[JOYnet] News from Ahmedabad!

2003-01-15 Thread Sibi Joseph
Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord! Yes, we have a bigger reason to praise the Lord now! We are blessed 
with a new Bishop. Bishop Thomas Macwan has been ordained as the Bishop of Ahmedabad 
Diocese on last Saturday, 11th Jan. He is the first Gujarati bishop in the 100 years 
history of the church of Gujarat.  

The Lord has allowed me to participate in the glittering ceremony on Saturday and I 
could personally meet and congratulate the new bishop. There was a huge gathering of 
priests and nuns and more than ten thousand people to participate in the gathering. 
Cardinal Ivan Diaz of Mumbai, all the 3 other bishops of Gujarat and 4 other bishops 
from various other parts of India graced the occasion. 

Ahmedabad diocese is now divided into two i.e. Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad. Gandhinagar 
is archdiocese and Bishop Stanlislaus Fernandes is the Archbishop from now on. While 
working as the Dean of Nadiad deanery, Bishop Thomas Macwan has been putting a lot of 
efforts to conduct charismatic programs. He has supported Jesus Youth activities 
wholeheartedly and it was a great boost for us to reach out to the villages. Bishop 
has now chosen his mission #8220;to serve and to proclaim the Good News#8221;.

Please very specially pray for Bishop Thomas and for the whole of Gujarat. 

Love, Sibi

God does not require us to be successful but he expects us to be faithful (Mother 
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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[JOYnet] news from kuwait

2002-05-24 Thread anitha dsouza

Dear friends,

Yesterday was one of those special days of fellowship
and love and togetherness for us; the Kuwait Jesus
We had a special evening of praise, worship,
discussions and fellowship in the house of one of the
JY.  We gathered together at about 5 pm, whereby,
Mahesh Peter  started narrating about his experiences
with other Jy in Kerala on his recent vacation to
India.  The fact that he really enjoyed meeting old
Jesus youth friends in and around Kerala was written
largely on his 26 mm smile and the albums that he
showed us.  The extra kilos that he has put on after
his vacation was additional evidence.

His narration was followed by serious discussions on
future strategies to be undertaken by Kuwait Jesus
The suggestions to have prayer partners from withen
the group was put forward for the personal growth of
each person.  To have regular workshops and spiritual
exercises during the intervals of our monthly
gatherings was decided upon, for the benefit of the
group. Each one realized and put forward the fact that
there was such a lot of harvest to be yet worked upon
over here.
There was real fire and enthusiasm in the hearts of
each one; as each person took up voluntary commitments
to work upon different tasks put forward by the group.

This was followed by praise and worship, bible reading
and the meditation upon the word.  Once again today I
would like to end this with a prayer request-please do
pray that we will able to stay true to our commitments
and work with increased fervour as the Spirit leads

With love and special regards from the entire group,

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[JOYnet] News from Hospital ministry

2002-05-14 Thread Chackochen Njavallil

Hi friends,
  We conducted a leaders training programme from April
30th-May 5th at Emmaus Ernakulam.40 participants attended the programme
who were the students and staff nurses from different institutions.
Initial 3days were of retreat and remaining 2days were of leaders
training.  Retreat was mainly based on charisms and its
practical use. It helped them to identify their  charisms and to get
basic  training  to use  them. The second part of the programme helped
them to become more aware of the importence of prayer groups, how to
build a prayer group and how can it be strengthened to bear fruits.All
these lead the participans to take dicisions and to make specific plans
to reactivate their prayer groups and to take initiatives to reachout
nearby institutions.

Sheena M Jose / Co ordinator / Nurses ministry /Kerala

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Re: [JOYnet] News from Gujarat

2002-03-25 Thread dexon john netto

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[JOYnet] News from Gujarat

2002-03-22 Thread Sibi Joseph

Dear Friends,

I thought of telling you more about Gujarat. The authorities are claiming that the 
situation in Gujarat is coming back to normal after the communal violence. But the 
truth is that the normalcy cannot be achieved for quite some time. Still we get news 
of people being killed in various parts of the state every day. Yesterday also, two 
people were killed in Vatva (Ahmedabad).  

Thousands of Muslims are camping in various relief camps (rough estimate say that 
about 45000 people are staying in various relief camps in Ahmedabad city itself and 
more in various villages). They do not know what to do and where to go. They lost 
their family members, houses, workshops and businesses. Many women were brutally 
raped.  In some areas the shops are fully closed since the day the violence started. 
People are really fearful and it is common that people are shaving their beard to 
avoid suspicion. 

Now it has become common that even educated people appreciating the killers. We are 
able to see how ferocious is the mentality of the people. They are all filled with 
communalism and say that the minority community should be erased completely. Now more 
trouble is expected as Holi and Muharum are coming in the next week. Also VHP is 
planning to take urns containing ash of the people who were killed in Godhra to 
various parts of India. It will definitely create more tension and violence.  The 
people who are staying in the relief camps now have nothing to loose. They already 
lost everything. When they come out, we don’t know what is going to happen. 

As you may be aware, a systematic propaganda is going on to destroy the minority 
community completely. Pamphlets are being distributed asking people to boycott their 
institutions, businesses, products etc. etc. Evil is spreading in an unimaginable way. 
 The authorities are biased and even if they do formal enquiries, the truth may not 
come out.  

The ultimate thing that can do for Gujarat is to pray... pray for peace in Gujarat and 
in all the minds. Let the Holy Spirit flow to all the hearts and let peace be 

With lots of love,

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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[JOYnet] News Report from a Pakistan Website

2001-12-14 Thread JASON

WASHINGTON, December 04 (PNS): Missionaries -- often called by their euphemism
of aid workers -- are being sent by countries like the U.S. and Britain to
spread Christianity in regions where most Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists live,
according to a Washington Post report.

Dubbed the 10/40 Window, the target area stretches between latitudes 10
degrees and 40 degrees north from West Africa to East Asia. It includes most
of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims, 800 million Hindus and 350 million

The region is home to the largest number of unreached people groups, the
term mission groups use for ethnic populations that have never heard the New
Testament message (from the Bible), says a report in the Washington Post.

Since getting visas and entering these countries as missionaries is difficult,
these aid workers from countries like the U.S., Britain, Germany and
Australia plan to enter Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu countries using visas
identifying them as secular workers.

In most of the countries situated in this region, including Pakistan, there
are laws against proselytising -- trying to convert others to Christianity. In
most Muslim countries, asking is allowed, as is answering the question. But
passing out Bibles and other literature, worshiping with nationals and showing
videos is technically prohibited.

Mission work in the area has grown rapidly since the mid-1980s, when mission
leaders began retooling their organisations to move beyond Latin America and
Southern Africa into this non-Christian area with great humanitarian needs,
said J. Dudley Woodberry, professor of Islamic studies in the School of World
Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

Willis, of the Richmond-based Baptist mission board, said about 27 percent of
the board's 5,000 missionaries are stationed in the 10/40 Window -- up from
about one percent 15 years ago.

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[JOYnet] NEWS FROM THE TWIN CITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-12-02 Thread SANAD HENRY

Hi All,
  PRAISE THE LORD!! I had asked for the prayer
request for the half day session program Arranged in
Appolo Hospital Nursing School in H'bad yesterday and
daybefore .
I am very much delighted to see that the almighty has
touched each and every one who had attended the
sessionAll of them were crying out
Lot of Miracles happened out here during the
sessionsIt was really a strong experience for all
themEach and Every  session was really
Holy sprirt Was filled upon each one of them...
Pls do pray for DENNY VARGHESE the full timer out

Hoping for ur continued prayer support for the Twin

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry

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[JOYnet] News update..

2001-11-30 Thread Manoj Sunny

Hello everyone,

I came back after a 15 day trip to Guwahatty, Calcutta and Ranchi.
I am so glad to see the joynet is going through a new spring time..

As the follow up of the Tribal youth exposure programme, we are going to
conduct 7 one week discipleship training programmes in different parts of the
country - in Guwahati (for Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,Sikkim), in Delhi (for
Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu Kashmir,Haryana,Punjab), in
Chanda (for Maharashtra), in Ranchi (for Bihar, Jharkhand, W.Bengal,
Andaman,Chatisgarh,Orissa), in Dimapur (for Meghalaya,Mizoram,Manipur,
Tripura), in Baroda ( for Gujarath, Vasai), in Khandwa (for Madhya Pradesh)
and two training programmes for the animators (mainly Priests and sisters)
between January and April, 2002. We have to conduct 6 of these training
programmes in Hindi and just one in English. I covered one area for arranging
this, Fr, George is still on tour..Shinto and Reji will be going for the final
arrangements on this 10th. This being a very important initiative of Jesus
Youth in to a new target group of youth, please keep this in your prayers..

Mr.. Baby Chacko ( Babychayan, animator of the JYNT) has been in  UAE for the
last three weeks and another resource person Shibu left for UAE today.
UAE is preparing for a mega gathering on their National Holiday - Dec.2nd . I
wonder how joynet is  has not been informed of this..Hello UAE Jesus
Youth..write to us about the happenings there.. Also, I hope our Bangalore
co-ordinator Jose Antony will write more about the KOOTTAYMA 2001.

Leo Thadeus and team are in the process of editing the CMN's first video
production -The Rex Band Live. Hope it will be complete soon..

I am going to Thailand on the 9th to attend the FABC (Federation of Asian
Bishop's Council) meeting as a special invitee. I will visit our Singapore
Jesus Youth on my way back from Thailand. Please keep me in your prayers..

In union with Jesus and Mary,
Manoj Sunny

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[JOYnet] News

2001-11-16 Thread simon george

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[JOYnet] News from Gujarat

2001-07-31 Thread Sibi Joseph

Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord!

I would like share a news from Gujarat. As you may be aware, the Jesus Youth leaders 
from various parts of Gujarat have gathered in Ahmedabad on 28th and 29th, Saturday 
and Sunday. C C Joseph and Manoj Sunny were here to minister the sessions and other 
things. We are very glad to tell you that we had a wonderful time with the Lord. The 
new Jesus Youth Service Team for Gujarat was selected for the next one year.  

The team:
1.  Sibi Joseph  Gujarat Coordinator 
2.  Georly Sebastian, Ex-officio (Ahmedabad)
3.  Santhosh Mathew, Ex-officio (Baroda)
4.  Thomas Philip (Ahmedabad)
5.  Sheila George  (Ahmedabad)
6.  Vinod R (Gandhinagar)
7.  Kanti Parmar (Nadiad)
8.  Eric C Pinto (Jamnagar)
9.  Mercy Joseph (Baroda)
10. Roy Manuel (Baroda)

I take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers. I am sure that you will 
continue to pray for the Gujarat mission of Jesus youth and all the renewal activities 
of Gujarat.

With lots of love and prayers,


The lord is the strength of my life Ps 27:1
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India
Tel: 079 685 7974

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