Not understanding how input parameters are supported by Blue Ocean for multi branch

2017-11-28 Thread itchymuzzle
I have a Jenkinsfile, which includes this:

parameters {
string(name: 'Stack', defaultValue: 'DEV', description: 'For which 
environment is this?')
string(name: 'Version', defaultValue: '3.2.0-beta.0', description: 'What is 
the release version?')

And works great, running it in the "regular" Jenkins UI.  Get a popup 
window and everything.  Even for multi branch projects/jobs.  

But when I use the Blue Ocean interface for the multi branch job, no popup 
window.  The default values are just used.  Am I not understanding some 
thing here?  


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Re: Starting Jenkins slave as Windows service

2017-11-28 Thread itchymuzzle
Go to Jenkins server, select the node you have defined for this Windows 
instance.  It will give you the command you need to run, on the command 

Test that that works on the command line, then figure our how to get 
procron to do that for you.  

The command will look something like this (use google for other examples): 

"java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl 
 -secret long-unique-number"

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Re: Starting Jenkins slave as Windows service

2017-11-28 Thread itchymuzzle
Not clear what command you used.

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Re: How can I create Pipeline with TestNG? I am creating scripts using Selenium(Java) and TestNG.

2017-11-28 Thread itchymuzzle
What do you already have setup and working?  Jenkins server, and a node?  
Jenkinsfile in place?  ...

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Re: trouble with Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin

2017-11-21 Thread itchymuzzle
Not an answer to your question, but to get to your issue you must have 
gotten past the one I am having.  Can you take a look at my question? 

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Re: Existing credentials are not available for multi-branch jobs

2017-11-21 Thread itchymuzzle
> Suck it and see...

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Re: Existing credentials are not available for multi-branch jobs

2017-11-21 Thread itchymuzzle
Looking at the documentation []

It doesn't mention what permissions to select when creating an app 

It also says there are two credentials needed, one for scan and another for 
checkout.  And their screen shot shows that.  But that appears to be out of 
date.  I have the latest version of the plugin and it is only is asking for 
one credential.


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Re: Existing credentials are not available for multi-branch jobs

2017-11-21 Thread itchymuzzle
Attempting to use username and app password I get the error.

 Could not find: 

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Re: Existing credentials are not available for multi-branch jobs

2017-11-21 Thread itchymuzzle
Ok, so attempting with my username and password I this message.  It appears 
under the Repo Name drop-down, and there are no selections in the 
drop-down.  I have admin permissions on this account.  

The selected credentials do not have permission to determine whether 
 does ordoes not exist.

And ya, there is no space in "ordoes".  

Atlassian does this thing where I login using my Google password.  Not sure 
it that could be confusing things.

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Existing credentials are not available for multi-branch jobs

2017-11-20 Thread itchymuzzle

Don’t understand, do I need to create new ones? 


When creating pipeline job all the credentials which I have, are available 
to use.   The one named “git” in the screen shot is the one for Bitbucket.

But when I create a multi-branch project there are no credentials offered 
in the drop-down.  



Jenkins v2.79 AWS EC2 Linux instances for both master and node, Bitbucket 
for Git


I tried asking this question a couple of weeks ago here, but got myself off 
track so starting over. 



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Re: Jenkins Workspace is not getting updated after the changing a blue ocean pipe line.

2017-11-13 Thread itchymuzzle
Did you try and just create a new job?  Delete the one you have, and try 

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Re: Jenkinsfile and its complete properties list

2017-11-13 Thread itchymuzzle
If you use Github or Bitbucket there are plugins for each of those. 

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Re: Jenkins pipeline editor

2017-11-10 Thread itchymuzzle

> Does 
> help? 

Yes, and no.  I get hung up with IDEA, and being able to create new 
projects.  I already have the code set up as a java project, and just kept 
going around in circles trying to get it recognized as a groovy project.  I 
can only spend some much time on each item, before I just need to move on 
to the next thing I am supposed to be working on.  Thanks.

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Re: Link to "Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean" in Plugin Manager doesn't work

2017-11-10 Thread itchymuzzle


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Re: Jenkins pipeline editor

2017-11-10 Thread itchymuzzle
> I don't have a license
IntelliJ IDEA community version is free.  I use this IDE but wasn't able to 
get that feature working.

Visual Studio Code gives me syntax highlighting and auto suggestions.  But 
fuzzy if that is just a groovy thing.

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Link to "Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean" in Plugin Manager doesn't work

2017-11-08 Thread itchymuzzle
Successfully installed plugin.  The link for the text of name of the plugin 
does work 
Get page not found.

This is bug report, not a question.  If there is a better place to report 
this let me know.


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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
> This only accepts username/password credentials

Ok, but ...

Bitbucket has my public key, and the Jenkins credential has my private key.

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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
> Is the credential attached to the folder which contains the working job, 
but not visible from the folder of the non-working job?  Folder scoped 
credentials are a great way to limit who can use specific credentials.

It says global, is that not the case?

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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
Looking back at my notes I am not using bitbucket App password, that item 
must have been left over from my very first attempts.  So my bad on that 

But I still have the original issue, that when I am creating a new 
multibranch job I am not able to select/find/see my existing credentials.  
Which sets me off in the loop of trying to create a new one.

(screen shot) The first drop-down only has a selection of None, while the 
second drop-down has selections of "Multibranch_test_02" and "Jenkins", 
both forcing me to create new ones.

Why I can't I use/find/see/select the credential I already have for 
bitbucket, which works.

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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
> resulting Bitbucket app password 

It is the value in the ID field, in the first screen shot.

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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
I have tried creating the credential without the app password, and that 
doesn't seem to work. 

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Re: Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle
Do these screen shots help?

Credential which works

The bitbucket app passwords (just showing label column)

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Multibranch not able to use existing credential, or create a new one

2017-11-07 Thread itchymuzzle

Jenkins v2.79 AWS EC2 Linux instances for both master and node, Bitbucket 
for Git

This is really strange.  I have a credential which is working fine for a 
“regular” pipeline.  The credential contains a private ssh key and 
Bitbucket app password.  

When I create the multibranch job it is 

   - not able to find/see that existing credential, and 
   - is not able to create a new one using that same private ssh key, and a 
   new Bitbucket app password. 

Been going around in circles for hours now, doesn’t make any sense.  Any 
idea what I am not understanding here?


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Re: SharedLibrary, clone, using resources

2017-11-06 Thread itchymuzzle

Sounds a little related: 

Provide lightweight checkout capability for bitbucket to avoid repo clone 
of rmulti-branch pipelinejobs link 

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Re: Quess I am confused about “node” in pipeline

2017-11-06 Thread itchymuzzle
I am using "label" to define what gets run where.  

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Quess I am confused about “node” in pipeline

2017-11-06 Thread itchymuzzle

I thought “node” was a scripted pipeline thing, but item #4 in this: 
seems to disagree with that.  


So I am suppose to use “node” to ensure the Jenkins master doesn’t do any 
work?  Doesn’t setting executors to zero also ensure that?


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Re: SharedLibrary, clone, using resources

2017-11-03 Thread itchymuzzle
I have this same question.  

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Re: SharedLibrary, clone, using resources

2017-11-03 Thread itchymuzzle
Please post something which is readable.  Thanks.

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Re: Fail to install Jenkins slave agent as a service

2017-11-03 Thread itchymuzzle

> now with the running slave click the menu item to "Install as Service".
> Just discovered this page 

helps me understand this step, I think.

It seems that you run a web browser on the Windows instance, where you have 
the slave/agent, and use the URL for the Jenkins master web page.

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Re: Fail to install Jenkins slave agent as a service

2017-11-03 Thread itchymuzzle

> - download slave-agent.jnlp from agent page - I think it's under this 
> 'launch via web' button, or something, I don't remember what it says :) 
> - open a command window with "Run as Administrator".
> - change directory to the place where you saved the slave-agent.jnlp file.
> - run "slave-agent.jnlp"
> - now with the running slave click the menu item to "Install as Service".
> - run services.msc and you can find and configure your service

This is just confusing.  You need to give us more detail if you want to be 
helpful.  Please be helpful.

> now with the running slave click the menu item to "Install as Service".
Where are you, when you are doing this?  Are you on the Jenkins web page?  
If so, from which instance/host/node are you running the web page?  


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Re: github enterprise self signed certs

2017-11-03 Thread itchymuzzle
Free ones

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Re: Sourcing environment variables on node

2017-11-02 Thread itchymuzzle
Don't know how to set it globally, most likely someone will know how to do 
that and respond.

> each sh looses it's environment.

Each sh is it's own environment.  If you have two different terminals up, 
what you do in one isn't known in the other. For example.

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Re: Sourcing environment variables on node

2017-11-02 Thread itchymuzzle
Maybe something like this?

node ('remote-server') {
sh '''
   . /home/cmr/myenv'
   echo "My Variables: ${env.FOO} ${env.BAR}"

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Re: Is there a way of cloning the repo an additional layer down?

2017-11-02 Thread itchymuzzle
Helpful, as always, thanks.  I will take a look at that.

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Re: CI/CD Jenkins for Non Java projects

2017-11-02 Thread itchymuzzle

#! /usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'Version', defaultValue: '2.3.0', description: 'What 
is the release version?')
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'unix command(s) to build'

stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sh 'unix command(s) to deploy'



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Re: Is there a way of cloning the repo an additional layer down?

2017-11-01 Thread itchymuzzle
> If you use the dir('dest-dir') { checkout scm } syntax, you avoid using 
that special case from the git plugin, and have something that is 
maintained in code (and looks like pipeline), rather than something that 
looks like a special case of the git plugin.

This works, but the code is cloned twice.  Once in the workspace, then 
again into the sub directory defined by dir('dest-dir'), in the same 
workspace.  I assume there is no way around this, as Jenkinsfile needs to 
be found, to be able to use it.  But I figured I would ask.  Thanks.

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Re: Trying to set value using powershell, in declarative pipeline

2017-10-31 Thread itchymuzzle

Doesn’t answer my original question, but is a valid work around.  


#! /usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent {label 'windows'}
parameters {
string(name: 'Version', defaultValue: '0.1', description: 'What is 
the release version?')
environment {
PYTHONPATH = "../DifferentDir"
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
powershell '''
cd WebApp; 

python -m BuildTools.build_codebase $env:Version clean 


This is without the Powershell plugin, still don’t understand what that 
plugin does.

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Trying to set value using powershell, in declarative pipeline

2017-10-26 Thread itchymuzzle

#! /usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
powershell '$env:Path'
powershell '$env:PYTHONPATH'
powershell '$env:PYTHONPATH = "../../dir" '
powershell '$env:PYTHONPATH'


The value for Path is printed, but nothing else.

The snippit generator gives me that syntax.  

The other confusing thing is that I get the same result with and without 
the PowerScript plugin.  So don’t understand what the plugin is supposed to 
be giving me.


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Re: email with html file, problem with css

2017-10-26 Thread itchymuzzle!topic/jenkinsci-users/cguCMZl_k3c

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Re: Individual Build Step Status

2017-10-26 Thread itchymuzzle

Maybe something like this?


#! /usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Checkout') {
steps {
stage('Step1') {
steps {
stage('Step2') {
steps {

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Re: When am trying to update the plugin in jenkins shows warning

2017-10-25 Thread itchymuzzle
What is your question?

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Re: How to execute a jar file as a post build jenkins step?

2017-10-19 Thread itchymuzzle
What was the error?

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Re: Cannot run program "git"

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle
Agh.  I didn't stop/start the agent.jar after installing Git.  So when I 
ran the freestyle project it only had access to the previous value for 
Path.  User error.

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Re: Cannot run program "git"

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle
Created "Managed powershell" script using "Managed files" plugin.  Which 
Created freestyle project, to run the script.
The result showed the exact same result, as doing this on the command line, 
with the exception of the last item.  Which happened to be the one for Git.
Update the value for PATH by moving the entry for Git, so it wasn't last.  
Had to kill the window in which the agent.jar was started, and start it in 
a new one, to get the new Path value.
Then the freestyle project returned the exact same value for Path.
Something about how the Git installer updated the value for Path, was 
wrong/not liked.

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Cannot run program "git"

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle Seems like this issue, 
but I'm not using Docker.

Jenkins master is AWS Linux, agent is AWS Windows Server 2012

Git is in my PATH, and when I am in the workspace I am able to run git from 
the command line.


Cloning the remote Git repository

Cloning repository

 > git init C:\Jenkins\workspace\Build_Web_App_Library # timeout=10


ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'

hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not init 


Suppressed: hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to 
JNLP4-connect connection from


Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Error performing command: git 
init C:\Jenkins\workspace\Build_Web_App_Library


Caused by: Cannot run program "git" (in directory 
"C:\Jenkins\workspace\Build_Web_App_Library"): CreateProcess error=2, The 
system cannot find the file specified

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Re: Declarative script: 'bat' command fails but job succeeds

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle
So you don't mean "script", you mean using "bat" as you would "sh".   Is 
that right?

stage('Build') {
steps {
script {

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Re: Declarative script: 'bat' command fails but job succeeds

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle
>bat '''

What type of quote(s) is that?  Three single quotes?

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Re: Declarative script: 'bat' command fails but job succeeds

2017-10-18 Thread itchymuzzle
Where is "script" in the original example?

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What does Jenkins need to run on Windows?

2017-10-17 Thread itchymuzzle
AWS Windows Server 2012 

   - Java
   - agent.jar - which is part of setting up the node
   - Groovy?
   - Git - as I need to get my code from bitbucket

Anything else?

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