[jQuery] Re: No ajax response from Firefox?

2010-01-04 Thread Paul Hutson

> For the purposes of testing, I have been calling this PHP script:
>  echo "response";
> ?>

Instead of the echo "response"; try creating a span with the id
response.  i.e. Write to here

[jQuery] Re: Automatic scrolling

2010-01-04 Thread Paul Hutson

> Thanks for help

This should do what you want (well, it's an example, but I'm sure you
can pull out the bits you need) : 

It'll smooth scroll to the right location for you... :)

(we've also used it on the help for Outer Empires, here...

Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Re: slideDown trouble in Safari/Chrome

2010-01-04 Thread Paul Hutson

> Any ideas? Many thanks in advance.

Without looking into it too much I can't see the cause of the

... however, site design wise, would it not be better to have the
buttons expand an area on the page to show the information?  You could
have the divs all created prior to the page loading (much like you do
now [as a side note here, hiding the divs in the definition would be a
good idea as when it loads up slowly it shows them before hiding
them]) then just using the $("#divid").show("slow"); when clicking on
them (and hiding the currently open one).

I know that isn't exactly the answer you were looking for - but it
should help out.  For reference, you can change CSS type properties
directly with a call like this :

document.getElementById("NAMEOFDIV").style.width = 10;

I can't remember how to do it in a more jquery like way at the moment.

Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Re: Looking for that plugin that uses scrollTo for product demos...

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
Do you mean something like this? : http://plugins.jquery.com/project/ScrollTo

[jQuery] Re: Coverflow for jQuery?

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
You can't quite do the same with jquery (reflections wise) you can
however do a similar type animation (there are a few plugins on the
jquery site that do an accordian like function)

[jQuery] Re: No ajax response from Firefox?

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
Could you post an example of your code
that isn't working please?

[jQuery] Re: Fade out an initial image to reveal home page

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
As a side note, I did something similar in http://gameview.outer-empires.com
when you finish loading after the character selection screen if you
want to have a look at it.

[jQuery] Re: Fade out an initial image to reveal home page

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
On Jan 1, 8:53 pm, Trev  wrote:
> Hello, I am completely new to jQuery, and I don't even know how to
> approach or implement what I am trying to do.

Use a div to hold the image - set it at a higher Z index than
everything else.  When the document has finished loading (or whenever
you deem it should) use $("#DIVNAME").fadeOut("slow").remove();

And you should be good to go.

[jQuery] Re: Formatting long chains of jQuery code

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
On Jan 3, 2:03 am, Šime Vidas  wrote:
> Is there a prefered way of formatting jQuery code when you have 5 or
> more chained methods?

FWIW you do it the way I would.

[jQuery] Re: simple jquery question

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
This will do what you want, first I assigned the elements via a
filter :

elements = $('h3').filter('.example');

Then I scrolled around the items found and output them to a span for

elements.each(function() {
$('#Output').html($('#Output').html() + "" + $(this).html());

Here's the entire test code :


elements = $('h3').filter('.example');
elements.each(function() {
$('#Output').html($('#Output').html() + 
" + $(this).html ()); }); }); LALALA NOT example :) Blub On Jan 2, 8:25 pm, jason wrote: > Hey, > > was wondering if anyone could help me with a basic JQ question. Ok so > I am trying to select each element that has a certain class on my > page, and then use what is inside of the I am > selecting to populate a drop down select box with the id of > deptFilter. (with each result found inside of the H3, wrapped in > tags.) I am having trouble understanding how I actually store > the variables found in each H3 with the class of "example". > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Full jQuery website

2009-08-10 Thread Paul Hutson

> Is there any project about a website using pure jQuery for rendering
> the pages ?

When you say pure jquery, what exactly do you mean?  Outer Empires
uses Jquery for a LOT of the positioning, animation, etc when in game
(http://www.outer-empires.com) - the front page uses a little as well
now I think about it.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Game : Outer Empires : Open Beta

2009-08-10 Thread Paul Hutson

p.s. Sorry if I put this in the wrong place!!  I didn't know where
else to post it...!

[jQuery] Jquery Game : Outer Empires : Open Beta

2009-08-10 Thread Paul Hutson

Well, we've finally entered the open beta phase of Outer Empires
(http://www.outer-empires.com) which is a game that is built using a
lot of Jquery... :)

If you fancy having a go, head on over to the site to get started (the
main news item will give you all the information you need) - it'll
show you a bit about what Jquery can do when coerced into playing

(And a bit more information : )
Outer Empires (http://www.outer-empires.com ) is a space based game
combining the game play of Elite (market trading, modding of your
ships in a seemingly endless galaxy), Sins of a solar empire
(colonisation of planets/moons and production of items to aid you or
your faction) and EvE (what space mmo couldn't be compared to EvE?).
It's a full MMO - with a sandpit type gameplay, we don't force people
to do any particular job or role in game it's up to them to find their
own way (although there are some pointers for people at the

One of the differences between this MMO and others is that it's cross
platform, those on the browser can interact with those in the iPhone
and vice versa. That and it's a real MMO for the iphone instead of an
imobster clone.  For reference, however, the iPhone version is a
proper native app, NOT using Jquery in any way, except for the in game
galaxy viewer.

If you have any questions or comments, either leave them here, or post
them up in the "newbie" channel in game and I'll reply in there.

See you soon,
Paul Hutson (ala, Thoras Agea, in game)
Lead Developer Outer Empires.

[jQuery] Re: load

2009-06-23 Thread Paul Hutson

Ensure you've included the Jquery package at the top of the page.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Sound

2009-06-23 Thread Paul Hutson

On Apr 29, 4:47 pm, Evan  wrote:
> On Mar 13, 3:06 pm, Paul Hutson  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've been trying to get the following working :
> >http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/plugins/sound/
> > However, it only plays about a second to three seconds of the
> > designatedsoundbefore shutting off (in FF and Safari) but loads
> > fully in Opera.  The music is hosted locally at the moment.
> > Any ideas?
> > The test code I'm using is as follows :
> >         $.sound.play('Sounds/Music/OE1.mp3');
> > TIA,
> > Paul
> I was running in to the same problem. I had playback working fine with
> the @5750 build, but was not able to stop playback.
> If you look at line 84 of the @5854 build, you will see that the when
> the timeout occurs it is set to remove the entire element. I finally
> gave up, and instead of trying to stop the timeout, I just commented
> out the element.remove() line. Now audio plays fine and I can stop it
> viajquery.
> Here is what my lines 83 - 87 look like now:
> setTimeout(function() {
>                         //element.remove();
>                 }, options.timeout)
>                 return element;
> Hope that helps someone.
> Now I need to figure out how to get it to loop the audio.

Excellent find, thank you.

As a bit of repayment, do the following to loop the sound :

Change the play: function to : play: function(url, loopNumber,

then change this bit of code :

var element = $.browser.msie
? $('').attr({
src: options.url,
loop: 1,
autostart: true
: $(this.template(options.url));

to be :

var element = $.browser.msie
? $('').attr({
src: options.url,
loop: loopNumber,
autostart: true
: $(this.template(options.url));

I think that should work, although I've not tested it (I'm playing
with adding in a length of track option that works).

[jQuery] Re: Finding items in an UL by their LI's Attributes

2009-06-17 Thread Paul Hutson

Thanks for the help (and the tip!)  It all worked excellently :)


On Jun 16, 7:19 pm, mkmanning  wrote:
> $('ul').find('li[typeref=E][typeid=1]')
> NB: an id attribute that starts with a number isn't valid markup.
> On Jun 16, 10:05 am, Paul Hutson  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've been trying to work this out for a bit now but seem to have come
> > a bit unstuck.
> > I'd like to be able to use .find to search an  element and find
> > out if there are any items with two attributes the same as a search
> > choice.
> > i.e. : My UL looks like this :
> > 
> >     Element 1
> >     Element 2
> > 
> > I would like to do a search of the above UL and get back the id of the
> > first LI element you can see in the list there by doing a search for
> > typeref="E" && typeid="1".  Is that possible using Jquery?
> > Any help would be very very gratefully recieved!
> > Regards,
> > Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Finding items in an UL by their LI's Attributes

2009-06-16 Thread Paul Hutson


I've been trying to work this out for a bit now but seem to have come
a bit unstuck.

I'd like to be able to use .find to search an  element and find
out if there are any items with two attributes the same as a search

i.e. : My UL looks like this :

Element 1
Element 2

I would like to do a search of the above UL and get back the id of the
first LI element you can see in the list there by doing a search for
typeref="E" && typeid="1".  Is that possible using Jquery?

Any help would be very very gratefully recieved!

Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Re: Outer Empires - based around Jquery

2009-05-28 Thread Paul Hutson

The handsets use their own client versions which connect to the
servers at the backend - however, cheating was a concern at first but
we've implemented a system that passes access keys to the client when
they first log in and use it for future access calls.  The key is
associated with the device, so if they use it on another device it
won't work.

We've used a similar system with KingdomGame (KingdomGame.net, which
(for reference) only uses a very small amount of Jquery for
implementation of some AJAX and styles) and have found it to be secure
for the last.. ooh.. eight months or so :)


On May 28, 11:45 am, "ryan.j"  wrote:
> i am curious though - assuming you've got the CPU utilization down to
> something the handsets can cope with, is cheating not a concern
> because of the open nature of client-side script?

[jQuery] Re: Outer Empires - based around Jquery

2009-05-28 Thread Paul Hutson

Yup - about the size of it - the other cool thing about it is that the
exact same universe is accessible from other devices - so the iPod/
iPhone version has a very similar front end (as seen from the
screenshots at outer-empires.com) but allow interaction in real time
between the two :)


On May 28, 11:05 am, "ryan.j"  wrote:
> sins of a solar empire meets eve, all powered by jquery?
> sounds fun! :)
> On May 28, 10:55 am, Paul Hutson  wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I've mentioned this from time to time in these discussion threads -
> > but I'm back to talk a little more about it.
> > My team and I have been building a browser (and iphone/ipod touch)
> > based MMO over the past few months - the browser side of the game is
> > almost entirely based on Jquery using Jquery's ajax methods and a
> > number of the awesome plugins).
> > Today we've posted a short video on youtube with a few in game bits
> > and pieces for everyone to have a look at... the game is still a
> > little rough around the edges, but it's a good demonstration of what
> > we're doing.
> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAj2KYuFV2g
> > We are, as always, looking for more testers and - from my POV - it'd
> > be excellent to get some more technically minded testers from the
> > Jquery community..
> > Looking forward to your comments and questions.
> > Regards,
> > Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Outer Empires - based around Jquery

2009-05-28 Thread Paul Hutson

Hello all,

I've mentioned this from time to time in these discussion threads -
but I'm back to talk a little more about it.

My team and I have been building a browser (and iphone/ipod touch)
based MMO over the past few months - the browser side of the game is
almost entirely based on Jquery using Jquery's ajax methods and a
number of the awesome plugins).

Today we've posted a short video on youtube with a few in game bits
and pieces for everyone to have a look at... the game is still a
little rough around the edges, but it's a good demonstration of what
we're doing.


We are, as always, looking for more testers and - from my POV - it'd
be excellent to get some more technically minded testers from the
Jquery community..

Looking forward to your comments and questions.

Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Re: help with menu and show/hide divs

2009-03-14 Thread Paul Hutson


You could always go back to basics... i.e. the following (you'll have
to use your existing hide show code..) - and I know this isn't

if (ClickedItem == "firstdiv")
} elseif (ClickedItem == "firstdiv") {
} else {


On Mar 14, 4:02 am, kevinm  wrote:
> I know I am doing something stupid , but can't figure it out.
> I have a menu of three items
> first
> second
> third
> I then have 3 divs

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI... Being integrated into our entire website

2009-03-14 Thread Paul Hutson

Looks good - some of the bits on the site are a bit cheesy, i.e.
"Saving the world... from high priced..." :)

But yeah, the UI is good.


On Mar 14, 3:07 am, K-BL  wrote:
> Thursday I released a new version of a website I manage,
> Cablesforless.com, which takes full advantage of jQuery, a few of it's
> plugins, and UI.  Anyway, what do you guys think?
> K-BL

[jQuery] Re: xml parsing

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Hutson

> I tried that but IE still does not work. An other ideas? Thanks.

I can only think to try to ensure that it's going into the MSIE part
of the if statement.

> Now one more question, after


[jQuery] Jquery Sound

2009-03-13 Thread Paul Hutson


I've been trying to get the following working :


However, it only plays about a second to three seconds of the
designated sound before shutting off (in FF and Safari) but loads
fully in Opera.  The music is hosted locally at the moment.

Any ideas?

The test code I'm using is as follows :



[jQuery] Re: xml parsing

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Hutson

Ah ha - the IE nasty problem, I solved it like this :

On Ajax Success :
var xml;
xml = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLDOM');
xml.async = false;
xml.loadXML( xmlData);
xml = xmlData;

So, essentially, I'm allowing IE to process the XML like it wants to
and *every other browser in the entire world* to process it in a
normal way.

Putting it in to your code :

$(document).ready(function() {
$.get("films.xml", { name: "yyy" },  function(xml) {
var theXML;
theXML = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLDOM');
theXML.async = false;
theXML.loadXML( xmlData);
theXML = xmlData;
var theName=$(theXML).find("name:contains('x')");


[jQuery] Re: Ajax Search - Plugin Needed

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Hutson

> Is there a good jquery plugin for this sort of thing?

Do you need a jquery pluggin for that?

Sounds like what you need to do is use an AJAX call to call the search
page you're using (upon the enter button being pushed in the search
area) then process the XML that comes back (with the search items..)
then put them in the right boxes.

Here's the AJAX documentation link : http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax


[jQuery] Re: UI: Drag and Drop between two separate Trees

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Hutson

> Is it possible?


> Any suggestions / comments / questions are very welcome.

I would make the area behind the tree droppable, make the items in the
tree draggable.  Then just move them from one place to the other.

If you want to make them save every move, use an AJAX call once the
drop has occured - if not add a save button to save the changes once a
drop action has occured (as in show it, or enable it).

Hope that makes sense!

[jQuery] Re: Drag - Drop - with Layers

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Hutson

On Mar 11, 6:03 pm, "Richard D. Worth"  wrote:
> We'd love to help with this question over on the jQuery UI list:
> http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-ui
> - Richard

Apologies!, I've posted it over there now.

[jQuery] Re: Switching Content in same div

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Hutson

The following will give you a way to do what you want :

function UpdateMe(Type)
if (Type == "Blue")
$("#AreaToView").HTML("Blue Stuff");
} else {
$("#AreaToView").HTML("Red Stuff");

Red Product | Blue Product

Red Stuff

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Horizontal Internet Explorer Width Problem

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Hutson

I think it may be the table width your using for the section - you're
saying that you'll allow a 516 pixel width for the table - so it keeps
filling up the space.

If you want it to act like it does in firefox you could fake it by
putting a div on the right hand side of the page in a high up layer
and making sure it's always in the same position as you close the page

[jQuery] Re: Update DIV

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Hutson

> > Ajax.Updater allows you to simply update the content of a DIV.

If you want to go back to the super simple, you can update the inner
content of a div with:


i.e. :

$("#blah").html("I've just been added to the div blah...");

Therefore, on your callback from the AJAX - as mkmanning has posted -
you could do the update using the items that come back from the ajax.


[jQuery] Drag - Drop - with Layers

2009-03-11 Thread Paul Hutson


I've been having a problem with the UI.draggable and UI.droppable
functionality.  I've set up my screen like the following :


At the bottom of the screen you can see the "cargo" and "hanger" area,
people can pick up their "resource" and move it from one area to the

Now, all of the above works - however, when dragging from the left to
the right, the cloned item slides underneath the background for the
hanger.  Both of the "drop" zones are the on the same layer (div
wise), moving right to left works fine...

Any ideas at all as to what the problem could be would be much
appreciated - is there a bug with layers in the draggable interface?

Thanks in advance,
Paul Hutson

p.s. As you can see, I'm building a game using an awful lot of
Jquery :)

[jQuery] Re: Jquery.com - UI examples down?

2009-02-24 Thread Paul Hutson

Cheers muchly!


On Feb 23, 8:01 pm, "Richard D. Worth"  wrote:
> All fixed.
> - Richard
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Richard D. Worth  wrote:
> > It's not just you. I was doing some work on the jQuery UI Docs templates.
> > Seems I botched the demos. Thanks for the note. I'll take a look.
> > - Richard
> > On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Paul Hutson  > > wrote:
> >> Hello
> >> Bit of a noddy question, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just
> >> at my end..
> >> .. is the jquery.com site not working quite correctly, i.e. the
> >> examples don't work on the following pages :
> >>http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Progressbar
> >>http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider
> >> So - is anyone else seeing the same thing?
> >> TIA,
> >> Paul

[jQuery] Jquery.com - UI examples down?

2009-02-23 Thread Paul Hutson


Bit of a noddy question, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just
at my end..

.. is the jquery.com site not working quite correctly, i.e. the
examples don't work on the following pages :


So - is anyone else seeing the same thing?


[jQuery] Re: Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread Paul Hutson

Thank you everyone - lots to go on there.

[jQuery] Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread Paul Hutson


I'm a(nother?) new person to Jquery and have found it to be
*excellent* so far (when I say that I may be understating how damned
awesome it is!!)

There is only one thing that has been bothering me - I can't seem to
find a way of finding a position of an item with an easy Jquery

i.e. to find out the style.top value of an element, I have to use the
following :


Am I missing something that does this with something like : $
("#TheDivInQuestion").top or $("#TheDivInQuestion").style.top :?

(both of which don't work for me..)

Thanks in advance,
Paul Hutson