Re: [JBoss-user] Create a datasource without java:/

2003-12-09 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wednesday 10 December 2003 15:48, Sasidharan, Manoj wrote:
 Hello All,

 JBoss 3.2.3

 How can we create a datasource with name DSName rather than ava:/DSName.
 Any hidden tricks.

I don't think you can. If I understand it correctly, a datasource is just a 
JCA adapter and there is no remoteable interface capability in a datasource 
hence the java: only namespace to limit access to within the JVM where the 
datasource is configured.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Unexpected Signal : 11

2003-12-07 Thread Brian Wallis
On Friday 05 December 2003 06:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brian, this problem occurs only when it is running under Linux. When we
 changed our glib from glibc-2.3.2-4.80.6 to glibc-2.3.2-4.80.8 at RedHat 8
 using up2date -u the problem got worse.

 I looked at

 But nothing worked, they say:
 -Release Fixed  1.4.2_04, tiger-beta

 we don't see this behavior with J2SE 1.4.0 or 1.4.1_05

 I tryed all this options, but 1.4.2_04 doesn't exists, and using 1.4.0 or
 1.4.1_05 it crashes too.

Sounds like it is not a related problem. Do you get the same error message 
mentioned in that bug report? 

  We are running JBOSS 3.2.1.  When we have duplicate class, we get the 
  following error message
  java.lang.LinkageError: duplicate class definition:

 Any ideas?

Not really. I'm running Mandrake 9.2 with glibc 2.3.2-14mdk so we are on much 
the same glibc version (I doubt there is much difference) and I have not seen 
a sig 11 for quite a while and have been running CHO and load tests on the 
system. What kernel version are you running. I'm using the redhat 7.2 kernel 
which is 2.4.7 (Rational's clearase requires this kernel).

Does this always happen on the same system or on more than one. You can see 
these sort of errors if you have a memory or other hardware problem. One good 
test for memory related issues is to compile a linux kernel, that usually 
gets a sig11 if you have any marginal memory in the machine.


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Re: [JBoss-user] Unexpected Signal : 11

2003-12-03 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wednesday 03 December 2003 07:39, Adrian Brock wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 19:11, Rod Macpherson wrote:
  Segmentation Violation. Unless you are making JNI calls there is nothing
  application code can do to generate this signal.

 Except allocate all the memory and the VM doesn't trap the out of memory

I get these (and signal 10, buserror) with both the linux 1.3.x/1.4.x and 
Solaris VMs. It doesn't happen very often but often enough to worry me about 
the stability of the JVM in a 24x7 production environment.

Getting the patch levels correct on Solaris can be a bit of a pain, there is 
usually a list included in the JVM release notes but they are not always 
available if they have been superceded, you have to get the latter one. This 
in itself can be a problem as sun are not unknown to have a regression of a 
problem, particularly in the threading area.

Linux is a different but similar problem, the recent glibc changes have 
introduced some problems as well. I run mostly Mandrake 9.(0,1,2) based 
systems but often with a redhat (2.4.7-10) kernel due to our usage of 

I've never been able to find a commonality between the crashes and have never 
been able to reproduce one at will so it is very difficult to report the 

Are similar problems seen on Windows JDKs? (and which versions of Windows?)

We now have systems in production on Solaris 8 (although with very light usage 
for the moment) and are going to be watching the stability very closely.

thanks, brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Equivilent of OFFSET/LIMIT in oracle?

2003-12-03 Thread Brian Wallis

In mysql I believe you can use OFFSET and LIMIT in a JBOSS-QL query but there 
is not (AFAIK) an equivalent in oracle, instead you need to do something 

select name from (select name,rownum r from plan) where r  2 and r  10;

(I think the MYSQL equivalent is 'select name from plan offset 2 limit 7')

I don't think that there is anyway to express this in JBOSS-QL to generate the 
appropriate oracle sql.

Anybody with a better knowledge of jbossql and oracle know how I can do this 
so I can limit the size of my individual queries on a very large dataset?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] jboss causing system instability

2003-11-20 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:24 pm, Vivek wrote:
 i checked the values in /proc/sys/fs/file-max. it is set to 402451

What about the value from 'ulimit -a'

On my system, file-max is 52217 but ulimit for file descriptors is only 1024. 

 Bill Burke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You may have to increase your max file descriptors.

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[JBoss-user] MaximumSize in invoker-proxy-bindings vs. MaximumSize in container-configuration

2003-11-18 Thread Brian Wallis
can someone explain how these relate to each other?

It seems to me that if I set MaximumSize in the invoker-proxy-bindings to 5 
then even if I set it to 10 in the container-configuration I will only get 5 
concurrent MDBs executing. Is the correct?

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] mdb-client-id and mdb-subscription-id

2003-11-17 Thread Brian Wallis

I cannot find any documentation on these.

I am creating a number of MDBs with durable subscriptions. Until now I have 
only had mdb-subscription-id specified and have from time to time seen 
duplication of the durable subscription info in the jbossmq-state.xml. This 
isn't a fatal problem, but events hang around in the JMS persistent store 
(oracle) since the additional subscriptions are not reading them.

What are they for? Do I need both or one or the other?

I looked in the dtd, they are mentioned but not documented, and in the for pay 
docs. Had a search of the forums and list as well but not much there either.

I'm running jboss 3.2.1.

thanks, brian...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Number of active EJBs

2003-11-14 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 04:39, Podgaetsky, Genady wrote:
 I'm trying to get started with EjB on JBoss and wondering can I get a
 number of active EJB's? I looked at the JMX console and saw no details
 under jndiName=EJBName,service=EJB Can anyone elaborate on this?

You want jndiName=EJBName,plugin=pool,service=EJB for the pool values.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] MDB Pool Size

2003-11-14 Thread Brian Wallis

I am testing an application that consists of a number of MDBs. During testing 
I am using the JMX console to see how many beans are active. For one of them 
the size of the MessageDrivenInstancePool (CurrentSize) is always 0 
(MaxSize=5) but I can see tracing from the bean in the log and it is 
obviously running fine. Why would the CurrentSize value be 0? All the other 
MDBs show reasonable values (2-3 which is what I expect).

This is on JBoss 3.2.1.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Number of active EJBs

2003-11-14 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 04:39, Podgaetsky, Genady wrote:
 I'm trying to get started with EjB on JBoss and wondering can I get a
 number of active EJB's? I looked at the JMX console and saw no details
 under jndiName=EJBName,service=EJB Can anyone elaborate on this?

You want jndiName=EJBName,plugin=pool,service=EJB for the pool values.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] MDB Pool Size

2003-11-14 Thread Brian Wallis

I am testing an application that consists of a number of MDBs. During testing 
I am using the JMX console to see how many beans are active. For one of them 
the size of the MessageDrivenInstancePool (CurrentSize) is always 0 
(MaxSize=5) but I can see tracing from the bean in the log and it is 
obviously running fine. Why would the CurrentSize value be 0? All the other 
MDBs show reasonable values (2-3 which is what I expect).

This is on JBoss 3.2.1.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Linux JVM JBoss issues?

2003-11-09 Thread Brian Wallis

JBoss 3.2.1
Linux 2.4.20/Mandrake 9.1
Sun J2SDK 1.4.1_01
600Mhz Pentium 3 (gateway)
Oracle 8.1 (for Entity beans, JMS and Quartz scheduler)

This is perhaps a bit premature as I have not managed to isolate my problem 
yet but I'd like to ask if anyone has seen anything like this before.

We have a J2EE application that is primarily message driven. It consists of an 
MDB that listens for external events, on receipt it creates a new Entity bean 
instance and then publishes another event that is received by a second MDB. 
This bean uses a quartz scheduler to publish yet another event at some time 
now or in the future. And it goes on, there are five MDBs in all and the 
events sort of travel in a loop around them until reaching the last bean that 
publishes a result to an external topic. It's not all that complex really and 
in our functional testing it has been working quite well. 

Then I got into some load testing. It takes about 2.5 minutes for a round trip 
and we get a through put of about 3 events/minute, which is most encouraging 
as there is quite a bit of database work done inbetween.

Then I noticed that out of 25 incoming external events I was getting one or 
two lost on input and about another 3-4 would not complete the round trip, 
being list somewhere between the input MDB and the output MDB. 

The way they are lost is disconcerting. 

The first MDB does a JAAS login as the first operation in the onMessage() 
method and then processes the event and creates a new entity instance. in 
about 2 in 25 times this fails due the the thread not being logged in! How? 
It just logged in and the login did not fail (and it worked for the other 23 

Further on, events just seem to vanish. Detailed tracing shows two events 
arriving at an MDB at about the same time, the MDB container tracing shows 
both being read by the container apparently before entry to the bean and 
subsequent tracing in our MDB code shows processing of the second event. 

Now the really worrying bit is that I retested on a Solaris 8 machine 
(4*400MHz processors, sun j2sdk 1.4.1_01) and the events are not lost, at 
least not so far, I haven't tested it enough to be sure. This may be due to 
having 4 processors or maybe there is a nasty bug in the Linux JVM?

So, any suggestions would be most welcome. I'm currently writing a much 
simpler test case to see If I can reproduce the behaviour.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] flushAuthenticationCache: what is cached?

2003-11-04 Thread Brian Wallis

I have an app that uses a derivation of UserRolesLoginModule, ie: it uses, and files for the 
authentication info.

We have a function in our system that updates these files from an SQL database 
via a little bit of JDBC code. Do I needto call flushAuthenticationCache 
after doing this update? I had a read of the code but it is still unclear 
what is actually cached. it looks like only the roles?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] MDB and Jaas

2003-10-28 Thread Brian Wallis

I have another question, this time about JAAS and JMS. 

If I am a client app and login via JAAS (using the clientloginmodule) and then 
I want to subscribe to a JMS topic. As far as I can tell the JAAS login info 
(principal/credential) is not used and I have to specify the 
username/password for jms on the TopicConnection.createTopicConnection() 

Is this correct or is there someway of linking the JAAS authentication to the 
JMS authentication?

thanks, brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] MDB and Jaas

2003-10-28 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 02:21, Adrian Brock wrote:
 This works by wrapping the real connection factory. The wrapper's
 createTopicConnection() is redirected to the real connection factory's
 createTopicConnection(user, passwd); passing the jaas user/credential.

Great, thanks. I thought there had to be something like that within JBoss. 

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] TopicSession and transactions

2003-10-26 Thread Brian Wallis

I'm a bit confused about topics(queues) and transactions.

TopicConnection.createTopicSession() takes a boolean parameter 'transacted'. 
What this seems to mean is that any messages written to that session are not 
written until an explicit call by the user to the commit() method on the 

What I want is to have the topic session enlisted in the current transaction 
so that the commit of that transaction will commit the messages written 
during the transaction.

Do I just set transacted to false? If I set it to true the messages don't seem 
to be written, the commit() call on the session is not called when the 
surrounding transaction is committed. It is called from a bean with bean 
managed transactions and the bean does an explicit commit() of its 
transaction. The bean gets its transaction via 
InitialContext.lookup(UserTransaction), is this wrong, should it be getting 
it via the bean context?

thanks, brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] MDBs and JAAS

2003-10-25 Thread Brian Wallis
(resent as first message seems to have vanished again!)

I have been searching around the web and reading what I can about JAAS and 
have not found out how an MDB is meant to authenticate itself before it calls 
into other secured beans.

I can set mdb-user and mdb-password but I gather they are to authenticate the 
MDB to JMS for the queue connection. 

I can also set the security-identity element in the deployment descriptor but 
I think that only sets the role but does not authenticate the MDB (how could 
it, no user/password has been specified).

So currently we have a JAAS login at the start of the onMessage() method and a 
logout at the end and this works OK (could probably cache the login I 
suppose) .

Is there a way of declaritively doing this? Can I deploy an MDB with a 
preconfigured identity/credential and not have to worry about coding the 

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] MDB and Jaas

2003-10-25 Thread Brian Wallis
OK, I know, this is a FAQ (or should be) but I cannot find the answer.

I have an MDB. It is configured for a durable subscription using mdb-user, 
mdb-password in jboss.xml and it has a security-identity/run-as/role-name in 
the ejb-jar.xml.

But, it needs to call into an entity bean and needs to be authenticated for 

How do I declare the authentication (username/credential)? 

Currently we have an explicit jaas login/logout at the start and end of the 
onMessage() method (with hard coded username/password) but this doesn't seem 
to be right to me.

Is there a better way to do this. I would have thought that I should be able 
to declare the login details for the MDB in the deployment descriptor.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] [OT] Frameworks

2003-10-24 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 23:56, Eric Jain wrote:
 (ear, war...). JBoss does assign identifiers to deployed applications
 (looks something like
 J2EEServer=Local,j2eeType=J2EEApplication,name=test.ear, I believe), but
 I am not aware of any possibility to use this for specifying
 dependencies (as a partial workaround you can rely on the alphabetic
 ordering of your deployment units a la Linux rc.

You want to look at the DeploymentSorters in jboss. Default one is 
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter that deploys in and order defined by 
sorting the files based on the suffix, sar, rar, ds.xml, service.xml, jar, 
war, wsr, ear, zip.

Then there is org.jboss.deployment.scanners.PrefixDeploymentSorter which sorts 
based on a numeric prefix in the names of the files, ie 01xxx.jar comes 
before 02xxx.sar.

You configure these in jboss-service.xml in the conf directory, read the 
comments in there.

(alphabetic ordering doesn't seem to work, I think it sees the raw directory 
ordering not sorted)

brian wallis..

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[JBoss-user] StatisticsProvider

2003-10-22 Thread Brian Wallis
(resent, the first time never seemed to make it to the list)

Our application is going into some extended testing including (hopefully)
 some load testing and CHO. I would like to be able to collect some
 statistics from the system for JMS queue lengths, bean pool and cache sizes,
 and whatever else I can think of.

I came across the classes and interfaces
but have not found any doco for them as yet. Any pointers to what these
classes actually do and how they are used?

Any other suggestions as to how to gather and log stats on a running server?

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] StatisticsProvider

2003-10-22 Thread Brian Wallis
Our application is going into some extended testing including (hopefully) some 
load testing and CHO. I would like to be able to collect some statistics from 
the system for JMS queue lengths, bean pool and cache sizes, and whatever 
else I can think of.

I came across the classes and interfaces 
but have not found any doco for them as yet. Any pointers to what these 
classes actually do and how they are used?

Any other suggestions as to how to gather and log stats on a running server?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss classpaths and ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()

2003-10-15 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:57 pm, Sebastian Hauer wrote:
 You can't use the system classloader for this.  Try the current threads
 context classloader (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).

That's what I was afraid of. 

The code in question is in the standard JDK 1.4 library in the 
java.util.prefs.Preferences class. You are supposed to be able to extend this 
class but it doesn't quite work in a JBoss context.

Pity. I wonder if this is intentional (security reasons?) or just a bug in the 
Preferences class.

Think I'll put in a bug report to Sun and see what happens.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] JBoss classpaths and ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()

2003-10-14 Thread Brian Wallis

(running jboss 3.2.1 on linux 2.4.7 kernel)

There is the following bit of code in the J2SE 1.4 class

 private static final PreferencesFactory factory;
 static {
 String factoryName =
 (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
   public Object run() {
   return System.getProperty(
 if (factoryName == null)
 throw new InternalError(
 System property java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory not set);
 try {
 factory = (PreferencesFactory)
Class.forName(factoryName, false,
 }catch(Exception e) {
 throw new InternalError(
 Can't instantiate Preferences factory  + e);

The idea is that you can define your own factory and set the property 
java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory  to point to it. Then your new factory 
will return instances of your implementation of the Preferences class.

Problem is, as far as I understand it, the call getSystemClassLoader() is not 
going to return a classloader that will load a class from a deployed jar 
file, or even from a jar file in the jboss lib directory. Only jars on the 
actual java classpath are seen (ie -classpath xxx.jar).

Certainly I have failed to get it to work thusfar. 

I've tried putting my preference factory class jar file on the JBOSS_CLASSPATH 
(which ends up as option value for -classpath to java)  and then it seems to 
be loaded, but I also use jboss's Logger, SecurityAssociation and 
ServerConfig classes and they are not found. They are in the lib or server 
lib directories and I assume are not seen by the classloader returned by 


thanks, brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] JMS Message Time-to-Live

2003-10-13 Thread Brian Wallis

Am I correct in understanding that:

- Messages written to a queue are deleted on being successfully read
- Messages written to a persitent queue are deleted if not read after
  TimeToLive milliseconds.
- Messages written to a persistent topic are only deleted after TimeToLive
  milliseconds have passed since publishing
- Messages written to a non-persistent topic are delivered to connected
  consumers and then immediatly deleted.
- The default TimeToLive value in JBoss is 0, ie forever.

so if I don't set TTL on the message or publisher for a topic the messages 
will hang around forever?

I'm trying to get an idea of the expected size of the persistent message 
stores in our application.

thanks, brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Warnings on Server Startup

2003-10-13 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:11 am, Scott M Stark wrote:
 Ignore them as they are third party jars with inapproriate manifest
 classpath references which are not relevant here.

  13:32:38,177 WARN  [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in
  references URL
  file:/D:/jboss-3.2.1/server/all/deploy/jboss-net.sar/log4j.jar which

There does seem to be two copies of commons-logging.jar in jboss 3.2.2, one in 
lib and the other here in jboss-net.sar. Is that ever likely to cause 
problems? I've had issues with having multiple instances of the same jar on 
the class path before due to the same class being loaded by two different 
class loaders.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Java Preferences

2003-10-09 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 10:32, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 Have you looked at JConfig?  You can use that to serialize arbitrary
 configuration values to any datastore you like - XML file, database, etc.

Had a look, not quite what I want. The java Preferences API (once properly 
integrated with JBoss) gives a very easy to use interface where I don't have 
to worry about loading/saving and I can get system and user specific values. 
The scoping based on the class name is rather nice too.

I'm writing a JBoss version of the FileSystemPreferences and 
FileSystemPreferencesFactory. Pity sun made it a package local class so i 
cannot inherit from it. Grrr!


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[JBoss-user] Java Preferences

2003-10-08 Thread Brian Wallis

I need to store and retrieve some application preference data, both on a per 
logged in user (web interface) and system basis. The 
java.util.prefs.Preferences interface seems to provide what I need, but not 
quite. What I need is a jboss version that 
- Stores the preferences within the jboss server directory tree (a prefs
  directory next to log, deploy, conf, ...)
- Uses the callers security context to get the current user name (principal) 
  rather than the property as java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences

Is there anything like this for use in jboss or are other suggestions for easy 
storage/retrival of preference values?

thanks, brian...

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Re: [JBoss-user] login-config.xml and ErrorHandlers

2003-10-06 Thread Brian Wallis
On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 16:20, Scott M Stark wrote:
 Just use the org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader.getDocument(InputStream is,
 String inPath) which installs an error handler and an entity resolver for
 the JBoss dtds.

but, for my original example in XMLLoginConfigImpl, it has its own entity 
resolver and there seems to be no way to do that with XmlFileLoader.

Perhaps I could add a setResolver method to XmlFileLoader?

XmlFileLoader doesn't look like quite the right place to me. Sure it has the 
code that could be used but it was written to create ApplicationMetaData 
objects and parse the deployment xml files. Using it for general parsing of 
XML files elsewhere doesn't seem quite right, could be confusing in the 

Also, this seems to be the wrong forum for this sort of discussion. 

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] login-config.xml and ErrorHandlers

2003-10-05 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 11:33, Adrian Brock wrote:
 CIMF (Code It Mother F*ck*r) and submit the patch :-)

Language! I'm so [EMAIL PROTECTED]^ shocked! ;-)

I have just about done so but a question about how I've done it

I wanted to set a default error handler for every parser, not just this one.

So I created a new document factory called LoggingDocumentBuilderFactory that 
just delegates to the real DocumentBuilderFactory but adds a default 
ErrorHandler to every parser created. The ErrorHandler is one I've coded to 
use the standard JBoss logging. 

Then I just replace every usage of the DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() to 
call my one. (there are 8 or 9 of these). Should probably also look at doing 
the same for XMLReaderFacory but it doesn't seem to be used anywhere (no SAX 
parsers used?)

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] login-config.xml and ErrorHandlers

2003-10-02 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 21:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is just a syntax error print out. All adding an error handler will do
 is remove the bitching about using a default error handler to print the
 syntax error.

I realise that. Customers tend to complain if they see something in a log that 
says ERROR.  Also, the default error handler is printing to STDERR, it 
would be better to use SAXErrorHandler from log4j. 

I have written a patch (not yet tested) that adds this to the XMLLoginConfig 
MBean and also allows the specification of a different ErrorHandler via a new 
MBean attribute, but it occurs to me that there is probably a number of 
places where this should be done (probably everywhere a DocumentBuilder or 
SAXParser is used) so I'm not sure a patch to XMLLoginConfig is the right way 
to go, it would be nice if this could be set once for all parsers.

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this at the parser factory so it seems it 
has to be explicitly coded each time you create a parser or else it falls 
back to logging to STDERR. I'll look through the source to see how many of 
these places there are but I suspect there are a lot.

Maybe a new MBean that supplies a reference to an ErrorHander that can be used 
each time a parser is created? Then you just configure this once and get the 
same handler each time.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] login-config.xml and ErrorHandlers

2003-10-01 Thread Brian Wallis

In starting JBoss (3.2.1 and earlier) I get the following messages that I
have been ignoring for a long while. (I do have a non-fatal validation issue
at line 166 which can be fixed)

 INFO  [XMLLoginConfig] Starting
 ERROR [STDERR] Warning: validation was turned on but an org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler was 
 ERROR [STDERR] set, which is probably not what is desired.  Parser will use a default
 ERROR [STDERR] ErrorHandler to print the first 10 errors.  Please call
 ERROR [STDERR] the 'setErrorHandler' method to fix this.
 ERROR [STDERR] Error: URI=null Line=166: The content of element type policy must 
 match (application-policy)+.
 INFO  [XMLLoginConfig] Started

I can turn validation off in which case no errors, ie:

attribute name=ConfigResourcelogin-config.xml/attribute
attribute name=ValidateDTDfalse/attribute

But how can I actual set an appropriate error handler? I had a look at the
source of XMLLoginConfigImpl and there doesn't seem to be any reference 
to calling setErrorHandler on the parser being used. 

thanks, brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] sar file META-INF and *-ds.xml files

2003-09-19 Thread Brian Wallis
I am porting an app from 3.0.7 to 3.2.1 and have a -service.xml file that 
configures a JCA and two MBeans.

Now in 3.2.1 I configure a JCA using a -ds.xml file and the 
no-tx-connection-factory tag and I can put depends tags inside that for 
the MBeans. 

In the 3.0.7 version I had all of this in the -service.xml and this was 
included as jboss-service.xml in the META-INF of the sar file. 

What do I do for 3.2.1?

1) Can I put a jboss-ds.xml file in a sar.
2) Can I include the MBean configuration inside the depends element
in the -ds.xml file or does the MBean config have to be in a -service.xml
3) If (1) and not (2) Can I put both a jboss-service.xml and and a
jboss-ds.xml in META-INF.

In brief, in 3.0.7 I had a -service.xml file with a connector and two MBeans 
that the connector depended in in it. Do I need two files now and where do I 
put them in the sar?

thanks, brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] bcel.jar jboss 3.2.1

2003-09-17 Thread Brian Wallis

We are currently integrating usage of jcoverage into our builds and jcoverage 
(1.0.5) comes with it's own bcel.jar library. This of course will clash with 
the one in jboss (3.2.1). 

The versions of these libaries are different, the one included in jboss being 
older than the one in jcoverage. (I think JBoss comes with 5.0 which is dated 
around Nov 2001 and jcoverage comes with 5.1 which is dated around Apr 2003) 

What should I do? I can only have one present but which should I use?

I'm tempted to use the later one but this may affect JBoss operation, anyone 
know what the differences might be.

Is there a complete list of the versions of external/third-party jars used in 
which jboss versions somewhere? 

thanks, brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss project and Eclipse

2003-09-17 Thread Brian Wallis
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 06:05, Phil Cornelius wrote:
 Further, the best thing to do is set up an eclipse 'classpath variable'
 call it say JBOSS_JARS so that if you share this project with the rest
 of your team all they need to do set set this variable.

That seems to be close to what I want.

What I was really after was something like the Library functionality in 
IntelliJ where you can define a collection of jars/classpaths, source 
jars/source paths and javadoc paths/url as a single sharable unit. You can 
then see all the classes from another project, navigate directly to the 
source and even view the javadoc in the internal viewer.

It's great.

Perhaps I'll just use intellij, it gives me far less grief that Eclipse always 
seems to when I try it. Maybe just me but...

Eclipse is slower and tends to crash/hang. Latest problem is a dialog box 
saying Operation in Progress on startup and it just sits there using CPU. 
Only way I've found to fix it is to delete the workspace and start over. 

thanks for the various suggestions, I'll give it a go. Would love to be able 
to use Eclipse.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] JBoss project and Eclipse

2003-09-13 Thread Brian Wallis

This is not quite a JBoss question but I'm sure there are a few eclipse users 
on this list.

I have a small J2EE project that I want to develop using eclipse. I haven't 
really used eclipse before being an IntelliJ user at work and emacs/ant 

What I need to do is import the jboss jars into my project's class path. 

Is there a way to do that once and then re-use it for other projects? There 
are 54 of jars after all and it is a real pain to select them all every time 
you create a new project. Is there a way to define a project for JBoss and 
re-use that? There is the required projects tab in the project properties but 
I don't seem to be able to get it to contribute to the class path of the 
current project.

Any suggestions are welcome

thanks, brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Sar deployment order question

2003-08-21 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 19:52, Davide Pozza wrote:
 Hi all
 I've packager my application's jar and war into a sar archive and at the
 first startup of jboss I receive many deployment errors.
 I know that this is because the datasources used by my application are
 deployed and bounded to jndi after the sar deployment, but I don't know
 hot to tell jboss that my application has to be deployed at the end of
 the startup process.

I don't think you can include jars and wars for deployment in a sar file.

You would package the jar, war and sar into an ear file. You will then need 
both an application.xml and jboss-app.xml in the META-INF directory of the 
ear file to describe what is being deployed. The deployment order will be 
sar, then ejb-jar and then war (this is currently a fixed order for an ear 

See doc/dtd/*dtd for the definition of the application.xml and jboss-app.xml 
files. They are very simple to create.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] JCA Contract with ManagedConnectionFactory logWriter

2003-08-14 Thread Brian Wallis

javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory is serializable and hence I would 
expect it to be safe to keep a reference to one in a session bean since it 
will passivate OK. (but the ManagedConnections cannot be passivated)

Unfortunatly it has an attribute LogWriter which is of type PrintWriter which 
is not serializable. In my implementation of a ManagedConnectionFactory I had 
a non-transient attribute of type PrintWriter and this caused passiviation 

I'm now going to make it transient but I am wondering what will happen to the 
logging after re-activation. The LogWriter will be null and I doubt that the 
contract between the application server and the resource adapter will include 
calling setLogWriter() at the appropriate time. 

Is this true or will setLogWriter() be re-called (not sure how the AppServer 
would know to do this).

Not a serious problem, just that logging in the RA may go away after a time.

ManagedConnection has the same logWriter interface but is not serializable so 
no problems with it.

thanks, brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JCA Contract with ManagedConnectionFactory logWriter

2003-08-14 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:45, Adrian Brock wrote:
 Serializable is a contract, if the ManagedConnectionFactory breaks
 it, there is nothing you can do.

My concern is the setLogWriter()/getLogWriter() methods on the 
ManagedConnectionFactory that represent an attribute of type PrintWriter.

This attribute's type is not serializable. How does the 
ManagedConnectionFactory maintain this attribute's state over serialization. 
It seems like a hole in the specification to me. 

 You should really be going through a resource adapator
 deployment (e.g. a DataSource) and its associated connection manager.
 It sounds like you want the session bean to (re)obtain
 the resource in ejbActivate (e.g.using jndi or the service locator

I am re-acquiring the resource on each call; but the factory, being 
serializable, should be persistent over the passivation and I wouldn't have 
thought it would need to be re-acquired in ejbActivate().

That is a work around I suppose.

brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Recent CVS removals

2003-08-08 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 08:49, Bill Burke wrote:
 2. More importantly, we have learned that they have forked JBoss.  We also
 believe they are preparing to submit it, or some derivation, to the new
 Apache Geronimo project which would violate copyright and LGPL.  Our proof?

I had a look (at one randomly selected file) and it is a direct copy with the 
line JBoss, the OpenSource EJB server removed from the top.

Shit. Back to the unix wars of my youth. And that is the thing that really 
damaged unix and gave MS an unassailable head start.

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: [JBoss-user] July 2003 news

2003-08-07 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 11:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, I'd like to know as well.  We will address this issues if it is

 GPL licensed files
 #grep -R under GPL *
 jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/ *
 Distributable under GPL license.
 jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/ * Distributable under GPL
 license. jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/ * Distributable
 under GPL license.
 jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/ * Distributable under GPL
 jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/log/ * Distributable under
 GPL license.
 jetty/src/main/org/jboss/jetty/security/ *
 Distributable under GPL license.

There also seems to be a reference to being GPL licensed in JNP.

 ./naming/src/docs/index.html:JNP is licensed through GPL (see
   for details).

Should  I be worrying at this point. Are these things really GPL licensed and 
if so what are the consequences to me as a developer using JBoss and also 
using the Jetty integration. 

I am developing a commercial product and have very recently been asked by 
management to detail the licenses of the varous third party packages and 
tools that we are using. What should I tell them about JBoss? Is it all LGPL? 
If some is GPL doesn't that tend to make it all GPL?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] RE: JBoss-user digest, Vol 1 #4786 - 1 msg

2003-07-31 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 01:32, Scott M Stark wrote:
 No, as we monitor it for responsiveness. When was the last time there was a

For me, Yesterday morning which would be about 1am GMT on the 31st July. But 
I've never been sure if it is a local problem, internet or server. There is a 
lot of hardware between here (Melb, Aust) and there :-)

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[JBoss-user] Jboss Forums and this Mailing List

2003-07-30 Thread Brian Wallis

Why are there two places for discussing jboss?

The forums seem to contain useful ideas and discussions but I tend to ignore 
them since there are a lot of them and I have to actually go to the web (slow 
from here) and browse them looking for new discussions. 

The JBoss-User mailing list, on the other hand, is in my mailbox each morning 
and I can easily and quickly go through them.

Can the forums be received and replied to via email? I couldn't find out how 
to do this. 

Spliting the discussions and expertise into two unrelated areas seems like a 
bad thing to me.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] CMP Mapping for user defined types

2003-07-29 Thread Brian Wallis

This may be just an ignorant CMP question, but...

Can I define a mapping (in the jaws type-mappings for a database) so that I 
can use a user defined class. In this instance I'm interested in a simple 
Enum class.

In my CMP bean definition I want the persistent attribute to be of type 
my.package.MyEnum and the mapping to the database to be (for example) 
NUMBER(1) or STRING as appropriate to my app.

To do this I would need to supply the conversion code to convert from MyEnum 
to an appropriate JDBC type to store in NUMBER(1). The advantage I get is 
that I can encapsulate the range checking or string matching for the enum 
type in my class rather than have an interface to the CMP Bean that allows 
the storing of any int or string that will fit the DB type.

I haven't managed to find out if this is possible and if so where this might 
be documented. 

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Simple Quick Question - how to change JSPs on th e fly

2003-07-28 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:51, Nishant Aggarwal wrote:
 Do you have any clues on how to replicate this on other servers?

Not a clue. I've never needed to use the clustering as yet.

I'll be interested what others have to say about this.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Transaction timeout

2003-07-28 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 01:15, Rafal Kedziorski wrote:

 how can I increase a transaction timeout for a session bean and entity

From a previous answer to this question: 

 From: Barlow, Dustin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In 3.2.1, in jboss_dist/server/target/deploy/transaction-service.xml 
 you will find the following stanza:

  | The fast in-memory transaction manager.
 attribute name=TransactionTimeout300/attribute
 Change the 300 (in seconds) to whatever you want.

 I suspect this is the same for 3.0.6 as well.

The comment about being the same for 3.0.x is not quite correct, it is in a 
different place. You will find the same definition for the MBean but in 

I have tried changing this on a running system via the jmx-console and it 
seems to work. Just change the attribute value TransactionTimeout on the 
service service=TransactionManager under the jboss namespace. From my reading 
of the code of the TransactionManagerFactory I think you will also need to 
stop and start the service as well after changing this value (but I haven't 
verified any of this).

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Simple Quick Question - how to change JSPs on th e fly

2003-07-27 Thread Brian Wallis
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 09:04 pm, Nimish Chourey , Tidel Park - Chennai wrote:
 How can a war file be deployed in a exploded way ..

Move your war aside and create a directory (in the deploy dir) with the name 
of the war, (ie: myapp.war) and then unpack your war file inside that 
directory.  so you have



This will deploy the same way as your war did.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] MBean attribute value with XML format

2003-07-25 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:19, Scott M Stark wrote:
 Because we expect that if you want an xml fragment you define your
 attribute type to be org.w3c.dom.Element in which case you get the
 attribute content child element.

Didn't think of that, probably should do that.

 However, its a bug that we are not parsing anything but Text element
 content if this is not the case. Open a bug report on sourceforge.

Done, 777386. The problem is in ServiceConfigurator where it only looks at the 
first child and ignores the rest if it is Text. A CDATA will cause the 
creation of at least three Text child nodes.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] MBean attribute value with XML format

2003-07-24 Thread Brian Wallis

I'm trying to configure an MBean that has an attribute that requires a value 
in XML format.

The MBean is defined in jboss-service.xml in the conf directory something 

mbean code=a.b.c.d name=jboss.deployment:service=abcd
  attribute name=DepInfo ![CDATA[
  value name=abcA Value/value

but in my mbean setDepInfo() method I get an empty string as the value. If I 
define it like so...

mbean code=a.b.c.d name=jboss.deployment:service=abcd
  attribute name=DepInfo
  lt;value name=abcA Valuelt;/value

then it works. I also tried just the raw XML as the value but that breaks as 
well with the empty string (not surprising, as there isn't any actual 
character data, the parser would parse the elements.

So, Why doesn't the CDATA work? (maybe this is a dumb XML question?)

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Parallel thread performance: A JBoss client exam ple

2003-07-24 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 13:28, Jon Barnett wrote:
  where is the Australian JBoss user community

there are a few of us lurking around

brian wallis
Melbourne, Australia

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Re: [JBoss-user] Scheduler Question

2003-07-23 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 09:27 pm, Magesh Prabhu wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 My application heavily depends on job Scheduling and relies on the
 notification by the Scheduler. I tried using Quartz Scheduler and ran in to
 deadlock issues. I'm investigating on the dead-lock issues and I found
 Quartz Scheduler is the reason for this deadlock.

I'd be interested in any details about this deadlock you might have, off list 
if you prefer.

 I looked in to the TimerMBean jboss is providing and trying to find more on
 it wheter it will suit my needs.

 My need is very simple:
 I want schedule a job to start after n minutes and when I schedule I will
 pass few Arguments to the Scheduler. When the scheduler notifies me back, I
 must be able to get back my arguments.

 My Questions are:
 1) Will the Scheduler service in JBoss be able to satisfy my requirement.

I think so but I don't have my manual with me at the moment or any examples 
handy. The firing of the scheduler can either create and run an instance of a 
Schedulable class (your own subclass) or call a method on an existing MBean 
so I suppose you could satisfy your requirement with this. 

 2) What will happen if I schedule a job for 10 minutes... shutdown the
 jboss and start it after 20 minutes. Will jboss still remind me of the
 misfiring (I would expect it to remind me).

No. That's what quartz does. Jboss schedulers are quite simple.

 3) Are the jobs configurable to
 be persisted in database like JMS messages.

Have a look at DBScheduleProvider in org.jboss.varia.scheduler. I haven't used 
it myself.

As to documentation. The all docs subscription (see the jboss home page) is a 
great buy and the admin/devel guide is great.

brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Running a web-app under jboss where docroot web-inf outside the deploy directory.

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 09:50 pm, Elankath, Tarun (Cognizant) wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a web-application in expanded form (which is under frequent
 development). I do not wish to take the trouble of creating a WAR file
 everytime and neither do I wish to transfer the application files into a
 app.war/ folder under the jboss server's deploy/ directory.

 Is there a way of asking jboss to pick up the expanded web-application from
 another path on the disk ? (This is the place where the developer is
 editing the files)

 My application uses EBJ's too, but since the ejb layer is quite stable
 right now, I don't want to create an EAR file every time.

 I am quite new to JBoss, so please excuse if this seems straightforward to

You can add extra deploy directories in jboss-service.xml so you deploy from 
wherever you want. So, as long as you build into a directory called 
something.war that is in it's own directory (yourdeploydir) and the structure 
is the same as you would package into the war. Hot deploy should work fine, 
just 'touch' the directory to re-deploy (as long as it doesn't try to 
re-deploy half way through rebuilding).

Just add yourdeploydir to the URLs attribute in the deployment scanner 
MBean.You'll find it in server/default/conf/jboss-server.xml

(I hope this is clear, it is simple to do)


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Scheduler MBean

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 10:20 pm, Phil Shrimpton wrote:

 I have implemented a schedualed MBean, and all works fine, I can get it
 'triggering' every minute, every 10 etc., but I need it to 'trigger' at 1am
 every day, and can't find the correct combination of attributes.

 Has anyone got any ideas on the best values for..


Doesn't something like
  Mon, 1 Jul 2003 01:00:00

work? It should.

brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Scheduler MBean

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 11:43 pm, Phil Shrimpton wrote:
 Does not seem to.  'NOW' + 8640 works every 24 hours from when I start
 it, but I can't seem to get it to work if I enter a date/time value

And you don't get any errors in the log? (I often have problems getting date 
strings correct :-) If you do get it wrong it should log an error. 

I'd turn debug on and see what is going on in the scheduler when it starts up.  
There seems to be sufficient debugging statements to work it out.


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss doc

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Wallis
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 07:37 am, Benoit Aumars wrote:
 Do you have comment regarding the quality of JBoss doc
 from Component Source ? What do you think about
 JBoss Administration and Development Documentation   ?
 Or this one JBoss Comprehensive Documentation Subscription ?
 Are they much better than this one QuickStart-30x.pdf ?
 Any comment ?

I wouldn't be without the admin/devel guide.

The quick start guide is good, but the admin devel guide *is* the reference 
and a very good one at that. (better than a lot of commercial doco I've 

Combined with access to the full source of jboss, I'm in seventh heaven as far 
as developing with and understanding the platform.

I have the 1 year all you can eat subscription service. Best $99 ever spent. 
It includes the CMP doco, three versions of the admin devel guide (2.4, 3.0 
and 3.2), clustering and log4j and updates for a year.

brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] EAR deployments and DeploymentSorter

2003-07-17 Thread Brian Wallis

Is the deployment sorter declared in the URLDeploymentScanner (in 
jboss-service.xml) used to order the sub deployments of an EAR?

If not, what order is used? 

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders

2003-07-16 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 14:04, Brian Wallis wrote:
 JBoss 3.0.7, JDK 1.4.1_01, Mandrake linux 9.0 with 2.4.7 kernel.

Another seemingly unrelated multiple classloaders issue.

We have an EJB jar file that requires access to another jar (ojdbc14.jar)  to 
deploy successfully so we define a Class-Path entry in the manifest the 
refers to that other jar file like so

Class-Path: ojdbc14.jar

This in effect defines the deployment ordering. We also have ojdbc14.jar in 
the same deploy directory as the EJB jar file.

This seems to result in ojdbc14 being loaded by two instances of 
UnifiedClassLoader3. Once for the Class-Path entry in the EJB jar file 
(3eec1a, addedOrder=22) and once because it is present in the deploy 
directory  (bc9673, addedOrder=0)

I've attached part of the log output showing these two deployments.

There seems to be far too many classloaders. Is a new one created for each EJB 
deployment? I thought it was all meant to run within the one class loader 
unless scoped loaders were explicitly used.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders

2003-07-16 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:58, Brian Wallis wrote:

 I've attached part of the log output showing these two deployments.

I always forget the attachments...

2003-07-16 14:45:04,424 INFO  [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Starting deployment 
of package: 
2003-07-16 14:45:04,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Starting deployment 
(init step) of package at: 
2003-07-16 14:45:04,462 DEBUG [] New jmx UCL 
with url 
2003-07-16 14:45:04,462 DEBUG [] Adding 
nStore_ejb.jar/23.AS_PlanStore_ejb.jar ,addedOrder=0}
2003-07-16 14:45:04,473 DEBUG [] Multiple class 
loaders found for pkg:
2003-07-16 14:45:04,507 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] using deployer 
2003-07-16 14:45:04,522 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] resolveLibraries: 
ojdbc14.jar JavaCommon.jar AS_PlanStore_client.jar
2003-07-16 14:45:04,522 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] new manifest entry 
for sdi at AS_PlanStore_ejb.jar entry is ojdbc14.jar
2003-07-16 14:45:04,769 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.JARDeployer] No META-INF or 
WEB-INF resource found, assuming it if for us
2003-07-16 14:45:04,770 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] using deployer 
2003-07-16 14:45:05,248 DEBUG [] Added url: 
file:/vobs/ActiveService_build/JAVA_dbg/run/AS_PlanStore/jboss/deploy/ojdbc14.jar, to 

2003-07-16 14:45:22,531 INFO  [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Starting deployment 
of package: 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,531 INFO  [STDOUT] 66126 [main] INFO 
org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer  - Starting deployment of package: 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,532 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Starting deployment 
(init step) of package at: 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,532 INFO  [STDOUT] 66127 [main] DEBUG 
org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer  - Starting deployment (init step) of package at: 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,681 DEBUG [] New jmx UCL 
with url 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,681 INFO  [STDOUT] 66276 [main] DEBUG  - New jmx UCL with url 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,682 DEBUG [] Adding 
4.jar/27.ojdbc14.jar ,addedOrder=0}
2003-07-16 14:45:22,682 INFO  [STDOUT] 66277 [main] DEBUG  - Adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
boss/tmp/deploy/deploy/ojdbc14.jar/27.ojdbc14.jar ,addedOrder=0}
2003-07-16 14:45:22,693 DEBUG [] Multiple class 
loaders found for pkg: oracle.sql
2003-07-16 14:45:22,693 INFO  [STDOUT] 66288 [main] DEBUG  - Multiple class loaders found for pkg: 
2003-07-16 14:45:22,768 DEBUG [] Multiple class 
loaders found for pkg: oracle.sql.converter
2003-07-16 14:45:22,768 INFO  [STDOUT] 66363 [main] DEBUG  - Multiple class loaders found for pkg: 

Re: [JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders .. Bug?

2003-07-16 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:58, Brian Wallis wrote:

 This seems to result in ojdbc14 being loaded by two instances of
 UnifiedClassLoader3. Once for the Class-Path entry in the EJB jar file
 (3eec1a, addedOrder=22) and once because it is present in the deploy
 directory  (bc9673, addedOrder=0)

I've tried removing the Class-Path entry from the manifest and now I get only 
a single class loader for the class (as I suspected I would). 

Should having a Class-Path entry in the manifest cause the use of a new class 
loader instance? I wouldn't have thought so.


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[JBoss-user] Re: Multiple Classloaders .. Bug?

2003-07-16 Thread Brian Wallis
 On 2003-07-16 06:32 Scott M Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, one for the Class-Path which associates the jar with the referencing 
 deployment and one since its a stand alone deployment.

This seems odd behaviour. It will cause duplicate class loaders for jars and 
hence illegal type problems. It seems to me that this makes Class-Path in the 
manifest dangerous to use.

 Every deployment has its own class loader. Think of hot deployment. Read the 
 class loader docs available on sourceforge docs section for more details.

I am a documentation subscriber and have read that section of the 3.0.7 manual 
and some of the references. Perhaps I need to read it again.

I am not in disagreement with each deployment having it's own classloader, but 
in this case with a Class-Path you get two classloaders for one deployment. 
There should not be duplicates of classes in separate deployment archives, 
but just because one archive references another via a Class-Path declaration 
doesn't really require that it have an extra class loader. 

I don't think it is consistent either. If I have two jars test1.jar and 
test2.jar where test1.jar has a Class-Path: test2.jar then 

- if test1 is deployed first I get two class loaders for test2

- if test2 is deployed first I get only one class loader for test2,
  when test1 is loaded it sees that test2 is already available and
  doesn't re-load it.

(I've done this with both 3.0.7 and 3.2.1)

As it is I'll have to stop using Class-Path in Manifests. Pity, it seemed a 
reasonable way to specify dependencies between jar files.


 On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:58, Brian Wallis wrote:
This seems to result in ojdbc14 being loaded by two instances of
UnifiedClassLoader3. Once for the Class-Path entry in the EJB jar file
(3eec1a, addedOrder=22) and once because it is present in the deploy
directory  (bc9673, addedOrder=0)
 I've tried removing the Class-Path entry from the manifest and now I get 
 only a single class loader for the class (as I suspected I would). 
 Should having a Class-Path entry in the manifest cause the use of a new 
 class loader instance? I wouldn't have thought so.

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Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Multiple Classloaders .. Bug?

2003-07-16 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 03:12 pm, Scott M Stark wrote:
 There are still two class loaders, but the classes from test2 may have been
 loaded into the ULR cache such that it is irrelevant that test1.jar
 references test2.jar.

OK. I was using displayClassInfo() on the LoaderRepository to see the 
classloaders and it only shows one class loader for the second case.

thanks for the help.

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Re: [JBoss-user] How to package EJB and MBean in the same file?

2003-07-15 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   i have written an app that consists of an EJB and an MBean.
 i package separately the EJB in a .jar file and the MBean in a .sar file,
 and i just wanted to know if i can package both EJB and MBean under the
 same archive.. but i don't know if .ear archive supports inclusion of .sar

Use a META-INF/jboss-app.xml in your ear with something like...


This is (of course) in addition to the META-INF/application.xml that specifies 
your EJB jar file.


brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Jetty - static files removed from tmp dir

2003-07-15 Thread Brian Wallis
There is a Jetty faq on this:

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 22:21, Chris May wrote:
 What OS? On Solaris, there are default housekeeping scripts (kicked off
 from root's cron) which clear out files from /tmp and /var/tmp, but leave
 directory structures intact.

 Might you have something like this running on your box?


  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/03 07:59pm 

 Hi all,

 I'm having a really weird problem with JBoss 3.2 / Jetty.

 I have a simple war file deployed and it works fine for a couple of weeks,
 but then I start getting 404 errors for any static content in the war file.

 If I look in the /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080__WEBAPP-NAME/webapp/ directory
 all the static files is gone, but the WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes
 directories are still there.

 If I copy the static files back to the tmp webapp directory the 404's go

 Has anyone seen this before?  Any fixes or ideas?



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[JBoss-user] Multiple Classloaders

2003-07-15 Thread Brian Wallis
JBoss 3.0.7, JDK 1.4.1_01, Mandrake linux 9.0 with 2.4.7 kernel.

We have a problem with instanceof not knowing that an object is of the type 
that it (obviously) is and it seems to be due to the presense of multiple 
class loaders. The object in question is serialisable and was created 
(re-consituted? :-) on reception from a client. 

When this object makes it into our Bean code and is checked via 'instanceof' 
we are apparently seeing it via a different class loader than was used

This was to be a question about how was this happening, but I think I know why 
it is..

In our MBean deployment descripters we have classpath declarations that 
mention the jar files that contain the classes that the MBean requires 
(typically we have a client jar that contains all the ancilary classes).

I think these are a hangover from our 2.4 days.

This declaration causes the creation of a new class loader for the jar files 
mentioned in the classpath archives attribute. This is in addition to the 
class loader already used for deployment of that same jar. 

Is this a bug or intended behaviour? The creation of the new classloaders 
seems to occur in if there is a 
UnifiedLoaderRepository (jbossmx.loader.repository.class property is set).

I think that the new classloader architecture removes the need to have 
classpath declarations in the mbean descripters anyway.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Services Binding Management

2003-07-09 Thread Brian Wallis

(JBoss 3.0.7)

Almost does what I want. But I want to configure other things apart 
from service bindings, ie: JCA deployments. I have a -service.xml 
file that defines the connection properties for a JCA that connects 
to an external system. I'd like to package this all together with 
the app into an ear but I also need to configure both the connection 
to the external system (and it involves more that a host/port) and 
the connection pool parameters. I also need to be able to change
these in the field without pulling apart various ears/sars/etc and
editing various deployment config files.

I don't think I can achieve this with the Services Binding Management. 

What I really want is 'vars' in the service file as shown in the config
file below. Is there something like this available, can I use/expand
system properties in the deployment config files? 

thanks, brian wallis...

mbean code=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.NoTxConnectionManager 
  depends optional-attribute-name=ManagedConnectionFactoryName
mbean code=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.RARDeployment 
  depends optional-attribute-name=OldRarDeployment 
jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name=OpenCIConnection /depends
  attribute name=ManagedConnectionFactoryProperties
  config-property name=LocatorHost 
  config-property name=LocatorPort 
  config-property name=SystemName 
  config-property name=Username 
  config-property name=Password 
  attribute name=JndiNameOpenCI/Connection/attribute
  depends optional-attribute-name=ManagedConnectionPool
mbean code=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool 
  attribute name=MinSize0/attribute
  attribute name=MaxSize${OPENCI.MAXCONS}/attribute
  attribute name=BlockingTimeoutMillis5000/attribute
  attribute name=IdleTimeoutMinutes1/attribute
  attribute name=CriteriaByApplication/attribute
  depends optional-attribute-name=CachedConnectionManager 
jboss.jca:service=CachedConnectionManager /depends
  depends optional-attribute-name=JaasSecurityManagerService /depends

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Re: [JBoss-user] constraining session bean pool

2003-07-08 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:44, Bill Burke wrote:
 there is a strict max size setting.  Forget the config name.

I think it is StrictMaxSizetrue/StrictMaxSize


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Re: [JBoss-user] Entity bean Attribute Changed Notifications

2003-07-06 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 20:21, Andy Godwin wrote:
 JBoss AOP would certainly do what you want, it wouldn't be that
 hard to write an Interceptor that generated your notification for the
 setXXX methods you're interested in.

AOP would be fun to try (but as you mentioned, exactly how is still a question 
to be answered)

We came to the interceptor conclusion a couple of hours after I posted the 
question and that allowed us to defer the implementation until later in the 
project (ie: put of 'till tomorrow what you could be doing today :-)

thanks Andy,
brian wallis...

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Castor, can I remove it?

2003-07-04 Thread Brian Wallis
Is castor used in jboss (3.0.7 and 3.2.x)?

We have removed the jar and it seems to start and run OK, but it would be nice 
to know that this won't cause problems

A quick grep of the 3.0.7 source finds usages in org.jboss.jdo under the varia 
directory. If I am not using JDOs at all this shouldn't affect me should it?

Reason to remove is to replace it with a later version.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] constraining session bean pool

2003-07-03 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 07:40, Erik Price wrote:
 How to configure JBoss 3.0 to constrain the session bean pool to only a
 certain number of session beans?  (For stateful beans.)

 I wish to test ejbPassivate() and ejbActivate() in action.

You will need to define your own session bean container configuration.

The default ones are in conf/standardjboss.xml and you are probably currently 
using the Standard Stateful SessionBean one from that file which has a max 
pool size of 100.

You can copy this configuration from there into your bean's jboss.xml file 
into the container-configuration section (see the jboss_3_0.dtd file for 
details) then adapt it to your needs. 

Change the container-pool-confMaximumSize from 100 to whatever you need.

Then you just need to get your bean to use this new configuration. With 
xdoclet you just define @jboss.container-configuration name=My Stateful 
Configuration (or whatever you called it) otherwise you need to add the 
configuration-name tag to your session bean descriptor in jboss.xml to 
point to the new configuration.

But, this is not a hard limit. I think there is another option to enforce 
the limit but I'm not sure what that is.


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[JBoss-user] Entity bean Attribute Changed Notifications

2003-07-03 Thread Brian Wallis

I need to generate some sort of notification when attributes are changed on 
certain entity beans. The notifications need to contain the identity of the 
authenticated user and the old and new value of the attribute (or just the 
new value would be OK). (I'm running 3.0.7 jboss)

I'm not sure how I can do this. We are generally using value objects to set 
the values in the entity bean so more than one attribute may change at a time 
and we are using xdoclet to generate the various interfaces and support 

We may be able to hand code the xxxCMP class that is currently generated from 
the bean class and add the functionality to the setValue method(s) but that 
gives me another file to maintain which I'd rather be generating. It also 
means I miss direct calls to the setXxxAttr() methods.

I could use triggers or some other database centric mechanism but would rather 
not (not portable, more to maintain and break).

Does anyone know if this is supported by the platform in any form or if 
xdoclet can be coerced into generating the required code? 

Using aspects could do it very neatly by wrapping each setter of the entity 
beans in an aspect that reads the old value, calls the setter and then 
generates the notification for me. I could do this with aspectJ but I'm not 
sure about the new 4.0 jboss aspects.

any suggestions welcome.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Message.getJMSDestination() returns null

2003-06-26 Thread Brian Wallis

I am composing a message and publishing it on a topic, the receiver gets that 
message OK, but when it calls Message.getJMSDestination() it gets back a 

If my reading of the JMS spec is correct, I would expect to get back a Topic 
that is the topic the event was published to in the first place.

I'm running 3.0.7 on a Sun JDK 1.4.1_01.

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Message.getJMSDestination() returns null

2003-06-26 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 22:35, Adrian Brock wrote:
 This looks like a bug to me.
 Report it at

Mea Culpa! Fortunatly not a bug. I wrote a test case that failed to reproduce 
it and then found a bug in my own application...

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] j_security_check JBoss/Jetty

2003-06-26 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 19:39, Alastair Rodgers wrote:

 You don't need to write any special Action or Form classes to use JAAS with
 Struts. The steps you need are:

Thanks, that is a nice clear explanation. I think I know most of that in bits 
and pieces but if you get one bit wrong it is very hard to work out what you 

brian wallis..

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[JBoss-user] j_security_check JBoss/Jetty

2003-06-24 Thread Brian Wallis

I'm running 3.0.7 JBoss with the default Jetty integration and am writing a 
struts based web app front end to an EJB application.

I have been trying to find out how form based authentication works and have 
read a lot of articles and mail items from various lists and am confused 
about a couple of things.

Do I have to provide an action class and a form class for the login form or 
does the web container handle this, ie: do I have to point j_security_check 
to an action that I write? If not, why do I keep getting Cannot retrieve 
mapping for action /j_security_check errors?

Do I have to provide the form with the j_username and j_password fields for 
the login or does the web container handle this as well.

I believe that I have to provide some code to pass the authentication details 
onto an EJB container when I call into a bean. I'm not sure what this code 
is. Any examples? I thought I saw one once during my searching but cannot 
find it again.


brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] RARMetaData, RARDeployment and jboss-jca.sar

2003-06-23 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 00:15, David Jencks wrote:

 You could look at the class of the connection manager mbean, which you can
 obtain via jmx (ObjectInstance).  The level of tx support the adapter is
 deployed with seems to me to be more relevant than the level it supports.
 (For instance, theoretically at least, an xa-supporting adapter can be
 deployed with local tx or no tx support).

Hadn't thought of that, thanks.

 The only use I can think of for this attribute at runtime is if your
 program is generating *-ds.xml's to deploy dynamically and needs to guess
 the proper cm to use.  I'm having a hard time imagining a situation where
 this would be appropriate and the desired level of tx support was not

Our application will need to deal with JCAs that are written by our customers 
that interface to specific network devices. These plugins can be written to 
support transactions or not where supporting a transaction can be quite 

Our system when configuring the network devices can configure a number of them 
in one logical operation. These operations (collections of configuration 
commands) can be set to run in a mode of atomic or best effort. Atomic 
mode requires a transaction in the plugin whereas best effort does not. So, 
before starting on a configuration operation I really need to know if the 
selected subset of the plugins will support the desired operation mode.

 You shouldn't get any errors no matter what the tx support is, provided
 that all ra's are deployed appropriately.  Of course, unless they all
 support xa transactions you are liable to get unrecoverable inconsistencies
 in case of failure during commit.

And therein lies the problem! I cannot do this *if* the operation was asked 
for in an atomic mode, ie: all or nothing.

Thanks, I think I might be querying the deployment connection manager bean for 
the info now, unfortunatly this breaks portability. But as you pointed out 
above, quering the RA doesn't tell you what the actual transaction support 
is, just what the RA*can* support.

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Re: [JBoss-user] RARMetaData, RARDeployment and jboss-jca.sar

2003-06-22 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 22:41, David Jencks wrote:
 Could I ask what you are using the value for? JBoss doesn't use this info
 at all and at least the Integer attribute is not present in JBoss 4
 (probably not the original string either).  The best solution might be to
 have the attribute return the String, although this might cause backwards
 compatibility issues.

To determine the transaction support level of the RA.

I realise that JBoss doesn't configure transactions via this method, using the 
*-service.xml to configure the container, but the value in the deployment 
descriptor should be correct and is a mandatory attribute.  I suspect JBoss 
should probably check that the configuration of the connection manager and 
what is specified in the deployment descriptor are the same. 

I agree that returning the string value probably makes more sense. (I also 
noticed that the comments in the DTD on the allowed values is not correct, it 
reflects the pre-1.0 DTD for RAs)

Is there a better way to determine the transaction support level? I have a 
session bean that uses a bunch of resource adapters. Some of them support 
transactions and some don't. I have a list of the names of the RAs I'm going 
to talk to during a transaction so rather than find out with an error halfway 
through a transaction, I'd like to determine if all the RAs in the list 
support transactions before I start.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] RARMetaData, RARDeployment and jboss-jca.sar

2003-06-19 Thread Brian Wallis

I am reading an attribute from the RARDeployment MBean for a JCA 
(TransactionSupport) to determine if the JCA supports transactions. The value 
returned is an Integer and has values as defined by constants in RARMetaData. 
But this class is defined in the jboss-jca.sar file. So should I include the 
sar file (from the deploy directory) in my classpath when I am building or 
should RARMetaData be in a jar file in the lib directory?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Who is using JBoss in production?

2003-06-17 Thread Brian Wallis

Deployed with our app in three medium/large telcos. Currently we only have a 
very small part of our application using jboss, the rest being legacy C++ but 
that is changing. Version 3.0.4 and not clustered. Running on solaris 

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Re: [JBoss-user] Developing and debuging

2003-06-17 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:39, Peng Zhao wrote:
 I met a big problem when developing and debuging.

 If I deploy the application as a war file, the jboss needs about 30
 seconds to deploy it. Although it is not too long, for developing and
 debuging it is not affordable! The time for waiting is longer than the
 time for fixxing the bug!

 If I deploy the application as a directory (e.g. app.war), the .jsp can
 be reloaded when I replace a .jsp file in the directory. But the .class
 file can not be updated once it has run. It seems the jboss has a cache
 for the loaded .class file.

 Because the debuging-deploying is so slow, I wasted a lot of time for
 even fixxing a small bug. Furthermore, the .jsp is so slow when first
 loaded from the web-client. Is that usual?

I don't want to be critical of how people write and debug code, different 
techniques and processes suite different people but IMHO 30 seconds is 
brilliant! You *can* actually hot (re-)deploy parts of your application and 
connect remote debuggers to the running system and examine/modify it as you 
go. I'm in 7th heaven! (had to modify some old C code recently, hated it)

Hopefully I can fix more than one bug at a time and get a great turnaround. My 
early days in computing used punched cards and batch processing and the turn 
around was 1/2 day. You learned to be quite efficient in how many things you 
could test/fix for each run. There were student assignments at UNI that 
decreased your mark if you used more than N (a small number) runs to get your 
application running. This was a good thing, really focused the mind :-)

This has been said before and no doubt will again but I think that modern 
software development tools tend to produce a lax attitude to development and 
testing if you are not careful.

Now I'll get back into the box :-)

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Re: [JBoss-user] Transactional JCA Connections are closed mid-transaction

2003-06-17 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:42, David Jencks wrote:
 The spi LocalTransaction or an xa transaction is associated with the
 ManagedConnection.  If you use the local tx ConnectionManager or the xa one
 with track-connections-by-tx all connection handles you obtain within a
 transaction will be associated with the same ManagedConnection instance and
 thus will be within that transaction.

Thanks for that David. On earlier advise (thanks Igor) I did some reading of 
the JCA specs and had come to (something like) this conclusion, and it makes 
a lot of sense now that I understand it. Thanks for the pointer to 


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Re: [JBoss-user] Notifications for deploying/undeploying?

2003-06-11 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 00:52, Stefan Arentz wrote:

 Is it possible to get notifications when modules are

 I would like to write a JBoss 3.3 add-on that does 'something' when for
 example a web app is deployed/undeployed.

 Is this possible with a JMX component?

Yes. You can get JMX notifications on registration and de-registration of 
MBeans which of course underly all your other components. See MBean Server 
Notifications on page 128 of the JMX 1.2 spec.

Unfortunatly I don't have an example (I had one but it has since been removed 
from our system). It's not hard to code/use.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Transactional JCA Connections are closed mid-transaction

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis

I have a design where I am connecting to external EIS using a transactional 
JCA that I have written and I am using  the JCA for multiple commands within 
a transaction from a transactional stateful session bean. 

The scenario involves two session beans, one stateless and one stateful, and 
the JCA. 

- The stateless session bean (within in one method) that sets up a transaction 
and calls txn.begin().
- It then creates and calls the stateful session bean
- The stateful session bean creates a connection to the JCA (getConnection() 
on the factory).
- The stateful bean then creates an interaction, sets up the command and then 
calls execute(). 
- The stateful bean then returns to the caller (the stateless bean) which will 
then call another method on the stateful bean, all within the same 

Unfortunatly, on return to the stateless bean the runtime closes the JCA 

This seems wrong to me. The external transaction management is done within the 
JCA ManagedConnection object but if the connection is closed each time how 
can I successfully do this management? I'm not guaranteed that I'll even get 
the same connection back again next time.

I really need to keep that connection open for the duration of the 
transaction. Am I misunderstanding something here or is there some 
configuration setting I'm missing.

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] When to use PortableRemoteObject.narrow()

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis

I'm a bit confused about when you are supposed to use 
PortableRemoteObject.narrow() and when to cast.

I usually call narrow() for all references I get back from 
InitialCOntext.lookup(). Should I also call it for the ejb refs I get back 
from Home.create() on the beans? Anywhere else?

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Transactional JCA Connections are closed mid-transaction

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 00:31, Igor Fedorenko wrote:

 What do you mean by closes the JCA connection? JCA has a clear
 separation between logical connection handlers and physical connections
 to underlying EIS. By default JBoss automatically closes logical
 handlers left open after return from a method call, but there was a way
 to turn this behaviour off. Unfortunately I cannot remember exact
 syntax, so you need to search archive of this list.

G'day Igor,

It closes the logical connection. But for me it makes no difference, I have no 
way of getting back a logical connection to the same physical connection. 

I'll have a search of the list. Could take a while, the search on sourceforge 
lists doesn't seem to work very well. It never matches anything if I type two 
or more words :-(

thanks for the pointer.


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Re: [JBoss-user] Transactional JCA Connections are closed mid-transaction

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:46, Brian Wallis wrote:
 It closes the logical connection. But for me it makes no difference, I have
 no way of getting back a logical connection to the same physical

 I'll have a search of the list. Could take a while, the search on
 sourceforge lists doesn't seem to work very well. It never matches anything
 if I type two or more words :-(

 thanks for the pointer.

Searched the source instead. In jboss-jca.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml is 
the configuration of the CachedConnectionManager and the parameter 
SpecCompliant is set to false. I think that if I make it true then the 
connections will not be closed. ie:

  !-- The CachedConnectionManager is used partly to relay started
UserTransactions to open connections so they may be enrolled
in the new tx --
  mbean code=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionManager
attribute name=SpecCompliantfalse/attribute

Not sure I understand the comment in that configuration.

I'm still not sure about the original problem though. Am I correct in wanting 
these logical connections to remain open between calls when I am within a 
transaction? The bean cannot be passivated while a transaction is current so 
it should be safe to keep them as local state in the stateful bean.


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Re: [JBoss-user] Transactional JCA Connections are closed mid-transaction

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:16, Brian Wallis wrote:

 Searched the source instead. In jboss-jca.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml is
 the configuration of the CachedConnectionManager and the parameter
 SpecCompliant is set to false. I think that if I make it true then the
 connections will not be closed. ie:

And it seems to work. My connections remain open for the duration of the 
transaction and I close them in afterCompletion() on the bean.

Thanks for the help, but I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right thing here 
wrt transactions and JCAs.


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[JBoss-user] JBoss 4.0 AOP and AspectJ

2003-06-10 Thread Brian Wallis

I have been using aspectJ (in a limited fashion) successfully with a small 
project running under jboss 3.0.7. Will this still be possible with JBoss 4.0 
and it's AOP implementation or will they clash? I understand that there are 
quite a few similarities between them in the way aspects are woven into the 

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Should I cache ejbRefs?

2003-06-06 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 00:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The XDoclet utilobject pattern caches Remote and (Local Homes the latter
 is of course only valid w/in one JVM), I've seen this mentioned on and elsewhere as a best practice, and after digging
 through the spec to be sure, apparently both Remote Homes and Remote
 interfaces should be durable even across a server restart (this is what
 the spec says -- the references themselves are still valid after a
 restart). The only time the references aren't valid is if the beans they
 reference have been removed. This is obviously only a problem w/ Remote
 Interfaces (not Homes).

I don't think the references them selves are durable, you need to get a 
javax.ejb.Handle and use that. from it's doco:

 * The Handle interface is implemented by all EJB object handles. A handle
 * is an abstraction of a network reference to an EJB object. A handle is
 * intended to be used as a robust persistent reference to an EJB object.

and you get these via javax.ejb.EJBObject.getHandle() on the base interface 
for all the beans. Handle supports on method, getEJBObject() to get back to 
your reference when you need it.


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Re: [JBoss-user] [JBoss-user]

2003-05-29 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 29 May 2003 03:17, Barlow, Dustin wrote:
 In 3.2.1, in jboss_dist/server/target/deploy/transaction-service.xml
 you will find the following stanza:

 I suspect this is the same for 3.0.6 as well.

Almost, but I think it is in 

Also (but I haven't really tested this) you should be able to change this from 
the jmx-console in the TransactionManager service. Just change the attribute 
value, Apply Changes and then stop and start the service.

Thanks for the answer Dustin, I've been meaning to find this out for a while 
but never got around to it. It is a real pain when a transaction times out 
during a debug session. Now I can set it to 30 minutes (getting a bit slow in 
my old age :-)

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Timer in Jboss3.0

2003-04-06 Thread Brian Wallis
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 18:28, Dominique Casserres wrote:
 I would like your thoughts on the following that is not very J2EE
 When a MDB receives a message, it sohuld start an external program
 (let's call it prog.exe). When this prog completes, it writes a file

 I would like to read every n seconds whether the contents of result.xml
 is ok/;
 During the n seconds I ould like to be in a waiting state.

 How could I do that?
 I am looking at the timer MBean but i am not sure to be on the right

I can well understand why this is necessary in integration with legacy apps. 

The way I'd approach it is to write my own MBean that does the file polling 
and drive that MBean from the jboss Scheduler bean 
(org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Scheduler) that can be easily configured in a 
-service.xml file and also started/stopped and configured via the jmx-console

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] web site (again :-)

2003-04-02 Thread Brian Wallis

Just a suggestion.

The new website (like so many on the web nowdays) is using fixed table widths 
(ie: table width=300 or td width=181) and thus creates a minimum 
width that the browser window needs to not have a horizontal scroll bar at 
the bottom.

Unfortunatly this is about 1110 pixels for the current front page and means 
that on a 1024x768 screen you always have the scroll bar which is annoying. 

Fixed widths should be avoided if at all possible, %widths are much more 

brian wallis...

P.S. Having flash animations is a pain as well, not really worth the effort 

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Re: [JBoss-user] Servlet/EJB JAAS login problem

2003-04-01 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 03:39, Jos Visser wrote:
 Hi Brian,

 I looked into the matter and posted a somewhat longwinded mail with the
 complete analysis. I reckon this analysis holds for your situation too.
 Please check the mail in the mailing list. If you have any more
 questions, please don't hesitate to contact me...

Hi Jos,

I gather from your email to the list that you have solved your problem by 
explicitly authenticating each incoming request before it tries to access a 
bean. Do you store authenticiation info in the session context and then use 
that for subsequent authentication as required?

My problem is pretty much the same as yours and now I have a better 
understanding of it.  I think the random working/not working nature of it is 
due to my login action doing a LoginContext.login() call which uses our own 
custom LoginModule that sets the current SecurityAssociation principal and 
credential during the commit phase. So now the currentthread is authenticated 
and each time one of my requests happens to get that same thread it is 
authenticated correctly otherwise it fails. Of course a side effect is that 
other incoming requests probably get my authenticated thread sometimes and 
run as me. Nasty!

I came across a paper describing a way of handling jaas authentication in a 
struts application at which I have found 
useful. It also has a good list of references at the end.

I will probably use a subclassed ActionServlet to handle the re-instantiation 
of the user's security context on each request (and to remove it on 
completion of the request as well, most important!)

thanks for your help,
brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Bunnies! Spurious thread creation JDK ORB

2003-04-01 Thread Brian Wallis
I have an app running in JBoss 3.0.7RC1 that utilises a CORBA connection 
to a server from where it reads a bunch of info to create an entity
bean. After building a couple of beans and letting it set idle for
a few minutes, the system creates about 600 threads with the following
stack trace.

These seem to be something to do with the sun JDK ORB, but I am using
(and I know for certain that I am since bug 4775833 prevents me from using
the JDK ORB). My app is running fine until this happens.

Has anybody seen this sort of behaviour before? 

JavaIDL Listener daemon prio=1 tid=0x0x8d31728 nid=0x6dec runnable  
at Method)
- locked 0x4561f020 (a

brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Bunnies! Spurious thread creation JDK ORB

2003-04-01 Thread Brian Wallis
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 16:23, Brian Wallis wrote:
 I have an app running in JBoss 3.0.7RC1 that utilises a CORBA connection
 to a server from where it reads a bunch of info to create an entity
 bean. After building a couple of beans and letting it set idle for
 a few minutes, the system creates about 600 threads with the following
 stack trace.

 These seem to be something to do with the sun JDK ORB, but I am using
  JacORB (How did I miss that one key word out :-)
 (and I know for certain that I am since bug 4775833 prevents me from using
 the JDK ORB). My app is running fine until this happens.

 Has anybody seen this sort of behaviour before?

 JavaIDL Listener daemon prio=1 tid=0x0x8d31728 nid=0x6dec runnable 
 [4f992000..4f992830] at
 - locked 0x4561f020 (a

 brian wallis...

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Re: [JBoss-user] Bunnies! Spurious thread creation JDK ORB

2003-04-01 Thread Brian Wallis
And to answer my own question...

I don't know why it was creating so many threads, but the trigger was an 
attempt to serialise a corba object reference on passivation of a session 

My corba setup is a bit odd. The only 'free' idl compiler that will compile my 
IDL is the JDK one but the JDK orb won't run it due to bug 4775833 so I use 
the JacORB runtime. I knew it would come back and bite.

I'll just avoid serialising the references.

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:29, Brian Wallis wrote:
 On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 16:23, Brian Wallis wrote:
  I have an app running in JBoss 3.0.7RC1 that utilises a CORBA connection
  to a server from where it reads a bunch of info to create an entity
  bean. After building a couple of beans and letting it set idle for
  a few minutes, the system creates about 600 threads with the following
  stack trace.
  These seem to be something to do with the sun JDK ORB, but I am using

   JacORB (How did I miss that one key word out :-)

  (and I know for certain that I am since bug 4775833 prevents me from
  using the JDK ORB). My app is running fine until this happens.
  Has anybody seen this sort of behaviour before?
  JavaIDL Listener daemon prio=1 tid=0x0x8d31728 nid=0x6dec runnable
  [4f992000..4f992830] at
  - locked 0x4561f020 (a
  brian wallis...
  This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb:
  Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth!
  No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server
  JBoss-user mailing list

 This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb:
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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss: Not Ready For Prime Time

2003-03-31 Thread Brian Wallis
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:58, Ed Brown wrote:

G'day Ed,

Great and thanks. That is much more useful comment. No doubt people will 
defend various parts of jboss, but this is good input to be going forward 
with. Perhaps more constructive discussion can now occur instead of the 
bandwidth wasting that has been going on. I was about to put in a filter on 
this and related subjects and I hate having to do that.

brian wallis...

 I'm well versed in open software. I've used quite a bit of it and will
 continue to use quite a bit of it.

 Previously, I've expressed my thoughts that the JBoss JMS implementation is
 not up to snuff. I'm not the only one to say so. In fact, with something I
 was working on, I looked into hooking up other message providers to take
 the place of JBoss' implementation. For JBoss' sake, I hope the deal with
 WebMethods will get JBoss an improved JMS implementation. But why would
 WebMethods give that away for free?

 I'm not a fan of entity beans, but I have used them. I didn't find their
 implementation anything to write home about.

 It was frustrating to have the format of the data source file change
 between bug fix releases. I can understand changes between major revisions,
 but not between bug fix releases.

 Lastly, I gave up on using the embedded version of Axis with JBoss. I found
 it odd that I had to compile the source just to get it working when
 everything else worked out of the box. And then getting to the Axis
 console was problematic.

 JBoss is not ready for prime time. As a reference implementation, it's
 fine. I could never justify JBoss for use in a commerical setting where
 customers are being serviced.

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Re: [JBoss-user] Servlet/EJB JAAS login problem

2003-03-31 Thread Brian Wallis
I have this same problem. If I retry the action a few times (go back in the 
browser and try again) it eventually works.

I haven't yet had a chance to look into it but I realised on initial 
examination that I have no idea how it is meant to work (I'm debugging 
someone else's struts gui and don't have a lot of experience in this area or 
access to the original author).

When the login action runs is squirrels away the username, logincontext and 
role manager in the session but I have no idea how this info is used later. I 
doubt that it is automatically retrieved, so do I need a servlet filter to 
retrieve this info on each invocation or does the system do something for me 
in re-establishing the user credentials on each subsequent invocation? (and 
is this what is failing sometimes?)

brian wallis...

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 19:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I run JBoss 3.0.6 with integrated Tomcat. My servlets/JSPs connect to
 EJBs running in the same VM (using the remote interface). I got an
 initialization servlet that performs a JAAS Login (using the
 ClientLoginModule) *and* I got a JSP that does a JAAS logout/login (to
 aid me in debugging). When the JAAS login is performed the callbacks are
 executed and everything looks hunky dory.

 However, when one of my servlets/JSPs performs an EJB call the JBoss EJB
 SecurityInterceptor throws an exception stating the the associated
 principal is null:

 11:01:25,681 DEBUG [GebruikerFacade] findByGebruikersnaam(josv)
 11:01:25,702 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] Authentication exception,
 principal=null 11:01:25,704 ERROR [LogInterceptor] EJBException, causedBy:
 java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception, principal=null
 org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor.checkSecurityAssociation(Security ...

 However, my (standalone) test programs (that run from the command line
 in a different VM) give me no problems (although they use the same code
 to login to the appserver as the servlets/jsps).

 Am I missing something?

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Re: [JBoss-user] Deploying scheduler after EAR deployment

2003-03-25 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 19:54, Marek Lange wrote:

 That worked. Thanks. One question: is it possible to change the
 scheduler attributes at runtime with this construction ?

Did I just ignore this question or did I answer it? Think I ignored it :-)

Which scheduler attributes? You can change the MBean attributes 
(programatically) at runtime and restart the scheduler (period and 
repetitions seem the only useful ones to change). You do have to call 
restartSchedule() for it to recognise the changes made.


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Re: [JBoss-user] JMS Queue Deployed at runtime

2003-03-24 Thread Brian Wallis
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:41, Stephen Davidson wrote:
 Christopher Blunck wrote:
  Hi all-
  We're considering rolling out a fairly large application to JBoss.  The
  only question in my head is:  can JBoss create a new JMS queue at
  In other words, if I want to bring up a new JMS queue, do I need to
  restart the server for the queue to come online?

 Hi Christopher.

 If you are using MDBs, the Q's are configured and started automatically
 when the MDBs are deployed.

 This leads me to suspect that Message Q's can be started at runtime w/o
 restarting the server.

They can indeed via the MBean interface for the queues/topics like so...

ArrayList slist = (MBeanServer)MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
MBeanServer server = slist.get(0); // should check the size first
server.invoke(new ObjectName(,service,DestinationManager),
  createQueue, // mbean method to invoke
  new Object[]{queuename}, // Name of the queue
  new String[]{java.lang.String}); // type of the parameter

Now you have a new queue called queuename, lookup as queue/queuename

The mbean server access is portable (I think) but the method to invoke on the 
mbean DestinationManagber is probably not.

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Re: [JBoss-user] Deploying scheduler after EAR deployment

2003-03-19 Thread Brian Wallis
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 01:12, Krishnakumar N wrote:

  You can do this by using the deployment sorters specified in
 /conf/jboss-service.xml. For example, you can use the
 PrefixDeploymentSorter and call your scheduler service xml 1blahblah.xml.

Yep, that will work, but I think in a large project with multiple dependencies 
it gets hard to manage. There are other ways...

If it is just classes that you need I would put the service.xml in a sar and 
add a Class-Path: entry to the manifest (and put the sar in the ear as well). 
ie: you have a sar file with 
META-INF/jboss-service.xml  -- your scheduler service.xml file

MANIFEST.MF has a line like so:
  Class-Path: yourjar.jar

This means the yourjar.jar should now be on your classpath when the scheduler 
is started.

If your scheduler requires another mbean to be available, make the scheduler 
mbean dependent on the other mbean like so: 

  mbean code=org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Scheduler
 attribute name=SchedulableMBeanot.notificationservice:name=DBCleaner
 name=SchedulableMBeanMethodcleanup( NOTIFICATION,DATE,SCHEDULER_NAME)
attribute name=InitialStartDateNOW/attribute
attribute name=SchedulePeriod3/attribute
attribute name=InitialRepetitions-1/attribute
!--Make sure the DBCleaner MBean has been 'started' before we call it--

Similar for ejbs where you can use the ejb mbean name in the dependency, 
usually a name something like 

brian wallis...

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[JBoss-user] Am I in a transaction?

2003-03-19 Thread Brian Wallis

I have some utility classes that are used from beans with container managed 
transactions. How can I check (ensure) when I am in one of the utility 
routines that there is a transaction current?

I cannot get a UserTransaction object via the context since it is a bean 
managed transaction so I cannot call getStatus(). 

It's not critical that I check, but I would like to be able to to make sure 
that the utility routine has not been called outside of a transaction 

brian wallis...

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