[jQuery] Re: Problem with BlockUI and IE7

2009-02-17 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I don't think a test case 
will help, as I can only reproduce this problem on this one internal 
server (our new server).  The demo page works fine, and blockUI works 
fine on our old server.  It only seems to fail on our new server.


Mike Alsup wrote:

Unfortunately, both servers are behind our firewall and inaccessible
from the outside, so I can't provide a link.

Surely you can create a simple test page that shows the problem?  Do
you see this problem on the demo pages?



[jQuery] Problem with BlockUI and IE7

2009-02-13 Thread Carl Von Stetten

I am migrating an application from one server to another.  Both
servers are Windows 2003, similarly configured.  The only major
difference is that I use ColdFusion for my CFML engine on my old
server, and BlueDragon JX on my new server.

Here is the problem:

On my new server, when browsing using IE7, when $.unblockUI is called,
the message is removed, but the iframe and the divs that BlockUI
creates are not removed.  It works fine in Firefox 3.06.  I can
consistently reproduce this problem with any page that uses blockUI.

On the old server, there were no problems with BlockUI.

Unfortunately, both servers are behind our firewall and inaccessible
from the outside, so I can't provide a link.

I've verified that my jquery file (jquery-1.2.6.min.js) and blockUI
file (jquery.blockUI.js) match each other on the two servers.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: OT: CF-Talk Down?

2009-01-28 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Here is how I handle creating json content with ColdFusion.  I store
the json string in a variable (like variables.myJSONdata).  Then, I
output the variable as follows:

cfcontent reset=yes /
cfheader name=expires value=#now()#
cfheader name=pragma value=no-cache
cfheader name=cache-control value=no-cache, no-store, must-
cfoutput#myJSONdata#/cfoutputcfabort / !--- The cfabort
prevents CF from adding anything else to the output, including
debugging info. ---

The first line clears anything CF might have rendered to the page up
to this point.  The second through fourth lines prevent the browser
from caching the AJAX response.  The last line outputs the json data
then immediately aborts CF processing, effectively stopping any
additional content being added onto the end.


On Jan 28, 2:04 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Perhaps I could ask you a question, Josh.

 I've been stuck on a CF/jQuery ajax issue
 for a day now and went to post my question
 to CF-Talk about the time it went down.

 Basically, I got everything working, but
 in my json response, beside the correct
 data, I get CF debugging code.  I have
 cfsetting showdebugoutput = no, so that's
 not it.

 I just wonder what could be causing that to
 appear...any suggestions?j


[jQuery] Re: .hide() and .height()

2009-01-16 Thread Carl Von Stetten


How would one go about overriding jQuery's show() and hide() functions 
to move the desired element to a negative screen position (CSS left: 
-1) instead of changing the CSS display to none?


Karl Swedberg wrote:

On Jan 16, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Michael Geary wrote:

If you want an element to become invisible but remain part of the layout,
then set .attr({visibility:'hidden'}) instead of using .hide(). Use
.attr({visibility:'visible'}) to display it again.

Excellent explanation, as always, Mike. 

One oops, though: 
.attr({visibility:'hidden'}) and .attr({visibility:'visible'}) 
should be 
.css({visibility:'hidden'}) and .css({visibility:'visible'})


Karl Swedberg
www.englishrules.com http://www.englishrules.com
www.learningjquery.com http://www.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: Problem with .remove() in IE7

2008-09-16 Thread Carl Von Stetten

Has anyone else come across this?  This is happening on all of my report 


Carl Von Stetten wrote:

 I'm using jQuery 1.2.6.min.js on an intranet application.  I have a
 page that when loading, displays a report loading message with an
 animated gif.  This report loading stuff is located within a div
 called wait.  When the document finishes loading, I want to remove
 this div.

 Here is an abbreviated form of my jQuery ready function:

 $(document).ready(function() {
 a bunch of code here unrelated to my div

 This works fine in Firefox 3 - the div is removed.  In IE7, the
 div is removed but I get a ubiquitous Object required error.  If I
 comment out this one line of code, I don't get any errors.  I also
 tried using hide() instead of remove(), but got the same error.

 Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?



[jQuery] Loading jQuery plugins as needed from scripts

2008-09-11 Thread Carl Von Stetten

I've been exploring several options to load various jQuery plugins
only when needed, from within a javascript file.  I've used
the .getScript() method, with callbacks.  I've used the $
(body).append(script) method also.  They work fine, but with
one shortcoming.  Because both of these methods append a jQuery id
number to the script's file name, the scripts are reloaded every time
the page is called.  It doesn't allow the browser to reuse the scripts
that have already been downloaded into the cache.

Are there any other alternatives?  I have a separate .js file for each
web page, and in that .js file I only want to load the additional
jQuery plugins I need for that particular page.


[jQuery] Re: jquery ui demo site

2008-09-03 Thread Carl Von Stetten


While there is no plugin for the UI demo, you can download the 
javascript file that makes it work.  It does use jQuery and UI to work.  
If you view source on the demo page, you can examine the scripts being 
loaded.  The file you are interested in is Behaviour.js.


 Dear sir please search on google ImageFlow you could find some Plugin 
 I'm afraid to say there is no JQery Plugin on this matter

 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am wondering whether jquery ui demo site is written in jquery (would
 be ironic if its not )


 it looks very appealing how they have things going in a semi-circle.
 I am wondering if this is doable via jquery? and if soare there
 any plugs to achieve this or anything similar w/ tutorial?


[jQuery] Re: $.get(0) is causing trouble

2008-07-17 Thread Carl Von Stetten




As Alexsandro pointed out in his response, .get(0) returns the actual 
DOM element, not a jQuery object, so you can't use jQuery functions 
(like .css) on it.


jquertil wrote:
   $all = $('.listing  .myDivs');

 why would this throw an error function css does not exist ??

 I tried this too with no luck:

 $('.listing  .myDivs').get(0).css('color','#339900');


[jQuery] Re: 'nodeName' is null or not an object

2008-07-09 Thread Carl Von Stetten

You might try adding the .each() function before your .load() call.


Pickledegg wrote:
 its 'c_name'.

 I've discovered something now, if I just use 1 div as the selector to
 update only 1 div,


 it works fine. But when I add multiple ones:


 thats when I get the error...I know that the divs exist and it works
 in FF, but why not IE?

 On Jul 9, 4:31 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the following code that loads on $(document).ready:
 $('#charges-gsm, #charges-gsm-faq, 
 Its pretty self explanatory, but to summarise I have three divs on my
 page - (#charges-gsm, #charges-gsm-faq  #charges-gsm-prices) which
 update with the content of the ajax load.
 The trigger for this event is from dropdowns on the page, which have
 the class '.dropdown'.
 All works well in Firefox  Safari, but in IE (67) I get no content
 in my divs and the following error:
 'nodeName' is null or not an object
 I've narrowed it down to the line that mentions .ajaxdropdown, so I
 think its because IE is having trouble finding the element, but I've
 tried putting other selectors in instead of .ajaxdropdown, and its the
 same error.
 Can anyone see why it may be happening? Thank you.
 What is the name attribute of the .ajaxdropdown element?


[jQuery] Re: Ho to remove or add a new table row?

2008-07-09 Thread Carl Von Stetten


That's because view source only shows the HTML as it was originally 
loaded.  It does not show any DOM changes that may have been made after 
the page was initially loaded.  If you have Firefox, and install the 
Developer Toolbar, the View Source pulldown on the toolbar offers View 
Generated Source, which will show you exactly what your source looks 
like with any DOM changes included.  Even better, the FireBug plugin for 
Firefox allows you to look at the source, and even watch it change in 
real time as your javascript manipulates the DOM.


Yavuz Bogazci wrote:
 I seems to work, but when i show the page-source i cant see the new
 rows. But they are visible in the browser. Its very strange.

 On Jul 9, 5:31 pm, ..:: sheshnjak ::.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can easily remove any row that you selected, only question is if
 you can select apropriate rows.

 $(table tr).remove(.remove); // removes any table rows that
 have class=remove

 or like this

 $(table tr).filter(:contains(unwantedText)).remove();//
 removes any row containing string unwantedText

 Only thing you have to watch is that your query is TR element (that
 was your problem, right?).
 If you filter by some other condition, for example children elements,
 then do this:

 $(table tr a.remove).parent().remove();// query is A tag with
 class=remove, so you escape it with .parent()

 Same thing goes with adding rows, just use .after(trInsert this
 row/tr) or .before(trInsert this row/tr) methods.


[jQuery] Re: using doc.ready in an external .js file

2008-07-08 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Are you loading jQuery.js after your main.js file?  If you are, try 
loading jQuery first, as it must be present before using any of its 


kgosser wrote:
 Here's what I'm not getting about jQuery from a novice point of view.
 Let's say I have this:

   script type=text/javascript
   $(document).ready(function() {

 I have a function to toggle the display of a certain div. This div is
 on virtually all my pages, though, so instead of putting this in the
 header of each page, I want to put it in a global include file, for
 example main.js.

 I don't understand why copying and pasting

   $(document).ready(function() {

 into main.js throws this error in Firebug:

 $ is not defined
 main.js()()main.js (line 1)

 Any input?


[jQuery] Re: Removing the html jQuery adds in effects

2008-07-03 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Try this (untested):



pek wrote:
 First of all, thank you very much for the reply. It is really hard to
 get any reply in this mailing list. This is the third time I'm asking
 something and you are the first to answer.

 Unfortunately, I've tried this and it kinda acts weird. Instead of
 wrapping the litesting/li with the effect, it wraps the next
 element, so now the second does the slideDown effect. You can see this
 Just click previous and watch what happens. Do you know how to work
 around this?

 Thanks again.

 On Jul 3, 10:30 pm, real [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is what you would want to do:
 $(#gallery li:first).before(litesting/

 On Jul 3, 11:51 am, pek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a small problem when dealing with effects. Warning: Noob
 question ahead.
 Currently I have a list of items
 ul id=gallery
 alert($(#gallery li:first).html()) will correctly echo test.
 If I want to add a new element before that with a slideDown effect, I
 use this line:
 $(#gallery li:first).before().html(litesting/
 Although this correctly adds the line and smoothly slides it down, now
 the list is like this:
 ul id=gallery
   li style=display: block;
 The extra li with the style is added by jQuery for the effect. This
 isn't a problem until you want again to add something before the first
 Now alert($(#gallery li:first).html()) incorrectly (well, correctly,
 but not what I want anyway) returns litesting/li instead of
 testing which means that if I try to do the same effect with the
 same code it will not add before, rather, it will replace it and do
 the effect again.
 Any help?
 Thank you in advance.


[jQuery] Re: offSetTop offsetLeft return NULL

2008-07-03 Thread Carl Von Stetten



var e_ox = jQuery(a).eq(index).offset().left;
var e_oy = jQuery(a).eq(index).offset().top;


On Jul 3, 11:49 am, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have these functions:
 var e_w = jQuery(a).eq(index).width();
 var e_h = jQuery(a).eq(index).height();
 var e_ox = jQuery(a).eq(index).offsetLeft;
 var e_oy = jQuery(a).eq(index).offsetTop;

 the first 2 return numbers such as 50 and 100. But the last 2 each
 return NULL.

 Why are they returning NULL? How can I get the offset of an element
 given it's index in terms of a tags?

[jQuery] Re: Targeting an element with multiple classes

2008-07-02 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Try $('.green')

This will select only elements that have the green class assigned, 
even if other classes are also assigned to the same elements.


jez_p wrote:
 How do I target a specific class when elements may belong to multiple

 For example:

 p class=big redblah blah blah/p
 p class=big greenblah blah blah/p
 p class=small greenblah blah blah/p

 How would I select the elements with the class of green?

 I know that

 'p[class=big green]'  
 'p[class=small green]'

 would work, but I cannot work out how I can just specify wherever
 there is a class of green, and not have to include the other classes

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread Carl Von Stetten

By default, the jQuery.ajax (or $.ajax) function uses the get method, 
which passes the data as a querystring tacked onto the url.  So does the 
jQuery.get (or $.get) function.  This is the same as a form submitted 
using the get method. 

If you are using the $.ajax function, you can set the type option to 
post to have it submit as form data, or you can use the jQuery.post 
(or $.post) function.  Either way, it sends the data as form data (same 
as a form submitted using the post method.


LTG wrote:
 Serialize is a great method to automatically prepare a form, but it
 doesn't include the element that initiated the submit in the case
 where I attach a click event to a div and call submit from the click

 Is there a typical pattern to adding the submit element to the
 serialized string so the server can know which element initiated?

 Does it matter what format it's in?  (submitter=elementId)?

 *bonus question*
 This is academic but I'm trying to learn: why does ajax put data in a
 querystring instead of using a form like normal html submit would do?

 best regards,


[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter plugin and zebra striping

2008-06-18 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Tablesorter has a zebra capability built right in through the zebra 
widget - see the docs for the tablesorter plugin.  It will automatically 
redo the striping after each sort.  You can change your code to:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(table#sorttable).tablesorter({widgets: ['zebra']});


Ken wrote:
 I have the following in my $(document).ready:

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(.zebra tr:not([th]):even).addClass(even);
   $(.zebra tr:not([th]):odd).addClass(odd);

 This allows my table to sort columns by clicking on the column headers
 and works great.  What I need to be able to do, is have the zebra
 striping happen after each table sort.

 Is there a way to set this up?

 Thanks, Ken


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] tab issue with autcomplete plugin

2008-06-18 Thread Carl Von Stetten


I have made extensive use of the autocomplete plugin for my intranet 
site.  I just downloaded the updated version from the trunk (changelog 
shows it as 1.0.1, the js file lists the build as 5329).  I still have 
the tab order problem.


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
 Yes, that should be fixed in the latest revision:

 Can you assert that it actually fixes the issue? I'll create a new
 release, then.

 On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
 Jörn, have you made any progress on the TAB issue with the Autocomplete 

 ie: If you in that field and tab away - you loose your tab order.  I know it 
 came up in the comments on the plugin page but I haven't heard any more 
 updates on it...




[jQuery] Re: get Request doesnt work in IE7

2008-06-05 Thread Carl Von Stetten

Don't know if this is the problem, but you're missing a semicolon (;) 
after the end of your $.get function call.


Jan S wrote:
 All of a sudden, xmlhttprequests don't work no more in IE7. FF
 perfect, no problems.
 Here the simple code:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 titlesome title/title
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=utf-8 /
 script type=text/javascript src=bin/jquery/jquery.min.js/
   script type=text/javascript
   $.get('act/load.list.php', {kind:'contracts'}, function 
 (data) {
 The Browser does the request, but function (data) {} is never
 This problem drives me crazy!!!
 Please someone help. Or is it even a browser-property problem?


[jQuery] Re: Calendar Over Dialog

2008-06-05 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Are you using the css file that comes with the ui.datepicker?  If so, 
make sure the section near the top looks like this:

#datepicker_div {
display: none;
border: 1px solid #777;
z-index: ; /*must have*/

Note the z-index set to .  Compare this to the z-index of  your 
dialog.  The datepicker's z-index should be a larger number than the 
dialog's z-index.


Tim Scott wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is any combination of plugins that would
 allow me to use a calendar control from inside a dialog?  I have tried
 all combinations of jQuery UI dialog and calendar, BlockUI, and jQuery

 The problem is, I guess, these calendars actually *are* modal dialogs
 too, and they do not know how to go over top of an already active
 dialog.  Therefore they appear underneath the active dialog where
 the user cannot see them.


[jQuery] Re: Refactoring Functions

2008-06-04 Thread Carl Von Stetten

How about this (untested):

var stickyFooter = function() {
var height = $(document).height();
var height = height - 341;
$('#footer').css('margin-top', height);




Chris P wrote:
 I wanted a script that would make a sticky footer, and it worked
 perfectly with this (where 341 is the elements to offset).

 var height = $(document).height();
 var height = height - 341;
 $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

 Then I want this code to re-run on browser resize.  I also want to
 refactor the code above to use a second time.  The problem is that (1)
 it doesn't re-run on browser resize and (2) I don't want to duplicate
 code.  How can I refactor?

 var height = $(document).height();
 var height = height - 341;
 $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

   var height = $(document).height();
   var height = height - 341;
   $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);


[jQuery] Re: Refactoring Functions

2008-06-04 Thread Carl Von Stetten

Better yet, change line second line of stickFooter function to:

var height = $(document).height() - 341;

And remove the third line entirely.


Carl Von Stetten wrote:
 How about this (untested):

 var stickyFooter = function() {
 var height = $(document).height();
 var height = height - 341;
 $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);




 Chris P wrote:
 I wanted a script that would make a sticky footer, and it worked
 perfectly with this (where 341 is the elements to offset).

 var height = $(document).height();
 var height = height - 341;
 $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

 Then I want this code to re-run on browser resize.  I also want to
 refactor the code above to use a second time.  The problem is that (1)
 it doesn't re-run on browser resize and (2) I don't want to duplicate
 code.  How can I refactor?

 var height = $(document).height();
 var height = height - 341;
 $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);

  var height = $(document).height();
  var height = height - 341;
  $('#footer').css('margin-top', height);



[jQuery] [jqModal] How to override style properties

2008-05-14 Thread Carl Von Stetten

I've read all of the documentation on the jqModal home pages.  I 
understand that the default CSS class jqModal looks for to style the 
overlay is jqmOverlay.  It appears that the only properties that it 
will pick up from a defined CSS style are background color and 
background image.  I'm trying to change the modal overlay cursor from 
'wait' to an external cursor file in my CSS:

.jqmOverlay {
background-color: #000;
cursor: URL(../no_m.cur), wait;

However, the cursor style is not being applied (I can confirm this in 
firebug - the cursor style of the overlay is being hard-coded by 
jqModal.  Is there any way to change the cursor?


[jQuery] Re: document.createElement equivalent in jquery?

2008-05-14 Thread Carl Von Stetten


That is built into the core of jQuery.  For example, to create a new p 
element and append it to an existing div with an id of mydiv:

$('pNew paragraph/p').appendTo('#mydiv');


$(#mydiv).append('pNew paragraph/p');


meppum wrote:
 What is the equivalent jquery code to document.createElement? I looked
 all over but couldn't find an example.



[jQuery] Re: [jqModal] How to override style properties (SOLVED)

2008-05-14 Thread Carl Von Stetten

In case anyone else runs across this:

in my css file I added the !important declaration after the cursor 
style.  This causes the css style to override the user style applied by 


Carl Von Stetten wrote:
 I've read all of the documentation on the jqModal home pages.  I 
 understand that the default CSS class jqModal looks for to style the 
 overlay is jqmOverlay.  It appears that the only properties that it 
 will pick up from a defined CSS style are background color and 
 background image.  I'm trying to change the modal overlay cursor from 
 'wait' to an external cursor file in my CSS:

 .jqmOverlay {
 background-color: #000;
 cursor: URL(../no_m.cur), wait;

 However, the cursor style is not being applied (I can confirm this in 
 firebug - the cursor style of the overlay is being hard-coded by 
 jqModal.  Is there any way to change the cursor?



[jQuery] Re: document.createElement equivalent in jquery?

2008-05-14 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Take a look at the $.getScript() function.  See 
http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getScript#urlcallback for details.


meppum wrote:
 I was thinking more like adding a script tag to the document.
 Something equivalent to document.createElement(script);

 On May 14, 5:55 pm, Carl Von Stetten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That is built into the core of jQuery.  For example, to create a new p
 element and append it to an existing div with an id of mydiv:

 $('pNew paragraph/p').appendTo('#mydiv');


 $(#mydiv).append('pNew paragraph/p');


 meppum wrote:
 What is the equivalent jquery code to document.createElement? I looked
 all over but couldn't find an example.
 -meppum- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


[jQuery] Re: Dynamic Software causing many script loads, how would one handle this?

2008-05-12 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Do the various plugins at least use the same jQuery version?  If so, can 
you modify the plugin-specific JS file to load the required jQuery 
scripts only if they haven't already been loaded?  You will at least 
need to make sure that the jQuery.js (or jQuery.min.js or 
jQuery.pack.js) is loaded by the CMS main page.  Then you might try 
something like this (this example specifically checks to see if jqModal 
and tablesorter are loaded):

$.ajaxSetup({async:false}); // temporarily make ajax synchronous so your 
// doesn't start executing code before 
required scripts
// are loaded.
if(!$.jqm){ // test to see if the jqModal jqm()
// function doesn't exist yet
$.getScript(relative path/jqModal.min.js);
if(!$.tablesorter){ // test to see if the tablesorter()
// function doesn't exist yet
$.getScript(relative path/jquery.tablesorter.min.js);
$.ajaxSetup({async:true)};  // restore ajax to asynchrounous mode

Lee O wrote:
 I have an application that has many plugins, all of which have jquery 
 scripts. Now, i imagine there are ways to program an javascript 
 aggregator of some sort, but i imagine this is a very common problem 
 with plugin based web-apps, so i was curious if jquery had any ways to 
 handle this.

 To reiterate with an example: If you have a CMS that is plugin based, 
 with 20 plugins, and each plugin has its own js file to run its own, 
 plugin specific, jquery code from. You cannot(/and should not have 
 to/) manually combine them together (ignoring the aggregator aspect 
 for now), so are there any other options? Having 20+ script calls on 
 one page is a bit overkill heh..

 Any thoughts on this subject?

 Lee Olayvar

[jQuery] Re: using variables with jquery

2008-05-06 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Try this:

$('#js_innerwrapper').animate({left:+=+$.gamewidth}, 1000,


quirksmode wrote:

 I need to make a div slide across the screen using the animate
 command. It works when I use the following:

 $('#js_innerwrapper').animate({left:+=500}, 1000, 'easeOutSine');

 However, i need to be able to change the 500 to be width of the div,
 which i get using:

 $.gamewidth = $('.gamewrapper').width();

 I then need to combine the two which does not seem to work:

 $('#js_innerwrapper').animate({left:+=$.gamewidth}, 1000,

 Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Way to designate links as form submitters?

2008-05-01 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Try this (untested):

$(document).ready(function() {
$.each(.formlink), function() {
   $(this).click(function() {

form id=supportform name=supportform method=post 

input type=hidden id=supporttype name=supporttype /
a class=formlink id=PaidPaid Support/a or
a class=formlink id=FreeFree Support/a


Rick Faircloth wrote:
 As a follow-up to my question, I found this method
 that utilizes regular JS, but I'd like to be able to
 cause any link with a certain id to act as a Submit Link.

 Here's the code I found to create a text submit link:

 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
 function getsupport ( selectedtype )
   document.supportform.supporttype.value = selectedtype ;
   document.supportform.submit() ;

 form name=supportform method=post action=yourscriptname.cgi

 input type=hidden name=supporttype /
 a href=javascript:getsupport('Paid')Paid Support/a or
 a href=javascript:getsupport('Free')Free Support/a

 Thanks for any help in changing this to jQuery!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick 
 Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 12:08 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Way to designate links as form submitters?

 Anyway to do that?

 Have certain links, say with an id of link,
 to be programmed to submit a form when clicked?




[jQuery] Re: tablesorter bug?

2008-04-30 Thread Carl Von Stetten

After making changes to the table, use this instead:

$('#myTable').trigger(update); // rebuilds the tablesorter data cache

If you have added rows and need to resort, try either this:

$(#myTable).trigger(sorton,[sorting]); // where [sorting] is the JS 
array of the sorting column info (see docs)

var sorting = $(#myTable)[0].config.sortList;  // grabs the current 
tablesorter sorting configuration
$(#myTable).trigger(sorton,[sorting]);  // resorts using the current 
tablesorter configuration


A13thGuest wrote:
 The tablesorter is acting goofy and I'm wondering if anyone has any
 insight to the problem or a way to fix it.

 I'm adding rows to a table then calling tablesorter:


 Works fine.

 If I clear rows from the table then add more rows, I call tablesorter

 When I try to sort, records that were previously removed pop into my
 table again.

 There doesn't seem to be a way to clear the tablesorter before
 reloading it with the new table results. For example:

 Any suggestions?
 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: Ajax and events

2008-04-30 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Look into the LiveQuery plugin.  It monitors the DOM, and automatically 
binds events to new elements created from ajax requests.  There are 
other methods to do this is well.  Check out this jQuery FAQ:



Peps wrote:

 I have finished developping a website with jQuery. First of all,
 thanks to everybody who worked on this great Javascript library. It's
 truly an incredible timesaver.

 My question concerns binding and unbinding events when there are Ajax
 calls in which content is injected into the DOM. At first I noticed
 that the newly injected elements where not affected by the original
 event bindings. I realized I had to rebind everything on each Ajax
 calls. However that was not the end of my problems. I noticed that
 when you rebind everything, all the elements which were not injected
 in the DOM through the Ajax calls were actually binded double!

 My final strategy has been to unbind everything on each ajax calls and
 THEN rebind every event (a 12kb JS file) within the file which was
 called through the ajax request. This works on all browser and the
 speed is good. I know however that this is probably not the best way
 to go...

 Does anyone have any advice which they could give me?

 Thank you.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery for loop - am I crazy?

2008-04-24 Thread Carl Von Stetten

How about this?

function initDashboard() {
$(document).ready(function() {
   if($(.adminMsgSummary).length) {
  $(.adminMsgSummary dl:not(first)).hide(fast);

Code not tested, but should work.


cloudsteph wrote:
 I think I may have been looking at this a little too long or something
 to cause it not to work coz it seems like it should be pretty simple
 to do, but it no work for me :(  What I want to do is loop through all
 the dl elements within a certain div and hide all of them except for
 the first one.  Here's my broken code:

 function initDashboard(){
   if($(.adminMsgSummary).length  0){
   var theCount = $(.adminMsgSummary dl).length-1;
   var theDl = $(.adminMsgSummary dl);

 Any ideas??


[jQuery] Problem with using hasClass() within .each()

2008-04-17 Thread Carl Von Stetten

Using jQuery 1.2.3

I am trying to loop through the headers of a tablesorter table and find 
out which columns are being sorted which way.  I'm building an array of 
arrays that can be fed into the tablesorter.trigger function to resort 
the table after changes are made to the DOM.

The problem I'm having is after .each() iterates successfully through 
the first two columns (which currently are sorted) it then crashes on 
.hasClass().  When I say crashes, I mean that Firebug reports the 
following at the Console:

$(this).hasclass is not a function

Here is a snippet of my code.  The id of the table in question is rdlist.

var columnsort = new Array();
parent.$(#rdlist th).each(function(idx){
var curhead = new Array();
else if($(this).hasclass(headerSortUp)){

What am I doing wrong? :-(

[jQuery] Re: Problem with using hasClass() within .each()

2008-04-17 Thread Carl Von Stetten


Thanks a million.  Can't believe I missed that.  It's working great now.


Josh Nathanson wrote:

 Carl -- Javascript is case-sensitive, so you have to use hasClass 
 rather than hasclass each time you call it.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message - From: Carl Von Stetten 
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:38 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Problem with using hasClass() within .each()

 Using jQuery 1.2.3

 I am trying to loop through the headers of a tablesorter table and find
 out which columns are being sorted which way.  I'm building an array of
 arrays that can be fed into the tablesorter.trigger function to resort
 the table after changes are made to the DOM.

 The problem I'm having is after .each() iterates successfully through
 the first two columns (which currently are sorted) it then crashes on
 .hasClass().  When I say crashes, I mean that Firebug reports the
 following at the Console:

 $(this).hasclass is not a function

 Here is a snippet of my code.  The id of the table in question is 

var columnsort = new Array();
parent.$(#rdlist th).each(function(idx){
var curhead = new Array();
else if($(this).hasclass(headerSortUp)){

 What am I doing wrong? :-(