[jQuery] Re: jQuery in the wild

2008-03-24 Thread weepy

also www.bbc.co.uk

On 24 Mar, 03:39, Benjamin Sterling
 Looks like MLB.com and in turnhttp://phillies.comare now using jQuery
 1.2.1, looks like they are using jcarousel and corners.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
nice !! dugg !

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 4:56 AM, John Beppu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks nice.  I'll have to try it out.

 On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all!
  I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
  jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
  I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.
  Feedbacks are welcomed!
  Jay S.

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: Lazy load in IE7?

2008-03-24 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Mar 22, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Jeroen Coumans wrote:

I'm using the lazy load plugin from http://www.appelsiini.net/
projects/lazyload, but it doesn't seem to work properly in IE7. Some
images load, others never finish loading. I tried playing with the
failurelimit option but that doesn't affect it. Works great in Firefox
and Safari 3 though. Anybody have an idea?

Check http://jeroencoumans.nl/portfolio

Sorry it took a while to answer. I cannot reproduce the problem with  
my IE7. Does problem occur to you in these demo pages too?


Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] [validate] validation works in firefox but not in IE

2008-03-24 Thread Ariel

I have a form set up with the validator plugin (ver 1.2.1) and
jquery(1.2.2) and the whole thing works perfectly in firefox 3b4, but
when i fire up IE (any version) i get a alert box with the following
message: Error: Expected Identifier, string or number. when i hit
debug IE throws me to the postalcode definition in the rules section,
and i can't figure out what might be going on here.

There is no other javascript on the page.

Thank you,


my code follows:

script src=lib/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=lib/jquery.validate.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
jQuery.validator.addMethod(phone, function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || 
}, Must be XXX-XXX-);
jQuery.validator.addMethod(zip, function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || 
}, US or Canadian postal code only);
rules: {
firstname: required,
lastname: required,
phone: {
required: true,
phone: true,
postalcode: {
zip: true
email: {
messages: {
firstname: required,
lastname: required,
required: required,
phone: XXX-XXX-
required: required,
zip: Zip, Zip+4, or Canadian
required: required,
email: valid email required
style type=text/css
#leadForm label.error{

form action=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];? method=post
tdlabel for=firstnameFirst 
id=firstname name=firstname type=text maxlength=20 //td
tdlabel for=lastnameLast 
id=lastname name=lastname type=text maxlength=20 //td
for=phonePhone:/label/tdtdinput id=phone
name=phone type=text maxlength=20 //td
tdlabel for=postalcodePostal 
id=postalcode name=postalcode type=text maxlength=10 //td
for=emailEmail:/label/tdtdinput id=email
name=email type=text  maxlength=80 //td
tdlabel for=besttimetocallBest Time To 
tdtdselect name=besttimetocall id=besttimetocalloption
value=1Morning/optionoption value=2Afternoon/optionoption
td/tdtdinput type=submit 
value=Submit name=submit //

[jQuery] Re: flexigrid plugin - help for server side script

2008-03-24 Thread xwisdom

This is a very nice plugin. It certainly would make a great addition
to the UI libs if there aren't any issues with licensing. Is it a port
from ExtJS?

Btw I love the pager bar too!

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread emichaellb

fyi, on  your html example page, if you select some text, click the Link 
icon, and Cancel it, an empty link is nevertheless added to the page.


[jQuery] Re: Trouble with jQuery Expander

2008-03-24 Thread aerojad

Thank you very much.

[jQuery] jQuery Newbie - Getting value of a Select Option

2008-03-24 Thread EasyThereTiger

I'm a complete newbie to jQuery trying to perform a relatively simple
task, but can't figure it out.

Based of the value of a select option, I want to hide/show a div. How
do I get the value of the select option? Here's what I have below.

Thanks for your help!

var hearOther = $(#hear_other);
if( $(#hear_other option[value='O'])){
alert('show hearOther');
alert('hide hearOther');

select id=hear
option value=TTelevision/option
option value=RRadio/option
option value=OOther/option
div id=hear_otherPlease describe ldquo;Otherrdquo;/div

[jQuery] nested Sortable Bug

2008-03-24 Thread pedramphp

Dear sir ,
I'm working with nested sortable Plugin 
the ploblem is this plugin only works with jQuery 1.1.3 and if I
change the jQuery source file to 1.2.3 it only Drags the Items
this Ploblem Accured in IE7 , I need this plugin badly in my projecty
what is the solution has anyone worked with this Before !!!

[jQuery] nested Sortable Bug

2008-03-24 Thread pedramphp
Dear sir ,
I'm working with nested sortable Plugin
the ploblem is this plugin only works with jQuery 1.1.3 and if I change the
jQuery source file to 1.2.3 it only Drags the Items Once 
this Ploblem Accured in IE7 , I need this plugin badly in my projecty what
is the solution has anyone worked with this Before !!!
Regards Pedram

[jQuery] nested Sortable Bug!!!

2008-03-24 Thread pedramphp

Dear sir ,
I'm working with nested sortable Plugin 
the ploblem is this plugin only works with jQuery 1.1.3 and if I
change the jQuery source file to 1.2.3 it only Drags the Items
this Ploblem Accured in IE7 , I need this plugin badly in my projecty
what is the solution has anyone worked with this Before !!!
Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Superfish Plugin - transparency

2008-03-24 Thread Adriantr

In addition to my other question about Superfish I am also interested
to know whether there is a way of making the submenus semi-
transparent? If so how would I implement this in menu system where the
background image of the a tag determines the colour of the
background of the menu.

Once again, thanks for any help.

[jQuery] nested Sortable Bug

2008-03-24 Thread pedramphp

Dear sir ,
I'm working with nested sortable Plugin 
the ploblem is this plugin only works with jQuery 1.1.3 and if I
change the jQuery source file to 1.2.3 it only Drags the Items
this Ploblem Accured in IE7 , I need this plugin badly in my projecty
what is the solution has anyone worked with this Before !!!

[jQuery] Re: events on embedded SVG

2008-03-24 Thread zipman


On Mar 23, 8:02 pm, zipman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am having an html page and I embed an svg file through.

 object id=map data=/Demo/map.svg type=image/svg+xml
 height=500 width=600

 or even

 embed id=map src=/Demo/map.svg type=image/svg+xml height=500

 The problem is that I cannot access the elements inside the svg file
 through jquery.

 I can do

  htmlObj = document.getElementById(map);
  /*//this works only in IE
   SVGDoc = htmlObj.getSVGDocument();*/

 //this works in firefox
  SVGDoc = htmlObj.contentDocument;

 and then access any element by getElementById

 eg when I want to access an elements with id=test
 I do it by SVGDoc.getElementById('test');

 The problem is that the contents of the SVG are not appended to the
 tree so methods like $('#test') do not work.

 Is there any way to make this work?

[jQuery] learning jquery book source code

2008-03-24 Thread tetrix

i have downloaded the code source for learning jquery book but this
code doesnt include all chapters in the book???

[jQuery] jEditable selects - Adding/binding events?

2008-03-24 Thread dgt

Hey all, I have the following jEditable which allows a user to change
their mood:

$(.mood-selector).editable(/user/mood, {
  data   :
php print $moody; ?'},
  type   : select,
  submit : OK

This works great, however I need to bind a click/change/mouseover
event to the select that's generated by jEditable, so I can show a
visual description of the option the user selects. I do not know how
to get this operating with my jEditable. Has anyone tried this and can
give me an idea?

[jQuery] Re: slideDown for a tr ignores the colspan

2008-03-24 Thread QuadCom

My suggestion would be to use div's instead of tables for this layout.

div style=float:left;width:33%;stuff/div
div style=float:left;width:33%;stuff/div
div style=float:left;width:33%;stuff/div
div style=clear:left;display:none id=expandmestuff/div

Of course it would be better to have your CSS in a separate file
rather than inline.

[jQuery] Problems with form plugin + response xml + tickbox

2008-03-24 Thread Mileto

When I put the data of the form, it returns an XML if the information
does not pass the validation. If the data is correct the response type
is HTML. I'm using the Tickbox plugin to show this form.

The problem is that if the response type is XML, i can't to call the
success method of the Form plugin to manipulate the response.

Someone could help me in this problem?


[jQuery] JQuery timer with reset option

2008-03-24 Thread ethodaddy

Hi All,

I'm very new at JQuery and have been messing about with a timer that
will trigger a logout script on a page. what i'm trying to do is have
a timer that counts down from lets say 10mins to 0 when it gets to
zero it should call a function called logUserOut(). this works fine
with a number of the timer examples out there (eg timer plugin) but
i'm yet to find one that allows you to reset the time from an external
function. once a user does certain things on the system i would like
to restart the same timer from 10 mins.

in the past I have used a tiny 1px x 1px iframe and refreshed the
iframe whenever i needed to reset the timer. this worked fine but i
thought there would be a more elegant way of doing it with JQuery.

thanks in advance for your assistance.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Plugin - transparency

2008-03-24 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Adrian,

Hmm, this isn't pretty, but sort of does the job (see below). I set
the animation to fade to opacity .92 which is only a subtle amount of
transparency because deeper nested submenus will inherit this and
apply their own further .92 amount, which could get hard to read. The
onBeforeShow callback was needed to set initial values so that the
fade-in worked. Like I said - it ain't perdy:

animation : { opacity:.92},
onBeforeShow : function() {
opacity :'.01',
display : 'block'

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Plugin - Animation onmouseout

2008-03-24 Thread Joel Birch

Superfish does not support animations on submenu close. I attempted it
when I was first creating the plugin but ran into problems when the
closing submenus were re-hovered. It may be easier to achieve now that
stop() exists, but I haven't experimented with it yet. Maybe one day.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: jEditable selects - Adding/binding events?

2008-03-24 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Mar 24, 2008, at 12:12 PM, dgt wrote:

Hey all, I have the following jEditable which allows a user to change
their mood:
This works great, however I need to bind a click/change/mouseover
event to the select that's generated by jEditable, so I can show a
visual description of the option the user selects.

Do I understand correctly. You want to display something, for example  
a smiley somewhere in the html page according to what is selected in  
the select, but before submitting the value.

Basically display something when onchange is triggered  by select?

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Jay Salvat

Wiki page is fixed, thanks.

Insertion of element even if Cancel button has been clicked will be
fixed in the next release.

Thanks for your feedbacks and Diggs.

[jQuery] [validate] need help with addMethod

2008-03-24 Thread Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]

Trying to add a new validation method to check a yes/no set of radio

My method:

$.validator.addMethod(checkyesno, function(value) {
if (value == 'Yes') {
return true;
} else {
   return false;
You must read and agree to the terms and conditions before

My rules:

rules: {
terms: {required: true, checkyesno: true}

But so far have not been able to make this work... What am I doing


[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Stan Lemon

Can you clarify what the differences are between this and jTagEditor?
Also... have you ever considered making a single image sprint of the
buttons?  That might save some load-time.

Thanks for your work on this plugin, I use it quite a bit and very
appreciative for it!

- Stan

On Mar 23, 2:48 pm, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!

 I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
 jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
 I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.



 Feedbacks are welcomed!

 Jay S.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery timer with reset option

2008-03-24 Thread ripple
Try the regular javascript setTimeout() function and see how that works for 
you. I choose to use that over any of the jquery timers I have seen.

ethodaddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All,

I'm very new at JQuery and have been messing about with a timer that
will trigger a logout script on a page. what i'm trying to do is have
a timer that counts down from lets say 10mins to 0 when it gets to
zero it should call a function called logUserOut(). this works fine
with a number of the timer examples out there (eg timer plugin) but
i'm yet to find one that allows you to reset the time from an external
function. once a user does certain things on the system i would like
to restart the same timer from 10 mins.

in the past I have used a tiny 1px x 1px iframe and refreshed the
iframe whenever i needed to reset the timer. this worked fine but i
thought there would be a more elegant way of doing it with JQuery.

thanks in advance for your assistance.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[jQuery] Re: CSS dynamic loading

2008-03-24 Thread KidsKilla .grin! wuz here
Thanks! but this plugin throws an error too.
Seems like there is no easy way to find out when css is loaded... =/

2008/3/22, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Not exactly what you said, but it's related to the rules you
  Rule: http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/11/jqueryrule.html

Максим Игоревич Гришаев,

[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi Jay,

i'm trying to use markitup but it seems it embeds the markup twice:

the starting html:

   li class=clearfix
label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
textarea name=description  class=markItUp id=description

the generated source:

 li class=clearfix
 label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
span class=div id=description class=markItUpdiv
class=markItUpContainerdiv class=markItUpHeaderulli
class=markItUpButton markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
title=undefined/a/li/ul/divspan class=div id=
class=markItUpdiv class=markItUpContainerdiv
class=markItUpHeaderulli class=markItUpButton
markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
title=undefined/a/li/ul/divtextarea name=description
class=markItUp markItUpEditor id= style=margin: auto; padding:
0pt; float: none; display: block; width: 100%; height:
171px;/textareadiv class=markItUpFooterdiv


The call to the function is a simple


Am i doing something wrong?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wiki page is fixed, thanks.

 Insertion of element even if Cancel button has been clicked will be
 fixed in the next release.

 Thanks for your feedbacks and Diggs.

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

i think i've found the cullprit: it does not play well with the
jscrollpane plugin. If i remove jscrollpane, then it does not double
the tag.
That's weird because on my page, jscrollpane doesn't touch the textarea.

 i'll set up a test page to show it later today maybe you'll be
able to find a fix ?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
 hi Jay,

  i'm trying to use markitup but it seems it embeds the markup twice:

  the starting html:

li class=clearfix
 label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
  textarea name=description  class=markItUp id=description

  the generated source:

   li class=clearfix
   label for=descriptionShort Description:/label
  span class=div id=description class=markItUpdiv
  class=markItUpContainerdiv class=markItUpHeaderulli
  class=markItUpButton markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
  title=undefined/a/li/ul/divspan class=div id=
  class=markItUpdiv class=markItUpContainerdiv
  class=markItUpHeaderulli class=markItUpButton
  markItUpButton1a href=# accesskey=
  title=undefined/a/li/ul/divtextarea name=description
  class=markItUp markItUpEditor id= style=margin: auto; padding:
  0pt; float: none; display: block; width: 100%; height:
  171px;/textareadiv class=markItUpFooterdiv


  The call to the function is a simple


  Am i doing something wrong?

  On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Wiki page is fixed, thanks.
   Insertion of element even if Cancel button has been clicked will be
   fixed in the next release.
   Thanks for your feedbacks and Diggs.

  Alexandre Plennevaux


Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread Rick Faircloth

Hi, all...

I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.

I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.

buttonAdd New Image Field/button

In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want,
however, in FF2, the button submits the form.

How can I use the button with form submission?

I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form
without a button, nothing on using a button in a form
with causing submission...


[jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread Andy Matthews

If you're already using jQuery just return false on the submit method for
the form.

// do stuff here
return false;

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?

Hi, all...

I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.

I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.

buttonAdd New Image Field/button

In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want, however, in FF2, the
button submits the form.

How can I use the button with form submission?

I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form without a button,
nothing on using a button in a form with causing submission...


[jQuery] Re: learning jquery book source code

2008-03-24 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Mar 24, 2008, at 6:45 AM, tetrix wrote:

i have downloaded the code source for learning jquery book but this
code doesnt include all chapters in the book???

it /should/ include all chapters. Note that chapters 7-9 are in a  
directory called bookstore

You can also see all the code functioning at http://book.learningjquery.com/

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-24 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Hi Jay,

Great script! I think that your menu has the dancing syndrome. I 
recently discovered the fix for this from Remy Sharp's post coda 
bubble. Its untested, but the following should fix it, or at least, 
you'll get the point:


hideDelayTimer = null;
$(.menu a).hover(function() {
if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
$(em, this).text($(this).attr(title));
$(em, this).not(':animated').animate({opacity: show, left: +20}, 
$(this).not(':animated').animate({left: +20}, fast);
}, function() {
if (hideDelayTimer) clearTimeout(hideDelayTimer);
hideDelayTimer = setTimeout(function (){
$(em, this).animate({opacity: hide, left: -20}, slow);
$(this).animate({left: 0}, fast);
}, 250);


Jay Salvat wrote:

Hi all!

I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.



Feedbacks are welcomed!

Jay S.


[jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread Rick Faircloth

I tried inserting a return false; into my jQuery below,
but it prevented the button from functioning as it needs.

Here's the jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#add-image').click(function() {
attr('name', function() {
return this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
function(s, p1, p2) {
return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 
.insertAfter('#image-div :last');

And here's the button HTML:

button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button

Got any ideas on how I could modify this?

I was using a link to add the file fields, but the link
was refreshing the page and taking me back to the top of the page.


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:19 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?
 If you're already using jQuery just return false on the submit method for
 the form.
   // do stuff here
   return false;
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?
 Hi, all...
 I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.
 I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.
 buttonAdd New Image Field/button
 In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want, however, in FF2, the
 button submits the form.
 How can I use the button with form submission?
 I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form without a button,
 nothing on using a button in a form with causing submission...

[jQuery] Treeview +/- icons not clickable

2008-03-24 Thread noahsarkive

treeview 1.2.3
jquery 1.4

My +/- icons are inert. Users must click on text to expand/collapse
the tree.


[jQuery] Re: JQuery timer with reset option

2008-03-24 Thread Jimslam

Here's a page timer I'm using - right now it's set to 15 seconds and
displays the current count every second in a div with id timer.

There's probably a more elegant solution, but this can at least be a
start.  The key is clearing the setTimeout function when the timer
gets reset, as just setting the setTimeout function again won't stop
the previous timer but start a new instance.

My code:

 *  When the document is ready, start the timer (startTimer();) and
 *  bind all mouse movement to resetTimer();
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).bind(mousemove, function() { resetTimer(); 
 *  Some vital global variables for the timer
var timerId = 0;
var counterId = 0;

 *  Start the timer
function startTimer()
alertTimerId= setTimeout('refreshPage()', 15000);
 *  Reset the Timer
function resetTimer()
clearTimeout ( alertTimerId );
clearTimeout ( counterId );
 *  Refresh the Page
function refreshPage()
var sURL = unescape(window.location.pathname);
window.location.replace( sURL );
 *  Update the on-page Counter
function updateCounter(count)
count = count - 1;
counterId = setTimeout('updateCounter(\''+count+'\')', 

[jQuery] Problem with Tooltip + select

2008-03-24 Thread Mileto


I am with a simple problem using plugin tooltip. I apply the tooltip
in selectbox. If mouse step in selectbox still closed it works
perfectly, but when I click on the mouse selectbox and step through
options, the property TOP of the DIV tag decreases so that the tooltip
is out of the select.


[jQuery] div X, Y Location

2008-03-24 Thread Legster

Is there an easy way to find the current X, Y location of any div

Example of what I am trying to find:



Those currently returns undefined. What am I missing? Thanks.

[jQuery] Combine two jQuery objects

2008-03-24 Thread Dan M

Hello all,

I have the following code (which does not work)

  var childElmts;

  if (prntElmtID == 'P30_DESKTOP') {
 childElmts = $
  } else {
 childElmts = $
 childElmts += $(#P30_LT_OPTIONS).parent(td).children();

How can I accomplish what I'm trying to do in the else block?


[jQuery] MIssing cursor(caret) for input and textarea

2008-03-24 Thread Kaloyan Tsvetkov


I have a funny problem. I have several Divs showing and hiding as
inline alerts, confirms and other forms. When showing, sometimes the
inputs and the textareas do not show the blinking text cursor (the
caret). Does anyobdy knows a workaround ? This is an issue not just w/
jQuery but w/ YUI too.

[jQuery] innerHTML from ajax req in IE

2008-03-24 Thread marr.adam

Using $load/get/ajax and innerHTML= or $().html for setting the
content of the tab div tag works everywhere except IE6 (haven't tested
IE7 as only ie6 is allowed on our boxes). The content works fine when
inserted into the page with tiles before it is sent to the browser,
but when the content page is switched using tabs with ajax, the
content is returned from the server properly, but gets ruined when it
is inserted into the dom. The tags are converted to uppercase, some
double quotes are ignored, and these jQuery1206582151=47 attributes
get added to certain tags. The page falls apart basically. Any ideas
on why this is happening, and how to fix it. I've tried different file
char formats, different jQuery functions for getting and setting the
content, and nothing seems to work., thanks...

[jQuery] Re: Testing to see if a checkbox is checked

2008-03-24 Thread Dan M


Both worked great, thank you very much!


On Mar 19, 9:37 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Also, you can set the value attribute with .val(new value)


 On 3/19/08, Dan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Hello all. I'm having an issue with an application that was working
  previously. I have some checkboxes which I use to hide/show other
  items on the page. I was using the following code to achieve this...

if (jPrnt.attr(checked)) {
} else {
   actionElmt.attr(value, '-1');

  This is no longer working... Any ideas on how to see if a checkbox is
  checked or unchecked after a page has been rendered but not submitted?


[jQuery] Problems getting timing of commands to happen correctly

2008-03-24 Thread Steve Reichgut

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to use jQuery to create a relatively simple image
rotator. The challenge I ran into with this script is that I want the
new image to fade-in over top of the existing image. After many
different attempts, I was able to get pretty close by using the
following (unelegant) code:
  if (i == (numImages + 1)) { i = i - numImages; }
  if (bg == (numImages +1 )) { bg = bg - numImages; }
  bgImg =   url(/images/stories/js_images_home/header_ + bg + .jpg);
  img   =   'img id=gallery src=/images/stories/js_images_home/
header_' + i + '.jpg/';

When I run the code, it works partially. From what I can tell, I am
doing something wrong in trying to queue the effects . Right now,
setting the CSS background-image and the fading in  out of the
foreground image happen simultaneously instead of sequentially like I
want them to.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


[jQuery] accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread Harald Armin Massa


I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
more dots within them.

I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
\.id) selector.

Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
to come up with my own escaping function?

Best wishes


[jQuery] Tabs, AJAX, and wanting to degrade safely

2008-03-24 Thread zwaldowski

I currently use the jQuery tabs plugin for displaying a static website
I am working on.  Since it's small, I initially just put the four
pages together on one page and let the tabs plugin do its work as
scheduled.  Now, it's getting bigger and loading more and more,
therefore making the whole experience slower to load.  I already know
that the tabs plugin can load external pages via AJAX, which just
loads the pages from regular anchor links within the tabs.

So, here's my problem.  To have the pages external, I would pretty
much just cut-and-paste the contents of that tab into a new HTML file
and have it load externally.  But how should I have it degrade?
Having JS disabled is a distinct possibility with this website
(running off a CD + MSIE), so I should ideally have the pages link to
each other with identical headers/footers as the website originally
was.  However, taking this approach would have multiple headers and
footers.  How should I go about this?

For a more visual approach, check out the following:

Old Site:
|__ index.html
|__ page1.html
|__ page2.html
|__ page3.html
|__ page4.html

All five pages have duplicated headers and footers, save for the tab
bar which has static selected classes.  They link to each of the
other four pages.

New Site:  (Bulgy, slow)
|__ index.html
-|-- Header
-|-- Tabs
-|-- Contents of home
-|-- Contents of page 1 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 2 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 3 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 4 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Footer

New ideas:  (Fast, speedy, and good-looking)
|__ index.html
-|-- Header
-|-- Tabs, links to pages
-|-- Contents of home
-|-- DIV container, loads others
 |__ page1.html
 |__ page2.html
 |__ page3.html
 |__ page4.html
-|-- Footer

[jQuery] How do you restore the defaultValue of select element after a change event?

2008-03-24 Thread Ashley

I have a select which pops a modal (with blockUI) input when a select
is changed. The modal is an Ajax mini-form with an update and a

The update works great but for cancel I need to be able to roll back
the change() to the selection or else it appears from the user's
perspective that it changed. I can't figure it out without going to a
hacky hardcoded solution.

// ... installing all my stuff; everything works
// except reverting to selection before onchange

I've played around with $(this).attr(defaultValue) and $(this)
[0].defaultValue but the select elements appear to have no
defaultValue (in tests too).


[jQuery] Re: accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread Brian Cherne
I haven't tested this, but try

$(   document.getElementById('123.123')   )

Also note that according to the specification IDs must start with a letter
([a-zA-Z])... It sounds like even changing a period is difficult enough so
this might be a similarly difficult task given your code/data. I remember
(only vaguely) in some situations that deviating from the ID spec causes
issues. Good luck!



On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Harald Armin Massa 


 I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

 One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
 more dots within them.

 I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
 \.id) selector.

 Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
 or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
 to come up with my own escaping function?

 Best wishes


[jQuery] Re: div X, Y Location

2008-03-24 Thread Brian Cherne
Are you looking for offset ?



On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Legster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there an easy way to find the current X, Y location of any div

 Example of what I am trying to find:



 Those currently returns undefined. What am I missing? Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: MIssing cursor(caret) for input and textarea

2008-03-24 Thread Brian Cherne
Do you have any sample/simplified code you could share? Also, what browser
is this happening in?


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Kaloyan Tsvetkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have a funny problem. I have several Divs showing and hiding as
 inline alerts, confirms and other forms. When showing, sometimes the
 inputs and the textareas do not show the blinking text cursor (the
 caret). Does anyobdy knows a workaround ? This is an issue not just w/
 jQuery but w/ YUI too.

[jQuery] Can't assign variable content to some element border color in IE (very weird problem)

2008-03-24 Thread Nazgulled

Hi there,
I'm having this strange problem with IE that I don't know how to fix.
Tried countless things, but neither worked and I just can't understand
why this is happening, it makes no sense to me.

First things first... To assign a color to some element border I do
the following which works fine:
$('id#element').css('borderColor', '#ff');

Now let's say I have a variable with that string, something like this
that also works fine:
var color = '#ff';
$('id#element').css('borderColor', color);

Now the real problem. On my original code, I have something like the
above example, the only difference is that the color variable is not
manually assigned like in the example. I have a function that grabs
some colors from an external stylesheet, puts them into an array and
returns the array.

That function is called getColorsFromCSS and the code is the
getColorsFromCSS: function(cssElement) {
var cssRules, cssSelector;
var colors = [];

// Which CSS rules are available in the browser?
if (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules) {
cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
} else {
cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].rules;

// Double check if the CSS rules are really available
if (cssRules) {
// Loops through each CSS selector
for (var i = 0; i  cssRules.length; i++) {
cssSelector = cssRules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase();

// Get colors from which CSS elements?
if (cssElement == 'links') {
// Gets the color value for a specific selector
switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, )) {
case ul#cp-block-items a:link:
colors[0] = 
case ul#cp-block-items a:hover:
colors[1] = 
case div#content a:link:
colors[2] = 
case div#content a:hover:
colors[3] = 

if(colors.length == 4) return colors;
} else if (cssElement.indexOf('popup') == 0) {
// Gets the color value for a specific selector
switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, )) {
case div# + cssElement:
colors[0] = 
colors[1] = 

if(colors.length == 2) return colors;

Yes, the function is working, meaning the values are retrieved from
the external CSS and the array is returned with all the values inside
it. I conformed this by doing an alert(popupColors[0]); before trying
to set the border color and the output was a string with the color
value (like the code below).

And my real code goes like this:
var popupColors = $.admin.getColorsFromCSS('popup-notice-error');
alert(popupColors[0]); // This outputs the color value assigned to
this array index
$('div#popup-block').css('borderColor', popupColors[0]); // But this
doesn't work :(

This is only happening in IE6/7, not on Firefox, Opera 9.26
and Safari 3.1 (Win).

Any thoughts on this?

[jQuery] Re: Tabs, AJAX, and wanting to degrade safely

2008-03-24 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

I have not understood your examples, but the classical approach with 
ajax, from a
server side point of view, is to send the content of the page with 
header and footer if it is

an http request and to send only the content if it is ajax.
I think that you can detect an ajax call from the headers of the 
request, alternatively you can
just add an ajax parameter to all your ajax calls and use it as a 
boolean on the serverside to decide what you have to sent, e.g, with or 
without header and footer.


zwaldowski wrote:

I currently use the jQuery tabs plugin for displaying a static website
I am working on.  Since it's small, I initially just put the four
pages together on one page and let the tabs plugin do its work as
scheduled.  Now, it's getting bigger and loading more and more,
therefore making the whole experience slower to load.  I already know
that the tabs plugin can load external pages via AJAX, which just
loads the pages from regular anchor links within the tabs.

So, here's my problem.  To have the pages external, I would pretty
much just cut-and-paste the contents of that tab into a new HTML file
and have it load externally.  But how should I have it degrade?
Having JS disabled is a distinct possibility with this website
(running off a CD + MSIE), so I should ideally have the pages link to
each other with identical headers/footers as the website originally
was.  However, taking this approach would have multiple headers and
footers.  How should I go about this?

For a more visual approach, check out the following:

Old Site:
|__ index.html
|__ page1.html
|__ page2.html
|__ page3.html
|__ page4.html

All five pages have duplicated headers and footers, save for the tab
bar which has static selected classes.  They link to each of the
other four pages.

New Site:  (Bulgy, slow)
|__ index.html
-|-- Header
-|-- Tabs
-|-- Contents of home
-|-- Contents of page 1 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 2 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 3 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Contents of page 4 (hidden by JS on default)
-|-- Footer

New ideas:  (Fast, speedy, and good-looking)
|__ index.html
-|-- Header
-|-- Tabs, links to pages
-|-- Contents of home
-|-- DIV container, loads others
 |__ page1.html
 |__ page2.html
 |__ page3.html
 |__ page4.html
-|-- Footer


[jQuery] Re: accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread Karl Rudd

If you have the raw (ie blah.blah) you could just alias the
document.getElementById function:

function getId( id ) { return document.getElementById( id ); }

Or if you have the ids in CSS form (ie #blah.blah):

function getId( id ) { return document.getElementById( id.substr(1) ); }

And then use it like:

$( getId( 'blah.blah' ) )...

Karl Rudd

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Harald Armin Massa


  I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

  One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
  more dots within them.

  I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
  \.id) selector.

  Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
  or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
  to come up with my own escaping function?

  Best wishes


[jQuery] Re: Combine two jQuery objects

2008-03-24 Thread Jason Huck

I think you're looking for .add(). Try this:

var childElmts = $('#P30_DESKTOP_ADD, label[for=P30_DESKTOP_ADD]');

if(prntElmtID != 'P30_DESKTOP') childElmts.add(

- jason

On Mar 24, 11:43 am, Dan M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have the following code (which does not work)

       var childElmts;

       if (prntElmtID == 'P30_DESKTOP') {
          childElmts = $
       } else {
          childElmts = $
          childElmts += $(#P30_LT_OPTIONS).parent(td).children();

 How can I accomplish what I'm trying to do in the else block?


[jQuery] Re: Problems getting timing of commands to happen correctly

2008-03-24 Thread Jason Huck

You want to place each subsequent effect within the callback
function of the previous effect, i.e.:

...and so on...

- jason

On Mar 24, 12:25 pm, Steve Reichgut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have been trying to use jQuery to create a relatively simple image
 rotator. The challenge I ran into with this script is that I want the
 new image to fade-in over top of the existing image. After many
 different attempts, I was able to get pretty close by using the
 following (unelegant) code:
   if (i == (numImages + 1)) { i = i - numImages; }
   if (bg == (numImages +1 )) { bg = bg - numImages; }
   bgImg =       url(/images/stories/js_images_home/header_ + bg + .jpg);
   img           =       'img id=gallery 
 header_' + i + '.jpg/';

 When I run the code, it works partially. From what I can tell, I am
 doing something wrong in trying to queue the effects . Right now,
 setting the CSS background-image and the fading in  out of the
 foreground image happen simultaneously instead of sequentially like I
 want them to.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated...


[jQuery] Re: How do you restore the defaultValue of select element after a change event?

2008-03-24 Thread Jason Huck

If your first option element has an empty value attribute, you can
do this:


- jason

On Mar 24, 2:16 pm, Ashley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a select which pops a modal (with blockUI) input when a select
 is changed. The modal is an Ajax mini-form with an update and a

 The update works great but for cancel I need to be able to roll back
 the change() to the selection or else it appears from the user's
 perspective that it changed. I can't figure it out without going to a
 hacky hardcoded solution.

 // ... installing all my stuff; everything works
 // except reverting to selection before onchange


 I've played around with $(this).attr(defaultValue) and $(this)
 [0].defaultValue but the select elements appear to have no
 defaultValue (in tests too).


[jQuery] Re: div X, Y Location

2008-03-24 Thread ripple
Just use javascript:
  var x = this.offsetLeft;
  var y = this.offsetTop;

Legster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there an easy way to find the current X, Y location of any div

Example of what I am trying to find:



Those currently returns undefined. What am I missing? Thanks.

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[jQuery] Re: accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread chrismarx

this works, but maybe there is also an easier way out there somewhere-


On Mar 24, 2:00 pm, Harald Armin  Massa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

 One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
 more dots within them.

 I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
 \.id) selector.

 Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
 or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
 to come up with my own escaping function?

 Best wishes


[jQuery] Improvement

2008-03-24 Thread blg002

I'm relatively new to jQuery  Javascript  and was wondering if
someone could help me condense my code a little.

What I have going on is... multiple div's with different info in them
 an ordered list of links. Only one of the divs will display at a
time and they can be toggled through by clicking on the corresponding

div id=branding
div id=one
 pLorem Ipsum One/p

div id=two
 pLorem Ipsum Two/p

div id=three
 pLorem Ipsum Thre/p

 lia href=/?brandingId=11/a/li
 lia href=/?brandingId=22/a/li
 lia href=/?brandingId=33/a/li

  $(#branding ol li:nth-child(1) a).click(function() {
$(#branding div).attr('id', 'one');

$(#branding ol li:nth-child(2) a).click(function() {
$(#branding div).attr('id', 'two');

$(#branding ol li:nth-child(3) a).click(function() {
$(#branding div).attr('id', 'three');

Here is a quick demo page...

Thanks for any help,


[jQuery] Re: Problems getting timing of commands to happen correctly

2008-03-24 Thread ripple
Here's a good working example. This might help, but of course you will have to 
tweak the timing to suit your needs.

Steve Reichgut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have been trying to use jQuery to create a relatively simple image
rotator. The challenge I ran into with this script is that I want the
new image to fade-in over top of the existing image. After many
different attempts, I was able to get pretty close by using the
following (unelegant) code:
if (i == (numImages + 1)) { i = i - numImages; }
if (bg == (numImages +1 )) { bg = bg - numImages; }
bgImg = url(/images/stories/js_images_home/header_ + bg + .jpg);
img = 'header_'%20+%20i%20+%20'.jpg';

When I run the code, it works partially. From what I can tell, I am
doing something wrong in trying to queue the effects . Right now,
setting the CSS background-image and the fading in  out of the
foreground image happen simultaneously instead of sequentially like I
want them to.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[jQuery] Re: Tabs, AJAX, and wanting to degrade safely

2008-03-24 Thread Hamish Campbell

 However, taking this approach
 would have multiple headers and
 footers.  How should I go about this?

If you're using plain HTML then yes, you'll need to duplicate the
header/footer data in the fall back pages.

Do you have a database and/or server-side scripting language at your

On Mar 25, 7:15 am, zwaldowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I currently use the jQuery tabs plugin for displaying a static website
 I am working on.  Since it's small, I initially just put the four
 pages together on one page and let the tabs plugin do its work as
 scheduled.  Now, it's getting bigger and loading more and more,
 therefore making the whole experience slower to load.  I already know
 that the tabs plugin can load external pages via AJAX, which just
 loads the pages from regular anchor links within the tabs.

 So, here's my problem.  To have the pages external, I would pretty
 much just cut-and-paste the contents of that tab into a new HTML file
 and have it load externally.  But how should I have it degrade?
 Having JS disabled is a distinct possibility with this website
 (running off a CD + MSIE), so I should ideally have the pages link to
 each other with identical headers/footers as the website originally
 was.  However, taking this approach would have multiple headers and
 footers.  How should I go about this?

 For a more visual approach, check out the following:

 Old Site:
 |__ index.html
 |__ page1.html
 |__ page2.html
 |__ page3.html
 |__ page4.html

 All five pages have duplicated headers and footers, save for the tab
 bar which has static selected classes.  They link to each of the
 other four pages.

 New Site:  (Bulgy, slow)
 |__ index.html
 -|-- Header
 -|-- Tabs
 -|-- Contents of home
 -|-- Contents of page 1 (hidden by JS on default)
 -|-- Contents of page 2 (hidden by JS on default)
 -|-- Contents of page 3 (hidden by JS on default)
 -|-- Contents of page 4 (hidden by JS on default)
 -|-- Footer

 New ideas:  (Fast, speedy, and good-looking)
 |__ index.html
 -|-- Header
 -|-- Tabs, links to pages
 -|-- Contents of home
 -|-- DIV container, loads others
  |__ page1.html
  |__ page2.html
  |__ page3.html
  |__ page4.html
 -|-- Footer

[jQuery] Need help with a toggle - works if I click twice!

2008-03-24 Thread Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]

My code:

div class=categorytitleHealth Status or Disease/div
div class=topiccount
54 Topics span class=clicktoview- Click To View/span
div class=topiclist
div class=twocols
li style=display: list-item;
input class=check value=1
name=topicid id=topic_1 type=checkbox
label class=label for=topic_1Acute
Lung Injury/label
li style=display: list-item;
input class=check value=3
name=topicid id=topic_3 type=checkbox
label class=label
for=topic_3Agricultural Workers' Diseases/label
div class=twocols
li style=display: list-item;
input class=check value=1
name=topicid id=topic_2 type=checkbox
label class=label
li style=display: list-item;
input class=check value=3
name=topicid id=topic_4 type=checkbox
label class=label
for=topic_4Something Else/label

My jQuery:

function () {
   }, function () {


This works - but I have to click on the category title twice!  Argh! :)

What am I doing wrong???  I've been tinkering around with it in Firebug
but getting nowhere fast.


[jQuery] Can't grab text element

2008-03-24 Thread Greg G

I have a web page that renders radio buttons with text after it.  I
want to take that text and wrap a label tag around it but I can't grab
the text.

Here is the HTML:
input type=radio name=RadioField type=hidden value=YYes
input type=radio name=RadioField type=hidden value=NNo

I can get the radio object and I can get an array the radio objects
siblings using (#radio).each( function(){ $(this).siblings ).

I can't get the first sibling that's a text node.  I've tried $
(this).siblings([nodeType=3]) but I don't get anything returned.
I've also tried to loop through the siblings and see what the node
type is but the return value is always undefined.

[jQuery] Re: validation works in firefox but not in IE

2008-03-24 Thread Ariel
OK nevermind. after taking a break for a while and coming back, i
immediately found the exra comma in there. although, in my defense,
neither firebug nor webdeveloper toolbar fond the syntax error either.

On Mar 23, 10:54 pm, Ariel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a form set up with the validator plugin (ver 1.2.1) and
 jquery(1.2.2) and the whole thing works perfectly in firefox 3b4, but
 when i fire up IE (any version) i get a alert box with the following
 message: Error: Expected Identifier, string or number. when i hit
 debug IE throws me to the postalcode definition in the rules section,
 and i can't figure out what might be going on here.

 There is no other javascript on the page.

 Thank you,


 my code follows:

         script src=lib/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
         script src=lib/jquery.validate.js type=text/javascript/script
         script type=text/javascript
                 jQuery.validator.addMethod(phone, function(value, element) {
                         return this.optional(element) || 
                 }, Must be XXX-XXX-);
                 jQuery.validator.addMethod(zip, function(value, element) {
                         return this.optional(element) || 
                 }, US or Canadian postal code only);
                                 rules: {
                                         firstname: required,
                                         lastname: required,
                                         phone: {
                                                 required: true,
                                                 phone: true,
                                         postalcode: {
                                                 zip: true
                                         email: {
                                 messages: {
                                         firstname: required,
                                         lastname: required,
                                                 required: required,
                                                 phone: XXX-XXX-
                                                 required: required,
                                                 zip: Zip, Zip+4, or Canadian
                                                 required: required,
                                                 email: valid email required
 style type=text/css
 #leadForm label.error{


         form action=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];? method=post
                                 tdlabel for=firstnameFirst 
 id=firstname name=firstname type=text maxlength=20 //td
                                 tdlabel for=lastnameLast 
 id=lastname name=lastname type=text maxlength=20 //td
 for=phonePhone:/label/tdtdinput id=phone
 name=phone type=text maxlength=20 //td
                                 tdlabel for=postalcodePostal 
 id=postalcode name=postalcode type=text maxlength=10 //td
 for=emailEmail:/label/tdtdinput id=email
 name=email type=text  maxlength=80 //td
                                 tdlabel for=besttimetocallBest Time To 
 tdtdselect name=besttimetocall id=besttimetocalloption
 value=1Morning/optionoption value=2Afternoon/optionoption
                                 td/tdtdinput type=submit 
 value=Submit name=submit //

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Plugin - Animation onmouseout

2008-03-24 Thread Adriantr

OK thanks for letting me know

On Mar 24, 9:06 am, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Superfish does not support animations on submenu close. I attempted it
 when I was first creating the plugin but ran into problems when the
 closing submenus were re-hovered. It may be easier to achieve now that
 stop() exists, but I haven't experimented with it yet. Maybe one day.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: How do you restore the defaultValue of select element after a change event?

2008-03-24 Thread Ashley

On Mar 24, 3:08 pm, Jason Huck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If your first option element has an empty value attribute, you can
 do this:



I wish. The XHTML is written dynamically and the selected element is
anywhere in the list.

I'm playing with the defaultSelected property now. I think the answer
is in there. I'll post a follow up when I figure it out.

[jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread motob

The code you listed doesn't have the return false...Add the return
false statement at the end of the .click() function like so...

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#add-image').click(function() {
$('#image-next').clone(true).attr('name', function() {
  return this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
.insertAfter('#image-div :last');

return false;


if you want to use a link to do the same thing, the exact principles
apply, add a return false statement to the click function. So if you
had a link of:
  a href='#' id='add-image'Add New Image Field/a

your script would look like this:
//your $image-next.clone code here...

this.blur; //removes the focus from the link (basically removes
that annoying dotted box).
return false; //prevent link bubbling.

On Mar 24, 3:07 pm, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried inserting a return false; into my jQuery below,
 but it prevented the button from functioning as it needs.

 Here's the jQuery:

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('#add-image').click(function() {
 attr('name', function() {
 this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) 
 + 1);
 .insertAfter('#image-div :last');

 And here's the button HTML:

 button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button

 Got any ideas on how I could modify this?

 I was using a link to add the file fields, but the link
 was refreshing the page and taking me back to the top of the page.


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy
  Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:19 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

  If you're already using jQuery just return false on the submit method for
  the form.

 // do stuff here
 return false;

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
  Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?

  Hi, all...

  I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.

  I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.

  buttonAdd New Image Field/button

  In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want, however, in FF2, the
  button submits the form.

  How can I use the button with form submission?

  I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form without a button,
  nothing on using a button in a form with causing submission...


[jQuery] [treeview] async treeview = reload branche...

2008-03-24 Thread easyMind

I am using the async treeview to list all manageble elements on a
site. This means that if the user edits an item and, for example,
changes its title, this should reflect in the tree. Also moves and
deletes should reflect in the tree.

Because my forms get posted with ajax I need to update the tree
myself. Is there a relativly easy way to reload one or more branches
from server?


[jQuery] grep with new version of jQuery 1.2.3

2008-03-24 Thread cfdvlpr

Here's a line of code that I had written that worked great with
version 1.2.1:

$.grep(priceBreaks, 'a  quantity', true)

How might I write this so that it works with version 1.2.3?

[jQuery] Re: How do you restore the defaultValue of select element after a change event?

2008-03-24 Thread Jason Huck

Oh, duh. You mean whatever their last selection was prior to the
change. Sorry!

Can you pop each successful update into a global var, and then restore
from that when they cancel?

- jason

On Mar 24, 6:22 pm, Ashley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 24, 3:08 pm, Jason Huck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If your first option element has an empty value attribute, you can
  do this:



 I wish. The XHTML is written dynamically and the selected element is
 anywhere in the list.

 I'm playing with the defaultSelected property now. I think the answer
 is in there. I'll post a follow up when I figure it out.

[jQuery] Re: MIssing cursor(caret) for input and textarea

2008-03-24 Thread bazzzman

I have bug with disappearing caret and animation.
I dont know is it same bug about Kaloyan Tsvetkov (Kaloyan Tsvetkov
privet tebe is Vladivostoka ^_^) wrot.
Please check sample file I made in this archive:

Brian Cherne:
 Do you have any sample/simplified code you could share? Also, what browser
 is this happening in?

[jQuery] Re: MIssing cursor(caret) for input and textarea

2008-03-24 Thread Josh Nathanson

This is a known issue with Firefox and absolute positioned divs.  There are 
some workarounds discussed here:


It's been a problem for years, and supposedly it will be fixed in version 3.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: bazzzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 4:24 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: MIssing cursor(caret) for input and textarea

I have bug with disappearing caret and animation.
I dont know is it same bug about Kaloyan Tsvetkov (Kaloyan Tsvetkov
privet tebe is Vladivostoka ^_^) wrot.
Please check sample file I made in this archive:

Brian Cherne:
Do you have any sample/simplified code you could share? Also, what 
is this happening in? 

[jQuery] Re: Can't grab text element

2008-03-24 Thread Karl Rudd

You could loop over the radio buttons using each() and get the next
text node. Untested code follows:

$(':radio').each( function() {
  $( this.nextSibling ).wrap( 'label/label' );

Karl Rudd

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Greg G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a web page that renders radio buttons with text after it.  I
  want to take that text and wrap a label tag around it but I can't grab
  the text.

  Here is the HTML:
  input type=radio name=RadioField type=hidden value=YYes
  input type=radio name=RadioField type=hidden value=NNo

  I can get the radio object and I can get an array the radio objects
  siblings using (#radio).each( function(){ $(this).siblings ).

  I can't get the first sibling that's a text node.  I've tried $
  (this).siblings([nodeType=3]) but I don't get anything returned.
  I've also tried to loop through the siblings and see what the node
  type is but the return value is always undefined.

[jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread Rick Faircloth

Thanks, motob...

I had it in the wrong place.

But now, it works!  :o)


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of motob
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 4:22 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?
 The code you listed doesn't have the return false...Add the return
 false statement at the end of the .click() function like so...
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#add-image').click(function() {
 $('#image-next').clone(true).attr('name', function() {
   return this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
 .insertAfter('#image-div :last');
 return false;
 if you want to use a link to do the same thing, the exact principles
 apply, add a return false statement to the click function. So if you
 had a link of:
   a href='#' id='add-image'Add New Image Field/a
 your script would look like this:
 //your $image-next.clone code here...
 this.blur; //removes the focus from the link (basically removes
 that annoying dotted box).
 return false; //prevent link bubbling.
 On Mar 24, 3:07 pm, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tried inserting a return false; into my jQuery below,
  but it prevented the button from functioning as it needs.
  Here's the jQuery:
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $('#add-image').click(function() {
  attr('name', function() {
  this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s,
 p1, p2) {
  return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 
  10) + 1);
  .insertAfter('#image-div :last');
  And here's the button HTML:
  button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button
  Got any ideas on how I could modify this?
  I was using a link to add the file fields, but the link
  was refreshing the page and taking me back to the top of the page.
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
   Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:19 PM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?
   If you're already using jQuery just return false on the submit method for
   the form.
  // do stuff here
  return false;
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
   Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 PM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?
   Hi, all...
   I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.
   I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.
   buttonAdd New Image Field/button
   In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want, however, in FF2, 
   button submits the form.
   How can I use the button with form submission?
   I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form without a button,
   nothing on using a button in a form with causing submission...

[jQuery] IE re-applies percentage widths on each event.

2008-03-24 Thread Jason Huck

Hi all,

I'm trying to finish up a little plugin to create a sortable combo-
select input from a single select input. It works great in Firefox,
Safari, and Opera, but in IE (any version), every time you move an
option, the select inputs decrease in width, until they completely
disappear. It looks like maybe it's re-applying the percentage width
within the current width each time. This seems really odd to me since
I'm not manipulating the styles of these elements in any way.

If I switch to fixed pixel widths in the CSS, it's fine. I was just
trying to make the default CSS as flexible as possible.

Here's an example:

Any thoughts?


[jQuery] Re: Can't assign variable content to some element border color in IE (very weird problem)

2008-03-24 Thread Nazgulled

Anyone please... This is really making me mad and I have no clue on
how to fix this stupid bug that shouldn't be happening.

If anyone as any idea, please, let me now... :(

Nazgulled wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'm having this strange problem with IE that I don't know how to fix.
 Tried countless things, but neither worked and I just can't understand
 why this is happening, it makes no sense to me.

 First things first... To assign a color to some element border I do
 the following which works fine:
 $('id#element').css('borderColor', '#ff');

 Now let's say I have a variable with that string, something like this
 that also works fine:
 var color = '#ff';
 $('id#element').css('borderColor', color);

 Now the real problem. On my original code, I have something like the
 above example, the only difference is that the color variable is not
 manually assigned like in the example. I have a function that grabs
 some colors from an external stylesheet, puts them into an array and
 returns the array.

 That function is called getColorsFromCSS and the code is the
 getColorsFromCSS: function(cssElement) {
   var cssRules, cssSelector;
   var colors = [];

   // Which CSS rules are available in the browser?
   if (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules) {
   cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
   } else {
   cssRules = document.styleSheets[0].rules;

   // Double check if the CSS rules are really available
   if (cssRules) {
   // Loops through each CSS selector
   for (var i = 0; i  cssRules.length; i++) {
   cssSelector = cssRules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase();

   // Get colors from which CSS elements?
   if (cssElement == 'links') {
   // Gets the color value for a specific selector
   switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, )) {
   case ul#cp-block-items a:link:
   colors[0] = 
   case ul#cp-block-items a:hover:
   colors[1] = 
   case div#content a:link:
   colors[2] = 
   case div#content a:hover:
   colors[3] = 

   if(colors.length == 4) return colors;
   } else if (cssElement.indexOf('popup') == 0) {
   // Gets the color value for a specific selector
   switch (cssSelector.replace(/,.+/i, )) {
   case div# + cssElement:
   colors[0] = 
   colors[1] = 

   if(colors.length == 2) return colors;

 Yes, the function is working, meaning the values are retrieved from
 the external CSS and the array is returned with all the values inside
 it. I conformed this by doing an alert(popupColors[0]); before trying
 to set the border color and the output was a string with the color
 value (like the code below).

 And my real code goes like this:
 var popupColors = $.admin.getColorsFromCSS('popup-notice-error');
 alert(popupColors[0]); // This outputs the color value assigned to
 this array index
 $('div#popup-block').css('borderColor', popupColors[0]); // But this
 doesn't work :(

 This is only happening in IE6/7, not on Firefox, Opera 9.26
 and Safari 3.1 (Win).

 Any thoughts on this?

[jQuery] Re: accessing elements with . in their ids without escaping

2008-03-24 Thread Klaus Hartl

Escape like:

'#123.123'.replace(/\./g, '.'); // = #123\\.123


On Mar 24, 7:00 pm, Harald Armin  Massa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am in the process of moving to jQuery.

 One challenge is: many of the relevant IDs of Elements have one or
 more dots within them.

 I read within the FAQ that I can escape them when using the $(#some\
 \.id) selector.

 Is there another possible way, like $().getelementbyid(#123.123) ?
 or is there an escaping-function allready in the wild? Or do I have
 to come up with my own escaping function?

 Best wishes
