[JOYnet] Hello

2003-03-22 Thread Rubina John
Hi all,
Hope you all are keeping well by the grace of God.
Its being a long long time since i've mailed to JOYnet. Thankyou all 
wonderful people for the wishes and prayers during my marriage.
Those who are out there in search of your better half, just pray & recite 
the Rosary & then leave everything to God. Rosary has helped me a lot.
Do keep Gigme & myself in your prayers.
With regards
Rubina Gigme John
South Africa.

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[JOYnet] A beautiful way to look at life!

2002-11-19 Thread Rubina John
** The Cake: a beautiful way to look at life **

Sometimes, don't we wonder "What did I do to deserve this", or "Why did 
have to do this to me". Here is a God sent explanation!!!

A little boy is telling his Grandma how everything is going wrong. 
family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is 
baking a
cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a snack, which, of course, 
does. "Here, have some cooking oil." "Yuck" says the boy. "How about a
couple of raw eggs?" "Gross, Grandma!" "Would you like some flour then? 
maybe baking soda?" "Grandma, those are all yucky!" To which Grandma
"Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are 
together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!"

God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go 
such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these 
all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him 
eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise
every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He listens. He can live 
in the universe, but He chose your heart.

If you like, send this on to the people you really care about.

I did.

Hope your every day is a "piece of cake!"

God bless !

Ruby / South Africa.
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Re: [JOYnet] We are not fighting against human beings but against wicked spiritual forces Eph

2002-11-06 Thread Rubina John
that was such an enlightening piece of article. Praise the Lord!!!
Normally we don't think or understand that our enemy is the evil spirit. We just blame 
and hate our fellow people for their wrong doings. The Bible says " But what comes out 
of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a man.. For out of the heart 
come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander"  
(Matthew 15:18-20). It is our duty & responsibility as children of God to act against 
those  evil spirits. For this we need to be the 'owners' of a clean heart filled with 
the Holy spirit as the scripture says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, 
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against 
such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23).
So lets pray as David prayed: "CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART, O GOD  AND PUT A NEW AND 
RIGHT SPIRIT WITHIN ME"(Psalms 51:10) .We should also pray for our fellowbeings as 
well & then the world will be a much better place to live.
With love in Jesus :)
Rubina John / South Africa.
 From: "Thomas Mathew" 
Subject: [JOYnet] We are not fighting against human beings but against wicked
spiritual forces Eph
Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2002 22:36:16 +

“We are not fighting against human beings but against wicked spiritual
forces” Ep.6.11 

I remember a situation.  The other day I was with a group of youth in New
Zealand. We started to talk about the stress in the families and I
noticed one young man dropping his head and eventually the focus of
attention was on reconciliation in the families. At one point,
interestingly enough one of the youngsters stated “My home is a purgatory”
and for him purgatory means a temporary hell. For him Lucifer is his Dad
and mom is the counterpart of Lucifer. This young man and all the
youngsters except one or two mentioned that they themselves are the
little devils in that temporary hell.


It was sad to be conscious that their parents are the devils. For the
youngsters they and  parents are the devils.. We may sit back and argue
for arguments sake that they could be wrong but real life situation for
these youngsters was the awareness of themselves not as the beautiful
creation of God. They forgot that God created the human beings to
resemble God. God said “now let us make human beings they will be like us
and resemble us” - Gen.1.26. The youth in New Zealand experience
temporary hell situation in their families.


Often we think that our parents and our enemies are devils and we start
fighting them. We are ready to annihilate each other. But the real enemy
is not us. It is the wicked spiritual forces. “We are not fighting
against human beings but against wicked spiritual forces”. Ep.6.11. Often
times we think the enemy is my family member. Hence we fight tooth and
nail to destroy the others. I have seen children fighting their parents
for various reasons or even annihilating them. Cain did the same. He felt
jealous. Jealousy is a gift of the devil and  Satan hid that very
cunningly and deceived Cain. Cain felt angry at his own brother and
destroyed Abel. “Cain ! turned on his brother and killed him” Gen 4:8.

The real enemy was evil that took over Cain. Satan is a liar. He even
called God a liar. When Eve, reasoned out with Satan in her struggle to
obey God, Satan said God is a liar and convinced Eve to work against God.
Eve said “God told us not to eat of that tree. If we did we will die”
Gen3.3 and  Satan stated “That is not true” Gen 3.4. This Satan is out
there looking for us to trap us to sin against one another so that we
might fight each other and annihilate one other.

In this fight against the evil forces, we may fail if we don’t put our
proper spiritual armors. There are six pieces in this spiritual armor to
be used  in the fight against the evil. “Truth as the belt, righteousness
as the breastplate, readiness to announce the Good News as the shoes,
Faith as the shield, salvation as the helmet and Word of God is the sword
which the spirit gives. Pray on every occasion as the Spirit leads”.Eph.6.14-18.
The fight against evil is a constant warfare. But we need the Holy Spirit
to illumine our hearts so we will know the real enemy. The real enemy is
Satan not our brothers and sisters. No need to destroy our erring
brothers and sisters. Pray for them so that they will be ! delivered from
the clutches of the Evil one. Jesus himself prayed for us sinners. “I do
not ask you to take them from this world. Keep them safe from the evil
one” John 17.15

We need to pray for our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children,
friends, priests, religious, government officials, communicators so they
may not transmit evil messages, teachers, office mates and everyone who
might be considered as evil doers or our enemies.

Praise the Lord
Fr Thomas Math

[JOYnet] thank you

2002-10-28 Thread Rubina John
Dear all,

I had mailed you to pray for my pre-registration exam last week. Thanks a lot for 
remembering me in ur prayers and for those who responded with inspiring messages-many 
thanks for the support. 

Normally i get very tensed during exams & i won't be able to concentrate on the paper. 
But i should say that i really felt the presence of our loving God while writing the 
exam.Though the paper  wasn't that good, I was very calm & was able to think properly. 
 Thankyou all for ur prayers & Sheril, u really supported me a lot. 

Love & Prayers

Rubina John

South Africa.
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RE: [JOYnet] Tools & Presence of Our Loving Lord

2002-10-28 Thread Rubina John
That was a wonderful sharing.
If God is for you, who can be against you? :)
 Neovet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Praise the Lord !

Let me share a wonderful experience that happend to me just one week before.

I am going thru a financial crisis now-a-days since my wife had to undergone
an open heart surgery. 

I got a legal notice from a Credit Card group since one of the cheques
issued to them 
was bounced with the reason showing no balance in the account. I had to pay
them by cash 
or they may be moving to court within two days.There was no way for me and I
was helpless.

Since i got the notice during office hours I kept it on my table and just
went through Joymails and 
started praying in my mind.

Around after 1 hour my Sr. General Manager -HRD called me up for some
discussions related to field
and during that time, he just asked me about my personal life. Since he is
an elderly person, I felt sharing 
my problems with him.He listened me carefully and "Praise the Lord" even
without a request, he gave me a 
cheque for Rs. 31,000/-. Really I was shivering. I told him what I was
feeling and he told me to "Thank God" to him.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household"

While I am writing this message, I am holding a line from the same Credit
Card group who are offering me a "Personal Cash Loan".

Isn't our God really loving and caring?

Yours in Christ.


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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2002-10-24 Thread Rubina John
Dear loving all,

I'm writing a pre-registration exam tomorrow @ 10a.m. Itz a 3hr paper. Since i did my 
B.Pharm in India, i'm not quite thorough about the laws here. So plz remember me in ur 
valuable prayers. I'm leaving everything in HIS hands. Let His will be done.

will be back on sunday & will let u know how the paper went. I'm glad 'cuz i've 
got lots of people to pray.


Love in Jesus


Grahamstown/South Africa.
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

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Re: [JOYnet] "The Imaginary Cross"

2002-10-21 Thread Rubina John
Yeaah, thats absolutely true. I've experienced the 'power of the imaginary cross'. I 
remember when i was small my mum used to draw an imaginary cross on my forehead as 
well as my siblings before going to bed & later when we grew up we used to draw the 
same on each other's forehead. As Priya mentioned we really can experience the 
wonderful protection of our Saviour.
Nice to know that JOYnet(sorry, WE) are celebrating our 4th birthday. Lets all praise 
God for this wonderful gift. Its really nice to be a part of God's own love community.
Rubina John
South Africa.
Priya Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:One day I was with my friend; in between our 
chat her kid demanded a little
water. She opened the tap and before giving that to the baby she put an
Imaginary Cross on it.
I wondered and asked : "Why have you done that?"
"Ohhh, Its simply to give protection to my kid"
I too agreed, since I know well about Cochin corporation water.

Days passed The way which I used to go to school was an area where
we can find many street dogs. About dogs -I'm too much scared about this
species. My fear of dog is proverbial, my friends and relatives used to
tease me for that. Really an area where I needed inner healing :)
There were many times these street dogs came near to me, blocked my way and
even tried to lick my feet. I wanted to help myself out from these dogs but
was helpless as there was no other option to reach school.

After a week, somehow "The Imaginary Cross" of my friend came to my mind. I
decided to try that method. Nextday, as I was going school I saw a dog
coming from a distance. Yes the same one which excorted me the previous day
to the school premises ; Suddenly I put an "Imaginary Cross" on its

My friends you won't believe, that dog didn't disturb me that day. My
confidence doubled and I began to use the same method every morning when I
go to school.

Now a days where ever I face problems or where ever I need protection or
when ever I lack courage I put Imaginary Cross on my problems, on my
things, and even on the other person
Its very simple to draw an Imaginary Cross, but the confidence and
protection it gives is immense. You too can try this method and find out the

Annie Berly, Thanks a lot for teaching me this wonderful method!

Praise God!

Priya Joseph

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2002-09-08 Thread rubina john

Dear all,

 Sep 8th is a special day for us-- Today we are celebrating the nativity of the 
Blessed Virgin Mary. Wishing u all a happy feast of the birth of our Mother Mary!!

Please pray for my daddy & mummy as they are celebrating their wedding anniversary on 
this special day.

It was on a sep 8th that i received the Body & Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ -Yes, 
my First Holy Communion & my Confirmation too. I specially remember that day & all 
those who prepared me for my communion.

Our house warming too was on a sep 8th.

Kindly remember us in your prayers :)

Thankyou Lord for all the blessings that you have showered upon us & above all for the 
endless love. Lord God, the day of our salvation dawned when the Blessed Virgin gave 
birth to your Son.As we celebrate her nativity grant us your grace and your peace 
through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Have a nice day :-)

Rubina John

South Africa.
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[JOYnet] the Lord's Prayer...

2002-09-03 Thread rubina john

Dear all,

Itz been a long time since i had written to u all. But
i always find time to read all those inspiring
and i can see that day by day JOYnet is
growing/flourishing spiritually. Itz really sad that
the scripture quotes came to an end :( 

I remember someone put across an interesting piece
regarding our Lord's prayer recently.Here's another
one which made me think about it :)

As someone said:
I can't say "our" if i live only for myself.
I can't say "Father" if i don't act like his child.
I can't say "who art in heaven" if i don't believe
I can't say "hallowed be thy name" if i'm not striving
for holiness.
I can't say "thy kingdom come" if i'm not trying to
hasten that event.
I can't say "give us this day our daily bread" if i'm
I can't say "forgive us our trespasses" if i bear a
grudge against another.
I can't say "lead us not into temptation" if i
deliberately place myself in its path.
I can't say "deliver us from evil" if i do not put on
the armour of God.
I can't say "thine is the kingdom and the power and
the glory" if i do not give the King the loyalty due
to him from a faithful subject'.
love in Jesus
South Africa.
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[JOYnet] Prayer Requests!

2002-06-01 Thread rubina john

Dear all,

 Please pray for my brother, Roshan & his friends who are writing the final year 
engineering exams from 3rd of June. He is really struggling hard. It was God who 
helped him all those years & pray that the Holy Spirit be with him all the time.

I have another prayer request too-- Please pray for my uncle and aunty who have been 
married for 7 years. They are craving for a child. Apparently aunty got pregnant 
thrice but miscarriage happened in her 4,5 & 4th  months respectively. The doctors 
said that it was due to a cyst growth in her uterus. She had undergone treatment for 
it & now her blood-glucose level is increasing .Both of them resigned from their job & 
are in Kerala now. We all believe that God will bless them with a child. So please 
remember them in your valuable prayers.

Thank You

much love in Jesus

Rubina John

Grahamstown ,South Africa.
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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2002-04-30 Thread rubina john

Dear all,

  I applied for a bursary for my higher studies & I was quite worried when I heard 
that everybody's application except mine was approved and you know, its really 
expensive to study here. Moreover my brother doesn't have a bursary for his studies. 
So i know that i'm really in need of bursary,as it will help my parents regarding my 
fees. I kept on praying..& i believed that God knows evrything what we need and He 
will provide us in our necessities.2 months later (4 days ago) I got a letter from 
student bureau stating that I have to pay so & so amount.That night Sheril & I prayed 
together to God(we used to pray, sing together-itz really great). The next day I was 
busy with my experiments & around 3p.m my Prof. asked me to meet him in 5 min. 
Suddenly, i took the coat off &went to see him & i was a bit worried. He gave me an 
envelope & asked me to read the letter within. I read & to my surprise it was the 
approval letter for the bursary.Praise the Lord, for He has done great !
things to me!! Thankyou Jesus for giving me everything you want me to have.So my dear 
friends just remember that God is with us always, knowing what we want & that we are 
precious in His eyes.

Plz do pray for me:

With love & prayers


Grahamstown, South Africa.
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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[JOYnet] Hello!!

2002-04-23 Thread rubina john

Dear friends in Jesus,

   I'm Rubina John, a recently joined member of this wonderful family.My friend 
Sheril has already introduced me to JOYnet.Thank you Sheril for  the warm welcome.

I was an active member of Jesus Youth during 95-97 and I'm really happy that God has 
always given me opportunities to share and grow in spiritual life.Please pray for me 
that I will be a good instrument of God. 

With love & prayers,

Rubina John

Grahamstown, South Africa.
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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