to do would be very useful, and I agree it would be best as part of
the jboss site.  Why didn't you invite him to add it there?  You don't
know, maybe he is the worlds best documentation writer..

david jencks

On 2001.06.26 16:07:14 -0400 marc fleury wrote:
> Whatever you guys are looking for, what saddens me is that you want to
> hop
> on the boat with the first "desconocido" who comes along rather than
> invest
> that energy in the JBoss website and book.
> You don't understand that we will compete with efforts like this one.  WE
> EXPLOITATION by the developers for the developers, and we hope to grow it
> organically.
> "red-hats" that crop up and they will compete with us through JBoss
> Group.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: freeloading

2001-06-26 Thread Richard Bottoms

>first failure. The point here is that J2EE might make many things easier on
>the developer (transactions, persistence, etc) there is still a lot
>involved. Much more than a "newbie" can initially grasp. Much better off
>IMHO if the total newbies learn the technology pretty much the way it
>evolved. Servlets, JSP, EJB, then the remainder of the J2EE Stack.

Agreed. In fact much of the thrust of my posts has been the idea that
exposure to JBoss and precise information of how to make demos work makes
professionals in other disciplines aware of the productn ot expert in its

>definitely see where the JBoss group would want to keep a hold of where
>jboss is at.

Also on point. My inspiration to do another site is not so much that
information doesn't exist. Just that it's hard to find. I'll keep your
admonishment in mind as I proceed.

BTW, Ole Husgaard was right about announcing the site before it's  ready to
go. It was really just an idea that hit me after an all nighter on another

I'm aware that some of the creators are upset. I hope they warm to the idea
of their spreading fame. And possible fortune.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Francois Charoy

Why not using Velocity... ? I have been trying it with Jboss. You just have
to write simple servlet that select beans and give references to your pages.
With a good session bean design it's very simple.
I allows to create nice pages without embedding too much code in it and
editable with a simple html editor


> I would never call anything that i can get away with NOT calling from a
> JSP directly. I always try to use a bean or a tag library to
> encapsulate that call.
>sometimes scriptlets are necessary in a jsp, but in general they become
>maintenance nightmares :) If you have ever worked maintenance of a large
>system that does this you will know what i mean. Much better to
>encapsulate such things in one place and then only have to modify a few
>things to repair a bug (yes yes we all want to think we write great
>systems, and we do, but there are always bugs. I don't want to count the
>number of times I have had to modify a scriptlet because something
>changed somewhere else...)
> al
> - Original Message -
> From: Devraj Mukherjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: JBoss List Serve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:17 AM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP
>> Just wondering if some of you can tell me what is the suggested way of
>> calling a session bean from a JSP file, should I call it directly or
>> use a intermediate javabean for it?
>> Devraj
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread Wood, Alan

>> If you're going to run in multiple jvm's, the solution is a counter
>> table. Lock the counter table when you update the count. This doesn't
>> as bad as it sounds.
>Which would leave this alternative of course. It somehow seems like
>overkill to me, but it may very well be the option I land on.
>Thanks for the input.
>   Bent D

An alternative to this is discussed in many forums (including
"theserverside.com").  It sacrifices loss of key space for a bit of
performance.  I'm just reading up on it, but the basics are:

Make a key an integer with a 24 bit high index value and an 8 bit low index
value.  (You can use any bit split you would like.  Use 32 & 32 if you needs
lots of room in the key space) The result would be a true 32 bit integer.

Hold the last used 24 bit high index value in the database exactly as
mentioned in the previous post.  

Create an SessionBean that will generate a unique key for you.  Make it
stateless, although it will hold state.  (The state in this case is
discardable...if the state is missing, a new one can be generated.)

Either encapsulate the high value into an entitybean, or just use direct sql
in the SessionBean to load the high value when the bean is created.  Since
the SessionBean is stateless, it will probably be created in a pool (set it
to a small # of instances) and only get initialized once per run of the EJB
server.  (Not a requirement though)

Now, generate the lower order keys as you are called.  Just increment the
low value, and append it to the high value to create the full integer.  (Or
in other words, add 1 to your saved key).

Detect if you are going to go into the next high value range, and if you are
then reload the high value from the database (incrementing it when you do).

This method requires the following:

   You can atomically "read the high value", "increment the high value", 
   "write the high value" at the database level.  (SELECT FOR UPDATE,
   Lock the record, or whatever needs to be done.  I believe if you put
   it into an entity bean, then this will already be done for you if you
   make an operation (method) that does the increment and mark the bean
   for transaction level REQUIRES_NEW, or REQUIRES ??).

This allows many different SessionBeans across multiple VMs to generate
unique keys (since they will all have different high values).  It will
result in some of the integer space not being used (due to shutdowns of the
server, etc.)  It should also allow pooling of the unique key generator so
that you have less of a bottleneck there during entity creation.

I'd still keep the pool size limited though so that your key space isn't
used up at each server shutdown.

Keep in mind, I'm still learning and if someone could correct me if I got
something wrong, I'd be much appreciative.  But, I've read this mechanism a
few times and it seems solid enough.

Hope this helps,


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

I agree. There is still plenty of work that can be done on the
documentation. Tobias is heading up a great effort to bring it up to
compliance with 2.2 but we will soon be into 2.4 and 3.0 and will need more
work there again. There could be more tutorials on how to actually use JBoss
(im working on one now that goes from a basic HTML page deployed to
JBoss-tomcat/jboss-jetty to actually calling session and entity beans) There
is a world of work left and I think it is better to keep the information
abut JBoss centralized here at Jboss.

I think of it like SCC anywhere else. once it is all over the place, with no
mediated checkin and checkout, who knows if the documentation you are
reading is valid?


- Original Message -
From: marc fleury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:07 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] FREE LOADERS

> Whatever you guys are looking for, what saddens me is that you want to hop
> on the boat with the first "desconocido" who comes along rather than
> that energy in the JBoss website and book.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)

Michael Bilow wrote:

> Note that Java represents time with millisecond _resolution_ which is not
> at all the same thing as millisecond _accuracy_ in the real world.
> Relying upon this sort of thing has the effect of introducing a platform
> dependency which could make the whole design fall over.  For example, on
> the IBM System/390 mainframe, real world accuracy is limited to one full
> second, so millisecond resolution just sees the seconds incrementing
> 0.000, 1.000, 2.000, and so on.

Ouch! I keep forgetting that. For the record, I see changes on the ms 
under linux, at 10 ms under winnt.


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Oracle SQLJ and JBoss-2.2.2

2001-06-26 Thread Rick H Wesson

I've been reading the list and the 6 posts that describe how to use
Oracle 8i SQLJ with JBoss, however these methods result in the exception

What I understand is that minerva hads back a wrapper class that Oracle
just doesn't understand what to do with.

  a) has anyone elese experenced this situation
  b) is there a common workaround?
  c) is jbosspool a viable alternative to minerva or will the same
 problem occur?




JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)

Allen fogleson wrote:

> You can reuse the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor if that is what you are
> asking. However, if you are asking about the specific j2eeRI.xml files, then
> no. Using BMP you shouldn't have too many problems or need to create extra
> files, other than potentially a jboss.xml to handle security.
> Al

You may also need jboss.xml to map your bean's expected datasource name 
(java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource) to a resource-manager that names the 
global JNDI name for the datasource (java:/SomeDataSource).

Gotta get that in the docs with an example!


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

Note that Java represents time with millisecond _resolution_ which is not
at all the same thing as millisecond _accuracy_ in the real world.

Relying upon this sort of thing has the effect of introducing a platform
dependency which could make the whole design fall over.  For example, on
the IBM System/390 mainframe, real world accuracy is limited to one full
second, so millisecond resolution just sees the seconds incrementing
0.000, 1.000, 2.000, and so on.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 15:57 -0400, Jim Kimball wrote:

> If you are looking for a simple unique ID generator that is also (somewhat)
> evenly distributed, use a reverse timestamp. Use
> System.getCurrentTimeMillis(), turn it into a string, then reverse it.
> If you have performance problems with such a simple algorithm, you might
> want to write your own routine to do the reversing of a long without using
> the generic String methods.
> Jim

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

sure... why not. lol. Do you mean does it automatically create the finders
for you? No, but finders can be overridden (even in CMP beans) in the
implementation class.


- Original Message -
From: Eduardo Bastos Leite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

> Does jboss suport the use of javabeans as parameters for cmp finder
> like what happens with Inprise's App Server??
> If it does, how it works??
> Thanks in Advance,
> Eduardo B. Leite
> _
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> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

You can reuse the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor if that is what you are
asking. However, if you are asking about the specific j2eeRI.xml files, then
no. Using BMP you shouldn't have too many problems or need to create extra
files, other than potentially a jboss.xml to handle security.


- Original Message -
> From: "Ralph Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 13:41:06 +0800
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Sun J2EE to jBoss
> Deployment descriptor
> Can I re-use the ejb-jar.xml produced by Sun's deployment tool ( minus the
> JMS related code ) ?
> For later:
> Using jbossMQ, is it possible to create JMS Topics and Queues without
> restarting the server?
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Jim...

I'm sorry, but I don't follow. Whats the advantage of this?

--On Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:57 PM -0400 Jim Kimball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> If you are looking for a simple unique ID generator that is also
> (somewhat) evenly distributed, use a reverse timestamp. Use
> System.getCurrentTimeMillis(), turn it into a string, then reverse it.
> If you have performance problems with such a simple algorithm, you might
> want to write your own routine to do the reversing of a long without using
> the generic String methods.
> Jim
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:32 PM
>> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:06:42AM -0400, Richard Kasperowski wrote:
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> > > As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
>> > > keys:
>> > >
>> > > Is it feasible to use a random number generator to
>> generate primary
>> > > keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily
>> increasing keys
>> > > and my number of records will presumably be much smaller
>> than the size
>> > > of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for
>> prim-key). So
>> > > if I do something along the following when making a new record;
>> > >
>> > > boolean created = false;
>> > > do
>> > > {
>> > >Long key = generateRandomLong();
>> > >created = ejb.create(key, contents);
>> > > }
>> > > while (!created);
>> >
>> >
>> > One problem with using random numbers is that they're not
>> guaranteed to
>> > be unique--two calls to generateRandomLong() can return the
>> same value.
>> Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
>> it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
>> insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.
>> >   Another problem is that computing the next random number might be
>> > relatively computationally expensive.  I'd say serial
>> numbers are better.
>> If that is so, it would definately be a potential problem. I don't
>> know much about the effeciency of the Java random number generator
>> though.
>> Cheers
>>  Bent D
>> --
>> Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
>> powered by emacs
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Archer

--On Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:14 PM -0500 "danch (Dan Christopherson)" 

> I, for one, was happy with the idea that Richard had: the web site he
> proposed may have allowed me to never again have to explain why you can't
> use autoincremented key fields with CMP EJBs (among other things).

LOL! But I really enjoy your many posts about sequence fields! It gives me 
a chance to post about the java.rmi.server.UID class!

Now that things are calming down a bit on this issue, I'm concerned about a 
different but related issue underscored by this. I have noticed that 
sometimes, postings on this list can be a little, um, aggressive. Sometimes 
people are insulted personally. Sometimes profanity is used. Occasionally, 
people are publically ridiculed. I had noticed a distinct trend away from 
this during the past several months, but unfortunatly, the past week has 
started to track back to it. If one looks through the list, examples are, 
unfortunatly, easy to find. More unfortunatly, these examples sometimes 
come from people at the top of the jBoss organization and set the tone for 
other posters.

When I first started to read this list many months ago, I was very 
intimidated by it. I didn't post unless I was desperate or unless I was 
certian I knew exactly the answer to someones probem, so as not to expose 
myself to the risk of being cut off at the knees. Some may say that this is 
a good thing, as it reduces list volume and forces people to use the docs. 
In reality, it causes people to be frustrated and to turn elsewhere or to 
not post what would have been a helpful response.

jBoss is an *excellant* and complex product and this list provides 
fantastic support. Many posters here provide generous and curtious support 
(I really like reading Danch and Scott Stark - very educational). I am 
personally *very* appreciative for the jBoss product and the support I 
receive here and sincerely hope I'll be in a position to contribute (either 
time or money) someday. My main point is that it would be a shame if the 
quality of the support aspect was reduced because of a tone thats sometimes 
too harsh from just a few posters.


> -danch
> Ole Husgaard wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Marc,
>>> If you don't like the fact that the open source licence (LGPL) for jBoss
>>> allows this, then don't release it as open source.
>>> If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would not look like
>>> jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)
>> I Agree.
>> We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,
>> and then get angry about those who use that permission
>> and call them "free loaders".
>> Marc wrote:
 yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders
 like you can
 come along and "for the sake of their business" not
 contribute a bit to the
 project and draw the traffic to themselves.

>> Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.
>> All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the
>> word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him
>> permission for that with the LGPL).
>> However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate
>> free loading: He used this list for advertizing
>> for his web site, without any concrete references
>> to anything JBoss-related.
>> IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying
>> interested readers that something JBoss-related
>> can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that
>> this list be used for advertizing web sites where
>> something JBoss-related may be found at some point
>> in the future.
>> Best Regards,
>> Ole Husgaard.
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] RE: freeloading & computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread David Jones

As an open source developer I like to see issues like this come up. It is 
important that we all understand what we are giving and what we might expect 
to get in return.

I've been involved with open source projects for a couple of years now, 
mostly with Linux working for a company that creates embedded Linux 
solutions, and contributed to a number of Linux related open source 

Right now I am the keeper of an open source project called Open For Business 
(cute, eh?) whose home is at www.ofbiz.org, which goes to a SourceForge site 
(isn't SourceForge cool?). My current efforts are all centered on getting 
the project to the critical mass and momentum necessary for me to make a 
living from it (my savings are running lower all the time...).

I think the open source model is a great way to make good software, as well 
as a good way to make money, but it is VERY different from how one can make 
money with traditional commercial development. The JBoss Group is a great 
example of this: they (and others) make good software, people adopt it, 
those people need help to use it, the JBoss Group makes money from services. 
I think it's beautiful, and I'm doing something very similar.

The Open For Business project uses the MIT License because I thought it 
would be the best to allow people to flexibly use the software. The main 
goal I have is for people and companies to adopt it and use it. That is the 
key to feeding my family whether they are paid for it or not. The more 
people use it, the more the contributions will be. The more people use it 
the press it will get. The more people use it the more help people will need 
to operate and extend it. Being involved with the project means that the 
more people use it, the easier it is for me to get a consulting gig and feed 
my family. So, my biggest priority is to help people to adopt it, whether I 
get paid directly for it or not, and whether they get paid directly for it 
or not.

In the above paragraph I didn't mean to imply at all that JBoss should use 
the MIT License (which is like the BSD license). The LGPL is great for 
something like JBoss which is a vital part of the infrastructure but only 
occassionally needs to be changed. The Open For Business project is business 
software and often needs to be customized based on the needs of a given 
business. I guess Oracle and others have this propoganda out to reduce 
customization of their software saying that they know how to run your 
business better than you do. Maybe that's because they want more licensing 
revenue and less service revenue. Good for the customer? Doubtful. Some 
parts may not need to be changed, but every business and industry are 
different, so for the goal of adoption, I made it as easy to get and use as 

Yes, this means that people could free-load and cut me out of the revenue 
loop. That's fine with me, my goal is adoption. I only need to make a decent 
living, not own software that "I" somehow drove through development and 
which is now worth millions.

I imagine that opinions vary among those in the JBoss Group and contributors 
to JBoss. But is that the goal of JBoss?

By the way, I monitor the JBoss-user list because I use JBoss for my 
development. It's a great J2EE app server to use for development, it even 
runs fine on my old PII300 laptop.

Any thoughts?

-David E. Jones

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

I would never call anything that i can get away with NOT calling from a JSP
directly. I always try to use a bean or a tag library to encapsulate that

sometimes scriptlets are necessary in a jsp, but in general they become
maintenance nightmares :) If you have ever worked maintenance of a large
system that does this you will know what i mean. Much better to encapsulate
such things in one place and then only have to modify a few things to repair
a bug (yes yes we all want to think we write great systems, and we do, but
there are always bugs. I don't want to count the number of times I have had
to modify a scriptlet because something changed somewhere else...)


- Original Message -
From: Devraj Mukherjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: JBoss List Serve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:17 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Suggested way of calling Session Beans from JSP

> Just wondering if some of you can tell me what is the suggested way of
> calling a session bean from a JSP file, should I call it directly or use a
> intermediate javabean for it?
> Devraj
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Duplicates in console log

2001-06-26 Thread Scott M Stark

Try removing the ConsoleLogging mbean as you probably did not
comment it out correctly. jboss.conf is not an xml file.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Kaufman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 12:47 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Duplicates in console log

> How do you stop dups in the console log when using log4j?
> I'm using jboss2.2.2
> I've searched the list and done the things suggested there:
> 1) Commented out MLETs for ConsoleLogging and FileLogging in jboss.conf, and
> uncommented the MLET for Log4jService in same,
> 2) Deleted the jboss-auto.jcml file to prevent the snapshot config from
> loading.
> The file log (/log/server.log) does not have duplicates, but the
> console
> log (std.out) does. For each pair of duplicate lines, one comes from log4j,
> and one
> from elsewhere (I assume from jboss' logging impl). I commented out the
> lines in log4j.properties concerning the console appender to check - and got
> single 
> lines on the console. But of course this is not the right solution.
> TIA,
> Bill
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)

Jim Kimball wrote:

> If you are looking for a simple unique ID generator that is also (somewhat)
> evenly distributed, use a reverse timestamp. Use
> System.getCurrentTimeMillis(), turn it into a string, then reverse it.

Reverse it so that the LSB becomes MSB? Is that for better hash 
distribution, or just to break order in the PK index?


JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

Keep a couple of points in mind.  First of all, since you are using MD5 as
what amounts to a random number generator rather than for a cryptographic
purpose, you may be undertaking more processing than would be required to
do this in a more straightforward manner.  This is because crypto hashes
are designed to be infeasible to replicate without lots of iterative
processing in order to make it hard to attack them by brute force; they
are therefore computationally intensive.  Most decent psuedo-random number
generators can produce equivalent results in terms of distribution with
orders of magnitude less processing, although with more predictability.

Second, in terms of randomness, any arbitrary selection from a random set
of bits is just as random.  That is, a simple method for getting a random
64-bit number given a random 128-bit number is to use only the most- or
least-significant half, or XOR'ing both halves together.

Third, crypto hashes may be slightly less random than you think when used
to digest short messages.  In general, the distribution of crypto hashes
is only expected to be sufficiently random for "large enough" messsages,
although no one currently knows how to estimate a lower bound.  I doubt
this has any practical significance for you, but you ought to try to hash
a reasonably large amount of data, say 1024 bytes, relative to the size of
the hash itself when using a 128-bit hash such as MD5.  Above all, avoid
using initializers which are actually shorter than the hash, such as a
32-bit time stamp.  Note that the information content of data may be far
smaller than it seems; for example, the Unix 'date' command outputs 29
bytes of ASCII ("Tue Jun 26 16:10:53 EDT 2001") which we know has only 4
bytes (32 bits) of information content, so "date | md5sum" is a very bad
idea to do.  You can get around this by using the output of each hash in
the input to the next hash, but then you may as well use a simple sequence
generator class.

Fourth, the probability of a collision between your next randomly chosen
number and any prior randomly chosen number is going to follow a Poisson
distribution, which may not be obvious at first.  This means that the
likelihood of collison is by no means neglible for databases of practical
size even when using fairly big arbitrary numbers.  Exactly what does
constitute "negligible" is a judgment call, not a technical decision.  
Although a 128-bit hash seems unlikely to be a problem, it is certainly
conceivable that a 64-bit hash could be.  Optimal behavior also depends
upon the hash being properly seeded, as discussed.

In general, I think that these kinds of subtleties make using a random
hash approach for primary key generation more trouble than it is worth.  
If you absolutely need to eliminate a singleton constraint and you can
afford to check for collisions, it may be worth the effort.

See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2795.txt for details. :-)

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 15:28 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well... I use similar technique for generating unique IDs, but I utilize the
> MD5 hash function. It is believed that it provides enough uniqueness. The
> only problem is that you cannot use the long as primary key field (in my
> case I use String). But you may convert 128-bit digest into 2x64-bit longs.
> It has similar pros and cons, however the max value is now 2^128 which is
> quite large number :).
> Regards,
> Roman.
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2001 14:54
> > To: jboss
> > Subject: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
> > 
> > 
> > As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
> > keys:
> > 
> > Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
> > keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
> > and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
> > of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
> > if I do something along the following when making a new record;
> > 
> > boolean created = false;
> > do 
> > {
> >Long key = generateRandomLong();
> >created = ejb.create(key, contents);
> > } 
> > while (!created);
> > 
> > 
> > (here, ejb.create() takes the primary key of the new record as its
> > first param and returns true if success, false if not success)
> > 
> > My theory is that most of the time, the creation will succeed on the
> > first attempt, based on the assumption that number of records is
> > insignificant compared to the value space of Long. 
> > 
> > Pros:
> > I don't need to do manual synchronisation with a central
> > key-generating bean.
> > I don't need to do DB-specific calls to get it to generate for me.
> > 
> > Cons:
> > Unpredictable time use for creation.
> > Unusable if number of records becomes significant compared to value
> > space of Long.
> > 
> > I am assuming also that the creation of a random Long is 


2001-06-26 Thread marc fleury


Whatever you guys are looking for, what saddens me is that you want to hop
on the boat with the first "desconocido" who comes along rather than invest
that energy in the JBoss website and book.

You don't understand that we will compete with efforts like this one.  WE
EXPLOITATION by the developers for the developers, and we hope to grow it

"red-hats" that crop up and they will compete with us through JBoss Group.

types don't want to help us I understand, but what I don't understand is
that you guys (core developers) would rather hand it to someone who just
appeared out of the woodwork RATHER THAN EXPLOIT IT YOURSELVES.  WE NEED TO


I am tired of the idealism in both ways, tired of 3rd party insulting me on
my own fucking lists and telling me " you put your work on LGPL now suck it
up! you fool!" and tired of the "abstract lectures" from the open source



|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of danch (Dan
|Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:15 PM
|Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com
|Thank you, Ole, for saying what has been on my mind in a fashion far
|more succinct and calm than I could manage.
|I, for one, was happy with the idea that Richard had: the web site he
|proposed may have allowed me to never again have to explain why you
|can't use autoincremented key fields with CMP EJBs (among other things).
|Ole Husgaard wrote:
|> Hi,
|>>If you don't like the fact that the open source licence (LGPL) for jBoss
|>>allows this, then don't release it as open source.
|>>If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would not look like
|>>jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)
|> I Agree.
|> We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,
|> and then get angry about those who use that permission
|> and call them "free loaders".
|> Marc wrote:
|>>>yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders
|>>>like you can
|>>>come along and "for the sake of their business" not
|>>>contribute a bit to the
|>>>project and draw the traffic to themselves.
|> Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.
|> All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the
|> word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him
|> permission for that with the LGPL).
|> However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate
|> free loading: He used this list for advertizing
|> for his web site, without any concrete references
|> to anything JBoss-related.
|> IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying
|> interested readers that something JBoss-related
|> can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that
|> this list be used for advertizing web sites where
|> something JBoss-related may be found at some point
|> in the future.
|> Best Regards,
|> Ole Husgaard.
|> ___
|> JBoss-user mailing list
|> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
|JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Can custom finder methods return java.util.Vector

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

You can return a Vector, in practice we have found it easier to return a
Collection, but since it subclasses (indirectly) Collection a Vector can be


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Can custom finder methods return java.util.Vector

> Hi,
> Can ejb finder methods return java.util.Vector
> As for the ejb specification it has to return either the primary key
> class or a collection of primary keys.
> Can Vector be its return type, as Vector implements java.util.List
> in turn extends java.util.Collection, can finder method return any of the
> sub classes of
> Collection or it has to be only the Collection interface?
> Thanks,
> Anoop.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: freeloading

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

- Original Message -
From: Richard Bottoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Nathalie Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:24 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Re: freeloading

> Actually, I was referring to the newbies, and there are more of them every
> day, asking the same questions over and over again, just like I did.

I guess it depends on the definition of newbie. Would i reccommend JBoss, or
for that matter weblogic, websphere, iplanet AS, or any other J2EE container
to a person who is an old perl programmer, or C/C++ person? Probably not.
Just as in any environment there is an overwhelming need to learn the basics
before you take on the enterprise. One major project I worked on we used
IPlanet AS to deploy an application. I was notr the hiring manager and I
ended up with about 10 senior developers who were going to lead the project
(it was pretty major hehe 54 people total on it) Unfortunately, despite a
great amount of ambition and desire to learn, they had absolutely no
experience with J2EE. At that time i was a project manager (having been
promoted out of the architect role) and had 2 other clients simultaneously.
I ended up having to architect the system, and do a lot of hand holding to
get it started. Not that i am against that as an architect or senior lead
(in fact its needed more I think in general) but i also had 2 other clients
to keep happy, and keep track of. Luckily for me, the project got canceled
because budgets were cut 2/3 or else I have a feeling it would have been my
first failure. The point here is that J2EE might make many things easier on
the developer (transactions, persistence, etc) there is still a lot
involved. Much more than a "newbie" can initially grasp. Much better off
IMHO if the total newbies learn the technology pretty much the way it
evolved. Servlets, JSP, EJB, then the remainder of the J2EE Stack.

As you said... it would do the JBoss project as a whole a great service to
get the word out, but on the other hand I can see where in a technology as
evolving as JBoss is that they want to keep the dissemination of information
about JBoss centralized. What features are in 2.4beta? how are they
different from 2.2 or what will be 3.0? Its a very large task just for the
volunteers to keep track of the project on one site, let alone a much
smaller group keep track of all the changes on it. And I suspect that JBoss
wouldnt be the only technology espoused on computerplanet, so now that same
smaller group has to keep track of many other projects/products also. Yes,
it happened with linux, but when did it happen? When .99pl9 came out who was
using it? when 1.0 came out who was? it took really untill recently for
Linux to get any major press, and in general the core kernel was stabilized.
Maybe when the 2.0 spec comes out and JBoss is compliant with it there will
be a time to take that deep breath and put the word out, but I can
definitely see where the JBoss group would want to keep a hold of where
jboss is at.

just my 2 cents worth.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] GUI tools for deployment

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Archer

This may sound strange, but I have played bote with EJX and the J2EE deploy 
tool, and I ncan never figure them out. I have much better luck writing the 
descriptors by hand or generating them.


--On Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:11 PM +0100 Nicolai P Guba 

>> "b" == bcd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> b> I notice that Sun has a Deployment GUI tool for its J2EE
> b> implementation. Is this useful in conjunction with JBoss? Or is
> b> there something else I should rather use?
> Hmmm, it's not difficult to figure out that I'm with Emacs as IDE (or
> OS --pending on point of view), but I am currently looking at Forte
> 3.0.  Written by SUN and is (semi)freely available (ie free as in free
> beer but no source code) and distributed as a .class file which is the
> installer.  Quite impressive but I haven't tried to plug it into JBoss
> yet.  Has anybody tried this?
> b> I did try a JBoss GUI tool for editing deployment descriptors (I
> b> think that's what it was supposed to do :-) but it didn't seem to
> b> show me much of interest.
> It doesn't do much else :( I once tried to connect the deploytool to
> jboss but never succeeded.  Would be nice if one could get it going...
> --
>   Nicolai P Gubahttp://www.gnu.org http://www.frontwire.com
> GSM: +44 (0)7909 960 751   DDI: +44 (0)20 7368 9708
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Hai all!

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Ravi...

Its really pretty straightfoward. On Windows, unzip it and in the jboss/bin 
directory run the BAT file that you'll find there. Have a look at the docs. 
Starting wita a big system like this can seem intimidating, but once you 
get started with jBoss you'll probably find its not bad at all.

Good luck!


--On Tuesday, June 26, 2001 12:12 PM -0500 Ravi Remella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hai, I just downloaded the JBoss 2.2 and can any one help me out how to
> install and run it in windows 98 and NT
> regards
> ravi.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] What do finders find?

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)


> I'm new to EJB, so my understanding of what's happening in finders is
> limited. The finders look like they only find stuff that has been saved to
> the database. Is it possible to have created beans that are "unfindable"?

Finders only find stuff that has been saved to the database. Usually this 

kind of problem is seen with updates, not creates, though. Creates are pushed 

into the database immediately, whereas updates are deferred until the end

of the transaction. Bill Burke recently implemented a feature that 
causes updates for a bean to be flushed before a finder is called for
that bean.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Archer

Or, you could use the facility provided by java. Check out 
java.rmi.server.UID. This class makes an ID guaranteed unique for the 
current VM. To use it in a clustered environmant, just prepend an IP 
address (as explained int he javadoc).


--On Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:43 PM -0400 Allen fogleson 

> I guess it is feasible. you will have some hits eventually, especially if
> the same pool of random numbers is used accross many tables. There are
> several primary key generators available for free that create unique ID's
> for you, i would suggest using one of those.
> Al
> - Original Message -
> To: jboss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 8:54 AM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
>> As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
>> keys:
>> Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
>> keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
>> and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
>> of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
>> if I do something along the following when making a new record;
>> boolean created = false;
>> do
>> {
>>Long key = generateRandomLong();
>>created = ejb.create(key, contents);
>> }
>> while (!created);
>> (here, ejb.create() takes the primary key of the new record as its
>> first param and returns true if success, false if not success)
>> My theory is that most of the time, the creation will succeed on the
>> first attempt, based on the assumption that number of records is
>> insignificant compared to the value space of Long.
>> Pros:
>> I don't need to do manual synchronisation with a central
>> key-generating bean.
>> I don't need to do DB-specific calls to get it to generate for me.
>> Cons:
>> Unpredictable time use for creation.
>> Unusable if number of records becomes significant compared to value
>> space of Long.
>> I am assuming also that the creation of a random Long is a fast
>> process.
>> Cheers
>> Bent D
>> --
>> Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
>> powered by emacs
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Jim Kimball

If you are looking for a simple unique ID generator that is also (somewhat)
evenly distributed, use a reverse timestamp. Use
System.getCurrentTimeMillis(), turn it into a string, then reverse it.

If you have performance problems with such a simple algorithm, you might
want to write your own routine to do the reversing of a long without using
the generic String methods.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:06:42AM -0400, Richard Kasperowski wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
> > > keys:
> > >
> > > Is it feasible to use a random number generator to
> generate primary
> > > keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily
> increasing keys
> > > and my number of records will presumably be much smaller
> than the size
> > > of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for
> prim-key). So
> > > if I do something along the following when making a new record;
> > >
> > > boolean created = false;
> > > do
> > > {
> > >Long key = generateRandomLong();
> > >created = ejb.create(key, contents);
> > > }
> > > while (!created);
> >
> >
> > One problem with using random numbers is that they're not
> guaranteed to
> > be unique--two calls to generateRandomLong() can return the
> same value.
> Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
> it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
> insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.
> >   Another problem is that computing the next random number might be
> > relatively computationally expensive.  I'd say serial
> numbers are better.
> If that is so, it would definately be a potential problem. I don't
> know much about the effeciency of the Java random number generator
> though.
> Cheers
>   Bent D
> --
> Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
> powered by emacs
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Duplicates in console log

2001-06-26 Thread Bill Kaufman

How do you stop dups in the console log when using log4j?
I'm using jboss2.2.2

I've searched the list and done the things suggested there:

1) Commented out MLETs for ConsoleLogging and FileLogging in jboss.conf, and

uncommented the MLET for Log4jService in same,

2) Deleted the jboss-auto.jcml file to prevent the snapshot config from

The file log (/log/server.log) does not have duplicates, but the
log (std.out) does. For each pair of duplicate lines, one comes from log4j,
and one
from elsewhere (I assume from jboss' logging impl). I commented out the
lines in log4j.properties concerning the console appender to check - and got
lines on the console. But of course this is not the right solution.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)


> Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
> it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
> insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.

Hmm. Another theory might be that if you run your head into a brick wall 
often enough, you'll break through. Sorry, yes, you _probably_ won't 
collide very often, depending on your seed and the frequency of inserts.

On the other hand, if you're willing to retry and your inserts wont be 
too frequent, why not use currentTimeMillis()? At least then you won't 
collide with one of last month's inserts.

Not that i'd do it that way in a production system.


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Can custom finder methods return java.util.Vector

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)

Your finder signature must be either Collection or Enumeration (which is 
only there for backward compatibility with ejb1.0).

You can return a vector, _but_ just because your finder returns a vector 
doesn't mean your client will get a vector. Remember that the container 
has some things to do after you return the keys, and it _won't_ return 
the same collection you give it.


Anoop wrote:

> Hi,
> Can ejb finder methods return java.util.Vector
> As for the ejb specification it has to return either the primary key
> class or a collection of primary keys.
> Can Vector be its return type, as Vector implements java.util.List which
> in turn extends java.util.Collection, can finder method return any of the
> sub classes of
> Collection or it has to be only the Collection interface?
> Thanks,
> Anoop.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: random keys

2001-06-26 Thread bcd

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 10:04:15AM -0700, kenneth wrote:
> If your database provides sequences, use them. There are several problems with
> using 'random' numbers:
> 1. How random are the numbers? It's possible to get a synonym, at which point
>you've got to catch the db error and start all over.

You have a point. If my random number sequence loops around without
having visited all numbers in the value space at least once, I have a
serious problem.

> 2. A sophisticated database will optimize it's use of a disk, especially a
>SCSI disk, and lay records down in such a way that the heads insert/read
>sequential data very efficiently. 'Random' keys will checkerboard your data.

Why would this matter? Do databases assume that records with primary
keys "near" one another will often be used together?

> Keys should meet two criteria. Unique, and sequential. 
> What if your db doesn't provide sequences? If you can guarantee that you'll
> only run in a single jvm, append a static counter to the end of the time stamp

If I remember correctly, modifying statics is a big no-no in EJBs?

> If you're going to run in multiple jvm's, the solution is a counter
> table. Lock the counter table when you update the count. This doesn't perform
> as bad as it sounds.

Which would leave this alternative of course. It somehow seems like
overkill to me, but it may very well be the option I land on.

Thanks for the input.

Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
powered by emacs

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] How to install and run Jboss!

2001-06-26 Thread bcd

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:44:04AM -0500, Ravi Remella wrote:
> Hai folks,
> I am new to JBOSS and just down loaded JBoss 2.2 version. Can any one help me out, 
>how to install and run JBoss on Windows.

3 easy steps;

1) download and unzip the JBoss distrib ZIP file
2) download and install a JDK1.3 distribution from Sun
3) go to jboss/bin and run "run.bat"

If you need elaboration, check out the manual. Getting the thing
started up was a breeze.

Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
powered by emacs

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

A similar technique is to do something like concat your content, then use
the string.hashCode function to get a hashcode. fairly well distributed,
easily repeatable... etc etc. :)


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

> Well... I use similar technique for generating unique IDs, but I utilize
> MD5 hash function. It is believed that it provides enough uniqueness. The
> only problem is that you cannot use the long as primary key field (in my
> case I use String). But you may convert 128-bit digest into 2x64-bit
> It has similar pros and cons, however the max value is now 2^128 which is
> quite large number :).
> Regards,
> Roman.
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2001 14:54
> > To: jboss
> > Subject: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers
> >
> >
> > As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
> > keys:
> >
> > Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
> > keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
> > and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
> > of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
> > if I do something along the following when making a new record;
> >
> > boolean created = false;
> > do
> > {
> >Long key = generateRandomLong();
> >created = ejb.create(key, contents);
> > }
> > while (!created);
> >
> >
> > (here, ejb.create() takes the primary key of the new record as its
> > first param and returns true if success, false if not success)
> >
> > My theory is that most of the time, the creation will succeed on the
> > first attempt, based on the assumption that number of records is
> > insignificant compared to the value space of Long.
> >
> > Pros:
> > I don't need to do manual synchronisation with a central
> > key-generating bean.
> > I don't need to do DB-specific calls to get it to generate for me.
> >
> > Cons:
> > Unpredictable time use for creation.
> > Unusable if number of records becomes significant compared to value
> > space of Long.
> >
> > I am assuming also that the creation of a random Long is a fast
> > process.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Bent D
> > --
> > Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
> > powered by emacs
> >
> > ___
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread Allen fogleson

I guess it is feasible. you will have some hits eventually, especially if
the same pool of random numbers is used accross many tables. There are
several primary key generators available for free that create unique ID's
for you, i would suggest using one of those.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

> As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
> keys:
> Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
> keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
> and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
> of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
> if I do something along the following when making a new record;
> boolean created = false;
> do
> {
>Long key = generateRandomLong();
>created = ejb.create(key, contents);
> }
> while (!created);
> (here, ejb.create() takes the primary key of the new record as its
> first param and returns true if success, false if not success)
> My theory is that most of the time, the creation will succeed on the
> first attempt, based on the assumption that number of records is
> insignificant compared to the value space of Long.
> Pros:
> I don't need to do manual synchronisation with a central
> key-generating bean.
> I don't need to do DB-specific calls to get it to generate for me.
> Cons:
> Unpredictable time use for creation.
> Unusable if number of records becomes significant compared to value
> space of Long.
> I am assuming also that the creation of a random Long is a fast
> process.
> Cheers
> Bent D
> --
> Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
> powered by emacs
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Can custom finder methods return java.util.Vector

2001-06-26 Thread Anoop


Can ejb finder methods return java.util.Vector

As for the ejb specification it has to return either the primary key
class or a collection of primary keys.
Can Vector be its return type, as Vector implements java.util.List which
in turn extends java.util.Collection, can finder method return any of the
sub classes of
Collection or it has to be only the Collection interface?


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Key generation by random numbers

2001-06-26 Thread bcd

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:06:42AM -0400, Richard Kasperowski wrote:
> > As a follow-up to the debate on how to get auto-increment primary
> > keys:
> > 
> > Is it feasible to use a random number generator to generate primary
> > keys? I don't really need my records to have steadily increasing keys
> > and my number of records will presumably be much smaller than the size
> > of my value space (4 billion? depending on data type for prim-key). So
> > if I do something along the following when making a new record;
> > 
> > boolean created = false;
> > do 
> > {
> >Long key = generateRandomLong();
> >created = ejb.create(key, contents);
> > } 
> > while (!created);
> One problem with using random numbers is that they're not guaranteed to 
> be unique--two calls to generateRandomLong() can return the same value. 

Yes, but that isn't really a problem because you'll just try again and
it happens sufficiently rarely that the extra time used is
insignificant. At least, that would be the theory.

>   Another problem is that computing the next random number might be 
> relatively computationally expensive.  I'd say serial numbers are better.

If that is so, it would definately be a potential problem. I don't
know much about the effeciency of the Java random number generator

Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
powered by emacs

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread danch (Dan Christopherson)

Thank you, Ole, for saying what has been on my mind in a fashion far 
more succinct and calm than I could manage.

I, for one, was happy with the idea that Richard had: the web site he 
proposed may have allowed me to never again have to explain why you 
can't use autoincremented key fields with CMP EJBs (among other things).


Ole Husgaard wrote:

> Hi,
>>If you don't like the fact that the open source licence (LGPL) for jBoss
>>allows this, then don't release it as open source.
>>If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would not look like
>>jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)
> I Agree.
> We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,
> and then get angry about those who use that permission
> and call them "free loaders".
> Marc wrote:
>>>yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders
>>>like you can
>>>come along and "for the sake of their business" not
>>>contribute a bit to the
>>>project and draw the traffic to themselves.
> Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.
> All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the
> word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him
> permission for that with the LGPL).
> However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate
> free loading: He used this list for advertizing
> for his web site, without any concrete references
> to anything JBoss-related.
> IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying
> interested readers that something JBoss-related
> can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that
> this list be used for advertizing web sites where
> something JBoss-related may be found at some point
> in the future.
> Best Regards,
> Ole Husgaard.
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Hai all!

2001-06-26 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Actually, it is very simple.  Just follow the directions in the Jboss
documentation at www.jboss.org.  It basically consists of having a JDK (like
Sun at java.sun.com), and just unzipping jboss into a directory.

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 12:12:03 -0500
Subject: [JBoss-user] Hai all!

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hai, I just downloaded the JBoss 2.2 and can any one help me out how to =
install and run it in windows 98 and NT


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

2001-06-26 Thread Mike Thompson

Yikes! (Note: feel free to laugh if this is a stupid question).  Doesn't the
JBoss JMS service use one of these DBs to persist messages?

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Bilow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "List: jBoss users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

> While you are perfectly correct about this, I think it is advantageous to
> remove any of the databases which you are not using.  That is, if you are
> talking only to MySQL, then you probably would be better off excising all
> of the Enhydra stuff from the "jboss.jcml" file.  Hypersonic especially
> eats memory at a prodigious rate.
> -- Mike
> On 2001-06-26 at 08:02 -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:
> > Ok, think I figured it out.  The docs led me to believe that I could
> > more than one
> >  > name="DefaultDomain:service=JdbcProvider">
> > org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
> > 
> >
> > in my jboss.jcml.  I found that if I bundle all my drivers into one i.e
> >  > name="DefaultDomain:service=JdbcProvider">
> >  >
> > ntdb.jdbc.idbDriver
> > 
> >
> > that all works ok.
> > --m
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Using java beans in finder methods

2001-06-26 Thread Eduardo Bastos Leite

Does jboss suport the use of javabeans as parameters for cmp finder methods, 
like what happens with Inprise's App Server??

If it does, how it works??

Thanks in Advance,

Eduardo B. Leite

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mysql driver

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

While you are perfectly correct about this, I think it is advantageous to
remove any of the databases which you are not using.  That is, if you are
talking only to MySQL, then you probably would be better off excising all
of the Enhydra stuff from the "jboss.jcml" file.  Hypersonic especially
eats memory at a prodigious rate.

-- Mike

On 2001-06-26 at 08:02 -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:

> Ok, think I figured it out.  The docs led me to believe that I could have
> more than one
>  name="DefaultDomain:service=JdbcProvider">
> org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
> in my jboss.jcml.  I found that if I bundle all my drivers into one i.e
>  name="DefaultDomain:service=JdbcProvider">
>  name="Drivers">org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver,org.hsql.jdbcDriver,org.enhydra.insta
> ntdb.jdbc.idbDriver
> that all works ok.
> --m

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] E-mail vs. web vs news support

2001-06-26 Thread Michael Bilow

On 2001-06-26 at 13:40 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 06:02:35PM -0400, Michael Bilow wrote:
> > I think a web-based system would be a disaster.  It is far easier to take
> If web is the _base_ of the system, then I couldn't agree more. I
> assumed it was along the lines of mail-based but with a web interface?

That was the whole point of my post: if the system forces people to use
the web and no longer allows e-mail, then it will cut off and
inconvenience a large number of us.  It would be fairly simple to
implement a web front-end to the existing e-mail environment if there is
demand for that, as long as e-mail remains the core.

My concern is that I am reading posts talking about some sort of migration
to a web-based system, and I have the sense that this implies abandonment
of the e-mail interface.  If the goal is to layer a web front-end over
e-mail, for which there are a fair number of good, free products, then I
do not think the talk would be about migration.  I could just be wrong.

-- Mike

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread Ole Husgaard


> Marc,
> If you don't like the fact that the open source licence (LGPL) for jBoss
> allows this, then don't release it as open source.
> If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would not look like
> jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)

I Agree.

We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,
and then get angry about those who use that permission
and call them "free loaders".

Marc wrote:
> > yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders
> > like you can
> > come along and "for the sake of their business" not
> > contribute a bit to the
> > project and draw the traffic to themselves.

Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.
All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the
word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him
permission for that with the LGPL).

However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate
free loading: He used this list for advertizing
for his web site, without any concrete references
to anything JBoss-related.
IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying
interested readers that something JBoss-related
can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that
this list be used for advertizing web sites where
something JBoss-related may be found at some point
in the future.

Best Regards,

Ole Husgaard.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread Ole Husgaard


> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 04:18:14PM -0400, marc fleury wrote:
> > |I really think JBoss as a serious technology about to fly. For the sake of
> > |my own business, and for my interest as a journalist I'm up for documenting
> >
> > yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders like you can
> > come along and "for the sake of their business" not contribute a bit to the
> > project and draw the traffic to themselves.
> Is there some unspoken rule that JBoss shouldn't be used by commercial
> actors?

Don't know if Marc thinks so, but I DO NOT.

Some of my early JBoss contributions were
under GPL, as that was the license at that
time. I accepted the change to LGPL.

More recent contributions are under LGPL, as
this is the current license of JBoss.

(I haven't been contributing that much, but
I have contributed some.)

By contributing under LGPL, I specifically say
that my work can be used under the terms of
that license. That includes the right of
commercial actors to redistribute for a fee.

That is very important for me: If the license
did not allow free (as in freedom, not free
beer) redistribution, I would never have done
any work on JBoss.

When I do Open Source programming, I do not
receive payment, but that does not mean that
anybody can do whatever they want with my
work. I retain copyright, and it is always
under some license that _requires_ free
redistribution, even from derivative works.

Best Regards,

Ole Husgaard.

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] createDurableSubscriber

2001-06-26 Thread Gabi Perets

Does anyone tried createDurableSubscriber with luck ?

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> news, business, education, free e-mail and more... http://www.negev.net

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] RE: freeloading

2001-06-26 Thread Ole Husgaard


Nathalie Mason wrote:
> >Don't know exactly what that means, but my family name goes back to the
> >slave a owning family in Virginia. My father, a musician and soldier was
> >proud of his name as am I.
> Pride in descending from slave owners is not an attitude toward human
> integrity and labor likely to endear you to the Open Source Community.

Hey, please stop that bashing: It doesn't belong here.

> > >While after two years of existence we're flattered that you've discovered
> > >us, we remind you that you cannot legally use the JBoss (TM) name to sell
> > >any products on your website.
> >
> > I'll keep that in mind, but as a journalist I am also aware of
> > the fair use doctrine.

Please note that "fair use doctrine" applies to copyright,
not trademarks.

The trademark status of JBoss cannot be used to prohibit
journalists from writing about JBoss.

> > As Slashdot and Freshmeat show it is possible to have a well
> > traveled site without selling anything. Which is what
> > computerplanet.com is
> > for. Any commercial products will be sold elsewhere.
> Slashdot and Freshmeat both sell advertising, nor do they limit their focus
> to one product in the Open Source family.

Nothing in the LGPL forbids advertizing when redistributing
or selling JBoss.

> > I do intend to develop products that adhere to the Open Source licenses
> > under which Apache, Linux, MySQL, Mod Perl, Jabber and, yes JBoss
> > have been
> > released:
> >
> > >>Yes JBoss is licensed under the LGPL. Which means that you are entitled
> > to >>redistribute our binary (our jar) free of charge without
> > modifications. You can >>distribute your code under any license you wish.
> > If you need modifications of >>the core JBoss code, talk to us.
> The LGPL license applies to our code, not the trademarked JBoss name, which
> you cannot use to sell products or services. I think this may be a confusing
> issue to many people. We are happy for people to develop applications on top
> of JBoss and make statements like "JBoss inside" or "using JBoss to save our
> customers money." We often don't even get that courtesy i.e. WebGain's
> Application Composer. In this situation, the application developed on top of
> JBoss brings added value and differentiation from JBoss. What we are not
> happy about is people who don't bring much added value and simply want to
> piggyback off the JBoss name to make a buck, i.e. setting up a portal site.

Using trademarks for Open Source products is really only
possible for defensive purposes.

Problem is that the trademark legislation has the notion
of _consumption_. An example: When I buy a bottle of
Coca-Cola(TM), I _consume_ the right to use the Coca-Cola
trademark for that particular bottle, and *nobody* can
stop me from using the Coca-Cola trademark when reselling
my bottle.

So if the JBoss trademark is rightfully (I hope it is,
otherwise the JBoss trademark becomes void, as it is
not defended) used for the freeware JBoss project, as
distributed under LGPL, it is not possible to stop
anyone from using the name JBoss when redistributing.
That is, as long as JBoss is being redistributed in
unmodified form. If someone modifies JBoss, it is no
longer the same product, and then the use of the
trademark will become an offense.

So the use of trademarks for Open Source products
protects against the use of the marks for products
that have been modified in an unauthorized way.
LGPL may give me permission to take the JBoss sources
and change them and sell the modified product. But the
trademark status of JBoss makes it impossible for me
to legally sell the modified product under the JBoss
name, unless I can obtain a license to use the

Best Regards,

Ole Husgaard.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] computerplanet.com

2001-06-26 Thread Ole Husgaard


> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 04:18:14PM -0400, marc fleury wrote:
> > |I really think JBoss as a serious technology about to fly. For the sake of
> > |my own business, and for my interest as a journalist I'm up for documenting
> >
> > yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders like you can
> > come along and "for the sake of their business" not contribute a bit to the
> > project and draw the traffic to themselves.
> Is there some unspoken rule that JBoss shouldn't be used by commercial
> actors?

Don't know if Marc thinks so, but I DO NOT.

Some of my early JBoss contributions were
under GPL, as that was the license at that
time. I accepted the change to LGPL.

More recent contributions are under LGPL, as
this is the current license of JBoss.

(I haven't been contributing that much, but
I have contributed some.)

By contributing under LGPL, I specifically say
that my work can be used under the terms of
that license. That includes the right of
commercial actors to redistribute for a fee.

That is very important for me: If the license
did not allow free (as in freedom, not free
beer) redistribution, I would never have done
any work on JBoss.

When I do Open Source programming, I do not
receive payment, but that does not mean that
anybody can do whatever they want with my
work. I retain copyright, and it is always
under some license that _requires_ free
redistribution, even from derivative works.

Best Regards,

Ole Husgaard.

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] getEJBHome(), isIdentical(): NoInitialContextException

2001-06-26 Thread Boris Garbuzov

It is a part of API, so I have a right to. Also, I got the same failure with more
sensible call:
-client code---
boolean isIdentical = myRemote.isIdentical (otherRemote);
 -- client console---
java.rmi.ServerException: Could not get EJBObject; nested exception is:
 javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in
environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application
resource file:  java.naming.factory.initial
uhmmm why are you getting the home again? you already have the home.
> I am just playing with EJB API in JBoss. I successfully created an entity
bean and ran its business methods, but can not get home. Can you give me any

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