[JOYnet] from Jolly Abraham - Abu Dhabi

2002-10-29 Thread Sijo Mooken
Dear family,

Our dear friend from Abu Dhabi,  JOLLY ABRAHAM ( who had been requesting our
prayers for his uncle who is also hospitalized) got a message from his house
in manippara-Kannur Dist. about the sad demise of his father. Now he is making
arrangements to go back home - he has to get the ticket, passport from the
office etc. He has urgently requested all of our prayers.

Sijo Mooken
Abu Dhabi

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2002-10-29 Thread Pradeep Joseph
Dear all,

Drawing a cross on the forehead is a wonderful practice which puts
everything under HIS control. Every morning while I leave for work my wife
draws the cross on my forehead thrice. That time I also pray for her. It is
a great feeling of security that you get by this simple practice. She
started this practice after her mother who does the same before her father
leaves home.

Everything works out wonderfully the moment we leave the control with God. I
am experiencing His blessings in all matters that are left with Him. No
praise will be enough for all the love He's showing towards us.And it's His
blessing that Joynet family is growing day by day.

with prayers

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:20 AM

> Dear joy netters,
> When i went through the beautiful sharing about the invisible cross, what
skipped past my mind is the beautiful and reassuring time when my mom used
to put this invisible cross on my forehead whenever i leave for school or in
fact wherever i left for. I really beleive that those numerous invisible
crosses my mom drew on my forehead have protected me from many evils.
> It was really wonderful to realize how God has been guiding us and
protecting us throughout our life. Let us praise God and give thanks to the
Lord our God for showering his uncompromised love upon us all these days.
> Ur brother in Christ,
> Dencil.

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[JOYnet] Unique experience

2002-10-29 Thread sebastian thomas
Dear Joynetters

I am forwarding herewith a message received by Fr.Thomas Mathew from Nisha, 
a teenager, during his retreat in Auckland, New Zealand.  Hope this will 
help someone.

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas

From : Nisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject :unique experience

Date :Tue, 29 Oct 2002 23:26:30 +1300 (NZDT)

Dear Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Mathew,

My name is Nisha. I am daughter of Mr. Rajan Clemence.
I am writing this to share my experience I had in the
retreat conducted by Fr.Thomas Mathew, at Auckland,
New Zealand.

First of all, have to admit, I wasn't too keen on
attending this retreat - 2 reasons.

One main reason was my finals coming up the following
week. I was stressing hard out since I felt I had not
prepared enough. So I had made up my mind not to
attend the retreat. That first morning, My Dad came
and asked me one last time if I would like to go. I
wondered, there must be something God wants me to do
or else Dad wouldn't come and ask me like that - even
though I made it clear with my parents until the
previous night that I wasn't going. So I decided to
read the Bible - that's where I find my answers every
time I have some difficulty. I got a quote (I can't
remember the exact quote) which prompted me to attend
the retreat.  Then I prayed, now I felt like someone
was telling me - whatever and how much you study, its
never complete without his blessing and that this is a
great opportunity. So I decided to go. It was a good
experience. I went home and shared my experience with
many others including family friends - 6 of them
decided to come the next day!

Another main reason was - I have had unsweet
experiences with retreats in the past and thought this
will be no different from others. I don't mean to
criticize anyone, I know I'm no one to, but the
retreat conductors usually force the attendees to pray
in a way they are not comfortable with and not used
to. I've seen a lot of "picking" in retreats by the
conductors and often the person being picked on, feels
a little uncomfortable attending further, thinking
others might have this impression on him/her.

But Father's attitude and style were different. The
humorous manner you presented the retreat in with so
many real life experiences was one factor that
attracted my attention. Usually, I tend to get absent
minded in the middle of talks and sermons. But your
retreat really grabbed my whole concentration during
the entire course. Another factor, you explained
everything in an unadorned, non elaborate way and was
simple & understandable. Usually people of my age,
would find it hard to grasp sermons and retreat talks
when it is all just complicated concepts. Besides all
this, I could pray well during the retreat - Felt like
God is listening and I can ask him anything, I mean
anything. I discovered this from one of your sermons.
Another good thing I felt was that you were not
forcing anyone or picking on anyone or making people
embarrassed if their praying style/attitude were
different. You were so easy to reach - I'm not sure if
this is due to the limited number of people there, but
it was good. It meant everyone had your attention when

This retreat was definitely one of a kind for me. I am
telling this from my past experiences with retreats.
It was certainly a "not to be missed" opportunity and
I am glad God helped me make the decision to come for
this retreat. It was a special one indeed.

Now I'm trying to get some of my friends join us for
the youth retreat Father is about to conduct soon. I
very much look forward to attending that.

With Prayers

Elizabeth Nisha Rajan
New Zealand

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[JOYnet] Hi

2002-10-29 Thread Jennifer
Hi JYs,

It's been after a long time that I written in Joynet.  Congratulations
Joynet for the 4th Birthday (belated).

I was introduced to joynet by my friend which was last year in the month
of October.  After that there was no looking back.  It is just like
being a part of a big family.  I came to know so many wonderful people
who shared such beautiful relationship with the Lord and who encouraged
me in my spiritual life.  The JYs are like Angels who give me a helping
hand in moments of depression, doubt and anxiety.  I remember last year
when I had decided at the nick of the time to come to Potta in December,
it was these angels (Jason & Welchy) who made the impossible possible.
I keep thanking my Lord for them always.  The wonderful experience I had
there with the Lord will always be cherished.  Thus I feel being a part
of Joynet was God's way of bringing me one step more closer to Him.  The
association with Joynet has helped me tremendously in my journey of
faith where most of my doubts about Christianity have been cleared and I
thank God for it.

Thanks & God Bless.  May we celebrate many such birthday's.

Love & Prayers

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-10-29 Thread Primeson James
Daily Bread

The Golder Rule

"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you;
for this is the law and the prophets"

Matthew 7 : 12

May God Bless You in This Day and Forever

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2002-10-29 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Dear joy netters,

When i went through the beautiful sharing about the invisible cross, what skipped past 
my mind is the beautiful and reassuring time when my mom used to put this invisible 
cross on my forehead whenever i leave for school or in fact wherever i left for. I 
really beleive that those numerous invisible crosses my mom drew on my forehead have 
protected me from many evils.

It was really wonderful to realize how God has been guiding us and protecting us 
throughout our life. Let us praise God and give thanks to the Lord our God for 
showering his uncompromised love upon us all these days.

Ur brother in Christ,


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[JOYnet] SALT ?????????

2002-10-29 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ

Dear Joy netters, There is something i want to share with u. I remember a lot of 
little things that have touched me deeply during the Capus conference. Some of those 
are the many small talks given by CC chettan. One of them goes like this:

Do u know why Jesus has told us that we should be the salt of this earth?

Well, if one happens to get into his mouth a handful of salt, what would happen? he 
would obviously run for water.

It is our foremost duty to proclaim the Good News. When we do this, we are literally 
putting a handful of salt into people.

Whe they take us in, first thing they will do is spit us out, 


Their thirst will only be quenched when they find Jesus and accept Jesus as their Lord 
and Saviour.

With lots of love and prayers,

Ur brother in Christ,



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[JOYnet] TODAY`S SAINT!!!!!!!!!!

2002-10-29 Thread suma thomas
October   30,2002 
St.Gerard  Majella
Confessor(1726-1755) LIFE:
   Gerard  ,born  on  23rd  april 1725  in Muro-Italy, of a tailor who died when the 
boy was 12, leaving the family in poverty. Gerard tried to join the Capuchins, but his 
health prevented it; accepted as a Redemptorist lay brother serving his order as 
sacristan, gardener, porter, infirmarian, and tailor. "Everything  that  is  done for  
God  becomes a  prayer".He was  blessed   with  a  profound   contemplation  and  
ardent love  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament . God  granted  him  emarkable  spiritual 
knowledge,discernment  of  spirits,&even  power  over  the  forces  of  nature&satan  
himself.His  obedience  to superior  was  wellknown.Every  spare moment  was  spent in 
 adoration  of  Blessed  sacrament.
   He  died  in  1755 ,of tuberclosis. ;canonized  in 1904  by  St.pope Pius x.

 His last will consisted of the following small note on the door of his cell: "Here 
the will of God is done, as God wills, and as long as God wills." 
   childbirth, children, expectant mothers, falsely accused people, good confessions, 
lay brothers, motherhood, mothers, , pro-life movement, unborn children Prayer to 
Saint Gerard Majella - for MotherhoodGood Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before 
the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your aid. You 
know that our marriage has not as yet been blessed with a child and how much my 
husband and I desire this gift. Please present our fervent pleas to the Creator of 
life from whom all parenthood proceeds and beseech Him to bless us with a child whom 
we may raise as His child and heir of heaven. Amen. 
Prayer to Saint GerardGreat Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect 
imitator of our meek and humble Savior, and devoted child of the Mother of God, 
enkindle in my heart one spark of that heavenly of charity which glowed in yours and 
made you a seraph of love. 

Glorious Saint Gerard, because, like your Divine Master, you bore without murmur or 
complaint the calumnies of wicked men when falsely accused of crime, you have been 
raised up by God as the patron and protector of expectant mothers. Preserve me in the 
dangers of motherhood, and shield the child I now bear, that it may be brought safely 
to the light of day and receive the sacrament of baptism. 
Post your ad on Yahoo! India Autos.Check out the used Maruti, Fiat and Ford models on 
sale now.

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[JOYnet] GOD IS LIKE......

2002-10-29 Thread mable mathew
Praise the Lord!!

Dear joynetters!

it's been a long time since i have contributed anything to the joynet.. pls pray 4 
m and my uni mates as our study load is increasing tremedously everyday...


 A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV 
commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God. 
Here are some of the results: 

 He works miracles.

He's got a better idea.

He's the real thing.

   He cares enough to send His very best.

  He gets the stains out that others leave behind. 
  He brings good things to life. 
  He has everything. 

  Try him, you'll like Him. 
  You can't see him, but you know He's there. 
 He's ready when you are.
 You're in good hands with Him.

 VO-5 Hair Spray
 He holds through all kinds of weather. 
Aren't you glad you have Him. Don't you wish everybody did. 

Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from His appointed 


Take Care

Have Fun

God Bless U

Love in Christ

Mable Mathew


Post your ad on Yahoo! India Autos.Check out the used Maruti, Fiat and Ford models on 
sale now.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-10-29 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (October 30).

Noble Varghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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Re: [JOYnet] Query : God or Parents ??

2002-10-29 Thread seena George
The answer is Obeying our parents. Many times in the scripture and in the
lives of saints and in reported and accepted apparitions, we see heaven
rejoicing when we obey our superiors and elders. Because that is what
Christ taught us. But if our superiors ask us to do evil, then we should
not obey them, but pray for them.

Jesus Loves You.

Original Message Follows From: "Jason :)" To: Subject: [JOYnet]
Query : God or Parents ??

I have a very intereting Query which was asked to me recently.

If Following God's Will meant disobeying our Parents which should we
choose. Obeying his will and disobeying our Parents. Or Ignoring his will
and obeying our Parents. urs in faith Jason Mumbai

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[JOYnet] Please pray for Wendy. She is a teenager,hospitlaized in NewZealand

2002-10-29 Thread Thomas Mathew


Dear brothers and sisiters,

Everytime we lift up our intentions to the Lord, the good Lord listens to
them. and grants our requests. Last night, a nurse freind has called
and forwarded the attached   request to pray for. Wendy is ninteen years
old, a Korean Girl who has ambitions in life but is very unfortunate and
hospitalized in Auckland, New Zealand. Please pray for her healing.

Priase the Lord. Thank you for the prayer support. The retreat in
Malayalam was a real anointing for many. That was a professional group. I
will share with you some of the healings, experiences and tstimonies. A
retreat for the youth is being arranged. please keep this in your prayers

God Bless you

Fr Thomas Mathew/Auckland/New Zealand



Suffered from steven johnsons syndrome,after a doctor misused a banded 
which was very likely to cause allerhy.It caused an allergy on 
all her skin tissues damaged including her eyes ears, and lungs.She had 
really sick and spend months in intensive care unit.The hospital had 
for wendy to be given up for medical studies as they thought she had no 
chance of surviving.A doctor,the one who injected wendy with the 
drug,happened to be christian and he had prayed for wendy and miracle 
happen.Wendy after forty days with no food did manage to 
survive.However she 
had severe damage to the eyes,ears and lungs and also severe scarring 
on her 
body.Seven years ago she had an operation to seperate the eyelids on 
left eye which had grown shut over the years as she didnot have much 
in it.After the operation she could see movement of objects with her 
eye.In NZ she also had a few minor operation on her eye and ears.  

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[JOYnet] Various ways of undergoing suffering

2002-10-29 Thread Bensi Chacko
Dear Friends,

  There are many various ways of undergoing suffering, but the Blessed 
Virgin Mary has shown us the best way. She too had her own suffering on the 
way to Calvary. She was there to reassure Jesus Christ that indeed He was 
not alone. Seeing her Son suffer terribly in the hands of men, Mary’s pain 
must have been unbearable. Had it not been for the grace of the Father, she 
would have died of pain and affliction. Our Lord has shown us the value of 
the following virtues:

1.	Silence
2.	Humility and Obedience
3.	Sacrifice
4.	Burning Charity.

Silence: In her silence, the Blessed Virgin endured every pain, every blow. 
She was always focused on the presence of God. She totally participated in 
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, her Son—in silence.

Humility and Obedience: Mary was humble enough to accept fully the will of 
the Father, even to sacrifice her only Son to be obtain for the remission of 
the sins of the mankind. Her fidelity is the same as that of Jesus Christ: “ 
Here I am Lord, I came to do Your will.

Sacrifice: By her spirit of sacrifice and atonement, the Blessed Virgin also 
offered reparation in union with Jesus, for the sins of humanity. She 
continues to intercede for the Church and lead souls to prayer, conversion 
and reparation.

Burning Charity: Despite all the hardship and injustices she suffered, the 
Blessed Virgin remained in the spirit of charity. She never returned evil 
for evil. She always spoke well of all, thought well of all and did good to 
all, excusing even those who killed her Son. Precisely it is sin that wounds 
and it is grace that heals and strengthens souls.

  In our sufferings it is therefore very important to be able 
to imitate the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then healing will come.

 "Through suffering, the new man with a new heart, a new spirit, a new law 
and obedient to God’s statutes will emerge from within us, and we will 
experience a new life—here and unto eternity" (Fr. Edgardo)

Bensilal Chacko

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[JOYnet] Bible Convention in Bangalore by Fr.Mathew Naickamparambil

2002-10-29 Thread Thomas George
Dear friends in Christ,

 Hail Jesus King!

 Fr.Mathew Naickamparambil, V.C & Team, Potta will
be conducting a 'BIBLE  CONVENTION' in Bangalore in
the first week of November.  The details reg. venue,
date and time is as follows :

DATE :   1st to 4th November (Friday to Monday)

 29, Logos Nagar, P.B.No.4326,
 Bangalore-560 043. 
 Tel. No. 080-5451252 / 5454748

TIME :   9.00 A.M  to  5.00 P.M

 Requesting Joynetters in Bangalore to inform your
relatives and friends about this Convention.   I also
request all our Joynetters world-wide to pray for the
success of this Bible Convention.

 In HIS grip and grace,

 Bangalore, India
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

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[JOYnet] Query : God or Parents ??

2002-10-29 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs

I have a very intereting Query which was asked to me recently.

If Following God's Will meant disobeying our Parents which should we choose.

Obeying his will and disobeying our Parents.


Ignoring his will and obeying our Parents.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Please Pray

2002-10-29 Thread Neovet
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I have placed a loan request to my HRD Department and they will be taking a
after discussing with directors by tomorrow afternoon. 

Please pray for me that I will be free from the financial problems which
burden me a lot.

I know that Jesus knows everything and He has a plan for me ( Jer 29.11) a
plan to
bring me prosperity ( Jer 29.12). Yes, may His will be done.

Praise the Lord.

Yours in Christ.


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