[jQuery] strange behaviour with .post

2009-04-07 Thread JimD

Hi all, Im sure I'm off somewhere with syntax but I get strange
behavior with this script. sometimes it does the .post sometimes it
doesnt. On top of that it doesnt return the alert if the post is
successful or not. Is it better to use .ajax?

function Validate() {
  if($('#title').val() == ){
alert(You must enter a title for the event.);
return false;

/* function to copy an entry to another calendar */
function CopytoCal() {
   var cnm = 'Theatre Calendar';
   var purl = '';
 if (status ==success) {
   alert(Record added/updated! Entry has been copied to the  +
cnm + . You should still check and make sure the entry has been
 } else {
   alert(There was an error! The entry was NOT copied to the  +
cnm + .)

[jQuery] Re: jquery website broken?

2009-03-19 Thread JimD

On Mar 18, 3:56 pm, David Meiser dmei...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I was developing our company's website, I had a coworker who kept
 complaining about how terrible it looked.  He complained that half the
 images were missing, half the text was unstyled, blah blah blah.  I asked
 him what browser he was using: Firefox 3.0.1.  I was using 3.0.1 as my
 primary browser.  He said he had another coworker that had the same

 It took me two weeks of off and on troubleshooting to finally locate the
 problem.  I had placed all the images and CSS in a folder labeled with the
 company acronym: ADS.  The real problem? He had Adblocker Plus installed,
 which was blocking the images and CSS...

This is so true. I have had a few cases with our company site where
some customer would complain things arent displying right or that they
cant login. 99% of the time its due to something the user either had
installed on their computer (antivirus, spyware adware blocker, virus
etc) that caused the problem. I see people with multiple antivirus
programs installed, mulitple ad blockers etc. I had one guy call
frantically demanding that our site was not compatible with firefox
3.05. I looked into everything until I finally asked him if he was
running any plugins. The guy had an insane number of plugins installed
but the clincher: he had the noscript plugin. I assumed someone using
noscript and that adamant about things running in Firefox understood
how noscript worked. Obviously he did not.

And by the way regarding the jquery site displaying correctly. I am
currently using and testing IE8 RC1. The site has always displayed
fine in IE7, and it displays and works fine in IE8 RC1 but only in
compatability mode (like IE7). It does have issues in IE8 standards
mode. Never a problem in Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari 4 beta.

[jQuery] Re: jquery website broken?

2009-03-19 Thread JimD

Actually regarding my statement about IE8 standards mode. it seems
only the Documentation section is a bit broke. Rest of the site
displays fine

[jQuery] Re: EZPZ Tooltip

2009-03-19 Thread JimD

Nice. I like the simplicity and the stayOnContent option.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Question - Tool tip

2009-03-04 Thread JimD

I would also check out simpletip.

On Mar 3, 1:33 pm, webRat web...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Karl  Jörn for both your responses.

[jQuery] Re: Solution To Many Of Your CSS Nightmares!

2009-01-18 Thread JimD

Although I love CSS, it is interesting how it leads to some of the
same spaghetti problems that people complained about by applying
formatting to html. I try to keep my CSS to a minimum but over time on
a large site it can get quite messy. Most CSS guru's relate their CSS
to little blogs or wiki's versus a large content site.

[jQuery] Re: I wrote a YUI Multi FIle Compression Utility

2008-12-26 Thread JimD

This is great. I've been looking for such a utility. Thank you.

On Dec 23, 8:27 am, K-BL axel...@aim.com wrote:
 Hey Guys,
 I just finished writing aYUIMulti-File Compression Utility.  It's
 really simple, it just runs some CLI commands, but more importantly,
 it compiles entire directories and sub directories with a clean UI.
 For us IT guys, it makes quick site changes a breeze from source to
 compressed in just seconds.

 Anyway, find it 

 If you like it, let me know.  Also, source is available in C#.


[jQuery] Whats best for js compression, packer, jsminify, YUI?

2008-10-08 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I know this has probably been discussed before but I with all the
options available, I was wondering what method seems to work best
overall for compressing js files. I want to put all my jquery plugins
into one file and compress for performance but I'm worried about
breaking things.

I know there is packer, jsmin etc. Any recommendations.

[jQuery] Re: Whats best for js compression, packer, jsminify, YUI?

2008-10-08 Thread JimD

Sorry Morningz Im being a bit lazy about it.  I'll search around. It
looks like jsmin is used to minify jquery so I'll give that a try.

On Oct 8, 12:23 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know this has probably been discussed before

 it has been (including explanations and benchmarks)... all you need to
 do is a search in the group

 On Oct 8, 3:21 pm, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I know this has probably been discussed before but I with all the
  options available, I was wondering what method seems to work best
  overall for compressing js files. I want to put all my jquery plugins
  into one file and compress for performance but I'm worried about
  breaking things.

  I know there is packer, jsmin etc. Any recommendations.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] autocomplete and updating different fields from delimited string

2008-10-07 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I'm using rhe great jquery autocomplete plugin which works great. But
Im returning a pipe delimited list so I can return more data and then
populate specific fields with that info. So for example my
autocomplete would return pipe delimited data like so for each line.

Top Gun|0001|11/22/06|10/31/06
Top Act|0002|11/22/06|10/31/06

In the display results of the autocomplete I wouldnt want to display
the full line just the first value of the pipe delimited string. So it
would display:

Top Gun
Top Act.

And if I selected Top Act it would update:
#title_name with the value 'Top Act'
the field #item with the value '0002',
the field #date1 with value '11/22/06'
the field #date2 with value '10/31/06'

Im a bit confused as to how to go about initiating a function to parse
the pipe delimited data to update the fields the way I want.

  $(#title_name).autocomplete(autosearch.html, {
width: 350,
max: 50,
cacheLength: 0,
scroll: true,
minChars: 4,
minChars: 4,
autoFill: false,
mustMatch: false,
matchContains: false,
selectFirst: false,
extraParams: { d: function(){return $
([EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked).val();}}

  $(#title_name).result(function(event, data, formatted) {
if (data)

[jQuery] Re: autocomplete and updating different fields from delimited string

2008-10-07 Thread JimD

Ok I got this figured out.  maybe this can help anyone else looking
for a similiar solution.  bnased of the demo I can manipulate output
with the findValueCallback function.

$(document).ready(function() {

  function findValueCallback(event, data, formatted) {
 $(li).html( !data ? No match! : Selected:  +

  $(#title_name).autocomplete(intra_autosearch.html, {
width: 350,
max: 50,
cacheLength: 0,
scroll: true,
minChars: 4,
minChars: 4,
autoFill: false,
mustMatch: false,
matchContains: false,
selectFirst: false,
extraParams: { d: function(){return $
([EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked).val();}}

  $(:text).result(findValueCallback).next().click(function() {

$(#title_name).result(function(event, data, formatted) {
if (data)

[jQuery] getting value of a radio button

2008-09-29 Thread JimD

Hi all I know this is pretty basic stuff and discussed before but Im
having problems simply getting the value of a radio button that is
checked in a group.

For example in the code below why is 's' blank?

// get value for checkbox or radio button that is checked
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'radCateg']).click(function(){
var s = $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'radCateg']:checked).val();

[jQuery] Re: getting value of a radio button

2008-09-29 Thread JimD

Thanks ricardobeat.  A little bit more info here. The code I put
worked in Firefox.  its IE7 that was giving me the problem.  I know
about the @ sign being deprecated but I still find at times it wont
work without the @ after input. Either way thanks for the help.  I
never thought about using the filter.

On Sep 29, 4:34 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The '@' at the start of an attribute name has been deprecated. Try

    var s = $(this).filter(':checked').val();

 or this:

    if $(this).is(':checked') alert(this.value);

 - Ricardo

 On Sep 29, 7:15 pm, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all I know this is pretty basic stuff and discussed before but Im
  having problems simply getting the value of a radio button that is
  checked in a group.

  For example in the code below why is 's' blank?

  // get value for checkbox or radio button that is checked
    $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'radCateg']).click(function(){
      var s = $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'radCateg']:checked).val();
    });- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Assigning the value of a field to another hidden field.

2008-07-01 Thread JimD

Hi all,

Quick question regarding retrieving a field value.  I have the
following code. Basically based on a select menu option I want to set
a hidden field to specific value depending on what is selected.

So if the user selects Urgent or Critical the hidden field would be
set to the value of another field in the form. I am trying to use $
(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val; but that does not seem to

Is this correct if say I want to get the field value of a field with
the id dateSel

$(pselectBox).change(function () {
   // var text = $(this).text();
   $this = $(this);
   if ($this.val() == 'Urgent') {
$(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
   } else if ($this.val() == 'Critical') {
$(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
   } else {

[jQuery] Re: broken image url check options on jquery

2008-04-25 Thread JimD

Thanks Ariel, I'll take a look at the preload plugin.

On Apr 24, 8:14 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably this can help you.

 The Placeholder Mode has a notFound option to set an alternative
 Also, using the onComplete event, you can do something specific for
 those that failed.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On 24 abr, 20:37, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  For awhile now I have used a simple onerror check to show an
  alternative if an img url is broken in the page. Something as shown
  below. Problem with this script, it will produce an error if the
  alternative image is actually not available as well. Can any one point
  me to a jquery solution if available? I was thinking I could probably
  use the dimensions plugin, get the width of any image on the page and
  if the width is 0 display the alternative missing image.

  script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
  function ImgError(source)
  source.src = /images/noimage.gif;
  source.onerror = ;
  return true;}

  divimg src=http://jquery.com/images/bibeault_cover150A.jpg;
  border=1 height=100 alt=image onerror=ImgError(this)/div
  /html- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: broken image url check options on jquery

2008-04-25 Thread JimD

Thanks Ariel I'll check it out.

On Apr 24, 8:14 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably this can help you.

 The Placeholder Mode has a notFound option to set an alternative
 Also, using the onComplete event, you can do something specific for
 those that failed.


 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On 24 abr, 20:37, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  For awhile now I have used a simple onerror check to show an
  alternative if an img url is broken in the page. Something as shown
  below. Problem with this script, it will produce an error if the
  alternative image is actually not available as well. Can any one point
  me to a jquery solution if available? I was thinking I could probably
  use the dimensions plugin, get the width of any image on the page and
  if the width is 0 display the alternative missing image.

  script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
  function ImgError(source)
  source.src = /images/noimage.gif;
  source.onerror = ;
  return true;}

  divimg src=http://jquery.com/images/bibeault_cover150A.jpg;
  border=1 height=100 alt=image onerror=ImgError(this)/div
  /html- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] broken image url check options on jquery

2008-04-24 Thread JimD

Hi all,

For awhile now I have used a simple onerror check to show an
alternative if an img url is broken in the page. Something as shown
below. Problem with this script, it will produce an error if the
alternative image is actually not available as well. Can any one point
me to a jquery solution if available? I was thinking I could probably
use the dimensions plugin, get the width of any image on the page and
if the width is 0 display the alternative missing image.

script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
function ImgError(source)
source.src = /images/noimage.gif;
source.onerror = ;
return true;
divimg src=http://jquery.com/images/bibeault_cover150A.jpg;
border=1 height=100 alt=image onerror=ImgError(this)/div

[jQuery] lost process running after form submit with impromptu

2008-01-15 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I'm using Impromptu to provide a simple confirm before submitting
a form from within a greybox. Everything works great, but whenever
the form is submitted (im not using ajax, ajah). Its like some lost
process starts running in the parent window that spawned
the greybox. Once I click any link it goes away, but it shouldnt be
doing this.

I am still on jquery 1.1.4 (yes I plan to update).

Any ideas?

simple submit
$.prompt('Submit report',{ buttons: { Submit: 'yes', Cancel: 'no' },
callback: Submitform })

function Submitform()
var Choice = v;
if (Choice == no) {
  alert(The form was not submitted.);
else {

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.2 Released: Happy 2nd Birthday!

2008-01-15 Thread JimD

Yes I agree thanks to the Jquery team for all their efforts. Jquery is

Happy Bday Jquery Donation on its way.

On Jan 14, 10:05 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the 2nd birthday of jQuery we're happy to bring you a new release of 

 Here's the 

 and here's the release notes:http://docs.jquery.com/Release:jQuery_1.2.2

 Enjoy - and here's looking forward to another year of excellent jQuery code!


[jQuery] Re: Space gallery

2008-01-11 Thread JimD

Wow Stefan that is awesome.

[jQuery] Re: help using selectors to set a hidden field value

2007-12-17 Thread JimD

Ahh Makes sense thanks Wizzud.

On Dec 17, 4:31 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're nearly there, but what you need to do is *append* to the
 #updstr field, whereas you are currently overwriting its value with
 each iteration of each!
 Personally, I would probably do it slightly differently, eg...

 var upd = [];
 $( 'input[name^=rlinehval-]' ).each(function(){
 upd.push( $(this).val();
 $(#updstr).val( upd.join(';') );


 On Dec 17, 11:35 pm, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  Pretty basic but Im having some difficulty. When my form is submitted,
  I want to capture all the form element textfield values where the name
  begins with 'rlinehval-' and put them into a hidden field value with
  the id updstr as a semicolon delimited list for a db update. I read
  through the selector docs but this doesnt seem to work.

  Using Jquery I am trying this:
  $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').each(function(){
  var sv = this.value + ;;


  So in the case of the example form below, when submitted I collect all
  the values for the fields where the name starts with ''rlinehval- and
  put them in a hidden field value as a semicolon delimited string

  On submission the hidden field named updstr would be:

  Simple demo form
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
  html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
  script type=text/javascript src=jquery-latest.js/script
  script type=text/javascript
  $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').each(function(){
  var sv = this.value + ;;

  form id=myform class=cssform action=
input type=hidden id=updstr name=updstr value=
  label for=userItem1/label
  input name=rlinehval-1 type=text id=rlinehval-1
  value=0056543,DVD /
  label for=userItem2/label
  input name=rlinehval-2 type=text id=rlinehval-2
  value=0024543,BLU /
input type=submit value=Submit /
input type=reset value=reset /
  /html- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] IE7 smudgy text issues with Superfish/hoverintent

2007-10-18 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I just now decided to update to the latest version of jquery which
means I had to update some plugin scripts.  Everything works fine but
I am having an issue specifically with my menu system which is using
Joel Birch's great Superfish script. The menu works but in IE7 now the
text is fuzzy on the drop down menus. I know this is some issue wit
the cleartext handling in IE7. If I disable hoverintent I no longer
get the problem but I want hoverintent enabled =(.

I'm sure similiar issues have come up before. Anyway to stop this

[jQuery] accordian plugin brings up errors in IE7

2007-10-18 Thread JimD

Using accordian 1.5 and jquery 1.1.2 * $Rev: 3353 $

In IE7 I keep getting the following error when clicking on one of the
menu items.  it works in FF2 although it stutters a bit.


errors at: elem[name] = value;

segment of code in jquery:
name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(z,b){return
if ( value != undefined ) elem[name] = value;
return elem[name];

I am using the following div structure (span is for styling purposes):

div id=menu class=lftmenu
div class=titlespanDVD/span/div
a href=#New Release/a
a href=#Used DVD/a
 div class=titlespanGAMES/span/div
a href=#XBOX/a
a href=#PS3/a

Calling it like so:
 header: '.title'

[jQuery] getting query string val method with jquery

2007-08-30 Thread JimD

Hi all,

Is there any new built in method to get a query string value into a
var for jquery

For example this same question came up awhile ago here:

I wasnt sure with the new versions of jquery if there is anything new
built in to do such a thing or if you'd still need to create your own
function to handle it.


[jQuery] Re: getting query string val method with jquery

2007-08-30 Thread JimD

Very cool Josh thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out.

On Aug 30, 3:09 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Jim,

 I have an extension jqURL you can check out.  The demos aren't quite
 finished, but it works.  Here's the link:


 Basically if your query string value is myvar, you do:

 var x = $.jqURL.get(myvar);

 There are some other useful functions too.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:34 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] getting query string val method with jquery

  Hi all,

  Is there any new built in method to get a query string value into a
  var for jquery

  For example this same question came up awhile ago here:

  I wasnt sure with the new versions of jquery if there is anything new
  built in to do such a thing or if you'd still need to create your own
  function to handle it.

  Jim- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: jCarouselLite - my first plugin - anxiously awaiting comments

2007-06-25 Thread JimD

This is excellent. I too found Jcarousel to be very cool but a bit
heavy for my needs especially as a secondary app on our site. As
Xavier mentioned auto scroll would be great not much more needed.

On Jun 25, 3:11 am, xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Like it as well. Would it be possible to add an option to auto scroll
 (ie change image every X second, as if you press the next button) ?

 Thanks for sharing !


 On Jun 25, 12:42 am, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi there,

  I have been using jquery for a couple of weeks now. I should say this is the
  best library out there. I come from raw javascript, prototype, mootools
  background and i am damn sure, i am not going back.

  That said, a couple of days ago, i was looking for a carousel style widget
  for my app, and stumbled upon the excellent jCarousel plugin. The plugin is
  awesome. It has everything i needed and more. It worked like a charm out of
  the box, but my issue was that, my use-case used carousel as a secondary
  widget, and jCarousel seemed kinda like a overkill. So, i started developing
  my own mini carousel inspired by jCarousel and called it jCarouselLite.

  This is not a replacement for jCarousel by any means. It is just a
  light-weight alternative for those who might not need all the
  functionalities offered by jCarousel. The minified version is just
  under 1.5k in size. Yet, it is very flexible and customizable for many
  of our needs.

  Right now, the plugin is in very early stage and i thought i could get
  feedback from my friends here and see if there is any interest around it.

  I have put together a page to show-case all the things that are possible
  with it 

  The basic html markup expected is just a div enclosing a ul element. You
  can have your navigation buttons anywhere. No special classes, or css files
  are required. The js is the lone file needed.

  div class=anyClass
  liimg src=someimage alt=1/li
  liimg src=someimage alt=2/li
  liimg src=someimage alt=3/li
  liimg src=someimage alt=4/li

  button class=prev/button
  button class=next/button

  $(function() {
  btnNext: .next,
  btnPrev: .prev

  Thanks in advance for all your feedback.

[jQuery] error using jcarousel with jquery calendar

2007-06-19 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I have a weird problem with jquery calendar that causes an error in
Internet Explorer 7. If I use the jquery calendar and jcarousel on the
same page together I get the following error:

Internet Explorer cannot open the web site... Operation aborted.  If I
remove the calendar, or remove jcarousel everything works just fine.
I've tried re-arranging the order in which I call the scripts and
still get the error.

Has anyone else run into such a problem?

[jQuery] Re: error using jcarousel with jquery calendar

2007-06-19 Thread JimD

Sorry, to be more specific I am reffering to the following calendar

[jQuery] Re: jTip and ToolTip featured on smashing magazine

2007-06-12 Thread JimD

Wow Jtip was great but cluetip takes it to another level. sticky ajax
tooltips cool. Great job Karl.

On Jun 12, 4:14 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, that's cool!

 They feature clueTip, too, and I haven't even blogged about it yet.
 Not sure how they found out about it, but I feel kind of pathetic to
 be scooped by someone about my own plug-in. Pathetic, but also

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jun 12, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Benjamin Sterling wrote:


  Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] keycode javascript conversion to jquery

2007-06-11 Thread JimD

Hi all,

I'm looking to convert an old javascript function to jquery. It simple
captured the keycode event 13 (user pressing enter on the keyboard) if
the user hits enter it initiates the action of clicking a button. I
want to try jquery because no matter what I do with regular
javascript, the keycode never get properly initiated in firefox. I was
wondering if any of you could suggest the best method using jquery so
it works with both firefox 2 and IE6/7

Current javascript:

/* for enter key to initiate simple search clicking enter key */
function DoEnterSearch(buttonName,e)
var key;

var key = (e)? e.which: event.keyCode;

if (key == 13)
//Get the button the user wants to have clicked
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonName);
if (btn != null)
{ //If we find the button click it
if (event) event.keyCode = 0 ;
return false

Jquery implementation

$(document).ready(function() {
   var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;

[jQuery] Re: keycode javascript conversion to jquery

2007-06-11 Thread JimD

little mistake on my jquery attempt this

should be
$('#buttonsmp').click(); (the id of the button to be clicked)

 Jquery implementation

 $(document).ready(function() {
var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;

[jQuery] Re: .load issue with IE7

2007-05-31 Thread JimD

Thanks so much for the tips Wizzud. You got me on the right track.

On May 31, 12:44 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just so I'm straight on this

 In main page:
   on doc ready,
 1. load 'invoices' code, with callback{
   2. load 'paybox' code
   3. add click() to checkboxes on 'invoices' code

 Then the code for 3 is what you have below, which is roughly

 on click {
   if checked, reload 'paybox' code with 'addpay' and value
   else, reload 'paybox' code with 'delpay' and value


 Personally, I would put a class on your checkboxes and use that to find them
 - and even if you don't want to do that there is no need to use the
 substring in the attribute check ([EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']) because it's 
 either a
 checkbox or it's not, so [EMAIL PROTECTED] is sufficient. However, as I said
 I would add a class - eg. boxIncludeInvoice - to each checkbox and use that
 Also, you don't have to use jquery where it is simpler not to, for example,
 why test $(this).is(':checked') when a test on this.checked is adequate.
 (I have checkbox click functions working in IE7 that make make a group of
 checkboxes act like radio buttons, simply by testing this.checked).

 The main page script might look something like (using snippets provided in
 previous posts)

   function loadPaybox(params){
 $(div#paytotal).load(payment_total_load.html,(params || {})); // add
 callback if needed
   function reloadPaybox(){
loadPaybox( (this.checked ? {addpay:'yes', paystr:this.value} :
 {delpay:'yes', paystr:this.value}) );
   $(div#payments).load('account_rec_load.html',function(){ // start of
 $('.boxIncludeInvoice').click(reloadPaybox); // add click to checkboxes
   }); // ends payments load callback

 }); // ends document ready

 Lastly, be aware that all the above may be over simplified, in that you may
 want to consider what the user might be doing while paybox is loading - like
 clicking a load more checkboxes. In which case you might want shift the 'add
 clicks to checkboxes' into a callback when loading paybox, and precede the
 loading of the paybox with an unbind('click', reloadPaybox) for the
 checkboxes, thus preventing the user clicking more checkboxes until the
 previous click has done all the processing it needs to.

 This may or may not help!

 John W wrote:

  Weird I posted a reply about this earlier this morning and it never
  went through. Anyway, Wizzud thanks for the tip this worked. One other
  question related to this same piece. The .load works now in IE7 and
  FF, but for some reason I cant get IE to fire the click unclick
  actions on some checkboxes in the page. basically in the page that
  lists all the invoices that can be paid I have a checkbox next to each
  one. If the user clicks a check box I reload the paybox with the value
  to be added and the new total displayed. Again works in FF2 but not

  checkbox code.
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']).click(function(){
   if ($(this).is(:checked)){
  addpay=yespaystr= + this.value);
   } else {
  delpay=yespaystr= + this.value);

  Just to describe the process of whats going on, the main page loaded
  in the browser is account_rec.html. That page has a div #payments that
  loads account_rec_load.html (this is the listing of invoices that can
  be paid).  And inside of account_rec_load.html is a div that loads
  payment_total_load.html (the paybox showing totals).  Wizzuds tip
  resolved my issue with the paybox not displaying in IE7. By putting
  the second load in the callback of the first it resolved the problem.
  But now I'm stumped as to how to get IE7 to receive the click events
  from the checkbox. It all works great in FF.


  On May 29, 5:28 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Have you tried putting the second load into the callback of the first

  John W wrote:

   Ok so I have payment page.  When the page loads I fill in a list of
   payments within a div using .load, and within the page being loaded in
   the div, I have another .load that feeds in a total box. This all
   works great in FF2, but for some reason in IE7 the paybox doesnt not

   So in the main page I load the list page using .load like so and it
   works fine in both IE7 and FF2.

  return false;

   Then in the 'account_rec_load.html' page I have a similiar load
   function that just loads in a totals box using .load as well. This
   works in FF but 

[jQuery] Re: .load issue with IE7

2007-05-30 Thread JimD

Weird I posted a reply about this earlier this morning and it never
went through. Anyway, Wizzud thanks for the tip this worked. One other
question related to this same piece. The .load works now in IE7 and
FF, but for some reason I cant get IE to fire the click unclick
actions on some checkboxes in the page. basically in the page that
lists all the invoices that can be paid I have a checkbox next to each
one. If the user clicks a check box I reload the paybox with the value
to be added and the new total displayed. Again works in FF2 but not

checkbox code.
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']).click(function(){
 if ($(this).is(:checked)){
addpay=yespaystr= + this.value);
 } else {
delpay=yespaystr= + this.value);

Just to describe the process of whats going on, the main page loaded
in the browser is account_rec.html. That page has a div #payments that
loads account_rec_load.html (this is the listing of invoices that can
be paid).  And inside of account_rec_load.html is a div that loads
payment_total_load.html (the paybox showing totals).  Wizzuds tip
resolved my issue with the paybox not displaying in IE7. By putting
the second load in the callback of the first it resolved the problem.
But now I'm stumped as to how to get IE7 to receive the click events
from the checkbox. It all works great in FF.


On May 29, 5:28 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried putting the second load into the callback of the first load?

 John W wrote:

  Ok so I have payment page.  When the page loads I fill in a list of
  payments within a div using .load, and within the page being loaded in
  the div, I have another .load that feeds in a total box. This all
  works great in FF2, but for some reason in IE7 the paybox doesnt not

  So in the main page I load the list page using .load like so and it
  works fine in both IE7 and FF2.

 return false;

  Then in the 'account_rec_load.html' page I have a similiar load
  function that just loads in a totals box using .load as well. This
  works in FF but not IE7. I'm assuming its because the ajax loaded page
  isnt actually being seen as loaded in IE7? Sorry Im not quite the
  javascript guru. Any ideas why IE7 is treating this differently.

 return false;

 View this message in 
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] .load issue with IE7

2007-05-29 Thread JimD

Ok so I have payment page.  When the page loads I fill in a list of
payments within a div using .load, and within the page being loaded in
the div, I have another .load that feeds in a total box. This all
works great in FF2, but for some reason in IE7 the paybox doesnt not

So in the main page I load the list page using .load like so and it
works fine in both IE7 and FF2.

   return false;

Then in the 'account_rec_load.html' page I have a similiar load
function that just loads in a totals box using .load as well. This
works in FF but not IE7. I'm assuming its because the ajax loaded page
isnt actually being seen as loaded in IE7? Sorry Im not quite the
javascript guru. Any ideas why IE7 is treating this differently.

   return false;

[jQuery] Re: .load issue with IE7

2007-05-29 Thread JimD

Hi Olive thanks for the suggestion.

Usually I dont have a problem with .load in IE7, but I assume this is
because Im doing a .load within another file that was requested via

On May 29, 5:00 am, Olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 there is a problem using load in IE when you have to load inside a
 HTML table.

 You should use $.get instead.



[jQuery] Re: .load issue with IE7

2007-05-29 Thread JimD

Well no luck with .get either.  Guess Ill have to output the div as
the page is generated. So much for IE.

On May 29, 9:09 am, JimD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Olive thanks for the suggestion.

 Usually I dont have a problem with .load in IE7, but I assume this is
 because Im doing a .load within another file that was requested via

 On May 29, 5:00 am, Olive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  there is a problem using load in IE when you have to load inside a
  HTML table.

  You should use $.get instead.


  Olive.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] ajax form loader displays on load even though loader is set to hidden

2007-05-24 Thread JimD

Hi all

using Ajax form.  Which works great, but Ive noticed lately when my
page loads now the loader image displays event though Im hiding the
div on load.  Any ideas why this would be happening?

$(document).ready(function() {


 $('div id=busybr /img src=/images/loaders/
miniloader.gif /nbsp;nbsp;Requesting content.../div')
.ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
.ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

// account rec
target: '#paymentpost',
success: function() {

[jQuery] Re: ajax form loader displays on load even though loader is set to hidden

2007-05-24 Thread JimD

Ok noted one mistake on my part this should be

But even with that it doesnt work.  This is in both IE7 and FF2.
Stumped. It
use to work.

On May 24, 2:31 pm, JimD  wrote:
 Hi all

 using Ajax form.  Which works great, but Ive noticed lately when my
 page loads now the loader image displays event though Im hiding the
 div on load.  Any ideas why this would be happening?

 $(document).ready(function() {


  $('div id=busybr /img src=/images/loaders/
 miniloader.gif /  Requesting content.../div')
 .ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
 .ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

 // account rec
 target: '#paymentpost',
 success: function() {

 });- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: ajax form loader displays on load even though loader is set to hidden

2007-05-24 Thread JimD

Thanks Mike.  I'll mess around with it.  Whats strange is that this
has been working in my code.  I havent changed the version of jquery
or anything weird.

On May 24, 3:10 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're hiding the busy div before it's been added to the DOM.  Try
 changing that code around a little:

 $('div id=busybr /img src=/images/loaders/
 miniloader.gif /Requesting content.../div')
.ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
.ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

  Hi all

  using Ajax form.  Which works great, but Ive noticed lately when my
  page loads now the loader image displays event though Im hiding the
  div on load.  Any ideas why this would be happening?

  $(document).ready(function() {


   $('div id=busybr /img src=/images/loaders/
  miniloader.gif /Requesting content.../div')
  .ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
  .ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

  // account rec
  target: '#paymentpost',
  success: function() {
  });- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: checkbox and .load

2007-05-08 Thread JimD

Hi Equand,

THanks for the reply.  I was testing in Firefox 2, but I created a
plain example (Im reworking old legacy code) and I think the problem
is with the page html.  In a plain demo I dont get the refresh issue.

Simple example

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1 /
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.1.2.pack.js/script
script type='text/javascript'
!-- adds checks item values in a delimited list to field ostr
$([EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']).click(function(){
if ($(this).is(:checked)){
action=addval= + this.value);
} else {
action=addval= + this.value);
div id=test/div
form name=get-num action= method=get
table width=250 border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0
  tdinput name=check1 type=checkbox value=5.00|1 - Add to
  tdinput name=check2 type=checkbox value=20.00|2 - Add to
  tdinput name=check3 type=checkbox value=-6.00|3 - Add to
  tdinput name=check3 type=checkbox value=12.00|3 - Add to
  tdinput name=check3 type=checkbox value=5.00|3 - Add to
  tdinput name=check3 type=checkbox value=89.00|3 - Add to
 input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit /

and the external total.html was just something like:
strongCurrent Payment Total:/strong

On May 7, 8:19 pm, Equand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what browser u have? did you check in the error console of firefox?

 On May 8, 3:09 am, John W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  Question regarding the use of .load with a checkbox. I have a list of items.
  Each item has a checkbox with a unique id. When the customer checks the
  checkbox i want to do an ajah request to an external file (like adding an
  item to the cart) which then updates the content in a div showing updated
  totals. I have that working fine, but it only works on the first check. if I
  check another box or uncheck an item the page reloads instead of doing the
  get request via ajax. Any ideas?

  script type='text/javascript'
  $([EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']).click(function(){
  if ($(this).is(:checked)){
  + this.value);
  } else {

  $(div#test).load(cartupdate.cgi?action=removeval= + this.value);

  View this message in 
  Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: General discussion

2007-04-09 Thread JimD

Wow this is very cool.  Nice work Diego.