[jQuery] Re: Newbie with jQuery

2009-08-30 Thread FrenchiINLA

I am sure that you can design better way than 10 separate call, but
anyway with your case you can at least group all call event like
// here you have all img with id starting with img_ click
// then you can get the id of caller
var id =$(this).attr('id');
// get the number
var number() = id.splist('_');
// number[1] will give 1, 2 etc of img_1 etc.
//now call your dialog
$('#dialog_' + number[1]).dialog('close');


On Aug 30, 8:20 am, Reynier Pérez Mira rper...@uci.cu wrote:
 Hi every:
 I'm starting with jQuery and I have a lot of doubts. I'm reading the
 following books:
   - jQuery Reference Guide (Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg)
   - Learning jQuery 1.3 (Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg)
   - jQuery UI 1.6 (Dan Wellman)
 But as I said before I have a lot of doubts. Here goes the first.

 I'm trying to use the Dialog component from jQuery UI to show some modal
 dialogs in my web app. For just one dialog I haven't problems because I
 do this:

 In my HTML:
 img id=img_1 class=help title=Show info about: Dir name field
 alt=Show info about: Dir name field src=/images/information.png /

 div class=dialog id=dialog_1 title=Show info about: Dir name
 fieldpThe director name used by the system administrator. This
 directive is required./p/div

 And the JS code:
      autoOpen: false,
      width: 600,
      modal: 'true',
      resizable: false,
      draggable: false,
      buttons: {
        Aceptar: function() {


      return false;


 Now suppose that I have 10 different images: img_1, img_2, ..., img_10
 and for each of them I want associated a different dialog: dialog_1,
 dialog_2, ..., dialog_10. I generate the IDs dinamically with PHP this
 is not the problem, the problem is how to associated each image to the
 correspondent dialog. I mean for example img_1 = dialog_1 and so on and
 then when I click the ID=img_1 then the dialog_1 will be show and so on.
 ¿Could any body help me with the jQuery code?

 Cheers and thanks in advance
 Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

[jQuery] Re: Replacing like items

2009-08-30 Thread FrenchiINLA

you can add an id to your checkbox in order to get much easier
reference to element clicked. Let's say you have id = widget1||123456,
widget2||123456 etc
$('input[type=checkbox][id$=123456]')'.not($(this)) will give you all
other check box

// for more generic id yu can get the lase digit of the id and select
all others as well
var id = $(this).attr('id'); // get the last part with split function
var chkid() = id.split('||');
now you get all other check box with
$('input[type=checkbox][id$=' + chkid[1] + ']')'.not($(this))


On Aug 30, 12:44 pm, Steffan A. Cline stef...@hldns.com wrote:
 I have a form of data I am working on where I may have *nearly* the same
 thing appear with a checkbox appear multiple times.

 For example:

 input type=checkbox name=blah value=widget1||123456
 input type=checkbox name=blah value=widget2||123456
 input type=checkbox name=blah value=widget3||123456
 input type=checkbox name=blah value=widget4||123456
 input type=checkbox name=blah value=widget5||123456

 So, if checkbox #1 (widget1) is checked, it will either disable all other
 ones containing the sku 123456 OR replace the others in the form having sku
 123456 with an image of a sort.

 Is there a way to select this without iterating through every checkbox in
 the form and looking at it's value?



 T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
 Steffan A. Cline  
 stef...@execuchoice.net                             Phoenix, 
 Azhttp://www.ExecuChoice.net                                 USA
 AIM : SteffanC          ICQ : 57234309
 YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : stef...@hldns.com
 GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline             Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Re: How can I select an element's parent?

2009-08-01 Thread FrenchiINLA

you should change your html something like:
ul id=product_links
li id=firsta href=#FIRST/a/li
li id=seaconda href=#SECOND/a/li
li id=thirda href=#THIRD/a/li
then in order to get the id of your li you can use the following code
$('a', '#product_links').click(function() {

On Aug 1, 11:39 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I'm trying to update a script I found out there in order to fit better
 my needs.

 The first step I want to update is the capability to bind a dynamic
 number of anchors.
 Right now with the HTML below

 ul id=product_links
    li class=first aFIRST/a/li
    li class=secondSECOND/a/li
    li class=thirdaTHIRD/a/li

 I have the script below:

  $(#product_links .first a ).bind(click, function(){ pupup_element
 (first); });
  $(#product_links .second a ).bind(click, function(){ pupup_element
  $(#product_links .third a ).bind(click, function(){ pupup_element

 It works fine but since the number of anchors changes dynamically
 (through RoR) I'd like to have just 1 line that binds all the anchors.
 So here 2 questions for you:

 - how can I select an element's parent?
 - Does the code below work?

   $(#product_links a ).bind(click, function(){ pupup_elemet

 basically I want to bind all the anchors within the product_links list
 to popup_element function that takes as a parameter the ID of the
 anchor parent. In my case the id of the list item.

 Thanks and have a nice weekend.


[jQuery] Re: What am i doing wrong????

2009-07-31 Thread FrenchiInLA

You should have .attr('checked','checked'), by the way you don't need to wrap
your filter by QUOTE
$('input[name=PlannedInvitationsOther]:checked') would work as well

PictureMan wrote:
 Ah.. one darn missing suqiggly can ruin the whole darn thing...
 Another question, related to that...
 I want when the user clicks inside the text box, that the matching radio
 button becomes the selected button.  Hence if they selected 100
 invitations,but then decided they want 10,000, thus have to type it int
 box - i need the radio button to move.  And conversly if
 they go from the box to a radio button the box needs to clear out.
 For some reason this stoped working:
 Ideas why?
 On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Leonardo K leo...@gmail.com wrote:
 You are not closing the brackets in theses rules: PlannedInvitationsOther
 and PlannedAttendanceOther

 PlannedInvitationsOther: {
 required: function(element){ return
 $(input=[name='PlannedInvitations'][value='Other']).is(':checked'); },
 number: true

 PlannedAttendanceOther: {
 required: function(element) {return

 On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 16:29, PictureMan polskystud...@gmail.com

 I've actually confined (I think) the error to somewhere in the below
 code.  The 6 lines that are commented out contain the problem, as it
 stands now (with commented out sections) the page validates, when I
 uncomment either group, I get the same error.  I these 2 cases the
 required line is looking at a radio button with a specific value -
 think last item in a list of radio buttons, with a text box for more
 other info if that radio button is checked.

rules: {
AgencyName: required,
Address1: required,
CityStateZip: required,
phone: {required: true, number: true, minlength:
 10, maxlength:
Key_Contact: required,
EmailAddress: {required: true, email: true},
EventAgencyName: required,
EventAddress: required,
EventCity: required,
EventZip: required,
EventState: required,
EventContact: required,
EventContactPerson: required,
EventPhoneNumber: {required: true, number: true,
 minlength: 10,
 maxlength: 10},
EventEmailAddress: {required: true, email: true},
EventWebsite: {url: true},
Message: required,
Budget: {required:true, number:true},
CabinsSoldTarget: {required:true, number:true},
GrossSalesTarget: {required:true, number:true},
OtherCruiseLine: {
required: #Other:checked
DestinationsPicked: required,
PlannedInvitations: required,
 //  PlannedInvitationsOther: {
 //  required: function(element){return
 //  number: true,

PlannedAttendance: required,
 //  PlannedAttendanceOther: {
 //  required: function(element) {return
 //  number:true,
IntendToParticipate: required
 On Jul 31, 3:08 pm, Leonardo K leo...@gmail.com wrote:
  This problem occurs when a comma is missing. Post your entire code of
  On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 16:00, PictureMan polskystud...@gmail.com
   When I add this rule to a page with the other rules, my page stops
   Works fine if I don't add it.
   What this is for is a check box next to a input box.  IF the check
   is checked, the field is mandatory.
   OtherCruiseLine: {
  required: function(element) {
  return $(input[name='CruiseLinesPicked'][value='Other']).is
   without this rule the page validates.  With this I get an error of:
   missing } after property list.
   But not sure what's wrong..


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General 

[jQuery] Re: Fetching data from callback with $.ajax

2009-07-26 Thread FrenchiINLA

I would do like that:
isAuthenticated function return true or false according the entry,
then check if is Authenticated, ajax to your php something like
if(isAuthenticated($('#username').val(), $('#password').val())) {

success: function(msg){


On Jul 26, 3:56 am, Sander Thalen stha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've recently started with jQuery because I wanted to use it for posting
 details from an login form to a PHP script which should return whether the
 user is authenticated or not.

 For this I use $.ajax, because of it's flexibility and I prefer to use it in
 this implementation. Reading (jQuery docs and examples) and searching a lot
 did not solve me on one issue: fetching the data in the callback to the
 global scope. This one is driving me crazy.

 Here is the code:
 script type=text/javascript
         var form = $('#form');
         form.submit(function(){ // Only execute this function on submit
             if(isAuthenticated($('#username').val(), $('#password').val()))
                 return true; // I only want the form to be submitted when
 the credentials are valid (found to be valid by the PHP script)
             } else {
                 return false;

         function isAuthenticated(username, password) { // This function call
 the PHP script to ask whether the credentials are valid or not.
                 type: POST,
                 url: json.php?module=loginaction=authenticate,
                 data: username= + username + password= + password,
                 success: function(msg) {
                     alert(msg); // This returns 'authenticated' in plain
 text (at the moment) from the PHP script. Functions fine or course, but I
 want to use it outside this function. How??

            And here is why I want this to work:
             if(msg == authenticated) { // This function should be able to
 read the var 'msg' from the callback in the function above. How?
                 alert(Outside:  + msg); // At this point, msg is of course
                 return true;

 So the only question actually is, how can I let the function that should
 check the message of the response know that 'msg' has been set?

 I hope this makes it clear what I mean ;)


[jQuery] Re: Setting identical events to multiple elements using a for loop

2009-07-26 Thread FrenchiINLA

in your case you can use:
$('span[id^sp_span]') to get all span with id starting with sp_span
then you can get the id when is clicked

var spanID = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[1] ;will give you span1,
span2 etc


On Jul 25, 4:37 pm, Blake stickynote...@gmail.com wrote:
 On my site, I have some click-able spans (will be referred to as
 toggle spans) that show or hide other spans (that contain the content
 I want on my site; will be referred to as content spans). The layout
 of these spans is like this:

 span id=sp_span1Span 1/span - span id=sp_span2Span 2/span
 - span id=sp_span3Span 3/span

 span class=contentSpan id=span1
 pSpan 1 content./p

 span class=contentSpan id=span2
 pSpan 2 content./p

 span class=contentSpan id=span3
 pSpan 3 content./p

 Then, in my jQuery I have something like this:


 $(span#sp_span1).click(function () {


 $(span#sp_span2).click(function () {


 and so on for each separate content span. What the above code does is:
 for example, when toggle span 1 is clicked on, content span 1 opens if
 it is not open, and if content span 2 or 3 is open, that content span
 is closed and content span 1 is opened. (If that doesn't make sense, I
 apologize, and a download-able example can be found 

 This method works perfectly fine, but to make it easier for me to add
 more content spans, I would like to use a for loop that will
 automatically enter all that for me.

 What I would like to do in my jQuery is use an array that will contain
 the IDs of all the different content spans I want to have displayed on
 the page. Then, a for loop will enter the appropriate information
 (identical to the code above). I've tried many things, but I cannot
 get this to work. Here's kind of what I have:

 sections=new Array(span1,span2,span3);

 for (i=0;isections.length-1;i+=1) {
 $(span#+sections[i]).click(function() {


 That doesn't work, though. What I need to do is get the value of
 sections[i] and use that in the element bit of the code.

 Any ideas? If you need more information, please ask.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Nesting Tables

2009-07-26 Thread FrenchiINLA

I didn't go through your whole code, but you can always check
existence of jquery object with 'has' to check attribution, or check
for length to see if the array is not empty somethign like
$('tbody[tr:last]', '[id$=GV]).length  0 means it exists.

On Jul 25, 11:55 pm, nullstring jayz...@gmail.com wrote:
 oh grace god, someone replied. thanks @FrenchiNLA

 here's the generated .NET html code

 table class=list cellspacing=0 border=0
 id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GV style=border-collapse:collapse;
                         th scope=colnbsp;/thth 
 scope=cola href=javascript:__doPostBack
 scope=cola href=javascript:__doPostBack
 scope=cola href=javascript:__doPostBack
 thth scope=cola href=javascript:__doPostBack
 Lidding (not foil)/tdtd35/td
                         td colspan=6
 !-- here's the table I want to remove and move on top just before the
 parent table --
                                 table border=0

 That nested table is actually the Page Links and it's not always
 there .. I mean, it only exists if GridView has something to page ..

 here's the idea behind these problem:
 I am using someones JS to manipulate the Table and do some column
 freezing stuff .. but everytime this page links exists, cells always
 messed up.. so my idea is to check if that page link exists, move it
 before the table(parent table) ..

 this code works .. but I need to check if the page links table
 exists ..
 this.before('divtable id=\'pages\'/table/div');
 jQuery(#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GV).find('tbody tr:last').remove

 On Jul 26, 12:54 am, FrenchiINLA mamali.sohe...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could you provide your html code generated by .net? it would help, but
  in general rule you don't have to check existence of an element to
  apply action to it. Jquery disregard the action if it doesn't exist.
  For your example:
  $('tbody[tr:last][td][table]', $(this)).remove(); will work if it can
  find your criteria within $(this) otherwise it does nothing.

  On Jul 25, 8:57 am, nullstring jayz...@gmail.com wrote:

   Please help?

   On Jul 25, 10:12 pm, nullstring jayz...@gmail.com wrote:


In my last row (parent Table) with colspan(tr), I have another Table
(without any.attributes) which was generated by GridView, Paging
enabled and located in footer ..l

How do I know if that Table exists in my last row(parent Table)..

this code won't work ..

if(jQuery(this).is('table')) {
                if(this.find('tbody tr:last td table')) {
                          /* remove paging table element */

}- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Setting identical events to multiple elements using a for loop

2009-07-26 Thread FrenchiINLA

sorry i got a typo error, the corrent code is:

On Jul 26, 8:39 am, FrenchiINLA mamali.sohe...@gmail.com wrote:
 in your case you can use:
 $('span[id^sp_span]') to get all span with id starting with sp_span
 then you can get the id when is clicked

 var spanID = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[1] ;will give you span1,
 span2 etc


 On Jul 25, 4:37 pm, Blake stickynote...@gmail.com wrote:

  On my site, I have some click-able spans (will be referred to as
  toggle spans) that show or hide other spans (that contain the content
  I want on my site; will be referred to as content spans). The layout
  of these spans is like this:

  span id=sp_span1Span 1/span - span id=sp_span2Span 2/span
  - span id=sp_span3Span 3/span

  span class=contentSpan id=span1
  pSpan 1 content./p

  span class=contentSpan id=span2
  pSpan 2 content./p

  span class=contentSpan id=span3
  pSpan 3 content./p

  Then, in my jQuery I have something like this:


  $(span#sp_span1).click(function () {


  $(span#sp_span2).click(function () {


  and so on for each separate content span. What the above code does is:
  for example, when toggle span 1 is clicked on, content span 1 opens if
  it is not open, and if content span 2 or 3 is open, that content span
  is closed and content span 1 is opened. (If that doesn't make sense, I
  apologize, and a download-able example can be found 

  This method works perfectly fine, but to make it easier for me to add
  more content spans, I would like to use a for loop that will
  automatically enter all that for me.

  What I would like to do in my jQuery is use an array that will contain
  the IDs of all the different content spans I want to have displayed on
  the page. Then, a for loop will enter the appropriate information
  (identical to the code above). I've tried many things, but I cannot
  get this to work. Here's kind of what I have:

  sections=new Array(span1,span2,span3);

  for (i=0;isections.length-1;i+=1) {
  $(span#+sections[i]).click(function() {


  That doesn't work, though. What I need to do is get the value of
  sections[i] and use that in the element bit of the code.

  Any ideas? If you need more information, please ask.

  Blake- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Form Validation

2009-07-26 Thread FrenchiINLA

how about

$('input[type=text]').keyup(function() {

if ($(this).val().length == 2) {

On Jul 26, 10:36 am, Tuppers360 tuppers...@sky.com wrote:
 Hi there just wondering if I can get some help from you guys?

 I have some code as per:

 // validate signup form on keyup and submit
             var validator = $('form').validate({
                 event: 'keyup',
                 rules: {
                     '%= ddlRank.UniqueID %': {
                         required: true
                     '%= txtSurname.UniqueID %': {
                         minlength: 2,
                         required: true
                     '%= txtForename.UniqueID %': {
                         minlength: 2,
                         required: true
                     '%= ddlGender.UniqueID %': {
                         required: true
                     '%= txtBirthDate.UniqueID %': {
                         required: true,
                         custEmailVal: true

                 }, //end rules
                 messages: {
                     '%= txtSurname.UniqueID %': {
                         minlength: jQuery.format(Enter at least {0}
                         required: This field is required
                     '%= txtForename.UniqueID %': {
                         minlength: jQuery.format(Enter at least {0}
                         required: This field is required
                     '%= ddlGender.UniqueID %': {
                         required: This field is required
                     '%= txtBirthDate.UniqueID %': {
                         required: This field is required
                 }, //end messages
                 // specifying a submitHandler prevents the default
 submit, good for the demo
                 submitHandler: function() {
                 }, //end submitHandler
                 // set this class to error-labels to indicate valid
                 success: function(label) {
                     // set nbsp; as text for IE
                     //$('form :input')
                     //        .filter('.required').prev
                 }, //end success function(label)
                 invalidHandler: function(form, validator) {
                     var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
                     if (errors) {
                         var message = errors == 1
                         ? 'You missed 1 field. It has been
                         : 'You missed ' + errors + ' fields. They have
 been highlighted';
                                 'id': 'submitError',
                                 'class': 'warning'
                         $('form :input')
                     } else {
                 } //end invalidHandler
             }); //end validate all

 my html is an ordered list and the within each li tag I have this

 label for=txtSurname id=lblSurname
                     input name=txtSurname type=text
 id=txtSurname class=inputText required /

 What I want to happen is when I have input two characters into the
 field so that it validates is to hide the span containing the word
 required. I cant seem to find it though! I am not sure if am am right
 though in using the success function with the argument label?? Can
 anyone see how i ould possibly get around this?

 I have had sucess with using the invalidHandler hiding the span but I
 cant hide it on only the one span at a time on the fly.

 Hope I explained myself!


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Nesting Tables

2009-07-25 Thread FrenchiINLA

Could you provide your html code generated by .net? it would help, but
in general rule you don't have to check existence of an element to
apply action to it. Jquery disregard the action if it doesn't exist.
For your example:
$('tbody[tr:last][td][table]', $(this)).remove(); will work if it can
find your criteria within $(this) otherwise it does nothing.

On Jul 25, 8:57 am, nullstring jayz...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please help?

 On Jul 25, 10:12 pm, nullstring jayz...@gmail.com wrote:


  In my last row (parent Table) with colspan(tr), I have another Table
  (without any.attributes) which was generated by GridView, Paging
  enabled and located in footer ..l

  How do I know if that Table exists in my last row(parent Table)..

  this code won't work ..

  if(jQuery(this).is('table')) {
                  if(this.find('tbody tr:last td table')) {
                            /* remove paging table element */


[jQuery] Re: Multiple Phone Fields

2009-07-25 Thread FrenchiINLA

I don't know about validte plugin, but you can easily check your
condition with jquery. for example you can add the same starting id to
your text fields something like
txt_Phone_bus, txt_Phone_Cell, txt_Phone_Home
then you can check for the value of those fields with
// apply your validation for example one of them must be $(this).val

On Jul 25, 8:04 am, kmac lucie.friga...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a form with three text fields:

 Business Phone
 Cell Phone
 Home Phone

 One of the fields must be filled. Using jquery.validate.js how do I
 check for this?

 Thanks in advance for any help.

[jQuery] Iframe Scroll

2009-07-24 Thread FrenchiInLA

I tried  to open a iframe with a definite position. Let’s say I have an
iframe like:
iframe id=frame src=http://google.com; width=350
And I’d like to scroll at the position X,Y of google page. I tried
scrollTop, scrollLeft and even the plugin scrollTo to no avail. Can I make 
$(‘#frame’).scrollTo(300); or 
Any help would be appreciated.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Ajax Postbacks

2009-07-22 Thread FrenchiInLA

What exactly do you like to do? Ajax call do not Post back, but Call back. do
you like to post back in .net application? just call the javascript

gladrinkz wrote:
 can ant one tell me or give me some shot example regarging jquery ajax
 post backs or related some documents it will great help for me
 Thanks in Advance

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: converting an html table to json

2009-07-22 Thread FrenchiInLA

is up to you how you would like to make your json format, but you can easily
loop between your table's row, and td then add the format you like.
something like:
var $table = $('#tableid');
$('tr', $table).each(function(i, item){
   // here you can add whatever you like for each TR, then you can browse td 
for each tr
// now you have all td as well

nvictor wrote:
 hi, i'm new to jquery and i was wondering how i can use it to convert
 an html table into a json format. i found a lot of help for doing the
 reverse (json to html table) but couldn't get much help with this one.
 thanks a lot in advance.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Adding element to an array of object

2009-07-19 Thread FrenchiINLA

I would like to add a key value to an object array. let's say i have 2
var parArr = new Array('par1', 'par2', 'par3', 'par4');
var valArr = new Array('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4');

I would like to obtain
ext={par1:val1, par2:val2,pa3:val3,par4:val4}

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Get following rows in a table until id not match certain pattern

2009-07-16 Thread FrenchiInLA

If i understand you correctly you can associate a click event to the table,
then get the id of the TR clicked, then filter by nextAll('tr[id^=act+id -
something like:
var id =  $(e.target).closest('tr').attr('id');
// Then filter nextAll tr with id 

bryan rasmussen wrote:
 I have a situation where a user clicks on something in a particular
 table row which should cause all following rows in that table that
 have a particular format of id to toggle visibility.. so for example
 tr id=top11_21td # click here /
 td...rest of row data/td/tr
 tr id=act11_21_1td.../td/tr
 tr id=act11_21_2td.../td/tr
 tr id=act11_21_30td.../td/tr
 tr id=top11_22td # click here /
 td...rest of row data/td/tr
 when someone clicks on top11_21click it should toggle the visibility
 of rows act11_21_1 to act11_21_30
 I would like to have this efficient, thus not just a find or filter,
 but rather something that gets the context of the clicked row and then
 loops following rows until the input does not match - any suggestions
 for a jquery like way of handling this?

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Attaching a jQuery event to a dropdown in an ASP.net Repeater?

2009-07-16 Thread FrenchiInLA

if your DDL has ddlSkillCategoryID as id you can select them with following
// do your stuffs

Dunc-4 wrote:
 I've got an ASP.net repeater which has an unknown number of rows, that
 I'm passing as a variable into the client-side code.  Each repeater
 item has two dropdowns in it, one of which I need to attach to a
 jQuery event to create a cascading dropdown.
 I've put the change(function() { into a for..next loop, along with the
 target control.  It's not pretty, but it seems logical.  Problem I
 have is whenever the function is called, the ID of the target control
 is the max value of the loop + 1.
 Why is my loop variable behaving like a reference type instead of a
 value type?  Why is it even in scope outside the loop?  Alternatively,
 is there a better way to do this?
 The code:
 var rows = 4; // this is populated from the server code
 for (iLoop = 0; iLooprows; iLoop++) {
 (function() {
   $('#' + this.id).val()
 function PopulateSubSkill(target, var) {
   alert(target);  // always returns
 'ctl00_repCBSkills_ctl05_ddlSkillSubCategory_ID' (note the 5)
 Thanks in advance.

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Get the HTML of the current node plus its Inner HTML

2009-07-16 Thread FrenchiInLA

each time that you need javascript function you can use [0] or 'this' in your
case you can get it by
  if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == table)

contentHtml += this.outerHTML();
or if have already selected your table, $table = $('selector') use

bittermonkey wrote:
 I need to get all the TABLE HTML code within the body tag for a
 content-generating application.  I'm trying to use the html() method,
 but it only gets the inner HTML.  I also tried clone(), but does the
 same thing. Or maybe I'm using it wrong.  Here's an example to clarify
 what I wanted to do:
 psome text/p
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width: 600px;/
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width: 400px;/
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width: 600px;/
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width: 400px;/
 jQuery Code
   var contentHtml = ;
   if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == table)
 //need to include the TABLE code here
 contentHtml += $(this).html();
 Thanks in advance.

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Create a Select Box

2009-07-16 Thread FrenchiInLA

I don't know the structure of your data coming from your server, but
generally speaking you should do something like :
var $sel = $('select name=select_1 class=filter/select.');
now loop from your array and populate your select 
$sel.append($('option value='+ value + '' + text +'/option');

once you get your select compete then append it to ul

tdktan...@gmail.com wrote:
 So ive got a fun page where I need to create the dropdowns based on an
 array I pass into the html. (coming form php)
 However I cant figure out how to actually create a select box... I can
 however populate a select box that exists...
 Before Jquery does its stuff
 ul id=filter/ul
 So heres what I need the end to look like after jquery has run its
 ul id=filter
 li id=select_1select name=select_1 class=filteroption
 li id=select_2select name=select_2 class=filteroption

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] dynamic extend

2009-07-15 Thread FrenchiInLA

I have hard time to find out this one. I'd like to extend an object with
another array. Let's say I have an array like var $copy=
I would like to extend or  add element to $par = {}; as following:


i have problem with the key part of the key values object. I get error
string or identifier is expected. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery to completely separate HTML from Javascript

2009-07-15 Thread FrenchiInLA

how about 
var par = $(this).attr('name');
// do whatever you need with name attribution

Thierry-32 wrote:
 I am trying to remove every Javascript reference from my HTML data
 (except the inclusion headers of course).
 I would like some advice regarding event listeners when parameters
 come into play.
 Here is the typical example:
 For event handlers in HTML like:
 I would have no problem replacing with the following HTML:
 and Javascript code in separate file:
   function() {
 However, how would you proceed when parameters are to be passed to foo
 ()? E.g:
 I was thinking of something like:
 But how to bind the foo() function (with proper parameter) using
 Thanks for any recommendation/comment.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] First Parent Siblings

2009-06-17 Thread FrenchiINLA

I have several following html code:
h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
I would like toggle div.classdiv when a.classa is clicked

I tried $(this).parent('h3').siblings('div.classdiv').toggle();
but all div all toggled. Any help would be greatly appreciated

[jQuery] Re: First Parent Siblings

2009-06-17 Thread FrenchiINLA

Thank you for the reply. I would like to show hide the div located
right after the h3 when a.classa is clicked, and not all other
div.classdiv located on other lines. Thanks again

On Jun 17, 2:19 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
 do you want to toggle the class on the div or toggle a transition  like
 slideToggle or fadeToggle ?

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:16 PM, FrenchiINLA mamali.sohe...@gmail.comwrote:

  I have several following html code:
  h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
  h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
  h3a class=classa/a/h3div class=classdiv/div
  I would like toggle div.classdiv when a.classa is clicked

  I tried $(this).parent('h3').siblings('div.classdiv').toggle();
  but all div all toggled. Any help would be greatly appreciated

[jQuery] jqGrid with web service of .net framwork

2008-12-19 Thread FrenchiINLA

Is there anyone who could work with jqGrid and web services in a
asp.net project? I really try hard to just be able to call the method
in my web service for no avail. I have the following in my html file:
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {


url: 'Services/Bill.asmx/Get_Client_jqGrid'
 , datatype: 'xmlstring'

, colNames: ['Name']
, colModel:
{ name: 'CltName', index: 'CltName', width: 55 }

, caption: Client

}); // jqGrid
});  // ready
table id=list class=scroll

And I made a web service with the following signature:

public string  Get_Client_jqGrid()
// just some code to test the 
I put a breakpoint in the web service but it’s never been called. I
get jut the header with Loading message. any help would be really
appreciated. I tried a grid with local data, and the edit return
perfectly to another WebMethod of the web service.

[jQuery] Re: Confirming submit using Validate plugin

2008-11-15 Thread FrenchiINLA

Add return false; in case of cancel
function confSubmit(form) {
if (confirm(Are you sure you want to submit the form?)) {
else return false; --
}//End of confSubmit function

On Nov 15, 3:03 pm, flycast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a long form where some of the fields are required. The problem
 is that the user is sometimes getting to the point where they have
 filled all the required fields in but is not done and then hits enter
 rather than tab to go to the next field. When they do this the form
 submits. I want to conform that the user really wants to submit when
 they hit enter.

 This does not work:

 function confSubmit(form) {
 if (confirm(Are you sure you want to submit the form?)) {

 }//End of confSubmit function

 I get a popup corectly but if I hit cancel on the confirm dialog then
 the form validates/submits anyway rather than returning to the form.

[jQuery] Re: Poll sumbit

2008-11-08 Thread FrenchiINLA

I would do it this way,
- on Page Load get the result from db and display it
- user selection --- update db -- return the updated result --
display it

On Nov 8, 12:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to build something so that when someone submits his poll choise
 that the poll will change into the results without any refresh. Whats
 the best way to start of with for building this?

 - user visite the site
 - user chooses a option on the poll
 - he presses on vote
 - then his answer will be added to the database
 - poll results will show

 When a person already voted he also has to show the results.

 Whats the best way to start of with?


[jQuery] Re: Jquery Countdown!!!

2008-11-08 Thread FrenchiINLA

Add the following in the header of your page with the correct
liftoffTime value
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
var liftoffTime = new Date();
liftoffTime.setDate(liftoffTime.getDate() + 5);
$('#listLayout').countdown({ until: liftoffTime, format:
layout: 'ul%Yli%n %l/li%Y%Oli%n %l/li%O%Dli
%n %l/li%D' +
'%Hli%n %l/li%H%Mli%n %l/li%M%Sli%n %l/li%S/ul'

Then in your page body add a span like span id=listLayout/span
and your code should work

On Nov 8, 3:30 pm, B3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone just give me some instructions to get this to work??? I
 don't understand how to implement this into my site...  where would I
 put this:

 $('#listLayout').countdown({until: liftoffTime, format: 'yODHMS',
     layout: 'ul%Yli%n %l/li%Y%Oli%n %l/li%O%Dli%n %l/li
 %D' +
     '%Hli%n %l/li%H%Mli%n %l/li%M%Sli%n %l/li%S/ul'});

 ??? The countdown.js and jquery.js are loading but I don't get it...
 and also what would I put in the html side? I got this from 


[jQuery] Re: accessing child element without unique id

2008-11-05 Thread FrenchiINLA

var $col = $('#row1 td') will give you a collection of all td under
row1, then you can filter by first, last, or even use ordianal positon
like $col[0] etc.

On Nov 5, 11:59 am, Jared_T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to access a td text value, as shown in the javascript
 below.  The easiet way to solve this problem would be to give each td
 id value a unique identifier (i.e. td id=row1_col1) Is it possible
 to access the td element of a tr with a unique tr id tag without
 naming each td id uniquely?  I'm new to this, I pasted the code as an
 example of what I'm trying to do.  All the attempts in the javascript
 below failed.

   script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script

     table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 border=1
         tr id=row1
             td id=col11/td
             td id=col22/td
         tr id=row2
             td id=col13/td
             td id=col24/td
     /tablebr /

     script type=text/javascript
         str01 = $(#row1  col1).text();
         document.write(row1 col1 value is:  + str01 + br /);
         str02 = $(#row1.col1).text();
         document.write(row1 col1 value is:  + str02 + br /);
         //str03 = $(#row1).(#col1).text();
         //document.write(row1 col1 value is:  + str03 + br /);
         //str04 = $(#col1).text((#row1).text());
         //document.write(row1 col1 value is:  + str04 + br /);

[jQuery] Re: Adding class to a parent element- traversion help?

2008-09-30 Thread FrenchiINLA

your problem is coming from (this). just try :

On Sep 30, 2:09 pm, Vinoj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got the following as my jquery code:
 script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {


 And the html is:

 div class=bottom-content
    div class=bc-wrapper


 The css is as follows:
 .bottom-content {
         display: block;
         width: 215px;
         border: 1px solid #ccc;
         float: left;
         margin-right: 20px;
 .bc-wrapper {
         padding: 5px;
 .none {
         visibility: hidden;
         border: none;

 Basically in this example, I'd like the bottom-content class to be
 hidden if the bc-wrapper class has no content. Unfortunately, I
 believe I've written my code wrong (in all the different variations
 I've tried) for jQuery because nothing is happening. Even when I check
 with Firebug, there's no class attached anywhere.

 Any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: Help with $.ajax() function

2008-09-23 Thread FrenchiINLA

try $.getJSON since you want to get json data somthing like
.getJSON(url,   { request:'tes',message:'SupLawl' },   function(json)
{ alert(json.msg);   } );


On Sep 23, 6:57 pm, Bockit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can't work this out myself so turning to others, chances are I'm
 missing something small, but let's see.

 I'm trying to use the $.ajax() function in my app, however it just
 isn't sending the GET data when I click on the link.

                                         type: GET,
                                         dataType: json,
                                         data: request=testmessage=SupLawl,
                                         error: function(){
                                         success: function(json){
                                                 alert(worked omg:  + 

 Could anyone take a look at that and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

 At the moment the server isn't even registering a request, at all. If
 I manually type the url into the address bar, the server gets the
 request, and it runs through its motions properly, so I know the
 problem is somewhere in that code.

[jQuery] Re: Replace html class with rel attribute into an anchor

2008-09-21 Thread FrenchiINLA

what you need is attr. to get the value of an attribution use $
('iframe').attr('href'); to set a rel attribute use $

On Sep 21, 10:12 am, Andrea - Aosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to replace an attribute inside a tag a...
 I have this code html

 a href=url.html class=iframe Link/a

 And, for all link with iframe class, i need to have

 a href=iframe.html rel=myrel  Link /a

 I have try with


 but this append outside the a...

 I think this is better:


 but how to set a replace saving the url target?
 Thank you

[jQuery] Re: Insert variable into a selector

2008-09-21 Thread FrenchiINLA

i think your problem is this.id, you have to show the entire code in
order for us to see what does this mean. try just to add a alert for
example to see what you get for this.id

On Sep 21, 7:38 am, suntrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 HI there,

 I want to insert two variables into the selector and an attribute. But
 it doesn't work.

 $('h1 a#' + this.id + ' img').attr({src : images/ + msg + .png});

 I looked through various tutorials but couldn't find an answer to

 The first variable comes from the object's (a element) id and the
 seccond is a response from an php script.

 Can somebody please help me?

[jQuery] Re: can i use livequery with greybox2 or equivalent?

2008-09-17 Thread FrenchiINLA

You can use livequery to attach events to your elements whenever they
are built. something like the following should worrk for you.
// Add here what you would like to do with the new pageWindow class

On Sep 17, 12:32 pm, onmountain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. I am using greybox2 plugin to generate a modal window with details
 of items when I click on their hyperlink, identified by the class=   .
 However, I am also adding more such hyperlinks with teh same class=
 on the fly, and I need to rebind the elements correctly. Can I use
 livequery to do this, or do I need to do it another way?

 This is what my code looks like:

           var gbOptions = {
                 gbWidth: 400,
                 gbHeight: 400,
                 captionHeight: 22

           $('.pageWindow').greybox(gbOptions); // for item info opening in
 modal wondow

         blah blah blah


 Can I use livequery like something like this ( This doesn't work)?:

               $('.pageWindow').greybox(gbOptions); )  // for item info
 opening in modal wondow



[jQuery] Re: Image Button Acts Like Submit Button for JQuery Call

2008-09-17 Thread FrenchiINLA

try something like:
$('.delrow.)hover($(this).attr({'src':'images/rowOverDel.png'}), $
(this).attr({'src':'images/rowOutDel.png'}) )
// Do your click event delete row etc

return false;

On Sep 17, 10:53 am, rcflyer2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On my web page, I have two image button to dynamically add or delete a
 row of data in a table.  When I click the buttons, they submit the
 form and execute the action=justDoIt.php  on the form tag and not
 call jquery.  Is there any way this can be fixed.  I'm using IE6  8
 beta.  I have to stick with IE for now because I have vbs.

 Thanks loads!

 These two buttons work, but are very ugly:

  input type=button value=del class=delrow/ --
  input type=button value=add class=addrow id=addrow/

 I would like to get these two buttons to work:
         input type=image  class=delrow src=images/rowOutDel.png
           onmouseout= this.src=images/rowOutDel.png
           onmousedown=this.src=images/rowDownDel.png  /

     input type=image  class=addrow src=images/rowOutAdd.png
                   onmouseout= this.src=images/rowOutAdd.png
                   onmousedown=this.src=images/rowDownAdd.png /


[jQuery] Re: $.ajax isn't parsing JSON object properly

2008-09-12 Thread FrenchiINLA

are you using .net 3.5? in this casse try the following:
success: function(rdata) {
var obj = rdata.d;
for some security reason web service make this way the JSON object

On Sep 12, 8:31 am, Namlet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to digest a JSON object returned from an ASP.NET
 Webservice.  I'm not sure if my problem is on the ASP.NET side, or the
 JavaScript side, but I could use some guidance.

 This code:
         type: POST,
         contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8,
         url: xxx,
         data: {'guid':'{85FDC9B6-C20C-4007-9AA8-AE7B62FC0309}'},
         dataType: json,
         success: function(rdata) {
             //var str = eval(rdata);

 Produces this:
 {guid : 85fdc9b6-c20c-4007-9aa8-ae7b62fc0309,person_id :
 558311,fname : Nkulu,mname : Ntanda,lname :
 Ntambo,prefix : Bishop,suffix : ,relation :
 Jr.,ethnicity_code : AA,gender : M,conference_id :
 68,bm_age_cat : MA,addr_address_id : 32555,addr_address1 :
 United Methodist Church,addr_address2 : P.O. Box
 20219,addr_city : Kitwe,addr_state_code : ,addr_zip_code :
 ,addr_country_code : ZAM,wk_phone_id :
 15296,wk_country_code : 243,wk_city_code :
 970,wk_area_code : ,wk_phone : 29-004,wk_ext :
 555,fax_phone_id : 16157,fax_country_code :
 243,fax_city_code : 971,fax_area_code : ,fax_phone :
 08-9792,home_phone_id : 32978,home_country_code :
 222,home_city_code : 333,home_area_code : ,home_phone :
 444-,cell_phone_id : ,cell_country_code :
 ,cell_city_code : ,cell_area_code : ,cell_phone :
 ,email_id : 4003,email_address :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],education : ,recvd_loan :
 False,grad_umcscu : False,grad_instit : ,umc_scu_trustee :
 False,trustee_instit : ,emp_church_name : ,pres_posit :
 ,assist_name : ,church_memship : ,church_size_id :
 ,loc_chur_respon : ,ann_conf_respon : ,gen_chur_respon :
 ,add_info : ,spec_needs : }

 While this code:
         type: POST,
         contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8,
         url: xxx,
         data: {'guid':'{85FDC9B6-C20C-4007-9AA8-AE7B62FC0309}'},
         dataType: string, //
         success: function(rdata) {
             //var str = eval(rdata);

 Produces this:
 {\guid\ : \85fdc9b6-c20c-4007-9aa8-ae7b62fc0309\,\person_id\ :
 \558311\,\fname\ : \Nkulu\,\mname\ : \Ntanda\,\lname\ :
 \Ntambo\,\prefix\ : \Bishop\,\suffix\ : \\,\relation\ :
 \Jr.\,\ethnicity_code\ : \AA\,\gender\ : \M\,\conference_id
 \ : \68\,\bm_age_cat\ : \MA\,\addr_address_id\ : \32555\,
 \addr_address1\ : \United Methodist Church\,\addr_address2\ :
 \P.O. Box 20219\,\addr_city\ : \Kitwe\,\addr_state_code\ :
 \\,\addr_zip_code\ : \\,\addr_country_code\ : \ZAM\,
 \wk_phone_id\ : \15296\,\wk_country_code\ : \243\,
 \wk_city_code\ : \970\,\wk_area_code\ : \\,\wk_phone\ :
 \29-004\,\wk_ext\ : \555\,\fax_phone_id\ : \16157\,
 \fax_country_code\ : \243\,\fax_city_code\ : \971\,
 \fax_area_code\ : \\,\fax_phone\ : \08-9792\,\home_phone_id
 \ : \32978\,\home_country_code\ : \222\,\home_city_code\ :
 \333\,\home_area_code\ : \\,\home_phone\ : \444-\,
 \cell_phone_id\ : \\,\cell_country_code\ : \\,\cell_city_code
 \ : \\,\cell_area_code\ : \\,\cell_phone\ : \\,\email_id
 \ : \4003\,\email_address\ : \[EMAIL PROTECTED],\education
 \ : \\,\recvd_loan\ : \False\,\grad_umcscu\ : \False\,
 \grad_instit\ : \\,\umc_scu_trustee\ : \False\,\trustee_instit
 \ : \\,\emp_church_name\ : \\,\pres_posit\ : \\,
 \assist_name\ : \\,\church_memship\ : \\,\church_size_id\ :
 \\,\loc_chur_respon\ : \\,\ann_conf_respon\ : \\,
 \gen_chur_respon\ : \\,\add_info\ : \\,\spec_needs\ :

 It looks properly formatted to me, but maybe I'm missing something.
 Regardless, I cannot access any properties of the object.  I would
 greatly appreciate any help.


[jQuery] Re: How to select all input elements but the button one?

2008-09-09 Thread FrenchiINLA

how about:
$('input:not[type=submit], input:not[type=button] ')

On Sep 9, 12:00 pm, aldomatic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to select all input elements but the submit or button.

 I appreciate the help.


[jQuery] Re: Cancel .toggle() when a link is clicked

2008-09-09 Thread FrenchiINLA

to make id simple i add an 'notoggle' id to your link you can use the
following code:
$('#toggle').click(function() { alert('toggle'); });
$('#notoggle').click(function() { alert('No Toggle'); return
false; }); or if you don't want use id for the link $('#toggle a')
instead of $('#notoggle').
div id=toggle
  Click here for more info
  a id=notoggledo something/a

On Sep 9, 12:41 pm, jtibbetts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you stop .toggle() from toggling an object when a link (or any
 object) inside the object is clicked.

 Here's a quick contrived example:

 div id=toggle
      Click here for more info
      a onClick=DoSomething();do something/a
 div id=infoblah blah blah.../div

      function () {
      function () {

 Clicking on the toggle div toggles the info div. If the do
 something link is clicked, the toggle div will toggle *and*
 DoSomething() will be called. I want to be able to click the do
 something link and only have DoSomething() trigger but not cause the
 div to toggle. Is this possible?

 (Forgive the code if it's wrong, but I just whipped it up on the fly)

[jQuery] Re: Selecting a checkbox by clicking anywhere on a row

2008-09-08 Thread FrenchiINLA

Try the following code:

$('.myrow').children().click(function() {
if ($(this).children('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').length == 0) {

var check_id = '#' + $(this).parent().attr('id') +
$(check_id).attr('checked', !$(check_id).attr('checked'));

On Sep 8, 8:55 am, Michael Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm trying to make a page which automatically toggles a checkbox when
 you click anywhere on the row.

 Here's a version I've cut down to the bare bones to illustrate


 It seems to work fine unless the user actually clicks on the checkbox
 itself.  In this case it seems that it actually gets toggled twice and
 so reverts to its original state.

 Any suggestions on the cleanest / simples way to avoid this? (I can
 think of a few messy ways)



[jQuery] Re: .unbind hover doesn't work

2008-09-05 Thread FrenchiINLA

Have you tried hover event?

On Sep 5, 12:51 pm, Namlet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To unbind the above example use:
 $(#nav1).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');

 This is what the documentation says, but it doesn't remove the hover
 event.  Do I have to do something else?


[jQuery] Re: Add a class only to the first parent

2008-08-24 Thread FrenchiINLA


On Aug 24, 3:24 pm, Massimiliano Marini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I need some help, I want to apply a class with 'addClass' at all li of
 the first ul class=menu and not to the second

 div id=foo
 ul class=menu!-- first --
   li class=expanded
     ul class=menu!-- second --

 How can I achieve this? Is possible without using the each() function?
 Any help, suggestions, examples are welcome.
 Massimiliano Marini -http://www.linuxtime.it/massimilianomarini/
 It's easier to invent the future than to predict it.  -- Alan Kay

[jQuery] Re: Best way to toggle a form field value

2008-08-21 Thread FrenchiINLA

$('a').click(function(){$('input[name=' + this.id+ ']').val(!$
('input[name=' + this.id+ ']').val())});//

On Aug 21, 7:02 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm storing a boolean in a hidden field, and I'd like to flip it's value
 when someone clicks a link. Here's the function I've got currently:

 function toggleInput($el) {
     // get the ID of the element being passed in
     var id = $el.attr('id');
     // get form element
     var $formEl = $('input[name=' + id + ']');
     // get the current value of the selected form field
     var value = $formEl.val();
     // set the new value


 I seem to recall a way to invert the value in one line, but it's eluding me
 at this time. Can someone help me out?


 Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249www.dealerskins.comhttp://www.dealerskins.com/

 Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not
 completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me know
 right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager Aaron West at

  2008 Email NADA.jpg

[jQuery] Re: how to toggle text

2008-08-19 Thread FrenchiINLA

have you tried just $(#toggle-content).toggle(); it shows and hide
toggle-content div. otherwise for more option you can use
$(#toggle-content).toggle(function1(){},function2(){}); where
function1 will run when first clicked and function2 the second time.

On Aug 19, 10:44 am, elz64 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I begin  with jQuery so

 looks like one toggle function is missing : how can be accomplished
 the change of a text in a link , (and it's title or a alt text)
 between to possible states :

 I use this to hide/display a content div a linl and  this :


 this will add a class to the link #toggle-content to make it  when
 closed (default) or .ouvert when opened.

 BUT the link remains the same, and it's actually not very cool or
 accessible to display something like read more when it's already
 opened, and the text  should be now  click here to hide

 Of course, dealing with toggleClass, it's possible to use a full
 graphic background-image that tells the right stuff, but the title AND
 the alt of the link must be change anyway.

 any one had already done this ?
 Thank you.

[jQuery] nyroModal dynamic href question

2008-06-12 Thread FrenchiInLA

I use nyroModal and is very nice and really easy for basic use. What I would
like to do is for each link I have to get the href, width, and high from
database and apply to the setting of the link. Let’s say I have the
following html code
”#” blablala 
I tried something like
 alert('h : ' + obj.H + 'W : ' + obj.W + 'Href : ' +
obj.URL);   -- OK i get the correct values


but i don't get any modal form. Of course it works great if i add the heref
to the   tag. any help would be greatly appreciated. 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery help

2008-06-12 Thread FrenchiInLA

Can you post at least your html code. to see how your page is made. if i
understand you corretly you want to copy value of text box (UID value) to a
You can always start by coding somethign like
$('#div').htm($('#txt').value();) now i don't know by which event you want
to trigger this action. 

Chasery wrote:
 I am having some serious problems with what should be some easy scripting.
 I am looking to talk to some one over an instant messenger that could help
 guide me through what I am trying to do.
 What I am looking to do is take user input and display it in a div next to
 it. At that time I would also like another div to open.
 aim - Billhillydude2k

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery help

2008-06-12 Thread FrenchiInLA

Check this out.
jQuery Field Plug-in will give you all filed values in your form 
 now associate click event to yuor button like 
make this works then we'll see for ajax part

FrenchiInLA wrote:
 Can you post at least your html code. to see how your page is made. if i
 understand you corretly you want to copy value of text box (UID value) to
 a div
 You can always start by coding somethign like
 $('#div').htm($('#txt').value();) now i don't know by which event you want
 to trigger this action. 
 Chasery wrote:
 I am having some serious problems with what should be some easy
 scripting. I am looking to talk to some one over an instant messenger
 that could help guide me through what I am trying to do.
 What I am looking to do is take user input and display it in a div next
 to it. At that time I would also like another div to open.
 aim - Billhillydude2k

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: .load Ajax et Jtip ou ClueTip

2008-06-11 Thread FrenchiInLA

tu peux de la meme maniere travailler avec jtip par example. Make 
Handler.ashx?Action=totoetc=etc  essaye d'utilise un httphandler au lieu de
aspx, and pass tes parametre, et return htm, or juste textefile. si tu
loader une page avec des server controles tu aura des probleme avec 2 form
runat=server dans la page. autrement pour montrer des tooltips c'est tres
simple de realiser avec jtip. j'ai une page qui est fait avec ce que tu veux
check http://Soheyli.com/PersianTV.aspx 

Discret wrote:
 J'utilise .load pour charger l'id d'une page dans l'id d'une autre
 $(a.article).click( function (){
 $(#feeds).load(Pagedarticle.aspx #conteneur);})
 li # Charge la page et l'id conteneur dans
 l'id feeds /li
 div id=feeds/div
 Ok c'est rudimentaire mais ça marche, je souhaiterais pouvoir faire de
 même avec un Plugin comme [Jtip-http://www.codylindley.com/blogstuff/
 js/jtip/]., [Cluetip-http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/]
 ou autre.
 C'est à dire charger l'élément id d'une page externe dans le div façon
 Jtip au passage de la souris sur un lien ?
 Auriez vous une idée pour m'aider ?

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery effects Issue with multple ID targets

2008-05-21 Thread FrenchiInLA

Can you Post your code? anyway $(this) gives you  the DIV as  Jquery object
inside of click event. 
Put the same class to all your div and  use some code like:

Auriion wrote:
 I have 3 div's on the screen that I've also added click events to.
 These click events simply make the div you click fade out, and a
 corresponding div fade in. 
 Now the problem is, after double checking my ID targets and experimenting
 with different combinations, that only the very last div I set to appear
 actually appears. 
 To further the confusion, if you click the other 2 non-corresponding divs,
 it makes only that last one appear and disappear in the same way.
 Any thoughts? I'm completely stumped. I've even re-built the effect using
 scriptaculous with the exact same bug happening.
 Thanks in advance.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery effects Issue with multple ID targets

2008-05-21 Thread FrenchiInLA

I did not check the CSS but as for Jquery code:
you can regroup your DIV like following:
 div class=absoluteCenter id=closedChatBubbleA

p ../images/closedChatBubbleA.png /p

p ../images/expandedChatBubbleA.png /p


$this = $(this);
$this.children(.closedChatBubbleA) gives you the span closed as jquery
object and you can fadein, hide it ,or do whatever you like to do the same
thing for expandedChatBubble and this code is for all your 3 divs. 


Auriion wrote:
 Here is a link to what I'm actually working on at the moment.
 You can just look at the source, it's pretty simple.
 I'm using a css technique to get the divs to position in relation to the
 center of the document. I don't think that has anything to do with my
 issue though.
 Thanks for responding.
 FrenchiInLA wrote:
 Can you Post your code? anyway $(this) gives you  the DIV as  Jquery
 object inside of click event. 
 Put the same class to all your div and  use some code like:
 Auriion wrote:
 I have 3 div's on the screen that I've also added click events to.
 These click events simply make the div you click fade out, and a
 corresponding div fade in. 
 Now the problem is, after double checking my ID targets and
 experimenting with different combinations, that only the very last div I
 set to appear actually appears. 
 To further the confusion, if you click the other 2 non-corresponding
 divs, it makes only that last one appear and disappear in the same way.
 Any thoughts? I'm completely stumped. I've even re-built the effect
 using scriptaculous with the exact same bug happening.
 Thanks in advance.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Problem of show and hide when I have several DIV and one only has to be affected

2008-04-02 Thread FrenchiINLA

you need to get the sibling of your see-more class somethig like :
should work for you

On Apr 1, 9:04 pm, Brandnew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hope I'm more or less clear in my title.

 I have this problem :

 I have several DIVs which contains different infos (the content of
 them is coming from a DB).

 Exemple :

 div class=news
     a class=see_more href=See more/a
              div class=news_complete style=display:none;

 When i click on See more, I have a small Jquery command :



                                 return false;


 So basically, the user is able to choose if he wants to see the
 complete content of one DIV. My problem is that with the way I coded
 it, when I click on the link See more, it opens all my DIV where
 there is a 'class=news_complete', not just the one where I clicked
 See more.

 I tried several different options, using ID and class, trying to have
 an attribute in the DIV with the ID of the news. But nothing works so

 Could you help me to finish that ?

 Thank you a lot !


[jQuery] Re: update a select field by ajax

2008-03-25 Thread FrenchiINLA

you can add another option ot your ajax call -- success: function(msg)
{ } -- the msg is the code returned from your server. you also need
to take away onchange=load_select() from select tag.

On Mar 25, 11:27 am, jojolapin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 that is the first time I use the Ajax functionality of JQuery and I
 face so many problem. I meant that to update my select field by Ajax I
 need to do it by this way:
 $(#myId).change(function () {
                 url: ajaxCallback.php,
                 cache: true,
                 type: GET,
                 data: param=toto,
                 dataType: html


 My php page display the complete field so:
 select name=myId onchange=load_select() class=disable
 option value=1Option 1/optionoption value=2option 2/option

 What could I change to update the field with the one wich has been
 generated please?

[jQuery] Re: tabs: possible to save a form when switching tabs?

2008-02-14 Thread FrenchiINLA

if you use the click event of tab it pass 3 parameters Tab clicked,
Tab toShow, TabtoHide so you can write something like
var $tabs = $('#foo).tabs({click: function(clicked, toShow, toHide) {
var title = toHide.title;

On Feb 14, 6:28 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks, but let me throw in an additional wrinkle.  Let's say there
 are three tabs, with titles Properties, General, and Misc and
 you are on tab General and then click on tab Misc.   The below
 functionality would get called, even though it is only supposed to be
 called if you are leaving the Properties tab.  Any way to adjust the
 below for this situation?

  - Dave

 On Feb 14, 6:05 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Feb 14, 9:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Thanks, Klaus.  I only want to run this form validation if a user is
   leaving the tab with a.title = Properties.  How do I screen for that
   prior to executing the function? - Dave

  var $tabs = $('#foo').tabs().bind('select.ui-tabs', function(e, ui) {
      if (ui.tab.title.toLowerCase() != 'properties')
          return validateForm( $('#tabcontent div.ui-tabs-
  container:visible form')[0] );


  --Klaus- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Selector Containing Variable

2008-01-30 Thread FrenchiINLA

you can try $('#' + tabtext) since the id is unic you don't need the

On Jan 30, 7:24 am, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble with a jQuery selector that contains a variable.
 I'm trying to target an element that has a class of orderInfo and an
 id of billy

 So, I set a variable:

 var tabText = billy;

 ...and it works if I use the string:


 ...but not the variable:


 ...but of course I need it to work with a variable {insert appropriate
 emoticon here}

[jQuery] Block UI doesn't show at the second click

2008-01-20 Thread FrenchiINLA

I really don't understand why the following code doesn't work . I used
BlockUI plugin in another page without t any problem but in this page
event he simple case does not work the second click. The html code is:

input ID=btn type=button value=Button  class=button2
name=div /

   div id=div style=display: none; cursor: default; background-
color: #dd;
border-style: solid; z-index: 300;
Bla bla bla:/p

br /
p style=text-align: center;
input class=cancel id=Button21 type=button
value=Cancel /

);// button2 click
);// Cancel Click

When  the button is clicked the div is shown and  after cancel is
clicked the div is unblocked, but if I click again the page is blocked
but the div is not shown. Any help would be greatly appleciated.

[jQuery] Re: Block UI doesn't show at the second click

2008-01-20 Thread FrenchiINLA

Thak you mike, let me present the whole scenarii. I have several
buttons wich should block a section with different div I add the ID
of the div in Button Name, and made the following code:

var $div;
$('.button2').click(function() {
$div = $('#' + $(this).attr('name'));


 for the same result is it a way to make the page that I described it
thanks again for your reply.

On Jan 20, 9:35 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When  the button is clicked the div is shown and  after cancel is
  clicked the div is unblocked, but if I click again the page is blocked
  but the div is not shown. Any help would be greatly appleciated.

 Try this:

 $(function() {
     var $div = $('#div');
     $('.button2'.click(function() {


 The problem that you are having is that when you invoke unblock, the
 blocking element is removed from the DOM.  Which means the next time you do
 $('#div') you won't find the element.  But if you cache it first you can use
 it over and over.  Note however, that you need to rebind the click handler
 to the cancel button because event handlers are removed automatically by


[jQuery] .net 2 web services json

2007-12-29 Thread FrenchiINLA

Asp.net 2 :I would like to post to a web service and get the result as
json format. The method is decorated with
[ResponseFormat=ResponseFormat.Json)]and it return a simple class.
When I use prototype code like : asmxFile.MethodName( par1,
par2,function(obj){}); the obj is json format, but If I use
$.post(asmxFile/MethodName, {par1:val1, par2:val2}, function(obj)
{}); the obj is not json format but has xml, and text properties
containing all json memebers. What else shuld I add to my call to get
json format. I tried getJson but it doesnùt call my web services. Any
help would be greatly appreciated:

[jQuery] Re: ClueTip - local content without attribute

2007-12-07 Thread FrenchiINLA

I haven't test it but it makes sense to me.

On Dec 7, 1:46 pm, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using ClueTip, and loading the content  from some hidden divs
 using the default rel attribute.

 Is there a way I can do this without using the rel attribute?

 For example:
 I have some cells in a table:

 td class=greena href=blah99/a/td
 td class=reda href=blah99/a/td

 and some hidden divs:
 div id=msg1this is green/div
 div id=msg2this is red/div

 If I hover over an anchor inside a td with class=green, then I want
 to grab the content from div#msg1. Can I do this without having to
 add  rel=#msg1 to every green anchor?


[jQuery] newbie question

2007-12-06 Thread FrenchiINLA

I have a javascript function like MyFunc(btn), and I would like to
associate a click event to all my button with button1 class in the
page to this function. I tried the following code and is not working
for me:

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]'button'].button1).each(function()

what's wrong with my code? any help would be greatly appreciated.