[jQuery] How to detect the browser close event using Jquery ?

2009-08-21 Thread Juan manueL

Hi all,
I'm having troubles trying to detect the browser close event. (in FF
or IE)

To do this I'm using these events: unload and beforeunload, but
both are more or less the same, I mean, when I refresh the page or
navigate away thru some link, these events catch the same action, but
I just need to catch the browser close event, no the page refresh, no
the click thru, just the browser close...
Anybody had the same problem ?

Thanks all in advance!,
Juan Manuel

[jQuery] Re: how to reset radio button ?

2009-07-02 Thread Manuel Munoz Solera

Hi Davis

First, you can't use twice the same id. That's a radio button then you  
must use the same name attribute in both fields.

You can use
$('input[name=vo_grantview][value=f]').attr('checked', true);

Here you have the example of that code: http://jsbin.com/uceyi

El 30/06/2009, a las 12:53, Davis escribió:


i got 2 radio button and default selected p

input type=radio value=p  id=vo_grantview  checked /p
input type=radio value=f  id=vo_grantview name=vo_grantview /


so how to use jquery to set f as selected one?
something like $('#vo_grantview').val('f').checked?


[jQuery] Re: input validation

2009-07-02 Thread Manuel Munoz Solera

Hi Jonathan,

You can use the validation / maxlenght method

With this validation you can prevent the form submission if the user  
types extra content in the input field.


El 02/07/2009, a las 20:45, jonathan escribió:

is there a way to prevent user from adding more characters into a text
input based on a validation rule(eg. you entered more than n words,
you can't enter more, but you can delete or edit)?
I think I'll have to programmatically delete the extra letter(s) that
user just input somehow if the addition causes a violation of the
rule, is this the best way?

[jQuery] isXMLDoc identical with Sizzle's isXML

2009-06-18 Thread Manuel Strehl


just wanted to mention, that jQuery.extend.isXMLDoc (jQuery 1.3.2 line
#640) is essentially identical with Sizzle's isXML (jQuery 1.3.2 line
#2338). Perhaps they should be joined in a way, that is, jQuery should
use Sizzle's?


[jQuery] Re: ajaxsubmit with autosave feature

2008-11-19 Thread manuel muñoz solera

Hi anny

I was using this in an old project

I don't know if there is something better or if it's working with 1.2

El 18/11/2008, a las 22:53, anny escribió:

Hi ,

I tried ajaxsubmit which works fine. I need to submit the entire form
by POST automatically for every 60 seconds.

What is the best way to do it?

How do i use ajaxsubmit  to submit form automatically for every 60

I did search  do see there are auto save plug-in... but not sure
which one to use.
Prefer ajaxsubmit  with autosave feature. Please help.

Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Previous TD

2008-11-18 Thread manuel muñoz solera
Another variation, searching for the td, not for the class name.

$(#r2).parents().map( function(){
if(this.tagName == TD) {
this.attr(rowspan, 1);

El 18/11/2008, a las 10:28, Isaak Malik escribió:

 Forgot the dot:


 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:26 AM, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On 18 Nov, 04:12, Randy  Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When I click on the date above I want to be able to change the  
  on the td that surrounds it.  I cannot seem to get it right.

 try this:
 $('#r2').parent().parent().attr('rowspan', '1');

 Isaak Malik
 Web Developer


[jQuery] Re: Previous TD

2008-11-18 Thread manuel muñoz solera

less code, better solution :)

El 18/11/2008, a las 18:02, Hector Virgen escribió:

I would use jQuery#parents() for this.

$('#r2').parents('td').attr('rowspan', '1');

In case you are using nested tables, you may want to limit it to the  
first parent td found:

$('#r2').parents('td:eq(0)').attr('rowspan', '1');


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:00 AM, manuel muñoz solera [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Another variation, searching for the td, not for the class name.

$(#r2).parents().map( function(){
if(this.tagName == TD) {
this.attr(rowspan, 1);

El 18/11/2008, a las 10:28, Isaak Malik escribió:

Forgot the dot:


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:26 AM, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On 18 Nov, 04:12, Randy  Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I click on the date above I want to be able to change the  

 on the td that surrounds it.  I cannot seem to get it right.

try this:
$('#r2').parent().parent().attr('rowspan', '1');

Isaak Malik
Web Developer



[jQuery] delay delivery of a link

2008-11-04 Thread Manuel Meyer

is there a way of delay the delivery of a link?
The idea I have is to display a disclaimer in case a a-element,  
pointing to an external site, is clicked.
To ensure the user can read this disclaimer, i would like to delay the  
browser for 1 or 2 seconds, as ie Opera reacts very fast, while with  
FF on Mac OS X I have a lot time to read it.

I hoped there would be an equivalent to preventDefault(), but there  
isnt, right?

So another solution could be writing the href-attribute to a variable  
and make the browser execute it later.
But as I am a jQuery-newbie I dont know how to do it. Is it possible  
at all?

Thanks, Manuel

[jQuery] Modal Dialog Window (same as Prototype Window Class - PWC)

2008-11-02 Thread Jesus Manuel Olivas

I am been developing and CMS

So far the app was build with mysql, jpa, java, jsf, richfaces
using netbeans IDE (running over tomcat)

The front end have some OS look using
Prototype Window Class (PWC) http://prototype-window.xilinus.com/
and dock using interface fisheye http://interface.eyecon.ro/docs/fisheye

See image here

I tried some modal windows using jQuery also the UI but can not
get this window approach, any fo you know if there are anything on
jQuery I can use to have same results (this is the only reason for
using prototype and my app also genetared web sites use only jQuery no

Some CMS features
Let you add new jQuery plugins to display content (pages,
galleries, products, forms)
Generates RSS 2.0 and pure  plain HTML
It will be more than just a CMS some CRM and DMS, webmail and
calendar capabilities are part of the app, hope next January will be
the release date for the beta suite

Best Regards and sorry for my english is not my first language, I am
from Mexico

[jQuery] Re: New jQuery logo usage on tshirts and stuff

2008-09-23 Thread manuel huertas

hello Rey,

I think you sent this email to the wrong person I am not Aaron, my name is 
manuel huertas , username: manuqc. Please verify the email address where you 
sent this message. thanks.

 Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:23:36 -0400
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: New jQuery logo usage on tshirts and stuff
 Hi Aaron,
 The logo you're linking to was created by Joel Birch who was very 
 generous in creating an awesome jQuery image.
 As for the new logo, you can use it in presentations and the like but we 
 don't allow the jQuery logo to be used for merchandising (i.e.: 
 t-shirts, mugs) and other commercial items without our express written 
 If you have a specific usage that you'd like for us to review, please 
 email me directly.
 jQuery Team
 Aaron Barker wrote:
  In a previous thread (http://tinyurl.com/jquerylogousage) permission
  was given to use the old logo for printing on t-shirts and stuff.  The
  source files were even provided.
  How about the new logo?  Is it still ok to use?  Can we get the source

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[jQuery] Tools for packing js

2008-09-22 Thread Manuel Meyer


few days ago I started to develop with jQuery - and I love it!

I'd like to know what tool was used to pack jquery.

Another thing: In the last days docs.jquery.com was down several  
times. Is there any mirror?


[jQuery] Re: overflow:visible; during animate?

2008-07-08 Thread Manuel

I'm successfully using this way on a website i'm currently developing:

$j( '#tsContainer' ).animate
height: 410px
).css( 'overflow', 'visible' );

Let me know if it works for you as well: fyi i'm using the v1.2.6.


[jQuery] Re: Superfish Image menus

2007-11-23 Thread Manuel Barros Reyes

On Nov 23, 2007 3:27 AM, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 23/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tried giving them different IDs and testing the same approach with
  .nav li  #id with no success, the selector doesn't work.

 Not sure exactly where the problem lies, but that selector should
 probably be .nav li#id or just .nav #id and not .nav li #id, because I
 think you are intending to target the li that has a certain id, not an
 element that has the id and happens to be a child of an li. Maybe that
 helps, otherwise maybe if you post a link to your page we could help

Thanks Joel, for you answer and your work in Superfish.

I managed to make it work. I took a different approach, setting an
individual background image for the a elements on the inline CSS
style and then in the common stylesheet y scroll the background on
hover for all the as and show their other state according to each
background image. I don't know if this is the most elegant solution
but it works fine.

You can look at the result here.


In windows at least it displays correctly, in Linux I have an isue
with flash content overlaping over the menu that I would like to solve

Greetings Manuel.

[jQuery] Changing images doesn´t work on IE6

2007-06-11 Thread Jose Manuel Zea

Hi all.

I wrote about this in a previous post, but now I find out new things
trying to find a solution.

To summarize: I dessign an image gallery, and when I click on one
thumbnail I want to get the bigger version, changing the src attribute
of an image located inside a div.

The first time I load the default image when the page is loadinf,
there is no problem, but when I click in a different thumbnail, in IE6
the image cannot load the file, but it does in FF and IE7.

You have an example in: 

The code to achieve this is:

1. To load the default image:

2. To change that image, when the user clicks on the thumbnail:

(click,function(){$(#vista_promocion img).attr(src, http://

Today I discovered two things that make it work:

1. If the image is in the cache it works.

2. If after $(#vista_promocion img).attr(src,... I write an alert
function, it works also. I tried to set a delay function here to check
if that can help, but it doesn´t help.

Well, can anybody help?

Thanks in advanced.

[jQuery] Re: Please help! Why is this not working on IE6?

2007-06-09 Thread Jose Manuel Zea

I´m still trying to fix this.

Something new I discovered:

If I load the image directly in the browser, writing  the URL in the
address bar and after this, I reload the problem page and click on the
thumbnail of the image I loaded, it works. It seems that when the
image is in the cache, there is no problem, but IE6 doesn´t wait to
finish downloading the image when it is not in the cache.

So the thing is that when I set the attribute src of the image after
the page is loaded, in IE6 doesn´t work if the image is not in the

Please help!! I don´t know how to explain this to my client.

[jQuery] Please help! Why is this not working on IE6?

2007-06-08 Thread Jose Manuel Zea


There is a gallery with several thumbnails, and when I click on one of them
I can get a bigger version on a div, when I click on that bigger version I
get a thickbox version of the picture.


You can see an example in the URL:
http://www.icorpal.com/index.php?seccion=promocionescodigo=8 codigo=8 


This works on Firefox and IE7, but the substitution of the bigger version
and the thickbox is not working on IE6.


The code to achieve this is:


To change the href of the thickbox and to change the bigger image:

$(a.preview_promocion).each(function(){this.onclick = 
$(#vista_promocion img).attr(src,

To get the default bigger image when the page loads (this works on IE6):



That script refers to the next HTML code:


div id='images_promocion_container' 
a id=thickbox_loader href=images/inmuebles/617.jpg
class=thickboxdiv id='vista_promocion'/div/a
div id=mycarousel

ul id=images_promocion
   lia href=javascript:void(0) class=preview_promocion
id=617  title= alt=img src=images/inmuebles/tb_617.jpg alt=
   lia href=javascript:void(0) class=preview_promocion
id=621  title= alt=img src=images/inmuebles/tb_621.jpg alt=
   lia href=javascript:void(0) class=preview_promocion
id=636  title= alt=img src=images/inmuebles/tb_636.jpg alt=


It is like the each(function() and this.id is not working on IE6.


Thank you in advanced.


I revised the code but now I´m lost.



[jQuery] Re: Please help! Why is this not working on IE6?

2007-06-08 Thread Jose Manuel Zea

I´ve changed it, but it´s still not working :'(

You can check the modified version in 

I hate IE so much!!!

Thank you. Any ideas?

Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:
 try this:
 $this= $(this);

 $(#vista_promocion img).attr(src,