[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was trying to answer this, but somehow got distracted and forgot to post :-(

One important incompatibility IMO is that BPMN defines the concept of a token. 
It is quite similar as in jBPM but instead of modeling this as a tree, they 
define it as a segmented string. In addition, they define the behaviour of this 
token when it travels through the BPMN nodes. So an important conclusion here 
is that BPMN is not only a modeling notation, but also an executional language 
and that makes things not so clear anymore. 
Another thing is for instance the transaction annotation. In BPMN you can 
define a scope in your model and annotate it as transactional. It is very 
difficult to map such constructs on the very simple execution algorithm that we 
provide with jBPM.
Anyway, it is also not very clear what is necessary and what not to be really 
BPMN compliant. Is supporting the xml notation with attributes etc, etc enough? 
Does the execution exactly have to follow the rules described in the standard? 
Do the rectangles really have to be round-edged. According to the spec this is 
all the case and that makes it very difficult to swap over to that notation 
from ours with a snap of the finger.
Nevertheless, I think that it is very easy to support BPMN by implementing 
custom node types and providing a BPMN palette in the designer. But then the 
question is if we want to support a system that is not quite so good as ours in 
order to comply with a standard. At least at the moment the priorities are in 
trying to push the graph-oriented programming idea. But priorities can change 
of course ;)


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-15 Thread kukeltje

I agree about hiding/showing the technical details and definately do not 
suggest the notation should be used by jBPM fully. Maybe by adding additional 
stereotypes, it can be done. I'll definately try to go into this a little more.

With regard to the executional model, can you point in a direction? I did not 
find a real mismatch yet (but have only compared the two for two hours, late at 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
also, with XPDL, and any process language so far, it is very hard (read: 
impossible) to get to our goal: creating a common language between business 
analyst and developer.  business analyst must be in charge of the graphical 
representation, while the developer must have all the executional and technical 
details under his/her control.

we have documented our approach as Graph Oriented Programming.  and recently, 
we see that MS takes a similar approach with WWF.

regards, tom.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread kukeltje

To be honest, I would not know how others do it, and the choice mad by jBPM is 
in my opinon certainly not the wrong one. One disadvantage is that I should 
never, never change the process outside the IDE, since it makes the gpd 
corrupt. That would not happen if it was in one file with namespaces uesd to 
differentiate between the purpose of the elements.

In other workflow products xpdl (as far as I can see) gets supported more and 
more. As is true for BPMN. As a matter of fact, we internally (at the company I 
work for during the day (like now, answering this question) came to the 
conclusion that the BPMN notation with the ability to add additional info to 
nodes, like documents needed etc, fits hour needs more then fine. Timeouts, 
'cancellations' are in there, and I think it is not that far of the jBPM GPD. 
We are looking at Enterprise Architect from Sparxsystems for requirements 
capturing, uml desing, AND bpmn notation. 

I'm all in favour of using jpdl as the processdefinition and the GPD as the 
technical process designer. So XPDL is not an issue for me, since I do not care 
about portability at that level. Desiging a new process when moving from e.g. 
Staffware/Tibco to jBPM (which I still hope I can pull off) is less difficult 
than the issues on the integration level (until jbi comes in). Besides that, I 
agree the business should be (partially) in control of the graphics. But imo 
bpmn is a very nice notation. The ui of the GPD is not that much off (if you do 
not count the looks)

Now since we are talking about the number of xml files, I'm realy surprised to 
see the page being introduced in jpdl. There was this nice separation between 
processflow and pageflow. One guy working on the process and one one the 
pageflow, each with their own editor. We choose jsf for the latter, which suits 
our needs realy fine.  I have no clue how this separation will be done when the 
pageflow is in the jpdl. I kind of get a flasback of the designer (html) and 
coder (scripting) both working in jsp pages. 

For me jbpm is the controler of the businesslogic/process and jsf pageflow is 
the controler of the frontend. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread brittm
The trend in BPM among big vendors is to leverge a BPM engine (such as a BPEL 
one) and a rules engine together as a foundation for everything in their 
middleware suite--much of which does not entail human interaction.  I just 
returned from a meeting with Oracle (read sales pitch) in San Francisco last 
week at which this was precisely their message.  

In such an environment processes will be worked on by analysts and back-end 
developers, while front ends will be built by other individuals.  You wouldn't 
want a core process def deployed every time a GUI developer wants to move 
something around.  There is a genuine need to keep presentation specific data 
out of the core process def in the work flow world just as you would want to 
keep your presentation logic separate from business logic in any other 
multi-tiered application.  Anything else would be limiting your solution to 
very specific use cases, and any solution that makes a policy of muddying the 
separation of concerns will not scale across the enterprise, regardless of 
whether the solution is an open standard or not.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread kukeltje

So you've heard about oracle fusion. What is your opinion on it? I've heard 
others call it a frankenstein architecture. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread brittm
Here is a scenario that may lend to the discussion--

A good sized business process is broken out into many sub-processes, and the 
entire process is handled in two tiers.  The first tier is handled primarily 
by a business analyst, and is responsible for overall orchestration of second 
tier processes.  Second tier processes may involve various integrations or 
complicated transformations, etc. and are worked primarily by developers.

A second tier process may involve a complicated user interaction.  Should the 
same process engine that is responsible for orchestrating the entire parent 
process also be the flow engine behind the flow of the UI, or should the 
developer use some other web framework to define screen flow?  The trend is 
toward one core engine being used for all kinds of flow.

By properly defining sub-processes, separation of concerns can be accomplished 
as a matter of policy and tooling.  If a process definition language can do it 
all, it is simply important that best practices be defined to help ensure 
the success of users and fend off criticism.

Yes, I know it looks like this post conflicts with my previous one, but hey, 
I'm thinking out loud. ;-)


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread kukeltje
brittm wrote : The trend is toward one core engine being used for all kinds 
of flow. 

This is not what I heard from some big players in this field. They tend to 
separate concerns but at the same time do not switch to standards for at least 
the ui frontend (unfortunately I cannot comment in detail due to some stupid 

This kind of corresponds to our own experience, where the reuse of a subprocess 
(not jBPM :-( ) required a completely different pageflow.  Even if it is one 
person doing them both, separation of roles/concerns should still take place.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread brittm

Well, they did a pretty good job of presenting it.  Sure, they're combining 
lots of open standards and open source libraries; however, that will probably 
be their strong point within a year or two.  They are emphasizing tight 
integration and tooling of lots of standard commodity components.  No, 
everything isn't perfect today, but what I saw had more to do with what they'll 
be releasing in 10.1.3 later this year as well as what should be included in 
11g.  I think they're going in the right direction and will do well with it. 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread brittm
RE: Oracle...

That doesn't mean I think Oracle's work flow solution is a particularly strong 
option right now.  This is an analysis I wrote after we got back from San 
Francisco last week...maybe it will help someone here with a decision...

Oracle appears to be pushing their software solutions in all the right 
directions, with software that is extensible, compliant with open standards, 
and reasonably modular.  The company's seemingly ubiquitous push toward open 
standards and it's contributions to those standards shows a mature 
understanding of the present and near term future of durable software 

We saw quite a few software solutions Thursday in San Francisco that any 
Oracle-running shop would (and should) be eager to put into production, such as 
their Enterprise Service Bus for lending some management to a company's web 
service portfolio, etc.  However, with Business Process Management (BPM) as a 
key topic, it is worth putting some analysis in to that area of their offerings.

Oracle's current work flow solution is primarily (and for the time being, 
almost exclusively) a BPEL engine.  To paraphrase one of Oracle's developers on 
Friday, the Business Process Execution Language (currently in version 1.1 and 
also in the 2.0 draft) is an orchestration language that internally has made no 
real provision for handling human tasks.  While Oracle developers have taken a 
step to address this limitation in BPEL by creating a custom web service 
component that wraps some user-assignable functionality, an effective 
enterprise-wide work flow solution must offer a complete set of features for 
managing human tasks.  Two task management features missing from Oracle's near 
term solution are swimlane assignment of tasks and separate work group 
assignment for tasks (in which task ownership is simultaneously composed of 
both user and work group information).   

For those who may not be familiar with swimlanes and work group assignment as 
mentioned in this context, please consider the following two examples:

Swimlane assignment:  NTC generates a large portion of it's revenue by the 
renewal of existing commercial contracts.  Securing a renewal is a 
predominately human process in which a representative assigned to a particular 
customer may contact the customer several times over a period of months, 
attempting to both secure a renewal of the contract as well as up-sell 
services, maybe having to offer discounts or appease some dissatisfaction along 
the way.  Once a representative has begun working on a particular renewal, it 
is generally important that that same representative be subsequently assigned 
to every customer contact task that follows in that process instance.  It is 
also generally important that if a particular customer renewal is reassigned to 
a different rep for some reason, that the new rep be automatically associated 
with all further tasks.  In this described case (and given a swimlane 
implementation) all human contact tasks in the process form a 'Rep' swimlane, 
and each newly created task instance belonging to the Rep swimlane will be 
automatically assigned to the individual user currently associated with the 
swimlane.  At some point, the swimlane (or role) within the process instance 
can be associated with a different user, and subsequent tasks in that swimlane 
will be automatically assigned to that new user.

Work group association:  consider that a particular trouble ticket task is 
associated with a 'Ticket Pool' from which members of the Customer Care group 
claim tasks.  A user named Bill claims a task out of the pool but does not 
perform the task for some reason, and the ticket must revert back to the pool.  
If our system supports separate work group assignment, our task contains 
assignment data related to both the current actor (Bill) and it's governing 
work group (the Ticket Pool); consequently, simply disassociating Bill from the 
task allows the system to see this task as being back in the Ticket Pool.  If 
we didn't have both user and group data simultaneously associated with the 
task, the system wouldn't know to which pool to return the task.  We could not 
determine this simply by referencing to which pool Bill belongs, because Bill 
may work out of more than one pool.   

Naturally, each work flow feature, like those listed above, not found in a 
particular commercial package adds to the amount of in-house development 
required to be layered on top of the package.  In addition, information like 
swimlane/task association which should arguably be developed (and stored) as 
part of the process definition, must be developed and stored apart from the 
package's core definitions.  Of course, if the the commercial package is 
upgraded, those in-house extensions/customizations must keep pace.  

Oracle's product will likely make up the difference in features at some point 
in the future, but ...stuff probably covered by some NDA somewhere


[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is a difference between one engine being used for all kinds of flow and 
one language to do it all. All kinds of flow boil down to a state machine and 
context associated with each instance traversing it. Yet the widely varying 
environment in which each flow operates fully justifies the use of different 

In your example I'd feel tempted to use BPEL in the first tier since 1) all the 
actors are systems, 2) subprocesses lend themselves well to be exposed as 
services and 3) the design discussions at this level will be more intense, and 
the fact it is a standard helps establish a common foundation. I'm not 
completely sure, tough, because XML schema types, WSDL definitions and 
structured constructs aren't in the vocabulary of business analysts.

For the second case 'd go for something closer to my development environment, 
to ease the integration and transformation tasks, and with built-in support for 
human involvement.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread brittm
That's a good point about multiple languages executing on th same engine.  Of 
course, once a CIO starts thinking of something as a 'BPM solution, it's not 
always easy to convince them that we should be using two different process 
definition languages instead of just one.
anonymous wrote : XML schema types, WSDL definitions and structured constructs 
aren't in the vocabulary of business analysts.Indeed, with BPEL a developer 
would have to provide partner services (dealing with all the WSDL stuff, etc.) 
for use in the parent process by the analyst; and actually, the analyst would 
still need to become a bit more technical.   

It might also be difficult to rule out any need for a simple user interaction 
or two in the parent process--at which point it becomes difficult for BPEL to 
make the grade.  With BPEL as the parent process definition lanquage, all human 
tasks would need to be relagated to a sub-process (of some sort), even the 
simplest ones.  Oracle's BPEL product exemplifies this by supplying a pre-built 
web service that handles human tasks.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We keep looking at BPMN and the other notations, but I still feel a mismatch. 
There should be a more natural mechanism to show or hide (technical) details 
that is not yet provided by BPMN. 
Besides that, BPMN provides an executional model that is not completely aligned 
to the JBPM model. 

There is still some work to do...


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-13 Thread kukeltje
The moment jPDL was developed, XPDL was not a widely accepted standard. And 
even up to now many other companies use an import facility to load an existing 
xpdl. If you then manipulate it and save sorry export it again in XPDL, you 
loose many of the work you did in the designers of these companies. 

So yes, jpdl is proprietary, but also very extensible, as opposed to other 
systems proprietary standards. 

There are differences between xpdl and jdpl and if someone could draw them up 
(on the xml level), we'd be happy to comment on it to a certain extend and 
maybe help with an xslt or so for conversion.

We have no idea how many companies did not start using jBPM because of the 
proprietary nature of jPDL. We (I) certainly have not heard of one, so it might 
be that there is no problem at all ;-) and thus no impact. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is a shallow comparison between jPDL and XPDL in this topic: 
Apart from that, XPDL embeds UI data such as node coordinates and sizes in the 
process definition. I think that's a bad design decision, but anyway. This and 
other features in XPDL make me feel an XSL transformation wouldn't be enough. 
It could be a good start, tough...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-13 Thread kukeltje
I do not neccesarily think combining the info in one file is bad design. There 
is lots of duplication between the jpdl and gpd file. Getting things to 
fragmented and split over multiple files is also not to great... but anyway 

If I find the time somewhere (maybe in 2007) I'll have a quick look again at 
xpdl (it has been a long time since I've used it a little)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know what you mean. J2EE deployment descriptors are a perfect example of how 
bad things can get. However, UI-related data in a business process makes it 
less readable, as they are irrelevant to the business logic. Of course, if you 
assume that most of the time you'll be looking at the graphical view and regard 
the document as an interchange format, then merging all details in a single 
file makes complete sense. IMO this is a matter of the intention of the text 

I know jBPM 1.0 used a single file. What's the approach taken by other workflow 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Why JBPM does not use XPDL

2005-12-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It all depends what you understand under the nomer 'proprietary'. The fact that 
XPDL originates from the WfMC and that there is a (small) number of products 
using it, does not make it a widespread standard. And if it is not a widespread 
standard, I would also call it proprietary. BPMN has as many claims to be 
called a 'standard' as XPDL. 
I am not saying I would be able to convince your management on this one, but I 
think you should certainly mention the enormous fragmentation with at least 
five 'standard' notations in the workspace/bpm space. So at this moment there 
is no clear agreement on standards and in such a situation I think you should 
pick whatever you feel most comfortable with. 

My 2 cents,

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