[jQuery] Possible jQuery 1.4 and jQuery UI 1.7.2 bug

2010-01-15 Thread Shaun Kester
Hi jQuery team,

I think I've found a small bug when using jQuery 1.4 with jQuery UI
1.7.2 in the 'open' event of the dialog widget.

I'm going to try to dig into it this weekend so that I can provide
some better information and maybe even a patch, but until then I
wanted to post it here to get your opinion on it.

Explanation and demo of the bug: http://bit.ly/5Hz2u3



[jQuery] Following jQuery on Twitter

2008-07-07 Thread Shaun Kester

Hi all,

I thought I'd compile a list of jQuery-centric people that you can
follow on Twitter on my blog.


Thanks to Marc and Richard for their help. I missed some people the
first time around, but have updated the list based on their

[jQuery] Re: Loading splash widget blocking UI until everything is loaded

2008-06-21 Thread Shaun Kester

 I saw a plugin recently that allows you to set a number of functions
and have them called in order. Make it so that the first function in
the list calls $.blockui and the last function calls $.unblockui.

On May 15, 4:04 am, Quinode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a page with a lot of jquery plugins, and a Google Map
 When loading the page, it's heavy for the browser so it can take 4-5
 seconds before the page is loaded and ready

 Is there a simple solution to put a loading bar and hide the page, in
 the blockUI plugin manner, until we are sure everuthing is loaded ?


[jQuery] jQuery keeping tabs on the election

2008-05-06 Thread Shaun Kester

I noticed jQuery and ui.tabs being used today to track the election on
a href=http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=//
NEWS05/80326049indystar.com/a. It is, as always, great to see
jQuery out in the wild.

[jQuery] Ajax and CSS classes

2008-04-24 Thread Shaun Kester

IE6 / WinXP SP2 / jQuery 1.2.3.pack

Given an HTML nav list...

div id=navtoplist
li class= id=tabHomea href=# id=lnkHomeHome/a/li
li class=current id=tabSCFOXa href=# id=lnkSCFox
class=TabLinks rel=SCFOXSCFox/a/li

and CSS

#navtoplist a, #navtoplist a:link, #navtoplist a:visited {
float: left;
display: block;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 1px 0 0;
padding: 5px 10px;
text-decoration: none;
letter-spacing: 1px;
background: #333 url(../images/button.png) repeat-x;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;

#navtoplist .current a {
background: #5190b2 url(../images/button_current.png) repeat-x;
border-color: #5190b2;

...in an HTML page the li element with a class of current correctly
sets the background image of the child 'a' element to a different
image if set to a class of 'current'.

If I load the menu with $(xxx).load and set the current tab with

$(#navtoplist ul li).removeClass();
$(#navtoplist ul li#+TabID).addClass(current);

the background image changes in FF2, but refuses to in IE6.

More simply, plain html in the html page works fine, but when the same
html fragment is loaded with ajax and the callback changes the classes
of the elements, the background image does not come through for IE6
only, FF2 works fine. Firebug says everything is fine, but the IE
developer toolbar says the class has not changed.

Any insight appreciated. TIA.


Any insight appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: LiveQuery (Discuss Please)

2007-11-01 Thread Shaun Kester

LiveQuery is a staple in my list of plugins. No matter how much I mess
with the DOM, my events always fire. Leave the core lean, but this
plugin deserves more recognition for sure.

On Oct 31, 7:04 pm, Yehuda Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So as far as I'm concerned, livequery is the biggest advance in jQuery since
 its inception (no, I am not its author). I'm trying to understand why it's
 having such a slow rate of adoption.

 it solves this problem:
 $(#foo).load(url, function() { $(div.klass).draggable(); });

 beautifully, as you now only need to do:

 $(div.klass).livequery(function() { $(this).draggable() });

 Obviously, that was only a simple example. The more general case, wanting to
 bind some event handler to a selector regardless of when it appears on the
 page, is extremely common. So again, I'm trying to understand why the rate
 of adoption has been so slow. Any thoughts?

 Yehuda Katz
 Web Developer | Procore Technologies
 (ph)  718.877.1325

[jQuery] Re: Making sure a radio button is checked

2007-09-05 Thread Shaun Kester

I'm getting an error:
missing ; after for-loop initializer

I'm using firebug, but I don't see where the error is. Any insight?

Thanks for your help

On Sep 4, 6:50 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Shaun,

 Try this, although it is untested:

 function validate_form (){
 var valid = true;
 for (var i=1, i4, i++){
 if ( $(':checked',document.survey['question'+i]).length == -1 
 alert ( 'Please answer question #' + i );
 valid = false;
 return valid;


 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Making sure a radio button is checked

2007-09-05 Thread Shaun Kester

I figured out the missing ';', sorry about that. I found this function
in the archive and it works for alerting me that one of the radio sets
is not checked. Is there any way in the alert for it to tell me the
name, id, or rel attribute of the group that stopped the find?

if(!$(this).find([EMAIL PROTECTED]:checked).size()){
alert( All questions are required. Please check your entries. 
return false;

On Sep 4, 6:50 pm, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Shaun,

 Try this, although it is untested:

 function validate_form (){
 var valid = true;
 for (var i=1, i4, i++){
 if ( $(':checked',document.survey['question'+i]).length == -1 
 alert ( 'Please answer question #' + i );
 valid = false;
 return valid;


 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Making sure a radio button is checked

2007-09-05 Thread Shaun Kester
Thank you for all of your help to date Joel. I still can't get this darn
thing working. The snippet you sent me runs without errors, but does not
alert when a group has been missed.

I have this, but it only works when the first radio button is selected. Any
other advice?

function CheckSurvey (formData, jqForm, options){
//Check multiple choice questions
for (var i=1; i =7; i++) {
if ( !$(#p+i+q1).is(:checked) ) { alert ( Please answer
question #1 on page #+i ); return false; }
if ( !$(#p+i+q2).is(:checked) ) { alert ( Please answer
question #2 on page #+i ); return false; }
if ( !$(#p+i+q3).is(:checked) ) { alert ( Please answer
question #3 on page #+i ); return false; }
//Check essay questions
for (var i=0; i  formData.length; i++) {
if (!formData[i].value) {
alert('Please answer both of the essay questions on page 8');
return false;- Hide quoted text -


On 9/5/07, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/6/07, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  function validate_form(){
  var valid = true;
  //loop through the radio sets
  var theRadioSet = this;
  //make sure at least one radio is checked
  //do not use @ symbol if using jQuery 1.1.4, it's
  if ( $('input[type=radio]:checked',theRadioSet).length
 != -1 ){
  valid = false;
  alert ('The question with id
 '+theRadioSet.id+' was not answered');
  return false; //I *think* this halts further
 'each' cycles
  return valid;

 Sorry, already found an error. This line:

 if ( $('input[type=radio]:checked',theRadioSet).length != -1 ){

 Should be:

 if ( $('input[type=radio]:checked',theRadioSet).length == -1 ){

 ...it's very late...



Shaun Kester

[jQuery] Making sure a radio button is checked

2007-09-04 Thread Shaun Kester

table class=Zebra width=100%
tr class=zSelectedtd colspan=2Employee Engagement/td/tr

tr class=zOddtd1. I am proud to be part of the  [redacted]./
tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top
1input value=1 name=p1q1 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q1 type=radio
3input value=3 name=p1q1 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q1 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q1 type=radio
tr class=zEventd2. I see myself working for the [redacted] three
years from now./tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top

1input value=1 name=p1q2 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q2 type=radio
3input value=3 name=p1q2 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q2 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q2 type=radio
tr class=zOddtd3. The work I do is very important to the success
of our organization./tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top
1input value=1 name=p1q3 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q3 type=radio

3input value=3 name=p1q3 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q3 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q3 type=radio

Before submit, I run this function to make sure that all of the radio
groups have one of the answers checked.

beforeSubmit: validate_form,
target: '#ContentTwo',
type: 'post',
url: '/SCFox.survey?Prog=SaveSurvey'

function validate_form ( )
valid = true;

  if ( ( document.survey.question1[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #1 );
valid = false;

  if ( ( document.survey.question2[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #2 );
valid = false;

  if ( ( document.survey.question3[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #3 );
valid = false;

return valid;

There has  to be a better jQuery way of doing this. I'm using the
pager plugin to seperate the 8 pages of questions, so the validation
plugin would be tough to use as the error could appear on a hidden
page. I'm just looking to alert the user that a particular question on
a particular page needs to be answered before they can submit their
survey. I'm sure that a 'for' loop of some sort would be involved, but
I don't know a thing about them.

Any assistance appreciated.

Thank you,


[jQuery] Making sure a radio button is checked

2007-09-04 Thread Shaun Kester

table class=Zebra width=100%
tr class=zSelectedtd colspan=2Employee Engagement/td/tr

tr class=zOddtd1. I am proud to be part of the  [redacted]./
tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top
1input value=1 name=p1q1 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q1 type=radio
3input value=3 name=p1q1 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q1 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q1 type=radio
tr class=zEventd2. I see myself working for the [redacted] three
years from now./tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top

1input value=1 name=p1q2 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q2 type=radio
3input value=3 name=p1q2 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q2 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q2 type=radio
tr class=zOddtd3. The work I do is very important to the success
of our organization./tdtd nowrap=nowrap valign=top
1input value=1 name=p1q3 type=radio
2input value=2 name=p1q3 type=radio

3input value=3 name=p1q3 type=radio
4input value=4 name=p1q3 type=radio
5input value=5 name=p1q3 type=radio

Before submit, I run this function to make sure that all of the radio
groups have one of the answers checked.

beforeSubmit: validate_form,
target: '#ContentTwo',
type: 'post',
url: '/SCFox.survey?Prog=SaveSurvey'

function validate_form ( )
valid = true;

  if ( ( document.survey.question1[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question1[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #1 );
valid = false;

  if ( ( document.survey.question2[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question2[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #2 );
valid = false;

  if ( ( document.survey.question3[0].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[1].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[2].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[3].checked == false )
 ( document.survey.question3[4].checked == false ))

alert ( Please answer question #3 );
valid = false;

return valid;

There has  to be a better jQuery way of doing this. I'm using the
pager plugin to seperate the 8 pages of questions, so the validation
plugin would be tough to use as the error could appear on a hidden
page. I'm just looking to alert the user that a particular question on
a particular page needs to be answered before they can submit their
survey. I'm sure that a 'for' loop of some sort would be involved, but
I don't know a thing about them.

Any assistance appreciated.

Thank you,


[jQuery] File uploads with Form plugin

2007-08-24 Thread Shaun Kester

I'm loading my form into a div via $.load() and attaching the form.
The only field in the form is a file upload. My buffer on the server
is empty after I submit and I am not getting any error messages. Does
the file support in the form plugin work when the form is loaded with

Code Sample
var lRel = $(this).attr(rel)

$.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
if (lRel == JobList){

TIA, Shaun Kester

[jQuery] File uploads with Form plugin

2007-08-24 Thread Shaun Kester

I'm loading my form into a div via $.load() and attaching the form.
The only field in the form is a file upload. My buffer on the server
is empty after I submit and I am not getting any error messages. Does
the file support in the form plugin work when the form is loaded with

Code Sample
var lRel = $(this).attr(rel)

$.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
if (lRel == JobList){

TIA, Shaun Kester

[jQuery] Re: File uploads with Form plugin

2007-08-24 Thread Shaun Kester

As usual, you are way ahead of me. Thanks Mike, that fixed it.

On Aug 24, 4:18 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It works, but I just fixed a bug in the file upload code.  You'll need
 to grab the latest:


 Here's a sample of what you're trying to do:



 On 8/24/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm loading my form into a div via $.load() and attaching the form.
  The only field in the form is a file upload. My buffer on the server
  is empty after I submit and I am not getting any error messages. Does
  the file support in the form plugin work when the form is loaded with

  Code Sample
  var lRel = $(this).attr(rel)
  $.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
  if (lRel == JobList){

  TIA, Shaun Kester

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Odd behaviour in Internet Explorer

2007-08-23 Thread Shaun Kester


Any updates on the issue with the IE6 progress bar and throbber still
showing after an $.unblockUI();?

I'm using Tabs, Thickbox, tablesorter, and blockui with

1. Init tabs
2. blockui
3. load 1 table into each of the tabs
4. run tablesorter on table after loaded
5. find each 'a' with a specific class for thickbox
6. unblockui

The IE6 progress bar and spinner don't stop until I click on a tab.
I've tried clicking a tab programatically with no luck. I'll send
samples off list if it will help.

Thank you for your time.

-Shaun Kester

On Aug 8, 7:09 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bhusan,

 I'll see if I can figure out what the issue is with this.


  also but the progress bar is still showing incomplete.I am not able to
  find out any solution for this.If the progress bar is showing in
  loading state only. Please guide me on this.


[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Odd behaviour in Internet Explorer

2007-08-23 Thread Shaun Kester

Thank you for your fast reply. I cleared my cache and inserted the
code you linked to. No change in behaviour in IE6.

On Aug 23, 3:31 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for bumping this, Shawn.  It's now fixed:



 On 8/23/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Any updates on the issue with the IE6 progress bar and throbber still
  showing after an $.unblockUI();?

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Odd behaviour in Internet Explorer

2007-08-23 Thread Shaun Kester

Sorry Mike, I'm an idiot. I forgot to refresh the link to the 8/23
version. It is working as expected now. I tip my hat to you and thank
you for your time.

On Aug 23, 3:31 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for bumping this, Shawn.  It's now fixed:



 On 8/23/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Any updates on the issue with the IE6 progress bar and throbber still
  showing after an $.unblockUI();?

[jQuery] Re: Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-08 Thread Shaun Kester

Google maps all the way. I really wish there was a jquery equivalent
of gmapez (http://n01se.net/chouser/gmapez/). While very easy to use,
it can be slow at time.

On Aug 8, 12:02 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey folks,

 I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
 is one of my plugins.

 I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
 (http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
 next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
 just me.

 So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
 mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?

 The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
 course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
 can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
 much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
 syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
 simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,

 If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.

 Thanks folks!

 Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.tooum.net

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-31 Thread Shaun Kester

I've got everything working except that it takes two submit for the
data to make it to the server.

Username: admin
Password: admin

1. Login with above info
2. Click the first link 'Site Content'
3. Click the first page 'Business'
4. Enter text, click Save below editor. The alert response is the
content of the POST. Clicking it again will send the right content,
but the first one refuses to budge.

Relevant JS:

function LoadFunctions() {
+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){

Date().getTime(), function(data){

$.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
// attach handler to form's 
submit event

$('#EditItem').submit(function() {
//Update fckeditor here 
with code I don't know. Please help.

// submit the form

$.cookie('scpc'), dataType: 'script',type: 'post'});
// return false to 
prevent normal browser submit and page
return false;

On Jul 27, 4:59 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't understand why this would happen.
 The plugin doesn't tamper with the code at all.
 Do you have a URL?

 On 27/07/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for your help. I have this:

  //Start the editor
   Height: 300px,
   Width: 400px,
  //Bind form



  The server finally gets the content (ya!), but any formatting tags
  like 'p' and 'strong' are gone. I get just the plain text.

  On Jul 27, 12:26 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 path: /path/to/fck/,
 Height: 500px,
 ToolbarSet: Default,
 Config: {
  CustomConfigurationsPath: '/path/to/fck/custom.js'
  /* and so on... */


   On Jul 27, 7:59 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do I set the FCK options like width, toolbar, etc?

On Jul 27, 11:31 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try my plugin:http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/

 On Jul 27, 6:53 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or fckeditor to
  load via ajax and then be submitted with mikes awesome form
  Anybody got these to successfully work? Here my code that loads
  binds the textarea and form.

  function LoadFunctions() {

  +'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){

  Date().getTime(), function(data){


[jQuery] Re: WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-31 Thread Shaun Kester
I realize that. I've tried this dozens of different ways. When I use your
plugin I end up with a url of
nothing in the post.

Thank you very much for your help so far.

On 7/31/07, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 You haven't used the plugin. The script wasn't loaded. So the 'ajaxSubmit'
 method wasn't intercepted. Please read installation instructions here:

 Diego A.

 On 31/07/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

  I've got everything working except that it takes two submit for the
  data to make it to the server.
  Username: admin
  Password: admin
  1. Login with above info
  2. Click the first link 'Site Content'
  3. Click the first page 'Business'
  4. Enter text, click Save below editor. The alert response is the
  content of the POST. Clicking it again will send the right content,
  but the first one refuses to budge.
  Relevant JS:
  function LoadFunctions() {
  +'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
  Date().getTime(), function(data){
  $.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
  // attach handler to
  form's submit event
  fckeditor here with code I don't know. Please help.
  // submit the
  $.cookie('scpc'), dataType: 'script',type: 'post'});
  // return false
  to prevent normal browser submit and page
  return false;
  On Jul 27, 4:59 pm, Diego A.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can't understand why this would happen.
   The plugin doesn't tamper with the code at all.
   Do you have a URL?
   On 27/07/07, Shaun Kester  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks for your help. I have this:
//Start the editor
//Bind form
The server finally gets the content (ya!), but any formatting tags
like 'p' and 'strong' are gone. I get just the plain text.
On Jul 27, 12:26 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   path: /path/to/fck/,
   Height: 500px,
   ToolbarSet: Default,
   Config: {
CustomConfigurationsPath: '/path/to/fck/custom.js'
/* and so on... */
 On Jul 27, 7:59 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do I set the FCK options like width, toolbar, etc?
  On Jul 27, 11:31 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Try my plugin: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/
   On Jul 27, 6:53 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or

[jQuery] Re: WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-30 Thread Shaun Kester

It is an intranet app, but I could probably figure something out. It
works in FF, but not IE 6. If I load with ajax, then do a plain
submit, it works. If I submit with the form plugin, I get just plain
text with no formatting. I'm using fckeditor 2.4.3, latest jquery and
form plugin.

Thank you for your help.

On Jul 27, 4:59 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't understand why this would happen.
 The plugin doesn't tamper with the code at all.
 Do you have a URL?

 On 27/07/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for your help. I have this:

  //Start the editor
   Height: 300px,
   Width: 400px,
  //Bind form



  The server finally gets the content (ya!), but any formatting tags
  like 'p' and 'strong' are gone. I get just the plain text.

  On Jul 27, 12:26 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 path: /path/to/fck/,
 Height: 500px,
 ToolbarSet: Default,
 Config: {
  CustomConfigurationsPath: '/path/to/fck/custom.js'
  /* and so on... */


   On Jul 27, 7:59 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do I set the FCK options like width, toolbar, etc?

On Jul 27, 11:31 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try my plugin:http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/

 On Jul 27, 6:53 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or fckeditor to
  load via ajax and then be submitted with mikes awesome form
  Anybody got these to successfully work? Here my code that loads
  binds the textarea and form.

  function LoadFunctions() {

  +'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){

  Date().getTime(), function(data){

  $.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
  //Start the editor

  //Bind form


  beforeSubmit:  getFCKRealContent,




 Kind regards,
 Diego A.
 07951 445 825

[jQuery] WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-27 Thread Shaun Kester

Hi all,

I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or fckeditor to
load via ajax and then be submitted with mikes awesome form plugin.
Anybody got these to successfully work? Here my code that loads and
binds the textarea and form.

function LoadFunctions() {
+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){

Date().getTime(), function(data){

$.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
//Start the editor

//Bind form
type: 'post',
dataType: 'script'



[jQuery] Re: WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-27 Thread Shaun Kester

Thanks for your help. I have this:

//Start the editor
 path: fckeditor/,
 Height: 300px,
 Width: 400px,
 ToolbarSet: MyToolbar
//Bind form


The server finally gets the content (ya!), but any formatting tags
like 'p' and 'strong' are gone. I get just the plain text.

On Jul 27, 12:26 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   path: /path/to/fck/,
   Height: 500px,
   ToolbarSet: Default,
   Config: {
CustomConfigurationsPath: '/path/to/fck/custom.js'
/* and so on... */


 On Jul 27, 7:59 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How do I set the FCK options like width, toolbar, etc?

  On Jul 27, 11:31 am, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Try my plugin:http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/

   On Jul 27, 6:53 pm, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or fckeditor to
load via ajax and then be submitted with mikes awesome form plugin.
Anybody got these to successfully work? Here my code that loads and
binds the textarea and form.

function LoadFunctions() {

+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){

Date().getTime(), function(data){

$.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
//Start the editor

//Bind form

type: 'post',




[jQuery] Re: run javascript through the address bar on a site

2007-06-22 Thread Shaun Kester

You could also try the greasemonkey system for firefox and write you
own javascript for the pages that have ads you want to suppress.


On Jun 22, 9:03 am, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This question is not but related to jquery but to javascript.
 i hope this is the right place for that aswell.

 On some sites that i visit there are some annoying ads which can be
 blocked by changing there style to: display: none;
 to do this in javascript itself you need to do something like:

 document.getelementbyid('theid').style.display = 'none';

 but how do i run that in the address bar so that the style of that id is
 changed to none?
 i tried: javascript:document.getelementbyid('theid').style.display = 'none';

 but that isn`t working.

 any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: What's your setup?

2007-06-22 Thread Shaun Kester

Wow, I'm probably going to leave a few of you scratching your heads,
as my backend is pretty rare. Easily less then 1,000 people use it.

OS: Windows XP Professional/2000 server
Editor: Dreamweaver for front end and Microsoft Visual FoxPro backend
Frontend: jQuery/Plain HTML. Firebug for debugging.
Backend: Visual Fox Pro and West Wind Web Connection on MS 2000/2003
server (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/) and (http://www.west-
wind.com/) respectively.
Server-Dell 1U server with Dual Core 2 Duo Procs, 4 GB RAM, 160GB
Dev machine-Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 160GB RAIDed HDs,  20 inch widescreen
and 17inch standard screen.

On Jun 21, 5:24 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 With jQuery being a front-end library, there's lots of possible
 configurations for the backend and development environment. I thought it
 would be fun if we shared what we use alongside jQuery. Any or all of the

 About your development environment:
 What OS? What IDE or editor?

 About your server:
 What backend language, if any (php, asp, cf, ruby, java, etc)?
 What framework, if any (cake, symfony, rails, struts, etc)?
 Any other significant components (persistence layer, database, etc)?

 Anything else of interest?

 If enough people use a particular framework or IDE, maybe it would be worth
 looking into building addons for them to help with jQuery integration (like
 jQuery on Rails that's been talked about here before).


[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: idTabs plugin released!

2007-06-18 Thread Shaun Kester

I made a quick post with screenshot for you using Safari on windows. I
see the loading image briefly, then the page just stops. No tabs show


On Jun 17, 7:40 am, Sean Catchpole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 6/17/07, Robert Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  it (the link you mentioned) behaves _strange_ in safari. (2.0.4) it
  hangs a few seconds an then it shows the tabs (sometimes).

 I'll try to look into this Robert, but I don't have access to a mac
 atm, do you think the windows version of Safari would show the same
 problems? Thanks for the feedback.


[jQuery] jQuery on attackr.com

2007-05-31 Thread Shaun Kester

jQuery has been mentioned on attackr.com. It was my turn to write a
quick article on web development and jQuery is an excellent muse.


[jQuery] Re: datePicker v2 beta

2007-04-25 Thread Shaun Kester

I get an error in Firefox and IE with the latest build. Firebug

(new Date).zeroTime is not a function
setStartDate(undefined)jquery.datePicker... (line 516)
init(Object renderCallback=[0] createButton=true)jquery.datePicker...
(line 498)
(no name)()jquery.datePicker... (line 215)
e([input#SearchDate], function(), undefined)jQuery.js (line 1)
e(function(), undefined)jQuery.js (line 1)
datePicker(Object renderCallback=[0]
createButton=true)jquery.datePicker... (line 205)
(no name)(pfieldsetlegendChange Date/legend\r\nform
id=rsSearchDate name=rsSearchDate method=post...)RepSched.js
(line 23)
e([div#ContentOne], function(), [pfieldsetlegendChange Date/
legend\r\nform id=rsSearchDate name=rsSearchDate
method=post..., success, XMLHttpRequest])jQuery.js (line 1)
e(function(), [pfieldsetlegendChange Date/legend\r\nform
id=rsSearchDate name=rsSearchDate method=post..., success,
XMLHttpRequest])jQuery.js (line 1)
e(XMLHttpRequest, success)jQuery.js (line 1)
e(undefined)jQuery.js (line 1)
[Break on this error] this.startDate = (new Date()).zeroTime();


On Apr 24, 2:54 am, Kelvin Luck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to announce the beta release of v2 of my datePicker plugin for 
 jQuery. This release is a complete rewrite which makes the date picker 
 considerably more powerful and flexible than it previously was. Check out the 
 temporary project page:


 Note, this is currently in beta and may be a little rough around the edges 
 but I'd love to get some feedback. I've tested in FF2, IE6 and Opera 9 but it 
 would be good to know if it works in other browsers (particulaly Safari). 
 Plus any other feedback on extra stuff you'd like adding or bugs you discover,


 Kelvin :)