[JOYnet] Prayer Request for GRACE

2003-03-21 Thread joseph john
Dear JYs,
Greetings from Jesus Youth of UK.
We are planning to go for the second National Jesus Youth Gathering, GRACE in UK 
(Birmingham) from May 23-26, 2003. The main theme is 'Come back to the Loving Lord...' 
ISAIAH 44:22

GRACE denotes a Christian's 5 stage through his Union with the Lord ie.,
G -- God's Love
R -- Reconciliation
A -- Acceptance
C -- Conversion
E -- Evangelisation

We are expecting more than 200 youths. The talks will be 60% Malayalam and 40% 
English. Please pray for this convention and do convey the same to your friends in UK.
Love n Prayers
Joseph  Anu / JY UK
0044 (7984782051) or (1293 519163) 

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[JOYnet] Visit of Manoj Chettan to UK

2003-03-15 Thread joseph john
Dear JOynetters,
How are you all. Greetings from Jesus Youth of UK.
Last week was a blessed week for Jesus Youth of UK with the visit of Manoj Chettan. 
Together with we had our service team meeting in Birmingham. In UK we are planning for 
a JY UK National convention from May 23-27. With Manoj chettan's visit it really 
boosted the spirit of JYs in UK. In spite of his bussy schedule Manoj Chatten made 
visits to 2 important pockets of JY in UK, Manchester and Liverpool. Had the 
opportunity to have meeting with the Youth Pastor director of UK. 
Around 55 JYs gathered in Birmingham and we all had a 2 full days with our Loving 
Lord. The adoration led by Manoj Chettan and Mathachan helped many to take up 
commitments for the Lord. So please pray that it may become a permanent expereince in 
the Lord and stand for Jesus in this part of the world. Here the harvest is very large 
and the Labourors are very few. A detailed mail on the activities and his visit we 
will be send soon.Now Manoj chettan is on the way to India with breaks in Germany 
for the initial planing for the next Internation JY gathering. 

Lot many Malayalees are flying to this place and most of them are nurses. So if you 
have any contacts with any person how are here do tell and inspire them of the Jesus 
youth's presence here. 

with love n prayers
Joseph John for JY UK

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Re: [JOYnet] Ash Wednesday Ash Monday

2003-03-06 Thread joseph john
I too had the same doubt long time ago, but I forgot about it. But yesterday while we 
went for the Holy mass in our Parish, the parish priest said the same explanation 
during the homily, as ur friend said. The English priest was telling that in olden 
days Sunday was not counted as a fasting day. So counting the days from Wednesday to 
the Easter Saturday it comes to 40 days. But Iam not sure of the Ash Monday.
love n prayers
Joseph / Crawley / U.K 
- Original Message -
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:50:24 -0600
Subject: [JOYnet] Ash Wednesday  Ash Monday

My friend raised me a question, but I do not know the answer, therefore I
seek your answer on this.


i have a doubt.. y is tht we SM have Ash Monday and the Latins have Ash
Wednesday y'day one friend who goes to Latin church asked me y u SM
christians have Ash Monday instead of Ash Wednesday i said to her that
fasting starts with the starting of the week... and i told her sunday is the
starting of the week but since it is the Lord's day.. after midnight the
fasting starts tht was an escape answer for the time being which i
gave. but.. i want to know the exact answer

i asked my friend.. if we count the no. days for fasting from Ash Wednesday
it comes to 45 days.. to which she said that in olden days sunday was not
counted for fasting.. but was feasting day... so if we excluded the 5
sundays.. it comes to 40 days

and we SM christians have 50 days while the others say 40 days fast... y the

i counted the days from Ash Monday to Good friday and it comes to 47days..
then y it is said ambadh noyambh (50 days fasting)...

Biji Thomas / Mumbai


love  prayers

primeson / dubai

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[JOYnet] Simplicity

2003-02-19 Thread joseph john
I feel the true simplicity lies in the word of God how HE applied to HIMSELF.
Jesus said 'Learn from me beacause Iam humble and gentle in Spirit' Mathew 11:29.
Jesus looks at our heart rather than on to who we are or what we are or where we are?
It is just the simplicity of Heart moulded with humility and gentleness.basically 
all a product of God's  unconditional, uncomparable LOVE.
with love n prayers
Joseph John / JYUK
- Original Message -
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 02:34:20 -0600
Subject: [JOYnet] Simplicity


I would say simplicity is,
Respecting others feelings and emotion...
Everything else will be added to it...

Simplicity should be at ur heart..
Not in ur physical behaviour or dressing..


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2003-01-26 Thread joseph john
Dear Joynetters,
This is an email I received in eJesus. Hope this will be helpful for the JYs in Blore.
l n p
Joseph John/ UK
Jan 26, 2003


Dear Friends of Ejesus living in Bangalore. Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to 
get aquainted with the deeper meanings behind the Bible. 

We have a very renowned Bible Scholar, Fr. STEVE DOYLE, OFM who has come from USA to 
present a series of lectures on important themes of the Bible. 


27th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of Revelation 

28th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Letters of St. Paul 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of Revelation 

29th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Religious  Consecrated Life 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of 

30th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Paul's vision  insights of Christ 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of 

31st January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: What does it mean to be a Catholic today? 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book 
of Revelation 

THE VENUE: St. Anthony's Friary / Church 
85 Hosur Road, Madivala Check Post 
Bangalore - 560 095 


Those of you having relatives in Bangalore, please forward this mail to them. 


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[JOYnet] Info on JYs in UK.

2003-01-25 Thread joseph john
Dear Joynetters,
How are you all? The Jesus Youth of UK is planning to conduct a JY National Conference 
in May. We have started our mobilisation work this month. Now lots many youths have 
come over from differnet parts of India, especially Kerala to UK for work and mostly 
are nursing professionals. We are in a process of creating a database for JYUK. So if 
you are in contact with any JY in UK or know any youth who would like to attend the JY 
programs and prayer meetings, please let me know. Reply me to this email or mail me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please give the name, email id, phone number, and 
location. All the informations received will be kept confidential to JYUK. 
With love  prayers
Joseph John
for JYUK
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Re: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-15 Thread joseph john
Dear JY friends,
I do agree with Kurian uncle, sanju and James. 
I have got a suggestion, why not we have a fixed day of each month as a Joynet prayer 
day. In Uk we observe every 10th of month as the UK Jesus Youth prayer day, were we 
take up requests and pray. 
love n prayers
Joseph / UK

- Original Message -
From: Primeson James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:50:17 +0400
Subject: [JOYnet] RE: Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

Re: Dear Joynet friends
Re: This is in connection with Kurian uncle's and Sanju's mails.
Re: I would also like to state hereunder my opinion. 
Re: We selected a day and prayed on 20th of december '02. As sanju mentioned, why
Re: we cannot continue with this prayer once in a month. I will also suggest that
Re: Once in month, and should be the same day, means last month it was 20, we
Re: can fix a day on this month as suggested by kurian uncle i.e. 24th friday of
Re: this month, OR last friday of each month. We can do the same prayer of 20th
Re: december and continue with that. (praye is added to our homepage)
Re: we would like to know eachone of your opinion / suggestion.
Re: with prayer
Re: primeson
Re: dubai / uae
Re: -Original Message-
Re: From: Sanju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Re: Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:05 AM
Re: To: Kurian Nellikunnel; Jesus Net
Re: Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion
Re: Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Re:  One good thing about praying together is that all
Re: of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
Re: of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
Re: towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
Re: all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
Re: and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
Re: The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
Re: the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
Re: notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
Re: talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
Re: looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
Re: bcos of our prayers. Amen. 
Re: Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
Re: days(these are personal views) :
Re: 1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
Re: months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
Re: commitments once or twice a week.
Re: 2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Re: Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
Re: on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.
Re: 3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
Re: prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
Re: prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
Re: some of the problems are so big that it requires an
Re: on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
Re: let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
Re: able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
Re: same time.
Re: Love and Prayers
Re: Sanju Joseph.
Re:  --- Kurian Nellikunnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Re: Hi All,
Re:  I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
Re:  prayer day on Friday the
Re:  24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
Re:  be the same as
Re:  before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
Re:  Standard Time, i.e.
Re:  NY time).
Re:  Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
Re:  Churches.
Re:  As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
Re:  Christian Unity Week. All
Re:  the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
Re:  tradition from St.
Re:  Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
Re:  format. His Excellency,
Re:  Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
Re:  Christian publication
Re:  Sunday Shalom in which he suggested a workable
Re:  formula for the
Re:  unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
Re:  believe that if we fast
Re:  and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
Re:  of many saintly
Re:  people could be obtained from our Lord.
Re:  I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
Re:  addictions and not
Re:  just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
Re:   For example, for
Re:  some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
Re:  be harder than
Re:  abstaining from food for a whole week.
Re:  Please respond with your comments.
Re:  Thank You,
Re:  Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Re:  Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
Re: =
Re: ==
Re:  This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
Re:  mailing list.
Re:  For more info on the list visit
Re:  http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
Re:  To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
Re:  To subscribe to the list visit
Re:  http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
Re:  In case of any issue related to the mailing list
Re:  contact [EMAIL 

[JOYnet] Any JYs in Ireland?

2002-10-09 Thread joseph john

Dear JYs,
If any of you know any JY in Ireland, please let me or rajesh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
know ASAP.
love n prayers
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[JOYnet] Wedding Invitation

2002-10-05 Thread joseph john

Dear JYs,
Praise the Lord!!!

In His times He makes all things beautifulin His times...

We cordially invite your valuable prayers and esteemed presence on this special 
occasion of our Holy Sacrament of Marriage which will be solemnised on Monday 14th 
October 2002, at 11:30 am at Holy Cross Church, Muttada, Thiruvananthapuram, and there 
after for the reception at the Malarvady kalyana Mandapam. 

We would be grateful if you could bless us, share our joy and part-take in our 
Please keep both of us in your precious and valuable prayers.

With lot of love n prayers
Joseph  Anu


Joseph V John
0471 590544
(0)98411 91413 (Chennai RPG)

Anu George
0481 463758
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[JOYnet] JYUK celebration

2002-09-05 Thread joseph john

Dear Jys,
Please pray for JYUK as the celebration of one year of its formation begins tomorrow 
(6-8) September with thanksgiveing Mass and fellowship. Below is a mail send one year 
back with the request of prayers to Joynet and Now God has blessed JYUK in an enormous 
way...Thanks all for ur valuable prayers.do keep praying. Last year we just formed 
with 8 JYs. Now we are expecting a three digit figure...Do pray for this great Gift 
that God has given. 
love n prayers

 Original Message 
Subject: [JOYnet] JY gettogether in UK
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 18:18:05
From: joseph v.j [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear JYs,

Please pray for the 2nd gathering of all JYs in UK. We are having our 
get together cum prayer session from tomorrow to Sunday evening. Around
6-8 JYs are coming for this gathering. Please inform all the JYs in UK.
For more information please contact me (07810424364) or
Dr.Jacob(07939057575) or Anu(07960124667).

Aim is to reach out to the Youths in UK.

With love and prayers


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[JOYnet] Vacancies in Bosch, Bangalore

2002-08-26 Thread joseph john

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-Original Message-
From: Sajeev V K (RBIN/DAA-ESA) * [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 11:27 AM
To: 'nssec97@egroups. com' (E-mail); Yassar S 
Subject: FW: RBIN Vacancies in DBA/JOT  MST

Hello All,
Please find the attached mail on some requirements here. If you know
some one looking for a change, just inform them

-Original Message-
From: Sampatkumar Aratti (RBIN/PER) * 
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Stretch your arms to Fill RBIN Vacancies in DBA/JOT  MST

Dear Colleagues,

DBA/JOT   MST  Groups are looking for some professionals with the following
profile :

JOT: Requirement 1
Qualification : BE (Preferably E  C) (First Class ONLY).
Experience : 2 - 6 years  (Kindly don't send any profiles with 6+ Years of
Skill Set :   Oracle 9i AS, Developer6i, PL/SQL., Pro*C
Desirable:  Designer 6i, MS- Access, VB,  SDLC experience, exposure to

JOT: Requirement 2
Qualification : BE (Preferably E  C) (First Class ONLY).
Experience : 2 - 6 years  (Kindly don't send any profiles with 6+ Years of
Skill Set : Java, J2SE, Swing, JDBC, J2EE, Oracle/SQL Server.
Desirable:  VC++, SDLC experience, exposure to ISO/CMM

JOT: Requirement 3
Qualification : BE (Preferably E  C) (First Class ONLY).
Experience : 2 - 6 years  (Kindly don't send any profiles with 6+ Years of
Skill Set : Clearcase Administration on NT/Unix, Release Engineering,
Software Configuration Management.
Desirable:  Perl/CGI, C/C++

MST: Requirement 
Qualification : BE (Preferably CS   E  C) (First Class ONLY).
Experience : 2.0  to 6 years  (Kindly don't send any profiles with 6+ Years
of experience)
Skill Set :  C++, C#, VC++, VB, ASP, COM/DCOM,  Oracle/SQL Server
Desirable:  .net, SDLC experience, exposure to ISO/CMM

If you have any of your relatives/ friends who match these requirements and
are looking for a change, please forward resumes to me at the earliest.

 Please state the following  in the subject :
Qualification  Branch Clearly.
Years of experience and 
Current employer.


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[JOYnet] Requirements in Engineering Service Practice, TCS

2002-08-26 Thread joseph john

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To: joseph john [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fw: Requirements in Engineering Service Practice
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Dear all

Another opportunity to refer friends of yours for recruitment @ TCS.

We are currently looking for candidates with the following profile.

Education  :  BE/BTech/ME/MTech/  Mechanical  with consistent first class
in academics.

Skills  :

1) For S/W engineerKnowledge in C,C++,Sybase,Fortran  (2-3 yrs of
relevent experince)

2)For CAM engineers   Knowlege in Ufunck  (2-3 yrs of relevent experince)

3)For  FEA  engineers  Knowledge in Analysis software (ANSYS/Patran) with
min. of two years exp.

4) For PDM  engineersKnowledge in any PDM s/w  (eMatrix/Metaphase) with
min. of two years exp.
 5) For CAD engineers  Knowledge in modelling packages (CATIA preferable)
with min of 2 yrs. EXp.
Requirement : Immediate.

Location: Chennai  (in other ESP centers also requirement exists)

Request you to pls inform those interested to apply online at
www.recruitment.tcs.co.in  under the Engg. Services category... ASAP.

Thanks  Regards,

HR - 185 Lloyds Rd.

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[JOYnet] Opening for web developers

2002-08-21 Thread joseph john

 Dear Jys,
If any one is interested in applying for for web developing carrer, pl see the mail 
below from my friend.
l n p
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- Original Message -
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 03:04:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [tkm97eee] Opening for web developers

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Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 03:04:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [tkm97eee] Opening for web developers
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Hello friends,

If any of you/your friends are looking for a job
in web development, with the following experience
please send the resume to me.


 Dear Yasser,
 Hope this mail finds you in best of health.
 Currently we have a requirment for Web Developers
 3 years of exp., who have work on Java
 script(programming language) VBscript (programming
 language), XSL (Internet Programming), Visual Basic
 (Programming Language) Visual Basic .net(programing
 language), XML (Internet Programming), ASP (Int.
 Prgmg), DHTML, HTML, ADO (Data Access Technology)
 ADO.net (Data access Technology) ODBC (Data Access
 Technology, RDO (Data Access Technology).
 Please forward CV's immediately if you have them
 you, or just let us know if you know someone who has
 the above mentioned skills.
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] thanks all

2002-07-18 Thread joseph john

my dearest JYs,
Thanks a lot for ur prayers, greetings, text messages, phone calls and emails. This is 
the third time consecutively iam away from home, but you all made my feelings beyond 
obvious. I was really busy with all these things, apart from my regualr work. I really 
thank God for my last year in Uk and for the great Jy fellowships we had. This year in 
chennai. Pl do keep me in your valuable prayers. Pray for Chennai and Tamil Nadu JY 
activities too.
May the Loving God bless u and guide you all in HIS special care.
love u all
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[no subject]

2002-06-25 Thread Joseph John


I am Joseph. Joined the Joynet today out of curiosity (to be very frank).
I have my sisters, cousins on the list. So thought of having a peep. Hope
it will be a good and enriching experience.

Joseph T.

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[JOYnet] A Jesus Youth treasure

2002-06-22 Thread joseph john

Dear All,
Praise the Lord,
Hardly one month to go for our first international Jesus youth gathering, let me share 
with you a small piece of treasure. 
It is  letter (scroll) written to Pope John Paul 2 on 07/09/1996 when we were studying 
for Engineering in TKMCE, Kollam. Reply from Pope is also attached together with 
). Think to be one of the first letter correspondence between JY and the Holy Father.

Our Dear Papa,
Most loving greetings in the name of the Lord from all of us here. Hope and pray that 
our great shepherd is doing fine in the care and grace of our Lord. We are members of 
a prayer group JESUS YOUTH in an Engineering College in Kerala, India. Jesus Youth is 
the youth wing of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Church of Kerala. Our prayer 
group was started in 1987. Inspite of the stiff resistance from the college 
authorities (as our college being governed by a Muslim management) by the powerful 
work of the Holy Spirit for the past years the Lord have enabled this fellowship to 
motivate many to be disciples of Christ Jesus in today#8217;s world. Now the Holy 
Spirit is moving so fast in our college. As the Bible says in JOHN 10:16, we realize 
the need of the hour, as #8216;There are other sheep which belongs to me that are not 
in my sheepfold. I must bring them too, they will listen to my voice and they will 
become one flock with one Shepherd (John10:16)#8217; to fulfil!
l our dream of the complete evangelization in our campus and also a wide vision of 
world evangelization before the 3rd millennium.

We have a general group gathering on every Wednesdays, during the evening 4 to 6pm. 
Our prayer group also consists of two spiritually strong ministries-intercession and 
music ministry. We have got a nice chapel [Little Flowers Convent] for which your 
holiness have monetarily helped us where we have our daily Holy mass and our 
fellowship prayer meetings. Routine retreats and other renewal programs are being 
conducted every year for spiritual growth. During our free time i.e., when we are free 
from college examinations we conduct out reaches to nearby colleges and other 
charitable institutions like old age homes and spread the Word of God and share the 
love he showered upon us.

Papa we join your holiness in all your prayers for complete evangelization of the 
world. We youths have the potential to bring the winds of change in our society and 
proclaim Jesus Christ-The king of Kings and Lord of Lords to the ends of the world, we 
also part in your sorrows and moments of joy. Do remember us, our prayer group and our 
country in your prayers. As our state is so called God#8217;s own county many renewal 
activities are going on in a faster pace, with many miracles happening and proclaiming 
Jesus Christ is Lord. Do pray that our prayer group strengthen spiritually in the 
gifts of the Holy Spirit and be true witness for Christ in our daily life.

Craving for your blessings your holiness remain the same. We do expect a reply from 
our dear Papa.
Your loving
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Jesus Youth,
C/o Little Flower Convent,
TKM College P.O.,
Karikode, Kollam-5,
Kerala, India. 

Reply to this letter: http://www.jytkmce.net/pope.htm

With love and prayers
Joseph John

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