[jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

2009-08-20 Thread Ken
without license GPL, MIT. I'm happy when you want to use and develop KFM

2009/8/20 Meroe whme...@gmail.com

 Well yea.  Let's say I want to put this into a commercial app.  I need to
 know the type of license this was released under so I can make a decision
 and be legit  The download has no license information..GPL? MIT?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Ken Phan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:15 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

 u want licensing terms ?

 On Aug 19, 2:54 am, Meroe whme...@gmail.com wrote:
  What are the licensing terms?
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
  Behalf Of Ken Phan
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] KFManager v1.0
  KFManager (Ken's File Manager) is a plugin of jquery. It uses AJAX to
  manage image files in a web browser and it was developed to help
  programmer gently in the file manager. It is easy to use
  demo http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/index.html

Administrator : Ken Phan
Websmater : www.goldengate.com.vn
Listen to music is free :  www.enghe.info
Ajax pagination: www.goldengate.com.vn/pagination
jQuery navigation: www.goldengate.com.vn/navigation
MP3 Ajax Flash webplayer: www.goldengate.com.vn/mp3
Blog me: http://my.opera.com/kenphan19/blog/

[jQuery] Animate just works once?

2009-08-20 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all

I am testing a msn-look-a-like message box.
So, when a message to a user is needed, the message-box shows up and
disapears like a msn-message.
The first time it works very well!
But.starting it for a next time, there is no animation, the
messagebox comes up right away, while after a few seconds it does
disappears the msn-way!

So my question is, what am i doing wrong??
I have tried several solutions (see code below) but none of them
solves my problem!

Thanks in advance for any hints!

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  script src=jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script



  // showing up textblock (animated msn-look)
  $(#block1).animate( { height:200px }, { queue:true, duration:
3000 } )

  // waiting time:
 .animate( { borderLeftWidth:1px},3000 )

  // disapearing textblock (animated msn-look)

// reset something, else next time showing up isn't 
// while disappearing the msn-way still does??

//$this.css( { height:0px } ); // does not solve the 
//$this.css( { height:0px},5000 ); // does not solve 
the problem

//.hide(5000) // does not solve the problem
//.animate( { height:0px},5000 ) // does not solve 
the problem

// new approach: // does not solve the problem

//.slideUp(3000, function () {
  //$this.css( {height:0px});

// this does not solve the problem too:
//$(#block1).css( {height:0px});

  stylediv {
  position: absolute;
border:2px solid red;
right: 0px;
  button {
  button id=go1Show message msn-look/button
  div id=block1msn-look msg.../div

[jQuery] unsubscribe

2009-08-20 Thread Steve Tran

[jQuery] Re: sending form’s button’s value

2009-08-20 Thread Pierre Bellan

i don't use this method to send my datas, but in my opinion, the value of
the element of type button is not get by the serialize method.
If you want to send the value of the button click, you can add that after
the serialize.
As you have a method by button, this works ;)


Maybe val() works on button too, but i'm not sure


2009/8/19 efet efetun...@gmail.com

 User's data posted once user click either of buttons with same
 name=respond different values Confirm and Ignore. My problem
 here, button's values are not posted when I use jquery as in the
 following codes. Is there a way to fix this?

$([name='respond']).live('click', function() {
type: POST,
data: $(this).closest
url: content/requests/index.cs.asp?
success: function(output) {
error: function(xhr){
alert('Request Status: ' +
 xhr.status + ' Status Text: ' + xhr.statusText + ' ' +

div class=tools
form method=post action=content/
 requests/index.cs.asp?Process=RespondRequests id=REQUESTFORM

input type=hidden
 name=REQUESTID value=%=objRequests(REQUESTID)%
input type=hidden
 name=BYID value=%=objRequests(BYID)%
input type=hidden
 name=TOID value=%=objRequests(TOID)%
input type=button
 name=respond value=Confirm class=btn_confirm /
input type=button
 name=respond value=Ignore class=btn_ignore /


[jQuery] jQuery refresh class of elements

2009-08-20 Thread bogdan

Hello, I've recently started using jQuery for a project that uses
selective refreshing of elements on a web page. I found an article
stating that the way to do it would be to just add a line such as the
$(#id).load(location.href+ #id  *,)
in an setInterval function call and the elements will be loaded
accordingly. I tried it and it works, but my question is how does one
do that for a clas of elements. If I were to substitute the #id with
something like element.class how do I prevent each element within that
class to load all the other elements besides itself within the
containing element? If someone has any clue to how this is done or
maybe a workaround to this issue your help would be much appreciated.

[jQuery] Unobtrusive select field replacement?

2009-08-20 Thread Martin Westin

Hi everyone,
I am looking around for a good way to build an unobtrusive replacement
for a select field. I haven't found anything that matches my
requirements (or dreams?). Starting points, suggestions, links... any
help would be greatly appreciated.

I really don't want a groovy custom graphic widget. I just want it to
look like the select is able to display images when the list is popped
up. This is not a multi-select. Just a normal popup-type select.

• Invisible until clicked (so the browser select is visible).
• Displays a pretty standard list of options... only each has a
thumbnail image along with the filename.

My main problems are:
• How to build a select that will somehow hold the extra data needed.
I'd tried to just stick the extra image into the options of the select
but that would make the page invalid html.
• How to deal with mouse-events so the popup list behaves well. Divs
and javascript reminds me of painful times with Movieclips and
Actionscript. :)

As you might guess I have done some tests and am part of the way
there... I thought it would be better to ask for advice now before I
put too much time into it and work in the wrong direction.


[jQuery] Menu - SlideDown SlideUp

2009-08-20 Thread RyanH

Hi all

Im pretty new to the JQuery world, and am trying to modify the
following code so that it slidesDown and slidesUp on hover (mouseover/
mouseout), however the mouseout isnt working properly as it dissapears
completely rather than doing the slideUp effect

JQuery Code:

   function menu(){
   $( #nav li).hover(function(){
 $(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: visible,display:
 $(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: visible, display:


CSS Code:
#nav {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding-left: 8px;

#nav ul {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#nav li {

  margin: 0;
  height: 25px;
  padding: 0;

#nav li a {
  display: block;
  line-height: 44px;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0 20px 0 15px;
  font-size: 13px;
  font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
  color: #00;
  letter-spacing: -1px;

#nav li ul a {
  display: block;
  line-height: 44px;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0 20px 0 15px;
  font-size: 10px;
  font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
  color: #00;
  letter-spacing: -1px;

#nav li ul {
  position: absolute;
  width: 150px;
  top: 42px;
  left: -999em;

#nav li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul {
  left: auto;

#nav li li {
  padding: 0;
  width: 150px;

#nav li li a {
  height: 25px;
  line-height: 25px;
  color: #00F;
  margin: 0;

#nav li li a:hover {
  border-top: 1px solid #131f27;
  background-color: #FFF;

#nav li:hover, #nav li.sfhover {
  position: static;

.lavaLamp {
  position: relative;
  height: 60px;
  padding: 0px 0px 0px 6px;
  overflow: hidden;

.lavaLamp li {
  float: left;
  list-style: none;
   padding-right: 10px;

 #nav li.back {
  background:url(images/Right.gif) no-repeat top right;
  height: 50px;
  z-index: -1;
  position: absolute;
  padding-right: 0px;

 #nav li.back .left {
  background:url(images/Left.gif) no-repeat top left;
  height: 50px;
  margin-right: 21px;
  z-index: -1;

.lavaLampWithImage li a {
  z-index: 10;

#nav ul ul{

#nav li ul ul {
margin:-34px 0 0 151px;

#nav li:hover ul ul, #nav li:hover ul ul ul, #nav li:hover ul ul ul ul

#nav li:hover ul, #nav li li:hover ul, #nav li li li:hover ul, #nav li
li li li:hover ul{

HTML Code:
ul id=nav class=lavaLamp
lia href=#Home/a/li
lia href=#Products/a
   lia href=#Type1/a
   lia href=#Type1.1/a/li
lia href=#Type1.2/a/li
lia href=#Type2/a/li
  lia href=#Contact/a/li

Any help will be appreciated!


[jQuery] Re: overlay does not work in jquery ajax success

2009-08-20 Thread canucklehead

I struggled with this same problem for hours! I just figured it out
this morning. If you download the uncompressed .js file for the
overlay tool you can see what's happening. In the 'constructor' for
the overlay, there is a w.load function that binds the click action
and initializes the rest of the overlay. However, on ajax success the
opportunity for the window.load function to be called has passed! In
order to make this work you need to strip that code out. In the
minimized version its a little harder to find. Essentially what you
need to do is look for the w.load(function(){  {) (in the
uncompressed version).  Leave all the contents of the function, but
remove it from w.load.

Should put this as a note to the tools developers I'd call it a

On Aug 11, 1:21 pm, gabel gabel.del...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I use jQuery Tools and got a strange problem

 (jQuery Tools --http://flowplayer.org/tools/index.html)

 code class=html
                 button type=button rel=#overlay 
                 button type=button rel=#overlay 

 Version where only the static overlay works
 code class=javascript

         $(#overlaystatic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});

         function createoverlay () {
                  var datastring = somedata;

                            type: POST,
                            url: check.php,
                            data: datastring = + datastring ,
                            success: function(msg){





 If I put the overloay code for the dynamicoverlay outside of the ajax
 it works fine
 code class=javascript

         $(#overlaystatic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});

         function createoverlay () {
                  var datastring = somedata;
                            type: POST,
                            url: check.php,
                            data: datastring = + datastring ,
                            success: function(msg){


 $(#overlaydynamic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});





 so why the line
 $(#overlaydynamic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});
 does work in the function but not inside the jquery ajax.

[jQuery] Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
as it moves it certain browsers.

It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
then I'd be interested to hear.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Cycle effects don't work in IE

2009-08-20 Thread TheoSoft

The validation errors was what was causing the problem.

Because I'm pulling the photos from a db, I needed the id number. I
added a p, and then stripped off the p using javascript replace.

Pulled the empty ul out and added it via JQuery before my Cycle

Fully valid and the fade effect works again.

Thanks for looking at it anyway. I knew it didn't validate, but I
didn't think that IE would be so anal about not allowing JQuery to
work properly.


On Aug 18, 11:26 am, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:
 I checked it on a version of IE7 using VMware and am not seeing the
 fade transition working. There are, however, some validation errors
 you may want to clean up.  the id attribute cannot start with a
 number, and it appears that your images for thecyclearea all have
 this in common.

 On Aug 18, 9:48 am, theosoft ccop...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have tried various things to get this to work inIE, and I'm not
  sure why it won't work. The shuffle effect works, but not properly. It
  works in all the other browsers just fine. I've uploaded the code to
  jsbin here:http://jsbin.com/icuko

  I need this solved by the end of the day tomorrow, so if someone wants
  to take a look at it, please let me know what you think.

  I've not loaded everything in there, but it should be enough to give
  you an idea of how it's supposed to to work.

  Thank you.

[jQuery] ajaxSubmit encoding problems

2009-08-20 Thread Fabricio Braga
Hi all,

I have a little problem here with ajaxSubmit when submitting a form.  The
point is that any special characters like á or ç (they are from latin,
portuguese) are going to the server replaced by strange characters, like ç

I`m sure it is just an encoding problem, so how can I set encoding
after ajaxSubmit?

Thanks in advance,
Fabricio Braga

[jQuery] Simple Plugin for jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread ElJayWilson

I am trying to get a handle on creating a jQuery plugin.  I have a
function that I wrote a couple of years ago that returns a formatted
email address.  I want to turn that function into a jQuery plugin.

Here is my function:
function makemailto(email,subject,text)
// Makes a nice mailto link

var returnval;

returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
'?' + email + '/a';

if (subject  text)
returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
'?subject=' + subject +
'' + text + '/a';
else if (subject)
   returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
'?subject=' + subject +
'' + email + '/a';
else if (text)
 returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
'?' + text + '/a';


I cannot seem to figure out how to create a simple plugin that I can
call like this:

$.makemailto('some...@somewhere.com','Subject Here');

Any advice?

LJ Wilson

[jQuery] Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to implement on wordpress with Gr

2009-08-20 Thread bmo...@pushthefuture.org

Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to
implement on wordpress with Graphpaperpress's Modularity theme.

Here it is:

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

   alert('slickBox  JQuery Loaded');

 // hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready
 // (a little sooner than page load)

 // toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-toggle').click(function() {
return false;

// closes the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-close').click(function() {
return false;



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and
scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker
including versions of Lorem Ipsum. smalla href=# id=slick-
toggle name=slick-toggleRead More.../a/small
div class=slickbox !--Start the Slickbox Dropdown--
It is a long established fact that a reader will be 
distracted by
the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point
of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution
of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making
it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and
web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and
a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their
infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by
accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the
like).smalla href=# id=slick-close name=slick-closeClose.../

/div !--End the Slickbox Dropdown--/h2

Now the question is strange because the Alert box isn't even loading
up or anything is there something wrong in the jquery?

[jQuery] Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to implement

2009-08-20 Thread bmo...@pushthefuture.org

Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to
implement on wordpress with Graphpaperpress's Modularity theme.

Here it is:

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

   alert('slickBox  JQuery Loaded');

 // hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready
 // (a little sooner than page load)

 // toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-toggle').click(function() {
return false;

// closes the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-close').click(function() {
return false;



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and
scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker
including versions of Lorem Ipsum. smalla href=# id=slick-
toggle name=slick-toggleRead More.../a/small
div class=slickbox !--Start the Slickbox Dropdown--
It is a long established fact that a reader will be 
distracted by
the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point
of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution
of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making
it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and
web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and
a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their
infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by
accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the
like).smalla href=# id=slick-close name=slick-closeClose.../

/div !--End the Slickbox Dropdown--/h2

Now the question is strange because the Alert box isn't even loading
up or anything is there something wrong in the jquery?

[jQuery] Accordion Flickers in Firefox Only

2009-08-20 Thread Web Dev

Hey guys I seem to be having an issue with the accordion flickering in
Firefox but not in IE. It happens mostly with the Expand All and
Collapse All features. I am thinking it must be my CSS which I have
altered to create a custom box around the content. Can anyone help me
figure this one out? Here is the link to the page:

[jQuery] Novice problem, multiple distinct queries on one page.

2009-08-20 Thread TomB

I hope I'm in the right group this is a first.

My office is new to using Jquery and on this problem we are all
wandering around in the wilderness.
We use IE, sharepoint and are doing web parts. On a single web part we
need to do several queries on a list to fill several select/combo
boxes. The data list I'm working with for self training and to narrow
down the problems is:

1   1A  EMP 1
1   1A  EMP 2
1   1A  EMP 3
1   1B  EMP 4
1   1B  EMP 5
1   1B  EMP 6
1   1C  EMP 7
1   1C  EMP 8
1   1C  EMP 9
2   2A  EMP 10
2   2A  EMP 11
2   2A  EMP 12
2   2B  EMP 13
2   2B  EMP 14
2   2B  EMP 15
2   2C  EMP 16

I need query (1) to fill a select/combo box for PLANT (distinct value)
that then unhides the DEPT select box. I have gotten a query to get
the data and fill the select box but can't seem to find out how to
make the query distinct. (See script below)

Then with the selected value for Plant I needed a query (2) for DEPT.
Followed by a query (3) for related employees.

I can write individual Jquery code to do each list as individual web
parts but writing one script (web part) to do 2 or more queries eludes
me. The query done last is the one that produces a list.

Could someone provide or point me to a example where this is done?

Thanks for your effort and time.

Here is the first query I used for Plant:

script type=text/javascript src=https://psns.imfb.navy.mil/pages/
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
var soapEnv =
soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://
schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' \
soapenv:Body \
 GetListItems xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/
sharepoint/soap/' \
listNameDemo_Test_Data/listName \
viewFields \
ViewFields \
   FieldRef Name='Plant' / \
   FieldRef Name='Dept' / \
   FieldRef Name='Employee' / \
   /ViewFields \
/viewFields \
query \
Query \
   OrderBy \
  FieldRef Name='Plant' / \
  FieldRef Name='Dept' / \
  FieldRef Name='Employee' / \
   /OrderBy \
/query \
 /GetListItems \
/soapenv:Body \

// Tell where the lists is located that is to be read
url: /sites/C1230/C1237/tbbo/_vti_bin/lists.asmx,
type: POST,
dataType: xml,
data: soapEnv,
complete: GetSubjectParams,
contentType: text/xml; charset=\utf-8\

function GetSubjectParams(xData, status) {
$(xData.responseXML).find(z\\:row).each(function() {
var strListItem = option value=
strListItem = strListItem + option value='
strListItem = strListItem + $(this).attr(ows_Plant)
strListItem = strListItem + '
strListItem = strListItem + $(this).attr(ows_Plant)
strListItem = strListItem + /option

//Put data into the list when it is unique and not already

}); // End of function

//Hide the title line so we have more space for data



   Table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
  style=align:left; font-family:Times;
  font-weight:bold; color:black;
  col align=left /

  th colspan=4
 bSite Parameters And Subject Settings/b
 td width=25%nbsp;/td
 td width=25%/td
 td width=25%/td
 td width=25%/td
 td style=background=Khaki
select id=lstPlant
   style=align:left; font-family:Times;
   font-weight:bold; color:black;
   option value=AllAll/option
 td style=background=Tan
select id=lstDept
   style=align:left; font-family:Times;
   font-weight:bold; color:black;
   option value=SomethingSomething/option
 td style=background=Coral
select id=lstEmployee
   style=align:left; font-family:Times;

[jQuery] Re: (Validate) - How to apply validations on dynamically generated forms.

2009-08-20 Thread Gustavo Bauermann

Hello !!!
I have a problem like these but this solution wasnt enough to solve my
problem... if you could help i will be so glad!!

Take a look at my code:

$(function() {
// valida o formulário
// define regras para os campos
rules: {
 floculador.vazao: {
required: true,
number: true,
floculador.comprimento: {
required: true,
number: true,
min: 0.01
}, (so go on...)

JSP: have dynamic input fields starting with just one...so when I add
them and later click to send (and the validate acts) just the first
works fine...
If i click to send and there is just one (the original input field),
and add later the validation gets all fields...

can you help me?

thanks a lot!


On 7 jul, 12:36, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 $(.commForm).each(function() {


 The call to validate works only with the first selected element, so
 you have to do an explicit loop.


 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 3:34 PM, mnaveedmnaveed...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am using the JQuery validation plug in for form validations. My page
  contains a loop in which dynamic forms are generated and within each
  form some text fields are also dynamically generated. I have assigned
  the id and name attributes both to form and fields with dynamically
  appending a value.
  Now I want to apply the validation on all these form, please note that
  each form contains its own submit button.
  I have tried using the following selector,

                 $('[class^=commForm]').validate();  // I assigned a class
  'commForm' to all the dynamic form.
                 $('[id^=commForm]').validate();  // I assigned id which 
  with 'commForm'  to all the dynamic form.
  but none of the above works.

  Can anyone please help me in this?


[jQuery] Getting form field values

2009-08-20 Thread blcArmadillo

I have a simple set of checkboxes:

input name=day1 type=checkbox value=sun / Sun input
name=day2 type=checkbox value=mon / Mon input name=day3
type=checkbox value=tue / Tue input name=day4 type=checkbox
value=wed / Wed input name=day5 type=checkbox value=thu /
Thu input name=day6 type=checkbox value=fri / Fri input
name=day7 type=checkbox value=sat / Sat

When the state of one of them changes I want to check the state of all
of them. So far I have:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(input[name^='day']).change(function () {


My question is how do I get the value of each of the check boxes? It
seems like all the commands I see in the jQuery documentation only
give you the value of the first matched element? Do I have to use some
sort of for loop? Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] new site on the sites using jquery list?

2009-08-20 Thread JGoodrich

Hi all-

It's been a rough month (lots of changes to be made) but, we've
converted a lot of the javascript functions on FunAdvice to use jquery
now :)

Can we get added to this page, please?


[jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

2009-08-20 Thread Cyril Lopez
On your tinyMce page : http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/tinymce.html you have
KFManager for FCKeditor as page label...

Cyril Lopez
Développeur web

2009/8/20 Ken kenpha...@gmail.com

 without license GPL, MIT. I'm happy when you want to use and develop KFM

 2009/8/20 Meroe whme...@gmail.com

 Well yea.  Let's say I want to put this into a commercial app.  I need to
 know the type of license this was released under so I can make a decision
 and be legit  The download has no license information..GPL? MIT?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Ken Phan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:15 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

 u want licensing terms ?

 On Aug 19, 2:54 am, Meroe whme...@gmail.com wrote:
  What are the licensing terms?
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
  Behalf Of Ken Phan
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] KFManager v1.0
  KFManager (Ken's File Manager) is a plugin of jquery. It uses AJAX to
  manage image files in a web browser and it was developed to help
  programmer gently in the file manager. It is easy to use
  demo http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/index.html

 Administrator : Ken Phan
 Websmater : www.goldengate.com.vn
 Listen to music is free :  www.enghe.info
 Ajax pagination: www.goldengate.com.vn/pagination
 jQuery navigation: www.goldengate.com.vn/navigation
 MP3 Ajax Flash webplayer: www.goldengate.com.vn/mp3
 Blog me: http://my.opera.com/kenphan19/blog/

[jQuery] [validate] NOT equal to rule??

2009-08-20 Thread ghuber

re: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/equalTo#other

Is there a way to specify a rule that a field be NOT equal to?


I have a watermark in the name field set as Enter your name - I want
to validate that Enter your name is NOT the value of this field.

Thanks for the help!

[jQuery] any toolkit to validata the 'form' of Json text-string?

2009-08-20 Thread Mead Lai

I just use the Regular Expression, which my friend give me:

function checkJsonFormat(text){
return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(text.replace(/(\
\.|[^\\])*/g, '')));

Well, I can't clear it very much!
And it's only allowed double quotes  but I wanne use single quote '
sometimes in some case.
So any boy can provide the usefull toolkit or idea to check the form
of JSON?

Really Appreciate.
Mead Lai

[jQuery] using attr() on html element

2009-08-20 Thread Terry

I'm trying to turn the border for input fields on (or off).

In my css I have border-style:none, and I want to turn the border back
on if the first input is empty.

$(input[type='text']).each(function() {
  $(this).attr(border-style, inset);

The above code loops through the correct set of text input fields, but
the border is not turned back on?

I've been using jquery for a couple of weeks and use javascript
infrequently, so jquery is very helpful in implementing my projects.

Is the css overiding what I want to happen, or am I not using the attr
() method correctly? I've also tried the opposite in not having css
turn the border off, and use the attr() to turn it off, so it seem
like an attr() usage issue to me?



[jQuery] Get directions on Google map with jquery

2009-08-20 Thread ind1g3n

Hi guys,

I am using a google maps implementation in an asp.net page.
Essentially i have a business with its location shown on a google map
on the page. On the asp.net side i just return instructions based on
the locations properties. let me show you my script

foreach(GoogleMapLocation g in profileElement.GetGoogleMapLocations())
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
if(GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(
%=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude
()%), %=g.GetZoomLevel()%);
var point = new GLatLng(
%=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude()
var freeIcon = new GIcon();
zIcon.image = http://www.mysite.com/
zIcon.shadow = http://www.mysite.com/
zIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 32);
zIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(25, 32);
zIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 31);
zIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9,
zIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint
(18, 25);
var premiumIcon = new GIcon();
FirstIcon.image = http://
FirstIcon.shadow = http://
FirstIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20,
FirstIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(25,
FirstIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10,
FirstIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint
(9, 2);
FirstIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint
(18, 25);
map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point,
{ title: '
%=profileElement.GetTitle().Replace(', \\')%', icon: %=
(profileElement.GetStatus() == ProfileStatus.Premium) ? FirstIcon :
zIcon% }));

div class=rightBoxInside
div id=map_canvas style=width: 250px;
height: 250px/div

so %=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude()% gives me the lat long
for the business. Now i want to add the ability for a user to get
directions (gdir) but im not sure how to do that, can anyone help?
know i need a form entry to collec the users startlocation and a
submit to postback to this page but im not sure how to implement.


[jQuery] jQuery Career Opportunity

2009-08-20 Thread Capitol International

I am currently recruiting for a Front-End Web Developer with solid jQuery
knowledge for an established, highly successful Web 2.0 project to add
additional dynamic elements to the user interface of a commercial web
application. This is an ongoing permanent internal opening with excellent
earning potential, with the possibility of an initial six month freelance
contract. The project is based in Berlin, Germany, the team is international
and the project language is English. Berlin is a well connected, vibrant
capital city with a high standard of living and is very economical compared
to most other European cities.

*If you are not an EU citizen, the company will sponsor the necessary work
permits for the right candidate.*

*Skills requirements:*
Solid knowledge of the jQuery framework
Multiple browser experience
Further desirable experience:*
Agile development methodologies (SCRUM)
Scripting languages, especially Ruby
MVC frameworks, especially Ruby on Rails

If you would like to know more, please reply to this email with your skills
profile or CV, an indication of your current earnings, and the date your
current contract ends or your notice period. Feel free pass this email to
any friends or colleagues who may also be interested - recommendations are
always welcome.

Best regards

Justin JOHN
Web 2.0 Development

CIS - Capitol International Services Ltd
Office: +34 963943500
Mobile: +34 664498120
Fax:+34 961464120
Skype:  justin-john

UK Registered Office:
189 Bickenhall House, Baker Street, London W1U 6BX, United Kingdom European
Sales Office:
Avenida Marques de Sotelo 5-17ª, 46002 Valencia, España

[jQuery] Orange Color is not Visible in Slider Range

2009-08-20 Thread Bluesapphire

Iam newbie to  jQuery UI. Kindly visit following link :


There is slider (with ranges) on top. I just used all default files
and settings.  What I am doing wrong that Orange color is  not visible
between range. Can some one guide me how can Orange Color (Default)
can be put/visible there.

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

Apologies, I missed the link:



http://in.tellig.net/jquery.animateparam/ for an example.

On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
 allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
 original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
 keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
 put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
 example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
 as it moves it certain browsers.

 It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
 3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

 I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
 never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
 to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
 then I'd be interested to hear.

[jQuery] Re: using attr() on html element

2009-08-20 Thread sak

I may be wrong here but don't you want to use the css reference

so it should be $(this).css(border-style, inset);

there is no html attribute called border-style, to style a html tag
you use the style attribute like input type=text style=border-
style: inset

On Aug 20, 3:44 am, Terry tgs154...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I'm trying to turn the border for input fields on (or off).

 In my css I have border-style:none, and I want to turn the border back
 on if the first input is empty.

 $(input[type='text']).each(function() {
   $(this).attr(border-style, inset);


 The above code loops through the correct set of text input fields, but
 the border is not turned back on?

 I've been using jquery for a couple of weeks and use javascript
 infrequently, so jquery is very helpful in implementing my projects.

 Is the css overiding what I want to happen, or am I not using the attr
 () method correctly? I've also tried the opposite in not having css
 turn the border off, and use the attr() to turn it off, so it seem
 like an attr() usage issue to me?



[jQuery] Extend() element then Add() to another element

2009-08-20 Thread robin

I would like to do the following:

var many = $([])

  var one = $('div/div')
  many = many.add(one)

  one.data('stuff') //pass
  one.test() //pass

many.eq(0).data('stuff')   //pass
many.eq(0).test()  //FAIL, test function does not exist

I would like test() to succeed, how can i accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,

[jQuery] Re: overlay does not work in jquery ajax success

2009-08-20 Thread canucklehead

I struggled with this same problem for hours! I just figured it out
this morning. If you download the uncompressed .js file for the
overlay tool you can see what's happening. In the 'constructor' for
the overlay, there is a w.load function that binds the click action
and initializes the rest of the overlay. However, on ajax success the
opportunity for the window.load function to be called has passed! In
order to make this work you need to strip that code out. In the
minimized version its a little harder to find. Essentially what you
need to do is look for the w.load(function(){  {) (in the
uncompressed version).  Leave all the contents of the function, but
remove it from w.load.

Should put this as a note to the tools developers I'd call it a

On Aug 11, 1:21 pm, gabel gabel.del...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I use jQuery Tools and got a strange problem

 (jQuery Tools --http://flowplayer.org/tools/index.html)

 code class=html
                 button type=button rel=#overlay 
                 button type=button rel=#overlay 

 Version where only the static overlay works
 code class=javascript

         $(#overlaystatic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});

         function createoverlay () {
                  var datastring = somedata;

                            type: POST,
                            url: check.php,
                            data: datastring = + datastring ,
                            success: function(msg){





 If I put the overloay code for the dynamicoverlay outside of the ajax
 it works fine
 code class=javascript

         $(#overlaystatic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});

         function createoverlay () {
                  var datastring = somedata;
                            type: POST,
                            url: check.php,
                            data: datastring = + datastring ,
                            success: function(msg){


 $(#overlaydynamic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});





 so why the line
 $(#overlaydynamic).overlay({expose: '#6096D4'});
 does work in the function but not inside the jquery ajax.

[jQuery] click-event-handler for dynamically created a-elements?

2009-08-20 Thread Audrey A Lee


I've been working with jQuery about 20 hours now.

I like it.

I am looking for a demo of putting an a-element inside a div-element.

This seems to work:

  $(#div99)[0].innerHTML = a id='aInDiv99' href='#'I am in div99/

I'd like to handle its click-event.

I wrote this:

$(a#aInDiv99).click(function(event){alert(hello world);});

The click event does not fire when I click 'aInDiv99'

Is there a recipe for writing a click-event-handler for dynamically
created a-elements?

Oh, here is my world:
  - jquery-1.3.2.js
  - Safari 4.0.3
  - Firefox 3.5.2


[jQuery] Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

I have Javascript code that looks like this:

var data1;

$.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

 data1 = data;

   } );

jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
  $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
  $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
saving again./font);


data1 comes up as undefined in the statement

  jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

even though data is a perfectly correct JSON string *inside* the
callback function!  I can put the eval statement inside the callback
function and it will form a good JSON object, like this:

   jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

I'm simply trying to get my Ajax response data to the outside of my
callback function so I can use it in other Javascript code.

Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
behave this way.

[jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

2009-08-20 Thread Sam Sherlock
great work Ken

on the mce page the normal mce manager opens for me - and as Cyril said the
page is title FCK
on the fck page you open KFManager by clicking in the text box above the
editor whereas the mce example does not have a way of opening kfmanager

it would be better to replace normal function of the image icon (and other
media too eg flash) witht the kfmanager

- S

2009/8/20 Cyril Lopez loveisthe...@gmail.com

 On your tinyMce page : http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/tinymce.html you have
 KFManager for FCKeditor as page label...

 Cyril Lopez
 Développeur web

 2009/8/20 Ken kenpha...@gmail.com

 without license GPL, MIT. I'm happy when you want to use and develop KFM

 2009/8/20 Meroe whme...@gmail.com

 Well yea.  Let's say I want to put this into a commercial app.  I need to
 know the type of license this was released under so I can make a decision
 and be legit  The download has no license information..GPL? MIT?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Ken Phan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:15 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

 u want licensing terms ?

 On Aug 19, 2:54 am, Meroe whme...@gmail.com wrote:
  What are the licensing terms?
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com]
  Behalf Of Ken Phan
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] KFManager v1.0
  KFManager (Ken's File Manager) is a plugin of jquery. It uses AJAX to
  manage image files in a web browser and it was developed to help
  programmer gently in the file manager. It is easy to use
  demo http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/index.html

 Administrator : Ken Phan
 Websmater : www.goldengate.com.vn
 Listen to music is free :  www.enghe.info
 Ajax pagination: www.goldengate.com.vn/pagination
 jQuery navigation: www.goldengate.com.vn/navigation
 MP3 Ajax Flash webplayer: www.goldengate.com.vn/mp3
 Blog me: http://my.opera.com/kenphan19/blog/

[jQuery] Re: .html() ignoring updated input value

2009-08-20 Thread resetstudio

Hi guys, thanks for the help!

I have a lighbox that posts via ajax some params.
If there is an error, the window has a back button and on press it
shows the latest saved lighbox content.
If it is a form, then should be already compiled or can be really
annoiyng recompile it...
I could then serialize the inputs and then cycle the form inputs and
fill them with the serialized object... what do you think about it?

On 19 Ago, 03:48, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 You can use serializeArray() to serialize all the form info into an

 For what purpose are you saving the state of the form? Maybe there
 are workarounds depending on what you're trying to achieve.

 On Aug 18, 7:29 am, resetstudio navy...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everybody, how are you?
  I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with
  the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html
  without the updated input fields.

  I have
      input type='text' name='test'/

  and I fill that field with hahahah, on $(div).html() i get input
  type='text' name='test'/ and not input type='text' name='test'

  Can someone help me?

  Tank you!

[jQuery] Re: Detecting Selected Text

2009-08-20 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Chris Jordan ha scritto:

Thanks for the response Richard. I'll check out these links. :o)
Hi, I saw this plugin http://plugins.jquery.com/project/a-tools and I 
remembered this message...

I think it's what you were looking for.


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to implement on wordpress with Gr

2009-08-20 Thread Charlie

try converting "$" to "jQuery" in all of your functions, theme may be
using noConflict 

bmo...@pushthefuture.org wrote:

  Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to
implement on wordpress with Graphpaperpress's Modularity theme.

Here it is:

script type="text/_javascript_"
$(document).ready(function() {

	   alert('slickBox  JQuery Loaded');

 // hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready
 // (a little sooner than page load)

 // toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-toggle').click(function() {
return false;

// closes the slickbox on clicking the noted link
  $('a#slick-close').click(function() {
return false;



		Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and
scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker
including versions of Lorem Ipsum. smalla href="" id="slick-
toggle" name="slick-toggle"Read More.../a/small
div class="slickbox" !--Start the Slickbox Dropdown--
			It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by
the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point
of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution
of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making
it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and
web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and
a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their
infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by
accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the
like).smalla href="" id="slick-close" name="slick-close"Close.../

		/div !--End the Slickbox Dropdown--/h2

Now the question is strange because the Alert box isn't even loading
up or anything is there something wrong in the jquery?


[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread Chrazy

From the looks of it, why don't you use the $.ajax function and do
your stuff on success? Seems like an easier way to structure things.

Sometimes a variable used in a function that you want to use elsewhere
has to be stored somewhere as it won't be recognized globally. Check
http://docs.jquery.com/Core/data#name for more info.

[jQuery] Re: Get directions on Google map with jquery

2009-08-20 Thread Charlie


this requires using ajax ( either jQuery or google code) to
send/retrieve the information which also needs to be tied into gmap
code which is part of the Google map API. Google has to geocode both
locations and return the directions. Once directions returned jQuery
can be helpful for displaying them

If you need someone to put this module together I'd be happy to do it
for you. 

ind1g3n wrote:

  Hi guys,

I am using a google maps implementation in an asp.net page.
Essentially i have a business with its location shown on a google map
on the page. On the asp.net side i just return instructions based on
the locations properties. let me show you my script

foreach(GoogleMapLocation g in profileElement.GetGoogleMapLocations())
script type="text/_javascript_"
$(document).ready(function() {
if(GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(
%=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude
()%), %=g.GetZoomLevel()%);
var point = new GLatLng(
%=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude()
var freeIcon = new GIcon();
zIcon.image = "http://www.mysite.com/
zIcon.shadow = "http://www.mysite.com/
zIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 32);
zIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(25, 32);
zIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 31);
zIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9,
zIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint
(18, 25);
var premiumIcon = new GIcon();
FirstIcon.image = "http://
FirstIcon.shadow = "http://
FirstIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20,
FirstIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(25,
FirstIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10,
FirstIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint
(9, 2);
FirstIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint
(18, 25);
map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point,
{ title: '
%=profileElement.GetTitle().Replace("'", "\\'")%', icon: %=
(profileElement.GetStatus() == ProfileStatus.Premium) ? "FirstIcon" :
"zIcon"% }));

div class="rightBoxInside"
div id="map_canvas" style="width: 250px;
height: 250px"/div

so %=g.GetLatitude()%, %=g.GetLongtitude()% gives me the lat long
for the business. Now i want to add the ability for a user to get
directions (gdir) but im not sure how to do that, can anyone help?
know i need a form entry to collec the users startlocation and a
submit to postback to this page but im not sure how to implement.



[jQuery] Re: Orange Color is not Visible in Slider Range

2009-08-20 Thread Richard D. Worth
You don't have a range slider, you have a multi-handle/value slider, where
the handles can cross each other and are unrelated. And range: true to your
slider init:
  range: true,

See http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider#option-range

Also, since you're specifying values: [75, 300], no need to specify value:

If you have any further questions about slider or another jQuery UI plugin,
note there's a dedicated list for those:


- Richard

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Bluesapphire ahmadsaa...@gmail.com wrote:

Iam newbie to  jQuery UI. Kindly visit following link :


 There is slider (with ranges) on top. I just used all default files
 and settings.  What I am doing wrong that Orange color is  not visible
 between range. Can some one guide me how can Orange Color (Default)
 can be put/visible there.

 Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

The trouble is that the $.post is run asynchronously so anything after
the $.post will be executed before the callback function.

If you want the returned data to be available outside the callback
then it will have to be inside a function which is called from within
your callback method.


 var data1;

$.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

 data1 = data;

   } );
function handle() {
jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
  $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
  $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
saving again./font);

On Aug 19, 11:33 pm, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:
 I have Javascript code that looks like this:

     var data1;

     $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

          data1 = data;

        } );

     jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

     if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
       $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
       $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
 saving again./font);


 data1 comes up as undefined in the statement

   jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

 even though data is a perfectly correct JSON string *inside* the
 callback function!  I can put the eval statement inside the callback
 function and it will form a good JSON object, like this:

    jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

 I'm simply trying to get my Ajax response data to the outside of my
 callback function so I can use it in other Javascript code.

 Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
 behave this way.

[jQuery] Re: any toolkit to validata the 'form' of Json text-string?

2009-08-20 Thread MorningZ

json2.js would help


in particular the .parse method

On Aug 20, 1:42 am, Mead Lai laiqi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just use the Regular Expression, which my friend give me:

 function checkJsonFormat(text){
         return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(text.replace(/(\
 \.|[^\\])*/g, '')));


 Well, I can't clear it very much!
 And it's only allowed double quotes  but I wanne use single quote '
 sometimes in some case.
 So any boy can provide the usefull toolkit or idea to check the form
 of JSON?

 Really Appreciate.
 Mead Lai

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread MorningZ

Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
behave this way. 

That's because $.post (and the resultant $.ajax) isn't ordinary,
it's an asynchronous call and when you hit the line

 jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

the script isn't back from the post call yet

you need to learn about callbacks to better your code to take full
advantage of async behavior

another tip, if you are doing a post and looking to get back JSON,
then use something like:

var Options = {
type = POST,
url = save_search.php,
processData = true,
data = formData,
dataType = json,
success = SaveSearch_Success,
error = SaveSearch_Error

and outside all that, here are your functions outside the ajax call

function SaveSearch_Success(data) {
   // data = your result in JSON already
function SaveSearch_Error(x,y,z) {
   // x.responseText will have server side error message

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

On Aug 20, 7:01 am, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 The trouble is that the $.post is run asynchronously so anything after
 the $.post will be executed before the callback function.

 If you want the returned data to be available outside the callback
 then it will have to be inside a function which is called from within
 your callback method.


  var data1;

     $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

          data1 = data;

        } );
 function handle() {
     jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

     if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
       $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
       $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
 saving again./font);


Sadly, I talready ried this and hit what appears to be another
problem.   handle() (or my equivalent function) came up as undefined
according to Firebug when I tried to call it inside the callback

It may be because my Javascript code is within the body of the HTML
file (due to reasons out of my control) rather than the head.  Maybe
I can't use functions this way inside body.  Or maybe it's same old
asynchronous problem with Ajax.

[jQuery] Re: click-event-handler for dynamically created a-elements?

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

You might also want to check go to http://api.jquery.com and check out
the live method under Events--Live Events.

On Aug 20, 9:43 am, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:
 There are a lot of ways to do this, here are a couple:

 $(#div99).append(a id='alnDiv99' href='#'I am in div99/a).click
 (function(){alert(hello world);});

 $(a/).attr({id:alnDiv99, href:#}).text(I am in div99).click
 (function(){alert(hello world);}).appendTo(#div99);

 On Aug 20, 6:42 am, Audrey A Lee audrey.lee.is...@gmail.com wrote:


  I've been working with jQuery about 20 hours now.

  I like it.

  I am looking for a demo of putting an a-element inside a div-element.

  This seems to work:

    $(#div99)[0].innerHTML = a id='aInDiv99' href='#'I am in div99/

  I'd like to handle its click-event.

  I wrote this:

  $(a#aInDiv99).click(function(event){alert(hello world);});

  The click event does not fire when I click 'aInDiv99'

  Is there a recipe for writing a click-event-handler for dynamically
  created a-elements?

  Oh, here is my world:
    - jquery-1.3.2.js
    - Safari 4.0.3
    - Firefox 3.5.2


[jQuery] Re: using attr() on html element

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

Try borderStyle instead of border-style and you should be okay.

On Aug 19, 10:44 pm, Terry tgs154...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I'm trying to turn the border for input fields on (or off).

 In my css I have border-style:none, and I want to turn the border back
 on if the first input is empty.

 $(input[type='text']).each(function() {
   $(this).attr(border-style, inset);


 The above code loops through the correct set of text input fields, but
 the border is not turned back on?

 I've been using jquery for a couple of weeks and use javascript
 infrequently, so jquery is very helpful in implementing my projects.

 Is the css overiding what I want to happen, or am I not using the attr
 () method correctly? I've also tried the opposite in not having css
 turn the border off, and use the attr() to turn it off, so it seem
 like an attr() usage issue to me?



[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

Try doing this and see if it works:

style type=text/css#msg_div {font-color:red;}/style
$.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {
  jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');
  if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1) {
$('#msg_div').html(Search was saved);
  } else {
$('#msg_div').html(Search was not saved. Try saving again.);
} );

If it works, but you want to be able to reuse the callback Fn, then do
it this way:

style type=text/css#msg_div {font-color:red;}/style
function saveSearchFn(data) {
  jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');
  if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1) {
$('#msg_div').html(Search was saved);
  } else {
$('#msg_div').html(Search was not saved. Try saving again.);
$.post('save_search.php', formData, safeSearchFn);

On Aug 20, 9:34 am, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:
 On Aug 20, 7:01 am, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

  The trouble is that the $.post is run asynchronously so anything after
  the $.post will be executed before the callback function.

  If you want the returned data to be available outside the callback
  then it will have to be inside a function which is called from within
  your callback method.


   var data1;

      $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

           data1 = data;

         } );
  function handle() {
      jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

      if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
  saving again./font);


 Sadly, I talready ried this and hit what appears to be another
 problem.   handle() (or my equivalent function) came up as undefined
 according to Firebug when I tried to call it inside the callback

 It may be because my Javascript code is within the body of the HTML
 file (due to reasons out of my control) rather than the head.  Maybe
 I can't use functions this way inside body.  Or maybe it's same old
 asynchronous problem with Ajax.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

On Aug 20, 6:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
 behave this way. 

 That's because $.post (and the resultant $.ajax) isn't ordinary,
 it's an asynchronous call and when you hit the line

  jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

 the script isn't back from the post call yet

 you need to learn about callbacks to better your code to take full
 advantage of async behavior

 another tip, if you are doing a post and looking to get back JSON,
 then use something like:

 var Options = {
     type = POST,
     url = save_search.php,
     processData = true,
     data = formData,
     dataType = json,
     success = SaveSearch_Success,
     error = SaveSearch_Error};


 and outside all that, here are your functions outside the ajax call

 function SaveSearch_Success(data) {
    // data = your result in JSON already};

 function SaveSearch_Error(x,y,z) {
    // x.responseText will have server side error message


How does this get around the asynchronous problem though?  If I try to
put and use  the JSON object outside of SaveSearch_Success, won't I
hit the same problem I already have?

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread DanWellman

Hey dude,

I never create and add closing elements, jQuery will usually always do
this automatically.

I would just do something like:

$(function() {
  var div = $(div).addClass(scrollablePost);
  $('.page-od-9 .postmetadata').appendTo(div);
  div.insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');

That would be the approach I tried :D

On Aug 20, 3:06 pm, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 Yo guys,

 I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

 Any thoughts?

         $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
         $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

 ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
 you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-20 Thread Xenongasman

Okay, so this work but I got another question...
When the menu is animating down or up, if you move off it jumps to the
end and starts the animation the other way, is there a way to make it
just start sliding up from where it is?

On Aug 13, 5:45 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually the answer is a lot simpler than  I thought and something I
 should have found a lot sooner.
 I just needed to pass in parameters to stop() as is shown below:

 script language=JavaScript
                 $('#menu li').hover(
             function() {


 On Aug 12, 3:58 pm, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:

  perhaps something like unbinding the hover would work


  On Aug 12, 12:29 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

   Any ideas?

   On Aug 8, 2:18 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

Yes it does work fine, except that the animations will repeat
themselves if you move on and off again quickly.
So to remedy that I changed the script to:
script language=JavaScript
                $('#menu li').hover(
            function() {


Then try it and move over one menu then the other very quickly and
you'll see what i explained. And it also adds a artifact in IE7.
I suppose i could leave it as is and not use stop() but I just wanted
to know if someone knew how to fix this.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

On Aug 20, 6:26 am, Chrazy cwolg...@gmail.com wrote:
 From the looks of it, why don't you use the $.ajax function and do
 your stuff on success? Seems like an easier way to structure things.

 Sometimes a variable used in a function that you want to use elsewhere
 has to be stored somewhere as it won't be recognized globally. 
 Checkhttp://docs.jquery.com/Core/data#namefor more info.

Ok.  I didn't know about the $.ajax function.  I'll look into it.

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Liam Potter

Might have something to do with cleartype?

Leonard Martin wrote:

Apologies, I missed the link:



http://in.tellig.net/jquery.animateparam/ for an example.

On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
as it moves it certain browsers.

It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
then I'd be interested to hear.

[jQuery] Re: Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

I think if you reverse the parameters you're passing to stop() then
that should achieve what you're after.

You want to clear the queue (true for first parameter) but stop the
animation where it is, not go to the end (false for second paramter).

On Aug 20, 3:16 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Okay, so this work but I got another question...
 When the menu is animating down or up, if you move off it jumps to the
 end and starts the animation the other way, is there a way to make it
 just start sliding up from where it is?

 On Aug 13, 5:45 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

  Actually the answer is a lot simpler than  I thought and something I
  should have found a lot sooner.
  I just needed to pass in parameters to stop() as is shown below:

  script language=JavaScript
                  $('#menu li').hover(
              function() {


  On Aug 12, 3:58 pm, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:

   perhaps something like unbinding the hover would work


   On Aug 12, 12:29 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

Any ideas?

On Aug 8, 2:18 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes it does work fine, except that the animations will repeat
 themselves if you move on and off again quickly.
 So to remedy that I changed the script to:
 script language=JavaScript
                 $('#menu li').hover(
             function() {


 Then try it and move over one menu then the other very quickly and
 you'll see what i explained. And it also adds a artifact in IE7.
 I suppose i could leave it as is and not use stop() but I just wanted
 to know if someone knew how to fix this.

[jQuery] Re: click-event-handler for dynamically created a-elements?

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

There are a lot of ways to do this, here are a couple:

$(#div99).append(a id='alnDiv99' href='#'I am in div99/a).click
(function(){alert(hello world);});

$(a/).attr({id:alnDiv99, href:#}).text(I am in div99).click
(function(){alert(hello world);}).appendTo(#div99);

On Aug 20, 6:42 am, Audrey A Lee audrey.lee.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've been working with jQuery about 20 hours now.

 I like it.

 I am looking for a demo of putting an a-element inside a div-element.

 This seems to work:

   $(#div99)[0].innerHTML = a id='aInDiv99' href='#'I am in div99/

 I'd like to handle its click-event.

 I wrote this:

 $(a#aInDiv99).click(function(event){alert(hello world);});

 The click event does not fire when I click 'aInDiv99'

 Is there a recipe for writing a click-event-handler for dynamically
 created a-elements?

 Oh, here is my world:
   - jquery-1.3.2.js
   - Safari 4.0.3
   - Firefox 3.5.2


[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

Cheers Dan, but that doesn't close the div class=scrollablePost
properly: http://twitpic.com/el8q8 :[


On Aug 20, 3:15 pm, DanWellman danwell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey dude,

 I never create and add closing elements, jQuery will usually always do
 this automatically.

 I would just do something like:

 $(function() {
   var div = $(div).addClass(scrollablePost);
   $('.page-od-9 .postmetadata').appendTo(div);
   div.insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');


 That would be the approach I tried :D

 On Aug 20, 3:06 pm, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

  Yo guys,

  I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

  Any thoughts?

          $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
          $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

  ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
  you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] jquery license - what do my company have to do

2009-08-20 Thread Antoine Blanchard

Hi everyone,

For the latest project I have lead (which is a java web project) I
have included some jquery,jqueryui and 1 or 2 jquery plugins, knowing
that the MIT license allow us to use it even for commercial use. Now
that the v1 is almost done. We are wondering what exactly we have to
do to be legal.
MIT license says: on the condition that the license is distributed
with that software.
what does that mean exactly?
Do we need to write a line in our docu saying: use jquery,..., which
is under MIT license?
Do we have to write on the pages with our copyright that we use jquery
with the little ©?
Do we have to do something else?
Thanks for the explanations.


[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread MorningZ

and just to note

success = SaveSearch_Success,

should look just like that...

it shouldn't be

success = SaveSearch_Success(),


success = SaveSearch_Success(data),

or *anything else*...  it already knows to pass the resultant JSON
to the function

On Aug 20, 9:34 am, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:
 On Aug 20, 7:01 am, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

  The trouble is that the $.post is run asynchronously so anything after
  the $.post will be executed before the callback function.

  If you want the returned data to be available outside the callback
  then it will have to be inside a function which is called from within
  your callback method.


   var data1;

      $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

           data1 = data;

         } );
  function handle() {
      jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

      if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
  saving again./font);


 Sadly, I talready ried this and hit what appears to be another
 problem.   handle() (or my equivalent function) came up as undefined
 according to Firebug when I tried to call it inside the callback

 It may be because my Javascript code is within the body of the HTML
 file (due to reasons out of my control) rather than the head.  Maybe
 I can't use functions this way inside body.  Or maybe it's same old
 asynchronous problem with Ajax.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread MorningZ

the code i posted should have no problem working as long as it is used
properly... without seeing your actual HTML and where stuff is and
what gets called, it's impossible to help completely.  and the
body/head thing won't matter that much as long as document.ready
is used...  but even that's a guess without seeing what is really
going on with the HTML

On Aug 20, 9:34 am, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:
 On Aug 20, 7:01 am, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

  The trouble is that the $.post is run asynchronously so anything after
  the $.post will be executed before the callback function.

  If you want the returned data to be available outside the callback
  then it will have to be inside a function which is called from within
  your callback method.


   var data1;

      $.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {

           data1 = data;

         } );
  function handle() {
      jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

      if (jsonData.return_status.search(successful)  -1)
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was saved/font);
        $('#msg_div').html(font color=redSearch was not saved. Try
  saving again./font);


 Sadly, I talready ried this and hit what appears to be another
 problem.   handle() (or my equivalent function) came up as undefined
 according to Firebug when I tried to call it inside the callback

 It may be because my Javascript code is within the body of the HTML
 file (due to reasons out of my control) rather than the head.  Maybe
 I can't use functions this way inside body.  Or maybe it's same old
 asynchronous problem with Ajax.

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

I don't think so. I tried it with ClearType enabled and disbaled and
the effect was the same either way. It also seems not to affect MSIE,
only Gecko and Webkit.

On Aug 20, 2:49 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Might have something to do with cleartype?

 Leonard Martin wrote:
  Apologies, I missed the link:



 http://in.tellig.net/jquery.animateparam/for an example.

  On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
  allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
  original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
  keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
  put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
  example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
  as it moves it certain browsers.

  It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
  3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

  I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
  never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
  to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
  then I'd be interested to hear.

[jQuery] 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

Yo guys,

I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div: http://is.gd/2qatX

Any thoughts?

$('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
$('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: Getting form field values

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

You could do it in a loop using each():

$(input[name^='day']).each(function() {
  if ($(this).is(:checked)) {
 // do whatever

On Aug 19, 5:20 pm, blcArmadillo blackarmadi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a simple set of checkboxes:

 input name=day1 type=checkbox value=sun / Sun input
 name=day2 type=checkbox value=mon / Mon input name=day3
 type=checkbox value=tue / Tue input name=day4 type=checkbox
 value=wed / Wed input name=day5 type=checkbox value=thu /
 Thu input name=day6 type=checkbox value=fri / Fri input
 name=day7 type=checkbox value=sat / Sat

 When the state of one of them changes I want to check the state of all
 of them. So far I have:
 $(document).ready(function() {
         $(input[name^='day']).change(function () {



 My question is how do I get the value of each of the check boxes? It
 seems like all the commands I see in the jQuery documentation only
 give you the value of the first matched element? Do I have to use some
 sort of for loop? Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] Re: Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to implement

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

You're not seeing the alert?  Did you remember to include the link to
the jQuery library on the page first?

On Aug 19, 4:17 pm, bmo...@pushthefuture.org
bmo...@pushthefuture.org wrote:
 Hey ive got a question about a realy basic thing im trying to
 implement on wordpress with Graphpaperpress's Modularity theme.

 Here it is:

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {

            alert('slickBox  JQuery Loaded');

  // hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready
  // (a little sooner than page load)

  // toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link
   $('a#slick-toggle').click(function() {
     return false;

 // closes the slickbox on clicking the noted link
   $('a#slick-close').click(function() {
     return false;



                 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and 
 industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
 since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and
 scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only
 five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting,
 remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
 the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
 more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker
 including versions of Lorem Ipsum. smalla href=# id=slick-
 toggle name=slick-toggleRead More.../a/small
 div class=slickbox !--Start the Slickbox Dropdown--
                         It is a long established fact that a reader will be 
 distracted by
 the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point
 of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution
 of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making
 it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and
 web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and
 a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their
 infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by
 accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the
 like).smalla href=# id=slick-close name=slick-closeClose.../

                 /div !--End the Slickbox Dropdown--/h2

 Now the question is strange because the Alert box isn't even loading
 up or anything is there something wrong in the jquery?

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I see the same thing on Ubuntu, so I guess it's some bug that's both in 
Gecko and Webkit (I see it in Firefox and in Chromium, not in Opera). 
There's slight differences between the way the artifacts are shown in 
both browsers.

Your best bet might be to try and get in touch with somebody that's 
working on either Webkit or Mozilla through IRC or something.


Liam Potter wrote:

Might have something to do with cleartype?

Leonard Martin wrote:

Apologies, I missed the link:



http://in.tellig.net/jquery.animateparam/ for an example.

On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
as it moves it certain browsers.

It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
then I'd be interested to hear.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: Animation Vapour Trails

2009-08-20 Thread Leonard Martin

Can someone point me to where I might log a bug with Gecko or Webkit?
I'm fairly new to this whole process.

Thanks again.

On Aug 20, 3:41 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 I see the same thing on Ubuntu, so I guess it's some bug that's both in
 Gecko and Webkit (I see it in Firefox and in Chromium, not in Opera).
 There's slight differences between the way the artifacts are shown in
 both browsers.

 Your best bet might be to try and get in touch with somebody that's
 working on either Webkit or Mozilla through IRC or something.


 Liam Potter wrote:

  Might have something to do with cleartype?

  Leonard Martin wrote:
  Apologies, I missed the link:



 http://in.tellig.net/jquery.animateparam/for an example.

  On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've been trying to write an extension to the animate function to
  allow the animation of elements along a parameterised path (in the
  original motivation this was around the diameter of a circle) whilst
  keeping use of things like $.easing and $().stop(). I've managed to
  put something together that seems to work, except that in the basic
  example I have one of the animated elements leaves a trail behind it
  as it moves it certain browsers.

  It seems to work fine in IE6 and Opera(Win) but leaves a trail in FF
  3.5.2, Chrome and Safari 4.02.

  I'm assuming it's a rendering engine bug, but it's something I've
  never come across before, so if anyone has any sage advice about how
  to deal with it, or has any other feedback on the plugin in general
  then I'd be interested to hear.

 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

2009-08-20 Thread Ken
sorry. because the time busy, can the next time I will put it to MCE.

2009/8/20 Sam Sherlock sam.sherl...@gmail.com

 great work Ken

 on the mce page the normal mce manager opens for me - and as Cyril said the
 page is title FCK
 on the fck page you open KFManager by clicking in the text box above the
 editor whereas the mce example does not have a way of opening kfmanager

 it would be better to replace normal function of the image icon (and other
 media too eg flash) witht the kfmanager

 - S

 2009/8/20 Cyril Lopez loveisthe...@gmail.com

 On your tinyMce page : http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/tinymce.html you
 have KFManager for FCKeditor as page label...

 Cyril Lopez
 Développeur web

 2009/8/20 Ken kenpha...@gmail.com

 without license GPL, MIT. I'm happy when you want to use and develop KFM

 2009/8/20 Meroe whme...@gmail.com

 Well yea.  Let's say I want to put this into a commercial app.  I need
 know the type of license this was released under so I can make a
 and be legit  The download has no license information..GPL? MIT?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Ken Phan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:15 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: KFManager v1.0

 u want licensing terms ?

 On Aug 19, 2:54 am, Meroe whme...@gmail.com wrote:
  What are the licensing terms?
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com]
  Behalf Of Ken Phan
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] KFManager v1.0
  KFManager (Ken's File Manager) is a plugin of jquery. It uses AJAX to
  manage image files in a web browser and it was developed to help
  programmer gently in the file manager. It is easy to use
  demo http://trinhvietcuong.com/ken/index.html

 Administrator : Ken Phan
 Websmater : www.goldengate.com.vn
 Listen to music is free :  www.enghe.info
 Ajax pagination: www.goldengate.com.vn/pagination
 jQuery navigation: www.goldengate.com.vn/navigation
 MP3 Ajax Flash webplayer: www.goldengate.com.vn/mp3
 Blog me: http://my.opera.com/kenphan19/blog/

Administrator : Ken Phan
Websmater : www.goldengate.com.vn
Listen to music is free :  www.enghe.info
Ajax pagination: www.goldengate.com.vn/pagination
jQuery navigation: www.goldengate.com.vn/navigation
MP3 Ajax Flash webplayer: www.goldengate.com.vn/mp3
Blog me: http://my.opera.com/kenphan19/blog/

[jQuery] Re: Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-20 Thread Xenongasman

Yeah technically that works, but the problem is the CSS does need to
be reset after the animation finishes or else it cuts the menu off.

I've uploaded a video to Youtube that will show what happens. Its
still processing the upload but should be done soon:

On Aug 20, 9:34 am, Leonard Martin leonard.mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think if you reverse the parameters you're passing to stop() then
 that should achieve what you're after.

 You want to clear the queue (true for first parameter) but stop the
 animation where it is, not go to the end (false for second paramter).

 On Aug 20, 3:16 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

  Okay, so this work but I got another question...
  When the menu is animating down or up, if you move off it jumps to the
  end and starts the animation the other way, is there a way to make it
  just start sliding up from where it is?

  On Aug 13, 5:45 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

   Actually the answer is a lot simpler than  I thought and something I
   should have found a lot sooner.
   I just needed to pass in parameters to stop() as is shown below:

   script language=JavaScript
                   $('#menu li').hover(
               function() {


   On Aug 12, 3:58 pm, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:

perhaps something like unbinding the hover would work


On Aug 12, 12:29 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any ideas?

 On Aug 8, 2:18 pm, Xenongasman xenongas...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yes it does work fine, except that the animations will repeat
  themselves if you move on and off again quickly.
  So to remedy that I changed the script to:
  script language=JavaScript
                  $('#menu li').hover(
              function() {


  Then try it and move over one menu then the other very quickly and
  you'll see what i explained. And it also adds a artifact in IE7.
  I suppose i could leave it as is and not use stop() but I just 
  to know if someone knew how to fix this.

[jQuery] Re: Getting form field values

2009-08-20 Thread Nathan Bubna

You could use my Values plugin (
http://plugins.jquery.com/project/values ) and do:

$(document).ready(function() {
   $(input[name^=day]).change(function () {
var all = $('input[name^=day]').values();
for (var day in all) {
   if (all[day] !== null) {
   alert(all[day]+' was checked');

rather than just the value of the first matched one, this will give
you all of their current values in a key-value object.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:20 PM, blcArmadilloblackarmadi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a simple set of checkboxes:

 input name=day1 type=checkbox value=sun / Sun input
 name=day2 type=checkbox value=mon / Mon input name=day3
 type=checkbox value=tue / Tue input name=day4 type=checkbox
 value=wed / Wed input name=day5 type=checkbox value=thu /
 Thu input name=day6 type=checkbox value=fri / Fri input
 name=day7 type=checkbox value=sat / Sat

 When the state of one of them changes I want to check the state of all
 of them. So far I have:
 $(document).ready(function() {
        $(input[name^='day']).change(function () {


 My question is how do I get the value of each of the check boxes? It
 seems like all the commands I see in the jQuery documentation only
 give you the value of the first matched element? Do I have to use some
 sort of for loop? Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
essentially, a blog post, so:

$('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
}); // would be fine

...but try doing this:

class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:
 go to:http://api.jquery.com/and put wrap in the filter box

 On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

  Yo guys,

  I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

  Any thoughts?

          $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
          $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

  ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
  you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] unsubscribe

2009-08-20 Thread Steve Tran

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread Liam Potter

why would you be doing this with jquery anyway?

ldexterldesign wrote:

Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
essentially, a blog post, so:

$('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
}); // would be fine

...but try doing this:

class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

go to:http://api.jquery.com/and put wrap in the filter box

On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

Yo guys,
I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX
Any thoughts?

$('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
$('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');
...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as

you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] ajaxSubmit encoding problems

2009-08-20 Thread Fabricio Braga
Hi all,

I have a little problem here with ajaxSubmit when submitting a form.  The
point is that any special characters like á or ç (they are from latin,
portuguese) are going to the server replaced by strange characters, like ç

I`m sure it is just an encoding problem, so how can I set encoding
after ajaxSubmit?

Thanks in advance,
Fabricio Braga

[jQuery] Code Not Working on IE

2009-08-20 Thread gratisaccount

I'm using to parse the response coming from '.aspx' page. Response comes in
the form of 'text/xml', which is rendered very well in all browsers except
the IE.:,(

I did uploaded my code on the server but the problem exists.

Can any body tell me what can be the problem  how I can resolve it?

Following is the JS Code:

function GetXMLResponse(url) {
var $urlToSend = url + random= + Math.floor(Math.random() * 11);
$(document).ready(function() {
type: GET,
url: search.aspx,
data: $urlToSend,
dataType: text/xml,
success: function(xml1) {
var xml;
try {
if (typeof xml1 == 'string') {
xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
xml.async = false;
catch (e) { xml = xml1; }

$(xml).find('newdataset').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('datatable').length  1) {
html = 'table cellspacing=0 style=table-layout:
auto; width:100%; height:200px;trtd style=text-align:center;
vertical-align:top; padding-top:10px;No Result Found/td/tr/table';
else {
$(xml).find('columns').each(function() {
var html = 'table cellspacing=0
style=table-layout: auto; width:100%; height:100%;tr';
$(this).find('column').each(function(index) {
if (index == 0)
html += 'td style=width:90px;' +
$(this).attr('displayName') + '/td';
html += 'td' +
$(this).attr('displayName') + '/td';
html += '/tr/html';

html = 'table cellspacing=0 style=table-layout:
auto; width:100%; height:100%;';
$(this).find('datatable').each(function() {
html += 'trtd style=width:80px;
text-align:center; images/' + $(this).find('display_image').text() + '
/tdtd' + $(this).find('display_text').text() + '/td/tr';
html += '/table';
$('#gridBody').append($(html)); ;
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

Following the portion of xml which comes as a response:

columns rowIdColumn=display_id
column name=display_image displayName=Introduction width=10%
type=image alt=Summary/column 
column name=display_text displayName=Display Text width=90%
display_textmy New Text/display_text
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jquery license - what do my company have to do

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

Antoine Blanchard wrote:

Hi everyone,

For the latest project I have lead (which is a java web project) I
have included some jquery,jqueryui and 1 or 2 jquery plugins, knowing
that the MIT license allow us to use it even for commercial use. Now
that the v1 is almost done. We are wondering what exactly we have to
do to be legal.
MIT license says: on the condition that the license is distributed
with that software.
what does that mean exactly?
Do we need to write a line in our docu saying: use jquery,..., which
is under MIT license?
Do we have to write on the pages with our copyright that we use jquery
with the little ©?
Do we have to do something else?
Thanks for the explanations.


if you leave the comment on top of your js file intact, you'll be fine.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

go to: http://api.jquery.com/ and put wrap in the filter box

On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 Yo guys,

 I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

 Any thoughts?

         $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
         $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

 ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
 you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: Checkbox perpetually marked as checked

2009-08-20 Thread Jon Banner
double == in your if statements might do the job.

2009/8/19 Nick Moy nick@gmail.com

 When the if else statements are removed, they are not perpetually

 On Aug 19, 4:34 pm, labbit nick@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm trying to write an if else statement in javascript so that when a
  check box is checked, a table will appear, and when it is checked
  again, another box will appear.  However, the checkbox is constantly
  marked as checked, and I do not know why.  I did not set any checked
  attritube to false or true.  What gives?
  function GetStoryPoints() {
  var ownerCheck;
  var creatorCheck;
  if (document.getElementById(ownCheck).checked = true)
  ownerCheck = true;
  ownerCheck = false;
  if (document.getElementById(createCheck).checked = true)
  creatorCheck = true;
  creatorCheck = false;
  if (ownerCheck  creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);
  else if (ownerCheck  !creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);
  else if (!ownerCheck  creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

I've asked myself this, but I'm in too deep now. It all goes back to a
site structure stage believe it or not. I'm building a pretty
unconventional layout from a client's design.

I use progressive enhancement, so to go back into my PHP at this point
would be a bad idea.


On Aug 20, 5:24 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 why would you be doing this with jquery anyway?

 ldexterldesign wrote:
  Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

  How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
  elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
  essentially, a blog post, so:

     $('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
     }); // would be fine

  ...but try doing this:

  class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



  On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

  go to:http://api.jquery.com/andput wrap in the filter box

  On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

  Yo guys,

  I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

  Any thoughts?

          $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
          $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

  ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
  you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] $load- images in cache

2009-08-20 Thread Charlie

I'm working with some large images that are in markup but being
processed into queued animations.

If image is already loaded but I call $load will it pull image from
browser cache? I want to use the success to do some size processing

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

On Aug 20, 6:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
 behave this way. 

 That's because $.post (and the resultant $.ajax) isn't ordinary,
 it's an asynchronous call and when you hit the line

  jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

 the script isn't back from the post call yet

 you need to learn about callbacks to better your code to take full
 advantage of async behavior

 another tip, if you are doing a post and looking to get back JSON,
 then use something like:

 var Options = {
     type = POST,
     url = save_search.php,
     processData = true,
     data = formData,
     dataType = json,
     success = SaveSearch_Success,
     error = SaveSearch_Error};


 and outside all that, here are your functions outside the ajax call

 function SaveSearch_Success(data) {
    // data = your result in JSON already};

 function SaveSearch_Error(x,y,z) {
    // x.responseText will have server side error message


Ok, I finally got $.ajax(Options) to work, but only after some
difficulties.  First of all, your Options above needs to look like
this (it's an object):

var Options = {
type : POST,
url : save_search.php,
processData : true,
data : formData,
dataType : json,
success : SaveSearch_Success,
error : SaveSearch_Error

Secondly, this still produces an asynchronous call to
SaveSearch_Success, so I still hit my original probelm with data1
being undefined because Javascript rushes ahead without waiting for
the Ajax request to complete.  Only when I added the following option
to Options:

async: false

did I finally get good data in data1 outside of SaveSearch_Success.
The above option produces a *synchronous*  Ajax request where
Javascript waits until the request is complete.  That's okay with me
because the request to save_search.php is very fast anyway.

Finally, this code snippet results in no arguments being sent to

var formData;

var Options = {
type : POST,
url : saved_search.php,
processData : true,
data : formData,
dataType : json,
success : SaveSearch_Success,
error : SaveSearch_Error,
async: false

formData = $('#form1').serialize();


You have to define the Options object *after* putting the arguments
into formData like this:


var formData = $('#form1').serialize();

var Options = {
type : POST,
url : saved_search.php,
processData : true,
data : formData,
dataType : json,
success : SaveSearch_Success,
error : SaveSearch_Error,
async: false



Javascript is just *so* cool!  But thanks for your help.  I can
continue on and get something productive done now.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery internals and exception handling

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

Uh - what I meant was that what I posted *above* (not below) was
stupid. The irony is killing me.

[jQuery] Re: Simple Plugin for jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread Cesar Sanz

instead, it must to be something like $.makemailto({opts})

read this http://snook.ca/archives/javascript/jquery_plugin/

- Original Message - 
From: ElJayWilson eljaywil...@gmail.com

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:54 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Simple Plugin for jQuery

I am trying to get a handle on creating a jQuery plugin.  I have a
function that I wrote a couple of years ago that returns a formatted
email address.  I want to turn that function into a jQuery plugin.

Here is my function:
function makemailto(email,subject,text)
   // Makes a nice mailto link

   var returnval;

   returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
   '?' + email + '/a';

   if (subject  text)
   returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
   '?subject=' + subject +
   '' + text + '/a';
   else if (subject)
  returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
   '?subject=' + subject +
   '' + email + '/a';
   else if (text)
returnval = 'a href=mailto:' + email +
   '?' + text + '/a';


I cannot seem to figure out how to create a simple plugin that I can
call like this:

$.makemailto('some...@somewhere.com','Subject Here');

Any advice?

LJ Wilson

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread Benjamin Sterling

First, use pastebin.com or something like next time, it'll help us
help you.

So, you need to wrap each group of h2 + div + p + p.postmetadata

Check out http://snipplr.com/view/4746/jquery--nextuntil/

and you should be able to do something like:


If that does not work, maybe


If that still does now work, can you post your code to pastebin so I
have something work with?

On Aug 20, 10:55 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

 How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
 elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
 essentially, a blog post, so:

         $('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
         }); // would be fine

 ...but try doing this:

 class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



 On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

  go to:http://api.jquery.com/andput wrap in the filter box

  On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

   Yo guys,

   I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

   Any thoughts?

           $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
           $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

   ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
   you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

Just be aware that doing the ajax call synchronously will block (lock
up) the browser until the request/response completes.  This is
typically okay when running locally, but can be very noticeable when
running on slower connections (e.g. shared hosting).  There's no
reason why you cannot do this asynchronously.  You just need to handle
the dom updating inside (or in a sub-function of) the success handler

On Aug 20, 1:13 pm, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:
 On Aug 20, 6:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
  behave this way. 

  That's because $.post (and the resultant $.ajax) isn't ordinary,
  it's an asynchronous call and when you hit the line

   jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

  the script isn't back from the post call yet

  you need to learn about callbacks to better your code to take full
  advantage of async behavior

  another tip, if you are doing a post and looking to get back JSON,
  then use something like:

  var Options = {
      type = POST,
      url = save_search.php,
      processData = true,
      data = formData,
      dataType = json,
      success = SaveSearch_Success,
      error = SaveSearch_Error};


  and outside all that, here are your functions outside the ajax call

  function SaveSearch_Success(data) {
     // data = your result in JSON already};

  function SaveSearch_Error(x,y,z) {
     // x.responseText will have server side error message


 Ok, I finally got $.ajax(Options) to work, but only after some
 difficulties.  First of all, your Options above needs to look like
 this (it's an object):

 var Options = {
     type : POST,
     url : save_search.php,
     processData : true,
     data : formData,
     dataType : json,
     success : SaveSearch_Success,
     error : SaveSearch_Error

 Secondly, this still produces an asynchronous call to
 SaveSearch_Success, so I still hit my original probelm with data1
 being undefined because Javascript rushes ahead without waiting for
 the Ajax request to complete.  Only when I added the following option
 to Options:

 async: false

 did I finally get good data in data1 outside of SaveSearch_Success.
 The above option produces a *synchronous*  Ajax request where
 Javascript waits until the request is complete.  That's okay with me
 because the request to save_search.php is very fast anyway.

 Finally, this code snippet results in no arguments being sent to

 var formData;

 var Options = {
     type : POST,
     url : saved_search.php,
     processData : true,
     data : formData,
     dataType : json,
     success : SaveSearch_Success,
     error : SaveSearch_Error,
     async: false

 formData = $('#form1').serialize();


 You have to define the Options object *after* putting the arguments
 into formData like this:


 var formData = $('#form1').serialize();

 var Options = {
     type : POST,
     url : saved_search.php,
     processData : true,
     data : formData,
     dataType : json,
     success : SaveSearch_Success,
     error : SaveSearch_Error,
     async: false



 Javascript is just *so* cool!  But thanks for your help.  I can
 continue on and get something productive done now.

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

I didn't understand from your original post that you wanted to wrap a
series of elements where the series was of indeterminate length.  From
what you posted in reply, it looks like Benjamin's answer will work,
although if I understand correctly, .postmetadata is the marker class
marking the final element to be wrapped and you want the div you wrap
it with to be of class .scrollablePost.

So maybe...


Except that at a quick glance, I don't think nextUntil includes the
matching element - but if not, it should be easy enough to modify so
it does.

On Aug 20, 10:55 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

 How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
 elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
 essentially, a blog post, so:

         $('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
         }); // would be fine

 ...but try doing this:

 class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



 On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

  go to:http://api.jquery.com/andput wrap in the filter box

  On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

   Yo guys,

   I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

   Any thoughts?

           $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
           $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

   ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
   you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: $load- images in cache

2009-08-20 Thread Charlie

found better method using combination of image load plugin
 and natve onload handlers to get first few images started

Charlie wrote:
I'm working with
some large images that are in markup but being
processed into queued animations.
If image is already loaded but I call $load will it pull image from
browser cache? I want to use the success to do some size processing

[jQuery] Re: Getting form field values

2009-08-20 Thread mkmanning

I'm assuming you want the current value of the checked checboxes. Just
use .serialize()

var inputs = $(input[name^='day']).change(function () {

the output of serialize() is a query string, just split on '' for an
array of key=value that you can then process further as desired:

var inputs = $(input[name^='day']).change(function () {
   d = d.split('=');
   d[0]; //the key. eg day2
   d[1]; //the value eg mon

On Aug 20, 7:34 am, Nathan Bubna nbu...@gmail.com wrote:
 You could use my Values plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/values) and 

 $(document).ready(function() {
        $(input[name^=day]).change(function () {
             var all = $('input[name^=day]').values();
             for (var day in all) {
                if (all[day] !== null) {
                    alert(all[day]+' was checked');


 rather than just the value of the first matched one, this will give
 you all of their current values in a key-value object.

 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:20 PM, blcArmadilloblackarmadi...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a simple set of checkboxes:

  input name=day1 type=checkbox value=sun / Sun input
  name=day2 type=checkbox value=mon / Mon input name=day3
  type=checkbox value=tue / Tue input name=day4 type=checkbox
  value=wed / Wed input name=day5 type=checkbox value=thu /
  Thu input name=day6 type=checkbox value=fri / Fri input
  name=day7 type=checkbox value=sat / Sat

  When the state of one of them changes I want to check the state of all
  of them. So far I have:
  $(document).ready(function() {
         $(input[name^='day']).change(function () {


  My question is how do I get the value of each of the check boxes? It
  seems like all the commands I see in the jQuery documentation only
  give you the value of the first matched element? Do I have to use some
  sort of for loop? Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

Cheers for your help Ben. I'll crack on with this in the morning and
update this post with how I get on.


On Aug 20, 4:50 pm, Benjamin Sterling
benjamin.sterl...@kenzomedia.com wrote:
 First, use pastebin.com or something like next time, it'll help us
 help you.

 So, you need to wrap each group of h2 + div + p + p.postmetadata

 Check outhttp://snipplr.com/view/4746/jquery--nextuntil/

 and you should be able to do something like:


 If that does not work, maybe



 If that still does now work, can you post your code to pastebin so I
 have something work with?

 On Aug 20, 10:55 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

  Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

  How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
  elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
  essentially, a blog post, so:

          $('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
          }); // would be fine

  ...but try doing this:

  class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



  On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

   go to:http://api.jquery.com/andputwrap; in the filter box

   On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

Yo guys,

I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

Any thoughts?

        $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
        $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: 'Wrapping' some (not just 1 pair) HTML elements in a div?

2009-08-20 Thread ldexterldesign

http://is.gd/2qubA  basically I need to do this client-side. I've
taken your advice (I normally pseudo the JS I need in HTML/PHP
beforehand anyway (I'll admit I'm not as good with jQuery as some of
you on here)), but on this occasion I'm working with a post loop. It's
not gonna be worth my time to go hacking at that if I can solve it
client-side with some jQuery.

I hope you get my drift.


On Aug 20, 5:24 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 why would you be doing this with jquery anyway?

 ldexterldesign wrote:
  Don't you think I thought about using that straight away?

  How can I wrap a group of elements in the DOM when I don't know what
  elements will be there in first place. I'm aiming to wrap,
  essentially, a blog post, so:

     $('h2').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/div');
     }); // would be fine

  ...but try doing this:

  class=postmetadata/div').wrap('div class=scrollablePost/



  On Aug 20, 3:36 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:

  go to:http://api.jquery.com/andput wrap in the filter box

  On Aug 20, 10:06 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:

  Yo guys,

  I need to wrap this chuck of HTML in a div:http://is.gd/2qatX

  Any thoughts?

          $('div class=scrollablePost').insertBefore('.page-id-9 h2');
          $('/div').insertAfter('.page-id-9 .postmetadata');

  ...just pumps out div class=scrollablePost / at both ends, as
  you'll see from the above screenshot.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery internals and exception handling

2009-08-20 Thread ak732

I now see that jQuery has an error event handler.  So a lot of what I
posted below is, well, just stupid.

However in some quick testing, there appear to be some problems with
the error event.  It's not working the same way for IE7 and FF3.5x.
Some differences:

The jQuery docs indicate that the error handler will be passed: the
error msg, url and line.  This does happen in IE7, but isn't happening
in FF3.5x.  in FF, the handler is being passed the event object.

Also, in FF3.5x, some, if not all, the exceptions thrown inside of
other event handlers are not getting caught and passed on to the $
(window).error handler.  This seems to comport with the known FF/
mozilla bug as reported here:


Looking at the jQuery code (1.3.2), it seems like error is simply
being treated like any other event.  Which seems is insufficient, at
least based on my limited testing so far.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery internals and exception handling

2009-08-20 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 19, 11:04 pm, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:
         ofn.apply(this, arguments);

Be aware that the arguments object is-not-a Array (it's an object
with a length property), and i don't think there's a guaranty that
that apply() will handle that special case. Also be aware that apply
takes a list of args, like foo.apply(this,arg1,arg2,arg3), whereas call
() takes the args as a single array: foo.call(this,[arg1,arg2,arg3]).
i suspect that's what you actually want here.

The normal workaround for converting 'arguments' to an array looks
something like:

var av = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[0]);
myfunc.apply( this, av );

 sense?  It could do what it does for other areas of Javascript which
 is mitigate the browser differences.  To be complete, it would need to
 employ onerror, add a try-catch block to document.ready(), and do
 something similar to the above for event handlers (only in mozilla).

 Thoughts?  Is this just stupid?

While i agree with the last bit that it might help improve the overall
quality of jQuery client apps, my suspicions are that:

a) Many people will bitch and moan about a perceived performance
penalty for using try/catch (i know C++ people often bitch about it).

b) Your solution seems like such an easy thing to do, that the jQuery
devs would be justified in saying, just do what you just
demonstrated. That said, having a public jQuery API which swaps
out .bind() with an impl like yours might be a good idea.

In any case, i will certainly give this a try in a jQuery-based
application framework i'm working on.


[jQuery] How to create XML

2009-08-20 Thread jeanluca

Hi All

I need to create XML, for example, this is (simplified) what I have to

  var x = jQuery.makeXML('myXMLversion8.1/version/myXML) ; //
this line is my problem!!
  console.log(Version = %s, $('version', x).text() ) ;

Is this possible and what is the best way to do this ?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery internals and exception handling

2009-08-20 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 20, 9:17 pm, Stephan Beal sgb...@googlemail.com wrote:
 that apply() will handle that special case. Also be aware that apply
 takes a list of args, like foo.apply(this,arg1,arg2,arg3), whereas call
 () takes the args as a single array: foo.call(this,[arg1,arg2,arg3]).

Sorry, that's exactly backwards: apply() takes an array and call()
takes a list.


[jQuery] Re: setData and extraParams problem

2009-08-20 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

What exact version of the autocomplete plugin are you using?

Have you tried autocomplete(option, extraParams, ...) instead of setData?


On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:19 PM, pankajpankaj1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Actually this part was working previously.I found one difference here,
 maybe that help us to find out the actual root cause. Please let me
 know if any of you are aware of this issue.

 Here is OLD and NEW difference of calling auto-completion.
  // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
  $textbox.focus(function() {
    var fieldname = this.id;
    params = { fname:fieldname };
    $(this).setOptions({ extraParams:add_deps(autocomplete_drilldowns,
                         fieldname, params) });
  // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
  $textbox.focus(function() {
    var fieldname = this.id.replace(/([{}])/g, '\\$1');
    params = { fname:fieldname };
                         { extraParams:add_deps
                           fieldname, params) });

 Is this causing any issue?


 On Aug 8, 2:19 pm, pankaj pankaj1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 When I do focus is on the autocompletion textbox, that triggers the
 function right below where the autocompletion plugin is initialized ,
 which is supposed to add the key=value values to form the remote
 url. Based on this remote url I am getting the filtered output, which
 will list out in the  autocompletion textbox but its not adding
 key=value. So I am getting all the list. I think  the setData is
 not setting the extraParams.

 For example:
 If i select one field in the Html form say product xyz and based on
 this the release field should 3 values 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3, but it
 displays all the list (almost 300 values). Its because when i select
 something in the autocompletion textbox then the url format should be
 something like this:


 Instead of the above it is formating as. Here product field is
 missing, due to which it displays all the release value.


 This is my autocomplete call:

       extraParams:{ fname:fieldname },
       formatItem: function(data, i, max, value, term) {
         // data will be an array of value, description
         return 'span class=ui-autocomplete-value' + value +
           '/spanspan class=ui-autocomplete-info' + data[1] + '/
     $field.autocomplete('result', function() {
       $field.change(); // Notify mass edit that the field's value has
       $field.blur(); // Trigger auto-set.

   // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
   $textbox.focus(function() {
     var fieldname = this.id.replace(/([{}])/g, '\\$1');
     params = { fname:fieldname };
                          { extraParams:add_deps
                            fieldname, params) });

 What is the right way to see what the above function (add_deps) is

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: jquery license - what do my company have to do

2009-08-20 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 20, 3:51 pm, Antoine Blanchard antoine...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do we need to write a line in our docu saying: use jquery,..., which
 is under MIT license?

The MIT license is explained very briefly and clearly at:


You don't need to do anything special except accept the fact that you
needn't do anything special. That is in stark contrast to the GPL
license, which can optionally be used with jQuery.

The documentation clause is from the BSD family of licenses and is
quite interesting, because if you simply redistribute the original
source files you are already complying with it by including those
source files in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution. As long as the source file IS part of the
distribution, you don't need to add it to your docs or About dialog
because of the and/OR part.

[jQuery] jquery menu that works with ie6 (plugin?)

2009-08-20 Thread con-man-jake

Can anyone recommend a jquery menu plug that works with ie6?  I have a
menu done with uls and lis with pure css.  It doesn't work with
ie6 (because it's pure css.)

I went through the list of jquery plugins, but most of them are fancy
(as in iPod like menu and what have you...)  I only need a simple
straight-forward horizontal menu with vertical sub-level menus (multi
level deep) all activated with a mouseover event (I suppose, I can
control the event with which the menu is triggered.)

At any rate, I just did not want to keep downloading, learning and
trying different plugins; I just want to save time on this.

Any help is appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] how to clear hidden key field when user changes text value?

2009-08-20 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You could try this, similar to what the plugin does for the mustMatch option:

$(.autocomplete).blur(function() {
 $(this).search(function(result) {
   if (!result) {
 // no match found, do something, eg. clearing other fields


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Billybilly.swee...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm using autocomplete plugin, when the user types something the
 backend responds value and key information (for instance:


 Using .result I'm setting the key in a hidden field in my form.

 $('#autocompleteTextboxId').result(function(event, data, formatted) {
        if (data)

 But what if the user changes his mind and after choosing John types
 something else in the textbox (without actually chosing a new option
 from the autocomplete options) or even deletes the whole text? As
 things are now, the data previously set in the hidden field remains
 there. So the user might post the form thinking that his selection is
 blank, but the system actually thinks that he selected 76178.

 Is there a way to clear the hidden field when the user types

 I tried by setting some action to focus so that whenever the user
 focuses on the textbox the hidden value is cleared but it seems that
 after the user chooses a value in the autocomplete options, the plugin
 sets focus to the text field (hence making this action execute, thus
 clearing the hidden value everytime).

 $('#autocompleteTextboxId').focus(function() {

 It would be cool if we had something like .textChanged (similar to
 .result above) where we can do some action when the user changes the
 text on the field.

 Maybe some of the JS wizards here can suggest something.


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] trigger event if user rejects all autocomplete otions

2009-08-20 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You could try this, similar to what the plugin does for the mustMatch option:

$(.autocomplete).blur(function() {
  $(this).search(function(result) {
if (!result) {
  // no match found, do something, eg. clearing other fields


On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Ashash.sea...@gmail.com wrote:

 Does anyone have a library or patch to call a handler if a user leaves
 an autocomplete field without choosing one of the autocomplete options
 - i.e. they've entered free text.

 I'm working with an app that populates multiple fields from a single
 auto-complete value, and our latest requirement is to clear out a
 bunch of fields if the user's entered something manually - rejecting
 autocomplete suggestions.

 My initial attempts at hooking into onkeyfoo and onblur haven't lead
 anywhere productive, and I'm hoping someone else has managed to
 overcome the gnarly event and timing dependencies involved with
 onkeyfoo and blur being used for standard autocomplete behaviour.

 Note: I'm working with http://plugins.jquery.com/project/autocompletex
 - but I'm happy to switch libraries and/or port functionality and
 patches over from another solution.

[jQuery] event handlers that run after the browser's default action

2009-08-20 Thread Tom Worster

is there a way to set up a page so that a event handler function is bound to
a DOM object and event but it runs _after_ the browser's default action is

[jQuery] hide divs with float:left and show them again

2009-08-20 Thread simusch


I have a site with a lot of small div-boxes (with images and movies
within them)
they are positioned with CSS and float:left.

i created buttons, which show and hide either all images or all movies
this works well.

but when i switch between these options, the float-position of the
divs goes crazy and every div-container is on one line for itself
(instead of 5 on one line)

does someone have an idea, how i can solve this problem?


[jQuery] slideToggle - form elements (checkbox) show before the animation IE6 and IE7

2009-08-20 Thread Magnificent

Hello all,

Wondering if anyone has come across this issue I'm having with
slideToggle and form elements on the show/hide content - all in IE6
and IE7.  IE8 seems to be OK.

I am using slideToggle to show/hide some form elements, checkboxes in
my case.  When the slideToggle is triggered, the checkboxes are
immediately rendered, then the slideUp/Down animation occurs.  Has
anyone encountered this problem and is there a solution?

[jQuery] jQuery ready() not firing when page anchor in URL changes

2009-08-20 Thread bill123

It looks like jQuery's ready() function doesn't fire when the Back
button is used if only the page anchor location in the URL changes.

Say you go to here


then here


and then use the Back button to go back to here


and you have this code in the page

script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript
history.navigationMode = 'compatible';
$(document).ready( function() {
  var hashQueryString = document.location.hash;
  hashQueryString = hashQueryString.replace(#,);

You don't get the alert pop up when you use the Back button to go back
to the #test2 URL.  The ready() function fires when the Back button is
used if the query string (i.e, php?var1=value1) changes but not for
hash marks.

Is this on purpose or is this a bug?  And does anyone know a
workaround?  I'm trying to develop a way to get the Back button to go
back to previous states of a page that were created by JavaScript/AJAX


[jQuery] Re: Problem with Ajax callback function in jQuery

2009-08-20 Thread dkomo872

On Aug 20, 11:53 am, ak732 ask...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just be aware that doing the ajax call synchronously will block (lock
 up) the browser until the request/response completes.  This is
 typically okay when running locally, but can be very noticeable when
 running on slower connections (e.g. shared hosting).  There's no
 reason why you cannot do this asynchronously.  You just need to handle
 the dom updating inside (or in a sub-function of) the success handler

Ok, I finally got the following function call working from inside the
callback function:

function foobar(jsonData) {
  alert(status =  + jsonData.return_status);

function SaveSearch_Success(jsonData) {
   // data = your result in JSON already


and this was with async: true set in the Options object.  One of the
problems I was having yesterday was that I kept getting an undefined
function error every time I tried a function call inside the callback
function using jQuery's $.post().  That's why I wanted to stick the
Ajax request JSON return data into a global variable.  I wanted to
write code that would use it outside the callback.  Now the undefined
function error seems to have gone away.

I have to write probably at least 100 lines of code to do DOM
updating, and I didn't want to be stuck inside the callback function.
Being able to call multiple functions from within the callback is
exactly the right solution, and I can still keep Ajax requests

 On Aug 20, 1:13 pm, dkomo872 dkomo...@comcast.net wrote:

  On Aug 20, 6:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   Does anyone know what is wrong?  I've never seen an ordinary function
   behave this way. 

   That's because $.post (and the resultant $.ajax) isn't ordinary,
   it's an asynchronous call and when you hit the line

    jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');

   the script isn't back from the post call yet

   you need to learn about callbacks to better your code to take full
   advantage of async behavior

   another tip, if you are doing a post and looking to get back JSON,
   then use something like:

   var Options = {
       type = POST,
       url = save_search.php,
       processData = true,
       data = formData,
       dataType = json,
       success = SaveSearch_Success,
       error = SaveSearch_Error};


   and outside all that, here are your functions outside the ajax call

   function SaveSearch_Success(data) {
      // data = your result in JSON already};

   function SaveSearch_Error(x,y,z) {
      // x.responseText will have server side error message


  Ok, I finally got $.ajax(Options) to work, but only after some
  difficulties.  First of all, your Options above needs to look like
  this (it's an object):

  var Options = {
      type : POST,
      url : save_search.php,
      processData : true,
      data : formData,
      dataType : json,
      success : SaveSearch_Success,
      error : SaveSearch_Error

  Secondly, this still produces an asynchronous call to
  SaveSearch_Success, so I still hit my original probelm with data1
  being undefined because Javascript rushes ahead without waiting for
  the Ajax request to complete.  Only when I added the following option
  to Options:

  async: false

  did I finally get good data in data1 outside of SaveSearch_Success.
  The above option produces a *synchronous*  Ajax request where
  Javascript waits until the request is complete.  That's okay with me
  because the request to save_search.php is very fast anyway.

  Finally, this code snippet results in no arguments being sent to

  var formData;

  var Options = {
      type : POST,
      url : saved_search.php,
      processData : true,
      data : formData,
      dataType : json,
      success : SaveSearch_Success,
      error : SaveSearch_Error,
      async: false

  formData = $('#form1').serialize();


  You have to define the Options object *after* putting the arguments
  into formData like this:


  var formData = $('#form1').serialize();

  var Options = {
      type : POST,
      url : saved_search.php,
      processData : true,
      data : formData,
      dataType : json,
      success : SaveSearch_Success,
      error : SaveSearch_Error,
      async: false



  Javascript is just *so* cool!  But thanks for your help.  I can
  continue on and get something productive done now.

  1   2   >