[JOYnet] Anybody In New Zealand - Please respond

2001-11-08 Thread jannet fernandez

Hi All,
If anybody in New Zealand is a member of Joynet could
u please respond as soon as possible. I want to know
about a University here.
Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music 

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[JOYnet] hi

2001-11-08 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose


Thank you very much Mathew for introduciong me. So our Coordinator 
called me Leg Puller, let me start with pulling his legs :) When this 
Mathew giving all this instructions, advise, reminders etc we will be 
getting an idea about an Old animator like .(you can fill it with a 
local animator's name) or we might think that he is very serious guy etc 
etc. But the fact is very different, you can see a Hero Honda Bike flying 
over speed because he is always busy with many programmes. Then you he 
is very nice, cool chap, and you will really love his company. Now you 
know why Mathew wrote such a nice essay about me... he know i will write 
back some thing like this... Mutual understanding... :)

Last day I saw a mail from Smiju, he is from Abdhudhabi and he always send 
some throat provoking questions...  Is there any relation between 
Love  Anger ?  it is Smiju's question, I am trying find answers from my
past experiences... if you have any answers please send it to joynet. 

Priya's sharing is so nice. Congratulations priya. If all of us can share 
some experiences like that it will be great. Earlier also priya used to 
send nice testimony's like this. good work priya. 

I was looking for our Giju last few days, he is always busy and even 
though I see him on-line in MSN almost all time in the day, he wont be 
answering from that side. what is going on?? Hey he is getting married 
soon, exited any way our web master will be missing in action for 
sometime Giju you got to arrange an E- party for all joynet members. 

Now all of must be scared to send mails to joynet thinking that it is 
going to more than 650 persons around th world Yeah i am also scared 
because we dont know much about most the members. how can we know each 
other, we have to write and other has to read Hope we all will 
try to send more personal mails to Joynet. 

Earlier we used to get reports from different countries what happened 
to Leese  co. please somebody from each regions send their reports 
and experiences.

hey anybody noticed some mails coming with a tail 'C.C.' what is that?
Is it like 100 CC bike??? hey this one is better one, running all 
around India. Yeah, jesus youth national Cordinator His name is C.C.
anybody know the full name of C.C.

NB: Now onwards we can add one more thing in the Joynet memberhip form. 
All the mebers has to send atleast one mail per week... what do you 
all think? are you ready to recive around 100 mails per day

Luv you all,
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Visit my web page : www.crash.to/suresh

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[no subject]

2001-11-08 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Hi all,

I have been watching the conversations for a very long time. Prolife movement
is something which has caught my mind real well.

Well, if any of you remeber, i had posted earlier about the birth of my son,

Now i would like some help from you.

what is the church's stand on family planning!

any sites which elaborate on the matter would do.

love and prayers

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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[JOYnet] Hi from Sri lanka !!!!!!!!

2001-11-08 Thread Suresh Kumar T. Jose

Hi friends,

our Joynet is growing daily and Now we are 659 members in Joy net. 
i think half of this members joined this year. The beauty of this 
group is that even though most of the people never met each other 
face to face we have that love in this group. Other positive point 
I noticed is we have more listeners here than speakers Normally 
in our gatherings, there will be lot of people sharing them self 
and few will be listening... Now here it is opposite... Just imagine 
if all this 659 send 1 email to joynet one fine day. then our 
poor Hindhustani friends might have to spend half of the day to 
down load it :)

last 6 months i was a silent listner of Joynet. there is some other 
reasons also behind it. Anyway Joynet was the only helping hand for 
me last 6 months. When I was fighting with God, when i tried to find 
out cruel face of God, When i cried out 'Lord you are far away from 
this World' God was answering me through Joynet. I thank God and 
to all my brothers and sisters for making this Community so beautiful...

Now I am back in action here. My company is planning a new project 
here in Colombo and it is completely trusted on me. I came here to 
work for the company and now getting chance to invest with my Boss. 
God not counting my sins or drawbacks in life, when we do mistakes 
he is blessing more 

I realize even from our bad actions god can make good results. 
Some of you may not agree with me. but i experienced it last month. 
When i tried to be over smart, not listening God, he changed it in 
a good way. okay friends let me stop here, will come back with 
more mails soon. 

Luv you all,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Visit my web page : www.crash.to/suresh

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[JOYnet] Never underestimate the intelligence of God's love.

2001-11-08 Thread Philipose Joseph

Never underestimate the intelligence of God's love.

On a Saturday night several weeks ago, this pastor was working late, and

 to call his wife before he left for home.
It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife didn't answer the phone. The pastor
ring many times. He thought it was odd that
she did not answer, but decided to wrap up a few things and try again
minutes. When he tried again she answered
right away. He asked her why she hadn't answered before, and she said
hadn't rung at their house. They
brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways. The following
the pastor received a call at the church office,
which was the phone that he'd used that Saturday night. The man that he
with wanted to know why he'd called on
Saturday night. The pastor couldn't figure out what the man was talking
Then the man said, It rang and rang,
but I didn't answer. The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized
disturbing him, explaining that he'd intended to
call his own home. The man said, That's OK. Let me tell you my story.
I was planning to commit suicide on Saturday
night, but before I did, I prayed, 'God if you're there, and you don't
to do this, give me a sign now.' At that point my
phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID,  and it said,
I was afraid to answer! The reason why it showed on
the man's caller ID that the call came from Almighty God is because
 that the pastor attends is called Almighty God

If you believe that God answers prayers, then pass this on.

Originator: Associated Capsules Group
WebSite   : 

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2001-11-08 Thread fatima sharmila

Dear Friends,

Taken from religious magazine.


There is a story about a man who, after a shipwreck, landed on an island 
where there were no people living.  A few things which he had managed to 
save from the ship he kept safe in a small hut made by himself.  Everyday he 
prayed without ceasing that he might be able to get out safely from that 
lonely island.  Everyday he used to look far out over the sea to see if 
there was any ship passing by.

One day, after searching for food, when he returned, he was disheartened by 
what he saw.  The little hut and all the belongings he had saved were burned 
out by a fire.  But this incident which seemed the greatest loss to him 
turned out to be a great blessing.

As it turned out, this loss was an answer to his unceasing prayer.  That day 
itself a ship arrived on the shore of  that island.  We saw the sign you 
gave by lighting the fire said the captain to him.  If the hut had not 
caught people aboard would not have noticed it and come to that island.  
Only because his hut was destroyed by fire this man got an opportunity to be 
saved from that island.

In our own life too, can we not examine the incidents which seem to us to be 
a great loss for us, and see for ourselves how they turn out to be the 
source of blessings in our life.  In the case of Lazarus, even his death 
happened for the glory of God.  St. John was priviledged to receive the 
revelation from God when he was in exile in Patmos island.

Fatima Sharmila

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[JOYnet] Something good is going to happen....

2001-11-08 Thread Mathew Joseph

Hello Friends,

I was reading that mail from Suresh Kumar from Srilanka...
The last sentence... He says he will come back with more mails 
 means something good is going to happen in JOYnet.

BTW, for the new comers, let me explain.
Suresh is one of the key persons who has contributed a lot in the 
growth of JOYnet for a long time.   His unique style of writing  
His way of putting things across   Lot of fun and leg pullings...
All contributed a lot in bringing love and joy in this community...
He has an excellent style of motivating others.

OK   Let me stop here.
Now wait and watch Suresh in action...

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

- Original Message - 
From: Suresh Kumar T. Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:11 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Hi from Sri lanka 

 Hi friends,

 a good way. okay friends let me stop here, will come back with 
 more mails soon. 
 Luv you all,
 Colombo, Sri Lanka

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[JOYnet] Change of Mail Id.Please mail to jyshobith@yahoo.com

2001-11-08 Thread shobith thomas

Hi All

   I have a new Id in Joynet [EMAIL PROTECTED] am 
getting messages from this hotmail guys that my mail box is getting almost 
full.I will be unsubscribing in two or three days when they say that my mail 
box is full.Also please please send all your mails to my New ID

With love in Jesus Mary and Joseph


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2001-11-08 Thread paulson augustine


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[JOYnet] Jesus = God

2001-11-08 Thread Priya Joy

That was a noontime.
I was in my school chapel. A bonnie girl came to church. She knelt down and
prayed in front of the altar after that she did, 'Niskaram' (Muslim mode of
prayer) Then she glanced at the corner where I was seated. Her looks
prompted me to call her near. She seemed to be very moody.
I asked:  what happened to you, what are you praying for?
Nothing Miss
Then why did you came here?
Simply an innocent answer.
Pointing to the crucifix I asked: Do you know who is that?
Who is Jesus??
Her answer was a big silence..
I expected that from her, because I know that she hails from a good Orthodox
Muslim family.

She avoided my earlier question and put forward a prayer request for her mom
who was admitted in hospital. She had a lot to share about her family and
mom. After her sharing, we jointly prayed for her mom.
I consoled her  said, Jesus will take care of your mom  She will be back
from hospital today, 
Doubtfully she asked, Today?
Yes I replied.
Still I don't know from where I got the courage to say that affirming word.
With a thankful glance, she went out.
My little faith makes me to pray,  Lord reveal your power  convince her
that you are mighty GOD.

Next day noontime again she came to the chapel, knelt down and prayed.
This time she had big smile on her face and told Miss my mom
came back yesterday itself.
Her face was so glad and her eyes were dancing with joy. Yes! there was
happy glow on her face. We together gave thanks to Jesus.
Again pointing to crucifix, I asked, who is Jesus?
Slowly but very clearly, she said: GOD

Looking in to her glittering eyes I only prayed - Lord gave her more
chances to know about You and envelope her mind with Your love.
Now a days she regularly visits chapel and talk to Jesus.

This incident taught me share 'Jesus' to those doesn't know much about Him.
Friends don't hesitate to Talk about HIM; let others know HE is Mighty God!
We are His people, The Flock that He shepherds. So, share about His Love,
Power and Peace where ever you are!

Praise God!


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[JOYnet] haloo

2001-11-08 Thread josephcares

Hai Folks,

How are all of you?  It has been long since I have written, though I was reading 
almost all the mails.

Its great to know that our Joynet family is growing.  Lets keep praying for all those 
on the list and everyone related to them.

Then I shall start some discussinon after the 25 , because till then I am on the move. 
On the 10 I am in Trivandrum, 11 in Ernakulam, 13 in Blore and then to Ahmedabad for a 
retreat.  Will be back home only after the 21st.  Keep me in ur prayers,

love and Prayers,
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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-11-08 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 09).

mary maggie rupa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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