[JBoss-user] [Persistence,JBoss/CMP, Hibernate, Database] - Updating a List as BLOB on CMP EJB on JBoss 4.0.2

2006-03-28 Thread sonic-dre

The attempt to save an updated java.util.LinkedList as a BLOB via CMP 
EntityBean goes wrong in some cases. If the List added a new element or removed 
an element, the changed List is persisted as BLOB via CMP. In this case the CMP 
works correctly. 

But if an attribute of one element in the List changed, the changed List will 
not be persited. It seems that only the size of an List decided, if the BLOB 
with the List will be updated by the Container or not. Is it so?

with best regards 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - RPC/Literal return value or null

2005-09-19 Thread sonic-dre

I use an RPC/literal WS4EE JBoss EJB Endpoint. 
The Service Methods returns an Bytearray or null.
And this is a problem, if the method returns an Bytearray everything
works fine, but if the Service returns null following Remoteexception is
thrown by my JWSDP 1.6 Client:

  | RemoteException: Runtime exception; nested exception is:  unexpected null 
value for literal data 
  | at 
  | at 

the SOAP Response :

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/; 
  |  soapenv:Body
  |   ns1:myMethodResponse xmlns:ns1=http://myWS.org/method;
  |result xsi:type=xsd:base64Binary xsi:nil=1/
  |   /ns1:myMethodResponse 
  |  /soapenv:Body
  | /soapenv:Envelope

Is there a way that my JAXRPC Client recognize the xsi:nil attribute
and get a null as return value?



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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: RPC/Literal return value or null

2005-09-19 Thread sonic-dre

One soloution for this Problem is to change from rpcliteral to documentliteral 
and useing the unwrap function from wscompile.

However I still wonder why a jaxrpc rpcliteral client unexpect null as a  
possible return value.

Sorry this Problem is no JBossWS specific,
but I hope I could help some people with the same problem.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: SOAPFault instead of custom Exception

2005-08-25 Thread sonic-dre
Hi again

The differences between my SOAP Message and the Testsuite Example,
causes of the fact by using rpc encoding instead of rpc literal. So I try 
it with rpc literal. Now my SOAP Message is equal to the Testsuiteexample. 

But my Jaxrpc Client, with a jwsdp 1.5 implementation, get only the 
SOAPFaultException not the custom Exception.

Why does my Client not map the SOAPFault to my custom Exception
and throw it?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: SOAPFault instead of custom Exception

2005-08-25 Thread sonic-dre
I use for my Webservice Client a Jaxrpc DII, and now I read that the 
javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory has no notion of WS4EE deployment 
Artifacts like my jaxrpc-mapping.xm.

So could it be, that my Client have no onformation about how to map my custom 

Or can my Client findout the maping information by the WSDL File?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - SOAPFault instead of custom Exception

2005-08-24 Thread sonic-dre

On JAX-RPC Clientside I became a SOAPFaultException instead of a custom 
Exception. I compare my WSDL File and JAX-RPC-MAPPING File with the testsuite 
examples, everything seems right.

The SOAP Message I´ve got  :

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/; 
  |  soapenv:Body
  |   soapenv:Fault
  | MyException xsi:type=ns1:MyException  
  | xmlns:ns1=http://my/ns/types;
  |  message xsi:type=xsd:stringmessage/message
  | /MyException
  |   /soapenv:Fault
  |  /soapenv:Body
  | /soapenv:Envelope

The custom Exception is in the Message and the Namespace for the
package mapping is right. But this Messag is different to the Message from the 
testsuite Exception example. If the Tag where like the Example, the Tag 
MyException ... ... /MyException
had to be 
ns1:MyException ... ... /ns1:MyException

And there is no xsi:type Attribute in the Example.

Thanks for any hint. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - performance EJB Endpoint

2005-04-26 Thread sonic-dre

I have some question about the WS4EE performence.
In our application we used four different EJB WS4EE Endpoints.
After testing the application the average time, from the invocation statistic 
on the web-console, for the EJB RemoteInterfaces are three to four times higher 
than the average time of the ws4ee servlet statistics acording to the 

Four times seems to much, we have no complex SOAP-Messages to parse, most 
messages containing only one BASE64 Encoded byte Stream
as content. 

So I asked:
Is it normal that an EJB Endpoint Servlet(I know it is not really a Servlet) 
response needs fourtimes more responsetime than the according EJB Method ?

Some clients have problems with old netinfrastructure.
Could it be that the Servlet-Statistic measure from request income
to a complete response, so that the nettraffic time of the response to the 
client is in the statistic?
How measure the web-console the Servlet-Statistic?

Also welcome are tuningtips. 
And carpet me if I understand something wrong. 



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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: port-uri migrating to 4.0.1sp1 port-component-uri

2005-04-21 Thread sonic-dre
The Http Authentification works on IE Auth-PopUp and on Firefox via URL input 
and the Auth-PopUp. 

If I try it via 
javax.rpc.ServiceFactory.createService(URL url, QName qname), 
this Exception was thrown on clientside: 

  | Caused by: javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException: Modellfehler: Analyse des 
Dokuments bei http://name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/myContext/myService?wsdl 
fehlgeschlagen: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 
for URL: http://name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/myContext/myService?wsdl 
  | at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.ConfiguredService.(ConfiguredService.java:64) 
  | at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.ConfiguredService.(ConfiguredService.java:48) 
  | at 

by the way there where no non url friendly characters in the URL, but for this 
case I encode the name and the pwd with java.net.URLEncoder 

the Serverlog says nothing. 

if I copy the URL from this Exception and put it in firefox my wsdlfile opened 
and the Serverlog told me stories whats on the ServiceEndpointServletEJB. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: port-uri migrating to 4.0.1sp1 port-component-uri

2005-04-20 Thread sonic-dre
Thanks Jason this works,

but now my wsdl files are in the context directory
/my-context-that-i-want and these wsdl files have 
a security-constraint. This is good because my servicedescription 
is now protected, but if myself cant access them is this problematic.

I tried it via simple HTTP Authentification:

  | name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myService?wsdl
it doesnt work, probably the password is digested?,
but the Realm auth-meth is BASIC.

somewhere in this forum, I saw that there exists an jboss Class
extending ServiceFactory with new createService Methods, but I want use only 
the jaxrpc api classes.

Are there soloutions?

greetings to the men from the Snoqulamie Pass,
I wanna be there to.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - port-uri migrating to 4.0.1sp1 port-component-uri

2005-04-19 Thread sonic-dre
Hi there

I mirgrate my JBossWS EJBs from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1sp1.
I changed the port-uri Tag in the jboss.xml descriptor 
to port-component-uri, during the deployment Ive got this Exception:

  | 14:03:55,765 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing:
  | Incompletely deployed packages:
url=file:/C:/jboss-4.0.1sp1/server/default/deploy/my.ear }
  |   deployer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |   status: Deployment FAILED reason: Error in jboss.xml for Bean myEJB: 
Expected at least two tokens port-component-uri
  |   state: FAILED
  |   watch: file:/C:/jboss-4.0.1sp1/server/default/deploy/gv.ear
  |   altDD: null
  |   lastDeployed: 1113912234703
  |   lastModified: 1113912233734
  |   mbeans:

Seems like the XML parser needs at least two port-component-uri Tags, but 
this make no sense, and if I give him these two tags the parser throws the 
exception that he want only one port-component-uri, what seems right if he 
validate against the jboss_4_0.dtd.

my jboss.xml code

  |  session
  |   port-component
  |  port-component-namemyPort/port-component-name
  |  port-uri/myPortURI/port-uri
  |  auth-methodBASIC/auth-method
  |  /session

Has anybody an idea or a hint whats wrong?


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: port-uri migrating to 4.0.1sp1 port-component-uri

2005-04-19 Thread sonic-dre
my jboss.xml code before was the old for JBoss 4.0.0
the exception is caught by this jboss.xml during deployment on
Jboss 4.0.1sp1


thanks for every helpfull hint:


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