[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete plugin compatability with jQuery 1.4?

2010-02-01 Thread Anthony

Thanks for your responses. Can I ask 1 follow up question...

Bearing in mind this has now been integrated into jQuery UI 1.8rc1, is
it safe to assume that there any no plans to make the old version 1.1
of the 'Autocomplete' plugin compatible with jQuery 1.4?  The reason I
ask is that it looks like there are a fair number of missing options
from the new integrated version (the most important for us our the
'multiple' related options and the searching options (eg 'matchCase'
and 'matchContains')). Or is the intention to add these or similar to
the new integrated jQuery UI version?

Just be interested to know, as we are already making good use of some
of the above options in our product, want to upgrade to jQuery 1.4 and
jQuery 1.8 as soon as we can, but have hit this hurdle.


On Jan 31, 9:31 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, and yes.

 On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Jose jmal...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com
   The latest version is jQuery UI Autocomplete, and it is compatible with
   jQuery 1.4. You can find it in jQuery UI 1.8rc1:


  Is the UI autocomplete based on Jörn's autocomplete ? If seems a huge


[jQuery] Autocomplete plugin compatability with jQuery 1.4?

2010-01-19 Thread Anthony Rayner
 Hi all,

We're using Jörn Zaefferer's awesome
plugin and wondered if anyone knows if it is compatible with jQuery 1.4? Be
very intereseted to find out.

Many thanks.

[jQuery] (validate) Compatability with jQuery 1.4?

2010-01-19 Thread Anthony
Hi all,

We're planning on using Jörn Zaefferer's 'validate' plugin and
wondered if anyone knows if it is compatible with jQuery 1.4? Be very
intereseted to find out.

Many thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Free SMS Gateway

2009-09-25 Thread Anthony Brown(Worcester Wide Web)


bharani kumar wrote:

Hi All ,

If any one know free sms gateway server,

Please share the details ,


[jQuery] Re: Superfish z-index problem with googlemap in IE

2009-08-01 Thread Boris Anthony

Having the same problem.
From what I can gather, Superfish in IE7 goes behind any element that
has position:relative; declared, and it just so happens that
embedded Google maps seem to require it's container to declare that

I can't provide a demo right now (about jump on a plane) but if no one
else knocks one up, I could try tomorrow.


On Jul 31, 8:38 am, amuhlou amysch...@gmail.com wrote:
 can you post a link to an example page where this is happening?


 On Jul 31, 8:06 am, appu rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi All
  I am using thesuperfishmenu on a page that also has agooglemapon
  it. It work fine in FF but  the menu will display below the  google
 mapin IE.  I have already change the z-index:999 and
  position:absolute, but the result remains same for IE.

  Thanks in advance for your help

[jQuery] Using a load function with a post

2009-07-24 Thread Anthony Smith

I am unsure as to how to make this work.

var params = $('form#createAdjForm').serialize();
var url = ?= $this-url(array('controller'='create-adjustment',

I want my data POSTed but it is still sent as a get. What am I doing

[jQuery] Zend Framework and chained dropdowns

2009-07-22 Thread Anthony Smith

I almost have this I am just stuck. I have two dropdowns. The first
one determines what goes in the second on.e When I select the first
one, it has an onChange event and it calls an action which returns my
data. I have no idea on how to make this data update my second
dropdown box.

Should the data echo?
Should the data be view variables?

Can someone give me some guidance?

[jQuery] css or cookie problem with ie6?

2009-02-08 Thread Anthony Brown(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi Everyone,

does anyone know if ie6 has limitations with cookies or the jquery css? 
I have this code which works great in ie7 and firefox. It detects if the 
maiLNav cookie is set and displays accordingly.

In ie6 it seems to ignore the check.


[jQuery] Re: css or cookie problem with ie6?

2009-02-08 Thread Anthony Brown(Worcester Wide Web)
Ok actually i narrowed it down to a cookie because when i alert the 
cookie it returns null.

So that leads me to believe that the cookies arent working proper in 
ie6? here is my code that sets the cookie


Does anyone see anything wrong wtih that?

Thanks allot

Anthony Brown(Worcester Wide Web) wrote:

Hi Everyone,

does anyone know if ie6 has limitations with cookies or the jquery 
css? I have this code which works great in ie7 and firefox. It detects 
if the maiLNav cookie is set and displays accordingly.

In ie6 it seems to ignore the check.


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[jQuery] slide div height collapse

2008-09-26 Thread Anthony


  I'm new to jQuery and have been partial to mootools, but wanted to
play with jQuery for a particular web project.
One thing that I've noticed is the following:

Using mootools slide effect

Using jQuery slide effect

You will notice when clicking the login or register links, that the
mootools is more fluid and the div heigh grows(pushes down) as the
slide effect takes place, the jQuery example however sets the div
height to what it knows it will eventually be and then performs the
slide effect. I prefer the mootools look and was hoping to get some
feedback as to whether this is part of the jquery core ui or a part of
the specific jquery slide effect. As I will want to go about changing


[jQuery] $.post using dynamic arrays

2008-09-16 Thread Anthony

This may be quite simple for many, but I am stuck trying to make a
dynamic $.post() where the request (post) variables passed are fed
from a dynamicly changing array.

/-- CODE --/

// just above this is a function that takes a url string and parses
out the variables and store them in an assoc. array.  This info will
be used by the $.post().

url = resources/java/community_rpc.php;
/-- END CODE --/

I have tried different things, but each time I get an error that
things aren't defined, or that [] is not permitted ... I am relatively
new to JQuery, so I probably am missing a very important step.  What I
would like to get working would look like this:

{ run:url, dynamic1: value1, dynamic2:value2 ... dynamicN: valueN }


[jQuery] Re: $.post using dynamic arrays

2008-09-16 Thread Anthony

To those who read this:

I got my answer.  I was setting up an assoc. array with [ ]... in
Javascript, this is not how it is done.

/-- CODE --/
function http(verb, url, callback, paramstr)
params = { };
var urlparts = url.split('?');
paramstr += '' + urlparts[1];

var stuff = paramstr.split('');
for (var i in stuff) {
temp_array = stuff[i].split('=');
params[temp_array[0]] = temp_array[1];
$.post(urlparts[0], params, callback, json);
/-- END CODE --/

This works just as I expect it to.  And I have my dynamics I was
after.  I hope that this works for those who need it.

[jQuery] trying to build function to ajax submit form and ajax load

2008-07-11 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi there,

I am trying to build a function getcart(); that submits the form when 
clicked through ajax. The form is sent in GET format to cart.inc.php and 
turns the GET into SESSIONS and does math. The problem Im having is the 
variables are never making it to cart.inc.php. I think it has to do with 
my javascript function not sending the data. Any help or a push in the 
right direction would be helpfull Ill post my code below

Heres the page im working on http://worcesterwideweb.com/topnordic/

and heres my function

 function getcart() {
$.ajax({url: cart.inc.php, data: $(this.elements).serialize(), 
success: function(response){$(#message).html(response);}, dataType: 

  var url = cart.inc.php? + ms= + new Date().getTime();

return false;


and on a side note heres my php to show it should be working

?php session_start();
$_SESSION['mbit'] = $_GET['mbit'];
$_SESSION['obit'] = $_GET['obit'];

$total = $_SESSION['mbit'] + $_SESSION['obit'];
echo 'total:';
echo $total;


[jQuery] missing ( before formal parameters

2008-03-04 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi everyone,

I am getting this error when using jquery to try to check the textbox 
postcode for the zipcode and display the town from the hash. But I get 
the following error was wondering if someone could help me out

missing ( before formal parameters


[jQuery] Re: SuperFish Menu Flash

2007-11-02 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi, it works because you used the :

param name=WMode


You need this for elements to appear above the flash movie.


gracetec wrote:

Hi rolfsf,

Thanks for your response.
I have re-checked all the code against a working example and the only
difference appears to be the way in which the flash file is embedded.

It works for this code:

object classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-44455354
swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0 width=590 height=173 style=margin:
0px; padding: 0px;
param name=movie value=test.swf
param name=quality value=highparam name=WMode
embed src=test.swf quality=high wmode=transparent
type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=590 height=173/embed

But not for:

script type=text/javascript
var so = new SWFObject(slideshow.swf, gallery, 590, 174, 6,

Although I changed the code in the file:

http://rican.ictirl.com/home/flashdetect.js to match it still doesn't
Any more thoughts?


[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] Jquery spot on crysis

2007-10-24 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hey was just looking at crysisdemo page and saw it used jquery


[jQuery] Unsubscribe

2007-10-19 Thread Anthony Coy


How can I unsubscribe from the JQuery mailing list? Thanks!


Anthony Coy, President/Owner
High Velocity Media - Accelerated Internet Solutions
 http://www.hvmdesign.com/ http://www.hvmdesign.com |


[jQuery] How to use the slider i have been supplied with

2007-09-25 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)
Hello everyone, I am designing the BBB site and they gave me a template 
which uses the jquery slider. But unfortunatley they didnt tell me how 
it works lol. Would anyone know how you would use a slider this way to 
display results according to day? Im assuming theres definatley ajax 
involved http://bbb.dlg360.com/temp/news_center.html

I am a php guy so If its easy as using ajax to post to a function then 
its all good, I just need someone to push me in the right direction.



[jQuery] Re: How to use the slider i have been supplied with

2007-09-25 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)
Nice thanks, I will upgrade it. Do you know how I would actually use it 
in an application? I see demos which show how to use it but nothing that 
shows it in production use. Im looking to use it to pull articles

Glen Lipka wrote:

I think that version has been upgraded.  Check these links:



On 9/25/07, *Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)* 

Hello everyone, I am designing the BBB site and they gave me a
template which uses the jquery slider. But unfortunatley they
didnt tell me how it works lol. Would anyone know how you would
use a slider this way to display results according to day? Im
assuming theres definatley ajax involved

I am a php guy so If its easy as using ajax to post to a function
then its all good, I just need someone to push me in the right



[jQuery] Re: Jquery in the BBB

2007-09-20 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)
Well, I just received the Files but I threw up a basic template. I will 
be templating the CMS system over the next few weeks.


this will be the look for every single local BBB in the US/CA so thats 
hundreds new of sites running jquery


Andy Matthews wrote:
Better Business Bureau 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris W. Parker
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:52 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Jquery in the BBB

On Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:16 PM Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide
Web) said:

I'm doing the  back end programming for the new BBB websites launching 
at the beginning of next month, they are rocking Jquery all the way!

They are using interface, roundbox, slider

Battle Bots from Bornio? Big Bumble Bees? Beautiful Brown Barns?
Bartholomew's Biggest Bungle?


[jQuery] Jquery in the BBB

2007-09-19 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

I'm doing the  back end programming for the new BBB websites launching 
at the beginning of next month, they are rocking Jquery all the way!

They are using interface, roundbox, slider

[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Google Code

2007-09-18 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Very nice congratz jquery!

Tane Piper wrote:

Aww, that's just brilliant :)



These are just a few that use jQuery

On 9/18/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The next time you hear someone say that jQuery isn't a mature framework,
be sure to point them to this URL:


The way I see it is if Google feels confident enough to use jQuery, then
that speaks volumes and the naysayers can take a hike!



[jQuery] toggle all

2007-08-17 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hello, is it possible to toggle all once a new toggle has been made?

I have this function

function opendiv(div){
var show = div;

But I want to add something before the  $(show).slideToggle(slow);  
that closes all opened toggles. Is this possible? Thanks


[jQuery] using load cross site

2007-08-13 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)


I am working on a website for the BBB and need to load a document cross 
site, I am getting a permission denied message when doing so. Is there a 
way around that?


[jQuery] Re: using load cross site

2007-08-13 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Thanks man got it

Matt Stith wrote:
The only way around is to use a server-side script as a proxy, as 
loading scripts cross-site is a security risk, which is why browsers 
block that out.

On 8/13/07, * Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)* 


I am working on a website for the BBB and need to load a document
site, I am getting a permission denied message when doing so. Is
there a
way around that?


[jQuery] SITE SUBMISSION: http://www.wcmp.org/

2007-08-09 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Just finished and went live with this site http://www.wcmp.org/

Its a full cemetery of 18,000 dead people brought online, each deceased 
was given their own special page where loved ones can post 
comments,photos,videos, socially work on family trees, buy flowers and 
get them sent to the grave and grieve with each other in the community 
forums. It uses Lots of jquery all over the place, animations, 
superfish, thickbox, input watermark,Pquery, form plugin, lots of ajax 
in the user control panel.as well as the slide show and family tree 

-Anthony LeBoeuf

[jQuery] some elements showing through thickbox

2007-08-08 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hello everyone,

Having a problem with thickbox, if you click send to a friend on the 
top right of this page http://wcmp.org/   You can see that some elements 
show through, I tried fixing this with z-index. I believe its because 
the menu css is set to absolute. Is there any way to fix this?



[jQuery] Re: Blockui problem

2007-07-20 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Can I not use blockui within another function?

Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web) wrote:
Hello everyone, Im having a bit of trouble using blockui. I've added 
the plugin here 
when you click add to basket it should ask you a question(instead it 
asks the question for 2 seconds then submits). But for some reason its 
forcing the submit instead of waiting for the answer as the blockui 
demo shows. I just cant seem to fix it, anyone have any suggestions? 
here is my code http://pastebin.mozilla.org/157254

Thanks any help is appreciated


[jQuery] Re: Blockui problem

2007-07-20 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

anyone have any idea? im really stumped on this one. hours and still 
cant figure out the deal in firefox

Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web) wrote:

The error is right, question is not defined. Is there a way to bipass 
it looking for that variable in firefox?

works perfect in IE

function addtocart(formName,product) {
  var obj = findObj(formName);
  if (obj != null) {
$.blockUI(question, { width: '275px' });

  $('#cart').click(function() {
   window.location = /order/cart.php?act=cart;
  $('#stay').click(function() {
  else {
alert('The form you are attempting to submit called \'' + formName 
+ '\' couldn\'t be found. Please make sure the submitDoc function has 
the correct id and name.');

  Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web) wrote:

Hey I just noticed,

It doesnt work in firefox, it says question is not defined which 
wierd because question is not a function?


question is not defined
$.blockUI(question, { width: '275px' });

Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web) wrote:

Thanks for the info, Im reading up on it right now


Mike Alsup wrote:


The doc-ready construct provides a place to put code that needs to
*execute* after the DOM has fully loaded.  For example, this line:

var question = $('#question')[0];

should be in a doc-ready block because you want to ensure the element
is available before you select it.  But your addtocart function is
called in response to an click event handler, so the code within it
does not need to be wrapped in a doc-ready block.

For more on the ready method:




On 7/20/07, Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi Mike,

Thanks allot that worked great! now to help out a nooby here this is
considered DOM right? and in DOM you dont need doc ready functions ?

Thanks again


Mike Alsup wrote:

 You've got script errors on that page.   You need to get those 
 up first.  Also, your blockUI code doesn't need to be in a 

 block (ie: $(function(){})) since you're calling it from an event
 handler.  Try something like this:

 var question = $('#question')[0];

 function addtocart(formName,product) {
var obj = findObj(formName);
if (obj != null) {
$.blockUI(question, { width: '275px' });

$('#yes').click(function() {
 window.location = /order/cart.php?act=cart;
return false;
$('#no').click(function() {
else {


 On 7/19/07, Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

  Hello everyone, Im having a bit of trouble using blockui. I've 

 plugin here
 when you click add to basket it should ask you a 

 it asks
 the question for 2 seconds then submits). But for some reason its
 the submit instead of waiting for the answer as the blockui demo
 shows. I
 just cant seem to fix it, anyone have any suggestions? here is 
my code


  Thanks any help is appreciated


[jQuery] Blockui problem

2007-07-19 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)
 Hello everyone, Im having a bit of trouble using blockui. I've added 
the plugin here 
when you click add to basket it should ask you a question(instead it 
asks the question for 2 seconds then submits). But for some reason its 
forcing the submit instead of waiting for the answer as the blockui demo 
shows. I just cant seem to fix it, anyone have any suggestions? here is 
my code http://pastebin.mozilla.org/157254

Thanks any help is appreciated


[jQuery] thickbox onload

2007-07-03 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)


Is it possible to make thickbox onload instead of clicking a link? I 
need to load up a thickbox for login information. Thanks


[jQuery] Re: Jquery wizard plugin?

2007-06-04 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Made a wizard, not really a plugin but more of a hack if anyone wants it 
feel free to take the code.

Step css and graphics thanks to Cody Lindley

If you want the code you can get it here



sublimenal wrote:

Hey just wondering if theres a plugin similar to dojo's wizard plugin?


[jQuery] Re: Jtip problem

2007-06-02 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

What a great plugin, I managed to get it working painlessly. Thanks man


Karl Swedberg wrote:

Hi there,

I don't know offhand what the issue is, though it probably has to do 
with how the element is positioned, because of the way the code crawls 
up the DOM tree to gets its x and y coordinates. Try either giving the 
anchor element position: relative or wrapping it in a span with 
position:relative and see if that helps. 

Otherwise, my new clueTip plugin, while still in beta, is a more 
robust implementation of jTip. If you're interested in trying that one 
out, you can learn about it here:


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 2, 2007, at 2:53 PM, sublimenal wrote:

Hello im using jtip with this modifcation to change the href to name

But I am having a problem, i keep getting the error:

o has no properties
getAbsoluteLeft()jquery-latest.js (line 67)
%20SR.-18410_main.html, , tooltip.php?id=18410)jquery-latest.js
(line 26)
JT_init()jquery-latest.js (line 18)
handleHover(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1)
e(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)jquery-latest.js (line 1)
[Break on this error] oLeft = o.offsetLeft // Get left position from
the parent object

Its saying something about o having no properties. Anyone have an idea
what that should be?

when you hover over

IT should display


[jQuery] Re: Like Google Calendar

2007-05-23 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hi Chris you can take my code if your looking for static calendar

The one I have is dynamic and is built with php in tables, you can get 
the css from here


I kinda mimicked the whole google calendar thing,


Chris W. Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:39 AM Jean Nascimento  said:


I have to made a Calendar for my sys and wanna make some like the
Google Calendar
but my real doubt is How the best way to make the cells (days/events)
div in a tables? divs with display: table-cell ?? I wanna know the
best way to do this with a rounded box in background =D

ps: the rounded box i already make lol

This isn't really a jQuery question so you might want to look at the CSS
Discuss mailing list or look for information on displaying a calendar
with CSS.

But in any case, you should use a table since the data you're displaying
is tabular data.



[jQuery] Re: Weird bug when using ie7 jquery and smarty templates

2007-05-11 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Oh ok i got it, thanks for the help.

sublimenal wrote:

Yep just tried that, now i get the error:

script id=__ie_init  src=//:/script

On May 11, 8:28 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have you tried removing defer from the jQuery script element?

script defer type=text/javascript src=/lib/jquery.js/script

On 5/11/07, sublimenal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I got this weird bug happening, it only happens when i add jquery on
to my website and only in IE. The page seems to crash then when you
try to reload and view the source all you see is this:
script id=__ie_init defer=true src=//:/script
I tracked that bit down to a section in jquery and tried commenting it

out but then jquery wont work at all, has anyone had this issue or
know how to fix it? You can see the url im working on at
I tried both the compressed and non compressed versions, right now i

have the latest compressed installed there.
Im using

CMS system i developed (with no javascript)
Latest Smarty Template build- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -