[jQuery] jCarousel Lite - getting carousel to stop on a specific image (without hovering)

2010-02-25 Thread Adam Moro
I am trying to get the slideshow to stop sliding on the fourth image
(the last image in the slideshow) but having no luck. I've changed,
afterEnd: null to afterEnd: stop in the $.fn.jCarouselLite
function (line 17 in my version) but it is stopping on the second
image, not the fourth. I know how helpful it would be if I posted the
URL but I simply cannot due to the client's request. I can however,
email it to you. Thank you in advance for any support you can provide
on this.

[jQuery] Setting iframe src with $(#iframeid).attr(src,url) adds unwanted item to browser history

2009-12-29 Thread Adam C.
This problem happens in both FF 3.0.x, and Safari, on both Windows and
Mac, but not on IE7.

When I set the src of an iframe, it adds another copy of the parent
document's URL to the browser history.  This gives the impression of a
broken back button (as the user has to click back twice to go to the
previous page.)

Here's a minimal test case showing that the problem isn't with jQuery,
per se.  It happens when I get the element using getElementbyId and
change the src directly.

Is there any way to avoid this back button breaking behavior?

Code sample:

script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  // bypass jQuery
  $(#trigger).click(function() {
elt = document.getElementById(targetelt);
if(elt) {
  elt.src = http://google.com;;
  // using jQuery
  $(#triggerJQ).click(function(e) {
!-- use span (styled sort of like a link for fun) to rule out
clicking an href as source of problem --
span id=trigger style=color: blue; text-decoration:
underline;hello world/spanp/
span id=triggerJQ style=color:blue; text-decoration:
underline;hello jQuery world/spanp/
iframe id=targetelt width=400 height=300/iframe

[jQuery] selector performance

2009-11-10 Thread Adam Tistler

I am using jquery 1.3.2.  I was wondering which is faster and why:

$('#my-id .main table tr.my-class') or
$('#my-id  .main  table  tr.my-class') or
$('#my-id tr.my-class')

[jQuery] cycle plugin - remove positioning css?

2009-11-05 Thread Adam
I'm using the cycle plugin and was wondering if anyone has found a way
to remove the position: relative from the main div and position:
absolute from the imgs.  This is added when the plugin is used.  It's
not very friendly in IE among other issues.



[jQuery] Resending an XMLHttpRequest

2009-10-30 Thread Adam
I'm wondering if there is a good way to resend an ajax request if it
has produced an error. The example below isn't something I would be
doing obviously but should be enough to convey what I'm talking about.

$().ajaxError(function(event, request, settings, error) {

The 'request' parameter above is an XMLHttpRequest object so this
isn't really jQuery related unless there is a jQuery hook of which I'm
not aware. If I try calling send() on the request nothing happens as I
think the object needs to be re-opened...

Google is not responding kindly to 'resend ajax request' or 'resend
xmlhttprequest' so this may not even be possible.

[jQuery] Upload Progress Problems

2009-10-13 Thread Adam Meily

I am working on developing a simple upload form that allows the user
to see the status of their upload. Basically, the upload is assigned a
unique identifier that once the upload begins, the client polls the
status page with that ID to get the status of it. This works in
Firefox, but does not work in Opera and others. It appears that in
Opera once the form is submitted, the upload_progress() function is
never called. I am new to jQuery and have searched everywhere without
any answers that work for me. Any help would be appreciated!

function gen_uuid()
var uuid = ;
for (var i=0; i  32; i++) {
uuid += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16);
return uuid;

var uuid = gen_uuid(); // some long string that is unique for this
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#upload_form').attr('action', './?upload_progress_id=' + uuid);
$('#upload_form').submit(function() {
setTimeout(upload_progress, 1000);
return true;

function upload_progress()
$.getJSON('/upload/progress/' + uuid + '/', function(data) {
$('#uploaded').text('Uploaded: ' + data.uploaded);
setTimeout(upload_progress, 1000);

[jQuery] cross-domain ajax question

2009-08-13 Thread adam

I'm working in a large corporate intranet and used jQuery to build a
simple javascript include that developers can throw into their source
(HTML, ASP classic, ASP.NET, etc).

Everything worked fine until I started to deploy out to the servers.
My logging app is on one server in the company and the other apps
are spread amongst many. For example, a web-app is running on a server
like http://server1/AppName/; and my javascript include is running on
http://server2/etc/; and calling a web service on its own server.

What I didn't realize is that this seems to cause a security issue. IE
gives me the The page is accessing information that is not under its
control. This poses a security risk. Do you want to continue?

Totally bummed out because what I had was such a simple and
lightweight solution.

Any ideas on how to get around this? Are there any other approaches to
calling a web-service on a different server without causing this

Thanks everyone.

[jQuery] Re: cross-domain ajax question

2009-08-13 Thread adam

Ignore this. I've done research and apparently this is ajax 101 :)

On Aug 13, 8:27 am, adam amo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working in a large corporate intranet and used jQuery to build a
 simple javascript include that developers can throw into their source
 (HTML, ASP classic, ASP.NET, etc).

 Everything worked fine until I started to deploy out to the servers.
 My logging app is on one server in the company and the other apps
 are spread amongst many. For example, a web-app is running on a server
 like http://server1/AppName/; and my javascript include is running on
 http://server2/etc/; and calling a web service on its own server.

 What I didn't realize is that this seems to cause a security issue. IE
 gives me the The page is accessing information that is not under its
 control. This poses a security risk. Do you want to continue?

 Totally bummed out because what I had was such a simple and
 lightweight solution.

 Any ideas on how to get around this? Are there any other approaches to
 calling a web-service on a different server without causing this

 Thanks everyone.

[jQuery] RE: Firefox 3.5 Preloading Issue

2009-07-29 Thread Adam Bagarella

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this question, but I'm
using jquery for this process and so I figured it was a start.

I have a form that submits via AJAX and jquery. When the user clicks
the submit button, the button is replaced with an animated GIF while
it loads. I preload the GIF using CSS and display:none. This has
worked fine in IE and Firefox 3.0. However, since I upgraded to
Firefox 3.5 it appears that the preloading does not work as it did.
When the button is clicked, you briefly see an image icon indicating
that the image is loading.

I've even tried displaying the image somewhere else on the page (not
hiding it) and still the same thing. Why isn't Firefox using the
cached image?


[jQuery] Validation plugin - submit form without validation

2009-07-20 Thread Adam P

I'm using the Validation plugin for JQuery and was wondering if there
was a function to submit the form without causing it to validate the
form.  I have a table with a list of radio-buttons and above that is a
drop down list of states.  The drop down list of states is used to
filter the table rows and when the selected item changes it posts-back
to the server (via $(#frm).submit()).  I don't want this to cause
any validation to occur.  Is there another function I can call besides
submit(), or some other method?


[jQuery] Superfish nav bar drops down BEHIND Javascript slideshow in Internet Explorer

2009-07-08 Thread Adam Bomb

I need some help. I'm using Superfish navigation with Ultimate Fade-In
Slideshow.  The two scripts work in harmony in every modern browser
and lots of ancient ones... Except for Internet Explorer. In IE, the
drop-down nav bar gets hidden underneath the fading images. See what I
mean at http://www.cabatproperties.com/newsite/tallahassee/index.html.
I thought (and I still think) that the z-index settings might be the
culprit. Using inspect element in Firefox, I can see that the
Javascript image fader I'm using moves the z-index up by 1 each time
the image fades. That's fine with me -- In my Superfish CSS, I set the
z-index on the navbar astronomically high (9) so that the navbar
won't end up behind the image fader unless you stay on the page for 2
or 3 days straight. The CSS for the navbar is at
http://www.cabatproperties.com/newsite/css/superfishnav.css, if anyone
would like to inspect that.

Ideally, I'd like to keep Superfish.  I like it a lot because it
degrades very nicely in older browsers and even seems to work without
Javascript turned on.  As for the image fader, I could care less which
one I use, as long as it gives me the same basic function.

If anyone can help me remedy this unfortunate situation, it would be
very appreciated.  I know that it can be done.  I found a similar
setup on another page:  http://www.dynamicinteractions.com, and it
works like a charm using a different navbar and image fader script.  I
tried Superfish with the image fader script on THAT website and didn't
have any luck.  If worst comes to worst, I may just have to steal both
scripts from that site so that I know they work in harmony, but that
navbar script isn't as nice, in my opinion.

I have a feeling it's something pretty simple that could be edited in
the Superfish Javascript or CSS, but I know next to nothing about
Javascript.  Anyone?

[jQuery] Re: ready() to bind post-ajax events

2009-07-05 Thread Adam

On Jul 4, 12:55 pm, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Would there be a racing issue with html() though?  I believe that is not an
 asynchronous method, so it would have to complete before the next chained

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: hedgomatic hedgoma...@gmail.com
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 9:34 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] ready() to bind post-ajax events

  I haven't seen much mention of this on the web, and only recently
  discovered it works not sure if this is somehow bad practice or
  just a lesser known trick, but lately I've been chaining .ready() at
  the end of .html() when I want to bind events to new ajax data... I
  presume it's much more efficient than live(), and avoids racing
  issues. EG:

     type: 'POST',
     url: 'myPage.html',
     success: function(c){
          $(.response).html(c).ready(function() {
      bindNewEvent(.response a);


  function bindNewEvent(o) {
      $(o).click(funciton() {  ...etc...  });

  There's infinite docs about using .ready() to process the document,
  but not returning HTML. Passing the above along should anyone find it
  useful or have insight onto why it's seemingly not mentioned elsewhere.

For whatever reason, I've had problems here and there.Calling it a
race condition probably isn't accurate, but it seems to behave as such

Obviously producing a reliable example is tricky. I'm certain I have a
few at work. Will provide something come Monday unless anyone else has
similar experiences they can share prior-to.

[jQuery] just trying to get more efficient with jQuery coding

2009-07-01 Thread Adam

This is a FAQ page I built with custom jquery function that toggles
the answers open/closed on click of a question, and Im just wondering
if anyone has a suggestion to make the code leaner and meaner:


The code:

$(.entry h4).click(function() {

if ( $(this).hasClass(active) ) {
$(this).removeClass(active).next().animate({ opacity: 0 },
} else {
(active).slideToggle(500).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 1000).dequeue
({ opacity: 0 }, 200).slideToggle(500).dequeue().removeClass

return false;


[jQuery] galleria + nyroModal in safari 4- issue

2009-06-10 Thread Adam

Ive been trying to troubleshoot this issue for a while to no avail.
Hoping one of the JQ ninja-angels can uncover the culprit.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

1. Use Safari (v4) - look at the file that is loaded into the iframe
via nyroModal, and it functions

2. Now take a look at the whole search page, and click a thumbnail at
the bottom to bring up the
nyroModal window. Note that upon loading and fading in, the main image
is immediately removed. Firebug
confirms that this isnt a css effect, but the element is actually
being removed. I have been at this
for a while, does anyone see why this is happening (safari only, FF is


What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
using v1.0 of the galleria js on mac osx (latest)

[jQuery] Equivalent of Event.observe

2009-06-02 Thread Adam S

I'm trying to make the cursor focus on a certain input element when
someone hits a certain key combo (such as Shift+S).  Does anyone know
how you attach a listener like that and bind it to a key combo?

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] browser detection, conditional CSS

2009-06-01 Thread Adam

What's everyone's opinion on current best-practice for offering
conditional CSS for specific browsers. I just noticed that Jquery used
to have a detection function rolled in, which was deprecated. I have
been using IE conditional comments to do this for a long while but
recently used a WP theme (Justin Tadlock's hybrid) that used http user
agent to add classes to the body tag depending on which browser and I
sorta liked this approach. Mostly because it actually works in my PC
testing enviro. Thoughts? Thanks everyone!

[jQuery] [nyroModal] problems getting ajax-loaded content to trigger nyroModal window

2009-05-26 Thread Adam

I posted this on the nyroModal group as well, but thought I'd throw it
out to the JQ group. Im decent with JQ on static content, but am an
ajax newbie.

At the preceding link, on initial page load, the events loaded beneath
the slider interface, 'view details' links trigger nyroModal fine, but
upon slider interaction (new results loaded via ajax) 'view details'
links are still class=nyroModal
but do not open in the nyroModal window.

I have inserted the $('a.nyroModal').nyroModal(); initiation on the
search page, ajax page, and in the post call to the ajax page to no
avail. Any thoughts?

[jQuery] jQuery.extend(deep) not working?

2009-05-21 Thread Adam Nelson

I'm trying out this need extension:


which allows jQuery to do a HEAD request on an arbitrary URL in order
to grab header values for a given page.  Unfortunately, if that page
is the page the script is currently running from, it goes into an
infinite loop which results in:

[Exception... Component returned failure code: 0x80004001
(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) [nsIDOMLocation.host] nsresult:
0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) location: JS frame ::
http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js ::
anonymous :: line 12 data: no]
[Break on this error] (function(){var l=this,g,y=l.jQuery,p=l.each

If I add deep to jQuery.extend(), I get deep is not defined.

Does anybody have any help for this?  Should the code be refactored to
not extend but to be a more simplistic?

[jQuery] Performance of parent child selector vs .children() method

2009-05-06 Thread Adam

Essentially, I'd like to know if there is any difference between

$(div.grandparent  div.parent  div.child)



Does anyone know which of these is more performant or preferred when
selecting child nodes?


[jQuery] Re: creating an animated PNG loader pinwheel (sprite)

2009-04-24 Thread Adam

Thanks everyone, but none of these use jquery- the mootools version is
exactly what I am looking to do. Anyone interested in helping me port
that to JQ? I have posted on devthought as well.

On Apr 23, 4:03 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Seems it has already been done, and more than 

 -- ricardo

 On Apr 23, 5:14 pm, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:

  So I was trying to think of a way to create what was effectively aPNG
  animation similar to ananimatedGIF. What I decided was that it would
  be fairly simple to make aPNGsprite of each 'frame' of the
  animation, then set that image as the background of a container div,
  then move it in a stepping fashion to reveal each frame, then reset it
  when it gets to the end of the strip. If someone could help with the
  JQ to do the background-position stepping and the reset, I will post a
  link to the completed piece with my image as well. I will do a white
  and black version as well- this will make it possible to have one,
  smooth-looking loader animation to use on all background colors/image.

[jQuery] Re: creating an animated PNG loader pinwheel (sprite)

2009-04-24 Thread Adam

Excellent! Thanks mkmanning!

On Apr 24, 11:49 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here's quick plugin for you:


 On Apr 24, 7:47 am, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks everyone, but none of these use jquery- the mootools version is
  exactly what I am looking to do. Anyone interested in helping me port
  that to JQ? I have posted on devthought as well.

  On Apr 23, 4:03 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   Seems it has already been done, and more than 

   -- ricardo

   On Apr 23, 5:14 pm, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:

So I was trying to think of a way to create what was effectively aPNG
animation similar to ananimatedGIF. What I decided was that it would
be fairly simple to make aPNGsprite of each 'frame' of the
animation, then set that image as the background of a container div,
then move it in a stepping fashion to reveal each frame, then reset it
when it gets to the end of the strip. If someone could help with the
JQ to do the background-position stepping and the reset, I will post a
link to the completed piece with my image as well. I will do a white
and black version as well- this will make it possible to have one,
smooth-looking loader animation to use on all background colors/image.

[jQuery] Galleria thumbs not vertically aligned correctly in Safari

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

Im using Galleria on this page and in Safari, strangely the thumbnails
bump down inside their container by 12px. Can anyone see why this is
happening to me in Safari only?



[jQuery] creating an animated PNG loader pinwheel (sprite)

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

So I was trying to think of a way to create what was effectively a PNG
animation similar to an animated GIF. What I decided was that it would
be fairly simple to make a PNG sprite of each 'frame' of the
animation, then set that image as the background of a container div,
then move it in a stepping fashion to reveal each frame, then reset it
when it gets to the end of the strip. If someone could help with the
JQ to do the background-position stepping and the reset, I will post a
link to the completed piece with my image as well. I will do a white
and black version as well- this will make it possible to have one,
smooth-looking loader animation to use on all background colors/image.

[jQuery] Re: Lightbox with thumbnails

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

Check out Galleria- super slick image gallery plugin:


Im actually doing a JQ-rich real estate site right now using Galleria-
Ill post a link soon.

On Apr 23, 2:15 pm, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Agreed on the behavior, that's how I'd want it to act, too.

 Is the site you're putting the gallery on public? I'm just curious,
 because in the past I did a lot of real estate related web work (with a
 company called InteliTouch: CRM for real estate agents) and am always
 curious about interesting uses.


 Rick Faircloth wrote:
  That could be a problem for some.

  For my purposes (showing real estate photos), all the photos will be
  resized to the same size,
  so that shouldn't be an issue.

  Actually, even if I had both landscape and portrait photos, I'd prefer
  that the container remain
  the same size for speed and for consistency in the space for
  comments.  It's less attractive
  than having the full window taken up by the image, but the constant
  shifting of the window size
  is distracting to me.


  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com
  mailto:j...@ihwy.com wrote:

      Cool. The one thing I wonder about is mixed images in landscape
      and portrait modes. Most gallery demos don't show that, I'm
      guessing cuz it's less pretty, but from my experience it's often
      matters. I haven't looked carefully at that one to see how it will
      handle those.

      - Jack

[jQuery] Re: Loading before dom = ready - Best Practices.

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

I actually do this for people with JS enabled on one particular site
in question. Since the ads are in separate iframes, I simply don't
specify a source, and use jQuery's DOM ready to query a php file that
generates a random key, whereby I can then set the source for my ad
frames. It's also nice since I can dynamically refresh the ads upon
certain user actions.

#4 is basically what I do coupled with #2, and then do something like

  .jscript { display:block; }

for no-js people.

Which works great, but the problem is I really don't want to wait for
dom to load for critical nav elements.

#5 is of course always best practice, but sometimes that comes back to
bite. For instance, with any lightbox content, I nearly always do the
hide/show trick as above, since otherwise users might try and enlarge
some content on the page before GIANT_ADBANNER.SWF has finished
loading, and instead get the image in a blank page.

my only real concern is in regards to elements that I think impact
user experience by not being available ASAP.

On Apr 23, 2:44 pm, Jonathan jdd...@gmail.com wrote:
 In a perfect world the things out of your control (ads, feeds, etc)
 would themselves be loaded after domReady into their placeholder
 markup. A slow loading Ad shouldn't be able to cripple the site while
 it loads, but anyway to expand on your topic.

 4) Set a class on the Dom elements called 'jscript' or something that
 either hides or otherwise marks the content as not ready(disabled,
 grayed,etc) and once the Dom is ready use Javascript to remove the
 5) Redesign your pre javascript markup so it's somewhat usable and
 only use javascript to expand upon the behavior (this is really the
 best approach but not always practical if you use heavy script)

 I would recommend not trying to get tricky with snippets of script
 outside the domReady though. Too easy to have race conditions or
 otherwise hard to track down problems.

 On Apr 23, 12:13 pm, hedgomatic hedgoma...@gmail.com wrote:

  While virtually every site in existence trumpets using the jQuery DOM-
  ready shortcut as an absolute must, I've come across situations which
  I feel frustrate the user, particularly when using jQuery to create a
  navigational element.

  I often work on sites which are going to have a lot of external
  content (ads, feeds, analytics), and if even one of them is sluggish
  to load, none of my interactive elements are responsive for that time.

  There seem to be three options:

  1] liveQuery (disadvantage: overhead)
  2] popping a loading message over the whole page (disadvantage:
  3] nesting an image inside the portion of the DOM we need, and using
  an onLoad event (disadvantage: poor semantics).

  Anyone else come across any novel ways around this seemingly under-
  discussed issue?

[jQuery] Re: Loading before dom = ready - Best Practices.

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

On Apr 23, 2:57 pm, Brandon Aaron brandon.aa...@gmail.com wrote:
 You could use $.getScript to load in the slow loading scripts. Any scripts
 loaded this way will be non-blocking (asynchronous).
 Brandon Aaron

That could certainly cut down some of the time, but I suspect there's
same-origin policy limitations here?

[jQuery] Re: Loading before dom = ready - Best Practices.

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

 That sounds like a potential accessibility issue.

I certainly think so, hence the question :]

 Such script tags should be moved to just before /

They are, but this still produces the problem since that's still part
of the DOM we're waiting on.

 There are probably more and better options. Possibly by using a
 combination of a few things, the performance and user experience (and
 possibly SEO) could be improved.

Effectively we are using a combination of most of the techniques
described here and above, my reasoning for wanting to explore other
options is indeed largely an SEO / text-to-speech concern with some of
these practices. We're doing a pretty good job of it, considering, but
it would be lovely if there were a single reliable solution.

I'll certainly have to check out $.getScript. Thanks Brandon!

[jQuery] Re: Loading before dom = ready - Best Practices.

2009-04-23 Thread Adam

 That sounds like a potential accessibility issue.

I certainly think so, hence the question :]

 Such script tags should be moved to just before /

They are, but this still produces the problem since that's still part
of the DOM we're waiting on.

 There are probably more and better options. Possibly by using a
 combination of a few things, the performance and user experience (and
 possibly SEO) could be improved.

Effectively we are using a combination of most of the techniques
described here and above, my reasoning for wanting to explore other
options is indeed largely an SEO / text-to-speech concern with some of
these practices. We're doing a pretty good job of it, considering, but
it would be lovely if there were a single reliable solution.

I'll certainly have to check out $.getScript. Thanks Brandon!

[jQuery] Trying to use UI accordion to create menu with event: click but still enable links on child link items

2009-04-07 Thread Adam

I did also post this in the UI group...

I have a simple two-level menu utilizing the accordion and want to
change from event:mouseover to click as the trigger to open the
drawers. The problem Im having is that this change converts ALL links
in the menu, even children, to return:false and all links are
disabled. I understand that the main level links cannot do 2 things,
but can re-enable the children links? I investigated the navigation
option and navigationFilter but cant make sense of it- is this how I
would configure a filter to re-activate the secondary list links?
script looks like this currently:
  fillSpace: false,
  animated: 'easeslide',
  header: 'a.head',
  autoheight: true,
  event: 'click'

and markup looks like this:
ul id=productsNav
li class=page_itema href=radiance-solar-
title=Radiance Solar Screen ShadesRadiance Solar Screen Shades/a
li class=page_itema href=hardware
li class=page_itema href=operator-options
OptionsOperator Options/a/li
li class=page_itema href=fabric-options title=Fabric
OptionsFabric Options/a/li
li class=page_itema href=shades-of-green-eco-friendly-
solutions title=Shades of Green Eco-friendly SolutionsShades of
Green Eco-friendly Solutions/a/li
li class=page_itema href=photo-galleries title=Photo
GalleriesPhoto Galleries/a/li
li class=page_itema href=pdf-brochure title=PDF
li class=page_itema href=radiance-av-blackout-dual-shades
title=Radiance AV Blackout amp; Dual ShadesRadiance AV Blackout
#038; Dual Shades/a
li class=page_itema href=hardware
li class=page_itema href=operator-options
OptionsOperator Options/a/li
li class=page_itema href=fabric-options title=Fabric
OptionsFabric Options/a/li
li class=page_itema href=shades-of-green-eco-friendly-
solutions title=Shades of Green Eco-friendly SolutionsShades of
Green Eco-friendly Solutions/a/li
li class=page_itema href=photo-galleries title=Photo
GalleriesPhoto Galleries/a/li
li class=page_itema href=pdf-brochure title=PDF
Could someone take a look and let me know how to tell the accordion
allow the 2nd level links to follow the link on click?
Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Wiring up lots of text boxes

2009-04-02 Thread Adam Patt

I want to set the onChange event for a lot of text boxes on a page and
the code I currently have looks like this:

function() {
//wire up all changes
$(#requirementsgrid :text).change

The number of text boxes can be very large based on the results.  Is
this the most efficient way to set an onChange event for a lot of
items on a page or is there a way for me to catch an on change for
something like the form and then determine what actually made the

It can take 5-10 seconds for this set to happen on page load.

[jQuery] Wiring using jQuery vs. a static string in onClick

2009-04-02 Thread Adam Patt

I am setting an onClick for many rows doing this:

a href=javascript:copy_value_popup({'position': 'RN', 'location' :
'Location A', 'shift' : '1st Shift (7a-3p)'},

I could set this information as attributes in other parts of the table
structure to get what I needed to make a way to wire these up via
jQuery.  I could have hundreds of these links to wire up.  I know that
my current way will produce more html that the page will have to
download and process, but is there likely to be any noticeable
performance difference between doing a static link like this vs.
jQuery setup in $(document).ready when it comes to page loading or
general JS page performance?

[jQuery] inserting commas into a price value

2009-04-02 Thread Adam

I am trying to manipulate a simple value (text node) which is a home
price from 123456789 to be 123,456,789. Anyone have a resource?

[jQuery] Re: inserting commas into a price value

2009-04-02 Thread Adam

Thanks Michael! Works well.

On Apr 2, 12:04 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Apr 2, 9:58 am, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am trying to manipulate a simple value (text node) which is a home
  price from 123456789 to be 123,456,789. Anyone have a resource?

[jQuery] Re: using apple-style slider

2009-04-01 Thread Adam

Ive since sorted this one and thought I would post for the group. The
search is dynamic and the # of elements (LIs) changes per inputs in
other form elements on the page. So, the first step was to count the
LIs in the UL, then multiply the result by the width of each element,
and apply that value as the css width to the containing UL. Note: I
found that applying multiple properties via the css() method was
problematic- all of the attributes had to be applied at once. Here is
the solution in a nutshell:

var resultsQuantity = $(#results ul  li).length;

min: 0,
max: 6238,
animate: true,
slide: function (event, ui) {
var resultsQuantity = $(ul#resultsUL  li).length; // count
$(this).slider('option', 'max', resultsQuantity * 226); // set 
max value of the slider accordingly
$(ul#resultsUL).css('width', resultsQuantity * 226 + 'px').css
('left', ui.value * -1); // set the width of the UL accordingly and
set up the slide of the results on change of slider value
stop: function (event, ui) {
var resultsQuantity = $(ul#resultsUL  li).length; // count
$(this).slider('option', 'max', resultsQuantity * 226); // set 
max value of the slider accordingly
$(ul#resultsUL).css('width', resultsQuantity * 226 + 
({'left' : ui.value * -1}, 500); // set the width of the UL
accordingly and set up the slide of the results on change of slider


On Mar 26, 2:59 pm, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Im using an apple product page-style slider as described on Remy's
 awesome jqueryfordesigners.com, but with content in addition to the
 images. Im having some css/display issues.


 His demo makes use of the items in the list being set to
 display:inline, but this causes funky results with the H4s and P tags
 that I have under the images also inside each LI. Ive seen some
 similar executions that let the LIs be block and float left, but use
 some additional JQ to calculate how wide the UL slider should be (on
 the fly). Would that be the way to make this display correctly?

[jQuery] Re: How to load redirected content in dialog?

2009-03-30 Thread Adam


On Mar 27, 4:39 pm, Adam apcau...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have some content that loads in a dialog popup via ajax.  For some
 reason when the URL redirects (i.e. 301, 302, etc.), the content never
 loads in the dialog.  Is this normal behavior for ajax, or should the
 redirected content load?


 a href=url_that_redirects class=myDialogdo something/a

 $(.myDialog).click(function() {


 $.fn.openDialog = function () {
                 var url = $(this).attr(href);
                 popup = $(this).dialog();
                                 url: url,
                                 success: function(message) {
                                 error: function() {
 class='portlet-msg-error'The content could not
 be loaded./div);
                                 timeout: 2

                 return this;

[jQuery] Using Ajax with Redirects

2009-03-30 Thread Adam

I have some content that loads in a dialog popup via ajax.  For some
reason when the URL redirects (i.e. 301, 302, etc.), the content never
loads in the dialog.  Is this normal behavior for ajax, or should the
redirected content load?


a href=url_that_redirects class=myDialogdo something/a

$(.myDialog).click(function() {


$.fn.openDialog = function () {
var url = $(this).attr(href);
popup = $(this).dialog();
url: url,
success: function(message) {
error: function() {
class='portlet-msg-error'The content could not
be loaded./div);
timeout: 2

return this;

[jQuery] Re: using apple-style slider

2009-03-28 Thread Adam

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.

On Mar 26, 2:59 pm, Adam adambu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Im using an apple product page-style slider as described on Remy's
 awesome jqueryfordesigners.com, but with content in addition to the
 images. Im having some css/display issues.


 His demo makes use of the items in the list being set to
 display:inline, but this causes funky results with the H4s and P tags
 that I have under the images also inside each LI. Ive seen some
 similar executions that let the LIs be block and float left, but use
 some additional JQ to calculate how wide the UL slider should be (on
 the fly). Would that be the way to make this display correctly?

[jQuery] How to load redirected content in dialog?

2009-03-27 Thread Adam

I have some content that loads in a dialog popup via ajax.  For some
reason when the URL redirects (i.e. 301, 302, etc.), the content never
loads in the dialog.  Is this normal behavior for ajax, or should the
redirected content load?


a href=url_that_redirects class=myDialogdo something/a

$(.myDialog).click(function() {

$.fn.openDialog = function () {
var url = $(this).attr(href);
popup = $(this).dialog();
url: url,
success: function(message) {
error: function() {
class='portlet-msg-error'The content could not
be loaded./div);
timeout: 2

return this;

[jQuery] Temporarily disable inline onclick

2009-03-26 Thread Adam Walters


I was wondering if there was a way to temporarily disable an inline
onclick event, which i can reattach later.  Here's the scenario:

My page has an edit mode which makes the text of certain elements
Edit mode is enabled - text that is editable gets a click event bound
to it by jquery
Clicking the element allows you to inplace edit and save the info
Disabling edit mode removes the click event to activate an editable

Everything works great unless there is an onclick attribute specifed
inline on the element (ie- rails generates an onclick confirm
message).  So the inline confirm is raised first, then my subsequent
bound click events.

Is there a means i can temporarily disable (or remove/reattach) these
inline javascript events?

I'm using jQuery 1.3.1

Thanks in advance,
Adam Walters

[jQuery] Re: Play video in modal messages

2009-03-26 Thread Adam

Check out http://nyromodal.nyrodev.com/



On Mar 26, 2:43 pm, ebru...@gmail.com ebru...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to show a youtube video in a modal messages but the video is
 different on every link. So someone presses on the link

 span id='afleveringVideo'a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?
 v=gNNVF8rJjrw id=video title=Bekijk de spoiler van
 {$foo.aflevering} class=basicBekijk de spoiler/a/span

 It starts the following:

         $(document).ready(function () {
                 $('#afleveringVideo input.basic, #afleveringVideo a.basic,
 #video').click(function (e) {
                         var url = $(this).attr(href);
                         $('#afleveringVideoModal').modal({persist: true});

 And then it have to replace url_form_ahref into the url of the link:

     div id=afleveringVideoModal style='display:none;'
                 object width=480 height=385param name=movie
 value=url_form_ahref/paramparam name=allowFullScreen
 value=true/paramparam name=allowscriptaccess value=always/
 paramembed src=url_form_ahref type=application/x-shockwave-flash
 allowscriptaccess=always allowfullscreen=true width=480

 Is this possible?


[jQuery] using apple-style slider

2009-03-26 Thread Adam

Im using an apple product page-style slider as described on Remy's
awesome jqueryfordesigners.com, but with content in addition to the
images. Im having some css/display issues.


His demo makes use of the items in the list being set to
display:inline, but this causes funky results with the H4s and P tags
that I have under the images also inside each LI. Ive seen some
similar executions that let the LIs be block and float left, but use
some additional JQ to calculate how wide the UL slider should be (on
the fly). Would that be the way to make this display correctly?

[jQuery] cluetip plugin issues

2009-03-24 Thread Adam

I am trying to use the cluetip plugin to no avail.  Instead of the
cluetip coming up, I am taken to the website URL like a normal link.

I am using this within the Liferay portal and am using the livequery
plugin.  I've tried this with ajaxCache set to false and true.

The cluetip code is getting executed when the page loads - verified
with firebug.  Here is the cluetip related html that is written when
the cluetip code executes:

div id=cluetip-waitimage style=position: absolute; z-index: 95;
display: none;/
div id=cluetip style=z-index: 96; display: none; position:
absolute;div style=z-index: 90; opacity: 0.1; top: 6px; left: 6px;
position: absolute; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);/div style=z-
index: 91; opacity: 0.1; top: 5px; left: 5px; position: absolute;
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);/div style=z-index: 92; opacity:
0.1; top: 4px; left: 4px; position: absolute; background-color: rgb(0,
0, 0);/div style=z-index: 93; opacity: 0.1; top: 3px; left: 3px;
position: absolute; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);/div style=z-
index: 94; opacity: 0.1; top: 2px; left: 2px; position: absolute;
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);/div style=z-index: 95; opacity:
0.1; top: 1px; left: 1px; position: absolute; background-color: rgb(0,
0, 0);/div id=cluetip-outer style=position: relative; z-index:
97;h3 id=cluetip-title/div id=cluetip-inner//divdiv
id=cluetip-extra/div class=cluetip-arrows id=cluetip-arrows
style=z-index: 97;//div

Here is my relevant code:

jQuery(a.hTip).livequery(function() {

a href=someurl class=hTip title=the titleTest Me/a

[jQuery] Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam

Message: Invalid argument.
Line: 12
Char: 12949
Code: 0
URI: http://domain/shared/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js

I keep getting the above error In IE but Not FF.. Everything works
great in FF, and almost in IE.. But I am having a hard time tracking
down the cause this issue in IE...  any help appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam Drew

FYI, all is well in Safari as well as Firefox... The main thing in IE
that breaks down is my main Tabs setup...   and the only javascript
error indicated is that it  Could not get display title. Invalid
Argument, but that's all I can see about this.

On Mar 20, 10:07 am, Adam epne...@gmail.com wrote:
 Message: Invalid argument.
 Line: 12
 Char: 12949
 Code: 0

 I keep getting the above error In IE but Not FF.. Everything works
 great in FF, and almost in IE.. But I am having a hard time tracking
 down the cause this issue in IE...  any help appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam Drew

Using the dev version, I can break it down to this function..  line
1061 ch 4

I guess i should go track down anything that's playing with an
elements opacity???

// from jquery.1.3.2.js
// IE uses filters for opacity

if ( !jQuery.support.opacity  name == opacity ) {
if ( set ) {
// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not 
have layout
// Force it by setting the zoom level
elem.zoom = 1;

// Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
elem.filter = (elem.filter || ).replace( 
/alpha\([^)]*\)/,  )
(parseInt( value ) + '' == NaN ?  : 
alpha(opacity= + value
* 100 + ));

return elem.filter  elem.filter.indexOf(opacity=) 
= 0 ?
elem.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) +

name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(all, letter){
return letter.toUpperCase();

if ( set )
  elem[ name ] =
value;  //

return elem[ name ];

[jQuery] Re: Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam Drew

Thanks For your input Martijn,

Unfortunately, I'm not sure where my culprit code is yet.. so I'm not
sure what options are being passed.

I'm looking now for typos, extra properties or invalid attr


[jQuery] Re: Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam Drew

did a break point in the ie8 dev console on it and watched the
following values break at that line a few times during the page

name = outline
value = 0 none !important

Those values breaks it every time it comes around..

I'm going to see what is setting these values..

On Mar 20, 10:40 am, Martijn Houtman martijn.hout...@gmail.com
 On Mar 20, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Adam Drew wrote:

  Using the dev version, I can break it down to this function..  line
  1061 ch 4

  I guess i should go track down anything that's playing with an
  elements opacity???

  // from jquery.1.3.2.js
  // IE uses filters for opacity

             if ( !jQuery.support.opacity  name == opacity ) {
                     if ( set ) {
                             // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not 
  have layout
                             // Force it by setting the zoom level
                             elem.zoom = 1;

                             // Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
                             elem.filter = (elem.filter || ).replace( 
  /alpha\([^)]*\)/,  )
                                     (parseInt( value ) + '' == NaN ?  : 
  alpha(opacity= + value
  * 100 + ));

                     return elem.filter  elem.filter.indexOf(opacity=) = 
  0 ?
  elem.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) +

             name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(all, letter){
                     return letter.toUpperCase();

             if ( set )
                        elem[ name ] =
  value;                                                          //

             return elem[ name ];

 Ah, this seems like an invalid or non-existent CSS property. What CSS  
 options are you passing?


[jQuery] Re: Help tracking down error in IE8 / jquery 1.3.2

2009-03-20 Thread Adam Drew

Looks like it's due to the themeswitcher widget I setup

// jquery.themeswitcher.js
//pane css
position: 'absolute',
float: 'left',
fontFamily: 'Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif',
fontSize: '12px',
background: '#000',
color: '#fff',
padding: '8px 3px 3px',
border: '1px solid #ccc',
'-moz-border-radius-bottomleft': '6px',
'-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius': '6px',
'-moz-border-radius-bottomright': '6px',
'-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius': '6px',
borderTop: 0,
zIndex: 99,
width: options.width-6//minus must match left and right padding
listStyle: 'none',
margin: '0',
padding: '0',
overflow: 'auto',
height: options.height
menuhoverbg.png) 50% 50% repeat-x',
cursor: 'pointer'
'background': '#000',
cursor: 'auto'
width: options.width-30,
height: '',
padding: '2px',
margin: '1px',
border: '1px solid #111',
'-moz-border-radius': '4px',
clear: 'left',
float: 'left'
color: '#aaa',
textDecoration: 'none',
float: 'left',
width: '100%',
outline: '0 none !important'// THIS LINE BREAKS 
float: 'left',
border: '1px solid #333',
margin: '0 2px'
float: 'left',
margin: '3px 0'

On Mar 20, 11:35 am, Adam Drew epne...@gmail.com wrote:
 did a break point in the ie8 dev console on it and watched the
 following values break at that line a few times during the page

 name = outline
 value = 0 none !important

 Those values breaks it every time it comes around..

 I'm going to see what is setting these values..

 On Mar 20, 10:40 am, Martijn Houtman martijn.hout...@gmail.com

  On Mar 20, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Adam Drew wrote:

   Using the dev version, I can break it down to this function..  line
   1061 ch 4

   I guess i should go track down anything that's playing with an
   elements opacity???

   // from jquery.1.3.2.js
   // IE uses filters for opacity

              if ( !jQuery.support.opacity  name == opacity ) {
                      if ( set ) {
                              // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not 
   have layout
                              // Force it by setting the zoom level
                              elem.zoom = 1;

                              // Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
                              elem.filter = (elem.filter || ).replace( 
   /alpha\([^)]*\)/,  )
                                      (parseInt( value ) + '' == NaN ?  
   : alpha(opacity= + value
   * 100 + ));

                      return elem.filter  elem.filter.indexOf(opacity=) 
   = 0 ?
   elem.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) +

              name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(all, letter){
                      return letter.toUpperCase();

              if ( set )
                         elem[ name ] =
   value;                                                          //

              return elem[ name ];

  Ah, this seems like an invalid or non-existent CSS property. What CSS  
  options are you passing?


[jQuery] IE Selection Hiding

2009-03-19 Thread Adam Paeth

Just curious if the problem of hiding an IE selection option has been
fixed or if anyone has a workaround other then keeping a hidden list
of options that aren't selected.

Adam Paeth

$(#option1).hide();  //works in FF, not in IE

[jQuery] Re: help with menu and show/hide divs

2009-03-14 Thread Adam Jessop

Do something like:

div id=links
a href=#firstDiv id=firstfirsta
a href=#secondDiv id=secondseconda
a href=#thirdDiv id=thirdthirda

div id=container
div class=content
 div id=firstDiv/div
div id=secondDiv/div
div id=thirdDiv/div


$(function(ev) {

$('#links a').click(function(ev){
$('#content div').hide();
id = $(this).attr('id');
$('#' + id + 'Div').show();


Untested but you get the idea :)

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Paul Hutson
Sent: 14 March 2009 11:44
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: help with menu and show/hide divs


You could always go back to basics... i.e. the following (you'll have
to use your existing hide show code..) - and I know this isn't

if (ClickedItem == firstdiv)
} elseif (ClickedItem == firstdiv) {
} else {


On Mar 14, 4:02 am, kevinm sonicd...@gmail.com wrote:
 I know I am doing something stupid , but can't figure it out.

 I have a menu of three items

 a href=#firstDivfirsta
 a href=#secondDivseconda
 a href=#thirdDivthirda

 I then have 3 divs

 div id=container
 div class=content
   div id=firstDiv/div
  div id=secondDiv/div
  div id=thirdDiv/div

 the first div is shown by default, what I need to do is when menu
 items are clicked that the div shown (first,second,or third) is hidden
 and the selected div is shown.  I am using the href to determine what
 div to show.

 I know this is an oft asked thing, but for the life of me I always end
 up with two divs showing instead of one.

 Thanks for any insight.

[jQuery] Regular Expression that works everywhere but in jQuery

2009-03-06 Thread Adam

Hey there,

I'm trying to use JS to clean up the cruft from a Word doc when it's
being pasted into a WYSYWIG editor.

Word puts conditional comments like this in the HTML:

!--[if !mso] style v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:*
{behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url
(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} /style !

And I'm using this RegEx (I'm no RegEx-pert, but I've successfully
tested it here (http://www.regular-expressions.info/
javascriptexample.html), with the Firefox RegEx add-on, etc.):

//strip out word cruft
var scrubbed = code.html().replace(/(!--).*(--)/gi,);

But it's not working at all. See something I'm missing/stupid I did?


[jQuery] Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop



I am  working on a site where are wanting to create a full screen site using  
percentages for positioning and displaying of content. As part of the project  
we also want to have some animation to bring objects onto the page.

We have the  objects in their correct positions using relative positioning and 
negative top  values for example: 


#myDiv{ top:  -26%;}


This is  where we wish the animation to end with the block in position so 
therefore its  starting value in the CSS could be:  “top:  0%”.


Now I made  the assumption that my js to achieve this would be:


$(‘#myDiv’).animate({top  : “-26%”});


After  testing this, it became clear that the animate function was ignoring the 
‘%’  sign and was just applying ‘-26px’ instead.


After  positing this directly to John Resig via twitter I got a response asking 
me to  try:


$(‘#myDiv’).animate({top  : “-=26%”});


However the  object always animates to: “top: 0px” regardless of its starting 
position,  percentage value and the +=, -= notation.


Is this a  bug or am I missing something here? – Using JQuery 1.3.2


Adam Jessop.

[jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop

The site in question is at: http://be.0wned.co.uk

I have currently got active on there two examples of the situations I'm running 
into but let me run down the scene.

What we are trying to achieve is that the field, city, rocks and sign (divs 
have ID's reflecting those names) are different layers and will animate into 
the page from the bottom at queued intervals.

The rock and sign are in position as pointers.

With the field I am giving you the example where I use: 

  }, 1500);

The above results in an animation setting the result to: top:0px.

With the city... the position where it fits correctly is top:-69% however as 
explained previously, the animate function ignores percentage values and does 
them as px. So for the sake of an example I use:


This moves the position into the correct position, but proves the case that it 
uses px instead of % which is no good to me as on browser resize it loses its 
relative position.

I hope this helps, please let me know if I can assist any more.

Adam Jessop.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of John Resig
Sent: 05 March 2009 12:34
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

Not sure - do you have a sample that we can look at?


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Adam Jessop a...@infused-gaming.net wrote:

 I am working on a site where are wanting to create a full screen site 
 using percentages for positioning and displaying of content. As part 
 of the project we also want to have some animation to bring objects onto the 

 We have the objects in their correct positions using relative 
 positioning and negative top values for example:

 #myDiv{ top: -26%;}

 This is where we wish the animation to end with the block in position 
 so therefore its starting value in the CSS could be:  “top: 0%”.

 Now I made the assumption that my js to achieve this would be:

 $(‘#myDiv’).animate({top : “-26%”});

 After testing this, it became clear that the animate function was 
 ignoring the ‘%’ sign and was just applying ‘-26px’ instead.

 After positing this directly to John Resig via twitter I got a 
 response asking me to try:

 $(‘#myDiv’).animate({top : “-=26%”});

 However the object always animates to: “top: 0px” regardless of its 
 starting position, percentage value and the +=, -= notation.

 Is this a bug or am I missing something here? – Using JQuery 1.3.2

 Adam Jessop.

[jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop


The site in question is at: http://be.0wned.co.uk

I have currently got active on there two examples of the situations I'm running 
into but let me run down the scene.

What we are trying to achieve is that the field, city, rocks and sign (divs 
have ID's reflecting those names) are different layers and will animate into 
the page from the bottom at queued intervals.

The rock and sign are in position as pointers.

With the field I am giving you the example where I use: 

  }, 1500);

The above results in an animation setting the result to: top:0px.

With the city... the position where it fits correctly is top:-69% however as 
explained previously, the animate function ignores percentage values and does 
them as px. So for the sake of an example I use:


This moves the position into the correct position, but proves the case that it 
uses px instead of % which is no good to me as on browser resize it loses its 
relative position.

I hope this helps, please let me know if I can assist any more.

Adam Jessop.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of John Resig
Sent: 05 March 2009 12:34
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

Not sure - do you have a sample that we can look at?


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Adam Jessop a...@infused-gaming.net wrote:

 I am working on a site where are wanting to create a full screen site using
 percentages for positioning and displaying of content. As part of the
 project we also want to have some animation to bring objects onto the page.

 We have the objects in their correct positions using relative positioning
 and negative top values for example:

 #myDiv{ top: -26%;}

 This is where we wish the animation to end with the block in position so
 therefore its starting value in the CSS could be:  top: 0%.

 Now I made the assumption that my js to achieve this would be:

 $('#myDiv').animate({top : -26%});

 After testing this, it became clear that the animate function was ignoring
 the '%' sign and was just applying '-26px' instead.

 After positing this directly to John Resig via twitter I got a response
 asking me to try:

 $('#myDiv').animate({top : -=26%});

 However the object always animates to: top: 0px regardless of its starting
 position, percentage value and the +=, -= notation.

 Is this a bug or am I missing something here? - Using JQuery 1.3.2

 Adam Jessop.

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. 
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[jQuery] Re: Current item child index ?

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop

Give the li's an ID and just use that for the step number


li id=step-1Step one/li
li id=step-2Step two/li

$(#stepsList li).click(function() {
  // load stepContent  === not a problem
   id = $(this).attr('id');
   $(#stepFooter).html(Viewing + id.replace(-, ) + of  
+$(#stepsList li).length);


Un tested but you get the idea...

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Liam Byrne
Sent: 05 March 2009 12:25
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Current item child index ?

Hi folks

Just wondering if there's a quick/shorthand way of doing this:

I'm doing a navigation system where I want clickable items but I want to

put the current item number in a footer, e.g.

Any ideas of a quick way (without using each) to get CURRENTSTEPNUMBER

? Basically the reverse of nth-child ?


$(#stepsList li).click(function() {
  // load stepContent  === not a problem

   $(#stepFooter).html(Viewing step +CURRENTSTEPNUMBER+ of  
+$(#stepsList li).length);


ul id=stepsList
listep one/li
listep two/li
/listep threeli

div id=stepContent

div id=stepFooter

The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. 
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returning a copy of the e-mail with the subject 
line marked wrong address and then deleting the e-mail, and any attachments 
and any copies of it.  Any questions should be directed 
to  postmas...@sivltd.com. 

Sheffield International Venues Limited uses regularly updated anti-virus 
software in an attempt to reduce the possibility 
of infection. However we do not guarantee that any attachments to this e-mail 
are virus free. 


[jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop

Well contrary to the domain name, it is a real site with  no threat, disable 
your JS first if you like!


I have the CSS values for how I want the end result to be  already, but I don’t 
want them visible when the page loads, defies the whole  point of the effect.   


After that I'm afraid I don’t really see how that achieves  what I want.


-Original Message-

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com  [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of brian

Sent: 05 March 2009 17:23

To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com

Subject: [jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Adam Jessop a...@infused-gaming.net wrote:



 The site in question is at: http://be.0wned.co.uk


Do you really expect anyone to click that link with JS  enabled? ;-)


I think the way I'd approach this would be to first get  the CSS set up so 
that, with the images already in place when the page loads,  they assume their 
proper positions regardless of window size. Then, I'd replace  each of the 
images with a single pixel img. When the page loaded, I'd get the  positions of 
each of the 1 pixel imgs on the screen and set the animation  params for the 
respective images which a re off-screen.

[jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop

I appreciate the help :)

Again though, seems a long winded approach to something that should work using 
the right syntax etc right?
Surely this must be a bug in jQuery of some kind? 


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of brian
Sent: 05 March 2009 18:47
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Adam Jessop a...@infused-gaming.net wrote:
 Well contrary to the domain name, it is a real site with no threat, disable
 your JS first if you like!

I was joking.

 I have the CSS values for how I want the end result to be already, but I
 don’t want them visible when the page loads, defies the whole point of the

I meant that you should leave them visible only for as long as it
takes to set up your CSS to have them positioned where you want them.
I'm guessing this is a fluid design, so that the image locations would
adjust according to screen size changes.. If the CSS isn't correctly
done the next step would be pointless.

Once the images are how you want them to ultimately be, regardless of
screen size changes, replace them with single-pixel images (ie,
invisible) at the top-left corner position of your actual images.

 After that I'm afraid I don’t really see how that achieves what I want.

When the page loads, have your script find the positions--using
pixels--of each of the placeholder images. Feed those coordinates to
your animate function.

You could probably achieve the same thing without the placeholders by
doing a bit of math based on the screen size and the CSS percentages
but this other way seems to me to be simplest.

[jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Jessop

I appreciate the help :)



Again though, seems a long winded approach to something  that should work using 
the right syntax etc right?

Surely this must be a bug in jQuery of some kind? 




-Original Message-

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com  [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of brian

Sent: 05 March 2009 18:47

To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com

Subject: [jQuery] Re: Animate using relative %



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Adam Jessop a...@infused-gaming.net wrote:

 Well contrary to the domain name, it is a real site  with no threat, 

 disable your JS first if you like!


I was joking.


 I have the CSS values for how I want the end result  to be already, but 

 I don’t want them visible when the page loads,  defies the whole point 

 of the effect.


I meant that you should leave them visible only for as  long as it takes to set 
up your CSS to have them positioned where you want  them.

I'm guessing this is a fluid design, so that the image  locations would adjust 
according to screen size changes.. If the CSS isn't  correctly done the next 
step would be pointless.


Once the images are how you want them to ultimately be,  regardless of screen 
size changes, replace them with single-pixel images (ie,

invisible) at the top-left corner position of your actual  images.


 After that I'm afraid I don’t really see how that  achieves what I want.


When the page loads, have your script find the  positions--using pixels--of 
each of the placeholder images. Feed those  coordinates to your animate 


You could probably achieve the same thing without the  placeholders by doing a 
bit of math based on the screen size and the CSS  percentages but this other 
way seems to me to be simplest.

[jQuery] ajax() alternative to load() function?

2009-02-27 Thread Adam


Is there a way to use the ajax() function and insert html into the DOM
similar to the load() function? I need to be able to catch errors and
use a timeout, but replicate what load() does.


[jQuery] forcing ajax request to stop

2009-02-23 Thread Adam

Hey, I'm looking for a way to force some known running ajax requests
to stop before initiating another call..

I'm using the jQuery.ajax global events to monitor the active
requests.. but in the jQuery docs, i was unable to find a method of
forcing a processing request to actually stop...

For example, in this case, if someone starts a search request.. but
then changes there mind and wants to submit different request, I want
the currently processing search request to be forced to stop before
allowing the second search to be sent to my back end

The only way i can see this happening, is to build into my backend
request a method of recieving a stop message, and then abborting the
back end call, thus forcing the request to stop..

Does anyone know of a way of doing this with just jQuery or perhaps
the XHR object?

[jQuery] triggering a link event that has an image tag?

2009-02-13 Thread Adam

I've been trying to setup a lightbox (or similar) plugin to work with
my images, but am having problems due to the a tag trigger not
firing.  It appears that this is because jquery is triggering the
img event instead of the a event. For example:

The first one is called when I click the thumbnail, but not the second
(which is the one that I want to be called).

jQuery(.flickr-photo a img)
.livequery(click, function() {
alert('img click');


jQuery(.flickr-photo a)
.livequery(click, function() {
alert('a click');

div class=flickr-photo
a href=blah_thumbnail.jpgimg src=blah_big.jpg //a

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?  It doesn't seem to be an issue
with livequery as far as I can tell.

[jQuery] How to wait for load() to finish executing

2009-01-28 Thread Adam

How can I wait for the load() function to finish before executing the
next line of code?  The code that I need to execute after load() is
finished cannot be called within the callback function.  I basically
need to return true after the load has finished but not beforehand.

Here's the relevant code:

cluetipClass: 'jtip',
arrows: true,
dropShadow: false,
hoverIntent: false,
sticky: true,
mouseOutClose: false,
closePosition: 'title',
closeText: 'close',
activation: 'click',
local: true,
hideLocal: true,
onActivate: function() {
var url = 

   //dont' return true
until load() is finished
  return true;

[jQuery] UI Dialog Position Based on Link Position

2009-01-27 Thread Adam

I'd like to open a dialog when a link is clicked, and have the dialog
open beside the link, similar to a tooltip.

Are there any examples on how to calculate the position where the
dialog should show up?  What's the best way to position it so that it
shows within the confines of the page (i.e. if the link is right-
aligned, the dialog should popup to the left of the link, etc.).

[jQuery] cluetip plugin crashing Firefox with external style sheet

2009-01-27 Thread Adam

When using the cluetip plugin, I am loading an external url.  The tip
loads fine if my external page is plain text/html, however if I
reference an external style sheet (using the rel tag), the plugin
crashes Firefox.  It's happened more than once.  Is there a workaround
for this other than inline style?  I need to use a .css file since I
have multiple pages to show with the cluetip.


[jQuery] Re: cluetip plugin crashing Firefox with external style sheet

2009-01-27 Thread Adam

I figured out a workaround by using a hidden div, and loading the
external website content in the hidden div.  However, now that it's
working, I've noticed that the cluetip seems to shift its location
after I load the content into the div.  Maybe it's the way I'm doing
it?  I'd like to be able to load the content before the cluetip is
show, and make sure it is loaded.

Here's what I'm doing right now:

a href=whatever.com rel=#helper class=hTiptest/a
div id=helper style=display: none/div

.livequery(function() {

var url = jQuery(this).attr(href);

cluetipClass: 'jtip',
arrows: true,
dropShadow: false,
hoverIntent: false,
sticky: true,
mouseOutClose: false,
closePosition: 'title',
closeText: 'close',
activation: 'click',
local: true,
onShow: function(ct, c) {

jQuery(c).load(url, function() {
return true;

return false;


Instead of onShow, I also tried onActivate, but the external site
doesn't finish loading until after the cluetip shows, which causes the
external content to not even show up.

On Jan 27, 9:58 am, Adam apcau...@gmail.com wrote:
 When using the cluetip plugin, I am loading an external url.  The tip
 loads fine if my external page is plain text/html, however if I
 reference an external style sheet (using the rel tag), the plugin
 crashes Firefox.  It's happened more than once.  Is there a workaround
 for this other than inline style?  I need to use a .css file since I
 have multiple pages to show with the cluetip.


[jQuery] Re: Slide down and up element and remain vertical size

2009-01-23 Thread Adam

I have had the same issue on 2 different accordions, where sometimes
the hover event doesnt trigger the drawer to open, and you have to
mouse out and back over again to trigger it. Anyone have a thought as
to how to smooth that out? Mech7, your jumping is pretty subtle, but
Remy over at jqueryfordesigners.com has a tute about jumps in
accordions- check it out.



On Jan 22, 3:03 am, Mech7 chris.de@gmail.com wrote:
 That is what i used first but it's very specific about the html
 elements like it expects a p tag as content, that's why i decided
 to make my own... :)

 On Jan 22, 4:28 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:

  You may want to look at the jQuery UI Accordion (if you haven't already):


  - Richard

  On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Mech7 chris.de@gmail.com wrote:

   I have an example here:

   When i hover the elements it jumps a little in vertical space, does
   anybody know a solution how to remain the space my code is :

          $('#portfolio div.item:first  div').addClass('open');
          $('#portfolio div.item:first  h3').addClass('active');

          function slideDownEffect(){
                  var speed = 100;

                  $('#portfolio div.item').mouseenter(function () {
                          if($(this).children('h3').hasClass('active') ==
                          $('#portfolio div.item div').slideUp(speed);
                          $(#portfolio div.item).unbind('mouseenter');
                          $('#portfolio div.item h3').removeClass('active');

[jQuery] mysterious $(window).error behavior

2009-01-23 Thread Adam Fisk

I can't seem to get $(window).error to work the way it seems like it
should.  Have a look at the following page:


It includes the following, and neither error is caught by the $
(window).error function -- the alert never happens.  Anyone know
what's up?

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready( function() {
$(window).error(function(msg, url, line) {
alert(Got error);
throw new Error(Inside doc ready error);
throw new Error(Outside doc ready error);


-Adam Fisk

[jQuery] Re: mysterious $(window).error behavior

2009-01-23 Thread Adam Fisk

It's certainly documented to work.  See:

http://docs.jquery.com/Events/error#fn -- particularly the examples.

Straight window.onerror has all sorts of cross-browser issues which I
was hoping to bypass with the jquery call.


On Jan 23, 5:04 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I can't seem to get $(window).error to work the way it seems like it
  should.  Have a look at the following page:


  It includes the following, and neither error is caught by the $
  (window).error function -- the alert never happens.  Anyone know
  what's up?

      script type=text/javascript
          $(document).ready( function() {
              $(window).error(function(msg, url, line) {
                  alert(Got error);
              throw new Error(Inside doc ready error);
          throw new Error(Outside doc ready error);


  -Adam Fisk

 Hmm, I'm not sure that binding the window error event has ever been
 supported by jQuery.  I'd stick with using onerror.

 window.onerror = function(msg, uri, line) {


[jQuery] Re: cluetip not loading external web page

2009-01-21 Thread Adam

Another problem I am having (or bug?):  Is it possible to have the
cluetip open from a mouse click, and close using a close image (or
text)?  When I try to setup my cluetip using the apparent settings to
achieve this, the cluetip closes if the mouse pointer enters and then
leaves the area of the cluetip.  However, it opens correctly (on a
user's mouse click).  Here are my settings:

cluetipClass: 'jtip',
arrows: true,
dropShadow: false,
hoverIntent: false,
sticky: true,
mouseOutClose: true,
closePosition: 'title',
closeText: 'Close',
activation: 'click'



On Jan 16, 5:09 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 I can't diagnose the problem without a test page to view, but I would  
 suggest that you use Firebug and see what the POST is returning. It  
 could be a 404 or a 405 or some other error.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 2:55 PM, Adam wrote:

  I have setup the cluetip plugin on my website.  I was able to get it
  working when using local content, similar to the example code of $
  ('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

  However, I can't get it to load an external website.  The tool tip
  comes up, but it says sorry the contents cannot be loaded.  The
  external site is a servlet rendered page that loads fine if I type the
  URL into a browser window.  The only differences between my code and
  the example is that I'm using an image for the link and am using

  a title=Help rel=/portlets/help.do href=/portlets/help.do
  class=help style=
  img class=icon src=/theme/images/portlet/help.png alt=Help/

  jQuery(a.help).livequery(function() {

[jQuery] Re: cluetip not loading external web page

2009-01-21 Thread Adam


Is there anyway to use cluetip with GET requests?  My serlvet requires
a query string parameter, so POST won't really work in my scenario.


On Jan 21, 11:07 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 Hi Adam,

  When I try to setup my cluetip using the apparent settings to
  achieve this, the cluetip closes if the mouse pointer enters and then
  leaves the area of the cluetip

 Remove the mouseOutClose: true option. It is set to false by default,  
 and that is what you'll need.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jan 21, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Adam wrote:

  Another problem I am having (or bug?):  Is it possible to have the
  cluetip open from a mouse click, and close using a close image (or
  text)?  When I try to setup my cluetip using the apparent settings to
  achieve this, the cluetip closes if the mouse pointer enters and then
  leaves the area of the cluetip.  However, it opens correctly (on a
  user's mouse click).  Here are my settings:

  cluetipClass: 'jtip',
  arrows: true,
  dropShadow: false,
  hoverIntent: false,
  sticky: true,
  mouseOutClose: true,
  closePosition: 'title',
  closeText: 'Close',
  activation: 'click'



  On Jan 16, 5:09 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
  I can't diagnose the problem without a test page to view, but I would
  suggest that you use Firebug and see what the POST is returning. It
  could be a 404 or a 405 or some other error.


  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Jan 16, 2009, at 2:55 PM, Adam wrote:

  I have setup the cluetip plugin on my website.  I was able to get it
  working when using local content, similar to the example code of $
  ('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

  However, I can't get it to load an external website.  The tool tip
  comes up, but it says sorry the contents cannot be loaded.  The
  external site is a servlet rendered page that loads fine if I type  
  URL into a browser window.  The only differences between my code and
  the example is that I'm using an image for the link and am using

  a title=Help rel=/portlets/help.do href=/portlets/help.do
  class=help style=
  img class=icon src=/theme/images/portlet/help.png alt=Help/

  jQuery(a.help).livequery(function() {

[jQuery] cluetip not loading external web page

2009-01-16 Thread Adam

I have setup the cluetip plugin on my website.  I was able to get it
working when using local content, similar to the example code of $
('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

However, I can't get it to load an external website.  The tool tip
comes up, but it says sorry the contents cannot be loaded.  The
external site is a servlet rendered page that loads fine if I type the
URL into a browser window.  The only differences between my code and
the example is that I'm using an image for the link and am using

a title=Help rel=/portlets/help.do href=/portlets/help.do
class=help style=
img class=icon src=/theme/images/portlet/help.png alt=Help/

jQuery(a.help).livequery(function() {

[jQuery] Trying to mesh UI slider with jCarouselLite

2009-01-14 Thread Adam

So I have an interface mockup here that will eventually be a real
estate property search by price range.


I have the UI slider working, and was using the default array of items
from the UI site real-world demo. On update of the slider range, the
property elements nicely fade in and out if they are in/out of the
range. However, what I would like to do is use jCarouselLite to scroll
left and right on the matching elements instead of the default
execution. I have implemented the JCL, and it is working fine, and the
elements are fading in/out on update of the slider min/max, but the
JCL still wants to scroll to the inactive items. How can I make the
JCL refresh whenever the slider is updated?? Ideally, I'd love to have
it disappear, show a loader gif while updating, then re-appear
allowing proper # of 'next' clicks given the new # of properties in
the range. I'd also be open to another option for the carousel if
something else might play nicer with the slider. Thanks in advance for
any help!!

[jQuery] Fastest way to clear child elements from a div

2008-12-30 Thread Adam Guichard

I'm using jTemplates to create a client grid, but I'm having trouble
with load times.  When I'm paging through the grid jTemplates is
taking 4+ seconds to clear the grid and 2+ seconds to load it.  I've
got some work to do to make the loading time go down, but I'm worried
about the clearing time.  I've tried a few different methods, but
nothing seems to be really fast.  I'd like to be able to clear the div
in less than a second.  Here's what I've tried:

$(selector).empty() and $(selector).html('') both took between  3-4

Does anyone know of a faster way to empty the child elements of a div?

[jQuery] Re: Fastest way to clear child elements from a div

2008-12-30 Thread Adam Guichard

It ran in 5ms, but its my understanding if I use the method your
suggesting I'll be leaking memory.  If I just set the innerhtml = ,
I think the dom element's children aren't disposed.  They just sit
around chewing up memory, so I don't think I can use the method your

On Dec 30, 2:42 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 just for laughs...see of

 document.getElementById(ID of Div Tag).innerHTML = ;

 is anything of an improvement

 On Dec 30, 3:02 pm, Adam Guichard amguich...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using jTemplates to create a client grid, but I'm having trouble
  with load times.  When I'm paging through the grid jTemplates is
  taking 4+ seconds to clear the grid and 2+ seconds to load it.  I've
  got some work to do to make the loading time go down, but I'm worried
  about the clearing time.  I've tried a few different methods, but
  nothing seems to be really fast.  I'd like to be able to clear the div
  in less than a second.  Here's what I've tried:

  $(selector).empty() and $(selector).html('') both took between  3-4

  Does anyone know of a faster way to empty the child elements of a div?

[jQuery] jQuery help

2008-12-24 Thread adam

I'm trying to change the border color of an image using it's id with
( photo['id'] is passed in from a previous function )
the id's of the photos are of the form 'photo239839'



When i try to use this same code using it's class it works,
but i can't use this method since there are multiple images on the
page with the same class


Please help, i'm a bit of a jQuery newb.


[jQuery] validation plugin negative number rule?

2008-12-19 Thread Adam

How can I create a rule in the validation plugin to disallow negative
numbers.  I have a text field that should accept any number  0



[jQuery] Re: Submit a form automatically

2008-12-19 Thread Adam

These suggestions helped, but I now I can't figure out how to submit a
form with a URL of an external site... i.e. my site is http://www.abc.com/
, but I want to submit a form to http://www.123.com/

Is this possible in ajax?



On Dec 13, 8:22 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a dynamically created form that I'd like to submit
  automatically after it loads.  It doesn't look like forms have an
  onload event.  I would use the window onload, but the form isn't
  necessarily around when the window loads - it is created later in a
  jquery popup.

  Any suggestions?  I am using the jquery form plugin if it matters.

 After you create the form and insert it into the DOM, select it and
 invoke the submit method.  For example:

 $('#someDiv').append('form id=myForm.../form');

[jQuery] Re: Submit a form automatically

2008-12-19 Thread Adam

I was planning to submit the form in a jquery dialog, read the
response, and then put the response text in a new browser window.

I'm probably better off just scrapping my plan and sticking to opening
the form in a new window and submitting in the same window without
using ajax.


On Dec 19, 2:30 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  These suggestions helped, but I now I can't figure out how to submit a
  form with a URL of an external site... i.e. my site ishttp://www.abc.com/
  , but I want to submit a form tohttp://www.123.com/

  Is this possible in ajax?

 No, not with ajax, but the code I posted didn't use ajax.  It just
 submitted the form - and the destination is controlled by the form's
 action attribute.

[jQuery] Submit a form automatically

2008-12-12 Thread Adam

I have a dynamically created form that I'd like to submit
automatically after it loads.  It doesn't look like forms have an
onload event.  I would use the window onload, but the form isn't
necessarily around when the window loads - it is created later in a
jquery popup.

Any suggestions?  I am using the jquery form plugin if it matters.

[jQuery] WordPress IMM-Glossary - request for tooltip port to JQuery

2008-12-04 Thread Adam

I am attempting to use this great plugin for WP glossary creation,
which has a tooltip definition option that uses prototype.


I have a lot of other JQ running on this site, and the prototype
tooltips are not working due to what I assume are conflicts between
prototype and JQ. Would anyone be interested in project work to port
this to JQ??

Thanks! -Adam

[jQuery] detect element width change

2008-11-21 Thread Adam

How can I detect when an element's width (or height) has changed?  For
instance, on a div element.

[jQuery] Re: clueTip fade out

2008-11-19 Thread Adam

Thanks for the reply, Karl. I'll keep watch for your inevitable
update, whenever that may be.


On Nov 18, 12:17 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Adam,

 I tried to allow for animating out but wasn't able to pull it off,  
 probably for reasons similar to those that Joel Birch ran across with  
 his Superfish plugin.

 One of these days when I rewrite the plugin, I'm going to set it up to  
 create a separate tooltip for each item so that they can work  
 independently of one another. That way I can avoid race conditions  
 that have thwarted my attempts so far.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 18, 2008, at 10:18 AM, Adam wrote:

  Hey Karl (and others)

  Awesome plugin, thanks. Just wondering if there's a way to make the
  cluetips animate out as well as in. I've tried to make it happen with
  hoverIntent but it ignores the over/out parameters. Anything I can do
  on the clueTip end for this?

  Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] clueTip fade out

2008-11-18 Thread Adam

Hey Karl (and others)

Awesome plugin, thanks. Just wondering if there's a way to make the
cluetips animate out as well as in. I've tried to make it happen with
hoverIntent but it ignores the over/out parameters. Anything I can do
on the clueTip end for this?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] selector to .wrap multiple elements in HTML

2008-11-12 Thread Adam

I am trying to figure out how to select 3 elements that occur together
and wrap all 3 together (not individually) in a DIV tag. This is what
I have:



and I want to turn that into:

div class='fade'


I have tried using the (h1 + p + p) with .wrap, but this seems to
detect the trio, but only wrap the last p. How can I make it wrap the
trio together?

[jQuery] Re: selector to .wrap multiple elements in HTML

2008-11-12 Thread Adam

Thanks very much. My bad, but what I actually need is the div wrapped
around each of the sets of h1,p,p. So, the resulting code must be:

div class='fade'

div class='fade'

I have tried a number of different things, and this function works to
wrap the first set of 3 in the div:

$(#content h1:nth-child(1),#content p:nth-child(2),#content p:nth-
child(3)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

so then I try to add another function to wrap the second set:

$(#content h1:nth-child(4),#content p:nth-child(5),#content p:nth-
child(6)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

but I think the 'nth's get fouled up once the first function runs and
the results of adding the second function are very odd.

Any thoughts? Thanks (again) Karl!!


On Nov 12, 2:14 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Adam,

 Take a look at the .wrapAll() method. that should get you closer.  
 You'll need to select all of the elements first, though. $('h1 + p +  
 p') only selects that final p. If you want to wrap the div around all  
 h1 and p elements, you could try $('h1,p').wrapAll('div  


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Adam wrote:

  I am trying to figure out how to select 3 elements that occur together
  and wrap all 3 together (not individually) in a DIV tag. This is what
  I have:



  and I want to turn that into:

  div class='fade'


  I have tried using the (h1 + p + p) with .wrap, but this seems to
  detect the trio, but only wrap the last p. How can I make it wrap the
  trio together?

[jQuery] Re: selector to .wrap multiple elements in HTML

2008-11-12 Thread Adam

Thanks for your response. Are you sure about this syntax? Ive tried
this and there's no result. The code is not modified at all...

On Nov 12, 4:09 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This should work for this specific case (separated in lines for

     var $this = this;
        .add( $this.next() )
        .add( $this.next().next() )
        .wrapAll('div class=fade/div');


 - ricardo

 On Nov 12, 7:48 pm, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks very much. My bad, but what I actually need is the div wrapped
  around each of the sets of h1,p,p. So, the resulting code must be:

  div class='fade'

  div class='fade'

  I have tried a number of different things, and this function works to
 wrapthe first set of 3 in the div:

  $(#content h1:nth-child(1),#content p:nth-child(2),#content p:nth-
  child(3)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

  so then I try to add another function towrapthe second set:

  $(#content h1:nth-child(4),#content p:nth-child(5),#content p:nth-
  child(6)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

  but I think the 'nth's get fouled up once the first function runs and
  the results of adding the second function are very odd.

  Any thoughts? Thanks (again) Karl!!


  On Nov 12, 2:14 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Adam,

   Take a look at the .wrapAll() method. that should get you closer.  
   You'll need to select all of the elements first, though. $('h1 + p +  
   p') only selects that final p. If you want towrapthe div around all  
   h1 and p elements, you could try $('h1,p').wrapAll('div  


   Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

   On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Adam wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to select 3 elements that occur together
andwrapall 3 together (not individually) in a DIV tag. This is what
I have:



and I want to turn that into:

div class='fade'


I have tried using the (h1 + p + p) with .wrap, but this seems to
detect the trio, but onlywrapthe last p. How can I make itwrapthe
trio together?

[jQuery] Re: selector to .wrap multiple elements in HTML

2008-11-12 Thread Adam

Beautiful! That edit worked with Ricardo's script. Thank you both very

On Nov 12, 9:21 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, Ricardo's should work if ...

 1. you change var $this = this; to var $this = $(this);
 2. you know for sure you'll only have two paragraphs after each h1


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Nov 12, 2008, at 9:04 PM, Adam wrote:

  Thanks for your response. Are you sure about this syntax? Ive tried
  this and there's no result. The code is not modified at all...

  On Nov 12, 4:09 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This should work for this specific case (separated in lines for

      var $this = this;
         .add( $this.next() )
         .add( $this.next().next() )
         .wrapAll('div class=fade/div');


  - ricardo

  On Nov 12, 7:48 pm, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks very much. My bad, but what I actually need is the div  
  around each of the sets of h1,p,p. So, the resulting code must be:

  div class='fade'

  div class='fade'

  I have tried a number of different things, and this function works  
  wrapthe first set of 3 in the div:

  $(#content h1:nth-child(1),#content p:nth-child(2),#content p:nth-
  child(3)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

  so then I try to add another function towrapthe second set:

  $(#content h1:nth-child(4),#content p:nth-child(5),#content p:nth-
  child(6)).wrapAll(div class='fade'/div);

  but I think the 'nth's get fouled up once the first function runs  
  the results of adding the second function are very odd.

  Any thoughts? Thanks (again) Karl!!


  On Nov 12, 2:14 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Adam,

  Take a look at the .wrapAll() method. that should get you closer.
  You'll need to select all of the elements first, though. $('h1 +  
  p +
  p') only selects that final p. If you want towrapthe div around all
  h1 and p elements, you could try $('h1,p').wrapAll('div


  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Adam wrote:

  I am trying to figure out how to select 3 elements that occur  
  andwrapall 3 together (not individually) in a DIV tag. This is  
  I have:



  and I want to turn that into:

  div class='fade'


  I have tried using the (h1 + p + p) with .wrap, but this seems  
  detect the trio, but onlywrapthe last p. How can I make itwrapthe
  trio together?

[jQuery] datepicker z-index

2008-10-28 Thread Adam Schmitz
I'm having trouble overriding the default z-index for the datepicker.

Here's the code I have (minus some stuff that doesn't apply to this issue):

beforeShow: function()
$(this).css(position, absolute);
$(this).css(z-index, 30);
return {};

I've also tried using zIndex instead of z-index since that's how javascript
calls it. Any ideas?


Do one thing, and do it well.
  -- The UNIX Philosophy

[jQuery] Using ajaxStart/Stop for multiple ajax calls

2008-10-24 Thread Adam

It's possible that I could have 2+ ajax actions running on my website
at the same time, and I'd like to show a 'loading' image for each of

When I use ajaxStart/Stop, if one ajax call starts, it shows the
'loading' image, but if that call doesn't stop before another ajax
call starts, the second call does not show the 'loading' image.  Is
there anyway around this?


[jQuery] Tooltip plugin

2008-10-22 Thread Adam Frame

Is there any way to make the tooltip appear in a fixed position always, 
e.g. below and aligned left to a div above it, no matter what part of 
the div the mouse passes over? I'm sure it must be an option somewhere 
but I can't see where in the documentation 
(http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Tooltip/tooltip#options). The map  
area example with 'positionLeft: true' is as close as I can find so far.

Any help appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Accessing an element's child

2008-10-22 Thread Adam Schmitz
That's perfect. Thanks!

I read the docs from that URL but I could only find the snippet that was
formed like $(parent  child). I must have accidentally skipped over the

Thanks Richardo

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:08 PM, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Three different ways:

 1. children() lookup

 2. context lookup
 $(' div',this)

 3. find()
 $(this).find(' div') // is basically the same as nº2

 Are you reading the docs at docs.jquery.com? They're very clear and
 have examples for every selector.

 - ricardo

 On Oct 22, 1:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm new to jQuery and I dabbled in it a little last night. I know you
  can access a child element via $(parent  child) but what if you're
  currently accessing the parent using the $(this) operator? Would I
  just use $(this  child) without the quotes? That doesn't stike me as
  something that would work...


Do one thing, and do it well.
  -- The UNIX Philosophy

[jQuery] Resizing Images in jQuery

2008-10-17 Thread Adam

I am trying to display images on the page via ajax, but they are slow
loading.  What I'd like to do is show a 'loading' image while the
image is loading, and then load the image.

The problem is, all of the images are different sizes, and so I can't
set the 'loading' image to the exact size of whatever image is
loading.  Once I load an image, the image stretches overtop of the
content below it or to the side.  Is there a way with jQuery to
dynamically resize everything around it so that the image will fit
into its space?

[jQuery] Re: sortable links

2008-10-16 Thread Adam

I suspect it might be an issue with the version I was using.  I
changed versions, and it works okay now without any hiccups.


On Oct 13, 11:58 am, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm... here's some example code i worked up really quick


 even *without* the bind and unbind it worked as it should
 (dragging an li or a sorted it, just clicking it made it go to
 the href)

 On Oct 13, 11:52 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  how about preventing event bubbling ?
  $(.mydraggable).click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation();});

  On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:38 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, as mentioned above use theSortable'sevent handlers (sort
   start, end, etc) to wire/unwire on an return false to the

   On Oct 13, 11:09 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, I am applying thesortableto an LI tag which contains the
link, but if I sort and the mouse pointer is on top of the link, the
link click event is still executed.

On Oct 13, 10:09 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He's not talking about clicking on the link to activate it, but
   clcking on
 it to drag and sort it.

 I will say that you might be better off applying thesortableto an LI
 which contains the link, rather than directly to the link itself.

 Remember that a link isn't technically a list, but a group of li tags

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Behalf Of MorningZ
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:04 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re:sortablelinks

 if you don't want the user to go anywhere when clicking on a link, 
 use a link?

 On Oct 13, 9:50 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) 
  besortable, but after I sort an item, the link is executed, and I am
  taken to the web page for that link.  Is there a way to setup the
 Sortableplugin to prevent this from happening?

[jQuery] Re: sortable links

2008-10-16 Thread Adam

I suspect it might be an issue with the version I was using.  I
changed versions, and it works okay now without any hiccups.


On Oct 13, 11:58 am, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm... here's some example code i worked up really quick


 even *without* the bind and unbind it worked as it should
 (dragging an li or a sorted it, just clicking it made it go to
 the href)

 On Oct 13, 11:52 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  how about preventing event bubbling ?
  $(.mydraggable).click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation();});

  On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:38 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, as mentioned above use theSortable'sevent handlers (sort
   start, end, etc) to wire/unwire on an return false to the

   On Oct 13, 11:09 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, I am applying thesortableto an LI tag which contains the
link, but if I sort and the mouse pointer is on top of the link, the
link click event is still executed.

On Oct 13, 10:09 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He's not talking about clicking on the link to activate it, but
   clcking on
 it to drag and sort it.

 I will say that you might be better off applying thesortableto an LI
 which contains the link, rather than directly to the link itself.

 Remember that a link isn't technically a list, but a group of li tags

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Behalf Of MorningZ
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:04 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re:sortablelinks

 if you don't want the user to go anywhere when clicking on a link, 
 use a link?

 On Oct 13, 9:50 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) 
  besortable, but after I sort an item, the link is executed, and I am
  taken to the web page for that link.  Is there a way to setup the
 Sortableplugin to prevent this from happening?

[jQuery] Re: sortable links

2008-10-16 Thread Adam

I suspect it might be an issue with the version I was using.  I
changed versions, and it works okay now without any hiccups.


On Oct 13, 11:58 am, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm... here's some example code i worked up really quick


 even *without* the bind and unbind it worked as it should
 (dragging an li or a sorted it, just clicking it made it go to
 the href)

 On Oct 13, 11:52 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  how about preventing event bubbling ?
  $(.mydraggable).click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation();});

  On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:38 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, as mentioned above use theSortable'sevent handlers (sort
   start, end, etc) to wire/unwire on an return false to the

   On Oct 13, 11:09 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, I am applying thesortableto an LI tag which contains the
link, but if I sort and the mouse pointer is on top of the link, the
link click event is still executed.

On Oct 13, 10:09 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He's not talking about clicking on the link to activate it, but
   clcking on
 it to drag and sort it.

 I will say that you might be better off applying thesortableto an LI
 which contains the link, rather than directly to the link itself.

 Remember that a link isn't technically a list, but a group of li tags

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Behalf Of MorningZ
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:04 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re:sortablelinks

 if you don't want the user to go anywhere when clicking on a link, 
 use a link?

 On Oct 13, 9:50 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) 
  besortable, but after I sort an item, the link is executed, and I am
  taken to the web page for that link.  Is there a way to setup the
 Sortableplugin to prevent this from happening?

[jQuery] sortable links

2008-10-13 Thread Adam

Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) to
be sortable, but after I
sort an item, the link is executed, and I am taken to the web page for
that link.  Is there a way to setup the Sortable plugin to prevent
this from happening?

[jQuery] Re: sortable links

2008-10-13 Thread Adam

Actually, I am applying the sortable to an LI tag which contains the
link, but if I sort and the mouse pointer is on top of the link, the
link click event is still executed.

On Oct 13, 10:09 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He's not talking about clicking on the link to activate it, but clcking on
 it to drag and sort it.

 I will say that you might be better off applying the sortable to an LI tag
 which contains the link, rather than directly to the link itself.

 Remember that a link isn't technically a list, but a group of li tags are.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of MorningZ
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:04 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: sortable links

 if you don't want the user to go anywhere when clicking on a link, then why
 use a link?

 On Oct 13, 9:50 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) to
  be sortable, but after I sort an item, the link is executed, and I am
  taken to the web page for that link.  Is there a way to setup the
  Sortable plugin to prevent this from happening?

[jQuery] Re: sortable links

2008-10-13 Thread Adam

Actually, I am applying the sortable to an LI tag which contains the
link, but if I sort and the mouse pointer is on top of the link, the
link click event is still executed.

On Oct 13, 10:09 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He's not talking about clicking on the link to activate it, but clcking on
 it to drag and sort it.

 I will say that you might be better off applying the sortable to an LI tag
 which contains the link, rather than directly to the link itself.

 Remember that a link isn't technically a list, but a group of li tags are.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of MorningZ
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:04 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: sortable links

 if you don't want the user to go anywhere when clicking on a link, then why
 use a link?

 On Oct 13, 9:50 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using the jquery UI plugin, I have setup a list of links (anchors) to
  be sortable, but after I sort an item, the link is executed, and I am
  taken to the web page for that link.  Is there a way to setup the
  Sortable plugin to prevent this from happening?

[jQuery] Form Plugin - JSON upload problem

2008-09-27 Thread Adam

Hi Mike and all

I've read the documentation on uploading a file via the form plugin
and JSON, but I simply can't get it to work. The form plugin dies as
soon as I submit it... no error is thrown, but it posts the whole page
like a normal form and no response is given.

Here's my form code:

form action=http://localhost/media/add; method=post class=form-
std id=form-add-media enctype=multipart/form-data
input name=sid value=1 type=hidden
input name=stype value=1 type=hidden
input name=m value=i-image type=hidden
div id=add-m-e/div
div id=add-m-i
div style=display: block; class=m-type id=i-image
 label for=m-imageChoose an image to upload/label
 input name=m_image type=file
div id=add-m-r/div
p class=form-buttonsinput name=m_submit value=Add

Here's my JS:

beforeSubmit: function(a,f,o) {
o.dataType = 'json';
var queryString = $.param(a);
//return false;
success: function(d) {
if(d.error) {
else {

Thanks for any help you can provide!

[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin - JSON upload problem

2008-09-27 Thread Adam

It should be noted that the div id=add-m-i portion of the form is
cloned and inserted when a user clicks a link. I think that part of
the problem is that the plugin isn't detecting the value of the file
input even though it is present in the data (seen via the console).

On Sep 27, 11:06 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Mike and all

 I've read the documentation on uploading a file via the form plugin
 and JSON, but I simply can't get it to work. The form plugin dies as
 soon as I submit it... no error is thrown, but it posts the whole page
 like a normal form and no response is given.

 Here's my form code:

 form action=http://localhost/media/add; method=post class=form-
 std id=form-add-media enctype=multipart/form-data
 input name=sid value=1 type=hidden
 input name=stype value=1 type=hidden
 input name=m value=i-image type=hidden
 div id=add-m-e/div
 div id=add-m-i
         div style=display: block; class=m-type id=i-image
              label for=m-imageChoose an image to upload/label
              input name=m_image type=file
 div id=add-m-r/div
 p class=form-buttonsinput name=m_submit value=Add

 Here's my JS:

                 beforeSubmit: function(a,f,o) {
             o.dataType = 'json';
             var queryString = $.param(a);
             //return false;
                 success: function(d) {
                         if(d.error) {
                         else {

 Thanks for any help you can provide!

  1   2   >