Re: [jdev] MS + XMPP

2009-10-04 Thread Jehan


that's nice, but from what I understand, this is only through the use
of their gateway, which itself needs Office Communication server, and in
the end of the requirements Office Communicator (client). Office
Communication if some kind of company's private MSN server, if I
understand... So this is only for use in a corporate environment, very
specific use, and there is still no communication between a common MSN
id (with the "common user" MSN client) and a JID (and interoperability,
even less). Am I wrong? I don't know very well MSN technologies.

If not, this is still very limited, but at least it means that
Microsoft begins to consider the XMPP protocol, thus maybe do they have
other related projects under work. Who knows: they may announce in a few
monthes that they decided to go for the standard. It would be awesome.
:-D (Am I dreaming awake? :p)
Someday real IM interoperability may exist!

Note also that what stroke me is sadly that first all these press
release infos differentiate Gtalk from XMPP, second that they associate
XMPP to Cisco. Ok I know that it is typical "corporate" announcement (at
least it looks better for people who don't see further than their
nose... For me, reaching an approved Internet standard would be far more
corporate, or rather far more serious), but even though I got used to
read this kind of association, I still jump off the desktop every time I
read these simplifications.
Anyway good point. Let's see in the future now. :-)



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[jdev] out of scope: Quakelive would use XMPP

2009-01-09 Thread Jehan

Hi all,

I don't know exactly where to post this info, so sorry because it is a
little out of scope in jdev. But I am forwarding a message read from a
Linux community french website:

Apparently the QuakeLive game ( )
would use XMPP as the guy reported that during a game launch, he can
read "Waiting on XMPP Authentication". Then he could find this email
from an idsoftware dev which seems to corroborate the XMPP hypothesis:

Now even games from big companies are using XMPP! Nice, isn't it?



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Re: [jdev] New to Jabber

2008-12-29 Thread Jehan


this list is for development discussion. This is rather used by
developpers of the XMPP servers, clients and others. If you want help on
installation/administration and maybe feedbacks from other organisations
having already installed XMPP related services, I guess one of these two
lists must be better:

- operators:
- jadmin:




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Re: [jdev] Firefox plugin for bookmarks through XMPP

2008-12-13 Thread Jehan


Norman Rasmussen;5588 Wrote: 
> Can you not delegate connecting to the server via Sameplace?   That
> way
> either the user configures the resource to -1 to not receive messages,
> or to
> a positive value, and expects to receive messages - which Sameplace can
> then
> display.
> -- 
> - Norman Rasmussen

Yes I could do something like this but it would fix the issue only for
people using sameplace! And I don't want to force people to use it. My
plugin is made to work with the xmpp4moz library only, and sameplace is
not one of its dependency.
Anyway I just saw by coming back home that the xmpp4moz developper has
just answered to my bug report and said it is already fixed in the
current branch:

So now we just have to wait for the next release of xmpp4moz plugin,
then my plugin should not be any risk for losing messages... unless a
client send a text message to the specific xbookmarks resource.
Fortunately in my few tests until now, I have not encountered the case
(tested only with Gajim and Pidgin though) and if you see this, just
tell the client's developpers so that they fix this behaviour.



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[jdev] Firefox plugin for bookmarks through XMPP

2008-12-13 Thread Jehan


I have begun a small plugin for Firefox which enables to store one's
bookmarks on pubsub nodes (XEP-0048):

Note that it requires the library xmpp4moz (which is also a Fx plugin)
to work. Currently the plugin works if you have an account on a ejabberd
server at least. I could not on Tigase or Openfire. I think I may know
why but I must do further tests first. So if you have a
account, it will work for instance.

The add-on is still basic, but the XEP is as well. Currently you can
"only" store your bookmarks all in the same level (no category/tag,
etc.). Still it is working:

- Once installed, through the add-on page, you click "Preference" to
configure with your JID.

- Once configured, on any page, you will have a button (yes I know,
there should be a menu item, but I made temporarily to work around a
Firefox bug. I will improve this later) on the context menu (click right
on any page) and a small icon representing a bookmark (with the XMPP
logo) on the right of the status-bar. You can click right on this icon
as well to get the same menu. The number on the right of the icon is the
number of saved bookmarks.

- Then from this menu, you will be able to "connect". (note that this
is only the first time. But once the plugin is configured, it will
connect automatically at each run of Fx).

- Once connected, the contextual menu will be different. You will have
the possibility to "bookmark this page (XMPP)". If you don't have this
menu item, then it means that you are not well connected. Check your JID
By clicking it, the default page title will be displayed in a dialog
box and propose to change it before saving.

- Each time you add a bookmark, it will be added to the same menu. You
will have then 3 possible actions with your mouse:
* left click: it opens the bookmark in the current tab;
* middle: it opens in a new tab;
* right: it opens a dialog box giving the possibility to rename the
bookmark or to delete it.


To be improved:

- I want to add a category/group system for storing bookmarks into
- I want to add a tag system (different from group. You can give tags
like "important", "to read", etc.).
- I would like to add a "comments" system to make further (and longer
that the title) comments on a bookmark.
- I would like to propose a system for sharing bookmarks, read-only, or
else by enabling several users to add bookmarks (white list, roster
groups, etc.), by using the right system of pubsub.
- Gestion of several separated bookmarks (which may have differents
rights, some shared, some private, etc. for instance) for the same JID.

For these 5 items in particular, I think the XEP could be improved
because it is just too basic. So I will propose some changes. If anyone
wants to propose what is nice in shared bookmarks, don't hesitate...

- Related to Firefox, as you have noticed, I am using a completely
separated bookmark system than the core one. Yet the development part is
not so complicated (Fx has a good API to interface with its bookmarks).
There are several reasons to this:
* One of them is that if ever you can use Fx but cannot connect to your
Jabber server, then it could cause a synchronisation issue. And dealing
with this can be complicated.
* Another is that this plugin is stocking no bookmark information on
the client side. Everything is on the server only and just temporary
displayed in the browser. I like this idea (like you can be on another
computer with the plugin and just set your jid to have your bookmarks a
few minutes. Then you remove your jid and it is erased). Using the Fx
bookmarks API would really complicate this.
So this is to be thought of...

And finally there is only one problem with this plugin. Because of a
bug in xmpp4moz apparently (I reported and wait for developpers'
validation/fix or a solution), on connection a presence stanza is sent.
I send immediately another with a negative presence so that the plugin
should never receive any message (which would be lost). But in the few
microseconds between the 2 sent presences, if you had offline messages
and no other XMPP chat client opened, I fear the server would forward
them to the plugin.

Note that it has been tested otherwise that during the normal run of
the plugin, when someone send a message to you, the server (at least
ejabberd) does not forward the message to the plugin, as expected with a
negative priority. It waits for another client to connect.
Hence I just need this automatic and unrequested presence stanza not
being sent and it will be "secure" (for not losing info)!



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Re: [jdev] Worldwide event for the 10th birthday of XMPP

2008-11-17 Thread Jehan

Sander Devrieze;5042 Wrote: 
> What about using the Coccinella whiteboard to show the slides in
> real-time both to people on the Internet, and at the same time to
> people  IRL using a big white screen and a projector. Or you can
> screens can put outside the building when there are not enough seats
> during stpeter's talk ;-) Warning: this setup may not be scalable
> enough with stpeter's 500 slides! :D

That's a very good idea. That's the kind of stuff I was proposing in my
last email on this topic on the Standards ml...



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Re: [jdev] Worldwide event for the 10th birthday of XMPP

2008-11-17 Thread Jehan

Peter Saint-Andre;5036 Wrote: 
> Do we need to have one IRL meeting in one place? Jabber is an Internet
> protocol, why not have an online event? I like Jack's idea of an "open
> day" or "open week" Ã* la Ubuntu Open Week.


yes but why not both? I think it is nice also to have a physical event
which is featured with a online event in the same time.

> Perhaps a groupchat would be helpful to discuss?

We are currently discussion about this with Florian and Nyco on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . If anyone wants to join...



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Re: [jdev] Worldwide event for the 10th birthday of XMPP

2008-11-17 Thread Jehan


Florian Jensen;5030 Wrote: 
> I would love to do something.
> I'll be in Brussels over Christmas (including 4th Jan.) and I would be 
> happy to join you guys in Paris.
> If there's a market for an event in Brussels, I'll be glad to help.
> But personally I think we should have 1 event for Europe. Otherwise it 
> gets too spread. And Paris sounds nice.
> Greets,
> Florian Jensen

I personnaly quite agree. I think this would not be as efficient to
have many small event that a big event (or 3/4 because world is big,
like in USA, Asia, or even eastern Europ, etc.).
But if people want to organize one event in their own place, I won't
stop them of course. ;-)

Anyway if you want to come help us in Paris, this is great. And as a
big XMPP user in the professional world, a speech from you can be great



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[jdev] Worldwide event for the 10th birthday of XMPP

2008-11-17 Thread Jehan


I copy this message sent to the Standards list because Matthew Wild
told jdev would be better, maybe, and because I don't have much answer.
Here is the discussion:

As it has been mentionned in some place (among others, here: ), the 4th of
january 2009 will be the 10th birthday of XMPP. I thought it could be a
good occasion to organize an event to advertise this protocol. Some wide
event, both technical but also generalist would be a good thing, in my
opinion. After discussion with some people about this, we conclude that
it could be even worldwide (not obligatory exactly at the same time), in
different places all over several countries.

For my own, for France, I (with the help of anyone wishing to) would be
ready to organize one in Paris, not only because it is the capitale of
France, but also because I live there. Of course for this to be very
interesting and a success, I think that having the help from people from
the community but also from the XSF is mandatory. Indeed I think this is
worth it only if it is an important event...

So first of all, before going further, what do people here think of
this idea?



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Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-04-01 Thread Jehan


there is a dependency for the SASL authentication: Auth_SASL PEAR module 
("pear install Auth_SASL" or install with your distribution's package 
manager). If you don't have it and don't have the right to install it, 
it is not possible to use because this is the only authentication system 
I implemented currently (And only the Digest-MD5 mechanism, I may try to 
implement others later).

I am leaving in 2 hours by now! :-)


Florian Jensen a écrit :


I tried to install it, but got the following error upon activating it.

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a *fatal error*.

*Warning*: require_once(Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php) [function.require-once 
<>]: failed to 
open stream: No such file or directory in 
on line *23*

*Fatal error*: require_once() [function.require 
<>]: Failed opening 
required 'Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php' (include_path='.:.:.:.:') in 
on line *23*


Florian Jensen

Jehan wrote:

Hello all,

just to say that the first version of the code is available. It is 
working, yet basically, but it is working. I will improve it soon, but 
not before 2 weeks because I am leaving in a few hours in holidays.

See you then! I will probably unsubscribe from this ml the time of my 
holidays and will subscribe back in 2 weeks because I don't want my 
mailbox being overflowed by emails! :-/



Nick Vidal a écrit :
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Jehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

So for a blog-like node, you can subscribe to the node but configure
your subscription so that you only receive items with specific tags.

Hi Jehan,

ISS has some ideas on this regard:

Best regards,

Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-31 Thread Jehan

Hello all,

just to say that the first version of the code is available. It is 
working, yet basically, but it is working. I will improve it soon, but 
not before 2 weeks because I am leaving in a few hours in holidays.

See you then! I will probably unsubscribe from this ml the time of my 
holidays and will subscribe back in 2 weeks because I don't want my 
mailbox being overflowed by emails! :-/



Nick Vidal a écrit :
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Jehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

So for a blog-like node, you can subscribe to the node but configure
your subscription so that you only receive items with specific tags.

Hi Jehan,

ISS has some ideas on this regard:

Best regards,

Re: [jdev] what would you think of this as an SoC project?

2008-03-27 Thread jehan

for info, what do you mean by "analyse chat conversations"? Statistics 
analysis? Or intelligent analysis of the content (so an AI project)? 

By the way, about IM logs, I often thought that it would be nice to be able 
to store your chat history on servers. Indeed I often want to retrieve some 
conversation but I am not always on the same place, the same computer or 
simply I use different clients for tests (so even on the same computer I get 
lost to "where" is this interesting discussion I had with someone). 
Sometimes also I have to use clients with no log support, or I don't want to 
store them locally though I don't want them lost. 

In fact, it would be to XMPP what IMAP is to the emails and enable to 
separate the content (chat history) from the reader (Jabber client), though 
they will still have to process the data for displaying, search, etc. What 
do you think of this? 


Greg Wilson writes: 

Two grad students at U of Toronto have been working this term on a tool to 
analyze chat conversations (IRC, IM, etc.) and cluster messages into 
threads.  They presented their work this afternoon, and will be doing 
another presentation on April 9; I think it has promise, especially since 
they're using incremental algorithms that would be well-suited to 
real-time execution.  They're not going to carry on with it (they have 
thesis topics picked out, and this ain't it :-), but the long-term goal 
would be to build something that could plug into various clients, or be 
used to process logs. 

Would this make a good project for XMPP SoC?  It would require a student 
who already has some understanding of IR, clustering algorithms, and NLP, 
but it could help make large chat spaces more usable.  I'd be willing to 

Greg Wilson 

Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread Jehan


User Blogging feature wish:
* Twitter style blogging
* support for tags (so your contacts can opt to subscribe to only a
specific tag)
* clients will be able to provide a separate interface with history
* SoC 2009 project for integration with Wordpress B-)

Those sound like good features. Especially tagging.

yes the tag support is one of the feature which should definitely be 
added to the subscription configuration! Indeed they should be a good 
filter support on items.

So for a blog-like node, you can subscribe to the node but configure 
your subscription so that you only receive items with specific tags.

But you can imagine also other kind filters. Like on a selling website, 
I am looking for a garage close to my home. But I want it not to be too 
expensive and close to my place. So I could subscribe to a node which is 
feeded with all new selling announcement, but ask to be notified only by 
the items in my neighbourhood, and under a given price.

I think it would be good to be able to configure a node subscription 
with detailed filters...


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan

Moreover it is not just a bandwidth issue, but
the real added value of XMPP is the possibility to tune delivery
accordingly to presence or resources, thus tuning the feed to the
specific context use. 

Yes this is a great feature of the pubsub node. There is a configuration on 
both side. On the publishing side, the publisher/creator configure the 
default options of the node. On the subscriber side, you can either accept 
default options or choose your own (so if you do not want the payload, but 
just a notification for instance; or even if you don't want any notification 
at all, just subscribing to a service without being pinged, etc.). 

However each time you start using these features
you also have to give away little bits of your privacy. The good thing
about XMPP is that you always have control about about who you have in
your roster and,  if privacy in such services becomes a real problem
there could be technical solutions (e.g. a local pubsub service which
anonimously subscribes to remote nodes and relays them) 

That's a nice idea. This way you can subscribe without giving your real jid 
(the redirection is managed by your trusted server). And if the service 
tries to use a jid a bad way, it may enable to trace which pubsub service it 
was (if the service had generated some specific jid for each subscription 
for instance?). 


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan
Interesting project! Though it is more social networking than feed 
notification (or at least a mix of both). :-) 


Nick Vidal writes: 

Speaking of Psi and a half-baked IM client/feed-reader: 


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Norman Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:42 PM, jehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> Yes you are right, the mis-understanding here is that you want several
> programs dedicated and I want one program for all [...]

I think the point is that, yes, XMPP can be used for feeds/atom/pubsub,
but "Psi the IM application" is not meant to be a feed-reader.  If you want
to make an XMPP based feed-reader then you're more than welcome, but that's
not the focus of the Psi project.  The Psi project would rather focus on
making one kick-ass IM client, than a half-baked IM client/feed-reader. 

- Norman Rasmussen
- Home page:

Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan

Well, you're trying to fight pubsub spim, but that's only a very small
part of the picture. Once your jid is out in the open, it can be used
through any channel over XMPP (normal messages, ...). There are
efforts to fight spim in general, so I don't think taclking this very
specific case is very useful. 

The fact remains that it is still better to avoid spim than fight it,

I don't think unfortunately that a system which will completely avoid spam 
"a priori" exists. I mean, anyway you can be as careful as you want, unless 
you really never give your jid, it will finishes to be spread with the time. 
That's sad, but that's it. 

My postal mail box also is filled with spam every days and I don't see how 
to avoid it (I tried to glue some paper saying "no advertisement", but they 
still put some and the paper finally "disappears"). If ever some day you are 
disturbed in the phone by "jokers", maybe will you call your phone provider, 
police, or simply change your phone number...
Spammers exist everywhere, for every communication mean, and there is no 
real mean to stop them, else than stopping communicate (no postal box, no 
phone, no email, no Jabber). 

That's sad, but I don't see real way to prevent totally spam, whatever form 
it takes. 

And the case I proposed is not so specific. For instance, you can configure 
your roster (I remember it is somewhere in the rfc) to block some contact, 
or simply to only accept communication from people in your roster.
Of course if you do so, there is still a mean to be spammed: spammer will 
ask to be added to your roster; so you will be spammed by this kind of 
request maybe. Of course you can also block this, then you will be the only 
one able to initiate a roster add.
This is annoying but anyway there is no real way of stopping a spammer (you 
could do filter, but I don't like all these "intelligent" filters because 
they often do errors). Yet Jabber could propose some configuration of your 
nodes like this. 

and there's no real way to avoid it with a push system. The best you
can do AFAICT is to do things like introduce a third-party (e.g. your
own trusted server) to manage your subscriptions, and let it relay
everything, but that would just be moving the problem.

That's what I proposed. But no need to have your "own" server, just "A" 
trusted server (and to change it when you lose your trust in it). If it 
implements the basic security rules, then it should only send you messages 
the way you have configured your account (for instance reject any message 
outside my roster). 


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan

Again, I'm not contesting how useful XMPP/PubSub is for feeds, as
opposed to the pull that is currently used. I'm just questioning
putting the task of reading feeds in the same program as the one you
use to do IM. Apart from the fact that both consist of titles/bodies,
and can be carried accross XMPP, these are 2 completely different
tasks, and require completely different user interfaces for different
types of management (optionally tied together in one encompassing UI,
like a webpage or an MDI).

Yes you are right, the mis-understanding here is that you want several 
programs dedicated and I want one program for all (in fact, that's not what 
I want: I would want rather integration, I don't want to see again XMPP, as 
a simple user! :p). That's a complicated discussion because I think there is 
no "solution" because this is not a problem, just a question of viewpoint I 
guess. So let's stop this discussion for now. Maybe some other day. ;-) 

By the way, the most important disadvantage of push is probably
privacy: with push, you have to provide your contact address in order
to get notifications, which can be passed on, and depends on the
server to unsubscribe you from it. I wouldn't want to give my jid to
all the RSS feed sites I'm subscribed to. And personally, I think
privacy is a lot more worth than bandwidth. 

That's in fact a point I wanted to talk about with Peter Saint André. The 
difference with what you talk about and XMPP is that you subscribe to a 
Jabber server, not to the website itself. Yet the node owner can retrieve 
the subscription list or also he can simply be the one providing the Jabber 
server, that's true. 

But there is one point he cannot control: your own server provider that you 
are supposed to trust (and if you don't, change it). I think there should be 
some kind of "roster" for the pubsub subscriptions. Apparently there is no 
such thing in the XEP (but I may be wrong). So you could imagine a system 
(indeed there should be such a system) where your server keeps track of your 
own subscription (as well as it keeps track of your contact list). Hence if 
you receive notification from a node you have not subscribed (or you have 
unsubscribed since), I think your server should simply reject it and 
aknowledge the sending server (which should then unsubscribe you. And even 
if it is a spam server which will keep your jid, he won't be able to send 
you notifications) without disturbing you. 

What do you think of this? 


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan

GMail is an example of 2 different applications clearly separated into
one user interface, and integrating on some fronts. I don't have a
problem with that. My problem is if you start creating one giant
client that does everything, where you soon end up with a user
interface that is only mediocre at all tasks, and very confusing. 

I don't really agree. That's not like a program which does all and nothing, 
with too different tasks. As I said, for me they are related features and 
this can be done with a very simplistic and intuitive interface.
Of course, after this you have better developpers, better designers, and so 
better programs than other. 

I just spoke of gmail because this has some reputation currently and this 
enables to do many things which are very close to what could be done with 
Jabber, with the advantage that it is XMPP, so a decentralized network where 
you would choose your provider, though sharing some common clients (light 
web clients or heavy local ones). 

An IM client wouldn't publish the capability of reading feeds, and as
such would not get notifications. 

Ok for this, but currently do clients tell what are their features? I 
thought it was only the server which does it. And so the idea would be that 
when a client connects, it tells to the server "I can do this and this", 
hence a pubsub message would stay on the server as long as no client 
connects and tells it has this capacity? This is interesting. 

I don't think anyone is doubting that XMPP is more than an IM
protocol. The question is whether you should build an XMPP client that
implements *everything* you can do with XMPP. My opinion is that this
leads to bad, uninspired applications. The best applications are
focused on their task, and do it extremely well. 

I already gave my opinion above about this. I would just like to add 
thoughts in order to give weight to what Pedro Melo and Fabio Forno already 
said. XMPP has a specificity compared to what you suggest: it is a push 
system! This is something which gives the pubsub system for notification 
(for blog, website news, and so on) several very great advantages:

- realtime
- fabulous gain of bandwith: no need for a feed program anymore which 
connects to your website several times a day. Here it is replaced by a 
single connection by the website itself which will feed the node. And then 
it is up to the XMPP server to dispatch the notification to all subscribers. 
I remember some small blog which had to stop their RSS feeds because they 
had a small personnal server which had been completely loaded up by people's 
agregators trying to load news every 10 minutes. This could not happen with 
xmpp pubsub. 

This cannot be compared to current feed system because this work very 
differently. This is not something you check regularly. This is just a 
system where you are simply connected on the net without thinking of this 
and then you get notified about things you like and you wanted to be 
notified! The difference is that you don't need to take care anymore of 
this. You don't have to run specifically a program for following news: they 
come to you. For me this is another way of doing. 

For my own I use a little feeds, but I don't like it so much. I don't like 
to go and check my feed program.
Moreover even for IM features, I am not really fond of the current systems 
of a IM dedicated program with this list window which stays always opened. I 
think Jabber client can be so much more, and this passes through the step 
"more integrated". 

After this, let's imagine many other advantages. You could imagine that at 
the opposite, you can publish from your Jabber client on your blog, by 
simply publishing to the node with a publisher login (and this would push on 
your blog bot which is a Jabber client).
And pubsub is not only notification. With this, you can imagine an 
implementation of "Jabber mailing list" where every subscriber has also the 
right to publish. So you just publish on the node and everyone receives 
(this is not like a muc chatroom, because you don't have the presence).
And for all this, I don't want to have 10 different programs, because for me 
it is the same thing: sending and receiving messages which matters (I 
subscribed to them). 

Your turn to speak. ;-) 


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-25 Thread jehan

in my own opinion, I don't see notification so different. At the opposite, I 
think IM and notification are related and I far prefer to have all in a 
single program.
Let's imagine a world where XMPP is very extended and used. I would travel a 
lot and then arrive in a Cyber-Café on a public computer. Then I would 
simply login to my Jabber account through a web-based interface (for 
instance, like gmail), or some installed Jabber client on this public 
machine. And with a single login, I would have access to my contacts, my 
adress book, my calendar, my bookmarks (as well web than Jabber bookmarks), 
my notification, etc. Then I travel with my own environment easily. 

Moreover if you had a separate program just for notification, how would the 
server knows which of your IM software or your feed software to notify? I 
think not remember you can precise a specific resource to notify. The server 
simply redirects the notification to one of the connected resources like the 
normal protocol of IM (so if your feed reader is not connected, you will get 
the notification on your IM client as soon as you connect, and then you 
would lose a notification without knowing it?!).
Then the best mean to avoid this case is to have another account dedicated 
to the feeds, but then I think this is really a drawback to "have to" do so. 
And you remove one of the advantages of XMPP (and for my scenario above, 
then you lose all the advantages). 

For me, XMPP is far more than "just" an IM protocol. Or more than "separate 
things" to do in separate programs. I think this is a powerful protocol if 
you can do so many things you can imagine with just a single login. 


[ISO-8859-1] Remko Tron�on writes: 

 Apparently Psi does not know what to do when he receives the
 message from the pubsub node.

Yes, it does know what to do with pubsub messages: ignore them, unless
they publish to a namespace that is known how to display it in the UI
(tunes, mood, avatar). Adding support for new namespaces easy; knowing
how to display this namespace, however, is not. Personally, I have
always thought that reading RSS feeds/blog posts in an IM client is
like forcing a round peg through a square hole. No matter how much I
like my IM client, there are much better tools for doing this. But
many people disagree. 

This opinion on IM clients aside, I think publishing wordpress blogs
to pubsub nodes is cool. Maybe someone should create a dedicated XMPP
client for reading feeds (either web-based or desktop), or add XMPP
support to a good existing RSS reader. I don't really know of anything
better than Google Reader, so it would be very nice to have something
like that in a free version doing XMPP pubsub. A GSOC plugin could
look into the different aspects of reading and publishing (atom) feeds
in general would be worthwile i think. 


Re: [jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-24 Thread Jehan


for further details, I tried it out with the last svn versions of Psi 
and Gajim.

The last psi version does not change anything. I can see the 
notification arriving to the client when I open the xml console, but 
nothing happens in the interface. No moving icon, no popping-up 
message... Apparently Psi does not know what to do when he receives the 
message from the pubsub node.

In last svn version of gajim though, there is improvement. When I 
receive the pubsub message, there is a small pop-up, but it shows only 
the title.

I will make further tests and investigations. Maybe something could be 
done because pubsub is a nice feature, but it is extremely flawed in all 
implementations (even gajim).


Peter Saint-Andre a écrit :

Jehan wrote:


I just write to this mailing list after having spoken with the Gajim
devs. They told me that the development of a plugin for wordpress has
been proposed for the GSOC this year. And as I have finished today to
develop one, they adviced me to tell this here. So I subscribed to this
ml tell it.
Sorry if some guy wanted to propose such a project in the GSOC.

My source code should be available this week probably. I just want to
improve some details first, and I will publish it on the plugin website
of Wordpress under GPL (GPL 3 probably). For now, it just publishes a
post to a xmpp node when you publish it on your blog (and I am also
currently adding the publication to a node for comments).

Cool. Let us know when it's available so we can test it out.

But the only remaining (but BIG) issue is that... I just discovered that
no client has a real support for pubsub nodes (at least, nor Gajim or
Psi, the most advanced Jabber client I think)!!! With Psi, you can
navigate through the nodes, but the "subscribe" command stays always
greyed. And Gajim can subscribe only to root nodes... :-/
Moreover I could see in the xml console of both client that they well
receive the notification (so my plugin is working), but nothing happens
in the roster, nor any message appearing. That's why I was on the Gajim
conference room, to ask for details of their implementation. :-/

Maybe I will try to add such support on Gajim or Psi?.. Because I am sad
that my plugin is useless! :p

What versions of Gajim and Psi are you using?

So see you!
And sorry again for removing a gsoc project (unless you want to have 2
same plugins, but the mine will be good, I assure you! :p).

Heh. Well, there's no harm in two implementations, but I agree that it
does make sense not to duplicate efforts unless needed.


[jdev] Wordpress plugin

2008-03-24 Thread Jehan


I just write to this mailing list after having spoken with the Gajim 
devs. They told me that the development of a plugin for wordpress has 
been proposed for the GSOC this year. And as I have finished today to 
develop one, they adviced me to tell this here. So I subscribed to this 
ml tell it.

Sorry if some guy wanted to propose such a project in the GSOC.

My source code should be available this week probably. I just want to 
improve some details first, and I will publish it on the plugin website 
of Wordpress under GPL (GPL 3 probably). For now, it just publishes a 
post to a xmpp node when you publish it on your blog (and I am also 
currently adding the publication to a node for comments).

But the only remaining (but BIG) issue is that... I just discovered that 
no client has a real support for pubsub nodes (at least, nor Gajim or 
Psi, the most advanced Jabber client I think)!!! With Psi, you can 
navigate through the nodes, but the "subscribe" command stays always 
greyed. And Gajim can subscribe only to root nodes... :-/
Moreover I could see in the xml console of both client that they well 
receive the notification (so my plugin is working), but nothing happens 
in the roster, nor any message appearing. That's why I was on the Gajim 
conference room, to ask for details of their implementation. :-/

Maybe I will try to add such support on Gajim or Psi?.. Because I am sad 
that my plugin is useless! :p

So see you!
And sorry again for removing a gsoc project (unless you want to have 2 
same plugins, but the mine will be good, I assure you! :p).
