
for further details, I tried it out with the last svn versions of Psi and Gajim.

The last psi version does not change anything. I can see the notification arriving to the client when I open the xml console, but nothing happens in the interface. No moving icon, no popping-up message... Apparently Psi does not know what to do when he receives the message from the pubsub node.

In last svn version of gajim though, there is improvement. When I receive the pubsub message, there is a small pop-up, but it shows only the title.

I will make further tests and investigations. Maybe something could be done because pubsub is a nice feature, but it is extremely flawed in all implementations (even gajim).


Peter Saint-Andre a écrit :
Jehan wrote:

I just write to this mailing list after having spoken with the Gajim
devs. They told me that the development of a plugin for wordpress has
been proposed for the GSOC this year. And as I have finished today to
develop one, they adviced me to tell this here. So I subscribed to this
ml tell it.
Sorry if some guy wanted to propose such a project in the GSOC.

My source code should be available this week probably. I just want to
improve some details first, and I will publish it on the plugin website
of Wordpress under GPL (GPL 3 probably). For now, it just publishes a
post to a xmpp node when you publish it on your blog (and I am also
currently adding the publication to a node for comments).

Cool. Let us know when it's available so we can test it out.

But the only remaining (but BIG) issue is that... I just discovered that
no client has a real support for pubsub nodes (at least, nor Gajim or
Psi, the most advanced Jabber client I think)!!! With Psi, you can
navigate through the nodes, but the "subscribe" command stays always
greyed. And Gajim can subscribe only to root nodes... :-/
Moreover I could see in the xml console of both client that they well
receive the notification (so my plugin is working), but nothing happens
in the roster, nor any message appearing. That's why I was on the Gajim
conference room, to ask for details of their implementation. :-/

Maybe I will try to add such support on Gajim or Psi?.. Because I am sad
that my plugin is useless! :p

What versions of Gajim and Psi are you using?

So see you!
And sorry again for removing a gsoc project (unless you want to have 2
same plugins, but the mine will be good, I assure you! :p).

Heh. Well, there's no harm in two implementations, but I agree that it
does make sense not to duplicate efforts unless needed.


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