[JOYnet] Simplicity of God

2003-02-28 Thread Saji Sebastian
Dear brothers and sisters,

Simplicity is topic of meditation for JY across the
globe, for the second part of Feb.
Let me share a few of the thoughts crossed my mind.

Our God is very simple and straight forward.
Easy to understand, even a child can understand him.
Easy to get along with, even a sinner can approach

Someone tried to explain the Simplicity of God by
telling this 
We miss him by the way that He reveals Himself, for
He is so great, yet hides Himself in simplicity to
make Himself known to the least. See? Don't try to get
the great, because he goes over the top of it; but
listen to the simplicity of God, and then you find God
right here in the simple way.

That is exactly what David, whom God testified as the
one after His own heart, is also saying in Psalm 119:
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives
understanding to the simple

It is very important for us to be simple and humble to
understand the ways of Our Lord.
Why dont we examine ourselves to find out whether we
are simple?

Let us look at one aspect of simplicity.
When we say something is simple, it means, that which
we talk about must be easy to understand. 
It is about straight forwardness of being what we are
always and everywhere. If have different face at
different places, for example with friends we show one
face, with parents we show different one and with the
prayer groups fellows we have yet another. And we ask
God to understand us while we tore our life apart
trying to be smart according to the ways of this
world. Be courageous to be Simple and straight

Remember what Jesus told us if you want to know me
(be my disciple) deny yourself carry your cross and
follow me.  This means shed away all the complexities
and compositeness and be simple and be ready to pay a
small price on a daily basis. When Jesus is asking us
to pay, our part, remember He made the down payment
with his own life. Honor Him by obeying. Dont try to
conform ourselves to the world that may make ourselves
composite and complex. That would make so complex that
we ourselves may not recognize us. 

If we practice to be simple in front of God and our
fellow human beings, the Lord shall lift us up to a
point where we would never reach by our own abilities.

Out of simplicity he became man.
Out of Simplicity he became bread.
Out of Simplicity he made himself available in written
form (the Bible)
Out of Simplicity he made his aboard in human beings
(Human beings are the Temples of God)
To make it easy for us to understand his ways he left
his foot prints on all his creation.

Be simple and search for God where we can find him.
We have clouds of witnesses around us all those Simple
people who searched for God, He filled them with great
knowledge and Holiness and Power.
With lots of love and prayer
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[JOYnet] Simplicity

2003-02-25 Thread pretty kurian
Dear Freinds,

The first thing that came to mind about Simplicity were the blessed years that I spent 
in St.Francis, where I did my graduation.With the last moment full time studying that 
I did,  never managed any great grades but those were years when I made the best of 
freinds and learnt  a great deal. all attributed solely to the sisters there...sisters 
of charity.There was once a vocation camp arranged in the convent during holidays for 
all the catholic girls .When we went to convent for the camp, one early morning, what 
we saw was our dear Principal sister sweeping the garden.Principals of equally 
prestigious colleges(convent) usually never step out of ac cars/rooms and offices and 
here is our dear Princi...with a broom. Weather it was a Prinicipal nun, a lecturer 
nun or a classmate nun..yes..they did play a role model for us..Simplicity does have a 
great lesson to impart

There is retreat center around here in Hyderabad called Divine Word Center.I always 
consider the preists here, Fr. Christhu and Fr.Cyril to be great blessings to the 
whole of AP. There is a programme conducted in this retreat center where Divine 
prayer partners come once in a month, any day of their choice to fast and intercede 
for  the whole world..for everybody who is in need and is suffering.i too joined this 
team and after going there for a while, realised that there was a big difference.While 
I interceeded for others, my petitions and desires often came to my mind ( a lil too 
often considering that we were having intercessory prayers)and my heart ached 
differently. I prayed for others for others sake but some wonderful people here pray 
for others for their own sake like the Lord who said I will blot out their 
transgressions for my own sake. There are people here who care a damn about their 
health and well being for the sake of others.  Such goodness can only come fr!
om a simple heart...

Simplicty also brings to my mind Mother Theresa and her sisters..
to forget about your self totally and only think of bringing happiness/meaning to lost 
lives...to be able to love so much...you need to have one quality in absolute 
measure..the quality of being simple at heart..

Love and Prayers,
Hyderabad, India.

Everyone has within a piece of goodnews.The Good News is that  you don't know how 
great you can be,how much you can Love, what you can accomplish, what your potential 
is - Anna Frank.

P.S: Folks, seems like my id was infected with some virus that sent mails randomly to 
some people.If any of you received any irrelevant mails/nasty attachments from this 
account, please ignore.

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Re: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-21 Thread sindhu
Dear Abby,
I always used to wear my new dress, if any , for the first time to church to
show to Jesus!!!

I had a firend who decided not to buy any new clothes for  1 year when he
became a JY. He was very rich!So i suggested you should  be doing some
thing else too.. give your excess to others who don't have one.And i think
he did...because  later on i've to see him  very often in same dress ..ha ha
ha .
I know of an elder who simply had just two pairs of white mundu and shirt
and he always was found neat and clean with just a pair of dress.Even
though he was a very busy person he had his dress always washed and ironed
well without out a wrinkle.Very much challenging...eh?

I have seen ,like other virtues ,,simplicity too is contagious.
Praise the Lord.
In joyful communion,

- Original Message -
From: abbyabraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

 Dear Rose,

 Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress

 It was nice to read U on simplicity.

 I I remember many times when I  wanted to look simple,feel simple, talk
 and be be a simple Christian . It has never been easy.

 I always think about the sophistication in today's dresses, for example.
 Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers are so advanced in
 craftsmanship and  material. I wonder what fuss people look into when they
 buy those dresses which are never even seen by any anybody or are exposed
 the general public!!  This reflect the mind of the society that is
 more and more thrilled at being simply sophisticated. And we too are neck
 deep into it.

 You know the Sunday's best dress? They aren't simple. We  take out the
 newest and put them on for  making it to the Church. (Even if I want to
 on a simple one, my family would have a say in it !!)
 The simple  dresses  are for the other days of the week, they would say.
 the Boarding school too, I was trained to keep the best for the Sunday

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[JOYnet] Simplicity

2003-02-19 Thread Jinson J.Elayidom

I would say simplicity is,
Respecting others feelings and emotion...
Everything else will be added to it...

Simplicity should be at ur heart..
Not in ur physical behaviour or dressing..


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[JOYnet] Simplicity

2003-02-19 Thread joseph john
I feel the true simplicity lies in the word of God how HE applied to HIMSELF.
Jesus said 'Learn from me beacause Iam humble and gentle in Spirit' Mathew 11:29.
Jesus looks at our heart rather than on to who we are or what we are or where we are?
It is just the simplicity of Heart moulded with humility and gentleness.basically 
all a product of God's  unconditional, uncomparable LOVE.
with love n prayers
Joseph John / JYUK
- Original Message -
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 02:34:20 -0600
Subject: [JOYnet] Simplicity


I would say simplicity is,
Respecting others feelings and emotion...
Everything else will be added to it...

Simplicity should be at ur heart..
Not in ur physical behaviour or dressing..


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[JOYnet] SIMPLICITY...a SAINT`S view...

2003-02-19 Thread rose maria
hai   the   smily  simple mates  of  Jesus,

   ,   i  think   THE  SAINTS   might  have  got  
some  thing  to  say   on  these  days  about  *simplicity* St. Theresa  of  
Lisuex?!!---we  know  the  in  out  of  her  simple  life--the  simple  little  
flower  of  child Jesus,  dont  we?!

hang  on, the  new  saint ,,St.Josemaria   has  got  something  to  say---...

**See  the   simplicity? Ecce ancilla--Behold  the  handmaid  .And  the  word  was 
made  flesh.  That`s  how  the  saints  worked; without any  outward  show.And  if  
there  was  any  ,it  was  inspite  of  themselves..***

 Dont  worry  if  u  become  annoyed  doing  those  little  things  he  asks  of  
you. You  will  come  to  smile.Have  you  never  seen  a  father  testing his  simple 
 child ? How  reluctantly the  child  gives  his  father  the  candy   he  had  in  
his  hand !! But  he  gives  it.;love  has  conquered.

 Mary  most holy, Mother  of  God, passes  unnoticed,just  as one  more  among  
women of  her  town.Learn  from  her  how  to  live  with  naturalness***

*Be  little , very  little.Dont  be  more  than  two  years old,  three  at  
most.For  the older  children  are  little  rascals  who  already  want  to  decieve  
thier  parents  with  unbelievable  lies.This  is  because   they  have  the fomes,  
the  inclination  to  evil, the  prelude  to sin, but  still  lack the  real   
experience  of  evil  which  will  teach  them  the  `science`  of  sinning   show 
them how  to  cover  the  falseness  of tier  deciets  with  an   appearance  of  

Child,  dont  lose  your  loving  habit  of  storming  tabernacles.***

*Get  rid  of  that  self  satisfied   air  that  keeps  the  souls  around   you  
isolated  from  ur  soul.Listen  to  themspeak  with  simplicity.Only  thus  will 
 ur  work  as  an   apostle  expand  and  friutful***

 u  wrote  to me;  simplicity  is  the  salt  of  perfection,and  that`s  what  i 
 lack.i  want  to  acquire  it,  with  his  help  and  with  urs.You  will  lack  
neither  his  help  nor  mine. Use  the  means.***




Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  !beloved  Mother keep  me  as  thy  own.

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[JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-18 Thread rose maria
 hi  folks,  

 to   be  honest  i  love  simplicity...

a  good  characterhumble  virtue..from my  childhood  i  used  to  look on  
to my  elder  sisters   for  a  model  ( i`m  the  youngest  in  family) ,  and  the  
visible  virtue  that  i  always  noticed in  them  was  simplicity,,,.i  remember 
when  i  was  in school, i  copied  an  inspiring  quote  from  my  sister`s  diary, 
which  iused  to  print  on  the  first  page  of  most  of  my  books..  
SIMPLICITY  IS  THE  BEST  ORNAMENT  OF  LIFEI   believe  i  tried  hard  to  
follow  the  same.

   i  mean  simplicty  in life,  in  soul  ,  mind external  appearance  
too..  (  mind  ,  the  people  who  knows  me  may  say  ..we never  found  u  as 
simple...well,  this  is  my  dream   wish...  hi  hi  )

Psalmist  say  in 131,   I  am  not   concerned  with  great  affairs  
or  marvels  beyond  my  scope.

  Enough  for  me  to  keep  my  soul  tranquil and  quiet  like  a  child 
 in  its  mother`s  arms,  as  content  as  a  child  that  has  been  weaned.. 

 the   simplicity  of  our  sweet  virgin  maryis  good  
example,,,her  simple  heart,   simple  thoughts ,  simple  life,,,simple 
discipleship,yah...  isnt  she  marvelous  in  her  humble  virtue..?! how  sweet  
she  is


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Re: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-18 Thread abbyabraham
Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress

It was nice to read U on simplicity.

I too have thought of being simple. But, is there anything simple today?
Every icon of today carry the mark of sophistication. And we are caught-up
with it and pulled into it.

I remember many times when I  wanted to look simple,feel simple, talk simple
and be be a simple Christian . It has never been easy.

I always think about the sophistication in today's dresses, for example.
Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers are so advanced in design,
craftsmanship and  material. I wonder what fuss people look into when they
buy those dresses which are never even seen by any anybody or are exposed to
the general public!!  This reflect the mind of the society that is becoming
more and more thrilled at being simply sophisticated. And we too are neck
deep into it.

You know the Sunday's best dress? They aren't simple. We  take out the
newest and put them on for  making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put
on a simple one, my family would have a say in it !!)
The simple  dresses  are for the other days of the week, they would say. In
the Boarding school too, I was trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass.

So are many other things in life. I wish world was really simple and we
could be what we want to be. But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban
and/or the Corsa?



- Original Message -
From: rose maria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

 hi  folks,

  to   be  honest  i  love  simplicity...

 a  good  characterhumble  virtue..from my  childhood  i  used  to
look on  to my  elder  sisters   for  a  model  ( i`m  the  youngest  in
family) ,  and  the  visible  virtue  that  i  always  noticed in  them  was
simplicity,,,.i  remember when  i  was  in school, i  copied  an  inspiring
quote  from  my  sister`s  diary, which  iused  to  print  on  the
first  page  of  most  of  my  books..  SIMPLICITY  IS  THE  BEST  ORNAMENT
OF  LIFEI   believe  i  tried  hard  to  follow  the  same.

i  mean  simplicty  in life,  in  soul  ,  mind external
appearance  too..  (  mind  ,  the  people  who  knows  me  may  say
..we never  found  u  as simple...well,  this  is  my  dream   wish...  hi
hi  )

 Psalmist  say  in 131,   I  am  not   concerned  with  great
affairs  or  marvels  beyond  my  scope.

   Enough  for  me  to  keep  my  soul  tranquil and  quiet
like  a  child  in  its  mother`s  arms,  as  content  as  a  child  that
has  been  weaned..

  the   simplicity  of  our  sweet  virgin  maryis
good  example,,,her  simple  heart,   simple  thoughts ,  simple
life,,,simple discipleship,yah...  isnt  she  marvelous  in  her  humble
virtue..?! how  sweet  she  is


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My comments on [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-18 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi Joynetters,
Simplicity according to me is not important in the externals..
We are called to be simple and childlike in our hearts, in our faith and in our 
The Book of Ecclesiastes encourages us to enjoy the honest pleasures of life right now 
and not wait or push it for the future..
The key words are honest pleasures..
If we have worked hard for it..then it is not a sin to enjoy it.. in a way which 
doesnt harm others...
We dont try to show we are simple.. we try to be simple..
So our dress and other stuff need not be simple.. let it also be not to flashy also .. 
Except if we are called by the lord to be his clowns in this  world   ;-)
We are always thought by the Word of God to be Moderate in all that we do.. and not 
So let us ask for wisdom from the Lord , that we may be people of simple and childlike 
trust in him , that is the most important area where simplicity is required..
everything else will just follow.
Love and Prayers
 abbyabraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress

It was nice to read U on simplicity.

I too have thought of being simple. But, is there anything simple today?
Every icon of today carry the mark of sophistication. And we are caught-up
with it and pulled into it.

I remember many times when I wanted to look simple,feel simple, talk simple
and be be a simple Christian . It has never been easy.

I always think about the sophistication in today's dresses, for example.
Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers are so advanced in design,
craftsmanship and material. I wonder what fuss people look into when they
buy those dresses which are never even seen by any anybody or are exposed to
the general public!! This reflect the mind of the society that is becoming
more and more thrilled at being simply sophisticated. And we too are neck
deep into it.

You know the Sunday's best dress? They aren't simple. We take out the
newest and put them on for making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put
on a simple one, my family would have a say in it !!)
The simple dresses are for the other days of the week, they would say. In
the Boarding school too, I was trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass.

So are many other things in life. I wish world was really simple and we
could be what we want to be. But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban
and/or the Corsa?



- Original Message -
From: rose maria 

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

 hi folks,

 to be honest i love simplicity...

 a good character  humble virtue..from my childhood i used to
look on to my elder sisters for a model ( i`m the youngest in
family) , and the visible virtue that i always noticed in them was
simplicity,,,.i remember when i was in school, i copied an inspiring
quote from my sister`s diary, which i used to print on the
first page of most of my books..  SIMPLICITY IS THE BEST ORNAMENT
OF LIFE  I believe i tried hard to follow the same.

 i mean simplicty in life, in soul , mind  external
appearance too.. ( mind , the people who knows me may say
..we never found u as simple...well, this is my dream  wish... hi
hi )

 Psalmist say in 131,  I am not concerned with great
affairs or marvels beyond my scope.

 Enough for me to keep my soul tranquil and quiet
like a child in its mother`s arms, as content as a child that
has been weaned..

 the simplicity of our sweet virgin mary is
good example,,,her simple heart, simple thoughts , simple
life,,,simple discipleship,yah... isnt she marvelous in her humble
virtue..?! how sweet she is


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My comments on [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-18 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi Joynetters,
Simplicity according to me is not important in the externals..
We are called to be simple and childlike in our hearts, in our faith and in our 
The Book of Ecclesiastes encourages us to enjoy the honest pleasures of life right now 
and not wait or push it for the future..
The key words are honest pleasures..
If we have worked hard for it..then it is not a sin to enjoy it.. in a way which 
doesnt harm others...
We dont try to show we are simple.. we try to be simple..
So our dress and other stuff need not be simple.. let it also be not to flashy also .. 
Except if we are called by the lord to be his clowns in this  world   ;-)
We are always thought by the Word of God to be Moderate in all that we do.. and not 
So let us ask for wisdom from the Lord , that we may be people of simple and childlike 
trust in him , that is the most important area where simplicity is required..
everything else will just follow.
Love and Prayers
 abbyabraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress

It was nice to read U on simplicity.

I too have thought of being simple. But, is there anything simple today?
Every icon of today carry the mark of sophistication. And we are caught-up
with it and pulled into it.

I remember many times when I wanted to look simple,feel simple, talk simple
and be be a simple Christian . It has never been easy.

I always think about the sophistication in today's dresses, for example.
Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers are so advanced in design,
craftsmanship and material. I wonder what fuss people look into when they
buy those dresses which are never even seen by any anybody or are exposed to
the general public!! This reflect the mind of the society that is becoming
more and more thrilled at being simply sophisticated. And we too are neck
deep into it.

You know the Sunday's best dress? They aren't simple. We take out the
newest and put them on for making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put
on a simple one, my family would have a say in it !!)
The simple dresses are for the other days of the week, they would say. In
the Boarding school too, I was trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass.

So are many other things in life. I wish world was really simple and we
could be what we want to be. But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban
and/or the Corsa?



- Original Message -
From: rose maria 

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

 hi folks,

 to be honest i love simplicity...

 a good character  humble virtue..from my childhood i used to
look on to my elder sisters for a model ( i`m the youngest in
family) , and the visible virtue that i always noticed in them was
simplicity,,,.i remember when i was in school, i copied an inspiring
quote from my sister`s diary, which i used to print on the
first page of most of my books..  SIMPLICITY IS THE BEST ORNAMENT
OF LIFE  I believe i tried hard to follow the same.

 i mean simplicty in life, in soul , mind  external
appearance too.. ( mind , the people who knows me may say
..we never found u as simple...well, this is my dream  wish... hi
hi )

 Psalmist say in 131,  I am not concerned with great
affairs or marvels beyond my scope.

 Enough for me to keep my soul tranquil and quiet
like a child in its mother`s arms, as content as a child that
has been weaned..

 the simplicity of our sweet virgin mary is
good example,,,her simple heart, simple thoughts , simple
life,,,simple discipleship,yah... isnt she marvelous in her humble
virtue..?! how sweet she is


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[JOYnet] Simplicity ..in my view .............

2003-02-18 Thread Primeson James
Dear Friends

Simplicity in my view

I agree with Ravi that the simplicity is not important in the externals, but
actually it is too. isn't it ?

simple life shows 

(1). respect others as we do our parents
(2). just say hello and how are you whenever we see our old friends or
aquinted persons in our life 
(3). speak with polite 
(4). smile from innocent heart 
(5). do not hurt others in any way 
(6). If we want to say No say 'no' with respect 
(7). Use decent dress atleast for Sunday Mass 
(8). When you meet your friend meet him / her as if you are meeting him first
(9). Be honest to others through our words and works 
(10). And Be thankful to others

In my opinion if we do or follow the above we are in simple life, what do you
say ?

simple life is the better life (my own words)

with love and prayers
primeson / dubai

-Original Message-
From: Ravi Vaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 9:24 AM
To: abbyabraham; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: My comments on [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

Hi Joynetters,
Simplicity according to me is not important in the externals..
We are called to be simple and childlike in our hearts, in our faith and in
our behaviour.
The Book of Ecclesiastes encourages us to enjoy the honest pleasures of life
right now and not wait or push it for the future..
The key words are honest pleasures..
If we have worked hard for it..then it is not a sin to enjoy it.. in a way
which doesnt harm others...
We dont try to show we are simple.. we try to be simple..
So our dress and other stuff need not be simple.. let it also be not to
flashy also .. 
Except if we are called by the lord to be his clowns in this  world   ;-)
We are always thought by the Word of God to be Moderate in all that we do..
and not extremists..
So let us ask for wisdom from the Lord , that we may be people of simple and
childlike trust in him , that is the most important area where simplicity is
everything else will just follow.
Love and Prayers
 abbyabraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress

It was nice to read U on simplicity.

I too have thought of being simple. But, is there anything simple today?
Every icon of today carry the mark of sophistication. And we are caught-up
with it and pulled into it.

I remember many times when I wanted to look simple,feel simple, talk simple
and be be a simple Christian . It has never been easy.

I always think about the sophistication in today's dresses, for example.
Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers are so advanced in design,
craftsmanship and material. I wonder what fuss people look into when they
buy those dresses which are never even seen by any anybody or are exposed to
the general public!! This reflect the mind of the society that is becoming
more and more thrilled at being simply sophisticated. And we too are neck
deep into it.

You know the Sunday's best dress? They aren't simple. We take out the
newest and put them on for making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put
on a simple one, my family would have a say in it !!)
The simple dresses are for the other days of the week, they would say. In
the Boarding school too, I was trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass.

So are many other things in life. I wish world was really simple and we
could be what we want to be. But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban
and/or the Corsa?



- Original Message -
From: rose maria 

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

 hi folks,

 to be honest i love simplicity...

 a good character  humble virtue..from my childhood i used to
look on to my elder sisters for a model ( i`m the youngest in
family) , and the visible virtue that i always noticed in them was
simplicity,,,.i remember when i was in school, i copied an inspiring
quote from my sister`s diary, which i used to print on the
first page of most of my books..  SIMPLICITY IS THE BEST ORNAMENT
OF LIFE  I believe i tried hard to follow the same.

 i mean simplicty in life, in soul , mind  external
appearance too.. ( mind , the people who knows me may say
..we never found u as simple...well, this is my dream  wish... hi
hi )

 Psalmist say in 131,  I am not concerned with great
affairs or marvels beyond my scope.

 Enough for me to keep my soul tranquil and quiet
like a child in its mother`s arms, as content as a child that
has been weaned..

 the simplicity of our sweet virgin mary is
good example,,,her simple heart, simple thoughts , simple
life,,,simple discipleship,yah... isnt she marvelous in her humble
virtue..?! how sweet she is


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[JOYnet] Simplicity ..in my view .............

2003-02-18 Thread seena George
I have an opinion about dressing... it is like, If the President of your
country were to visit you at your house, what type of dress would you
wear ? Of course you would be at your best..

And God being the greatest of all, the Lord of lords, is worthy of more
honour, So we must be at our best when we go to our Lord's house..to see

Jesus Loves You.


abbyabraham wrote:Dear Rose,

Sub. : Simpleton's Sunday Dress I remember many times when I wanted to
look simple,feel simple, talk simple and be be a simple Christian . It
has never been easy. I always think about the sophistication in today's
dresses, for example. Every dress from socks, hanky, briefs or trousers
are so advanced in design, craftsmanship and material. I wonder what fuss
people look into when they buy those dresses which are never even seen by
any anybody or are exposed to the general public!! This reflect the mind
of the society that is becoming more and more thrilled at being simply
sophisticated. And we too are neck deep into it. You know the Sunday's
best dress? They aren't simple. We take out the newest and put them on
for making it to the Church. (Even if I want to put on a simple one, my
family would have a say in it !!) The simple dresses are for the other
days of the week, they would say. In the Boarding school too, I was
trained to keep the best for the Sunday Mass. So are many other things in
life. I wish world was really simple and we could be what we want to be.
But then I too have to shed my Lee, Ray-Ban and/or the Corsa? regards

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Re: My comments on [JOYnet] SIMPLICITY.. my view...

2003-02-18 Thread jose antony
I too agree with Ravifor most people when you talk abt
simplicityThe first thing comes to mind is about the dress you
wear...the way you look etc etc.  I feel our priority should be the internal
simplicity(I mean Simplicity in our hearts).

 If we try to become  simple in our hearts...it will have an automatic
effect on our external appearence and behaviour.

Not by wearing simple dress or giving a simple looks will make a person

If Jesus has given you the best of things .I feel that we should use it
and  glorify Him..than saying I'd like to be  simple ...so I prefer the
other way.

Luv always
Jose Antony

Jose Antony Elengical
Sr. Manager- International Business
Content Management Services
Cyber India Online Ltd. www.ciol.com
(A Cyber Media Company)
Bangalore , India
Office Phone - 2861511 ext 228
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[JOYnet] Simplicity of a child

2001-12-31 Thread tom sheen

 Hi, Friends,.( Story From Anvica) Daddy, how much do you make an hour?

With a timid voice and idolizing eyes, the little boy greeted his father
as he returned from work.

Greatly surprised, but giving his boy a glaring look, the father said:
Look, sonny, not even your mother knows that. Don't bother me now, I'm

But Daddy, just tell me please! How much do you make an hour,  the boy
insisted. The father, finally giving up, replied: Twenty dollars per

Okay, Daddy. Could you loan me ten dollars? the boy asked.

Showing his restlessness and positively disturbed, the father yelled: So
that was the reason you asked how much I earn, right? Go to sleep and
don't bother me anymore!

It was already dark and the father was meditating on what he said and was
feeling guilty. Maybe he thought, his son wanted to buy something.
Finally, trying to ease his mind, the father went to his son's room.

Are ! you asleep, son? asked the father.

No, Daddy. Why? replied the boy, partially asleep.

Here's the money asked for earlier,  the father said.

Thanks, Daddy! rejoiced the son, while putting his hand under his
pillow and removing some money.

Now I have enough! Now I have twenty dollars! the boy said to his
father, who was gazing at his son, confused at what his son had just

Daddy, could you sell me one hour of your time?

 In same way Jesus asking each of us just like a child ,could you sell
even fifteen minutes for me? New Year we should take a pledge “ yes I can
spend  little time for God without expect any rewards”.

 I  Wishing all of you a Very Very Happy and Joyful New Year .

 May the God Shower the blessings all of you in the New Year.

Regards in Christ,

 Tom, Dubai

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