[jQuery] Re: Please TEST? Re: Safari crash and burn on Accordion form

2007-10-06 Thread Howard Jones

MichaelEvangelista wrote:

update - it was actually super easy to
sniff for Safari and to replace the calls to the accordion function 
with plain ol' jQuery .slideUp() and .slideDown()

My only safari version is via Browsercam - and I really can't tell how 
the animation looks.


If anybody with a safari browser would care to check...  should I use 
another method besides slideUp/down?

Is it fairly smooth?

Also, this thing was crashing safari before I made my changes.

Now it should
1) pop up an alert

2) require some fields on each tab by clicking 'next' but not by 
clicking 'back'

3) be able to go back and forth from the 3rd panel no problem
Towards the bottom of the form, I guess where the Next should be, I 
actually get:

The error occurred in 
/vservers/gwssite/htdocs/fa/inc/include_fa_buy.cfm: line 154
152 : label for=recordClientCommentsBuy class=inputDo you have any 
specific requests?/label
153 : textarea name=recordClientCommentsBuy 
id=recordClientCommentsBuy class=inputclass onfocus=this.value = ''

154 : cfoutput#exampleText1#/cfoutput/textareabr /

and a stack trace.

You're getting there ;-)

(whose own .getJSON calls never seem to call their callbacks in Safari 2)

[jQuery] Validation plugin errors on IE6

2007-10-06 Thread wattaka

This is just plain infuriating, this piece code works perfectly well
on FF 2, on IE6 , it just causes errors:

error - object does´t  support this property or method
code 0


var container = $('#error_container');

errorContainer: container,
errorLabelContainer: $(ol, container),
wrapper: 'li',
meta: validate,
event: keyup
  });  // end validate

errorContainer: container,
errorLabelContainer: $(ol, container),
wrapper: 'li',
meta: validate,
event: keyup
});  // end validate

Firebug mentions no errors, and if it works well in FF how else can
one test it, I commented out everything else that could cause problems

Does anyone have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin errors on IE6

2007-10-06 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

wattaka schrieb:

This is just plain infuriating, this piece code works perfectly well
on FF 2, on IE6 , it just causes errors:
Does anyone have any ideas?
Could you please give the latest revision a try? 

I haven't managed to just release a fix yet...

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Setting radio button values

2007-10-06 Thread Isaac

I have a page that retreives values from a database using an ajax
call.  Then I take those values and try to populate a web form.

The problem I'm having is with radio buttons.  I try setting them
using the following line:


where gender is 2 radio buttons with id=Gender one has the value
male and the other female.  This however does not appropriately
display the radio button checked.  If you subsequently query the radio
button value (like with an alert), it will display the appropriate
value, indicating that setting it was successful but the display does
not work.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] using jcarousel as image viewer - how to load large image onclick with loading animation

2007-10-06 Thread aussiebob

I'm trying to use the excellent jcarousel plugin to create an image
viewer/slideshow for a friends site

I am a real newbie  my first post so go easy on me :)

Can someone point me in the right direction how to load an image on
demand with some sort of callback so a loading image can be displayed
and the image fade in when ready.

Currently I'm preloading all images which is so-so but definitely not
ideal and the fade doesn't work correctly if an image is not loaded

Is this heading in the right direction?

$(.jcarousel-item).click( function() {
s =$(this).children(a).attr(href);
a =$(this).children(a).attr(title);

// switch

//load and get some sort of return when loaded
// to turn off loading and fade in image

// psuedocode
loaded = function(){
  return $(#large).bind('load', function() {
if(s) this.src = s;

// psuedocode
if(loaded) {
$(#large).attr({ alt: a});


I'm trying to achieve:
a. When the user clicks on the thumbnail it gets the link href  title
and uses them to set the src  alt tag on the main image. (DONE)
b. Next image should fadein without flashing the same image (DONE not
very well)
currently using $(#large).hide().attr({ src: s, alt:
a}).fadeIn(slow); // this only works if the image has totally loaded
otherwise the old image fades in then it switches
c. Preload the first x number of main images to match the initially
displayed thumbs with the remainder loading on demand and showing a
loading animation (NOT DONE)

Thanks very much for any and all help

[jQuery] JSON Help?

2007-10-06 Thread sgrover

I think my generated json code is messed up, but for the life of me, I 
can't see it.  In *some* cases, my $.ajax() call process the results 
properly, in others it triggers the Error callback, but doesn't actually 
have an error.  I've asked about this before and the responses I got 
then aren't helping right now.  Hopefully I'm just blind.

I've posted the code in question below, as well as the resulting JSON, 
and a formatted version of the JSON as well.  This JSON code works fine 
when I plug it into a Javascript variable manually.  (Some sections of 
the $.ajax() call have been snipped for brevity - these snipped sections 
are not causing grief though)

It might be that it's late and I've got tunnel vision, but I can't see 
why this isn't working.  Any tips are appreciated.


Here's the $.ajax() call:
   $(#filtertable #filter).click(function () {

 var p = oid= + $(#client_id).val();
 //other code snipped for building up the parameter string
   type: post,
   url: xhr/filter.php?r= + Math.random(),
   data: p,
   dataType: json,
   success: function (json) {

//code to build a table goes here //


   error: function (a,b,c) {
 return false;

Here's a sample of the JSON results that are not working:
([ { id: 124, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-30 
13:30:00), end: new Date(2007-09-30 19:00:00), duration: 5.5, 
worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: Scans. 
Fixed a number of reported problems, and some un-reported issues. 
Cleaned up the table sorting, and added sort direction indicators. 
Created an \eye\ image for the view icon (replacing the disk icon). 
Fixed the file path so that it actually had a path on the search 
results. Files can now be opened from the search results (when using IE 
on the local network). Fixed the update routine that was badly broken 
(but not reported yet). Moved the search results into separate tabs for 
each job type. Tested the site in IE - took some time tracking down an 
IE specific bug. Records are loading fine if there is a location record 
(which is now required, so old testing data could be troublesome). 
Changed the menu as requested to put Scans under the Job Search menu 
item. Tried to upload, VPN problems prevented this. Will talk with 
Norm., billed: null }, { id: 123, organization: XYZ Corp, start: 
new Date(2007-09-16 12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-16 17:00:00), 
duration: 5, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
Fixed up the remaining interface issues with Scanned Jobs. The search 
results are now listing things as they should, and the files can be 
viewed from the results list, or the record could be edited. Added 
sortable table columns to the search results. Fixed the load routine to 
properly populate a job when selecting one from the search results. 
Changed the menu item to \Scanned Jobs\ from \Unregistered Jobs\. 
Uploaded the changes to the live server, notified Norm., billed: null 
}, { id: 122, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-09 
12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-09 17:00:00), duration: 5, worktype: 
Programming, project: Projext X, description: Continued on Scanned 
Jobs. Fixing the save routine for multiple columns. The bit mask should 
mean we have one record for all quarters\/sections in the same twp, but 
we are getting one record for EACH quarter in the twp. Fixed this by 
moving the bit mask processing into JavaScript, rather than CF and\/or 
SQL., billed: null }, { id: 95, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new 
Date(2007-09-04 19:10:00), end: new Date(2007-09-04 23:10:00), 
duration: 4, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
Scanned Jobs. Got the interface to handle multiple locations 
functioning properly. Moving to other townships clears the grid, and 
selects any existing selected locations in the new 
township\/range\/meridian. Got the interface to highlight the 
corresponding location in the location list when the grid is hovered 
over, or in the grid when the location list is hovered over. Set the 
township text box to have focus when the page is loaded., billed: null } ])

And the same JSON code formatted a little better

   id: 124,
   organization: XYZ Corp,
   start: new Date(2007-09-30 13:30:00),
   end: new Date(2007-09-30 19:00:00),
   duration: 5.5,
   worktype: Programming,
   project: Projext X,
   description: Scans.  Fixed a number of reported problems, and 
some un-reported issues.  Cleaned up the table sorting
 , and added sort direction indicators.  Created an 
\eye\ image for the view icon 

[jQuery] .click function running multiple times

2007-10-06 Thread wattaka

Hi all.

This piece of code runs in FF only once as expected, the click gets
called once, but it gets called multiple times in IE6, can someone
tell me what I am doing wrong? Its the second click below. Not the
livequery click



 $('#intended_branch_container .delete').livequery('click',
function(event) {
   if($(this).parent().attr(clone) == 0){
//alert(not deleteable);


if($('#intended_branch_container select').size() maxValues){

var suffix = rand(maxRndValue);

'intended_branch_value' + suffix).attr('clone',
suffix).find('*').each(function() {
var ident = String(this.name);
changed= ident.substring(0 ,ident.lastIndexOf('-')
+1) + suffix;
this.name += changed;
this.id += changed;
$(this).attr(clone, changed);
alert(you cant add any more!);
}// end else
}); // end click

[jQuery] Re: Thanks to all the jQuery developers out here

2007-10-06 Thread howardk

Very nice! You might note that the week shown on the current set of
cards tho runs from October 6 to October 6 (a very short week
indeed! :-)

On Oct 5, 12:07 pm, vulgarisoverip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1.2 has been a dream come true, fixing a lot of the little animation
 bugs I found in the past. With it, I was able to convince my boss to
 create a Word of the Day page (https://www.appelrouthtutoring.com/
 wod.php) in HTML/Javascript instead of Flash. It's more accessible now
 and A LOT easier to maintain. I would never have been able to do it
 without jQuery.


[jQuery] jcarousel vertical safari bug

2007-10-06 Thread hollow


Trying to implement jcarousel in a website the horizontal jcarousel
works perfect in safari but the arrows on the vertical doesn't work.

Tried in safari 2.04 and safari 3. ie and firefox are ok.

checked the example on the webpage 
doesn't work either.

Can someone help please.

[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin errors on IE6

2007-10-06 Thread Josh Nathanson

I have also found that the unpacked version works fine, but the packed 
version doesn't work on IE6.  I tried repacking without base62encode and 
shrink variables checked, to no avail.  I get error something like 
missing '(' in regular expression.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: wattaka [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 6:11 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Validation plugin errors on IE6

Hi Jörn,

The valide.js works, the validate pack does not, same error as before.
Thanks. Just let me know, I´ll be glad to test.

On Oct 6, 12:41 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
wattaka schrieb: This is just plain infuriating, this piece code works 
perfectly well

 on FF 2, on IE6 , it just causes errors:
 Does anyone have any ideas?

Could you please give the latest revision a 

I haven't managed to just release a fix yet...

-- Jörn

[jQuery] force page to load content from another page

2007-10-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need the page to be forced to load content EACH TIME the page
loads.  If I do this:

The page will grab the stuff from create.cfm and load it into the div
as it should.  (Note: Create.cfm contains the current timestamp)

The problem is that if I use the back button or forward button and
come back to the page, when that page is displayed again, the load
function never fires again and thus I see a cached timestamp that is
not valid.

I am looking for a way to FORCE the page to load dynamic content from
another page, EACH TIME the page is accessed.  A good example of this
is at: http://recaptcha.net/fastcgi/demo/recaptcha to see it in action
fill out the form incorrectly, then press the back button.  You will
see that you are not presented with cached content but rather new,
dynamic content.

Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

2007-10-06 Thread Josh Nathanson

Try using the $.ajax function instead of load (load just does an ajax get), 
with cache param set to false.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:11 AM
Subject: [jQuery] force page to load content from another page

I need the page to be forced to load content EACH TIME the page
loads.  If I do this:

The page will grab the stuff from create.cfm and load it into the div
as it should.  (Note: Create.cfm contains the current timestamp)

The problem is that if I use the back button or forward button and
come back to the page, when that page is displayed again, the load
function never fires again and thus I see a cached timestamp that is
not valid.

I am looking for a way to FORCE the page to load dynamic content from
another page, EACH TIME the page is accessed.  A good example of this
is at: http://recaptcha.net/fastcgi/demo/recaptcha to see it in action
fill out the form incorrectly, then press the back button.  You will
see that you are not presented with cached content but rather new,
dynamic content.

Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

2007-10-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the idea.

I tired it by switching my load code out with the code below but still
no luck.  When I watch firebug I can see create.cfm be called when I
first hit the page, but when I use the forward and back button to hit
the page it never calls create.cfm again (until I manually refresh)

Here is the .ajax code:
  url: create.cfm,
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){

On Oct 6, 11:29 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try using the $.ajax function instead of load (load just does an ajax get),
 with cache param set to false.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:11 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] force page to load content from another page

  I need the page to be forced to load content EACH TIME the page
  loads.  If I do this:

  The page will grab the stuff from create.cfm and load it into the div
  as it should.  (Note: Create.cfm contains the current timestamp)

  The problem is that if I use the back button or forward button and
  come back to the page, when that page is displayed again, the load
  function never fires again and thus I see a cached timestamp that is
  not valid.

  I am looking for a way to FORCE the page to load dynamic content from
  another page, EACH TIME the page is accessed.  A good example of this
  is at:http://recaptcha.net/fastcgi/demo/recaptchato see it in action
  fill out the form incorrectly, then press the back button.  You will
  see that you are not presented with cached content but rather new,
  dynamic content.

  Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

[jQuery] TableSorter - Storing Sorted Columns To Restore After Ajax Call

2007-10-06 Thread zacware

I have a page whereby everytime it receive focus the tables on it refreshes
automatically so the user always has the latest data

I want to store the currently selected sort order from tablesorter so that
after I re-create the table again I can specify what the users sort order
was before the table was recreated

Any suggestions on how I do that? I see using FireBug that the sorted
columns have sortcol, sortdesc in them but was wondering if there was an
existing to get this data rather than coming up with my own method.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: JSON Help?

2007-10-06 Thread Jeffrey Kretz

I'm not sure if this is the issue, but I noticed that you have line feeds
inside your string values.  The server-side JSON parser I use replaces all
line breaks within a string value with control characters (in addition to
escaping quotes).

val.Replace(\, \\\).Replace(\r, ).Replace(\n, \\\n)

This may make a difference for you.


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of sgrover
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:49 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] JSON Help?

I think my generated json code is messed up, but for the life of me, I 
can't see it.  In *some* cases, my $.ajax() call process the results 
properly, in others it triggers the Error callback, but doesn't actually 
have an error.  I've asked about this before and the responses I got 
then aren't helping right now.  Hopefully I'm just blind.

I've posted the code in question below, as well as the resulting JSON, 
and a formatted version of the JSON as well.  This JSON code works fine 
when I plug it into a Javascript variable manually.  (Some sections of 
the $.ajax() call have been snipped for brevity - these snipped sections 
are not causing grief though)

It might be that it's late and I've got tunnel vision, but I can't see 
why this isn't working.  Any tips are appreciated.


Here's the $.ajax() call:
   $(#filtertable #filter).click(function () {

 var p = oid= + $(#client_id).val();
 //other code snipped for building up the parameter string
   type: post,
   url: xhr/filter.php?r= + Math.random(),
   data: p,
   dataType: json,
   success: function (json) {

//code to build a table goes here //


   error: function (a,b,c) {
 return false;

Here's a sample of the JSON results that are not working:
([ { id: 124, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-30 
13:30:00), end: new Date(2007-09-30 19:00:00), duration: 5.5, 
worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: Scans. 
Fixed a number of reported problems, and some un-reported issues. 
Cleaned up the table sorting, and added sort direction indicators. 
Created an \eye\ image for the view icon (replacing the disk icon). 
Fixed the file path so that it actually had a path on the search 
results. Files can now be opened from the search results (when using IE 
on the local network). Fixed the update routine that was badly broken 
(but not reported yet). Moved the search results into separate tabs for 
each job type. Tested the site in IE - took some time tracking down an 
IE specific bug. Records are loading fine if there is a location record 
(which is now required, so old testing data could be troublesome). 
Changed the menu as requested to put Scans under the Job Search menu 
item. Tried to upload, VPN problems prevented this. Will talk with 
Norm., billed: null }, { id: 123, organization: XYZ Corp, start: 
new Date(2007-09-16 12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-16 17:00:00), 
duration: 5, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
Fixed up the remaining interface issues with Scanned Jobs. The search 
results are now listing things as they should, and the files can be 
viewed from the results list, or the record could be edited. Added 
sortable table columns to the search results. Fixed the load routine to 
properly populate a job when selecting one from the search results. 
Changed the menu item to \Scanned Jobs\ from \Unregistered Jobs\. 
Uploaded the changes to the live server, notified Norm., billed: null 
}, { id: 122, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-09 
12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-09 17:00:00), duration: 5, worktype: 
Programming, project: Projext X, description: Continued on Scanned 
Jobs. Fixing the save routine for multiple columns. The bit mask should 
mean we have one record for all quarters\/sections in the same twp, but 
we are getting one record for EACH quarter in the twp. Fixed this by 
moving the bit mask processing into JavaScript, rather than CF and\/or 
SQL., billed: null }, { id: 95, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new 
Date(2007-09-04 19:10:00), end: new Date(2007-09-04 23:10:00), 
duration: 4, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
Scanned Jobs. Got the interface to handle multiple locations 
functioning properly. Moving to other townships clears the grid, and 
selects any existing selected locations in the new 
township\/range\/meridian. Got the interface to highlight the 
corresponding location in the location list when the grid is hovered 
over, or in the grid when the location list is hovered over. Set the 
township text box to have focus when the page is loaded., billed: null } ])

And the same 

[jQuery] Re: More Superfish Questions

2007-10-06 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

What do you mean by collapsible ? sounds like an accordion to me...

Superfish is an improved version of suckerfish. Suckerfish makes
pure css menu compatible with IE.
Pseudo-classes like :hover are only possible on a elements in IE.
Pure css menus require :hover to be possible on li elements. For IE, 
attaches by javascript a css class named sfHover to the lis using 

and removes it with onmouseout.

Try to look at Suckerfish/Superfish menu in FF with js disable and you 
will see that it is still working.

AFAIK there is no :click pseudo-class in css. Altough it  may be 
sometimes useful (clients and PM often want that kind of last minutes 
changes), it seems to be deviant from the suckerfish spirit to try to 
use it on click.

But maybe you actually just need something like that :
(assuming your menu has the class nav)

   $(ul.nav li).each(function(){


Ryura wrote:

Hello again,

We've decided we wish to do a collapsible menu (on click) with
Superfish instead of the general drop down onmouseover. Is this
possible with Superfish or should I look into getting another plugin?
If it is possible, how would I go about doing it?



[jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

2007-10-06 Thread Josh Nathanson

Forward and back button is a different story...I think there may be a plugin 
for that?

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:40 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

Thanks for the idea.

I tired it by switching my load code out with the code below but still
no luck.  When I watch firebug I can see create.cfm be called when I
first hit the page, but when I use the forward and back button to hit
the page it never calls create.cfm again (until I manually refresh)

Here is the .ajax code:
  url: create.cfm,
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){

On Oct 6, 11:29 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Try using the $.ajax function instead of load (load just does an ajax 

with cache param set to false.

-- Josh

- Original Message -
To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:11 AM
Subject: [jQuery] force page to load content from another page

 I need the page to be forced to load content EACH TIME the page
 loads.  If I do this:

 The page will grab the stuff from create.cfm and load it into the div
 as it should.  (Note: Create.cfm contains the current timestamp)

 The problem is that if I use the back button or forward button and
 come back to the page, when that page is displayed again, the load
 function never fires again and thus I see a cached timestamp that is
 not valid.

 I am looking for a way to FORCE the page to load dynamic content from
 another page, EACH TIME the page is accessed.  A good example of this
 is at:http://recaptcha.net/fastcgi/demo/recaptchato see it in action
 fill out the form incorrectly, then press the back button.  You will
 see that you are not presented with cached content but rather new,
 dynamic content.

 Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

[jQuery] JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-06 Thread Andy Kent

Hi Guys,

This is a plug-in that was thrown together in a few spare hours after
chatting with some people at FOWA last week, I hadn't had much sleep
at the time so it's still a bit rough round the edges.

In a nutshell though it gives you full support for all jQuery
selectors from within your CSS files in a totally unobtrusive mannor.
This effectively means cross browser CSS3 support via JavaScript.

You can find out more and grab it from:


Any feedback, good or bad would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-06 Thread Glen Lipka
This looks interesting.
Would it fix this problem here?


On 10/6/07, Andy Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 This is a plug-in that was thrown together in a few spare hours after
 chatting with some people at FOWA last week, I hadn't had much sleep
 at the time so it's still a bit rough round the edges.

 In a nutshell though it gives you full support for all jQuery
 selectors from within your CSS files in a totally unobtrusive mannor.
 This effectively means cross browser CSS3 support via JavaScript.

 You can find out more and grab it from:


 Any feedback, good or bad would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Off-line documentation

2007-10-06 Thread Glen Lipka
There are a few I have seen, but all for 1.1, not 1.2.  When the 1.2 xml is
released, I think we should have some new hard copies around.


On 10/6/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I seem to remember reading once that I could download the jQuery
 documentation for use off-line. I've looked a little, but couldn't find it.
 Does anyone remember if this is so? And if so, where do I get it?



[jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

2007-10-06 Thread Brian Cherne
I'm pretty sure the history plug-in works when navigating in a single-page
architecture (hijacking deep links like foo.html#deeplink), but it sounds
like this is an issue related more to the caching of a page in memory. You
may be stuck with forcing the given page not to cache.

Best to do it on the server level with stuff like:

% Response.CacheControl = no-cache %
% Response.AddHeader Pragma, no-cache %
% Response.Expires = -1 %


header(Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate);
header(Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT);
header(Pragma: no-cache);

Alternatively you can try to use META tags:

meta http-equiv=Cache-Control content=no-cache
meta http-equiv=Expires content=01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
meta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache

But there are some issues with using META tags. Further reading:


I looked at the recaptcha site and it looks like for items they do not want
cached they're setting the stuff above at the server level (according to
Firebug). For instance, the image (text.gif) with the two words in it has
the following settings:

Cache-Control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache

Best to play around and figure out what works best for your client/server

Good luck,

On 10/6/07, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Forward and back button is a different story...I think there may be a
 for that?

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:40 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: force page to load content from another page

  Thanks for the idea.
  I tired it by switching my load code out with the code below but still
  no luck.  When I watch firebug I can see create.cfm be called when I
  first hit the page, but when I use the forward and back button to hit
  the page it never calls create.cfm again (until I manually refresh)
  Here is the .ajax code:
url: create.cfm,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
  On Oct 6, 11:29 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Try using the $.ajax function instead of load (load just does an ajax
  with cache param set to false.
  -- Josh
  - Original Message -
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:11 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] force page to load content from another page
   I need the page to be forced to load content EACH TIME the page
   loads.  If I do this:
   The page will grab the stuff from create.cfm and load it into the div
   as it should.  (Note: Create.cfm contains the current timestamp)
   The problem is that if I use the back button or forward button and
   come back to the page, when that page is displayed again, the load
   function never fires again and thus I see a cached timestamp that is
   not valid.
   I am looking for a way to FORCE the page to load dynamic content from
   another page, EACH TIME the page is accessed.  A good example of this
   is at:http://recaptcha.net/fastcgi/demo/recaptchato see it in action
   fill out the form incorrectly, then press the back button.  You will
   see that you are not presented with cached content but rather new,
   dynamic content.
   Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

[jQuery] OT: Page layout issues

2007-10-06 Thread DaveG

Although I'm using jQ on this project, this particular issue is CSS 
related, not jQ related.

I'm having a fairly minor layout problem, but I've been trying to 
resolve it forever, and getting no-where. Hopefully some can shed some 
light on the problem.

Here's the URL: http://skidoo.solidgone.com/

Firefox and IE7 both display correctly.

1] Safari  Opera: each tab seem to be shifted up 1px or so. I have no 
idea why this is shifting.

2] IE6:
2a] the whole tab-holder is shifted down 1px;
2b] there is a #FDFDFA bottom-border on selected tabs.

I could fix [2a] shift problem using an IE6 specific padding-top of 
10px, but the I suspect I have something wrong with the basic layout
that's causing the problems in Safari and Opera. If not, then I have no 
issue using a browser specific fix.

The primary CSS files being used are Skidoo.css, and color-darkblue.css.
The main css elements are in the section labeled Tabs starting with 
class .tabHolder.

Any insight is appreciated.

  ~ ~ Dave

[jQuery] Dimensions plugin, offset['top'] returns 0 regardless of position

2007-10-06 Thread jarrod

I'm finding that the Dimensions plugin sometimes doesn't return the top
position of an element, just returns zero. (Sometimes works perfectly

Here is my code, sanitized for the forum software.

// Finds the height that an element should be to be X number of pixels from
// bottom of the window using JQuery Dimensions plugin. 
f...n findHeight elem, bottomPad
var height = 0;
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var elemOffset = $(elem).offset();
var elementTop = elemOffset['top'];
height = windowHeight - elementTop - bottomPad;
return height;

What happens is that sometimes the elemOffset just turns out to be 0, 0, 0,
0 even though the element is pushed down in the window. I've tried setting
relativeTo body but that doesn't help.

Background: I'm trying to the bottom of some element is always 20 px from
the bottom of the window. I don't want to use absolute positioning on this
particular element because that would mess up a bunch of other things. I'm
trying to calculate element height that would put the bottom where I want

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Figured it out

2007-10-06 Thread jarrod

jarrod wrote:
 I'm finding that the Dimensions plugin sometimes doesn't return the top
 position of an element, just returns zero. (Sometimes works perfectly

Right after I posted I realized that it was because the element was hidden.
I changed the method to first show the element, then get the offset and that

Any comments still welcome of course.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter - Storing Sorted Columns To Restore After Ajax Call

2007-10-06 Thread James Dempster

Your quite welcome to use the tablesorter cookie widget.

On Oct 6, 6:54 pm, zacware [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a page whereby everytime it receive focus the tables on it refreshes
 automatically so the user always has the latest data

 I want to store the currently selected sort order from tablesorter so that
 after I re-create the table again I can specify what the users sort order
 was before the table was recreated

 Any suggestions on how I do that? I see using FireBug that the sorted
 columns have sortcol, sortdesc in them but was wondering if there was an
 existing to get this data rather than coming up with my own method.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A question.
Probably I do not get itbut how you could use it in real world?
I mean what you think this should be helpfull.

Looks quite interesting but I do not get it completely.


On 6 oct, 18:51, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This looks interesting.
 Would it fix this problem here?http://www.commadot.com/jquery/cssAND.php


 On 10/6/07, Andy Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys,

  This is a plug-in that was thrown together in a few spare hours after
  chatting with some people at FOWA last week, I hadn't had much sleep
  at the time so it's still a bit rough round the edges.

  In a nutshell though it gives you full support for all jQuery
  selectors from within your CSS files in a totally unobtrusive mannor.
  This effectively means cross browser CSS3 support via JavaScript.

  You can find out more and grab it from:


  Any feedback, good or bad would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: JSON Help?

2007-10-06 Thread sgrover

Thanks.  I'll look into this.  The various fields are escaped with PHP's 
json_encode function.  So I'll see if I need to pre-process line feeds.


Jeffrey Kretz wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is the issue, but I noticed that you have line feeds
 inside your string values.  The server-side JSON parser I use replaces all
 line breaks within a string value with control characters (in addition to
 escaping quotes).
 val.Replace(\, \\\).Replace(\r, ).Replace(\n, \\\n)
 This may make a difference for you.
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of sgrover
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:49 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] JSON Help?
 I think my generated json code is messed up, but for the life of me, I 
 can't see it.  In *some* cases, my $.ajax() call process the results 
 properly, in others it triggers the Error callback, but doesn't actually 
 have an error.  I've asked about this before and the responses I got 
 then aren't helping right now.  Hopefully I'm just blind.
 I've posted the code in question below, as well as the resulting JSON, 
 and a formatted version of the JSON as well.  This JSON code works fine 
 when I plug it into a Javascript variable manually.  (Some sections of 
 the $.ajax() call have been snipped for brevity - these snipped sections 
 are not causing grief though)
 It might be that it's late and I've got tunnel vision, but I can't see 
 why this isn't working.  Any tips are appreciated.
 Here's the $.ajax() call:
$(#filtertable #filter).click(function () {
  var p = oid= + $(#client_id).val();
  //other code snipped for building up the parameter string
type: post,
url: xhr/filter.php?r= + Math.random(),
data: p,
dataType: json,
success: function (json) {
 //code to build a table goes here //
error: function (a,b,c) {
  return false;
 Here's a sample of the JSON results that are not working:
 ([ { id: 124, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-30 
 13:30:00), end: new Date(2007-09-30 19:00:00), duration: 5.5, 
 worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: Scans. 
 Fixed a number of reported problems, and some un-reported issues. 
 Cleaned up the table sorting, and added sort direction indicators. 
 Created an \eye\ image for the view icon (replacing the disk icon). 
 Fixed the file path so that it actually had a path on the search 
 results. Files can now be opened from the search results (when using IE 
 on the local network). Fixed the update routine that was badly broken 
 (but not reported yet). Moved the search results into separate tabs for 
 each job type. Tested the site in IE - took some time tracking down an 
 IE specific bug. Records are loading fine if there is a location record 
 (which is now required, so old testing data could be troublesome). 
 Changed the menu as requested to put Scans under the Job Search menu 
 item. Tried to upload, VPN problems prevented this. Will talk with 
 Norm., billed: null }, { id: 123, organization: XYZ Corp, start: 
 new Date(2007-09-16 12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-16 17:00:00), 
 duration: 5, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
 Fixed up the remaining interface issues with Scanned Jobs. The search 
 results are now listing things as they should, and the files can be 
 viewed from the results list, or the record could be edited. Added 
 sortable table columns to the search results. Fixed the load routine to 
 properly populate a job when selecting one from the search results. 
 Changed the menu item to \Scanned Jobs\ from \Unregistered Jobs\. 
 Uploaded the changes to the live server, notified Norm., billed: null 
 }, { id: 122, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new Date(2007-09-09 
 12:00:00), end: new Date(2007-09-09 17:00:00), duration: 5, worktype: 
 Programming, project: Projext X, description: Continued on Scanned 
 Jobs. Fixing the save routine for multiple columns. The bit mask should 
 mean we have one record for all quarters\/sections in the same twp, but 
 we are getting one record for EACH quarter in the twp. Fixed this by 
 moving the bit mask processing into JavaScript, rather than CF and\/or 
 SQL., billed: null }, { id: 95, organization: XYZ Corp, start: new 
 Date(2007-09-04 19:10:00), end: new Date(2007-09-04 23:10:00), 
 duration: 4, worktype: Programming, project: Projext X, description: 
 Scanned Jobs. Got the interface to handle multiple locations 
 functioning properly. Moving to other townships clears the grid, and 
 selects any existing selected locations in the new 

[jQuery] How to check for specified fonts

2007-10-06 Thread EdMartin

Back in the day, using HTML 4.01, I could check for the presence of a
specified font (different from the default monospace font) by placing
a DIV containing a couple of SPANs, absolutely positioned off-screen
using this kind of arrangement (I'm spreading the tags because I don't
know how this forum treats HTML tags):

 div id=tester 
   span id=test  font id=testfont face=monospace Some well-
chosen sample text /font  /span 
   span id=ctrl Some well-chosen sample text /span 

#tester { position:absolute; top:-5000px; }
#test, #ctrl { font-size: 30px; }
#ctrl { font-family: monospace; }

and then using a script method like this:

function IsItThere( fontname )
  document.getElementById( testfont ).face = fontname + ,
  var test = document.getElementById( test );
  var ctrl = document.getElementById( ctrl );
  return ( test.offsetWidth != ctrl.offsetWidth );

Of course, that doesn't work using XHTML because the  font  tag
isn't valid. I thought jQuery could come to the rescue, with a minor
revision like this:

 div id=tester 
   span id=test style=font-family:monospace; Some well-chosen
sample text /span 
   span id=ctrl Some well-chosen sample text /span 

Same CSS as before.

function IsItThere( fontname )
  $(#test).css(font-family, fontname + , monospace );
  return ( $(#test).width() != $(#ctrl).width() );

But it doesn't work. The #test and #ctrl stubbornly report the same
width all the time, regardless of the font-family setting.

Does anyone have an alternative suggestion?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Problems with Firefox

2007-10-06 Thread Steve Finkelstein

You're going to need to at least provide some code if you want a  
decent response from anyone.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 6, 2007, at 8:26 PM, tramblie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Several JQuery APIs won't work with Firefox ( Has someone
noticed the same problem? Is it a bug, an incompatibility or what?

[jQuery] Re: How to check for specified fonts

2007-10-06 Thread Joel Birch

I set up a test and added some debugging code and it works for me.
Here is the relevant stuff so you can see how it differs.

div id=tester
span id=testSome well-chosen sample text/span
span id=ctrlSome well-chosen sample text/span

function IsItThere( fontname ){
$(#test).css(font-family, fontname + , monospace );
var testWidth = $(#test).width();
var ctrlWidth = $(#ctrl).width();
console.log('testWidth: '+testWidth);
console.log('testWidth: '+ctrlWidth);
return ( testWidth != ctrlWidth );
$(document).click(function() {

I made is so you click the page anywhere and the width values are
displayed in the Firebug console.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Off-line documentation

2007-10-06 Thread Christopher Jordan
Thanks Glen... where do you suppose I could get the 1.1 offline docs... I
just want a sample of it for my ColdFusion Users Group preso next Tuesday.
We don't typically have a live internet connection so I can't show them the
online documentation.

Any help would be great.


On 10/6/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are a few I have seen, but all for 1.1, not 1.2.  When the 1.2 xml
 is released, I think we should have some new hard copies around.


 On 10/6/07, Christopher Jordan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I seem to remember reading once that I could download the jQuery
  documentation for use off-line. I've looked a little, but couldn't find it.
  Does anyone remember if this is so? And if so, where do I get it?


[jQuery] Re: Off-line documentation

2007-10-06 Thread Glen Lipka
Ahh, if you are a CF guy, you will like this one:


On 10/6/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Glen... where do you suppose I could get the 1.1 offline docs... I
 just want a sample of it for my ColdFusion Users Group preso next Tuesday.
 We don't typically have a live internet connection so I can't show them the
 online documentation.

 Any help would be great.


 On 10/6/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There are a few I have seen, but all for 1.1, not 1.2 .  When the 1.2xml is 
  released, I think we should have some new hard copies around.
  On 10/6/07, Christopher Jordan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I seem to remember reading once that I could download the jQuery
   documentation for use off-line. I've looked a little, but couldn't find 
   Does anyone remember if this is so? And if so, where do I get it?
