[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread Diego A.
I love it! No non-sense web browsing.
I'll still keep firefox for development of course, but I'll definitelly
recommend it for general use.

2008/9/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is out! :-)

 gianiaz.net - web solutions
 p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
 +39 347 7196482

Diego A.

[jQuery] Select nodes with namespaced attribute

2008-09-03 Thread Luke Van In
I have a similar question to the one I posted here before, except this time
I have no workaround.

I have an xml document as follows:


   name at:datasource=xyzJohn/name



I need to select all nodes that have the (at:datasource) attribute. The CSS3
selector is [at|datasource], but this doesn't seem to work in jQuery. Does
anyone have any advice on how to do this?

Luke Van In

Alio Technologies

[jQuery] Context menus in Opera?

2008-09-03 Thread strangevoices

Does anyone know of a context menu or right-click override (jquery or
otherwise) that works in Opera? I've found that the contextmenu plugin
(http://www.trendskitchens.co.nz/jquery/contextmenu/) works great in
IE and Firefox (though has problems being assigned to hyperlinks), but
none appear to work in Opera.


[jQuery] jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Jochen Kaechelin

Is it possible to use jquery in rails rjs files?

I have a lot of files like:

page[:item].replace_html render :partial = foo
page.call 'update_basket'

I just looked at jquery and I would like to replace all my prototype  

But when I do not include prototype page.call does not work with an  
error message:

Ajax not defined

Is there a way to solve this problem?


[jQuery] a couple jGrowl tweaks

2008-09-03 Thread Josh Rosenthal
Hey Folks,
So... faced with the challenge of how to elegantly display query results on
top of a google map (queries from assorted data services, such as geonames,
etc), I settled on jGrowl.  The look was right, the controls were right...
just a few things I needed to tweak.  I figured I'd post the problems and
solutions in case they're of use to anyone, and in hopes that if someone
knows of a better way to accomplish the same, they might offer advice, as
I'm still rather new to all of this.


0) Retarget jGrowl towards a customDiv with customJGClass.  customJGClass is
then positioned overtop the map.

1) We need to limit how much space jGrowl can take up on the map.  Overflow
could work, but is awkward, ugly, or inelegant.  Better would be if we
simply limit the number of Growls that can appear in the customDiv jGrowl.
 To do this, we use jGrowl's beforeOpen function as follows.

var checkGrowlLimit= function (e,m,o) {
var queryResultsObj =this.find('.jGrowl-notification').slice(1);  //
skip the spaceholder
if (queryResultsObj.length  (o.maxGrowls || 6) ) {


and use jQuery('#customDiv').jGrowl('A

This also supports adding a new option of maxGrowls.

* If we try to make that a while loop, such that setting maxGrowls of 2
would prune away the extra additional growls...  it crashes FF3.  I'm sure
theres an obvious reason why, but I'm missing it.

* We can't support animation on the checkGrowlLimit, because if we used the
closing animations, then spamming the Growler would result in the same growl
being targetted for destruction multiple times... in other words, we could
spam past the limit.

2) However, some of these jsonp queries are multi tiered and take 30-40
seconds.  (Parcel queries, through a geoserver web feature server... first
we query a parcel status layer, response determines if there is data, and if
so, where we should look for it).  Thats entirely too long to go without
showing the user that something is actually happening.  Therefore, we'd like
to show a message or spinner of some brand or another in a Growl, and then
replace it with our data, once the json arrives.

But how can we target a specific Growl?  To do this, we will make use of the
jGrowl's theme options.  Setting a theme simply sets a class for the jGrowl.
 id might be better, but I don't know of any way to set the id of a Growl,
so we'll have to make do with class.

function queryWithFeedback() {
var d = new Date();
var constant = 'arbClass_' +d.getTime() ;

 . {sticky:true,beforeOpen:checkGrowlLimit,theme:constant + ' default'}

makes for a reliably unique class.
After that, once our final query returns, we just declare the growl once,
and then

new message!');

* close and beforeClose will use the original message rather than the new

In any case, those are the tweaks.  They work, but I suspect there are
better ways of handling the issues, and would welcome any feedback/advice.



[jQuery] Jumpy, unpredictable hover() in Firefox

2008-09-03 Thread dazonic

Hi, I've got some hover effects in my menu that go a bit crazy, only
in Firefox. It works fine in Safari (and IE, I'm fairly sure).

// I slimmed this code down, but it's the same..

// Hide submenu only if it's not current, or not parent of current

$(#menu .trigger:not(.current_parent, .current)  ul).hide();

// .trigger will slide open submenu only if it's not current, or not
parent of current

submenuTrigger = $(#menu .trigger:not(.current_parent, .current));

submenu = $(#menu .trigger  ul);

// Open submenu on hover over trigger

submenuTrigger.hover(function() {
}, function() {
  // do nothing
} );

// Close submenu on hover away from #menu

submenuTrigger.parent().hover(function() {
  // do nothing
}, function() {


div id=menu
  lia href=#Home/a/li
  lia href=#Line up/a/li
  li class=trigger current_parenta href=#Competitions/a/li
  li class=currenta href=#Kiteboarding/a/li
  lia href=#BMX/a/li
  lia href=#Skate/a/li
  lia href=#Scooters/a/li
  lia href=#Bikini and Boardshorts/a/li
  lia href=#Coconet Cuties/a/li
  lia href=#Get Involved!/a/li
  lia href=#Accommodation/a/li
  lia href=#Contact Us/a/li


Link: http://coconetclassic.net.au/

Thanks for your help!


[jQuery] Re: every item shown regardless of letter typed

2008-09-03 Thread foxtrot

sorry about the missing code!

it's quite simple:
$(#client).autocomplete(data.json, {
parse: function(data) {
return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
customers = data;
return {
data: row,
value: row.name,
result: row.name
minChars: 2,
width: 263,
formatItem: function(item){
return item.name;

and here is the little json thingy:

name: A,
{name: p1},
{name: p2},
{name: p3}
name: B,
{name: p1},
{name: p2},
{name: p3},
{name: p4},
{name: p5}
name: C,
{name: p1},
{name: p2}

should be easy peasy, shouldn't it?

On 3 Sep, 00:44, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What can cause this?

 that would be your code...  but where and when and how is unknown with
 what little you provide

[jQuery] Needs help with Growl

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can someone please help me implement growl? I am struggling to find
any documention for a simple implementation of this plugin. I have
tried the standard code

script type=text/javascript src=~/javascript/Growl/growl.js/
script type=text/javascript src=~/javascript/Growl/
script type=text/javascript
title: apos;Window.Growl By Daniel Motaapos;,
text: apos;http://icebeat.bitacoras.comapos;,
image: apos;growl.jpgapos;,
duration: 2

which is what the plugin page implies. Technically, all I want is for
it to appear when the page is loaded.  All i keep getting is Syntax
Error. Thanks in advance for any help.

[jQuery] Re: error $ not defined

2008-09-03 Thread Chris

You got it.   here you go.
the file is located in c:/inetpub/wwwroot/domain and the jquery file
is located in c:/inetpub/wwwroot/domain/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript
event.preventDefault(); // prevent the 
default action - which in
the case of a means 'don't go there'
$(this).hide(slow); //Hide the 
element - slowly :)
 $(a).addClass(test); // adds the class 
'test' to ALL a links
$(#orderedlist).addClass(red);  // Add the 
class 'red' to the
element named orederedlist
$(#orderedlist  li).addClass(blue); //Add 
the class 'blue' to
any list item immediately under the id orderedlist
$(#orderedlist  li  ul  
$(#orderedlist  li  ul  
 style type=text/css
 a.test { font-weight: bold; }
 .red {border: 1px solid red;}
 .blue {color:blue;}
 .green {color:green;}
 .purple {color:#663366;}

  pa href=# class=clickmejQuery/a
a href=Link/a/p
  ul id=orderedlist
liThisis my

[jQuery] Autocomplete - every item shown regardless of letter typed

2008-09-03 Thread foxtrot

Oops, sorry aboute the missing code

$(#client).autocomplete(data.json, {
parse: function(data) {
return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
customers = data;
return {
data: row,
value: row.aname,
result: row.name
minChars: 2,
width: 263,
formatItem: function(item){
return item.name;

the html is just a input-field, and the json have this structure:

name: A,
{name: project1},
{name: project2},
{name: project3}
name: B,
{name: project1},
{name: project2},
{name: project3},
{name: project4},
{name: project5}
name: C,
{name: project1},
{name: project2}

On 3 Sep, 00:44, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What can cause this?

 that would be your code...  but where and when and how is unknown with
 what little you provide

[jQuery] Re: need help with opacity

2008-09-03 Thread bobh

Ack, that's a bit of a blow :) Time to rethink my design concept...
Thanks Tom.

On 2 sep, 17:11, Cybernoxa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
          img src=photo.jpg /

  and I'm doing a simple css thing to control theopacity:

  $(div).css({opacity: 0.11});

 Hi Bob - sorry for my english ;)
 As img is a child of div it takes the opacity from it's parent, so
 there's nothing you can do.
 When you set opacity: 1 for img it just mean that it has the same
 opacity as its parent (11%).

 The only thing you can do IMHO is to place the img outside the div and
 position it into right place.

 I hope I helped ;)

[jQuery] Re: best techniques to optimize loading of multiple libraries?

2008-09-03 Thread Alex Weber

Thanks so much Mike!

Got it! :)



On Sep 2, 6:33 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No worries on being pedantic, Alex. If I'd been working 24 hours straight,
 I'd be worried I might understand a critical detail too.

 Yes, I do mean to have you concatenate all of jquery.js along with the
 plugin and your code into a single large .js file, and have your loader.js
 create a dynamic script element to load that single file (or a
 packed/minified/gzipped version of it).

 No, it won't cause you any problems to concatenate jquery.js along with your
 other files. There's nothing special about jquery.js; it's just a .js file
 like any other.

 There is one problem you can run into when you concatenate files. If one
 source file has a missing semicolon at the very end, then when you append
 another file, the JS interpreter may combine statements in a way you didn't

 This shouldn't be a problem for jquery.js and a typical plugin, but it you
 want to be absolutely sure, simply add a ; between each source file. You can
 make that part of a separator line if you want, perhaps like this:


 jquery.js goes here


 Plugin goes here


 Your script goes here


 That way you get a nice visual separation between the scripts, and the extra
 semicolons won't hurt anything.


  From: Alex Weber
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 2:07 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: best techniques to optimize loading of
  multiple libraries?

  Thanks again Mike!

  I reckon I have it down to a 'T' now! :)

  Just one doubt (sorry i've taken so much of your time already!):

  When you say:
  Concatenate all of your scripts into a single file.

  Do you mean the entire jquery library as well?

  Is this feasible?  Like, copy and paste the entire jquery
  library (uncompressed), one plugin, and my custom code into
  one huge .js file and then pack or minify it?
  And host it somewhere fast like cachefly?

  I can see doing this for the plugin and my custom js but
  jquery also seems asking for trouble no?

  Or am i not getting it?  Did you mean dynamically append loader.js
  in the main document body, and then in loader.js have 3
  separate script src? (wait does that even work?)  sorry its
  late here ive been on a crazy reching on 24 hour work bender :S

  Thanks again and sorry for being so pedantic!!


  On Sep 2, 4:40 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Alex Weber

So just to clear things up, you prefer using document.write() to
insert script tags instead of appending the elements to the DOM:

  var finan = document.createElement('script');
          finan.type = 'text/javascript';
                finan.src =

i guess its more efficient because you don't have to access the
document object, but any other particular reasons?

   No, that isn't the reason at all. It's because it makes the
  code much
   simpler. You don't have to write any code to load the
  scripts in their
   proper sequence; it happens automatically. script tags
  are evaluated
   in the order they appear in the source code, and code you add with
   document.write is inserted immediately after the end of the
  script tag
   that does the document.write.

   Dynamically inserting a script element with
   is a great technique - in fact it's the basis for the popular JSONP
   method of cross-domain JSON downloads - but it doesn't
   tell you when the script is loaded. That why your developer
  wrote that
   repeating interval code
   - to check when each script is ready and load the next one
  in sequence.

Awesome, one huge problem out of the way!

   Well, maybe, maybe not... :-) See below...

We're currently at a point where our server isn't exactly being
overloaded so i think its safe to host jquery.min on
  google code and
the plugin (yet to be minified) and custom code possibly
  combined in
1 file, since there won't be a lot of custom code to begin with.

Also, to satisfy your curiosity, the whole purpose of using the
mts_load.js function is because this code is a part of a banner
we're planning to distribute and host in numerous
  websites, so a lot
of them won't want scripts other than their own embedded
so we found that calling one simple function (mts_load)
  that would
to all the dirty work was acceptable with them :)

   When I recommended document.write, I wasn't really thinking
  about the
   whole context. There may be one good reason to use the
  dynamic script
   elements instead. When you document.write the script tags,

[jQuery] Re: jquery validation plugin problem in textarea [validate]

2008-09-03 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
The required method uses $.trim on the value first, before checking
the length. \n is considered whitespace and therefore ignored. So a
textarea that contains nothing but \n is invalid for the required

Does that answer your question?


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I mean is it suppporting the newline (\n) character to be validated
 before passed through to another page?
  because mine doesnt seem to work

 On Sep 2, 11:55 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Work? Like submitting the form when pressing enter in a textarea? How
 is that related to the validation?


 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If users press enter or newline on textareas it doesnt seem work

  On Sep 2, 10:47 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, Jorn here it is 
  appreciate your help and guidance


  On Sep 2, 10:40 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ok one min let me upload..it doesnt seem to pass the value if i use \n

   On Sep 2, 10:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you be more specific, eg. provide a testpage?


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:05 PM, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I usejquery validationplugin from bassistance.de, but everytime i
 use it on textarea, it doesnt work (doesnt pass the value properly).
 Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete - every item shown regardless of letter typed

2008-09-03 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Looks like a typo in your parse implementation:  value: row.aname,
should be  value: row.name,


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 8:32 AM, foxtrot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oops, sorry aboute the missing code

$(#client).autocomplete(data.json, {
parse: function(data) {
return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
customers = data;
return {
data: row,
value: row.aname,
result: row.name
minChars: 2,
width: 263,
formatItem: function(item){
return item.name;

 the html is just a input-field, and the json have this structure:

name: A,
{name: project1},
{name: project2},
{name: project3}
name: B,
{name: project1},
{name: project2},
{name: project3},
{name: project4},
{name: project5}
name: C,
{name: project1},
{name: project2}

 On 3 Sep, 00:44, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What can cause this?

 that would be your code...  but where and when and how is unknown with
 what little you provide

[jQuery] Re: jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Karl Rudd

A quick Google turned up this:


Karl Rudd

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Jochen Kaechelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to use jquery in rails rjs files?

 I have a lot of files like:

 page[:item].replace_html render :partial = foo
 page.call 'update_basket'

 I just looked at jquery and I would like to replace all my prototype

 But when I do not include prototype page.call does not work with an
 error message:

 Ajax not defined

 Is there a way to solve this problem?


[jQuery] Why this simple code doesn't work ?!?

2008-09-03 Thread etnas

Hi, I have this simply code and I don't know where is the problem:

The script:
var data = 'input type=button value=push
class=new_buttonbr /';

function lets_go(){
alert ('hello');

And the HTML:
input type=button id=button value=make a new button /
br /br /br /
div id=test/div

Ok, that's all.
Why when I make a few buttons and click, the alert-box pops as many
times as buttons are below?

Test on Firefox.

How can I resolve this??

Thanks a lot!

[jQuery] Re: jquery validation plugin problem in textarea [validate]

2008-09-03 Thread Andy

Hi Jorn, thanks for replying

What i meant was, if for example, an a'ddress' textarea, users will
input his address and there will must be newline(\n) character there.
It's validated for sure with jquery validation plugin but it doesnt
seem to send the value in the textarea, as it is read as   not as
+ (like on input field). However i have worked around this by adding
a function to be activated in onblur condition. Here's the function :

function doThing(t) {
var v = t.value.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g,  );
t.value = v;

It works, but just want to know if  there are any other way simpler
than this.


On Sep 3, 5:58 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The required method uses $.trim on the value first, before checking
 the length. \n is considered whitespace and therefore ignored. So a
 textarea that contains nothing but \n is invalid for the required

 Does that answer your question?


 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I mean is it suppporting the newline (\n) character to be validated
  before passed through to another page?
   because mine doesnt seem to work

  On Sep 2, 11:55 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Work? Like submitting the form when pressing enter in a textarea? How
  is that related to the validation?


  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If users press enter or newline on textareas it doesnt seem work

   On Sep 2, 10:47 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ok, Jorn here it is 
   appreciate your help and guidance


   On Sep 2, 10:40 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok one min let me upload..it doesnt seem to pass the value if i use \n

On Sep 2, 10:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Could you be more specific, eg. provide a testpage?


 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:05 PM, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I usejquery validationplugin from bassistance.de, but everytime i
  use it on textarea, it doesnt work (doesnt pass the value 
  Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Guy Fraser
Matt Kruse wrote:
 On Sep 2, 2:45 pm, Guyon  Morée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and quite
 a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:
 - 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)

I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed to 
kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb


[jQuery] need to display a number of items based on browser size, before i get to run any js

2008-09-03 Thread Rene Veerman
Hi. Today, i've got a chicken-and-egg puzzle for your enjoyment :)

In order to properly support google indexing of published content hosted by
my CMS', which scales to browser-size, no matter what it is initially or how
the user resizes it.
Adding meta info for the many pictures hosted via my CMS would greatly
increase natural search results.

In order to get them indexed, i need to provide google with URLs that
contain the complete page's content. Pictures and their descriptions

How many thumbnails get displayed is therefore dependent on (initial)
So I need to know the browser size in the _initial_ php call to my site.

To my knowledge, that's impossible. And besides, google (my target audience
for all of this) doesnt execute JS, so i'll have to choose a browsersize for
the user when he comes in no matter what.

I've come up with this workaround that i'd like your comments and potential
improvements on.

In the html of some page that is crawled, i have a link that's sorta like

This should call up a page with a photo-album.

Currently, to get smoother loading graphic-performance, i split up the
rendering of the desktop that holds the photo-album, and the actual
photo-album content. First the desktop (and worker-JS-libs) would be
properly loaded and displayed, then a loading icon displayed in the photo
album, and then the contents of the photo-album loaded. This mechanism is
currently used on the link above.

The best solution i can come up with till now is to pre-load IMGs and
descriptions for a desktop 1024x768 in size, then on running of the
photoalbum js either remove some images or (if i have too few) call my
render_album_contents() again via AJAX with the proper desktop size.

With google analytics i could see what browsersize gets used most, and set
the default to that, to reduce double-calls to the kinda-expensive
render_album_contents() which calls up much meta-info related to the

The main problem i see with this approach is for pagination. The initial
link for the 'next page' button should be a static one per default
browsersize (for google's indexing) but on running it this should change
back to a JS call that takes that particular users' browser size in account.
I guess that could be achieved with the photo-album js changing the link at
pageLoad(), but it could be tricky.

What i'd like to know from you is if you can see any other way to achieve
google-indexing of all pages of a photo-album that resizes to browser size..

[jQuery] Re: Query String Object plugin help

2008-09-03 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Brett,

JavaScript is case-sensitive. You've declared the variable as BlueSky,  
with an uppercase S, but you're referring to it as Bluesky, with a  
lowercase s.

It's been helpful for me to stick to a convention. For my JavaScript  
variables, I use the lower-camel-case convention: start with lowercase  
and then uppercase new words. So if I were writing the variable, I'd  
do it as blueSky. But that's just a personal preference on my part.  
The important thing is to choose a convention and stick to it.


Karl Swedberg

On Sep 3, 2008, at 3:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

First time jQuery user and poster here. I'm trying to grab the value
of a querystring using the Query String Object plugin. Here is my code
(along with some 'curvy corners' jQuery):

  tl: false,
  tr: { radius: 16 },
  bl: { radius: 16 },
  br: false,
  antiAlias: true,
  autoPad: true,
  validTags: [div]
  tl: false,
  tr: { radius: 16 },
  bl: { radius: 16 },
  br: false,
  antiAlias: true,
  autoPad: true,
  validTags: [div]
var BlueSky = $.query.get('BlueSky');
if (Bluesky == 1)

Whenever I load up my page I get 'Bluesky' is undefined. Obviously I
want to check if Bluesky is 1 and hide my ids.

Any ideas where I'm going wrong?


[jQuery] Re: best techniques to optimize loading of multiple libraries?

2008-09-03 Thread Alex Weber

There's quite a few ways! :)

You can use this link to do it directly from your browser:

Or if you're more skeptical the original implementation and ports to
every programming language you can eat with a spoon are here:

Caution: When doing any sort of javascript (or code in general)
compression do test thoroughly before and after... stuff like missing
semicolons (as mentioned by Mike) can really fudge your code! :)

On Sep 3, 12:44 am, viktor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you minify a .js file?

 On Aug 29, 11:04 pm, Bil Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Alex Weber wrote on 8/29/2008 10:15 AM:

   i'd rather use packed then minified though :)

  Use minified, not packed.  Although a packed file is smaller, it's overall 
  performance is worse when compared to minified:

  This means, in the end, that using a minifed version of the code is much 
  faster than the packed one - even though its file size is quite larger.


  - Bil

[jQuery] Re: Why this simple code doesn't work ?!?

2008-09-03 Thread MorningZ

It's because you are rebinding the existing buttons *again* with your
event lets_go

So like you start off with:

| Make a new button |

You create a new button and call lets_go

| Make a new button |

| push |

You push that, and it alerts as it should

Now you add another button

| Make a new button |

| push |

| push |

and after creating that second button, you call your lets_go

function lets_go() {
$('.new_button').click(function() {

Well, for that *first* button, it already had that event attached to
it, so you just attached it again, hence it will run twice!

easy fix, one line to change

function lets_go() {
$('.new_button').unbind(click).click(function() {

that will first clear out any existing click events before adding it
back on

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Andy Matthews

According to a site called GetClicky, Chrome already has 2.8% market share:



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Matt Kruse
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:49 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

On Sep 2, 2:45 pm, Guyon  Morée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and quite 
 a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:
 - 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)

This looks like a bug in Chrome to me. It doesn't escape  characters when
inserting text nodes. I would have to check the specs to be sure that
escaping of  is required.

 - 112: ajax module: jQuery.param() (1, 3, 4)

This appears to be a bad assumption in the jQuery tests.

The code in param() calls:
for ( var j in a )
and makes the assumption that the keys will be returned in the same order
they are specified. This is not an assumption that should be made, so the
test should be changed to allow for the returned string to be in arbitrary
key order.

Otherwise it's great to see that everything else passes! Surely this will be
a browser that will gain user share at some point, IMO, and it's better to
be ahead of the curve than playing catch-up.

Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Andy Matthews

Makes sense because Chrome is based on WebKit just like Safari. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of timothytoe
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 5:49 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

That sounds suspiciously like what Safari does in some cases:


On Sep 2, 2:49 pm, Matt Kruse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 2, 2:45 pm, Guyon  Morée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and 
  quite a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:
  - 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)

 This looks like a bug in Chrome to me. It doesn't escape  characters 
 when inserting text nodes. I would have to check the specs to be sure 
 that escaping of  is required.

  - 112: ajax module: jQuery.param() (1, 3, 4)

 This appears to be a bad assumption in the jQuery tests.

 The code in param() calls:
     for ( var j in a )
 and makes the assumption that the keys will be returned in the same 
 order they are specified. This is not an assumption that should be 
 made, so the test should be changed to allow for the returned string 
 to be in arbitrary key order.

 Otherwise it's great to see that everything else passes! Surely this 
 will be a browser that will gain user share at some point, IMO, and 
 it's better to be ahead of the curve than playing catch-up.

 Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread Andy Matthews
Microsoft can't retire IE6 any more than Ford could retire 1996 Ford
Explorers. It has to be the user's choice. What's a better suggestion is for
WEBSITES to stop supporting IE6 (coding CSS and JS fixes and workarounds)
and encourage people to upgrade on their own.


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of chris thatcher
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:59 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

I hope it's enough for microsoft to retire ie6, but frankly I worry a little
bit about the gas giant that google is becoming.  I can't see any reason
they couldn't simply have given some funding to mozilla and kept providing
their services as is, except... to hone their tracking of my browser
behavior to improve advertisement placement. Firefox is still my sweet
heart, and we're going steady.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I love it! No non-sense web browsing.
I'll still keep firefox for development of course, but I'll definitelly
recommend it for general use.

2008/9/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Is out! :-)

gianiaz.net - web solutions
p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

Diego A.

Christopher Thatcher

[jQuery] Simple Templates

2008-09-03 Thread Andrew Hedges

Introducing a new jQuery plug-in, Simple Templates:


One thing I have missed from my Prototype days (shudder, I know!) is
simple, built-in templating. I know there are other templating
plugins, but I liked the Prototype syntax, so I wrote my own.  It's
only 1009 bytes!


[jQuery] Re: jquery validation plugin problem in textarea [validate]

2008-09-03 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
I still don't get what the actual issue. What do you mean with send?
Sending via Ajax to the server? To a validation method?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Jorn, thanks for replying

 What i meant was, if for example, an a'ddress' textarea, users will
 input his address and there will must be newline(\n) character there.
 It's validated for sure with jquery validation plugin but it doesnt
 seem to send the value in the textarea, as it is read as   not as
 + (like on input field). However i have worked around this by adding
 a function to be activated in onblur condition. Here's the function :

 function doThing(t) {
var v = t.value.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g,  );
t.value = v;

 It works, but just want to know if  there are any other way simpler
 than this.


 On Sep 3, 5:58 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The required method uses $.trim on the value first, before checking
 the length. \n is considered whitespace and therefore ignored. So a
 textarea that contains nothing but \n is invalid for the required

 Does that answer your question?


 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I mean is it suppporting the newline (\n) character to be validated
  before passed through to another page?
   because mine doesnt seem to work

  On Sep 2, 11:55 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Work? Like submitting the form when pressing enter in a textarea? How
  is that related to the validation?


  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If users press enter or newline on textareas it doesnt seem work

   On Sep 2, 10:47 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ok, Jorn here it is 
   appreciate your help and guidance


   On Sep 2, 10:40 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok one min let me upload..it doesnt seem to pass the value if i use 

On Sep 2, 10:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Could you be more specific, eg. provide a testpage?


 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:05 PM, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I usejquery validationplugin from bassistance.de, but everytime i
  use it on textarea, it doesnt work (doesnt pass the value 
  Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Anyone know why mouse position inside div is different in Firefox and IE

2008-09-03 Thread Artzone

I have a div and I want to capture the x and y values when there is a
click inside the div. This works great in Firefox and Safari but the
offset seems to be wrong in IE7.

There's a sample page here:

And this is the function that I'm using to get the x and y values:

var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft + 1;
var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop + 1 ;

  $('#status2').html('x=' + x +', y='+ y);

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Rey Bango

Yep. You probably got that from TechCrunch and I tend to agree with 
their comments that it's a spike due to the newness of the browser and 
can expect to see that figure drop as people go back to using their 
standard browsers.


Andy Matthews wrote:

According to a site called GetClicky, Chrome already has 2.8% market share:



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Matt Kruse
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:49 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

On Sep 2, 2:45 pm, Guyon  Morée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and quite 
a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:

- 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)

This looks like a bug in Chrome to me. It doesn't escape  characters when
inserting text nodes. I would have to check the specs to be sure that
escaping of  is required.

- 112: ajax module: jQuery.param() (1, 3, 4)

This appears to be a bad assumption in the jQuery tests.

The code in param() calls:
for ( var j in a )
and makes the assumption that the keys will be returned in the same order
they are specified. This is not an assumption that should be made, so the
test should be changed to allow for the returned string to be in arbitrary
key order.

Otherwise it's great to see that everything else passes! Surely this will be
a browser that will gain user share at some point, IMO, and it's better to
be ahead of the curve than playing catch-up.

Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Rey Bango

It's funny how quickly people begin to forget how Firefox is the only 
browser to-date that has been able to wrestle any market share from 
Microsoft and force Microsoft back to the standards table.

Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.


Bil Corry wrote:

Guy Fraser wrote on 9/3/2008 5:22 AM:
I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed 
to kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb

Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million Google 
pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either...

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Rey Bango ha scritto:

Yep. You probably got that from TechCrunch and I tend to agree with 
their comments that it's a spike due to the newness of the browser 
and can expect to see that figure drop as people go back to using 
their standard browsers.

I've tried chrome, very nice toy and for sure it will cause nightmare to 
all browsers vendors, but can we live without firefox extensions ?

For now I can't change my habits :-)

gianiaz.net - web solutions
p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Andy Matthews

According to getclicky.com, Chrome already has an almost 3% market share:


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:01 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

It's funny how quickly people begin to forget how Firefox is the only
browser to-date that has been able to wrestle any market share from
Microsoft and force Microsoft back to the standards table.

Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.


Bil Corry wrote:
 Guy Fraser wrote on 9/3/2008 5:22 AM:
 I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed 
 to kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb
 Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million 
 Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either...
 - Bil

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Rey Bango

That's a key thing. Firefox has a vast ecosystem of extensions (approx. 
5,000+ add-ons).

And in the interest of full disclosure,I work for Mozilla and I help 
manage Mozilla's Firefox extensions site, http://addons.mozilla.org. :D


Giovanni Battista Lenoci wrote:

Rey Bango ha scritto:

Yep. You probably got that from TechCrunch and I tend to agree with 
their comments that it's a spike due to the newness of the browser 
and can expect to see that figure drop as people go back to using 
their standard browsers.

I've tried chrome, very nice toy and for sure it will cause nightmare to 
all browsers vendors, but can we live without firefox extensions ?

For now I can't change my habits :-)

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Rey Bango

I can see it growing for now. It's new and the whole Net is buzzing 
about it. Not surprising at all.


Andy Matthews wrote:

According to getclicky.com, Chrome already has an almost 3% market share:


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:01 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

It's funny how quickly people begin to forget how Firefox is the only
browser to-date that has been able to wrestle any market share from
Microsoft and force Microsoft back to the standards table.

Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.


Bil Corry wrote:

Guy Fraser wrote on 9/3/2008 5:22 AM:
I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed 
to kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb
Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million 
Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either...

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: AutoComplete

2008-09-03 Thread Shelane

Your data needs to be returned with a \n between each item returned.
If you want to return more information about First and it's all
related to that record, you separate that data with a pipe |




On Jul 21, 5:02 pm, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a JQuery AutoComplete thats gets the value using JSon.
 Using Firebug I see that the values are being returned in the right


 But I get an error:
 value is undefined
 highlight()()JQuery.A...mplete.js (line 409)
 fillList()JQuery.A...mplete.js (line 648)
 display()()JQuery.A...mplete.js (line 666)
 receiveData()JQuery.A...mplete.js (line 316)
 success()()JQuery.A...mplete.js (line 355)
 success()JQuery.js (line 2818)
 onreadystatechange()()JQuery.js (line 2773)
 [Break on this error] return value.replace(new RegExp((?![^...^;]
 +;), gi), strong$1/strong);

 My AutoComplete is as follows:

       $(#Subjects).autocomplete(GetSubjects, {
         autoFill: true,
         cacheLength: 1,
         multiple: true,
         scrollHeight: 200,
         selectFirst: false,
         width: 260,
         parse: function(data) {
                             return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
                                     return {
                                             data: row,
                                             value: row.Value,
                                             result: row.Value
                     formatItem: function(item) {
                             return item.Value;

 What am I doing wrong?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread timothytoe

OK. I think I see.

By the way, I just did some light debugging in Chrome with Firebug
Lite. You can poke around in the DOM, which is nice.

If anyone wants to try it, the best way to do it is with the latest
Firebug Lite (the one that actually FEELS like Firebug, based off the
old Pi debugger). Run it as a bookmarklet.


On Sep 2, 4:52 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From timothytoe
  I'm not 100% sure, but I think you misread Matt's post. Matt
  seemed to be saying the same thing you are--the order of keys
  should not be relied upon.

 If you take out Matt's post, the context for my reply may be more clear...

   From: Guy Fraser
   I've never seen an ECMA script compiler (JS, AS, etc)
   that doesn't iterate through named references in the
   expected order?
  From: Michael Geary
  But there is no expected order in a for..in loop. Any
  decent JavaScript reference book, such as Flanagan's,
  should point this out...

[jQuery] Re: jquery flot - integers only on x and/or y axis

2008-09-03 Thread faizal iqbaal
did it work for ya

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:31 PM, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 //modiefd ur file copy the code and run it


 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
 style type=text/css

 #graphHolder {
 border: none;
 padding: 0px;
 margin: 10px;
 height: 200px;
 width: 400px;
 font-family: tahoma;
 font-size: 11px;

 #curveData {
 margin: 10px;

 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
 !--[if IE]script language=javascript type=text/javascript

 script type=text/javascript



 $('#curveData input').change(function() {
 var d1 = [];
 $('#curveData tbody tr').each(function() {
 tr = $(this);
 pair = [];
 tr.find('input.price').val()  pair.push( tr.find('input.qty').val(),
 tr.find('input.price').val() )  d1.push( pair );

 var chartOptions={
 yaxis: { min:0 },
 color: #bb,
 data: d1,
 points: { show: true },
 lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
 rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
 } ;

 $.plot($(#graphHolder), [
 yaxis: { min:0 },
 color: #bb,
 data: d1,
 points: { show: true },
 lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
 rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
 $.plot($(#graphHolder), [{ data: d1,
 color:#bb}],$.extend(true, {}, chartOptions, {yaxis: { min: 0 }}));



 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=curveData

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price
 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price
 tdinput type=text class=qty

 tdinput type=text class=price
 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price
 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price

 tdinput type=text class=qty
 tdinput type=text class=price


[jQuery] autocomplete onfocus and other dynamic input

2008-09-03 Thread Shelane

Additional Dynamic Input:
I have two input fields. The user types in something in the first
field, then needs to type something in the second field.  That second
field is an autocomplete and needs to send two pieces of info to the
server - the current input and the value of the first field.  Since
the autocomplete is created on the doc ready, if I try to add the
first field in the extraParams liek extraParams: {firstfield: ($
('#firstfield').val())} it sets it as the value at the time the page
loads, which is blank.  So, how do I send it the additional input?

Total results onfocus:
If I set the minChars to 0, it does not do an autocomplete on focus.
However, if I type one letter then delete it, it sends the parameter
as blank.  How can I get it to do it onfocus? (This is in the case
that the user has no idea what to type in this field, but then I would
limit what is returned as they type.)

[jQuery] Re: make a div invisible when it is empty

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Geary

You almost had it there. Your '#header div empty' selector, though, is
looking for elements whose *tagname* is empty, like this:

div id=header
emptynot a valid tag!/empty

The selector you want is '#header div:empty'.



Also, I'm curious: Why are these divs visible in the first place, if they
have no content? I guess there's some CSS that gives them some height and
width or something?

I wonder if you actually want .hide('slow') - maybe just .hide() to hide
them without animation?


 I am Graphic designer and I use Jquery with Moss (sharepoint) 
 CMS Microsoft,  developers of  this gas plant have no sense 
 of aesthetics code and optimization.
 I assumed that with a little magic wand, I was going to do 
 div disappear when they are empty, then yes I could have use 
 easily use.
 empty (), but generates sharepoint nbsp; and I can not 
 delete upstream. This small function is not much in this case.
 script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function () {
$(#header div empty).hide(slow);
  div id=header
div id=Auteur style=nbsp;/div
 div id=Date style=nbsp;/div
 div id=accroche-page style=div dir=/

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread Guy Fraser
Andy Matthews wrote:
 Microsoft can't retire IE6 any more than Ford could retire 1996 Ford 
 Explorers. It has to be the user's choice. What's a better suggestion 
 is for WEBSITES to stop supporting IE6 (coding CSS and JS fixes and 
 workarounds) and encourage people to upgrade on their own.

I think Chrome will sit alongside MSIE - allowing old stuff to be slowly 
retired while all the new stuff is done through Chrome. More verbose 
version: http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb


[jQuery] Simple click event

2008-09-03 Thread byron

I created an email link, that I want invoked (clicked) on page load.
I thought I could simply do:

$().ready(function() {

Do I need to do something else?


[jQuery] Dynamic mask

2008-09-03 Thread Carlos Tavares
Hey All,A problem so bad...
Can I change mask to rich:inputText/? Like this:

h:inputText value=(#any)
rich:jQuery selector=#edt
query=mask('999.999.999-99') !-- here change
to mask('99.999.999/-99') dynamically

[jQuery] Re: Clash between jQuery UI datepicker 1.5.2 and an ASP.net 3.5 CustomValidator

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It works for me. However the syntax Jeff posted is wrong. It should

$(ctl).datepicker({onSelect: function() {}});

On Sep 1, 5:08 pm, tekanet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This doesn't work for me: I can't set the onSelect with that syntax, I
 tried with .bind(onSelect,function(){}) but nothing. Maybe we're
 using different components.. mine is this:


 A further explanation will be much appreciated!

 On Aug 14, 11:16 pm, Jeff J. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I also experienced this error. After playing with a few things, doing
  several searches, and getting far too technical, I discovered a simple

  $(ctl).datepicker(onSelect: function() {});

  Assigning an empty function to the datepicker's onSelect property
  causes the validation function to not be fired on change. It still
  fires appropriately on submit. This potentially isn't the best client
  experience, but it's better than an error, and shouldn't be a problem
  with the datepicker setting the value.

  ~ Jeff J.

  On Jul 29, 6:15 am, Patrick J Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hello everyone,

   I'm experiencing a clash between jQuery UI datepicker 1.5.2 and an
   ASP.net 3.5 CustomValidator.  The problem occurs in Internet Explorer
   7.0, not in Firefox 2.0.  When I change the date using the little drop
   down calendar, IE throws the following error:

   Line 172 'length' has a null value or is not an object

   I did a bit of debugging in both IE and Firefox.  Now, in
   ui.datepicker.js on line 730, the change event is automatically
   triggered once the user selects a day:

   else if (inst.input)
   inst.input.trigger('change'); // fire the change event

   From there, jquery.js on line 2020 triggers the actual event:

   if ( (!fn || (jQuery.nodeName(elem, 'a')  type == click)) 
   elem[on+type]  elem[on+type].apply( elem, data ) === false )
                                   val = false;

   And finally we wind up in the ASP.net javascript, to which I have
   added a few comments.

   function ValidatorOnChange(event) {
       if (!event) {
           event = window.event;
       Page_InvalidControlToBeFocused = null;
       var targetedControl;
       if ((typeof(event.srcElement) != undefined) 
   (event.srcElement != null)) {

   // Internet Explorer always enters this branch.  event.srcElement
   contains a reference to an
   // anchor (tagName = “A”)

           targetedControl = event.srcElement;
       else {

   // Firefox always enters this branch.  event.target contains a
   reference to the input box.

           targetedControl = event.target;
       var vals;
       if (typeof(targetedControl.Validators) != undefined) {
           vals = targetedControl.Validators;
       else {
           if (targetedControl.tagName.toLowerCase() == label) {
               targetedControl =
               vals = targetedControl.Validators;
       var i;

   // Internet Explorer fails on this line, as vals is undefined.

       for (i = 0; i  vals.length; i++) {
           ValidatorValidate(vals[i], null, event);


   I'm afraid I don't really understand javascript well enough to
   determine the reason for the difference in behavior.  Could anyone
   else suggest why this is happening?

   After some Googling, I discovered this forum post which hints at a
   similar problem:


   I refer specifically to jahoog's post where he says: It seems the
   problem in IE is that the '.onchange()' syntax does not pass the event
   information correctly.

   Could that perhaps be the problem here?

   Must appreciated,

   Patrick Collins

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Ca-Phun Ung

Chrome is pretty exciting as it's not just another browser but one that 
sets to up-the-bar. I think it definitely gives other vendors food for 
thought. As to whether it would kill IE? I'm sure it will take some of 
IE's share but only after exhausting FF, Opera and Safari's market... I 
expected this list to be more excited about V8 rather than Chrome itself ;)

-- Ca-Phun Ung
+ http://yelotofu.com

[jQuery] Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-03 Thread Robert Rawlins
Hello Guys,


I'm looking for some help on getting started with a script that'll change
the href attribute of a link dependant on the option selected in a select
box. To add a little 'spice' the challenge the value of the href must be
determined from a set of key value pairs. Let me try and offer an example.


I have a select box like this:


  select name=customer id=customer

option value=1Joe Bloggs/option

option value=2Dave Something/option



And the link which I want to change dependant on the selection looks
something like this:


  a href=/view_customer_company.cfm?company_id=6View Customers


I've highlighted the bits in red which I wish to make dynamic dependant on
the option chosen in the select box. Where I've put 'customers' I want to
dynamically change to the option text, such as 'Joe Bloggs' or 'Dave
Something' and the company_id value I need to pull from a key/value set
using the option value as the key, such as 1 or 2. The key/value pairs look
something like this:



1: 50ccdae0-79bf-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a66

2: 9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849


So, as a quick summation of the expected results, If I select 'Joe Bloggs'
in my select list, I want the link to be changed to:


9a66View Joe Bloggs Company/a


And likewise, if I chose 'Dave Something' in the select list the link would
look like this:


8849View Dave Something Company/a


I'm really a novice with both JavaScript and jQuery for the moment, I'm
learning well but this is a little bit beyond me, especially when you're
looking at working with the key/value paris.


I appreciate any help you can offer and thanks in advance for your time.



[jQuery] superfish indicators

2008-09-03 Thread jess

Hey All!

Yay for swanky drop downs!

I'm implemented super fish drop downs on a site I'm building and I was
wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to do away with the
arrow indicators altogether. They're pushing my layout around, and I
would really just like to rid of them completely without breaking the
code. I tried turning to the background color, but they still take up

The superfish dropdowns I'm using are highlighted here:


Please, any advice would be super appreciated!

Thank you!

[jQuery] New Plugin - Agile Carousel - Looking For FeedBack

2008-09-03 Thread Ed

I just released vAlpha of a JQuery Plugin called agile carousel:


Use Jquery UI effects as slide transitions (plus other, built-in
transitios). Also use JQuery UI easing types.

PHP is used, so you can specify the directory that contains your
slides and your carousel is built according to the settings you enter
(buttons, captions, watermark, etc).

Automatically builds slides from Images, SWF's  HTML docs.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: I don't want to downoad a plugin

2008-09-03 Thread Andy Matthews

Is there a reason you don't want to download the library, or plugins? 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of jjsanders
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:09 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] I don't want to downoad a plugin

Currently I use jQuery and haven't downloaded the library, rather I am using
the online version. So I have a link to my jQuery library.
script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
But now I want to use the UI tabs plugin. (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/
Does anyone know wether it is possible to use this in the same way so that I
don't need to download the package?

[jQuery] Re: I don't want to downoad a plugin

2008-09-03 Thread Mike Alsup

 Currently I use jQuery and haven't downloaded the library, rather I am
 using the online version. So I have a link to my jQuery library.
 script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
 But now I want to use the UI tabs plugin. (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/
 Does anyone know wether it is possible to use this in the same way so
 that I don't need to download the package?


[jQuery] position iframe elements in parent document?

2008-09-03 Thread AstroIvan

I haven't tried this, but I'm wondering if this is even possible.
Dragging a div from an iframe to somewhere outside of it.


[jQuery] Re: superfish indicators

2008-09-03 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Jess,

I'm replying from my iPod so will be brief. The extra space can be
removed by deleting the padding from the .sub-with-ul class (i think
thats what it's called) within superfish.css. However, if you still
want to disable the arrows you can set autoArrows to false within the
options object you pass into .superfish() upon initialisation. You can
read about that in the documention for clarification.

Good luck,
Joel Birch

On 04/09/2008, jess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey All!

 Yay for swanky drop downs!

 I'm implemented super fish drop downs on a site I'm building and I was
 wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to do away with the
 arrow indicators altogether. They're pushing my layout around, and I
 would really just like to rid of them completely without breaking the
 code. I tried turning to the background color, but they still take up

 The superfish dropdowns I'm using are highlighted here:


 Please, any advice would be super appreciated!

 Thank you!

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete - every item shown regardless of letter typed

2008-09-03 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Well, when using remote JSON, your server code has to do the
filtering. Your server returns all results, so the autocomplete
displays them all.

Here are several demos with local JSON, which may be closer to what
you are looking for. You can even get the JSON via Ajax, then use it
to initialize the autocomplete:


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:17 PM, JD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is a test: http://aasenboligdesign.no/test/test.htm


 On 3 Sep, 15:43, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Okay. Can you post a testpage?


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:13 PM, JD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi again!

  hehe, it was just a typo from me when I pasted the code... The above
  code should be correct.

  Anyhow, I get all the data from JSON, but if I type D, every single
  item from the file shows in the autocomplete-box.

  Strange... But apart from this obvious error, it works great :-)

  On 3 Sep, 12:59, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Looks like a typo in your parse implementation:  value: row.aname,
  should be  value: row.name,


  On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 8:32 AM, foxtrot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oops, sorry aboute the missing code

  $(#client).autocomplete(data.json, {
  parse: function(data) {
  return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
  customers = data;
  return {
  data: row,
  value: row.aname,
  result: row.name
  minChars: 2,
  width: 263,
  formatItem: function(item){
  return item.name;

   the html is just a input-field, and the json have this structure:

  name: A,
  {name: project1},
  {name: project2},
  {name: project3}
  name: B,
  {name: project1},
  {name: project2},
  {name: project3},
  {name: project4},
  {name: project5}
  name: C,
  {name: project1},
  {name: project2}

   On 3 Sep, 00:44, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What can cause this?

   that would be your code...  but where and when and how is unknown with
   what little you provide

[jQuery] Re: Plugin developement

2008-09-03 Thread Balazs Endresz

It depends on what the public method returns. If it returns the jQuery
object (the 'this' inside the plugin) then you have to call $

If you want to chain your methods directly you have to return 'this'
inside your public methods, which refers to $.fn.pluginname (not to
the jquery object!).
But doing this will prevent you from chaining jquery methods (most of
the plugins are chainable). If you don't like this and would like to
get the jquery object back, you can do that with another public
$.fn.pluginname.returnJQuery = function(){  return _jquery;  }
where _jquery is defined where your _options object: var _jquery=this;
so $().pluginname.doSomethingPublic().doSomethingElse().returnJQuery()
will return the original jQuery object.

The only problem(?) with both is that it's a bit different from how
jQuery is generally used. That's why, I think, the jMaps approach is
somewhat better.

On szept. 3, 14:32, mwk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, thanks to both of you. Wouldn't have thought about such an
 construct. Maybe because i'm not that familiar with javascript at all.
 Somehow i thought you can't access an object while creating it.
 But also the way Balazs was mentioning about jmap looks interesting. I
 will have a closer look into it soon.
 For now i will try out the way mentioned above.
 The only thing i don't like in this solution is, that after calling
 the method u can't add another right after like :


 is there a solution to it, except the way jmap does.

[jQuery] Re: Simple click event

2008-09-03 Thread Karl Swedberg
You can't trigger a link's default action with jQuery, but you can do  
something like this:

$().ready(function() {
  $('#thelink').bind('click', function() {
window.location = this.href;
return false;


Karl Swedberg

On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:41 AM, byron wrote:

I created an email link, that I want invoked (clicked) on page load.
I thought I could simply do:

$().ready(function() {

Do I need to do something else?


[jQuery] csssupport

2008-09-03 Thread Ferenz

I wrote a css 2/3 support plugin:


Call it like this

sorry for my English ...

[jQuery] jQuery + Gears Data Dilemma

2008-09-03 Thread Stan Lemon

An application I've been working on is in the process of trying to
integrate Gears support into itself.  The application is heavily
driven by jQuery, UI and an assortment of plugins.  The support for
gears involves a number of get and set type calls, where data is
retrieved and populated in a form or taken from a form and stored some
where.  We'd like to keep the implementation open enough that down the
road we can work HTML5 support and potentially even Adobe AIR support
into the app.

Right now these particular requests are attached to click() or
submit() handlers in jQuery and fire off various AJAX requests.  I'm
wondering if anyone has come with a good/decent solution to
modularizing these types of requests within jQuery-style javascript
code and what the pattern they use are.  What I am trying to avoid is
a click() handler with conditions for each of the various sources, and
I also need to be able to turn a source off, plugin a different source
and then optionally return back to that first source.

Looking forward to feedback from anyone who's faced this predicament

- Stan

[jQuery] Re: jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Jochen Kaechelin

Am 03.09.2008 um 13:19 schrieb Karl Rudd:

 A quick Google turned up this:


Thanx for this hint . I visited this site yesterday ... but I
could not find any tips to use jquery inside rjs files.

[jQuery] Re: need help with opacity

2008-09-03 Thread turbodurso

Hey bob, you don't necessarily have to rethink your design, just use
transparent png files (tiled for background)

They can now render on all browsers (including IE 5 +) with this
little fix :


Also, this dwld is quite handy for transparent backgrounds:



[jQuery] digitalBush Plugin newbie...losing text onblur()

2008-09-03 Thread Otacon_se


My boss talk to me about Jquery, never done that before. We need to
mask HTML input for phone number and date fields.

So, I found this plugin digitalBush MaskInput and it works great but I
don't know why, i'm losing the data in the field when the input loses
the focus.
  function geredate(id){
$.noConflict( )
   function geretel(id){
$.noConflict( )
Telephone:nbsp;input TYPE=TEXT id=tel
   DDN:nbsp;input TYPE=TEXT id=ddn onclick=geredate('ddn') 

So, if anyone can help me, it would be very appreciate

[jQuery] Re: superfish indicators

2008-09-03 Thread jess


You rock, Joel. Thank you SO much!



On Sep 3, 11:40 am, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jess,

 I'm replying from my iPod so will be brief. The extra space can be
 removed by deleting the padding from the .sub-with-ul class (i think
 thats what it's called) within superfish.css. However, if you still
 want to disable the arrows you can set autoArrows to false within the
 options object you pass into .superfish() upon initialisation. You can
 read about that in the documention for clarification.

 Good luck,
 Joel Birch

 On 04/09/2008, jess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey All!

  Yay for swanky drop downs!

  I'm implemented super fish drop downs on a site I'm building and I was
  wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to do away with the
  arrow indicators altogether. They're pushing my layout around, and I
  would really just like to rid of them completely without breaking the
  code. I tried turning to the background color, but they still take up

  The superfish dropdowns I'm using are highlighted here:


  Please, any advice would be super appreciated!

  Thank you!

[jQuery] Re: jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Klaus Hartl

What about:



On Sep 3, 5:58 pm, Jochen Kaechelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am 03.09.2008 um 13:19 schrieb Karl Rudd:

  A quick Google turned up this:


 Thanx for this hint . I visited this site yesterday ... but I
 could not find any tips to use jquery inside rjs files.

[jQuery] jQuery dollar not defined

2008-09-03 Thread Marlissa Dijkman

I can not find why $ (dollar) is not defined in my code.
This is the include-part:

style type=text/css media=all
@import http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/css/global.css;;
@import http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/thickbox-code/thickbox.css;;
link rel=alternate stylesheet type=text/css href=http://
jquery.com/demo/thickbox/css/1024.css title=1024 x 768 /
script src=http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/js/
jquery- type=text/javascript/script
script src=http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/thickbox-code/thickbox-
compressed.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/js/global.js; type=text/

Still the same error.
I want to call a jquery-thickbox.


[jQuery] different behavior with jquery1.2.6

2008-09-03 Thread asrs63


I have an asp.net (vs2005) web-app.
When i use jquery1.1.4, then, on submitting the form, the background
gets grayed-out and an 'results being generated' image (that i have
put in the asp.net code) gets displayed.

i replaced the 1.1.4 file with 1.2.6, and now the background doesn't
get grayed-out (aspnet code remains same, the only thing i changed was
replacing 1.1.4 with 1.2.6) at all. The image gets displayed but since
the background isn't grayed-out/disabled, the user-controls kind-of
overwrites part of the image.

My OS is XP/SP2. I am just starting to learn jquery, so don't know
much about it.

Any suggestions/advice/pointers?

[jQuery] Re: jquery validation plugin problem in textarea [validate]

2008-09-03 Thread Andy

I meant, why if there is a \n character on textarea, it couldnt send
its value?


On Sep 3, 8:46 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I still don't get what the actual issue. What do you mean with send?
 Sending via Ajax to the server? To a validation method?


 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Jorn, thanks for replying

  What i meant was, if for example, an a'ddress' textarea, users will
  input his address and there will must be newline(\n) character there.
  It's validated for sure with jquery validation plugin but it doesnt
  seem to send the value in the textarea, as it is read as   not as
  + (like on input field). However i have worked around this by adding
  a function to be activated in onblur condition. Here's the function :

  function doThing(t) {
 var v = t.value.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g,  );
 t.value = v;

  It works, but just want to know if  there are any other way simpler
  than this.


  On Sep 3, 5:58 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The required method uses $.trim on the value first, before checking
  the length. \n is considered whitespace and therefore ignored. So a
  textarea that contains nothing but \n is invalid for the required

  Does that answer your question?


  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I mean is it suppporting the newline (\n) character to be validated
   before passed through to another page?
because mine doesnt seem to work

   On Sep 2, 11:55 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Work? Like submitting the form when pressing enter in a textarea? How
   is that related to the validation?


   On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If users press enter or newline on textareas it doesnt seem work

On Sep 2, 10:47 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ok, Jorn here it is 
appreciate your help and guidance


On Sep 2, 10:40 pm, andy prasetyo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ok one min let me upload..it doesnt seem to pass the value if i 
 use \n

 On Sep 2, 10:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Could you be more specific, eg. provide a testpage?


  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:05 PM, andy prasetyo [EMAIL 
  PROTECTED] wrote:

   I usejquery validationplugin from bassistance.de, but 
   everytime i
   use it on textarea, it doesnt work (doesnt pass the value 
   Any suggestions?

[jQuery] shadowbox resize iframe after content loads

2008-09-03 Thread Gordon

On our website I am using a shadowbox to view videos hosted on another
site in the product page window.  The problem is that recently the
company hosting the videos have started providing several different
size of videos.

All the different video pages, however, have an element with an ID of
container as the only child of the body element (in 2 cases it's a
table, in a third a div, but all have an id of container).  I found
that if I can manually resize the shadowbox by getting the clientwidth
and clientheight of the #container element and setting the width and
height of the shadowbox to these values I can get the shadowbox to
perfectly contain the video without excess space.

The problem is that I can't find a way of grabbign the width and
height from within a script and applying the new size.  I tried typing
$('#shadowbox_content').content().find ('#container') into the firebug
console and got a permission denied error.

Additionally, the iFrame doesn't exist until the shadowbox opens, so I
need to find a way to get the iframt content when the iframe loads but
to do it wit han iframe that doesn't exist until the containing
shadowbox opens.

Can anyone help?

The only other solution I have it to just make the shadowbox big
enough to hold any video size, but then there's a lot of white space
in the shadowbox when the video is smaller than this.  Here are a few
pages that use the shadowbox that show the problem:

http://www.pcwb.com/catalogue/item/A0234261 - Biggest size
http://www.pcwb.com/catalogue/item/3DCONX01 - Most 3D Connexion
http://www.pcwb.com/catalogue/item/WAC123 - Most videos on the site
are this size

[jQuery] Re: jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Jochen Kaechelin

Am 03.09.2008 um 18:08 schrieb Klaus Hartl:

 What about:


bong! exactly what i was looking 4! thanx!

[jQuery] jQuery search

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am looking for a jquery plugin that will show the results of a
search form without refreshing the page.

So when someone press search it wont reload the site but will show the
founded results.

Any one now a plugin?


[jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-03 Thread MorningZ

Why wouldn't you just have

select name=customer id=customer
option value=50ccdae0-79bf-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a66Joe
option value=9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849Dave

a id=CompanyLink/a

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
function SetLink() {
   var obj = document.getElementById(#customer);
   obj = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex];
.attr(href, '/view_customer_company.cfm?company_id='
+ obj.value)
.html('View ' + obj.text + ' Company');

deeming the key/value lookup unnecessary?

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin - Agile Carousel - Looking For FeedBack

2008-09-03 Thread MorningZ

Looks like it still needs some work, as looking at the first demo page


going anywhere other than the first image reverts to the first image
(Windows 2003 with FF3 is what i am browsing it with)

Using IE7 for the same demo throws the error next_slide_id is
undefined on line 15

I like the idea though, kinda like a VCR controlled slideshow

[jQuery] Re: jQuery search

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Nelson
Have you tried jqGrid? 



- Original Message 
To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:35:16 AM
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery search


I am looking for a jquery plugin that will show the results of a
search form without refreshing the page.

So when someone press search it wont reload the site but will show the
founded results.

Any one now a plugin?


[jQuery] jCarousel doesn't parse UTF-8 charachters

2008-09-03 Thread markk

I've added some text to images in the jCarousel, but the javascript
doesn't parse and convert the UTF-8 characters in the text. It breaks
the text, or replaces it with ??? characters.

Can someone help please with how to modifiy the javascript code to
make it parse and convert the UTF-8 characters correctly. Thanks in

The javascript code is:

function videos_itemLoadCallback(carousel, state)
// Since we get all URLs in one file, we simply add all items
// at once and set the size accordingly.
if (state != 'init')

jQuery.get('videos', function(data) {
videos_itemAddCallback(carousel, carousel.first,
carousel.last, data);

function videos_itemAddCallback(carousel, first, last, data)
// Simply add all items at once and set the size accordingly.
var items = data.split('[]');

for (i = 0; i  items.length; i++) {
carousel.add(i+1, videos_getItemHTML(items[i]));


function videos_getItemHTML(video_item)
return video_item;

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
scroll: 4,
itemLoadCallback: videos_itemLoadCallback

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread Ryan Zec

I don't think chrome his wanting to compete with firefox.  From what i
read, google as already put a lot of money into firefox so it would
make no sense to build a browser to directly compete with it.  From
what people say, chrome is to compete with MSIE as a simple and easy
to use browser, which currently it is.  the interface of chrome is
very simplistic and it does not seem too offer plug-ins or
themes(yet).  Now maybe it is going to compete with firefox(which i
don't think is a good idea) but i will want until they start adding
themes and plugin to say that.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:58 AM, chris thatcher
 I hope it's enough for microsoft to retire ie6, but frankly I worry a little
 bit about the gas giant that google is becoming.  I can't see any reason
 they couldn't simply have given some funding to mozilla and kept providing
 their services as is, except... to hone their tracking of my browser
 behavior to improve advertisement placement. Firefox is still my sweet
 heart, and we're going steady.

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I love it! No non-sense web browsing.
 I'll still keep firefox for development of course, but I'll definitelly
 recommend it for general use.

 2008/9/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is out! :-)

 gianiaz.net - web solutions
 p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
 +39 347 7196482

 Diego A.

 Christopher Thatcher

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread chris thatcher
I hope it's enough for microsoft to retire ie6, but frankly I worry a little
bit about the gas giant that google is becoming.  I can't see any reason
they couldn't simply have given some funding to mozilla and kept providing
their services as is, except... to hone their tracking of my browser
behavior to improve advertisement placement. Firefox is still my sweet
heart, and we're going steady.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:17 AM, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I love it! No non-sense web browsing.
 I'll still keep firefox for development of course, but I'll definitelly
 recommend it for general use.

 2008/9/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is out! :-)

 gianiaz.net - web solutions
 p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
 +39 347 7196482

 Diego A.

Christopher Thatcher

[jQuery] Re: different behavior with jquery1.2.6

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Geary

There were a number of jQuery API changes between 1.1.x and 1.2.x. If you
find the part of your code that isn't working, you can update it to work
with 1.2.x.

JavaScript debugging tools such as Firebug and the Web Developer Toolbar
will help greatly. In particular, you may find the error simply enabling
Firebug's Console and Script tabs and then loading your page and submitting
the form. With any luck, there will be an error message in Firebug's console
pointing to the error.

You can also probably get your code to work as is by loading the 1.1-1.2
compatibility plugin (after jquery.js and before your code):


Reading the source code for this plugin will also show you the things that
were changed and removed in 1.2; searching for those in your submit code may
turn up something.


 I have an asp.net (vs2005) web-app.
 When i use jquery1.1.4, then, on submitting the form, the 
 background gets grayed-out and an 'results being generated' 
 image (that i have put in the asp.net code) gets displayed.
 i replaced the 1.1.4 file with 1.2.6, and now the background 
 doesn't get grayed-out (aspnet code remains same, the only 
 thing i changed was replacing 1.1.4 with 1.2.6) at all. The 
 image gets displayed but since the background isn't 
 grayed-out/disabled, the user-controls kind-of overwrites 
 part of the image.
 My OS is XP/SP2. I am just starting to learn jquery, so don't 
 know much about it.
 Any suggestions/advice/pointers?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery search

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't think thats what i am looking for. I just look for seome code
to search the database but shows the results without a refresh.

On 3 sep, 18:41, Michael Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried jqGrid?



 - Original Message 
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:35:16 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] jQuery search


 I am looking for a jquery plugin that will show the results of a
 search form without refreshing the page.

 So when someone press search it wont reload the site but will show the
 founded results.

 Any one now a plugin?

 Erwom- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -

 - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

[jQuery] Re: jquery flot - integers only on x and/or y axis

2008-09-03 Thread rolfsf

Yes - thanks Faizal. At least it pointed out the error I was making.
I'm not (currently) using $.extend, but I did separate the data set
options from the other chart options, and put them in a variable. Now
I'm trying to add a select that will allow the user to switch chart
styles - point, line, bar

On Sep 2, 10:19 pm, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 did it work for ya

 On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:31 PM, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  //modiefd ur file copy the code and run it


  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
      style type=text/css

      #graphHolder {
          border: none;
          padding: 0px;
          margin: 10px;
          height: 200px;
          width: 400px;
          font-family: tahoma;
          font-size: 11px;

      #curveData {
          margin: 10px;

          script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
          script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
          !--[if IE]script language=javascript type=text/javascript

          script type=text/javascript



                  $('#curveData input').change(function() {
                      var d1 = [];
                      $('#curveData tbody tr').each(function() {
                          tr = $(this);
                          pair = [];
  tr.find('input.price').val()  pair.push( tr.find('input.qty').val(),
  tr.find('input.price').val() )  d1.push( pair );

                      var chartOptions={
                              yaxis: { min:0 },
                              color: #bb,
                              data: d1,
                              points: { show: true },
                              lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
  rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
                          } ;

                      $.plot($(#graphHolder), [
                              yaxis: { min:0 },
                              color: #bb,
                              data: d1,
                              points: { show: true },
                              lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
  rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
                      $.plot($(#graphHolder), [{ data: d1,
  color:#bb}],$.extend(true, {}, chartOptions, {yaxis: { min: 0 }}));



              table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=curveData

                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price

                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price

                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price
                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price

                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price
                      tdinput type=text class=qty

                      tdinput type=text class=price
                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price

                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price
                      tdinput type=text class=qty
                      tdinput type=text class=price

[jQuery] Re: make a div invisible when it is empty

2008-09-03 Thread Discret

I know was as strange script, in fact I can not change the server
side, so I sought a way to remove the div that contain spaces

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
titletest jquery/title
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.min.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

$('#header div').each(function(i) {
if ($(this).html()=='nbsp;') {



  div id=header
  div id=Auteurnbsp;/div
  div id=Datenbsp;/div
  div id=accroche-pagediv dir=/divnbsp;/div


[jQuery] Re: best techniques to optimize loading of multiple libraries?

2008-09-03 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Sep 3, 2008, at 6:44 AM, viktor wrote:

How do you minify a .js file?


On bottom of the page is link for implementations in several languages.

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Bil Corry

Rey Bango wrote on 9/3/2008 9:01 AM: 

Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.

If your comment is directed to me, then you've misunderstood.  I use Firefox.  
I haven't installed Chrome, nor do I plan to.

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: jquery in rails/rjs files

2008-09-03 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Sep 3, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Jochen Kaechelin wrote:

Is it possible to use jquery in rails rjs files?

JRails should provide drop in replacement for Prototype.


Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Rey Bango

Hi Bill,

I was replying to your comment here:

Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million 
Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either... 

Did I misread this or was it said in a context that I missed?


Bil Corry wrote:

Rey Bango wrote on 9/3/2008 9:01 AM:

Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.

If your comment is directed to me, then you've misunderstood.  I use 
Firefox.  I haven't installed Chrome, nor do I plan to.

- Bil

[jQuery] Two .ajax POSTS not working?

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I have the following code run when a button is clicked:

// Check the username isn't taken
var dataString = 'username='+ username + 'password=' + password;
//alert (dataString);return false;

type: POST,
url: bin/login-check.php,
data: dataString,
success: function(msg) {

  if(msg=='yes') {
  errors = 1;
  $(div#username-error).html('Your username and/or password 
  var username_error = 1;
  return false;
  } else {
// If there are no errors, post the form
if(errors != 1) {

  var dataString2 = 'username='+ username + 'password=' + 
  //alert (dataString);return false;

  type: POST,
  url: bin/login-process.php,
  data: dataString2,
  success: function(msg) { $('#page').html(msg); }
  return false;

But for some reason it isn't running correctly.. If I remove this
piece of code, the rest of the button works so I guess it's to do with
this bit, but I have NO idea why!

Thank you,


[jQuery] Overriding original handler/callback on dependent autocomplete fields

2008-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi. I'm trying to deploy a form with dependent autocomplete fields in
Drupal 6.

The second dependent field is a Drupal node reference field which has
its own callback function specified by a native module. Once the user
has made their first selection, I need to prevent that callback from
happening and execute the custom URI based on a new parameter.

When drupal attaches the autocomplete behavior it checks to see if the
behavior is already set via the autocomplete-processed class so I've
tried unbinding the original handler as well as removing the class
before reattaching the autocomplete behavior.

However, in the following code, the parameter (company) is set but the
new URI is not. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the URI
assignment and also if the unbind and removeClass is the right way to
override the original handler?

$(document).ready(function() {

  $(#edit-field-ticket-company-0-nid-nid).blur(function() {
companyvalue = $(#edit-field-ticket-company-0-nid-
re = /\[nid:(.*)\]/;
resarray = re.exec(companyvalue);
if (resarray) company = resarray[1];

//This line below is wrong ???
 $(#edit-field-ticket-contact-0-nid-nid).value =http://
localhost:/drupal64/intranet/ticket/contact/autocomplete/ +


[jQuery] Re: different behavior with jquery1.2.6

2008-09-03 Thread asrs63

Thanks Mike, for showing three ways to handle this.
Of these 3, first two appears to be non-working (am using IE so not
sure if can use firebug and i tried adding a line for
compatibility .js file that i downloaded, but still the same results).

I guess i will look at the 3rd option that you have listed.


On Sep 3, 1:11 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There were a number of jQuery API changes between 1.1.x and 1.2.x. If you
 find the part of your code that isn't working, you can update it to work
 with 1.2.x.

 JavaScript debugging tools such as Firebug and the Web Developer Toolbar
 will help greatly. In particular, you may find the error simply enabling
 Firebug's Console and Script tabs and then loading your page and submitting
 the form. With any luck, there will be an error message in Firebug's console
 pointing to the error.

 You can also probably get your code to work as is by loading the 1.1-1.2
 compatibility plugin (after jquery.js and before your code):


 Reading the source code for this plugin will also show you the things that
 were changed and removed in 1.2; searching for those in your submit code may
 turn up something.


  I have an asp.net (vs2005) web-app.
  When i use jquery1.1.4, then, on submitting the form, the
  background gets grayed-out and an 'results being generated'
  image (that i have put in the asp.net code) gets displayed.

  i replaced the 1.1.4 file with 1.2.6, and now the background
  doesn't get grayed-out (aspnet code remains same, the only
  thing i changed was replacing 1.1.4 with 1.2.6) at all. The
  image gets displayed but since the background isn't
  grayed-out/disabled, the user-controls kind-of overwrites
  part of the image.

  My OS is XP/SP2. I am just starting to learn jquery, so don't
  know much about it.

  Any suggestions/advice/pointers?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Dana

The lack of a plugin system is a major drawback that will hinder
adoption dramatically, especially among tech crowds. I have tried out
Chrome and admit that I am impressed with it's speed, simplicity and
specs, But I will not be able to even think about using it as a
primary browser till a plugin architecture gets developed and a plugin
community gets built. I am fairly certain this will happen down the
road, unless of course the corporate intra net thing is true. I guess
we will see...

On Sep 3, 7:51 am, Ca-Phun Ung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chrome is pretty exciting as it's not just another browser but one that
 sets to up-the-bar. I think it definitely gives other vendors food for
 thought. As to whether it would kill IE? I'm sure it will take some of
 IE's share but only after exhausting FF, Opera and Safari's market... I
 expected this list to be more excited about V8 rather than Chrome itself ;)

 -- Ca-Phun Ung

[jQuery] Re: jQuery search

2008-09-03 Thread Michael Nelson
Take a look at the loading data demo: http://www.trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html 

You'll still need server side code to actually query the database. That's 
described, along w/ a php sample here (under Tutorial: creating your first 


The server side code can be adapted to pretty much any platform. I'm currently 
using jqGrid with castle monorail. 

- Michael   

- Original Message 
To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:10:55 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery search

I don't think thats what i am looking for. I just look for seome code
to search the database but shows the results without a refresh.

On 3 sep, 18:41, Michael Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried jqGrid?



 - Original Message 
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:35:16 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] jQuery search


 I am looking for a jquery plugin that will show the results of a
 search form without refreshing the page.

 So when someone press search it wont reload the site but will show the
 founded results.

 Any one now a plugin?

 Erwom- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -

 - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Ca-Phun Ung

Ca-Phun Ung wrote:

 I totally agree, a plugin acrhitecture is a must! And it does exist in 
 Chrome! Plugins are referred to quite a bit in this excellent comic 
 strip [1] by Scott McCloud.

Ah, just correcting myself (I hope that's allowed here :)

As for plugins, Chrome will support plugins like Flash and PDF but it 
doesn’t have extensions like those found in Firefox. Google does, 
however, plan to provide an extension API in the future.


The comic strip refers to plugins like Flash etc not what I stipulated 
them to be previously, i.e. extensions. But they are coming by all means!

-- Ca-Phun Ung
+ http://yelotofu.com

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Bil Corry

Rey Bango wrote on 9/3/2008 1:09 PM: 

I was replying to your comment here:

Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million 
Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either... 

Did I misread this or was it said in a context that I missed?

My comment was written in the context of the quote I replied to.  Guy Fraser wrote that 
Chrome was designed to kill MSIE on corporate networks.  If that is the case, 
then the fact that Google will also save money from the conversion of Firefox users 
certainly doesn't hurt either (from Google's perspective).  I was subtly suggesting that 
while it may be accidental that Google is saving itself some revenue, it may also be 
intentional.  It'll be interesting to see if Google ever offers Chrome-only features or 
services, which would entice users to switch to Chrome.

And for the record, my comment was never intended to champion ways to kill 
Mozilla.  Apologies if that's how it read.

- Bil

[jQuery] Re: need help with opacity

2008-09-03 Thread bobh

Yes, I realised this a few hours ago. I was focussing too much on the
solid bg color.

On 3 sep, 17:48, turbodurso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey bob, you don't necessarily have to rethink your design, just use
 transparent png files (tiled for background)

 They can now render on all browsers (including IE 5 +) with this
 little fix :


 Also, this dwld is quite handy for transparent backgrounds:



[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Ca-Phun Ung

Dana wrote:
 The lack of a plugin system is a major drawback that will hinder
 adoption dramatically, especially among tech crowds. I have tried out
 Chrome and admit that I am impressed with it's speed, simplicity and
 specs, But I will not be able to even think about using it as a
 primary browser till a plugin architecture gets developed and a plugin
 community gets built. I am fairly certain this will happen down the
 road, unless of course the corporate intra net thing is true. I guess
 we will see...

I totally agree, a plugin acrhitecture is a must! And it does exist in 
Chrome! Plugins are referred to quite a bit in this excellent comic 
strip [1] by Scott McCloud.

Mozilla have set the bar very high with their plugins system and 
community surrounding it so Google has much work to do in that area. So 
it is a matter of time and only time will tell...

[1] http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/index.html

-- Ca-Phun Ung
+ http://yelotofu.com

[jQuery] Re: Not selector help

2008-09-03 Thread Josh Nathanson

This should do it...


-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Not selector help

I'm looking for the quickest way to uncheck all of the checkboxes on a
page except for one with a given idea. I realize I could uncheck all,
then check one, but I'm curious if I can leverage not: to accomplish
what I want to do?

[jQuery] sorting digits

2008-09-03 Thread Swaroop Patra
Hi all,

 Currently i am working on tablesorter plugin with jqery to sort
column values in a table. My problem is when there is mixed data in a
column like some numbers and - (when there is no data to display)
its sorting the digits treating as string. e.g. in a column if the
values are 7, 12, 9, 15, - then it treats 9 as a highest value. When i
sort it it arranges like 9,7,15, 12, -. Please let me know the solutions.


Thanks and Regards,
Swaroop Kumar Patra
Mobile: +91-9886003849

[jQuery] Not selector help (Solved)

2008-09-03 Thread Brad

How to use :not in the selector was throwing me. Docs were down, but
back up (but very slow).


On Sep 3, 12:57 pm, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for the quickest way to uncheck all of the checkboxes on a
 page except for one with a given idea. I realize I could uncheck all,
 then check one, but I'm curious if I can leverage not: to accomplish
 what I want to do?

[jQuery] make a div invisible when it is empty

2008-09-03 Thread Discret

Good morning,

I am Graphic designer and I use Jquery with Moss (sharepoint) CMS
Microsoft,  developers of  this gas plant have no sense of aesthetics
code and optimization.
I assumed that with a little magic wand, I was going to do div
disappear when they are empty, then yes I could have use easily use.
empty (), but generates sharepoint nbsp; and I can not delete
upstream. This small function
is not much in this case.

script type=text/javascript

   $(document).ready(function () {
   $(#header div empty).hide(slow);


 div id=header
   div id=Auteur style=nbsp;/div
div id=Date style=nbsp;/div
div id=accroche-page style=div dir=/

Can you help me please

[jQuery] Re: Anyone know why mouse position inside div is different in Firefox and IE

2008-09-03 Thread Hamid

I think default browser value for padding  margin issue
difference result.
for same result i put css code like this:
style type=text/css
* {margin: 0; padding: 0}

On Sep 3, 6:41 am, Artzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a div and I want to capture the x and y values when there is a
 click inside the div. This works great in Firefox and Safari but the
 offset seems to be wrong in IE7.

 There's a sample page 

 And this is the function that I'm using to get the x and y values:

         var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft + 1;
         var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop + 1 ;

       $('#status2').html('x=' + x +', y='+ y);

 Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread Karl Swedberg
Chrome also has its own DOM viewer/console. To use it, right-click  
somewhere in the document and choose Inspect Element. Not sure how  
it compares to Firebug Lite, but it's another option.


Karl Swedberg

On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:08 PM, timothytoe wrote:

OK. I think I see.

By the way, I just did some light debugging in Chrome with Firebug
Lite. You can poke around in the DOM, which is nice.

If anyone wants to try it, the best way to do it is with the latest
Firebug Lite (the one that actually FEELS like Firebug, based off the
old Pi debugger). Run it as a bookmarklet.



On Sep 2, 4:52 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From timothytoe
I'm not 100% sure, but I think you misread Matt's post. Matt
seemed to be saying the same thing you are--the order of keys
should not be relied upon.

If you take out Matt's post, the context for my reply may be more  

From: Guy Fraser
I've never seen an ECMA script compiler (JS, AS, etc)
that doesn't iterate through named references in the
expected order?

From: Michael Geary
But there is no expected order in a for..in loop. Any
decent JavaScript reference book, such as Flanagan's,
should point this out...

[jQuery] Re: jquery flot - integers only on x and/or y axis

2008-09-03 Thread faizal iqbaal
cool...let me have the code as well i'll also learn a new approach  or is it
the same url

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:30 PM, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes - thanks Faizal. At least it pointed out the error I was making.
 I'm not (currently) using $.extend, but I did separate the data set
 options from the other chart options, and put them in a variable. Now
 I'm trying to add a select that will allow the user to switch chart
 styles - point, line, bar

 On Sep 2, 10:19 pm, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  did it work for ya
  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:31 PM, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   //modiefd ur file copy the code and run it
   !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
   style type=text/css
   #graphHolder {
   border: none;
   padding: 0px;
   margin: 10px;
   height: 200px;
   width: 400px;
   font-family: tahoma;
   font-size: 11px;
   #curveData {
   margin: 10px;
   script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
   script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
   !--[if IE]script language=javascript
   script type=text/javascript
   $('#curveData input').change(function() {
   var d1 = [];
   $('#curveData tbody tr').each(function() {
   tr = $(this);
   pair = [];
   tr.find('input.price').val()  pair.push( tr.find('input.qty').val(),
   tr.find('input.price').val() )  d1.push( pair );
   var chartOptions={
   yaxis: { min:0 },
   color: #bb,
   data: d1,
   points: { show: true },
   lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
   rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
   } ;
   $.plot($(#graphHolder), [
   yaxis: { min:0 },
   color: #bb,
   data: d1,
   points: { show: true },
   lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
   rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
   $.plot($(#graphHolder), [{ data: d1,
   color:#bb}],$.extend(true, {}, chartOptions, {yaxis: { min: 0
   table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=curveData
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price
   tdinput type=text class=qty
   tdinput type=text class=price

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-03 Thread Jonathan

For those interested in more information on Chrome, checkout their
comic book here:


It does a nice job of explaining some of the thinking behind Chrome. I
have been playing around with it since yesterday and it's great! Super
fast and super simple.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread pedramphp
I wonder how come google load pages half the time that firefox 3.0 does ...
thats so interesting..right now I use firefox for its firebug and plugins
and I use safari 3 because it takes small memory...
it is amazing that CHrone has 3% of hits in the internet

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-03 Thread timothytoe

That was me. I was up all night trying every site I could think of.

On Sep 3, 1:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder how come google load pages half the time that firefox 3.0 does ...
 thats so interesting..right now I use firefox for its firebug and plugins
 and I use safari 3 because it takes small memory...
 it is amazing that CHrone has 3% of hits in the internet

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