[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Repeated AJAX search when selecting a returned value

2008-09-01 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
No, you aren't doing anything wrong. While the implementation may be
less then optimal, the additional request is by design. It ensures
that the selected value really is a valid match.

If you consider that a bug, please file a ticket:


On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Christos Zisopoulos
> Hi,
> I am using the bassistance.de jQuery Autocomplete 1.0.2 plugin with a
> simple server data provider and the following snippet of code:
>   $('input.autocompletable').autocomplete('/my_data_source', {
>   matchContains: true,
>   mustMatch: true,
>   minChars: 2,
>   cacheLength: 1,
>   extraParams: { kind: 'Address' }
>   }).result(function(event, data, formatted) {
> $(this).next().val(data[1]);
>   });
> It all works fine but upon selecting a value (either using the mouse
> or hitting the RETURN key) the INPUT is populated with the value
> returned by the AJAX search, but then the the AJAX request is repeated
> once more this time with the value that just populated the INPUT.
> Any idea why the double GET request? Am I doing something wrong?
> I am on jQuery 1.2.6 and the bassistance.de jQuery Autocomplete 1.0.2
> plugin. Problem occurs across all browsers.

[jQuery] Autorefreshing DIV

2008-09-01 Thread Sir Rawlins

Good morning all,

I have a requirement to automaticly refresh a DIV with some content
from another URL every couple of seconds and was hoping to get your
opinions on how this is best handled.

For instance, I have a div which looks like this:

I dont need a full blown AJAX call as I simply want to fill this div
with the content from a remote file every few seconds, for instance. /

I've currently got a working Spry (sorry for swearing) example on the
page but as part of our move over to jQuery (woohoo) I'm looking for
your thoughts on how best to achieve this!?!

Many thanks for your thoughts guys,


[jQuery] Tabs ui links

2008-09-01 Thread Daniel Beard

Hi everyone,

I am using jQuery UI tabs version 3.0. I am calling the tabs content
via Ajax, but the links inside the tabs don't open inside the tabs,
instead they load into a new page. Is there any way to make my links
load via Ajax into the current tab?



[jQuery] Plugin developement

2008-09-01 Thread mwk

Hi @ all,

i have a problem with the understanding of public methods of an
plugin. Specialy how to create and link them to the plugin.

For example:

$.fn.pluginname = function(options)
var _options = $.extend(
label: "data",
debug : false
}, options || {});

return this.each(function()
// this works, of course
// this too
var data = _options.label;

// private method
function _doSomethingPrivate()


// public method
$.fn.pluginname.doSomethingPublic = function()
// this won't work
// this is not accessible either
var data = _options.label;

Obviously the above code won't work. I've tried several things to get
this working, but had no success.
So please, can somebody explain me this or point me into the right
If this question was aked before (and i'm somehow sure of this, but
had not found something jet) please let me know the Url.
Sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker of this language.


[jQuery] enable/disable to text inputs with checkbox

2008-09-01 Thread Robert Rawlins
Good afternoon guys,


I'm pretty much a jQuery novice and I'm looking for your advice on how to
achieve this task. I have two input fields which I want to be disabled by
default, with a checkbox which is checked. Then, if a user unchecks the
checkbox it will enable the two fields for them to enter data in.


In addition to this, if they enter information into the two fields and then
recheck the box, I would like it to clear any values they entered and
disable them again.


Can anyone offer any pointers or code for this?


Many thanks guys,



[jQuery] Start page load with collapsed DIV

2008-09-01 Thread Boersnoes


Is it possible to have a div collapsed at/before page load so I can
neatly unfold it on page load?

Currently before my form's submit, I slideToggle the result container,
add some "loading" text to it, slideToggle it again and submit the
form. All smooth and quick.
Now when the page comes back it would be neat if I could start with
the same situation as before the submit so the animation seems

Any suggestions?

[jQuery] No response with jQuery Form Plugin in Opera

2008-09-01 Thread Uznick

I have a form, that uploads a file. It is initialized by the following

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#image_upload_button').click(function() {

beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options)
{ alert('sending'); },
success: function(responseText, statusText)
{ alert(responseText); },
dataType: 'html'
return false;

And the form is simple:

Upload image

The problem is that in Opera from 9.27 up to the last available stable
version success event never comes.
In all other browsers (ranging from ie6 and up to firefox 3 and
safari) everything is ok.

Version of jQuery is 1.2.6, jQuery form plugin is 2.12.

[jQuery] Sorting mixed data

2008-09-01 Thread swaroop

Hi all,

  Currently i am working on tablesorter plugin with jqery to sort
column values in a table. My problem is when there is mixed data in a
column like some numbers and "-" (when there is no data to display)
its sorting the digits treating as string. e.g. in a column if the
values are 7, 12, 9, 15, - then it treats 9 as a highest value. When i
sort it it arranges like 9,7,15, 12, -.


[jQuery] Re: Mouseover /Mouseout div issue

2008-09-01 Thread MikeyJ

Perfect! Thx for the prompt reply!

On Aug 31, 6:35 pm, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try using the mouseenter and mouseleave special events.
> $(...).bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(event) {
>   if ( event.type == 'mouseenter' ) {
>     // just entered
>   } else {
>     // just left
>   }
> });
> You can also use the .hover helper method which uses mouseenter and
> mouseleave behind the scenes.
> $(...).hover(fn1, fn2);
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 8:26 PM, MikeyJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I'm working on something similar in functionality to the lexus
> > website.
> > I've got a nav element that shows a large div on mouseover and hides
> > it on mouseout. This div can hold other elements like thumbnails and
> > form fields. When I move the mouse into the div all is well until I
> > move over any other element in the div and then the div hides.
> > How can I keep the div showing no matter where I move the mouse inside
> > of it?
> > Thx,
> > Mike

[jQuery] Re: How to retrieve jQuery.query?

2008-09-01 Thread Tzury

> jQuery.fn.find=function( selector ) {
>   this.query=selector;  //this is the only line you have to modify
>   var elems = jQuery.map(this, function(elem){
>     return jQuery.find( selector, elem );
>   });
>   return this.pushStack( /[^+>] [^+>]/.test( selector ) ||
> selector.indexOf("..") > -1 ?
>     jQuery.unique( elems ) : elems );
> }
> Now you can get the query string:
> $('body .class').prevObject.query  //->'body .class'
> $('body').find('.class').prevObject.prevObject.query  //->'body'
> but
> $('#id').prevObject.query  //->undefined
> $().find('#id').prevObject.query  //->'#id'

here is the final tweak,
(after adding this modified find method)

query = (this.prevObject && this.prevObject.query) || this[0];

I strongly believe that such property should be added to the main
distro of jQuery.
After all, the idea of find-and-modify approach - one of jQuery

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin: more then elements in slideExpr:

2008-09-01 Thread ppblaauw


That solves it all

Will put some examples on http://ddblock.myalbums.biz


On Aug 31, 8:33 pm, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it also possible to use the CSS selectors to select images in a
> > certain class or ID?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > and use 'img .cycle' asslideExprto show only the images with class
> > 'cycle' or
> Yes, but your CSS is not correct.  To select only images with a class
> of "cycle" you would do:
> slideExpr:  'img.cycle'
> Notice that there is no space between "img" and ".cycle".
> TheslideExproption let you specify any jQuery selector for
> identifying slides within the container.
> Mike

[jQuery] Nested Selectors

2008-09-01 Thread SeanCurtis

Hi Guys,

Just wondering how many times you can nest selector functions like
parent, not, has, etc

I tried the following...

(".someDiv .someSpan:parent(:has(input:checked))").addClass("hasSelectedCB");



The first worked, the second returns zero items.

Anyone know if there is a limit to nesting these selectors or Is there
a better way I should be doing this?

[jQuery] Question about the new jQuery website

2008-09-01 Thread Feed

Hello all,

About the new jQuery website, you noticed that it has 3 blue links:

- Lightweight Footprint
- CSS3 Compliant
- Cross-browser

When you hover, it displays a box that stays above the link. I was
looking into the code when I found this:

//cta tooltips

$('#jq-intro li').hover(


$('div.jq-checkpointSubhead').hide().css({'opacity': 0.0001,
'display': 'block'});

$('#jq-intro li').hover(

Now, my question is: why they used a $.browser.msie detection to make
the event different in IE? Why not use the same code for all browsers?
Is there a bug in fadeIn/fadeOut, or maybe fadeTo?

[jQuery] Access Ajax content with jquery DOM

2008-09-01 Thread Saurabh Sharma


Is there any way to access the DOM of ajax result ???... Like ... I
want to access $("#mydiv2").html() . where mydiv2 is in html file
which is loaded using ajax... (my ajax result is html).

I have one more question is it possible to put below code in my ajax
file (which I am going to load using ajax).


// my code here
// -

Thanks in Advance.

[jQuery] XML manipulation

2008-09-01 Thread ChenKaie

Dear all,

is that possible to get a nodevalue including full tags , not merely
eg, I have the following xml data,

empire burlesque

bob dylan




and if there any way by jQuery, once I input $
(myXML).find("cd").toString(), it returns

empire burlesque

bob dylan




cause $(myXML).find("cd").text() only returns below text value..
empire burlesque,  bob dylan, usa, columbia, 1985 

best regards,

[jQuery] Re: best techniques to optimize loading of multiple libraries?

2008-09-01 Thread Alex Weber

Thanks a million Mike!

I hated that code but wasn't sure how to make it better... :)

So just to clear things up, you prefer using document.write() to
insert  tags instead of appending the elements to the DOM:

  var finan = document.createElement('script');
  finan.type = 'text/javascript';
finan.src = 'http://www.mydomain.com/js/mts_finan.js';

i guess its more efficient because you don't have to access the
document object, but any other particular reasons?

Awesome, one huge problem out of the way!

We're currently at a point where our server isn't exactly being
overloaded so i think its safe to host jquery.min on google code and
the plugin (yet to be minified) and custom code possibly combined in 1
file, since there won't be a lot of custom code to begin with.

Also, to satisfy your curiosity, the whole purpose of using the
mts_load.js function is because this code is a part of a banner we're
planning to distribute and host in numerous websites, so a lot of them
won't want scripts other than their own embedded directly, so we found
that calling one simple function (mts_load) that would to all the
dirty work was acceptable with them :)

On Aug 31, 6:59 pm, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Holy moly, that is complicated! No, you don't need to do any of that.
> Even if it were the right approach, it's poorly coded, with the same
> ten-line function duplicated three times, and a completely hard-coded,
> non-generalized way of handing the load sequencing. (What do you do if you
> need to add *another* .js file, or two or three? Add another special load
> function for each one, and another nested callback at the end?)
> My apologies to the developer who coded this - it's nothing personal -
> please don't shoot the messenger!
> Assuming that you want to keep the mts_loader.js file, then all you need to
> do is change it to:
> == mts_loader.js ==
>     function script( url ) {
>         document.write(
>             '