[JOYnet] Wise

2002-10-12 Thread Jase Jon

If you follow Mary
You will not swerve from the right path;
If you pray to Her, you will not fall into despair;
If She holds you, you will not fall;
If She protects you, you need not fear;
If She leads you, you will never weary; and
If She befriends you, you will be safe.
--St. Bernard (1153)

Jento, Sharjah

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[JOYnet] We Do Not Believe In The Apparitions by Christopher Gaul (Oct. 3, 2002)

2002-10-02 Thread Jase Jon

Catholic Review  Oct. 3, 2002  Note: it is implied that The Mercy 
Foundation belongs to Dr. Talone-
We do not believe in the apparitions

By Christopher Gaul

Review associate editor

An archdiocesan theological commission investigating messages alleged to 
have been delivered to Gianna Talone-Sullivan by the Blessed Virgin Mary has 
concluded that there is nothing supernatural going on and that, in fact, 
there are negative elements contained in some of the apocalyptic 
prophecies she has made public.

In a letter sent to the visionary Sept. 24 at her home near Emmitsburg, the 
archdiocese’s judicial vicar and cardinal’s delegate for canonical affairs, 
Monsignor Jeremiah F. Kenney, informed Dr. Talone-Sullivan that Cardinal 
William H. Keeler accepts the findings of the three-priest commission and 
has instructed that no Catholic church properties may be used for the 
purpose of providing a platform for any activities associated with the 
alleged apparitions.

We do not believe in the apparitions, Monsignor Kenney told The Catholic 

On Sept. 27 Cardinal Keeler sent a letter to the pastor of St. Joseph, 
Emmitsburg, informing him of the commission’s decision. It was at St. Joseph 
that Dr. Talone-Sullivan claimed to receive messages from the Virgin Mary 
during Thursday evening prayer services beginning in 1993 until September 
2000 when the archdiocese banned them.

In the letter to Father William O’Brien, C.M., Cardinal Keeler quoted the 
commission as stating that, given the present circumstances throughout the 
world of what may be called a growing addiction to the spectacular, we think 
that the Church should not promote or encourage persons claiming to have 
extraordinary channels to God.

In response, Dr. Talone-Sullivan, who has a doctorate degree in 
pharmacology, said she is grateful for the time, devotion and commitment, 
which the commission undertook in reviewing and studying the alleged 
experiences and events.

It is, she further stated, a great gift to belong to the Catholic Church, 
and we are always safe when we bow in obedience under her wing. However, 
she maintained that her regular apparitions and messages were and continue 
to be real.

In an open letter to those who have followed her messages, Dr. 
Talone-Sullivan said, We ask forgiveness from you if any misunderstanding 
or confusion has been caused to you or your family as a result of the 
lessons and messages that have been given to me by Our Lord and Our Lady.

The archdiocese and the commission were also critical of a video called, 
Unbridled Mercy, produced by Dr. Talone-Sullivan’s Mercy Foundation, in 
which references are made to a eucharistic spiritual reign where the Child 
Jesus will usher in a kingdom of peace.

The commission noted that such a spirituality is not the traditional Church 
teaching about the eucharistic mystery.

It may well be a comforting devotion for the visionary, the commission 
stated, but it cannot claim to be a private revelation of divine 
inspiration, to be presented as a divine message for the public.

Married to a physician, Dr. Michael Sullivan, Dr. Talone-Sullivan is the 
founder of the Mission of Mercy, based in Fairfield, Pa., near Emmitsburg. 
It is a non-profit mobile medical program that works to provide free medical 
and dental care to the poor, homeless, uninsured and underinsured patients 
in central and Western Maryland.

After first receiving private revelations in Scottsdale in 1987, Dr. 
Talone-Sullivan said she began to receive messages in 1988 that she said the 
Virgin Mary wanted to be made public. She said that from Dec. 19, 1989, to 
the present time, Our Lady has appeared and spoken to her nearly every night 
(except Fridays) during her private prayer, and during nearly every weekly 
public prayer group in both Scottsdale, Ariz., and since November 1993 at 
St. Joseph, Emmitsburg,

In 1989 Bishop Thomas O’Brien of Phoenix formed an investigative commission 
to look into Dr. Talone-Sullivan’s reported apparitions and messages and 
later announced that the diocese neither supported nor condemned the events. 
The bishop wrote that people were free to believe in private revelations if 
you wish.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore remained silent on the events in Emmitsburg 
until Aug. 30, 1995, when Monsignor Kenney said that because a diocesan 
investigation in Arizona had uncovered nothing contrary to faith Baltimore 
was neutral on the matter at this time.

Events at St. Joseph’s parish accommodated the growing crowds which averaged 
some 600 people every Thursday evening, growing to about 1,000 during the 
summer months.

After the archdiocese ordered the cessation of the Thursday prayer service, 
which Dr. Talone Sullivan accepted in obedience, she stopped publishing 
the messages she claimed to receive from the Virgin Mary until this past 
August when she again began to post them on an 

[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-06-10 Thread Jase Jon

Hello guys,

Please pray for the church in America

At the end of Mass today, we were asked by the Cardinal of our Archdiocese 
to pray many Rosaries for the Bishops who are to meet on Thursday in Dallas. 
  I'm posting to ask that you join us in praying the Rosary for them and for 
the Church in America.  We were reminded of the power of the Rosary 
throughout the ages used in time of trouble and sorrow.  Please pray as many 
Rosaries as you can this week, in the car on the way to work, while you wash 
dishes, while at Adoration, wherever you are, even one decade will help.  
The Church needs your prayers.  With the Rosary, we can find peace and much 

  peace and all good,



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[JOYnet] Dance During the Mass

2002-06-09 Thread Jase Jon

Liturgical Dance Aerobics Scores High With Seniors
by Bobby Jo Clifford
St. Petersburg Senior Gazette

First there was the old Shaker tune, I Danced in the Morning. Then there 
was Michael Flattley and The Lord of the Dance. Oh, and we mustn't forget 
last year's country hit, I Hope you Dance. It seems everyone wants to 
shake their groove thing these days. Well, now one area Catholic Church is 
incorporating dance into Sunday liturgy.

From Chicken Dinners to Chicken Dance

Folks at Our Lady of the Palms parish, St. Petersburg, Florida, have seen 
quite a change in their parish this last year. The parish that was made up 
of mostly retirees, a.k.a. snowbirds as we call 'em, has more then doubled 
in size. Now they have twice the amount of senior citizens.

What caused a parish that could barely support itself by selling Knights of 
Columbus Chicken dinners to turn into one of the most well known places in 
all of Jed Bush's state? Did they add another Bingo? No. Did they return to 
a Latin mass? No. The secret came from a little town close to the 

Dancing Queen

I've always known I was meant to do something special, said Glenn Reen, 
music director at Our Lady of the Palms. I just didn't figure out what it 
was until after I turned the big 4-0.

Reen has revolutionized Palms by creating a liturgical dance program. Every 
week during mass, a dancer helps lead in the procession and helps take up 
the offertory.

We always had liturgical dancers at the parish I came from, Reen 
explained. When I came here to Palms, I have to admit, I was shocked they 
knew nothing about it. We tried some cold run-throughs, but let me just say 
the seniors, bless their hearts, didn't pick it up too well. That's when I 
decided to institute the liturgical dancing classes.

What started out as simple one-on-one training with only three people has 
grown into daily classes of nearly forty participants.

I've always been a big fan of Richard Simmons, said Reen. It's just 
amazing how that guy can motivate people. So I thought to myself, here's my 
chance! I can teach dance, which is something I've been doing since I was a 
boy in the mountains, and I can give these seniors a good workout.

Reen's program, Sweatin' with the Spirit has become extremely popular.

We teach all the basics of liturgical dance, said Reen. When to stretch, 
when to extend your hand out, and when to do a few quick running steps.

Last Dance

Reen's classes have given many seniors a renewed sense of importance and a 
profound new lease on life.

I was close to entering myself in a nursing home, said Ted Braski, a 
retired automotive worker and recent liturgical dancer. I was sick of 
hearing my wife's voice nagging me to get off the couch and fix this or go 
do that. Then I heard about liturgical dancing. I asked Glenn if it involved 
a partner. He said no. I said you've got yourself one liturgical dancer!

Another member of Reen's dancing team, Helen Merrow, also enjoys the 
soothing nature of liturgical dancing. I like it because it makes me feel 
like a ballerina. I feel like a ballerina. When I dance for God, I feel like 
a ballerina.

Indeed the movements in liturgical dancing are often graceful and low 
impact. It is the perfect non-stressful workout. This probably explains 
Reen's success with stroke victims.

You should have seen me when I first tried dancing, said William Stanton, 
a recent stroke victim. I could hardly lift one of my hands above my head. 
But after training with Glenn, I am much more flexible and am able to use 
both hands just fine. I can even lift that bowl of hot spoke over my head 

Do You Love Me, Now That I Can Dance?

With new classes forming nearly every few weeks, there appears to be no end 
in sight for the massive popularity of liturgical dance aerobics. However, 
Reen doesn't want people to get the wrong idea.

I want everyone to know that liturgical dancing is for Catholics and 
Protestants alike, said Reen. I know some Protestants don't believe in 
dancing, but I also now some Catholics who think that a mass has to be a 
boring affair. It's time to spice things up a little bit.

And for a bunch of snow bird Catholics, that's just what Reen has done.

If you would like Reen's liturgical dancing aerobics to come to your parish, 
you can purchase a video cassette tape of Sweatin' with the Spirit 367 Lee 
St., St. Petersburg Florida, 45629 care of Glenn Reen

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[JOYnet] Mother Teresa

2002-05-22 Thread Jase Jon

THis is long but worth it.

Edward W. Desmond in 1989 for Time magazine


Time: What did you do this morning?

Mother Teresa: Pray.

Time: When did you start?

Mother Teresa: Half-past four

Time: And after prayer

Mother Teresa: We try to pray through our work by doing it with
Jesus, for Jesus, to Jesus. That helps us to put our whole heart and soul
into doing it. The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the 
they are Jesus in disguise.

Time: People know you as a sort of religious social worker. Do they
understand the spiritual basis of your work?

Mother Teresa: I don't know. But I give them a chance to come and
touch the poor. Everybody has to experience that. So many young people give
up everything to do just that. This is something so completely unbelievable
in the world, no? And yet it is wonderful. Our volunteers go back different

Time: Does the fact that you are a woman make your message more

Mother Teresa: I never think like that.

Time: But don't you think the world responds better to a mother?

Mother Teresa: People are responding not because of me, but because
of what we're doing. Before, people were speaking much about the poor, but
now more and more people are speaking to the poor. That's the great
difference. The work has created this. The presence of the poor is known
now, especially the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, the loved, the
uncared-for. Before, nobody bothered about the people in the street. We
have picked up from the streets of Calcutta 54,000 people, and 23,000
something have died in that one room [at Kalighat].

Time: Why have you been so successful?

Mother Teresa: Jesus made Himself the bread of life to give us life.
That's where we begin the day, with Mass. And we end the day with Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament. I don't think that I could do this work for even
one week if I didn't have four hours of prayer every day.

Time: Humble as you are, it must be an extraordinary thing to be a
vehicle of God's grace in the world.

Mother Teresa: But it is His work. I think God wants to show His
greatness by using nothingness.

Time: You are nothingness?

Mother Teresa: I'm very sure of that.

Time: You feel you have no special qualities?

Mother Teresa: I don't think so. I don't claim anything of the work.
It's His work. I'm like a little pencil in His hand. That's all. He does 
thinking. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do it. The pencil
has only to be allowed to be used. In human terms, the success of our work
should not have happened, no? That is a sign that it's His work, and that 
is using others as instruments - all our Sisters. None of us could produce
this. Yet see what He has done.

Time: What is God's greatest gift to you?

Mother Teresa: The poor people.

Time: How are they a gift?

Mother Teresa: I have an opportunity to be with Jesus 24 hours a

Time: Here in Calcutta, have you created a real change?

Mother Teresa: I think so. People are aware of the presence and also
many, many, many Hindu people share with us. They come and feed the people
and they serve the people. Now we never see a person lying there in the
street dying. It has created a worldwide awareness of the poor.

Time: Beyond showing the poor to the world, have you conveyed any
message about how to work with the poor?

Mother Teresa: You must make them feel loved and wanted. They are
Jesus for me. I believe in that much more than doing big things for them.

Time: What's your greatest hope here in India?

Mother Teresa: To give Jesus to all.

Time: But you do not evangelize in the conventional sense of the

Mother Teresa: I'm evangelizing by my works of love.

Time: Is that the best way?

Mother Teresa: For us, yes. For somebody else, something else. I'm
evangelizing the way God wants me to. Jesus said go and preach to all the
nations. We are now in so many nations preaching the Gospel by our works of
love. By the love that you have for one another will they know you are my
disciples. That's the preaching that we are doing, and I think that is 

Time: Friends of yours say that you are disappointed that your work
has not brought more conversions in this great Hindu nation.

Mother Teresa: Missionaries don't think of that. They only want to
proclaim the Word of God. Numbers have nothing to do with it. But the 
are putting prayer into action by coming and serving the people. 
people are coming to feed and serve, so many, you go and see. Everywhere
people are helping. We don't know the future. But the door is already open
to Christ. There may not be a big conversion like that, but we don't know
what is happening in the soul.

Time: What do you think of Hinduism?

Mother Teresa: I love all religions, but I am in love with my own.
No discussion. That's what we have to prove to them. Seeing what I do, they
realize that I am in love with Jesus.

Time: And they should love Jesus 

[JOYnet] Proud Catholic Mothers

2002-04-27 Thread Jase Jon

Proud Catholic Mothers

Four Catholic ladies were having coffee. The first Catholic woman told her 
friends, My son is a priest. When he walks into a room, everyone calls him 

The second Catholic woman chirped, My son is a bishop. Whenever he walks 
into a room, people call him 'Your Grace.'

The third Catholic womam said, Well, my son is a cardinal. Whenever he 
walks into a room, people say 'Your Eminence.'

The fourth Catholic woman sipped her coffee in silence. The first three
women gave her this subtle, Well..? So she replied, My son is a
gorgeous, 6' 2 hard- great body. When he walks into a room, people say, 'Oh 
my Lord!'

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[JOYnet] 23rd Psalm

2002-04-27 Thread Jase Jon

Timmy was a little five year old boy that his Mom loved very much and, being 
a worrier, she was concerned about him walking to school when he started 
Kindergarten. She walked him to school the couple of days but when he came 
home one day, he told his mother that he did not want her walking him to 
school everyday. He wanted to be like the big boys. He protested loudly, 
so she had an idea of how to handle it. She asked a neighbor, Mrs. Goodnest, 
if she would surreptitiously follow her son to school, at a distance behind 
him that he would not likely notice, but close enough to keep a watch on 
him. Mrs. Goodnest said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, 
it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well so she agreed.
The next school day, Mrs. Goodnest and her little girl, Marcy, set out 
following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbor boy he 
knew. She did this for the whole week.
As the boys walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, the little 
friend of Timmy noticed that this same lady was following them as she seemed 
to do every day all week. Finally, he said to Timmy, Have you noticed that 
lady following us all week? Do you know her?
Timmy nonchalantly replied, Yea, I know who she is.
The little friend said, Well who is she?
That's just Shirley Goodnest Timmy said.
Shirley Goodnest? Who the heck is she and why is she following us?
Well, Timmy explained, every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd Psalm 
with my prayers cuz she worries about me so much. And in it, the prayer 
psalm says, 'Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my 
life.' So I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

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[JOYnet] Cute

2002-04-25 Thread Jase Jon


A Sunday school teacher was teaching her class
about the difference between right and wrong.
All right children, let's take another example,
 she said. If I were to get into a man's
pocket and take his billfold with all his money,
what would I be?
Little Johnny raises his hand,
and with a confident smile, he blurts out,
You'd be his wife!

At Sunday School they were teaching
how God created everything,
including human beings.
Little Johnny seemed especially
intent when they told him how
Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs.
Later in the week his mother noticed him
lying down as though he were ill, and said, Johnny what is the matter?
Little Johnny responded,
I have a pain in my side.
I think I'm going to have a wife.

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[JOYnet] Last Days of St. Rita

2002-04-22 Thread Jase Jon

St. Rita

During the last four years of her life, Rita was confined to bed and was 
able to eat so little that she was practically sustained on the Eucharist 
alone. One of those who visited her some months before her death - a 
relative from her hometown of Roccaporena - was privileged to witness 
firsthand the extraordinary things wrought by Rita's requests. When asked 
whether she had any special desires, Rita asked only that a rose from the 
garden of her parent's home be brought to her. It was a small favor to ask, 
but quite an impossible one to grant in the month of January! Nevertheless, 
on returning home the woman discovered, much to her amazement, a single, 
brightly-colored blossom on the bush where the nun said it would be. Picking 
it, she returned immediately to the monastery and presented it to Rita, who 
gave thanks to God for this sign of His love. Thus the saint of the thorn 
became the advocate of all those whose own requests seem impossible as well.

Having faithfully and lovingly responded to God's many invitations to her in 
the course of her seventy-six years, Rita returned to him in peace on May 
22, 1457. As a special sign of God's favor, granted to only a small number 
of those the Church has raised to sainthood, Rita's body has remained 
incorrupt over the centuries. It is venerated today in the shrine next to 
the monastery in Cascia, which now bears her name. Her feast is observed on 
the anniversary of her death.

Rita is invoked as the Saint of the Impossible because of the exemplary 
way in which she met with the many difficulties and crosses in her own life, 
and turned them into instruments of growth in holiness before God. Saint 
Rita leaves with us her message of forgiveness, peace, love, suffering, 
humility and joy.


Prayer to St. Rita

Feast Day: May 22 (patron of impossible cases)

Holy patroness of those in need, Saint Rita, so humble, pure and patient, 
whose pleadings with the Divine Spouse are irresistible, obtain for us from 
your Crucified Jesus our request (mention it). Be gracious toward us for the 
greater glory of God and we promise to honor you and sing your praises


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[JOYnet] Love of Eternal Wisdom

2002-04-22 Thread Jase Jon

This document explains how Jesus Christ, the eternal Wisdom was active 
before, during and after the story of Creation.



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[JOYnet] New Web Site for Pieta Prayer Book online

2002-04-21 Thread Jase Jon


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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-04-21 Thread Jase Jon

From: Sanad_Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Hi
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:39:53 +0530

Can you do a favour for me,
Pls post thus prayer request in the Joy Net Today...

Some of the Nursing staff are attending an interview today in Hbad for the
placement in Singapore..
Pls do pray for them.

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry
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[JOYnet] Counting Pecans

2002-04-17 Thread Jase Jon

Counting Pecans

On the outskirts of town, there was a big old pecan tree by the cemetery
fence. One day two boys filled up a bucket  with nuts and sat down by the
tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts.  One for you, one for me.
One for you, one for me, said one boy. Several were dropped and rolled
down towards the fence.

Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle.  As he passed, he
thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to
investigate. Sure enough, he heard, One for you, one for me. One for you
and one for me. He just knew what it was. Oh my, he shuddered, it's
Satan and the Lord dividing the souls at the cemetery.

He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old
man with a cane, hobbling along. Come here quick, said the boy, you
won't believe what I heard. Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery
dividing up the souls.

The man said, Beat it, kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk?  When
the boy insisted, though, the man hobbled to the cemetery. Standing by the
fence they heard, One for you, one for me. One for you, one for, me.  The
man whispered, Boy, you've been telling the truth. Let's see if we can see
the devil himself.

Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, but were still unable to
see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought-iron bars of the
fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of Satan.

At last they heard, One for you, one for me. And one last one for you.
That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence, and we'll be done.

They say the old guy made it back to town 5 minutes before the boy.

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[JOYnet] Executive Hell

2002-04-12 Thread Jase Jon

One day while walking down the street a highly successful executive was 
tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven where 
she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself. Welcome to Heaven, 
said St.Peter. Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a 
problem. You see, strangely enough, we've never once had an executive make 
it this far and we're not really sure what to do with you.

No problem, just let me in. said the woman.

Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're going to do is let 
you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever 
one you want to spend an eternity in.

Actually, I think I've made up my mind...I prefer to stay in Heaven, said 
the woman.

Sorry, we have rules... And with that St. Peter put the executive in an 
elevator and it went down-down-down to hell. The doors opened and she found 
herself stepping out onto the putting green of a beautiful golf course. In 
the distance was a country club and standing in front of her were all her 
friends - fellow executives that she had worked with and they were all 
dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her. They ran up and kissed her on 
both cheeks and they talked about old times. They played an excellent round 
of golf and at night went to the country club where she enjoyed an excellent 
steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil who was actually a really nice 
guy (kinda cute) and she had a great time telling jokes and dancing. She was 
having such a good time that before she knew it, it was time to leave. 
Everybody shook her hand and waved good- bye as she got on the elevator.

The elevator went up-up-up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and found 
St. Peter waiting for her. Now it's time to spend a day in heaven, he 

So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on clouds and playing the 
harp and singing. She had a great time and before she knew it her 24 hours 
were up and St. Peter came and got her.

So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you 
must choose your eternity, he said.

The woman paused for a second and then replied, Well, I never thought I'd 
say this, I mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a 
better time in Hell.

So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she went down-down-down 
back to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself 
standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and Filth. She saw her 
friends were dressed in rags and were picking up the garbage and putting it 
in sacks. The Devil came up to her and put his arm around her. I don't 
understand, stammered the woman, yesterday I was here and there was a golf 
course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great 
time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look 

The Devil looked at her and smiled. Yesterday we were recruiting you; today 
you're staff.

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[JOYnet] Teresa Neumann

2002-04-11 Thread Jase Jon


Teresa Neumann was born on Good Friday, April 8, 1898 in Konnersreuth, in
northeastern Bavaria. She was the first child in a family of ten children.
Her parents owned a small farm, but they were not exactly well off. 
father supplemented the income by working as a tailor. Teresa's parents 
devout Roman Catholics, as were the rest of the inhabitants of tiny

Although Teresa received a strong Catholic education, there was never
anything remarkable to set her apart from the rest of her peers. She was
quiet, well behaved, but enjoyed games and good joke now and then. She had 
great love of nature in all its forms, and especially enjoyed the
companionship of the animals on the farm. She was robust in health and
became a great help to her parents in raising her younger brothers and
sisters. This became especially necessary when her father was conscripted 
fight in World War I.

She also did most of the farm work. Teresa found nothing too difficult, and
enjoyed the heavy work farming entailed. But when a fire broke out in a
neighbor's barn, Teresa spent two solid hours standing on a stool and
lifting pails of water to a person higher up in the stable who was fighting
the fire. She collapsed from exhaustion and fell to the floor. As a result
she suffered partial paralysis and severe leg cramps from the fall. Even 
most skillful doctors were unable to relieve her infirmities.

But Teresa was not a quitter. She was so determined to recover from the
affliction that she forced herself to do as much as she could with her
disability. She fell repeatedly while she was at it, until one day she fell
down the basement stairs. From this resulted a period of fainting spells 
blindness. Confined to bed, she developed bedsores so deep her bones were
exposed. Feeling herself a burden to her family whom she could no longer
support, she offered herself to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to suffer in
true submission to Him for the conversion of sinners. She spent years in
this condition.

Although Teresa Neumann had been named after St.Teresa of Avila, she was
personally devoted to St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, who had
died the same year Teresa was born. On the day of Therese of Lisieux's
beatification, on Sunday, April 29, 1923, at the exact moment the Pope
beatified the French nun in Rome, Teresa Neumann completely received her
eyesight back. When Blessed Therese of Lisieux was officially canonized a
Saint on May 17, 1925, the Saint carried on a dialogue with Teresa Neumann.
St. Therese asked her if she wanted to be completely cured. Teresa Neumann
replied she only wanted what God wanted, whether that was to be sick or to
be well. St. Therese told her not to be afraid, because she would suffer
greatly in the future, but that she would help her from Heaven.

When the conversation finished, Teresa rose from her bed completely cured,
after six and a half years of paralysis and bedsores. Doctors attested to
the instantaneousness of the cure, particularly of the deep bedsores which
they saw vanish in seconds before their very eyes.

On the First Friday of Lent, March 5, 1926, Teresa had a weak spell which
confined her to bed. She then experienced a vision of Jesus with three of
His Apostles on Mt. Olivet. After the vision, she noticed she was bleeding
from her side, from a wound just above her heart. She hid the wound from 
family, and washed her nightgown and bedclothes in secret so they wouldn't
see the blood.

However, the next Friday, March 12, Teresa went into ecstasy again, only
this time one of her sisters was present in the room when it occurred. 
Teresa was in ecstasy, the wound reopened and bled again. During this
vision, Teresa saw Jesus being scourged at the pillar, after the command of
Pontius Pilate. The same thing repeated on the third Friday of Lent, March
19, during which vision Teresa saw the Crown of Thorns cruelly fastened to
Jesus's Head by the soldiers On the fourth Friday, March 26, in addition to
the wound in her side, Teresa received the first of the nail Wounds, in her
left hand. Her hand and her side bled so profusely she and her sister could
no longer keep it a secret from their parents.

During the vision on this day, Teresa saw Our Lord's tremendous suffering 
dragging His Cross on His Shoulder all the way to Calvary where He would be
crucified. At midnight on Holy Thursday, 1926, Teresa went into ecstasy and
mystically underwent the entire Passion of Jesus Christ beginning with His
Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane until 3pm on Good Friday, when Our Savior
died on the Cross. At the moment when Jesus sweat blood in the Garden (St.
Luke 22:43-44), blood oozed from the pores in Teresa's scalp. When He was
scourged at the pillar (St. John 19:1), welts and oozing sores appeared all
over Teresa's body. When He was nailed to the Cross, holes burst open in
both her hands and her feet and bled profusely. Her head was running 

[JOYnet] Miracle Recalled

2002-04-09 Thread Jase Jon

Sunday, March 31, 2002

Miraculous Cure Recalled


Special to The News

retired New York City firefighter who beat cancer says he's alive today
thanks to the miracles performed by a Catholic priest who will soon be made 
a saint.

What is particularly unusual about the claims by Anthony Fuina, 67, is that 
the man he says he owes his life to - Blessed Padre Pio - had died nearly 30 
years before Fuina encountered him on a Long Island street.

Fuina's story, including his medical records, were forwarded by the Diocese 
of Rockville Centre to the Vatican as part of the evidence for Padre Pio's 

The Italian Franciscan priest will be canonized by Pope John Paul on June 

Fuina's amazing tale begins on March 7, 1997, after he had been diagnosed 
with a large bleeding tumor in his colon. He was driving on Division Ave., 
near his Massapequa home, to a real estate appointment.

Later that day, he was to see his doctor and learn of his biopsy results.

A Bearded Stranger

Although Fuina had never picked up hitchhikers before, for some inexplicable 
reason, he stopped for a bearded stranger.

The man had asked to be taken to a nearby church, Maria Regina, on Jerusalem 
Ave. about a mile away.

I approached Hicksville Road, and right there was this figure waving to
me, recalled Fuina, choking back tears.

Although Fuina was rushing to an appointment, he said he felt compelled to 
offer the man a ride.

I felt an immediate tie to this man whom I did not know, he said.

When he got into my car, I couldn't believe it, added Fuina. The whole 
car lit up. He looked at me and said, 'Something is wrong - do you care to 
tell me about it?'

He started to pray over me in the biblical way of tongues and he blessed 
me. He put his hand right where the tumor was below my chest.

I was electrified, said Fuina, a father of five. I had such a euphoria 
about me. As soon as he stopped praying, every hair on my body stood up, and 
I had every conceivable goosebump you could imagine.

Fuina said he felt a warmth where his tumor was located.

I started saying 'Oh my God, Oh my God.' I couldn't believe it, he said. 
It was the most beautiful sensation I've ever had in my entire life.

All he could do was cry tears of joy. He begged the stranger to tell him who 
he was, and all he replied was, I am a servant of God.

Before leaving, the mysterious man told him, The Holy Spirit has entered 
upon you. You are healed.

After dropping the stranger off, Fuina wanted to go back, but when he looked 
in his mirror, the man was gone.

Fuina's spirits were buoyed when he learned that his tumor was benign. A
short time later, his doctors were mystified when they sought to remove the 
large growth - only to find that it had vanished as quickly as the stranger 
who left his car.

Three years later, his fortunes took a turn for the worse when he was told 
by doctors at North Shore University Hospital that he had incurable
esophagus cancer and only had months to live.

Just before oncologists embarked upon a drastic campaign to save his life, 
Fuina's daughter Nancy gave him a wallet-sized picture given to her at a 
prayer group that day.

The snapshot made Fuina's jaw drop - it was a perfect likeness of the
stranger he picked up three years previously.

Who is this man? Who is this man? Fuina yelled at his daughter. Nancy
patiently explained that the man was Padre Pio, a priest known for his
healing powers and who also bore the stigmata - marks like the bloody wounds 
on the crucified body of Christ - for 50 years.

Doctors Amazed

More puzzling still was this revelation: Padre Pio died on Sept. 23, 1968, 
in a remote mountaintop monastery in southern Italy. To many, Fuina's 
insistence that the stranger in his car was Padre Pio might seem absurd.

And yet, Padre Pio was renowned during his lifetime among believers as
having the power of bilocation - being in two places at once.

Regardless of who the stranger was, doctors were stunned three months later, 
in August 2000, to find that Fuina had rallied from the brink of death and 
that he had no trace of cancer.

He had very advanced esophogaus cancer, said his radiologist-oncologist, 
Dr. Mitchell Karten of the Nassau University Medical Center. I'm a person 
of faith, and I do believe things are attainable through prayer. His chances 
of being cured were very, very remote. It's possible it was a miracle.

Fuina has no doubt that it was the long-dead priest who had visited him
three years earlier who cured him.

I know who my cure was, said Fuina. My cure is Padre Pio. He has changed 
our lives forever, he added, referring to himself and his family.

When Fuima and his wife, Barbara, join an expected million worshipers in
Rome for Padre Pio's canonization in June, there will be one more sweet
irony: The celebration will occur on their 40th wedding anniversary.

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[JOYnet] The flying Monk

2002-04-09 Thread Jase Jon

Many Allied aviation pilots of various nationalities (English, American,
Polish, Palestinian) and of varied religions (Catholic, Orthodox, Moslem, 
Protestant, Jewish) who during the Second World War, after September 8, 
1943, were based in Bari to undertake missions on Italian territory, 
testified to an amazing occurrence. Each time, while fulfilling their 
Italian military mission, they approached the zone of the Gargano, in the 
environs of San Giovanni Rotondo, they saw in the sky a Friar, who in 
stretching out his wounded hands, prevented them from dropping their bombs.

Foggia and almost all of the centers of Puglia were subjected to repeated 
bombardment; on San Giovanni Rotondo not one bomb fell.

This event, which is to say the least unheard of, was directly witnessed by 
the general of Aeronautica Italiana Bernardo Rosini, who at that time was 
part of the United Air Command operating out of Bari with the Allied air 
forces. Each time that the pilots returned from their missions, General 
Rosini told me, they spoke of this Friar that appeared in the sky and 
diverted their airplanes, making them turn back.

Everyone laughed at these incredulous stories. But since the episodes kept 
recurring, the Commanding General decided to intervene personally. He took 
command of a squadron of bombers to destroy a cache of German war materials 
that was said to be right in San Giovanni Rotondo. Up until that time, no 
one had ever succeeded in going in that direction because of the presence in 
the air of that mysterious phantasm which forced the airplanes back. Since 
this had been happening for some time, at the base there was much 
apprehension. We were all curious to see the results of this operation. When 
the squadron returned, we went over to ask what had occurred. The American 
general was quite upset. He recounted that as soon as they arrived near the 
target, he and his pilots had seen rising up into the sky the figure of a 
monk with his hands held high. The bombs dropped all by themselves, falling 
in the woods, and the planes turned in retreat, without any intervention on
the part of the pilots.

That evening, the episode was the main topic of conversation. Everyone was 
wondering who was this specter which the airplanes mysteriously obeyed.

Someone said to the Commanding general that at San Giovanni there lived a 
Priest with the stigmata whom everyone considered a saint, and that perhaps 
he was the very one responsible for diverting the planes. The general found 
this hard to believe, but as soon as it was possible, he wished to go there 
to find out.

After the war, the general, accompanied by a few pilots, arrived at the
Capuchin Convent. As soon as he crossed the threshold of the sacristy, he 
found himself facing a number of Friars, among whom he recognized
immediately the one who had stopped his airplanes. Padre Pio went up to meet 
him, and putting a hand on his shoulders, said to him: So it is you, the 
one who wished to do away with all of us.

Astonished at seeing and hearing the Friar, the general kneeled before
him. Padre Pio had spoken in his usual Benevento dialect, but the general 
was convinced that the Priest has spoken in English. The two became friends.

The general, who was a Protestant, converted to Catholicism.

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[JOYnet] Finally Humans are cloned

2002-04-07 Thread Jase Jon

It didn't come unexpected...

First cloned baby is the son of rich Arab, says doctor

Sunday, 07 April 2002, CET 09:00

News.telegraph.co.uk report that Dr Antinori have confirmed that the embryo 
is the clone of a VIP and that he had been experimenting to produce human 
clones in an Islamic country.

Dr Antinori, has told Giancarlo Calzolari, a friend and science reporter at 
Il Tempo newspaper in Rome, that the pregnancy is real and that he has a 
limitless supply of money for his experiments. Mr Calzolari said that he 
had been contacted by the doctor on Friday.

He told me it was a clone of an important, wealthy personality, Mr 
Calzolari said.

However, he was vague when I asked him the name of the woman and to at 
least describe the father. He would only say that he was a grosso 
personaggio [a big cheese].

The doctor added, 'I have at my disposal whatever amount of money is needed 
to reach the result. Imagine, it has been possible to carry out in a Muslim 
country a kind of research that was impossible to do in the West.' 


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[JOYnet] A Prayer for those who have too much

2002-04-03 Thread Jase Jon

A prayer for those who have too much

While I was deciding which oat bran cereal to eat this morning, you were 
searching the ground for leftover grains from the passing wheat trucks.

While I was jogging at the health center, you were working in the wealthy 
landowner's fields under a scorching sun.

While I was choosing between diet and regular soda, your parched lips were 
yearning for the touch of water.

While I complained about the poor service in the gourmet restaurant, you 
were gratefully receiving a bowl of rice.

While I poured my fresh and better detergent in the washing machine, you 
stood in the river with your bundle of clothes.

While I watched the evening news on my wide screen television set, you were 
being terrorized and taunted by a dictatorship government.

While I read the newspaper and drank my cup of streaming coffee, you walked 
the dusty hot miles to the tiny, crowded school  room to try to learn how to 

While I scanned the ads for a bargain on an extra piece of clothing, you 
woke up and put on the same shirt and pants that you have worn for many 

While I built a 14 room house for the three of us, your family of 10 found 
shelter in a one-room hut.

While I went to church last Sunday and felt more than slightly bored, you 
looked out upon the earth and those around you and felt gratitude to GOD for 
being alive for one more day.

My brothers and sisters, forgive me for my arrogance and my indifference. 
Forgive me for my greed of always wanting newer, bigger and better things. 
Forgive me for not doing my part to change the unjust systems that keep you 
suffering and impoverished. I offer you my promise to become more aware of 
your situation and to change my lifestyle as I work for transformation of 
our world.

Servite Sr. Joyce Rupp, author, most recently of Dear Heart, Come Home, 
wrote the above after visits to Guatemala and Liberia.


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[JOYnet] The Stones Cry Out: Archeology

2002-04-01 Thread Jase Jon

The Stones Cry Out: CC By Chuck Colson

Chairman of Prison Fellowship Ministries

March 28, 2002

Crosswalk.com News Channel - A few years ago, people exploring caves 
Jerusalem came across the find of a lifetime: an ancient burial cave
containing the remains of a crucified man. This find is only one in a
series of finds that overturn a century-old scholarly consensus. That
consensus held that the Gospels are almost entirely proclamation, and
contain little, if any, real history.

The remains belonged to a man who had been executed in the first century
A.D., that is, from the time of Jesus. As Jeffrey Sheler writes in his book
Is the Bible True? the skeleton confirms what the evangelists wrote about
Jesus' death and burial in several important ways.

First, location -- scholars had long doubted the biblical account of Jesus'
burial. They believed that crucified criminals were tossed in a mass grave
and then devoured by wild animals. But this man, a near contemporary of
Jesus, was buried in the same way the Bible says Jesus was buried.

Then there's the physical evidence from the skeleton. The man's shinbones
appeared to have been broken. This confirms what John wrote about the
practice of Roman executioners. They would break the legs of the crucified
to hasten death, something from which Jesus, already dead, was spared.

This point is particularly noteworthy, since scholars have long dismissed
the details of John's Passion narrative as theologically motivated

Another part of John's Gospel that archeology has recently corroborated is
the story of Jesus healing the lame man in John 5. John describes a
five-sided pool just inside the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem where the sick came
to be healed. Since no other document of antiquity -- including the rest of
the Bible -- mentions such a place, skeptics have long argued that John
simply invented the place.

But as Sheler points out, when archeologists decided to dig where John said
that the pool had been located, they found a five-sided pool. What's more,
the pool contained shrines to the Greek gods of healing. Apparently John
didn't make up the pool, after all.

The dismissal of biblical texts without bothering to dig points to a dirty
little secret about a lot of scholarly opinion: Much of the traditional
suspicion of the biblical text can only be called a prejudice. That is, 
a conclusion arrived at before one has the facts.

Scholars long assumed that the Bible, like other documents of antiquity, 
essentially propaganda, what theologian Rudolf Bultmann called kerygma or

But this prejudice does an injustice to biblical faith. Central to that
faith are history and memory. Christians believe that God has acted, and
continues to act, in history. For us, remembering what God has done is an
act of worship -- something that brings us closer to God.

Thus, while these discoveries in the desert may come as a surprise to some
skeptics, they're no surprise to Christians.

While archeology alone cannot bring a person to faith, these finds are an
eloquent argument for not dismissing the truth of Scripture before at least
examining the evidence -- because, as we are learning every day, Jesus 
it when he said that the very stones will cry out.

For further reading:

Jeffrey Sheler, Is the Bible True? (HarperCollins, 1999).

Visit the Biblical Archaeology Society website.

Randall Price, The Stones Cry Out: How Archeology Confirms the Truth of the
Bible (Harvest House, 1997).

Copyright 2002 Prison Fellowship Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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[JOYnet] Rabits Cloned

2002-03-30 Thread Jase Jon

Hope they don't clone us...

   Rabbits Cloned:

   Read the original report at Nature Biotechnology: 

   French Researchers Clone Rabbits (AP)
   ...The team said cloning rabbits, when linked to the genetic 
modification of the
   donor cells,...
   - Mar 29 11:30 PM ET
   By The Associated Press

   French scientists say they have successfully cloned rabbits from 
adult cells for the
   first time.

   The team produced six clones, and four developed normally with two 
dying. Two of
   the cloned offspring were later mated naturally, resulting in 
separate litters of
   seven and eight bunnies.

   Scientists reported their results in the April issue of the journal 
   Biotechnology. The team was based at France's National Institute for 
   Research in Jouy-en-Josas.

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[JOYnet] For all those who suffer

2002-03-27 Thread Jase Jon

 I wonder what the world would be like if there were not innocent people 
making reparation for us all...? Today the Passion of Christ is being 
relived in the lives of those who suffer.

To accept that suffering is a gift of God. Suffering is not a 
punishment.Suffering is a gift-though, like all gifts, it depends on how we 
receive it. And that is why we need a pure heart-to see the hand of God, to 
feel the hand of God,to recognize the gift of God in our suffering.

Suffering is not a punishment.Jesus does not punish.Suffering is a sign-a 
sign that we have to come close to Jesus on the cross that He can kiss us, 
show us that He is in love with us by giving us an
opportunity to share in His passion.Suffering is not a punishment, nor a 
fruit of sin; it is a gift of God. He allows us to share in His suffering 
and to make up for the sins of the world.

~ Mother Teresa  The Best Gift Is Love


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[JOYnet] Friendship

2002-03-26 Thread Jase Jon

John 12:1-11

Jesus chose to spend His last peaceful day with his dearest and closest
friends. He can relax around them. They are not going to pick a fight with 
Him. They are not trying to trap Him. If He wants to rest, they will 
minister to His needs and desires.

What a great example of caring friendship!

Look at how they dined. It was no simple meal of pita bread and dates, but a 
banquet! Jesus taught by His own example that we should live in humble 
simplicity, and yet He also enjoyed a fancy meal with lots of trimmings and 
gourmet dishes. And He certainly appreciated the luxury of the perfume His 
friend Mary used on Him. He did not say: Oh, you shouldn't have! He was 
very gracious in accepting without question the gifts that His friends gave 
to Him.

What a wonderful example of genuine friendship this was. It didn't matter 
how expensive or frugal the gift; what mattered was the level of friendship 
in which it was shared. In true friendship, we give service and gifts to 
each other simply because we love each other. There's no equality to it, no 
thought of If you pay the bill at the restaurant this time, next time it's 
my turn or If you invite me to your $100-a-plate wedding reception, then I 
have to arrive bearing a gift of equal value.

Mary didn't anoint Jesus because of all the good He had done for her, but 
rather because she loved Him. Nor did she choose which perfume to buy based 
on its price tag, but the beauty of its smell. She was accused of being 
wasteful, the gift too extravagant, but she didn't spend more than she can 
afford -- she was only being generous in the enthusiasm of her love.

Is your friendship with Jesus like this? How we treat our ordinary friends 
is how we treat Jesus. Our friendship with Jesus is only as strong as our 
relationships with the people He has given us for friendship.

Not everyone we have labeled as friends are from Jesus. And some are called 
to be closer than others, but Jesus gives us everything we need through holy 
friendships. No matter how bad things get, it is in the fellowship of true 
friends that we meet Jesus and kiss His feet and anoint Him with the perfume 
of our adoration, and it is in the fellowship of true friends that Jesus 
ministers to us, healing us and teaching us, dying for us and resurrecting 
us into victorious living.

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[JOYnet] Jeremy's Easter Egg

2002-03-26 Thread Jase Jon

Jeremy's Easter Egg

Jeremy was born with a twisted body, a slow mind and a chronic, terminal 
illness that had been slowly killing him all his young life. Still, his 
parents had tried to give him as normal a life as possible and had sent him 
to St. Theresa's Elementary School.

At the age of 12, Jeremy was only in second grade, seemingly unable to 
learn. His teacher, Doris Miller, often became exasperated with him. He 
would squirm in his seat, drool and make grunting noises. At other times, he 
spoke clearly and distinctly, as if a spot of light had penetrated the 
darkness of his brain. Most of the time, however, Jeremy irritated his 

One day, she called his parents and asked them to come to St. Theresa's for 
a consultation. As the Forresters sat quietly in the empty classroom, Doris 
said to them, Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It isn't fair to 
him to be with younger children who don't have learning problems. Why, there 
is a five-year gap between his age and that of the other students.

Mrs. Forrester cried softly into a tissue while her husband spoke. Miss 
Miller, he said, there is no school of that kind nearby. It would be a 
terrible shock for Jeremy if we had to take him out of this school. We know 
he really likes it here.

Doris sat for a long time after they left, staring at the snow outside the 
window, its coldness seemed to seep into her soul. She wanted to sympathize 
with the Forresters. After all, their only child had a terminal illness. But 
it wasn't fair to keep him in her class. She had 18 other youngsters to 
teach, and Jeremy was a distraction. Why waste any more time trying?

As she pondered the situation, guilt washed over her. Oh God, she said 
aloud, here I am complaining when my problems are nothing compared with 
that poor family! Please help me to be more patient with Jeremy.

Then one day he limped to her desk, dragging his bad leg behind him. I love 
you, Miss Miller, he exclaimed, loud enough for the whole class to hear. 
The other students snickered, and Doris's face turned red. She stammered, 
Wh-why, that's very nice, Jeremy. Now please take your seat.

Spring came, and the children talked excitedly about the coming of Easter. 
Doris told them the story of Jesus, and then to emphasize the idea of new 
life springing forth, she gave each of the children a large plastic egg. 
Now she said to them, I want you to take this home and bring it back 
tomorrow with something inside that shows new life. Do you understand?

Yes, Miss Miller! the children responded enthusiastically-all except for 
Jeremy. He just listened intently, his eyes never left her face. He did not 
even make his usual noises. Had he understood what she had said about Jesus' 
death and resurrection? Did he understand the assignment? Perhaps she should 
call his parents and explain the project to them.

That evening, Doris's kitchen sink stopped up. She called the landlord and 
waited an hour for him to come by and unclog it. After that, she still had 
to shop for groceries, iron a blouse and prepare a vocabulary test for the 
next day. She completely forgot about phoning Jeremy's parents.

The next morning, 19 children came to school, laughing and talking as they 
placed their eggs in the large wicker basket on Miss Miller's desk. After 
they completed their math lesson, it was time to open the eggs.

In the first egg, Doris found a flower. Oh yes, a flower is certainly a 
sign of new life, she said. When plants peek through the ground, we know 
that spring is here. A small girl in the first row waved her arms.

That's my egg, Miss Miller, she called out. The next egg contained a 
plastic butterfly, which looked very real. Doris held it up. We all know 
that a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly. Yes, that 
is new life, too. Little Judy smiled proudly and said, Miss Miller, that 
one is mine!

Next, Doris found a rock with moss on it. She explained that moss, too, 
showed life. Billy spoke up from the back of the classroom. My daddy helped 
me! he beamed.

Then Doris opened the fourth egg. She gasped. The egg was empty! Surely it 
must be Jeremy's, she thought, and, of course, he did not understand her 
instructions. If only she had not forgotten to phone his parents. Because 
she did not want to embarrass him, she quietly set the egg aside and reached 
for another.

Suddenly Jeremy spoke up. Miss Miller, aren't you going to talk about my 

Flustered, Doris replied, But Jeremy, your egg is empty! He looked into 
her eyes and said softly, Yes, but Jesus' tomb was empty too!

Time stopped. When she could speak again, Doris asked him, Do you know why 
the tomb was empty?

Oh yes! Jeremy exclaimed. Jesus was killed and put in there. Then his 
Father raised him up!

The recess bell rang. While the children excitedly ran out to the school 
yard, Doris cried. The cold inside her melted completely away.

Three months later, Jeremy died. Those who paid their 

[JOYnet] SCRIPTURE Acts 2:38

2002-03-26 Thread Jase Jon

An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of  church 
services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act 
of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, Stop! Acts  2:38! (Repent 
and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be 
forgiven.) The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the 
police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to 
take him in, he asked the burglar, Why did you just stand there? All the 
old lady did was yell a scripture to you.  Scripture? replied the 
burglar. She said she had an ax and two 38's!


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[JOYnet] A Virtual Retreat by Christ

2002-03-24 Thread Jase Jon

A virtual retreat for all


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[JOYnet] Rosary On Good Friday

2002-03-23 Thread Jase Jon

Rosary on Good Friday

Imagine what might happen if every Catholic in America would pray a Rosary 
on the same day! We have an example from October of 1573, when Europe was 
saved from the invasion of the mighty Turkish fleet.

Europe was saved by the praying of the Rosary by all Christians. So on Good 
Friday, let's all pray a Rosary for the intention of ending abortion.

If possible, please pray your Rosary between noon and 3:00 p.m.

If you have e-mail, please e-mail this message to every Catholic on your 
address list, and ask them to pass it along to every Catholic on their 
lists. If you don't have e-mail, please ask every Catholic you know to join 
in this effort.

Let's unite in praying one of the most powerful prayers-on one of the
holiest days- for this increasingly urgent intention. Thank you! May God 
bless you!

P.S. After you have e-mailed or shared this message, please write it on 
your calendar so that you won't forget.

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[JOYnet] Bringing up boys

2002-03-22 Thread Jase Jon

Hi I had to edit his speech because it was a long one. This is very serious 
though and needs a lot of our prayers.


By Dr. James Dobson

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The world into which children are born now has become a very dangerous
place. It's changed tremendously. When you and I were kids – and certainly 
when I was a child because I'm older than most of you here – the culture 
reinforced positive values and attempted to help parents raise those kids 

there are many people out there today who see in children an
opportunity to change the culture.

And they hate – for the most part – they hate the Judeo-Christian value
system. And children are the vulnerable ones. And if they can get control of 
children and if they can influence children, they can change the whole 
culture in one generation. And there is now a tsunami coming our way. It is 
breathtaking to me what's taking place. I hope you're seeing it.

Well, eight days ago, one week and one day ago, the National Education
Association announced its policy, that they're disseminating to school
districts all over the country, that every child in every school and every 
classroom in the nation should be taught homosexual – what I would call – 
propaganda. A child is in school for – public schools – for 13 years and 
we're going to start in kindergarten. You think that wouldn't happen and 
can't happen. California's legislature has already mandated that, and, as of 
September when the kids came back to school, this is what happened. Every 
classroom of every school of every year is being taught homosexual 

So they're teaching them that bisexuality is normal and that homosexuality 
and heterosexuality are morally equivalent. And they're teaching them many, 
many other concepts. They're bringing gays and lesbians into the school to 
teach them what a normal thing this is and answer their questions.

On February 4th, 12 days ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced
that gay and lesbian parents, so-called, can raise children and do raise
children as effectively as stable marriages where husbands and wives are
committed to each other. This is the American Academy of Pediatrics?

February 14th, two nights ago, you may have heard that Secretary of State 
Colin Powell went on MTV, broadcast internationally, and recommended that 
kids use condoms. And I'll quote for you. Listen carefully to the words he 
used: Forget about taboos. Guess whose taboos are we going to forget 
about? Forget about conservative ideas. Guess whose conservative ideas? 
With respect to what you should tell young people about, it's lives of 
young people that are being put at risk by unsafe sex, and therefore, 
protect yourself.

Centers for Disease Control, an arm of the federal government, last year 
issued a report that the press wouldn't report on that said, Condoms do not 
protect against syphilis, gonorrhea,
human papilloma virus, herpes, and most of the other sexually-transmitted 
diseases. And yet, here is the secretary of state on MTV, not the secretary 
of health and human services, the secretary of state making a statement  
like that. But on and on it goes.

I saw a video the other day of children in Afghanistan and they were
teaching these children how they could slit the throats of Israelis. If you 
teach that to 6-year-old boys, you will have violent men when they grow up. 
That's why there is this effort to control the minds of kids.

We also know, and you know, there is almost a total disregard for the value 
of human life in some post-modern circles. Dr. Peter Singer is a
bioethicist – of all things – at Princeton University. He is a tenured
professor. Let me read you what he wrote. Very often, it is not wrong at 
all to kill a child once it has left the womb. He said, and watch the words 
now, Simply killing an infant is never equivalent to killing a person.

That is a bioethicist at Princeton University. He was granted tenure after 
he made these statements. Do you know that it is a $25,000 fine to kill an 
eagle's egg and there's no law at all against killing a child in the latter 
stages of development in utero?

For the full article visit

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[JOYnet] The value of a soul

2002-03-16 Thread Jase Jon

From: Caterservice Int'l. Sdn. Bhd

What is the value of a soul? I asked the Lord one day. What is its
worth upon the earth? How much does one soul weigh? Then He showed
me a set of scales, in perfect balance, there. And, as I watched, he filled
one side, with wealth beyond compare.

There was silver, gold and jewels, so beautiful and rare. The different
treasures of the world, he quietly placed them there. My heart began to
tremble as I watched His nail scarred hands, For on the other side of
that great scale, I saw one single man.

Who is that man? I asked Him,  that he should have such worth? He
surely must be famous and the greatest man on earth. Step closer, now,
and take a look, Jesus said to me. As I drew near, I recognized a man
I'd often seen.

His clothes were old and ragged; in his hand he held a glass. He was our
city's poorest drunk, a man of lower class. Lord, you don't know that
man, I said. He's lived his life in vain. He'll bring disgrace into
the church and reproach upon your name.

I'd like to know him, Jesus said, but he does not know me. But if
you'll help me reach him, then what a change you'll see. I'll take that
wretched, sinful life and cleanse it with my blood. And when he gives
his heart to me, I'll fill it with my love.

His soul cannot be purchased with the wealth you've seen today. But I
was sent to die for him; my blood has paid the way. He's my lost sheep,
the Savior said, And I love you both the same, But if you think he's
worthless, then I surely died in vain.

So when you look upon someone whose life is wrecked by sin, If you'll
just have compassion, then you'll share your brother's pain. You must
not look upon his past or what he seems to be. But look beyond his many
faults and know, I'll set him free.

Don't look at him as just a man and only see his shame, But see him as
a precious soul that I have died to save. This earthly wealth, the
Savior said, cannot draw men to me. But I paid a price upon the cross,
to set this whole world free.

Author Unknown


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[JOYnet] Scriptures

2002-03-15 Thread Jase Jon

Today's Scriptures:
Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22
Ps 34:17-21 and 23
John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30

There are many ways in which Jesus presents Himself to us. Most of them are
unexpected. Sometimes we don't even recognize Him.

The people in today's Gospel reading failed to recognize Jesus as the 
because they had EXPECTATIONS of what the Messiah would be like. Sheesh!
Expectations can sure mislead us! Yes, we can expect God to love us and do
good for us, but when we have expectations about HOW and through WHOM He
should love us and do good for us, we usually end up disappointed and 

Jesus is present when we suffer, but if we expect Him to remove our pain
quickly to prove He cares about us, we will fail to recognize what He is 
that is more loving. We want short-cuts to healing and short-cuts to
happiness, but God knows when this would be detrimental for us. Despite what
our expectations insist upon, He is present to us in the long-term plan, for
which someday we'll be very grateful.

Jesus also comes to us in the people we don't like, but since we don't 
Him to show up in jerks and other sinners, we reject Him. It takes effort to
find Jesus in persons who are behaving very unChrist-like. But He is there. 
is teaching us to love the unlovable.

Jesus comes to us in many illogical ways. We expect that everything God does
and asks us to do will make sense. But it didn't make sense to Mary that she
should become the mother of the Messiah while still a virgin. It didn't make
sense to Joseph, either. And it's not logical that God would use a sinner 
me to bring you these daily reflections, especially since I don't have a
formal college degree, let alone a doctorate in theology. And neither is it
logical that you are the right person to do the tasks that God has set 
you. But if we say NO to God's plan, we are saying NO to an awesome 
of presenting Jesus to the world.

Jesus is presenting Himself to you in unexpected ways today. Look for Him.

Here's how to find Him when you can't see Him. Make a list of all those 
of your life where it seems like God has left the room, closed the door and
forgotten about you. Wherever He seems to be failing you, abandoning you, or
dismissing your needs, this is where Jesus is presenting Himself to you in
UNexpected ways.

He is not standing where you're looking. Turn around and look in a different
direction. You might need to turn toward a direction you don't like. Where 
expect disaster and more misery, unexpectedly, He is there, turning the bad
into good, for your sake AND for the benefit of everyone involved.

*Keep your eyes on Jesus*

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[JOYnet] Article on Love

2002-02-16 Thread Jase Jon

very nice article on love



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[JOYnet] Brocken Wings

2002-02-16 Thread Jase Jon

Contributed by Marion

I had moved my porcelain figurines from one spot to another as workmen
came into our house to refinish floors,paint walls and lay new carpet.

My bird collection was very special to me, for my now-deceased mother had 
given it to me. When it was time to replace my nic nacks, I was very
disappointed when I discovered my porcelain birds had sustained
substantial damage... at my own hand, I might add! I tried to repair the
broken wings with one type of glue after another, but to no avail. The
wings were so fragile, the glues I used didn't seem to work. I couldn't
fix them, so now they adorn my house in their broken state. I cannot
bring myself to discard them.

I remembered a lovely song which LeAnn Rimes sang called Broken Wing.
It told how a female bird stayed with her mate on the onset of winter,
when they should have migrated. He had a broken wing and couldn't fly,
and she faithfully stayed beside him. We receive broken wings many times
in our lives. There are times we are so shattered and down in heart that
we feel we cannot function. We may try to glue the pieces of our
brokeness together, but to no avail. Our loving heavenly Father has the
glue which will work, however, and it is His enormous love. It may repair 
the damage to your life very quickly, or it may take much longer than you 
have ever imagined, but He will remain at your side during the time of 
healing, just as the female bird did in the song. God's love glue will 
repair any broken wings which life may have thrown you.

So if you are feeling crushed or down hearted, allow God to fix your
brokeness. Just ask for His help, and be patient as He repairs the
damaged pieces.

Shared by Fr. Rick of Kingston, NY


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[JOYnet] Taking Picture

2002-02-14 Thread Jase Jon

Sent in by DON

A little boy walked to and from school daily. Though the weather that
morning was questionable and clouds were forming, he made his daily
to the elementary school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds
whipped up, along with thunder and lightning. The mother of the little
boy felt concerned that her son would be frightened as he walked home
from school and she herself feared that the electrical storm might
her child. Following the roar of thunder, lightning would cut through
the sky like a flaming sword. Full of concern, the mother quickly got
into her car and drove along the route to her child's school. As she
did so, she saw her little boy walking along, but at each flash of
lightning, the child would stop, look up and smile. Another and
were to follow quickly and with each the little boy would look at the
streak of light and smile. When the mother's car drew up beside the
child, she lowered the window and called to him,What are you doing?
Why do you keep stopping?

The child answered, I am trying to look nice. God keeps taking my

May God bless you today as you face the storms that come your way. And
don't forget to SMILE!


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[JOYnet] Seven Wonders

2002-02-14 Thread Jase Jon


  A group of students were asked to list what they thought
  were the present Seven Wonders of the World. Though
  there was some disagreement, the following got the most
  1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
  2. Taj Mahal
  3. Grand Canyon
  4. Panama Canal
  5. Empire State Building
  6. St. Peter's Basilica
  7. China's Great Wall

  While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet
  student hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the
  girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied,
  Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because
  there were so many. The teacher said, Well, tell us what
  you have, and maybe we can help. The girl hesitated, then
  read, I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:

  1. to touch
  2. to taste
  3. to see
  4. to hear
She hesitated a little, and then added ...
  5. to feel
  6. to laugh
  7. and to love

  The room was so full of silence you could have heard a pin drop.
  Those things we overlook as simple and ordinary are truly


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[JOYnet] Palestenian homes become stations of cross

2002-02-11 Thread Jase Jon

BIRZEIT, West Bank, FEB. 10, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Homes in the Palestinian 
city of Birzeit have become Stations of the Cross, given the difficulty of 
Christians going to Jerusalem to pray.

This experience, in a city with one of the most important Palestinian 
universities, is already producing spiritual fruits, Father Abouna Iyad Twal 
of Regina Pacis Church told ZENIT.

This special way of praying the Stations of the Cross is reminding every 
family of Birzeit of Christ's love in these difficult times, in which each 
one of them has a painful story or life experience to tell, the priest 

With this initiative, we are experiencing a great spiritual lesson that, 
regardless of the pain and the hard time we experience in our daily lives, 
we have a mission to accomplish, a faith to believe in, and God's love to 
share and make his love real in our daily lives, he added.

Father Twal said the initiative has been very positive. People were waiting 
in the houses to pray and keep the candle of hope lit so that one day we 
will celebrate the Resurrection, he said.

The parish priest appealed to Catholics in other places to continue with us 
on this path and pray with us that one day we will realize our dream of 
justice and a peaceful life in the 'Land of Absent Peace.'

Taken from Zenith.com


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[JOYnet] Souls in purgatory

2002-01-29 Thread Jase Jon


There are more souls released from purgatory during the Consecation of the 
Mass than at any time. Christmas is the day of the year when most souls are 
delivered; then feast days of Our Lord, Our Lady and great saints. Souls 
receive much grace from prayers pffered for them on their birthdays, day of 
aptism, anniversary of death.

The more we work for Poor Souls on earth teh more others will pray for us, 
the more merciful will Christ be with us when we're in purgatory.

Our Lady asked taht we pray very much for the poor souls; that we pray:
5 Ibelieve inGod...; 1 Hail Queen...;
1 Our Father...; 1 Requiem (Eternal rest grat unto them O Lord and let 
perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. Amen)


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