[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: ServiceLifeCycle

2006-02-07 Thread johnr1111
Typically so does the jaxrpc based imlementations on a servlet.  At this point 
we don't want to be committed to a full J2EE server, unless we have too. I am 
also wanting to stay pretty portable across the app servers.

At this point, given many of the other shortcomings that we have ran into with 
bugs, I think it will be easier to use GlassFish or the Sun App Server.  They 
both resolved the three seperate bugs that we were waiting on. including this 

In the end I want to ensure our war files can run on any of the app servers.  
Tomcat and Axis are not there, which is why JBoss split off.  I think JBoss WS 
is just early in it's lifecycle and will work these issues out as well.

I do appreciate the idea, we had considered it.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: ServiceLifeCycle

2006-02-06 Thread johnr1111

Thank you so much for helping validate that.  I did realize the spec left that 
very open.  I just wanted to validate that it was the case and we were not just 
configured correctly.

Are there plans to provide the pooling. It seems like this could really cause 
some severe overhead problems when developers are doing things like 
establishing database connections, or gathering config information, or other 
things that have a good amount of overhead to get a service setup for the first 
time.  I'm sure you fully understand.

Are there plans to add the pooling capability in the near future?  Can you 
recommend a different approach that would allow us to accomplish the same 
abilities as pre-setup with init, but without being invokded for every method 

Thanks for all the help.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: deserialization speed

2006-02-06 Thread johnr1111

Another option to potentially look at is using Fast-Infoset.  I don't know if 
JBoss supports it, and it's not supported outside of Java, but it's goal is to 
seriously reduce the serialization and de-serialization using a near binary 

A web service is exposed with both the Fast-Infoset and a normal non-binary 
one..  The selection can be made in the http hearders.

So a .Net client could invoke the web service with the non Fast-Infoset version 
and other java clients could invoke the Fast-Infoset model.  

Microsoft is working on something similar in the upcoming Communication's 
Foundation (Indigo), so it sounds like there will be some time before it's 
agreed upon by all parties.   In the end though, it sounds like it's going to 
happen in some form.   This tied in with MTOM, will go along way to reduce the 
over-head and size of the data.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - ServiceLifeCycle

2006-02-05 Thread johnr1111
I created a web service implementing the ServiceLifeCycle interface.  In doing 
some tests it appeared that the init and destroy were called on every single 
web service call.  Is this really the case?  It appears that the Servlets do 
not do this and only call the init when the object is first created and destroy 
when it's being unloaded or removed.

Using the latest released JBoss, it appears that for every call to a web 
service, the web service is created and destroyed, calling init and destroy for 
every method call. 

I know the spec doesn't say how they have to be managed as its up to the 
container management, but this seems like a realy performance nightmare. 

Can you help me clarify this behavior, so I know that this is currently how it 
is or if I have just configured something wrong or missed configuring 
something.  I know the JBossWS stuff is still evolving.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: ServiceLifeCycle

2006-02-05 Thread johnr1111
I forgot to mention that the same war file acted correctly on other App Servers.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss WS -- Secure WS and UserNameToken

2006-01-15 Thread johnr1111

I never received a reply...

I did make the user name token work just great using the Axis / WS Security 
stuff.  It worked as expected.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Illegal argument passed to ParameterDesc.setJavaType. T

2006-01-09 Thread johnr1111

It has to do with the name of the message parts.  They are both set to 
parameters.  JBoss seems to have some issue with them being the same name.  
It actually looks like it builds the Tomcat WSDD file incorrectly.

If you rename them it will then be callable, with the next problem being that 
it causes more problems for the client.  .Net for instance no longer builds 
code that has correct parameters.. You have to create and external object that 
then contains the parameters...

This is really painful.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: A web service which returns data + SOAP attachment

2005-11-30 Thread johnr1111
The issues regarding file trasfer are numerous and painful.   
Microsoft promoted DIME, knowing that it probably woudn't fly.
Sun Promoted Mime attachments and has gone with the SWA.
Now there seems to be a push towards MTOM, which I hope will be picked up by 
the JBOSS implementation shortly, as we are also needing it.

The interesting thing about MTOM, is appears that you just deal will returning 
byte arrays or native return types.  The MTOM functionality appears to get 
turned on external to the code and will autmatically optimize the soap message, 
moving portions of the data outside the soap message as an attachments.

I unfortunately haven't answered the question you asked by wanted to share yet 
another option.  MTOM was released on the Micrsoft side and appears to be on 
the list for JBoss.  I'm on a project that will require its abilities shortly.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Alpha 5.0 - Port not found in WSDL

2005-11-29 Thread johnr1111
No, I've been too busy trying to convince our company to purchase a support 
contract from JBoss for $25,000.

I'm working through the source tree, it just through me off when the existing 
WAR's stopped working.

You're taking the time is very appreciated.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Alpha 5.0 - Port not found in WSDL

2005-11-28 Thread johnr1111

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Alpha 5.0 - Port not found in WSDL

2005-11-23 Thread johnr1111

Is there a build that can deploy war files that does not have the problem with 
the parameters in the WSDL?   The inout string issue that gets caused by the 
WSDL parameters having the same name while deploying.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Alpha 5.0 - Port not found in WSDL

2005-11-23 Thread johnr1111
The following is generated when deploying a JAR on the lates jboss-head 
version.   The same war and other wars deploy fine (Minus the parameter issue) 
on the previous versions of JBoss.  This example web service was taken righ out 
of the JBoss Admin Guide.  

I would like to find a version of JBoss that could deploy correctly without the 
WSDL issue.

--- Incompletely deployed packages ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED] { url=file:/C:/jboss-5.0.0alpha/ser
ver/default/deploy/hello-servlet.war }
  deployer: MBeanProxyExt[jboss.web:service=WebServer]
  status: Deployment FAILED reason: Cannot find port in wsdl: HelloPort
  state: FAILED
  watch: file:/C:/jboss-5.0.0alpha/server/default/deploy/hello-servlet.war
  altDD: null
  lastDeployed: 1132780320791
  lastModified: 1132780320776

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss WS -- Secure WS and UserNameToken

2005-11-23 Thread johnr1111
I did not see much in the way of support for the UserName Token other than the 
class to support it?   I did not see any test cases that called this out, nor 
do I even see it listed for the JBoss WS 1.0 release.

I saw encryption, and signing.  I didn't see the authentication part?

Am I missing the test cases for it?  Is it in thw WS 1.0 release?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss WS -- Secure WS and UserNameToken

2005-11-22 Thread johnr1111
When is JBoss WS targeted for?  

Are there examples that we could get to work against an alpha build?
Are there some test cases that expose the behavior?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss WS -- Secure WS and UserNameToken

2005-11-22 Thread johnr1111

Ok, It's on Jira, Christmas.  

Are there any good examples??? 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Alpha 5.0 - Port not found in WSDL

2005-11-22 Thread johnr1111

I am getting an error message at deployment when I deploy any working Web 
Service WAR files to the new Alpha 5.0 version.   The WAR files work against 
the 4.03 version, but blow up on the Alpha 5.0.

Has anyone else seen this.  I also saw it in the example that was posted in the 
admin guide (Which had a bug in it's namespace).

I was trying out the latest build because of the deployment problems caused by 
the parsing of the Parameters elements in the WSDL.

I could post the files, but thought I would just ask before I post.

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