[JOYnet] my comments on the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread Ravi Vaz

 Hi Joynetters,
This in response to the mail my dear friend sheril has put across..
I have to agree with her in some points ...but there are some disagreements too..
firstly salvation is gods free gift..his to give to whomever he chooses.. this 
salvation is thru jesus alone.
And as sheril pointed out ,mary is our guide on the way to jesus. remember Don Bosco's 
statement " To Jesus Through Mary".
Mary has been and still is the best christian evangelist around..just see the number 
of peopel who have been led to christ thruogh her..
As the protestant movement progessed down the years they became down-right anti 
catholic just to show that they are different..
They criticized anything and everything that they found being practised in the 
catholic church.
Hence their first target was Devotion to Mary...but this is not the only thing.. they 
target the eucahrist, the real presence of jesus in the eucharist and other such more 
critical truths.
Since devotion to Mary is a very popular means of practised christianity among 
catholics..their targeting of this devotion is maximum and their criticism tends to be 
thus the reactions of the catholics to the protestants are also extreme and lead to 
publications of stories like these.
i have read of autobiographies of protestants who have come to understand catholic 
faith by reading of the scriptures and by their devotion to Mary.
But this story i personally feel is a make believe story.. i dont feel something like 
this has happened to this so called fr. tuckwell.. thsi story sounds too textbookish 
to be true..
I dont need to read such stories to believe in the motherly love of mary for each one 
of us..
Cause i know and experience it first hand in my life and so do so many of our fellow 
But for those of us who do not know her due to our upbringing..i do not condemn  or 
judge ..
i cannot and shouldnot..
Marthomites are seperated brethren(sorry to use that word but that is official 
lingo..) who are not classified as protestants but are part of the Orthodox churches 
owing allegiance to the patriach instead of the pope..
This is teh only major difference between them and the catholic church...So in terms 
of belief they are as catholic as any roman catholic.
Even they are targets for attack by protestants and the neo-fundamentalist christians 
who have sprung up nowadays..
 I would therfore suggest to sheril and to my other friends who were offended that 
they not look at the story but at the arguments posed in the story.. they are biblical 
and point to the special role mary plays in our lives..
It is upto us to accept her help or not..
when we close our eyes , we are in darkness but that doesnt mean the day has turned to 
night ...
the day still remains day...for others..
same way ..mary is the mother of christ who is God and on the cross he gave her to be 
mother of all his beloved disciples..
it was when john accepted her and took her to his home that he felt her presence and 
personal love as a mother..
when we accept her as per jesus's command as our mother..we will feel the personal 
love she has for us..
Love and Prayers
  sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: dear friends,
i am very hurt by this story.
i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it is a story 
promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what gives this man the 
right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is he a priest? then he should 
know that salvation is through our lord Jesus Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i 
suppose i would be classified under the "protestant" group of churches. one "separated 
from the true church of christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates 
of hell shall never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO 
BELIEVE THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died for 
each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was whipped for my 
sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is the basis of a church 
(besides catholic church) i don't see why that church would be "separate!
d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less entitled ot 
the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to mary or not.
there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not intercede 
thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do not think of her as an 
ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it say that if u don't pray to mther 
mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm not saying one church is right or another is 
wrong. it is not up to me to condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true 
religion is looking after widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the 
church, the ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are no

Re: [JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread r.sandeep raghunath

dear friends in christ,
i find it surprisinf that anyone should feel offended by the story the
hail mary of a protestant ,it only reinststates the truth,the catholic 
church alone is the ark of salvation founded by JESUS CHRIST,the catholic 
church is the only way to salvation,all those separate from her are heretics 
and schismatics,this was solemnly proclaimed by the church time and again 
most recently in the vatican document DOMINUS IESUS by cardinal 
ratzinger,the document even says that protestants,or orthodox or marthomites 
or whatever else theyre called cant be churches in the true sense of the 
term,all those who leave the church imperil their own salvation,these days 
we seem to have a false ecumenism which shamelessly embraces the dissident 
churches , the true purpose of ecumenism is to lead them to the one true 
church i,e the catholic church and also regarding marys role in our 
salvation st.montfort the greatest exponent of marian devotion says that 
without believing in the marian dogmas one cannot be saved i suppose you 
know that the marian truths are solemnly defined as dogmas by the church
the church teaches that it is essential to believe in dogmas to be saved and 
the marian dogmas are as follows
 1.mary mother of god
 2.mary perrrpetual virgin
 3.immaculate conception

millions of people are petitioning the holy father to proclaim the fifth 
marian dogma i,e mary,s role as our co-redemptrice
famous petionaries included mother teresa, cardinal o connor of new york,and 
our own cardinal padiyara
 for more info go to www.voxpouli.org
r.sandeep joseph

>From: sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant
>Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 08:27:43 -0700 (PDT)
>dear friends,
>i am very hurt by this story.
>i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
>prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it 
>is a story promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what 
>gives this man the right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is 
>he a priest? then he should know that salvation is through our lord Jesus 
>Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i suppose i would be classified under the 
>"protestant" group of churches. one "separated from the true church of 
>christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates of hell shall 
>never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE 
>THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died 
>for each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was 
>whipped for my sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is 
>the basis of a church (besides catholic church) i don't see why that church 
>would be "separate!
>d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less 
>entitled ot the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to 
>mary or not.
>there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not 
>intercede thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do 
>not think of her as an ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it 
>say that if u don't pray to mther mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm 
>not saying one church is right or another is wrong. it is not up to me to 
>condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true religion is looking after 
>widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the church, the 
>ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are not the most important 
>things. what is most important is whetehr you have accepted Jesus as your 
>personal saviour or not. everything else is there to lead u to him not to 
>condemn other churches. even praying to mother mary. is she there to take 
>the importance or is she there to guide children to Jesus? i like to think 
>it is the latter. maybe it is difficult for some catholics to accept the 
>fact that as christians, God is!
>  not looking at what church one comes from, what background one has, or 
>what way one prays. He is looking at the heart. do you have Jesus in there 
>or not. i am not saying that protestants are not always biased against 
>catholics. we are the generation that has to change all of this bitching 
>and bickering between both churches. as christians we are one. if that is 
>not the attitude that u have, then that must change first. i am not a 
>catholic but the reason why i am in joynet is not because i want to be a 
>catholic. but it is because i am a young christian who wants fellowship 
>with other such christians.
>in Jesus
>sheril daniel
>grahamstown, south africa
>The Hail Mary of a Protestant
>(A true story)
>A little

[JOYnet] About Sheril's mail

2002-05-16 Thread pathrose alphus

Hi all,

I read , Sheril Daniel's mail with interest. But is the Catholic Church one among the 
lot? After the explicit clarification by the Holy See, "Dominus Jesus", there should 
be no doubt. See the  link  
 and  go through the topic IV. UNICITY AND UNITY OF THE CHURCH.  Eventhough it may 
hurt the feelings of our separate bretheren, one must uphold firmly the truth that, 
the Catholic Church is the One Church.

I am  reminded of a story about Bl.John XXIII.The story is told that, when it was 
announced that Protestant leaders would be invited to the council ( Vatican II ) as 
observers, the conservative Cardinal Ottaviani was horrified. He said: 

"But Your Holiness, Protestants are heretics!" 
"Do not say, 'heretics,' my son. Say, 'separated brethren.'" 
"They are in league with the devil!" 
"Do not say, 'devil,' my son. Say, 'separated angel.'"



Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India.
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[JOYnet] Shouldn't we pray

2002-05-16 Thread Edward A. Edezhath

Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' house
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long dip
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, especially
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need for
urgent prayer for priests. "The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord of
the harvest . . " (Mt.  9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful invention
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in this
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building up
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. "I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word" (Jn. 17:

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have to
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have responded.
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we are
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the priests
and earnestly pray for them. "If two of you agree on earth about anything they
ask . . ." (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work that
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of us
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of priesthood
by loving and praying for priests. "He who receives a prophet because he is a
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . .  even a cup of cold water  . .
shall not lose his reward." (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network to specifically PRAY
FOR PRIESTS. There has to be certain things that (i) each one in this network
should do and (ii) certain things they do together as a body of intercessors.

(i) Individually,

- Daily take time to remember priests with love and pray for them. =>  I
remember priests in general and then specifically think of the priests I know
and life them to the Eternal Priest. And then I say a decade of the rosary for

- Love and respect priest. => I greatly value my relationship with priests. It
is a great thing to know a priest. There is an age-old custom of kissing the
hand of a priest. At times it is a little embarrassing, but I take great joy
in kissing the hand of some of them.

- Try not to spread bad news about priesthood rather spread inspirational

- Collaborate in whatever way possible with the good things that priests are

and more . .

(ii) as a network called PRAY FOR PRIESTS,

would some of you like to give some ideas for me.

So, do pray for priests,

Eddy/Cochin/ India

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[JOYnet] Pray for Regin and Saji's father.

2002-05-16 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Dear All,
Regin is going for Brain surgery for the, I do not know how many,
time. He is a teenager and I think he has a growth in his brain. He is
the only child of his parents. Even though, he had problems for a very
long time, his faith and trust are unbelievable.  He is all smiles all
the time. Please pray for him.
Also pray for our dear Saji's father who may have cancer. Saji spends
all his time for the JYA and so, Jesus has to spend some time for his
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Uncle
PS: Please remember to pray for 5 minutes for the Rex Band programs in
the USA and the WYD.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-05-16 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (May 17).

sheela babu varghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aneesh k. thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] prayer requests

2002-05-16 Thread cbejoy


 “Wish you all Joy of Jesus”
   I am trying for a job in Comp field in Dubai for the last 42 days.I can stay 
here for another 18 days.I believe God will open a door for me, as I keep on knocking 
doors everyday.I am expecting some interviews in the coming days.Keep me in your 
valuable prayer.
  One of my close friend In Mysore,Prasad  passed away in an accident last week.I 
request your earnest prayers  for his sorrowing  family.


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[JOYnet] Hi

2002-05-16 Thread lijo2002

Hi all

I am immigrating to the US next month. My entire family is going (I along with my 
parents) and we are leaving our sweet home :( and even though I don't like leaving 
here, I should.
I was very busy and we had a lot of trouble for the interview and all the stuff. I 
still have a lot to do. One sad thing is that I lost my degree. I am(was) final year 
BCA, but owing to the circumstances, we must go next month. So there was no other way 
and I quit BCA. Now I have to do it all over again :( I have a lot of work to do so I 
am unsubscribing for a short time. 

Please send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I won't be using this [EMAIL PROTECTED] address anymore.

Please don't forget us in your prayers.

Bye for now


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[JOYnet] One spelling mistake.....

2002-05-16 Thread Braduke R.R

There was one spelling mistake in the previous mail that i sent to all. I
wrote in that mail "So the system will be in equilibrium. We can take the
whole universe witch is made up of different masses". Please read it as "So
the system will be in equilibrium. We can take the whole
universe WHICH is made up of different masses".
God bless you,

"Braduke R.R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear brother,
>   I read your mail. I am happy to know that some body really thinking about
> what will happen tomorrow. Congratulations my dear brother. According to my
> understanding let me explain how the end will come to this world. You
> got the answer, but let me place in correct order.
> We can mainly categorize the duration of today to the end of this whole
> and universe in four parts.
> 1.What will happen to this world.
> 2.What will happen to the people in this world.
> 3.What will happen to the universe
> 4.What will happen to the believers and the believers who died.
> In Matthew 24:4.13 and Mark 13:5.13, Luke 27:25.27 it is explaining what
> happen to this world. Here it is explaining that during the end of the
> we will hear about wars, nation will rise against nation, there will be
> famines and earthquakes in various places, many false prophets will appear
> deceive many people etc. And Jesus is telling that this is not the end, but
> these are beginning of birth (end of world) pains. This is the first stage.
> Second we can think about what will happen to the people in this world. In
> chapter it is telling that during that time (the same time that i explained
> above) because of the poverty, pain and hardness of life, all the people
> search for death to escape, but no one will find it. Dear brother now i am
> remembering this in which chapter it is. (I will let you know later if you
> really want to go through that sentence). The people will not get enough
> will not get employment, there will not be any peace etc. In Revelation 6:6
> explains the poverty of the people during that time.  In extract this world
> will become like hell, no peace no food no shelter no security etc. This is
> the second stage.
> In Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24.25, it is explaining what will happen to this
> universe. For understanding this i should explain some physics. Do you know
> two bodies will attract each other? The force F=(G*M1*M2)/(r*r). M1 and M2
> the masses of two bodies and r is the distance between them, G is a
> This whole universe is in equilibrium with the above force. That means let
> say three masses M1, M2, M3 are there, and these three bodies are
> each other. There will be one particular configuration, the system will be
> equilibrium. That means M1 will attract M2, M2 will attract M3, and M3 will
> attract M1. So the system will be in equilibrium. We can take the whole
> universe witch is made up of different masses. All the planets and
> is attracting each other. But they are in equilibrium. God fixed everything
> the universe in equilibrium during the creation of universe. Now suppose
> planet escaped from its orbit and hit with some other planet. What will
> happen? The mass of the system with two bodies will increase. So the
> combination of the mass will pull the near by planet (mass increases force
> between them will increase) and the same will come and collide, so the
> mass will increase, and this one will keep on increasing, finally the whole
> universe will shrink to one big mass. With this background we can
> what Jesus told. The planets will hit together and collapse. The first hit
> not be with earth. It may be with some other planets or stars. So if we are
> looking from the earth, and stars are hitting together in the sky, what we
> will see is, the stars will be falling. In Matthew 24:29 it is telling that
> the sun will be darkened. That means the first hit may be sun with another
> planet. Because you know sun is having higher weight. So after colliding
> attracting planet or stars by sun) one by one, the darkness of sun will
> increase. Hope u got what i mean. This is the third stage.
> In Matthew 24:30, Mark 13;26 etc it is telling that during this time (the
> at which stars will fall from the sky) the sign of Son of man will appear
> the sky, and the all the nations of the earth will mourn (Mathew 24:30).
> what will happen to the people in this world? In 1.Thessalonians 4:16.17 it
> telling how we will see Jesus when he will come to this world, and what
> happen to the people in this world.  The dead in Christ will rise up first
> after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together
> them in the clouds. But before that something will happen to our body. We
> that we have a body, which is dying day by day. There will be a
> to our body before

[JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,
i am very hurt by this story.
i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it is a story 
promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what gives this man the 
right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is he a priest? then he should 
know that salvation is through our lord Jesus Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i 
suppose i would be classified under the "protestant" group of churches. one "separated 
from the true church of christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates 
of hell shall never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO 
BELIEVE THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died for 
each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was whipped for my 
sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is the basis of a church 
(besides catholic church) i don't see why that church would be "separate!
d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less entitled ot 
the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to mary or not.
there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not intercede 
thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do not think of her as an 
ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it say that if u don't pray to mther 
mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm not saying one church is right or another is 
wrong. it is not up to me to condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true 
religion is looking after widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the 
church, the ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are not the most important 
things. what is most important is whetehr you have accepted Jesus as your personal 
saviour or not. everything else is there to lead u to him not to condemn other 
churches. even praying to mother mary. is she there to take the importance or is she 
there to guide children to Jesus? i like to think it is the latter. maybe it is 
difficult for some catholics to accept the fact that as christians, God is!
 not looking at what church one comes from, what background one has, or what way one 
prays. He is looking at the heart. do you have Jesus in there or not. i am not saying 
that protestants are not always biased against catholics. we are the generation that 
has to change all of this bitching and bickering between both churches. as christians 
we are one. if that is not the attitude that u have, then that must change first. i am 
not a catholic but the reason why i am in joynet is not because i want to be a 
catholic. but it is because i am a young christian who wants fellowship with other 
such christians. 

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa



The Hail Mary of a Protestant
(A true story)

A little six-year-old Protestant boy had often heard his Catholic 
companions reciting the prayer "Hail Mary." He like it so much 
that he copied it,memorized it and would recite it every day. 
"Look, Mommy, what a beautiful prayer," he said to his mother one 

"Never again say it," answered the mother. "It is a superstitious 
prayer of Catholics who adore idols and think Mary a goddess. 
After all, she is a woman like any other. Come on, take this Bible 
and read it. It contains everything that we are bound to do and 
have to do." From that day on the little boy discontinued his 
daily "Hail Mary" and gave himself more time to reading the Bible 

One day, while reading the Gospel, he came across the passage 
about the Annunciation of the Angel to Our Lady. Full of joy, the 
little boy ran to his mother and said: "Mommy, I have found the 
'Hail Mary' in the Bible which says: 'Hail full of grace, the Lord 
is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.' Why do you call it 
a superstitious prayer?"

On another occasion he found that beautiful Salutation of St. 
Elizabeth to the Virgin Mary and the wonderful canticle MAGNIFICAT 
in which Mary foretold that "the generations would call her 
blessed."He said no more about it to his mother but started to 
recite the "Hail Mary" every day as before. He felt pleasure in 
addressing those charming words to the Mother of Jesus, our 

When he was fourteen, he one day heard a discussion on Our Lady 
among the members of his family. Every one said that Mary was a 
common woman like any other woman. The boy, after listening to 
their erroneous reasoning could not bear it any longer, and full 
of indignation, he interrupted them,saying:
"Mary is not like any other children of Adam, stained with sin.No! 
is the Mother of Jesus Christ and consequently Mother of God. 
There is no higher dignity to which a creature can be raised. The 
Gospel says that the generations will proclaim her blessed and you 
are trying t

[JOYnet] hi everybody!

2002-05-16 Thread Shija Daniel

hi everybody-so sorry i kinda did the disappearing act-actually i didnt 
really have much net-access cuz i'd gone home for the hols so i'd mailed an 
"unsubscribe me" with all the recent news from my rediff id because my 
hotmail wasnt working.Only today when i checked my mails i found out that 
the rediff msg wasnt accepted because it wasnt part of the joynet list.

anyway hope ur all keeping well by the grace of God.Thank yu all so much for 
ur prayers-i dont really know all my marks yet but i do know that i cleared 
everything!God really worked amazingly with me during my exams-its so much 
easier when u hand it all over to Him instead of worrying about it!

Oh another thing -pls pray for my final year project work-i'll be leaving 
for Madras tomorrow night for that.We're a group of six and we still havent 
decided whether to do it in a hosp called K.J Hospital or with a Philips 
dealer(whom my friend is in very good terms with)-and to top it all,we still 
havent got any proper accomodation for  2 of my roomates as well as for me!

Well i guess that's about it from here.God bless you all!
lotsa luv and prayers
p.s. Shobith-i'll try call u up tonight but dont wait for it cuz i'm not 
sure whether i'll be able to!

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread Edward A. Edezhath

Hello friends,

I am following with great interest all your thoughts about 'Pray for Priests'.
A few of you wrote to me presonally and others to Joynet. Many of them are
really touching. Abraham mentions Nelson's mail but I did not see it. My
connection was down for a couple of days and may be I missed it.

I am also seeking the Lords will to see if we should do something in a more
organised way, and if so in what concrete ways. Share your thoughts in that
line also.

My diocese got into nasty trap early this week. Those of you who watch the
media in this area will remember the furore over the 'rain dance' and the TV
image of a priest walking around at the tourism promotion fete with a glass.
Afterwards I got invoved a little bit to help them sort out the mess, and I
said once again we have to PRAY FOR PRIESTS and that too very earnestly.

Eddy/Cochin/S. India

  - Original Message -
  From: Josh Folks
  To: JOYnet
  Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 5:45 PM
  Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

  When I read Eddy chettan's mail it was wake up call for me. Now I make a
  point to pray for the priests. Ever since Josun put his feedback on this
  issue I wanted to share my vies in this matter. But then I was a little
  worried about it as it was a kind of confession I had to make.
  But after reading Nelson's mail now I feel I should not keep it back. So
  here is what I got to share in this discussion.

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RE: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread Josh Folks

When I read Eddy chettan's mail it was wake up call for me. Now I make a
point to pray for the priests. Ever since Josun put his feedback on this
issue I wanted to share my vies in this matter. But then I was a little
worried about it as it was a kind of confession I had to make.
But after reading Nelson's mail now I feel I should not keep it back. So
here is what I got to share in this discussion.

I think it was in 1997 when I came to Fujairah that I got a feeling that
Jesus was calling me to serve. By then as Josun and Nelson pointed out from
their lives I had got into the worldly desires and I reasoned myself that I
will not be able to be a good priest. So I ignored it. Then on a Friday this
uncle in the church who gives scripture readings came to me and asked if I
could do the first reading. I had never done it before but still agreed. I
remember the passage I got for reading. It was Isaiah chapter 6 verses 1-8

Isaiah 6
1   In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne,
high andexalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
2   Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered
their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were
3   And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD
Almighty; the   whole earth is full of his glory."
4   At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the
temple was  filled with smoke.
5   "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and
I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the
LORD Almighty."
6   Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which
he had takenwith tongs from the altar.
7   With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips;
your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."
8   Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who
will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

As I was reading it out to the congregation and it struck me again that the
Lord is calling me for his service, especially when I read the last line
"Here am I. Send me". I ignored it again and ended up finally as a family
man. I am not sad about it but I got to tell you all that family life not
all that what you see from the outside, it is tough to live a good and Godly
married life with its benefits of being loved and raising up children.

I srongly feel that everyone of us should pray also for the youth who are
fighting between the call of the world and that of the Lord along with the
prayers for priests who got to fight the same battle. I still remember
vaguely the lines in some novena of prayer which went " Lord protect your
calls of the young" ( yuva janangalude dhaiva vili kaathukollane).

Regards and prayers
Fujairah / UAE.

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread nelson abel

   Dear joy netters,
   Edychettan’s article regarding the need of prayer for priests, 
stirred my memories. May be I also felt a little heaviness in my heart same 
as josun. Yes priests are the wonderful gift from god. Whenever I remember 
our dearest palliyachan I used to thank god for his beautiful gift of priest 
hood. There is no doubt that we should pray for them and love them so that 
our prayers and love make them strong.
 In my child hood I had very strong desire to become a priest. But god’s 
plan was different and now I am a married man. I lost my father when I was 5 
years old. So I don’t have too much memories of my father. But my mother 
used to say that my parents had a great desire to make me a priest. One of 
my childhood play was enacting the priest and saying the mass by collecting 
my friends. When I was in second slandered my class teacher asked us that 
what we like to going to become. I said I want to become a priest. Then she 
was happy and she encouraged me. Even all my relatives and neighbors 
believed that I would become a priest one day. But when I entered into 
teenage I found the sexual urge with in me and realized that I am unworthy 
to the holy priesthood. After my 10th std. My mother asked me whether I want 
to join seminary, I said no and give the reason that I want to take the 
responsibility of my mother and younger sister. Yes   these are all my old 
stories. After my marriage
I said to my wife that we must have 4-5 children and let us start the prayer 
that some of our children
May become consecrated for god. God plans everything. We can only hope for. 
Till now we are waiting for a child. We are sure in his time god will give 
us children.
You know regarding the parents of little flower? St.Teresa’s  father 
martin was an ex- seminarian.
Her mother celine was also a convent return. Martin and Celine had a great 
desire for religious life. But god’s decision was deferent. One of their 
children becomes a great saint in the church. Same case is regarding 
St.Francis of Assisi. His mother pica had a strong desire for religious 
life. But her parent’s didn’t allow her for such a life and she happened to 
be married to Bernardine, a merchant. But her son
Francis entered into religious life and still now he is giving inspiration 
to thousands of people in the world. So let us pray that our Jesus youth 
families be grow in holiness, so that not only it produce vocation but also 
offer little saints for our church.
May god bless you all
 Your brother in Jesus
   Nelson Abel
Turaif, Saudi Arabia.

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Re: [[JOYnet] Doubt-- Please clarify]

2002-05-16 Thread Braduke R.R

Dear brother,
I read your mail. I am happy to know that some body really thinking about
what will happen tomorrow. Congratulations my dear brother. According to my
understanding let me explain how the end will come to this world. You already
got the answer, but let me place in correct order.
We can mainly categorize the duration of today to the end of this whole world
and universe in four parts.

1.What will happen to this world.
2.What will happen to the people in this world.
3.What will happen to the universe
4.What will happen to the believers and the believers who died.

In Matthew 24:4.13 and Mark 13:5.13, Luke 27:25.27 it is explaining what will
happen to this world. Here it is explaining that during the end of the world
we will hear about wars, nation will rise against nation, there will be
famines and earthquakes in various places, many false prophets will appear and
deceive many people etc. And Jesus is telling that this is not the end, but
these are beginning of birth (end of world) pains. This is the first stage.

Second we can think about what will happen to the people in this world. In one
chapter it is telling that during that time (the same time that i explained
above) because of the poverty, pain and hardness of life, all the people will
search for death to escape, but no one will find it. Dear brother now i am not
remembering this in which chapter it is. (I will let you know later if you
really want to go through that sentence). The people will not get enough food,
will not get employment, there will not be any peace etc. In Revelation 6:6 it
explains the poverty of the people during that time.  In extract this world
will become like hell, no peace no food no shelter no security etc. This is
the second stage.

In Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24.25, it is explaining what will happen to this
universe. For understanding this i should explain some physics. Do you know
two bodies will attract each other? The force F=(G*M1*M2)/(r*r). M1 and M2 are
the masses of two bodies and r is the distance between them, G is a constant.
This whole universe is in equilibrium with the above force. That means let us
say three masses M1, M2, M3 are there, and these three bodies are attracting
each other. There will be one particular configuration, the system will be in
equilibrium. That means M1 will attract M2, M2 will attract M3, and M3 will
attract M1. So the system will be in equilibrium. We can take the whole
universe witch is made up of different masses. All the planets and everything
is attracting each other. But they are in equilibrium. God fixed everything in
the universe in equilibrium during the creation of universe. Now suppose one
planet escaped from its orbit and hit with some other planet. What will
happen? The mass of the system with two bodies will increase. So the
combination of the mass will pull the near by planet (mass increases force
between them will increase) and the same will come and collide, so the system
mass will increase, and this one will keep on increasing, finally the whole
universe will shrink to one big mass. With this background we can understand
what Jesus told. The planets will hit together and collapse. The first hit may
not be with earth. It may be with some other planets or stars. So if we are
looking from the earth, and stars are hitting together in the sky, what we
will see is, the stars will be falling. In Matthew 24:29 it is telling that
the sun will be darkened. That means the first hit may be sun with another
planet. Because you know sun is having higher weight. So after colliding (or
attracting planet or stars by sun) one by one, the darkness of sun will
increase. Hope u got what i mean. This is the third stage.

In Matthew 24:30, Mark 13;26 etc it is telling that during this time (the time
at which stars will fall from the sky) the sign of Son of man will appear in
the sky, and the all the nations of the earth will mourn (Mathew 24:30). Now
what will happen to the people in this world? In 1.Thessalonians 4:16.17 it is
telling how we will see Jesus when he will come to this world, and what will
happen to the people in this world.  The dead in Christ will rise up first
after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with
them in the clouds. But before that something will happen to our body. We know
that we have a body, which is dying day by day. There will be a transformation
to our body before we caught in clouds. Means we will get a body, which will
not dye day by day. It will be like sparkling one, it will be radiating light.
I can imagine that but dear brother i don't know how to explain it. It will be
something like a body with full of brightness. The same thing lost from Adam
and Eve when they did sin. This one is explaining in 1.Corinthinas 15:51.55.
That one is self explanatory, please read that. This is the fourth stage.

Now what we will do in heaven or what is there in heaven. It is explaining in
Matthew 22:30.31, Mark 12:25.2