[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread weepy

Very cool

How would you recommend using it ? Ie. would you have a jss.css
containing specific CSS included after the normal CSS ?
Or is your intention to ignore users without javascript ?


 A question.
 Probably I do not get itbut how you could use it in real world?
 I mean what you think this should be helpfull.

 Looks quite interesting but I do not get it completely.


 On 6 oct, 18:51, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This looks interesting.
  Would it fix this problem here?http://www.commadot.com/jquery/cssAND.php


  On 10/6/07, Andy Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Guys,

   This is a plug-in that was thrown together in a few spare hours after
   chatting with some people at FOWA last week, I hadn't had much sleep
   at the time so it's still a bit rough round the edges.

   In a nutshell though it gives you full support for all jQuery
   selectors from within your CSS files in a totally unobtrusive mannor.
   This effectively means cross browser CSS3 support via JavaScript.

   You can find out more and grab it from:


   Any feedback, good or bad would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Setting radio button values

2007-10-07 Thread Wizzud

#id should really be unique. It's never a good idea to rely on $(#id)
retrieving multiple elements with that id.
If your radios have a name of 'Gender' (which seems likely) then you
could try...

$('input[name=Gender]').each(function(){ this.checked = (this.value ==
jsonData.feedback.Gender); });

On Oct 6, 3:48 am, Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a page that retreives values from a database using an ajax
 call.  Then I take those values and try to populate a web form.

 The problem I'm having is with radio buttons.  I try setting them
 using the following line:


 where gender is 2 radio buttons with id=Gender one has the value
 male and the other female.  This however does not appropriately
 display the radio button checked.  If you subsequently query the radio
 button value (like with an alert), it will display the appropriate
 value, indicating that setting it was successful but the display does
 not work.

 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: multiple selects, hiddens and text inputs with same name

2007-10-07 Thread Wizzud

NB . to add/change an id:
  this.id = 'bar'+i;

On Oct 6, 2:47 am, rgrwkmn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In addition to Wizzud's solution:
 Since it seems that you want to be able to access each select with the
 name foo individually and change their values individually you could
 try something like this:


 This would dynamically add classes foo0, foo1, foo2, etc. to your
 selects named foo, meaning you could access each by class name if you
 know what order they appear in. Also, make sure to run that script
 whenever the contents of your table change so you always have an up to
 date list. I assume it would be 'better' to give id's to each one
 since they are unique, but unique class names work just as well and
 there is no addId method in jQuery.

 On Oct 5, 5:59 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  select name='foo'option value='bar1'bar1/option/select
  select name='foo'option value='bar2'bar2/option/select

  var selects = $('select[name=foo]');

  See the Attribute Filters, under Selectors in the API Reference.

  (If you have non-unique ids for elements on your page, do not rely on
  selecting them by $('#id')!)

  syg6-2 wrote:

   For reasons I won't go into here I have a page which has a table with
   a variable amount of rows. Each row has a hidden, text, and select.
   They all have the same name. I also have other selects on the page
   with different names.

   What I need to do is access only the selects, to be able to add and
   remove options. So I need to know how many selects with the name foo
   are on the page

   I have tried this:


   which simply returns [Object object]. If I do this:


   it returns 0 which is not true. When I load the page I have 2 selects
   already. So if I do this:


   it returns white space. And


   returns undefined.

   I have also tried stuff like


   but nothing seems to work. Since uses can dynamically add rows to the
   table (and with each one a hidden, text input and select) I need to 1)
   know how many selects with a given id/name there are and 2) be able to
   manipulate the values in each one.

   How can I do this?


  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Problems with jQuery Firefox

2007-10-07 Thread Wizzud

For example ... ?

On Oct 6, 10:39 pm, tramblie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The jQuery's Ajax Requests (and some other) API won't work with
 Firefox ( has someone noticed the same problem? Is it an
 incompatibility, a bug or what?

[jQuery] Re: Problems with jQuery Firefox

2007-10-07 Thread James Dempster

Nope never had a problem with firefox and jQuery.

Do you have an example?

On Oct 6, 10:39 pm, tramblie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The jQuery's Ajax Requests (and some other) API won't work with
 Firefox ( has someone noticed the same problem? Is it an
 incompatibility, a bug or what?

[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread Josh Bush

It would be good to see this detect and use Brandon Aaron's Live
Query( http://brandonaaron.net/docs/livequery/ ) for new elements
added after $.jss.apply() is called.


On Oct 6, 6:39 pm, Andy Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 This is a plug-in that was thrown together in a few spare hours after
 chatting with some people at FOWA last week, I hadn't had much sleep
 at the time so it's still a bit rough round the edges.

 In a nutshell though it gives you full support for all jQuery
 selectors from within your CSS files in a totally unobtrusive mannor.
 This effectively means cross browser CSS3 support via JavaScript.

 You can find out more and grab it from:


 Any feedback, good or bad would be appreciated.


[jQuery] jqGrid new version

2007-10-07 Thread Tony

I have released a new version of jqGrid.
Demo page here: http://trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html
Home page: http://www.trirand.com/blog/


[jQuery] [newbie] toggle between two images

2007-10-07 Thread Jérémie


I'm trying to do something with jQuery, and each time I think I have
it right, it all falls apart. Yep, it's quite obvious me and
javascript aren't the best buddies... maybe someone can give me a

In a web page, I would like to display an image, let's call it imgFull
(that would be it's class).

When the page is loaded with a javascript-capable UA, this image is
immediately hidden (as soon as possible to avoid strange visual effect
for slow connections), and another one is displayed at its place,
let's call it imgThumb

When either of these two images are clicked (they could be inside a
a tag), the one displayed is hidden (I'll add some effect), and
after that the other one (hidden) is displayed.

Basically it's a thumbnail/full image toggle on click, that would
degrade gracefully without javascript or inside XML (like Atom).

It's über simple, and yet I'm banging my head at it... :-(

Please please please, anyone got an idea ?

[jQuery] Add Href Values to create a querystring

2007-10-07 Thread dOS

Hi to all, hope you can help..
I need to add and remove href values as you click in a list, ex:

div id=brand
lia href=1Yahoo/a/li
lia href=2Yahoo/a/li

And need to pass values to form a url.. if i click on 1 then the url
to get will be:


If i click on # 2, then


If i click on 1 again will remove the value because it was clicked


[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread Byron

Yay! child selectors in ie!

thank you :-)

[jQuery] Help with jquery ajax

2007-10-07 Thread dgt

Hey guys I'm new to jquery here!

I'm using this code to load an html page into a div:


function getPage(thePage){

   $(#pageLoader).append('div id = loader/div');

  url: thePage,
  cache: false,
  html: true,
  global: true,
  success: function(html){




Now this works ok, but the page loaded into the div has links in it. I
add my getPage function to the links inside the page that gets loaded
into #pageLoader, but the function no longer works - it's like they
have been loaded into an iframe. How can I make it so links inside
pages loaded into #pageLoader div will also load inside the
#pageLoader div?

[jQuery] Re: Problems with jQuery Firefox

2007-10-07 Thread tramblie

The Demo on the http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load#urldatacallback page
works with Firefox while I view it through the JQuery page, but if I
run a personalized code from my local PC or Web Server, it works only
with IE. Why?

[jQuery] Re: calling all jQuery Safari wizards!

2007-10-07 Thread To

On Oct 6, 7:36 pm, muccy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $(#photo).fadeIn(slow, function() {


 it should work well

I'm afraid it's not... :-S This is my code:

$(window).load(function() {
  $(#photo).fadeIn(slow, function() {

With this line in the CSS:

#photo {
  display: none;

it's working fine in all browsers except Safari (no image shown).
Without the CSS-line it's working in Safari but flickering in all
other browsers. Am I doing something wrong, or is jQuery not fully
supporting Safari at this moment? The problem is that the website
*really should* work in Safari, FF and IE (or at least showing the

Once again, thanks in advance for a quick reply (site should be
published today).


[jQuery] Re: IE6 - Operation Aborted - Any Ideas?

2007-10-07 Thread G[N]Urpreet Singh
What I figured was that my jq code was trying to play with the parts of the
DOM which were not yet loaded (the accordion at the right bottom).

To fix it, I moved that bit of code further down in my document ready
function and havent the error ever again.

I guess you guys are correct, the document ready function does not work too
smoothly with IE.


On 10/4/07, wick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've run into this a lot in the past, in IE6,  to a lesser extent
 IE7, using jQuery's document.ready function. It wasn't happening
 consistently  I never put in the time to make a test page. I was
 adding a lot of functions for DOM-modification plugins (rounded
 corners plugin, jtip, jcarousel, etc)  the Operation Aborted error
 seemed to be caused by all the DOM modification going on.

 I think this is the root cause:

 In the end I hacked a lame fix together by changing jQuery's
 document.ready behavior - It seemed from my testing that in the
 situation where IE was displaying a cached page, the script defer
 trick that jQuery uses for the IE document.ready handling fired too
 early, before the DOM was really ready, although it wasn't consistent.
 Commenting out the line for the script defer IE handling did the trick
 - the way jQuery is written (or was in 1.1.2, haven't checked newer
 versions), document.ready defaults to the window.onload event if no
 other event triggers it sooner.

 I haven't worked on any projects where this would have been an issue
 lately. My solution a bad fix that I don't recommend, but I couldn't
 find anything else. Anyone else have ideas/comments/solutions?

 On Oct 3, 6:49 pm, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  G[N]Urpreet Singh wrote:
   Once every few times the page is loaded in IE6, it just fails. It says
   Operation Aborted and fails. Could anyone point me to why this is
   happening. And this did not happen at all while the site was on my
   local machine, it started when I put it up on a test server for client
  I've had that sometimes when I incorrectly tried modifying the DOM
  before it was ready...

Gurpreet Singh

[jQuery] problems extracting xml from ResponseXml object

2007-10-07 Thread ShyamTech


I am trying  to extract the data from xml returned from Ajax call. I
have tried more than one way to access the xml1 node from the xml,
but couldn't get it. Can you please suggest?


XML response

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
- root
  xml1 am desperate; find me /xml1

Ajax call


ajserver.aspx ,
alert( $
(xml1,xml.responseXML).text() );
alert( $
('xml1',xml.responseXML).text() );
alert( jQuery('/root/
xml1',xml).text()  );

( function()
var _text = $(this).text();



[jQuery] problem parsing xml response (responseXML object)

2007-10-07 Thread ShyamTech


I am trying  to extract the data from xml returned from Ajax call. I
have tried more than one way to access the xml1 node from the xml,
but couldn't get it. Can you please suggest?


XML response

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
- root
  xml1 am desperate; find me /xml1

Ajax call


ajserver.aspx ,
alert( $
(xml1,xml.responseXML).text() );
alert( $
('xml1',xml.responseXML).text() );
alert( jQuery('/root/
xml1',xml).text()  );

( function()
var _text = $(this).text();



[jQuery] Re: More Superfish Questions

2007-10-07 Thread Ryura

Thanks a ton, Joel!

On Oct 6, 10:45 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/7/07, Ryura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What I'm asking is if I can do a menu like sample 2 using superfish.

 Hi Ryura,

 Sorry for the slow reply. Superfish does not handle this type of menu,
  but fortunately there is a plugin that does exactly this and it is
 well maintained and feature-rich. It's the Accordion plugin by Jörn
 Zaefferer and Frank Marcia. The page to get the plugin is 

 Have a look at the demos here, and notice that using click as the
 event is an option:http://jquery.bassistance.de/accordion/

 I have lost track of whether this is the most up to date version of
 the plugin. The one in the UI collection is probably newer.

 Good luck.
 Joel Birch

[jQuery] Re: jqGrid new version

2007-10-07 Thread Rey Bango


The link to the searchDB plugin is invalid. 


Tony wrote:

I have released a new version of jqGrid.
Demo page here: http://trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html
Home page: http://www.trirand.com/blog/


[jQuery] Re: jqGrid new version

2007-10-07 Thread Tony

Thank you for this note. It is my bad. It is corrected now.


The searchdb plugin will be updated soon too.

On 7 Окт, 17:59, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The link to the searchDB plugin is invalid.


 Tony wrote:
  I have released a new version of jqGrid.
  Demo page here:http://trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html
  Home page:http://www.trirand.com/blog/


[jQuery] Re: Problems with jQuery Firefox

2007-10-07 Thread Michael Geary

It's going to be pretty hard for anyone to guess what is wrong.

Post a link to a test page and someone will probably spot the problem in no


 From: tramblie
 The Demo on the 
 http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load#urldatacallback page works 
 with Firefox while I view it through the JQuery page, but if 
 I run a personalized code from my local PC or Web Server, it 
 works only with IE. Why?

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho


I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
have did a new layout too.

See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

On Oct 5, 12:05 am, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
  The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.

 Very nice plugin. Does the caption part of the box need to slide in
 every time the next/previous image is shown?

[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Kent

 It would be good to see this detect and use Brandon Aaron's Live
 Query(http://brandonaaron.net/docs/livequery/) for new elements
 added after $.jss.apply() is called.

Yep, this is on the plan, but it actually involves a slightly
different approach.
Rather than using .css() to apply the styles I intend to add classes
to matched elements and then write a new stylesheet to the document
using these class names as hooks. In initial tests this is much faster
 allows for a more reliable cascade.
Once this is in place adding Live Query support should be quite

(Thanks go to John for the orginal suggestion).

First things first though, let's get IE working!

Watch this space...

[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread John Beppu
Impressive work!  Would this by chance make position:fixed for IE6 just
work?  That alone would be a god-send for me right now.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Jean

Very cool!

Parabéns ve!!

On 10/7/07, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
 have did a new layout too.

 See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

 On Oct 5, 12:05 am, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
   The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.
  Very nice plugin. Does the caption part of the box need to slide in
  every time the next/previous image is shown?


[]´s Jean

   Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

all this is nice and looking good, but for me it does not behave correctly:

- if you resize the window, the overlay div does not resize itself;
- on long pages (with the scrollbars visible), while the lightbox is on, you
can still scroll and have the image scroll along with it: this is not modal

cheers for your efforts though, if you manage to fix these, then you can
count me as a user!

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jean
Sent: dimanche 7 octobre 2007 18:51
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

Very cool!

Parabéns ve!!

On 10/7/07, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I 
 have did a new layout too.

 See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

 On Oct 5, 12:05 am, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
   The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.
  Very nice plugin. Does the caption part of the box need to slide in 
  every time the next/previous image is shown?


[]´s Jean

   Ethereal Agency

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.14.3/1054 - Date: 6/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: Keeping the calendar plug in open?

2007-10-07 Thread Kelvin Luck

Hi Iain,

I'm not sure which calendar plugin you are talking about but your email 
prompted me to add the functionality you describe to my datePicker 
plugin (something I've been meaning to do for a very long time and 
luckily had a spare bit of time today for).

You can find the examples of this new functionality here:


And you will find documentation, downloads and many examples of the 
plugin's homepage:


Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

p.s. for people already using the datePicker and wanting to upgrade be 
warned that a little of the CSS has changed. So please re-download the 
CSS file.

iain duncan wrote:

Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place, I'm new to jquery.

I've got the calendar plugin working ok, but would I would like it to do
is to stay open all the time ( as in google calendar ). I don't see in
the calendar docs any options or methods for preventing it from closing.
Am I missing something obvious or do I need to go hack the calendar
script itself? Or is there a better option for that kind of date picker?

Also, if someone knows how to get rid of the clear and close button too,
that would be great!


[jQuery] Re: Treeview borks on large lists?

2007-10-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

sgrover schrieb:
I just got a report from a contact of mine that their site map which is 
using the Treeview plugin (http://www.airdrie.ca/site_map/index.cfm) is 
causing IE7 to periodically crash.  FF handles the tree just fine.

Their comment is that it's the larger lists that are causing grief. 
Anyone else see this?  Any suggestions on how we can resolve this? 
(i.e. is it bad code on our end??)
Looks like I didn't test with large enough lists. Its most likely the 
event handling that borks in IE. That could be resolved by switching to 
a event delegation model - requiring some changes in the way the plugin 
applies event handlers and handles events.

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: Treeview borks on large lists?

2007-10-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

sgrover schrieb:

Thanks for any tips.
Before we try to find bottlenecks that don't exist anymore: An upgrade 
to jQuery 1.2.1 and Treeview 1.3 maybe worth a try.

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

Hi Alexandre,

thanks for your suggestions. In the next realse I´ll analyse it.


On 10/7/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 all this is nice and looking good, but for me it does not behave correctly:

 - if you resize the window, the overlay div does not resize itself;
 - on long pages (with the scrollbars visible), while the lightbox is on, you
 can still scroll and have the image scroll along with it: this is not modal

 cheers for your efforts though, if you manage to fix these, then you can
 count me as a user!

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Jean
 Sent: dimanche 7 octobre 2007 18:51
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

 Very cool!

 Parabéns ve!!

 On 10/7/07, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
  have did a new layout too.
  See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/
  On Oct 5, 12:05 am, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.
   Very nice plugin. Does the caption part of the box need to slide in
   every time the next/previous image is shown?


 []´s Jean

Ethereal Agency

 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.14.3/1054 - Date: 6/10/2007


Leandro Vieira Pinho
Diretor da w3invent - http://w3invent.com.br
Blog pessoal sobre Desenvolvimento Web - http://leandrovieira.com
Colunista semanal iMasters - http://www.imasters.com.br/

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Rey Bango


I've been looking for this type of LightBox for awhile; one that 
functioned like LightBox2 

This is very cool.


Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:

Hi Alexandre,

thanks for your suggestions. In the next realse I´ll analyse it.


On 10/7/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

all this is nice and looking good, but for me it does not behave correctly:

- if you resize the window, the overlay div does not resize itself;
- on long pages (with the scrollbars visible), while the lightbox is on, you
can still scroll and have the image scroll along with it: this is not modal

cheers for your efforts though, if you manage to fix these, then you can
count me as a user!

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jean
Sent: dimanche 7 octobre 2007 18:51
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

Very cool!

Parabéns ve!!

On 10/7/07, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
have did a new layout too.

See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

On Oct 5, 12:05 am, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:

The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.

Very nice plugin. Does the caption part of the box need to slide in
every time the next/previous image is shown?


[]´s Jean

   Ethereal Agency

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.14.3/1054 - Date: 6/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: Add Href Values to create a querystring

2007-10-07 Thread Wizzud

What are doing with the url?
When are doing something with the url?

dOS-2 wrote:
 Hi to all, hope you can help..
 I need to add and remove href values as you click in a list, ex:
 div id=brand
 li 1 Yahoo /li
 li 2 Yahoo /li
 And need to pass values to form a url.. if i click on 1 then the url
 to get will be:
 If i click on # 2, then
 If i click on 1 again will remove the value because it was clicked

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jqGrid new version

2007-10-07 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Very slick work tony
May I suggest to add a loading icon (maybe with status of the queue) ?
I have an erratic Internet connection and nothing tells me if the next 
pane will eventually be loaded.


Tony wrote:

Thank you for this note. It is my bad. It is corrected now.


The searchdb plugin will be updated soon too.

On 7 Окт, 17:59, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The link to the searchDB plugin is invalid.


Tony wrote:

I have released a new version of jqGrid.
Demo page here:http://trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html
Home page:http://www.trirand.com/blog/


[jQuery] selecting elements in a nested table

2007-10-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could someone help me out with the following problem. I've been
thinking about this for quite a while, but I just cannot think of a
solution to the problem at all.

Quite simply, I would like to leave the UL containing the LI with
class=active open when the page is loaded,
all other elements should just display the heading, but not the
individual list items:

ul class=mylist

liheading 1
li class=activeitem/li

liheading 2

liheading 3


Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Guy Fraser

Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:

 I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
 have did a new layout too.

 See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

Excellent work!

One feature request though - mainly for usability. It's not immediately 
apparent that you can mouse-over the image to see the next/prev and 
click to get next/previous image. Would it be possible to also show a 
next/prev text link below the image?


[jQuery] Re: Keeping the calendar plug in open?

2007-10-07 Thread iain duncan

On Sun, 2007-07-10 at 19:32 +0100, Kelvin Luck wrote:
 Hi Iain,
 I'm not sure which calendar plugin you are talking about but your email 
 prompted me to add the functionality you describe to my datePicker 
 plugin (something I've been meaning to do for a very long time and 
 luckily had a spare bit of time today for).
 You can find the examples of this new functionality here:
 And you will find documentation, downloads and many examples of the 
 plugin's homepage:
 Hope that helps,
 Kelvin :)

Thanks Kelvin. I was refering to Marcs calendar, but it looks like your
date picker may be a better alternative for this use case. My perception
at a glance is that the date picker is a bit more light weight, would
you say that is true?


[jQuery] Normal way of positioning an element?

2007-10-07 Thread iain duncan

I feel like I must be missing something obvious in the docs, but while I
have found methods for finding out where an element is ( offset,
position ) I don't see an obvious jquery method for placing an
absolutely positioned element.

What is the recommended way? And might I humbly suggest to the docs
maintainers that this is a hole in the docs right now? It might be worth
a mention near the offset method as to how one would set that.


[jQuery] Re: How to check for specified fonts

2007-10-07 Thread EdMartin

Well, you're right that it works for the usual fonts.

I hadn't noticed that because my interest in having such a test
derives from the desire to detect if users have the necessary fonts
installed to display MathML in documents served as

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN

So I'm testing for the presence of the Mathematica 4.1 fonts (Math1,
Math2, etc) and the CM fonts (cmsy10, cmr10, etc). The span-width test
works fine on Internet Explorer 6 and 7, but not on Firefox. In fact,
on Firefox (with its built-in MathML capability), those fonts
appear to have been hijacked out of the public realm. I can't assign
any of them via CSS and have things display as expected on Firefox.
For example,

pBeginning span style=font-family:Math1;middle/span end/p

displays on Firefox using the default paragraph font. I'd never
noticed that before.

So I guess this is out of the jQuery domain now. I'll have to
investigate what's going on with Firefox and the MathML fonts.

Thanks for your assistance, though.

Ed Martin

On Oct 6, 11:21 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I set up a test and added some debugging code and it works for me.
 Here is the relevant stuff so you can see how it differs.

 div id=tester
 span id=testSome well-chosen sample text/span
 span id=ctrlSome well-chosen sample text/span

 function IsItThere( fontname ){
 $(#test).css(font-family, fontname + , monospace );
 var testWidth = $(#test).width();
 var ctrlWidth = $(#ctrl).width();
 console.log('testWidth: '+testWidth);
 console.log('testWidth: '+ctrlWidth);
 return ( testWidth != ctrlWidth );}

 $(document).click(function() {


 I made is so you click the page anywhere and the width values are
 displayed in the Firebug console.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: calling all jQuery Safari wizards!

2007-10-07 Thread bytte

Hi To, a bit higher is my solution to the problem. You lose a bit of
the fancy effect, but it's ok until the bug gets solved i guess.

On 7 okt, 14:40, To [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 6, 7:36 pm, muccy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  $(#photo).fadeIn(slow, function() {


  it should work well

 I'm afraid it's not... :-S This is my code:

 $(window).load(function() {
   $(#photo).fadeIn(slow, function() {


 With this line in the CSS:

 #photo {
   display: none;


 it's working fine in all browsers except Safari (no image shown).
 Without the CSS-line it's working in Safari but flickering in all
 other browsers. Am I doing something wrong, or is jQuery not fully
 supporting Safari at this moment? The problem is that the website
 *really should* work in Safari, FF and IE (or at least showing the

 Once again, thanks in advance for a quick reply (site should be
 published today).


[jQuery] how to upload the files by the multiple file upload plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Harun SARAÇ
hi guys,

the plugin i called in subject is what i need, thanks to all contributor.

But otherwise i couldn't solve the serverside programming of this plugin. Its 
queues the files but i cant even know how can i catch this queue's information. 
Are they in hidden field or what? If so whats the name of this hidden field?

if it need the server program to support it to upload the files, can anybody 
show me a simply example? 

thanks to all by now



Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

[jQuery] Re: jqGrid new version

2007-10-07 Thread Ryura


You've made a nice looking plugin, however the documentation is hard
to understand. I'm not sure on how to include a jqGrid onto my site.
Would it be possible for you to make a more detailed documentation for
those of us who are fairly unfamiliar with PHP?

[jQuery] Re: [newbie] toggle between two images

2007-10-07 Thread Christopher Jordan
HI Jeremie (sorry about the lack of accent characters, I'm feeling lazy
right now)

Would the imgFull class have the full image as a background image? and then
maybe an imgThumb with a background image of the thumbnail?

If so, that's as easy as doing something like this:

//switch to the imgThumb
//do the opposite

so the html for that code would look something like this:

div id=someID class=imgThumb/div

If the class wouldn't contain the image as a background image, then you
could do something like this:

// include the jquery core of course...
// this $(function... syntax is a shortcut for the normal jQuery
document ready stuff
var imgTag = $(this).children(img);
if( imgTag.attr(src) == path/to/my/thumbImage.gif){
imgTag.attr(src, path/to/my/largImage.gif);
imgTag.attr(src, path/to/my/thumbImage.gif);

span id=theImageLink class=imgThumbimg

None of this code is tested, so I could have made some mistakes. Also, some
other guru might have different techniques, or would perhaps use different
selectors. Without seeing how you'd really want your html to look it's a bit
hard, so I've made some assumptions.

Cheers, and I hope this helps!


On 10/7/07, Jérémie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to do something with jQuery, and each time I think I have
 it right, it all falls apart. Yep, it's quite obvious me and
 javascript aren't the best buddies... maybe someone can give me a

 In a web page, I would like to display an image, let's call it imgFull
 (that would be it's class).

 When the page is loaded with a javascript-capable UA, this image is
 immediately hidden (as soon as possible to avoid strange visual effect
 for slow connections), and another one is displayed at its place,
 let's call it imgThumb

 When either of these two images are clicked (they could be inside a
 a tag), the one displayed is hidden (I'll add some effect), and
 after that the other one (hidden) is displayed.

 Basically it's a thumbnail/full image toggle on click, that would
 degrade gracefully without javascript or inside XML (like Atom).

 It's über simple, and yet I'm banging my head at it... :-(

 Please please please, anyone got an idea ?


[jQuery] HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Matthews

I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML. I'd
like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and parse
through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
length of 40.

What's the best approach to this?

[jQuery] Re: selecting elements in a nested table

2007-10-07 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi there,

This will work with jQuery 1.2+:

$('ul.mylist ul:not(:has(.active))').hide();

Karl Swedberg

On Oct 7, 2007, at 4:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Could someone help me out with the following problem. I've been
thinking about this for quite a while, but I just cannot think of a
solution to the problem at all.

Quite simply, I would like to leave the UL containing the LI with
class=active open when the page is loaded,
all other elements should just display the heading, but not the
individual list items:

ul class=mylist

liheading 1
li class=activeitem/li

liheading 2

liheading 3


Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] Re: Normal way of positioning an element?

2007-10-07 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Oct 7, 2007, at 4:57 PM, iain duncan wrote:

I feel like I must be missing something obvious in the docs, but  
while I

have found methods for finding out where an element is ( offset,
position ) I don't see an obvious jquery method for placing an
absolutely positioned element.

What is the recommended way? And might I humbly suggest to the docs
maintainers that this is a hole in the docs right now? It might be  

a mention near the offset method as to how one would set that.


Hi Iain,

You could just use the .css() method. For example:

$('some-selector').css({top: '200px', left: '350px'});

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Matthews

Just a clarification...I really just want to be able to pass in a
string of text, from any source, and create a valid jQuery object from
it. In this case, this is the string that I'm going to be using:


I want to isolate the p tags into a jQuery object.

On Oct 7, 7:46 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML. I'd
 like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and parse
 through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
 length of 40.

 What's the best approach to this?

[jQuery] Re: HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Christopher Jordan
dude... what the hell is that! LOL! :o)

On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a clarification...I really just want to be able to pass in a
 string of text, from any source, and create a valid jQuery object from
 it. In this case, this is the string that I'm going to be using:


 I want to isolate the p tags into a jQuery object.

 On Oct 7, 7:46 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML. I'd
  like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and parse
  through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
  length of 40.
  What's the best approach to this?


[jQuery] Re: Is this possible with jQuery?

2007-10-07 Thread Davey Waterson

If i understand your requirement.

the trick is to make the style a class style and simply add it directly to the 


change div#Explanation to .Explain (a style class called 'Explain')

to target the div and add the class use :


hope this helps

Johny wrote:
 I have style defined like this
 div#Explanation{position:absolute; top:720px; width:10px;  right:
 0px;margin:40px 0 0 0;}
 and my HTML code
  div id=Explanation
 table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%
 td width=6%font color=#FF*/font/td
 td width=44%Login input type=text id=id_Loginname=Login
 size=30 value= maxlength=50 //td
 td width=50% rowspan=2Popis/td
 td width=6%font color=#FF*/font/td
 td width=44%Passwordinput type=text
 id=id_Passwordname=Password size=30 value= maxlength=50 //
 and I would like to add Explanation style to my div id=Explanation
 using jQuery.
 Is that possible?

[jQuery] Re: HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Matthews


It's filler text. You've probably seen the fake Latin text lorem
Ipsum It's just meant to be text put into a text box or whatever
to take up visual space.

On Oct 7, 9:39 pm, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 dude... what the hell is that! LOL! :o)

 On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Just a clarification...I really just want to be able to pass in a
  string of text, from any source, and create a valid jQuery object from
  it. In this case, this is the string that I'm going to be using:


  I want to isolate the p tags into a jQuery object.

  On Oct 7, 7:46 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML. I'd
   like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and parse
   through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
   length of 40.

   What's the best approach to this?

 --http://cjordan.us- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Christopher Jordan
Oh... okay. I was thinkin' I'd have to see whatever site was going to use
that content! :o)

On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 It's filler text. You've probably seen the fake Latin text lorem
 Ipsum It's just meant to be text put into a text box or whatever
 to take up visual space.

 On Oct 7, 9:39 pm, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  dude... what the hell is that! LOL! :o)
  On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a clarification...I really just want to be able to pass in a
   string of text, from any source, and create a valid jQuery object from
   it. In this case, this is the string that I'm going to be using:
   I want to isolate the p tags into a jQuery object.
   On Oct 7, 7:46 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML.
like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and
through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
length of 40.
What's the best approach to this?
  --http://cjordan.us- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: HTML returned from GET: What's the best solution to this issue?

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Matthews

Here it is:

On Oct 7, 9:49 pm, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oh... okay. I was thinkin' I'd have to see whatever site was going to use
 that content! :o)

 On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  It's filler text. You've probably seen the fake Latin text lorem
  Ipsum It's just meant to be text put into a text box or whatever
  to take up visual space.

  On Oct 7, 9:39 pm, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   dude... what the hell is that! LOL! :o)

   On 10/7/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a clarification...I really just want to be able to pass in a
string of text, from any source, and create a valid jQuery object from
it. In this case, this is the string that I'm going to be using:


I want to isolate the p tags into a jQuery object.

On Oct 7, 7:46 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm building a little app that will read in a page of static HTML.
 like to take the string that's returned from the get() call and
 through it, dumping only the paragraphs into a jQuery object with a
 length of 40.

 What's the best approach to this?

   --http://cjordan.us-Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

 --http://cjordan.us- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] clone() is hidden

2007-10-07 Thread james_027


I am wondering why after I did clone().appendTo(), the new element
doesn't show up. With firebug I saw that it has display:none in it's
style attribute ... I try to do clone().appendTo().show() but it
doesn't work

Could someone correct me on this?


[jQuery] Code review: 1 problem each in IE and FF

2007-10-07 Thread Andy Matthews

I was just working on a quick little project to utilize some gibberish
text I've had laying around:

It's a simple tool to generate filler text. You select a number, a
style, then hit submit. It loads in some external HTML, then displays
your selected number of paragraphs in a textarea. If you select again,
it clears your previous selection, then dumps the new one into the

It works really well in both IE and FF but for 1 thing apiece (and of
course they're not the SAME thing).

In IE, the code runs, loads, and displays perfectly, but when you copy
the text out of the text box, the paragraph breaks aren't maintained.
Anyone know why?

In FF, it works perfectly the first time through. But when I try it a
second time, I get nothing. No errors, no nothing.

I'm baffled as to why both of these are happening. Anyone have an idea?

[jQuery] jQPanels

2007-10-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have just posted my very first plug-in.
Is an easy and unubitrusive script to create and manage sliding panels
with for the moment quite few options.
I'd really should like to have some feedback about the coding.
Demo page and download link:
a href=http://www.andreacfm.com/examples/jQpanels/;Examples Page/
a href=http://www.andreacfm.com/page.cfm/Downloads;Download zip

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-07 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

Nice suggestion.

A keyboard navigation is coming too.


On 10/7/07, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Leandro Vieira Pinho wrote:
  I have translate the jQuery lightBox plugin page into english. And, I
  have did a new layout too.
  See: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

 Excellent work!

 One feature request though - mainly for usability. It's not immediately
 apparent that you can mouse-over the image to see the next/prev and
 click to get next/previous image. Would it be possible to also show a
 next/prev text link below the image?



Leandro Vieira Pinho
Diretor da w3invent - http://w3invent.com.br
Blog pessoal sobre Desenvolvimento Web - http://leandrovieira.com
Colunista semanal iMasters - http://www.imasters.com.br/

[jQuery] Re: jQPanels

2007-10-07 Thread Rey Bango

Awesome Andrea! :D



I have just posted my very first plug-in.
Is an easy and unubitrusive script to create and manage sliding panels
with for the moment quite few options.
I'd really should like to have some feedback about the coding.
Demo page and download link:
a href=http://www.andreacfm.com/examples/jQpanels/;Examples Page/
a href=http://www.andreacfm.com/page.cfm/Downloads;Download zip

[jQuery] Packing JS code

2007-10-07 Thread Pops

What I can download to pack and minified my javascript code?
