Re: [JOYnet] reply to Shija's doubt - One Church

2002-03-11 Thread Alfred Samji

Hello. I'm re-writing my earlier mail on the subject because I felt that the 
earlier one was not presentable or readable.

When Christ first instituted the church He said to St. Peter,

"Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it 
unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That 
thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of 
hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the 
kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in 
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven 
"(M't:16:17 to 19).

Authority such as 'the keys to the kingdom' along with the authority to bind 
and to loose on earth was in the Old Testament times also given to those 
whom the Lord appointed as rulers of His people Israel (Isaiah 22:20 to 23).

A similar authority is given to St. Peter with a promise that whatsoever he 
shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever he loose on 
earth shall be loosed in heaven, by the Supreme authority i.e. Christ,  the 
owner of the authority. 'Christ the owner of the key of David, and he that 
openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;(Re:3:7).

In Matthew 16:17 to 19 Christ appoints St. Peter as the new ruler of the new 
Israel, His church, giving him the keys to the kingdom and authority to bind 
and to loose denoting the authority as ruler, with a promise that the gates 
of hell shall not prevail against it. The church is Christ's body (1Co:12:12 
& 13; Eph 5:30). There is only one
body / church(Eph 4:4; 1Cor 12:12).

This church instituted by the Lord Himself and with St. Peter as the 
appointed ruler is 'Catholic' meaning universal, i.e. it is spread across 
the universe and not just confined to a country or state, as Christ had 
commanded to make disciples of 'all the nations' (Matt 28:19).

We have a His promise that He is with the church 'always, even unto the end 
of the world'.

The Second vatican Council says about 'other churches' and
non-Christians' as below;

""The Catholic Church professes that it is the one, holy catholic and
apostolic Church of Christ; this it does not and could not deny. But in
its Constitution the Church now solemnly acknowledges that the Holy Ghost is 
truly active in the churches and communities separated from itself. To these 
other Christian Churches the Catholic Church is bound in many ways: through 
reverence for God's word in the Scriptures; through the fact of baptism; 
through other sacraments which they recognize.

The non-Christian may not be blamed for his ignorance of Christ and his 
Church; salvation is open to him also, if he seeks God sincerely and if he 
follows the commands of his conscience, for through this means the Holy 
Ghost acts upon all men; this divine action is not confined within the 
limited boundaries of the visible Church.

1. All who have been "justified by faith in baptism" are members of the Body 
of Christ; they all have the right to be called Christian; the children of 
the Catholic Church accept them as brothers.

2. The Catholic Church believes that the separated Churches and communities 
"are efficient in some respects." But the Holy Ghost makes use of these 
Churches; they are means of salvation to their members.

3. Catholics are encouraged to join in Oecumenical activity, and
to meet non-Catholic Christians in truth and love. The task of
"Oecumenical dialogue" belongs to theologians, competent authorities
representing different Churches.

4. Catholics should not ignore their duty to other Christians --- they 
should make the first approach. Even so, the primary duty of the Church at 
the present time is to discover what must be done within the catholic Church 
itself; to renew itself, to put its own house in order. Catholics sincerely 
believe that theirs is the Church of Christ; everything necessary must be 
done that others also may clearly recognize it as Christ's Church.

7. Between the catholic Church and Western non-Catholic Christian 
communities, important differences remain; these differences are most 
evident in the interpretation of truth revealed by God. But the bonds of 
unity are already strong; their strength must be put to use. The bonds are, 
chiefly, the fact that Christians believe in the divinity of Christ and the 
fact of reverence for God's word revealed in the Bible.

Praise the Lord.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

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2002-03-11 Thread greg dsilva

Dear Jason,
Yesterday Mr.Joseph wrote in ODB dt.11/03/02 about a
violinist who was playing before an audience when one
string broke.As he continued playing two more strings
snapped and he was left with only one string left to
complete his presentation.He did complete it with that
one string left on his violin.
So also when Paul and Silas were imprisoned,instead of
being sad and meditating over their situation they
sang praises and prayed to the Lord.In the bargain the
jailer and his entire household were converted and
In PARABLENET to we find Irma giving an instance of
Suffering for the Salvation of Others.Here a man was
beaten by his friend(a captian)for his catholic faith
which made the girlfriend of the captian to stay away
from the captian.But this man rushes whole heartedly
to help his friend(captian)when he is beaten and
fallen on the ground.The captian is moved beyond
understanding to realise how this friend of his could
help him when he himself had harmed him so much.The
result was that the captian accepted Christ.
With the above I would like to sum up saying that to
love God and to show this practically amongst your
fellowmen,by forgetting yourself as the first priority

I HOPE there is some light thrown on the subject you
with love and prayerful wishes,

 --- "JASON:)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear JYs
> In recent mails I have got a lot of sharing (some
> from JY) about what is
> intimacy with Christ and how to be intimate with
> Christ. With all those
> sharing I realised one thing. Just as you can get
> mushy with your beloved you
> can also get mushy with Christ. And that is one of
> the special highlights of
> sharing an intimacy with Christ. Psalm 63 gives us
> exactly an example of such
> Intimacy:
> :1 O God, You are My God and I long for you
> :2 My Soul is thirsty for you.
> :3 Your Constant love is better than life.
> :6 As I lie in Bed, I remember you. All night long I
> think of you.
> :7 Because you have always been my help
> :8 I cling to you and your hands keep me safe.
> Hence on this subject can you guys (maybe on your
> personal experience with
> urs in faith
> Jason
> No matter how big our need is,
> It is small compared to God's ability to take care
> of it.

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[JOYnet] sufferings

2002-03-11 Thread dexon john netto

Dear friends in Christ...,

Last sunday`s reading was about the blind man

Indeed it was also an eye opener regarding the sufferings...

Is suffering is aftereffect of our sin.?

Yes Jesus makes it clear thatit is for the Glory of Lord to be shown
in us.

And when I thinks back in my life and at present.

"When I am weak I am strong.".Every pain in us tells us that God is

to be glorified because "We are strong in Him alone."

And it is a testing of our- FAITH-whether we could say

"The Lord is my shephered; I shall not be in want"

Nothing can take us away from the Love of God

Keep in touch,

Love from Jesus & Dexon.

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[JOYnet] Jesus is both strict and loving in His dealings with us

2002-03-11 Thread Bensi Chacko

Dear Friends,

The chosen race was punished by God when they disobeyed His will. He 
punished them at Meribah and Massah in the desert. He punished Moses Himself 
when the latter disobeyed the Will of God, desecrating as such His holiness. 
God punished David when he stole the wife of Uriah, Bathsheba. He again 
punished David when he wanted a census of the people for his own caprice. 
God punished more than eighty percent of the kings of Israel for disobeying 
Him and worshipping Baal.

God punished Judas for betraying the Son of God. He threatened the 
Pharisees and scribes for being so self-righteous. He cursed them eight 
times by calling them names: "brood of vipers," "white washed sepulchers," 
"hypocrites," "sounding cymbals," etc. At first sight there seemed to be no 
sign of God’s love. He seemed to appear more like a police or a criminal 
lawyer rather than a benevolent father. Only our "enlightened theologians 
and scriptures" presented God as pure love; That He is light (1Jn 1:5) and 
there is no darkness in Him. If it were so, then there is no place in God’s 
character wherein He will threaten and punish people, damn the Pharisees to 
hell, and curse them even by calling them "fools".

Yet these people forgot that Jesus has two natures: one divine, the 
other human. To better relate with Him is to treat Him like a loving Father. 
Now we can understand why Jesus is both strict and loving in His dealings 
with us. It is part of the father’s love to discipline so that the child 
learns better and grows more in virtue. This fatherly love includes 
punishment, which is neither motivated by hatred or malice. It is only for 
good of the child that the Father punishes. St. Paul, in his letter to the 
Hebrews 12:5-10 explains it well.

"In every suffering there is death and how we resurrent in each death 
depends on how we died in each suffering. Love is the ultimate factor." (Fr. 

Bensilal Chacko.

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[JOYnet] Re: frm B'lore

2002-03-11 Thread diana vincent

Dear all in Jesus,

I have good news and couldnot wait to share, here is a message i sent to
josun, i refwd to all out there who know me, i have very lil time on me
now,i will sure mail later, "Kindly adjust madi", thats a local kannada
and english usage.

may GOD bless>love in christ, Diana Vincent, Bangalore.

Dear Josun,

That does explain the reason for no mails and reply to me frm ur end.

Dear, I am glad u have surfed reassured of HIS Love and Grace and feel ur
parched skin  and dry bones all being revitalized now. I am sure all u
went through the past days, and every minute of it was watched over by
HIM in his Infinite Mercy. HE  was waiting for u to swim through those
waters to let u surface fresh and clean, only to let His Love flow
thorough.God loves u indefinitely that’s definite, Jos.

Now I have a glad news to share and it’s a blessing that came by all
planned by the Lord ,I never realized till I was neck deep in it.

I have been appointed to work for UNESCO on a heritage restoration and
conservation project, at the world heritage site called Hampi in
karnataka, the ruins of the great Indian Vijayanagara Empire. Now u get
it, for some time, I will wake up to see the place where kings once
walked and bathed. My back yard will be the ruins of the Historic
kingdom.( I wait for the day when I will be in the Kingdom and not the
back yard of My great KING) it’s wonderful to have happened  to me,
though I was comfortable with my present job when  this came up, with 
two other similar offers, it left me pondering if I was to make a
decision or not, few folks advised me on discernment, which to date I
still know not what it is… my way of discernment over the years has been
“pray and plunge” and then  if My Lord has an objection He knows
how best to bring me back, coz I believe that there is not a moment in
our lives that He is not in control. That leaves Him with the space and 
freedom to work on all situations in our lives and make them work for
good. ( for those who trust in the HIM)

So that’s a lot about me, its been ages since I too shot something on the
Joy net, wish I could, though I manage to read and flip though the
mails…one thing I also realized during my silence phase in the Joynet
was, that there r lovely and genuine folks out there who did enquire if
all was well, that’s the most reassuring, makes u fell like family, I was
assured of prayers and love in all I was moving through. I am proud of
this Sprit filled fellowship. I pray all out there are fine too. I pray
for folks going through similar situations that they will learn to let
Him work, what ever it may be, Who knows us best but HIM. He knows, even
if we are neck deep and lost with all happenings around us, We long to be
with Him and in HIS bliss.

So,  take time and mail back, shoot “repatching with ma” episode at the

My love to all at home and prayers to all out on the Joynet.

Love in Jesus.

Diana/ Bangalore.



>From: "Josun Jose" >To: "diana vincent" >Subject: hi chechi >Date: Mon,
11 Mar 2002 16:23:18 +0530 > >hi chechi remember me? >hope alls well with
thee >i prayed for thee over the weekend >this week has been beautiful
>the next one will be even better >God bless, > >jj >

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Re: [JOYnet] Fwd: failure delivery

2002-03-11 Thread greg dsilva

Dear Nandita,
>From my end I will definately say that it is not
whether the Church should change with the changing
times,but The Church is changing with the changing
There are so many things which can be observed as
compared to the past.
1)As a child I remember the priest offering mass by
facing the main alter.Today he faces the people.
2)The Holy Eucharist was celebrated in latin
only.Today the church has changed its attitude towards
this and so we find that if you go to gujarat the mass
is celebrated in Gujarati.In Goa it is in Konkani and
so on.
3)In the past on Good Friday people mostly would
dressup in black.Today the church is emphasizing that
it is not a day to be sad but instead to be happy
because it is due to good friday that the doors of
Heaven were opened and Easter Sunday followed.
4)Alowing Lay people to distribute Holy Communion. 
Earlier only consecrated hands were supposed to touch
the Tebernacle.
5)Fulfilling the obligation i.e. Sunday Mass. Today
the church allows you to go for Mass on Saturdays to
fulfill your Sunday obligation.
6)Today even if you attend a funeral mass on Sunday,or
a mass celebrated for christening,you need not go for
a special or routine mass held as per church timings
on that Sunday.
7)In Goa most of the churches have the Passion of
Christ celebrated during Lent with the statue of
Christ posing in different forms thus giving us a
deeper meaning and understanding of the sufferings
undergone by christ for our sake.But today the new
churches built in Goa and are doing away with this
system,all because the church has decided to change
with the present times.
8)Having death anniversary masses and blessing of the
graves is now restricted to the first year only.So
much so that the church discourages to offer masses
for the dead with the title like third death
anniversary or say fifth death anniversary and so
on,but instead the church says this mass is offered
for the soul of so and so.
9)Distributing Holy communion on the palm rather than
the tongue is a vital change.
10)Priests are given the facility to move around like
civilians with pants,shirts and t-shirts.(The choice
being totally of the priest)as compared to the past
when we always found them with cassocks.
11)Nuns are also given the facilty to change to sarees
and skirt-blouses.
12)Earlier if a nun had to leave her congregation she
had to wait after intimation of her desire,till it was
confirmed by the Pope.Today she can just intimate and
leave.No need to wait.
So Nandita,I think I have expressed quite a bit and to
cut short I would like to say BYE,but before that I
would like to tell you that a Cynod has taken place in
Goa last month almost after 50 years.One of the
aspects of the Cynod was to discuss the various
changes required by the Church for the benefit of

--- nandita carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hi Friends,
> I am writing to you after a very long break.This
> time it is with a favour.I am going for a debate to
> Auckland University and my moot is...'Should the
> Church change with the changing times'And I am
> affirming.I was wondering if any of you have
> material from all our previous debates that we have
> had ,on Joynet.Or if not, it would also appreciate
> fresh commentsany ideas for this topic...
> Looking forward to hearing from you,
> Love in Jesus,
> Nandita Carvalho,
> New Zealand.
> -
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[JOYnet] CBSE Exams are ON!!

2002-03-11 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear All

The CBSE students are attending their Accountancy Paper please do let us join our 
hearts in prayer that all attending may be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit and 
may do well.

with love in christ


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-03-11 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 12).

ligi monica nil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kuriakose Varghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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Re: [JOYnet] Why do good people suffer?

2002-03-11 Thread Dr. Jomon

theory no:1
   a) suffering leads to eternal life.
   b) luxury or enjoyment leads to death.

  Will you be able to point a single saint,who has not suffered ?

  our personal prayers and prayer groups must lead to this ultimate
   or must prepare us to-
  the sufferings of life with our
  Lord Jesus who know the right way to salvation
supporting Words of God
  a)Corinthians-2  1:6   And whether we be afflicted, [it is] for your
consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same
sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, [it is] for
your consolation and salvation.
Corinthians-2  1:7   And our hope of you [is] steadfast, knowing, that as ye
are partakers of the sufferings, so [shall ye be] also of the consolation.
 b)Matthew  19:23   Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say
unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew  19:24   And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom
of God.

  expecting a discussion , i'll be back with more theories

- Original Message -
From: Bensi Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 4:07 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Why do good people suffer?

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.43 '

2002-03-11 Thread Thomas George

11-3-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ,


" Be kind to one another, tender-hearted,
forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. "
 - Eph. 4/32

   In HIS grip and grace,
Bangalore, India

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[JOYnet] Any JY in Rome

2002-03-11 Thread Edward A. Edezhath


If there is anyone in Joynet from Rome or any other part of Italy, please
respond. A Jesus Youth from Ernakulam zone is planning to come to Rome.

Eddy/ Cochin/ India

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[JOYnet] 2 Urgent Prayer requests

2002-03-11 Thread Jincy Scharia

Hi Friends,

Our National Service Team (NST) Chairman Ciryl John chettan's wife Sophy 
Ciryl is admitted in RML Hospital for more than a due to blood clotting at 
her leg .Please pray earnestly for that the lords healing may 
flow into her and for cyril chettan and the 3 children...

2) Pray for Fr. Anto's Sister is suffering due to cancer. Today morning a 
call from father asking paryer support since its becoming serious than 

Pls  them in your prayers & specially pray for speedy recovery.

Lov You all

Jincy Scharia/ Delhi/ India

God Bless You..

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2002-03-11 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear Jason and All

To me INTIMACY WITH CHRIST is to see  my Jesus my possession in every walk or day of 
my life,giving him everything and receiving whatever he gives wholeheartedly.Yesterday 
Ron and me were having the best of our intimacies with Christ.Here is how

Yesterday Our Lord was with Ron and me in a special way. We went for mass and recieved 
our Christ. The JY prayer group followed and then Ron and me went to Zulur.At Zulur 
they were starting a prayer group. We were supposed to be there by 11:00 and so we got 
in at 10:30.After about 15 min the bus broke down and I claimed to Jesus that the Mass 
would be over by 11:15. I told Ron also about it and Praise the Lord since we reached 
St.Thomas Church at the claimed time and had a wonderful time with JY there.

JY coimbatore had an Outreach programme to Missionaries of Charity and for me since it 
was the first was really touching.We were about 30 JY from in and around Coimbatore.We 
met sister Daya and then we had time to spend with the destitutes.We prayed with 
them,sang and danced with them,played with them we shared their cries and they were 
really touching.One Mother from Nepal was crying and I inspired by the love of Christ 
spoke with her in my MURI HINDI(small bit of Hindi) and she gave me a letter written 
in Nepali (sent for translation).

Ron and me went to meet Rani Chechi and we had a great prayerful time.After the prayer 
Rani Chechi shared about the way in which our Abba father was taking care of her.She 
was sick and our Abba had send Chechi's mother to be with her and she was saying that 
the presence of Ammachi was so nice as George chettan was not there.We shared ours and 
Ammachi shared her.

We were about to leave when Sajeev chettan and leena chechi called up and Rani chechi 
asked us to meet them. So we then again had a nice prayerful sharing when Leena chechi 
sharing about the way Our Lord intervened for them getting a good house. They had 
dreamt one before but at the time of registration some of the papers were missing and 
also they were to pay a large interest rate for loan. Now  although it is late they 
had got a beautiful house with all provisions nearby and less interest loan. 

On the way we dropped in at Tony chettan's house and met Shiji chechi and her brother 
Aji chttan. Aji chettan made a sharing about the way our Lord took away his fear.He 
had an accident the first day when he took the vehicle to drop ammachi at Hospital.She 
was sitting with legs on one side.Yesterday the Lord helped him to overcome it when he 
took Shiji chechi and Litty mol on the bike in the same position.Praise the Lord

Dear all Yesterday we had a full day with God.the best part is we were not very 
tired.Praise the Lord.

With love in Jesus Mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] Fwd: failure delivery

2002-03-11 Thread nandita carvalho

Hi Friends,

I am writing to you after a very long break.This time it is with a favour.I am going 
for a debate to Auckland University and my moot is...'Should the Church change with 
the changing times'And I am affirming.I was wondering if any of you have material from 
all our previous debates that we have had ,on Joynet.Or if not, it would also 
appreciate fresh commentsany ideas for this topic...

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Love in Jesus,

Nandita Carvalho,

New Zealand.



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[JOYnet] Fr.Thomas Mathew in Coimbatore on 17th March

2002-03-11 Thread Shobith Thomas

Dear All

Yaa Welchy Chechi is right

I had called him up the Other day and praised the Lord that we would be having 
Fr.Thomas for the one day followup programme here on the coming Sunday the 17 th of 
March.Please do pray for it.

Now this is for the kind information of all Jesus Youth and Jesus Youth couples who 
can make it to be here that Fr.Thomas Mathew is coming for a one day programme and Jy 
gathering here.The contact numbers

Pradeep or Shobith  -  0422-666956  (5:30 PM to 9:00 AM)
Shobith -  0422-666217 and extn 340 (9:00 AM to 5:30 PM)

The venue is Arul Malar Illam in Visvasapuram,Coimbatore .
How to get here.

Come to Gandhipuram bus stand and then get on bus number 45,45C and get down at 
Visvasapuram.Enquire for Arul Malar Illam and somebody there can direct you.

If you have a vehicle then go along the Sathy Route and ask for Visvasapuram .On the 
way you you would see a wall that has the photo of Jesus painted and a huge Mansion 
with a Board named Arul Malar Illam.It is a Noviciate run by the CMI fathers.If by 
some way you miss it please ask for Arul Malar Illam 

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With love and prayers

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2002-03-11 Thread JASON:)

Dear JYs

In recent mails I have got a lot of sharing (some from JY) about what is
intimacy with Christ and how to be intimate with Christ. With all those
sharing I realised one thing. Just as you can get mushy with your beloved you
can also get mushy with Christ. And that is one of the special highlights of
sharing an intimacy with Christ. Psalm 63 gives us exactly an example of such

:1 O God, You are My God and I long for you
:2 My Soul is thirsty for you.
:3 Your Constant love is better than life.
:6 As I lie in Bed, I remember you. All night long I think of you.
:7 Because you have always been my help
:8 I cling to you and your hands keep me safe.

Hence on this subject can you guys (maybe on your personal experience with

urs in faith


No matter how big our need is,
It is small compared to God's ability to take care of it.

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[JOYnet] Fr Thomas in Kerela

2002-03-11 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

his contact no 0481-415187
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