Re: [jQuery] Re: Autocomplete incompatible with certain struts-tiles-javascript apps

2010-01-15 Thread Jon Banner
have a go with

2010/1/15 j...@verax

 I found the problem.

 Its the $ sign !  The $ sign has a very special meaning in the jQuery
 framework. So if it is used in any other Javascript that doesnt use
 jQuery, it will be incompatible. So this means we should not use '$'
 in our code just because it looks cool ! Also, be very careful when
 you copy javascript plug-ins from the internet if you are already
 using javascript frameworks. They will most likely create an

 I have to now do either of the following:

 a) re-write all my javascript code to use jQuery
 b) write my own autocomplete javascript.

 On Jan 14, 5:24 pm, j...@verax wrote:
  Hi jQuery guru,
  I have an application based on struts and tiles. Validation is done by
  javascript at a global level.
  When I include my autocomplete code in my JSP page, the validation
  (checkValidation()) malfunctions with a javascript error  - Object
  does not support this property or method at the line
   if (CCRDerrorContainer.hasChildNodes()).
  If I remove the autocomplete code from my JSP (business logic +
  autocomplete libraries) , the validation works as designed. Details of
  relevant code is provided below. Can anyone provide me with any clue
  as to how to resolve this problem ?
  My JSP file
  %@ include file=../common/include.jsp %
  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css   href=css/
  jquery.autocomplete.css /
  script type=text/javascript src=js/autocomplete/lib/jquery.js/
  script type='text/javascript' src='js/autocomplete/
  var cols = []; // column mappings : 0=Last name,
 1=First Name,
  2=Title, 3 = Employee ID
  $().ready(function() {
  minChars: 1,
  max: 1000,
  width: 400,
  delay: 1000,
  selectFirst: false,
  autoFill: false,
  cacheLength: 20,
  matchContains: false,
  matchSubset: true,
  mustMatch: false,
  matchCase: true,
  formatItem: function(row, i, max)
  cols = row[0].split(%);
  return i + / + max + :
  + cols[0] + ,  + cols[1] +  ( +
  cols[2] + );
  formatMatch: function(row) {
  cols = row[0].split(%);
  return cols[0] + ,  +
  formatResult: function(row) {
  cols = row[0].split(%);
  return cols[0] + ,  +
 cols[1] +  ( + cols[2] + );
 $(#employeeLastName).result(function(event, row, formatted) {
  if (row) {
  cols = row[0].split(%);
  tiles:importAttribute name=task /
  tiles:importAttribute name=action /
  tiles:importAttribute name=displayAction /
  tiles:importAttribute name=showArchived /
  style type=text/css
  fmt:message /
  hr /
  div id=employeeSelect
  tiles:insert definition=successMessages /
  tiles:insert definition=failureMessages /
  ccrd:errors /
  html:form action=${action} method=post 
  label for=employee id=employeeLbl 
  fmt:message key=employee.text.selectEmployee
  span class=taskfmt:message key=${task}

Re: [jQuery] Is treeview plugin using some other plugin for cookie persistence

2010-01-14 Thread Jon Banner
the cookie plugin in the download not working for you?

2010/1/12 epitka

 If so, which plugin is it using? I cannot find anything in docs.

[jQuery] jQuery 1.4 LiveQuery

2010-01-14 Thread Jon Bennett

I've been using LiveQuery a fair bit in my projects, I've just tried
updating to 1.4, and it appears to have broken it. This is the kind of thing I'm doing.

Is there a way around this with 1.4?

Thanks in advance,


jon bennett - -

Re: [jQuery] How to apply limits to an animation

2010-01-11 Thread Jon Banner
have a look at the jCarousel plugin - i think that should do what you need.


2010/1/9 JQNovice

 I am very new to JQuery but so far very happy with ease of use.

 I have created a series of thumbnails that slide as the left, right
 buttons are clicked:

 I want the images to slide left or right only so far that there are
 always images filling the slide div and then stop. i.e. no white
 Create a loop of images such that they keep repeating.

 Any assistance appreciated. Please remember you are talking with a


Re: [jQuery] Can we use jquery for paging and sorting in 2.0 ?????

2010-01-08 Thread Jon Banner
take a look at jqGrid

I rarely use asp these days but i think there is a component available.

good luck


2010/1/8 Jackson...!!!

 Hello All,

 Using jQuery can we include 2.0 gridview, paging sorting and
 in-place editing.

 Waiting for a favorable response.

 Thanking you,
 Jackson C.

[jQuery] Re: No reaction with $('a').click(), OK with dispatchEvent(...)

2009-11-20 Thread Jon

At the moment I'm not so interested in the right/smart way to write an
a tag. It's more interesting to me to see what the jQuery click()
function can and cannot do, and it could also be interesting to know
why it fails where my clickAt(...) works.
I have now extended my test page
with two new a variants: one (#a2) new-school that uses 'onclick',
and one (#a3) that links to this Google Groups page. With the latter I
observe the same difference as with #a1: my clickAt($('#a3')[0])
works, but $('#a3').click() doesn't. Bug or feature?


On Nov 19, 11:36 pm, Olaf Bosch wrote:
 Jon schrieb:


  I have an element like this: a id=a1 href=javascript:doSomething
  However, when I do this: $('#a1').click(); ... then my doSomething()
  do not get called. Why?

 Try the jQuery-Way:

 a id=a1 href=##a1/a

 $('#a1').click( function() {
          return false;

 Viele Gr e, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: No reaction with $('a').click(), OK with dispatchEvent(...)

2009-11-20 Thread Jon

I'm not quite sure what you try to show me with that $('#a3').click
(...stuff...) below, but I can tell you what I just found out: The
difference I've mentioned between my clickAt($('#a1')[0]) and $
('#a1').click(), and also with #a3, occurs in Safari and Opera, but in
Firefox (3.0.3 and 3.5.5) my clickAt(...) does no more than $
(...).click(). In IE7 my clickAt(...) just gives me an [object Error].
What a mess!


On Nov 20, 11:18 am, Olaf Bosch wrote:
 Jon schrieb:

  and one (#a3) that links to this Google Groups page. With the latter I
  observe the same difference as with #a1: my clickAt($('#a3')[0])
  works, but $('#a3').click() doesn't. Bug or feature?

 Sorry I can't follow you. I added this to Firebug on your Testpage:

 $('#a3').click( function() {
            return false;

 And then Click on #a3 and nothing

 Viele Gr e, Olaf


Re: [jQuery] Re: getjson request an unavailable page

2009-11-20 Thread Jon Crump

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Humpty Dumpty wrote:

Thanks, I though that there was a JSON solution;
ok, I will try by the use of ajax but nobody that used getjson had
this problem?

As a matter of fact, I just did. As I understand it $.getJSON() seems to 
be just a wrapper around an $.ajax() request. So I used $.ajaxSetup() to 
define an error handling routine.



[jQuery] No reaction with $('a').click(), OK with dispatchEvent(...)

2009-11-19 Thread Jon

I have an element like this: a id=a1 href=javascript:doSomething
However, when I do this: $('#a1').click(); ... then my doSomething()
do not get called. Why?

If I make my own click function, like this:
function clickAt(targetElement) {
var evt = document.createEvent(HTMLEvents);
evt.initEvent(click, true, true);
return targetElement.dispatchEvent(evt);

... and call it this way: clickAt($('#a1')[0]); ... then my doSomething
() do get called.

If you like, you can try it out here:


[jQuery] Queries on document in child window

2009-11-15 Thread Jon

If I open some foreign document in child window using
('http://...', ...), is there some easy way I can make jQuery queries
on that foreign document, using the jQuery that's loaded into my
parent (opener) window?
I know it's possible for my parent window to make the child window
load it's own jQuery, if it didn't already have it, and use that, but
that is not as easy as I could prefer.


[jQuery] Re: Social media plugin

2009-10-22 Thread Jon Banner

2009/10/22 Ricardo

 I've visited this site(
 and there is an interesting
 feature to spread the link in social sites like facebook, twitter and
 others (just point your mouse to the article image). I've found that
 the effect is provided by the Meebo site. Is there any jquery plugin
 that do something similar to the linked site above?
 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: In a table, I add a new row(tr string append to the table), It can not action some even.

2009-10-21 Thread Jon Banner
Give live ago instead of click.
something like:

  var row = $(this).parents(tr:first);
  if ($(this).is(.up)) {
  } else {


2009/10/21 Mead Lai

 I am very newer to JQuery, beg U pardon.
 While, in every table row I have two link button :
a href=# class=upUp/a
a href=# class=downDown/a
 And I click up the table row tr will move up, the down is same
 move down.
 But, I add a row into table use append string to table, like
 $(#myTable  tbody).append(trtd5Five/tdtdFiveinput
 type='text' name='tb_class'/tdtdFive/tdtda href='#'
 class='up'Up/a =a href='#' class='down'Down/a/td/tr);
 The appended table row, can not response the even, where I click the
 up and down link.
 How to make the appended table-row bind the click even?
 Thanks  in advance, All source is below...

 !doctype html
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
var row = $(this).parents(tr:first);
if ($(this).is(.up)) {
} else {

var $myTable = $(#myTable);

 $(#myTable  tbody).append(trtd5Five/tdtdFiveinput
 type='text' name='tb_class'/tdtdFive/tdtda href='#'
 class='up'Up/a =a href='#' class='down'Down/a/td/tr);

var $myTable = $(#myTable);

 div class=demo-description
 input id=btn_show type=submit name=Submit value=show the
 input id=btn_add type=submit name=Submit value=add a row
 input id=btn_get_one type=submit name=Submit value=get first
 brdiv id=infohell/div

 table id=myTable
  input type=text name=tb_class value=mead/td
 tdIsDisplayinput name=cb_is_show type=checkbox value=/td
 a href=# class=upUp/a
 a href=# class=downDown/a
  input type=text name=tb_class value=lai/td
  input name=cb_is_show type=checkbox value=/td
a href=# class=upUp/a
a href=# class=downDown/a
  input type=text name=tb_class value=princess/td
a href=# class=upUp/a
a href=# class=downDown/a

 !-- End demo-description --

[jQuery] Wonder girls “nobody” English version

2009-10-14 Thread jon become

[jQuery] WG Performance in NY

2009-10-14 Thread jon become

[jQuery] Chubby jones interview : the wonder girls

2009-10-14 Thread jon become

[jQuery] Re: How to access iframe window?

2009-10-13 Thread Jon Banner

You can chain...



2009/10/13 Christophe

 How can I access an iframe window using jQuery? The only iframe
 related stuff I have found is contents(), which allows me to access
 the DOM in the iframe.

 For now, I am using $(iframe)[i].contentWindow, but it seems to be
 IE only.


[jQuery] Re: How to access iframe window?

2009-10-13 Thread Jon Banner

if you are after elements in the top level frame you can access them like:

$('#selector', parent.document.body)

2009/10/13 Christophe

 Jon, find will allow me to access DOM elements like head, body, etc.
 What I need to access is the iframe window.


 On Oct 13, 6:02 pm, Jon Banner wrote:
 You can chain...



 2009/10/13 Christophe

  How can I access an iframe window using jQuery? The only iframe
  related stuff I have found is contents(), which allows me to access
  the DOM in the iframe.

  For now, I am using $(iframe)[i].contentWindow, but it seems to be
  IE only.

  Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Jcarousel Add Link

2009-10-12 Thread Jon Banner

add links to your item list something like:

{url:;, title:
Flower1, link:},

and then update the helper function to something like:

function mycarousel_getItemHTML(item)
return 'a href=''img src=' + item.url + '
width=75 height=75 alt=' + item.url + ' //a';


2009/10/9 cMantilla

 I would like to use the carousel at
 My company needs a product slider and it works well with a few changes
 to the CSS.
 I am having trouble however adding links to the images. If someone
 could show me a function or how to declare a href's in this code, it
 would be greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Right click menu

2009-10-07 Thread Jon Banner
you must have asked your question outside of normal support hours.

have you looked into this plugin?

2009/10/7 donovan78

 Hi ,  please   whymy  question   is   not   answer ?
 something  is  not  clear  ?  thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Notre Dame Inspired Jquery -- Exists?

2009-10-06 Thread Jon Banner
one of the carousel plugins could do it for you.

depending on your project specific needs.


2009/10/6 Kevin Jones


 On Oct 1, 10:43 am, Kevin Jones wrote:
  Their homepage has a carousel-ish type of feature. Does anyone know if
  this exists already with a jQuery plugin? I don't know if our project
  has the allotted time for me to make one from scratch, so I was
  curious if it existed or could be easily adapted from somewhere else.
  If anyone has any insight, it would be very helpful. It doesn't need
  video or anything inside, just the three rotating images on click,
  coming in front of one another.

[jQuery] Re: Callback Function had a look but don't get it

2009-10-01 Thread Jon Banner
the link should have it's normal state and actions when you don't return
false, as in the example code you provided.
If you want to add a call back to fire after the fade out:

$(function() { // document is ready for load
  $('a').click(function() {
$('.box').fadeOut(slow, function(){


2009/10/1 jessie

 Ok i'm nearly there LOL

 i have the link and a box which i want to foundOut as my function.

 All works dandy now :)

 But whatif i wanted after i clicked on the link to go to its normal

 Well i went to the jquery site but i don't think its designed for TRUE
 beginners like myself

 It talks about Callback function and its displayed like this

 function callback() {
  this; // dom element

 So here is my code and where do i put this callBack? and do i need to
 add a class to it?
 $(function() { // document is ready for load
   $('a').click(function() {



[jQuery] Re: compare variables

2009-10-01 Thread Jon Banner
make friends with regular expressions.

2009/9/30 Poloman

 I have

 varA = com and varB=com55 or ton2 or son1.9 or whatever values...

 I want to do a comparison if the prefix of varB = com, which is varA,
 then do something. How can i write the code for this ?

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter problems

2009-10-01 Thread Jon Banner
Hi Mike,
it looks as if you have copied and pasted some illegal characters in to your
demo page.
Try removing these and see if that helps.


2009/10/1 Mike

 Is there no one that can help?

 On Sep 30, 4:26 pm, Mike wrote:
  Hi I have recently come across the tablesorter 2.0 for jquery and have
  decided to use it on my website.  I have the examples to work etc.
  however I would like to exclude the first column of my table from
  being sorted and just to remain static irrespect of the other columns
  being sortable.
  I have found this :
  which is exactly what I needed however when pasting it into my test
  web page I get line 16 parse error (missing before statement).
  I have no previous experience of knowledge of jQuery so I would
  appreciate if someone could look at my test page and see what the
  problem is:
  This is the widget I am trying to use:
  $(function() {
  // add new widget called indexFirstColumn
  // give the widget a id
  id: indexFirstColumn,
  // format is called when the on init and when a sorting has
  format: function(table) {
  // loop all tr elements and set the value for the
  first column
  for(var i=0; i  table.tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) {
  $(tbody tr:eq( + (i - 1) + )
  widgets: ['zebra','indexFirstColumn']

[jQuery] Re: Problem with fade-effects and IE8

2009-10-01 Thread Jon Banner
What version of jQuery are you using? I have not had problems with IE8 using
version 1.3.2, and i've just checked some sites that i've previously worked
on using 1.2.6, and they don't seem to have any problems with fade in or
fade out.

Maybe you have a beta version of IE8?


2009/9/30 dirknibleck

 I am experiencing the same issue with slideToggle and toggle in
 Internet Explorer 8. Were you able to find a resolution?

 On Sep 8, 2:08 am, Boolace wrote:
  I've a problem with the fadeIn() and fadeOut()-commands of jQuery
  usingInternetExplorer8. Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE up to version
  7 works fine.
  I'm not getting an error or something from the console, the effect is
  simply not executed. The elemtent is staying fixed and doesn't hide
  and vice verca.
  Any Idea if this is caused in jQuery? Anybody else who has this
  Thanks and greetings,

[jQuery] Re: reservation booking system

2009-09-30 Thread Jon Banner
have you checked out the UI?


2009/9/30 Eesti Mate

 Hello List,

 I'm looking for some modules to realize a reservation and booking
 system (jQueryDjango), preferably with a nice calendar interface. I
 did some research
 today, but didn't found what I was looking for... maybe because I'm
 to jQuery/Django, maybe because I'm blind, or maybe because there is
 nothing of
 any use around?!

 It would be great if you Guys 'n' Girls could share some ideas
 suitable modules etc.


[jQuery] Re: jCarouselLite - set to scroll if...

2009-09-30 Thread Jon Banner
No idea if this will work for you.
get the height of the content you wish to scroll.

if its greater than the height of your carousel item, add the auto call to
the plugin...

presume that you have seen all this



 can anyone help here?

 On 29 Sep, 16:59, wrote:
  hi, I am using the jCarouselLite which I got from here in my webpage
  and would like to be able to start the scroll if the text that is
  inside the div falls outside the height of it?!
  Please help!

[jQuery] Re: How do I stop my div from sliding?

2009-09-29 Thread Jon Banner
as soon as i scroll your demo, the div disappears off the top of the page in
firefox and IE7

From the behaviour you describe i think this might be useful to you


2009/9/29 jpearson311

 Hi all.  JQuery noob here.  I'm building a site right now that has a
 left column navigation and the navigation is nested inside a div,
 which is nested inside a table cell (i.e., td).  I'm using JQuery to
 make it so when the user scrolls down the page, the div slides down
 with smoothly and always stays at the top of the page.  I have this
 working just fine, but when I change resolutions (i.e., 1024x768), the
 div scrolls over the bottom of the page, which is what I don't want.
 How can I calculate in order for the div to know when it hast reached
 the bottom of the table cell?  I tried using outerHeight to calculate
 the height of the table cell and then subtracting the height of the
 div from it, but I'm clearly doing it wrong because it's still not
 working.  You can view the page I'm referring to at
 The JS code I'm using is below.  If anyone has any pointers, I'd
 really appreciate it.  Thanks!


 var name = #scroller;
 var menu_top_limit = 0;
 var menu_bottom_limit = $('#holder  #scroller').outerHeight() - 560;
 var menu_top_margin = -15;
 var menu_shift_duration = 500;
 var menuYloc = null;
// Calculate the top offset, adding a limit
offset = menuYloc + $(document).scrollTop() + menu_top_margin;

// Limit the offset to 0 pixels...
// This keeps the menu within it's containing TD boundaries
if(offset  menu_top_limit){
offset = menu_top_limit;

// Give it the PX for pixels:
offset += px;

/*else if(offset  menu_bottom_limit){
offset = menu_bottom_limit;

offset += px;

// Animate:

[jQuery] Mailing list for general JavaScript discussion?

2009-09-27 Thread Hunt Jon

Hi all,

I know it's a bit off-topic, but which mailing list do you use
for general JavaScript discussion.

As we know, JavaScript is an OOP language which has getting
more and more attention on a daily basis from programmers and designers.

Where could I have in-depth discussions on JavaScript, Ajax, OOP,
server-side JavaScript, etc...?


[jQuery] Re: Changing a class name without clicking

2009-09-24 Thread Jon Banner
you'll need an event to attach your function call to, whether that's
document ready or click or...

you might also find toggleClass be
useful here


2009/9/24 Lleoun

 Hi all,

 I have the following:

 div  class=unselected content/div

 I want to change unselected into selected when calling a function.

 The ways I'm finding to do a class name change is using a clicking:

 But I don't want to click, I need to do it by calling a function ..
 how can I do that?
 Thanks a lot !

[jQuery] Re: How can i add Buttons?

2009-09-24 Thread Jon Banner
jCarousel ?? did you try this?

2009/9/21 Pesimist

 hello everyone.
 i have a problem. i wanna add left and right buttons but i couldn't i
 have tried long time so really i need.

 i am looking for like this for example:

 a href=# id=mycarousel-prevPrev/a


 a href=# id=mycarousel-previmg src=images/prev.gif/a

 i wanna put like this buttons. please help me.

[jQuery] Re: More Jquery calls on a page

2009-09-23 Thread Jon Banner
You should be able to do this without problem.

2009/9/23 Topflysecurity

 hi. i always seem to have problems with this so i thought i would join
 here and ask. i cant use two different jQuery calls on the same page
 in two different script tags, something like this

 the reason i need to work like this is because i do so i
 got the first one on my masterpage and the other on the page that
 needs it..

 script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {

 script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {

[jQuery] Re: chaining animations and pausing for each step

2009-09-11 Thread Jon Banner
Have you had a go with queue?


2009/9/10 D A

 In pseudo code, here's what I'm trying to do with some text:


 The jQuery I'm using for this:

color: '#999',
fontSize: '12px'
}, 500 ).html($('#calculatorSampleInPopup1').val()).animate({
color: '#900',
fontSize: '40px'
}, 2500, 'easeOutElastic' );

 What happens visually upon triggering this is this:

  - HTML content changes
  - text shrinks
  - text enlarges

 I think what is happening is that the first animation is suppose to
 span 500 (miliseconds?) but jQuery doesn't pause for that, it just
 starts the animating and goes immediate to the second event which is
 to change the text.

 In otherwords, I think it's triggering correctly, it's just not
 producing the visual effect I want.

 Is the solution to put a pause of some sort between the first two
 events? If so, what's the proper method?


[jQuery] Re: How to access variables in page loaded with $.load?

2009-09-09 Thread Jon Banner
I'm not really sure what you're trying to do here...

if you want a JS variable to persist between pages you'll have to pass it in
a cookie, or as part of a query string and then retrieve it on the load of
the second page. It's probably easier to do this server-side.


2009/9/9 Matt Wilson

 I have a page /a that has a line

 var aaa = 99;

 And I load that page /a into a div on another page.  In the other
 page, I want access to that variable aaa.  I tried this:

 $(#adiv).load(/a, function () { console.log(aaa); })

 I get an error that aaa is undefined.

 What am I doing wrong?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle: replace slide in running slideshow?

2009-08-31 Thread Jon Crump


Thanks for this. I did find a solution by setting a flag for the first 
time through the cycle since there were other things too I wanted to 
happen only on the first time through. After the #title element is shown, 
I simply replaced its html with a different image and content. A stripped 
down version looks something like this:

var firstTime = true;
delay: 5000,
before: doBefore

  function doBefore() {
if (firstTime == true){
  var i = $(.slide).index(this);
  if (i == 1){
$(#title).html(img src='newimage.jpg' / + div 

firstTime = false;

This seems to work. I gather setting such a global variable is regarded as 
bad form, but in such a small application it seemed harmless. Your 
solution seems to avoids this.

Thanks again, and thanks too for your generosity in developing this very 
generally useful plugin.


On Sun, 30 Aug 2009, Mike Alsup wrote:

Is there a way to replace the first slide in a running slideshow such
that it's shown only once??

Here's an example of something similar - might give you some ideas:

[jQuery] Cycle: replace slide in running slideshow?

2009-08-30 Thread Jon Crump

Is there a way to replace the first slide in a running slideshow such 
that it's shown only once??

I've been trying variations on something like this with no success. The 
element is replaced, but cycle doesn't show it.

function doBefore(){
var i = $(.slide).index(this);
if (i == 1){
$(#first).replaceWith(div class='slide' id='repl' style='position: 
absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none; z-index: 5; opacity: 0; 
width: 640px; height: 640px;'img src='replacement-image.jpg' /div 


[jQuery] Re: jCarousellite: is it possible to remember a slide's position?

2009-08-21 Thread Jon Banner
you could try using the afterEnd callback function to capture the position
of the carousel and store this in a cookie, and then pass this variable back
in as the start position for the carousel.

2009/8/21 noahT

 Today a client asked me if it's possible to remember a slide's
 position after clicking a link within a carousel. Basically, he hates
 how the carousel resets to slide 0 upon reload. Are there any
 suggestions on how to accomplish this? My guess is to load the link in
 a pop-over iFrame window similar to Lightbox.

[jQuery] Re: Checkbox perpetually marked as checked

2009-08-20 Thread Jon Banner
double == in your if statements might do the job.

2009/8/19 Nick Moy

 When the if else statements are removed, they are not perpetually

 On Aug 19, 4:34 pm, labbit wrote:
  I'm trying to write an if else statement in javascript so that when a
  check box is checked, a table will appear, and when it is checked
  again, another box will appear.  However, the checkbox is constantly
  marked as checked, and I do not know why.  I did not set any checked
  attritube to false or true.  What gives?
  function GetStoryPoints() {
  var ownerCheck;
  var creatorCheck;
  if (document.getElementById(ownCheck).checked = true)
  ownerCheck = true;
  ownerCheck = false;
  if (document.getElementById(createCheck).checked = true)
  creatorCheck = true;
  creatorCheck = false;
  if (ownerCheck  creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);
  else if (ownerCheck  !creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);
  else if (!ownerCheck  creatorCheck) {
  $.post('/StoryPoint/ListSpecific?retrieveOwned=' +
  ownerCheck + 'retrieveCreated=' + creatorCheck + 'creatorID=' + $
  (#UserList  option:selected).attr(value), null, function(data) {
  }, html);

[jQuery] Re: How to hide pop is blur

2009-08-13 Thread Jon Banner
   $('#popup').fadeIn(slow, function(){
  $(other things).click(function(){
 $('#popup, #show').hide();

2009/8/13 David .Wu

 There is a button control a div show or not, I want when you click
 other things then the div will disappear too exclude div itself and
 also the show button, how to do that?

 input type=button id=show value=show
 div id=popup style=display: none;


[jQuery] Re: jCarousel External Control as Pagination

2009-08-05 Thread Jon Banner
without seeing your code it's a bit of guess work...
you could try this
use the callback function initCallback
assuming that you are showing 5 items and your external control has id =
btn-show-next, attaching an event something along these lines ought to help

carousel.options.scroll = 5;;
return false;

post your code if you need more help.


2009/8/4 Gingah

 Hi there (tried posting this earlier without result),

 I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone
 here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way
 the External Control function works? I am guessing that I only need
 to edit the javascript file, but having little knowledge of it, I
 chose not to. What I want to do, is use the External Controls as a
 pagination, so rather than being a navigation for each image, I would
 like it to navigate from one page of visible images, to another.

 More or less, I accomplished it by setting the value inside the li/
 li to the number I wanted to navigate to. However, this resulted in
 ridiculous number always increasing by the number of visible items
 (have a massive amount of images loaded). So really, the question is:
 How can I navigate to a specific image in the carousel using a onclick

 Which brings me to the other problem, the External Controls behave as
 a list of navigation-buttons. If my carousel shows 500 images, it will
 generate 500 buttons for navigating. How can I automatically shorten
 it (as the Pagination Plugin does;
 Thinking about it, making such a pagination would be much easier if I
 knew how to solve the first problem.

 Any good ideas or solutions? Please write them down!

[jQuery] My messages don't show?

2009-07-26 Thread Jon Jackson

What could I be doing wrong?

I've joined the group, posted a message (tried it twice)... but it 
doesn't show?

Jon Jackson (JimmyHill,

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel - malware-adware?

2009-07-20 Thread Jon Banner
set your dimensions as in the stylesheet included in the documentation.

2009/7/19 icpep

 MorningZ wrote:

 It's called a false positive... where Spybot *thinks* it's something
 malicious, but it isn't...

 if it's really that much a concern to you, and in no should it, then i
 would suggest not using the plugin

 On Jul 19, 11:18 am, gauthier2022 wrote:

 I had malware/adware two days ago.

 Scanned with Spybot search and destroy but now mybrowsers are slow (IE
 and Firefox) plus i get a window saying:
 jcarousel No width/height set for items. Tjis will cause an infinite

 What caused this and how do i correct the problem?

 Thanks to the good soul who helps me out...!


 If you really needed the plugin then you can uninstall the spybot or either
 way.  Like what the spybot suggest there is an infinite loop which is
 causing the slowing down of your computer.  Try also looking for the width
 and height and set some values.

[jQuery] Re: TreeView Problems

2009-07-07 Thread Jon Banner
i had a similar problem this morning. I updated the call to the write cookie
to include a path (i was getting a cookie written for each page in the app)

line 172 in the uncompressed plugin.

$.cookie(settings.cookieId, data.join(), { path: '/' } );


2009/7/6 Keith

 Here is the menu that I'm trying to implement.  I'm not sure what I'm
 doing wrong, I've followed all of the demos and still the menu is not
 properly setting the cookie, which is causing the menu to open
 incorrectly when the page loads.

 Please let me know if there is something wrong in my code or if anyone
 has a suggestion that I can try out that would be great.  Thanks for
 your help.

link rel=stylesheet href=/mars/css/jquery.treeview.css /
link rel=stylesheet href=/mars/css/screen.css /
script src=/mars/js/lib/jquery.js
script src=/mars/js/lib/jquery.cookie.js
script src=/mars/js/jquery.treeview.js type=text/javascript/
script type=text/javascript
// fourth example

// fourth example
jQuery(#black, #gray).treeview({
control: #treecontrol,
persist: cookie,
cookieId: treeview-black
 div id=main
div id=treecontrol
a title=Collapse the entire tree below href=#img
 img/nav/minus.gif / Collapse All/a
a title=Expand the entire tree below href=#img
 nav/plus.gif / Expand All/a
a title=Toggle the tree below, opening closed branches,
 open branches href=#Toggle All/a
ul id=black class=treeview-black
spanCustomer Selection/span
 href=/mars/jsp/viewflightcalcrit.jsp Flight Search/a
ul id=gray class=treeview-gray
 isRenewal=1Contracts (Renewals)/a
 href=/mars/contrax/systemselect.jspNew Contract/Estimate/



[jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

2009-07-06 Thread Jon

I have tried unsuccessfully to implement this solution, but I keep
getting the error:

validator is not defined
if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

Here is my code:

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/
script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/jquery-validate/
script type=text/javascript

$.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
var isValid = true;
var elements = $(param).find(:input)
.not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
if (!this.element(elements[i])){
isValid = false;
} return isValid;

}, );
$(#btnNext1).click(function() {
if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

titleUntitled Document/title

form id=testForm
div id=step_1
div id=step1control
input name=name type=text class=required /
button id=btnNext1 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}
div id=step_2
pStep 2/p

On Jun 24, 12:56�am, Mac wrote:
 Hi Matt

 I came across the same issue when I tried to create a wizard. I
 overcame this by doing the following:

 Write a validator extension that looks something like this and use the
 add method to add it:

 $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
 � � var isValid = true;
 � � var elements = $(param).find(:input)
 � � .not('input[type=hidden]')
 � � .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
 � � for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
 � � � � if (!this.element(elements[i])){
 � � � � � � isValid = false;
 � � � � }
 � � } return isValid;

 }, );

 Attach this method to the button itself and pass it the elementid as
 param like so:
 button id=btnNext1 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}
 The step1control can be a div containing all the elements that you
 want to validate.

 Then you need to run some code in the click event of the button to
 check the button( and thus the step) is valid. eg:
 $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
 � � � � � � if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {
 � � � � � � � � $(#step_1).hide();
 � � � � � � � � $(#step_2).show();
 � � � � � � }
 � � � � });

 I have created wizards like this with the validator plugin multiple
 times and seems to work okay!!Hope it helps!!

 On Jun 12, 3:58�pm, Matt wrote:


  I have been working on a big form and using jquery plug-in (wizard
  form) to divide tit into small subforms. Now, I am trying to integrate
  the Validation plugin to deal with the validation and come up with an

  I run validation on subforms which contains two buttons(back, next).
  Those 2 buttons are input:button type but not input:submit. I realise
  the Validation plug-in would trigger the validation on submit event.
  Is there any way I can modify the code so that it could handle my

  Having a look on the multipart demo which is the exact scenario I am
  dealing with. However, the page below is not working. I tried on both
  IE and FF.

  Please advise.


[jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

2009-07-06 Thread Jon

So I got the error to go away by using:
var validator = $(#testForm).validate();

But now the problem is that the button proceeds to the next step, even
if there are errors. I can't get it to not display #step_2 when there
are errors. It was suggested that I try using class={required:true}
on the  input instead of class=required, but that didn't work. I
don't fully understand what the added method is doing, but it seems to
me like it's not being called or something. The statement if
(validator.element(#btnNext1)) always comes out true, even when I
tried explicitly setting var isValid = false; in the method. I've
uploaded a test page:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On Jul 6, 3:14 pm, Jon wrote:
 I have tried unsuccessfully to implement this solution, but I keep
 getting the error:

 validator is not defined
 if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

 Here is my code:

 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
 script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/
 script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/jquery-validate/
 script type=text/javascript

         $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
                 var isValid = true;
                 var elements = $(param).find(:input)
                 .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
                 for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
                         if (!this.element(elements[i])){
                                 isValid = false;
                 } return isValid;

         }, );
         $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
                 if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {


 titleUntitled Document/title

 form id=testForm
         div id=step_1
                 div id=step1control
                         input name=name type=text class=required /
                 buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next 
         div id=step_2
                 pStep 2/p

 On Jun 24, 12:56 am, Mac wrote:

  Hi Matt

  I came across the same issue when I tried to create a wizard. I
  overcame this by doing the following:

  Write a validator extension that looks something like this and use the
  add method to add it:

  $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
      var isValid = true;
      var elements = $(param).find(:input)
      .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
      for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
          if (!this.element(elements[i])){
              isValid = false;
      } return isValid;

  }, );

  Attach this method to thebuttonitself and pass it the elementid as
  param like so:
  buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}
  The step1control can be a div containing all the elements that you
  want tovalidate.

  Then you need to run some code in the click event of thebuttonto
  check thebutton( and thus the step) is valid. eg:
  $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
              if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

  I have created wizards like this with the validator plugin multiple
  times and seems to work okay!!Hope it helps!!

  On Jun 12, 3:58 pm, Matt wrote:


   I have been working on a big form and using jquery plug-in (wizard
   form) to divide tit into small subforms. Now, I am trying to integrate
   the Validation plugin to deal with the validation and come up with an

   I run validation on subforms which contains two buttons(back, next).
   Those 2 buttons are input:buttontype but not input:submit. I realise
   the Validation plug-in would trigger the validation on submit event.
   Is there any way I can modify the code so that it could handle my

   Having a look on the multipart demo which is the exact scenario I am
   dealing with. However, the page below is not working. I tried on both
   IE and FF.

   Please advise.


[jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

2009-07-06 Thread Jon

There definitely is a space between button and id. That must have just
been a side effect of the email.
Unfortunately, like I said, javascript is not my strength. I don't
even know what a breakpoint is. I starting to think I'm just in over
my head.

On Jul 7, 12:03 am, Alletha McIntyre wrote:
 It sounds like the validation is not attached to the click of the next button.

 If you stick a breakpoint in the step method - does it hit the breakpoint?

 Also - there is no space between button and id (buttonid=btnNext1 
 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}

  nextbuttonNext/button) in the html markup. This could cause jQuery to 
  not find the element with that id  then not run the method. (could also 
  just be an error in pasting it into the email??)

 Let me know!!

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Jon
 Sent: Tuesday, 7 July 2009 2:58 PM
 To: jQuery (English)

 Cc: Alletha McIntyre
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

 So I got the error to go away by using:
 var validator = $(#testForm).validate();

 But now the problem is that the button proceeds to the next step, even
 if there are errors. I can't get it to not display #step_2 when there
 are errors. It was suggested that I try using class={required:true}
 on the  input instead of class=required, but that didn't work. I
 don't fully understand what the added method is doing, but it seems to
 me like it's not being called or something. The statement if
 (validator.element(#btnNext1)) always comes out true, even when I
 tried explicitly setting var isValid = false; in the method. I've
 uploaded a test page:
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 On Jul 6, 3:14 pm, Jon wrote:
  I have tried unsuccessfully to implement this solution, but I keep
  getting the error:

  validator is not defined
  if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

  Here is my code:

  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
  script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/
  script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/jquery-validate/
  script type=text/javascript

          $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
                  var isValid = true;
                  var elements = $(param).find(:input)
                  .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
                  for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
                          if (!this.element(elements[i])){
                                  isValid = false;
                  } return isValid;

          }, );
          $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
                  if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {


  titleUntitled Document/title

  form id=testForm
          div id=step_1
                  div id=step1control
                          input name=name type=text class=required /
                  buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next 
          div id=step_2
                  pStep 2/p

  On Jun 24, 12:56 am, Mac wrote:

   Hi Matt

   I came across the same issue when I tried to create a wizard. I
   overcame this by doing the following:

   Write a validator extension that looks something like this and use the
   add method to add it:

   $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
       var isValid = true;
       var elements = $(param).find(:input)
       .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
       for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
           if (!this.element(elements[i])){
               isValid = false;
       } return isValid;

   }, );

   Attach this method to thebuttonitself and pass it the elementid as
   param like so:
   buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}
   The step1control can be a div containing all the elements that you
   want tovalidate.

   Then you need to run some code in the click event of thebuttonto
   check thebutton( and thus the step) is valid. eg:
   $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
               if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

   I have created wizards like this with the validator plugin multiple
   times and seems to work okay!!Hope

[jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

2009-07-06 Thread Jon

By the way. Do you have any examples of where you've implemented this
sort of thing? I'd like to see it in action somewhere. I learn well by
studying working examples.

On Jul 7, 12:03 am, Alletha McIntyre wrote:
 It sounds like the validation is not attached to the click of the next button.

 If you stick a breakpoint in the step method - does it hit the breakpoint?

 Also - there is no space between button and id (buttonid=btnNext1 
 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}

  nextbuttonNext/button) in the html markup. This could cause jQuery to 
  not find the element with that id  then not run the method. (could also 
  just be an error in pasting it into the email??)

 Let me know!!

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Jon
 Sent: Tuesday, 7 July 2009 2:58 PM
 To: jQuery (English)

 Cc: Alletha McIntyre
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: trigger validation by input:button

 So I got the error to go away by using:
 var validator = $(#testForm).validate();

 But now the problem is that the button proceeds to the next step, even
 if there are errors. I can't get it to not display #step_2 when there
 are errors. It was suggested that I try using class={required:true}
 on the  input instead of class=required, but that didn't work. I
 don't fully understand what the added method is doing, but it seems to
 me like it's not being called or something. The statement if
 (validator.element(#btnNext1)) always comes out true, even when I
 tried explicitly setting var isValid = false; in the method. I've
 uploaded a test page:
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 On Jul 6, 3:14 pm, Jon wrote:
  I have tried unsuccessfully to implement this solution, but I keep
  getting the error:

  validator is not defined
  if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

  Here is my code:

  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
  script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/
  script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery/jquery-validate/
  script type=text/javascript

          $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
                  var isValid = true;
                  var elements = $(param).find(:input)
                  .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
                  for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
                          if (!this.element(elements[i])){
                                  isValid = false;
                  } return isValid;

          }, );
          $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
                  if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {


  titleUntitled Document/title

  form id=testForm
          div id=step_1
                  div id=step1control
                          input name=name type=text class=required /
                  buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next 
          div id=step_2
                  pStep 2/p

  On Jun 24, 12:56 am, Mac wrote:

   Hi Matt

   I came across the same issue when I tried to create a wizard. I
   overcame this by doing the following:

   Write a validator extension that looks something like this and use the
   add method to add it:

   $.validator.addMethod(step, function(value, element, param) {
       var isValid = true;
       var elements = $(param).find(:input)
       .not(:submit, :reset, :image, :button, [disabled]);
       for (var i = 0; i  elements.length; i++) {
           if (!this.element(elements[i])){
               isValid = false;
       } return isValid;

   }, );

   Attach this method to thebuttonitself and pass it the elementid as
   param like so:
   buttonid=btnNext1 value=Next class={step:'#step1control'}
   The step1control can be a div containing all the elements that you
   want tovalidate.

   Then you need to run some code in the click event of thebuttonto
   check thebutton( and thus the step) is valid. eg:
   $(#btnNext1).click(function() {
               if (validator.element(#btnNext1)) {

   I have created wizards like this with the validator plugin multiple
   times and seems to work okay!!Hope it helps!!

   On Jun 12, 3:58 pm, Matt wrote:



[jQuery] Cycle removes background image from thumbnails (pager)

2009-06-17 Thread jon randahl

Right, here goes:

I'm using a modified jQuery Cycle Plugin - 'goto' Demo 2 (aka: Poor
Man's pager) implementation of the Cycle plugin, this works fine in
FF2+, Op9, Saf3+ and Chrome2 but in IE cycle stops the background-
image from repeating!

As usual I cannot give out a public link due to NDA but I can give you
these two image locations to see the differences:

Finally, thank you for reading up to this point, hopefully together we
can sort this out!


Here is my current code.

div id=gallery
div id=thumbnails/div
div id=slideshow
img id=large src=/_assets/img/gallery/gallery-
image01.jpg alt=Gallery Image width=738 height=578 /

#gallery { width: 738px; float: right; position: relative; text-
align: center; }
#gallery #thumbnails { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; 
738px; height: 70px; background: transparent url('/_assets/img/gallery/
fff-50.png') 0 0 repeat !important; z-index: 1000; border-bottom: 1px
solid #c50a33; }
#gallery #thumbs { margin: 0; padding: 5px; width: 728px; 
60px; z-index: 1001; }
#gallery #thumbs li { width: 48px; height: 48px; margin: 5px;
padding:0; float: left; border: 1px solid #fff; }
#gallery #thumbs li a { width: 48px; display: block; }

$('#thumbnails').append('ul id=thumbs/ul');

var $th = $('#thumbs');
var $ss = $('#slideshow');

// add slides to gallery
for (i = 2; i  13; i++ ) {
( i  10 ) ? x = '0' + i : x = i;
alt=Gallery Image '+i+' width=738 height=578 /');

// start the slideshow
fx: 'fade',
cssBefore: {
zIndex: 1
timeout: 3000,
speed: 1500,
fit: 1,
cssAfter: {
zIndex: 0

// add the thumbnails to the DOM
$ss.children().each(function(i) {
( (i+1)  10 ) ? x = '0' + (i+1) : x = (i+1);
// create thumbnails
$('lia class=thumb 
+'.jpgimg src=/_assets/img/gallery/thumbs/gallery-image'+x+'.jpg
alt=Gallery Image '+x+' width=48 height=48 //a/li')
// append it to thumbnail container
// bind click handler
.click(function() {
// cycle to the corresponding slide
return false;

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin pagerAnchorBuilder

2009-06-16 Thread Jon Crump

OK, there were no takers on this. In the unlikely event that anyone's
interested, here's the work-around that I arrived at. It's simple enough
that I think it will not cause me any problems, but I sure would like to
know what the right solution might be.

In the HTML, an image collection like this:
   div id=cycleport
   img class=cimg src=images/1.jpg alt = /
   img class=cimg src=images/2.jpg alt = /
   img class=cimg src=images/3.jpg alt = /
   img class=cimg src=images/4.jpg alt = /
   img class=cimg src=images/5.jpg alt = /
   img class=cimg src=images/6.jpg alt = /

using cycle, I navigate this collection with prev/next links, but I also 
wanted to provide a drop-down list allowing the user to jump straight to 
specific images and then go prev/next from there.

   ul id=clientList
   lia href=#Foo text/a/li
   lia href=#Bar text/a/li
   lia href=#Baz text/a/li

My solution (a very unsatisfying kluge) was to simply add empty, dummy
lines to the list thus:

   ul id=clientList
   li class=noshow/li
   lia href=#Foo text/a/li
   li class=noshow/li
   li class=noshow/li
   lia href=#Bar text/a/li
   lia href=#Baz text/a/li

to allow the user to go directly to 2.jpg, 5.jpg, and 6.jpg by choosing 
from the list and using a cycle call like this:

prev: '#prev',
next: '#next',
timeout: 0,
before: swapText,
pager:  '#clientList',
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
return '#clientList li:eq(' + (idx) + ') a';

If anybody has a cleaner solution, I'd sure love to know about it.


[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin pagerAnchorBuilder

2009-06-16 Thread Jon Crump

Mike Alsup,

Thanks so much for pointing out the obvious; no really, I mean it 
sincerely. I so often overlook the obvious, to my cost.  I didn't realize 
that I could simply pass a bare integer to the cycle call.

Admiration and gratitude for a wonderfully well thought out and effective 


This is what I'd do:

ul id=clientList
   lia href=# data-slide=2Foo text/a/li
   lia href=# data-slide=5Bar text/a/li
   lia href=# data-slide=6Baz text/a/li

$(function() {
   prev: '#prev',
   next: '#next',
   timeout: 0,
   before: swapText

   $('#clientList li a').click(function() {
   var slide = $(this).attr('data-slide');
   slide = parseInt(slide);
   return false;

[jQuery] firefox hover bug with 'title' attribute?

2009-04-30 Thread Jon Crump

jQuery 1.2.6 and Firefox 3.0.7 on MacBook OS X 10.5.5

If I might renew an unanswered thread: I've encountered this twice now in 
different contexts. This only occurs in FF, so far as I know.

If .hover() is acting on a div that contains an image link, and that link 
has a title attribute, hover misbehaves by firing when the mouse is moved 
after a pause. an example of the problem can be seen here:

The first element has an image link with a title attribute, the second has 
link with no title attribute. If you hover over the first one and let the 
cursor pause a moment, FF's tooltip with the title text appears. Then when 
you move the mouse, the hover function fires again. The link's hover 
property seems to be interfering with jQuery's .hover() function.

Any Ideas?

[jQuery] Re: firefox hover bug with 'title' attribute?

2009-04-30 Thread Jon Crump

Waseem thanks for responding.

On Fri, 1 May 2009, waseem sabjee wrote:

does the same instance occur if you use any of the jquery 1.3.x scripts ?

I updated the example at to use jquery 1.3.2 
and it still shows the same effect. I can live without the title 
attribute, but I'm curious, and puzzled.


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Jon Crump wrote:

  jQuery 1.2.6 and Firefox 3.0.7 on MacBook OS X 10.5.5

  If I might renew an unanswered thread: I've encountered this
  twice now in different contexts. This only occurs in FF, so far
  as I know.

  If .hover() is acting on a div that contains an image link, and
  that link has a title attribute, hover misbehaves by firing when
  the mouse is moved after a pause. an example of the problem can
  be seen here:

  The first element has an image link with a title attribute, the
  second has link with no title attribute. If you hover over the
  first one and let the cursor pause a moment, FF's tooltip with
  the title text appears. Then when you move the mouse, the hover
  function fires again. The link's hover property seems to be
  interfering with jQuery's .hover() function.

  Any Ideas?

[jQuery] Ajax dot net - Sending objects to the server problem

2009-04-27 Thread Jon

Hi, i'm trying to use the ajax dot net plugin to perform ajax calls to
an AJAX enabled WCF service.

No matter what i do i get an error:
'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

However from firebug i can see the JSON object that is getting posted:

So it looks like something is being sent correctly but not handled on
the other end. In the examples that come with this plugin there is no
extra handling needed. He just packages the object up in the
javascript and calls it as the correct type at the other end. I don't
know how! After a couple of hours research i came across the
OnDeserializing method and tried to implement that but to no avail.
Same error. I really can't see where i'm going wrong or how to debug
this! Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Here's my javascript:
$(.ContactForm).prepend(div class=\ContactMessage\/div);
var formmessage = $(.ContactForm .ContactMessage).css(display,

$(.ContactForm .Submit).click(function(evt) {

var contactmessage = new Object();
contactmessage.__type = ContactMessage; = $
(#ctl00_ctl00_CPH_Content_CPH_Content_TB_Name).val(); = $
contactmessage.message = $

var data = new Object();
data.contactmessage = contactmessage;

$.ajaxDotNet(url + SendMessage, {
verb: POST,
data: data,
beforeSend: function(r) {

return r;
success: function(obj) {
obj = obj.d;
formmessage.html(pThank you, your message has 
sent!/pp + obj + /p);
error: function(x, y, z) {
formmessage.html(pThere was an error sending your
message, please try again./pp + x.responseText + /p);

And server code:
public string SendMessage(ContactMessage message)
return message.SendMessage();
catch (Exception ex)
return There was an error sending the message!br /
+ ex.Source +  |  + ex.Message;

public class ContactMessage
public ContactMessage message;
public string _Name;
public string _Email;
public string _Message;

public ContactMessage()
_Name = string.Empty;
_Email = string.Empty;
_Message = string.Empty;

public string SendMessage()
return Hello,  + _Name +  :  + _Email +  who said: 
+ _Message;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;

public void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext sc)
message = new ContactMessage();

[DataMember(Name = name)]
public string Name
get { return message._Name; }
set { message._Name = value; }

[DataMember(Name = email)]
public string Email
get { return message._Email; }
set { message._Email = value; }

[DataMember(Name = message)]
public string Message
get { return message._Message; }
set { message._Message = value; }

[jQuery] jScrollPane issues

2009-04-06 Thread jon randahl

Evening All!

I'm having a bit of issue with the jScrollPane plugin by Kelvin Luck.
A couple of issues actually!

First, in non-IE browsers the scroll will not apply to the container
specified, even though that container IS wrapped by
the .jScrollContainer div by the script.

Second, the width of the container becomes as wide as the content
without any line breaks??

I'll post code below, and can send private url for those who wish to
see, unfortunately usual client rules apply on this!

Thanks in advance for any help!


All pretty damn simple but not working in Non-IE browsers?

Main container:
div class=wrapper-portfolio-content
h6Project Name/h6
div id=copy class=scroll-pane
pProject Description/p

float: right;
width: 213px;
height: 369px;

.scroll-pane {
width: 213px;
height: 349px;
overflow: auto;

DocReady JS:
//Solution for the scrolling content
showArrows: true,
scrollbarWidth: 16,
arrowSize: 16

[jQuery] Find form input from click on child img

2009-04-06 Thread Jon Bennett


I'm working on a cms and have hit a brick wall with something. I have
the following html

- li
- -
- - input.weight
- ul
- - li
- - - img.thickbox (preview)
- - -

I'm listening to the click event of is-hero, but can't seem to get
from that back up the tree to the input to set it's value. This is
what I have (that's broken):

console.log('hello i have been clicked, click click click');

// parent li
var ul = $(this).parent();
var li = $(this).parent().parent();
var input = $(li).find('input');

console.log('ul: '+ul); // ul: [object Object]
console.log('li: '+li); // li: [object Object]
console.log('input: '+input); // input: [object Object]


No matter what I try though comes up as undefined after this, eg:

input.attr('id'); // undefined
input.val(); // undefined

also tried $(li).find(' but that got me nowhere.

grateful for any tips.




jon bennett
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

[jQuery] Superfish: automatically expand 3rd-level menu?

2009-03-24 Thread Jon-Visionmark

I have a 3-level menu using JQuery-Superfish. I would like to hover
over the top-level menu item and have BOTH the 2nd and 3rd-level menus
open automatically. Any ideas?

[jQuery] Superfish: automatically expand 3rd-level menu?

2009-03-24 Thread Jon-Visionmark


I have a 3-level menu using Superfish. I would like to hover over the
top-level menu item and have BOTH the 2nd and 3rd-level menus open
automatically. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Photo Gallery, Thumbnail navigation

2009-03-17 Thread Jon Crump


On Mon, 16 Mar 2009, kmoll092 wrote:

I am looking at jcarousel and i am a little confused on how to
integrate and can't seem to find great documentation, is there a site
with example code on how to integrate it into my site.  If anyone else
has a suggestion on the best way to acheive my goal I would love to
hear it.

If you follow carefuly the tutorial at

you'll be on your way.

The example at: is very 
instructive. Just have a look at the source.

My initial thought was that I could enter the thumbnails into an
array, have jquery load the files with a link  and when the user

You don't have to do anything special with the thumbnails. In your html, 
just create an ordinary ul list where each line is like this:

liimg src=path/to/img width=75 height=75 alt= //li

then make sure you reference the necessary libraries in the head of your 
document thus:

script type=text/javascript 

script type=text/javascript 

and reference the necessary css files thus:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=path/to/jquery.jcarousel.css 
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=path/to/skins/tango/skin.css 

initialize jcarousel like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

And the jcarousel library does the rest. You can position the ul with 
the usual css rules and you can tweak the tango/skin.css to get the look 
you want or build your own skin based on it.

good luck,

[jQuery] Re: test for .is(:visible) fails in Safari

2009-03-15 Thread Jon Crump


Thanks so much for responding. That's very helpful. My use of events has 
been very rudimentary so far; your .bind() example has helped me 
understand them more fully. And now that I know what I'm looking for, 
various approaches to the problem have been illuminating as well.

for example ajp's recent thread::

On Sat, 14 Mar 2009, ricardobeat wrote:

Try this:

   .attr({src: pix[imgName].imgSrc, name: imgName})
   .bind('load readystatechange', function(e){
  if (this.complete || (this.readyState == 'complete'  e.type =
'readystatechange')) {

The onload event for images is a cross-browser mess.

- ricardo

[jQuery] Re: Photo Gallery, Thumbnail navigation

2009-03-15 Thread Jon Crump


third slot.  It seems like this would be pretty easy, but it is
killing me trying to figure it out.  I have spent weeks on it with no

Turns out, it's not really that easy, as you've discovered; however, the 
hard work has been done for us in jCarousel.(I know there are other 
libraries that implement the same idea as well). I'm pretty new to jQuery 
too, but I was delighted to find that using the jquery extension, 
jCarousel, turned out to be very straightforward. Check it out at:


On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, kmoll092 wrote:

I am building a photo gallery for a friend using JQuery.  I have div
with thumbnails below a main picture that changes based on the
thumbnail you click.  I want to be able to add a next and previous
button for the thumbnails, because there are a lot of them.  I am
relatively new to JQuery, but am learning quickly.  I am wondering
what the best solution for this is.

Currently I have the the thumbs loaded and you can click on them to
change the image, but I can't figure out how to only show the first
three thumbnails, and have a next/previous button to scroll throught
the thumbnails and then change the links when the thumbnails change.

Ideally three thumbs would show and clicking the next button would
move the second thumbnail to the first slot, the third thumbnail to
the second slot and now the fourth thumbnail would now show in the
third slot.  It seems like this would be pretty easy, but it is
killing me trying to figure it out.  I have spent weeks on it with no
solution.  this is the code I have so far

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#thumbs a').click(function(evt) {
  var imgPath = $(this).attr('href');

  var oldImage=$('#photos img');
  var newImage = $('img src=' + imgPath + '');
}); // end click
$('#thumbs a:first').click();
}); // end ready

then I have an empty dive for the photos and the div for the thumbs
looks like this:
div id=thumbs
a href=images/portrait1.jpgimg 
src=images/portrait1_th.jpg /


   a href=images/portrait2.jpgimg src=images/
portrait2_th.jpg //a
   a href=images/portrait3.jpgimg src=images/
portrait3_th.jpg //a
   a href=images/portrait4.jpgimg src=images/
portrait4_th.jpg //a
   a href=images/portrait5.jpgimg src=images/
portrait5_th.jpg //a

any help would be great I am going crazy with this

[jQuery] Re: test for .is(:visible) fails in Safari

2009-03-14 Thread Jon Crump

Dear all,

OK, solved it myself in case anyone's still listening. It still remains a 
puzzle why safari on Mac interprets the code differently.

The if/else test below isn't necessary. The fadeOut was executing, but the 
.load() callback failed when the .thumb clicked was the same one as the 
previous click. Both FF and IE didn't blink when the src of #pic remained 
the same, but safari wouldn't execute the .load callback because nothing 
loaded: the src of #pic remained the same.

The solution for my purposes was to set the src of #pic to null and then 
re-set it to pix[imgName].imgSrc whatever it might be, then .load() sees 
that something has loaded and executes the callback.

Is this a known discrepancy between how FF, IE, and Safari interpret 
.load(), or something completely screwy and idiosyncratic to my klugy 
code? (jQuery 1.2.6, by the way, in safari 3.1.2)


On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Jon Crump wrote:

Dear all,

I'm not sure if this is a jQuery question or not, but I got the following 
code to work in FF, but it fails in Safari:

$(.thumb).click(function() {
   var imgName = $(this).attr(alt);
   var el = $(#dropdown);
   if (  $(#pic).attr(name) == imgName) return;
   else {
   el.fadeOut(slow, function() {


   .attr({src: pix[imgName].imgSrc, name: imgName})

The if/else test was necessitated by the fact that if the user clicked on the 
same thumbnail image twice, the #dropdown element faded out and didn't fade 
back in.

In FF clicking on the same image twice makes no change, but in Safari, 
clicking on the same image twice makes no change IF #dropdown is visible, if 
#dropdown is NOT visible and the user clicks on the same thumbnail that was 
last clicked on, the loading gif displays but the #dropdown does not.

I'm sure this is just my own javascript inexperience, but can anyone suggest 
where I'm going wrong?


[jQuery] test for .is(:visible) fails in Safari

2009-03-13 Thread Jon Crump

Dear all,

I'm not sure if this is a jQuery question or not, but I got the following 
code to work in FF, but it fails in Safari:

$(.thumb).click(function() {
var imgName = $(this).attr(alt);
var el = $(#dropdown);
if (  $(#pic).attr(name) == imgName) return;
else {
el.fadeOut(slow, function() {


.attr({src: pix[imgName].imgSrc, name: imgName})

The if/else test was necessitated by the fact that if the user clicked on 
the same thumbnail image twice, the #dropdown element faded out and didn't 
fade back in.

In FF clicking on the same image twice makes no change, but in Safari, 
clicking on the same image twice makes no change IF #dropdown is visible, 
if #dropdown is NOT visible and the user clicks on the same thumbnail that 
was last clicked on, the loading gif displays but the #dropdown does not.

I'm sure this is just my own javascript inexperience, but can anyone 
suggest where I'm going wrong?


[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox and JQuery

2009-03-10 Thread Jon

Hey BB,

Thanks so much!

What was puzzling me was the way the skin path is formed.

For anyone else who is having issues with this, the first parameter in
the loadSkin method is the folder name of your skin and the second is
the path from the root to your skin folder but NOT including your skin

Phew, cheers bud!

On Mar 10, 8:50 am, BB wrote:
 Hi Jon,

 you have to load the skin of the shadowbox wich seems not to be
 included automatically if you build your shadowbox... So go 
 to Code
 and go to shadowbox-2.0-code/src/skin and copy the classic folder
 to your server. Then modify your Acanthus.js to something like this:

 Shadowbox.loadSkin('classic', 'path/to/skin/folder');



 hope this helps!

 On 10 Mrz., 00:25, Jon wrote:

  Can anyone tell me why this isn't 

  It's telling me that there's no skin loaded but the shadowboc css is
  included here:

  Do i need to tell it where the skin is somehow? Or is this a bug?

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox and JQuery

2009-03-10 Thread Jon

Hey BB,

Thanks so much!

What was puzzling me was the way the skin path is formed.

For anyone else who is having issues with this, the first parameter in
the loadSkin method is the folder name of your skin and the second is
the path from the root to your skin folder but NOT including your skin

Phew, cheers bud!

On Mar 10, 8:50 am, BB wrote:
 Hi Jon,

 you have to load the skin of the shadowbox wich seems not to be
 included automatically if you build your shadowbox... So go 
 to Code
 and go to shadowbox-2.0-code/src/skin and copy the classic folder
 to your server. Then modify your Acanthus.js to something like this:

 Shadowbox.loadSkin('classic', 'path/to/skin/folder');



 hope this helps!

 On 10 Mrz., 00:25, Jon wrote:

  Can anyone tell me why this isn't 

  It's telling me that there's no skin loaded but the shadowboc css is
  included here:

  Do i need to tell it where the skin is somehow? Or is this a bug?

[jQuery] JQuery Sliding Panels

2009-03-09 Thread Jon

I'm looking for something that replicates the functionality of the

I'm sure i've seen something somewhere that did this in JQuery but i
can't find anything similar! I've search the plugin repository and
Google but i can't find anything! Sometimes the net is just too big,
though i'm starting to think that maybe i was imagining it?

The one i remember had different types of transitions. Sliding
diagonally or sliding New York city block style.

[jQuery] Shadowbox and JQuery

2009-03-09 Thread Jon

Can anyone tell me why this isn't working:

It's telling me that there's no skin loaded but the shadowboc css is
included here:

Do i need to tell it where the skin is somehow? Or is this a bug?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-06 Thread Jon

I've been trying to solve this and i just cannot find the solution.

The service is a WCF Service - .svc if that effects anything? There is
definitely no authentication on the application. It's off in

I have tried everything i can find - including reinstalling IIS. After
doing that i get a new error message which is essentially the content
of my Service.svc file:
%@ ServiceHost Language=C# Debug=true Service=Service
CodeBehind=~/App_Code/Service.cs %

I'm out of my depth here - i have no idea what is going on!

On Mar 4, 5:33 pm, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
 can you test your webservice?

 Put a breakpoint to see what it is inserting into the SOAP object.

 That's one thing i do not like about the service thing is their 
 insistance on wrapping json inside a SOAP object, it's like sticking binary 
 inside XML.

  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 09:13:02 -0800
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

  I'm afraid i don't have the JSON handy. Being new to this i'm not sure
  how to get to that layer yet!

  Anyway when i do alert(x.responseText)

  I get:

  h2 iThe resource cannot be found./i /h2/span

  [HttpException]: The file '/service.svc/helloworld/CMSLogin.aspx' does
  not exist.

  at System.Web.UI.Util.CheckVirtualFileExists(VirtualPath

  (this is the most pertinent part and a larger error that i don't want
  to clog the thread with)

  Obviously /service.svc/helloworld is what should get sent however i
  don't understand how my CMSLogin.aspx page has gotten added on there!
  Dot net forms authentication perhaps? Though i'm not redirecting
  anything at this point...

  Here's the javascript function again:
  // Hello World
  $.ajaxDotNet(/Service.svc/HelloWorld, {
  verb: GET,
  success: function(obj) {
  obj = obj.d;
  alert('Hello World');
  error: function(x, y, z) {

  Additionally y.responseText and z.responseText come out as undefined.

  Again, i'm miffed!

  On Mar 4, 4:57 pm, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
   Do you have the json handy??

   Paste the output in here to see if its valid json?

   is it generated from a asp service?

Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 08:24:52 -0800
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

he's got the error, which is:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse

and sorry about my last post

alert(x.responseText) will show the error text (as will Firebug as
mentioned about)

anyways, the error your getting is that it seems that your ASP.NET
code can't parse the results to JSON

On Mar 4, 11:02 am, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
 get firebug and put a breakpoint on for the line for error.

  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 07:58:45 -0800
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin


  alert(y) gives Not Found
  alert(z) gives SyntaxError: JSON.parse

  Where do i find out what x y and z are?


  On Mar 4, 3:52 pm, Jon wrote:
   That's great! Thanks!

   Here's the error:
   [object XMLHttpRequest]

   What does that mean. I'm confused... I thought the plugin worked 

   On Mar 4, 3:41 pm, MorningZ wrote:

Show what the error is

error: function(x, y, z) {


should show you what the error actually is instead of guessing

On Mar 4, 10:10 am, Jon wrote:

 I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

 I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the 
 files into my solution.
 I've copied the hello world function from the example 
 solution and
 added it to the service and the jquery for it.
 I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. 
 Again, i've
 tried using the default one created when adding the service 
 to the
 solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

 But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

 //      Hello World
     $.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
         verb: GET,
         success: function(obj) {
             obj = obj.d;
             alert('Hello World');
         error: function() {
             alert('Hello Error');

 Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert

[jQuery] jcarousellite css width issue?

2009-03-06 Thread jon randahl

Hello all!

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a problem I'm
facing? I'm using Ganeshji Marwaha's jcarousellite to create a slide
show of three (possibly more later) definition lists for client
contact details. Each DL contains three contacts. Each DL is held
within an LI which is a child of an UL which is a child of the
containing DIV.

Now, here's the kicker, and finally my question:

Why, will the LI's not adhere to the set width? Each of the DL's are
cut off by about 20px to the right, thereby slicing the text for the
contacts information if it reaches that far!

Please request online link for reference, as this is a client site!
I'm sure we all understand that!

Thanks in advance for any help!


div id=carousel
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /
a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /
a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /
a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT


#carousel { overflow: hidden; visibility: visible; width: 600px;
height: 325px; position: relative; z-index: 2; width: 2000px; left:
-5000px;  }
#carousel ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; }
#carousel li { width: 300px; }
#carousel dl { width: 300px; font-size: 11px;}

#carousel dt { height: 50px; }
#carousel dd { height: 40px; }

#carousel dt img { margin: 0 10px; }

#carousel .h1 { font-size: 20px; line-height: 0.8em; font-weight:
normal; }
#carousel .h1 span { font-size: 14px; }

#carousel .p { margin: 0 0 20px; }


//Contact Us Switches:
circular: false,
visible: 2,
scroll: 1,
btnNext: .more,
btnPrev: .less

[jQuery] jcarousellite slide widths issue

2009-03-05 Thread jon randahl

Hello all!

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a problem I'm
facing? I'm using Ganeshji Marwaha's jcarousellite to create a slide
show of three (possibly more later) definition lists for client
contact details. Each DL contains three contacts.

Each DL is held within an LI which is a child of an UL which is a
child of the containing DIV.

div id=carousel
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT
dt class=h1 title=Contact NAME AND 
DETAILSimg src=/images/
contact/thumbs/headshot.jpg width=80 height=100 class=left
alt=Contact Image /CONTACT NAMEbr /spanCONTACT POSITION/span/
dd class=p+44 (0)20 7### br /a; target=_blank alt=Contact CONTACT

Now in my CSS I style this as:

#carousel { overflow: hidden; visibility: visible; width: 600px;
height: 325px; position: relative; z-index: 2; width: 2000px; left:
-5000px;  }
#carousel ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; }
#carousel li { width: 300px; }
#carousel dl { width: 300px; font-size: 11px;}

#carousel dt { height: 50px; }
#carousel dd { height: 40px; }

#carousel dt img { margin: 0 10px; }

#carousel .h1 { font-size: 20px; line-height: 0.8em; font-weight:
normal; }
#carousel .h1 span { font-size: 14px; }

#carousel .p { margin: 0 0 20px; }

Now, here's the kicker, and finally my question:

[jQuery] Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-04 Thread Jon

I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the example
files into my solution.
I've copied the hello world function from the example solution and
added it to the service and the jquery for it.
I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. Again, i've
tried using the default one created when adding the service to the
solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

//  Hello World
$.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
verb: GET,
success: function(obj) {
obj = obj.d;
alert('Hello World');
error: function() {
alert('Hello Error');

Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert.

Does anyone know if i'm missing something essential? Am i making a
stupid error?

Please help, i'm dying to get this plugin working! And if i can't get
this working does anyone else has any experience with JQuery and Dot
Net and might be able to point me to a solution?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-04 Thread Jon

That's great! Thanks!

Here's the error:
[object XMLHttpRequest]

What does that mean. I'm confused... I thought the plugin worked via

On Mar 4, 3:41 pm, MorningZ wrote:
 Show what the error is

 error: function(x, y, z) {


 should show you what the error actually is instead of guessing

 On Mar 4, 10:10 am, Jon wrote:

  I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

  I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the example
  files into my solution.
  I've copied the hello world function from the example solution and
  added it to the service and the jquery for it.
  I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. Again, i've
  tried using the default one created when adding the service to the
  solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

  But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

  //      Hello World
      $.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
          verb: GET,
          success: function(obj) {
              obj = obj.d;
              alert('Hello World');
          error: function() {
              alert('Hello Error');

  Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert.

  Does anyone know if i'm missing something essential? Am i making a
  stupid error?

  Please help, i'm dying to get this plugin working! And if i can't get
  this working does anyone else has any experience with JQuery and Dot
  Net and might be able to point me to a solution?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-04 Thread Jon


alert(y) gives Not Found
alert(z) gives SyntaxError: JSON.parse

Where do i find out what x y and z are?


On Mar 4, 3:52 pm, Jon wrote:
 That's great! Thanks!

 Here's the error:
 [object XMLHttpRequest]

 What does that mean. I'm confused... I thought the plugin worked via

 On Mar 4, 3:41 pm, MorningZ wrote:

  Show what the error is

  error: function(x, y, z) {


  should show you what the error actually is instead of guessing

  On Mar 4, 10:10 am, Jon wrote:

   I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

   I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the example
   files into my solution.
   I've copied the hello world function from the example solution and
   added it to the service and the jquery for it.
   I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. Again, i've
   tried using the default one created when adding the service to the
   solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

   But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

   //      Hello World
       $.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
           verb: GET,
           success: function(obj) {
               obj = obj.d;
               alert('Hello World');
           error: function() {
               alert('Hello Error');

   Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert.

   Does anyone know if i'm missing something essential? Am i making a
   stupid error?

   Please help, i'm dying to get this plugin working! And if i can't get
   this working does anyone else has any experience with JQuery and Dot
   Net and might be able to point me to a solution?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-04 Thread Jon

I'm afraid i don't have the JSON handy. Being new to this i'm not sure
how to get to that layer yet!

Anyway when i do alert(x.responseText)

I get:

  h2 iThe resource cannot be found./i /h2/span

[HttpException]: The file '/service.svc/helloworld/CMSLogin.aspx' does
not exist.

   at System.Web.UI.Util.CheckVirtualFileExists(VirtualPath

(this is the most pertinent part and a larger error that i don't want
to clog the thread with)

Obviously /service.svc/helloworld is what should get sent however i
don't understand how my CMSLogin.aspx page has gotten added on there!
Dot net forms authentication perhaps? Though i'm not redirecting
anything at this point...

Here's the javascript function again:
//  Hello World
$.ajaxDotNet(/Service.svc/HelloWorld, {
verb: GET,
success: function(obj) {
obj = obj.d;
alert('Hello World');
error: function(x, y, z) {

Additionally y.responseText and z.responseText come out as undefined.

Again, i'm miffed!

On Mar 4, 4:57 pm, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
 Do you have the json handy??

 Paste the output in here to see if its valid json?

 is it generated from a asp service?

  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 08:24:52 -0800
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

  he's got the error, which is:

  SyntaxError: JSON.parse

  and sorry about my last post

  alert(x.responseText) will show the error text (as will Firebug as
  mentioned about)

  anyways, the error your getting is that it seems that your ASP.NET
  code can't parse the results to JSON

  On Mar 4, 11:02 am, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
   get firebug and put a breakpoint on for the line for error.

Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 07:58:45 -0800
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin


alert(y) gives Not Found
alert(z) gives SyntaxError: JSON.parse

Where do i find out what x y and z are?


On Mar 4, 3:52 pm, Jon wrote:
 That's great! Thanks!

 Here's the error:
 [object XMLHttpRequest]

 What does that mean. I'm confused... I thought the plugin worked via

 On Mar 4, 3:41 pm, MorningZ wrote:

  Show what the error is

  error: function(x, y, z) {


  should show you what the error actually is instead of guessing

  On Mar 4, 10:10 am, Jon wrote:

   I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

   I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the example
   files into my solution.
   I've copied the hello world function from the example solution and
   added it to the service and the jquery for it.
   I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. Again, 
   tried using the default one created when adding the service to the
   solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

   But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

   //      Hello World
       $.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
           verb: GET,
           success: function(obj) {
               obj = obj.d;
               alert('Hello World');
           error: function() {
               alert('Hello Error');

   Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert.

   Does anyone know if i'm missing something essential? Am i making a
   stupid error?

   Please help, i'm dying to get this plugin working! And if i can't 
   this working does anyone else has any experience with JQuery and 
   Net and might be able to point me to a solution?

   All your Twitter and other social updates in one 

  25GB of FREE Online Storage – Find out 

[jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

2009-03-04 Thread Jon

I'm afraid i don't have the JSON handy. Being new to this i'm not sure
how to get to that layer yet!

Anyway when i do alert(x.responseText)

I get:

  h2 iThe resource cannot be found./i /h2/span

[HttpException]: The file '/service.svc/helloworld/CMSLogin.aspx' does
not exist.

   at System.Web.UI.Util.CheckVirtualFileExists(VirtualPath

(this is the most pertinent part and a larger error that i don't want
to clog the thread with)

Obviously /service.svc/helloworld is what should get sent however i
don't understand how my CMSLogin.aspx page has gotten added on there!
Dot net forms authentication perhaps? Though i'm not redirecting
anything at this point...

Here's the javascript function again:
//  Hello World
$.ajaxDotNet(/Service.svc/HelloWorld, {
verb: GET,
success: function(obj) {
obj = obj.d;
alert('Hello World');
error: function(x, y, z) {

Additionally y.responseText and z.responseText come out as undefined.

Again, i'm miffed!

On Mar 4, 4:57 pm, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
 Do you have the json handy??

 Paste the output in here to see if its valid json?

 is it generated from a asp service?

  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 08:24:52 -0800
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin

  he's got the error, which is:

  SyntaxError: JSON.parse

  and sorry about my last post

  alert(x.responseText) will show the error text (as will Firebug as
  mentioned about)

  anyways, the error your getting is that it seems that your ASP.NET
  code can't parse the results to JSON

  On Mar 4, 11:02 am, Joseph Le Brech wrote:
   get firebug and put a breakpoint on for the line for error.

Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 07:58:45 -0800
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax Dot Net Plugin


alert(y) gives Not Found
alert(z) gives SyntaxError: JSON.parse

Where do i find out what x y and z are?


On Mar 4, 3:52 pm, Jon wrote:
 That's great! Thanks!

 Here's the error:
 [object XMLHttpRequest]

 What does that mean. I'm confused... I thought the plugin worked via

 On Mar 4, 3:41 pm, MorningZ wrote:

  Show what the error is

  error: function(x, y, z) {


  should show you what the error actually is instead of guessing

  On Mar 4, 10:10 am, Jon wrote:

   I'm trying to get the ajax dot net plugin working and failing

   I've added the service - both manually and by dragging the example
   files into my solution.
   I've copied the hello world function from the example solution and
   added it to the service and the jquery for it.
   I've copied the system.serviceModel into my web.config. Again, 
   tried using the default one created when adding the service to the
   solution and i've copied it across from the example solution.

   But no matter what i do i can't get the ajax to work.

   //      Hello World
       $.ajaxDotNet(url + HelloWorld, {
           verb: GET,
           success: function(obj) {
               obj = obj.d;
               alert('Hello World');
           error: function() {
               alert('Hello Error');

   Every time i run it i just get the Hello Error alert.

   Does anyone know if i'm missing something essential? Am i making a
   stupid error?

   Please help, i'm dying to get this plugin working! And if i can't 
   this working does anyone else has any experience with JQuery and 
   Net and might be able to point me to a solution?

   All your Twitter and other social updates in one 

  25GB of FREE Online Storage – Find out 

[jQuery] Stopping slideUp/slideDown mid animation

2009-02-25 Thread Jon

I'm using slideUp and slideDown to animate a drop down menu.

If i mouse on/off the menu in very quick succession the sliding up and
down animations stack up so that when you take your mouse away from it
it is still animating up and down. Is there any way to stop the
animation in the same way that you'd stop animate:


If i use .stop() on slideDown/slideUp it stops the element from
expanding again beyond the size it was stopped at. I hope that makes

Here is my code:
$(.ClientMenu).hover(function () {
function () {

div class=ClientMenu
div class=ClientMenuHead
pby client/p
ul class=ClientMenuBody
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
width=150 height=2 //li
li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li

[jQuery] Re: Stopping slideUp/slideDown mid animation

2009-02-25 Thread Jon

That is exactly what i was looking for! Thanks very much! =D

On Feb 25, 2:10 pm, pedalpete wrote:
 Check out the hoverIntent 

 it puts a 'pause' on the hover so for both loading and unloading the
 hovered section, it attempts to figure out what the user wants to do.

 On Feb 25, 3:57 am, Jon wrote:

  I'm using slideUp and slideDown to animate a drop down menu.

  If i mouse on/off the menu in very quick succession the sliding up and
  down animations stack up so that when you take your mouse away from it
  it is still animating up and down. Is there any way to stop the
  animation in the same way that you'd stop animate:


  If i use .stop() on slideDown/slideUp it stops the element from
  expanding again beyond the size it was stopped at. I hope that makes

  Here is my code:
  $(.ClientMenu).hover(function () {

  function () {


  And HTML:
  div class=ClientMenu
      div class=ClientMenuHead
          pby client/p
      ul class=ClientMenuBody
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li
          liimg class=DottedLine src=Images/DottedLine.gif
  width=150 height=2 //li
          li class=SlidingElementa href=#Lorem Ipsum/a/li

[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-24 Thread Jon Sagotsky


$() can take one or two arguments.  The first argument is what your
searching for.  The second argument is the context in which you are
searching.  If you only use one argument, the second defaults to the
whole dom.

$(#foo p) searches for all p in #foo.  It does this by getting every
p element in the document and then selecting the ones inside #foo.

The other option uses a second argument to limit the scope.  $(#foo)
returns #foo.  $(p, $(#foo)) uses #foo as its context instead of
the whole dom.

Just to clarify, $(p, #foo) would be meaningless, because #foo
isn't its own context.  It needs to be an object returned by jquery.  $
(p, #foo) would give you both all p's and all #foo's, which is not
what you want in this circumstance.

On Feb 24, 8:49 am, Liam Potter wrote:
 ok, but what in jquery knows that $(p, $(#foo)) should look for the
 p tags inside of #foo, why does it treat it like $(#foo p)?

 jQuery Lover wrote:
  Liam, you can use $(p, #foo). The second parameter must be a
  jQuery object or dom element...

  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -

  On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Liam Potter 

  Hi Stehpan :p

  I understand that, I'm just not sure why $(p, $(#foo)) is not the same
  as $(p, #foo)

  - Liam

  Stephan Veigl wrote:

  Hi Lima,

  1) #foo is an ID and since IDs should be unique there has to bee only
  one #foo element

  2) $(p, $(#foo)) selects all p elements in the scope of the #foo
  In other words, it selects every p element under #foo in the DOM tree.


  2009/2/24 Liam Potter

  I've been following this discussion, but I need explaining why $(p,
  $(#foo)) doesn't select all p tags and all #foo id's ?

  Stephan Veigl wrote:


  I've done some profiling on this, and $(p, $(#foo)) is faster than
  $(#foo p) in both jQuery 1.2.6 and 1.3.2.

  the test HTML consists of 100 ps in a foo div and 900 ps in a
  bar div.

  However the factor differs dramatically:
  In 1.2.6 the speedup from $(p, $(#foo)) to $(#foo p) was between
  1.5x (FF) and 2x (IE),
  while for 1.3.2 the speedup is 20x (FF) and 15x (IE).

  $(p, $(#foo)) is faster in 1.3.2, by a factor of 1.5 (both FF and
  while $(#foo p) is _slower_ in 1.3.2 by 8.5x (FF) and 4.6x (IE).

  Even with an empty bar div $(p, $(#foo)) is faster by a factor up

  If you have an ID selector, first get the element by it's ID and use
  it as scope for further selects.

  2009/2/23 ricardobeat

  up to jQuery 1.2.6 that's how the selector engine worked (from the top
  down/left to right). The approach used in Sizzle (bottom up/right to
  left) has both benefits and downsides - it can be much faster on large
  DOMs and some situations, but slower on short queries. I'm sure
  someone can explain that in better detail.

  Anyway, in modern browsers most of the work is being delegated to the
  native querySelectorAll function, as so selector performance will
  become more of a browser makers' concern.

  - ricardo

  On Feb 23, 1:08 pm, Peter Bengtsson wrote:

  I watched the John Resig presentation too and learned that CSS
  selectors always work from right to left.
  That would mean that doing this::

   $('#foo p')

  Would extract all p tags and from that list subselect those who
  belong to #foo. Suppose you have 1000 p tags of them only 100 are
  inside #foo you'll have wasted 900 loops.

  Surely $('#foo') is the fastest lookup possible. Doing it this way
  will effectively limit the scope of the $('p') search and you will
  never be bothered about any p tags outside #foo.

  Or am I talking rubbish?

[jQuery] Re: Trouble with Validation Firing in ASP.NET

2009-02-13 Thread Jon

You might need to change the id you're searching for to:

   $(document).ready(function() {
 debug: true

The ID in your code behind always gets changed to 'aspnetForm'.

You can check in firebug to make sure you're using the correct ID of
the form.


On Feb 13, 3:27 pm, Jörn Zaefferer
 You can add the debug-option for debugging:

    $(document).ready(function() {
          debug: true

 Make sure the all necessary files are loaded (via Firebug).


 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:17 PM, expresso wrote:

  Here is my code.  I have the reference to the javascript in my Master Page 
  it's definitely there and I am getting no JavaScript errors when checking it
  out with Firebug.

  The problem I have is when I click submit, it's doing a postback, it's not
  firing the validate method:

  asp:Content ID=Content1 ContentPlaceHolderID=MainContentPlaceHolder

  script type=text/javascript

     $(document).ready(function() {

  div class=webform
     form id=form1 runat=server
             td width=250div class=formfieldlabelem*/emBackground
             td width=150
                 div class=formfield_radiobuttonlistasp:RadioButtonList
  ID=rblBackgroundColor CssClass=radiobuttonlist
  repeatdirection=Horizontal runat=server //div
             td width=250div class=formfieldlabelem*/emFirst
             td width=150
                 div class=formfieldasp:TextBox class=required
  width=150 ID=txtFirstName runat=server //div
                 table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
             td width=150
                 div class=formfieldasp:TextBox class=required
  width=150 ID=txtNickname runat=server //div
             td colspan=2
                 div class=formrow_right
                     table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
                             td width=190
                                  div class=formrow_rightasp:ImageButton
  OnClick=btnAddToCart_Submit ID=btnAddToCart
  ImageUrl=~/images/addtoCartpng runat=server //div
  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-13 Thread Jon

Okay that's great, all working now!

On Feb 11, 3:23 pm, Aaron Gundel wrote:
 After looking this over, I found that the validator wasn't picking up
 your submit button, which isn't really a button.  It's the link you
 use to submit.  the validation plugin won't catch this because it
 [your link] appears to do a straight up call to form.submit().  I
 popped a submit button in there and all your rules started working.
 Hope this helps,


 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Jon wrote:

  I've set up a test site here:

  I hope you can point me in the right direction, i've not had any
  further luck solving this!


  On Feb 9, 3:10 pm, Aaron Gundel wrote:
  Yes, it would be helpful.  Can't really see what's going on in the
  snippet you provided.  As Rob mentioned, there's no mention of the
  form (even though it is there on the page).  It might give some
  additional clues as to where things have gone wrong.

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Jon wrote:

   @ RobG: #aspnetForm is the form that wraps the whole of adotnet
   page. I simply posted the html snippet from the form itself.
   Individual forms do not have their own form tags, there is one large
   one that encloses the whole page - part of thedotnetinfrastructure.

   @ Aaron Grundel: No, but i will put one up tonight if it will help.
   I'm eager to use this validation plugin!

   On Feb 9, 2:14 am, RobG wrote:
   On Feb 9, 8:30 am, Jon wrote:

I'm having issues getting the validation plugin 
jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work withdotnet.
Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
me getting this to work?

Here's my html.

span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
span class=Field
span class=LabelName /span
span class=Validation
span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
style=display: none;/
input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
span class=Field
span class=Field
a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
$LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

   Invalid markup, there is no form.

And here is my javascript:


   Where is #aspnetForm?


[jQuery] Validation - Adding Valid class

2009-02-13 Thread Jon

With the validation i have managed to make it add a class called
'Valid' to the label that the validation adds. However i want to make
it add a class (same name) to the textbox too. I've managed this by

success: function(element) {

Which works fine. However if you add text to the textbox - so it's
valid - then remove the text - so it's not valid - the Valid class is
removed from the label but not from the textbox.

Is there an easier way to do what i'm doing? Or is there a suitable
place to add the code to remove the class?

You can see an example of this in action here:

[jQuery] Re: Validation - Adding Valid class

2009-02-13 Thread Jon

Thanks Rob but i'm not sure i fully understand. Do i do this within
the success function? Or is there somewhere else i can do this like

invalid: function(element) {
$(element).parent(span).children(input, textarea).removeClass

That's where i'm confused - where exactly do you tell it to remove the

On Feb 13, 11:13 pm, RobG wrote:
 On Feb 14, 8:42 am, Jon wrote:

  With the validation i have managed to make it add a class called
  'Valid' to the label that the validation adds. However i want to make
  it add a class (same name) to the textbox too. I've managed this by

      success: function(element) {

  Which works fine. However if you add text to the textbox - so it's
  valid - then remove the text - so it's not valid - the Valid class is
  removed from the label but not from the textbox.

  Is there an easier way to do what i'm doing?

 Add and remove the class on the parent span and make the rule
 particular to the input and textarea elements (perhaps that isn't
 required if they are the only descendants that will respond to the
 rule anyway).


[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-10 Thread Jon

I've set up a test site here:

I hope you can point me in the right direction, i've not had any
further luck solving this!


On Feb 9, 3:10 pm, Aaron Gundel wrote:
 Yes, it would be helpful.  Can't really see what's going on in the
 snippet you provided.  As Rob mentioned, there's no mention of the
 form (even though it is there on the page).  It might give some
 additional clues as to where things have gone wrong.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Jon wrote:

  @ RobG: #aspnetForm is the form that wraps the whole of adotnet
  page. I simply posted the html snippet from the form itself.
  Individual forms do not have their own form tags, there is one large
  one that encloses the whole page - part of thedotnetinfrastructure.

  @ Aaron Grundel: No, but i will put one up tonight if it will help.
  I'm eager to use this validation plugin!

  On Feb 9, 2:14 am, RobG wrote:
  On Feb 9, 8:30 am, Jon wrote:

   I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (
   jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work withdotnet.
   Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
   several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
   me getting this to work?

   Here's my html.

   span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
   p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
   span class=Field
   span class=LabelName /span
   span class=Validation
   span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
   style=display: none;/
   input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
   class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
   span class=Field
   span class=Field
   a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
   $LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

  Invalid markup, there is no form.

   And here is my javascript:


  Where is #aspnetForm?


[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-09 Thread Jon

@ RobG: #aspnetForm is the form that wraps the whole of a dot net
page. I simply posted the html snippet from the form itself.
Individual forms do not have their own form tags, there is one large
one that encloses the whole page - part of the dot net infrastructure.

@ Aaron Grundel: No, but i will put one up tonight if it will help.
I'm eager to use this validation plugin!

On Feb 9, 2:14 am, RobG wrote:
 On Feb 9, 8:30 am, Jon wrote:

  I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (
  jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work with dot net.
  Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
  several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
  me getting this to work?

  Here's my html.

  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
  p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
  span class=Field
  span class=LabelName /span
  span class=Validation
  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
  style=display: none;/
  input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
  class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
  span class=Field
  span class=Field
  a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
  $LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

 Invalid markup, there is no form.

  And here is my javascript:


 Where is #aspnetForm?


[jQuery] Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-08 Thread Jon

I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (
jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work with dot net.
Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
me getting this to work?

Here's my html.

span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
span class=Field
span class=LabelName /span
span class=Validation
span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
style=display: none;/
input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
span class=Field
span class=Field
a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
$LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

And here is my javascript:

rules: {
ctl00$Control_LeftColumn$CF_Contact$ctl02$TB_TextBox: {
required: true,
email: true

As i say above, the form just submits regardless so i'm lost on a

[jQuery] Populate Form within Thickbox

2009-01-22 Thread Jon Hadden

On the parent page I have a list of items that were submitted to the
DB from a text field form within an inline Thickbox. On each one of
these items, I have an Edit link, which will also open the same
inline thickbox form, however, I am unclear how to populate the form
with that items saved information. My back-end developer is using
Spring MVC and Hybernate if that helps at all.

[jQuery] Re: RAW PRINTING - How can I print DIRECTLY to DOT Matrix Printer from jquery?

2008-10-22 Thread Jon Ursenbach

You don't need jQuery to do this.

On Oct 22, 6:00 am, Vedia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to sent text with javascript directly to Dot Matrix printer
 like Panasonic KXP-1050 without using true type fonts. As I know, this
 means: RAW Printing

 I want to use this for printing bills or ticket on continuous-form

 There is ActiveX sample for InternetExplorer on this 

 How can I this with jQuery? Can it be possible?


[jQuery] script tags and domManip

2008-10-16 Thread Jon Palmer

Is it a known issue that various domManip actions can case javascript
inside script tags to fire twice? For example if I have this example

div id=myDiv
script type=javascript
alert(Hello World);

and somewhere else in the page I use the collowing jQuery:

script type=javascript
$(document).ready(function() { $(#myDiv).wrapAll(div class=wrapper/
div); });

then what happens is the Hello World alert gets triggered twice.
Once when the page loads and once when the div gets wrapped.

Can options be added to the DomManip functions so that it doesn't
evaluate scripts tags contained in the DOM element being wrapped? (or
better yet detects if the elements are already embedded in the DOM and
executes then as appropriate)


[jQuery] Re: Stumped by AJAX and events

2008-09-05 Thread Jon Drukman

On Sep 4, 12:19 pm, JDawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   input type=image id=btn_recipient_search src=btn_search.gif
 alt=Search /

     function() {
       getRecipients(John, Doe);

i see you solved it but if you want it to work with an input you
probably need to use preventDefault()

 function(e) {
   getRecipients(John, Doe);

[jQuery] unfefined properties (filtering jquery by class)

2008-09-02 Thread jon

My goal is to pull out all anchor tags and replace the href value with
a rewritten value (based on original href).  However, i am getting
errors indicating that the object or property is undefined when there
are no anchor tags with the given class name (which is why i used

I have the following href pattern:

File Library/filename

i need it to be


This works as long as at least one anchor tag exists of the
appropriate style class but not when only standard anchor tags are

function rewriteFileHref() {

library = 
[0].replace( , +);
id =$(a).filter(.changeHrefToWcm).attr('href').split(/) 


[jQuery] replace href url value for anchor tag

2008-08-28 Thread jon

this is probably pretty simple but trying to find documentation on how
to change the href value on an anchor tag.

i've seen docs that let you filter an anchor tag based on class which
is prob what i'll do but i need to change the url that it is pointing
to href=some/pattern/here to rewrite to ensure proper encoding (for
spaces, etc.) and b/c i want to point it somewhere different.  this is
prob not best approach overall but data is not easy to change for me
so i want to change the url.

I'll need to do same thing for  tags as well (point src to diff

your help is appreciated.

also looking for where documentation specifies what properties can be

[jQuery] Re: replace href url value for anchor tag

2008-08-28 Thread jon

cool thanks.

I'm having trouble applying it...
I have an anchor tag like a href=File Library/IDClickity/a

and i need to build an url like somewhere/?library=File

my approach below is only happy when pattern exists (pages with normal
links give js error).  plus this can't be best way.

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).addClass(file);
var library = $(a.file).attr('href').split(/) [0].replace( ,
var id =  $(a.file).attr('href').split(/) [1];


On Aug 28, 12:43 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is probably pretty simple but trying to find documentation on how
  to change the href value on an anchor tag.

  i've seen docs that let you filter an anchor tag based on class which
  is prob what i'll do but i need to change the url that it is pointing
  to href=some/pattern/here to rewrite to ensure proper encoding (for
  spaces, etc.) and b/c i want to point it somewhere different.  this is
  prob not best approach overall but data is not easy to change for me
  so i want to change the url.

  I'll need to do same thing for  tags as well (point src to diff

  your help is appreciated.

  also looking for where documentation specifies what properties can be

 This is a job for attr:

 For example:

[jQuery] getJSON - how do you make it work?

2008-08-18 Thread Jon Sidnell


I'm trying to get some JSON content using the $.getJSON function, but
it just won't work!!

I started out using ASP.NET to generate a load of JSON, but decided to
create a simple text file with a JSON string in it instead.

Here's my JavaScript:

$.getJSON(/test.txt, function(data) {
alert(I got the stuff);

$(#msg).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings, error) {
$(this).append(p + error + /p);

And my test.txt file contains:

{ offer: {
id: 2,
title: animals could talk,
image: _blank.gif

Is there anything really obvious I'm doing wrong?


[jQuery] Re: getJSON - how do you make it work?

2008-08-18 Thread Jon Sidnell

I finally worked it out! Apparently, IIS reports a 404 for file
extensions it doesn't recognise as safe, so *.json file was a big no-

Soon as I changed it to the .txt file mentioned above (must've posted
that as an idea before actually trying it in my code - oops!) it all

Then moving into the proper project, turns out the JSON being
generated by ASP.NET was invalid (the JSON validator at
was my friend for that one). It's all working tickety-boo now :)

Thanks all

On Aug 18, 2:08 pm, Ryura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it actually accessing the file correctly? I'd say provide a test
 case or check yourself with Firebug.

 On Aug 18, 6:00 am, Jon Sidnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm trying to get some JSON content using the $.getJSON function, but
  it just won't work!!

  I started out using ASP.NET to generate a load of JSON, but decided to
  create a simple text file with a JSON string in it instead.

  Here's my JavaScript:

          $.getJSON(/test.txt, function(data) {
                  alert(I got the stuff);

          $(#msg).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings, error) {
                  $(this).append(p + error + /p);

  And my test.txt file contains:

          { offer: {
                  id: 2,
                  title: animals could talk,
                  image: _blank.gif

  Is there anything really obvious I'm doing wrong?


[jQuery] Problem with Cycle plugin using random and previous

2008-07-07 Thread Jon Whitener

I've come across a problem with Mike Alsup's very good Cycle plug-in.  
This occurs when using both the random feature and a previous link.  
Previous will go to the previous item as it is ordered in the HTML, 
regardless of what appeared previously to the user in the random order. 

For example, if I have elements to be cycled which appear in the page 
code in this order:

A, B, C

But when randomized appear to the user in this order:

A, C, B

Then, if the user clicks the Previous link with B showing, the cycle 
will go to A, not C as the user would expect.

Is there any way to achieve the expected behavior?

Many thanks,

[jQuery] Problem with Cycle plugin using random and previous

2008-07-07 Thread Jon Whitener

I've come across a problem with Mike Alsup's very good Cycle plug-in.
This occurs when using both the random feature and a previous link.
Previous will go to the previous item as it is ordered in the HTML,
regardless of what appeared previously to the user in the random

For example, if I have elements to be cycled which appear in the page
code in this order:

A, B, C

But when randomized appear to the user in this order:

A, C, B

Then, if the user clicks the Previous link with B showing, the cycle
will go to A, not C as the user would expect.

Is there any way to achieve the expected behavior?

Many thanks,

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Cycle plug-in using random and previous

2008-07-07 Thread Jon Whitener


Sorry about the reposts -- I didn't realize the group was moderated for 
new users.

- Previous Message -
From: JonDetroit
Date: 7/7/08 9:36 AM
 I've come across a problem with Mike Alsup's very good Cycle plug-in.
 This occurs when using both the random feature and a previous link.
 Previous will go to the previous item as it is ordered in the HTML,
 regardless of what appeared previously to the user in the random

 For example, if I have elements to be cycled which appear in the page
 code in this order:

 A, B, C

 But when randomized appear to the user in this order:

 A, C, B

 Then, if the user clicks the Previous link with B showing, the cycle
 will go to A, not C as the user would expect.

 Is there any way to achieve the expected behavior?

 Many thanks,

[jQuery] Re: click function doesn't work on dynamic content?

2008-06-06 Thread Jon Reed

Might be worth looking into the livequery plugin too


On Jun 6, 1:43 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Take a look at:

 If I've understood you're problem, it's a fairly common one that stems from
 the fact that you're adding a new element (with append('li ...) that has
 no click event bound to it. The article linked above has a full explanation
 and some good solutions.

 - Richard

 Richard D. Worth

 On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi there,

  Please see my example here:

  So basically, I want to select a list item from Group A, and when the
  transfer button is clicked, it gets transfered to Group B.
  However, once transferred, the list items in Group B doesn't respond
  to any click function called OUTSIDE of the 'transfer' function.

  Im not sure if i'm explaining it properly, but this is my code:

                 var temp;

                 // selecting
                         temp = $(this).text();

                 // when transfer link is clicked
                         $('#groupA li.highlight').remove();
                         $('#groupB').append('li' + temp + '/li');

  Any help would be extremely helpful!


[jQuery] Using jCarousel functions in another script (a gallery/slide script)

2008-05-24 Thread Jon

I've made a slideshow (remotely similar to other jQuery slides like
Frontpage Slideshow or jqGalScroll v2.1) but instead of just plain
numbered links to move between slides I've used jCarousel.

Clicking on the list items in jCarousel correctly shows me the proper
slide in my slideshow,  but I can't seem to figure out how to call
jCarousel functions from my slide.

For example:

1.  Getting jCarousel to scroll down when my slideshow has reached the
EIGHTH slide. (There are 7 jCarousel items shown at a time).
2.  Having jCarousel return to the beginning when my slideshow starts

So is there some way to call a jCarousel function inside of my
slideshow JS?

Something like:

function showNext() { // My slideshow function which displays the next

// vis = the number of the current slide.
my slide code here
vis = vis + 1; // because the slide starts at 0, but jcarousel
starts at 1.

if (vis = 8) {  //  The 8th list item is no longer seen in
jCarousel (only 7 per page),  need to scroll to it.

So is there some way to do this?   If there is I can't figure it

Also,  this cannot be done through a callback AFAIK.   What I'm
specifically talking about above doesn't use any clicks or other
events,  so I really don't know how I could bind an event when it's
something my slideshow script automatically does.  (If there is some
way to create an event inside of my slide function that will be able
to modify jCarousel,  then please tell me otherwise).

If you're wondering how it shows in the jCarousel which is selected,
I simply have my slide script apply an active class to the list item
which correlates with the slide.  Is there any way to have jCarousel
keep the active class at the top of the carousel??   I'm really
looking for any way to do this by now.

Thank you very much.

[jQuery] Re: when to call noConflict?

2008-05-21 Thread Jon Reed

Call it before, there's some documentation here:


On May 20, 11:38 pm, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi everybody

 I have some code where i need to use jQuery.noConflict()

 Do i call it before or after
 jQuery(document).ready() ?

[jQuery] .html() behaving differently in IE7

2008-05-20 Thread Jon Reed


I'm trying to find out if this behaviour is correct, or if its
something that i should submit as a bug.
Using .html() works perfectly fine in all browsers, providing that the
html your inserting is valid. eg.

$(body).find('#id1').html(divtest content/div).show();
// alert($('#id1').html()) == 'divtest content/div'

However, if i want to insert html which is invalid (just withing the
string), but still might keep the total DOM valid by performing
another insert immediately, then in IE7 only, it refuses to insert the
html. eg.

$(body).find('#id1').html(divtest content/div/div).show();
// alert($('#id1').html()) == ''

Is this something that jQuery is deliberately doing, or is this a bug?
Because, like i say, it works fine in Firefox.


[jQuery] Re: attr difference in Firefox and IE7

2008-05-20 Thread Jon Reed

I would upgrade to the latest version of jQuery, there's a few
attribute bugfixes that could help


On May 20, 6:01 am, Sid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using the .attr() to set attributes of an img tag.

 This works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer 7.

 The offending piece of code is

 $('#preview').livequery(function() {
         return false;


 Works in FF but in IE, only the src is changed. The width and height
 remain unaffected.
 To see, checkhttp://sid-deswal.110mb.comand click on 'Themes'

 And I can't understand the IE error message which says

 Line: 5
 Char: 1
 Error: Object Expected
 Code: 0


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