[JOYnet] Kuwait update

2003-03-21 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends,

Our prayers are with you dear friends.I am sure
that our Lord Jesus christ will protect you from
all dangers.I just read this somewhere

Security is not the absence of danger, but the
presence of God, no matter what the danger.

It's So true.

God Bless
George Kuriakose

--- Sebastian Kakkasseri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Last night full of warning sirens. Even now while i
 am typing a new wave of 
 sirens i can here. it is an automated radar
 controlled siren showing a scud 
 moved to Kuwait fm Iraq. Thank God until now no
 casualities as most of them 
 are dropped down by patriatic missiles.
 thanks for your prayers continue to keep us and the
 people of Iraq in your 
 prayers. Watican Ambassodr in Kuwait instructed us
 to reduce public prayer 
 meetings as there could be a threat over Christian
 interests, todays prayer 
 service has been cancelled. only a quick mass
 service will be there in all 
 Kuwait churches and all JYs in Kuwait are requested
 to pass this message to 
 all friends also avoid gatherings especially near
 church premises.
 sebastian kuwait.

 Cricket World Cup 2003- News, Views and Match

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Re: [JOYnet] Is anything impossible for God?

2003-01-15 Thread george kuriakose

  There is one thing that is really impossible for God

God Bless
--- Jennifer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello Friends,
 Christ is my best friend and I can say this because
 of what He has done in my
 life.  I hurt Him, denied Him but He never left me. 
 I always asked and He
 never stopped giving.  Jesus is that way.for me
 He is the Shepherd who
 with His stick disciplines whenever we go away from
 Him on a wrong path.  And
 Who by His love fondles me and embraces me whenever
 I am hurt and in pain.  He
 is the Shepherd of my soul and my soul thirsts for
 He is perfect but I am not and He knows that and so
 He loves me just the way I
 am and even when I falter I know, I can still go to
 my Lord, Who will cleanse
 me and accept me and take away all my sins.
 I donno why I am sharing this with you all.  But as
 I was reading this story,
 I was deeply touched.  A child who for the first
 time hears the story of
 Christmas gives himself so completely to the Lord. 
 This is the power of the
 Love of Christ which makes everyone His own.  And
 those sinners who receive
 His love are transformed and become His powerful
 instruments in giving His
 love to all.  It's the love of God alone that can
 transform a hardened sinner.
 God's love is unconditional and this is the ultimate
 truth.  And those who
 tastes His love becomes His forever and nothing can
 seperate us then from
 There are so many who have not yet heard about Jesus
 Christ and as Christians
 it is our duty to tell others about Jesus Who loves
 May Christ give us the strenght to be His witnesses.
 Manger Story
 In 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from
 the Russian Department
 of Education to teach morals and ethics based on
 biblical principles) in the
 public schools. They were invited to teach at
 prisons, businesses, the fire
 and police departments and a large orphanage. About
 100 boys and girls who
 had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of
 a government-run
 program were in the orphanage.
 They relate the following story in their own words:
 It was nearing the holiday season, 1994, time for
 our orphans to hear, for
 the first time, the traditional story of Christmas.
 We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in
 Bethlehem. Finding no room in
 the inn, the couple
 went to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and
 placed in a manger.
 Throughout the story, the children and orphanage
 staff sat in amazement as
 they listened. Some sat on the edges of their
 stools, trying to grasp every
 word. Completing the story, we gave the children
 three small pieces of
 cardboard to make a crude manger. Each child was
 given a small paper
 square, cut from yellow napkins I had brought with
 me. No colored paper was
 available in the city. Following instructions, the
 children tore the paper
 and carefully laid strips in the manger for straw.
 Small squares of
 flannel, cut from a worn-out nightgown an American
 lady was throwing away as
 left Russia, were used for the baby's blanket. A
 baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the
 United States. The
 orphans were busy assembling their manger as I
 walked among them to see if
 they needed any help.
 All went well until I got to one table where little
 Misha sat. He looked to be about 6 years old and had
 finished his project.
 As I looked at the little boy's manger, I was
 startled to see not one, but two
 babies in
 the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to
 ask the lad why there
 were two babies in the manger. Crossing his arms in
 front of him and
 looking at this completed manger scene, the child
 began to repeat the story
 seriously. For such a young boy, who had only heard
 the Christmas story
 once, he related the happenings accurately-until he
 came to the part where
 Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger. Then Misha
 started to ad-lib. He
 made up his own ending to the story as he said, And
 when Maria laid the baby
 the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had
 a place to stay.  I
 told him I have no mamma and I have no papa, so I
 don't have any place to
 stay. Then, Jesus told me I could stay with him. But
 I told him I couldn't,
 because I didn't have a gift to give him like
 everybody else did. But I
 wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought
 about what I had that maybe
 I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept
 him warm, that would be a
 good gift. So I asked Jesus, If I keep you warm,
 will that
 be a good enough gift? And Jesus told me, If you
 keep me warm, that will
 be the best gift anybody ever gave me. So I got
 into the manger, and then
 Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with
 him---for always. As
 Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of
 tears that splashed 

[JOYnet] Re: Vastu shastra

2002-11-13 Thread george kuriakose
Dear Friends in Christ,
 Please find a short write up on Vastu Shastra 
 picked up from the internet before furthur

 According to Shastras,if we worship,revere and
respect the lords of these eight directions,they will
shower on us their blessings and benefits.

Vastu in Sanskrit means nature , a surrounding or
environment.The word Vaasthu came from Vasthu ,
denoting anything existing such as house,
shelter,building etc.Shastra in sanskrit means
systems.Vastu shastra is an ancient art and
science,containing principles and practises of
constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious
balance between man and nature and thereby bring all
round happiness,health,wealth and prosperity.

Ancient sages of India laid down several principles
for constructing buildings taking advantage of the
nature,the Pancha Bhootas namely Earth,Space,Air,Fire
and water,gravitational and magnetic effects and
rotational influences of Sun,Moon,Earth and other
planets on the life in Earth with a view to bring
balance and harmony between man, nature and his
buildings and thereby ensuring peace,prosperity,and
happiness.These principles,calledVastu Shastra,were
evolved over thousands of years out of experience and
foresight of ancient Sages of India and are very
valuable for the well being of man-kind. According to
Shastras,if we worship,revere and respect the lords of
these eight directions,they will shower on us their
blessings and benefits.

Esshan ie Ishwar(North-east) - He grants us
wisdom,knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves
us from sufferings. 
Indra(East) - He is the king of angels. He gives
wealth and all pleasures of life. 
Agni/Fire(South-east) - He gives us beautiful
personality and all the best of life. 
Yamaa or Yamaha(South) - He is god of death.He is
embodiment of dharma.He eradicates evils and grants
all good things. 
Nissan or Niruti (South-west) - He vanishes fear about
our enemies. 
Varun(West) - He is god of rain. He showers his
blessings through rain and brings prosperity and
pleasure in life all round. 
Vayu/Wind(North-west) - He bestows on us long
life,health and strength.He is the basic of all life. 
Kuber(North) - He is god of wealth.He grants us wealth
and all comforts of life. 
Who does not want all these things in life??? These
gods belong to all religions,races and castes and
creeds. Now-a-days,when people want to construct a
house or other building, they devote more time for
minute details of foundation,superstructure,
comforts,look,appearance etc.without going into
detailed examination as to whether such a house or
building will bring them prosperity,
health,wealth,wisdom and happiness in the life paving
the way for progress and peaceful living or not.

Vaastu is such a vast field which really needs
specialisation if someone want to study it .There are
some basic favourable and unfavourable directions
which we use in our daily life. 
Shape of plot - Favourites are regular shaped square
or rectangular plota AND irregular shaped plots are
normally avoided. 
Water-bodies - Water bodies in north or east are
considered good. 
Obstruction - Obstruction like big trees,open
well,pillars and posts before a arrow like roads are
to be avoided. building 
Ideal site - In a square plot the house should be
constructed in the for house centre and in rectangular
plot it should be nearer to construction south,south
west and west sides preferably leaving more in a plot
open space on north and east. 
L or Considered not suitable for house as corners
will be U shaped missing and occupants will be
missing oppurtunities. plots 


God Bless

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[JOYnet] New Member from Bhopal

2002-10-16 Thread george kuriakose

Dear Admin,

Could you add a new member SIJU M JOHN
from Bhopal to the JOYnet E-mail list


God Bless 
George NJ

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[JOYnet] The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

2002-10-13 Thread george kuriakose

The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

The Catholic Church traces the origins of the
Eucharist to the very actions and words of Jesus
Christ Himself as recorded in the three synoptic
Gospels, the gospel of Saint John and as described by
Saint Paul in the New Testament. The use of bread and
wine as an offering begins under the Old Covenant as
described in the Book of Genesis:

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and
wine; he was priest of God Most High.

Genesis 14:18
As they began their exodus from Egypt, the Jews ate
unleavened bread (Exodus 12:15), made necessary
because of their haste to flee, and they continue to
this day to honor this occasion with unleavened bread
when they celebrate Passover; the last cup of
blessing at the end of the Passover meal was a cup of
wine used to celebrate the fact that God had blessed
His chosen people and would bless them again someday
in Jerusalem. They ate manna - bread sent from Heaven
- as they wandered the desert in search of the
Promised Land, finally settling there as God had
promised them. After they lost their land because of
their continued failure to keep the Commandments of
God, they were sent prophets who predicted that a
Messiah would be sent by God, a saviour who would
bring them back to their original place of honor
before God. He arrived about 2,000 years ago.

Jesus' life began in Beth-Lechem...the House of Bread
(Matthew 2:1). His first public miracle was at a
wedding party in Cana (John 2:2-5), where He turned
water into wine in response to a request by His
mother. With the miracle of the multiplication of the
loaves (Matthew 14:14-20), as Jesus blessed the loaves
of bread and distributed them, He prefigured the
superabundance of the unique bread that was to be His
Eucharist. After teaching and healing the sick and
working other wonders in the hills of the Galilee,
Jesus had developed a wide following with many
disciples. It was at the synagogue of Capernaum, at
the time of the feast of Passover, that Jesus began to
unfold the nature of His Eucharist to those who were
following Him:
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the
food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of
man will give to you; for on Him has God the Father
set His seal.

John 6:27

When His followers asked about the nature of this
eternal food, Jesus replied:

I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not
hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

John 6:35

When they heard this remark, some of His followers
began to murmur among themselves since they knew He
was just a carpenter, the son of Joseph. How could
this man be the bread of life? Yet Jesus persisted as
He explained Himself to them:

I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if
any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and
the bread which I shall give for the life of the world
is my flesh. 

John 6:51

This comment brought outright consternation to a
number of those who had followed Him. He was actually
telling them that they had to eat His flesh, an
unthinkable act. If His words were confusing or
misleading them in any way, then He would have
corrected their misunderstanding...but He didn't.
Instead, He emphasized yet again His meaning when He
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh
of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no
life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last
day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
abides in me, and I in him.

John 6:53-56

Many of those who heard Jesus say this couldn't accept
it despite the fact that He explained and further
clarified His statements three times in attempting to
address their lack of understanding and their
unwillingness to accept His words. He tried again a
fourth time to help them comprehend what He was
It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no
avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit
and life.
John 6:63

After saying this, many of those who had been
following Him chose to stay away. He tried four times
to teach them and in the end only a few accepted His
teachings. Why didn't they comprehend Jesus, as many
still don't comprehend Him after 2,000 years? Probably
because they didn't understand that Jesus was the
completion of the Passover begun in Egypt over a
thousand years earlier. He was 

[JOYnet] The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

2002-10-12 Thread george kuriakose

The Scriptural Basis of the Eucharist

The Catholic Church traces the origins of the
Eucharist to the very actions and words of Jesus
Christ Himself as recorded in the three synoptic
Gospels, the gospel of Saint John and as described by
Saint Paul in the New Testament. The use of bread and
wine as an offering begins under the Old Covenant as
described in the Book of Genesis:

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and
wine; he was priest of God Most High.

Genesis 14:18
As they began their exodus from Egypt, the Jews ate
unleavened bread (Exodus 12:15), made necessary
because of their haste to flee, and they continue to
this day to honor this occasion with unleavened bread
when they celebrate Passover; the last cup of
blessing at the end of the Passover meal was a cup of
wine used to celebrate the fact that God had blessed
His chosen people and would bless them again someday
in Jerusalem. They ate manna - bread sent from Heaven
- as they wandered the desert in search of the
Promised Land, finally settling there as God had
promised them. After they lost their land because of
their continued failure to keep the Commandments of
God, they were sent prophets who predicted that a
Messiah would be sent by God, a saviour who would
bring them back to their original place of honor
before God. He arrived about 2,000 years ago.

Jesus' life began in Beth-Lechem...the House of Bread
(Matthew 2:1). His first public miracle was at a
wedding party in Cana (John 2:2-5), where He turned
water into wine in response to a request by His
mother. With the miracle of the multiplication of the
loaves (Matthew 14:14-20), as Jesus blessed the loaves
of bread and distributed them, He prefigured the
superabundance of the unique bread that was to be His
Eucharist. After teaching and healing the sick and
working other wonders in the hills of the Galilee,
Jesus had developed a wide following with many
disciples. It was at the synagogue of Capernaum, at
the time of the feast of Passover, that Jesus began to
unfold the nature of His Eucharist to those who were
following Him:
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the
food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of
man will give to you; for on Him has God the Father
set His seal.

John 6:27

When His followers asked about the nature of this
eternal food, Jesus replied:

I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not
hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

John 6:35

When they heard this remark, some of His followers
began to murmur among themselves since they knew He
was just a carpenter, the son of Joseph. How could
this man be the bread of life? Yet Jesus persisted as
He explained Himself to them:

I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if
any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and
the bread which I shall give for the life of the world
is my flesh. 

John 6:51

This comment brought outright consternation to a
number of those who had followed Him. He was actually
telling them that they had to eat His flesh, an
unthinkable act. If His words were confusing or
misleading them in any way, then He would have
corrected their misunderstanding...but He didn't.
Instead, He emphasized yet again His meaning when He
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh
of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no
life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last
day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
abides in me, and I in him.

John 6:53-56

Many of those who heard Jesus say this couldn't accept
it despite the fact that He explained and further
clarified His statements three times in attempting to
address their lack of understanding and their
unwillingness to accept His words. He tried again a
fourth time to help them comprehend what He was
It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no
avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit
and life.
John 6:63

After saying this, many of those who had been
following Him chose to stay away. He tried four times
to teach them and in the end only a few accepted His
teachings. Why didn't they comprehend Jesus, as many
still don't comprehend Him after 2,000 years? Probably
because they didn't understand that Jesus was the
completion of the Passover begun in Egypt over a
thousand years earlier. He was 

[JOYnet] Transcendent power in example

2002-03-06 Thread george kuriakose

There is a transcendent power in example. We reform
others unconsciously when we walk uprightly.

-  Anne Sophie Swetchine

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Re: [JOYnet] Trinity ?????

2002-01-09 Thread george kuriakose

Dear friends in Jesus,

 Thanks and Praises to the Holy Trinity

 Well this is really interesting.In very simple terms
 It becomes very easy to understand this if we
 stop thinking that God,The Holy Trinity ,is 
 like a human being or like a  Man.God is God and not 
 a human being.There are 3 persons in God and Only the
second person  in the Holy Trinity became Man who is
our Lord Jesus and revealed the  Mystery of Holy
Trinity ,died  in the cross so that all generations
who repent upon their sins and turn to God, shall get
a chance to enter the Kingdom of God. 

  Thanks to the Lord for his Infinite Mercies


--- C.C.Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Haloo Friends,
  The Holy Trinity- what is it all about ??
  In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) we
 read,  Trinity is the
 central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is
 the mystery of God in
 Himself. It is therefore the source of all the other
 mysteries (article
  Now how many of us know the Trinity well ?
  I think we have an inhibition that a MYSTERY is a
 secret and not to be
 understood. Well I don't agree to this viewpoint, I
 believe a Mystery is an
 Invitation to Know. Now I don't believe in a God who
 will say see boy there
 is a thing called trinity now I will keep it as a
 secret. If it is to be a
 secret why at all should He reveal this to us?
 Whenever God reveals something
 He does it, I believe, with the intention of His
 children knowing Him more.
  Is it not that Love wants to Know and to be known?
 In CCC-158 faith seeks understanding a believer
 desires to know better
 the one in whom he has put his faith.
  As we all know that we are called to Know and to
 Love God, I think we Love
 God a lot, but do we Know Him, as someone said we
 only know about Him. We have
 to know Him, if so we must try to understand the
 central mystery of our faith
 - Trinity.  I am not claiming that we will
 understand it in totality, but at
 least we can start this journey to Know our master.
  So my friends why not take this Invitation from out
 Lord to know Him more and
 start a discussion about the Trinity?
  I will surely put in all that I have read, listened
 and understood about this
 invitation from the Lord (Trinity-mystery).
  Hoping that many will contribute their
 understanding about Trinity, and
 enrich all.
 With Love and Prayers,
 May God Bless You

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Re: [JOYnet] New year resolution...

2002-01-01 Thread george kuriakose

Hello Mathew,

  Thanx for the mail.The first item in the list of 
 my new year resolution is to read the Bible 
 from beginning to end at least once by the end of the
 This year is going to be powerful .If each one of us
 prayerfully SHARE this Good news with at least new 20
receptive people and they share it with 20 others this
year ,the number of people who would enjoy the Peace
and Joy of our Lord are unbeleivable is'nt it?. 
 God bless us all
--- Mathew Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello Friends,
 Wishing all of you a joyful new year!!!
 Inviting you all to take a new year resolution after
 reading the
 following mail.  This is the daily bread... Very
 much applicable for 
 all of us.  Please read it and reflect on it...
 Hope it will help to take a new decision for a new
 Mathew Joseph
 Bangalore, India.

 Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
 profitable for 
 doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
 instruction in righteousness. -- 
 2 Timothy 3:16
 After 30 years as a pastor, a New Jersey minister
 concluded, The Bible is 
 the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood
 book. In his view, 
 Biblical illiteracy is rampant.
 George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the
 US, agrees: We revere 
 the Bible, he says, but we don't read it. In a
 recent survey, 64 per 
 cent of those questioned said they were too busy to
 read the Bible. The 
 average household has three Bibles but less than
 half the people in the US 
 can name the first book in the Old Testament. One
 survey found that 12 per 
 cent of its Christian respondents identified Noah's
 wife as Joan of Arc!
 The solution? Read the Bible! Join me in a
 commitment to read the entire 
 Bible through in the coming year. It will take about
 15 minutes a day to 
 follow the reading guide in this booklet. Are we too
 busy for that?
 The goal is not information, but transformation.
 Someone summarised 2 
 Timothy 3:16 by saying: God's Word shows us which
 road to take (doctrine). 
 It tells us when we get off track (reproof); how to
 get back on 
 (correction); and how to stay on (instruction in
 God's Word is a precious gift. So let's read it
 through this coming year. 
 -- DCM
 If you've never read the Bible through,
 There's a special joy awaiting you:
 You could start the New Year out just right
 Walking with the Lord and in His light. -- Hess
 The Bible: The more you read it, the more you love
 it; the more you love 
 it, the more you read it.

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Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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Re: [JOYnet] Is that Fate or God's will?

2001-12-19 Thread george kuriakose

Hello Sajan,

 Yes sir, you are absolutely right .It's just not
 the word luck It's the attitude that we
 have in our mind that we are all talking about

 Praise God

--- Sajan  Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Friends,
 I have been reading the mails regarding Fate and
 Luck.  I just have a simple doubt.  Is it such a
 big deal using the word Luck instead of Blessing
 ?  In the Holy Bible, so many places the word Luck
 is used.  I believe, the Psalmist and even Jesus
 used Luck and Blessing in a synonimous way.  May
 be what really matters is the attitude when you use
 the word Luck.  Am I right ?
 (Well, I too do not agree with Fate.  Yes, I
 believe it is against Christian Faith.)
 God Bless,
 Sajan Thomas
 SunTec, Trivandrum
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 Thomas George wrote :
  Dear Welchy and others,
   I too feel that we should not use the words
  Fate and Luck because JESUS is our almighty
  and nothing happens without his knowledge.  But
  sometimes although we don't want to use these
  somehow it comes out because others use it
 commonly or
  we try to generalise it.  Well, let's take this as
  challenge in this season of Advent so that we, the
  Joynetters, may set a good example for others by
  avoiding using these words Fate and Luck.  
   In the precious name of JESUS,
   Bangalore, India
  --- Welchy Fatima Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Dear Brs, 
   Its the same with me ..I too cant stand the word
   Fate  Luck
   When someone  mentions says  U R SO LUCKY..I
   people don't substitute this  with  Blessed .
   I often try  make my point then .
   But I dont blame anyone for this .It could be
   General Lanuge we speak that uses these Words so
   AS For me there is no Fate or Luck ..there is
   Authority  Over us ...OUR ABBA FATHER who loves
   children  very much ..
   He knows what he has to Give his children  he
   them in the right time 
   Try this Out 
   I am so   Lucky   to have a Loving SAVIOUR
   I am so   Blest   to have
   WHICH SOUNDS BETTER???Judge  for yourselves
   --- george kuriakose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear friends,

   I too think the same way.As a matter of
 I beleive that There is some thing called the
of cause and effect.Every effect in our life
 has a
cause behind it .In a book written by Bruce
,called the Secrets of the vine,he talks about
secrets .

 Jesus is the vine and we are the branches
 expects us to bear fruits .


 1. If we don't bear fruits , then the Lord
to descipline us ,so that we may bear

 2. If we bear some fruits then the Lord
to Prune us so that you may bear a lot of

 3. If we bear a lot of fruits then the Lord
you to abide deeply in Him.

George Kuriakose

--- thomas p Kuruvilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dear friends,
I can not accept the word Fate ,

 of the people use very often. Just Curious
 what Joynetters think about .
 Thanks in advance
 With Love and Prayers
 On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 05:18:34  
  thomas p Kuruvilla wrote:
 Dear Friends in Christ,
   Most of the times in our life we never
 is going to happen
 in future or you can not avoid certain
 your life , though
 you don't want ? Things will happen in to
 We , beleivers call it as God's will non
 call it as
 fate ( Vidhi ). What do you think about
 this ?/
 your brother in christ
 Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
  your unique holiday gifts! Buy at 
  or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

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Re: [JOYnet] Create God !!!

2001-12-07 Thread george kuriakose

Hi joe,
 Yes ,You are absolutely right Joe.There is nothing
God really hides from us .It's just that we might not
have a great amount of  wisdom to understand or see

For example we don't have the wisdom to know what's
to happen to us this evening ,end of this month or end
of this

But when we aquire the gift of wisdom of the Holy
Spirit (to the full)
I am sure we will know everything.

I have a very strong feeling that that's something God
in store for us when we reach heaven.WOW!Exciting

 Do continue to share Joe,God bless you

 George Kuriakose

--- st  micheals [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi george...
 thannx george for ur sharing ..however i was told
 there's nothing that god would keep a mystery with
 anybody..so it does'nt matter whether we are humans
 On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 george kuriakose wrote :
  Dear Brother Joe,
  It would be a nice idea to ask this question to 
  God Himself.Are'nt you aware that we are all human
   beings ?
   God Bless
   George Kuriakose
  --- st  micheals [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   hi friends..just a small query..
who created GOD ?? or how did God come into
   thanks and praying ..joe 

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Re: [JOYnet] Create God !!!

2001-12-06 Thread george kuriakose

Dear Brother Joe,
It would be a nice idea to ask this question to 
God Himself.Are'nt you aware that we are all human 
 beings ?
 God Bless
 George Kuriakose

--- st  micheals [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi friends..just a small query..
  who created GOD ?? or how did God come into
 thanks and praying ..joe 

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Re: [JOYnet] Re: Dowry issue

2001-12-05 Thread george kuriakose

Hi Priya,
  I think dowry or share system existed in
 India for good reasons in the past.The boy's parents
 gave him his share ,the girls parents gave her
 her share and supported them to set up a new
 family .Since everybody was not so well to do, they 
 needed the support of their parents to start the
 new unit of family,which is not the case with most of
the youngsters these days.They make their own living.

  Now ,this system was misused to the extend that
 a lot of crimes took place because of this
 and a law had to be made against this.

 Now a days in some cases the major criteria
 for an alliance is probably the share
 or dowry, which does not sound nice.It's because of
the programming  that people have in their mind from
a long time. Well, this is where we have to work on.
We have to hang in loose in this area ,pray and let 
God work in us to find the one He has in mind
 for us.
 But definitely, the girl child is also eligible
 for an equal share of her parents properties as
 the boy is. I don't know what's wrong in that.

 Please correct me if I am wrong

 Praise God
 George Kuriakose



--- Priya Joy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Many of our friends said that it's the guys who
 should refuse dowry  its
 girls family should also take a firm decision not to
 offer dowry.
 I wonder why you people did not talk much about the
 girl who is still silent
  supporting this evil system in Kerala which has
 taken roots all over
 About 3years back in my Postgraduate class, we had a
 paper about this dowry
 system. We in our college (St.Teresa's college,
 Ernakulam) had a hot
 discussions and debate on the same. Finally we
 conducted a survey on this,
 we prepared questionnaires, and conducted interviews
 etc. result was that
 among girls, 83% of educated girls supported dowry.
 According to them dowry
 is a must because it helps them financially to raise
 a secure family and
 more over it's the duty of the parents to offer an
 ample share of their
 property to the girl who is leaving her home.
 Yaa they don't want to use the term dowry, but want
 to call it 'Share', a
 loving share from their own family.
 Rose, as you said the whole society have to change 
 attitude have to
 change(is it easy?) still doubt how many
 girls will come forward to marry a man who won't
 demand any dowry and how
 may gals will take a resoultion that she will marry
 a man who won't demand
 any dowry Think it will take time to bring such
 a change in Indian
 - Original Message -
 From: rose antony [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 8:49 PM
 Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Dowry issue
  I never ever said it's only for guys, because i
 know more girls /girls'
 parents than guys who insist on giving dowry just to
 SHOW OFF their
 financial status. I have some examples in My fathers
 family - My cousin was
 getting married and the guy said he doesn't need a
 'chilli kaasu', but my
 aunty insisted on giving the dowryjust to show
 off ! the result now is
 that the guy has got a major ego problem with his
 in-laws. he still feels
 that he was bought for a ransom amount.
  I have a dentist friend, he claims that he spent
 loads and loads to do his
 BDS  MDS and he insists on taking dowry for the
 money he had to spent to re
 ach where he is now.
  I don't wanna say it's only guys...more than
 the candidates, it's
 their relatives who pricks them about the need of
 taking and giving a good
 money as dowry.

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Re: [JOYnet] Our loving father..

2001-11-29 Thread george kuriakose

Yes ,Jeena ,That's so very true.I could relate to 
 that.When we enter a Professional field we 
 really tend to get lost in it.That was me!!!.

  But very recently, the Lord has taught me a couple
of very important things in my life through a person 
who is a high school drop out!!.

  2. FOCUS

   He asked me to ask myself 2 questions 
  1.What is your No.1 Goal or priority in Life?
I said ,Oh!! my no.1 goal is to attain salvation
and  to  help others to do the same  and 
then follows my other goals in life
  2. He said Good , but how focussed are you in
achieving that No.1 Goal of yours?
   %*@#%... I started thinking ...

 Thanks and Praises to God


--- jeena -- james [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear joynetters,
   Praise god….
  These days I was becoming weak and weak in my
 prayer life. As I have wrote to you all, it is all
 professional here. And hardly gets time to go for
 any other activities. After coming to ernakulam I
 went only 2-3 times for jy gatherings. Boz I was
 busy with one or the other work. And these things
 always prevented me from going to a group.
  But our prayer group was there and still there in
 my hostel. Thanks to the Almighty God.
   And last day I had the chance to go in a group
 at Berly chattan’s house. I had a very nice time
 there. I enjoyed each moment with lord. I was really
 longing for such a prayer group, someone to pray for
 me or were I can share my feeling and troubles. And
 when I was like going to sink, umesh(ekm) and jilly
 (ekm full timer) gave the right pat at the right
  A am writing all these because
 there might me someone like the me facing the same
 problems. Once we enter a professional field it is
 really difficult.. But” STANDING AGAINST THE TIDE IS
  When I was at Kuttikanam there was
 lot of people to care and help me out, but it is not
 the situation now. And again I thank lord for giving
 such situations. I started realizing how much
 painful to live with out or go away from Lord.
  And when you find anybody not coming for a group or
 showing a change in attitude give him the right pat.
 A jy can’t let another jy left out.. Is it??
  Love and prayers

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[JOYnet] How to hook up ourselves to the Strongest Engine!!!

2001-11-28 Thread george kuriakose

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Mark (16:15)He said to them, Go into the whole world
and proclaim the gospel to every creature.  

In Acts (1:4)we see that our Lord instructs the 
apostles not to leave the city (Jerusalem) until
they are clothed by the Power from on High

This is a clear instruction not to do this work
by just our abilities.
People who have been working for the Lord ,Please
share your personal experiences and suggestions .

Every one is invited to share (When you get a chance)
I am sure we'll get a lot of mails from all our
friends in this JYA,JOYNET group.

How do we supress the I in us and let the Lord 
work in us to be as he promises in the verses
Mark(16:15-20) below.

 Praise God.
 George Kuriakose(Binu)

  MARK (16:15-20)

He said to them, Go into the whole world and proclaim
the gospel to every creature. 
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved;
whoever does not believe will be condemned. 
These signs will accompany those who believe: in my
name they will drive out demons, they will speak new
They will pick up serpents (with their hands), and if
they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.
They will lay hands on the sick, and they will
So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was
taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right
hand of God. 
But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the
Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through
accompanying signs

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