Re: III on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah! - Please Remember

2003-02-25 Thread Jason :)
Dear JYs...

Let us first keep in mind that in Joynet in any discussion you are supposed
to address the Topic rather than carrying out any scathing attack on the
writer of such topic. We are all free to base our views here however
contradictory they may be. If u feel that such views are not in what u term
as your best regard then u are always free to mail your views. However if u
want to address the person personally u can do so at his personal mailing
address. u've got that freedom as well.

Another thing is think twice before you quote scriptures regarding any
context. Scriptures were written for a purpose. If every1 deciphers it
according to his own whims it can lead to a lot of confusion.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Discussion is an Exchange of Knowledge
Arguments is an Exchange of Ignorance
- Original Message -
From: Wilson Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: III on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

> Ravi,
> You have not fully understood what Dexon wrote. He is thinking the moral
> side from the society and you about your own desire. This is very clear
> you wrote:
> > What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing
> anything..
> > do it with Christ as the centre of ur relationship..
> Are you sure??
> Can you give this same advice to your son, daughter, sister, wife or  ..?
> It is like saying if Church sell "Arrack", drinking is not a sin.
> This is an immature advice (may be immoral advice) to JoyNet!
> Jesus Youth are youths listening to Jesus not the worldly advice. Jesus
> "For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But
> he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."
> Hei, Jesus Youth, listen to Jesus, not the world! "So be careful, or your
> hearts will be loaded down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this
> life, and that day will come on you suddenly." (Luke 21:34)
> A simple question!
> What is adultery? Why adultery a sin?
> Is it is because you are paying for it, or because it is illegal?
> If it is illegal, then what is legal? What is illegal?
> Love is divine. Sex and passion are gifts from God. "Live joyfully with
> wife whom you love all the days of your life of vanity, which he has given
> you under the sun, all your days of vanity: for that is your portion in
> life, and in your labor in which you labor under the sun" (Ecc 9/9)
> Here is a good advice for youth in Bible: (Ecc 11/9-10)
> "Rejoice, young man, in your youth,
> And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth,
> And walk in the ways of your heart,
> And in the sight of your eyes;
> But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.
> Therefore remove sorrow from your heart,
> And put away evil from your flesh;
> For youth and the dawn of life are vanity."
> JY, let us not reap sin from the flesh, but eternal life from the Spirit.
> Wilson Thomas
> Singapore
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ravi Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:01 PM
> Subject: my comments-II on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!
> > Dear Joynetters,
> > Firstly.. Jesus has never said " falling in love is wrong.".. at least
> is not mentioned anywhere I know..
> > So please refrain from attributing too many things to jesus..
> > Poor jesus..HE has become everybodies favourite Bakra.( sacrificial
> ( pun intended) There are so many peopel who do their own stuff and then
> when things go wrong.. they say.." It was Gods Will.."
> > We are then abusing God's name..
> > What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing
> it with christ as the centre of ur relationship..
> > U cannot say that we should not fall in love.. it is sinful.. etc.
> > Loving another person is a totally human emotion.. if we dont have it..
> we pretend not to have it..we are negating our humanness and thus
> the god who made us so and gave us these emotions..
> > That is a sin..
> > Another point is that our focus should not be sin or satan...
> > Our focus should be christ...
> > Many christians are so caught up with the whole concept of sin and
> that they fail to look beyond jesus who saves us from sin..
> > For them everything is either sin or not sin...

Re: III on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-24 Thread Wilson Thomas

You have not fully understood what Dexon wrote. He is thinking the moral
side from the society and you about your own desire. This is very clear when
you wrote:

> What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing
> do it with Christ as the centre of ur relationship..

Are you sure??
Can you give this same advice to your son, daughter, sister, wife or  ..?
It is like saying if Church sell "Arrack", drinking is not a sin.
This is an immature advice (may be immoral advice) to JoyNet!

Jesus Youth are youths listening to Jesus not the worldly advice. Jesus said
"For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But
he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."

Hei, Jesus Youth, listen to Jesus, not the world! "So be careful, or your
hearts will be loaded down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this
life, and that day will come on you suddenly." (Luke 21:34)

A simple question!
What is adultery? Why adultery a sin?
Is it is because you are paying for it, or because it is illegal?
If it is illegal, then what is legal? What is illegal?
Love is divine. Sex and passion are gifts from God. "Live joyfully with the
wife whom you love all the days of your life of vanity, which he has given
you under the sun, all your days of vanity: for that is your portion in
life, and in your labor in which you labor under the sun" (Ecc 9/9)

Here is a good advice for youth in Bible: (Ecc 11/9-10)

"Rejoice, young man, in your youth,
And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth,
And walk in the ways of your heart,
And in the sight of your eyes;
But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.
Therefore remove sorrow from your heart,
And put away evil from your flesh;
For youth and the dawn of life are vanity."

JY, let us not reap sin from the flesh, but eternal life from the Spirit.

Wilson Thomas

- Original Message -
From: "Ravi Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: my comments-II on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

> Dear Joynetters,
> Firstly.. Jesus has never said " falling in love is wrong.".. at least it
is not mentioned anywhere I know..
> So please refrain from attributing too many things to jesus..
> Poor jesus..HE has become everybodies favourite Bakra.( sacrificial lamb)
( pun intended) There are so many peopel who do their own stuff and then
when things go wrong.. they say.." It was Gods Will.."
> We are then abusing God's name..
> What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing it with christ as the centre of ur relationship..
> U cannot say that we should not fall in love.. it is sinful.. etc.
> Loving another person is a totally human emotion.. if we dont have it.. or
we pretend not to have it..we are negating our humanness and thus insulting
the god who made us so and gave us these emotions..
> That is a sin..
> Another point is that our focus should not be sin or satan...
> Our focus should be christ...
> Many christians are so caught up with the whole concept of sin and satan..
that they fail to look beyond jesus who saves us from sin..
> For them everything is either sin or not sin... .thats all..
> Which is a very negative way of christianity..
> to be a christian is to be a follower of christ..which is more than just
avoiding sin..
> If avoiding sin is the only thing we are called to do... then we should
just  keep sleeping the whole day.. i mean, eat, drink , sleep..
> Then there will be no chance of commiting sin..  ;-)
> The fact that we are just doing nothing else but eat, drink, sleep is also
a sin.. a sin of ommision.. sin of not doing what we are called to do...
> SO we see that whatever we do.. there is a posibility of error and a
possibility of sin..
> That doesnt mean we avoid doing it...
> for example.. we know that when we light a   gas or a stove there is a
chance of  it blasting.. that doesnt mean we stop using it to cook food and
eat raw meat and vegetables
> ..
> Instead we use it with the neccesary precautions..
> That is what we are called to do even in our spiritual life..the lord has
given us a conscience and his law of love in our hearts.. we have to learn
to use them andput them into practice..
> Love and Prayers
> Ravi
>  dexon john netto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear friendss,
> If jesus is saying somthing is wrong then it is perfectly wrong...
> We are witnesses for many prayer group ceased due to the so called "Love
> affairs"...And many stories we heared about youngsters who loose the
> morale due to these.In the western countries it is a culture

my comments-II on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-24 Thread Ravi Vaz
Dear Joynetters,
Firstly.. Jesus has never said " falling in love is wrong.".. at least it is not 
mentioned anywhere I know..
So please refrain from attributing too many things to jesus..
Poor jesus..HE has become everybodies favourite Bakra.( sacrificial lamb) ( pun 
intended) There are so many peopel who do their own stuff and then when things go 
wrong.. they say.." It was Gods Will.."
We are then abusing God's name.. 
What we are saying here is that whether u r falling in love or doing it 
with christ as the centre of ur relationship..
U cannot say that we should not fall in love.. it is sinful.. etc.
Loving another person is a totally human emotion.. if we dont have it.. or we pretend 
not to have it..we are negating our humanness and thus insulting the god who made us 
so and gave us these emotions..
That is a sin..
Another point is that our focus should not be sin or satan...
Our focus should be christ...
Many christians are so caught up with the whole concept of sin and satan.. that they 
fail to look beyond jesus who saves us from sin..
For them everything is either sin or not sin... .thats all..
Which is a very negative way of christianity..
to be a christian is to be a follower of christ..which is more than just avoiding sin..
If avoiding sin is the only thing we are called to do... then we should just  keep 
sleeping the whole day.. i mean, eat, drink , sleep..
Then there will be no chance of commiting sin..  ;-)
The fact that we are just doing nothing else but eat, drink, sleep is also a sin.. a 
sin of ommision.. sin of not doing what we are called to do...
SO we see that whatever we do.. there is a posibility of error and a possibility of 
That doesnt mean we avoid doing it...

for example.. we know that when we light a   gas or a stove there is a chance of  it 
blasting.. that doesnt mean we stop using it to cook food and eat raw meat and 
Instead we use it with the neccesary precautions..
That is what we are called to do even in our spiritual life..the lord has given us a 
conscience and his law of love in our hearts.. we have to learn to use them andput 
them into practice..
Love and Prayers
 dexon john netto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear friendss,

If jesus is saying somthing is wrong then it is perfectly wrong...

We are witnesses for many prayer group ceased due to the so called "Love
affairs"...And many stories we heared about youngsters who loose the
morale due to these.In the western countries it is a culture and it is
coming its way to India too .Who can be happy to see the yougters moving
in cities changes their views and trying to be "modern" loosing hteir
values.How many parents are worried about their children loosing their
ways.We are eager to devour it while the western countries are aware of
its badeffects.I am not speaking with a theological/philosophical
knowledge,but it is a cry of everysoul not to do anything that take away
jesus from it.

Samson worried much about his deed but not Delilah. SO if there is one
percentage possilbily of Sin ,...then you choose or not

keep in touch Love from Jesus & Dexon.(S`pore)

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Re: my comments on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-24 Thread dexon john netto
Dear friendss,

If jesus is saying somthing is wrong then it is perfectly wrong...

We are witnesses for many prayer group ceased due to the so called "Love
affairs"...And many stories we heared about youngsters who loose the
morale due to these.In the western countries it is a culture and it is
coming its way to India too .Who can be happy to see the yougters moving
in cities changes their views and trying to be "modern" loosing hteir
values.How many parents are worried about their children loosing their
ways.We are eager to devour it while the western countries are aware of
its badeffects.I am not speaking with a theological/philosophical
knowledge,but it is a cry of everysoul not to do anything that take away
jesus from it.

Samson worried much about his deed but not Delilah. SO if there is one
percentage possilbily of Sin ,...then you choose or not

keep in touch Love from Jesus & Dexon.(S`pore)

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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my comments on [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-23 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi Joynetters,
When Jesus Talks about the Narrow -way.. he doesnt talk abt the narrow minded way..
Being in Love with somebody is not a trap or something wrong
Manytimes it is gods way of lifting you up when u r down.. 
But when u stretch this lovely thing called "love" to its extremes... then u " fall"..
To avoid that god has given us a head and something in it also..and we are called to 
use it..
Not every one of us is samson and not every person we love is Delilah..
If we are so narrow minded about it.. it is an insult to our humanness..
Also we have to realise that very special line at the end of this samson delilah 
when samson destroys  that hall..he kills many more of his enemies than he had killed 
in his entire lifetime..
So what we have here is a point to note..
"God can write straight on crooked lines ".
Even though samson commited a big mistake.. god ensured that his purpose was still 
served and in a way not expected even by samson or the israelites.. 
So guys.. just ensure that ur beloved is not delilah who will sell u off..  ;-)
and gals just ensure that ur beloved is not samson.. very strong in body.. but very 
weak in the mind and spirit..   ;-)
Ask god for the gift of a person with the right balance..
Only then will your relationship work..
What God Unites Let No Man( Woman) Divide..
A point that came into my mind just now is this..
Have you noticed how the bible is not ashamed of showing the weaker side of its 
Be it david, Solomon, them.. all of them are shown as humans and not as 
Unlike our Hindi films where the hero is never wrong..
Have you ever asked why it is so?
It is very clear . the guys who wrote these books.. didnt want us to concentrate on 
these human heroes, but more so on the god who uses these heroes inspite of all their 
faults to fulfill his purpose of salvation.. and is therefore the superhero of them 
So then let us not come to a halt  at samsons and delilah's.. But move beyond and see 
the god who is still in control ..
For us personally ..the lesson is very clear..
We may do big as samson.. people may ditch us and turn against us like 
delilah.. in our daily lives.. But beyond that is a loving god who is in control and 
who knows what is best..
Let us trust him then.. with our samsons and with our delilahs..Life will be more 
wonderful and worth living then..
Love and Prayers
God can write straight even on crooked lines
dexon john netto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear friends,

I am joining Jude.

we say about "Fall" in love with somebody .Of course its a trap

Jesus Speaks about Narrow way, the way where there is nospace to change
direction.This way is directs towards life and there is no possibility to
turn left or rightI think we all are supposed to travel thru` this
way and not the broadway where there is enough space to go here and

Father we pray do not lead us to "fall" into "temptations".Amen

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.

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Re: [JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-22 Thread dexon john netto
Dear friends,

I am joining Jude.

 we say about "Fall" in love with somebody .Ofcourse its a trap

Jesus Speaks about Narrow way, the way where there is nospace to change
direction.This way is directs towards life and there is no possibility to
turn left or rightI think we all are supposed to travel thru` this
way and not the broadway where there is enough space to go here and

Father we pray do not lead us to "fall" into "temptations".Amen

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.

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[JOYnet] Get up from the laps of Delilah!

2003-02-22 Thread Jude Asogwa
Fellow Joynetters,

The story of Samson and Delilah in Judges 16 is one
that requires some moment of sober reflection. Samson
the strong who was anointed by God to deliver Israel
from the hands of the Philistines sudenly became an
object of scorn in Gaza-the capital of Philistine.
This great man of God who destroy thousands of
Philistines soldiers and posed great threat to their
ruling authority sudenly became powerless and
incapacitated. What made is so? Delilah!

After Samson had met Delilah the Philistine girl whom
he loved more than his life and people, the story
became a different one. This so called love made
Samson the man of God to reveal the source of his
strenght to a daughter of his enemies. And
eventually,she lured Samson into a deep sleep on her
lapse and had his hairs barbed. Samson was
subsequently captured by his enemies who had his eyes
removed. To make it even worst the great man of God
became a grinder and an entertainer of Philistines his
enemy. Oh Samson is that how you ended!?

It is a pity that this man of God ended this way, but
it is much more pitiful for so many who are following
the footstep of Samson the strong. There are so many
people today who have lost their Christian 
consecration, anointing and ministry ever since they
met some "Delilahs " in thier lives. Who is that
person that is the Delilah in your life? who is that
man or woman that has held you  in bondage in
immorality. In the name of prayer partner, follow-up
and marriage, so many youths have been deeply involved
in fornication, adultry and other immoral acts.

No wonder you cannot pray as you use to  do before, no
wonder you have lost the burden of preaching the good
news and now wonder the annointing of God has  left
your life. Therefore wake up from the laps of that 
Delilah before she strips you of your strenght. Get up
before it becomes too late for you, for this is the
day of salvation and the hour to be saved and set


Jude S.C. Asogwa

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